A Genealogical History

OF THE Harwood Families,


Whose English home was in Dartmouth, Devonshire, England, lnd who emigrated to America, and was living-in Boston, Mass., in 1643.




CHASM FALLS, N. Y. 1911.

CHASM FALLS, (_Malone), N. Y., Sept. 25, 1912.

To my friends who have received a copy of Vol. I., "New England Harwood Genealogy:"

1~he picture of Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt C. Hastings, which was placed opposite Page 144, did not print as satisfac­ torily as many of their friends ,vould wish, and the au­ thor has been furnished "\vith a much more satisfactory cut showing their residence "\vith Mr. and Mrs. Hastings in the foreground and their daughters standing in the ve­ randa. I am enclosing you one of these new inserts, and ,vill you carefully cut a'\"\"ay the first picture and destroy it, and with a bit of mucilage neatly fasten the new pic­

ture in its· place. With a little care this can be done so that it will never be noticed that "the change was made after the book was bound. Please do this at once. On page 125, the printer has jun1bled up the year-date of the birth of No. 527. I woul,i suggest that someone neat ,vith a pen carefully erase the two middle figures, and fill in so it will read 1890. If this is attempted, great care should be taken to have the work done neatly.

Yours very cordially,


<9li,e }iarwoon c}rr:ms.

Introduction To the First Edition.

Eight years have elapsed since I began tracing the rec­ ords of my Har,vood ancestors and relatives, and I have no\v the pleasure of pres~nting to the descendants of my ancestor, JAMES HARWOOD, this brief sketch of our branch of the Ne,v England Har\voods. When I first began tracing the records I had no thought of writing the family history. I was led to engage in the ,vork simply from a desire to kno-,v more of my ancestry in the Har,vood line. But as m .,v interest in the wo1·k in- creased, I decided to publish the records in some form, so that the memory of our ancestors might be perpetuated, and we, their descendants, might come to kno'\v mar@ of one another. Being the first to '\\"rite the history of our branch of Harwoods, I have had to collect most of the records from original sources, thus adding· greatly to the labor of the undertaking. I here wish to ackno,vledge the kindness of those ,vho haYe aided me ,vith their letters or orally in tracing out these records. A list of those '\\·ho have thus aided me ,vill be found at the end of the book. In arrangin_g these records, I haYe aimed to give the facts \vhich I have collected in as plain and concise a man­ ner as possible, and so arranged that the connection may be easily seen. \'Vith regard to 1.his arrangement it ,vill 4 IXTRODCCTIOX TO FIRST EDITIOX. be noticed that all \Yho haye borne the name of HAR\YOOD are numbered, beginning ,vith our common ancestor. J A:\IES, and carrying the order do,Yn through all the gen­ erations. An index ,vill be found in the back part of the book gi,,.ing the name and number of each Har,yood ,vhose name is enrolled in this ,vork. I have taken particular care to get the names and dates correct and I think that all parts of the record may be re­ lied upon as accurate. In conclusion I would sav that this has been a ,vork re­ quiring much labor and expense; and I hope it may meet the ends for "vhich it is designed in giving us a better kno,vledge of our ancestors, and enabling us, their descen­ dants, to beco1ne better acquainted ,vith one another. Should this hope be realized, my labor ,vill not have been . . 1n vain. WATSOX H. HARWOOD. BANGOR, N. Y., March, 1879. Preface To the Second Edition.

Seyenteen years ago I published in pamphlet form the results of my ,vork up to that time in tracing the history and records of our branch of the Ne\v England Har\voods. I v,ras then but a young man trying to make my way through school and college, '1vith little time and means at my disposal for engaging in genealogical researches. But I loved the latter ,vork, to me it \Vas rest and recreation, and in such a spirit I follo,ved it 'till the little book al­ luded to above ,vas compiled and published. Since then many experiences such as are common to this life ha ye con1e to me, but none ,vhich has brought such pain as the loss in 1890, of n1y then only child, a bright, beautiful boy, ,vho in the ten months God permitted him to stay ,vith us, completely \vove himself into my life and affections. In my loneliness after his death the thought came to me that I ,vould take up the '\York I had all along intended sometime to do-con1plete and publish a second edition of the historv. of our familv.- E,·er since the first edition ,vas published I have contin­ ued to collect materials for a second, and I think the rec­ ords herein contained ,vi11 be found as accurate and cotn­ plete a!, it is no,v possible to n1ake them. Nevertheless, it can hardly be expected that no errors ,Yill he n1ade in such a \York; it is eYen possible that there may be errors in the (j PREFACE TO SECO~D EDITION.

very arrange1nent of the early generations of the family. \iVhen ,Ye retnember that there arc several distinct branches of Har,voocls in Ne,v England, as ,vell as seyer:11 in the Southern States, and that the ancestors of these different fan1ilies immigrated from England to America at about the same time; ,vhen '\\"e further take into account that in almost ever_y to,vn ,,·here our forefathers d ,velt, there ,vere also living families of the other branches of our name; and ,vhen ,vith all this ,ve take into consideration that the early to,vn records, ,vhich '\\"ere often but i111per­ fectly kept, are no,v in many places lost, ,ve cannot think it strange that such a ,vork should be incomplete in spite of the most careful painstaking. All that the most faith­ ful genealogist can do is to take the materials no,v ob­ tainable, sti1dy carefully each doubtful record, and give it the place to ,vhich it seems most probably to belong. This I have done, and in cases of uncertaintv,., I have used the ¥."Ord ''probably,'' or some ,vord of similar import, to mark the uncertaintv. \iVith these explanations and introductory remarks, I no,v place in the hands of my kinsmen ,vho share ,vith me the honor of bearing the good old English name of HAR­ \VOOD, this volume. confident that it ,vill prove not only interesting, but ,Yill al"so serve to dra,v and bind the mem­ bers of our family still_ closer together, scattered as they are from l\1aine to California. w ATSON H. HARWOOD. CHAS~I FALLS, N. Y., lvlav,., 1896. Preface To the Third Edition.

After forty years of laborious effort, I have no,v the his­ tory of the Har,vood families descended from my ancestor, A~DRE\\' IL-\R\\-00D, of Dartmouth, England, ai1d Boston, Massachusetts, as complete as such a work can ,vell be made. One marked difference in this edition from the former t,vo editions lies in thefact that I am no,venabled to give certified records in many places in the earlier history of the FamilY,- ,vhere formerly.. I had to offer onlv- \\-hat seemed the most probable but not certainly proven rec- ords. I am pleased, ho,veyer, to find that my former guesses and deductions ,vere in most cases very near the ,ve11 established facts no,v given in this book. For the happy solution of these difficulties and for many impor­ tant additions to the history of the earlier generations of our branch of the Ne,Y England H ar,yoods, I am indebted chiefly to Rev. Anson Titus, of Boston, 1I ass., James Allen I{ihbe, Esq., of \Yarchouse Point, Conn., and Hon. Ezra S. Stearns, of Fitchburg, 1Iass., ail able genealogists and ,Yriters on local to,yn historv.- For the very- satisfac- torv- reco1·ds of t,Yo or three .generations of our Fn1nih-- in Englanu, I am "-holly indebted to H. \V. Forsyth Har- \Yood, Esq., of London, England. \Yithout his 1nost gen­ erous aid I could never haye located ,Yith certa111ty the s PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION.

English home of the ancestors of our line of Har\voods. In presenting this edition of the History of our Family to my kinstnen and friends, I can but again express the hope that it ,vill prove useful and interesting to them all.

We have in this life manv., duties to fulfil both to God and to 1nan, and surely one of them is to keep alive a kno"vl­ edge of the men and '\\"Omen to ,vhom we owe our very existence, and who wrought well to make it possible for us to enjoy far greater comfort and privilege than they the1nselves had. To forget them, to let all knO'\\"ledge of them perish from among men ,vould be little short of "base ingratitude," and would reflect anything but credit upon us, their descendants and beneficiaries. Here, then, is our monument to their memory, as well as a bond that shall hold us together as long as present conditions shall exist. WATSON H. HARWOOD. CHASM FALLS, N. Y., June 1910.

NoTE.-In many cases in the following records, I have mentioned church membership, lodge associations, etc.

Doubtless verv., manv., others were and are members of churches and of other associations, but my informants in ,vriting of them failed to mention these important items. W. H. H. Origin of our Family and Name.

HE natne of HAR\YOOD is a very old name in Eng­ T lan

lies in England< \vith natnes some,vhat like Har,vood have also attempted to trace their lineage to Here'\vard. Lieu- tenant-General Har"'·ard, in his '\York entitled, '" Here­ "vard, the Saxon Patriot," published in London, 18DG, V\-hile clai1ning descent from Here,,vard for his line, denies it to others ~-hose names vary slightly. He says of the I-Iar\voods: ''Thev derive their name from offices held un­ der the Norman Forest La,vs. In the registered arn1orial hearings of Har,YoJd of Hagbourne and Strea tley, one of the most ancient and respectable of these families, their arms are: Argent, a chevron bet a'een three stags' heads, caboshed gules. These are clearly the bearings of an offi­ cer posessing po,,... er and privilege under the Forest La ,vs. Still further indication is afforded of the right meaning of the nan1e Har,vood by the crest of the same frlmily, ,vhich is: On a 1,vreath, cl sta

Here is literally the '\vood' typified by the oak hough an

(Injustice to Lieut.-Gen. Har,vard, ,,·e ,vill state that his claim to descent from Here,vard is based upon an al­ leged second marriage of the Saxon hero; hovvever, we do not believe General Har'\\·ard 's claim to such descent is any stronger than that of any Har\vood or person bearing similar name. In fact, no one living can trace his descent from I-Iere\vard the Saxon. But vve kno\\· that families of our name have d\velt in yarious parts of Eng­ land fro1n a ,,.ery remote period ; and our O\Yl1 Snuth DeY­ onshire Har,voods are as likelv to be a branch of the Sax­ on hero's descendants as anv. But \,·hether Saxon or Nor1nan -in their origin, ,ve kno,v they \Vere of good Eng­ lish blood, and \Ye believe that the various families of the name in America are not proving themselyes un,vorthy of the ancestry from ,vhich they sprung.-W. H. H.) Crests and Coats of Arms.

These familvemblems haye been ,vorn '\vith Yariousmod­ ifications from time immemorial in countries civilized and savage. They are not, as some might suppose, employed for mere "idle show," but are useful and necessary in many '",..ays ,vhich I haYe not here space to explain. Through the generous gift of Hon. Charles E. Har,vood and son, Charles \V. Har,vood, Esq., of Lynn, Mass., and the great kindness of Daniel Donovan, Esq., of the san1e city, ,vho is an ackno,vledged authority in such matters, we are enabled to present the members of our family \vith a very accurate reproduction in co1ors of the most ancient Coat of Arms ,vorn bv.., families of our name in the l\'lother Country. This ,vi11 appear as the frontispieee to this ,york. Also, Mr. Donoyan has copied for us the descrip­ tions of nearlv twentv modifications of this ancient famih.. .,/ .,,; .,/ device, as i,.vorn bv the various branches of the name in England. Follo,ving are the descriptions:- Blazons from Sir Bernard Burke's General Armoury. 1. Har\vood, Her\vard, Hor\vode and \Vhor,vood, of Saxon origin, seated at a very remote period in Lincoln­ shire and Cambridgeshire; from this ancient line derived the families of the name seated at Co1npton, Sand ,vell and Stourton Castle, in the County of Stafford; at I-1allton, County Oxford ; and in the counties of Berks, Salop and CRESTS AND COATS OF AI,~IS. 13

IIants. Anns: 'Chi'ker d'or et d'aznre une bende de .~·ules III egles c1'argent,' as borne by Sir Robert fler\\·ard. nf Can1hridgeshire, te1np. Ed\vard I.; the Staffordshire and Berksl'lire Har\Yoods altered this ancient hearing for: 'Ar. a cheyron het\veen three stags' heads cabossed sa, · ( son1eti1nes gu. ), but at \\·hat period has no: been ascer­ tained.

Har"\vood ( exemplified to Henry Har,vood Penny, Esq., of Cromarty House, Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park, Bar­ rister-at-La'1v, son of Rev. Henry Penny, M. A., Chessing­ ton Hall, Surry, by ~arah, his ,vife, only child of John Ha.r,Yood, Esq., on his assuming, hy royal license, the sur­ name of Harwood.) 'Ar. on a chevron betvveen three stags' heads cabossed gu. as many eagles displayed or.' Crest: 'A stag's head cahossed gu. holding in the mouth a slip of oak ppr. fructed or, bet,veen the attires a bugle horn stringe

Harw·ood ( Hagbourne and Streatl_v, County Berks, and Crickheath, County Salop, descended from the ancient Saxon house of Har,vood ). 'Ar. a chevron bet,veen three stags' heads cabossed gu.' Crest: 'A stag's head cabossed gu. holding in its mouth an oak branch ppr. acorned or.' 4. Har,vood ( Deane, County Hants ). 'Ar. a chcYron be­ t,yeen thnx· martlets argent. '

b. Har,vood f Staffordshire and Oxfordshire, see \Vh or­ \Yood ). 'Ar. a chevron bet\veen three bucks' heads ca­ bnssed sa.' Crest: 'A buck's head cabosse



12. I-Iar\vard ( Hayne, County ). Settled there for n1ore than three centuries. 'Gu. on a cross crosslet ar. hetw. four guttees d'eau, fiye annulets az.' Crest: 'A leop­ ard statant erm. collared or. surmounting a cross-cross­ let fitchee sa. from the collar a chain of the second, reflexed and attached to the cross.' 13. Har\vard l Little Chelsea, County l\Iiddlesex ), 'Az. on a chevron ar. between three doves ppr. as many acorns of the last.' 14. Har\vard or Her'\vard ( A1borough, Pennshoppe and Guesnore, County Norfolk). 'Az. a fesse paley of six gu. and vert bet,veen three ow ls or. ' 15. Harward ( County Dorset). 'Sa. a fesse paley of six, or. and gu. bet\v. three owh~ ar. a mullet for difference.' 16. Har\,~ard ( i\if erro\Y, County Surrey). ~ Az. a lion ramp. ar. over all, on a fesse or, three roses gu.' Crest: 'A demi stag ramp. erm. ducallv gorged and attired gu.' 17. liar\vard: 'Sa. on a chief ar. three birds' heads erased of the first.' 18. IIar,vard: 'Az. a fesse gobonated gu. and ar. bet\veen three o,v1s of the third.' 19. IIar,vood f Counties Cambridge and Suffolk). 'Az. a fesse componnee ar. and gu. bet,yeen three o,yls of the second.' Crest: 'An o,vl ar.' GEXEALOGICAL HISTORY.

20. Ilar\vood: 'Az. a cheY. erm. bet,Y. three martlcts ar. · Crest: 'Out of a ducal coronet or. a tripple plume of t""el\'·e ostrich feathers, three, four and fiye.' 21. Har,vood: 'Gu. a"fesse humette bet,veen t,yo lions pas­ sing ( another passing guard) or.' The Harwood Families Of New England.

There are three great Families or Branches of the Ne-\v England Har\voods. I am well aware that several per­ sons of the name besides the ancestors of the three Fami­ lies came early to Ne\v England, but they either left no posterity that has come do"rn to our time, or they were unmarried, or probably in the case of some, they finally removed to some colony outside of New England, or returned to Old England. Certain it is, that after 40 years spent in genealogical research and studies, and cor­ respondence ,vith persons of our name in all parts of the United States, I have never come across a Har,yood, ,vho ,vas of Ne,v England origin who did not trace his lineage to one or another of these three great Families of the Ne\Y England Har":--oods. ,ve ,vill no,v brieflv., consider each of these Families: I. THE SA LEM, l\1ASSACHUSETTS, F AlVIIL Y. De- scended from Henry Har\vood and Elizabeth, his ,vife, ,Yho came from England ,vith Governor \Vinthrop, in 1630. They lived for a little time in Boston, and ,vere members of the church there, but \\"ere dismissed in 1631, to help found the church in Charlesto,Yn. I-Ienrv Har\Yood de­ sired to he admitted freeman, Oct. 19, 16~30, and took the oath of ti·eeman, in 1G~13. It is claimed that IIenry died about 1635, his life ha Ying been shortened by extraordi- lS GEXEALOGICAL HISTORY. nary suffering in a stonn, n1entioned by \Vi nth rop in some of his ,vritings. There ,vas a Henry Har\vood living in Salem, 1fass., in 16:18, made freeman, Feb. 28, 1643, diecl about 1664. George Har,vood and Jane, his ,vife, ,vere liYing in Salem in 1639. He ,yas a carpenter, and had previously lived in Boston. He had a son John, born July 4, 1639, and two daughters. This George Har\vood '\vith his family and 41 others from Salem and Gloucester, Mass., removed to Ne"v London, Conn., in 1651, being early settlers in that to'\vn. In 1726, a John Harwood died in New London, aged 23 years, leaving no family, and he is said to have been the last of this fatni1v in that place. Coming back now to Henry and Elizabeth Harwood, of Charlestown, they had a son, John, baptized in Boston, June 3, 1632. He married Emma --, July 11, 1659. She was born in 1628. They settled in that part of Salem no,,,. called Pea body. Their children ,vere: John, born January 10, 1660, died young; Jonathan, born Apr1l 16, 1662, died young; John, born April 28, 1664; Jonathan, born June 18, 1666; David, born June 23, 1668; Alice, born Nov. 28, 1672. From this family have descended the numerous and very respectable families of our name '\vho early lived in Salem, Danvers, Charlton, Barre, Sutton and Oxford, l\1ass. We kno,v from the will of Henry Har\vood, of Salem, who died in 1664, that he left no children. There ,vas a Henry Har,vood, of Boston and Salem, who ,vas by occu­ pation a shoe1naker, \"/\"ho by his wife, Elizabeth, had five children, born at Sa1em between the years 1665and 1674, but the record savs thisfamilv ''went back to Boston." Still - ~ there may be Harwood's at the p,·esent time ". ho are de- scendants of this last mentioned Henrv. If so, thev should ~ - be numbered ,vith the Salem Branch, as there is hardly room for doubt that the three Henrv- Har\voods ,Yho earl\·- TIIE IL\R\\'001) F.-\:\IILIES OF ~E\Y E.'.\CL.-\XD. 19 li\·ed in Sale111 \vcrc near of kin-in short, the last men­ tioned IIenry \Vas probably a son of the Henry ,Yho came o,-er ,vith (;o\~ernor \Vinthrop, although \YC have no n~c, >r< l of his birth. }\Ianv of the Salen1 Branch have taken a livelv interest - - in the historv- of their fa1nilv.- Thev ha Ye held several llar\vood meetings, to \vhich they have invited all Har- ,voods, ,vhether of their line or not. Clayton E. Har­ ,vood, of Rockville, Conn., has

,ve learn fron1 existing records that the father of the family, ,v ho \\"as a merchant in Boston, sold his estate in 1657, and \\·ent back to England, but his son John re­ mained in Boston, carrying on business under the direction of his father "\vho ,vas of London, England. 4. Nathaniel liarvvood, born in England, in 162fi. He married Elizabeth ---. Thev., resided in Boston, until after 1665, when they removed to Concord, l\1ass. Na- thaniel ,vas by trade a cordwainer. The· children of Na­ thaniel and Elizabeth Har,vood were: 1. William, born in Boston, lvlarch 28, 1665. He mar­ ried Esther,

Har\vood Robinson, of the Bennington, Vt., line, compiled and published the records of the descendants of Peter Har­ ,vood, of Concord, l\i1ass., son of the first Nathaniel. The late l\1yron W. Har,vood, of Springfield, Mass., probably did more thc1n anvone of our name has ever done in col­ lecting records of all the Har\voods in America. The late Dr. E. V. N. Har\vood, of Rutland, Vt., Herbert J. Har­ wood, of Littleton, Mass., and Fred H. Harwood, of Chicago, Ill., have each accomplished much in gathering records of their ancestry.,, and kindred. It would be a grand work for some one in each of these great families of Nevv England Har,voods, as well as in the great Southern Families of our name, to arrange these materials, gath­ ered at such great cost of time, effort and money, and issue them in permanent book form. But let all remember that one man or one woman cannot well do this work alone. It is something each member of the Branch having its history published, should freely and cheerfu11y forward both by furnishing promptly all information and records the compiler may lack, and by contributing money liber­ ally to meet the expense of publication. If some one in your Branch undertakes this work, do all in your po,ver to assist and encourage him. You have just as much in­ terest in the Family to which you belong as he has-at least you ought to have as much. Let us hope to see ere long a volume published of each of the three great Ne,v England Branches, and also of the great Virginia and

Marvland., Harwood Families in the South . We now come to the third of the great Branches of the Ne,v England I-Iar,voods. III. THE DESCENDANTS OF ANDREW HARWOOD, of Dartmouth, England, and Boston, Mass. The records of his descendants will be found in the bodv., of this ,vork. The Harwood Families Of Virginia and Maryland.

Families of our name ,vere settled in Virginia at an early period in the history of the Colony. One of the first ,vas Thon1as IIar\vood, ,vho came in 1622, in the iv/arga­ ret and John. He vvas a member of the House of Bur­ gesses, and a prominent man in the Colony. Then there was Augustine, and ~Villiam, and Paule, and Ralph, and Richard, and Robert, and Arthur, and George, and prob­ ably still others of the name, all early in Virginia. The Har,voods, too, ,vere early settled in l\laryland. One of the most prominent families of the name in lvlary­ land is that descended from Richard Har\vood, '\vho came of an excellent family in England. He settled in Anne Arundel County, l\iaryland, prior to the year 1698. But there '\vere families of the name in l\tl ary land long before the coming of Richard. The descendants of the early Vir­ ginia and l\tlary land Har\Yoods are numerous, and ,ve hope that the records of these i111portant branches n1av soon be compiled and published. WATSON H. HARWOOD. M. D. AND SON WESLEY B. HARWOOD

First Generation.

ANDREW HAR\VOOD was born in England, and belonged to a family that had long been settled in the southern part of Devonshire. The earliest record we have of him is con­ tained in the will of his cousin, or kinsman, Stephen Har­ vvood, of St. Saviours, Dartmouth, Devon, cooper, who ,vas dying of the plague at the time his will was made. This will was dated Sept. 5, 1627, and "proved Not. 16, 1627, in the Court of the Archdeacon of , by Grace Mann, sister, and one of the executrices and residuary legatees, power being reserved to Ester, the daughter of Kinsman Andre,v Har¥,rood, the other executrix and re- s1"d uary 1ega tee. "

"The Testator desired to be buried in the churchvard., of St. Savers. And he gave to :­ Poor of St. Savers, 12d. Sd. Kinsman, Andre,Y Hor\vood-Wife of Edwarde Kingman-Sister Johane-Nicho1as and Andre,Y, sons of Andrew Hl)rwood-Apprentis Roger Sheppeard, 20s. Sister Grace-Sd. Ester Horwood-l\1other 20s., if the servants doe con1 ,vell home. Sister Presilla 40s., if the shippes doe co1ne \vell hoame, other.\vise hut 20s. Hand \von1an then ,vith te5tator 30s. Joane l\1 udge-\Vriter :{s. Overseer Cosen Andre\Y llor\vood-\Villiam, son of An­ dre,v Hor\vood a colte." GE~EALOGICAL HISTORY.

No signature, mark, or seal-" \Vitnesses: Anthonv Stavely and James Coke." Bond by Andre,v Hor\vood, of Dartmouth, cooper, and John Beere, of the same, Tayler, in £50, dated 16 Nov., 1627, both made marks. The bond states that the execu­ trix Grace 1V1ann, was the ,vife of William Mann. March 14, 1628: "Exhibited Inventory of the Goods of Stephen Harwood, of Dartmouth, cooper, taken by John Beere and William Pethibridge, and dated 10 Feb., 1628, £30: 6: 2 ( vvhich included musket, bandaleere, and a sword 12s., musketrest6d., and a Bible 6s)". Then fol­ lows: "Things yet in ye custodie of her \iV hich served him in ye pest house," which brought the hal. to £37: 3: 2, or really £37: 3: 8. In the above will Harwood is in every instance spe1led Horwood, but in the Inventory it is Har\vood. In those days the name was written Harwood, Horwood, and Harward, these variations being often found in the same register or document. The next mention we have of our ancestor, Andre,v Har,vood, is in the record of the baptisms of his two younger children, Hannah and Samuel, in the Parish Reg­ isters of St. Saviours, Dartmouth. Sometime, not far from 1640, our ancestor immigrated to America. It is cert~in that not all of his children came with him, but one, Mrs. Thomas Pinson, ( "rho may ha ye been the" Ester" mentioned in Stephen Harwood's vvill) must have accompanied him, as they ,ve.re living together in Boston, Mass., in 1644; and possibly one or two others mav., also have come with him . The earliest record we have of our ancestor in. Ne,Y England is that he ,vas made freeman in Boston, Feb. 28, 1643. In Nov. 1644, ,ve find his name mentioned in the will of his son-in-la,v, Thomas Pinson, ,vhich reads as fol­ lows: "\Vhereas Thomas ffinson, mariner, late of dart- FIRST GENERATION. 25 mouth, dyed abord the shipp Gilbert, in September last, Oades Bayle being present, the said ffinson by word of mouth declared this to be his last \Yi11 and testament, as follo\\"eth: Imprimis, to his sonne Samuel (vve pounds of English money; Item, to his child that his wife went with­ all fifty shillings; I tern, to his ,vife one Hogshead of To­ bacco; Item, to his ffather-in-lawe, Andrew Harwood, all his \\.. ages. And, farther his will ,vas that the fifty shil­ lings for the young child and the hogshead of Tobacco for his wife should be delivered to Andrew Harwood for the use aforesaid.'' '' Deposed the first of the 9th month, 1644, by Oades Bayle before the Court, and made a matter of record in Boston, April 23, 1645." The last mention \\.. e have of our ancestor is in connec­ tion with a legal controversy going on between t,vo of his neighbors, Christopher La,vson and Thomas Beard. A record was made of this by William Aspenwall, a no­ tary public of Boston. This was in September, 1645. There is little doubt that Andre\\.. Harwood remained with his daughter, Mrs. Pinson, till his death. The Fin­ sons became a fairly numerous family in Massachusetts, the earlier generations living in Gloucester. Second Generation.

Children of ANDRE\\" HAR\VOOD, No. 1. All horn in Dartmouth, England. 2. ESTHER, one of the executrices of Stephen Har­ "'"ood's vvill. She may have been the one ,Yho ·after,yard married THo~IAS PINSON. 3. ANDRE\Y, died and his burial is recorded Oct. 16, 1626. 4. NICHOLAS, married l\'IARIA AMEREDITI-I, Feb. 16, 1639. Thev resided in Dartmouth. 5 .. WILLIAM, mentioned in Stephen Har,vood 's ,vill. 6. JoHN, died and his burial is recorded Aug. 28, 1627. 7. ANDREW, probably horn in 1627. He married ELIZ­ ABETH Bo,vooN, at Dartmouth, July 4, 1648. They re­ moved to Stepney, a suburb of London. It ,vould appear that after a few years he \:Vent to America, ,,·here he died in the early part of-the year 165B. It is probable that his ,vife and children remained at Stepney. In the Lon­ don records ,ve find that Edmond Pike ,yas appointed curator, Aug. 1, 165~), "to Sarah·, l\'1argaret and Jame~ Har,vood, minors, children of Andre"· Har\vood, late in ye Virginia, [Ne,v England ,yas a part of Virginia, in early colonial ti1nes] in parts beyond ye seas, deceased,', and Dec. 12, 1659, administration ,yas granted to Eliza­ beth Har,vood, '' relict of Andre\\" Har,vood, of Stepney, but in parts beyond ye seas, deceased." From the infor­ mation \Ye possess it ,vould look as if Andre\\" visited SECOXD ~EXERA.TIOX. 27

America \Yith a vie,Y of later bringing his family there, but died hefore carrying out his plan. 8. HAN~AH, baptized Jan. 17, 1629. 9. SAMl-rEL, baptized Oct. 7, 1632, died Sept. 1633. (In the abo,,.e list of Andrew Har\vood's children, it is not at all certain that I have them arranged in the exact order of their ages.) Third Generation.

