SCI. MAR., 61 (4): 471-486 SCIENTIA MARINA 1997

The taxonomic status of the Stylactaria Stechow, 1921 (Hydroidomedusae, Anthomedusae, ), with the description of a new *

J. BOUILLON1, D. MEDEL2 and A. L. PEÑA CANTERO3 1Laboratoire de Biologie Marine, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 50 Ave F. D. Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium. 2Laboratorio de Bíologia Marina, Facultad de Bíologia, Universidad de Sevilla, Apdo 1095, E - 41020 Sevilla, Spain. 3Departamento de Biologia , Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de Valencia, E - 46100 Burjassot, Valencia, Spain.

SUMMARY: The status of all the species ascribed in the literature to Stylactaria is discussed, that nominal genus is con- sidered a congener of and a new species (Hydractinia calderi n. sp.) is described. The medusae of the medusa- based genera Hansiella and Tregoubovia, formerly ascribed to the Hydractiniidae, are shown to be more like the medusae of Thecocodium, a genus having ptilocodiid hydroids. Both Hansiella and Tregoubovia are thus transferred to the Ptilocodi- idae.With their removal from the Hydractiniidae, a redefinition of both families is provided. The genus Fiordlandia is con- sidered as synonym of Clavactinia.

Key words: , Hydroidomedusae, Hydractiniidae, Ptilocodiidae, Classification.

RESUMEN: TAXONOMÍA DEL GÉNERO STYLACTARIA STECHOW, 1921 (, ANTHOMEDUSAE, HYDRACTINIIDAE) Y DESCRIPCIÓN DE UNA NUEVA ESPECIE. – Se analiza la posición sistemática de todas las especies descritas del géneroStylactaria que al mismo tiempo se considera sinónimo de Hydractinia and, al mismo que se describe una nueva especie (Hydractinia calderi n. sp.). Las medusas descrtas de los géneros Hansiella y Tregoubovia, previamente adscritas a la familia Hydrac- tiniidae, se confirma su proximidad sistemática al género Thecocodium, un género que tiene hidropólipos pilocódidos. Los géneros Hansiella y Tregoubovia se transfieron por tanto a la familia Ptilocodiidae. Con la eliminación de ambos géneros de la familia Hydractiniidae, se aporta una nueva descripción de las dos familias mencionadas. Al mismo tiempo, el género Fiordlandia se considera sinónimo de Clavactinia.

Palabras clave: Cnidaria, Hydroidomedusae, Hydractiniidae, Ptilocodiidae, Taxonomía.

INTRODUCTION taria from the Strait of Gibraltrar and waters sur- rounding the Chafarinas Islands led us to review this Only one species of Stylactaria, S. inermis (All- genus. man, 1872), has been recorded so far from Mediter- The name Stylactaria Stechow, 1921a has recent- ranean waters (see Boero and Bouillon, 1993). The ly been re-proposed by Calder (1988) as the valid discovery of several colonies referrable to Stylac- name for Stylactis auct. (not Stylactaria Allman, 1864). Stylactaria assigned to the family Hydrac- tiniidae, is characterized by: a non-encrusting *Received January, 1997. Accepted May, 1997. hydror-hiza formed by anastomosing stolonal tubes

THE TAXONOMIC STATUS OF THE STYLACTARIA 471 surrounded by perisarc, rather than being covered by Tentacle number: In the this feature is naked coenosarc. Hydranths sessile and polymor- often variable and, again, it can change according to phic: gastrozooids with one or more close whorls of ecological factors such as temperature and salinity tentacles encircling the hypostome, gonozooids with (Kinne, 1957; Nipper-Buscariolli and Moreira, or without tentacles; occasionally with dactylo- 1983a, b). Noteworthy and constant differences in zooids and spines; gonophores as fixed sporosacs, or tentacle number, however, might allow species dis- either fixed or free eumedusoids with 8 - 10 tenta- tinction more reliably than size. cles. Gonophores borne on gonozooids, originating Number of tentacle whorls: the number of ten- beneath the tentacles or on the distal part of non-ten- tacle whorls may be linked to tentacle number. tacled gonozooids. When tentacles are numerous, they do not have The species ascribed to Stylactaria have been enough space to grow in a single ring, tend to alter- reviewed three times, by Iwasa (1934), Bouillon nate or to be disposed in 2 or more whorls. More (1971) and Namikawa (1991). Hirohito (1988) sur- than one tentacle whorl should thus be expected in veyed the Japanese species. Twenty-nine nominal species with numerous tentacles. This is generally, species and five reports of Stylactaria sp. hydroids but not always, the case (see Table 1). Some species have been described, the last ones showing the diffi- with few tentacles have more than one whorl, culty in identifying these at species level whereas certain others with numerous tentacles have (see Table 1). only one whorl, and, futhermore, species with Calder (1988) noted that characters such as size approximately the same number of tentacles may of gastrozooids, asexual reproduction, tentacle have either one or more whorls. This character, thus, arrangement and presence of spines, could all be might be diagnostic, being not only quantitative but “interpreted as nothing more than variations that also qualitative. might be expected within a single species”. We The number of both tentacles and tentacle whorls agree with Calder (1988) in that most of the charac- must of course be counted on fully-grown speci- ters used to distinguish the species of Stylactaria are mens. purely quantitative and, from Table 1 it is evident Dactylozooids (Tentaculozooids and spiral- that most differences could fall within the range of zooids) (see Bouillon, 1995 for definition): pres- variation of a given character. Many of the 34 ence, rarity or even absence of dactylozooids is not described species may prove to be conspecific, but a reliable character. Daniaud (1951) experimentally such taxonomic decisions are difficult when based demonstrated that the presence of these types of on traditional morphometric characters. zooids in the hydractiniids is often more linked to host type and activity than to specific features. The diagnostic characters of Stylactaria Colonies of the same species on a crab-inhabited shell and on a living gastropod shell were shown to Characters used to distinguish the species of Sty- either have or lack this type of zooid. Namikawa et lactaria are: al. (1992) showed that the tentaculozooids of Sty- Size: in athecate hydroids, size depends on sev- lactaria conchicola (Yamada, 1947) developed most eral ecological and biological variables such as: frequently near or at the colony portion in contact state of contraction, presence of food in the gas- with other sessile animals. trovascular cavity, temperature, salinity etc. (see for Hydrorhiza: the degree of hydrorhizal reticula- instance, Kinne, 1957, 1958; Mc Clary, 1959; Wern- tion depends mainly upon substrate type, colony er, 1963; Arndt, 1965; Nipper-Buscariolli and Mor- age, and on key ecological factors, thus being not eira, 1983a, b). Even after anesthetization, size may considered here as having specific value. not necessarly correspond to the natural state, in a Cnidocysts: in most Stylactaria species the given colony both size of zooids and tentacle num- cnidome is composed of microbasic euryteles and ber can vary (for Stylactaria see, the figures 2, 8 and desmonemes, but some species also have hap- 13 in Iwasa, 1934; figures 47a, 48c, 49a and e, 50d lonemes, identified as anisorhizae in S. inermis by in Hirohito, 1988). The taxonomic value of this Boero (1981), and microbasic mastigophores (see character must therefore be considered with great Table1). So cnidome can have some taxonomic caution, and measuring a great number of specimens importance, especially when other types besides with a precision of 0,01 mm is meaningless: only the microbasic euryteles and desmonemes are found. extremes can have some significance. Capsule size is very variable within the same nema-

