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Section Grosse Pointe .ews A

VOL. 44-NO. 17 Publlihed II second Cia.. Matter at the GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 28,1983 :JOe Per Copy 44 Pages - Three Sections POlt Office .t Detroll, Michigan $13 PII' 'iNr Parents demand vote on school closings PTO organizes to keep Barnes open in 1984 He's a hero By Joanne Gouleche Once a hfeguard, always a Supt. Kenneth Brummel's plan lifeguard! That seems to be the to close four elementary schools phIlosophy of former Grosse by the 1984 school year should be Pomter Michael Clarke who decided bv voters and not bv the saved a woman from drownIng n Board o( Education, say some m CalIforma last month local parents According to reports, Mike The idea of a referendum on (24, and now hVIng m EncIni- school closings surfaced several tas, Call£.) rescued an unidenti- hmes at a public hearing at Par- fied woman who developed a ...... -s..'4:. v )t h pV".;>"P cells school last week, where par- ~ ( cr~mp In her leg while swim- / ~ j ...;...... -*7 :::<, ents voiced strong oppositIOn to mmg about 100 yards offshore « "" />'" ~ ~ v)#- oW/,* I' closing Barnes, Defer, Mason and /-:-?- ,y..... *...... ~/'~ .,: $ v"':' .;..... b /~$ /~.,..../.....d3-.%#'> ~ , .... ber, 1984. The hearing attracted Clarke, a 1977 graduate of t /.../ ...<>' < ~dl.o >' ..... p-.;.;-{.A-;..- 0 -:;1"'Jf ..... »- ~t.< "'"> '; 9"'t " about 500 persons and is one of ~' ;A~ N ty "i "...H4...::-j)...:¥v;-... /"""'1' ,/%""( South High School, said he ) -"'>#;"~:f<;r"") ~"( ....}.s-,AC... " ...Jx- ....,p.. -:s,.g ""Nt;,.:J v ~ )',0(7., !J:'"", five scheduled meetings for par- I!i'."'v -»" > 'N"';:;; ""; ~ ....;<.,. > > ft ~~; )':<.-« -:-... %...::1: };..>:'{,x~v!N ents in those areas where schools heard the woman screaming ~'*<:"--:;::- ~ ... )o -;::;:ff.A:": ;1' ?-(/...... <... % 0/ N' ::!:....;:....,...... ~.~~.,,'1.: ~";:}«.h.. h")-..... ::--u. 2/ /1U' ~~>' :::1, are proposed to close. and dove in to help. Mike be- "'Y"'" ij~%~ :.--- ~ "'I"~:»»J" "*...... }"'< ~'y,,~,(, lieves she must have parucked A>"...... ;;./. '" ....;;.~ «.... 1'i~:0-':>"''' "'PrP'" :,...... 1~ ./ »-li~ ~ "~/J<,:, ~ "If our school system is No.1 in when captured by a riptide. PhoIo by Tom ~ the state, why do we need to The woman, who appeared to A might smaU but mighty strong • . • change it?" Barnes parent Jim be about 24 years old, was unin- Klein asked Brwnmel, who mod- jured. Authorities don't know It.was a~other classic David an~ Goliath match up and once boat owners will soon be putting their sail and power boa~s into erated the meetmg. "If it ain't who she was since neither ~gam Dav~d was the.win~er. The SIght of this little tug pulling a berths at the city parks. Residents of the Shores and Park broke, don't fix it. Clarke nor the lifeguards re- Jumbo frelg~te~ behin~ It on Lake S!' Clair Monday aftern~n began berthing their boats on April 15; in the Woods and City was a~ inspiratIon. While you couldn t exactly water ski behmd it's May 1; in the Farms, the official starting date is May 15, "Tbe parents here want you to corded her name. tell us why schools have to be the freighter, ~he slow and steady pace of the tug soon had both although with good weather and sufficient park supervision boat Mike is the son of Mr. and closed. There should be serious boats . Closer to home, warm weather means local owners can put their boats in the water beginning May I, Mrs. E.n. Clarke of Yorkshire consideration given to a referend- Road wn as to why schoo1s should be No 11Wney for streets closed in Grosse POInte. Period." Grosse Pointe plates Brummel's plan includes re- H all this time you thought it shuffling elementary students to me~e coincidence that many Park may lower property tax rate the school system's three middle resIdents of the Pointe drive schools by 1984. The plan calls for around in cars with license transferring Mason students to Grosse POInte Park's tax rate cording to admimstrators from the $335 million collected posa!, $793,800; sewer mainte- Parcells, Defer students to Pierce plate initials that match theIr will drop a fractlOn of a mIll next city, please think again CITY MANAGER John Craw- this fIscal year To balance the nance, $27,700; water department and third, fourth and fifth graders year If the councIl accepts a $4.5 ford admitted there IS a "critIcal budget, $234,000 left over from the $467,500; and other functions (a~ from Kerby to Brownell. Students The secretary of State's off- mIllion spendin,g plan recom- need" for street repaIrs, but noted current year Will be allocated to propriahon to other funds and from Barnes school would be ice at 24208 Little Mack (near 9 mended thIS week by the cIty there IS no money 10 the budget the general fund, accor'ding to the employe frmge benefIts) $810,000. moved to Ferry and Monteith manager If It is approved, the tax 1/2 Mlle Road) provides such for constructIOn. Park voters re- document schools under the plan. plates to residents of the five cut will combine with an average jected a specIal tax proposal last The budget proposes spendmg The tax rate proposed by the The superintendent told parents P Pointes. Those living In the 3 5 percent dechne in property August that would have financed a as follows on 18 general fund ac- city manager to finance the bud- Park can receive plates with a assessments to save typICal Park last week that hIS proposal main- local street improvement prog- counts city counCIl, $11,800, CIty get IS 1675 mills, compared to a tains quality educatIon and pre- GPP suffiX, the Farms, GPF, homeowners about $25 on their ram. Crawford said he will ask clerk $25400 JudiCIal $lJ8000 rate of 1680 mIlls this year. (A bIlls to the CIty. serves the neIghborhood school in and so on. the <;ouncll to address the problem m an ~ger " $87,500, ~lections' mill equals $1 f~r every .$1,000 of Gr~&e 'Pointe. However , t~.e,..S05_ office The budget calls for a $100,000 agalO after the bu~~g:,~,!S_ ~~-.::~$8,500; fInanCIal admmistratwn: __as~s~~ valuatlo.n of ~to~rty.) doesn't advertise this fact and lDcrease in spendin~ by the ciey proved.- .., ~ - "J223;OOO; g~ner'at Sdmjnistl"ati~n, The CI~y~ounciJ bee--.,... _ "The adnlllllSf,raUOn",cQDtinues with good reason. It doesn't nex~ year to llu~jntaJn Ute cm"I1!nt . - $247,200; pollee, '$1.4 million; tire, ,-tHe-~""t)UdjlJl'at .. -erPd,. ~ level of servIces. But there's no HIS reco.mmended bl;ldget calls $776,'!OO, ~ubhc works, $532,000; Tuesday, April 26. A public hear- ::M3trt~~", "- want residents of other citIes to are educationally sound," Brum- claim that the Pointes are re- money 10 the plan for resurfacing for collectmg $3.265 mtlhon from rubbIsh dIsposal, $593,000; re- ing is scheduled for Monday May local streets, more than half of local homeowners and busmesses creatIOn, $264,000; plannlOg and 9 Copies are available at city meJ told parents. He added, how- ceiving preferential treatment ever, "serious thouJht" is being which are in poor conditIon, ac- In property tax revenue - down beautIfICatIOn, $4,600, sewage dls- hall. You can't go in and request given to the possibibty of sending SCS (St. Clair Shores) or say, some elementary school children BBDN (Big Bay de Nocl be- to Maire school. The superinten- dent said there are some quest- cause they won't have them. ions as to whether Pierce school ThiS serVIce IS provided only From the ashes can accommodate students from because CIty offiCIals from all Defer. the Pointes wrote to Lans10g and requested that these suf- Helin property site of Inal18ion Brummel also said there is a fixes be made avallable to possibillty that aU Kerby students Grosse Pointe residents at this would not be transferred to Brow- office only. nell until 1985. By Susan McDonald foundation that remams of the The specIal plates don't cost The Ford house is a pIle of rub- Helin mansion, WhICh was de- Under the proposed school clos- any more than the regular ble on Lakeshore and there's even stroyed by a fire 10 March, 1978 ing plan, the school dIstrict would kind, but you do have to live in The bwlder and neighbors reach- less left of the Shelden estate just be restructured into a K-S, 6-8, the Pointe to rate one. InCL. ed a compromise after It was dIS- down the street People are tear- 9-12 organization and is estimated dentially, for those not hving covered that deed restnctions Ing down Grosse Pointe's grand to save the school system about here, the suffix from that offIce forCIng homes to be bUilt at least $750,000 a year. will be DHG. old manSIOns, not building them ... rIght? 200 feet from the lake expired in 1967. The Board of Education will Tuebor-Two door Wrong A house that may top vote on Brummel's plan June 13, Ms. Burdge said she has agreed the same day of the school board Now for a short story that anythmg ever bUIlt on the lake m SIZe and sophistication WIll soon to keep the home - but not the election. Some residents, includ- must be handled WIth tact and decks - 200 feet from the shore ing board candidate Anthony discretion Everyone knows nse On the SIte of Grosse POInte's most tragic fire, the Helm estate and bUild over the old foundation Skomski, suggested last week that that the Rams Horn Restaurant Soil samples will be taken this the board postpone its controver- on Mack Avenue IS a very pop- on Wmdmlll Pomte DrIve in the The four-story Helin mansion burned in 1978. Another grand home Park week and she hopes to break sial vote until new trustees are ular spot, especially With local ground on the year-long construc- will take its place. sworn into office. police and state troopers An agreement reached between tion project 10 a month Among those who attended the According to a fflendly neIghbors and Tamble Homes, Inc. cleared the way this week for. . meeting at Parcells were PTO source WIth a good sense of constructIOn of a 14,000 square, The fIre that destroyed the ong- Cities finally get groups 'Opposed to the school clos- humor, scout cars from the foot dream home for DetrOIt heart lDal four-story brIck mansion ing plan, includIng parents from Farms and the state pollee surgeon, Dr Ingida Asfaw and hiS owned by milhonalre Charles Barnes and Defer schools. were parked at the eatery at overdue state funds family, complete With seven fIre- Helm was probably the worst 10 about 6 a m earlier thIS week places, an elevator, 11 bathrooms Grosse Pomte hIstory Grosse "We believe the neIghbor- enjoying breakfast I k d d k t t h' Pomte City FirefIghter RIchard hood school has a special place in an d a eSI e ec s s re c mg out Tucker was killed while fIghtmg lpal League, one thIrd of the re- The state troopers fInished By Mike Andrzejczyk Grosse Pomte," said a Barnes to St ClaIr the blaze when a chImney col- mainIng balance will be paid in parent. "(Under the admini- up, paid up and prepared to Local governments got so~e Cost of the proJect may top $1 2 lapsed and crashed through an late May, WIth the fmal payment stratIon's plan), some students saddle up when trouble unex- good news from the state last made June 30 would have to travel two mues to pectedly hit. It seems the million, accordmg to Brenda open doorway, showerIng hIm Burdge, bUilder from Tamble With bncks Tucker, 45, the father week in the form of checks The school" state's frnest had rnadvertentlv money represents partIal pay- The Woods expects to receive locked themselves out of their Homes "The house WIll mclude of two, was the only Grosse Pomte about 80 percent of Its $749,000 bud. Barnes PTO President David everythmg ImagInable And fIrefighter to dIe m the hne of ments of deferred state revenue scout car. Try as they might, sharmg funds held up by executIve get for state share revenues, City BenJamms said that poSSIbility they couldn't get back m. everything WIll be done m claSSIC duty order by lrtJv J ames Blanchard AdmiOlstrator-Clerk Chester may discourage new families good tasle, with attentIon to de- taIl, nothmg trendy," Ms Burdge The late Charles Helm, who earlIer thiS year Petersen said Before the April 18 from moving mto the area and FlOally, they bIt the bullet payment of about $90,000, the city cause property values to decline. said bought the estate whIch was bUIlt The City, Park and Woods are and re-entered the restaurant 10 1927, made hIS fortune manu- prOJected a shortfall of $358,000 in BenJamins said the Barnes PTO proJectmg receIpt of about 80 per- to ask Farms Cpl John Wmter The proJecl IOltlally met with facturlOg and selling flshmg lures revenue sharIng from the state would lIke to see all the elemen- cent of the budgeted funds before to open their car for them oppoSItion from neighbors because He was travehng In ChIna when tary schools kept open WIth a K-7 the end of their fIscal years June "Not counting the June 30 pay- whIch he did WIth a smIle and Ms Burdge wanted to bUIld close the fire occurred and hiS pnceless grade structure, whIle grades 8-12 30 The state Department of Man- ment, we'll be able to come out in out of profeSSIOnal courtesy to the lake so she could aVOid collectIons of cameras, photos and could be moved Into the two hl2h agement and Budget proJects the black at the end of this fiscal bUlldmg over the underground butterfhes were lost 10 the blaze schools leaVIng the three mIddle IncIdentally, our source re- makmg full payment of the defer- year," Petersen said "And if we ports the state polIce did a sch~l~ for community and semor red funds by the end of Sep- accrue the June 30 payment, we'll actIvItIes lousy Job parkmg their car, tember be In good shape " straddlIng a yellow lme and Only a few reSIdents spoke in takmg up two parking spaces Teachers get pink slips Last February. the governor de- Because the June 30 payments favor of the plan, Including Woods After all, who's gOing to tell ferred the state shared revenue of the sales, income and single (Continued on Page 2A) them to move? By Joanne Gouleche mentary, ;:->,jdle and hIgh schools payments to mUOlclpahtles and bUSIness taxes would come after The Grosse POInte Board of The permanent lay offs. re<;ultIng schools as part of a budget- the end of the fiscal year, a deci. Correction Educatlon lasl week handed pInk In 23 less full-tIme pOSItIOns thiS balancmg program Al that tIme, slOn would have to be made whether to record the payments Inside The number to call lo make slips to 20 full and part-tIme tea- fall, WIll not affect any teachers at press secretary Sue Carter saId pas<;age of the tax-mcrease pack. as part of the prevIOUS fiscal year reservations for tomght's dls. chers, actmg on an admmlstratlve Kerby Elementary or at Brownell BUbSUleSS . . . 14A MIddle School, accordIng to ad- age should Improve lhe slate's or put them 10 the new fiscal year C cusslon of hospIce care, to recommendallOn to reduce thIS when they were received, Peter. a Ie TV, Local . 12A begm at 7:30 pm at the Uol- fall's teachIng staff because of mInIstrators cash flow so It could make the de. ferred payments sen said CEld~1f.led ...... 5C verslty LIggett upper school IS saggmg enrollment and shrInkmg Trustees also approved a re- ltonals. . 6A 881-0040 ' state and federal aId The state management and The Park IS proJectmg recelvmg Feature ...... ' : : .. : : : : : '14B Bon Secours HospItal's Ron- com menda tlOn to reduce the At a speCial board meetmg teaching aSSIgnments for 15 facul- budget offIce made partial pay- $415,000 In state revenue sharing, Letters to Editor . . 6 7A ald Knoth IS a registered ment on the February deferral of Park City Manag~r John Craw- Obituaries .. . . 'lOA pharmacist, not a phYSICIan as Monday, AprIl 18, Supt Dr Ken- ty durIng the 1983-84 school year neth Brummel presented trustees sales, Income and smgle bUSIness ford said The city had budgeted Sch!>Ol News. " . . " .8, 9A reported in last week's editIOn AdmlOlstrators are forecastmg lax revenue shanng last week $525,000 for ItS fiscal year ending SocIety 1-88 of the News. WIth the names of laid off tea- chers from all the distrIct's ~l<>. (Continued on PaJ(e 2A) Accordmg to the MIChigan MUnIc- (Continued on Page 111\) Sports .. , , 1,2, 3C ." • •