Children of NICHOLAS HARWOOD, No. 4. All born in Dartmouth, England. 10. JOANNA, hap. Nov. 13, 1640, died March, 1645. 11. MARIA, hap. Nov. 27, 1642. 12. NICHOLAS, hap. Nov. 23, 1646. 13. SAMUEL, hap. Mar. 5, 1648. Children of ANDREW HARWOOD, No. 7. All born proba- bly at Stepney, England. 14. SARAH, mentioned as a minor in 1659. 15. MARGARET, a minor in 1659. 16. JAMES, born probably about 1655. He came early to Boston, Mass. He entered the Colonial army in King Philip's war, and served in Capt. Willia1n Turner's com~ pany. On the 19th of May, 1676, occurred ,vhat has since been known as Falls Fight on the Connecticut River. Capt. Turner with his men surprised the Indians in the early morning at a place of swift water, where they "-ere camped for the purpose of fishing, and in the fight which followed between t'\\"O and three hundred Indians were slain. James Har,vood's residence is given at this time as at Chelmsford, Mass. He married LYDIA BARRETT, daughter of John and Sarah Barrett, at Chelmsford, Apr. 11, 1678. She was born in Chelmsford, Sept. 22, 1659. John Barrett was the eldest son of Thomas Barrett, who came from England to America, about 1635, and settled at Braintree, Mass., and later lived in Chelmsford. John THIRD GE~ERATION. 29 was born in England, died at Chelmsford, 1706. He was a soldier in King Philip's ,var. Mr. and Mrs. James Har"'"ood continued to reside in Chelmsford until about 1717, ,vhen they removed to Lit­ tleton, ~1ass. We learn from an old record that "James Har\vood, of Littleton, tray-maker, gave Apr. 3, 1719, a quit-claim deed to Jonathan Prescott, Jr., of Concord, to land said Har,vood had in Littleton by virtue of a grant from the General Court.'' This grant of land was doubt­ less what had led the familv to settle in Littleton. Mr. w Harwood died Aug. 1, 1719. Fourth Generation.

Children of JAMES HAR\VOOD, No. 16. All horn in Chelmsford, l\1ass. 17. ANDREW, horn Sept. 2. 1692. He probably died young. 18. ABIGAIL, t\vin sister to Andre,v, died Sept. 1, 1695. 19. JAMES, horn Sept. 30, 1695. He removed ,vith his father to Littleton, Mass., in 1717. \Ve find in the records at East Cambridge, !\'lass., that the '' Littleton Commit­ tee,'' consisting of Eleazur La"~rence, of Groton, Isaac Powers, of Littleton, and Jonathan Prescott, of Concord, deeded to James Har,vood in 1717, "upland "vhich bounded on Groton line.'' He also bought land in "Sandy Meadovv." In 1722, James Harwood, of Little­ ton, sold to Isaac Po"vers, of the same to,vn, "all my labor done by me on a certain place lying and being near the meeting house ancj adjoining the Pound, and all right to the same, by virtue of Court's Grant to those who were settled at the time of the Court's Grant." In 1727, James Har,vood and wife Lydia, and brother John, sold their land in Littleton to Samuel Barre:t, Jr., of Little­ ton: "Fifty acres of land, upland and lovr·land, beginning at the tree standing in Groton bounds; also, land in Sandy Meado,v.'' "Consideration £160.'' On the part of Mrs. Har,vood, the deed reads: "And Lydia Har­ wood, the ,vife of me the said James Harwood, doth by these presents, freely, Willing give, yield up, and Surren- FOCl

Witnessed bv., Eunice Har\vood and Moses Whitnev.'· Soon after this, James Harwood settled in that part of the old township of Dunstable which is now Nashua, N. H. In 1747, we find his name in a list of those against settling the Rev. Samuel Bird as pastor in Dunstable. Again, in 1754, we find his name attached to a petition for dividing the Provine~ of New Hampshire into coun­ ties. 20. JOHN, t\vin brother to James, died in infancy. 21. ABIGAIL, born May 18, 1699. 22. JOHN, born May 27, 1703. As we have already noted, he signed the deed with his brother James when they sold their land in Littleton, in 1727. A year or t'\vo later, he married MARY Po\VERS, who belonged to one of the early families of Littleton, and some members of which became large landowners in Lambstown (Hardwick), Mass., and were among the early settlers there. ( The fa­ mous sculptor, Hiram Po,vers, was descended from the same line). Mr. and l\Irs. Har,vood were livinginLambs­ town as early as 1735, or earlier. That part of Massa­ chusetts was then a new country, just beginning to be settled, and in the running of the line bet"'·een Massa­ chusetts and Connecticut it had received the name of the "Manor of Peace." We have records of manv., business transactions in which Mr. Har\vood was concerned. Dec. 9, 1736, he sold to Joseph Allen, of Lambstown, one hun­ dred acres of land. Nov. 3, 1737, he sold to 1"i1nothy Rug­ gles, of County, Mass., "one-half of 10th Iott, in 9th range from ye River, being originally T"vei.chell's draught, and was a settler's Iott." Jan. 3, 1737, he sold 35 acres to David White, of Lambstown, "being a part of Lot 17, 2nd range, west of Ware River." Apr. 11, 1739, Mr. Harv.·ood purchased of Eben Holden, of Lambstown, land in Quabbin (Greenwich), Mass. "Consideration £21." In 1739, he purchased one hundred acres of Na- Pr )(;l{TlI GE~ER:\TIO~. 33 thanicl Kellogg, of lla

Children of JAMES HARWOOD, No. 19. 23. ANDREW, born in Littleton, Mass., July 5, 1722. 24. EUNICE, born in Littleton, March 21, 1724. She was one of the witnesses to the deed her father gave lvlr. Reed, in 1739. She married, probably, BENJAl\iIIN DAVIS, and after 1750, they lived in Amherst, N. H. 25. MARY, born in Littleton, June 6, 1726. 26. JOHN, born probably in Groton, Mass., bet'\veen the years 1 728 and 1734. His early manhood ,vas spent in Dunstable, N. H. He ,vas one of the signers of the peti­ tion, in 1754, for dividing the Province of Ne\v Hampshire into counties. He enlisted from Dunstable to serve in the old French and Indian \var. His name is on a "l\'l uster Roll of the troops employed in his ~1ajesty's service on the Merrymac River, in 1754, under command of Col. Joseph Blanchard, and by him posted under proper offi­ cers agreeable to his Excellency's orders." He served in the same regiment in 1755. Later on he served in one of the famous companies of Rangers under Major Robert Rogers, which ,vere made up largely of Ne,v Hampshire men and rendered most effective serYice on the English side in that long struggle ,vith the French for supren1acy in North America. As early as 1760, John Har,vood vvas living in Amherst, N. H. I have no record of his first '\Yife, only that she died leaving one child-a daughter. About 1766, he married ABIGAIL HASTINGS, daughter of "\Villiam FIFTH GENERATION. 35 and Ruth (Grimes) Hastings, of Amherst, and they set­ tled on a farm in that part of Amherst, ,vhich many years after (in 1804 ), vvas formed into the town of l\Iont Ver­ non. Mr. Harwood died about 1812. 27. JAMES, born about 1736, probably at Groton, Mass. "\'Vhen a n1ere child his parents removed to Dun­ stable, N. H., and he grew up inured to all the hardships and privations of early pioneer life in New England. In 1754, he signed the petition for dividing the Province of New Hampshire into counties. ( His name appears on this paper as "James Harwood, Jr.") He early entered the service of his countrv.; as a soldier-a life that he followed ever afterwards as opportunity offered. His first service ¥."as in Capt. James Todd's company, Col. Peter Gilman's regiment, which "'"as raised to reinforce the expedition of 1755, against Crown Point, then the placefrom which for many years the Indians in the French interest had been fitted out to raid the English settlements on the frontiers. His enlistment in this service bears date Sept. 22, 1755, and his discharge Dec. 1st, of the same year. His next service was in on.e of the famous companies of Rogers' Rangers with his brother, John Harwood. Mr. Fox, in his History of Dunstable, says of John and James Har­ wood and other Dunstable men: "They '\Vere out during the war." The next record we have of James. Harwood is his enlistment March 18, 1760, in Capt. Nehemiah Lovewell's company, Col. John Gaffe's regiment. This regiment of 800 men rendezvoused at Litchfield ( on the opposite side of the Merrimac River from Dunstable), and marched to Charleston; then cutting a road through the wilderness 26 miles to the Green Mountains, thence. to Crown Point, and from there they follo\-Yed the road out by the Rangers the previous year into Canada. Mr. Fox says of this company and regiment: "Col. Gaffe's destination was Cro,vn Point and Canada. A select com- 36 GENEALOGICAL Hl8TOR\".

pany of Rangers was formed from the regiment and the command given to Capt. Nehemiah Love'\\·ell of this to,vn. '' .Nlr. Fox further says of Col. Gofle's regiment: "They ,vcre present at the capture of St.John's, Chan1blee, Nlontreal and Quebec, which wrested all Canada from France, and put an end to the ,var." Our ancestor's service, then in the old French and Indian ,var covered a period of fi Ye years. The beginning of the Revolutionary contest found him as ready to risk his life in the cause of the American Colonies as he had ·been to fight the battles of the l\Iother Country. He was already enrolled in Capt. William Walker's company, Col. James Reed's regiment, having enlisted as a "l\1inute Man," l\1ay 2, 1775, ,vhcn the news flew from town to town throughout a11 Ne"'.. Eng­ land that blood had been shed at Lexington. The Ne\v Hampshire men needed no second invitation. Capt. \Val­ ker's company, n1ade up of one-half the able bodied 1ne11 of Dunstable, hastened to the scene of conflict, and at Bunker Hill" they fought \\"ith great bravery." After t.he battle the New Hampshire troops under Cols. Stark and Reed remained stationed during the sum1ner and autun1n of. 1775, at " .. inter Hill near Boston. The next year, 1776, James Harwood with other Dunstable men served in Capt. Daniel Wilkins' company, Col. Timothy Beclell's regiment, which w-as formed to defend the frontier, and was stationed for a time in a. fort called "The Cedars," at . Isle Aux Noix, in Canada. April 7, 1777, James Har­ wood, enlisted for three years in the First New 1-Iampshire Regiment, under the command of Col. Joseph Cilley, in the company of Capt. Amos Emerson. 1'he description of James Harwood at this time was: "Residence, Dun­ stable; age, 40 years; height, 6 feet; co1nplexion, hair and eyes, dark." During the months of l\'lay and June Col. Cilley's regiment was at and in the vicinity of Ticonde­ roga. Burgoyne with his large and \vell equipped army FIFTH GE~EUATION. 37 had marched do¥ln fro1n Quebec with the a vowed purpose of opening a communication bet,veen New Yark City and Canada, and thus cut off New England from the other colonies, and crush the efforts of the Americans to obtain their independence. For a time the British pursued the Atnericans hither and thither-they ,vere driven out of Ticonderoga, made a stand at Hubbardton, Vt., but were defeated with terrible loss and the survivors of their lit­ tle army scattered and disheartened. It was on this re­ treat that our ancestor, James Harwood, became separa­ ted from his company, and was reported "missing·"-some records give it that he was killed. He had yet, however, to take brave part in sev·eral battles for his country be­ fore his lifework should be completed. Bennington is ahead, and the defeated and scattered Americans are rallying again to their standards; Gen. Burgoyne is to be taught a bitter lesson-one ,vhich "'"ill prepare him for his complete overthrow at Saratoga. Old soldiers like our ancestor, who had seen nearly eight years (in both wars) of terrible warfare, were there; their sons, boys of 16 to 18 years, ,vere standing shoulder to shoulder with their sires; but an even more inspiring sight were the Vermont far­ mers, ununiformed, some of them scarcely armed except with pitchforks and other rude ,veapons, come out to fight a powerful and disciplined foe. But these invaders were hirelings with no great cause to defend; the men ,vho opposed them had everything at stake, their homes, their ,vives and children, their lives. No one need ask, ,vho ,von at Bennington? Then came good news from Fort Schuyler, followed by the still greater victory for th(' Americans at Stillwater. This last fight was on the 19th of September, and Oct. 7th was fought the battle of Sara­ toga, in which the Americans ,vere completely victorious, and pressing from all sides on their enemy, Burgoyne ,vith his arn1y ,vas compelled to surrender ten days later. Col. 38 GENEALOGICAL HISTORY.

Cilley 's regiment took a valiant part in the battles of Still­ water and Saratoga-no regiment did more effective fight­ ing. An Englishman, Sir Ed\v'd Creasy, in his book publish­ ed in London, 1851, entitled the "Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, from Marathon to Waterloo,'' singles out the battle of Saratoga as one of the fifteen. Surely those whose ancestors took brave part in this battle must feel a just p1·ide in the fact. The b8ttle over, the American soldiers hastened south \~.tard to aid their sorely pressed compatriots who were under the immediate command of Washington. · They reached White Marsh, thirteen miles from Philadelphia, Nov. 21, 1777. And here our ancestor reached the end of his earthly career, dying in the army, tradition says of small pox, Dec. 1, 1777. He was a good soldier, a loyal patriot, and every inch a man. James Harwood married about 1757, MARY CLoGsTos> a daughter of John and Miranda (Glasford) Clogston, whose marriage July 10, 1740, by the Rector of King's Chapel, Boston is recorded in the records of that church. Miranda Glasford was a daughter of John Glasford, vvho seems first to have settled in Boston, and afterwards lived in Leicester and Palmer, Mass. John and Miranda Clogston resided in Dunstable, N. H., ,vhere he died about 1787. The Clogstons ,vere a well-to-do family in Dun­ stable, and while they o,vned at one time colored slaves, they became early ''abolitionists," as witness the follo,Y­ ing curious and interesting document, which is still pre­ served in the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds, Nashua, N. H., Vol. 3, page 630: '' Know all men by these presents that I, John Clogston, of Dunstable, in the County of Hillsborough, in the Province of New Hamp­ shire, Husbandman, for and in the consideration of Ten Pounds Lawful Money, Received of my servant woman, Fan Dickerson, for which sum and other good cause and consideratio~ ,ve thereunto moving, have agreed to dis- FIFTH GEXERATIOX. 39 miss and release said Fan and three children fron1 being slaves or seryants \Yhen they arrive at the age of thirty years; and in case she pays to me or 111y heirs ten pounds more that they shall be free at the age of 21 years. The three thildren n1ade free as above are Obed, Flora and Kate; and I do hereby further agree that all the other children \vhich she shall have \vhile she is mv ser\yant he free from me and my heirs so soon as they are born, in case I am free from the charge of bringing the1n up. In ,vitness, my hand and seal this 20th day of June, 1774. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Esther Clog­ ston and Jonathan Love\vell, By John Clogston and wife. Ackno,vledged before Robert Fletcher, J. P., July 7, 1774, and recorded Apr. 4, 1775." In another paper executed later, John Clogston makes further provision for Fan Dickerson and her children, ,vhich sho,vs him -co have been a very generous and humane man. The Clogston and Glasford fan1ilies ,vere both of Scotch origin, some of their descendants claiming that they came, one or both, direct from Scotland to Ne,v England; others, that they came here from the North of Ireland. Certain it is that in the Probate and Surrogate offices of Edinburg, Glascow and St. Andre,v, Scotland, the names Clogston and Glas­ ford appear frequently and in very old records, thus prov­ ing their Scottish origin. It is evident that Jvlrs. James Har\:vood "\vas a very capable ,voman. The care and burden of rearing her chil­ dren must haYe fallen largely upon her, her husband being

so much of the time absent from home in the armv,.; and she ,,,.as still a young ,voman at the time of his death. \Ve find her name ,vith her husband's attached to a deed of 48 acres of land, sold to his brother, John Har­ '\Yood, and his brother-in-Ia,v, Benjamin DaYis, of Am­ herst, N. H., l\fay 16, 1774. This land '\Yas part of a tract that had once been O\vned bv.,, "The Ancient and 4,() GE~E.\LOGICAL IIISTORY. ' IIonorahle Artillery Co1npany of Boston," and included much of \Yhat is no,v the present city of Nashua. Fol­ lo\ving is an abstract of the deed: "James Har,yood, of Dunstable, N. H., Yeoman. Consideration, £60, Ia,vful money. To Benjamin Davis and John Har,vood, of A1n­ herst, N. H. Land in Dunstable. Being part of the Ar­ tillery farms, contains ahout 48 acres. ~1ary Harwood surrenders her right and do\\·er, l\1ay 16, in the Four­ teenth year of his Majestie's reign, A. D., 1774. In pres­ ence of Amos Fiske and Joshua Atherton. A~knovvledged before J. Atherton, J. P. Recorded Sept. 29, 1774." Hills­ borough County Registry of Deeds, Nashua, Vol. 3, page 260. In ·Lhe records of Dunstable \Ve find this reference to Mrs. Harwood: "l\1arch 5, 1781, Voted that l\Iary Har­ V\"Ood be allo~'ved 7. 8. for what the tovvn ,vas benefitted by her late husband in the war," Nov. 9, 1785, Mrs. Mary Harwood married Isaac Foote of Weareto,vn, N. H. He was a wido,ver, a little older than herself, and like her first husband had seen much serYice in both the French and Indian and the Revolutionary wars. She lived to the great age of 99 years. A brother of Mrs Har­ wood, Paul Clogston, of Dunstable, served at the begin­ ning of the Revolution in the same company and regiment with James Harwood. He was ~vounded at Bunker Hi11, and died from his wounds about a month later, July 15, 1775. Another brother, John Clogston, Jr., born 1741, married at Londonderry, N. H., a young widovv, Mrs. Anna Glasford, and was one of the first settlers in Goffs­ tovvn, N. H., where they reared six children. He also served for a time in Capt. \Villiam Walker's company in the Revolution. The Esther Clogston who ,vitnessed the deed of freedom given by Mr. and Mrs.John Clogston to their slaves, was very probably their daughter and sister to Mrs. Harwood. The Clogstons have been a very re­ spectable family in New England, and some of the family FIFTH GENERATION. 41 earl v settled in Ohio and other States . .,I I Children of J OHX HARWOOD, No. 22. · 28. SARAH, born Feb. 26, 1730. She married SIMEON KNIGHT, of Northfield, Mass., in 1750. He ,vas born in Northfield, May 23, 1725. They settled, about 1752, in Westminster, Vt., ,vere among the first settlers of that town, but were driven back to Northfield by the Indians. Mr. Knight served several enlistments in the French and Indian war, was twice taken captive by the enemy-the second time at the fall of Fort William Henry, in 1775. He was alive in Canada, Sept. 20, 1758, but died. before April 15, 1759, probably in captivity. His ,vidow mar­ ried JOHN RouNDY. She died in Rockingham, Vt., May 12, 1812. 1'he children of Simeon and Sarah Knight were: Eunice, born July 24, 1751, married Joseph Nash, of Hadley, Mass., Jan. 30, 1772; Lois, born Feb. 4, 1753; Elisha, born Dec. 29, 1754, married Phebe Stowell, June 16, 1782, lived in Rockingham, Vt.; and Elijah, born Dec. 27, 1756, lived in Rockingham, Vt., was colonel of the militia, town clerk, and the first la ,vyer in Rockingham, and later a Judge of Probate. He married Mercy Fuller, in 1779. 29. LYDIA, born Jan. 22, 1732. She married AsAHEL STEBBINS, Dec. 21, 1757. They ,vere both captured by the Indians, he was killed, but she made a heroic escape and came back to Northfield. She married again, in 1759, Samuel Merriam. She died in Northfield, in 1808. 30. l\1ARY, born March 3, 1734. 31. JOHN, born June 5, 1736, in Hard ,~rick, l\1ass. He served in the old French and Indian war "at the ,vest­ ,vard," in Capt. Selah Barnard's company, Col. Willian1s' regiment, entering the service from "\\'" are River," April 18, 1759. He married MARY PuLSIPHER, daughter of John and Elizabeth Pulsipher, of Ware, and they settled in Rockingham, Vt. In 1782, he ,vas one of Capt. William CEXE.-\LOC~IC.-\.L HISTORY.

Sin1ond's co1npany, \Yhich \Yas ordered to (~uilfonl to quell a riot. In 178-!-, H he ,yas one of a con1111ittec repre­ senting the congregation joined ,Yith a comn1ittee of the church of Rockinghan1 to recornmencl a future policy con­ cerning the baptism of children of parents \Yho had o,vned the coyenant, but \vere not me111bers in full communion.,. 32. JAMES, born in Hard,Yick, Aug. 3, 1737. He,vasone of a company in the old French and Indian \Yar ,Yho marched from \Vare RiYer to Kinderhook (no,Y Hudson), ~- Y., in Aug. 1757, "on alarm for relief of Fort \Villiam Henry.'' In 1759 he served in Capt. Selah Barnard's company, ., at the ,vest,vard," the same company in \Vhich his brother John ,Yas also a soldier. He married RACHEL LovE, at Green,vich, 1'Iass., :\Jareb 15, 1775. He enlisted Jan. 13, 1776, in Ca pt. DaYid \:Vhiting's company, Col. Asa \Vhitcomb's regiment, and '\vas re­ ported dead Xov. 18, 1776. Col. \Vhitcomb's regiment ,vas in the main ar1nv in 1776, at Ticonderoza. It is cer- ~ ~ tain that this brave soldier of t,vo ,vars sa \Y much hard service during the eleven months in the ReYolution ,vhich ended \Yith his life. 33. AxDRE"... , baptized Sept. 20, 1743. He ,vas born in Green \'\"ich, ~lass. :\1arried RACHEL D. HIGGIXS, Feb. 25, 1771. 11r. Har,Yood serYed in the Revolution, in Capt. Josiah \tVilson_'s company, Col. Porter's regiment. He enlisted in Sept. 1777, and served under General Gates, taking part in the battle of Saratoga, one of the most im­ portant battles of the ,Yar. lvir. and Mrs. Har,Yood made their home in \Vare, :\lass., and from them sprung ,Yhat is kno,Yn as "the \Ya1·e branch'' of our family... Ile died in \Vare, Feb. 2~~, 1823. aged 80 years. Sixth Generation.

Children of JoHN HARWOOD, No. 26. All born in Am­ herst, ( Mont Vernon), N. H. 34. JoHN, bornJuly 20, 1767. He spent his entire life on the old homestead in Mont Vernon. He married MARY CARLETo~, daughter of Jeremiah and Lois (I-Ioyt) Carleton, of Lyndeboro, N. H., April 4, 1799. She was born Aug. 3, 1777, and died Apr. 18, 1834. He died Nov. 13, 1845. 35. JosEPH, settled in Vermont. I have been unable to learn anything further of him. 36. WILLIAM, born March 3, 1770. He married AsENATH MILLS, in 1800. She was born in Mont Ver­ non, Aug. 19, 1769. They settled in Warner, N. H., ,Yhere he died March 4, 1847, and she Aug. 20, 1868, aged 99 years. 37. EDMUND, married HANNAH JACKS. They settled in Piainfield, Vt., and after a time removed to Marshfield, v·t., ,vhere the rest of their lives ""ere spent. 38. ANDRE,v, born in 1777. He went to Lyndeboro, ~- H., about 1802, and settled on the farm at "Perham Corner," since kno,vn as the,~ Har,yood Place." He mar­ ried in 1804, REBECCA CRAM, daughter of Jacob and Isa­ bella (Hutchinson) Cram. She ,vas born 11arch 9, 1784, and died Sept. 11, 1867. He died in 1860. 39. ABIGAIL, married ,v1LLIAM CARSON, and they had t,vo children. Her second husband ,vas As.A STILES, they had three children. GE.\EALOGICAL HISTORY.

40. IlETSEY, married l\1R. LYXCH, they had one chilJ. Iler second husband ,vas As.-\ CAI

44. ARCHIBALD, born in 1762. There is a tradition that he served in the Revolution at the age of sixteen ,·ears as a substitute, but I have found no records of such service. He enlisted July 6, 1780, in Col. William Bar­ ron's company, Col. Moses Nichols' regiment, for the de­ fense of \Vest Point, and ,vas one of those who were sold

( but not delivered) to the British bv., the traitor Arnold . He used often to relate to his children how \Vashington addressed the soldiers after Arnold's treachery became known. Sept. 17, 1781, he enlisted for three months in the Fifth Regiment of Militia from Dunstable. We find this document:- " Dunstable, Sept. 17, 1781. We, the subscribers, do Inlist ourselves as Soldiers to serve three months from the Day of Rondezvous, and Do Promise obedience to the officers set over us, and be sub­ ject to the Rules and Regulations of the Army. EPHRIAM BOWERS, ARCHIBALD HARWOOD.'' This service was in Capt. John Mills' company, Col. Daniel Reynolds' regiment. Although Mr. I-Iarwood ren­ dered his country such faithful service, he never in his old age applied for a pension, being naturally of a very inde­ pendent disposition. At the close of the war, he went to Springfield, Vt., ,v here he married SUSANNAH HousE, Mav., 8, 1786. She \.Yas born in 1762, and was a daughter of Combes and Pru- dence House. Combes House was descended in a direct 1ine from Samuel House, ,vho came from England and set­ tled in Scituate, Mass., in 1634. The mother of Com bes House was a daughter of Anthony Combes, a French Protestant, born in France in 1656, and came to America in 1675. He settled in Massachusetts. Combes House purchased land in Springfield, Vt., Aug. 18, 1773, and · continued to reside in that to'\vn until his death some ADDITIONAL. CO~CER~I~(; THE I-IOl'"SE A~D COl\IBES FAl\IILIES

!'lease fa~kn this k·af in \"olumc I., opposite Pa~t· .iri.

Soon after this volume was published, it came to the notice of Rev. Albert \". House, of South \Vey mouth, ::V1ass., a descendant of Combes House, who is mentioned on page 46, in this book. Rev. Mr. House has carefully traced the records of the branches of the House and Combes Families from which he is descended, and he very kindly wrote calling my attention to the fact that the mother of Combes House was not a daughter of Anthony Combes, as I had it; but that Combes House was a great-grandson of Henry Combes, of ~larblehead, Mass. Rev. Mr. House has also added so much new matter to what I had pr:eviously gleaned from other sources concerning these families, that I have decided to arrange and insert this leaf as a correction and addition to my rec­ onls of these families in Volume I., of my Harwood Genealogies.

---- -· ----- THE HOUSE FAl\IILY.

SA'.\HrEL Housi-: hnd lands assigned him in Scituate, ~lass., by the Committee for laying out lands, in 1634. His land lay between the lots of Rev John Lothrop and Richard Foxwell. He probably was a mem­ ber of :\Ir. Lothrop's church, and ca.me over with him from London, England. He died in Scituate, in 1661. SAMUEL HousE, his son, was a shipwright, and his place of residence was near Hohart's Landing, on the northeast side of the shipyard. He married Rebecca, daughter of Thomas Nichols, in 1664. Children: Samuel, born 1665; Joseph. born 1667; Rebecca, born 1670; John, born 1672; and Sarah, horn in 1678. JosEPH HocsE, born in 1667, in Scituate, married, June 17, 1703, Deborah, daughter of Henry Combes, of Marblehead. Deborah had been t\vice married before, and had lost both husbands while yet a young woman. Joseph and Deborah House had five children, as fol­ lows: Benjamin, born July 1, 1704; Joseph: David, born April 4, 1709; John and Elizabeth. Joseph House died Sept. 20, 1732, and his wife, Deborah, Sept. 19, 172R. Co:\lnEs HousE, a grandson of Joseph and Deborah (Com hes) House. \Ve ha\·e not, as yet, been able to determine which of their sons was his father. He was born about 1 730, and married Sarah--. He ,vns one of the earliest settlers of Springfidd, Yt., in 1753. His wife died, and he married ng-ain. Prudence Gilbert, who survived him many years. He died about 17!rn. The children of Combes and Sarah House, alI burn probably in Sprin6 fidd, \'t., were as follows: 1. Combes, mar- ri<.'


IIE~RY Co:-.1m~s was in Salem, :.\'lass., and owned land there, as early as 1635. He was by occupation a fisherman, and removed to l\'larb1c­ head, Mass., about 1647. He married Elizabeth --. He died ahout 1669, it is said by drowning. His children were: Henry; Humphrey, born about 1635~ Elizabeth; Michael; Susannah, married Francis Grant; Richard, who died about 1693, leaving a wife and chikl; and Deborah, who married for her third husban

ants of John and Rosannah Burlingame still live in Ver­ mont. 46. LYDIA, married JoNATHAX 0RD\VAY, in Ke,Y Hamp­ shire. They had three children: Jonathan, Asa and

Rachel. Mrs. Lvdia., Ord\\·av"' married for her second bus- band JEDEDIAH HUTCHINS, and they had four children: Caleb, Cynthia, Jedediah and Persis. Mrs. Lydia Hut.ch­ ins died in Constable, N. Y., \\"here she had resided man,? "' .,vears, Oct. 1842. A tnore exte11ded account of her de- scendan ts will be found in the last pages of this volume. Children of JOHN HAR\VOOD, No. 31. 47. LYDIA, born in 1761. She married NATHANIEL DAVIS, Aug. 14, 1780. He was born in Massachusetts a bout 1750, and moved ,vith his parents to Rockingham, Vt., in 1763. He ,vas a prosperous farmer and good citi­ zen of Rockingham, \vhere he died June 10, 1835, and his wife March 10, 1836. T,velve children: Susanna L., born April 4, 1781, married l\tlarch 13, 1808, Luke Prouty; Fanny, born Jan. 17, 1785, married May 24, 1808, Jonathan Burt; Mary, born Dec. 14, 1787, married Sept. 9, 1811, John Morse, of Salem, N. ·Y.; Hiram, born 1788, married Aug. 25, 1814, Melinda Stevens, of Green­ bush, N. Y.; Lydia, born Oct. 5, 1790, married March 2, 1808, Frink Lovell, '' the handsomest couple ever married jn the old church," was said of them; Elijah, born June 4~ 1792, married Sept. 17, 1818, Nancy Tyler; Charlotte, born Feb. 6, 1794, married June 23, 1817, Manasseh DiYoll. He "\Vas a Representative and to\vn officer of Rockingham; Betsey, born Aug. 30, 1795, married Sept. 21, 1818, John Boynton; John Harwood, born, Aug. 30, 1797, married April 15, 1824, Susan Billings; James, born April 26, 1801, married Aug. 14, 1826, Amanda Grimes. Lived in Rockingham, lVIajor of militia; Valeria, born February 22, 1804, married Oct. 2, 1822, Xenophen · Earle; and Charles E., horn l\Iarch 80, 1807, married ; ,' .,_ t . ....: ·.. .,.•



Oct. 1, 1828, Marcia Allbee. 48. POLLY, married in Rockingham, September 28, 1801, Thaddeus Parks, lived in Chester, Vt.