472 J. BOUILLON et al. tocyst types (see Vannucci, 1960) and can only have 1991) on the gastropod Nassarius multigranosus, S. a diagnostic value if size ranges are well separated. conchicola (Yamada, 1947) on the gastropod Homa- Cnidome distribution could be informative, and lopoma amussitatum. Such specificity is often Namikawa et al. (1993) showed that both cnidome inferred from a single or few findings and, further- composition and distribution in the planulae were more, substrate specificities might result from the potentially useful in the of Stylactaria. habit of distinguishing species on inhabited sub- Schuchert (1996) described a thick ring of nemato- strate alone. Since colonies of the same species may cysts around the hypostome of Hydractinia ota- have different features according to the inhabited goensis, a character also reported by Castric-Fey substrate, it is to be expected that different mor- (1970) for H. fucicola. phologies are encountered in colonies living on dif- Type of gonozooids: in the three most familiar ferent substrates. This is not necessarily an indica- genera recognized within the Hydractiniidae tion of species distinction. (Hydractinia, Podocoryna, Stylactaria), the gono- This short review shows that most of the charac- zooids are normally tentacled, but tentacles often ters heretofore used to distinguish Stylactaria decrease in number or even disappear during colony species are not reliable. Biochemical and genome growth, the gonozooids resembling blastostyles (see analyses will likely be a better tool than morpholo- Rees, 1956). This may happen in the same colony, gy for the identification of these animals. with either tentacled (and with hypostome) or aten- Boero, Bouillon and Piraino (in press) have pro- taculate (and without hypostome) gonozooids.The posed that the three most familiar nominal hydrac- same may occur in many other families (e.g. the tiniid genera should be merged into the oldest one, Zancleidae and the Corynidae) and so the character Hydractinia van Beneden, 1841. Similar views have has little if any systematic value. In some Hydrac- been held by several previous authors. Motz-Kos- tiniidae the blastostyles are so reduced that the sowska (1905) merged Hydractinia, Podocoryna and gonophores are almost sessile and appear borne Stylactis into Hydractinia. Broch (1914,1916) consid- directly from the hydrorhiza, as in the Cytaeidae. In ered that Stylactaria (Stylactis), Podocoryna and the absence of polymorphism and of a free medusa Hydractinia could not be kept apart and should be stage, it is impossible to assigne such species to included under Hydractinia Stechow (1923) consid- family. In some species it has been suggested that ered Stylactis as junior synonym of Hydractinia. the gonozooids are derived directly from normal Kramp (1932) suggested that Stylactaria (Stylactis) gastrozooids. In some cases the gonozooids are even should be placed in the genus Hydractinia and that able to redifferentiate into gastrozooids after “Stylactis” merited no more than subgeneric rank. gonophore liberation (Bouillon, 1995). Naumov (1960-1969) also merged Podocoryna into Gonophore type: the type of gonophores can Hydractinia. Kramp (1932) assigned Podocoryna vary with environmental conditions or with sex (i.e. and Stylactaria subgeneric rank within Hydractinia, sexual dimorphism). In the same species, eumedu- but this is not phylogenetically sound. If Podocoryna soids can remain fixed to the gonozooids until plan- and Stylactaria were monophyletic, they could well ula liberation, or can be liberated with immature be ranked as genera. eggs and, as remarked by Namikawa et al. (1993), A complete revision of Hydractinia is outside the “the degree of gonophore reduction alone should not scope of this paper. All the species previously be employed directly to derive a phylogeny of referred to Stylactaria will be critically reviewed species of the genus”. below, including them into Hydractinia (Table 1). Endemicity: many Stylactaria species are All Hydractinia species heretofore excluded from reported as endemic, especially from Japanese Stylactaria will not be considered here. waters (13 of the 29 nominal species). Most have been found only once, or have been found several times but described under different names, or are MATERIALS AND METHODS considered as substrate-specific. Substrate specificity: some species of Stylac- Specimens of the following nominal species taria appear to be strongly substrate-specific (see have been examined for the present review: Namikawa et al., 1993). For instance, Stylactaria Clavactinia gallensis Thornely, 1904: Sey- piscicola (Komai, 1932) has been found only on the chelles. I.R.S.N.B., IG .27838. stonefish Erosa erosa, S. multigranosi (Namikawa, Clavactinia multitentaculata Millard, 1975:

THE TAXONOMIC STATUS OF THE STYLACTARIA 473 TABLE 1. – * = found only till now in this area; ? = doubtfull or unknown; ° = only found on this substrate; A. = algae; An. = anisorhiza; B. = bryozoans; B.I. = basitric- hous isorhiza; Bv. = bivalves; C. = crustaceans; cryp. = cryptomedusoids; D = desmonemes; E. = echinoderms; eum. = eumedusoids; F. = fishes; fix. eum. = fixed eume- dusoids; G. = gastropods; Gas: = gastrozooids; Gon: = gonozooids; H. = hydrozoans; Ha. = haplonemes; ht. = heteromedusoids; hydror. = hydrorhizal; M.E. = microba- sic euryteles; MM = size in millimetres; M.M. = microbasic mastigophores; N°T. = number of tentacles; P.C. = perisarcal cup; R. = rocks; Sg. = sea-grasses; Sp. = sponges; spc. = sporosacs; T. = tunicates; Ts. = tentacle arrangement; w. = whorls; Wo. = worms.