Page Two-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~ay,ApnI28, 1983 , Parents want a vote on school closing issue Annchair tmvelers visit Europe's palaces (Continued from Page lA) from the community, and I be- to support hIS claIm, he belIeves The Grosse Pointe Cinema 'cial interest to area residents IS the majestic Nidaros cathedral parent Carl Anderson, lieve there is a good number of school closings reflect partially on League will present "Let's Cruise Hvittrask, home of famed archi- at Trondheim, mecca of pilgrims I h k th people who probably think the local property values. from Norway to LenIngrad," a teet the late Eliel Saarinen, which from all over Europe during the to "thetinecomm t'plan dIS responsivetIP Ian proposed by the admmi- 16mm movie by Pierre and Elfrieda he b'UI'ltI'll,1904, MI'ddle Ages, is shown, and record- Some schoolsumIny S eSlred 10 cf oseh strahon has a good deal of merit," "We stIll have the reputatI'on for P a1mentler, On Mond ay, May 2, 8 A famI'ly named DI'edrl'chsen m- ed music is heard played on ancient all, or er y as - Anderson saId. a good schol system and one of p.m. in the War Memorial's Fries vited some ofthe cruise passengers instruments in Trondheim 's Rmgve Ion I applaud the plan." the attractions is the accessibility Auditorium, 32 Lakeshore Road. to be guests in their home to view Museum Later, Anderson, a candidate While some parents expressed of the elementary schools for The public is inVIted to attend the pamtmgs and lovely gardens with PIcturesque Stavanger, busy for the Grosse POinte Board of concerns about traffIC problems, smaller children But I happen to program without charge. The So- sculpture by the renowned Henry Oslo, a spectacular tram nde and EducatIOn four years ago, saId he school taxes and fleld-grades believe that there has not been ciaf Hour following is limIted to Moore. vistas from mountain tops round feels the adminIstratIOn's plan others said they are worned about enough research done on what the Cinema League members Stockholm, and Sweden's first out the presentation, WIll retain qualIty education and declimng property values If Supt true picture is." After stops In Copenhagen and capItal Sigtuna, with Its a!1clent ful ° feels the school board will modify Brummel's plan is approved. One Borland saId a pohceman from Amsterdam, the old Hanseatic CIty ruins, houses and lakes are filmed. An art spnng Brummel's plan local realtor believes those resi- another local community moved of Hamburg, Germany, WIth its MysterIOus pagan bunal mounds 10 at War Memon0al "The (plan) reflects a deep con- dents have some cause for con- mto the Pomtes because hIS own lakes and Plantenim-Blomen flow- Old Uppsala, and one of Europe's cern for the dIsplacement of cern city was closing schools. er displays IS shown In Poland, the most im pressi ve cathedrals at All water color artIsts are invIted children. People WIll have their Dick Borland of Earl KeIrn Re- ship docked at Gdyma for a Vl'ilt to Uppsala also are shown. to seek Inspiration from the War neighborhood schools I thInk the alty m Grosse POInte City said al. "There has been a lot of turn- Zopot, Gdansk and Ohwa, With Its The ship cruises the fjords of Memorial's carvings, sparklIng board IS wlllmg to hsten to Input though there IS no hard research over In the last SIX months WIth famous cathedral and parks Norway, With towering cliffs, gla- water and profuse garden blooms younger familJes movmg Into (the The palaces of the Romanoffs are ciers and maJestic waterfalls, and for SIX Monday afternoons begin- Teachers lY~t pm.k slips Powtes)," Borland said. "You ask shown near Leningrad, such as enters the ArctIC CIrcle to VISitthe ning May 2, WIth mstructor Marilyn ~'I:' why? It's because our communIty Czar Paul's summer reSIdence at Land of the Midnight Sun, and Derwenskus. I has the amenities and the schools Pavlovsk, beautifully reconstruct- Europe's northernmost point, the The course WIll accommodate (Continued from Page tA) eaves of absences. are of pnmary mterest " ed and refurmshed There also are North Cape. tr.adltJonal as well as expenmental a decline of 369 students for the Recal~~ teachers would have to Catherine the Great's palace at In Hammerfest, many passen- attItudes toward matenals and coming school year and anticIpate be quahfled !? fll1 those vacan- Upcoming publIc hearings on Pushkin, and Petrodvorets, home of gers joined the Royal and Ancient techniques, and color and composi- f th t t t nd fed Cles Tonks saId the superintendent's school clos- d f P 1 B d i t' 'II b • ed ur er cu SinS a e a eral ' Peter the Great. with sparkling or er 0 0 ar ears. all, n IOnWI e Stress aid A low attrItion ratl' :.lTlHmg Tonks ::lddcd Out of 2G latO off ing plan are c;chl'dull'd fOf' tountaIns 'l'romso, a group of hang glJder en. The fee IS $60 for six weeks Call educators also r~flects next fall's teachers last year, three se- • May 11 - Mason Elementary Helsmki, Finland and the TaplOla thusiasts prepared for all,upcoming 881-7511for the supply hst and more reduced. teaching staff, ad- condary teachers have not re- School Garden City also are filmed. Of spe- competition. InformatIOn. mllllstrators saId, turned to work • May 12 _ Barnes Elementary The schools' DIrector of The personnel director saId School Personnel and Labor RelatIOns, school principals met WIth the laid • May 17 - Defer Elementary Ronald Tonks, saId, however, he off teachers last week. Admim- School expected most of the pink-slipped strators are required under the • May 18 - Kerby Elementary teachers to be called back to the teachers' contract to announce School dassloom b~ thIS Septe!'l1ber be- upcoming layoffs 60 days before Meetings w111begin at 8 pm cause of antiCIpated retIrements, school closes for summer vaca- reSIgnatIOns and requests for tIon . FOR THE WOMAN ON THE MOVE War Memorial plans bike trip YOU CAN HAVE A A bIcycle tourIng/campmg tnp IS and National Outdoor Leadership being offered to high school stu- School programs. He has biked dents by the War Memorial From from Montreal to Flortda, and also SUPER PERM* Aug. 19 to 26 for $215, cyclists will led a group that paddled. across Ca- 00 viSIt the fishing village of Leland, nada enroute to Hudson Bay, On- the SleepIng Bear Dunes and tario. '15 Manitou Islands. (IN AN HOUlI:~) Tnp leaders are Fred Klingbeil A detailed trip description is * Includes Shampoo & S.t and Lynette Weedfall Klingbeil, a avaJlable at the War Memorial's gr aduate of UniversIty of MlchIgan~ office, Call 881-7511 for informa- HAIR CUTS $6 nas partiCIpated m Outward BOuno tion DUE TO GREAT RESPONSE /~;!lr8Ill _ PlEASE CAU FOR APPOINTMENTS ASK FOB JOSIE ~ THE HICKEY LADY DANTE'S 886-2227 19839 MACk G.P.W. I For MOTHER'S DAY fUIflIIJI1lf1l11nfllllUIIImmnmtmlllfmflUlltIllllllll1tI nnlllHJIU SHIRTS • SWEATERS SLACKS • SKIRTS C[)iuVeQ~o's KNIT SHIRTS • BLAZERS Custom Tailoring MEN'S & LADIES' IT'S EASIER TO SHOP WHERE THEY KNOW YOU ALTERATIONS Tuxedo Rental Top quality fabric for tailored suits to your measurement. 2 pc. fro. $299 II 1399 VEST 175.00 KDtCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR. GROSSE POINTE Open ThlmdtlJ ErwllngJ 'il 8.45 399 Fisher South Of Kercheval Grosse Pointe Mastertard 882-3670 VISA OPEN DAILY 9-630 Tues. tII 5'30 Sal 1010630 885-4983 -~ 1""WI "11111"101 WWlIIWWWlIIUUIIW 10101111111111111111111 tnllU STUNNING AND Thinking SENSATIONAL COROLLA SR5 of Leasitlg

COROLLA SR5 IS AFFORDABLE Think ., ASSURANCE THAT WHEREVER YOU GO, DRUMMY YOU WON'T GO LEASING INCo UNOTICED • Mile It Grlltlot Standard features 772-1700 772-2200 Include electric o.vlc!lllehd.~ v p rear defogger, intennittent RaIpn F_lleIM Milt . wipers and power disc brakes for your safety. ElectroDlCstereo, trip 33 City WEGIVEIDU odometer, tachometer, gauges and digital 43 Hwy clock for your convenience. And for your MORElHAN • comfort. reclinmg seats, till steering A MFRE wheel and velour Intenor From $7248.00 RFRACEMENT WINIXM! METRO DETROIT'S ONLY EAST SIDE DEALER .£.~ RINKE TOYOTA VANDYK~~;:~~~ BUILDING CO. 1---- .2J~'l"~ '9'/ 882-3222 , ., Y~4 .t.~ )"-y..(;,.....o;::- < .... t;%"....> ~~~1""':.:.\-.1 .....~~ ....~~.<('~ ":>-~~ "" ,.J;VJr..l .." ~~.j'/j ;,.; k.~Nfl"~ ;)~~~mJ~~t{~~~,:{~ Remodeling Sp«lahsls • FamIly Room. • R«reallon Room. WASH 'n JfE.4R k • Kitchen! f' , I ° Code VIOI.lIons • Estate- Malntenanc~ C.4Sl~4L SL.4CKS Wt b., t our au" 5'41 WlntwPrtc. f~ i ' ~ Just rIght for the Imks, the boat, ~ actwe sports or just plam loafing, Come home 1O(JJaIiry. Come Ikme 1OAndeisen.' Pre-fimshed, ready to wear. ~ Suppllecl by GrOMbeek Lumber

ught weIght poplm In taft, 21.00. Tough sailcloth m khaki, navy, Grosse

/ red or white, each with Its own Pointe News striped belt, 25. 00. (USPS 220-600) 'II~ Ivery nil...., B1 AlIteebo PubllMen t9 Kercheval Aveav.e Groae PUle, MI 4IU6 Phone 882-6900 s.-N an. ' ...... et htfoeIt, ~~II. ,.,hhc...... '"" ,.....Il.Itetn. $11 00 AU- .. M.N Sftull,. KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR • GROSSE POINTE ftefli. CIllo.... ef AHr .. '_I U79 .. " IC.' I. Open Thursday Evenmgs '/1/ 9 Gre-. 'elllfe '..... MIch. TI'!...~..... fw IMWIC"', ~,... llNIl. .. ~ .... Visa 882-8970 Mastercard All ""ettfohtt c.,.,. ... Ioe ... "'- Office .,. 11 •.•. t ,.. f Thursday, Apnl 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-A Free movies begin Tuesd~y at P & J By Ph~ebe Wall A classIC fllm starring Marlene pace for American teenagers in . S.outh High School Dletnch, "The Blue Angel," is a "The Wild Ones" Begmntng Tuesday, May 3, the German movie With subtitles It 15 June 14, "A Ralsm In the Sun" Punch and Judy ClassIC Theater the story of a nightclub smger will be brought to the screen The will show the fIrst of Its free- who seduces a strait-laced school- prlze-wmning play is about the movie senes. During the months teacher and brings about his struggles of an urban black fam- of May and June there Will be free downfall "The Blue Angel" WIll Ily The cast mcludes Sidney movIes every Tuesday mght De. be shown May 17 P01t1er and Ruby Dee nms Feldmann, manager of the French WIth subtitles, the senes June 21, the free movies Wind to Punch and Judy, said, "We're Just continues With "Hiroshima Mon an end With "InvaSIOn of the Body gIVing people an'opportunlty to Amour" The bombing of'Hlro- Snatchers." Vegetables, (pods see movieS on the bIg screen that shima during WWII becomes from outer space) duphcate and they wouldn't be able to see at hnked to a French woman's take the place of human bemgs In any other movie theater We'd traumatIc memories of her youth thiS sCience fictIOn/horror film also hke to get people, espeCially In thiS story of memory and for. ThiS IS the origmal 1956 versIOn those Who don't normally come to gettmg on May 24 and not the 1978 remake the CFT, acquainted With us at no May 31, Jimmy Stewart stars as The fmale, June 28, Will be "The cost It's our treat I" a discouraged small town mall The senes Will begm May 3 With who IS saved from SUICide by a 5,000 Fmgers of Dr 'T" Dr Seuss "Grand IlIuslOn ' The movie tells guardian angel who shows him the created thIS unique comic mght. of a group of WWI French av- error of hIS ways "A Wonderful mare of a mUSICal fantasy The lators held captIve by the Ger- LIfe" is a sentimental, heart. plot concerns a young boy who, mans It IS a story of theIr escape warmlllg celebratIOn of the Simple along WIth 499 other boys and The movie IS French WIth subtl- JOYs of life, thiS IS the kllld of girls, is ImpnslOned by a man. tles There will be 7 30 and 9 30 movIe that people see agalll and iacal musIc teacher and forced to pm showmgs again," Fe!rlP1ann added practice on the world'e; bIggest Un May 10, Laurence OlJvler Marlon Brando stars as the suI- plano. stars as Henry V, m a rendItion of len, leather Jacketed leader of a There will be two showlngs Shakespeare's drama It begins m motorcycle' gang that terronzes a Tuesday night, one between 7 and a 16th century London theater and small town m "The Wlld Ones," 7'30 pm and another between 9 then shIfts to the fields of France, May 10 Respondlng to "What are and 9 30 P m For more In- where Henry and hIS troops fight you rebelhng a?alllst?" With formation call the GFT at 882- the battle 111 Agmcourt "What've ya got?' Brando sets a 7363 Symphony closes season Sunday / The fmal conce;t of the Grosse po~tunity to solo With the Grosse veral occasions. He receIved the Pomte Symphony s 30th anmver- Pomte ~ymphony Bryce Scholarship at Mannes Inside a CT sary season IS scheduled thIS Sun- Frednksen, who has performed School of Music a musIc perfor- day, May 1, 3.30 pm., m the Par- extensIvely III reCItal at Indiana mance scholarship at BalllIf and Bon Secours and Cottage HospItals have begun operation of a Jointly owned $1.6 mllhon computed tomography c~II~ School AUditorium, with University and attheBanffFestlVal won the Indiana UniverSIty' con- (CT) scanner, an advanced diagnostic x-ray device which takes highly realistic cross-sectional pIctures of the plantst Brandt Fredriksen as fea. of the Arts in Canada, began music certo competItIOn in February, mternal area of the head and bodv While the scanner itself is located at Bon Secours, examinations of Cottage tured guest artist at the age of 6 in DetrOIt, and for a 1982. HospItal patients WIll soon be directed from a remote unit at Cottage connected by a cable teleVision hook.up FredrIksen, of HIghland, ~1ich ,a H)-year period, was a pupil of the Here, an umdentlfled patient works WIth radiologic technologists Michael Klein (background) and Melame senior at Imdana UniverSity, was nenowned Mischa Kottler, who was Fredriksen will perform Con- Nyman. The CT scanner UnIt was included m a tour of Bon Secours during an open house for the general the concerto WInner III the 1982 pianist for the Detroit Symphony certo No. 23 in A for Piano and public on Apnl 24. The openIng of the new unit will alleviate a two to three week wait for CT scans In thIS Summer Music FestIval Plano for many years O~chestra by Mozart as well as area, say hospital sources CompetitIOn sponsored by the In addItion to his Grosse Pointe Richard Strauss' Burleske III d Grosse Pomte War MemOrial Part War Memonal pnze Frednksen's . mmor for P'lano and Orchestra ' of hiS competItion IS Sunday's op- excellence has been honored on se. Two selections by Samt-Saens and Parents organize to stop keggers , one by Tchaikovsky will round out The Substance Abuse Commun- to young people. Alcohol related without alchohol or other drugs the afternoon's program Ity CounCil, SAC, has begun a pe- deaths are also the number one • Not serve alcohol to minor tltlOn dnve among parents of high killer of hIgh school students, SAC guests nor allow them to bnng al. A meet-the-artlst reception, to school students m grades seven to added cohol or other drugs Into our which all members of the aud- 12 to ehminate the use of drugs Last December, a Farms keg homes ience are invited, WIll Immed- and alcohol at graduatIOn parties party drew between 200 and 300 • Allow only well-supervised Iately follow the concert, arranged SAC IS composed of members of youths Five Farms officers, m- parties for young people m our by members of the Grosse POInte the medical profeSSIOn, educators, cludmg the chief of police, re- homes. Symphony Women's Association clergy, lawyers, law enforcement sponded to the party scene to • Support school and lawen- Tickets are $5 for adults and $2 officers, SOCial workers, judges, break up the gathering. The faml- forcement pohcles regarding the for students TIckets available at parents and young people working ly was later charged with boi- use of alcohol and other drugs by the door or call 886.4084 to reserve to Increase awareness of alcohol sterous conduct in connection with youth and encourage appropnate In advance. and drug abuse m the communIty the party An auto aCCident in and consistent consequences" Usmg a sUbco~mlttee struc- which two youths received lllJur. SAC plans to publish the names ture, SAC works WIth public. pl'l- les was attnbuted by police to the ot those wllhng to publicly sup- City '83 budget vate and parochial schools, party port the petition at a later tIme If treatment faCIlitIes, educatIOn re- The petition which Will be circu- you would hke to voice ~'our sup- hearing May 16 source agencies, commumty cen. lated by SAC reads: port for the above poltcy. send tel's, churches and law enforce- "In a pubhc display of nnity be- thIS article and your name the The Grosse POinte City Council ment agencIes to promote changes cause we care about the safety way you want It to appear to Sub. has scheduled>-a public hearing on, in attitude and behaVIOr toward and well.being of the young people stance Abuse Commumt) CounCil, the cl~Y'sJ.~t;lu.dget.on ¥opday, .. substa~~.apu$E! ...., f,' • I of this community, 4tPJll'l:e~ __ tJ?5 ~akepointe, Grosse p"qjpte May ~/"7';30 p,m., 10 councIl cham. As high ~ch901 gr/iquations and ').-will: •• ~ ,j. "Papk' 48230. Deadline is Frmby, bel'S, 17147 Maumee Avenue. the end of the school year nears, • Promote and encourage crea- May 6. You can also call 343-0555 The budget will be available for the use of drugs and alcohol by tlve SOCial actIvities for youth to vOice support public inspection beginning next students will increase as they at. Thursday, May 6. The council will tend partIes, SAC members said adopt the budget at its regular Substance abuse can cause emo- meetmg on Monday, May 23. tIOnal and phySIOlogICal damage Pianist Brandt Fredriksen, recipient of the concerto award in last year's Grosse Pointe Summer Music Festival Piano Compe- tition, will be the featured guest artist at the final concert of the #1 Grosse Pointe Symphony this Sunday at Parcells school. for everyone I BACK BY POPULAR Hertz DEMAND Renls FORDS Spring Madness "VOL Y TIE" Contest & other NOW Through May 14, 1983 fine cars

LET jJieard-71ol'ton Hertz Introduces its BUY YOUR OLD TIES FOR $3.00 EACH ANNOUNCES - NEW LOCATION A GREATLY EXPANDED ~ack-~oross Standard Bring ;n as mil"Y as you like toward the purchase of a like number of STOCK OF ATHLETIC our new Spring '83 neckwear, ;nclllding a large sekction of 20% off FOOTWEAR FOR the regular prke. THE WHOLE Hertz Rent-A-Car The person who, in our opinion, brings in the Hugliest tie," Wla WIN FAMILY!! 2 FREE TIES of his choice. This is your cluznce to freshen up your TENNIS JOGGING AEROBIX COURT 19100 Mack Ave. wardrobe for Spring. Come in soon and join the fun. Grosse Pointe Fanns, MI ,...-- -I 1--1 IINCLUDIN~ '-----.J Phone 313-882-0151 92 Kercheval jJieard-71ol' ton - Gro~~e Pomle Farm~ 900am -600pm 882-8251