Children of ANDREW HAR\VOOD, No. 33. All born in Ware, Mass. 49. RACHEL D., born September 12, 1771, she married a CHAMBERLAIN, and some of their children lived in Clay, N. Y. 50. JOHN, born October 26, 1772. He married BETSEY IluGBEE, lived in Vermont. 51. NATHAN, born Jan. 26, 1775. He was drowned '\vhen a young boy. 52. EL~JA.H, born Nov. 8, 1776. He never married, and lived to the advanced age of 96 years. 53. ANDREW, born March 12, 1779, died at the age of 17 vears . .,/ 54. JONATHAN, born March 23, 1781. He married

ANNA CUTTER, and thev.., resided in Ware. He was a man of fine ability, and served one year in the Massa- chusetts State Legislature. Mr. and Mrs. Harwood were both members of the Baptist Church. He died June 10, 1848. His wife, who ,vas born Aug. 1, 1783, died Oct. 8, 1866. 55. JAMES, born Feb. 14, 1783. He lived many years in Canada, ,vhere he had a family, but in his old age came back to \Vare and died. 56. l\i1ARY, born April 8, 1785, died young. 57. SARAH, born l\tlarch 20, 1787, married EnER CuT­ TER, eight children. 58. HEX RI ETTA; born June 1, 1789. She n1arried ZABI:-.:A Ct;TTER, of Ware, thev had fiye children . .,/ 39. LrRANE, born Feb. 19, 1792. She married JAMES BACON, of \Vare, and had children. 50 GENEALOGICAL HISTORY.

60. ANDRE,,", born April 15, 1796. He served in the war of 1812-15. He married MARY LATHAM, daughter of Winslow Latham, of Greenwich, Mass., l\ilay 5, 1817, and they made their home in Ware. He vvas a member of the Methodist Church, and his v,rife a Baptist. She was bornJune 26, 1797, and died August 29, 1840. Mr. Har­ wood married for his second wife, MRs. ABIGAIL KNIGHT, of Greenwich. The last years of their lives were spent in Dickinson, Franklin County, N. Y., where he died March 25, 1878, and where she also died. MRS. BARNARD ANDREW HARWOOD MRS. JOHNSON Al HARWOOD H. H. HARWOOD MRS. BELLOWS MRS. RAMSDELL JOS. A. HAR\VOOD

Seventh Generation.

Children of JOHN HARWOOD, No. 34. All born in Mont Vernon, N. H. 61. HANNAH, born Feb. 6, 1800. She married, Nov. 28, 1837, JosEPH TROW, who was born in Mont Vernon, Jan. 28, 1794. They lived on a farm in Mont Vernon; no children. She died July 21, 1862. 62. JoHN, born Aug. 15, 1801. He married MARY CAMPBELL, Nov. 25, \829. They lived on a farm in Nashua, N. H., until about 1870, then moved to .Little­ ton, Colorado, to live ,vith their daughter, where both died. 63. JOSEPH, born Aug. 22, 1803. He married NANCY PERHAM, April 7, 1837. They lived on a farm in Mont Vernon, where he died Mav., 25, 1864. His widow mar- ried Edward Fowle, of Woburn, Mass., and died there July 21, 1890. 64. Kilburn, born June 2, 1805. He married SALLY Buss, of Wilton, N. H., May 5, 1831. She ,vas born in \Vil ton, June 14, 1808, daughter of Stephen and Sarah (Abbott) Buss. Mr. Har,vood took great interest in mil­ itary affairs, and seryed in the Ne'\v Ha1npshire Militia from 1821 to 1831, ,vhen he removed to Ashburnham, Mass. He was appointed l\Iajor of Light Infantry by Gov. Edward Everett in 1837, and Col. of the Ninth Reg­ iment by Gov. John Davis in 1841; ,vas honorably dis­ charged at his o,vn request in 1843. Ile ""as a member 52 GENEALOGICAL HISTORY. •. of the l\ilassachusetts House of Representatives in 1835, 1836 and 1840. He took up his residence in Fitchburg, Mass., in 1845, and vvas sheriff of Worcester County for many years. He died at Fitchburg, Sept. 7, 1858. His wife died at Macon, Ill., Mav 16, 1868. Both are buried .I in Mount Laurel Cemetery in Fitchburg. 65. MARY, born April 13, 1807, married, Sept.13, 1827,, LuTHUR CoGGIN, "\vho was born Aug. 16, 1801. They lived on a farm in Amherst, N. H., where both died. They had three children; Augusta, who died unmarried after reaching womanhood; Luther, married Mary Carleton; and John who had a family. 66. Lois HoYT, born April 30, 1811. She married CLINTON RoBY, son of John and Hannah (Haseltine) Roby, Sept. 25, 1834. Mr. Roby was born l\'Iay 6, 1808. They lived on a farm in Mont Vernon, where she died June 11, 1857, and he Oct. 5, 1870. They were the parents of t"'"O sons: John Clinton, born Aug. 10, 1835, married Orrintha M. Battles, reside at Decatur, Ill., and have had four children. Two died in infancy, one, Alphonzo, died aged 18 years; and one, Ira, now living; and Kilburn Harwood, born Sept. 2, 1837, settled in Decatur, Ill., in 1860, chose the law for his profession. Served in Co. A, 41st Illinois Infantry, in 1861; was discharged on account of sickness. Practiced law until 1881, when he became connected with the Decatur National Bank as cashier, and remained with the bank until 1904, when he retired from active work on account of poor health. lvlr. Roby married Anna M. L. Haworth, Dec. 1, 1863. ·Their chil­ dren are: Frank C., born 11ay, 21, 18€5, married Ida M. Gordon, in 1893, is a practicing attorney in Decatur, three children; Mary L., born July 29; ·1867, married Frederick A. Brown, an attorney, live 1n Chicago, two children; Kilburn Harwood, Jr., born Oct. 10, 1871, mar- . ried Clara M. Greene, is a banker in Decatur, one child; MRS. LAWS HON. KILBURN HARWOOD MRS. K. HARWOOD MRS SIMMONS GEO. A. HARWOOD KILBURN HARWOOD. Jr,. CHAS. R HARWOOD JUNIUS HARWOOD


Luthur E., born Feb. 10, 1874, resides in Peoria, Ill.; Sarah J ., born Jan. 14, 1876, married Chas. E. Hay, Jr., an officer in the United States army, one child; and Anne H., born April 10, 1878, married Donald Vincent, of Fort Dodge, Io,va, one child.

Children of WILLIAM ·HARWOOD, No. 36. All born in Warner, N. H. 67. SABRINA, born 1802. She married JEREMIAH PAL­ MER, °""ho was born in Warner, Jan. 13, 1787, and died Oct. 18, 1864. She died in 1884. Their children were William H., Asenath and Salome. 68. WILLIAM D., born Dec. 20, 1807. He married MARY A. JACKSON, Nov. 1, 1833, who_ died the same year. In 1835, he married MRs. NlARTHA DYER, daughter of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Morse) Vose. She -vv-as born in Westford, Mass., Jan. 10, 1811, and died in Sutton, N. H., Sept. 12, 1885. Mr. Harwood was in early life a weaver in Dover, N. H., later a sole maker, and afterward a farmer. He was a man of superior intellect, a great reader and lover of good literature, and "-"ithal possessed of much ability as a writer of verses. He was honest and upright enjoying the esteem of all his acquaintances. He died in Sutton, N. H., Oct. 19, 1891. 69. ANDREW, born Jan. 9, 1809, died March 9, 1830. 70. AMERIBAH, born Oct. 7, 1812. She married LORENZO FERRIN, who ,vas born in 1812 and died in 1854. She died Nov. 11, 1846. Children: James H., Wil­ liam H. and Ellen.

Children of EDMUND HAR\VOOD, No. 37. 71. Joux, married SARAH A. l\'looRE, resided in Ver­ n1ont. 72. FA:\'.NY, married ALLEN l\lIARTIN, resided in Plain- 54 GENEALOGICAL HISTORY. field, Vt. They had three children: Fanny, Hiram and Edmund. The last named served in the Union armv., . 73. MARY, died at age of 37 years. 7 4. SABRINA, married HIRAl\I POTTER. 75. ANDRE\"\", died young. 76. SAMUEL, died young. 77. TAYLOR, born June 26, 1812. He married Lccv MORSE, born July 4, 1821, and they made their home in Calais, Vt. He died Nov. 27, 1903, his ,vife, July 2, 1899. 78. EDMUND, went to Ohio, thence to Iowa. He was a lawyer by profession. Died in 1874. 79. HANNAH, died young. 80. JESSE, died young.

Children of ANDREW HARWOOD, No. 38. All born in Lyndeborough, N. H. 81. ABIGAIL, born June 20, 1805. She m·arried JoHN F. HOLT, Nov. 1834, and they resided in Lyndeborough. T~ey "\Vere members of the Christian Church. She died Nov: 29, 1869, he April 17, 1883. Had three children, one son, Benjamin, resided in Lyndeborough. 82. ALICE, born Jan. 10, 1810. She married DAVID K. HoLT, of Cambridge, Mass., Nov., 1832. They resided in Milford, N. H., where she died July 10, 1877. She wasan excellent Christian "'·oman, a member of the Baptist Church. Sh~ took a great interest in the history of our family, assisting the author in every way possible in com­ piling the records for the first edition. She ,vas the mother of two sons: Levi H., born Nov. 1, 1835, died Sept. 21, 1893, leaving a family; and Geo. Woodbury, born Nov. 21, 1844, seryed in the Union army, ,vas dis­ charged, and soon after, Nov. 20, 1864, died from diph­ theria. 83. ANDREW, born Feb. 8, 1814. He married JANE ~ ·~·· .,,_..,._

~ . ;:,~



LE\VIS, of Goshen N. H., June 2, 1836. They resided on the old homestead in Lyndeborough till about 1868, ,vhen they removed to Nashua, N. H. He died Aug. 27, 1894. She \vas born April 25, 1819, and died April 3, 1911, aged nearly 92 years.

Children ofJOHN HARWOOD, No. 42. All born in Goffs­ town, N. H. 84. DANIEL, married SusAN STEVENS. They resided in Goffstown, occupying one house sixty years. 85. POLLY, born June 16, 1789. She married JESSE BAKER, born Sept. 23, 1785, and they resided in Man­ chester, N. H. He died Jan. 19, 1844, and she March 23, 1870. Their children were: Sally, born Jan. 27, 1811, married Mark Webster, resided in Pelham, N. H., and had children, Sarah Nelson, Mark H., Mary L., Louisa and Lydia F.; Mehitable, born Jan. 16, 1813, married Samuel House; Wm. Wallace, born Jan. 16, 1815, had a family; Nathaniel, bornJan. 27, 1817, had a family; Lydia M., born Nov. 1, 1819, married Moses Webster; John H., born Nov. 6, 1822, married Louisa Webster, lived in Hudson, N. H., had children; Lucretia, born June 22, 1825; Charles N., born Jan. 22, 1828; and Julia A., born Jan. 1, 1832. 86. JoHN, married EuNICE KIMBALL, daughter of Nathan Kimball. She vvas born in Manchester, May 29, 1798. Mr. Harv,iood took a drove of cattle from Hook­ sett, N. H., to Boston, about 1820, and was never heard of again-was doubtless murdered for his money. 87. WILLIAM, married SALLY GORHAM, of . Dennis, Mass. He sold dry goods for several years, and after­ ,vards became a contractor, building bridges, wharves, etc., on Cape Cod Peninsula. He died at Hudson, N. H., in 1874. 56 GENEALOGICAL HISTORY.

88. SARAH, born 1801. She married MARK \VEBSTER, of Pelham, N. H., died in 1836, no children. 89. DAVID, born about 1806. He married LYDIA. ROGERS, of Harwick, lVlass., in 1845. He '\Vas a shoe­ maker and farmer. He died Sept. 18, 1879.

Children of JAMES HAR\VOOD, No. 43. 90. PATTY, born Oct. 28, 1788, resided in Lvnn, Mass., -' where she died May, 1851. 91. JAMES, born Dec. 28, 1789. He married HANNAH WEBSTER, of Unity, N. H., Feb. 25, 1810. They moved to Eden, Vt., where they resided t\vo years, then returned to New Hampshire. In 1824, they settled in Wilton, .lVIe., where he was a farmer. He died Jan. 12, 1851, and his wife March 15, 1874. 92. ARCHIBALD, born April 16, 1791, in Unity, N. H. He served in the '\var of 1812, as a teamster. He married PHEBE WELLS, of Peru, N. \·., and lived there for a time, then returned to Unity, and finally settled in Claremont, N. H., where he was a farmer. He died Sept. 28, 1868, and his wife Dec. 18, 1866. 93. SIMEON C., born July 4, 1794, in Unity, N. H. He married PARILLA LEAVITT, Sept. 1, 1816. She '\Yas born in Rupert, Vt., May 22, 1799. They settled in Dickinson, Franklin County, N. Y., in 1820, ,vhere he \Vas a farmer many years. He was also postmaster in Dickinson, and a justice of the peace. They finally remoYed to Moira, N. Y., where he died Aug. 8, 1883, and she Sept. 12, 1872. They ,vere both members of the Con~regational Church. 94. DAVID, born in 1797, at Unitv. He married MRs. -' PHILENA ORCUTT, Aug. 15, 1829. They resided in Lynn, l\1ass., '\vhere he died May 3, 1843, snd she December 5, 1845. 95. POLLY, born in l!nity, ahout 1799. She married HANNAH WEBSTER WIFE OF



Dea. JOHN \VoRTHLEY, born in Antrim, N. H., Oct. 31, 1795, son of Capt. John and Phebe (Vose) \Vorthley. Thev- resided in Unitv- until 1841, ,vhen thev- removed to Antrim. She died in 1861, he in 1877. Four children: ~Iary E., born in Unity, June 19, 1825, married, Nov. 8, 1853, Franklin Robinson; John 0., born April 29, 1828, died in California, in 1851; Martha J., born May 31, 1831, married Charles Bruce. She died in Winchendon, Mass., 1857; and 1\1:iriam, born Feb. 22, 1834, married Henry E. French, of Antrim.

Children of ARCHIBALD HAR\VOOD, No. 44. 96. JESSE, born Oct. 15, 1786, in Springfield, Vt. He married SALLY ScHoFIELD, at Eden, Vt., about 1806. She \vas born in Stamford, Conn., in 1788. They settled at Hadley, Saratoga County, N. Y.; where he died Oct. 18, 1824. His wife died at Floyd, Iowa, Feb. 7, 1868·. She was a member of the Congregational Church. 97. SARAH, born in Weathersfield, Vt., Feb. 5, 1789. She married CHAS. WHITTEMORE, in 1808. We learn from the toV\.. n records of Eden, \rt., that Archibald Harwood and N. P. Sa,vver., sold real estate in Eden to Chas. "\Vhit- temore, June 13, 1803. Mr. and Mrs. Whittemore made their home in Eden, "vhere she died April 23, 1870. Their children ,vere: Jerusha, Kingsbury, Richard, LoYisa, Russell, Phila, William and Ira. 98 . .ANNIS, horn April 5, 1791, in \Veathersfield. She married CLARK ELY. They resided in Eden, Vt., \Yhere she died in 1868. They had t,,·o sons, Sa1nuel and Robert. 99. CYRFS, born in 1793, in Weathersfield. He mar­ ried l\1ARY L. LEE. daughter of Stephen and 11ary (Little) Lee, Sept. 24, 182-1-. He studied La,y and ,yas admitted to the bar at Sandy Hill, N. \:,. About 1830, he remo\yed to Ridge\Yay, N. Y., ,vhere he practiced his profession and became qu-ite en1inent therein. He ren10,·ed in 18:Hi, to l\1ichigan, ,vhere he died soon after. 100. HEMA~, born Dec. lB, 1794-, in \\leathersfield. He served in the American army in the \var of 1812-15. and many years after, his ,vido,v received from the goy­ ernment, on account of such sery1ce, a piece of Western land. He married ~IARY STO\VELL, daughter of David and Mary ( Pratt) Sto~~ell, at Eden, Vt., about 1818. Mary Stowell ,vas a direct descendant of Samuel Sto,vell, ""ho came early from England to Hingham, l\1ass. She ,Yas born in Winchester, N. H., Dec. 3, 1794. Heman Har,vood bought land in Eden, Vt., from Oliver Pratt, l\tfarch 19, 1818, and again Feh.19, 1822. He transferred real estate to Oliver Pratt, lVlarch 19, 1818; and Feb. 12, 1824, he sold all of his property in Eden to J. D. and J. Hutchins. He then moved ,vith his family to Bangor, Franklin County, N. Y., where he engaged in farming. In October, 18:-34, he vvent to Niagara, Ontario, to "\York, and in Aug. 1835, he \tvrote his ,vife that he had been ill and ,vas coming home. That ,vas the last his family e,·er heard of him, and it is supposed that he ,vas either mur­ dered for his money of ""hich he had a considerable sun1,

or dro,vned in Lake Ontario ,vhile on his ,vay.; home. His "vido~? left ,vith seven young children to care for, proved equal to the task, and succeeded in keeping them all to­ gether till _they ,vere gro"vn to manhood and ,voman­ hood. She was a member of the Methodist Church. She died at the home of her eldest daughter, l\;[ rs. Rouse, in Todd Connty, l\1inn., Feb. 13, 187 4. 101. LcKE, horn April €, 1797, in Weathersfield. He married Lrcr~DA LEAVITT, a sister to his cousin Simeon's ,vife, ( ~o. 9:1 ), in 1820. She ,vas born Aug-. ~10, 17~){). They resided in Franklin County, N. Y., until 18B2, ,vhen they re1n0Yed to \Vayne County, l\fich., and fron1 there to Ionia County, ~Iich., ,vhere he died April lG, lRG:t I/Rs.ARVILLA fuRWOOIJ. /1J?s.l1ARYIIARWOOO

·:,,-, . :,.. -: ... !' . ' ~..- . ;.. ·. :·-:. . •. .. . ._. ·. . .. ;. .


MARY Alff) ALICE LEA vrrr IIAn.wooo.

SEVENTH GENERATIOX. l-fis \Yife . Mr. Har'\vood \Yas a 111an noted for his good judgment and honesty. Neigh­ bors, instead of going to Ia,Y over differences laid their cases before him for settlen1ent. His ,vife continued to re­ side on the old place 1nany years after his death. She died ~larch 29. 1 HBO. tiO

Children of J 0HX HAR\YOOD, ~o. 30. 107. ASAHEL. 108. :\'1ARY. 109. JAllES. 110. CLARISSA.

Children of J 0~A TBA~ lf AR\\·oon, ~o. 54. ..-\11 born in Ware, l\'lass. 111. ELIJAH, born Feb. 23, 1802. He married, at \Vare, in 1825, HANNAH PEPPER, who ,yas born in Sand­ ,vich, l\1ass., June 24, 1803. They moved in 1852, to Meriden, Conn., ,vhere he superintended the plating for the Meriden Silver Plate Company. He died Feb. 18, 1872, and his wife March 15, 1872. 112. ANNA, born April 19, 1803, died Nov. 8, 1822. 113. TRIPHOSA, born Jan. 28, 1805. She married ALDEN LucE, of Ware. They finally settled in Wisconsin. Their children were: Loana, married a Gilbert; Alfreda,. died young; Horace, married Jane Hill; and Octayia, married Albert Tisdale. Mrs. Luce died April 15, 1868. 114. PHILASDER, born Aug. 28, 1807. He married ABIGAIL SYMONDS, of Ware, born June 26, 1813. He "·as a carpenter by trade. He died April 3, 1876, his ,,·ife NoY. 7, 1891. 115. ZILPHIA, born June 25, 1809, died l\l[arch 11~ 1810. 116. SARAH S., horn N1arch 1, 1812. She n1arried JAYES \VATERMAN, of Ver1nont. She died March 15,. 1887. Seven children: l\1ary, Homer, '\Villiam and Clara, all died young; J an1es H., a physician and surgeon in the l 1nited States Army, settled and practiced his profession in \Vestfield, Mass., had t,Yo daughters ,vho married physicians, and one son; Mary, married Riley Bald,Yin, of ·vermont; and Erasta, married Philip Ho,ve, of Vermont. 117. JAlIES l\L, born lviay 12, 1814-. He ,Yent to Ohio, in Sept. 18a-+, and ,Yas one of the first settlers in the to,vn of Green. \Vild beasts were numerous in that sec­ tion in those days. After three years 1n the West, he re­ turned to \Vare, ,Yhere he married HANXAH KNAPP, in Sept., 1839. She died Oct., 1845; and in April, 1846, he married SARAH KINNEY, at Gustavus, Ohio. She died Jan., 1860; and in the follo,ving December, he married l\'IRs. l\fARY A. PIERCE, at Farmington, Ohio, where they resided till his death, April 12, 1900. 118. Lecy A., born Aug. 12, 1816. She married ISAAC N. LE\VIS, April 5, 1836. They resided in Ware, where Mr. Le,vis died July 29, 1885. Mrs. Lewis spent the last years of her life ,vith her son, Edson, in Salem, Mass., ,vhere she died May 30, 1902. Both \Vere members of the Congregational Church. Mr. and Mrs. Le,vis ""ere the parents of three children: Richard H., born Aug. 5, 1840, twice married, died in Salem, Mass., Sept. 17, 1893; Edson, born Aug. 26, 1846, married Mary M. Dunbar, July 4, 1867, resided in Salem, ,vhere he died March, 22, 1911; and Nelson, born Dec. 3, 1853, died· Feb. 24, 1858. 119. LAURA P., born Feb. 6, 1819. She married SIM­

EON ED\\" ARDS, of \Vare. Thev., had one son ,vho died sev- eral years ago, leaving a family in Springfield, !1ass. l\irs. Ed,vards died Aug. 4, 1888. 120. JOHN A., born l\1arch 22, 1821, died Nov. 8, 1837. 121. JONA IVORY, t,Yin brother to John, married LAURA DEMOND, of \Vare. She died many years ago, and he and his only son, Frank, continued on the farm. ~ir. I-lar­ \Yood died Aug. 11, 189G. 122. :\1.-\RTHA A., born Jan. 23, 1825. She n1arried LPCIEX ~E\YCOMB, of \Vare. Their children ,Yere: Ellen, Anna and Edna. l\lr. Xe\ycomb

123. Er~rcE :\I., born No,·. 27, 182B, died Dec. 1 a, 1851.

Children of JAl\fES HAR\VOOD, No. 55. 124. \VILLIA:\1, married and liYed in Detroit, l\1ich. 125. ANDRE\V. 126. RACHEL. NoTE.-J ames Har,vood had seyeral other children.

Children of ANDRE\V HAR\VOOD, No. 60. All, except the first t,Yo, born in (ireen"'"ich, ivlass. 127. REBECCA A., born July 10, 1818, in Ware. She married JoHN N. P. JoHNSON, of Berlin, lviass. He ,vas a bookkeeper, and a metnber of the Methodist Church. He entered the Union Army, June 3, 1861, and serYed till Feb. 3, 1863, when he received an honorable discharge on account of broken health, and died May 20, 1865. Mrs. Johnson died Jan. 1, 1896. Their children "'"ere: lvlary A.. , bomJan. 16, 1847, married Alden B. Smith, April 29, 1865, married second husband, Edwin N. Whitney, Jan. 26, 1888; Margie A., born Aug. 24, 1848, married Eli Sa,vyer, Jan. 6, 1867; Edward J., born Aug. 12, 1851, married Eliza J. Clements, Dec. 24, 1876; and Harriet L., born Ju1y 11, 1853; married Nov. 12, 1870, Jasper L. Fairbanks. 128. AI, born Dec. 4, 1819, in Enfield, Mass. He mar­ ried KATHARINE GRIS\VOLD, daughter of Pliny Gris,vold, of Simsbury, Conn. She ,vas born in 1830, and died at Syracuse, N. Y., in 1873. :VIr. Har,ivood died at Titus­ ville, Pa., in 1880. 129. RosAMOND, born March 26, 1821. She married JoHN D. BELLO\VS. She died April 30, 1891, in Lo\vell, Mass. \Vas a member of the l\1ethodi~t Church. Left one son. SE\.EXTH GEXERATIO'.'\.

l~~O. JOSEPH A., horn Noy. 11, 1828. ::\Tarried ELLEX BtrRT, in_ Vermont. He married, second, July 16, 1860, l\1ARY '\VEBSTER, at Os,vego, N. Y. They resided in Syra­ cuse N. Y., ,vhere she died March 14, 1873. He died April 3, 1905. 131. JosEPHIXE P., horn May 2, 1824. She married EBEXEZER BARNARD, Oct. 10, 1844. He was born Oct. 7, 1823, and died Jan. 11, 1885. l\'Irs. Barnard died June 2, 1885. Their children ,vere: Andrevv L., born Dec. 27, 1845, married Eliza M. Rice, of Barre, l\tlass., Aug. 1, 1874, she died Dec. 3, 1881; Edward E., born Jan. 16, 1848, was twice married, five children by the second ,vife; William H., born Feb. 19, 1850, married Julia Morris, June 27, 1872, one child not living; D,vight E., born July 3, 1853, married l\1ary A. Bodwell, in 1877, one child; Chas. F., born Dec. 26, 1855, married Harriet Chamber­ lain, one child, died in 1881; Geo. 1\1. C., born May 28, 1859, married Louisa A. Smith, Jan. 27, 1881, is a dentist practicing his profession in \'Vare, and Martha J., born Feb. 18, 1862, and died Jan. 21, 1865. 132. HENRY l\L, born Dec. 9, 1825, married ORIEL A. THAYER, ,vho vvas born in Enfield, Mass., Sept. 30, 1830. He ,vas a carpenter by trade. He died at Granby, N. "\i'., Feb. 10, 1893, and his ,vife June 16, 1889. 133. MARIETTA, born Nov. 11, 1831. She married HIRAM RAMSDELL, of Ware. He \\"as overseer in a mill for 28 years. Died Jan. 19, 189--1-. 1\1 r. and l\'lrs. Ramsdell \Yere Methodists. They ,vere the parents of t,Yo sons: Ossian J., engaged in business in Ne"· York City; and lvlyron resides in \Vare. l\1rs. Ra1nsdel1 died July 11, 1 ~)11. Eighth Generation.

Children of JOH~ HAR"\VOOD. No. 62. 134. .ANGELIXE, born .April 9, 1831, at Chester, N. H. She married RICHARD SeLLIVA~ LITTLE, Sept. 21, 1854, at Nashua, N. H. They had one son, Lucius Har\:Yood,, born Jan. 8, 1859, at Waterto,vn, Wis. He married l\1ary Evans, at Denver, Colo., Feb. 1, 1881, and they had four children: John Harwood, born June 7, 1882, married Minnie Bro,vn, Feb. 11, l~.107, resides in Laramie, Wyo.;

'\~lvbert., G., born Dec. 3, 1883; Edna P., born Dec. 16, 1884; and Clara L., born May 24, 1888. Richard S. Lit- tle died Dec. 21, 1899, at Littleton, Colo. His \Yife died Feb. 3, 1907, at Littleton; and their son, Lucius, Har­ ""ood Little, died April 8, 1903, at Littleton. 135. HENRY JoHx, born Feb. 13, 1837, at Lo,YelL Mass. He studied medicine ,vith the eminent surgeon, Dr. Kimball, of Lo,vell, and ,vas graduated from the Har­ vard Meclical School, Boston. Ile married, Sept. 10, 1862, CL.o\RA W. HowE, of Lo,vell. He enlisted the sa1ne year in the Tenth Regiment, ~- H. Vols., and ,,ras coin­ missioned First Assistant Surgeon. At the battle of Fredericksburg, he accompanied the regiment and render­ ed untiring seryice to the ,vounded and dying amid a storm of shot and shell. He ,Yas greatly be}oyed by the officers and men of his regi1nent. \Vhile stationed at Ne\\·­ port Pens, Va., he ,vas attacked by a se\·ere sore throat, · ,Yhich in spite of the best medical attendance proYed fatal. .• '). .'; \} ,j;'if-z? ;;$?.i\:,1.:,~i,f:: .. ;~~?-~ ~~"'."' r~ •::_·;tc~

•, > •• ':.';' --~·-::"



He died in the \Vashington Hotel, at Suffolk, Va., March 17, 1863. Thus ended a young life in the service of his country, ,vhich had already been full of usefulness, and had it been spared gave great promise for the future.