Species Gastrozooids Dactylo- Spines Gonozooids Gono- Medusae Cnido- Substrate Distribution zooids phores cysts Ts.= 1 whorl NºT. MM NºT. MM Nº types

1) H. arctica 12-15 2-3 - - (4?) 1 1-2 ? - ? Mohnia mohni, Greenland, (Jäderholm, 1902) P.C. F.; Eudendrium Baffin bay planum, H. (1.200-2.000 M)

2) H. betkensis 8-15 1-2 - + 8 0,65-0,8 1-5, cryp. - B.I.?, G., Parcannassa Australia* (Watson, 1978) p.e. M.E. burchardiº (brackish)

3) H. brachyurae 14 1 - - 10 -1 10, cryp. - ? C., Spider crabº Japan* (Hirohito, 1968) P.C. (80-100 M)

4) H. carcinicola 12-30 10 usually + 2-10 0,5 1-11 eum., 8 ? G; C.; R. Japan* (Hiro, 1939) + tentacles

5) H. conchicola 2 types, + + 0;2-5 0,6-2,5 4-6, ht. - D., Ha G., Holalopoma Japan* (Yamada, 1947) 2-5 1,2-3 M.E. amussitatumº 4-8 0,9-1,9

6) (H. halecii)=Rhysia halecii (Hickson & Gravely, 1907)

7) H. hooperii 15-35 1,5-26 - + 6-10 8-18 4-5 eum., 8 ? G. & hermit crabs USA; Puerto (Sigerfoos,1899) tentacles inhabited shells Rico; Brazil

8) H. ingolfi 15-17 2,5 - - 0 small 1, male?, - D., E., Homalophiura Greenland* (Kramp, 1932) P.C female M.E. tesselata (2.137-3.229M) cryp.

9) H. minoi 10-40 3,5 scarce - 0-4 0,5 1-7 medusa ? F. Minous pusillusº Japan, (Alcock ,1892) no mouth buds, 8 Indian Ocean tentacles

10) H. misakiensis 10-30 1-4 some- + 20 1-2 1-5 eum., 8 ? G. inhabited by Japan* (Iwasa, 1934) times + tentacles hermit crabs

11) H. multigranosi 8-16 1-1,15 + - 4-11 0,5-2 1-4, D., G., Nassarius Japan* (Namikawa, 1991) 1-2 w. - Ha., multigranosusº

12 fix. eum. - M.E.

13) H. otagoensis 12-16 2-4 + + 8 2-4 4-6, spc. - D., A., Macrocystis New Zealand* (Schuchert,1996) M.E., pyriferea; M.M. T., Pyura pachydermata

14) H. piscicola 11-30 2-10 - + 4-12 1,4-3,3 1-3, fix. - D., F., Erosa erosa, Japan* (Komai, 1932) eum. M.E. stonefishº

15) H. pruvoti 10-14 6-15 some- + 1-3 4-5 8-9 eum., 4 ? G., Cassidaria Mediterranean* Motz-Kossowska, times + tentacles tyrrhena inha- 1905 bited by pagurus Cerithium sp.

16) H. reticulata 12 5 - - 10 2,5-3 6,cryp. - ? R.; B.; C. Japan* (Hirohito, 1988)

17) H. ?sagamina 8-10 0,9 - + gonophores - medusae ? G., inhabited by Japan* (Hirohito, 1988) on hydrorhiza not fully hermit crabs grown

18) H. sandrae 11-16 2 - - 4-11 0,5-1,5 in pairs - ? T.º Puerto Rico (Welder & Larson, fix. eum. 1986)

19) H. siphonis 8-10 0,8 ? - reproduction ? ? ? G., Sipho South Africa*

474 J. BOUILLON et al. Species Gastrozooids Dactylo- Spines Gonozooids Gono- Medusae Cnido- Substrate Distribution zooids phores cysts Ts.= 1 whorl NºT. MM NºT. MM Nº types

(Stechow, 1921) unknown islandicus

20).H. sp. = H. arge Crowell, 1947) see Calder, 1988

21) H. sp. 9-13 2,3 - - 5-8 ? 1-3, fix. - ? G., Cerithium sp. Puerto Rico (Welder & Larson, eum. 1986)

22) H. sp. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Bermuda (Calder, 1993)

23) H. sp. 6-13 1,15- - + 0;6-9 0,8-2,5 1-6, cryp. - ? several G. Japan* (Namikawa, 1994) 2,25

24) H. sp. 11-16 1,5 - + 6-8 1 4, oppos- eum., 8 D., G., Cerithium sp. Mediterranean (Pena Cantero, 1995) ite 2per2 tentacles M.E.

25) H. spinipalpillaris 6-12 1,5 + + 0 0,75 2-3 eum., 4 ? G., Simplicifus Japan* (Hirohito, 1988) papillary tentacles graciliformisº

12) H. nagaoensis 6-11 2,0-3,5 + + 4-6 0,6-2,3 1-16; 1-4 - D., R.;A.;Sp.;Bv.;B.; Japan* nom. nov. w.; ht.; M.E. Wo.; C. female = 1 egg

26) H. yerii 10-14 1,5 - - 0-4 0,7 4, cryp. - ? G.; Turricula Japan* (Iwasa, 1934) kamakurana, Pseudoetrema fortilirata

Ts. = 2 or more whorls

27) H. arge 10-30. till 45 - + 5-30 30 4, oppos- eum., 8 Gas: D., A.; Sg.; G., USA; Bermuda; (Clarke, 1882) 2w. 2w. ite 2 per 2 tentacles M.E. inhabited by Puerto Rico Gon: D., hermit crabs, M.E., Certhium Ha.

28) H. claviformis 18-32 16-50 + - 6-10 0,88-2,5 4-8, opp- male,. D. A.; Sp.; R. France Atl., (Bouillon, 1965) 2-3 w. osite 2- eum., 10 M.E. Spain Atl. per 2; fem- tentacles ale, cryp.

29) H. inabai 30 or +3 rarely+ + 20 3 2-3 eum., 8 ? G., inhabited by Japan* (Hirohito, 1988) more or more tentacles hermit crabs; hyd- 1w. or closely rorhiza exceed- alternating w. ing shell opening

30) H. inermis 20 0,6-4,2 some- - 12 2 2-6, fix. - D., An., A.; C.; Sg.; H. Mediterranean (Allman, 1872) several w.; times+ 2w. eum. M.E. P.C.

31) H. mar 16-18 3 + + 10-12 1,2 3, not ful- - D., Ha., Wo., Pseudopot- Mexico, Pacific (Gasca & Calder, 2 closely w.; P.C. P.C. ly devel- M.E. amilla reniformisº coast 1993) large P.C. loped

32) H. monoon 8-11 2 + + 8 1 6; female - ? Sp.; H., Euden- Japan; Sea of (Hirohito, 1988) almost in 1w. P.C. scare P.C. ht., 1 egg; drium Okhost? P.C. male?

33) H. spiralis 50 2 + rarely+ 0-12 0,7 10, cryp. - ? G., inhabited by Japan* (Goto, 1910) closely hydror. hermit crabs; hyd- alternating; nemat- rorhiza exceed- phores ing shell opening

34) H. calderi 20-40 5 + + 2-14 1-2,5 1-3, fix. +? D., Astrea rugosa Mediterranean n. sp. 3 w.; P.C. scare scare P.C. eum. M.E. G.; sp.

