The Lancashire Heeler Club

News Bulletin Spring/Summer 2011

President: Mrs Jenny Ziman Honorary Life Member: Mrs C E Cartledge

Your Committee:

Officers: Acting Chairman: Mr Barry Allison(co-opted)01282 436390 Acting Secretary: Mrs A Bancroft(co-opted)01254 398771 Treasurer: Mr G M Forbes

Committee: Mrs J Reid Mrs J Spooner Mrs M McFarlane Mrs L Jones(co-opted) Mrs M Jones(co-opted) Mr B Everill(co-opted )

UPCOMING EVENTS Due to clashing with the date of the club AGM, the companion show planned for June in the Cambridge area has been postponed to early autumn. Details will be available shortly.

AGM The club’s AGM will be held on Sunday 12 th June at The Hotel, Leigh. The meeting will commence at 12 noon. Full address of venue can be found on the agenda.

Companion Show/Fun Day We plan to hold a Companion Show and Fun Day in early July, in the Lancashire area, details to follow on website.

CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW The club Championship show will be held on the 16 th October 2011 at The Heart of England Social Club in Meriden. Coventry. Judge: Mrs Enid Lord, details to follow on website

Seminar The Lancashire Heeler Club will be holding a Judges Seminar in late Autumn, details will be posted on the website and posted to Judges.

With show venues becoming thin on the ground, if anyone knows of a suitable venue for future shows around the country could they please let a member of the committee know the details. Likewise if anyone has any fundraising ideas they would like to share please let us know.


We have received the sad news that Dylan (ASD) otherwise known as Normansville Arizona has passed away at the age of 12. Dylan and his owner Olwyn Rees wrote Dylan’s tales for the club newsletters for many years, I’m sure you all have fond memories of their amusing tales of life on a welsh mountain sheep farm. Our thoughts are with Olwyn at this sad time.

Also gone to the bridge is Kris known to the show world as Champion Doddsline Kristen. Kris was awarded the 1st CC in the breed in 1999 at Crufts by Mrs Ann Arch. He went on to become the first male dog Champion and sired many Champions and CC winning offspring, being awarded top sire as recently as 2010 at the age of 14. Kris was owned and bred by the late Mr Norman Johnston, of Doddsline Kennels, in Aspull, Lancashire.

Sadly the news has just reached us of another old boy in the breed passing away this month. Doddsline Duke known at home as Dukey, belonging to Dr Jack and Mrs Gladys Hopper, who are now in their eighties. Many of you will remember them from shows in the nineties and eighties, they haven’t shown for a few years now due to ill health. Our thoughts are with them at this sad time. Dukey was 15 years old, showing once again the longevity of our lovely breed

Lancashire Heeler Club Annual Points Table (Showing)

TOP LANCASHIRE HEELER Mr & Mrs M & M Jones Ch Doddsline Daffodil at Welshmoor RES Mrs & Mrs J & E Cartledge & Lord Ch Foxthyme Oliver Cromwell ShCM TOP LANCASHIRE HEELER PUPPY Miss T St Clair-Pearce Traqdean Midlops Movie Toto RES Mrs & Mrs L & D Siggers & Lowe Foxthyme Jenson TOP VETERAN Mrs J Cartledge Ch Leonine Ivy at Ryslip RES Miss J M Reid Doddsline Flora TOP STUD Ch Doddsline Kristen RES ‘s Mrs & Mrs B & A Allison Tapatina Adwen at Duncandale Miss T St Clair=Pearce Lankeela Midsummer Michael at Traqdean TOP BROOD BITCH Mrs E & Miss E Gordon Troutop Gloria RES Mr W & Mrs G Simpson Simonsvile Victoria

LETTER FROM AMERICA Submitted by Orphie, Rydie and their human pack, Carole & Maury Hill:

Carole: The fact is we were missing our old cat who had gone to the great mousing ground in the sky. I was looking through some old books and came across a picture of a most beautiful dog, a Lancashire Heeler. I had never heard of the breed.

Maury: This was in the spring of 2004 and I realized this could be the solution to the annual problem of a birthday present for Carole. I did some research and discovered Kay Critchlow's Yahoo talk group.

Carole : We had not had a dog for a long, long time. I did not know if we could adjust to having one now that we were ready to retire.

Maury: Kay did not have any puppies available for the birthday, but she told me about a litter in Wales. One of the pups had CEA, but that would not matter for a companion dog. Maggy and Mike Jones, the breeders, had decided they could not keep them all; this one had really good markings. I was sold. A few days later Maggy, Mike and Kay drove to the Manchester airport and put Welshmoor Father Ted on an airplane bound for Chicago!