DINING T~~TO~'" ~,':GJ1J1rfJ~rS7i'rt>,tJd DANCING \tf~Restaurant and Supper Club PEAKS 011 Lt,kt ~t (I,m I /fnl< (""I< Bay ENTERT AINMENT K-~W/~ ~ BANQUET FACILITIES

free room\ for 20 HOO OEtoniC. allr.HII\C prHC\

Lunches Served! I am .4 pm Sun -Fn .10#0 SPECIAL EARLY BIRD DINNFRS M.F 4-7 pm Sat Noon to 6 00 pm Sun 2 7 pm Fnday IS FIsh Day $4 95 4.7 pm italian & Amerrcan CUISine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ~ ENJOY MOTHER'S DA Y ~ ~~~~....a':>~~~~~~ ~~ ~ DINNER WITH US. A a ~ GINO'S ELEGANT~ (S a COMPLEMENTARY ROSE A SUNDAY BRUNCH ~ FOR YOUR SPECIAL LADY ~ ~ 11:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. • :l OPEN AT 11:00 A.M. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~¥>~ L...Q::l..a':>~~~~Q::l~~~~~ 8., SHOOK RD (15 MILE) & 468 26 37400 JEFFERSON AVE. METROPOLITAN PKWY (16 MILE) • 11 "II


Page Two-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~ay, Apn128, 1983 , Parents want a vote on school closing issue Annchair tmvekrs vu,it Europe's palaces (Continued from Page lA) parent Carl Anderson from the community, and I be- to support his claIm, he belleves The Grosse POinte Cinema 'cial interest to area residents IS the majestIc Nldaros cathedral lieve there is a good number of school closings reflect partially on League will present "Let's Cruise Hvittrask, home of famed archi- at Trondheim, mecca of pllgflms "I thmk the plan is responsive people who probably think the local property values. from Norway to Leningrad," a tect, the late Ellel Saarinen, which from all over Europe during the to the commumty's desIre to close plan proposed by the admini- 16mm movie by Pierre and Elfrieda he built in lOOt Middle Ages, is shown, and record. some schools m an orderly fash- stration has a good deal of ment " "We still have the reputation for Palmentler. on Monday, May 2, 8 A family named Diedrichsen in- ed music is heard played on ancient Ion 1 applaud the plan" Anderson said, ' a good schol srstem and one of p.m. in the War MemOrIal's Fnes ,,'ited some of the cruise passengers Instruments m Trondheim 's Rmgve the attractIons IS the accessibi1lty Auditorium, 32 Lakeshore Road. to be guests in their home to view Museum. Later, Anderson, a candIdate Whtle some parents expressed of the elementary schools for The publ1c is inVited to attend the pamtings and lovely gardens WIth Picturesque Stavanger, busy for the Grosse POInte Board of concerns about traffic problems, smaller children But I happen to program without charge The So- sculpture by the renowned Henry Oslo, a spectacular train rIde and Education four years ago, said he school taxes and flexi-grades believe that there has not been feels the adminIstratIOn's plan others said they are WOrried about ciaf Hour following is hmlted to Moore. vIstas from mountain tops round enough research done on what the Cinema League members Stockholm, and Sweden's first WIll retam qualIty education and declimng property values if Supt true pIcture is." out the presentation. feels the school board WIll modIfy Brummel's plan IS approved One After stops In Copenhagen and capItal Sigtuna, With Its ancient Brummel's plan local realtor believes those resI- Borland said a pohceman from Amsterdam, the old Hanseatic city rums, houses and lakes are filmed. An artful spring "The (plan) reflects a deep con- dents have some cause for con- another local community moved of Hamburg, Germany, With Its Mysterious pagan bUrIal mounds in cern for the dIsplacement of cern into the POlntes because hIS own lakes and Plantenim-Blomen flow. Old Uppsala, and one of Europe's at War Memorial chIldren People w!ll have theIr city was closmg schools. er dIsplays IS shown In Poland, the most impreSSive cathedrals at All water color artIsts are inVited DICk Borland of Earl Keirn Re. neighborhood schools 1 think the ship docked at Gdyma for a VISitto Uppsala also are shown. to seek inspIration from the War ally In Grosse Pomte City said al- "There has been a lot of turn- bOdrd IS wtlling to listen to mput lopet, Gdansk and Ohwa, with Its The ship cruises the fjords of MemOrial's carvings, spark1lng though there IS no hard research over m the last six months with famous cathedral and parks Norway, WIth towering cliffs, gla- water and profuse garden blooms younger families movmg mto (the The palaces of the Romanoffs are cIers and majestic waterfalls, and for six Monday afternoons begin- Teachers get pink slips Pomtes)," Borland said. "You ask shown near Lemngrad, such as enters the Arctlc Circle to VISitthe ning May 2, with Instructor Marilyn why? It's because our commuruty Czar Paul's summer reSidence at Land of the Mldmght Sun, and Derwenskus (Continued from Page IA) leaves of absences. has the am em ties and the schools Pavlovsk, beautIfully reconstruct- Europe's northernmost pomt, the The course WIll accommodate are of primary interest." a decline of 369 students for the Recalle? teachers would have to ed and refurmshed There also are North Cape tr:adltlOnal as well as experimental coming school year and anticIpate be quahfled to fIll those vacan- Upcommg public heanngs on Catherine the Great's palace at In Hammerfest, many passen- attitudes toward materials and further cuts m state and federal cles, Tonks saId. the superintendent's school clos- Pushkin, and Pet rod vorets ,home of gers jOined the Royal and Ancient techniques, and color and composI- aId A low attrition rlltp ?TTIong Tonks added iJut uI 2v laId 011 Ing plan arE> c;('hE>(iollE:'d for' Peter the Great, WIth sparkhng order of Polar Bears. and in tion will be stressed educators also reflects next fall's teachers last year, three se- tountams. Tromso, a group of hang gbder en- The fee IS $60 for six weeks Call • May 11 - Mason Elementary Helsinki, Fmland and the TaplOla thusiasts prepared for an upcommg 881.7511for the supply 1Ist and more reduced. teaching staff, ad- condary teachers have not re- School mlnJstrators saId turned to work Garden City also are fIlmed Of spe- competItion mformatlOn • May 12 - Barnes Elementary The schools' Director of The personnel dIrector said School Personnel and Labor Relations, school principals met With the laid • May 17 - Defer Elementary Ronald Tonks, saId, however, he off teachers last week. Admim- School expected most of the plnk-shpped strators are required under the • May 18 - Kerby Elementary teachers to be c~lled back to the teachers' contract to announce School classroom by .thls Septe~ber be- upcoming layoffs 60 days before Meetings will begm at 8 p.m. cause of .antIclpated retIrements, school closes for summer vaca- resIgnatIOns and requests for tIon FOR THE WOMAN ON THE MOVE War Memorial plans bike trip YOU CAN HAVE A A bicycle touring/camping trIp is and National Outdoor Leadership being offered to hIgh school stu- School programs. He has biked SUPER PERM* dents by the War Memorial. From from Montreal to Florida and also Aug 19 to 26 for $215, cyclists will led a group that paddled. ~cross Ca- 00 VISIt the flshmg village of Leland, nada enroute to Hudson Bay On- 515 the Sleeplllg Bear Dunes and tario. ' Mamtou Islands. (IN AN HOUR ~) Tnp leaders are Fred Klingbeil A detailed trip description is *Includes Shampoo & Sel and Lynette Weedfall. Klingbeil, a available at the War Memorial's graduate of University of Mlchlgan HAIR CUTS $6 l offICe. Call 881-7511 for informa- fias participated in Outward BOuoo tion. DUE TO GREAT RESPONSE PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS /~l!li_ ASK FOR IOSIE ~ THE HICKEY LADY DANIE'S 886-2227 19839 MACK G.P.W. ~I For MOTHER'S DAY InnmDnIRlllllllllnllRmllmmlm IIIIUllllllllllllllllllfIIlnlllHUU SHIRTS • SWEATERS SLACKS • SKIRTS CDiU\f l?l~o's I Custom Tailoring KNIT SHIRTS • BLAZERS MEN'S & lADIES' IT'S EASIER TO SHOP WHERE AL TERATIONS THEY KNOW YOU Tuxedo Rental Top quality fabric for tailored suits to your measurement. 2 pc. tn. $299 te S399 VEST $75.00 KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR. GROSSE POINTE Open ThurJday EllenmgJ '/1/8 45 399 Fisher South of Kercheval Grosse Pointe Mastenard 882.3670 VISA OPEN DAILY 9-630 Tues tll 5'30 Sat 10 to 630 885-4983 ~._-- IUWllUUUWfIUlWUHllW.WJW11II UIIWIUI UIIllIIllIIIUIIIIIIIRIIfJ STUNNING AND Thinking SENSATIONAL COROLLA SR5 of Leulftg COROLLA SR5 IS AFFORDABLE Think Ii' ASSURANCE THAT WHEREVER YOU GO, ORUMMY YOU WON'T GO LEASING INC. UNOTICED • Mile .t a....1ot Standard features 772-1700 772.2200 Include electnc DIM

Light weIght poplm In tan, 21.00. Tough sailcloth In khakI, navy, Grosse red or whIte, each WIth its own Pointe News strIped helt, 25.00. (USPS 2200600) ''.1041t1tHEViry 111.,.., B1 ADteebo Pul»llMen " XerdtevaI Avuue G.... Pobale. MI "23S Phone 882-6900 haoM a.. '-" ,..h1 et htN+t, .. ~. './ s.Mcn,tioot ...... $U 00 ,.ef ,.., ... ,.. II. AM... ell MeN SdMrl, • ..... , CIIe...... 1.14<"" KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR e GROSSE POINTE '_c un .. " K...... " e.- ...... 'e,.c, Mlcll. Open Thursday Evenmgs 'tt! 9 II ~':.:-""'. fw ...... , ...... M-.c.,.,..... Visa 882-8970 Mastercard Alf ", .. ,..... c.. , ... ••.M hi T """, • Office ~ "

...• i Thursday, Apnl 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-A Free movies begin Tuesd~y at P & J By Phoebe Wall A classIc fIlm starrmg Marlene pace for AmerIcan teenagers III South High School DIetrich "The Blue Angel" IS a "The Wild Ones" Beginnmg Tuesday, May 3, the German'movle wlt.h sUbtltI~s It IS June 14, "A Ralsm In the Sun" Punch and Judy Clas!>ic Theater the story of a nIghtclub smger will be brought to the screen The Will show the fIrst of ItS free. who seduces a strait-laced school- prlze.wmnmg play IS about the movIe senes Durmg the months teacher and brings about hIS struggles of an urban black fam- of May and June there WIll be free downfall "The Blue Angel" WIll Ily The cast includes SIdney m~vles every Tuesday mght De. be shown May 17 POltler and Ruby Dee nms Feldmann, manager of the French WIth subtitles, the senes June 21, the free movies wmd to Punch and Judy, saId, "We're Just continue!> WIth "Hlroshlma Man an end WIth "InvasIOn of the Body glvmg people an' opportunIty to Amour" The bombmg of' Hiro- Snatchers" Vegetables, (pods see movIes on the big screen that shIma dUrIng WWII becomes from outer space) duplIcate and they wouldn't be able to see at linked to a French woman's take the place of human beings In any other movIe theater. We'd traumatIc memories of her youth this sCIence fictIOn/horror film also lIke to get people, especIally In thIS story of memory and for- ThiS is the orIginal 1956 versIOn those who don't normally come Ie getting on May 24 and not the 1978 remake the CFT, acquamted WIth us at no May 31, JImmy Stewart stars as The fmale, June 28, WIll be "The cost It's our treat I" a dIscouraged small town man The serIes WIll begin May 3 With who IS saved from sUIcIde by a 5,000 Fmgers of Dr 'T" Dr Seuss "Grand IllUSIOn" The movIe tells guardIan angel who shows him the created thIS umque comic nIght- of a group of WWI French av- error of hIS ways "A Wonderful mare of a mUSICal fantasy The Idtors held captIve by the Ger- Life" 's a sentimental, heart- plot concerns a young boy who, mans It I!>a story 0fibtheIr escape warming c~ e ratIOn atef h sImp Ie gIrls,along ISWIthImprlslOned499 other byboysa man-and The movie IS French WIth subtI- JOys of lIfe, thiS IS the kmd of j ties There Will be 7 30 and 9 30 mOVIe that people see agam and iacal musIc teacher and forced to < pm showmgs 'o\lr SlIp- hearing May 16 source agencies, commumty cen- lated by SAC reads' port for the above policy, send ters, churches and law enforce- "In a publIc display of umty be- thiS artIcle and your name the The Grosse POInte CIty Council ment agenCIes to promote changes cause we care about the safety way you want It to appear to SUb- has scheduled-a public hearing on- In attitude and behavior toward and well-bemg of the young people stance Abuse Community CounCIl, t,he citY's.~qu.dget,on Mopc!ay, substa~ce ,apusei~< /., ' _1 ,f pi this community, "'Plllpqt,s-_.~ • .L.Jrepointe, Grosse k'o.inte May UioI1.;30p.m., In counCIl cham. As hlg'1i I,lc.f190 ,Y"/iChlations and,""wiIl: ''1/ ' " ,..,Patlk' 48230 Deadline is Fr'RIhy, bers, 17147 Maumee Avenue. the end of the school year nears, • Promote and encourage crea- May 6 You can also call 343-0555 The bUdget will be avaIlable for the use of drugs and alcohol by live SOCIal activitIes for youth to voice support. public inspection beginmng next students wIll increase as they at- Thursday, May 6 The council WIll tend parties, SAC members said adopt the budget at ItS regular Substance abuse can cause emo. meeting on Monday, May 23 tlOnal and phYSIOlogICal damage Pianist Brandt Fredriksen, recipient of the concerto award in last year's Grosse Pointe Summer Music Festival Piano Compe- tition, will be the featured guest artist at the final concert of the #1 Grosse Pointe Symphony this Sunday at Parcells school. for everyonel BACK BY POPULAR Hertz DEMAND Rents FORDS Spring Madness "DOL Y TIE" Contest 81 other NOW Through May 14, 1983 fine cars

LET jJieal'd-71ol'ton Hertz Introduces its BUY YOUR OLD TIES FOR $3.00 EACH ANNOUNCES - NEW LOCATION A GREATLY EXPANDED Mack-Moross Standard Bring in as 1IUlnyas you like toward the purchase oj a like number oj STOCK OF ATHLETIC our new Spring '83 neclcwear, including a large selection oj 20% oJJ FOOTWEAR FOR the regular priee. THE WHOLE Hertz Rent-A-Car The person who, in our opinion, brings in the "uglIest tie," WIU WIN FAMILY!! 2 FREE TIES oj his choice. This is your chance to Jreshen up your wardrobe Jor Spring. Come in soon and join the fun. TENNIS JOGGING AEROBIX COURT 19100 Mack Ave.