THE TAXONOMIC STATUS OF THE STYLACTARIA 475 South Africa; FA 501 E, South African Museum H hydranths is said to be trumpet-shaped (Kramp, 3446. 1932; Iwasa, 1934). This seems not to be due to the Clavactinia sp. Peña Cantero, 1995: Chafarinas turning inside out of the hypostomial lips often Islands, Arrastre 5, Spain. observed in Filiferan hydranths (see figures and Hydractinia claviformis (Bouillon,1965): comments in Kramp, 1932), and appears to be a spe- Roscoff, France, paratype, I.R.S.N.B., IG. 27838. cific feature. The gastrozooids have a basal perisarc Hydractinia inermis (Allman, 1872): Ville- cup, a feature recorded also for H. brachyurae franche, France. I.R.S.N.B., IG 10262. (Hirohito, 1988), H. ingolfi (Kramp, 1932); H. Hydractinia pruvoti Motz-Kossowska, 1905: monoon (Hirohito, 1988) and H. inermis (Allman, Naples, Italy. I.R.S.N.B., IG. 27838. 1872). Spines and dactylozooids are absent. Other as Stylactaria sp. Medel, 1996, as H. aculeata morphological characters are typical of Hydractinia (Wagner,1833) by Medel et al., 1996: Algeciras (see Table 1). Kramp (1932) described Hydractinia Bay, “Crinavis”, 24 m depth, Spain. ingolfi from the nothern Atlantic, in very deep Stylactis sp. Peña Cantero, 1995: Chafarinas waters (2137 to 3229 m). Its hypostome is also Islands, Arrastre Baños de la Reina, Spain. trumpet-shaped (see also Svoboda et al., 1995), the Thecocodium quadratum (Werner, 1965): NE of gastrozooids have a basal perisarc cup and cryp- Mombasa, Kenya; C 10717, 10719, 10720, Zoolo- tomedusoid gonophores are isolated or borne in cou- gisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum der Uni- ples at the top of reduced gonozooids. versität Hamburg. The two species are morphologically similar, their differences in gonozooid structure being cur- rently observed within-colony in other species. They SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT also share the same bathymetric and zoogeographi- cal distribution. Although H. ingolfi seems sub- Hydractinia arge (Clarke, 1882). Calder (1988) strate-specific, having been found only on the brit- regarded it as conspecific with H. hooperii (Siger- tle-strar Homalophiura tesselata (see H. multigra- foos, 1899), considering that their morphological nosi for substrate specificity) it is regarded here as differences where nothing more than variations of conspecific with H. arctica. the same species and that they had a similar ecology Hydractinia brachyurae (Hirohito,1988) is very and zoogeographical distribution. Namikawa (1991) similar to H. arctica, and the two might be conspe- did not accept Calder’s view because H. hooperii cific (see Table 1). They differ, however, in depth differs from H. arge in having no eggs developing range and zoogeographical distribution. Further- into planulae within the gonophores, being thus more, the gonozooids of H. brachyurae have more oviparous instead of ovoviviparous. This character tentacles and have more numerous gonophores (up could of course be linked to environmental features. to ten instead of one or two) distributed in a whorl But we can also argue that, even if gastrozooid ten- or on one side almost in the middle of the gono- tacle number falls in the same range (see Table1), zooid. For these reasons it is maintained here as a tentacles are in one whorl in H. hooperii and in two separate species. whorls in H. arge. The same difference occurs in the Hydractinia betkensis (Watson, 1978). This is the gonozooids, so that we retain this as a valuable spe- only species of Stylactaria (=Hydractinia) recorded cific character (see above). The hydranth of the two from Australia. Watson stated that it resembles both species can also attain a very different range of size, H. inermis (Allman, 1872) and H. yerii (Iwasa, and also zoogeographical distributions differ (see 1934). Hirohito (1988) suggested some affinities of Table1). We thus concur with Namikawa (1991) in the species with H. reticulata, especially in the lack keeping the two species as distinct. of spines and dactylozooids. Hydractinia betkensis Hydractinia arctica (Jäderholm, 1902). This is completely different from H. inermis, in which (1) species has been found only twice, near Greenland both gastrozooids and gonozooids have two whorls and in Baffin Bay, each time in deep cold waters of tentacles, (2) free eumedusoids are produced and (1200 to 2000 m) living on gastropods shells and on (3) dactylozooids may be present. Hydractinia Eudendrium. The gonozooids, observed only once, betkensis, like H. reticulata (= H. yerii), has cryp- are smaller than the gastrozooids, have only four tomedusoids but it differs in having a cup-shaped tentacles and bear one or two spherical gonophores perisarc at the base of the gonozooids. Its cnidome, of unknown structure. The hypostome of the containing basitrichous isorhizas instead of

476 J. BOUILLON et al. FIG. 1. – Hydractinia calderi n. sp. from Chafarinas Islands, Spain. FIG. 2. – Hydractinia calderi n. sp. from Algeciras bay, Spain. Part (A) adult gastrozooid; (B) gonozooid; (C) young gastrozooid; *= of a retracted colony. (A) gastrozooid; ( B) gonozooid; ( C ) spine; basal perisarcal cup; scale bar = 800 µm. (D) basal perisarcal cup; (E) hydrorhiza; scale bar = 1mm. desmonemes and euryteles, differs from that of all hydrorhiza is situated between the shell crests. other species of Hydractinia, as far as is known. Gastrozooids cylindrical, elongated, clavate when Furthermore, it occurs in brackish shallow waters. contracted, up to 5 mm high, arising from the stolon Watson (1978) expressed some doubt about her and with a basal perisarc cup. Hypostome encircled identification of the nematocysts of H. betkensis, but in fully developed zooids by 20 to 40 filiform tenta- this species is provisionally considered as valid also cles in 3 whorls. Gonozooids much shorter, issued due to other features, such as the almost capitate ten- from a short basal perisarcal cup, 0,5 to 2,5 mm high, tacles of both gastrozooids and gonozooids. Watson columnar, with a varied number of filiform tentacles (1978) described the eggs as arranged around the (2 to 14) in one whorl. Each gonozooid generally radial canals, but her drawings show that they are on bearing one or two eumedusoids, rarely three, one a central spadix. always well developed, the others juvenile. Eumedu- Hydractinia brachyurae (Hirohito,1988). See H. soids with four radial canals and an often reduced arctica (Jäderholm, 1902). subumbrellar cavity with striated muscle, four large Hydractinia calderi n. sp. (figure 1 A-C, 2 A-D, bulbs, and four smaller ones. Female eumedusoids 3A-B) with numerous eggs. Dactylozooids (0.5 mm high) Material: one colony on a gastropod shell, Alge- and spines (0.38 - 0.55 mm high) present but scarce. ciras Bay, “Crinavis”, 24 m depth (reported by Cnidome: microbasic euryteles (8.7-11 x 3.2 µm) Medel, 1996 as Stylactaria sp.); one colony on the and desmonemes (6.3-7.5 x 3.2-3.6 µm). shell of Astraea rugosa, Chafarinas Islands, Arras- tre Baños de la Reina (reported by Peña Cantero, Remarks: 1995 as Clavactinia sp.). The presence of striated muscle in the subum- Description: brella indicates that these gonophores might be released as actively swimming eumedusoids. In the Hydrorhiza stolonal, formed by reticular tubes group of Stylactaria (= Hydractinia) with gastro- covered with perisarc and adhering to gastropod zooids having more than one whorl of tentacles (see shells; in the colony growing on Astraea rugosa the table1) H. calderi has close affinities with H. iner-

