Holy February 14, 2021 Redeemer Catholic Church 9705 Summit Avenue Kensington, Maryland 20895 www.hrkensington.org email for bulletin:
[email protected] Holy Redeemer School 3019423701 Holy Redeemer Rectory 3019422333 Fax 3019424981 Fax 3019421041 Mr. Thomas Corrigan, Principal 3016797112 Rev. Mark F. Hughes, Pastor Mrs. Hilary Shaw, Admin. Assistant 3019423701 and Admissions Coordinator Rev. Ebuka Mbanude, Parochial Vicar Mrs. Lorrie Ricca, Admin. Assistant 3019423701
[email protected] School Nurse 3016797111 Rev. Mark Tucker, Priest in Residence After Care 3016797110 Holy Redeemer PreK 3019422567 Deacon Stephen Mitchell Debbie Monahan, Administrator Mrs. Blanca Douki, Finance Officer Mrs. Jen Kestel, Office Manager CCD Program
[email protected] Kindergarten through 8th grade, call the Religious Education Office for more information at Mrs. Marylou McDonald, DRE
[email protected] [email protected] Mr. Bert Conger, Parish Facilities Manager Mr. Joseph M. Ryan, Director of Music and Liturgy Mr. Paul Ostrye, Finance Council Chair
[email protected] or 3019228215 Baptisms Mrs. Catherine Tolnay M RCIA For Baptism information contact Fr, Ebuka Mbanude at 3019422333 or email him
[email protected] to arrange dates and times for preparation and the Sunday Masses ceremony Saturday: 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 AM Marriages Consult one of the parish priests at least six months in advance, call 3019422333. Weekday Masses MondayFriday: 6:45 AM & 9:00 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturday: 8:30 AM Monday M Friday 5:00PMN8:30 PM Exposition at 5:00 PM Holy Day of Obligation Masses Reposition at 8:30PM 6:45 AM, 9:00 AM and 7:30 PM Rosary Unless stated otherwise in the bulletin 6:25 AM and 8:40 AM Monday MFriday Confessions Nursing Home or Homebound? Please contact the Saturday 4:15 M 5:15 PM or by appointment rectory for information regarding Parish services.