Grosse Pointe Fanns, MI j-- -- LI-__ J Phone 313-882-0151 92 Kercheval jJiCQl'd-7101' ton - Gro""e POinte Farm" 9 00 am. 6'00 p m 882 8251

DINING # f)- - ;:~.(j~?"SUrf'£~-- Tr:<~TO~'" Ai( , "'I DANCING Restaurant and Supper Club PEAKS on I_akc fit (IdlY I '1/IIL ("{II< Bay ENTERT AINMENT K.-~W/~ ~ BANQUET FACILITIES

free ronm\ for 20 HOO OEtonie. 3trr.HIIH prll(\

Lunches Served I I am. 4 p m Sun. fori .Iotfo SPFCIAL EARLY BIRD DINNFRS M- F 4-7 p m Sat Noon to 6 00 P rn Sun 2 r r m Frlda~ IS Fr~h Day $<1 95 4- 7 pm Italian & American CUISine

~~~~~~~e.o'"'C:>~~~~" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ENJOY MOTHER'S DA Y ~ ~ DINNER WITH US. A a ~ GINO'S ELEGANT (S~ 6 COMPLEMENTARY ROSE A SUNDAY BRUNCH ~ FOR YOUR SPECIAL LADY ~ ~ 11:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. • 9. OPEN AT 11:00 A.M. ~ ~CD~~~....a':l ~~~~¥>~ L.Q:;)~~~~~CD~~CD~~ 37400 JEFFERSON AVE. M:;~O~~~~~NR~/.Jr~~;;E~~E) 468-2611

\ I --~---.--..-.....-....

Page Four-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~ay, April28, 1983

------STUDIO CAMERA HAS ...t 120 seek post Studio ATARI & COMMODORE I at North High COM-;UTERS IN STOCK!. : A natIOnal search to replace I Alan 400. 800. and 1200 Comlluters a -""I North HiSh School Principal G. are III stock now all at super low ~" ATAAt Bruce FeIghner ooxt fall has at- I dtscounl pocesl All of OUf software IS I tracted about 120 applicants, I dlscOlltlt pnced 10 everyone I Pnces on according to school offiCials. Atan are born al StudIO Camera and 7. I FeIghner IS retiring this June I rilSed elsewhere' I from a 28 year career as a se- I ATM1 •• with 16K memory aher 99 I condary admInistrator in the I dedllCllIIQ$50 factory-to you rebate Royal Oak and Grosse Pointe 129 school systems. ATAR!., wllh 48K memory. when I I purcllased with our Extended servICe rATMl ... SOfTWME-t I The appointment of a new prin- 99 cipal at North will be made by the I Plan 449 ICenllpede uti I ATNII 12... with 64K memory aller IDtfen

Seminar helps AGFACHROME nurses cope SUDEFILM A conference for n~lrses 11:!IC1.\ 10' Ult flOl.i:.e or CUlldue II:>A lUU COlOr S!lOe FIlm Wl11l1actOf'j With Will hanger Replace yliur Bell I I600' range Compact deSign featunn..g two natIonally recog- proce5S1ng 1 000 10sell Telep/lOne loday' Compale at $25' nized nursing professionals is set );~ I 99 49 99 for Wednesday, May 18 at the '. $69 $5 $9 I Grosse Pomte War Memorial, from EQII 20229 Mack Ave • Grusse POInte Woods. 881-6200 .. 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The confer- ence IS sponsored by Bon Secours Have a bash with trash ~ 1606 S Woodward Ave • Blrmmgham • 540-0191 ~ Hospital's education and staff de- Sale Ends 5/4/83. Bl!lnlngham storc closed Wednesciays velopment department. This Saturday. April 30. is "Trash Bash" day at North High School with hundreds of bargains "Renaissance conference: self- for sale, including clothes, housewares, toys and sports equipment to benefit the class of 1984. concept" ISdesigned to help nursing Baked goods and refreshments also will be on sale. Displaying Trash Bash posters are Q>ack r0'Y' professionals recognize the exter- left to right) Linda YanJk. Amy Treder and Karla DuCoin; and (front row, left to rIght) ChIp PhoneJ for the Home nal forces which impact on their Moore, Jane Leonard (class sponsor) and Todd Binkowski. The sale is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. present personal and professional l and BrumeJJ" self-concept, according to the hospi- Slnr,!/! and Multi LmeJ tal. The program also will help Shores plans June move to Vernier School nurses identify current perceptions I of self, determine areas for further By Mike Andrzejczyk brought up to current codes. In ing inspector. who now has a development, and help discover addition, the council/court room The Shores has put a new coat will be enlarged. basement offIce. In addition, of- 1 methods of attaining an envisioned fIces will be added for the trea. self-concept, the hospital said. of pamt on the inside of the Ver- The public safety department )~ surer and village superintendent, Speakers include Beatrice J. nier SChooland the village offices will take up most of the first floor. whose first floor office will be- , Kahsch, Ed D., F.A.A.N., Titus will move into the building by Municipal offices move to the sec- come part of the council cham- Professor of Nursing and chairper- June when the renovation of the ond floor. bers. son, parent-child nursing, Univer- villa~e's 67-year-old municipal New holding cells, conference Trustees also decided to pay for m ...... 1. ITE SIty of Michigan, and Philip A. building begins. ffi d t' desks LIBP Because the municipal building rooms, 0 ces an recep Ion a preliminary landscape sketch Kahsch, Ph.D., professor of history will be added to the pUbl.icsafety from John Grissim and Assoc. *119'5 and politics of nursing, University is basically being rebuilt from the department. Facilities will also be The $750fee will be deducted from $6'»95 of Michigan. Conference leaders outer walls in, publlc safety and added for the fire marshall and ~I=,... II l.- the cost should the company be -n.I vox Remote are staff members from Bon sec- general government offices will the detective bureau, currently contracted for the work, village have to be moved, Village Super- sharing a basement office. -OoeHut (wtllle ~ Iub) avaHable Intoucf1 tone or ptJlse ours Hospital's department of edu- officials said. cation and staff development. intendent Michael Kenyon told vil- Attendance is by pre-registration lage trustees at their April 19 An elevator tower WIllbe added fri...... saI. only with a deadline of Monday, meeting. to the north side of the building to Lu heo rt ~ coteIeII modeM to dlOOM from May, Fee is $50per person. For The move will begin after the ' make municipal offices accessible' nc n pa y ~angn !rom 25Cl'.1000' more mformation, call 343-1668. village's Tuesday May 17election, to handicapped persons. A stair- benefits hospital -puIIe 01' IOUch lone Kenyon said. The village uses the way to the second floor will also ~ number rwciIIl - m.mory school as a voting precinct. be added. The Bon Secours Hospital Guild \ Teens will wash Under a tentative schedule for Construction is expected to will sponsor a Benefit Lun. -prien IWting at *119'5 construction proposed by con- begin around the first of June cheonlCard Party at noon on windows, babysit struction managers Charles when the village administration is Wednesday, May 4, at the Detroit Fromm and Co., the renovation fully moved out of the offices, Ke- Boat Club. Members if the St. James and construction of an elevator nyon said. The event will feature a raffle $1'f95'; $1'5 Lutheran Church youth group will tower, parking lot and access A 31-car parking lot with access and door prizes, and will be pre- =- =.... do almost any job on May 7 fOf a from Lakeshore Rqad"could take from Lakeshore Road and a new ceded by a cocktail hour at 11:30 contribution of $2.50per hout, per eight months to complete:A como' entraDC~ .W~ll be add~d t(j the_ a.m. '.' CALL IN YOUR ORDER AND WE WILL DELIVER person oI YOUR PHONES TO YOUR DOOR pany representative told the trus_ north sn~e-'dr'thtn3\Ii"!~Hrlf.Nfte't'1ae'. Tickets are $1~ and are avail- II Call Alex Buchanan, sponsor of tees in March that the cost could' demolitJon of an adjoinmg home. able by calling 775-4361. Proceeds the teen fellowship group, at 886- be $1.15million, adding that was a The village will not allow parking from the luncheon will benefit Bon ! 4374for information. "very tentative estimate." along Vernier for the city offices Secours Hospital. Teens WIll clean garages, rake Under the renovation project, after the project is completed, The chairperson for this event is FREE. yards, wash windows, clean the interior of the building will be Kenyon said. Mrs. Albin Socha and honorary • Extended Warranty • Exclusive Guarantee houses, babysit, run errands, totally revamped, with the wiring, Municipal offices on the second chairperson is Mrs. Charles Don- paint or wash anything. plumbing and insulation being floor include facilities for a build- Ion. Select the style best f'tted to your needs •.. the .electlon Is tremendous. FURNACES SAVE SSS OWN YOUR PHONE & BOILERS 15150 W. 7 Mile Rd. OLD ORCHARD ••~ec'" 342_22 ASK ABOUT OUR SHOPPING CENTER Open lion. t""l1 Frl., PHONE PARTES MI3 Orchwd Lake Rd. low 1:30 t05 62602400 s.t.,lto3 Open Mon. thrll S.l 10-5 toMe. VISA, CHECKS. CASH Thura. 1111a 11600 IIYE~NOS 81.3 7800 1530. KERCHEVAL' 822 9010 I.oC8tIId In 0rMne h-...... Co. 1176 MAPll RD 6'3 '880 YouGan

" ,I lIallDown j A30-Year All green..colored ,Ii SALVAGGIO wood is not alike. Anyone who sells pressure- .Fruits and Vegetable IVerket Guaranlee treated lumber for out-of- doors building projects can claim "lasting protection" against fungi and termites for • OnTrealed their wood. Just don't try to pin them down on how long their lumber will last. Wolmanized~ wood puts a WOod. 30-year guarantee In writing right rrles there on their label. Then they sta- ple that guarantee on the end of every single piece of their lumber. Want a 30-year guarantee nailed down In writing? Look for the c distinctive blue label. Qt. .Borden's Cookbook 6l\c Can Whip Dessert Cups '7 T 99 WISOR Continental Deli Ham $.1 111. Wilson Continental Bologna, rlteque Beef, Meat Classic "

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WOl 171W Thursday, April 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five-A Lauve starts recall drive Driver ed. begim June 20 Grosse POInte Woods Republi- eer. now has 90 davs to collect the TOM'S FENCE can John Lauve can begin collec- necessary signatures to force a Two four-week sessions in dri- with birth dates between January ting sIgnatures to recall Gov. recall. ver educatIOn WIll be offered thiS 1, 1968 through July 5, 1968 • LICENSED Jame.s Blanchard, the Oakland To recall a state offIcial, petitIOns summer by the Department of On each of the three dates, stu- ElectlOns Commission ruled last must bear 25 percent of total vote Continuing EducatIon of the Gros- dents or their parents may call • FULLY GUARANTEED week for that office. In the governorl's se POInte pubhc school system. the Department of Continuwg • 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE Th~ commis!>lOn approved the case, 760,000signatures are needed. InstructIOn IS available, free of Education at 343-2178 from 7.45 wording of the recall petItIon Mon- • RESIDENTIAL AND If the signatures are collected and charge, to high '>chool students a m to 4'30 pm., or register in COMMERCIAL day, April 18, the first step In the certIfied, a recall electIOn would be who reSide In the Gro!>se Pomte person in room A.22 of Brownell recall process Lauve, a Woods scheduled for 60 days later Should public school dIstrict who are at MIddle School resIdent and General Motors engm- Blanchard lose the recall, Lt. Gov least 15 years of age Students also may enroll at the Martha GriffIths would assume the Apphcatlon blanks, whIch must _ regIstratIOn table in the hallway All Types of Prlncy governorship until a special elec. be Signed both by a student's pa- outSide the Counsehng Center at CERTS plans tlOn rent or guardian, as well as by a both NOI'th and South HIgh & Security Fences Lauve began the campaign recall school offiCial, are aVailable at Schools from 7 45 pm to 9.15 CALL area meeting the fIve pubhc secondary schools, a m on the three dates Students against Blanchard for the gover- FOR FREE ESTIMATE nor's role IJ1 the 38-percent income as well as at Star of the Sea HIgh WIll not be excused from cla% to Citizens Engaged In Removal of tax mcreaSe leglslatlOn which took School, Umverslty-Llggett Upper regIster TOXICSUbstances, CERTS, wIll hold effect recently School, and the Department of After May 5, enrollments WIll be 774-2045 a meetIng for area reSidents In- The governor has 10days to fde an ContmuIng EducatIOn, located in taken by phone or In person In terested In urea formaldehyde appear of the rullng. Press secre- Brownell Middle School, 260 Chal- room A-22 of Brownell Middle foam InsulatIOn and Its pOSSIble tary Sue Carter said no appeal has fonte Avenue School Students who do not enroll health hazard!> Tue!>day, May 3, at been filed. The flr!>t sessIOn begInS June 20 on the date for which they are YOU CAN NOW 7'30 pm at Kerby School Lauve has tned unsuccessfully and end!> July 15, the second be- scheduled may still regl!>ter any SPECIAL ORDER ANY The foam InSUlation, which e!>tI- SIX times for fIve different pol- gms July 5 and ends July 29 Both time untt! June 10, although the mates say may be In as many as Itical offtces He first ran In 1970 sessIOns WIll be held at North cholse of class sectIOns may be ONE OF OVER 15 70,000 MichIgan homes was banned for Wayne County commiSSIOner High School, 707 Vermer Road hmlted. uy llit: CUlIl:tumer Pr~duct Satety tn 1974, he lost a speCial electIOn Students \\lshmg to enroll m the C.1lI 343 2178 for addlllUlldl 11I- DifFERENT BLACK- ComrrusslOn In 1982as a health haz. for the state senate, and the pri- summer dn vel' educatIOn pro- formation SMITH SHOP ard That ban was recently lIfted by mary election for the state Senate gram must complete an apphca- a federal appeals court in another district tIcn form and return It to the De- DINING SETS In 1981, he lost a special prtm- partment of ContInumg EducatIOn Federal legislatIOn offering up to Church sets talk AT SAVINGS ary to fIll the U.S. Congressional by 4 pm, Fnday AprIl 29 Apph- $10,000 In tax credits for home- seat vacated by DaVid Stockman, cation forms received after the OF AT LEAST 40% owners to remove the msulation on Unitarianism who had been named budget dir- deadhne cannot be conSidered for OFF ON SPECIAL was recently Introduced by Con- ector He later lost an attempted the 1983 sessIOn ThIS Sunday, May I, IS gressman DenniS Hertel, DetrOit write-In campaign for the same After completing the apphcatlOn "Brmg-A-Fnend Sunday" at ORDERS IN YOUR seat and prIOr to enrollment, students Grosse Pomte Umtanan Church, CHOICE OF COLORS. For more Information about must consult the schedule for CERTS, call NICk Saputo at 777- Lauve was a candidate last year 17150 Maumee Avenue, in the 2944 for the state Senate. He lost the elec- class, range, and road tIme CIty tion to John Kelly Enrollment for both sessions Mintster Brooks Walker Will Will be held as follows '1995 lover 80 Dlne"eSell On speak on the eight basic prmciples Chairs and up Displ.y. All .t Diacount • Tuesday, May 3 - Students of Unitarianism at the 11 a.m I with birth dates between June 20, service 1965 through June 30, 1967. The church also IS sponsorIng DINING FURNITURE • Wednesday, May 4 - Students an orientation meetIng on Tues- WIth bIrth dates between July 1, day, May 3. For further mforma- 26151 GRATIOT (Betw .. n 10112.. 11 Mile) 1967 through December 31, 1967. -. .... lUll.,T1In., frt.1Dloa 8p«:IIJI 0rd«I • u,-A.W., tion, call the church office at 881- ... 1MSItU II I; s.Iay 12to 5. n5 6310 • • CIYIrIlfNow.,. • Thursday, May 5 - Students 0420. • VILLAGE.MARKET fine 18328 Mack Avenue-In the Farms wines - present- • liquor "THIS WEEK'S BELL RINGERS" ENERGY EFFICIENT • DELUXE AIR CLOSED SUN. & CLOSED WED. at 1 P.M. Prices Effective April 28th, 29th and 30th CONDITIONER LEAN AND MEATY ~ ~ &sIi '",,~ .INSTALLED ON CONCRETE SLAB '- .S.YEAlt WAltltANT., ON COMPRESSOR INCLUDING LAIOIT by Flgm. Fu,no<. &&- OUR OWN MOO~ Country Style PORKRIBS99~B. -SEIl\'1NG MfTJO OfTIOIT SINCE , .... , 568C "- , .INSTALL NOW & SAVE UP TO 10.2 S.E.E.R. RATING USDA CHOICE >. • , - ,CREAMED Hl.JIRING, 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE HEAriNG, All CONDIriONING ,.ND ltECTlICAt CDNnACTOIS BONELESS BEEF STEW $2~~.$2;!, _LB. (CUT FROM CHUCK) FLAME USDA CHOICE BONELESS BOSTON SCROD FURNACE COMPANY 52._79 LB. 0: ~ ...... 527-1700 * FREE ESTIMATE * 57..-1070 ENGLISH CUT POT ROAST $20L~. 14147 GRATIOT Serllmg Grosse Pomte 21707 YAN DYKE FRESH NeorI Mtl. Smce 1949 SovttI of 12Ml" FRESH AND LEAN DETROIT 34 Years of DOing II RighI WARREN SCALLOPS Distinctive Ughting BARBEQUE SPARE RIBS JOANNE BURCAR PHYLLIS NEAL dents, as well as their parents, day's students received an (1J8P8~ NEWS EDITOR ASSISTANT TO PUBLISHER Involved in providing quality MANAGER are known as persons in this public education above the education adequate to their JANET MUELLER JANET WHEATLEY CHARLES DICKSON school by the school ad- norm. adult working life, as did lone FEA1URE SOCIETY EDITOR CLASSIFIED SUPERVISOR ASSISTANT ~AGER ministration, staff, and tea- generation earlier. The acceleration of technol. PEGGY O'CONNOR NELL RIVARD PAT ROUSSEAU chers Countless other similar There is always a cost to pa- MIKE ANDRZEJCZYK ANNE MUUIERIN SALES PROMOTION examples could be cited by re~ts who choose to pursue ogy and complexity of today's JOANNE N GOULECHE COREEN SLANEC TOM GREENWOOD FRAN BACHA J BENJAMIN GUIFFRE other parents. prIvate or parochial alterna- and tomorrow's world requires EVE MARIE BURCAR ROGER HAGES BERNADETTE HILLIER tives in education in lieu of a more comprehenSive pro- WlLBUR ELSTON DAWN VElARDO JANE E SIMON The second example is the public school. gram in primary grades. The EDITORIAL CONSULTANT CIRCULATION excellent individual instruction trustees will implement the which my child has received There is a very real cost and recommendation of the ad- this year at Mason. This in- yet, that ~hich defies quantifi- ministration. Parents will ac- ROBERT G EDGAR ",mo.. struction has been over and PUBLISHER catIon .wlth elementary child- cept the change as construc- above the normal material and ren whIch are exposed to pro. tive rather than abrasive. Stu- Robert B. Edgar, Editor and Publisher has been tailored for her (1940-1979) cess-focused versus person-fo- dents will be better prepared ~udlllluT"ue educational development as a c~sed education. This cost is to respond to the demands of Me.kr ...... Prna AAlId ...... N.... I Ne .. ,.,.. A_HelaUM of Clrrul.UOfII person. hIdden and the tragic results the 21st century. may not be apparent until I would suggest that these John J. Schonenberg Jr. years later. Grosse Pointe Farms