Children of JOSEPH HAR\VOOD, No. 63. 136. MARY J., died Feb. 24, 1862, aged about 18 years. She "~as a deYoted Christian.

Children of KILBURN HARV\"OOD, No. 64. All, except the youngest, born in Ashburnham, Mass. 137. JosEPHINE, born June 11, 1833. She married GEORGE LAWS, of Westford, Mass., Nov. 15, 1855. She resides at West Somerville, Mass. 138. JUNIUS, born July 21, 1835. He married MARYE. BLODGETT, of Claremont, N. H., in 1859, She died in 1881, and a year or two later, he married KATHARINE A. NE\VTON. Mr. Har,vood served in the Union Armv,., in Co. A, 53d Mass, regiment. He was many yearsengaged in the rattan business in Fitchburg, Boston and Chicago. He died at Boston, June 2, 1896. 139. SARAH .A., born May 21, 1837, died in infancy. 140. KILBURN, born Sept. 6, 1838. He served through the Civil War in Co. B, 15th Mass. regiment; was ,,vounded at Fair Oaks. After the ,var he ,vent to Deca­ tur, Ill., and ,vas engaged in the railroad business nearly all the rest of his life, holding important positions in and for the rail,vay companies. He ,vas elected alderman sev­ eral terms. \Vas for several .,vears a director of the Na- tional Bank of Decatur. He \\·as a member of the l\la- sonic and G. A. R. Fraternities, and was for a time Com­ mander of his G. A. R. Post. He married SARAH K. REEME, of Decatur, Sept. 2, 1869. He died Jan. 23, 1901. GEXE.\LOGIC.\L HISTORY.

His ,vife \\·as for many years Department Instituting and Installing officer of the \Voman's Relief Corps of Illinois. 141. GEORGE A., born June 18, 18-1-0. He ser\·ed in the Union Army, in Co. B, 15th l\lass. regiment, ,vas a musi­ cian. He married LIZZIE C. CocHRAXE, of Fitchburg, l\tlass., Oct. 26, 1864. He ,vas a photographer. Died Oct. 2€, 1871. His ,vife died at San Francisco, Cal., the­ follo\Ying year. 142. MARIA T., born May 6, 1842. She married LoL~Is A. SIMMONS, of ~Iacon, Ill., at Fitchburg, l\1ass., Nov. 20,

1865. Their children ,vere Louis and l\'I .,yrtle. l.\1rs. Sim- mons died Jan. 3, 1872. 143. CHARLES R., born at Fitchburg, l\1ass., Feb. G,. 1850. He married lVlARGARETTA F. \VRIGHT, at Fitch­ burg, July 31, 1878.. She died at Boston, June 27, 188~L He married again. NoY. 6, 1895) LURA V. HoMER, of Bos­ ton. They reside in Charlestovvn, ~lass. He ,vas en­ gaged in the rattan business for 30 years.

Children of WILLIAM D. HARWOOD, No. 68. 144. ANDREW J., born Jan. 25, 1836, in Warner, X. H_ He served in the Union Army, in the 16th regiment, ~- H. Volunteers and died at Vicksburg, Aug. 12, 1863. 145. \;\lILLIAM D., _born in 1837. I-le married BETSEY RAY, Oct. 8, 1857. She died l\1ay 18, 1872, and he mar­ ried ANGIE RAY) April 6, 1873. She died April 13, 1877. He resides at Roby's Corners, N. H. 146. l\1ARY J., born in \Varner, July 25, 1838. She married \VrLLIAM HA~scoM, Aug. 11, 1868. He died, and she 1narried ALo~zo \VELCH, Dec. 25, 1871. l\lr. \Velch ,vas born in Effingham, N. H., in 1841, and died in La,Y­ rence, l\Iass., in 1882. l\1rs. \iVelch died Feb. 4, 1892, at Bosca,Yen, N. H., leaying one daughter, lVIartha D. \Velch. born in La,Ytence, l\Iass., Oct. 10, 1876. graduated from EIGHTH GENERATION. 67

Warner High School, in 1896, and is a teacher in \Vake­ field, Mass. 147. RUFUS, born in 1840, died the same year. 148. MARTHA A., born in 1841, married CLARK BEAX, in 1885, reside in Ne\v Hampshire. 149. HELEN M., born in Hopkinton, N. H., July 7, 1848, married Geo. Chadwick, No,... 1, 1867. He died in Ne\vport, N. H., in 1886; she died April 15, 1902. Their children were: George C., Guy D., Josephine, Carl A., and Arthur. 150. MINERVA V., born Jan 6, 1850, in Hopkinton, N. H. She married BENJAMIN K. COBURN, Oct. 17, 1874. She died in Antrim, N. H., April 4, 1901. T""o daughters:

Lena, married Albert Pillsburv;.., and Emma, married

Elrev.., Cass . 151. JOSEPHINE B., born Sept. 3, 1851, in Hopkinton. She married at Sutton, N. H., in 1871, JOHN BLAISDELL. She died July 27, 1887, and her husband in 1890. Two children: Albert and Herman, both living in Minneapolis, Minn. 152. EMMA, horn in 1853, resides in Wakefield, Mass.

Children of JoHN HARWOOD, No. 71. 153. HANNAH, married A. M. BULLOCK, and resided in Marshfield, Vt. 154. MARY, married a HA\VLEY. 155. FAXNY, married ALBERT KILLAM.

Children of TAYLOR HAR\YOOD, Xo. 77. 156. ELIZA, born Oct. 30, 1851, resides at East Calais, \rt. 157. \VrLLIS T., born Jan. 8, 1854. He married CoRA DAILEY, Dec. 9, 1890, reside in Calais, ·vt. GEXEALOGICAL HISTORY.

158. ABBIE M., born Sept. 17, 1863. .She married R. C. Goodall, Dec. 4-, 1895.

Children of EDMUND HAR\Voon. No. 78. 159. EDMUl\1D. 160. EFFIE. 161. DAVGHTER.

Children of ANDREW HAR\VOOD, No. 83. All horn in Lyndeboro, N. JI. 162. JoHN, born March 17, 1838. When a young man he met vvith an accident to his eves ,vhich nearlv blinded ~ ~ him. He died Feb. 8, 1892. 163. OTIS F., born Dec. 30, 1845. He served in the Union Army. He married 0RRA F. WILSON,, Oct. 10, 1867. She "\vas bor.n Aug. 5, 1846. He ,vas a machinist and a raihr•.ray engineer. He died in Nashua, l\1ay G, 1877. 164. ELLA, born Feb. 20, 1859, died in infancv. ~ 165. GEORGE L., born Sept. 21, 1860. He married, Oct. 19, 1910, 11rs. MARY E. FLANDERS, of Campton, N. H., ,vhere they now reside. He is engaged in mercantile business. 166. BERT, born Feb. 22, 1863. He married KATE F. l\1ERRILL, of Nashua, Dec. 24, 1885. Thev reside in Nashua.

Children of DANIEL HAR\VOOD, No. 84. 167. HARRIET, married SA:\IUEL HILAXD. 168. GEORGE, never married. 169. J oH.x, .married Miss HARRL\IAX. 170. SARAH, married. NATHAN KIMBALL HARWOOD MRS. N. K. HARWOOD


171. DANIEL, neyer married. 172. l\IARY .\., married JOHN CoLBPRX.

Children of J OHX HAR\VOOD, No. 86. 173. A DAUGHTER, died in infancy. 174. NATHAN KIMBALL, born Dec. 7, 1816. He mar­ ried CHLOE A. KEl\IP, daughter of John and Chloe Kemp, of Wellfleet, Mass. She ,vas born April 10, 1821, and died Dec. 7, 1872. Mr. Har,vood resided in Auburn, N. H., and ,vas. a farmer, cooper and miller. He died March 16, 1871.

Children of.DAVID HARWOOD, No. 89. 175. SARAH M., born July 12, 1846, in Brewster, Mass. She married CHARLES BASSETT, of Chatham, Mass., 1\tlarch 8, 1865. She died Aug. 4, 1870. T,vo sons, both of whom died in infancy. 176. _.DAVID F., born Feb. 8, 1848. He resides in Brew­ ster, and is by occupation a mariner. 177. LYDIA E., born July 6, 1849. She married BART­ LETT B. WrNsLo,v, Aug. 30, 1877. Mrs. Winslo,v was a Baptist. She died Jan. 5, 1887, leaving one child, Lucy Har,vood Winslo'\v, horn June 28, 18 79. She ,vas gradu­ ated from the Harwich High School in 1896, and is a stenographer living at North Cambridge Mass. She has sho,vn much interest in this ,vork and assisted in everv.. ,vay possible. 178. En:\n:xn Y., born June 27, 1852. He married ~1ARY J. HAR\VOOD, daughter of Nathan K. Har,vood, (No. 174), in Feb. 1877. She died No-v. 14, 1877, and in 1878, he married CENA ~-IcE,vEx. They reside in l\Ian­ chester, N. H. 179. JosEPHIXE, born Dec. 1, 1853. She married SETH 70 GENEAL.OGICAL HISTOI

PAIXE, of Har\vich, Mass., Nov. 11, 1873. Their children are l\ilortimer Har\\"ood, Josie L., Sadie F., and Lura F.,. the last t,vo of \\"hotn are dead. 180. WrLLIA:\I P., born June, 1856, died Jan. 13, 1862.

Children of JAMES HAR\YOOD, No. 91. 181. DAVID, born July 14, 1810, in Eden, Vt. He mar­ ried NANCY SMITH, at Charlestown, l\Iass., Feb. 19, 1835. He had charge of brush manufactories near Boston, until 1842, when he removed to New Sharon, Me., where he en­ gaged in farming. In 1868, he removed to Poland, 11:e.,. where he died Feb. 17, 1891. His wife was born in 1811 ► and died Oct. 3; 1897. 182. JESSE, born March 4, 1813, at Unity, N. I-I. He married SALOME LYDSTON, in 1834. She died May 1~47, and in December of the same year, he married MARY A. LYDSTON, a sister of his first ,Yife. He "\ivas a merchant. He died Sept. 27, 1864, and his wife June 16, 1883. 183. HANNAH, born Nov.~, 1815. She married JoHx C. HANCOCK, and resided in Charlestown, l\fass. lvlr. Hancock died Aug. 8, 1885. Their children were: John

H., who served in the Union Armv,_, and lost an arm in the battle of Bull Run. He has a family in Chelsea. l\:Iass.; George B., married l\'linnie Warren, and have a family in Roxbury, Mass.; and Mary E., ,vho married Eugene Houghton, and resides at Worcester, Mass. 184. JAMES, born May 20, 1818. He married SARAH S. ORCUTT, Sept. 26, 1839. She ,vas born Sept. 20, 1819. He ,vas a merchant. Died in Lynn, l\iass., June 5, 1873) his ,vife Aug. 29, 1898. 185. MARIA 11., born l\1ay 1, 1821. She married JoH~ P. CARD, July 9, 1843. They resided in EYerett, Mass., ''"here she died April 18, 1895. They \Vere professing Christians. They had t,vo sons: John H., born Nov. 29) JESSE HARWOOD



1844, in Charlesto,vn, :Vlass., married Leona lVI. Wood, of \Vil ton, l\'Ie., Jan. 9, 1868, had a family in Dorchester, i\Tass., \Yas accidentally killed, Dec.17, 1897; and Warren A., born in Charlesto\vn, Jan. 18, 1847, married Sarah E. Smith, of Chelsea, April 3, 1870, have children. 186. ALICE \V., born July 3, 1825. She married WIL­ LIA:\! Ho,vARD, of Charlesto\\·n, in 1847. He was a farmer in lVIaine several years, and later ,vas engaged in the man·t1facture of razor strops. He died April 21, 1888, and his \vife Oct. 25, 1888. They ,vere professing Chris­ tians. Children: \Villiam W., Alice M., Emma S., Mary E., Hannah P., Charles W., and George L. 187. MARY B., born Dec. 11, 1827. She married MOR­ RILL C. Hu~T, Sept. 28, 1851. He died in Readfield, Me., about 1857. She died Oct. 29', 1884. Their only child, Morrill T- Hunt, died Oct. 15, 187 4. 188. JOHN A., born April 19, 1830, died in infancy.

Children of ARCHIBALD I-lAR\YOOD, No. 92. 189. CoRODON, born Aug. 2, 1813, in Peru, N. Y. He married JANE R. WILL, at Unity, N. H., June, 1838, and settled in Constantia, N. Y., \Yhere thev., lived 'till 1864, when they ren1oved to Claremont~ N. H., ~-here he ,vas a farmer. lVIr. and Mrs. ·Har\vood- ,vere members of the l\iethodist Church. He died June 10, 1889.· 190. CAROLINE, born June 12, 1816, in Unity, N. I-I., ,vhere also the rest of the familv ,vere born. She married ol \VILLIA~I Ho,vARD. of Woodstock, Vt., and resided in Claremont, N. H., "\Yhere she died June 6, 1854, leaYing t \YO children, James and Frances. 191. SDIEoN C., born No\·. 26, 1819, died October 22, 18-1-1. 192. E:\L\IA \V., born August 18, 1823. She married JonN L. DAYIS, :\fay 10, 18-1-8. They resided in Keene, N. 72 GENEALOGICAL HISTORY.

H. Mr. Da,~is died March, 1903. Their only., child,. Emma E., born September 24, 1850, married E. lVI. White, for many years a leading photographer of Keene. 193. PHEBE ANNA, born August 11, 1829. She mar­ ried CHARLES W. CHAPMAN, December 23, 1854. They·

resided in Keene. He died in 1900, she in 1907. Thev., were members of the- Episcopal Church.

Children of SrMEON C. HARWOOD. No. 93. All, exc""ept the first, born in Dickinson, N. Y. 194. JAMES A., born l\tay 26. 1817, in Chesterfield, N. Y., died April 7, 1818. 195. LUCINDA,. born April 30, 1820. She married SILAS FARNSWORTH, and resided in Moira, N. Y. T\\·o children: Sarah, vvho married Oliver Adcock, November

8, 1886, resides at Morrisonville, N. Y.; and Marv,.., who died many years ago. The family were Congregation- alists. 196. DAVID H., born l\'Iay 16, 1824, died December 6,. 1827. 197. MARTHA, born Apnl 30, 1826. She resided at Moira, N. Y., was a devoted Christian woman and me111- ber the Congregational Church. She died April 25, 1889. 198. MARY, born- April 15, 1828, and died April 2,. 1852; member of the Congregational Church. 199. DAVID N., born September 3, 1830. He married KATHARINE CLARK, and resided in Malone, N. Y., "\Yhere he was a carpenter by occupation. He died August 22t 1887, and his "vido,v married again, December 25, 1903, Albon Man, of l\'Ialone, ""ho is also dead. She is a Bap­ tist. 200. Sri1Eox J., born January 25, 1833. He 1narried LocISE L. NYE, August 27,1860. 'fhey resided in l\1alone, N. 1·., where he ,vas a merchant) and later engaged in the EIGIITII (~EXEI~.-\ TIO~. insurance business. He died January 26, 1872. His ,Yido\Y, \Y ho after\Yard married a l\Ir. Denison, died in Oberlin, Ohio, October 26, 1885. They \Yere Congrega­ tionalists, 201. AsAPH L., born :\Jay 2, 1836. He married A DELL-\. A. DA ,vsox, ~o\·. 8, 1858. She ,vas born in :Franklin, Vt., December 2~1, 1836. Thev., resided in l\1a- lone, N. Y., ,vhere he ,,·as for seyeral years engaged in the insurance business with his brother Si1neon, and after the latter's death follo,ved the same business. He ,vas also engaged in mercantile pursuits. He died May 26, 1900, his ,vife l\Iarch 30, 1910. She "\Vas a Congregationalist. 202. ElIILY H., born Jan. 25, 1845. She married "\"\?'rL­ LIA:\I E. DA \VS0N. They reside at Nor,vood, N. Y. They have one son, Leavitt, married Gertrude ~'Iott, of Nor­ '\Yood, is an optician in Boston, ~Tass.

Children of DAVID HAR\voon, No. 84. 20~1. GEORGE H., born April 27, 1832. He married ARA:\IINE A. CHICK, Sept. 28, 1851. He ,vas a provision dealer in Lynn, l\1ass. He ,vas five years a councilman and four -years an alderman in Lvnn.- Member of the Baptist Church. He died January 15, 1902, and his ,vife .: \ ug-ust ')--~>, 18-("..___ , >.

Children of JESSE I-lAR\VOOD, Xo. 9G. All except the eldest born in Hadley, N. Y. 204-. THERESA, born in Eden, Vt., XoYember 3, 1808. She 111arricd a :\Ir. FORBES about 183~1, and died ~tfay 18, 18--1-2. She \Yas a Baptist. Her only child, Ann Eliza, ,yas horn at Saratoga, X. ·y_, about 183-!. 203. S.\;\L\NTIL\, born June 18, 1810, died September i)- 1 U i) I - ', (~--r- (~ExE:\LOGICAL HISTORY.

20G. Lol·1sA, horn l\1areh 16, 1812. She n1arriecl GoR­ nox JEXKIXS, Feb. 1830. Children: Sa1nantha, born De­ cen1ber, 1830; Sally, born 1832; George, 18:~4; lv1elissa, 1839; Oli\·er P., 1842; and John, 1844. Gordon Jenkins died about 1847, and his \vi

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,vas a professing Christian. He organized the first Sun­ day school in Charles City. On the 30th day of August, 1893, Mr. and Mrs. Har,vood celebrated their Golden \Vedding, and had ,vith them on this interesting occasion all of their children except the youngest, ,vho resides in California. Mr. Har,vood died February 2, 1896, his ,vife Nov. 28, 1900. 210. OLIVER P., born February 17, 1820. He married JANETTE IDE, at Stockton, N. '/., October 15, 1842. She "\vas born at Corinth, N. Y., April 14, 1820. Mr. Har­ ,,.. ood ""as by profession a lawyer, though largely en­ gaged in other pursuits. He resided many years in Floyd and Mitchell counties, Iowa, but about a year before his death, he removed to Fargo, North Dakota, where his only son ~ad gone. There they organized a bank and had a well established business. He died January 7, 1879, his ,vife April 2, 1890. 211. ELIZABETH, born August 15, 1823, died April 28, 1838.

Children of CYRCS HAR\VOOD, No. 99. 212. MARYE., born October 10, 1825. She married in 1847, ABRAM '\\"'AKEMAN, born at Fairfield Conn., May 31, 1824. Mr. Wakeman ,vas one of the organizers of the Republican party, and a close friend of Abraham Lincoln, \Vm. H. Se,vard anrl Thurlo,v Weed. He '\Vas a men1ber of the State Legislature in lRGO, and again in 1851. In 1854 and 1855, ,vas alderman in Ne,v York City. In 1856, ,vas elected a 1nem her of the thirty-fifth Congress. Was Colonel of the 81st Pennsy 1vania regiment in 1863. Vv as also post1naster of Ne,v York City, and suryeyor of the Port of ~e\\· ·y ork. l\'1 rs. \V akeman \Yas burned to death :\larch 8, 1883, ,vhen the apartment ,vhich the fam­ ily occupied ,vas destroyed hy fire. The children of Hon. and Nlrs. Abram "\Vakeman ~ere: Har,vood, born in c;ENEALO<;rcAL HISTORY. ' 1849, studiecl n1edicine and \Yas graduated fron1 BelliYue lVIedical College. \Vas assistant to Prof. Le\vis A. Sayre, the celebrated surgeon. \Vas surgeon to the Ne\Y York Central Railroad, and not,vithstanding his large practice, he devoted seyeral hours each dav to charitable \York. Dr. \Vakeman married l\iay 15, 1872, Sophie l\Iurphy. He ,vas dro,:v·ned ,vhile bathing in Blue l\Iountain Lake. in the Adirondacks, August 15, 1878; Abram Jr., born April 23, 1850, married Louise Vail, April 10, 1873. Four children, George \r., born i\1arch 21, 1877; Annette, horn August 21, 1880; Elizabeth, born Aug. 12, 1882, and Har­ wood Lee, born October 12, 1884. Abram V\:"akeman, Jr., is a merchant in New York City; Mary C., married Robert Moore, two children, Archibald and lVIary. ~Irs. Moore, died at Moore, Wash., November 3, 1910; and Rosamond, bon1 October 25, 1861, died March 8, 1883. Her death was most sad. The Cambridge Apartment, Ne\v York City, was destroyed by fire March 8, 1883, the Wakemnn family being occupants. Mr. Wakeman was in Albany at the time. Rosamond after saving the life of the old family nurse, learned that her mother had not escaped. She at once returned into the flames to assist her and both ,Yere burned to death. Speaking of this a,vful tragedy, the Ne,v York Evening Telegram said: "In all the tales of romance and history in which ,voman is a prominent fig­ ure, there can scarcely be found a n1ore subli1ne instance of heroism than that ,vhich occurred at the fire in the up­ to,vn apartment house yesterday. The young heroine, lviiss Rosa \Vakeman after assisting her aged nurse to es­ cape, returned to save her inYalid mother. Finding it a task beyond her po,vers, she chose to perish \,~ith her mother rather than abandon her in her extremitv. Iler name should be enrolled on the list of heroines far ahoYe many of those of ,vhom the poets have sung and painters · ha Ye left the choicest specimens of their art." ..

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EIGHTH GEXER~\TION. --' ' Children of l-IElL\.~ HAR\YOoI>, No. 100. 21:t SALLY, born October 30, 1819, in Eden, Vt., She married JOH~ RousE. They resided in Todd County, l\ilinn., ,vhere he died August 29, 1874, and she July 8, 1889. 'I'hev ,vere mem hers of the Methodist Church. Their children ,vere: Gilbert, born March 13, 1838, is supposed to be dead; l .. ucina, born July 25, 1839; Almina, born July 4, 1841, died June 26, 1842; Sidney, born April 4, 1843; George born Jan. 25, 1845; Mary, born Jan. 19, 1847; Edson, born May 14, 1849~ Albert, born August 2, 1851; Rhoda, born lVIay 14, 1853, died Dec. 26, 1855; Melinda, born Feb. 12, 1855; Ella, born Feb. 12, 1857; and \~/arren, born July 28, 1861, died May 9, 1863. 214. 1\-IARY, born July 3, 1821, in Eden. She resided many years in Boston, Mass., ,vhere she was connected with the '' Boston i\i[edical Institute.'' under Dr. R. Greene. She died in Boston, April 21, 1865. She ,,ras a Meth­ odist. 215. HIRAlI, born Jan. 10, 1823, in Eden. It early fell to his lot, as the eldest son, to assist his "1·idowed mother in caring for the younger children, and this duty he per­ formed far more faithfully than many older persons ,vould ha Ye done. He n1arried January 8, 1851, MARIANNE B1G­ EL0\Y, daughter of James and Lucretia ( Frank) Bigelo,Y, of \Vest Bangor, N. Y. She ,vas born in Plattsburgh, N. Y., Septetnber 22, 1825. James Bigelo,v " .. as born in Salisbury, Vt., and belonged to the ,vell-kno,yn Ne,Y Eng­ land fan1ily of that na1ne ,vhose genealogy has been pub­ lished in a large Yolume. In early life, Mr. I-Iar,yood he­ ca111e a member of the i\Iethodist Episcopal Church. For fort,y Years he serYed the Church as classleader. He \Yas a loyal churchn1an, e\yer ready to giYe of his ti111e and means to the \York of the Church, and constant in his attendance on her services. ::.\Ir. l-Iar,yood jn the management of his frlrm an

Of hin1 it could truthfully be said: "'1-Ie had a place for ey·er_ything, and everything in its place." His ,vite, ,Yho ,vas a teacher before her marriage, ,vas a most excellent Christian ,voman, al,vays ready to do all she could in eyery good cause. lvlr. Har,vood died December 2:1, 1890. and his ,vife September 11, 1906. 216. OLIVER, born July 21, 1824, in Bangor, N. Y.. ,vhere also the rest of the family vvere born. He died July 8, 1825. 217. OLIVER, horn Feb. 6, 1826. He married ELIZA­ BETH STEENBERG, daughter of John Steenberg, Septe1n­ her 24~ 1850. They removed to \Visconsin, in 1855. I-Ie ser,.. ed in the Union army, enlisting February 10, 1862, in Co. I, Fifth Regiment \Visconsin Infantry. He joined the command ,vhile it ,vas a part of King's Brigade, and ,vas soon after transferred to that of Gen. I-Iancock, ,-vhich in March started for ~1anassas, but the action there being­ at an end, returned to Alexandria, and made connection ,vi th the forces of McClellan for the Peninsular Campaign. He ,vas in the attack at Lee's Mills, on the ¥tr ar,vick River, and next in the battle of Williamsburg, and then ,vith his regiment ,vas in the follo,ving named battles: Fredericksburg, Yorkto,vn, Rappahannock Station, l\1ine Run, Antietam and Gettysburg. On the first day's fight ip 1-he battle of the Wilderness, he \Yas taken prisoner May 5, 1864. He had previously veteranized and taken a furlough, hut on the day mentioned ,vas one of a detail to guard a train. He "vas stationed on the extreme left of the skirmish line, ,vhen they ,vere attacked by a rebel brigade. He ,v-as several rods fron1 his comrades, and being captured he inforn1ed the rebels that a strong force of troops '\Yere lying a little back from the stream. Be­ lieving hin1, they did not advance, and hy this ruse he saved the ,yagon train, ,vhich ,vould othervvise ha,·e fallen into their hands. He ,Yas then taken to Orange• .. , ,'

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Court House, ,vhere he ,yas relieved of the most of his per­ sonal posse~sions, and then he ,vas removed successively to Gordonsville, Lynchburg and Danville. From the lat­ ter place he "vas taken to Andersonville, l\Iay 23, 186-1-. Here he remained four n1onths, '\vhen he \Vas removed to the prison at Florence, S. C. Late in the follo~"ing Feb­ ruary, lvlr. Har~·ood ,vas one of a vast throng of ragged, starving, shivering, hatless, bare-footed,emaciated, filthy, Yermin-covered, and altogether forlorn vvretches, i.vhich "~ere marched to Wilmington to be exchanged. It is safe to conjecture that such another procession will never again traverse the soil of this united country. Every rod of their progress ,vas marked ,vith unparalleled suffering; gaunt, grim, haggard, every line of every face marked ,vi th the ravages of a privation too miserable to be de­ picted vvith pen or brush; every form crippled and stoop­ ing under a burden of endurance too bitter ey·en to re-call ,Yith patience. Think of this picture, sons and beneficia­ ries of those ,,,.ho made this weary journey, and try to realize their en1otions as they passed into redemption, un­ der the Stars and Stripes, in March 1865. Mr. Har­ \Yood's health \Vas shattered in a terrible manner. He had the scurvv so badlv that all his teeth fell out and he - .., neyer after\\"ards sa \V a "·ell day. The hardships to ,vhich he was exposed at Florence ,vere much less than those at AndersonYille, but. the prisoners suffered greatly fron1 cold at Florence. During the ,vinter season, Mr. H. state,1 that nulnv- 111en died from 1ack of a111hition and eneq.~·y. - sufficient to move about and take care of thetn- se1Yes. 1Ir. Har\Yood ,va~ the first n1an ,Yho did shoe- 111aking in Andersonville prison. For a hamn1er he had :Ln iron nut or burr on \Yhich he put a stick tor a handle, and he n1ade lasts fron1 pieces nf hoard. I-le had preYi­ ously done son1e cobh1ing, but had never learned the trade. Ile picked up old shoes \Yhich he repaired and rna


EIGHTH GE:'\ERATIOX. Sl napolis, "·here he came near burning to death in a tent \Yhich took fire. He receiYed a furlough and returned to \Visconsin. The ,var closed before his leave of absence ex­ pired, and he did not rejoin his command. After the ,var he liYed in ,vaushara County, \Visconsin, for many years in Plainfield, in that county. He married for his second ,vife, August 25, 18G7, Mrs. LtrcY E. CrMMIXGS. He \Vas formerly a member of the Methodist Church, but later ,Yith his ,vife united ,vith the Baptist Church of Plainfield. He ,vas a member of the G. A. R. organization. Was for several years a Justice of the Peace. He died Oct. 15, 1910. 218. Al\fANDA, born February 26, 1828. She married HENRY GRAVES, January 22, 1852. They removed to \Visconsin, thence to De Kalb Countv,., Ill., '\Yhere she died July 11, 1867. They ~·ere l\1ethodists. Their children ,vere: Lafayette, born January 21, 1853, ,vas killed by a rock caving in on him, November, 1869; Mary E., born 1'1arch 29, 1857, taught many years in high schools in Illinois, married, May 21, 1908, Eli Robinson, they reside in Nampa, Idaho; and Laura, born November 16, 1860, died at an early age. 219. DAVID, born March 24, 1830. He married MARY BRO\V~, March 5, 1851. They removed to \Visconsin, and from there to Minnesota. He died in Alton, Minn., lVIarch 6~ 1869. His \Yido,v married again and ,Yas liY­ ing- at last accounts. 220. LrcINDA, born NoYember 15, 1832. She resided many years in Boston, lvfass. She died May 10, 1870, in \Vaushara County, \Vis. She \Yas a me1nher of the l\Ieth­ odist Church.

