Digital Skills Day Manchester 2018 LIVESTREAM With special thanks to our Live Stream Sponsor


09:30- 10:00 Tomorrow’s World – Space, Place and Technology

Tom Cheesewright

10:05 - 10:50 A Holistic Approach to Smart Cities

Michael Cowdy

Mcgregor Coxall

10:50 – 11:10 B R E A K

11:10-11:55 Gamification of Landscape Architecture

Dr Umran Ali

Salford University



Digital Skills Day Manchester 2018 LIVESTREAM


BIM in Practice 12:30-13:00 Mike Shilton Keysoft Solutions 13:00-13:45 Seeing the World in a different way – embedding visualisation in the design process

Richard Line


13:45-14:30 Understanding the UK standards related to BIM

Rob Jackson

Bond Bryan Architects

14:30-15:00 B R E A K 15:00-15:45 Augmenting your Design

Joe Ashton Exhibit Interactive

15:50-16:35 Changing the game with VR

Amanda Gregor Witeveenbos

Integrating Surface Water Management into a Landscape Environment 16:35 – 17:00 Dr David Smoker Aco IN ASSOCIATION WITH


Digital Skills Day Manchester 2018 LIVESTREAM Session Details

Tomorrow’s World - Space, Place and Technology

Tom Cheesewright, Applied Futurist

Speaker Biography: Tom Cheesewright is the founder of applied futurism practice, Book of the Future and creator of the Applied Futurist's Toolkit, a suite of strategy & storytelling tools for agile organisations. Through consulting, speaking and media work Tom helps people to see, share and respond to a coherent vision of tomorrow. Clients range from charities and public sector organisations to FTSE100 enterprises and global technology corporations, They include BASF, BP, PZ Cussons, Kellogg’s, KPMG, LG, Nikon, Sony Pictures, and the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Tom followed a degree in Mechatronic Engineering with 14 years in the tech industry, working with global brands such as BT, EE and IBM, and subsequently founded a series of technology-driven companies. Most recently Tom co-founded venture-backed big data analytics start-up CANDDi (http://canddi.com). He acts as an advisor to a number of start-ups, including fast-growing Internet of Things platform, Republic of Things. Tom is a frequent presence on TV and radio, appearing across the BBC from the Breakfast sofa to and World Business Report, and as a regular contributor to 5live and Radio 4. He has shared his thoughts on the future with Channel 4s Sunday Brunch, Channel ′ 5's Saturday Show, Sky News, the Guardian, Evening Standard, Entrepreneur Magazine, Stuff and MSN.



Digital Skills Day Manchester 2018 LIVESTREAM A Holistic Approach to Smart Cities

Michael Cowdy, Mcgregor Coxall

Session Summary – The development of Internet of Things (IoT) and Information Communication technology (ICT) is growing at an exorbitant rate. For the “Smart City” movement this means leveraging data to achieve a constantly adapting, connected, intelligent, healthier and more efficient human habitat. But what does this mean for our cities and communities? And how do we increasingly ensure the development of this technology responds to the most complex parameter – “people”? This presentation will explore in greater detail the systematic processes of smart and holistic city-making. It will be supported by a series of exemplar projects that hybridise existing and emerging digital technologies to enable communities genuine ownership and awareness of their city, neighbourhood and street. In this modern digital age it is important to innovate our traditional design methods and adopt an intelligent, holistic, data driven outcome that harnesses public life through smart and responsive technologies.

Speaker Biography – Michael Cowdy is a Director and Urbanism Leader for McGregor Coxall a multi-disciplinary design firm located in the UK, Australia and China. Michael’s passion rests in creating healthy, smart, sustainable, and vibrant places and cities. He has extensive experience in complex urban regeneration projects and have delivered internationally recognised design outcomes to a variety of city destinations. Michael regularly presents at national and international conferences where he promotes a progressive, restorative and engaging outcome for place.