THE TAXONOMIC STATUS OF THE STYLACTARIA 477 mis (Allman, 1872), H. monoon (Hirohito, 1988) affinities with H. arge in size, number of tentacles, and H. spiralis (Goto,1910). It differs from H. iner- and number of tentacle whorls of the gastrozooid. It mis in the presence of a perisarcal differentiation at differs by the dimorphism of its gonophores, by hav- the base of the gonozooids, its gonozooids have only ing free male eumedusoids with ten tentacles instead one whorl of tentacles instead of two, its colonies of eight and by the cnidome of the gonozooids (see have spines, and the cnidome is different, having Table 1). only two types of cnidocysts (desmonemes and Hydractinia conchicola (Yamada, 1947). microbasic euryteles) instead of three (see table 1). Namikawa et al. (1990) remarked that this species Hydractinia calderi also resembles H. monoon shows great affinities with H. nagaoensis {=Stylac- (Hirohito,1988) having a perisarcal cup at the base taria uchidai (Yamada, 1947) see below} differing of the dactylozooids, but H. monoon has only 8-11 only by the form of the spadix. This structure is tentacles disposed in almost one whorl on its gastro- scyphiform with one egg in H. nagaoensis, cylindri- zooids, its gonozooids have 6 gonophores which are cal and with several eggs in H. conchicola. The heteromedusoid in the female and contain only one number of zooid types also reportedly differs but we egg through all development (male gonophores discount the specific value of that character, espe- unknown). The gastrozooids of H. spiralis (Goto, cially considering possible different states of gono- 1910) have up to 50 closely alternating tentacles, zooid reduction. Hydractinia conchicola, found their hydrorhiza forms a gastropod-shell-like crust exclusively on the living gastropod Homalopoma at the opening of the host shell and may have amussitatum, has a strong substrate preference, nematophores, it lacks a basal perisarc cup and the whereas H. nagaoensis is a substrate generalist (see gonozooids bear more than ten cryptomedusoid Namikawa et al. 1992; Namikawa et al., 1993). gonophores. Namikawa et al. (1993) showed that the cnidome The above species is thus here considered as new of the planulae of H. conchicola consisted only of and is dedicated to Dale Calder to honour his emi- euryteles, while in H. nagaoensis there were euryte- nent work on Hydrozoa. les and desmonemes. Namikawa (1995) found hap- Holotype material is deposited at the Museo de lonemes in H. conchicola, a type of cnidocyst absent Ciencias Naturales de Madrid. in H. nagaoensis. The two species, although closely related, show differences and should thus be kept Type locality: Chafarinas Islands , Spain . separate. The problem of subtrate specificity is dis- cussed under H. multigranosi. Diagnosis: Hydrorhiza reticulated, formed by Hydractinia halecii (Hickson and Gravely, tubes covered with perisarc; polymorphic: gastro- 1907). We refer it to the genus Rhysia Brinckmann, zooids with a basal perisarcal cup, 20-40 filiform 1965, family Rhysiidae (see Bouillon, 1985; 1995; tentacles in three whorls; gonozooids with a short Calder, 1988; Brinckmann -Voss et al., 1993). perisarcal cup, 2-14 filiform tentacles in 1 whorl; 1- Hydractinia hooperii (Sigerfoos, 1899) see H. 2 rarely 3 fixed eumedusoids, only female known arge. with numerous eggs; dactylozooids and spines pre- Hydractinia inabai (Hirohito, 1988). This sent; cnidome comprising desmonemes and species is very close to H. spiralis. In both species microbasic euryteles. the hydrorhiza forms a gastropod shell-like crust Hydractinia carcinicola (Hiro, 1939). This extending beyond the opening of the shell and the Hydrozoan resembles H. hooperii (Sigerfoos, 1899) gastrozooids possess a great number of tentacles (up and, following Hirohito (1988), may be referred to to 50) in one or more closely alternating whorls. the same species. They differ only in their maximal They differ, however, by the number and the struc- size, in the usual presence of tentaculozooids in H. ture of gonophores, these being cryptomedusoid and carcinicola and in the difference in length among up to ten per gonozooid in H. spiralis, and eumedu- the perradial and interradial tentacles of the liberable soids with two or three per gonozooid in H. inabai. eumedusoids in the last species. These characters Hydractinia inermis (Allman, 1872). This are interpreted here as intraspecific variations and species seems to be endemic to the Mediterranean H. carcinicola is regarded as conspecific with H. Sea. It is characterized by gastrozooids with a basal hooperii. perisarc cup and a relatively small number of tenta- Hydractinia claviformis (Bouillon, 1965).(see cles (20) in two or several whorls, by gonozooids also Ramil et al. 1994) This species shows some with two whorls of tentacles and with fixed eume-