Children of LrKE HAR\VOOD, No. 101. 221. ISAAC, born ~larch 6, 1821, in Franklin County, X. Y. He married SARAH EnnY, Dec. 8, 1842. They re­ sided in Ionia County, l\1ich .. and ,vere members of the CE~EdLOGICAL IIISTORY.

Disciple Church. On the 2::1<1 of Septe111ber, lkSO, the chil­ dren and grand-children of l\l r. and ~Irs. Isaac I!ar,yood had a family re-union at the old home in Ionia, ~1ichigan. There "·ere 32 persons present, just one-half of \Yhotn ,yere grand-children. A photographer \Vas called, \Yho made a picture of all, taken on the la,Yn in front of the house. 'fhen the father called all the company into the parlor and presented each of the se,·en children ,Yith $100 each. The mother made each of the grand-children a present. Lyman, the eldest son, then arose and rnade these remarks: '' Dear parents, on n1y o,vn behalf, and hy the request of these my brothers and sisters, \YC desin? to tender to vou our sincere thanks for this another manifes­ tation of your lo,·e for us your children. \Ve congratulate you on y<:>ur success in the past, and thank you for the many lessons of adv-ice and instruction you have given us. \Ve kno,y that by follo,ving your exa1nples \Ye may be true men and \Yomen. \Ve hope you may both yet ht! _ spared many years, that your ad vice may be a blessing to us in the future, as it has been in the past. "V'-... e hope to live to have manv., more of these famih·.. re-unions-\Yhich ,ve all so much enjoy." The father then arose and replied as follo,ys: "Dear children, this has been a very pleasant n1eeting to us, and ,ve unite our ,vishes ,vith yours for many more such re-nnions. To see our children gathered together at their home is the greatest pleasure your mother an

S3 rated from you. It is our aim to make Heaven our home, and ,ve hope ,Ye may all so liYe that ,ve may be gathered an unbroken familv in the better ,vorld.'' Isaac Har­ ,vood died November 3, 1894. 2~:!. PHILA, born :VIay 2, 1822, in Franklin County, X. Y. She married A Mos OTIS, in 1840. 'fhey resided in Dt'troit, i\lich. Children: .A1non, Luke, Nancy, E1nma, ~Iar_y, Nlartha, Asa and Albert. 22:t S. RvHAMA, born May 15, 1824, in Franklin County, N. Y. She married \VINSLO\Y EDDY, in 1841. They n1ade their home in Berlin, ~iich., ,vhere she· died Fehruary 2, 1846. Her children ,Yere: S_y}yia, born Aug. 28, 18-1-3; Phila, born February 4, 1845.

224. CYRPS, born Feb. 27, 1826, in Franklin Countv,.., N. ·y_ He married BETSEY ToRREY, October 7, 1852. They resided near Peoria, Ill., " .. here he died in May 1903, and his ,vife just one year after. She ,vas a Methodist. 22 3. RILEY, born Tan. 30, 1828, in Franklin Countv, ~ - X. Y. I-le married ~IAXDANA MERRILL. Th~v resided in Stark County, Ill., ,Yhere he died Aug. 19, 1874, of in­ juries received fron1 a train of cars as he ,vas crossing a rail road. He ,vas a professing Christian. His ,vife died ..\ pril 28, 1908. 22G. EDMFND, born March 21, 1830, in Franklin Coun­ ty, N. Y. He married Axx HACKETT, August 12, 1849. 'fhev resided in Ionia CountY, ~Vlichigan. His ,vife \\·as w - ~- born in County Longford, Ireland, January 10, 1832, and diecl in Berlin, l\Iichigan, Dece1nber 16, 1882. She ,vas a n1en1ber of the Catholic Church. :\1 r. Har\vood died Oc­ toher 3, 1903. 2:27. }L\RY, born April 2, 18:-3~, in \Vayne County, :\Iiehigan. She 111arried 'fH

228. J .-L\IES, horn July ~3, 183:i, in \\" ayne county, :\'lichigan. He 1narried BRIDGET HACKETT, a sister of his brother Edn1und's ,Yife, June 20, 1858. She died about 187~, \Yas a 1nen1her of the Catholic Church. i\Ir. Har­ \\·ood died in Fen,vick, :Vlichigan, Aug. 1 ~), 1~)10.

Children off A:\IES HAR\YOOD, No. 103. 229. l\1YRA, bornJuly 26, 1835, in Eden, Vt. She married ELIJAH SPE.'.'ICER, Dec. 23, 1851. They had five children: Ar,.. illa, born in 1852, is not liYing; Mariette, born D~c. 23, 1854, married Jonathan Snyder, ha Ye a fa1nily; Le\·er­ ett, born Feb. G, 1837, married Cora Smith, Nov. 2, 187!), had t,vo children, Perry F. and Ida I. Leverett died NI a Y .., ~ 21, 1910; Rosa E., born Jan. 13, 1860, married Emn1ett

Bvers,.., and have children; and Harrison, born about 18G2, is not living. Elijah Spencer died in the Union army in 1863, and his ,vido,v married J o~ATHAX SQVIRES, ,vho ,vas born in Ohio, July 25, 1823, by ,vhom she had one son, J. "\Vilbur, born June 16, 1865, in DeKalb county, .Ind., married Cora l\1. Thomas, Aug. 24, 1887, they reside in St. Joseph, Mich., fiye children. l\1rs. l\il yra Squires died in Allen county, Ind., Feb. lB, 187-1-. 230. HARRISOX, born lv1av 21, 1837, in Allen county, .., w Ind. He enlisted Sept. 25, 18Gl, in the 44th regiment, 111- diana Yolunteers, ,Yhich ,vent south fron1 Indianapolis, Nov. 26, 1861. He \:Yas killed in the Stone River fight, in the great battle of l\,lurfreesborough, Dec. 31, 1862. He \Yas a mcmher of the Niethodist church. 231. ED\YIX, born April 25, 18-1-0, in Allen county, Ind. He married Lov1sA S. SPEXCER, Dec. G, 18G2. She \Yas horn Jan. 19, 18-1-4. They resided on the farm on ,vhich his father first settled in Perry, Ind., in lR~~G. lie died Oct. 14, 188G. his \Yife July 2, 1884. ·~· ••.;. ·••· - • -··•• i,.- •••• .··: ··· --·.•.-· ;i',,,-:?{ij~t1t;::!r;

~,~-~ ,·: ~ ~.. '


EIGHTH GE~Ef{ATION. .--.o.;:,-

Children of RILEY lIAR\YOOD, No. lOG. All born in Ban­ gor, X. Y. 2~~2. JAMES 1\11., horn l\1arch 20, 1831. He married REBECCA \VALL, l\1arch 9, 1864. They resided in Stark county, Ill., ,Yhere he died Dec. 23, 1877. He was a pro­ fessing Christian, and his ,vife is a member of the Metho­ dist Church. She no,v resides-in Adrian, Mo. 233. EZRA C., born Sept. 27, 1833. He married CYN­ THIA \Vooo, Jan. 1, 1861. They resided in Bangor, N. Y., vvhere he died Dec. 15, 1903, and she July 21, 1910. She ,vas a Yerv., devout Christian and member of the Metho- dist Church. 234. FLORA, born June 16, 1836, died ·April 17, 1852. 235. SUSAN A., born lvlarch 19, 1838. Married WIL­ LIAM SHIPlIAN, Dec. 24, 185 7. They removed from Ma­ lone, N. Y. to Io'\va, where l.vlr. Shipman died; his wife is still living. They were the parents of t'\vo children, How­ ard R., born June 9, 1863, married Kittie Farrell, June 9, 1892, one child, Florence Kittie, born Nov. 4, 1898. Mrs. Shipman died Nov. 17.1898, and he married, second, Nov. 15, 1904, Clara l\Iiller, one child, l\'lary H., born Aug. 22, 1907, the family reside in Rock Valley, Iowa; and Emma L., born Sept. 16, 1866, married Nov. 2, 1882, at Rock Valley, Ia., \Villiam E. Clark. Children: Olive ~I., horn Aug. 3, 1884, married June 3, 1903, A. H. Harris, of Pa!'­ ker, S. D., she died Oct. 21, 1904,; Alice L., born March 14, 1887, married l\fay 26, 1909, ·R. L. l\1ood_y, of Philip, S. D.; Bernice, horn Feb. 9, 1891; and Ho,vard G., horn lvlarch .14, 1897. lvlr. and l\I rs. \Villia1n E. Clark nO\Y re­ side at Parker, S. D. :!BG. PHILA D., horn July 1:i, l~t~9. She 1narried CY­ REL KIXG, April 18, 1860. He died in the Union army, Oct. 27, 1864. She resides in Bangor, N. f ., and ha~ one son, OrYille, born Aug. :~o, 1861, n1arried ~Iattie DaYis and resides in Bangor. l\'Irs. Phila King is a 1ne1nber of (~E~EXLO(~lCAL IIISTOR\". the ::.\Iethodist Church. 1 ')''-_,,,. I':,o\Y.\RD \\r· ., 1)orn 'I~, arc h '>-_,, 1°0--i--.'> II e serye c.1 1n· the Fnion army in Co. H. 106th regiment N. Y. State Yol­ unteers. His co1npany ,Yas mustered into seryice, Aug. 27, 18fi2. He \Yas in seyeral hard fought battles, and \Yns killed hy a rebel sharpshooter, June 9, 18G4. I-le \Yas a n1ember of the Congregational Church, a Yery exempla­ ry young n1an, and his comrades testify that he n1ctin­ tained perfectly his integrity of character during his t\Y<> years of armv life. - - 238. :\ilARIETTE, horn Jan. 15, 1844. She married ROBERT CLARK, Dec. 1. 1863. He \vas born in Canacla, of Scotch parents, Dec. 14, 183~. ::_\Jr. Clark is a YCr\· highly esteemed citizen of WestYi1le, N. Y., \Yhere for ntany vears he has o,vned a flouring and feed mill. He has been - . ~ seyeral times the superYisor of his to,vn. For _years past he has been actiYe in temperance and Prohibition part_y ,York. The Methodist Church of \Vestville, of \\·hich he and all, or nearl_y all, of his family are members, has had no more faithful and staunch adherent than he. Children of l\'lr. and lvlrs. Clark; Robert, born Oct. :10, 1864, died Aug. 9, 1865; Eva M., born Nov. 30, 18l>6, married Clar­ ence A. Hastings, M. D., Oct. 7, 1890, died in Constable, N. Y., May 9, 1897, lea Ying three children, Robert C., born Aug. 4, 1891, Charfes E., born lvlav 1-:t, 1894, and Ken- L I ., neth D., born Mav., 9, 1897,

EI<~ II TI I G E ~ E IL\ TIO~.

1~, 18~)G, Robert IL, born Dec. 5, 1~)00, Gorden, born J u1y ~), 190-!-, and Douglas B., born June 8, 1909; Herbert L., horn Dec. 16, 1876, died April 10, 1878; ~Valter G., born Aug. 11, 1879, married Edith Buell, June 8, 1902, she died Jan. 2, 1905. Mr. Clark married, second, Maggie l\iiller, Dec. 25, 1 H09, resides at North Battleford, Sask., Canada; Carl \V., born Oct. 21. 1883, ,vas graduated from \!Ves­ leyan lTni \·ersity "\Yith B. A., in 1907, is ,vith the American Bank Note Company of Ne\v York City; and Clara L., horn lVIay 26, 1887, graduate of Franklin Academy, 190€. 289. AN~Is, born Dec. 18, 1845. She is a member of the l\lethodist Church, ne\~er married. 240. CYRUS. born l\Iarch 11, 18-t7. He married JEN~IE l\L\NSON, July 3, 1872. They resided in Belhnont, N. Y., many years, but ha ,·e recently removed to 11alone Vil-

,1o·e 1\.T \' lC :-, ' •'-• • 241. LAVRA A., born Feb. 27, 1851. She married CHARLES H. FULMER, Jan. 1, 1874. She died in Puyallup, \V ash., Dec. 2G, 1890. Their children, all born in Iowa, ,vere: Herbert L., born l\1ay 17, 1875, died May 23, 1908; EYangeline l\I., born NoY. 16, 1877, married Starr Sher­ man, July 20, 1905, reside in Walla \;Valla, ~Vash., ,vhere he is a retail dealer in lumber ~nd other building mate­ rials, and fuel and ice; Fred E., born Jan. 27, 1881, mar­ ried Flora Anderson, Oct. 1909, resides in Spokane, Wash., Myrtle l\L, born :Vlay 5, 1883, n1arried Jesse vV. Tibbets, June 1-1-, 1904, reside in Tacoma, Wash., t,Yo children, lfar,yoo

Children of PHILAXDER HAR\YOOD, No. 11--1-. 246. JA:\IES HEXRY, born in '\Vare, l\tass., April 9, 1830. Ell;HTII GEXER.-\TIOX.

He rnarried ELIZA PEET, of Cle\·eland, Ohio, and resided in C}eye}and about forty years, ,vhere he ,vas head clerk in the car shops. 1-Ie died in Florida, in 1892. 2-1-7. AcRELL\ A., born in \Vare, l\!larch 23, 1832. She married and ]iyed in \Vestfield, Mass. She died in 1881. 2-1-8. VICTORIA .-\., born l\-lay 2, 18-tl, in Springfield, ~lass. She ,vas t,vice married, her second husband, MR. CLOFGH, dying in Florida, in 1891. Mrs. Clough still re­ sides in \Vestfield, Mass., \\'"here she has lived most of the time for fifty years past.

Children of J Al\IES ~f. HAR\\'"OOI>, No. 117. 249. CHARLES, born No,... 7, 1842, in Green, 0., died in \Vare, Mass., Sept. 5, 1860. 250. Jottx A., born .Aug. 27, 1845. He served in the Union army, enlisting Nov-. 10, 1862, in Co. C, 125th reg­ iment Ohio infantry, ,vhich regiment was kno,vn as the '•Opdycke Tigers"-so-called for the bra very displayed in the battle of Chicamauga. ivlr. Har,vood ,vas tw·ice ,vounded-at the battle of Missionary Ridge, NoY. 25, 1863, and at Kenesa,v :\Iountain, June 27, 1864. He continued in the service until his regiment ,vas mustered out at Catnp Ir,vin, Texas, Sept. 25, 1865. He married, l\farch 9, 1868, OLIVE L. PIERCE, of Farmington, 0., daughter of Justus and Sarah Pierce. She ,vas born ~larch 5, 1850. They resided in Southington, 0., ,vhere he died ~lay 13, 1909. 231. JEX~IE, horn Dec. 29, 1857. She n1arried HARRY I-1. KI~G, ,Yho died :\-larch, 189H. :\I rs. I~ing resides in Farn1ington, 0. She has one son. ,\·ho is 111arried.

Chilclt·en of J. lYoRY HAR\YOOD, ~o. 121. FRA~CIS \V., born in \Vare, :\Tass., Oct. 18, 1850. <~E~E..\LOGIC..\L IIJSTOH. Y.

He is a memherof the l\Iasonic order. Resides on the farn1 in \Vare ,vhich his father occupied before him. Mr. Har­ ,vood is unmarried.

Children of AI HAR\Yoon, No. 128. 253. ALPHoxzo A., born in 1843, in Green,vich, l\Iass. He is married and resides in Mcl{eesport, Pa. 254. JAMES M .. horn in Green\\·ich, in 1847. He mar­ ried RosA RAYMOND, and resides in Marcellus, N. f.

Children of JosEPH A. l-L.\R\VOOD, No. 130. 255. FREDERICK E., born in \Vare, Mass., Feb. 7, 18-1-6, died March 18, 1857, in Cicero, N. Y. 256. l\tlILTON E., born in Ware, Nov. 30, 1847. He served in the Union Armv, in the 15th New York cavalrv, ~ . enlisting July 18, 1863, and sen.. ing 'till close of ,var. He resides in Syracuse, N. Y. 257. CHARLES, born in Springfield, lvlass., June 6, 1853, died April 16, 1864. 258. DANIEL]., born in Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. 17, 18fi1, died March 8, 1878. 259. NELLIE lVI., born in Syracuse, Aug. 20, 1867. She married FRED STARKS, Aug. 18, 1886. They had t,vo children: Frank W., born May 25, 1877; and Carrie M., born Oct. 20, 1894. l\tlrs. Starks died Jan. 13, 1899. 260. CARRIE E., born March 11, 1871, in Syracuse. She married l\thcHAEL CONNELLY, March 12, 1889. He died leaving her ,vith one child. She resides in Svracuse.

Children of HENRY HAR\YOOD, Xo. 1 ~~2. 261. 1L.\RY A., died in infancy. 2li2. FRANCIS H., horn Oct. 24, 1850, in \Vare, i\Iass. He 111arried CHLOA J. ~L-\XX, at Lysander,~- Y., Dec. 22, 1872. She ,vas born in Lysander, July 19, 1852, and died Aug. 16, 1909. 'fhey li\~ed in Os'\vego Falls, N. Y. 26:-t E:\I:\IA A., born in Cicero, N. Y., June 12, 1855. She married Dec. 21, 1872, l\1r. ALKENBRACK, and they had t,yo children: Oriel E., born lvlay 18, 1874; and James H., born Jan. 13, 1878. She married for her second hus­ band, C. \V. OLIVER. They resided in Fulton, N. Y., where she died l\larch 12, 1910. Ninth Generation.

Children of Jr:'.':Il'S l-L-\R\VOOD, ~o. 188. 264. MARY 0., married PAUL BESSE:'.':S, reside in Chi­ cago, t,vo children.

Children of KrLBeRN HAR\voou, No. 140. .-\11 born in Decatur, Ill. 265. JosEPHIXE, born Dec. 24, 1872. She 111arriell \:Vn.. - LIA:\1 C. CONANT, a ,vealthy merchant and manufacturer of Boston, lvlass., Nov. H, 18~)3. They reside in Charles­ to,Yn, Mass. 266. KATHERINE C., born Sept. 2, 1874. She married W1NSLO\V l\lALLERY, of Oak Park, Ill. She died July 2:-~. 1903. 267. MARY T., born Nov. 18, 1 R76. She 111arried En­ \YARD NoRTOX, Dec. 29, 190:-t

Children of ,vl\r. D. HAR\YOOD, No. 145. 268. HERBERT \V., horn Oct. 14-, 1859. He ,vas grad- . - uated fron1 Phillips Exeter Academy, in 1881. He married lvL-\RIE Cr..orGH, of Hopkinton, x. H .. in July, 1887. He a ,vas pro111isino-~ -,·oun°·r-, J)0et. and an ahle ,vriter for the press. He died April G. 1892.

Children of \VrLLIS T. I-L.\R\Voon. Xo. 157. 269. LEO~, die

Children of BERT B.AR\YOOI>, Xo. lGG. .\11 horn in Xashua, X. H. 270. LE\YIS :\I., born .\ug. 19, 1887. 271. EYA L., born ~o\·. 9, 1888. She married GEORGE R. \V ELCH, of To\Ynsend, :\Tass., Oct. 28, 1909. 272. FRED C., born Aug. 19, 1890. He n1arried l\'lARY .-\. STOLZ, of South Nor"·alk, Oct. 6, 1907. They reside in Nashua. 273. HAZEL W., born Oct. 12, 1892. 274. RuTH M .. born lviay 15, 1897. 275. CHARLES \V., horn Sept. 14, 1900.

Children of XATHA~ K. HAR\YOOD, No. 174. 276. JoH~ l\L, born Aug., 1842, died Nov. 7, 1845.

277. WILLIAM P., born March 3, 1845. He married l\'Iarch 10, 1883, ETTA W1NCHENBACK, of Waldoboro, Me. They reside in Somerville, 11ass. 278. CARRIE A., born Oct. 1, 1848, died Aug.17, 186€. 279. JULIA K., born Feb. 9, 1852. She married WM. A. HESELTINE, Feb. 26, 1870. They resided in Auburn, N. H., ,yhere she died No\p. 19, 1902. Their children: Susie F., born Jan. 13, 1871, died Nov., 15, 1886; William S., born Nov. 18, 1872, is married and has four children; A.lice J ., born April 7, 1875, n1arried Le,Yis Shattuck, t\Y0 ~hildren; and Sidney H., born April 7, 1877, is married, t,yo children. 280. ~IARY J., horn ;\lay 1-!, 1853. She n1arried En­ :\Il~~D Y. 1-lAR\Yoon ( xo. 178), in 1877, an

Children of ErnH·~n Y. H.\.R\VOOI>, No. 1 TH. 28~{. LESLIE \V., born Oct. 28, 187D. lie n1arried, Jan. 30, 1901, Ax~IE B. PRESCOTT, of Topsham, Vt. They re­ ~i E., born l\Ian:h 18, 18S7. ')u­ -o '. LYxx R., horn July 11, 189G, died Jan. 26, 1907.

Children of D.-\ YID HAR\voon. xo. 1R1. 288. J oHx F., born June 2:l, 183G, in Charlesto\Yn, :\!lass. He resided in Lynn, died Jan. 2n, 1907. 289. HARRIET E., born May 1, 183~), in Charlesto\v·n. She married JAMES STE\VART, Aug. 17, 1865. Theyn1ade their home in Sou th ,v eymouth, lv1ass., \v here l\Ir. Ste\vart died April 2, 1907, and she still lives. Children: Fred R., born l\Iarch 10, 1870; Arria (;., born Feb. 25, 1872; and Edith ~V., horn Oct. 12, 1875. 290. 1-IEXRY V., born July G, 1840, in Charlesto\\·n. He enlisted Sept. 6, 1862, in Co. K, 28th :Vlaine infantry, and \:vas discharged Aug. 31, 1863, at expiration of tern1 of enlistment. He re-enlisted Sept. 22, 186:-1, in Co. l\1, -1-th 11assachusetts Hea vY Artillerv, to serve 'till close of ,var, - .., ,vas discharged at Fort Richardson, Va., June 17, 1HG5. He 1narried Sept. 13, 1867, HATTIE A. SoGLE, daughter of \Vm. N. Soule, of East Bridge,vater, l\1ass., "·here she \Yas born, July 5, 18-1-8. They resided in Hyde Park, ~'lass .. \\"here she died April, 190n, and ,yhere he still resides. 1-Irs. Har,vood ,vas a i\1ethodist, and a most excellent \\"ife and mother. 291. DA YID T., horn Jan. 25, 1842, in Charlesto,Yn. 1-Ie married RACHEL FALLOX, July 2, 18l38, anrl they re­ siclerl in Hartland, Vt. ~1rs. Har,vood \\·as horn in Roy­ alton, Vt., :\lay 17, 1852, died June 3, 1911. JESSE L. HARWOOD


292. LE~A V./., born Dec. 1, 1847, in ~laine. She re­ sides in Auburn, Me. 293. A.RRIA, born in Maine, July 28, 1853. She mar­ ried SAMUEL P. SARGENT, ,vho died June 8,-1888, leaving t,vo children: Henry L. and Lena M. They reside in Au­ burn, lVIe. l\'lrs. Sargent is a l\lethodist.

Children of JESSE HAR\VOOD, No. 182 .. 294. AUGUSTA A.. born March 13, 1835. She married June 1, 1852, EBENEZER FIELD, who ,vas killed in t~e first battle of Bull Run, July 18, 1861. ~f rs. Field resides in Boston, Mass. 295. JESSE L., born May 2. 1844. He married ANNA E. SMITH, of Lynn, Mass., July 19, 1890. He was identi­ fied "vith the leather industry, holding many responsible pos1t1ons. He died Aug. 8, 1896, his ,vife Nov. 18, 1891. 296. CHARLES E., born March 6, 1851, in Charles­ to,vn, Mass. He received his education in the Lynn pub­ lic Schools, his parents having removed to Lynn, in 1852. At the age of eighteen, he entered upon his business life, and the first year he did a business of ten thousand dol­ lars. Less than a score of years after he vvas doing an an­ nual business of about four hundred thousand dollars, while in 1908, he vvas looking after a business of over a million dollars a year. In November, 1889, his manufac­ turing establishment ,vas burned to the ground, and over one hundred thousand dollars' ,vorth of stock was con­ su111ed. It ,vas then that Charles E. Har,vood 's "1nake­ up'' ,vas apparent, for ,vith his characteristic energy, in less than 24 hours, before the ruins of the late factory had ceased sn1oking, he secured another location, on '" hich is no\Y his present factory greatly enlarged, and continued his force practically uninterrupted. The factory originally ,Yas but a t,yo-story building-; it is no\v an immense struc- GE~E..\LOC;IC..\L HISTORY. turc and completely modern in all its equip1nents. :\1 r. Har\Yood makes a specialty of the n1anufacture of stiffen­ ings for hand-se,,·ed \\·ork, Goodyear inner soles, taps and moulded counters for men's, ,vomen's, n1isses' and child­ ren's shoes, and the business carried on by his corporation is ackno,Yledged to be one of the most extensive of its kind in the country, giving e111ployment to 250 hands. :\Ir. Har,vood is a n1en1ber of the Boston Shoe and Leather Exchange, a director of the Lynn National Bank, and Lynn Safe Deposit and Trust Company, also president and manager of the J. B. Renton Company, of Lynn, and the Structural Cement Stone Con1pany, and vice-president of the Lynn Five Cent Savings Bank. He has be-en chair­ man of the overseers of the poor of Lynn for many years. In fraternal circles he is a 32° ~Iason, an Odd Fellovv, and member of the Knights of Honor. He is also a member of the Oxford and Park Clubs, and ,vas president for seY­ eral years of the Lynn Republican Club. He '\vas elected Mayor of Lynn, in 18~)3, by a plurality of 2698 votes, the largest ever given a mayor in Lynn, and that ,vith five opposition candidates. He had previously served in the Common Council t,vo years, and been a mem her of the Board of Aldermen one year. His adminstration as mayor during 1894, ,vas eminently satisfactory to the people of the city, as ~·as sho\vn by his selection for a sec­ ond term, and his re-election by a large and flattering ma­ jority, thus proving the confidence the citizens of Lynn re­ pose in him. l\fr. Har\vood married NELLIE I. BLAISDELL. She ,vas born Feh. 27, 1851, in South Ber,vick, lVlaine.

Children of CoRono~ HAR\VOOD, No. 189. 297. CHARLES 1\1., born June 27, 1840, in Clay, X. Y. He served in the l:nion ar1ny, enlisting at Syracuse,~- Y., in Co. C, 37th Ne,v York volunteers, :\1ay 28, 1861, for .. ,.1-n~ :;_,·:ii§ ,•",-•.


KINTH GENERATION. 97 t\vo years, and \vas discharged June 6, 1863. He re-en­ listed, Oct. 15, 1863, in Co. I, 9th Ne,v York Heavy Artil­ lery, and was discharged at Washington, D. C., Sept. 29, 1865, the ,var having closed. He married, Dec. 25, 1865, at Claremont, N. H., ABBIE DusTIN. She died Aug. 14, 1878. Mr. Harvvood is by occupation a cotton spinner. At last accounts he "'"as living at Lancaster, N. Y. 298. MARTIN V. B., born Feb. 16, 1844. He served in the lJnion army, enlisting at Syracuse, Dec. 20, 1861, in Co. C, 101st regiment New York volunteers. A year later he ,vas transferred to Co. K, 40th regiment, and. the fol­ lo,ving December the company re-enlisted. They were in many battles up to Lee's surrender. Mr. Harwood had a Gettysburgh medal which he highly prized. He was a member of John R. Stewart Post, G. A. R., No. 174. He married MAGGIE R. GRANNIS, who vvas born in Canada. They resided in Oneida, N. Y., where he died Oct. 1908. 299. SARAH A., at last accounts was living in Clare­ mont, N. H.

Children of SIMEON J. HARWOOD, No. 200. Both born in Malone, N. Y. 300. ANNIE L., born May 27, 1863. She was grad­ uated from Oberlin College about 1886. She then taught seven years in the \Vest and South, and later was one of the faculty of the State Normal and Training School at Os,vego, N. Y. She died in 1902. :-301. MARY H., born Dec. 1, 1866, died Nov. 22, 1874.

Children of AsAPH L. HAR\VOOD, No. 201. 302. lVI1xx1E L., born Sept. 28, 1859, in Hopkinton, N. Y. She married W. E. PARKHURST, of KeeseYille, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1887. They resided many years in Chicago, Ill., 98 GE~EALOGICAL HISTORY. but haYe recently settled in Plattsburgh, N. Y. 303. l\fATTIE P., born Aug. 8, 1861, in Dickinson, N. Y. She ,vas a teacher of speech and speech-reading in the Northern Ne,v York State Institution for Deaf Mutes, at Malone, N. Y., for over t\venty years, but no,v makes her home in Brooklyn, N. Y. She is the author of the ~'Har­ ,vood Diacritical Manual," a ,vork of great merit designed to assist other teachers engaged in the same ,vork. 304. ADA L., born July 10, 1869, in Malone, N. Y. She married JoHN S. PARMELE, of Chicago, Ill., Aug.15, 1901. He is a lawyer by profession and recently removed ,vith his family from Chicago to New York City. They have one son.John Har,vood, born June 20, 1907. 305. LESTER L., born Sept. 28, 1871. He is a ranch­ man in Kansas, and unmarried.