j Page Seven-A Opinions & letters Thursday, April 28, 1983

~ an eye on Kelly One view from the Capitol By William Bryant Jr First, the senator says he want- ed on the ballot, the state would State Representative' ed to cut the budget Instead of have gone bankrupt prior to July 1" th I ralsmg taxes and he has hiS lIst 1 Anyway a 2 percent sales tax or east two weeks, Sen for cuts of $390 million 1 would would ha~e yielded only about Kelly has spouted off In at.tlcles like to see that list, wQuldn't you? $270 million, not nearly enough to he wrote for the GJOsse POInte Then he sald Republicans were balance the budget News about what a hero he IS, afraid to cut the budget, afraid hOhw~e never lIes and always doe1> even to wnle a lIst, afraid of the So, With the governor refusmg w at s good and fight, all to try to special i"'~Lrest groups to cut further than $225 million Justlf~ hiS vote for Gov Blan- Well we did have a I1st, m writ- and WIth a sales tax optIOn un- chard s 38 percent Income tax In- 109 and the DetrOIt Free Press workable, that left the mcome tax. creaseOu d publIshed' much of It Also It. IS Ke11y says a 11 thIS was neces- I' ear senator almost acts as hard to figure what speCial In- sary because of voodoo bookkeep- If he thinks he won't have me lerests we might tear SInce they mg and RepublIcan spendmg pro- watchmg him anymore, lIke he are all tax money consumIng grams and ridIculous Republican thmks he can succeed m the goal groups and all support Demo- economists' proJecttons That's he and Blanchard share, to re-re- crats very interesting, SInce the Demo- apportIOn the state legl~lature and Republicans tfled to get the go- crats always raised the governor's r pe l1aps even succeed In den} ~ng vernor to consider turther cuts budget and the Democrats always the Grosse Pomtes representatIOn Our last offer was to ask for Just underestimated welfare costs, by carvmg them Into parts of two $42 million more than hIS $225 mII- forcmg defICits, and the little or three DetrOIt Democratic dls- hon but he wouldn't budge added fact that governors don't tflCtS. John, 1 strongly suggest J~hn Kelly IS elected 10 DetrOIt appropnate money Legislatures you not t~y It. The constItuency which elects hIm do, espeCially Democrat legisla- Kelly gIves me so much mater- IS a tax consuming constituency tures lal to cover, It IS hard to know The tax prOViders 1I1 Grosse John Kelly decnes the lack of where to start Pomte Wll! have diffICUlty belIev- "participatIOn" by Republicans in But let's start With last spnng, mg the senator wanted to solve the tax vote The senator mIght when Kelly decided to [50 to the budget problem WIth cuts not know since he was never m on Europe and play econpmlc de- when It IS the proviSIOn of ser- attempted high level negotIatIons, veloper rather than vote on the vices, spendIng, which he depends but we tried for weeks to get the tax ~lll The senator dId take a on for his votes In DetrOIt governor or the Democratic lea- posItIon though, and saId he could Our senator then says he pro- dershlp to negotIate It was sim- not support the SIX month tax 10- posed an alternative to an mcome ply futIle. There was no hope for crease because It was not enough tax Increase, a 2 percent mcrease compromise as long as the Demo- It took such courage, senator, to 10 the sales tax He acts as if the crats, Kelly among them, stuck propose a larger Increase Our legIslature could have voted such together to see how high a tax senator, was the only legislator to an Increase One lIttle problem ex- they could pass without negotiat- oppose Increasmg taxes because It IStS WIth that The sales tax can't mg with the Republicans. wasn't enough Bnlhant be raIsed Without a pubhc vote. John Kelly, self proclaimed Now! to thIS year and the ex- And that, as the senator well hero, labels those who opposed the p.lanatlOn by our s~nator why he knew, would have taken over 100 tax Increase bIll as "cowards." SImply had no chOIce but to In- days and the tax couldn't have And, he says RepublIcans retreat- crease our Income tax 38 percent, started before July 1 ASide from cd III the corner and sulked. We w~lI real~y 50 7 percent for the the fact the sales tax Increase wept for the state, perhaps, but r~st of thiS year. would probably have been defeat- never retreated and never sulked Letters to the Editor Building an economic foundation Senator's view from Lansing Is there room for John? To the Editor: Accordingly, we have filed awareness WIll help us m our By John Kelly Jobs and Econonuc Development, Resources, Transportation and the For the past two summers both Federal and State Civil struggle to bring the Grosse State Senator the private sector CommISSIOn on Supermtendent of Public lnstruc- Jobs, and EconomiC Development, tlon. 1981 and 1982, our n.year-old Rights protests which are cur- Pointe Public School System After two decades of lip service federal funding distributed The council WIll be the focal autistic son, John (a resident of rently under investigation. into complIance by obtaining a to the concept of "diversifIcation" through the Job Training Coor- point for coordinating all Grosse Pointe Woods) has To deny a handicapped child change in its 1983 program en- m the economy of Mlch.lgan, the dmahng CounCIl, and the Legisla- economIC development programs been denied access to the local access to a program solely on titlement which should read policy-makers, in LanSI?~ have live Committee on Economic Pol- In state government and Will ac- Grosse Pointe Public Schools the baSIS of his handicap (a "Developmentally Disabled decld;d to begm reorgamzmg ~he ICY. tively review all proposals and Community Services Division program from which he would Summer Activity Program" state s resources to ~ccomphsh programs to encourage the reten- summer recreation program that goal By marshalhn~ all our On March 16, the Governo,r es- tIOn, attractIon and ex anSIOn of o~her~ise benefit) is a clear Marilyn McQuillan Markey resources the Democratic Party tablshed the CabInet CounCIl on business activity in Mic~igan. The for special education students VIolatIOn of both the Federal Grosse Pomte Woods Will have ItS long waited ch,V1,Ceto Jobs and Economic Develop'plent ~&nlhcil 'WIll break into subcom- which is limited tc;l the Train- and ~tate. CiVil Rights Laws, ~ prove that It can forge a ,-14....------. tor and state ~overnment I to re- < the ll-membel'l .councdllwhlchJ!i'n- nance and regulatory reform, with Letters' .... shape our destmy eludes the Attorney General, State basic industry and high growth Schoo) plait' is applauded The foundatIOn of the new Treasurer, the DIrectors of the industry considerations cutting The News welcomes letters economic model for MIchIgan wIll Departments of Management and across each area It expects to To The Editor: to the editor from our readers. be bUllt upon four cornerstones - B.udget, Agl'lcultur~, Labor, call on experts In economIC We support the tentative plan It seems to us that every effort Letters should be signed with the Governor's Cabmet CouncIl on Llcensmg and RegulatIon, Natural development, mdustrial policy and proposed by Dr. Kenneth is being made so far to 1) pre- a name, address and telephone related fields both to expand the Brummel to reorganize the serve the "neIghborhood number at which the writer range of alternatives to be con- Grosse Pointe public schools. In school" concept, 2) make the can be reached during the day sidered and to help design the new all but two instances, students best use of school facilities in the in case there are questions. programs that are recommended will be transferred to that mid. face of declining enrollment, Names of letter writers will This council Will work closely with dIe school which they would and 3) provide for an enriched be withheld under special cir- the LegIslature in reviewing cur- have 'eventually attended, any-- curriculum for all students in cumstances only, rent and proposed governmental way. "Some Defer students will the Grosse Pointe public Address letters to Editor, programs and will be subjected to schools. Grosse Pointe News, 99 Ker- B~ Pat ROlls!>eau overSIght by the Jomt Committee be transferred to Trombly, and Harnes students will be divided Mr. and Mrs. DavldB. Torrence cheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, -J Brand New from Revlon, Skin Renew- on Economic Policy which I pro- Mich. 48236. ".._-". ~mg Soap Care Find this moisturizing liquid posed (1 also proposed it last ses- between Monteith and Ferry.) Grosse Pointe Woods --"soap formula, extra gentle formula and 011re- sion but the former governor ac- 1 ~ duclng formula at Trail Apothecary , 121 tIvely opposed It). [q;l1 Kercheval The council will also work Meet OJ closely with the second major • cornerstone of the Democratic Toppmg FashIOnS are the new white cotton T ShIrt Party's economic development ef- WIth ruffle trIm and whIte shirl With eyelet trIm from Lilly forts, a private sector Governor's Pulitzer Fmd them along With Lilly's bright colored tops, CommIssion on Jobs and William X. Kienzle skirts, dresses and pants at Mana Dinon ... 11Kercheval EconomIC Development On Author of TheRosary Murders • March 17, Lee lacocca. chairman Sprmg-Timely Arnvals new decorative of the board of ChrYSler Corpor- and other best-selling Father Koesler mysteries. te} ation, and Douglas Fraser, presi- terra cotta planters 10 shapes that 10clude oval, I-.~ round and heart . lots of dIfferent SIzes too ~ Jr- dent of the VA W, were named as . at the League Shop, 72 ~ercheval co-chairs of the commission Svr The newly-formed commiSSIOn Will bring together members of Spring Awakenmg for your skIn? European tramed, business, labor and education Anna at the Greenhouse Will cleanse, soothe and moistunze commumtIes to directly advise the your sk10 to new lovelIness She'll also update your makeup state government on economIC for the new season Call 881-6833 for an appomtment With development issues. Saturday., Anna 117 Kercheval Acting under the authonzatIon of • federal law and With concurrence just received m time of the LegIslature, the Governor April 30 WILD WINGS for Mother's Day glft- appomted a State Job Traming mg new beautiful song bird prints and hand carved and Coordmat1Og Council ThIS counCIl I to 2 p.m. pa10ted song birds 1 Kercheval Open Thursdays until 9 Will oversee the dlstnbution of nearly $200 mIllion in federal pm, 885-4001 funding for job train10g under the , Job Tra10mg Partnership Act of Mr. Kienzle will Pappagallo put fashIOn• at your feet With the new low 1982 ThiS CounCil, 10 consultatIon wedge rounded toe canvas shoe that's tnmmed ~_. with the Cabinet CounCil, WIll autograph copies with leather lacmg and tassel Color chOices coordmate and focus the state's are deep purple, hot pmk, Kelly green, navy efforts m developmg publIc and of his new best-seller and khaki NIcely pflced $37 at 115Kercheval prIvate Job trammg programs ap- propnate for the business and in- SHADOW OF DEATH • dustrial activities in Michigan in For Mother's Day Seasons of Paper has a good the years to come selection of delIghtful gifts mcludmg sun catchers, teapot Fmally, the MIChIgan Senate '''nother Kienzle top seller. tnvets Shakespeare flower coasters, forget- has SCR 7 (Kelly) In the Commit. me-not placemats, handmade straw baskets tee on AdministratIOn and Rules Exciting in style and story. decorated With velvet, ribbon and flowers and should acting shortly on a Original and timely. " She'll love the old country tapestry brocade Jomt Committee on EconomIC dOIly removable from a card With a charmmg Pollcy This committee will bring - Lucy freeman, verse 115 Kercheval together all standing committee Mystery Writers of America • chairpersons of both houses of the PerSnickety Pedlar has a sparklmg Idea for your LegIslature In order to assure that upcoml11g dinner partIes Oval cork-backed ~ all bIlls and proposals for reform placemats will add shIne and shImmer to your . are evaluated for all their conse- dishes. candles and centerpieces Use one or sev- , quences, both mtended and unm- tended It Will also allow the col. eral for a speCial evenmg Pnced $16 each at 98 --.. GROSSE POINTE Kercheval lectlve expenence and expertise to be brought to bear on the sub- • Ject matter As the chairman of SAVE on baby clothes and accessones now at the Senate Committee on Corpor- ~'D"hnlVlf";;;3 [5~[!]1?~[301 10"!r off all accessor- atIOns (bankmgl and Economic Wc:J__ ..... Ies, 300/,- off a Wide se- 50o~Vlllraoe .U_~__ Development I expect to be both a lectIOn of mfant needs, 50'!, off on clearance rack Thursday, leader on thiS committee and at Friday & Saturday - Apnl 28. 29,30 110 KerchE'val the forefront on development ef. 16837 Kercheval in-the- Village 885-0244 forts "'P--- _.---:""-- ...... -o..c-..._c_. "l""Y""'!""'!""""'I__ .-". - __ •• _ •• -_ ...... -:-.-0

Thursday, April 28, 1983 Page Eight-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS i Former St. Paul I Petz is grand award winner teacher named WE HAVE MOVED ~homas J. Petz Jr. of Grosse paid trip to the International SCI- Mercy president Susan A. Radtke, M.D. Pomte Shores was one of eight ence Fair in Albuquerque, N.M is pleased to announce student exhibitors honored last next month. Entrants will com- A former English month with grand awards at the pete for the John Campbell teacher at the now- Michelle H. Schultz, M.D. 1983 Science and Engineering Fair Award, a $300 cash award, and closed St Paul High of Metropolitan Detroit at Cobo the Detroit Science Award, which Schoolin Grosse Pointe has joined her Hall. is an all-expense-paid trip to the Farms, Sister Maureen The fair was open to junior and Weizmann Institute of SCience in Fay, last week was in the practice of high school students in the trio Israel. named preSident of country area and featured proj- The fair is sponsored annually Mercy College. Tat' Uf\ imittd Obstetrics and Gynecology Sister Fay, a natIve ects In blO~ogy, chemistry, by.the Engineering Society of De- Now Located At phySICS,behaVIOral and social sci. trolt and The DetroIt News. of ChIcago, will suc- Hours by appointment ences, mathematics, computers, ceed SIster Agnes Mr. Verns Hair Designers earth and space science. Mary Mansour as pre- 20902 MACK AVE. Petz, a senior at the University Ligget~presents Sident of the prt vate 772-0735 of Detroit High School, submitted 'The Fantasticks' college Sister Man- 886-3052 a project entitled "A Computer sour IS duector of the Hours Mon -Fri 9-9 Sat. 9-5 19611 E. 8 Mile Road, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 Networking System with Pulse The UniverSity LIggett School state's Department of SAME FANTASTIC PRICES Width ModulatIOn." As a grand Players will perform "The Fanta- SOCialServices award winner, he will receive a sticks," the longest running off- Wayne State University Merit Broadway show in AmerIcan Scholarship and an all-expense- threater history, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, AprIl 28, 29 ,/ ~_~355 FISHER RD. We d./j~e, and 30, at 8 p.m. In the ULS Parents can view multi-arts studio. 0,... 'I.S 30 ."y, wotl The play, by Tom Jones and 882 - '111_~~..., 5 100 student projects Harvey SchmIdt, deplets thl:' development of a romance be- Brownell school students WIll tween a boy and girl who grow up 'PARMS 8JARlQIT present "Festival of the Arts" next door to each other Ronald Wednesday, May 4, at the final PTO Hull and LIsa Chamberlin play the meetmg of the year, at 7 pm. young lovers with assistance from LEAN. MUTY FlESH fENDErt OtOIa '-lONE SPllrNf; F.rlNf; Student projects include wood Jim Wood and Eric Christian as .... PORTERHOUSE and metal items, sewing and needle their well-meaning but interfenng LAMB CHICKEN. skills, baked goods and art pieces. fathers. BREAST STEAK Musical talents WIllbe heard later Also featured are Phll McCor- SHANKS In the evening when the choir, band mick as the narrator EI Gallo; and orchestra perform. Brion Fox and Simone Early as a $1.79 LB $1.39 LB. $3.79 LB A meeting at 8:05p.m. will tie up pair of actors; and Evelyn Bittner PTO business for the year, elect as the mute. For ticket informa- LB new officers and observe briefly the Cooked Kosher Corned Beef 3.29 tion call the school at 884-4444. U "WiE 1?~ WMBcoverap let yob doWn-when you need it most? SLAMON CHOCOLATE next year. They are Frank Bozarth, CHABLIS math teacher and Jeanne Assessor, in competition Talk to us about YJ:lW'insunmceneeds. We'R send you our 3 lITER JUG QUICHE ROYALE PIE cafeterIa employe. informative brochure. JUST THAW North High School hosted the Michigan Interscholastic District /~_..