478 J. BOUILLON et al. dusoids having eight tentacular bulbs, the females Hydractinia misakiensis (Iwasa, 1934). It differs containing many eggs. Picard (1958b) considered it from H. carcinicola only in gastrozooid size and in as conspecific with Podocoryna fucicola (Sars, having marginal tentacles of the eumedusoids of 1857) and nana Motz-Kossowska, 1905 with- identical length. Hirohito (1988) pointed out that the out giving any further information. Hydractinia two might be identical, and that H. misakiensis fucicola, however, is different from H. inermis in resembled H. hooperii. We consider H. carcinicola having an encrusting hydrorhiza covered by naked and H. misakiensis as conspecific with H. hooperii. coenosarc; both gastrozooids and gonozooids have a Hydractinia monoon (Hirohito, 1988). Hirohito characteristic ring of large microbasic euryteles sur- noticed that this species resembles H. nagaoensis, rounding the hypostome above the single tentacle which is said by Namikawa et al. (1990) to be close whorl (of 4-12 tentacles); and, finally, the to H. conchicola (see above). Hydractinia monoon hydrorhiza is armed by numerous spines (Castric- differs from H. nagaoensis and H. conchicola by Fey, 1970). H. fucicola is not endemic to the having a perisarc cup at the base of all its zooids (see Mediterranean, being found also in the Glenan Table 1). Its female gonophores contain a single egg Archipelago (Atlantic Coast of France). and are heteromedusoid instead of styloid as in the Hydractinia ingolfi ( Kramp, 1932) see H. arcti- two other cited species. Finally, its dactylozooids ca (Jäderholm, 1902). have a hollow base (being intermediate between ten- Hydractinia mar ( Gasca and Calder, 1993). This taculozooids and spiral zooids). This species is species ressembles H. arctica, H. calderi, H. inermis based on sound specific characters and is considered and H. monoon in having gastrozooids with a basal valid. perisarcal cup. Like H. inermis it has a cnidome Hydractinia multigranosi (Namikawa, 1991). comprising three types of cnidocysts instead of two According Namikawa (1991), this species differs in H. arctica and H. calderi (see Table 1); it differs from H. conchicola and H. nagaoensis in having nevertheless from H. inermis by the presence of fixed eumedusoids instead of styloid gonophores spines and in having gonozooids with only one and from H. piscicola, H. sandrae and H. arctica by whorl of tentacles. H. mar is close to H. monoon host species. having a perisarcal cup on all types of zooids; the lat- The above characters are not convincing by ter species however has a female gonophore with a themselves, but Namikawa’s (1991) intensive inves- single egg and a particular type of dactylozooid ( see tigation showed that H. multigranosi was substrate- below). Pending futher knowledge on the develop- specific, being only found on the gastropod Nassar- ment of Hydractinia mar, which is not fully known, ius multigranosus and, for this reason, he kept it as we provisionally consider this species as valid. a distinct species. Buss and Yund (1989) reported on Hydractinia minoi (Alcock, 1892). This species a group of sibling species of Hydractinia that, in was originally assigned to Stylactis, then to Podoco- spite of being largely indistinguishable by tradition- ryna by Stechow (1909) because its anstomosing al morphometric characters, were customarily asso- hydrorhiza was covered by a common perisarc. Later ciated with a single host species of . Stechow 1921b, referred it to Podocorella, because it Namikawa et al. (1993) remarked that a similar sit- presumably produces free medusae (and not eume- uation was possible in some species of Stylactaria dusoids) which, unlike Podocoryna, are deprived of (= Hydractinia) namely: H. piscicola, H. conchico- oral tentacles. No liberated medusae, however, have la and H. multigranosi. The presence of closely been observed and this feature has been described morphologically related species of substrate-specif- from only medusa buds. As a matter of fact, Podoco- ic Hydractinia could partly explain the large number ryna medusae lack oral tentacles but have oral lips of species described from Japanese waters, although armed with clusters of nematocysts, these lips can be nothing comparable apparently happens in other more or less developed according to the species, and areas of the world. Hydractinia multigranosi has a might be not evident in medusa buds. Like H. minoi, different cnidome from H. piscicola, having also Hydractinia bella (Hand, 1961) lives on fish, and its haplonemes, besides the typical microbasic euryte- medusa is a Podocoryna, even though the drawings les and desmonemes (see Table 1). of the medusa buds do not show oral “tentacles” Hydractinia nagaoensis, nom. nov. Nagao (Hand, 1961). We propose to merge Podocorella into (1961) described a new hydractiniid, Hydractinia Hydractinia, hypothesizing that the medusa of H. uchidai which is morphologically different from minoi might be a “Podocoryna”. Stylactaria (= Hydractinia ) uchidai (Yamada, 1947)

THE TAXONOMIC STATUS OF THE STYLACTARIA 479 which new combination becomes a junior homonym Hydractinia reticulata (Hirohito,1988). This of Hydractinia uchidai Nagao, 1961 and must be species is deprived of both spines and dactylo- replaced. Hydractinia nagaoensis is proposed here zooids, being similar in this feature to H. yerii as replacement name for Yamada taxon. (Iwasa, 1934). The two species are distinguished on Hydractinia otagoensis (Schuchert, 1996). Its insufficient ground and are here considered as con- distinguishing characters are the presence of specific (see H. yerii). microbasic mastigophores and a ring of microbasic Hydractinia ? sagamiensis (Hirohito, 1988). This euryteles surrounding the hypostome of both gastro- species lacks both gonozooids and dactylozooids, and gonozooids. It appears also very close to H. whereas spines are present. The gonophores are fucicola (Sars, 1857), this also having a ring of inserted on the hydrorhiza. They have four radial microbasic euryteles around the hypostome (Cas- canals and four large tentacular bulbs. Hirohito tric-Fey, 1970), but this species has an encrusting (1988) reported that the gonads were undeveloped hydrorhiza and is apparently devoid of microbasic and oral tentacles were absent. This means that these mastigophores. gonophores are not eumedusoid, since they have no Hydractinia piscicola (Komai, 1932). This sign of sex cells (very evident since the beginning of species has been recorded only twice and only from the formation of this kind of gonophore). Hirohito Japanese waters, each time on the stonefish Erosa (1988) kept this species in Stylactis but remarked erosa. This species does not have any unique mor- that if the development of the medusae proceeds fur- phological characters, but we agree with Kubota ther, this species should be included in the genus (1991) and Namikawa (1991) in considering it a Perigonella Stechow, 1921b. We agree with Hirohi- valid substrate-specific species (see remarks for H. to (1988) in provisionally maintaining this species conchicola and H. multigranosi). within Stylactaria (= Hydractinia), pending further Hydractinia pruvoti Motz-Kossowska, 1905. knowledge on gonophore structure and further This species was described as Hydractinia pruvoti development. by Motz-Kosswska (1905), referred to Stylactis by Hydractinia sandrae (Wedler and Larson, 1986). Behner (1914), who showed that the hydrorizha was The authors remarked that “owing to the difference stolonal, placed by Stechow (1921a) who consid- in size and shape of the hydranth, number of tenta- ered it as a pandeid; in the genus Hydractomma Ste- cles, arrangement of gonophores, absence of thorns chow, 1921a and replaced in the genus Stylactis by and existence of a red circle (between the tentacle Iwasa (1934) and Bouillon (1971). Picard (1958b) whorl and the sporosacs)” this species is definitely called it Podocoryna pruvoti. Calder (1988) different from H. hooperii and seems to be more removed it from Stylactaria because its hydrorhiza closely related to H. arge. The differences between “is encrusting rather than reticular” and “Moreover H hooperii and H. arge have been defined above. H. its medusa is campanulate instead of sac-shaped, sandrae is distinguished on characters falling within and four tentacles are present instead of eight”. the intraspecific variations of H. hooperii and so Hirohito (1988), describing a new species of Stylac- does the Stylactaria sp. described by Wedler and tis, S. spinipapillaris, with four-tentacled eumedu- Larson (1986). soids, and discussing the affinities between the two ? Hydractinia siphonis (Stechow, 1921c). This species, maintained Motz-Kossowska’s species in species has been rightly considered as doubtful by the genus Stylactis. In the discussion he stated that Millard (1975). It was briefly described by Stechow the eumedusoids of S. pruvoti lack a velum. Behner (1921c) from South Africa. (1914) and Neppi (1917), however, showed that a Hydractinia spinipapillaris (Hirohito, 1988). velum is present. Hydractinia pruvoti and H. spini- The eumedusoids of this species possess, like those papillaris are nevertheless distinct, the first being of H. pruvoti and H. minoi, four tentacles instead of characterized by one-tentacled gonozooids (and eight or ten, as reported for the other species of the occasional 2-3 tentacled ones), the second by origi- genus. See discussion of H. pruvoti. It is here con- nal papillary dactylozooids and by sharp gonozooid sidered as valid. reduction. Hydractinia spiralis (Goto, 1910). This species Hydractinia pruvoti apparently may have either a is characterized by the great number of tentacles of stolonal or an encrusting hydrorhiza, being a perfect the gastrozooids (up to 50) distributed in alternating example of the confusion and muddle existing at a whorls, by the great number of gonophores (more generic level in the Hydractiniidae. than ten per gonozooid) and by its hydrorhiza, form-

