GLENELG to GIPPS. [Enclosure.] 1838. MR. A. Y. SPEARMAN TO

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GLENELG to GIPPS. [Enclosure.] 1838. MR. A. Y. SPEARMAN TO GLENELG TO GIPPS. 231 [Enclosure.] 1838. 3 Jan. MR. A. Y. SPEARMAN TO UNDER SECRETARY STEPHEN. gir( Treasury Chambers, 22d December, 1837. I am commanded by the Lords Commissioners of Her Ma- Reports jesty's Treasury to transmit to you the enclosed statements num- required re bered 24, 25 and 26 of Religious Books, delivered from Convict artfciese° Ships into the charge of the Assistant Chaplain at Sydney between government the lst April, 1835, and the 4th July, 1836, with the statement ships- No. 27 of Bazils with Chains delivered into the charge of the Super­ intendant of Convicts at Goat's Island, New South Wales, between the lst April and 31 December, 1835; Also the statements No. 28 and 29 of Fittings of Convict Ships delivered into the Charge of the Port Officer at Hobart Town between the 1st April, 1835, and 31 March, 1836; and I am to request you will lay these statements before Lord Glenelg, and move His Lordship to instruct the Gov­ ernors of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land respectively to call upon the parties, to whom the Articles therein specified were delivered, to state in what manner they were appropriated, and to report the amount of the proceeds of such of them as may have been sold by Auction, and to ascertain or fix the nature of such as may have been otherwise disposed of (according to the state in which the articles were when delivered), if they had been to be purchased on the spot. I am to acquaint you that, with a view to facilitate the adjust- instructions ment of Claims that may be hereafter preferred by the Board of «-e disposal of Admiralty in regard to Articles delivered at the Colonies of New government South Wales and Van Diemen's Land from Her Majesty's Ships ships. of War or Transports, or Convict Ships, my Lords have requested the Board of Admiralty to give Orders that no deliveries of any kind of Stores (Ordnance Stores and Stores specifically consigned excepted) from such Ships should in future be permitted to be made to any Department in those Colonies other than the Commis­ sariat, and their Lordships have desired the Commissariat Officers in Charge will cause the value of the several Articles, which are intended to be applied to the service of the Military, Civil, or Colo­ nial Departments, to be ascertained on the spot, with reference to the cost of such Articles in the Colony, and in conjunction with the Purser (should the deliveries be made from Ships of War) or the Master of the Vessel delivering the same; further that he will insert sueh value in the Receipt or Certificate acknowledging the delivery of sueh Stores; and, in case any of the articles so delivered should not be required for the public service, or should be damaged or unfit for use (in which latter case the Board of Survey should determine the fact), the Commissariat officer should apply to the Officer Commanding for his Authority to cause such Articles to be immediately sold by auction, and the net proceeds inserted in the Receipt granted to the Purser or Master of the Vessel delivering the same. In the event of the Articles, so delivered over to the Commis­ sariat, or any parcels of them, being wanted by other Public Depart­ ments, the same should be issued, under duly authorized Requisi­ tions, and the stated value being paid into the Military Chest, in those cases in which the expence of the Service, in respect of which 232 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF AUSTRALIA. 1838. the Articles are issued, is not defrayed from the Military Chest 3 Jan. in the first instance, or, in the event of their not being so required Instructions and being sold by Auction, the net proceeds would then be accounted re disposal of for in the usual manner. articles ex My Lords request you will submit to Lord Glenelg the expediency government ships. of giving directions to the Governors of those Colonies respectively to issue such instructions, in this respect, as may be necessary under their local Authority. I am, &c, A. Y. SPEARMAN. [Sub-enclosure No. 1.] No. 27. Bazzels with AN Account of Bazzels with Chains delivered from Convict Ships chains ex ship into the charge of the Superintendent of Convicts at Goat Lady Nugent. Island, New South Wales, between lst April and 31st December. Admiralty, 9th August, 1836. Date of Receipt. From what Ship. Number of Bazzels with chains. 