Digital Skills Day Manchester 2018 LIVESTREAM Gamification of Landscape Architecture

Dr Umran Ali, Salford University

Session Summary – In this lecture/workshop, Dr Umran Ali will explore and illustrate with key examples how video games design & landscape architecture have started to converge and align in areas such as planning, design and production tools. Through a digital workshop, Dr Ali will undertake a live demonstration with participants as co- creators using a next generation games design production tool, Crytek's CryEngine 5 to rapidly plan and build an immersive virtual environment. At the end of this session delegates will be able to :

1) Recognise and assess the importance of the changing video games production technologies on landscape architecture.

2) Identify and discuss areas of convergence between video games design and landscape architecture.

3) Effectively Identify and apply key games design principles to various aspects of landscape architecture planning & design through 'gamification'.

4) Identify and appreciate the of key immersive technologies such as V.R on landscape planning & design.

5) Rapidly plan & prototype a virtual natural environment using a games design tool; Crytek's CryEngine 5.

Speaker Biography – Dr Umran Ali is a senior lecturer in creative media at the School of Arts at the University of Salford. Having led the B.Sc Computer & Video games programme for a number of years, before moving onto the role of Director of Creative Media at the University, he currently is a senior lecturer at the University and continues to explore virtual natural environment design through teaching and research, maintaining a deep interest in the meaning, impact, and design of natural spaces, in video games. He has also written extensively on video games design & production, including writing & validating a number of Higher Education programmes across the UK & world. His Ph.D and research focuses on natural environment and landscape design in video games, and how landscape architecture can be used to further evolve natural environment design in video games. He is a keen video game player and collector, walker, and landscape photographer.



Digital Skills Day Manchester 2018 LIVESTREAM BIM in Practice

Mike Shilton, Keysoft Solutions

Session Summary – There is much rhetoric surrounding BIM and this only seeks to add curiosity and confusion in equal measures. This prompts many people to ask: “How do I engage in a BIM project?” Mike Shilton, addresses this rather loaded question by reviewing how you can generate the required outputs using KeySCAPE and how you can share and collaborate with others on the BIM project team. At the end of this session you will:

1. Understand the key elements to ask when engaging in a BIM project 2. Be aware of the current processes and workflows that exist 3. Learn how software neutral tools can be used in collaboration and the pros and cons of each.

Speaker Biography – Mike is the Chair of the Landscape Institute Digital Practice Group (formerly BIM Working Group) and has been an active member of the Group since its inception in 2012. Mike contributed to the “BIM for Landscape” book, which he helped project manage to publication, and has been heavily involved with its subsequent promotion. Mike has been working with other experts to offer advice and guidance to the profession in respect of BIM and emerging digital technologies in relation to landscape design and construction. He is a chartered member of landscape architect and Product Director at Keysoft Solutions, where he provides the focus for future development of their BIM enabled, traffic management and landscape design software.



Digital Skills Day Manchester 2018 LIVESTREAM Seeing the world in a different way, embedding visualisation in the design process

Richard Line, Planit - ie

Session Summary – Seeing the world in a different way - how embedding visualisation at the heart of the design process can add value beyond the ‘glossy sales images’. We will look at the process from its inception - with conceptual graphics, through the design and planning process; adding science and ‘joy’ to the assessment process; through the inevitable ‘marketing image’ to how we can aid construction and procurement. Fundamentally, he will talk about how our embedded approach to technology makes us better at what we do and enables us to communicate openly with the communities in which we work.

Learning outcomes

1. How digital technology can be adopted from the outset; 2. How existing software can be worked harder and yield greater, often surprise results; and 3. How making assessment part of the design process can place the Landscape Architect and Urban Designer at the heart of the team and the conversation

Speaker Biography – Richard Line Founding Director Planit – Ie studied as a Landscape Architect and is one of three founding Directors of Planit-IE. He quickly established the practice’s digital brand - Virtual Planit - which he has led over the past 18 years

As a Landscape Architect, leasing a digital studio, within a Landscape and Urban Design studio, Richard has grown a unique set of skills and team around him. The integration of digital technologies in to everything Planit-IE do, runs from before projects are won, through the design process, to their construction and ultimately their occupation. Unlike other visualisation businesses, Virtual Planit works with Planit-IE’s in-house designers to conceptualise, assess, visualise and market their projects, whilst also providing the same services to outside clients and designers

For the past couple of years, Rich has been working with Planit’s Urban Designers and Landscape Architects to explore new ways of presenting and assessing the visual impacts of development on the townscapes and landscapes that they will become components of. Elevating the assessment process from bland ‘post-facto’ analysis, to embedding it within the creative process, has yielded incredible advances in how the practice uses technology, and in turn how we visualise and plan for future development.