Children of GEO. H. HAR,voon, No. 203. All born in

Lvnn,., Mass . 306. HENRY A., born Oct. 5, 1852, died Sept. 24, 1856. 307. DAVID, born June 17, 1854, died May 9, 1857. 308. ABBIE S., born May 19, 1857. She resided '\vith her father in Lynn, until his death in 1902, since then has resided in Saugus, Mass.

Children of HEl\fAN HAR,vooo, No. 208. 309. REBECCA D., adopted daughter, born April 7, 1845. She married RussELL STANFORD, Feb. 28, 186G, and died May 5, 1868, leaving one son. 310. A soN, born ~ov. 2, 1845, died in infancy. 311. LoRE~zo, born Sept. 1, 1848, died Nov. 4, 1848. 312. CHARLES E., born· Oct. 29, 1849, died Dec. 18, 1868. 313. Ev A D., born Sept. 5, 1851, died Dec. 25, 1851. JAMES C. HARWOOD


314. SARAH E., born July 15, 1854. She married WIL­ LIAM H. PLUMB,, Dec. 22, 1874. They made their resi­ dence at Fort Dodge, Ia. 315. 1\rlARTHA E., born Oct. 12, 1856, died Oct. 11, 1862.

Children of SANFORD HAR\VOOD, No. 209. 31 €. JAMES C., born June 29, 1844, in Lo,.vell, Ill. In 1860, at the age of sixteen, he set out to learn the print- er's trade in the office of the Charles City Intelligencer. He served as an apprentice in that office for three years, and ,\·orked as a journeyman printer for four years after. In 1867, he became half owner of the Winnebago Sum1nit, publised at Forest City, Ia. He married June 19, 1868, l\1ARY E. BuRGE, of Forest City. Mr. Harwood sold his interest in the Summit in 1871, and in April of the follow­ ing year, he purchased a half interest in the Franklin County Recorder, published at Hampton, Ia., buying the other half of the paper in June 1875. In 1878 he sold the Recorder, and in the following year removed to Clarion, la., ,vhere he purchased the Wright County ..ltJonitor, ,,·hich he continued to publish until his death, and ,vhich his son still publishes. In politics he vvas always a Re­ publican, and an active ,vorker in his party. In 1881, he "\vas appointed postmaster of Clarion, and ,vith the ex­ ception of about eight years, he had charge of the office during the rest of his life. He ,vas also delegate to State and National Con \"entions of his party. l\!I r. Har"\vood v,;as made a ~Iason in 1867, and continued in good stand­ ing in the Order throughout the rest of his life. He died July 13, 1903, his ,vife July 9, 1898. 317. SvsA~. born Dec. 1, 1847, in Lo\vell, Ill., died Oct. 10, 1848. 318. SL·sA~ ~I., horn Aug. 2, 1849, in Lo,Yell. She 100 GEXEALOGICAL HISTORY. married JA:\1ES M. POTTS, at Charles City, Ia., Aug. 19, 1897. They resided several years at Los Gatos, Cal., '\vhere Mr. Poi.ts died March, 1909. Mrs. Potts returned to Charles City, May, 1910, ,vhere she no\v resides. She is a member of the Congregational Church. 319. ELLEN E., born Jan. 14, 1852, in Lo,vell, dieldest house in l\1innesota. He mar­ ried, Sept. 26, 1896, Lucv E. CASE, daughter of Almon G. Case, Esq., and they ,vent soon after to Paris, France, ,vhere they have since n1ade their residence. On returning to Paris he renewed his study under Benjamin Constant and J. P. Laurens. He is an exhibitor in the Salon of the

Artists Francais. Mr. Har"\\"ood has from bovhood., taken much interest in the genealogy of the family, and has ren­ dered valuable aid in the preparation of the several edi­ tions of this vvork, an assistance ,vhich the author grate­ fully ackno,v ledges here. BURT HARWOOD. PARIS. FRANCE


322. \V ILLL-\:\1 S., born Oct. 16, 1857, at Charles City. He recei vcd a high school education, and after\,?ards took a special three-years' course in the State University of Io'\Ya. In 1883, he ,vent to Chicago, and ,vas for three

..,vears on the staff of the Inter-Ocean. He then went to St. Paul, \vhere he ,vas engaged about three years in daily ne'\:vspaper work. After that he \:vas for several years on the staff of the Minneapolis Evening journal, engaged largely in special ,vork. In 1893, he gave up ne,vs­ paper ,vork to a large extent in order to give the most of his time to actual literary work. For this he had a strong liking and became a contributer to all the leading Ameri­ can magazines, and to some of the best English ones. He finally became an independent magazine writer. He also ,vrote much editorial matter for leading religious periodi­ cals. Spiritual perception, breadth and tolerance were his, and in these editorials he spoke many a needed, many a staunch word for the truth's sake, as well as words of uplift and inspiration to right living. He also ,,vrote many poems. He ,vas the author of several fine books:­ h Ne\v Creations of Plant Life," an authoratative account of the life and ,vork of Luther Burbank, published in 1905; "The Ne\v Earth, a Recital of the Triumphs of Modern Agriculture," published 1906. His last ,vork ,vas, "A Bi­ ography of Austin Craig," ,vhich was being issued at the time of his death-he not living to see a copy of it. T\vo years before his death, Mr. Har\vood established a beau­ tiful home for himself and family at Los Gatos, Cal. For many years he sang in leading church choirs of the cities in \Yhich he liYed. In Los Gatos, he established a Boys' Club. All the n1embers ,vere deyoted to their leader, and not one of them but \Yill pcrmanen tly feel the uplift of as­ sociation ,vith this strong, sunny, serene, clean-1ninded n1an-for he ,vas first of all a :\IA~, then a ,vriter of ex­ quisite prose and yerse. 1Ir. 1-Iar,Yood 1narried June 17, 102 CE~EALQ(;ICAL HISTORY.

1885, EsTELLE L. BALCH, of Charles City. His home life ,vas ideal. He \vas a member of the Congregational Church. He died at Los Gatos, Nov. 3, 1908. 323. FRANK, born Dec. 12, 1860, at Charles City, died in 1862. 324. FRANK G., born Aug. 23, 1864, in Charles City. He receiYed a high school education, and ,vas married June 20, 1882, to MINNIE V. PATTERSON, of Charles City. He resides in California, \vhere he is successfully engaged in the lumber business.

Children of 0. P. HAR\VOOD, No. 210. 325. ARTHUR J., born April 1846, in Mayville, N. Y. He was for a time editor and publisher of the Fargo Express, at Fargo, N. D.; after,vards ,Yas cashier in the Bank of Fargo, which he and his father organized in 1878. Later on he was a dealer in real estate, first at Fargo, then at West Superior, Wis. After that he resided in Minneapolis, and in Northfield, Minn., for a time. About 1901, he re­ moved to Roosevelt, in a section of Minnesota just then beginning to be settled. Here he again engaged in land business, was appointed U. S. Commissioner for his Dis­ trict of Minnesota, and vvas a :Notarv.., Public. He died Nov. 24, 1909. ~Ir. Har"vood married EMMA J. JOHN- STON, of Detroit, Minn., Oct. 15, 1884. She is a ,voman possessed of much ability, and active in social, religious, ten1perance and fraternal work. Was formerly con1man­ der of Sunshine Hive, L. 0. T. l\I., at Northfield, Minn., and for a time ,Yas Deputy State Commander. 326. FRANK ¥-l., born Dec. 13, 1848, in l\IaYYille, ~- ~ ' Y., died Nov. 22, 1851, in Lasalle countv, Ill. .,, ' 327. lvlARY A., born June 24, 1854, in Lasalle county, Ill., died Sept. 17, 1854, in Charles City, Ia. W. S. HARWOOD


Children of HIRAM HARWOOD, No. 215. All born in Bangor, N. Y. 328. JusTI~ ~L, born Oct. 29, 1851. He married MARY CLARK, a sister of Robert Clark ( see No. 238 ), Jan. 29, 1879. They reside in Bangor, N. Y., and own part of the old homestead that his father o,vned before him. Mr. Harwood has always been active in religious and temper­ ance vtork, and for whatever tends to the betterment of the communitv., in ,vhich he lives. Both he and Mrs. Har- ,vood are members of the Methodist Church. 329. WATSON H., born June 18, 1854. After receiving a co1nmon school education, he attended the Normal School at Os,vego, N. Y., for some time, and in 1878, be­ gan the study of medicine. Was graduated from the Med­ ical College of the University of Vermont, at Burlington, June 27, 1881. In August of the same year, he began the practice of his profession at Chasm falls, in the town of Malone, N. y·., and has continued in the same place no,v

thirtv., .,years. He married, Dec. 13, 1882, Mrs. MAHALA A. MARTIN, daughter of Daniel and Mary A. (Trask) A Yerill, of Chasm Falls. Mrs. Har'\vood is descended on her father's side from the A verills and Everts of Sunder­ land, Vt., and on her mother's from the 'frasks of Beverly, l\1ass. ( Mrs. Har,vood has three sons by her first hus­ band, \¥illiam J. Martin, v,rho died in 1881: Daniel Har­

,vood, born l\Iav., 15, 1871, is a successful minister in the lvlethodist Episcopal Church, in 1faryland; Geo. Averill, born Oct. 26, 1877, resided in Rochester, N. Y., died Oct. 18, 1911 ; and \iVilliam J., born l\1arch 17, 1880, is in busi­ ness in Ne,v York Citv ). Dr. Har,vood is the author of this work having been engaged in compiling these records for more than forty years, past-since he \Yas a boy of six­ teen. He has also been a contributor to yarious periodi­ cals for many years. For t¥:enty years past he has been identified ,vith the Prohibition party, has been chairman 104 GENEALOGICAL HISTORY. of the County Committee and delegate to State Conven­ tions several times, and has done much work for the party. In fraternal circles, he is a Mason, Odd Fello,v, Good Templar, and member of the Grange, Maccabees and For­ esters. He is also a member of several medical societies, of the Empire State Society Sons of the American ReYolu­ tion, and of the National Geographic Society. Dr. and Mrs. Harwood are both members of the Methodist Church. She is also a member of several social organizations, and an active worker in the Church. 330. THERON L., born Sept.12, 1855. Ile united ,vith the Methodist Church in 1877. April 10, 1882, he mar­ ried CLEORA H. JONES, of Ft. Covington, N. Y., and they soon after removed to South Dakota, where he has since resided. 331. Lucv M., born July 9, 1860. She married GEORGE B. OBERTON, Dec. 22, 1885. They reside on a part of the old homestead in Bangor, that was owned and occupied by her father. They have one child, Marianne, born May 1, 1902. lvlrs. Oberton is a Methodist.

Children of OLIVER HARWOOD, No. 217. ( By his first wife). 332. NEWELL E., born Oct. 6, 1851, in Bangor, N. Y. He married LYDIA L. LYNN, Feb. 3, 1874. She died May 5, 1875. He again married, Oct. 15, 1876, MARY J. STEWART. They resided many years in Hudson, S. D., but have recently removed to Lawton, Iowa. He is a farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Har'vvood are members of the Methodist Church. 333. JOHN F., born Aug. 11, 1854, in Bangor. He married MAY F. GARDNER, June 8, 1879. He died Aug. 22, 1879. He was a member of the United Brethren Church.

:'\l~T lI GE~ El{.-\ TIO~. · 10;)

:~3-1-. :\IYRO~ R., horn Jan. 19, 1857, in \iVaushara county, \Vis. He married LAURA BRIGGS, June 16, 1878. They reside at Elm Springs, S. D., ,vhere he is a farmer. · 'fhey belong to the United Brethren Church. 333. \VARREN A., born Dec. 14, 1859, in \Vaushara county. He married BESSIE STE\\" ART, Sept. 9, 1883. They reside in Smithville, S. D., ,Yhere he is engaged in farming. 336. Lov1s.A E,, born Noy. 8, 1862, in Waushara coun­ ty. died April 27, 1865. ( By his second ,Yife.) 337. l\L.\RY L., born Nov. 12, 1868,in \'Vaushara coun­ ty, ,Yhere also the rest of the family "\vere born. She mar­ ried ALBERT B. STRAW. They have seven children living, all born in Wisconsin: Pearl C., born March 10, 1888; Fred A., born June 14, 1890; Vernon, born Oct. 26, 1892; Arleigh R., born May 30, 1895; Dana, born July 28, 1899; Lona B., born Nov. 13, 1902; and Lyle \V., bomJan. 16, 1908. 338. GEORGE H., born Aug. 12, 1873, died July 10, 1878. 339. LULU l\1., bornJune 30, 1876. She married OTIS RoBixsox, Jan. 13. 1895. They have had four children, all born in Wisconsin: Otis R., born Sept. 19, 1895; i\r­ thur L., died in infancy; Lora B., born May 21, 1903; and Elsie A., born July 6, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are both members of the Church. 340. RosA B., born Sept. 3, 1880. She married DANA SEELY, Aug. 29, 1897. They have one child, Lucy I., born Dec. 22, 1899. They reside in "\Visconsin.

Children of DaYid Har"·oo


·.~.{t.,:.:. .'!i~.!.t ~ .. .- ,-~·:,. . .,. . ~~:. ._;. ·:-.::·~;:.•:\·~i:..:: ~ ...... ::-.~,--....:. '-\~)I~: . ')~·.,...




~!NTH GEXER.-\TION. 107 born June 2, 1873; :VIertie, born June 24, 1876, died Sept. 21, 1877; Lee, born Aug. 16, 1879; and Burr, born Oct. 4, 1882. 347. RILEY, born June 22, 1850. He married LoANA ADGATE, May 29, 1870.. 1'hey reside in Ionia, Mich, and are members of the Disciple Church. 348. S. RuHAMA, born Feb. 24, 1852. She married w: F. CoE, April 1873. Their children are: George, born Aug. 31, 1874; Ethel, born Feb. 5, 1882; and Pearl, born April 20, 1890. 349. HANNORA, born April 20, 1854. She married CHESTER ADGATE, April 1, 1876. Theirchildrenare: Mary, born Feb. 16, 1877; Vinnie, born Aug. 3, 1880; Lydia, born Feb. 11, 1883; Phena, born Nov. 28,. 1884; Earl, born May 29, 1887; and Glen, born June 24, 1892. 350. NEWTON, born March 26, 1856, died Sept. 14, 1858. 351. ABRAM E., born Aug. 27, 1858. He married ESTHER A. JOHNSON, July, 4, 1879. They reside in Ionia county. 352. EXPERIENCE, born May 5, 1862, died in 1866. 353. HIRAM, bon1 Aug. 25, 1866, died in infancy.

Children of CYRUS HARWOOD, No. 224. All born in Peoria county, Ill. 354. ELLA M., born July 5, 1853. She married RICH· ARD BRISTOL, Dec. 16, 1874. They reside in Peoria county, and have children: Walter H., born Oct. 17, 1880, is mar­ ried and lives in Nebraska; Dorice V., born Nov. 22, 1883, is married and resides in Colorado;. and Elmer L., born Sept. 7, 1890. 355. CHARLES T., born Mav., 3, 1856. He married IDA M. HARLAN, April 7, 1882. She died Jan. 17, 1899. He married for his second wife, KATE WILLIAMSON, in 1900. 108

He is in business in Peoria, Ill. 33G. REBECCA L., born .June 3, 1758. She 1narried \\"rLLIA~I RE~FRO, l\Iarch 8, 188G. They resided in l)ayen­ port, Ia. She died July 2+, 1~)0~). Their children: £ya 1\1., born April 8, 1889; and Frank \V., horn June 11, 1891. :-357. LUKE :\1., born Dec. 2, 185~). He married Dec. G, 1904, SABRA TURNER. Mr. Ilar,vood ,vas engaged in the hard\vare and lumber business at Columbia, Nevada, but no\\"' resides in San Diego, Cal., ,vhere he is interested in real estate and mining: operations. 358. NlARY, born April 14, 1862, died Aug. 16, 1865. 359. ETHEL, born Jan. 1, 1864. She married WARREN PORTER, March 4, 1890. They reside at Mt. Vernon, Ia. Their children are: Florence M., born Feb. 24, 1892; Irn1a I., born Oct. 23, 1895; and Francis 0., born Mav 28, .,/

1897. Mrs. Porter is a Presbvterian., . 360. ERMINIE, born July 8, 1866. She married \V1L- LIAM \V. HENRY, March 8, 1893. She i~ a Presbyterian. They reside in South Dakota. Their children are: Edith, born Dec. 17, 1893, died Aug. 26, 1894; Martha E., born Feb. 6, 1895; Edna, born Sept. 15, 1896; Esther, born Aug., 1899, and Raymond, born Dec. 14, 1903. 361. JusTtrs 1'., born Dec. 7, 1868. He resides in Ne­ braska.

Children of RILEY HAR\YOOD, No. 225. All born in Stark county, Ill. · 362. ~IERRILL, born Sept. 6, 1856, died Nov. 23, 1856. 363. S. RGHAMA, born Jan. 12, 1858. She married \VrLLIAl\I H. PHEXIX, Dec. 25, 1876. They reside at Brad­ ford, Ill., and have four children. 364. ARTHUR N., born Sept. 23, 1860. He is a grad­ uate of the Peoria Business College, and ,vas in business ~I~Tll GE~Ei~ATION. for 111any years at Bradford, Ill., but has recently con­ nected hi111self ,Yith a grain commission firm in Chicago, under the na1ne "of Carhart, Code, Har,vood Company. He rnarried Ev A ~L BvRKE, Oct. 18, 1881. :165. ALZINA D., born April 17, 1866. She married \VILLIAM H. HARTZ, of \Vyoming, Ill., ,vhere he has been engaged in business many years. They have one son, \Valter 1\1., born in 1889. a66. LEA VITT R., born Nov. 25, 1873. He died J u1y 17, 1879, frotn injuries received in falling from a ladder.

Children of EDMVND HAR\VOOD, No. 226. All born in Berlin, Mich. 367. JoHN, born 11arch 18, 1851. He went to Grin­ neU, Io,va, in 1875, where he married DELL CASE, in 1878. He no,v resides in Kansas. 368. MARY, born March 21, 1853. She marriedJosEPH FrrcH, Feb. 20, 1888. They had one child, Robert, born Nov, 6, 1890. She died Aug. 17, 1892. She was a mem­ ber of the Catholic Church. 369. PHILA, born April 7, 1855. She married MILLARD

lvl1TCHELL, Oct., 1895. Thev., reside in Berlin. She is a Catholic. 370. EDMUND B., born April 15, 1857. He married ELLA COLEMAN, in 1879. She died April 17, 1901. He married again, Nov. 17, 1905, Lucy GREENFIELD. They reside in Portland, Mich. 371. MARGARET E., born Aug. 28, 1859. She married JOHN ELVERT, Jan. 2, 1878. They have four sons: Eddie, Arthur, Fred and Frank. The family are Catholics. 372. CYRUS P., born April 8, 1862. He married ELIZA­ BETH PALMER, July 23, 1888. 11r. Har,vood served as clerk of the to\vn of Berlin t\vo -vears. The familv- are Catholics. 110 <~ENEALOGICAL HISTORY.

373. AG~Es K., born August :-~, 1864. She married Ttto~IAS :VI. CooK, l\1ay 7, 1884. He ,vas born at Alle­ gan, l\lich., Jan. 27, 1864. He is a dealer in coal, etc., in Allegan, also district manager for the Standard Oil Com­ pany. He has filled yarious offices and placeg of trust in his native city: l\Iayor, Alderman, President Board of Trade, President County Fair Ass'n, etc. For t,venty years past has been a member of the l\tlichigan State Dem­ ocratic Committee. ~Ir. and l\1rs. Cook have t\vo sons living: Grover C., who is carrying on the retail coal busi­ ness in Allegan; and Ed,,,.ard M., ,vho ""as graduated from the La"'" Department of the lTniversity of Michigan in 1909, married Beulah Connine the same year, and prac­ tices his profession in Grand Rapids, ~1ich.; and \Villiam M., wh.o died in infancv.., Mrs. Cook is a Catholic . . 37~- ANN S., born Jan. 24, 1867. She married FRED EDDY, Dec. 30, 1886. Thev have one child. Mrs. Eddv is w ., a Catholic. 375. WILLIAM L., born April 21, 1873. He married ALBERTA PATRICK, March 21, 1894. She ,vas born Ap1--il

20, 1875. Thev., reside at Saranac, Mich .

Children of J A:\IES HAR\VOOD, No. 228. All born in Ber­ lin, l\licp. 376. CLARA J., born Nov., 1858. She married HosEA ·REED, Feb. 1879. They have eight children: Ernest, Earl, Alice, Lennie, James, Nellie, Walter and Hazel. 377. l\![ARION, born March 23, 1862. Married WARREX B. BRICKLEY, Oct. 1, 1875. Two children: Ethel and Edith. 378. LUKE, born in 1864. He married l\L\ Y CARYETTI in 1884. 379. .A.LICE, born in 1871. She married CHARLES YORK in 1889. 7

~ I~TII C E~EI{..-\TION. 111

Children of Eo\YIX IIAR\\"OOD, ~o. 2r~1. All born in Allen countv,., Ind . ~~80. IDA A., born Dec. 22, 1864. She married JACOB

F. SxYDER, Dec. 13, 188!>. She died Mav- 11, 1900. Thev., "·ere members of the United Brethren Church. Their chil- dren ,vere: Orange F., born Oct. 27, 1889; Clarence E., born Aug. 12, 1891; Dora L., born Feb. 4, 1894; and Les­ ter, born ...\ pril 27, 1898. 381. EMILA S., horn l\1arch 20, 1867. She married (;En B. GLOYD, Jan. 27, 1886. Mr. Gloyd is engaged in the hard ,vare business at Spencerville, Ind. The family are 1Iethodists. The children are: Ethel M., born Jan. 7, 1k87, is 1narried; Clarence H.; Gladys; and Ralph. ~182. CHARLES W., born July 10, 1869. He married ALICE J. BAKER, Aug. 23, 1900. She ,vas born at Crest­ line, 0., Jan. 27, 1874, and died Nov.17, 1903. l\fr. Har­ \Yood married, second, CLARA A. DARGITZ, Nov. 9, 1905, in Willia1ns county, 0. She ,vas born Nov. 9, 1876, and ,vas a teacher several years before her marriage. Mr. Har\vood spent several years preparing for the Christian lvlinistry, and in 1901 began work as a minister in the United Brethren Church. He served several charges ac­ ceptably, all in Ohio. He '\Vas last pastor of the Church at Oak\\"Ood, 0., ,vhen he was taken ill of pneumonia·, and after t,vo ,veeks' illness, died Oct., 1911. 383. ETTA M., born Mav.. 18, 1871. She married A~- sox \V. DUNTEN, 11ay 26, 1896, at HuntertO¥."n, Ind., ,yhere thev now reside. Mr. Dunten ,vas born ~1aY 29, - ~ 1856. Thev haYe one child, Vesta A., born May 9, 18~)7. ~ - 38-1-. LrTICIA, born Oct. 29, J 873, and died Aug. 20, 1878. :185. DORA A., born Feb. 15, 1877. She married JA:\IES \V. D1xoN, Sept. 29, 1895. They reside near \Vaterloo, Ind. T,vo children: Charles P., born Feb. 15, 1898; and Glen F., horn Jan. 12, 1904. 1 1 '.2

Children of f .\:.\IES l--IAR\YOOD, ~o 232. All born in St ark t· on n t y , II 1. :18G. S.\.R.-\11 0RILLA, horn June -1-, 18(ij_ She n1ctrrie

~~h-ld 1 ren O t~ E◄ ZRA C . I-I AR\YOOD, lN o. -J0.'' ')'? A11 born in Bangor, N. Y.

389. REUBE~ C., born July 1-4-, 18G3. He n1arried NET­ TIE L. Grsas, Aug. 11, 1889. They are members of the l\iethodist Church, and highly estee1ned residents of Ban­ gor. 390. Eo\VARD R., born l\Ia_y 23, J 866. He n1arried NANCY GIBBS, Feb. 25, 1893. They reside in Bangor. 391. LESLIE. H., born Aug. 14, 1870. He resi~--- ·:. ... -~. :-,~ ·_'.;~;_ ,. ['.~t{~;,::'t-


Children of CYRl'S HAR\YOOD, No. 240. 395. XETTIE 1\1., horn in Bangor, N. Y., April 13, 1878. She married CHARLES lvL-\NNING, and reside at Brushton, ~- Y. 396. NELLIE A., born in Bangor, N. Y., NoY. 24, 1881. She married ,VALTER GEXAWAY, Sept. 25, 1900. They reside in Constable, N. Y. Their children are: \Vm. \Va1- ter, born Aug. 26, 1902; Luella J.\:I., born Dec. 22, 1906; and Floyd, born lvlarch 16, 1908. 397. FLOYD C., born in Bellmont, N. Y., March 15, 1885, died Aug. 18, 1894. 398. FLORA J., born in Bellmont, N. Y., April 17, 1890. She married JOHN \V. WHITTEMORE, Jan. 20, 1908. They reside in Burke, N. Y., and haye one child, Clifford, born Dec. 24, 1909.

Children of LE\YIS N. HAR"\YOOD, No. 242. All born in

Lvon., countv,., lo\\"a . 399. MINNIE 1\1., born June 14, 1885. She has been a teacher in the public schools for the past seven years. 400. ARTHUR L., born l\iarch 28, 1887. 401. DELBERT C., born Feb. 4, 1890.

Children of CHAS. F. HAR\VOOD, No. 243. 402. GRACE, born March 6, 1863. She resides in \Val­ lingford, Conn. She is a member of the Congregational Church. 403. CAROLINE, born July 22, J 874. She married FRED \Vl\I. MARX, a druggist in Wallingford, Feb. 14, 1907. She is a Congregationalist.

Children of "\iVl\r. A. HAR\YOOD, No. 245. 404. JESSIE H., born April 27, 1873. She married 11-l-

GEoRGE F. VE~TER, in 18H--l-. 405. NETTIE B., born Dece1nber 8, 187D. She n1arried CHARLES A. PERRI~E, in 1!)07.

Children of 1-IEXRY lL\H\YOOl>, 2\o. :.!--1-(i_ +OG. :XETTIE. 407. liERDIE. -1-0~. LILLIE. -1-on. HExRY.

Children of Joux ..-\. H-AR\Yoon, Xo. 2:iO. All born in Farmington, 0. 410. ADDIE, born l\1av 15, 1869, died 1n infancv. w w 411. GvY F., born Aug. 1, 1872. I-Ie married, Dec. 25~ 1893, l\IABEL E. DA BXEY. She \\'as born l\1arch 17, 1874. They reside in Farmington. l\Ir. llar,Yood -is n member - ~- of the Knights of Pythias. -!-12. BERYL, born NoY. 17, 1876. She taught in the public schools for a ,Yhile; is a member of the Christian Church. She married, Dec. 20, 1904, NoR:\IA~ R. COLLIER> of l\il unson, 0. T,vo children: ArYid Harw·ood, born Tan. 10, 1906; and Eh.. a l\1., born l\iarch 29, 1909. They re­ side at Phalanx Station, 0.

Children of f A:.\IES :\1. HAR\YOOD, ~o. 25-1-. --1-13. :\1.-\.RY, born in 1883.

Children of FRA~crs H. HAR\Yoou1 Xo. 262. .l11 born in Granbv,., N. Y . 41-1-. ADA BELL, horn .-\ug.10, 187-t-. She married En- ,v.-\.RD PARKER .. Oct. 1-1-, 1896. They ha\~e had four chil- dren: Fancher IL, 'fhahna :\I., Lucien E., and Francis .\I. -!- 15. In.A DELL, t\\yin sister to .-\

Children of FREI> C. H AR\Yoo1>, ~o. '.27'.2. -1-18, .KATE, born Aug-. 28. 1 HOH. -!-19. FREn L., born No\·. 8, 190~).

Children of LESLIE \V. I-L-\R\YOOD, No. 288. ...\11 born in ::\I anchester, N. H. --1-20. HAZEL P .. born Noy. 15, 1 B01. -1-21. ROBERT E., born Aug. 17, 190a. -l-'.22. RA Y:\Io~D L .. horn June ti, 1~)10.

