MINUTES OF QUALITY TRANSPORT PARTNERSHIP MEETING Held on 30th January 2003 At Quay Arts Centre, Newport

Present: Jim Ruby - Chair Katy Blackburn – Youth Trust Terry Butchers CC – IW Council Ernie Fox CC – IW Council Martin Gibson – LIFT IW Kevin Hatt – Red Funnel Ferries Margaret Howden – IW Older Voices Tim Hunter-Henderson – Federation of Small Businesses Rachel Jolliffe – Council Stewart King – Stuart Linn – Angela Mawle – Agenda 21 & Health Alliance Jack Richards – RPC / Wight Track Malcolm Ross - CycleWight Peter Taylor – IW Council Don Vincent – IW Bus Users Group Steve Wade – Hugh Walding – IW Friends of the Earth Ron Wallis – IW Motorcycle Training Chris Wells – Isle of Wight Council Charlotte Westwood – Isle of Wight Council Brenda Wilkins – Advanced Motorists Edward Wills – Southern Vectis

1. APOLOGIES Ashley Curzon – Planning Section, Isle of Wight Council Steve Matthews – Isle of Wight Council John Metcalfe – Isle of Wight Tourism Steve Porter – Steve Porter Transport/Chamber of Commerce Adrian Searle – Wight Track Kevin Smith – Chamber of Commerce Peter Tuck – QTP Retired Chair Sarah Watkins – Freight Transport Association Dave Woracker – Transport 2000 Chris Wright – Road Haulage Association

Jim Ruby welcomed Ron Wallis (IW Motorcycle Training), Kevin Hatt (Red Funnel) and Margaret Howden (IW Older Voices) to the meeting.

2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – 21st November 2002.

Steve Wade pointed out that in item 7 (Island Line Franchise) it states that the SRA have decided to “extend” the current franchise but it is actually a new franchise.

Malcolm Ross was concerned that no Council representatives were present at the last meeting. It was pointed out that both Councillor Fox and Rachel Jolliffe were in attendance. Councillor Fox explained that although every endeavour would be made for Stephen Matthews to attend, there would be occasions when this would not be possible.

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The minutes where then agreed.


Jim Ruby reported that the RPP funding stream had been withdrawn. This was particularly disappointing as a bid was progressing for a Shanklin to Ventnor bus/train link. The SRA hope that RPP funding will resume in 2005.


Chris Wells reported that the Council’s second Annual Progress Report was submitted to the Government in July 2002 and the corresponding settlement letter received in December 2002.

The Government Office for the South East (GOSE) were pleased with the progress made during 2001/02 and confirmed a block allocation of £5.5 million. An additional £400,000 has been awarded for good practice.

A major bid submission for Interchange was also successful (£5.6 million). The bid is subject to the Council receiving the necessary statutory consents from the Secretary of State (eg planning permission).

Jim Ruby congratulated Chris Wells, Rachel Jolliffe and Highway’s staff on their success.


(a) Separate Wight Track / RPC Representative Adrian Searle (Wight Track) had been invited to attend for this item but had been called away at short notice.

Jack Richards explained that he currently represents both Wight Track and the Rail Passenger Committee on the QTP. Although he is normally able to represent both bodies, occasionally an item may occur where there could be a conflict of interests. JR asked whether, should such an agenda item be tabled, an alternative Wight Track representative be invited.

Chris Wells asked whether Wight Track is a rail user group or a rail interest group, as this could set a precedent. JR confirmed that WT is a user group.

The group agreed that a Wight Track representative could attend when necessary.

(b) Amendments to the Aim and Objectives The QTP have recently invited a powered 2 wheeler representative to join the group, however there does not appear to be an objective directly relating to PTW use. It was agreed that objective 2 should be expanded to include the words “powered two wheelers” after “cycling”.

At the last meeting it was agreed that Partners would re-sign the Aim and Objectives.

Action: Rachel Jolliffe to amend objective 2 and send each QTP member a copy of the A&O for signing.

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Jim Ruby reported that a number of QTP members have expressed concern over a recent letter in the County Press from Mr Lawrence, the Chair of Isle of Wight Older Voices. The letter made reference to the work and membership of the QTP.

Action: It was agreed that Jim Ruby should write to Older Voices asking for a retraction of the comments or resignation from the QTP.

(c) Rail Working Party At the last meeting it was agreed that a working party should be set up to discuss rail issues. Steve Wade, Jack Richards, Councillor Fox, Dave Woracker and Southern Vectis have all indicated that they would like to participate.