480 J. BOUILLON et al. ing a gastropod-shell-like crust exceeding the host 13. Hydractinia monoon (Hirohito, 1988) shell inhabited by hermit crabs. This last feature 14. Hydractinia multigranosi (Namikawa ,1991) exists also in H. inabai (Hirohito, 1988) but H. spi- 15. Hydractinia nagaoensis, nom. nov. ralis possesses free eumedusoids instead of cryp- 16. Hydractinia otagoensis (Schuchert,1996) tomedusoids. Some colonies also have peculiar 17. Hydractinia piscicola (Komai ,1932) nematophore bodies in the inner side of the 18. Hydractinia pruvoti Motz-Kossowska, 1905 hydrorhiza. It is here considered as valid. 19. Hydractinia sagamiensis (Hirohito, 1988) Hydractinia uchidai (Yamada, 1947) see 20. Hydractinia spinipapillaris (Hirohito, 1988) Hydractinia nagaoensis . 21. Hydractinia spiralis (Hirohito, 1988) Hydractinia yerii (Iwasa, 1934). This species 22. Hydractinia yerii (Iwasa, 1934) lacks spines and dactylozooids. It has been distin- The present revision of Stylactaria by no means guished from H. reticulata by its smaller size and resolves all the taxonomic problems of the group. A moeover, its gonophores can contain more than 4 critical analysis has resulted in a considerable reduc- eggs (Hirohito, 1988). Such differences are inter- tion in the number of recognizable species (from 34 preted here as intraspecific variations and we con- to 22) in the future, other may be found to be con- sider the two species as conspecific, the name H. specific, especially some of the Japanese species (11 yerii having priority. of the 22 retained as valid). Several may be based on Hydractinia sp. (Crowell, 1947) considered by only young colonies of Hydractinia s.str. Calder (1988) as identical with H. arge. (Broch,1916). Biochemical genome analyses will Hydractinia sp. (Wedler and Larson, 1986), see apparently be the best tool for the differentiation of above, under H. sandrae. these animals (see Cunningham and Buss, 1993). Hydractinia sp, (Calder, 1993) not identifiable Nominal genera included in the synonymy of the due to insufficient description (believed to be a new genus Hydractinia van Beneden, 1841 here include: and as yet undescribed species). Archaeoceania Picard and Rham, 1954; Cionistes Hydractinia sp. (Namikawa, 1994)), not identifi- Wright, 1861; Corynopsis Allman, 1864; Halerella, able due to insufficient description. Stechow, 1922; Halorhiza Stechow, 1962; Hydrissa Hydractinia sp. (Peña Cantero, 1995). Examina- Stechow, 1921a; Hydractomma Stechow, 1921a; tion of Table 1 shows that this Mediterranean form Hydronema Stechow, 1921a; Oorhiza Merechkow- is identical with H. hooperii. This species has been sky, 1877; Nuttingia (Hydrodendrium) Stechow, recorded from the western Atlantic, the Caribbean 1909; Podocoryna Sars, 1846; Rhizocline Allman, sea and Brazilian waters (Moreira et al. 1979) where 1864; Stylactaria Stechow, 1921a; Stylactis Allman, it has been found on different living gastropods and 1864. hermit crab-inhabited shells. This is the first record from the Mediterranean Sea. REMARKS ON THE GENERIC COMPOSITION OF THE HYDRACTINIIDAE AND PTILOCODI- DISCUSSION IDAE

The following species of Stylactaria (=Hydrac- Clavactinia Thornely, 1904. (figure 3C). tinia ) retained as valid here are: 1. Hydractinia arge (Clarke, 1882) In the course of our investigations on Hydrac- 2. Hydractinia arctica (Jäderholm, 1902) tinia calderi we examined several specimens of the 3. Hydractinia betkensis (Watson, 1978) genus Clavactinia. This genus proposed by Thor- 4. Hydractinia brachyurae (Hirohito, 1988) nely (1904), is characterized as having gastro- 5. Hydractinia calderi n. sp. zooids with tentacles scattered on the distal half of 6. Hydractinia claviformis (Bouillon, 1965) the hydranth, reduced gonozooids with fixed 7. Hydractinia conchicola (Yamada ,1947) gonophores and an encrusting hydrorhiza with 8. Hydractinia hooperii (Sigerfoos,1899) spines. Besides the type species C. gallensis Thor- 9. Hydractinia inabai (Hirohito, 1988) nely, 1904, this genus currently accommodates 10. Hydractinia inermis (Allman, 1872) another species: C. multitentaculata Millard, 1975. 11. Hydractinia mar (Gasca & Calder, 1993) The gastrozooids of Clavactinia multitentaculata 12 Hydractinia minoi (Alcock ,1892) have, however, several closely-set tentacle verticils

THE TAXONOMIC STATUS OF THE STYLACTARIA 481 concentrated around the hypostome, much resem- bling a Hydractinia hydranth, whereas C. gallensis has distinctly Clava-like hydranths. Clavactinia multitentaculata, furthermore, has less reduced gonozooids than C. gallensis and has also dactylo- zooids, a feature lacking in C. gallensis. Millard (1975) regarded Hydractinia as having a single row of tentacles or rarely two alternating ones, so she ascribed her material to Clavactinia due to ten- tacle arrangement. But many Hydractinia species have several closely set tentacle whorls {e.g.H. sodalis Stimpson, 1859; H. epiconcha Stechow, 1907 and, even, H. echinata Fleming, 1828 as reported by Allman, (1872)}, thus, not falling within the scope of the genus as defined by Millard (1975). The type specimen of C. gallensis deposited at the Natural History Museum of London is deprived of hydranths and is of little help for a taxonomic revision. After the examination of part of Millard’s material and colonies of C. gallensis from the Sey- chelles (fig. 3C), we consider that C. multitentacu- lata cannot be included into Clavactinia, being referred instead to to Hydractinia.

Hansiella Bouillon, 1980 and Tregoubovia Picard, 1958a.

