July/August 2015 aramcoworld.com aramcoworld.com July/August 2015 Vol. 66, No. 4 @aramcoworld July/August 2015 aramcoworld.com Commuter boats pack a river- bank upstream from Suriname’s capital, Paramaribo, serving towns and villages where residents might be recent 2 immigrants from almost anywhere, or descendants of slaves, colonists or indigenous Six Degrees tribes. Art by Norman MacDonald. of Suriname Illustrated and written Publisher Administration by Norman MacDonald Saudi Arabian Sarah Miller Oil Company Publisher InternPrint Design Independent since 1975, Publisher ActingAramco PresidentServices Company Suzanneand Production Bader Aramco Services Company Suriname began as an English and CEO Graphic Engine Design 9009President West Loop South Print Design Amin H. Nasser and then a Dutch colony. Houston,Basil A. Abul-Hamayel Texas 77096 andPrinted Production in the USA Now among the western hemisphere’s Vice President GraphicRR Donnelley/Wetmore Engine Design DirectorUSA Corporate Affairs most culturally diverse countries, it also PresidentPublic Affairs PrintedDigital Designin the USA Nasser A. Al-Nafisee lays claim to the hemisphere’s highest percentage NabeelJamal K. M. Khudair Amudi RRand Donnelley/Wetmore Production General Manager eSiteful Corporation of population identifying as Muslims: 14 percent. DirectorEditor Digital Design Public Affairs PublicRichard Affairs Doughty andOnline Production Translations Our Canada-born, Amsterdam-based, award-winning Essam Z. Tawfiq eSitefulTransperfect Corporation AssistantAli M. Al Mutairi Editors illustrator-author paid a visit to sketch and listen. Manager EditorArthur P. Clark OnlineContacts Translations Public Relations RichardAlva Robinson Doughty TransperfectSubscriptions: Haifa I. Addad
[email protected] AssistantDigital Media Editor Editor Contacts Editor ArthurJohnny P. Hanson Clark Subscriptions:Editorial: Richard Doughty
[email protected]@aramcoservices.com Circulation Assistant Editors EdnaMelissa Catchings Altman Editorial:Mail: Arthur P.