Children of HE~RY V. H.-\R\YOOD. No. 2~)0. All except the last born in East Bridg\vater, :\-Jass. 423. A~~IE \V., born July -1-, 1868. She 1narried CHAS. E. CROSS, Dec, 1, 1886. The\· reside in l\lilton, ~lass., and - - ha Ye four children: Henry L .. Lle\vellyn L., Charles E., and \'Valter \V. lvirs. Cross is a 1ne1nber of the Congrega­ tional Church. -1-24. EDITH S., born Sept. 20, 1870. She n1arried \V1L­ LL\.:.\I J. CARPE~TER, Dec. 4, 1889. They resided 1n Ded­ ha111, l\Jass., and ,vere the parents of fiye sons and one daughter. l\Irs. Carpenter died June!), l~H)~). She ,Yas a Congregationalist.

1 0 -r-~.')- \X.,.;,' ALTER E◄., l )Orn OC t . ')')-0, 1 0u-,) '-· 1-{~r '- \\ <-'l~. c'l nl,'l- ehinist. I-le 1narried KATIE .\. :\lcCcE. ~o\·. +, 1 ~n1. CHARLES W. HARWOOD


She \Yas horn in 187 -1-, and died 11 a\. 19, 1 ~~I~. :\Ir. flar­ \\·oocl died Dec. 11, 1 S~)7. He \\·as a men1 her of the Sons of Veterans. -1-2ti. LoTTIE R., born April --1-, 1875. She n1arried AL­ BERT H. RHODES, Sept.12.1H~)f. They reside in l\Ielrose, :\I ass. -1-27. Alf\' L .. horn Dec. 20, 1881, in l\Iiddlehoro, liass. She n1arried, June 2H, 1911, \VALL.\CE S. 1-Ir~T. They re­ side in II yde Park, ~I ass.

Children of DAYID T. HAR\YOOD, ~o. 2H1. 428. JAl\IES T., born April 3, 1870, in Charlesto,vn, l\I1~XIE l~STI:'\, Aug. 1894. l\lass. He 1narried A .__ 4, TheY- reside in Vennont. -1-29. CLARA "\V., horn July 16, 1873, in Charlesto'\:vn. She resides ,vith her parents in Vermont. -1-30. RoRERT H., born December 21, 1875, in Vermont, ,vhere also the rest of the famih· \Yere born. -1-:11. Lot·1s C., born Feb. 20, 1883. XELLIE n.. born Jan. 22, 1888. LESTER F., horn Aug. 13, 1892.

Children of CHARLES E. HAR\YOOD, No. 29G. All born in Lvnn, lvlass. -1-:14. CHARLES \V ., born Sept. 6, 1871. After gradua­ ting fro111 the Lynn public schools, he entered "Chauncey Hall" School of Boston, and in 188H, became associated ,Yith his father in the leather business, being taken into the firn1 of the Charles E. Har\Yood Con1pany in 18H3, holding the office of secretary. ::\Ir. Har\vood is president and treasurer of the Lynn Grease Extracting Company, director of the J. B. Renton Co1npany, n1a11ufacturers of heels; also a director of the Xational City Bank of Lynn. ~ - :\Ir. Har,voo., ,Yho \Yas horn in Bath, 11e. Thev reside in Lynn, ,,·here Dr. Ifarris prac­ tices his profe~sion.

Children of CHARLES :\I. HAR\Yoou, ~o. '...!~)7. --136. JeLIA, 1narried CHARLES ScHEIFLY, and resides in Lanca~ter. X. Y.

Children of XI. \·. B. HAR\YOOI,, ~o. 29H. -1-~17. ALBERT (;., resides in Oneida, X. Y.

Children of JA:\IES C. l-L.\R\YOon, :Xo. ~~lfi. All born in Io,va. -1-38. Bl-RT, born Jan. 2~). 1871. He ,Yas associated ,Yith his father in the ne,Yspaper business until the death of the latter, and h~ has since continued in the san1e busi­ ness, as editor and publisher of the Mlright County .11f oni­ tor, at Clarion. Ia. l\1r. Har,Yood n1arried, July 2, 189G, ELEA~OR \VELLS, daughter of \Villiam \V. and Sarah I Crosley) \Yells. She \Yas born xov. 7, 1870. -1-39. RILLA. horn June 5, 1872. She resides in Clarion. Ia. -!--1-0. :\:ELLIE, horn Jan. 2. 187~. diedJnne 10. 18R:2. +-1-1. BERXICE, born July 15, 188-1-. She married in 1908, \V. S. JE\VELL, an attorney in I4e\Yiston, Ill. 'fheY haYe one daughter. \Yilma. born :\Tay 1G, 1910. Children of \YILLL-\:\I S. HAR\YOOD, Xo. :122. 4-!-2. DOROTHY L., horn Dec. 22, 1887. She resides \\·ith her n1other at Los Gatos, Cal. 4--1<1. l\ifARGARET, born ~larch 1, 1891, died No\·. 19, 1 S~l3.

Children of FRA~K G. HAR,vooo, No. 324. 444. \V ARD, born July 3, 1882, died Dec. 30, 1890. -1--1-5. Rosco, born l\Tay 3, 1884, died Feb. 1888. 44G. PHILIP, born fan. 15, 1886.

Children of ARTHl'R J. HAR \YOOD, No. 325. 44 7. ERXEST P., born Dec. 15, 1887, at Minneapolis, Minn. He resides at Roosevelt, Minn_ He '\Vas elected one of the Councilmen of RooseYelt, on a temperance tick­ et, last spring ( 1~10) ,vith t,vo candidates opposing him.

Children of JrsTIX ~L HAR\YOOD, No. 328. All born in Bangor, N. Y. 448. ELIZABETH lVI., born Aug. 27, 1881. She \Vas graduated from Franklin Academy at Malone, N. Y., in 1901, and taught in the public schools for a time. She married, Sept. 9, 1903, FREDUS H. WILCOX, of Bangor, and they haYe one child, Ruth, born June 7, 1904. Mr. \Vilcox is a graduate of Franklin Academy, and is at pres­ ent Commissioner of Schools in District No. 2, of Franklin county.- He is also a .Justice of the Peace. lvlr. and :\frs. \Yilcox are members of the ~Iethodist Church. 4-1-9. ETHEL l\L, born June 28, 1888. She ,Yas gradu­ ated frotn Franklin Acade1ny in 1907, and has been a very successful teacher in the public schools since. She is no,Y a student in S,·racuse. Universitv.. 12() <;E~E...\LOGIC:\L IllSTOh~Y.

Children of \VATSO~ H. HAR\\'OOD, No. ~{29. 450. FRAXK STO\YELL, born Feb. 17, 1890, at Chasn1 Falls, N. Y., died Dec. 17, 1890. --1-51. \VESLEY BIGELO\Y, born July 17, 18H5, at Chasm Falls. He is a member of the ~Iethodist Church, and is at present a student in Franklin Acade1ny.

Children of '"fttERO~ L. HAR\VOOD, No. 3:10. All born near Flandreau, S. D. All reared in the ~lethodist Church. 452. HIRAM H., born July 30, 1883. -1-53. THERON J., born i\1:arch 2, 1885. 454. Lucv A., born Aug. 4, 188H. 455. l\1YRA C., born Dec. 16, 1891. 456. MAHALA M., born Sept. 2, 1893. 457. MINNIE ~:: .• born Aug. 20, 1895.

Children of NE\VELL E. HARWOOD, No. 332. 458. l\1ELVIN D., born l\'larch 11, 1875, died Aug. 21, 1879. 459. Ev A L., born July 20, 1877, died Feb. 9, 1889. 460. BESSIE L., born July 8, 1879. She n1arried, April 15, 1903, G. R. STEARNS, of North Dakota. l\Irs. Stearns is a Methodist. Their children are: Harrv.., E., born Dec . 23, 1904; Ralph H., born Sept. 22, 1906; Grace A., born May 10, 1908; and Fred M., born .Aug. 3, 1910. The family now reside in Canada (Northwest). 461. WILLIS D., born Jan. 22, 1882. He married, Dec. 2, 1910, MRS. DESSEE A. WHITSELL, and they reside in Sou th Dakota. 462. GRACE E., born Jan. 1, 1886, died Sept. 1, 1893. 463. AMY L., born Dec. 22, 1888. She attended the High School at Hudson, S D., several years. She mar­ ried, Aug. 24, 1909, JAMES B. CASEBEER, a pharmacist of Dr. W. H. HARWOOD AND FAMILY


Altoona, Ia., ,vhere they now reside. 464. FREDERICK L., born Sept. 19, 1892.

Children of MYRON R. HARWOOD, No. 334. 465. WILFRED H., born May 8, 1879, He married GRACE TrsMA, Dec. 25, 1902. 466. GuY R., born March 28, 1882. He married ANNA CURRY, March 31, 1904. 467. ARCHIE E., born May 10, 1885, died March 5, 1889. 468. l\-1ARY E., born June 25, 1888, died Aug. 28, 1888. 469. TANNER A., born Feb. 18, 1891. 4 70. GEORGE l\'.I., born Sept. 19, 1894. 471. ERNEST N., born March 14, 1898.

Children of WARREN A. HARWOOD, No. 335. 472. EVERETT S., born Aug. 26, 1884. 473. MARY E.,.born Feb.19, 1887. She married WAL­ TER T. FERGUSON, Oct. 22, 1903. They reside at Creigh­ ton, S. D. Children: Alice L., born Aug. 12, 1904; Ever­ ett L., born Dec. 2, 1905; George ·D., born Jan. 15, 1908; and Ralph H., bornJan. 9, 1910. 474. ETHEL E., born May 23, 1889. She married WESLEY W. FERGUSON, July 5, 1905. Children: Paul Le Roy, born Sept. 28, 1906; Frank, bprn Jan. 25, 1908. 475. LEE WARREN, born Nov. 6, 1892. 476. EDNA E., born Feb. 3, 1898, died April 21. 1898.

Children of EDGAR M. HAR,vOOD, No. 341. 477. Lucrus H., born Oct., 1879. He married LAURA C. KosTER, Oct. 25, 1899, and resides at Larvik, N. D. 478. FRA~KLIX J., born June 11, 1881. 1 --')') GENE.-\LOGICA.L HISTORY. 479. CLAUDE A., born April 5, 1883. He 1narried Sept.

18, 1907, TILDA E. FODNESS, and resides at Bentlev,.., N. D . 480. HERBERT H., born ~OY., 1884.

Children of LYMAN L. HAR\YOOD, ~o. 34-!-. All born in Berlin, Mich. 481. LEAVITT L., born May 5, 1867. He married AMY BENNETT, Dec. 18, 1907. 482. LUELLA B., born Jan. 27, 1869, married EUGENE A. HACKSTT, Feb. 21, 1895. Children: Donald, born Dec.11, 1897; Forest, born March 28, 1900; and Eugene, born Dec. 24, 1903. 483. CLAYTON, born Jan. 24, 1871, died July 20, 1877. 484. LuRETTA, born Sept. 6, 1872. 485. ELSIE, born June 2, 1875, died Sept. 10, 1879. 486. Jov I., born April 29, 1880.

Children of LEA VITT .A. HARWOOD, No. 345. 487. DALLAS L., born in Peoria, Ill., Feb. 17, 1872. He married FLORENCE SERVOSS, Nov. 4, 1891. He '\Vas cashier in a freight office at Grand Rapids, Mich., for seven years, then was promoted to the chief clerkship in the of­ fice, which position he held over three years, and, in 1894, was again promoted to traveling auditor, which position he has since held .. He resided with his family for a time in Detroit, but they now make their home again in Grand Rapids. 488. MERTIS L., born July 19, 1879. She married FRANK WAY, April 28, 1901, reside in Grand Rapids.

Children of RILEY HAR\VOOD, No. 347. All born in Ber­ lin, Mich. 489. GuY, born Feb. 1, 1871. . ~::;~~·- ·'.ii<;t\)::



490. JAY, born Oct. 1, 1872. 4 91. IvA, born NoY. 1, 1875. 492. ORA, born l\larch 2, 1884.

Children of ABRAM E. HARWOOD, No. 351. All born in Ionia county, Mich.

493. CORA, born Mav.., 11, 1880. She married GLENN PALMER, Jan. 1, 1907. 494. MARJORIE, botn Nov.4, 1888. She married STAN­ LEY WHITERS, Feb. 4, 1907. 495. LEILA R., born Oct. 18, 1893. 496. EDNA S., born in 1897.

Children of CHARLES T. HARWOOD, No. 355. All born in Illinois. 497. PEARL M., ~ied May 30, 1886. 498. HARRY H., born May 16, 1889. 499. MoRRIS S., born May 30, 1894. 500. LUCINDA E., born April 3, 1897, died May 7, 1899. 501. CHARLES M., born Jan. 8, 1899.

Children of LUKE M. HARWOOD, No. 357. 502. DE TURNER, born Dec. 14, 1905. 503. SABRA, bornJan.2, 1908.

Children of ARTHUR N. HARWOOD, No. 364. All born in Illinois. 504. ILDA A., born Aug. 18, 1882. She married H. BARTON MA YHE'\"V, Nov. 3, 1902. They have one child, Marjorie N., born April 28, 1904. l ~E:'\EALOGICAL II !STORY.

GOG. 1885. 506. .--\RTHt'R R., born July 2:J, 1887, died Feb. 1-1-. 1889. 507. ARLEY \V., born July 24, 1890. He attended col­ lege at Galesburg, 111. He is no,v \\'"ith his father in the Chicago office.

Children of EDMCXD B. HAR,voon, ~o. 370. All born in Michigan. 508. IDA, born Aug. 25, 1885. She married CHESTER LINEBAUGH, Dec. 23, 1903. He died Aug. 31, 1904, of peritonitis. One child, Jeannette, born NoY. 9, 1904. 509. ETHEL, born Jan. 9, 1887. She married CLIFFORD 'fo\VNSEND. Aug. 25, 1906. 510. PEARL, born Dec. 9, 1889. 311. ELI C., born Sept. 11, 1891. He \Yas recenth,. burned to death in a Texas hotel.

Children of CYRCS P. HAR\VOOD, No. 372. All born in l\'lichigan. 512. ~!ARY lvI.,_ born lVlay 11, 1889. 31~1. ALICE C., born July 28, 1891. 514. J osEPHIXE, born Oct. 20. 1895.

Children of \V~r. .L. HAR\VOOD, ~o. :173. All born in :Vlichigan. 516. Eo,rAR J., born :\larch 7, 1896, dic

Children of Le KE HAR\YOOD, .xo. 378. 518. BERTH.-\, ,vho died in 1893. ~19. GLEX.

Children of CHARLES \V. HAR\YOOD, No. 382. All born in Ohio. 520 CHARLES E., born :\lay 20, 1901. 521. GLENX R., born Dec. 18, 1902. 522. RALPH \V., born NoY. 17, 1903.

Children of \VrLLIAlI E. HAR\VOOD, 2\o. 387. 528. RAYMOXD H., born Sept. 22, 1902. 524. BEAUFORD, born Aug. 1, 1907. 525. CHARLES L_, born Feb_ 27, 1911. 526. CHESTER L., t,Yin brother to Charles L.

Children of RErBEX C. HAR\YOOD, No. 389. All born in ~ Bangor,N.Y.< • 527. CLAREXCE E., born July 10, 1980. He,vasgrad- uated from Franklin Academy at Malone, N. Y., in J ~09, and has since been a student in Cornell Universitv., . 528. :\iYRTLE .A., born Sept. 9, 1892. She \Yas gradu- ated from Franklin Academy, in June, 1911. 32D. LoRICE 1L, born June G, 1910.

Children of Eo\Y.\RD R. HAR\YOOD, No. 390. All born in Bangor, X. Y. 530. ERNEST L., born Oct. 31, 1894-. 531. ORRILL.-\ C .. born Sept. 8, 1896, died Sept. 7, 1897. HAZEL N., born XoY. 9, 1897. 126 GENEALOGICAL HISTORY.

533. SHELDox G ., born Noy. 11, 1900. 534. LIXA G., born Aug. 1, 1903. 535. BESSIE L., born NoY. 9, 1~03. 536. ELLA I., bornJuly 7, 1907. 537. Ro,vENA M., born Dec. 18, 1908. 538. KENNETH W., born Sept. 24, 1910.

Children of CHARLES \V. HARWOOD, No. 394. 539. ELSIE M., born May 17, 1910.

Children of Guy F. HAR\1.roon, No. 411. All born in Farmington, Ohio. 540. JOSEPHINE A., born Dec. 20, 1894. 541. LOYD A., born Aug. 17, 1899. CHARLES E. HARWOOD. 2°




Eleventh Generation.


Children of WALTER E. HARWOOD, No. 425. All born in Hyde Park, Mass. 542. ETHEL M., born May 4, 1893. 543. WALTER E., born April 25, 1894, died in August, 1894. 544. JOHN H., born June 21, 1895, died Feb. 21, 1896. 545. ELLENA H., born Aug. 26, l 896, died March 20, 1897. 546. EVERETT, born Oct. 19, 1897.

Children of CHARLES W. HARWOOD, No. 434. Born in Lvnn,., Mass . 547. MARION L., born Dec., 1, 1897. 548. CHARLES E., born Feb. 15, 1905.

Children of BURT HARWOOD, No. 438. Born in Clarion, Io,va. 549. BuRT, born Jan. 4, 1900. 550. HELEN E., born Feb. 20, 1909.

Children of "\\/ILFRED H. HAR\VOOD, No. 465. Born in South Dakota. 551. LAt:RA J., born NoY. 21, 1903. 128 GENEALOGICAL HISTORY.

PEARL M., born Oct. 2, 1907. 553. AxDRE\V H., born Jan. 17, 1909. 554. 11YRON R., born Jan. 5, 1911.

MYRNA R., t\vin sister to M .,vron R .

Children of GuY R. HARWOOD, No. 466. Born in South Dakota. 556. ARCHIE E., adopted child, born Nov. 2, 1906. 557. RALPH R., born Oct. 18, 1910.

Children of Lucrus H. HAR\VOOD, No. 477. Born in North Dakota. 558. GLENN, born Nov. 21, 1900. 559. MYRTLE, born May 25, 1903. 560. THELMA, born Oct. 30, 1905. 561. EDGAR, born Dec. 20, 1908.

Children of CLAUDE A. HARWOOD, No. 4 79. Born in North Dakota. 562. LAVENNA V., born Sept. 6, 1908, died Jan. 8, 1909.

Children of DALLAS L. HARWOOD, No. 487. 563. GLEN A·., born Dec. 9, 1897, at Grand Rapids, Mich. Hon. ALBERT HOBBS

Chapter B.

The Descendants of

LYDIA HARWOOD, No. 46, fl"ho married for her -first-- husband, JON.4THAN ORD­ W.4 Y, probably in New Ha1npshire; and for her second, JEDEDIAH HUTCHINS. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchins were early settlers in Constable, N. Y., where she died in 1842.

Children by JONATHAN ORDWAY. All born, probably,in Ne,v Hampshire. 1. AsA, married l\1ARY WENTWORTH, and resided in

Vermont Thev., had several children . 2. JONATHAN, born in 1784.· He married SARAH GREEN, at Swanton, Vt., about 1809, and moved to Fort Coving­ ton, N. Y., soon after. He became a large land owner in Ft. CoYington and nearby towns. He erected saw mills and lumbered extensively. He ,vas also a practicing phy­ sician. He died Dec. 13, 1856, his ,vife July 13, 1849. 3. NEHEMIAH, married in Vermont. He came to Ft. CoYington about 1810, and remoyed to Ohio about 181 5. Had several children. ( In my record of Lydia's children on page 48 of this ""ork, I failed to include Nehemiah. He

,vent \\"est at such an earlv., date, that most of my., infor- man ts had never heard of him.) 130 GENEALO<~ICAL HISTORY.

4. RACHEL, 1narried ~ATHA:"\ \VttEELOCK, resided in ·vermont.

Children by JEDEDIAH HUTCHINS. All born probably in Eden, Vt. 5. CALEB, 1narried MIND\VELL WENTWORTH. Thev., re- sided in Constable, and later in Bellmont, N. Y. Accord- ing to the "History of Clinton and Franklin Counties," Caleb served from Constable in the,var of 1812-15, "vhich if correct, sho,vs that the Hutchins family were in Consta­ ble as earlv, or earlier, than 1814. He died about 1873, w . his ,vife about 1877. 6. CYNTHIA, born Oct. 2, 1798. She married, March 27, 1817, in Constable, JOSEPH HASTINGS, son of Isaac ind Sarah (Goddard) Hastings. Mr. Hastings came to Constable from Warwick, Mass., in 1814. Mrs. Hastings died May 6, 1856. 7. PERSIS, born about 1801. She married NATHAN HOBBS. They resided at Ogdensburg, N. Y. After Mr. Hobbs' death his vvido"v came back to Constable, and af­ ter\\"ard married MASON WILCOX. 8. JEDEDIAH, born in 1803. He married ALVIRA HUTCHINS, and they resided in Constable, where he died July 9, 1843. His -wife died about the same time.



Children of JoNATHAN 0RD\VAY, No. 2. All born in Ft. CoYington, N. Y. 9. SARAH, born March 25, 1810. She married CHAND- ROSWELL B. ORDWAY.


LER ELLS\VORTH, of Fort CoYington, Feb., 1830. She died in April, 1867. 10. Lucy, born Jan. 20, 1815, died in infancy. 11. \VILLIAl\I, born March 7, 1816. He married SARAH A. DIMOND, of Fort Covington, Sept. 24, 1845. He went to California by way of Cape Horn, in 1849, returned in 1852, and follo'\ived farming and lumbering. Mrs. Ord­ ,vay died in 1886, and he removed to Chicago, in 1898. 12. MARY, born June 17, 1818, died in infancy. 13. FIDELIA, born Oct. 4, 1819. Married JAMES LONG­ LEY, of Ft. Covington, about 1844. She died Jan .. 26, 1892. 14. RoswELL B., horn l\fay 15, 1822. He married ELIZABETH LAFLEUR, of Westville, N. Y., May 10, 1857. He died Aug. 25, 1893, and she in 1900. 15. ALONZO, born Oct 18, 1823. He married 0RILLA ELLSWORTH about 1845. He died Dec. 1, 1884, and his ,vife Jan. 18, 1891. 16. JONATHAN, born about 1826. He married EMILY FRYE, of Bombay, about 1858. He went to California about 1868, returned a fe"v years after. He died in Man­ chester, N. H., about 1889. 17. Lov1sA, born about 1828. She married DR. ISAAC J. MoxLEY, of Bangor, N. Y., in 1855. Mrs. Moxley died .April 14, 1868. 18. NEHEMIAH F., born about 1832. He went to Cal­ ifornia in 1849, from there to Australia. Returned to California, where he married ELIZABETH KENXEDY. He \\?as a delegate to the l\Iethodist Episcopal General Con­ ference, in 1892. Thev_, haYe children.

Children of CALEB HrTCHrxs, No. 5. All born in Con­ stable, N. Y. 19. SARAH, married SA~IUEL EsTY, four children. GENEALOGICAL HISTORY.

20. iVL\RY.

·_>1. ~\ ~XA E . --·I )1) ADALINE, married GILES CHEXEY, three children. ...,')3 . MARVIN, married FIDELIA BUTTON, no children. ~1ELVIN, married Lou1sA PEARSON, seven children. SusANNAH, 1narried GEORGE ,voRKS, one child. 9(.. - ). CHARLOTTE, married HORACE DrDLEY, three chil- dred.

Children of CYNTHIA HASTINGS, No. fi. All born in Con­ stable, N. Y. 27. LYDIA, horn April 13, 1818. She married AARON STOWERS, Jan. 29, 1840. She died in 1871. 28. HARRIET E., born April 26, 1819. She married, Nov. 28, 1839, ALFRED BASSETT. She died June 21, 1846. 29. HARVEY, born ...L\.pril 26, 1821. He 1narried Lucy Dun LEY, of Constable, Dec. 26, 1844. He ,vas a ven.. highly esteemed citizen of Constable, where he died Oct. 25, 1900. . 30. GEORGE D., born Feb. 20, 1823. He married l\1ARY BLANCHARD, May 2, 1847. They resided in Constable, where he died April 1, 1895. 31. CLARISSA, born l\t.Iay 23, 1825. She married GEORGE PEARL, of J3urke, N. Y., died Feb. 13, 1905. . 32. EMERY, born Sept. 30, 1827. He studied medicine and \vas graduated from Castleton (Vt.) Medical College. He settled in DeKalb, N. Y., ,vhere he married MARY \VHIPPLE, l\!Iarch 22, 1853. He died Sept. 1, 1858. 33. ISAAC, born May 5, 182~. He married MERCY 0. \V1cKs, of Gasport, N. Y., Aug. 17, 185~t They settled in l\1edina, N. Y., and later ren1oyed to LaFayette, Incl., ,vhere he died. 84-. SARAH M., born Feb. 21, 1831. She married, l\'Iay 15, 1854, JAMES S. Dt:DLEY, of Constable, \Yhere they MR. AND MRS. J_IARVEY HASTINGS



111ade their home. She died l\iiarch 7, 1909, and l\ilr. Dud­ ley- died t,yo da-YS after her death. 35. JOSEPH, born March 30, 1833. He studied medi- cine and "~as graduated from Castleton Medical College. He married ALVIRA FISK, of DeKalb, N. Y. He settled in Palermo, Kan., ,vhere he died Feb. 6, 1899. 36. ALFRED, born Oct. 13, 1835. He married, Nov. 2, 1857, MARY 0. BULLOCK, of Moira, N. \'". He enlisted, Aug. 23, 1864, in Co. C, Third Ne\v ··r ork Cavalry. Was in the battle of Chapin's Farm, Sept. 29-30, 1864. For many :weeks he was ill at Hampton Hospital, Fortress Munroe. Va. He was discharged under Col. Geo. W. Le\vis, June 10, 1865. His regiment served in the First brigade, Kantz's DiYision of Cavalry, Army of the James. Mrs. Hastings died Feb. 6, 1900, and he after,vards mar­ ried MRS. LOUISA BABCOCK, of Burke, N. 'l., who died a fe\v years afterwards. He married March 22, 1911, MRS. l\1ARY A. CLARK. They reside in Constable. 37. CYNTHIA, born Sept. 2, 1837. She married, Nov. 2, 1857, WILLIS BULLOCK, of ~[oira, N. Y. They settled in \Vayne, Kan. 38. JAl\IES M., born March 30, 1840. He married ~1ARGARET Ross, of Lancaster, Can. She died in 1887, and he after,vard married ELSIE BROCKWAY, of Bangor, N. Y. He died June 29, 1908. 39. POLLY IRENE, born April 14, 1842, died Dec. 14, 1858. -1-0. DE WITT C., born Dec. 30, 1844. He settled in \Vayne, Kan. He married REBECCA \VILLMETH, and die

Children of PERSIS llonns, No. 7. All born at Ogdens-c burg, N. Y. -1-1. LorrsA, horn 1\'Iarch 11, 1H17. She 111arried OLIVER 13-1-

BRA~ I> • .:\larch 22, 18:13. They resided in Constable, N. Y. She died ~OY. 2a, 1880. 42. LecRETIA, born l\lay 21, 1819. She 111arried CHAUXCEY CooK, of Constable, NoY. 3, 1839. He died in 1835, and his ,Yido,Y married A:\L\SA A. RHOADES, ~OY. 12, 185G. They resided in \VestYille. She died ~larch 6, 1895. 43. ALBERT, born in 1821. I-Ie taught school for a time, then studied la,v ,vith the Hon. Joseph H. Jackson, and ,yas admitted to the bar in 1850. I--Ie practiced his profession in ~1alone for 47 _years, dying April 9, 1897. He ,Yas a member of Assemb)\"' in 1856, and ,vas in the State Senate in 1864 and 1865, and ,,,.as Judge of Frank­ lin county in 1867. He also held important to\vn offices in l\Ialone. His first ,vife was DELIA DURAND. His sec­ ond ,vas l\1Rs. CAROLYN MAGEE FuRXESS, the mother of Dr. Henry Furness, of l\ilalone. 44. LucIXDA, born about 1823. She married ANDRE\V JA:MESON, and they resided in l\1iddlesex countv, l\1ass., ,vhere she died in 1873.

Bv.,, .7\1 ason IVilcox, Persis had one son:- 45. NATHAX, married. He died \vhile still a young man.

Children of JEDEDIAH HrTcHr~s, No. 8. All born in Consta b1e, N. Y. 46. HARRY. 47. Ar..,oxzo, born July 18, 1825. He marrierl RoBA BASSETT, died Sept. 15, 1891. 48. EBEXEZER. 49. DAX.-\. 50. SARAH A. 51. .:\L.\RY A. 52. LORAIXE. ED\YIX. 5-1. ELLEX. LoRE~zo. 56. EL:\IIRA. 0'.-- RoS\YELL.


Children of SARAH ELLS\VORTH, No. 9. All born in Ft. CoYington, N. l ... 38. Lov1NA, died young. 59. HANNIBAL, married SARAH J. l\fERRICK, of Ft. CoY­ ington. Eight children: Anson, Etta, Ella, Minnie, Chandler, Ida, Albert and Lilly. 60. PAMELIA, married WILLIAM McCULLOUGH, of West­ ville. 61. Lou1sA, married SoLoN STORMS, died leaving one son. 62. SIDNEY, married KATE McEACHREN, born in Scot­ land, three children: William ( deceased), lvlira B., and Anna.

