2016 Regular Session



COMMENDATIONS: Commends Terrance Simien for his musical accomplishments


2 To commend Terrance Simien for his musical accomplishments.

3 WHEREAS, Terrance Simien is known as one of the most soulful vocalists and

4 fieriest accordionists of ; and

5 WHEREAS, Terrance Simien was born on September 3, 1965; he grew up in the

6 rural community of Mallet in St. Landry Parish near Opelousas; and

7 WHEREAS, he first heard zydeco at local dances as a young boy, and he began to

8 develop an interest in the music in the 1980s; and

9 WHEREAS, at the age of fourteen, Mr. Simien's parents bought him his first

10 ; he would record zydeco shows on the radio and practice until he learned the

11 material; and

12 WHEREAS, in 1985, Mr. Simien signed with a national booking agency; for more

13 than thirty years, he has contributed to zydeco music, and he has produced Grammy Award

14 winning recordings; and

15 WHEREAS, he is a highly acclaimed musician whose unique and extraordinary

16 talents have earned him honor and recognition in his community, in the state of ,

17 in the , and throughout the world; and

18 WHEREAS, Terrance Simien merits a special measure of commendation for the

19 tremendous pride and honor that he brings to his family, friends, and community, the state

20 of Louisiana, and all who know him.

Page 1 of 2 HLS 16RS-2810 ORIGINAL HR NO. 96

1 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Representatives of the

2 Legislature of Louisiana does hereby commend Terrance Simien for his outstanding

3 accomplishments and achievements in zydeco music; does hereby recognize for posterity

4 the extraordinary career he has had thus far; and does hereby extend to him every good wish

5 for continued success, prosperity, and happiness in the future.

6 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable copy of this Resolution be transmitted

7 to Terrance Simien.


The digest printed below was prepared by House Legislative Services. It constitutes no part of the legislative instrument. The keyword, one-liner, abstract, and digest do not constitute part of the law or proof or indicia of legislative intent. [R.S. 1:13(B) and 24:177(E)]

HR 96 Original 2016 Regular Session Terry Landry

Commends Terrance Simien for his musical accomplishments.

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