Councillor Fox has recently been contacted by Island Metro and asked the Chair if the group could be invited to the Working Group meeting. It was pointed out that at the QTP meeting of 21/11/02 it was agreed that Jim Ruby would write to both IW Metro and IW Tramway inviting them to put forward any relevant issues which they would like considered by the Working Group.

Action: Rachel Jolliffe to arrange meeting date and invite interested parties. Action: Jim Ruby to write to IW Metro and IW Tramway.


A paper on car parking had been circulated with the agenda. Jim Ruby explained that, although he had no objection to the principle of price increases, he felt that the QTP should have had an earlier input.

JR was also concerned that the increases proposed for long stay car parks in towns where no short stay car parks were available, would have a detrimental affect on the economy of the town. Brenda Wilkins pointed out that such a pricing policy would only encourage people to drive to supermarkets and park for free.

Councillor Fox informed the group that the issue had been discussed earlier at the Environment & Transport Select Committee who had authorised the advertisement of the Order for a 21 day consultation period.

The group discussed how best to comment on the proposals. As members have differing views on the issue it was agreed that Partners should write individually on behalf of their organisations.

Angela Mawle asked if income generated from parking charges could be used specifically to improve other forms of transport.

Action: It was agreed that Jim Ruby should write to Steve Matthews to ask how parking revenue is spent and recommend that income should be ringed fence for use only on improving other transport forms.

“Universal Green Travel Plan” – Southern Vectis

Stuart Linn gave a presentation entitled “Universal Green Travel Plan – A Strategy for the future of the Island”. The presentation looked at the benefits of green travel and outlined a proposal for employee travel. - 3 -

Members welcomed the concept of the proposal but had a number of concerns including : take up level; social inclusion; implications for small businesses and benefits for other sectors of the community.

SL stated that there are a number of issues which would need to be ironed out before the scheme could be universally adopted. SL suggested that a pilot scheme could be run ideally incorporating: 1 or 2 public organisations; 1 major employer and 1 minor employer.

Jack Richards asked if members could have a copy of the slide presentation.

Action: Stuart Linn to send Rachel Jolliffe a copy of the presentation for circulation to QTP members.


Jack Richards reported that Wendy Toms, the Chair of the Rail Passengers Committee for Southern England had not been successful when “re-applying” for her post (with effect from 01/04/2003). The group were disappointed that WT would no longer be in post as she had been an influential voice for Island rail issues.

Action: Jim Ruby to write to Wendy Toms to thank her for her help in the past. The Council also intend to write separately.

Martin Gibson reported that the Isle of Wight Council have been successful in a bid for Rural Bus Challenge funding. The funding (£426,000) will provide 2 services in east Wight – one connecting Ryde, Havenstreet and Wootton and the second providing links to neighbouring villages, the rail station and tourist attractions in the Sandown area. The services will be demand responsive where appropriate, with funding for 3 years.

Don Vincent asked the Chair why 3 items, which he had requested be included on the agenda, had been omitted. Jim Ruby explained that, in line with the decision at the last meeting, only items of general wide-reaching interest would be included on agendas and reminded DV that he had personally followed up each of the issues.

DV asked if JR would outline the issues and responses:

• IW Bus Users Group had written to Southern Vectis, QTP, Sandown Town Council and the IW Council re provision of a bus shelter in Lower High Street, Sandown. Kevin Burton of the IWC had responded to IWBUG (copy to QTP) confirming that he had visited the site and that additional engineering works would be required to allow the installation of a shelter. When the necessary funds become available, the scheme will be progressed.

• IWBUG had written to the QTP concerning the Week park and ride which, for the first time in 2002, had not been “permitted” to convey passengers to/from Cowes Parade. JR had spoken to Kevin Burton, IWC who had indicated that this decision had been made by Wight Leisure and that the Council were also concerned over the issue. IWC are to ensure that the service resumes in 2003. - 4 -

• IWBUG had written to the QTP re “extension fares” and publicity. Although the QTP are in favour of through ticketing and increased publicity this is a matter for the individual operators to discuss.

Jim Ruby reported that he had received a call from a Mr R Izzard asking to join the QTP. JR has asked Mr Izzard to write to the QTP outlining why he feels it is appropriate for him to join the group. The issue will then be brought before the QTP for consideration.

Rachel Jolliffe circulated the QTP dates for 2003. Meetings will be held at 1.30pm in the Seminar Room, Quay Arts Centre on: 27th March; 15th May*; 25th September and 27th November*. A provisional date has been set for 31st July if required. Members will be informed should details change. NB The May date has subsequently been changed to Wednesday 14th May 2003 and the 27th November meeting will be held in the Quay Arts Theatre (first floor, Quay Arts Centre).


The next meeting will be held on Thursday 27th March at 1.30pm in the Quay Arts Centre, Newport.

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