Children of WILLIAM 0RD\VAY, No. 11. All born in Ft. Covington, N. Y. 63. MASCLET S., born Aug. 15, 1846. In 1866, he en­ tered the University at Ann Arbor, Mich., intending to prepare himself for the Christian Ministry, but his health failed and he died Jan. 27, 1871. 64. Ro:M:ULUS D., born July 19, 1851. He married BER­ THA HENRY, of Ft. Covington, May 5, 1886. He owns and operates the Gold Coin creamery at Ft. Covington Centre. One daughter, Anna l\1., born May 17, 1890. 65. DELANCY P., born l\'Iarch 25, 1855. He ,vent to California about 1875, returned about 1880. Married Sus1E LEARY, of Ft. CoYington, Dec. 31, 1885. They lived for a ,vhile in \Vorcester, Mass. In 1888, he ,Yent to the Klondike, and his family soon after moved to Chicago, Ill. Three children: Loyd W., born Sept. 18, 1887, died l\tlay 31, 1889; Fred D., born Dec. 5, 1889; and Sarah D., born Dec. 2 5, 1891. 13G GEXEALOGICAL HISTORY.

€6. FREDERICK 11., born Aug. 14, 1857. He ,vent to California in 1886, ,vhere he married a l\lrss HA~IILTOX, Dec. 20, 1887. Resides in Los Angeles, \\' here he is a con­ tractor and builder.

Children of FIDELIA LoxGL Y, ~o. 13. 67. ELMER N., born lvlarch 2, 1847. 68. ELECTA S., born June 1, 1850. 68. EMMA J., born.June 12, 1857. 70. ALTOX J., born Sept. 27, 1859.

Chiklren of Ros\VELL B. 0RD\VA Y, No. 14. All born in Fort Covington, N. Y. 71. MARY R., born April 26, 1858. She ,vas graduated from the Fort Covington Academy and taught five years. She married CHARLES CrsHMAN, of Westville, N. Y., March 25, 1886. They reside in Chicopee Falls, Mass. T,vo daughters: Stella P., born l\'Iarch 26, 1889; and Grace E., bornjan. 27, 1898. 72. LovrsA J., born Dec. 4, 1863. She married LESLIE FREEMAN, of Westville, Sept. 22, 1883. They have three sons: Lial H., born Aug. 11, 1886; Elbert R., born Nov. 23, 1890; and Ros,vell F., born Sept., 1893. 73. \VALTER S., born Nov. 5, 1860. He resided for years on the old homestead originally t~ken up by his grandfather, Dr. Jonathan Ord¥.tay. Is no,v engaged in mercantile business. lvlr. Ord,vav has been activelv iden- - - - tified \Yith the Prohibition party for many years pa~t. Has been chairman of the County Committee and delegate to State conyentions seyeral tin1es. 74. \VILLI.AM A., born April 19, 1865. He married EDITH Mc NASSER, of Bangor, Sept. 8, 1891. He is a ma­ chinist in the Armory at Springfield, lvlass., and resides at WALTER S. ORDWAY.


Chicopee Falls, Mass. Three children: Allen H., born May 23, 1897; Charles A., born Oct. 30, 1882; and John P., born June 22, 1886. 75. NEHEMIAH \V., born July 4, 1867. He has shown much ability as an artist. He is employed in the bicycle \vorks at 'fhompsonville, Conn.

Children of ALONZO 0RD\"VAY, No. 15. 76. CLINTON A., adopted son, born Jan. 2, 1858. He married JANE FRYE, of Fort Covington, Oct. 2, 1879.

Thev., reside in the West .

Children of JONATHAN ORD\VAY, No. 16. All born in Bombay, N. ·y_ 77. EMMA A., born in 1858. She resides in Manches­ ter, N. H. 78. IRA W., born about 1863. He resided in Manches­ ter, N. H., and Boston, Mass., where he filled fine posi­ tions. He n1arried the daughter of a Baptist minister of Boston. Died from pneumonia, about 1895.

Children of Lov1sA lvloXLEY, No. 17. 79. DAR\VIN E., born in Ft. Covington, N. Y., in 1857. He married KATE L. CHUBB, of Bloomingdale, N. Y., in 1886, and resides at Bloomingdale. 80. CLARA E., born in Bangor, N. Y., in 1859. She married R. K. REYNOLDS, at Bangor, in 1883. Died in Ne,vark, N. J ., in 1899. 81. LUCENA S., born in Bangor, N. Y., in 1861. She married FRANK DEAN, at La,vrenceville, N. Y., in 1885. Died in Chicago, 1891. Children of HARRIET E. BASSETT, No. 28. 82. SYLVA~cs, served in the Union Arn1y under Col. J. J. Seaver. He \\"as ,vounded and discharged in Sept. 1865, died Dec. 30, 1882. 83. ....\.SA, served in the same company \Yith his brother in the Union Army, and "·as killed in hattle l\Iay 3, 1863.

Children of I-lARVEY l-l.-\STI~Gs, No. 2~). 84. SYLVIA, born Sept. 3, 1845. She married RoBERT C. \\i"1LSON, Mav 21, 1868, an

Children of GEORGE D. HASTINGS, No. 30. 85. ALTA, married J. N. AUBREY, of Constable. 86. I-L-\TTIE, n1arried C. \V. Ho,vELL, of Constable. 87. ANNA, married ALBERN ArBREY, of Constable. 88. LILLIAN, married DR. WARREN M. BRAND, of Burke. 89. GEORGIA, married AsA HARMON, of l\1alone. TIIE DESCE~I>.-\~TS OF LYDIA IL\R\\'OOI>. 1:~~)

Children of CLARISSA PEARL, Ko. ~11. ~)0. ~L-\RY, 1narried l\!In .. LARD PIKE, of Burke.

Children of DR. E:.\IERY IIASTIX<~s, No. :t.?. Dl. E:\IERY

Children of ISAAC IL-\sT1xr.-s, No. 33. 93. CLAR.\, died young.

Children of SARAH ~1. DeDLEY, No. 34. A.11 born in Constable, N. Y. 94. HARVEY J., born Aug. 11, 1855. He married CAR­ RIE l\'l. HARMON, Dec. 14, 1881, t,vo children: Benjamin Harmon, born Jan. 31, 1885, graduate of Franklin Acade- 1ny, graduated from Dartmouth College, 1909, took a post-graduate course in Civil Engineering in Thayer School, of Dartmouth, now holds a position with Ne\v ·York Central Railroad Cornpany, at Albany, N. Y.; and Gertrude lvl., born Aug. 24, 1888, she graduated from Franklin Academy, and is no,Y a student in Smith College at Northampton, lvlass. .Mr. Dudley served as clerk of Franklin County, 1804-1909. He is no,y engaged in the insurance business in 1Ialone. 95. GEORGE K., born June 2, 1861. He n1arried SARAH L. HALL, Feb. 8, 1879. One child, Ruby M., born March 25, 1881, 1narried Andre\:v N. Henderson, of l\:Ialone, June n, 190G. l\Ir. Dudley resides in Constable. 96. EYA B., born July 10, 1863. She married SHERI­ DAX BEEBEE, April 15, 1882. Three children: Hugh Dud­ ley, born ~larch 10, 188-!-, married April 17, 1908, l\1ay I. \Vilhur, one child, Hugh ,v., born in Chicago, Ill., Jan. 12, 1909; Dick Dudley, burn April 15, 1887; and Isabelle C., born Dec. 21, 1888. 1-1-0

97. CLAR.-\ B., born Jan. 7, 187G. She n1arried LEI~OY E. BuELL, l\'lay 9, 1902. Three children: Ed,vard Dudley, born June 12, 1903; Hope Dorris, born April 16, 190G, died Sept. 21, 1909; and lVIurial Isabelle, born Sept. 8, 1908.

Children of DR. JOSEPH HASTIXGS, No. 35. 98. FRANK, resides in Ne,y lv1exico. 98. CLARA, resides in Ne,,y l\Jexico

Children of ALFRED HASTIXGS, No. 3G. 100. FRED C., born June 29, 1850, in ConstaLie. I-Ie died April 20, 1894. 101~ CYNTHIA H., horn Jan. 1, 1870, in Constable. She is a graduate of Franklin .Aca

Children of CY:-iTHIA Bt·L1..ocK, Xo. ~~7. 102. FRANK E., born in 1858. He \Yas graduated in ALFRED HASTINGS, CONSTABLE, NEW YORK A Member of the Third New York Cavalry, Co. C, During the Civil War.


1881, f ro1n St.Joseph Hospital l\iedical College, and prac­ tices his profession in Forest City, l\il o. 10:t \VILLLL\I, resides at Noda,vay, l\lo. 104. EuGEXE H., graduated from Ens,yorth l\tiedical College, St.Joseph, Mo., in 1891. Practices his profession at Neosho Rapids, Kan. 105. J osEPH, resides at Noda \Yay. 106. ELLA, married G. 0. RICKLEFS, of Bendena, Kan..

Children of DE\V1TT C. HASTINGS, No. 40. 107. CLIXTOX. 108. A.DA. 109. GEORGE. 110. BLAINE.

Children of LOUISA BR.AND, No. 41. 111. NATHAN H., born Sept. 5, 1836. He served in the Union Army, and died in the service March 6, 1864. He left a ,vife and two children: Ella F., born June 3, 1859; and Charles H., born April 13, 1861. 112. MATILDA J., born Oct. 3, 1837. She ,vas married three times-last husband, HENRY ARNOLD. She died March 25, 1905. 113. l\il. ANTOINETTE, born Dec. 9, 1838. She married CHAS. PENXIMAN, resided in Boston. One son, George W., born NoY. 22, 1858. She died Nov. 1, 1872. 114. l\1YRON A., born Nov. 3, 1840. He married DELIA Wooo. They resided many years in Duane, N. Y., ,vhere both died. They ,vere the parents of six daughters: AGNES, born :.\larch 12, 1865; l\fabel, born July 29, 186€; Alice, born l\1ay 1, 1869, died young; l\1ary, born July 6, 1872; Sarah, born June 20, 187-1-, died _young; and Laura, born :\larch '27, 1877. 115. EvALIXE, born April 5, 1842, died NoY. 2, 1869. 116. ALBERT H., born NoY. 14, 1844. He died in the Union Army,July 17, 1865. 117. S.-\RAH C., born Feb. 17, 18--1-7, cliecl April 1G, 1866. 118. :\1ARY A., t,yin sister to Sarah. She n1arried JA:\IES DAY, reside in Xe,v Ha111pshire. Four children: Sarah, born Jan. 10, 1872; Edith, born lviarch 30, 187:1; James C., born in 1874; and Estella, born in 1876. 119. WILLIAM S., horn April 10, 1849. He married M1xA CHAPl\IAN. He is a highly respected citizen of Ma­ lone. Children: Walter C., born June 3, 1887; D·vvight l\I., born Feb. 7, 1890; and Perry P., horn Oct. 9, 1893. 120. PERSIS L., born Jan. 11, 1861. Her last husband ,vas the Rev. A. L. BRAND, of Ingleside, N. Y. By her for­ mer husband she had one

Children of LrcRETL-\ CooK, No. 42. 123. l\l1Lo, born Sept. 6, 18--1-0, died in 1843. 124. DELIA, born Sept. 18, 1841, died in 1843. 125. DELIA M., born Oct. 12, 1843. \Vent to Kansas in 1869, and married EBE~EZER PLACE. She had fi ye children. She died Feb. 19, 1897. 126. FRAXKLIX ::\11., born Oct. 2, 18--1-5. He enlisted in the Union Army, in 1863, ,vas "\vounded in the battle of Fredericln,burg, and died in a hospital, June 12, 1864. 127. \VILLIAl\1 \V., born Aug. 20, 1847. He enlisted in the Union Army, and lost a leg in battle. I-le n1arried at THE DESCENDA~TS OF LYDIA HAR\VOOD. 143 the age of 18, and has seven children living, and five have died. 128. CHARLES J., born Oct. 26, 1849. He ,vent to Kansas, ,v here he married and still resides. 129. MARTHA, born August 28, 1851. She married STEPHEX HoAG, in Kansas, and they have five children Ii ving. 130. GEORGE W., born Aug. 30, 1853. He married in Vermont, and no,v lives in Montana, has nine children.

By Amasa A. Rhoades, her second husband, Lucretia bad tn"o children:

131. SARAH A., born Jan. 27, 1858. She married HER­ BER'r W. BUELL, Nov. 29, 1877. Nine of their children are now living. They resided in Westville until Mr. Buell's death, ,vhen Mrs. Buell moved to Malone. The family now 1i ve in Iowa, where one son is a Methodist minister. 132 ETHAN A., born l\Iarch 10, 1860, died .A.ug. 30, 1862.

Children of Hox .•~LBERT Ho BBS, No. 43. 133. ALICE, born in Malone, married CARLYLE SMITH. They had t,vo children: Elsie and Carl. Mr. Smith died, and his ,vido\\· married WALTER H. MEARS, a practicing attorney in Malone. She died a fe,v years since. 134. HERBERT D., born in Malone. He resides in the ,vest.

Children of Lcc1xoA JAMESON, No. 4J. 135. CARRIE. 13G. ANDRE\V. 1-1--1- GENEALOGICAL HISTORY.

Children of ALONZO HUTCHINS, No. 4 7. 137. ~uFvs A., born 11ay 11, 184-t-, died 1\1 an:h 31, 1846. 138. IzoRA A., born Feb. 28, 1854, 1narried J oH~ l\1A~­ soN, Nov. 8, 1871.

NoTE.-ln the foregoing records of the descendands of Lydia Harwood, I have not tnentioned Church member­ ship. Many of this branch ,vere and are devout Christ­ ians, and members of and workers in the several Evangel- ical Churches. \V. H. H. ADDITIONAL


From a careful study of all the records I can obtain bearing on the subject, I have become satisfied that Lydia Harwood was older than her sister Rosannah, and the next younger than her brother Archibald. She ,vas born, then, about 1764. She and her husband, Jedediah Hutchins, are buried in the old cemetery in Constable, N. Y., but there are no stones to mark their graves, and even the mounds are now ob­ literated. A family named Coburn have graves with stones on the same lot. We kno,v, however, that this is the burial place of Jededi~h and Ly~ia (Harwood) Hutchins, as it is so marked on an old map of the cemetery. Mary Wentworth, wife of Asa Ordway, No. 1, and Mindwell \Vent­ worth, wife of Caleb Hutchins, No. 5, ,vere daughters of Moses and Ann (Honey) \Ventworth. Moses Went,vorth was born in Groton, or Harvard. Mass.• in 1773_ Married Ann Honey (or Behoney), in 1794, and lived in Alstead, N. H., Eden, Vt., and Constable, N. Y. He died in Constable, Feb. 5, 1848. Mary, his eldest child, ·was born in 1795, probably in Alstead. Married Asa Ordway in Eden, and died in Swan­ ton, Vt., May 7, 1823. Mind well was horn in Eden, Vt., June 15, 1804. Married Caleb Hutchins, Nov. 26, 1820. She died about 1877. The dates of birth of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Hutchins were as follows:- Sarah, born Aug., 1821. l\lary, horn Dec. 17., 1823. Anna E.~ horn April 25, 1826. Adaline, born Nov. 12, 1828. :\larvin, born Feh. 24, 1831. :\ldvin, horn April 11, 1833. Susannah, born ~lay 24, 183ri. Charlotte, horn Oct. 9, 18:~8. Fred C. Hastings, No. 100, married Cora E. \Villrnr, of ~orwood, N. \·., Dec. 20, 18~1. Two children: Cora Ethel, horn Sept. 22, 1 S8~. :\tarried A. H. :\1acLenna n, Professor of Hortic11lt11re in Ontario Agri­ cnltm·al College, (;udph, Canada, one daughter, ~Iildn.·d Ethel, born June 12, 1904; and A. Arthur, horn :\lay 13, 1~86. ..\l>JHTIO~.\L. The children of :\Ir. and ~Irs. \\'illis \\'. Bullock. No.:~,, as are as fol­ lows:- 1 Frank Emory, horn Sept. 5, 1858, in Xorfolk, ~- \'. He studied medicine ,Yith his uncle, Dr. Joseph Hastings, of Palermo, Kan., an0rn Dec. 30, 1844. He married Rebecca L. \Villmeth, April 1-1-, 1870. She was horn April 10, 18-!-2. They resided in Kansas, and were the parents of four children: 1. Clinton J. horn Feh. 17, 1871. He married Ann E. Carpcutcr, ~ov. 23, 1898. Residence, Trov, Kan. 2. Ada S., born Aug. 11, 1873. She married Edwin G. \\"inzer, Dec. 10, 1!)02. They reside at Doniphan, Kan. 3. George \\"., born :\'larch 21, 1880. He married Anna 8. ::\1c<,2ueen, ::\[ arch 10, 1909. One child, Stella Rebecca, horn Dec. 27, 1 H09. Resi­ dence, at Troy, Kan. 4. Blaine, horn Sept. 1~), lSS-1-, llie(l Oct.~). 1 SSf,. •

~·w' • '< .· . . •, .. .\... . .

. r • f \ }- . -~-



Giving the Name and Number of each HARWOOD de­ scended from ANDREW, "'·vhose record is contained in this book.

Andre,v, 1 Alice, 379 Andre,v, 3 Alice C., 513 Andrew, 7 Ai, 128 Andre\\"', 17 Asaph L., 201 Andrew, 23 Alphonzo A., 253 Andrew, 33 Arthur J., 325 Andre,v, 38 Arthur N., 364 Andre,v, 53 Arthur L., 400 Andrew, 60 Arthur R., 506 Andrew, 69 . Albert G., 437 Andrew, 75 Arley W., 507 Andre,v, 83 Asahel, 107 Andre,v, 125 Abram, E., 351 Andrew J., 144 Allen F., 416 Andre,v H., 553 ·Amv 105 .., ' Abigail, 18 Amy L., 427 .Abigail, 21 Amy L., 463 Abigail, 39 Anna, 112 .Abigail, 81 Annie L., 300 Abbie M., 158 Annie W., 423 Abbie S., 308 Ann S., 374 Archibald, 44 Angeline, 134 14G I~DEX.

Archibald, 92 Aurelia A., 247 Archie E., 467 Arria, 293 Archie E.,. 55G Augusta .A., 29-!- Amanda, 102 Ada L., 304 Amanda, 218 Ada B., 414 Ameribah,. 70 Agnes C., 373 Annis, 98 Addie, 410 Annis, 239 Alzina D.,. 365 Alice, 82 Allie M., 417 Alice W.,. 18G

Burt, 321 Bertha A., 435 Burt, 438 Bertha, 518 Durt,. 549 Bernice, 441 Bert, 166 Bervl,_, 412 Betsey,. 40 Beauford,. t>-.... 94 Bessie L.,. 460 Berdie, 407 Bessie L.,. 535

Cyrus, 99 Charles L., ~-Dh.')- Cyrus,. 224 Chester L., 526 Cyrus, 240 Clarissa, 110 Cyrus P.,. 372 Clara 1\,1.,. 342 Charles R.,. - 143 Clara J., 376 Charles F.,. 243 Clara W.,. 429 Charles, 249 Clara E.,. 505 Charles, 257 Caroline,. 190 Charles W.,. 275 Caroline, 403 Charles E., 296 Carrie E.,. 260 Charles M.,. -')9-' Carrie A., 278 Charles E.,. 312 Cora, 493 Charles T., 355 Clayton, 483 Charles W. ,. 382 Corodon, 189 Charles W., 394 Clarence H., 388 147

Charles \V., 434 Clarence E., 527 Charles M., 501 Claude A., 479 Charles E., 520 Cynthia, 346 Charles E., 548

Daniel, 84 David, 219 Daniel, 171 David E., 286 Daniel J., 258 David T., 291 David, 89 David, 307 David, 94 Dora A., 385 David F., 176 Delbert C., 401 David, 181 Dorotha L., 442 David H., 196 Dallas L., 487 David N., 199 De Turner, 502

Esther, 2 Edwin, 231 Edward W., 237 Edgar M., 341 Edward R., 390 Edgar J., 515 Eunice, 24 Edgar, 561 Eunice M., 123 Ezra C., 233 Edmund, 37 Everett S., 472 Edmund, 78 Everett, 546 Edmund, 159 Eli C., 511 Edmund Y., 178 Eliza, 156 Edmund, 226 Effie, 160 Edmund B., 370 Ella, 164 Elizabeth, 211 Ella ~I., 354 Elizabeth M., 448 Ella I., 536 Ethel E., 284 Emily H., 202 Ethel, 359 Emily S., 381 Ethel M., 449 Eva L., 271 Ethel E., 474 Eva D., 313 Ethel, 509 Eva L., 459 Ethel M., 542 Ellen E., 319 148 l~DEX.

Elijah, 52 Experience, 352 Elijah, 111 Erminie 360 Emma, 1 n_.'""? Etta M., 383 Emma W., 192 Edna S., 49€ Emma A., 263 Edi:h S., 424 Ernest, 392 Elsie, 485 Ernest P., 447 Elsie M., 539 Ernest N.,. 471 Ellena H., 545 Ernest L.,. 530

Francis W.,. 252 Fred E., 255 Francis H., 262 Fred C., 272 Frank 323 Fred L., 419 ' Frank G.,. 324 Fred L., 464 Frank \V.,. 326 Floyd C., 397 Frank S., 450 Flora, 234 Franklin J.,. 478 Flora J., 398 Fanny, 72 Florence G., 393 Fanny, 155

George A.,. 141 Grace E.,. 462

George L.,. 165 Guv_, F., 411 George,. 168 Guy R., 466

George, - 244 Guv,., 489 George H.,. 203 Glen, 519 George H.,. 281 Glen R., 521 George H.,. 338 Glenn A., 563 George l\1., 470 Glenn, 558 Grace, 402

Hannah,. 8 Helen M.,. 149 Hannah, 61 Helen E., 550 Hannah,. 79 Hiram,. 215 INDEX. 149

Hannah, 153 Hiram, 353 Hannah, 183 Hiram H., 452 Hannora, 349 Henrietta, 58 He1nan, 100 Harriet, 167 Heman, 208 Harriet E., 289 Henry M., 132 Harrison, 230 Henry J., 135 Herbert W., 268 Henry V., 290 Herbert H., 480 Henry A., 306 Hazel W., 273 Henry, 409 Hazel P., 420 Harry H., 498 Hazel N., 532

Isaac, 221 Ida P., 415 Ione A., 343 Ida, 508 Ida A., 380 Iva, 491 Ida A., 504

James, 16 John M., 276 Ja1nes, 19 John F., 288 James, 27 John F., 333 James, 32 John, 367 James, 43 John H., 544 James, 55 Jonathan, 54 James, 91 Jonathan I., 121 James, 103 Joseph, 35 James, 109 Joseph, 63 James l\I., 117 Joseph A., 130 James, 184 Josephine P., 131 Tames A., 194 Josephine, 137 James, 228 Josephine B., 151 James M., ?.3') ,.,J - Josephine, 179 James H., 246 Josephine, 265 James M., 254 Josephine, 514 James C., 316 Josephine A., 540 150 INDEX.

James T., 428 Jessie H., 404 John, 6 Joanna, 10 John, 20 Jesse, 80 John, 22 Jesse, 96 John,. 26 Jesse, 182 John, 31 Jesse L., 295 John, 34 Jesse D., 320 John~ 42 Junius, 138 John,. 50 Jennie, 251 John, 62 Jennie B., 285 John, 71 Julia K., 279 John, 86 Julia, 436 John A.,. 120 Justin M., 328 John, 162 Justus T., 36] John, 169 Joy I., 486 John A.,. 188 Jay, 490 John A., -n9-0

Kilburn, 64 Kate, 418 Kilburn, 140 Kenneth, 517 Katherine C., 266 Kenneth W., 538

Lydia, 29 Leslie \V., 283 Lvdia,., - 46 Leslie H., 3~1 Lvdia,., 47 Lester L., 305 Lydia E., 177 Lester F., 433 Luke, 101 Lynn R., 287 Luke M., 357 Lena W., 292 Luke, 378 Lorenzo, 311 Lurane, 59 Lulu M., 339 Lois H., 66 Lyman I.1., 344 Lucy A., 118 Leavitt A., 345 Lucy M., 331 Leavitt R., 366 · Lucv., A., 454 Leavitt L., 481 I~DEX. 151

Lucinda, 195 Luticia, 384 Lucinda, 220 Lottie R., 426 Lucinda E., 500 Louis C., 431 Laura P., 119 Lee W., 4--,~ Laura A., 241 Lucius H., 477 Laura J., 551 Luella B., 482 Lavenna ·v., 562 Luretta, 484 Louisa, 206 Lelia R., 495 Louisa E., 336 Lorice M., 529 Le"·is N., 242 Loyd A., 541 Le""is l\I., 270 Lina G., 534 Leon, 269 Lillie, 408

Marv,... 25 Martha A., 122 Mary, 30 l\1artha A., 148 Mary, 41 Martha, 197 Mary, 56 Martha E., 315 Mary, 65 Margaret, 15 1'Iary, 73 Margaret E., 371 Mary, 108 ~fargaret, 443 Mary J., 136 Marjorie, 494 Mary J., 146 l\1arietta, 133 Mary, 154 Mariette, 238 Mary A., 172 Minerva V., 150 l\1ary B., 187 Myra, 229 Mary, 198 Myra C., 455 Mary E., 212 Mahala M., 458 Mary, 214 l\ilinnie L., 302 Marv,... 227 Minnie M., 399 ~iary A., 261 Minnie E., 457 1'1ary 0., 264 l\lartin V. B., 298 Mary 1'., ')6- - { Myron R., 334 Mary J., 280 lVlyron R., 554 ~1arv., H., 301 Merrill, 362 Marv., A., 327 lvla ttie P., 303 152 !~DEX.

Mary L., 3 0,'),.... Marion, 377

Marv,., 358 lvlarion L., 547 Marv 368 l\tlyrna R., o~o- ,- ,.. ~ ' 11ary, 413 l\tlertis L., 488 Mary E., 468 l\'l yrtle A., 528 Mary E., 473 l\i1yrtle, 559 ~Iary M., 512 Mark P., 516 Maria, 11 Morris S., 499 Maria T., 142 l\1ilton E., -09-6 Maria M. 185 Melvin D., 458

Nicholas, 4 Nettie M., 395 Nicholas, 12 Nettie B., 405 Nathan, 51 Nettie, 406 Nathan K.,. 174 Ne11ie M., 259 Nathan H.,. 282 Nellie A., 396 Nelson, 207 Nellie B., 432 Newton, 350 Nellie, 440 Newell E., 332

Otis F., 163 Oliver, 217 Oliver P., 210 Ora, 492 Oliver, 216 Orilla C., 531

Polly, 48 Phila, 369 Polly,. 85 Phebe A., 193 Polly, 95 Philander, 114 Patty, 90 Philip, 446 Phila, 104 Pearl M., 497 Phila, 222 Pearl, 510 Phila D., 236 Pearl M., 552

Rilev,., 106 l{avmond.., H., 523 INDEX. 153

Rilev,.,, 2'>-_t) Robert E., 421 Rilev,., 347 Robert H., 430 Rosan nab, 45 Rufus, 147 Rachel D., 49 Ralph W., 522 Rachel, 126 Ralph R., 557 Rebecca A., 127 Rosco, 445 Rebecca D., 309 Ruth M., 274 Rebecca L., 356 Rosa B., 340 Rosamond, 129 Rilla, 439 Reuben C., 389 Rowena M., 537 Raymond L., 422

Samuel, 9 Sarah A., 139 Samuel, 13 Sarah, 170 Samuel, 76 Sarah M., 175 Simeon C., 93 Sarah A., 299 Simeon C., 191 Sarah E., 314 Simeon J., 200 Sarah 0., 386 Sanford, 209 Sally, 213 S. Rubama, 223 Susan A., 235 S. Ruhama, 348 Susan, 317 S. Ruhama, 363 Susan M., 318 Sarah, 14 Sabrina, 67 Sarah, 28 Sabrina, 74 Sarah, 57 Samantha, 205 Sarah, 88 Sabra, 503 Sarah, 97 Sheldon G., 533 Sarah S., 116

Tavlor,., 77 Theron J, 453 Triphosa, 113 Tanner A., 469 Theresa, 204 Thelma, 560 Theron L., 330 154 IXDEX.

Victoria A., 248

William, · 5 William E., 387 William, 36 Watson H., 329 William D., 68 Willis T., 157 William, 87 Willis D., 461 \Villiam, 124 \Varren A., 335 William· D., 145 Walter E., 425 William P., 180 Walter E., 543 William A., 245 Wesley B., 451 William P., 277 Ward, 444 William S., 322 Wilfred H., 465 \Vil1iam L., 375

Zilphia, 115


This Volume will be followed by Vol. II. containing the Genealogical History of the Salem Hanvoods. As soon as possible after, Vol. III. will be issued, which will contain the Genealogy of the Concord Harwoods. Subscriptions are solicited to one or all of these volumes.