The genus Hansiella was founded to accommo- date the medusa-based species Hansiella fragilis

Bouillon, 1980, characterized by having (1) a well FIG. 3. – (A & B) Hydractinia calderi n.sp. from Chafarinas Islands, developed cnidocyst ring on the exumbrellar mar- Spain.(A) apical part of an adult gastrozooid; (B) dactylozooid. (C ) Part of a colony of Clavactinia gallensis Thornely, 1904 showing gin, (2) up to 28 didermic centripetal processes, (3) the scattered position of the gastrozooid tentacles ( After Millard & four radial canals, (4) four stiff marginal tentacles Bouillon, 1973); scale bar: A = 800 µm, B = 300 µm, C = 400 µm. from which only the tips are studded with cnido- cysts, (5) short mesenteries and (6) adradial gonads. The features of T. quadratum medusae are: Bouillon (1985) provided further detail, figuring a umbrella pyriform; manubrium cylindrical not specimen with a non-contracted umbrella and with a reaching beyond umbrella margin; mouth with four more developed marginal ring at the base of the cen- lips armed with cnidocyst clusters; four stiff tenta- tripedal structures, forming what could be interpret- cles with tips armed with cnidocysts and situated in ed as reduced marginal bulbs. exumbrellar furrows; a marginal cnidocyst ring with Hansiella fragilis was included in the Hydrac- many didermic exumbrellar centripedal processes; tiniidae by Bouillon (1980) because of its four sim- short mesenteries; interradial gonads; medusa buds ple oral lips armed with cnidocyst clusters, but the on manubrium. It is clear from the above descrip- presence of mesenteries and adradial gonads tions that H. fragilis and T. quadratum share many required modification of the definition of the family. key characters, the main differences being the pres- A medusa similar to H. fragilis is Thecocodium ence of exumbrellar furrows in Thecocodium and quadratum (Werner, 1965) familly Ptilocodiidae the position of the gonads, adradial in Hansiella and Coward, 1909, as illustrated and briefly described interradial in Thecocodium.. by Jarms (1987). Its re-examination allowed us to The medusa-based species Tregoubovia atentac- compare the two species and determine their sys- ulata Picard, 1958a has close affinities with the tematic position. above mentioned genera, having 8 to 16 exumbrel-

482 J. BOUILLON et al. lar didermic centripetal processes issuing from a ture, however, is not a good character for a new marginal ring, short mesenteries and a mouth with hydractiniid genus, being the key feature of Clavac- four arms, no marginal bulbs or tentacles and inter- tinia. The only distinctive feature of Fiordlandia, radial gonads. Picard (1958a) included it in the thus is the development of the protective tubes. Hydractiniidae (see also Goy, 1973). Many hydroids produce protective structures around Picard (1958a; Goy,1973) considered the exum- their gonophores. These are given generic rank in the brellar processes of Tregoubovia as marginal tenta- Aglaopheniidae, whereas they are not in several ser- cles developed inside the exumbrellar mesoglea. tulariid genera in which some species have an apical Jarms (1987) gave a similar interpretation to the chamber (marsupium) to accommodate the acrocyst, centripetal processes of Thecocodium quadratum, and some have not. Also, in the Haleciidae the pres- and this must be the case also for Hansiella fragilis. ence of a glomulus is not considered as a good The medusae of Hansiella, Tregoubovia and generic character, so that Halecium and Hydroden- Thecocodium are clearly similar and deserve the dron comprises both species with and without this inclusion in the same family. An essential clue for protective structure. Whether a stolonal protection of inferring the systematic position of these genera is the gonophores is enough for the recognition of a found in the hydroid stage of the only species with a new genus is a matter of character weighting and is known life cycle. The hydroid of Thecocodium subjective. No other species of hydractiniid is quadratum clearly indicates that the three genera, known to have such feature, so Fiordlandia protecta pending knowledge of the life cycles of Hansiella might be the ancestor of a future clade deserving and Tregoubovia, must be included into the generic rank. Maybe this clade exists already and Ptilocodiidae. comprises undescribed hydractiniids with stolonal The diagnosis of the Ptilocodiidae is modified protection of the gonophores. Of course one cannot here as follows: Hydractinoidea with stolonal retic- foresee what evolution will lead to (or what will be ular hydrorhiza or with encrusting hydrorhiza cov- the structure of unknown species) and it seems pre- ered by naked coenosarc. Hydranths sessile, naked mature to propose a new genus (accommodating a and polymorphic. Gastrozooids without tentacles; single species) based on a single character which dactylozooids with 4 or more capitate tentacles, might have no relevance in the evolution of the sometimes filiform; gonophores on gonozooids or genus Clavactinia (see above), of which Fiordlandia gastrogonozooids. Reproduction by fixed sporosacs, should be considered, in our opinion, a synonym. eumedusoids or free medusae. Medusae more or less The family Hydractiniidae Agassiz, 1862 current- bell-shaped; with or without radial exumbrellar fur- ly includes the following genera (fossils excluded): rows; with didermic centripetal tracks or exumbrel- Clavactinia Thornely, 1904; Hydractinia van Bene- lar rows of refringent spots; with a marginal cnido- den, 1841; Hydrocorella Stechow, 1921d; cysts ring; when present, marginal tentacles solid, Stechow, 1921d; Kinetocodium Kramp, 1921. with tips armed with cnidocysts; four radial canals; The removal of both Hansiella and Tregoubovia manubrium tubular or bottle-shaped, with mouth from the Hydractiniidae requires modification of the lips armed with cnidocyst clusters; with adradial or diagnosis provided by Bouillon (1985, 1995): interradial gonads. hydrorhiza either stolonal and reticular, formed by The familly Ptilocodiidae accommodates the fol- tubes covered with perisarc, sometimes forming lowing genera: Hansiella Bouillon, 1980; protective tubes, or encrusting, covered with naked Hydrichtella Stechow, 1909; Ptilocodium Coward, coenosarc, or forming a calcareous skeleton, fre- 1909; Thecocodium Bouillon, 1967, Tregoubovia quently with spines, sometimes forming branches. Picard, 1958a. Hydranths sessile, naked, polymorphic. Gastro- zooids with one or more whorls of oral filiform ten- Fiordlandia Schuchert, 1996 tacles, or with scattered tentacles on the distal half of the body; gonozooids with one or more whorls of Schuchert (1996) proposed a new hydractiniid oral tentacles, or without tentacles and mouth; genus, Fiordlandia, based on two main characters: dactylozooids, when present, with no tentacles. the structure of the hydrorhiza supporting the Vesicles of unknown function present or not. Repro- gonophores, where staghorn tubes form a protection duction by fixed sporosarcs, eumedusoids, or free for the reproductive structures, and the presence of medusae generally borne on gonozooids, exception- scattered tentacles on the gastrozooid. This last fea- ally on hydrorhiza.

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486 J. BOUILLON et al.