1835. Prs. 27 April Lady Nugent JAMES MULL. RECEIPT. Goat Island, Port Jackson, 27th August, 1835. RECEIVED from Mr. T. H. Faurett, Master of the Lady Nugent, the Articles under­ mentioned:—44 pair of Bazzels with Chains. D. KBN-NT, Superintendent of Convicts. [Sub-enclosure No. 2.] Receipt for RECEIVED FROM THE LADY NUGENT : religious books ex ship Sydney, 24th April, 1835. Lady Nugent. 10 Bibles; 31 Testaments; 64 Prayer Books; 70 Psalters. I HEREBY certify the above to be a true copy.—OLIVER SPROULE, Surgn. Supt. Signed.—WILLIAM COOPER. [Sub-enclosure No. 3.] No. 24. Account of AN account of Religious Books returned from Convict Ships and religious books delivered into the charge of the Revd. William Cooper, As­ ex convict ships. sistant Chaplain, Sydney, New South Wales, between lst April and 31st Deer., 1835. Admiralty, 9th August, 1836. Date of Receipt. From what Ship. Bibles. Testa­ Prayer Psalters. ments. Books. 1835. No. No. No. No. 24 April 10 31 64 70 31 July 19 40 56 74 31 ,, 13 27 50 56 23 October 6 23 5 40 7 16 33 39 18 39 76 79 73 176 284 S58 JAMES MULL. SNODGRASS TO GLENELG. 233 [Sub-enclosure No. 4.] 1838. No. 25. 3 Jan. STATEMENT shewing the number of Religious Books delivered from Account of I ooka Convict Ships at Sydney between the 1 January and 31 March, ex^ S2v?convictf £ 1836. ships. Admiralty, 10 October, 1836. Ships To whom Testa­ Prayer Date. Bibles. Psalters. Primers. name. delivered. ments. Books. 1836. 9 March Susan W. Cowper Assist­ 20 37 77 78 17 ant Chaplain. 25 „ Recovery do. 1 36 68 72 17 21 73 145 150 17 J.T.B., For Comptroller of Victualling. [Sub-enclosure No. 5.] No. 26. STATEMENT of Religious Books delivered to the Chaplain Genl. at Sydney from Male or Female Convicts on their arrival from this country, made out from accounts received into office be­ tween the 1 October and 31 Deer., 1836. Department of the Comptroller for Victuallg. and Transport Service, 15 February, 1837. Testa­ Prayer Date. From what ship. By whom received. Bibles. Psalters. ments. Books. 1836. 25 March Roslin Castle W. Cowper Assist­ 7 26 28 52 ant Chaplain. 13 June... do. 1 19 46 60 4 July ... Strathfieldsay , do. 15 19 35 65 28 June... Thomas Harrison... do. 56 2 7 23 101 111 184 JAMES MULL. ACTING GOVERNOR SNODGRASS TO LORD GLENELG. (Despatch No. 4, per ship North Briton.) My Lord, Government House, 4th January, 1838. i jan. With reference to your Lordship's Despatch of 15th Reports August, 1836 (without number) addressed to Sir Richard Bourke, *^™^| and to other correspondence relating to property left in New estates. South Wales by the late Michael Byrne, and also by a person named Kennedy, deceased, I have the honor to acquaint your Lordship that the Colonial Secretary has fully communicated with the Colonial Agent General in the former matter by a letter, dated 3rd July, 1837, and in the latter by a letter dated 3rd December, 1836. I have, &c, K. SNODGRASS. 234 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF AUSTRALIA. 1838. LORD GLENELG TO SIR GEORGE GIPPS. 5 Jan. (Despatch No. 63, per ship Maria; acknowledged by Sir George Gipps, 15th August, 1838.) Sir, Downing Street, 5th January, 1838. Petition I have received Sir Bichard Bourke's dispatch No. 74 of received from the 2d August, transmitting a Petition from Mr. George Went­ G. Wentworth. worth for a Grant of Land in New South Wales on the ground of an application, which he addressed to General Darling in 1830, followed by a reference to the Land Board and a Report from that Board in his favor in February, 1831. It appears that, notwithstanding this Report, no grant was made to Mr. Wentworth, altho' his claim was preferred and in­ vestigated before the promulgation of the present Regulations for the disposal of land. Inability of On the receipt of this application, I felt it my duty to enquire R. Darling of General Darling whether he had any recollection of the cir­ to report on claim, cumstances under which Mr. Wentworth failed to receive the land, to which by the Regulations then in force he would seem at the time to have had a fair claim. General Darling having informed me that he has no knowledge or recollection of the case, I have no means of forming an opinion on the validity of the present claim except from the facts stated in the Petition, of the general accuracy of which there does not seem to be any question. Validity of Under these circumstances, had this claim been preferred claim affected within a short period after the Report of the Land Board or even by delay in application. soon after the alteration of the Government Regulations in 1831, I should have felt myself bound to admit it; but the long delay, which has been suffered by Mr. Wentworth to intervene, between the Report of that Board and the assertion of his claim, of which I find no explanation, appears to me materially to affeet its validity.
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