~~ Lang-Heenon ~ CO. $4.99 30-0~ $6.45 Liggett spring Speech Competition on Apnl 12 ~ ij333 W. Fort Streef. Detroit, MI48226 Seventeen students represented -':o.." ••• 3131962-1400 ~ FIlOM HOtLAND - • concert May 4 North, and of those 14advanced to p CHE-CRI CHEESE CRISPtES ...... 5.3 Oz. 1.89 University Liggett Middle the regional level by placing fIrst "",It "ATCH School will present its Spring Con- or second in a speaking or reading HOME MADE PALMOLIVE KRAFT cert '83 on Wednesday, May 4, category. Oil & VINEGAR or DISHWASHING First place WInners lncluded MIRACLE FRENCH PEPPER 7:30 p.m. in the Kresge Au- ditorium, 850 Briarcliff Drive, John Ward, humorous reading; DRESSING JELLY LIQUID Grosse Pointe Woods. Julie Emerick, informative speak- Featured groups will include ing; Polly Heffernan, serious 5 reading; Chrissy Mourad and 95( 10.()z 51.98 32-l)z 1.89 vocal, orchestra and band and handbell ensembles as well as sol- Roberta Willison, dramatic duo; and a multiple mterpretatlOn oists from the middle school gro~p consIsting of Mirko Mlkelic, Ugli Fruit From Jamaica ...... _••.2 for'I.49 music program. A variety of tra- ditional and contemporary offer- Kathy Bakeman, DeEtte Nelson, Jon Jarrard and Karen Drew FRESH FRESH CALlFOR.NIA ings will be performed with the incorporation of visual effects Second place participants who with sound. also qualified for regional com- GREEN CALIFORNIA STRAW- petition were Dreis VanLanduyt, BEANS PEAS BERRIES The concert is free to the pubhc. radio broadcastmg; John Pan- For additional information, call ourgia, extemporaneous speak1Og; c 886-4220. and Sharon Attar and Liz Perkm 75 LB. 99( LB. $1.39 QT. for dramatic duo. ( , , fl '1_.. ' I J' ,I ~ Other. ~orth students-who' had -." .J ~Blooa-aonois qualified for the distrIct contest Pr;'es in EHect needed May 9 were Annette Domienik 10 story- unfil May 4th telling; Mia Bryce in humorous A Red Cross Bloodmobl1e will reading; and Cflckette LaForest .- •• in dramatic interpretation. be located at Our Lady Star of the Sea High School on Monday, May Qualifiers competed Apnl 25 9, from 2 to 8 p m. at Utica Stevenson High School in j The school is located at 575 the regionals Winners from the Ballantyne Road in Grosse Pointe r~glonal advance to the state SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Woods • tournament 10 Ann Arbor on May I According to the AmerIcan Red 7. FREE RAND McNALLY ROAD ATLAS Cross, blood can be donated by South musicians WITH EACH HOMEOWNERS QUOTE! 1 ACTION AUCTION '83 anyone in good general health be- I Accessories for the Home, Certificates to Fine Area tween the ages of 17 and 65 who score top honors I Restaurants, Time with Local Celebrities, Objets D'Art, weigh at least 110 pounds. Donat- ing blood takes less than an hour South High School's Instrumen- Sporting Events, Children's Gifts, Designer Fashions .... and includes a free mini-physical. tal Music Department recently For an appomtment, call Mary earned superior ratings at the an- AND SOME VERY SPECIAL OFFERINGS E. Kaye at 884-5273. nual Michigan SChool Band and investment ~ Orchestra ASSOCIation Distnct • One Week at Private Home In Acapulco Festival Competitions. 1:1 On March 12, the Symphonic 'I Bund}':~Up papers '1 • Private Jet For A Day to Chicago Band received straight first dIV- seminar: for NHS musicians ision ratings at Lincoln High >1 • Tuxedo, Car, Chauffeur, Dinner, Tickets to SChool in Warren. The Symphony I Met Opera The North HIgh School bands Orchestra also received straight and orchestra will hold their an- first division ratings at Pierce GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED 'I • Bronze Vases From Henry Ford II nual paper drive on Saturday, Middle School in Grosse Pointe on f,II May 7, at the school. March 19. The superior ratings MONTHLY INCOME • Two Tickets to Super Bowl '84, Tampa Papers can be dropped off at maintain South HIgh School's re- tl WICondo for The Week ~J the rear of the Vernier Road park- cord of more than 25 years of fIrst Each Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. we will hold informal ,,1 • Kentucky Derby Weekend Loaded with Privileges ing lot from 10 a m. to 4 p.m. division ratmgs at the MSBOA seminars on Investing in Government National Mort- Proceeds w111go toward mUSICal Distr:ict Festival Competition, ac- gage Association certificates. projects held throughout the year. cordmg to the school. • Charity Suczek Gourmet Dinner for 8 The Ohio Company's seminar on Government In Your Home National Mortgage AssOCiation (GNMA) Pass-Through • -Computer Camp - 2 Weeks, Lapeer, Michigan Certificates has been designed to thoroughly explain the many advantages of this investment vehicle to • M.S.U. vs U. of M. - i2 Tickets, Motor Home, investors. Food and Drinks /' • KIawah Island - 3 B.A. Home for 1 Week Our seminar Will answer such questionsas: r • What ISa GNMA Pass-ThroughCertificate? f. • Chippewa Trail Camp for Girls - 4 weeks I • Who guarantees the prompt payment of Interest • Haza Witka Camp for Boys - 2 Weeks and pnncipaP • Chalet Style Playfort • Who should Invest in GNMA's? I • Ski Holiday at Nub's Nob with Condo PROFESSIONAL • Why should you invest In a GNMA? • Castle in Italy (1 Week) Toreserve a seat at our seminar. call or fill out and mall the coupon below. $eating IS extremely limited so • Tour of Washington with Dennis Hertel, LAWN SPRINKLER call or write now Watergate Accommodations SERVICE & INSTAllATIONS • Lobster Party for 48 MemberSIPC Member New York Stocl< Exchange • Seven Springs Resort and Raft Trip on Records WE SERVICE AND INSTALL: • Sail On The U.S.S. Sequoia, TORO • BUCKNER • RAINBIRD • SAF- T-LAWN The Presidential Yacht NELSON. WEATHERMATIC t~,"I9h-ioCanpaqy • Zenith Big Screen TV Grosse POinte Farms, Michigan 48236 (313) 882-9440 • Prize Kerman Rug Spring Service and

• Ms. Pac-Man Table Model Installation Special Please reserve ------__ .seotsat your • Exquisite Hand-Drafted Quilt Until May 15 seminar on _ AND MORE!!! FOllY AUTOMATIC & LOW MAINTENANCE NAME _ SYSTEMS FOR ANY BUDGE;T .. FULLY GUARANTEED ADDRESS _ APRIL 30, 1983 at the D.A.C. Free Estirntltes on Installation ... CllY ------SWE _ THE GROSSE POINTE ACADEMY 886-1221 or 886.1802 CALL: 774-9290 ZIP------_PHONE _

( I Thursday, April 28, 1983 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Page Nlne-A System saves books at SH lihmry Merit scholars By Mike Bauer than half of the money was used Boy tor. South High &hool to repurchase the stolen bookf>, "We will always give the stu- are annolDlced The newly-acquired 3M Book leaving less to purchase new ma- dent the out, if they are caught Detection System In South High terials. stealmg a book," said Ms. Boytor. FIve local students are among School's library is success, ac- Since the system was installed "We don't want to prosecute any- 1800 w10ners natIOnwIde of Na- cording to school librarians. circulation of books has increased one." t{onal Merit ScholarshIps of $1,000 The system was installed last about 40 percent, whIch is about each september, at a cost of $9,000 25 more books'a day, Ms. Boy tor Pierce students The system operates with a saId. "Now we know that students RecipIents of the scholarshIps, small sensitized strip 10 each book are starting to check out more take fIrst place awarded by the NatIOnal MerIt throughout the lIbrary When a ScholarshIp' CorporatIOn (NMSC), books rather than steal them," ThIrteen students from Pierce student leaves the library, the WIll receIve slOgle paymentf> of she said "That makes us feel bet- Middle School received first, sec- book must be checked out or de- $1,000 scholarshIps Include Evelyn ter ." ond and third place recognition in sensitized before the student IS BIttner, UmversIty LIggett School, Why would a student want to the MIchigan Industrial Arts Ed- permitted to leave With It or a steal a library book? There are DIanne McBflen, UOIversity Lig- buzzer wIll sound off. ucatIOn Society's competition for gett School, Robert Waldvogel, really only three reasons, said Ms. school proJects. Last year alone, 800 books were UOIverslty of DetrOit High School, Boytor Students don't want to pay Student Joe Velthuysen took a reported missing from the South the overdue book fines, they don't ChriS Whitney, South High School, first place and the regional grand ana Alice Youn, UOIverslty Llg. hbrary, not Includ10g a number of want to be hassled by overdue no- award in the competItion stolen reference materials. "If the gett School tices, and they don't want to be Other students who placed in books art' not checked out," said harrassed by teachers about their the competition were Tony Fadell, The 1983 ment scholan,hlp Nancy Boy tor , head hbranan, overdue books, Ms. Boy tor saId first place; Mark Kramer, third competitIOn began 18 month5. ago "then we have no way of getting "We are not out to get anyone," them back." place, Peter Hanrtert, second and when more than one mJlhon hIgh saId Ms Boy tor , "We Just want third place; Brett Hanson, second school JunIOrs 10 18,600 hIgh The average book 10 the library the students to know that we place, Andy Housey, fIrst place; schools took a quahfYlOg test costs about $12 each Reference mean business" Jeff Metry, first place; Scott Nearly two-thIrds of the Na- matenals and encyclopedias are One of the main reasons for the Morkt'tter, second place; Chris All it took was the word "tumultuous" and Our Lady Star of about ~2 each trona! ~1er!t $!.OOO SCr-OIJf" ....r''' Illstallment of the system was to NeVIson, second place; MIke Rog- the Sea seventh grader Caitlln Murray (above) became the new awarded thIS year al'e underwflt The Itbrary was allocated send a message to the students ers, first place; Cindy Tewes, first champion In the Knights of Columbus ~pellin~ ~ee on March ~6. . ten by 218 corporatIOns. compan~ $17,000 this year to replace the letting them know the value of the place; Steve Trowern, second Displaying the traveling school trophy IS Patricia Carsley, whIle foundatIOns and othe!' bU5.lOe".., mIss10g books and buy new ones, books and the value to others place. and Jason Whelan, thIrd English coordinator Patricia Stumb proudly looks on. orgaOlzatlOns accordmg to school officials More "It's all psychologICal," saId Ms. place

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'r------Jl COUPON ~ t!Lube, Oil & Filter~ I Up to 5 Qts. 10W40 Fire & Ice .. t I MOST CARS ~ tl $1195 ~ BANK r_tfAuto -Care.Jt ,~~~~..-.~., COME TO US FOR ANSWERS .. Thursday, Apnl 28, 1983 Page Ten.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS •

Obituaries Mother's Day Reservations

Peter Gallette, II 330 Academy Road, Culver Ind grandchildren, two brothers and a Miss Victoria Ann 779.4720 46511. ' sister. Memorial services for Mr Gal. Memonal contributIOns may be Vorhees lette, 74, formerly of the Park, The remains were donated to SCI- Jefferson Colonnade ence made to Bon secours Hospital. ServIces for MISSVorhees, 24, of Featurrng lately of Culver, Ind • were held Arrangements were handled by Interment was In Oakview Ceme. Hampton Road, were held today Thursday, April 21, at the Tnmty Dining and Cocktails the Bonine Funeral Home, Culver tery, Royal Oak at St Lucy's Church Lutheran Church In Culver M. Ben HeftIer / She died Sunday, AprIl 24, In Full Service Bar He died Monday, Apnl 18, 10 his Arthur D. Sutherland, Sr. Bon Secours HospItal Newly Decorated Dining Room home No services were held for Mr Born m DetrOIt, she IS surVIved Mr Gallette was a former coun- servIces for Mr. Sutherland, of the Shore~, were held Friday, Apnl Heftier, 76, of Harvard Road, who by her parents, Mr and Mrs Roy CIlman In Grosse POInte Park, ser- died Thursday, Apnl 21, at the Vorhees, four brothers, Roy 15,at Verheyden Funeral Home and ni, vmg from 1957 to 1960. He was the GeorgIan East NurSing Home Randall, Kenneth and Russell and retired vIce-presIdent of Young Our Lady Star of the Sea Church Born In Toronto, he had reSIded one SIster, Lmda Moodie He wed Sunday, Apnl10, m Del- Spnng and WIre Co of DetrOIt 111the Park smce 1929 He was an Memol'lal contnbutlOns may be Mr Gallette was a member, ray, Fla Mr Sutherland was a general engIneer and mventor and before made to the Michigan Hodgk111s past-president and former member hIS retirement worked for the Disease Foundation, P O. Box agent for Home Life Insurance Co of the board of dIrectors for the Essex WIre Co 1701, Ann Arbor, Mlch 48106 Lochmoor Country Club He was of New York before hiS retIrement Mr HeftIer was a graduate of CrematIOn wa& at Forest Lawn also a member of the Grosse Pomte 1111964 He was a member of the Dartmouth College, the Ul1Iverslty Cemetery Country Club of DetrOIt DetrOIt Yacht Club, DetrOIt Yacht Club, of MIChigan EngInetmng School M Th I M G DetrOit AthletIc Club, Recess Club, Athletic Club, Ocean 'Club of and the Harvard School of BusI- rs e ma ae ormley Society of Automotive Engmeers, Flonda and the Little Club of the ness Admll1lstratlOn Mr& Gormley, 79, a reSIdent of Gulf Stream and a former member of both Peace Mr. Heftier IS surVived by d St ClaIr Road, died Monday, Lutheran and St James Lutheran A lieutenant 111World War I, Mr daughter, Vlctona Lee and two Apnl 25, ll1 Bon Secours Hospital churches Sutherland was also past-comman- brothers A natIve DetrOiter, she IS sur- He IS survIved by hiS WIfe, Har- der of the Amencan legIOn Cadil- FolloWlllg the example of hIS vlved by one &Ister rIet, one daughter, Arlene, two lac Post WIfe. Nell Vlrgll1la, who dIed m Memonal contnbutlOns may be sons, Klchard ana Peler; lWU ~I'>- He j.; sunn.eJ b,}'IH~wlf,; nVl- 1973, Mr Heftler left hiS body to made to the American Cancer MOTHER'S DAY BUFFET ters and four grandchildren ence; one daughter, Mrs Alfred J medIcal sCience Society or to the Women of Wayne Memonal contnbutlOns may be

1 / .. ______.... 4_---..----~------~-~---....~---...----...------

Thursday, April 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven-A ...... Woods plans Have Lunch at .. Memorial Day observance "Display Your I<~lag" is the theme for the first Memorial Day obser. vance ceremony In Grosse Pointe Woods to be held Monday, May 30, $1.00~~ND~:~N ~~ENU at 10 a m. In the Circle of Honor on I Veteran's Memorial Parkway. WITH THIS COUPON. BURGERS ONLY AFTER The city's Circle of Honor is 2:30 P.M. GOOD THRU 5/7/83. dedicated to those Americans who served their country in order to in- c sure the ble~sings of life and peace. 25 HOl DOGS EVERY MONDAY NilE Plannmg thl~ event, which Will become an annual ceremony, are Dr Albert Howe of the city's Beau ...... =...... tiflCation CommissIOn, and John ... ------, Hammel, chairman of the Histor. I ~ t lCal CommiSSIOn ASSisting are 0 I Allene Hos(hsh and Mrs Jon Cook I "00 The Circle of Honor was deSigned Ong 0 I by Howe. The central flag pole IS I 25 Chatham St. East °0° I rInged by mne aUXiliary flags de. I WIN DSO R notmg major mihtary engagements I 253- 7992 I in thE>nation'c; hic;tory ....~------, I The memOrIal parkway has been I a project of the BeautifICatIOn _I EEl_ I Commission SLncethe original west I F R wall was erected m 1977 and dedl- IIBring in this ad for 1 FREEI Tunne. I cated m 1981 I bottle of Molson's Export Lite _ Park St I Almmn. dinner II Expires May 31st.l I IENTEiiiAiNMENTFRi.-'-SAT:itiGiT'S I "0".0" I honors Addy • Bring in a group! Must be 19 t::=:C;:ha:;tha::m:;.::::: I L I The second annual ChrIstian HA V E SaM E FU N! and proper ID Detroit Rlvar I Brothers DInner, Will be held Thursday, April 28, at the Grosse .l' &------I ------__ Pointe Yacht Club, to honor John L Addy Jr., class of 1934, friend --- 601C, and benefactor of De La Salle Col- ~ leglate High School and the Chris- Jkr tian grothers Kids present 'Sound of Music' A Full Service Mexican Restaurant Chairman of the event is alum. It is not only in front of the cameras but also 'behInd the scenes' that Mort Crim (left) and his wife, Nicki, nus John PotVIn, class of 1954, and (right> fInd enjoyment. Perhaps theIr biggest reason IS their 11 year old daughter Carey's (center) partI- A Few Reminders for master of ceremonies WIll be the cipation In Grosse Pointe Children's Theater where she has appeared In many roles m the past few years all our New Amingos: Honorable Vmcent J. Brennan, of under the direction of Sally Reynolds (center) Like her theatrical mom and dad Carey loves every minute the Michigan Court of Appeals and every part of theater whether on stage or off. • Remember de Madre on her special day, May 8. The purpose of the annual affair We are still taking reservations. In addition to our is the help perpetuate the ChrIS- Carey w111 soon be seen in tained by calhng 886.6152 after 5 Reimer and Jeff Barry will each regular homemade meals, our menu will include 2 tian Brothers teaching philosophy Grosse Pointe Children's Theater pm. Mail orders will be filled by enact the role of Rolf. Children in specials: Red Snapper a la Veracruzana and Chicken in the Detroit area. There are productIon of the musical, "The sending checks made payable to the Yon Trapp family will be Cilantro for $5.95. some 6,500 alumni of De La Salle Sound of Music," which will open Grosse Pointe Children's Theater, played by Heather Cross and Mar- Saturday, May 7, at William Fries 1250 Grayton Road, Grosse Pomte lorle Weitzel as Louisa, Jon • Remember us when planning your next Fiesta, and the former St Joseph's High School, and the dinner committee Auditorium, 32 Lakeshore Road, Park, 48230. Hammond and Brian Vlck as we'll deliver! IS comprised of alumni from both Grosse Pomte Farms. FriedrIch, Marla Kurz and Carey schools Behmd the scenes are many de- Those playing leadmg roles in Cnm as Brigitta, Bill Genter and 8310 Mack Ave .