Ministry Team: Position Vacant Rector

Church Revd Rebecca Fardell 809264 Curate [email protected]

Revd Alex Pease 793063 Curate [email protected]

Matters... Mr Tony Gaster 779110 LLM ...a welcoming, open, vibrant community [email protected]

of all-age followers of Jesus Christ. Mr Gerry Stacey 620263 LLM [email protected]

Sunday 16th November

2nd Sunday before Advent [email protected] Welcome! Services Today We are so pleased to welcome you to our services today. If you are new to the 8am Holy Communion parish or worshipping with us for the St Swithun's, Martyr Worthy with Revd Rebecca Fardell first time then please do make yourself known to either a member of the clergy 10am Parish Communion or a churchwarden. St Mary's, Easton with Ven Michael Harley This information sheet gives some words that will be needed in today’s services 12pm Baptism of Charles Rist and notices about the life of our church St Mary's, Easton communities. Please take it home with with Revd Rebecca Fardell you, especially following the Bible readings and prayers day by day. 6pm Evensong St Mary's, Avington Today's Readings with Tony Gaster

Zephaniah 1.7, 12-end Matthew 25.14-30

Collect Prayer Prayer for the appointment

of a new rector

Almighty Father, whose will is to Loving heavenly Father, thank you for restore all things in your beloved your faithfulness to your church in the . Thank you for all those who Son, the King of all: govern the hearts and minds of those in work so hard to serve you by serving us. We pray for the appointment process for authority, and bring the families of our new rector, asking that you would the nations, divided and torn apart govern the hearts and minds of all by the ravages of sin, to be involved. Speak clearly through your Holy subject to his just and gentle rule; Spirit so that your will may be done and who is alive and reigns with you, the right person be appointed. For we ask in the unity of the Holy Spirit, this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Vacancy update Thank you all very much for everything you did to make the candidates’ visit to the Itchen Valley such a success. I think we did a really good job of showcasing the parish and our vibrant church community. Who wouldn’t want to come and work here after seeing what we do, even if the weather didn’t play ball? Further news about the vacancy process will of course be announced as soon as possible. Isobel Pinder, David Anderson and Andrew Impey

Alpha Last Tuesday Revd Phil Dykes came to speak on ‘Why and how do we read the Bible?’. This Tuesday Lucy Pease will be speaking on 'How does God guide us.' Alex

Remembrance Sunday Communion with Fauré's Requiem An enormous thank you to all who made this such a special evening. Thank you! Rebecca

Children and Young People We are still very short of volunteers to help with The Ark; please prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to be a part of this in some way! Speak to Rebecca or Alex for further information or to volunteer.

Rebecca's Open House My open house is this afternoon (Sunday 16th November) 3.00-5.00. Everyone is welcome to come to 28, Longfield Road, SO23 0NT for tea and cake. Rebecca

Ladies' Supper It is still not too late to come to the ladies' supper on Wednesday evening. We will be meeting at Westfield, Martyr Worthy (Simon and Laura Hanley's home) from 7.30pm- 10.00pm. Please let Laura (tel: 779789; email: [email protected]) know if you are coming and what you plan to bring; thank you. Rebecca

Shoebox appeal Christmas is rapidly approaching and now is the time to fill shoeboxes for Samaritans Purse to ensure that children in need receive a present this Christmas. Please look at the Samaritans Purse website christmas-child/ to download the Operation Christmas Child forms and for ideas of what to put in your box. Filled boxes can be delivered to Shoe Zone or The Entertainer in Winchester until 18th November. For further information please speak to Sara Mason.

Advent Carol Service at 6pm on 30th November at St Mary's Easton. If you are planning to attend this service and would like to do one of the six readings, please contact Tony Gaster (tel: 779110; email: [email protected])

Christingle Making We are meeting at Sara Mason's house to make the Christingles for the Christingle service at 10.00am on Saturday 6th December. Please let Sara or Rebecca know if you are able to come and help; thank you.

John Stevenette has had a fall and broken his hip; he is now home from hospital.

Bible Readings for this week taken from the Church of lectionary - readings for Morning Prayer

Monday 17th Psalm 47 Daniel 8.1-14 Revelation 10 Tuesday 18th Psalm 52 Daniel 8.15-end Revelation 11.1-14 Wednesday 19th Psalm 56 Daniel 9.1-19 Revelation 11.15-end Thursday 20th Psalm 62 Daniel 9.20-end Revelation 12 Friday 21st Psalm 63 Daniel 10.1-11.1 Revelation 13.1-10 nd Saturday 22 Psalm 78.1-39 Daniel 12 Revelation 13.11-end

Friday Prayers for this week Jesus, the resurrection and the life, Monday we give you thanks for all who have lived and believed in you … e Jesus, light of the world, Raise us with them to eternal life. bring the light and peace of your gospel Jesus, Lord of life, to the nations … in your mercy, hear us. Jesus, Lord of life, in your mercy, hear us. Saturday (Diocesan Mission Prayer)

Tuesday Glorious God, you have taken hold of us and made us your own. In the power of your Spirit, Jesus, bread of life, give us grace to press on in your purposes, give food to the hungry … loving one another, learning together, and living and nourish us all with your word. the mission of him who calls us onwards, Jesus Jesus, Lord of life, Christ our Lord. Amen in your mercy, hear us.

Wednesday Prayers Jesus, our way, our truth, our life, We continue to pray for the appointment be with us and all who follow you in the way … process. Deepen our appreciation of your truth, and fill us with your life. We give thanks for the lives of Pat Benham, Una Jesus, Lord of life, Bull, Juliane Chapman and Bessie Dixon and pray in your mercy, hear us. for their families in their grief. We pray for all who mourn, asking that they will know God's Thursday comfort.

Jesus, Good Shepherd who gave your life for the We pray for Lorna Fewtrell as she moves into sheep, the Dower House this week. recover the straggler, bind up the injured, We pray for John Impey, John Stevenette and all strengthen the sick who are sick; we ask that God will heal them and lead the healthy and strong to new pastures. and surround them with his love. Jesus, Lord of life, in your mercy, hear us. We pray for all involved in the Alpha course.

We pray for Charles Rist who is being baptised today (Sunday 16th November)

DIARY FOR THE WEEK th Monday 17 10am Little Rainbows St John's, 12pm Midday Prayer St Mary's, Avington 1.30pm Mums' Bible Study South Cottage, Easton 7.30pm PCC Martyr Worthy Manor

Tuesday 18th 12pm CAMEO St John’s, Itchen Abbas 7.30pm Alpha St John's, Itchen Abbas

Wednesday 19th 12pm Midday Prayer St Swithun's, Martyr Worthy 1pm Funeral and Burial of Pat Benham St John's, Itchen Abbas

Thursday 20th 11.30am Internment of Ashes for Juliane Chapman St John's, Itchen Abbas 12pm Midday Prayer St Mary’s, Easton 3.15pm Christingle Choir practice Itchen Abbas Primary School 6pm Avington DCC meeting Avington Park

Saturday 22nd 11.30am Internment of Ashes for Bessie Dixon St Swithun's, Martyr Worthy

Our Sunday groups for children meet from 9.45am with this pattern:

2nd Sunday Itchen Abbas & Avington Village Hall 3rd Sunday Dymoke House, Easton 4th Sunday Martyr Worthy Village Hall

Please pick up a leaflet from one of the churches to give you more information.


23rd November

8am BCP Holy Communion

St John's, Itchen Abbas

10am Parish Communion St Swithun's, Martyr Worthy

6pm Taize St Mary's, Easton

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