Note - Rich will be joined by Chris Hall, Senior Urban Designer, Planit-IE.



Digital Skills Day Manchester 2018 LIVESTREAM

Understanding the UK standards related to BIM

Rob Jackson, Bond Bryan Architects

Session Summary – The UK government have required publicly procured projects from April 4th 2016 to achieve “BIM Level 2”. For many meeting these targets has been and continues to be a challenging prospect. For others though it’s a still a complete unknown of what this means and requires. These requirements have over the past 2 years also spread to the private sector. Bond Bryan Digital were setup in March 2016 to help others on this journey and here we try to explain the core concepts of BIM Level 1 and 2 and what it means to organisations.

From this session you will:

a. Understand what is required to achieve “BIM Level 1”. b. Understand what is required to achieve “BIM Level 2”. c. Make businesses understand the need for change to future proof their businesses.

Speaker Biography – Rob is a qualified Architect and has delivered projects in the Education and Advanced Manufacturing sectors. His significant project experience and passion for technology and process improvement resulted in his selection for a number of special projects for our practice including the development of our quality systems, office intranet and BIM. This work then led to his current role as part of our Bond Bryan Digital team.

He speaks at both national and international events as a passionate advocate of an OPEN BIM approach, exploring the sharing of data between different software packages via the “IFC” open format and promoting industry wide standards that enable full collaboration between different parties.

He chairs the sub-committee for the AEC (UK) BIM Technology Protocols for GRAPHISOFT ARCHICAD, is a member of the building SMART UK's Technical Group, an ambassador for thinkBIM at Leeds Beckett University, tweets as @bondbryanBIM and also writes our BIM Blog.



Digital Skills Day Manchester 2018 LIVESTREAM Augmenting your Design

Joe Ashton Exhibit Interactive

Session Summary – Session summary

Joe Ashton will explain and illustrate how to take an existing CAD asset such as a BIM file and use it with Augmented Reality (AR) technology to create an effective visualisation tool.

Currently BIM is viewed as an effective means of communicating and transferring detailed information accurately along a project timeline. Joe will demonstrate that any CAD file can and should be used as an effective marketing tool too.

At the end of the session delegates will be able to:

1. Understand how to use AR to position and rotate a virtual product on the floor surface in front of them. 2. Appreciate the potential of smartphone marketing. 3. See what is deliverable and affordable with current AR technology. 4. See how AR can remove the ‘I can’t picture it’ response from potential customers. 5. Identify potential future uses of AR technology.

Speaker Biography - Joe Ashton is Co-founder and Creative Director at Exhibit Interactive Limited. Based in Evesham, EI help companies create interactive spaces and use the latest digital technology to help facilitate interactions between people and brands. Joe started his career as an exhibition stand designer using his ability to draw to create perspective illustrations used in the sales process. The introduction of Computer Aided Design (CAD) enabled Joe to take his visualisation skills to a digital level. Realising the importance of digital, Joe became an early pioneer in delivering affordable technology in the events and exhibition industry. He quickly recognised the advantages of mixing CAD models with new technology to provide more memorable experiences in the form of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).



Digital Skills Day Manchester 2018 LIVESTREAM Changing the game with VR

Amanda Gregor, Witeveenbos

Session Summary – Changing the game with VR. Virtual Reality (VR) has been around for nearly two decades with its application across numerous disciplines, however it is only recently starting to make its way into the mainstream. This session will discuss how VR is being used as a tool for engagement in public realm projects with examples from cycling and walking infrastructure projects in the Netherlands and UK.

1. Attendees will have an understanding of the different ways Virtual Reality (VR) can be used as a tool for engagement.

2. Case studies will be given from the Netherlands and the UK providing a comparison between different approaches and uses of VR.

3. Attendees should be able to think about how their main aims of a project could be supported by using Virtual Reality in their projects.