• Grosse Pointe Farms Tickets, which are lImIted to 400 dicated parents such as Cnm and "The Sound Of Music" are Cori Michael Schoenith and David 886-9625 men and tax.deductIble, are $150 his Wife, who will head the make- Carrier and Eileen Kent as Maria B~yant a.s Kurt, Lissa Oswald and Reservations can be made by cal- up committee. Behind thiS all as Ranier, with Paul Corbett and Miles Vlck as Marta and Step- hng 778-3356 artistic director and producer is Greg Preston as Captalll Von hame Shock and ~aura Wing a::. An active member of the alumm Sally Reynolds, who is Children's Trapp. Martha Kolojeski and Beth Gretl. Those playmg the role of 55what'5 _", associatlOn since hiS own gradua- Theater founder. Paczesny WIll share the role of nuns are, Donna Grundman, Karn Dearborn Inn's Famous Seafood tion in 1934, John Addy lomed the Reverend Mother. Conme Coquyt Luxton, Anne Young, Ann Vick, Board of Advisors in the mld-40s, a Tickets for "Sound of MUSiC" and Kristin Martin wlll both play Marge Carrier, Beth Gross, Marci Fantasy in the Early American stay which culmInated by hiS hold- may be purchased at the Grosse the ingenue lead of Liesl with Denau, Pauhne Mastramateo, , Dining Room ing the position of president chair- Pointe War Memonal, 881-7511 Marjorie Weltzel as understudy Nicole Buffo, Krissy David, Fnday Evenmgs 6-10 P M man of the board of trustees from AdmiSSIOn charge IS $4 for adults Tamara Lapo and Karrl Luxton Megan McKeever, Mary Bryne, and $3 for students and semor 1958 through 1973 when he retired will be seen as Elsa, with Ed Ste- Michelle Gasperut, Nicki Crim I ~ '0" ~ $15.95-- .. after 30 years of active service. cItizens. Group rates may be ob- vens and Andy'Clay-as Max ...Jim and "'aLpr PapatriantafyJIou. r (cluldren 12 and under $7.50) NO RESERVATIONS -ComJrv SootI- N~ dz,mn menu In PLASTIC CHAMPAGNE the Ten Eyck Tatlml GLASS SPECIAL 99 REG $354 NOW $1 !!lJ~Jwn PER PACKAGE OF 2S CASE PRICE $38.50 SOO COUNT (SALE ENDS 5.7.831 HELIUM BAUOOHS NOW AVAILABLE lARGE SfUCTION OF MYLAR BAllOONS RASH PARTY SUPPLY CENTER GROSSE POINTE'S 21300 HARPER N. of 8 Mile Rd. 776-9750 MOH SAT 101 k A ' GIGMiTIC CRernembeft' vUotheft' s C[)a~ 'J-I\ GARAGE SAlE AMJ ELECTRONICS SH gunda~. vUay 8 T.v. • STEREO • VIDEO SALES & SERVICE SATURDA~APRIL30~ 9.-3," Panasonic Authorized Service Center - now accepttl\~ fteseftllafwflS - SPECIAL 13" Diag. (~or PORTABLE T.V. q)omi~iC'~Joy"t '24900

TRAVEL HOLIDAY MAGAZINE CT 3012 AWARD We Service All Makes FREE Estimates 20649 MACK AVE. IJJ r' 8/1<.Sou'h 01 Vern,e, J 882-8540 882-8522 'e 17551 E. WARREN 89 Kercheval on the hiD Stor. Ho~ ~.Satvrday 1:00 .. 5:30 .- AIR CONDITIONER w• .-, WG-12 Hoeft; QMed Sundoy __ ~y TUNE UP ..."'~.4"/~ • CItECIt FILTEIS Reg. Price $49.00 SPRING LilMB SilLE • Oll.UOI, ewECK LOIN OR RIB RACK OF LEG 0 LAMB IEll NOW • IUlE IUIE VAlVES ONLY $3900* \ LAMB CHOPS LAMB LAMB SHANKS AlE lACK WTtD - • alECK cum y COMPLETE 12 PT. S44~. S39~. S19~ SI8~. FOt LEAU CHECK • ITAiT UIIT - CHECK Knotts Mint A 1O-oz. 99- NUaUIE • CHECl Tt.rWTURE Imported AClm COIL BREMNER HARVARTI • CHECKCOI.EOATE POLISH HAM With Mustard DlAIIS WAFERS LB. • CHfCK Airs OF 40z. BOX '1.99 UIIT BABY SWISS CHEESE • CHECKCUDInOI (P/am Only) OF HEATElCHA.EI Q $2~. 77<; '2.95 LB. • eND TIlElIOllAT SMALL • '''.E L1IU ZUCCHINI' • eHECl COIDEI.OI Anjou 59C BOILING F•• turlnt SQUASH br140nt 1 pe~ LB POTATOES 3 LBS. $100 69~B Fresh Balced Coffee Calces and Donuts Every Friday and Saturday w. '•••rv. ,,,. "9'" '0 I,m,' c!"o"",... (Pnca. on .H.. , ,h,-,h Moy 3.d, 1•• 3) ~~ e q .4'Q ¥Sa .... -

Thursday, April 28, 1983 Page Twelve-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS County plans cable progr8lll8 What's on Cable A half-hour weekly cable teleVI- The last program in May will take a closer look at the ExtenSIOn Ser- MOVING? Grosse Pomte Cable h~ changed Its program hstlng format To fmd the sion program series hIghh~hting show you want, look under the date A typical lIsl1ng will read like this different services avallabie vIce's 4-H Youth program. June to- Time - Program title (Channel number} through the county tItled "Wayne pICSinclude" semor CitIzens on thE; County; A New PerspectIve" will Move in Wayne County," "A Close HOUSEHOLD & ESTATE SALES come to Grosse POInte Cable In the Look at the Wayne County Reor- professIonally conducted Thur"day, April 28 ganization Plan," "The Job Train- by commg months • 5 P m - Steady Gains (19} ing Partnership Program" and • 5.50 p.m - "Will the Real St. John Hospital Please Stand Up?" (17) The fust program, "A Wayne "The Super Sewer ProJect" • 6 P m - "Orthodontics Today" (19) County Update, Th~ First ~O~ Edmund riatlk & ea • 6 p.m - "Build Your Own City, BUild Your Own Walls" - The Days," Will feature an mtroductIon The programs are produced in dehnttion, types, causes and treatments of epilepsy (17) by County Executive WIlham cooperatIOn WIth Group W Cable of 875-7650 368-4044 • 6'30 pm - Hank Luks vs Crime (17) Lucas The show IS tentatively Wayne, who donated Its eqUIpment • 7 P m - People With Erv - Guests are Steve DaVIS and Sam scheduled for the second week of and studIOS for the makmg of the Stamper from G P Cable TV (17) programs • 7 30 P m - A View from a Park Bench (171 May • 8 P m - The Health Field (17) Other shows in the series Include Board adopts • 8 pm. - Houses, Houses (8) • 8 30 pm - FinanCial Planmng (17) "Surplus Commodities Distribution tax resolution THE AMERICANA COMPLEX Friday, ApriJ 29 Program," a dISCUSSIOn of the • 7 pm - The Health Field (17) monthly dlstnbutlOn of chee'>e. but- The Grosse POInte Board of PRESENTS • 7'30 pm - The Job Mart (8) ter and non-fat dned nulk. The thIrd EducatIOn recently adopted a • 8 10 P m - Houses, Houses (8) program In the senes Will take a resoiutlon allowmg the school dls- • 11 P rn - Sam's Showcase Theater (17) look at the Wayne County Coopera- tnct to seek permiSSIon from the DR. JOYCE BROTHERS Saturday, April 30 tive ExtenSion serVICe and ItS four Mumcipal FInance CommISSion to • 11 30 a m - The Job Mart (8) programs; Agriculture and Issue tax antiCIpation notes ""Psychologist Extraordinnaire" Sunday, May I Marketmg, Natural Resources and against its Dec 1, 1983 tax levy • 10 a m - Houses, Houses (8) PublIc Policy, FamIly LIVing The board IS ~eekmg to borrow Columnist and Author EducatIOn and 4-H Youth Program $14 8 million In antiCIpatIOn of col- ."r!onday • ."r!ay 2 Th~ CUUpt:1

Thursday, April 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen-A

e PhiI,p Moms loe 1983

New Players Kings. Regular and Menthol

Warning The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smokmg Is Dangerous to Your Health.

12 mg tar 1 0 mg n I carine av pe r clqilfellP bv Fl C method

~------t) .. ~"" •• • #49 we 4 • $S a • • .004 - - ;

Page Fourteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thutsday, April 28, 1983 H&H becomes p------l------rI ~ YOU'RE NO.1 WITH US! ,.. I Perry outlet This week i ~ ~2~t~,~.~!~,~~I Perry Drug Stores, lnc thiS in Business week announced It Will open THIS COUPON 50~ OFF I another store In the Farms In the now empty Hughes and Hatcher IS GOOD FOR 'I' clothlllg store on Mack Avenue Wilkinson named ON AN AUTO WASH near Morass Road executive officer Coupon good any day. 1 coupon per customer, per wash Scheduled to open June 24, the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Expires May 26, 1983 store Will operate under the name MIChigan has appomted Grosse A L Price (Always Low Price) Pomte Park resident Colin N, Two Locations to Serve You I and Will be of the' 'deep discount" Wilkinson chIef execuhve officer varlety accenting health and of Blue Ribllon, lnc, a wholly- 23801 HARPER 22421 MACK ~~~I beauty aids owned subSidiary Wllkinson, who New Brushlessl Soft Touch Brush I "We do realize there's another Jomed Blue Cross 1ll 1962 as man- Perry Drug Store on Kercheval 771.0505 776.9133 I ager of market programmmg, ~ 8 8-6 Weal her permllM9 I Avellue only a bout a mde or so was vice-presIdent of marketmg ~ - 3 Sun day 84 Sunday away," said Perry spokesman prIOr to his CEO appointment Berme F Thomas "But we don't High honor expect the stOI es to hurt each ~------. other's busmess since they Will Dionne appointed Grosse Pointe Farms rec;ident V.J. Winfield (right) wa~ re- offer dlfferenl types of merchan- banking officer cently the recipient of a distinguished !len-ice award from the dise Grosse Pomte Park reSident County Road Association of Michigan. From 1956 to 1982. Win- "Neither do we expect the sears Marcel A. Dionne has been ap- field was associate editor and editor of Michigan Contractor & store to have much effect smce It pomted a corporate bankmg offl- IS 3 w3rchouse outlet An F&M cel al CumelJca, IIll.. Diollue, who BuJ1der. a weekly constructiOn trade magazme of Contractor L J store would be more our type of received hiS MBA degree from Secunty Publishing Co. This year Winfield was appointed editor of the compel1tJOn " Insulation firm's Michigan Investor, a weekly publication serving the Washmgton Umverslty, Joined the o The new store Will be a 17,700 bank 10 1980 as loan administra. state's banking industry, County Road Association President 15% Energy square foot unit compared to the tiOn analyst o H, W. Reincke (left) presented Winfield his award at the associa- 10,600 square foot store on Ker- Tax Credit tion's annual meeting last month. cheval Avenue Perry's has sug- Announcing ... Do-it~ Yourself gested that retail prlces at the InstallaflOn Available A L Price store Will be substan- Grosse Pomte Woods reSident tially lower than manufacturers' Steven S. Gordon IS thiS year's re- ONE UNIT PRE-FABRICATED Gallis'Meothaus suggested pncmg and added that Cipient of the Motor and Equip- the store will also incorporate ment Manufacturers Association's GLASS BLOCK SALES, Inc. 778.6330 warehouse actlvlties withm the (MEMA) Triangles Award Gor- 22701 Wood St., (Off 9 Mile At 1-94) 8~~~~Y don is chairman and chief execu- --~G- M-,~~- store Itself. St. Clair Shores Monday thru Friday 8 10 5, Saturday a-Noon ~" ,~thru SATURDAY The store's open hours Will be 9 tive officer of Republic Automo. , "_ -' Pa,IClng ,n Rear a.m to 10 p.m. Monday through tive Parts, Inc. of East DetrOIt. Saturday and 10 a m to 6 p m The Triangles Award, a sculp- ViI/age of grosse 'Pointe cJhores [19~5 MACK 1 S. 01 Moross Sundays and holidays tured piece of solid crystal, IS the Blk. I Perry currently operates 118 MEMA's highest honor . .. AIS (Advanced Informatlons Sys- Round Bone Roast ..••••..•••..• $1.89 LB. stores in three states; 101 In ORDINANCE NO. 160 Michigan, 16 m lllmois and one m tems)! AmerIcan Bell recently English Cut Roast $1.89 LB. An Ordinance to amend Article II of Ordinance No 80 of the Village of Wlsconslll presented its DistinguIshed Busi- • Bone/ess Chuck Roast ••.•..••••.• $1.89 LB. ness Leader Award to Saros Re- Grosse Pointe Shores, said Ordmance bemg "An Ordmance to regulate Center Cut Blade Roast ••....••••.. $1.89 LB. alty of Grosse Pointe City The and restnct the location of trades and Industries and the locahons of realtor recently Illstalled Ameri- buildIngs deSigned for speCIfieduses, to regulate and deternune the arc of 10 LB, BAG ••••••••• Big Boy restaurant Ground Chuck $1.39 LB. can Bells' Horizon Communica- yards, courts and other open spaces, to IInut and restnct the maximum Homemade Link Sausage ..•••••••. $1.99 LB. celebrates spring tIOns System to serve its chents number of families which may be housed 10 dwellings hereafter erected or The R.P. Scherer Corporation, altered and for said purposes to divide the Village into distncts, to provide DELI SPECIALS The Big Boy himself was on manufacturer of soft, one-piece a method of administration, and to prescribe the penalties for the Violation hand to pass out balloons and free of Its prOVISIons;to repeal all other ordinances or parts of ordmances Imported Polish Ham •.••...• $2.49 LB. drug vitamin capsules, is cele- Inconsistent herewith" food coupons on Friday, Satur+day brating its 50th anmversary The American Cheese .....•.... $1.99 LB. and Sunday, Apl'll 22 to 24, at the late Robert Pauli Scherer. founder The Village of Grosse Pomte Shores ordams Longhorn Cheese ••••••••.• $1.99 LB. Elias Brothers restaurant on of the company, hved m Gro,sse Mack near Cadieux Road. Pomte. Current company, presi- Section 1. Article II, General PrOVisions, Sechon 208, Grade Levels, . Imported French Swl $2.39 LB. Manager Rick Jabalee said he of Ordinance No 80 entitled Zomng Ordmance IS hereby amended to read dent and chief execuhve officer, as follows. arranged for the festivihes "be- Peter R. Fink, also lives in the ****************************~********** cause it's spring and I wanted to 208. be ~

Section 1. Section 31 of Ordmance No 138, entItled" An Ordinance Lo control the unlawful actions of persons withm the Village of Grosse POInte Shores affecting the peace and order of the community; to prOVidepenal. ties for the Violation thereof; and to repeal all pnor ordmances" IShereby amended by adding a paragraph to read as follows Crops heck Chapel of Section 31. PARKING Paragraph 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corpora- tion to park an unlicensed velucle on either public or private property m the public view Wltlun the Village of Grosse Pomte Shores WIthout the ifhe Wm.R.lIarnilton C'o. express wntten pernussJOn of the Director of PublIc Safety F'JNERAl DIRE( TORS Section 2. This Ordmance shall take effect twenty (20) days from ItS 226 CROCKER BL VO day of passmg Mounl Clemens 4806~ Passed Apn119, 1983 463-0577 Approved Apnl 19,1983 "m. R. Hanllh"n II II}{n-ll)H 1 GERALD C. SCHROEDER, D;l\ul" lIanllhon Inhn" RrlH''''man PRESIDENT Ilurlolld I) 1I1.(.kmann 1.10\11 R '1111'101"111' \'''1<''''1" J),r.-rlllr, JOHN R. NICHOLSON,

\flmh(r I,) IrlllfJlI fl CLERK G P N - 4-28-83 "1/1 n J! ~r/t l ~t , \1 r;rtlt '{In r

CITY OF ~rn!l!l.r 'nittt.r 111~trtn!iMICHIGAN NOTICE OF HEARINGS ZONINGBOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zomng Board of Appeals will meet In the City Hall al 90 Kerby Road. Grosse Pomte Farm~ on MONDAY. MAY 16, 1983 at 8 00 P m to hear the follOWingAppeals

1 Mr and Mr~ Robert Hudson, owners of the premises located at 38 Lake crest Lane, from the demal of the BuIlding Department to Issue a Permit for the constructIOn of an addItIOnto the reSIdence located at the foregomg address Such permit Issuance '" as demed for rea~on Ihat the propo~ed addllJon would mfrmge upon the reqUired rear yard of 30 feet. !f'avlng a rear yard of approximately 19 feet. and thereby reqUiring a variance from • REDUCE HEAT the prOVISIOnsof Article XIII, SectIOn 1300 of the Clty's ZonIng Ordmance • SAVE ENERGY & COOUNG COSTS 2 Mr & Mrs Robert Hannon. owners of the premises located at 154 Vendome, from the demal of the BUilding Department to Issue a BUilding CUSTOM COLORS AND STYLES Permit to Install an air condltlOmng umt In the Side open ~pace of their home located at the foregomg address Such permit Issuance was d('med DECORATOR FABRICS for reason that the air conchtlOnIngumt IS proposed to be located In the ~pWlI4~ Side yard while Article IV, Section 404 of the Clty'C;Zoning Ordinance requires mstallatlOn In the rear of the structure between the extreme PERMANIZED WITH SILICONE AND VINYL Sides, thereby requmng that a variance be granted from the aforestated prOVISIOns

FREE ESTIMATES The Hearmg WIllbe pubhc Interested property owners or resldentc; of fAST DELIVERY. n_s the City are mvlted to attend

RICHARD G SOLAK City Clerk & Secretary ZOnIngBoard of Appeals GPN 4-28-83 I " 42 4 • c. . 4 • 4444444 p , • c • • c

Thursday.April 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen-A Artists plan Taxes and fees mean increases Fire hits Village Locksmith Inc. 45th annual Park flat (formerly "Marv" lhe Villilge (ockNmllh) UIUIlI REmODEL spring exhibit State fuel taxes and license highway system goes down. The Park fire officials EST. 1912 .f plate fees should produce $680 mil- actual dollars the state receives said they believe • LOnllllt'Il' Lock !olen WI' lion 10 net revenues for the state for state hIghways WIll Increase, smoking 10 bed was • (:1II11111"1l' "'lito LorI. "'ll'n 11'1' Mem bers of the in this fiscal year for hIghways, however, from $256 mIllion in fis- the cause of a fire in a • • IInntt./lIlI ..in" .... "'af"., IDIi7_ Grosse Pointe Artist cal 1983 to $277 mIllion 10 fiscal four-family flat on • We "'1'11 and In ..tull ~ loor "",fl'" roads, streets and other transpor- Association submitted tation programs, the MichIgan 1984 Wayburn Road early • \l"lal &. Wood Door., In.,I

