UNEP/CMS/COP13/Doc.27.3/Annex 2



2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Anatidae Emperor Anser canagicus A member of a disaggregated family from NT Goose Appendix II. (Anatidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Anatidae Long-tailed Clangula A member of a disaggregated family from VU Duck hyemalis CMS Appendix II. (Anatidae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Anatidae Spectacled Somateria A member of a disaggregated family from NT Eider fischeri Appendix II. (Anatidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Anatidae Common Somateria A member of a disaggregated family from NT Eider mollissima CMS Appendix II. (Anatidae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: substantial post-breeding range shift with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Anatidae Velvet Melanitta fusca A member of a disaggregated family from VU Scoter CMS Appendix II. (Anatidae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Anatidae Black Melanitta A member of a disaggregated family from NT Scoter americana Appendix II. (Anatidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Anatidae Scaly-sided Mergus A member of a disaggregated family from EN Merganser squamatus Appendix II. (Anatidae). IUCN Red List Status: Endangered; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Anatidae Orinoco Neochen jubata A member of a disaggregated family from NT Goose Appendix II. (Anatidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km but in no consistent direction. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Anatidae White- Asarcornis A member of a disaggregated family from EN winged scutulata Appendix II. (Anatidae). IUCN Red List Duck Status: Endangered; Movements characterised as: Sedentary/resident: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but moderately nomadic in non- breeding season; individuals commonly travel <100 km but in no consistent direction. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Anatidae Common Aythya ferina A member of a disaggregated family from VU Pochard CMS Appendix II. (Anatidae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: substantial post-breeding range shift with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Anatidae Spectacled Speculanas A member of a disaggregated family from NT Duck specularis Appendix II. (Anatidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: substantial post-breeding range expansion with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Anatidae Falcated Mareca falcata A member of a disaggregated family from NT Duck Appendix II. (Anatidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Phoenicopter Chilean Phoenicopterus A member of a disaggregated family from NT idae Flamingo chilensis Appendix II. (Phoenicopteridae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift and moderately nomadic in both breeding and non-breeding seasons; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south; at least some movements primarily altitudinal. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Phoenicopter Lesser Phoeniconaias A member of a disaggregated family from NT idae Flamingo minor CMS Appendix II. (Phoenicopteridae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Sedentary/resident but strongly nomadic in both breeding and non-breeding seasons; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km but in no consistent direction. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Gruidae Sarus Antigone A member of an aggregated VU Crane antigone Antigone. IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post-breeding range shift with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km but in no consistent direction; Australian subpopulation does not migrate across international boundaries. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Gruidae Whooping Grus americana A member of a disaggregated genus Grus. EN Crane IUCN Red List Status: Endangered; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Pluvianellida Magellanic Pluvianellus A member of a disaggregated family from NT e Plover socialis Appendix II. (Pluvianellidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: substantial post-breeding range expansion with breeding locations reliably occupied every season but moderately nomadic in non- breeding season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Haematopodi Eurasian Haematopus A member of a disaggregated family from NT dae Oystercatc ostralegus Appendix II. (Haematopodidae). IUCN Red her List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but strongly nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Charadriidae Diademed Phegornis A member of a disaggregated family from NT Plover mitchellii Appendix II. (Charadriidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift with breeding locations reliably occupied every season but moderately nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel 100- 1,000 km north-south; at least some movements primarily altitudinal. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Charadriidae Piping Charadrius A member of a disaggregated family from NT Plover melodus Appendix II. (Charadriidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but strongly nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Charadriidae White- Charadrius A member of a disaggregated family from DD faced dealbatus Appendix II. (Charadriidae). IUCN Red List Plover Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but strongly nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Charadriidae Snowy Charadrius A member of a disaggregated family from NT Plover nivosus Appendix II. (Charadriidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: substantial post-breeding range shift: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but moderately nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south; at least one subpopulation separate from the migration pathway considered sedentary. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Charadriidae Chestnut- Charadrius A member of a disaggregated family from NT banded pallidus CMS Appendix II. (Charadriidae). Although Plover currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift and moderately nomadic in both breeding and non-breeding seasons; individuals commonly travel 100- 1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Charadriidae Mountain Charadrius A member of a disaggregated family from NT Plover montanus Appendix II. (Charadriidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: substantial post-breeding range shift with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south; at least one subpopulation separate from the migration pathway considered sedentary. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Charadriidae Northern Vanellus A member of a disaggregated family from NT Lapwing vanellus CMS Appendix II. (Charadriidae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: substantial post-breeding range shift: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but moderately nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Scolopacidae Eurasian Numenius A member of a disaggregated family from NT Curlew arquata CMS Appendix II. (Scolopacidae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but strongly nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Scolopacidae Bar-tailed Limosa A member of a disaggregated family from NT Godwit lapponica CMS Appendix II. (Scolopacidae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but strongly nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Scolopacidae Black-tailed Limosa limosa A member of a disaggregated family from NT Godwit CMS Appendix II. (Scolopacidae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but strongly nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Scolopacidae Curlew Calidris A member of a disaggregated family from NT Sandpiper ferruginea CMS Appendix II. (Scolopacidae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Scolopacidae Red- Calidris ruficollis A member of a disaggregated family from NT necked Appendix II. (Scolopacidae). IUCN Red List Stint Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Scolopacidae Asian Limnodromus A member of a disaggregated family from NT Dowitcher semipalmatus Appendix II. (Scolopacidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but strongly nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Scolopacidae Fuegian Gallinago A member of a disaggregated family from NT Snipe stricklandii Appendix II. (Scolopacidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift with breeding locations reliably occupied every season but moderately nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel 100- 1,000 km north-south; at least one subpopulation separate from the migration pathway considered sedentary. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Scolopacidae Wood Gallinago A member of a disaggregated family from VU Snipe nemoricola Appendix II. (Scolopacidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift with breeding locations reliably occupied every season but moderately nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel 100- 1,000 km north-south; at least some movements primarily altitudinal. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Scolopacidae Great Gallinago media A member of a disaggregated family from NT Snipe CMS Appendix II. (Scolopacidae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but strongly nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Scolopacidae Grey-tailed Tringa brevipes A member of a disaggregated family from NT Tattler Appendix II. (Scolopacidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but strongly nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Accipitridae Bearded Gypaetus A member of a disaggregated family from NT Vulture barbatus CMS Appendix II. (Accipitridae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Sedentary/resident: both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; immatures may migrate beyond normal adult range before returning to breed. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Accipitridae Bateleur Terathopius A member of a disaggregated family from NT ecaudatus Appendix II. (Accipitridae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km north-south; immatures may migrate beyond normal adult range before returning to breed; at least one subpopulation separate from the migration pathway considered sedentary. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Accipitridae Beaudouin' Circaetus A member of a disaggregated family from VU s Snake- beaudouini Appendix II. (Accipitridae). IUCN Red List eagle Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: substantial post-breeding range shift: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but moderately nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel 100- 1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Accipitridae Southern Circaetus A member of a disaggregated family from NT Banded fasciolatus Appendix II. (Accipitridae). IUCN Red List Snake- Status: Near Threatened; Movements eagle characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range expansion with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Accipitridae Himalayan Gyps A member of a disaggregated family from NT Griffon himalayensis CMS Appendix II. (Accipitridae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel <100 km but in no consistent direction; at least some movements primarily altitudinal; immatures may migrate beyond normal adult range before returning to breed. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Accipitridae Cinereous Aegypius A member of a disaggregated family from NT Vulture monachus CMS Appendix II. (Accipitridae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift and substantial expansion and moderately nomadic in both breeding and non-breeding seasons; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south; at least one subpopulation separate from the migration pathway considered sedentary. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Accipitridae Tawny Aquila rapax A member of a disaggregated family from VU Eagle CMS Appendix II. (Accipitridae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km north-south; at least one subpopulation separate from the migration pathway considered sedentary. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Accipitridae Black Circus maurus A member of a disaggregated family from EN Harrier CMS Appendix II. (Accipitridae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Endangered; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: substantial post-breeding range shift: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but moderately nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south; sometimes irrupts beyond normal range in significant numbers; at least one subpopulation separate from the migration pathway considered sedentary. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Accipitridae Pallid Circus A member of a disaggregated family from NT Harrier macrourus CMS Appendix II. (Accipitridae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Accipitridae Grey- Accipiter A member of a disaggregated family from NT bellied poliogaster Appendix II. (Accipitridae). IUCN Red List Goshawk Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Accipitridae Lesser Icthyophaga A member of a disaggregated family from NT Fish-eagle humilis Appendix II. (Accipitridae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km but in no consistent direction; at least some movements primarily altitudinal; at least one subpopulation separate from the migration pathway considered sedentary. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Accipitridae Red Kite Milvus milvus A member of a disaggregated family from NT CMS Appendix II. (Accipitridae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Falconidae Striated Phalcoboenus A member of a disaggregated family from NT Caracara australis Appendix II. (Falconidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km north-south; at least some movements primarily altitudinal. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Falconidae Red- Falco chicquera A member of a disaggregated family from NT headed Appendix II. (Falconidae). IUCN Red List Falcon Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post- breeding range shift and moderately nomadic in both breeding and non-breeding seasons; individuals commonly travel 100- 1,000 km but in no consistent direction; at least one subpopulation separate from the migration pathway considered sedentary. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Falconidae Sooty Falco concolor A member of a disaggregated family from VU Falcon CMS Appendix II. (Falconidae). Although currently listed on Appendix II database as a species, not officially inscribed. IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Oriolidae Silver Oriolus A member of a disaggregated family from EN Oriole mellianus Appendix II. (Oriolidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Endangered; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Vireonidae Black- Vireo atricapilla A member of a disaggregated family from VU capped Appendix II. (Vireonidae, formerly Vireo Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Monarchidae Japanese Terpsiphone A member of a disaggregated family from NT Paradise- atrocaudata Appendix II. (Monarchidae, formerly flycatcher Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: substantial post-breeding range shift with both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Chaetopidae Drakensber Chaetops A member of a disaggregated family from NT g aurantius Appendix II. (Chaetopidae, formerly Rockjumpe Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near r Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post-breeding range expansion with both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel <100 km but in no consistent direction; at least some movements primarily altitudinal. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Acrocephalid Large-billed Acrocephalus A member of a disaggregated family from DD ae Reed- orinus Appendix II. (Acrocephalidae, formerly warbler Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Acrocephalid White- Acrocephalus A member of a disaggregated family from VU ae browed tangorum Appendix II. (Acrocephalidae, formerly Reed- Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: warbler Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Locustellidae Marsh Locustella pryeri A member of a disaggregated family from NT Grassbird Appendix II. (Locustellidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Locustellidae Pleske's Locustella A member of a disaggregated family from VU Grasshopp pleskei Appendix II. (Locustellidae, formerly er-warbler Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Locustellidae Long-billed Locustella major A member of a disaggregated family from NT Grasshopp Appendix II. (Locustellidae, formerly er-warbler Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel <100 km but in no consistent direction; at least some movements primarily altitudinal. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Locustellidae Bristled Chaetornis A member of a disaggregated family from VU Grassbird striata Appendix II. (Locustellidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post-breeding range shift and strongly nomadic in both breeding and non-breeding seasons; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Phylloscopid Tytler's Phylloscopus A member of a disaggregated family from NT ae Leaf- tytleri Appendix II. (Phylloscopidae, formerly warbler Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Phylloscopid Ijima's Phylloscopus A member of a disaggregated family from VU ae Leaf- ijimae Appendix II. (Phylloscopidae, formerly warbler Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Sylviidae Bush Sylvia A member of a disaggregated family from VU Blackcap nigricapillus Appendix II. (Sylviidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post breeding range contraction with both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel 100- 1,000 km but in no consistent direction; at least some movements primarily altitudinal. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Sylviidae Dartford Sylvia undata A member of a disaggregated family from NT Warbler Appendix II. (Sylviidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post-breeding range shift and substantial expansion with breeding locations reliably occupied every season but moderately nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel 100- 1,000 km but in no consistent direction; at least some movements primarily altitudinal. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Pellorneidae Rufous- Laticilla burnesii A member of a disaggregated family from NT vented Appendix II. (Pellorneidae, formerly Grass- Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near babbler Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post-breeding range expansion with both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel <100 km but in no consistent direction. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Turdidae Wood Hylocichla A member of a disaggregated family from NT Thrush mustelina Appendix II. (Turdidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Turdidae Bicknell's Catharus A member of a disaggregated family from VU Thrush bicknelli Appendix II. (Turdidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Turdidae Redwing Turdus iliacus A member of a disaggregated family from NT Appendix II. (Turdidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: substantial post-breeding range shift: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but strongly nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Turdidae Grey-sided Turdus feae A member of a disaggregated family from VU Thrush Appendix II. (Turdidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Muscicapida Zappey's Cyanoptila A member of a disaggregated family from NT e Flycatcher cumatilis Appendix II. (Muscicapidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Muscicapida Brown- Cyornis A member of a disaggregated family from VU e chested brunneatus Appendix II. (Muscicapidae, formerly Jungle- Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: flycatcher Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Muscicapida Rusty- Brachypteryx A member of a disaggregated family from NT e bellied hyperythra Appendix II. (Muscicapidae, formerly Shortwing Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post-breeding range shift with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel <100 km but in no consistent direction; at least some movements primarily altitudinal. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Muscicapida Rufous- Larvivora A member of a disaggregated family from EN e headed ruficeps Appendix II. (Muscicapidae, formerly Robin Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Endangered; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but no information on non-breeding movements; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Muscicapida Firethroat A member of a disaggregated family from NT e pectardens Appendix II. (Muscicapidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Muscicapida Blackthroat Calliope A member of a disaggregated family from VU e obscura Appendix II. (Muscicapidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but no information on non-breeding movements; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south; at least some movements primarily altitudinal. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Muscicapida Kashmir Ficedula A member of a disaggregated family from VU e Flycatcher subrubra Appendix II. (Muscicapidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Muscicapida Sentinel Monticola A member of a disaggregated family from NT e Rock- explorator Appendix II. (Muscicapidae, formerly thrush Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: post-breeding range expansion with breeding locations reliably occupied every season but moderately nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel <100 km but in no consistent direction; at least some movements primarily altitudinal. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Muscicapida White- Saxicola A member of a disaggregated family from VU e browed macrorhynchus Appendix II. (Muscicapidae, formerly Bushchat Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant and moderately nomadic in breeding season and strongly so in non- breeding season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km but in no consistent direction. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Muscicapida White- Saxicola insignis A member of a disaggregated family from VU e throated Appendix II. (Muscicapidae, formerly Bushchat Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Muscicapida Sombre Oenanthe dubia A member of a disaggregated family from DD e Rockchat Appendix II. (Muscicapidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Sedentary/resident: breeding locations reliably occupied every season but moderately nomadic in non-breeding season; individuals commonly travel 100- 1,000 km but in no consistent direction. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Motacillidae Meadow Anthus A member of a disaggregated family from NT Pipit pratensis Appendix II. (Motacillidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: substantial post-breeding range shift with both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south; at least some movements primarily altitudinal. Meets CMS movement criteria.

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2018 IUCN Red Common List Family name Scientific name Notes for Appendix II (Sheets 1 or 2) Category Motacillidae Sprague's Anthus A member of a disaggregated family from VU Pipit spragueii Appendix II. (Motacillidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Motacillidae Mountain Anthus hoeschi A member of a disaggregated family from NT Pipit Appendix II. (Motacillidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel >1,000 km north-south. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Motacillidae Yellow- Hemimacronyx A member of a disaggregated family from VU breasted chloris Appendix II. (Motacillidae, formerly Pipit Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable; Movements characterised as: Partial migrant: substantial post-breeding range expansion with both breeding and non-breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel 100-1,000 km east-west; at least some movements primarily altitudinal. Meets CMS movement criteria.

Motacillidae Mekong Motacilla A member of a disaggregated family from NT Wagtail samveasnae Appendix II. (Motacillidae, formerly Muscicapidae). IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened; Movements characterised as: Full migrant: both breeding and non- breeding locations reliably occupied every season; individuals commonly travel <100 km but in no consistent direction. Meets CMS movement criteria.