Becker 10,000 Shot Club Workout #1 – Rip Series

 Completion of the workout is 200 total shots when using the workout as part of the Becker 10,000 Shot Club!

1) Form Shooting: 5 Spot/5 Shots – Focusing on correct form - Make 5 shots from each spot – try to swish as many as possible

2) On the Move Ball Handling – with Finishes **Link to Demo Video showing moves and finishes is:

- Dribble through cones as quickly as possible using 1 gather dribble before each cone and then finish (Make 2 going right and 2 going left / make 2 Free Throws after completing each move & finish)

Dribble Move Finish Hesitation Regular Layup Hesitation Cross Over Inside Layup In/Out Dribble Reverse Layup Skates Euro Step Between Legs Floater Around Back Power Jump Stop Between Legs Set up Dribble to Hesitation Look off move ball over head Between Legs Set up Dribble to Hesitation Cross over Tuck

3) Rip / Shot Fake Series: Spin out from corner 3 line to wing and execute move **Link to Demo Video showing moves is:

- Make a Layup, a pullup, and a layup - Use any finish from step 2 (mix them up and work on different ones) - After completing right side – shoot 5 FT’s and complete left side 1) Rip and Go 5) Step into pass 2) Double Rip and Go (AKA Jab) 6) 1 Set up Dribble to Hesitation 3) Shot Fake 7) 1 Set up Dribble to Hesitation Cross Over 4) Shot Fake Jab

4) Around the Shooting - 2’ s - Make 3 from 5 different spots moving around the key at elbow range go around and back = 30 makes - 3’s – Make 3 from 5 different spots moving around key at 3 point range go around and back = 30 makes - End with going 8 for 10 on ’s – run down and back each time fall short and start over until completed