Carole: A week before I had received a letter (with a fetching photo) of someone called Doddsline Mac. He said he was sending his son to America to seek his fortune. His son was handsome, bright and talented, especially in music, and he was seeking my help in getting him settled in. I was puzzled!

Maury: We left for American Airlines freight when I heard they were over Newfoundland. I announced that we were going to pick up Father Ted / Orphie, our new dog! I had all the necessaries ready to go.

Carole: When we got home with our new pup there were 3 emails and a voice message calling about him from our new British friends. We could brag about our boy already. He had not messed his cage in that entire long trip, waited until he was let out, ate his dinner with gusto and curled up in my lap for the night with his new toys. The breeders, Maggy and Mike had taken a big chance sending their puppy to strangers in America.

Maury: Good breeders that they are, Maggy and Mike were there to reassure us about everything, and promised they would take the dog back if we were not happy. He will be staying.

Carole: We are so pleased with our Welsh lad. He has proven to be the smartest dog we have ever owned. He is always eager to learn and imaginative in his play. He understands dozens of phrases and words and we have to spell things out, for instance, “V-A-N R-I-D-E” which starts great excitement. His call name Orphie is short for Orpheus, the muse who sang so beautifully to the world.

Maury : He is having his 7th birthday / Dog Days of Summer party this July. His new housemate Eurydice (Rydie) will be having her party that day as well. Orphie always invites all his dog friends and their humans to celebrate with us. Last year I grilled marrow bones over a wood fire for all the dogs. Big Hit!

Carole: Rydie of course is another Lancashire Heeler. She is 8 months old now and is a very different personality from Orphie. But that is another story.

Ever thought about trying ?

People are often worried that they won’t be able to keep up with their dog, but most dogs will tailor their style to their handler. A friend of mine is a pensioner with crummy lungs, but it doesn’t stop her running (well walking) her dog Bill at agility, and Bill is happy to potter along with her at her pace, but with another handler who is young and fit Bill will go like the clappers! There are a few steps to starting agility, basic obedience helps, but you can also learn all that ‘on the job’ if you haven’t already got it! It is important to find a good club that encourages reward based training, but if you can’t wait to find a club and are impatient to give agility a try, you can begin in the garden just remember to take it one step at a time, keep it simple and make it fun! Broom handles or bits of kitchen drain pipe make good hurdles, these can be put on bricks or even balanced on shoes for little dogs! When beginning the hurdles need to be no higher than chest height of the dog (usually 6-8 inches from the floor for a Heeler). Put the dog on a lead and start a game with a toy, then first hop over the hurdle with the dog (don’t expect a beginner to go over without you) and resume the game with the toy. When you’ve mastered that step you can start running alongside and ask the dog to hop over on its’ own, encourage the dog to run well beyond the jump to start with, by throwing the toy as a reward. You don’t want the dog to always turn to you after an obstacle as this will make it harder when more are strung together to make a course. Remember if your dog is under one year old you shouldn’t do too much jumping as his joints are still forming. If you must do hurdles make them poles on the ground, and definitely no higher than the dogs elbow. Children’s play tunnels can be bought that are great for little dogs, just throw the toy through and your dog should run in, or have someone hold the dog at one end with the handler calling the dog from the other end with his toy or a tasty treat. Again pick a word like through or tunnel and say it every time the dog goes through and this will eventually be the command that means ‘look for the tunnel’. Not many people have access to an A-frame, dogwalk or see saw, but contact patches can be practiced at the bottom of the stairs or on any downward step with a change of surface, get the dog to stop with its front feet on the floor and back feet on the stairs and this will prepare you for stopping at the bottom of the contact equipment. These things can help to prepare you for your first steps into agility.

Mrs J Flanagan

Lancashire Heeler Club Rescue We are always looking for good people to make new homes for these unfortunate dogs who come into Rescue, if you can help please contact our Rescue representative Mrs Enid Lord: tel: 01772 322064 see website

Lancashire Heeler Club Merchandise The Merchandise can be viewed on our website (the Official website of The Lancashire Heeler Club). The merchandise is on display – for sale at all Shows, Companion and Fun days and also can be ordered through the website.

Puppies If you are looking for a puppy please look on the Breeders Page on our website, we list a good few breeders along with Accredited Breeders.

Last and not least could members please let us have their email addresses then we can contact with details of events and news etc, we hope to produce a bulletin more often via email. Send email address to any committee member or through the website.

This news bulletin has been compiled and printed free of charge in order to save the funds of the club.