Speaker Biography – Amanda is an Urban Designer at the Dutch engineering practice Witteveen+Bos UK Ltd. She is part of the resilient infrastructure team with a focus on walking and cycling infrastructure projects. Amanda has worked across the UK, Sweden and the Netherlands. As part of her work process, Amanda is interested in working with different techniques to work with stakeholders to understand and support their input into projects. One of these tools includes using Virtual Reality as a way to visualise and experience what a project might feel like it in the future.

Integrating Surface Water Management into a Landscape Environment

Dr David Smoker, ACO



Digital Skills Day Manchester 2018 LIVESTREAM

Session Summary – Integration of surface water management into a landscaped environment should be designed at the early stages, to allow for consideration of the overall aesthetics. By keeping close to the surface, channel drains are an ideal solution as a conveyance to other SuDS elements, and the availability of different inlet grating styles allows the designer to choose whether to blend in or delineate the drainage in the hard landscape. This webinar will demonstrate how ACO’s cloud based QuAD design software, used in conjunction with a surface visualiser, allows anyone, even without hydraulic expertise, to quickly and easily ensure that their landscape drainage will not only work well but will also look good.

1. How to carry out a quick and simple verification of hydraulic performance of surface drainage elements. 2. How to use ACO’s surface and grating visualiser to change the aesthetics of hard landscaping.


Headline Sponsor, Vestre: Vestre helps create sustainable, green, democratic and inclusive meeting places that bridge social and cultural divides to facilitate conversation and activity. Inspired by Nordic nature and simplicity, Vestre has been making lasting, quality outdoor furniture for generations. We strive to be the world’s most sustainable



Digital Skills Day Manchester 2018 LIVESTREAM outdoor furniture manufacturer so we never take shortcuts or compromise when it comes to material quality, lifespan and the environment. Our products are manufactured only in Scandinavia, using top quality materials and Vestre is the first company to manufacture climate-neutral outdoor furniture.

The wild climate of Scandinavia has inspired us to develop products that require minimal maintenance, and withstand even the toughest environments; our lengthy warranties are evidence of our commitment to designing for life. Yet none of this comes at the expense of stunning design. We collaborate with leading Nordic designers and several of our ranges are award-winning. Our contemporary, colourful, and inclusive products appeal across many sectors and our extensive range is sufficiently diverse to offer choices for every environment.

Headline Sponsor, Vectorworks: is a global design software developer serving the architecture, landscape and entertainment industries. Founded in 1985 as Diehl Graphsoft, Inc., the company produces the Vectorworks family of software which includes Vectorworks Designer, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Fundamentals, and Renderworks.

These programs are CAD software designed with the intent to help designers communicate effectively and bring their visions to life while keeping building information modeling (BIM) at the heart of the design process.

Live Stream Sponsor, Keysoft Solutions: Keysoft Solutions are proud to be able to support the Landscape Institute and sponsor the “Live” streaming of the Digital Practice CPD event, Manchester.

Keysoft Solutions has 30 years’ experience of producing BIM enabled software solutions that allow landscape professionals to deliver projects quickly and efficiently. KeySCAPE landscape design software provides a single solution that takes you from concept, through detailed 2D and 3D design, contract documentation and beyond. Its advanced utilities, presentation and collaboration options allow you to make rapid design modifications and respond quickly to the changing demands of your client. Your time is valuable and we take great pride in knowing that our software can help you produce high-quality drawings in a timely manner.


Supporter, ACO: Throughout the world, the ACO brand is recognised as a leading supplier in the design, development and manufacture of surface water drainage systems. An extensive portfolio offers the market quality solutions for every application, including internal and building drainage, landscaping, sport facilities, retail, distribution centres, highways and airports as well as solutions for environmentally sensitive projects. The ACO Group has been manufacturing and selling market leading drainage systems for over 70 years. During this time the group has made extensive investment in global research and development and manufactures products world-wide at 30 modern environmentally-sensitive production sites. The ACO group has offices in Europe, USA, Australia, the Middle and Far East - in total over 40 countries on four continents and employs more than 4800 people worldwide.