16111 MACK AVE. at Yorkshire 885.7140 Open Daily .-8 Sunday 10-2 Order Your Mother's Day Gift Basket Now! "YO R COMPLETE FOOD & BEVERAGE CENTER" Many Different Baskets to Choose Thousands of ar;;;~sldenls have been plagued (hiS past winter by nsmg utility cosls, roof Ice damming, from, with Delivery Available. ceiling cave inS, saggIng eaves and moisture laden * PACKAGE LIQUOR DEALER * ::::. MAY WINE 15 HERE! scaling palnl 'We can help you fortify your home's defenses Genuine Prime or Choice American Spring Fetzer Chenin Blanc 99 against the unrelenting forces of Mother Nalure next CrtSP fruIty slIghtly sweet- a taste of Spring 750 ML '4 year while minimizing exterior palntmg mamtenance LEG '0' LAMB •..•.•..• R •••••••••••••••••••• $2.49 LB. and reducing ulillty coslS Hochleimer Kirchenstuck Kabinett 69 750 ML 1978 Vintage- Gold Medal Wlnner- 100% R,eJlln9 '5 Our preventative maintenance services, Include re- Center Cut Loin PORK CHOPS.....•.•...•.... $2.29 LB. roofing, ralnware & Insulated alummum Siding and VINTAGE POINTE tn,n Lean, Meaty COUNTRY STYLE RIBS •..•.••. $1.79 LB. Kercheval at Notre Dame -For lhose who cannol afford to have maintenance Imported Polich BOILED HAM ••....•....••.• $2.99 LB. Grosse POinte work d~~ ~~e, please call 882-3100 885-0800 Bone/ess, Rolled RUMP ROAST .....•...... • $2.69 LB. Defiler} 4.t,'U1lable 882-3100 Spria/ Sliced HONEY GLAZED HAMS •..•••• $3.09 LB. OpenMTWT tIll 9 ~ \~-='&=11~CONTRACTORS It e ROOfiNG e SIDING ~~ I~ "MORRELL" E-Z CUT HAMS •.••..•.• Whole $1.99 LB. -....J ~ ... Fn & Sat till 10, Sunday Noon.S WI .•• THE HOUSE DOCTORS e ENClOSURES 17'" L WARIlOI' D£TllOlT• .,....,. em, IOINHRIOR REMODlLING "DEARBORN" Smoked, Fully Cooked HAMS •• $1.69 LB. Whole or Half Fresh SPINACH 69C1: Pkg. Florida SWEET CORN 4 for99c1: INTRODUCES ~)CIub1l&lrs Fancy Sno- White Tender MUSHROOMS 99~ LB. .GREENBEANS 69C1: LB. CLUBTORONTO -1-;' Borden OLD FASHIONED Borden I.o-Fa' TRA VEL ABOARD THE ~ Service* i gal. HIGH.SPEED LRC TRAIN** ';r':! ICE $1.99 20/0 MILK Stay overnight at your choice of assorted Welcome to 0 new and :,,~;,:: CREAM three superior hotels In the heart ot $1.69 GAL. eXCiting era In modern . flavors J eXCItmg TORONTO transportation t HOMOGENIZED Prices even Include Travel round tnp With Campbell's taxes and bellmen's CLU8TORONTO MILK gratUities This tIme CHUNKY SOUPS Servlce* aboard make your vacation VIA RAIL all BUY 3 GET 89~ incredible I CANADA'S varieties 1FREE 1h GALLON sleek, futUristic, LRC TRAIN Shring Beer Sale! CINeI or OLD VIENNA only$8.99 't' from Canada + depOSit STAHL'S BAKERY GROSSE

I I FriendS School "NATIONAL BRAND NAME son DRINKS AT DISCOUNT PRICES" open House ORANGE CRUSH VERNOR'S CANS FAYGO CANS $1 50 6 PAC CANS ~ , 6 PAC • + DEPOSIT! Vilit UI Sunday, May 111, 2:00 pm. to 4'00 p.m. t~;1",\'. $1 • SO + DEPOSIT 1.50 ~' \' A co-ed prlnte IIChool, pro.klndargarten to 12th 6 AC + DE • grade, where Metro Detroit students work In cle_ of • ten to fifteen. Our challenging college prep program II fully IlCCredlted. The atmotpher. III warm and cering,

/. ~

t -,.---.---=---,-,...... -,_.

Page Sixteen-A GR.OSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~day,ApnI28) 1983 Help near for the learning disabled By Michael Raveane out of a total student body of 7,805 a hobby or another actiVIty that Can your child talk about life on listed as haVIng learnIng diS- they are good at to compensate for Mars but have trouble with his abIlities theIr failures at school. multIpltcation tables? Does he have The causes for learnIng dls- Ms. GIacobbe and the chapter's a short attention span or have trou- 'abIlitIes are numerous Some that current president, Gall Arnold, both ble reading? have been IdentIfied by the NatIOnal emphaSIzed that chlldren with Many children who are above Institute of Mental Health Include learmng dIsabIlIties are not retard- a verage In mtelligence ha ve trouble pre-birth maternal malnutrition, ed and that they can overcome theIr coping wIth the normal classroom dl~ease durIng pregnancy, lack of handIcap and go on to a successful activIties others take for granted oxygen before or after bIrth, Sick- hfe Job instabIlity has been assoc- They are the children with learnIng ness at an early age and head Ill- Iated WIth learning dlsabllitles, but disablhtles. JUries resulting from a fall Ms GIacobbe said that she knows of The Michigan ASSOCIatIOn for Children With learmng disabIl- a teacher WIth two Master's de- Children and Adults WIth Learnmg Ities can learn and can be taught grees who IS affected With learmng Disabilities (MACLD) estimates With the proper educatIOnal re- dlsablhtIe~ that between 4 and 5 percent of the sources Improved commUnIcatIOn "The potenhalls there," Ms Gia- total population In the Umted States and encouragement are necessary cobbe said "What they're achiev- suffers from learmng dlsabIhtles to make a better student of the chIld Ing In school IS below average" In the fall of 1982,the Grosse Pomte with a learnmg handicap, accord- RegInald SienkiewICZ, dIrector of school system had 387of Its students ing to two Woods women who are the school sy~tem's SpeCIal Edu- actIve m the Grosse POInte chapter catIOn Services department, said of the MACLD the 387students classIfied as haVing "They have to learn to compen- learning disabilitIes are currently sate for theIr deflciencies." said receIVing speCIal helD in cla<;<;- State aid Sally Giacobbe, past preSIdent of rooms limIted to 10 students In the chapter "Some parents can grades one through 12 (Continued from Page lA) help their chIldren, some can't" The ASSOCIatIOnof ChIldren and June 30 Grosse POinte CIty ex- Because these chIldren often Adults WIth Learmng Dlsabihtles pects to receIve $192,000 before have a short attentIon span and be- serves as a forum for people With a the end of its fIscal year, City come frustrated eaSily, handling learnmg disabled person )n theIr Treasurer-Assessor Dennis Foran them can be diffIcult Ms Giacobbe famIlies It is a worldWIde' organi- said Another $59,000 is expected saId that self-restraint on the part of za!lOn that has a membershIp ex- after June 30, bringing the projec- the parent IS very important. ceeding 60,000 There are 12 active tIOn up to $251,000, he added. For the parents' part, such things chapters In Michigan The Grosse Pomte chapter currently has 30 Foran pomted out the amount as encouragement and motivation of their chlldren are Important to members. the cIties receIve In state shared The Grosse Pointe chapter pro- revenue has been dropping SInce help their children overcome theIr disabilities, Ms. Giacobbe said. She Vides members WIth speakers Grosse Pomte Pubic Schools 1979. That year, the City received famIharwith the problem, mforma- $320,000, compared to this year's added that parents can further help 1840 school days their children by helping them fmd tIOn through newsletters and a $251,000, he said forum where parents can meet each Hardwood benches, slates and chalk greeted these fourth graders from Monteith elementary The Farms projected receiving other and dISCUSS the problem. school and teacher Joanne Case (right) when they recently visited the one-room McGuffrey school $493,000 in state shared revenue There are 260 patIents and house at Greenfield Village. To make the day more fun, the students dressed in 19th century this year, Farms offiCIal Carrol educators on their mailing list clothing. The McGuffrey school was made of logs from the barn of the Holmes farmstead in Lock said. The city has no pro- Park court "It helps gIve you that infor- western Pennsylvania. where William Holmes McGuffrey was born. The log building was design- jection of the amount it woula ac- mation you need to understand your ed to represent the type of schoolhouse typical of the ones built on the American frontier. tually receive before the end of gets serious child," Ms Arnold said "{t helps to the fiscal year, he said, adding the talk to someone else" She became AprIl 18 payments from the state actIve In the chapter after her son Pay hoard asks increases for Woods officials totalled $54,400. about dogs was Identified as being learning It took 'n years, but the mayor increases were comparable to The compensation commiSSIOn dIsabled before he entered kInder- and counCIlmen along WIth the Payments .of state shared re- Grosse Pointe Park's municipal garten. honorariums paId in other cities of WIll meet again in the next odd- venue begmning Oct. 1 are ex- municIpal judge In the Woods may SImilar size. A percentage ad- number numbered year, 1985, to court is cracking down on dog- Ms. Giacobbe, who also has a get a pay Increase this year. pected to be made In full and on owners who let their pets run free. ChIld with learning disabilities, ag- Justment would be insignificant again reVIew compensatIOn The Local Elected OffiCIals and would give the Idea the com- time, the Michigan Municipal Officers delivered contempt of reed that contact with other parents CounCIlmen In Grosse Pointe Compensation Commission voted pensation was a type of salary, League saId. court cItations to SIX dog owners IS one of the advantages of belong- Farms receive $600 per year, the unanImously Saturday, April 23. they said. mayor, $900; and the mumcipal That projectIOn IS based on a last weekend who have ignored 109 to the chapter "It helps to know to Increase the compensation paid couple of assumptions, the MML tickets and warning letters from you're not alone." The commission discussed the judge, $5,000 The mayor and to the fIlayor from $600 to $900. In pussibIlIty of deferrIng part of warned The wlthholdings from the court. The chapter, WhICh meets the councilmen in Grosse Pointe addItIon, each counCIlman will re- the compensation, but after com- the newly-enacted 38 percent in- One man on Grayton Road owes thIrd Tuesday of every month at the Park, CIty and Shores receive no ceIVe $600, up from $400, If the re- mIttee reports, discovered the come tax Increase could affect the the city more than $100 for eIght Central LIbrary from October to ~alary The City's mUnICipal judge commendatIon IS passed The amounts mvolved weren't worth receIves $3,335, the Park mUnIC- tlmely payments State officials tIckets he has received because April, would up Its last meeting of municipal judge WIll receive the added bookkeepmg costs and won't know until late May his dog was found running at Ipal Judge receIves $6,000. the school year on Apnl19 Over the $5,000, up from $3,000. tax benefits for the elected offI- whether the lOcreased cash flow is large WIthout license, court offI- last year, the chapter has helped get The commission, chaIred by E. enough to make the payments on cials said. cials. a "Parent Handbook" of baSIC Daniel Grady, made the recom- The compensation, paId on a time, the MML saId. The names of all SIX persons mformatlOn for parenti of handi- mendatIon after two Saturday quarterly basis, would represent a DeLaSalle plans have been entered into the Law capped students published by the In additIOn, the state will have meetIngs at city hall The report $3,500 increase over the year be- Enforcement Information Net- school system It has also parti- to pass its 1983-84 budget by Sept. of the meetings and the recom- fore, the commission saId. 20-year reunion work (LEIN) as beIng In con- Cipated In conferences on the sub- mendation will be forwarded to 1 so It can Issue short-term notes tempt of the mUnICIpal court ject "It should be pointed out that It The DeLaSalle CollegIate HIgh to ease any cash-flow crunch, the the city clerk The council will is bein~ done to brin,a the city into Bond on such a charge IS $250, or The chapter charges a yearly fee School class of 1963 is makmg MML said. The state borrowed then have 30 days to reJect the line WIth other citIes," Grady plans for a 20-year reunion thiS 10 percent The six persons served of $17 to cover minor expenses. findings. If the councIl doesn't act, $500 millIon last year through have a Wednesday, May 4, court People interes ted in obtaming said. "It's not mtended to be a November notes underwntten by a letter of the recommendation wIll take ef- salary. It's meant to be an hon- Former class members are date to clear the charge or pay further InformatIOn on the chapter fect credIt from five Japanese banks. the tIckets can call Ms. Arnold at 881-8321. orarIum or stipend, not a hvmg asked to call Dr Marty Gumta at CommiSSIOn members said the wage" 731-1920 1'~"~J~J~II~"p~~m~tl1~t~~,~~I'~~~

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\ Section B The Second Section Thursday, April 28, 1983

From Another Pointe " ' Of View ....H~~~ By Janet Mueller ~~ ~ ~

Let's hear it for the loyal volunteers, without whom our Pf/ J ~r#f~ hospitals, schools, commumty centers and the hke could, 'f '*/:h certamly, function - but It would be hard, very hard, and t what would become of the personal services volunteers provide? ... and how well would those hospitals, schools, community centers and the like function 'l\'lthout the money those volunteers 5ave? 1\ case m pOInt: Grosse Pomte Park's Elizabeth Vineyard who, m mid-month, at ChIldren's Hospital of Michigan's "Blue Ribbon Event" honormg the more than 400 men and women who volunteered an estimated 45,000 hours to the pediatlie hu~pllal dUflng the past year, received her !<'Ive Thousand Hour Pin for service a[) treasurer of Children's Gift Shop DurIng the past year alone, Mrs. Vineyard de- voted over 630 hours to that position She came to volunteer at the hospital in 1974. She has handled the Gift Shop's bookkeepmg ever smce. Her friend- ship With Trudee Munro, a fellow Park resident and the shop's volunteer manager, plus a love of working with fi- gures have combined to keep Mrs Vmeyard happy in her work through the years. Also, of course, there's the satis- faction of knowmg that her services are needed, and ap~ predated. As Gift Shop treasw'er, Mrs. Vineyard is responsible for recording sales slips, keeping and filing the proper tax re- cords, making monthly reports et a!. She also assists Mrs. Munro with the merchandise buying, fills in at counter sales whenever needed and, in her capacity as shop treasurer, sits on the board of directors of Children's Auxiliary, an important fund raising arm of the hospital. The auxiliary underwrites such progr ams as television sets for all young patients. She's one of many, who volunteer in some 34 areas of patient care and service at Children's. If you're interested in joining them, the person to contact for further informa- tion is the hospital's director of Volunteers, Nancy Fife- Gibson. Mrs. Gibson may be reached by calling 494-5326. * * * Focus on Family, Community and Mental Health Grosse Pointe's LENORE MARSHALL (center) and CAROLE More cases in point: Barbara Adams, Manan Proffitt Commumty Mental Health Board, Dr. Richard C. Hertz, Temple and Diane Sullivan, a trio of exceptional Grosse Pointe LaFOND (right) discuss the Children's Center's fourth annual Beth EI, and The Reverend Dr. Charles G. Adams, Hartford Girl Scout volunteers. Barbara, currently leader of sprmg conference, scheduled for next Wednesday, May 4, at the Memorial Baptist Church. Among specific areas to be explored in Cathedral ChurchofSt. Paul in downtown Detroit, with Dr. PAULA Senior Girl Scout Troop 327, has, In addition to her the workshop sessions are Treatment of Sexually Abused Children weekly meetings, volunteered to help out the field execu- JORNE, conference coordinator. The program, running from 8:45 and their Families; Rape: The Victim and The Offender; The a.m. through 4:30 p.m , will explore the theme "The Family, the tive at University Liggett School. Marian, who leads a Assaultive Child; The Impact of Parental Alcoholism; Parenting Community and Sharing Responsibility for Mental Health" in a Junior Troop at Kerby School, supervises GS leaders at , Other-People's Children 01' Therapeutic Foster Care; Children Liv- thre~ local elementary schools. Diane donates her tIme choice of 40 workshops designed to be of special interest to human ing m Violent Families; Teenage PregnanCIes; Joint Custody and as a trainer; she has spent many weekends in the woods, services professionals, educators, teachers and day care provi- Divorce Mediation. The Children's Center, headquartered on taking Scouts campmg and training leaders. ders. ReservatIOn mformation may be obtained by calling 831-5535. Alexandrine East in DetrOit's MedIcal Center, is the oldest and Featured speaker at the opening seSSIon is Dr. Nancy A. Hum- All three realIze that volunteer work can be a valuable largest community-based provider of mental health services for phreys, director of the School of SOCIalWork, Michigan State Uni- children

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MovIng, Engaged, New Baby?' GeUlng Settled Made 81mple New Orlean, May convention New Town dilemmas fade alter a WE:LI,.;OME DIXIELAND WAGON call for State P.E.O. NJ WELCOME WAGON RepresenlaUve, It's my CHET BOGAN lob to help you make the most Qj your new.nelgh- Al4 Tilt ..... Many Grosse Pointe residents borhood Shopping Areas Community opportuni- will be among more than 400 dele- ties Special ettractlons Lots of Ups to save you JAZZ BAND time and money gates and guests from the 132 Plus a besket of gilts for your family I'll &.y T..., 1:30,.•. Michigan chapters of the P EO. be listening for your call • THE LIDO' Sisterhood gathering at Western HELPFUL HINTS for WeddJnts and Enpee. Michigan University May 10, 11and menta 1001 Dining, Cocktails 12, Tuesda)' through Thursday, for 24021 E. Jefferson the 64th Michigan State P E.O. ~@me~~~ (JUSf North 01 9 MI) Convention. GrotH Polnl•...... "1-511' State President Sandy Sinotte, st. Clair Shor" ...... •..... "1-2221 Chapter CN, Kalamazoo, will pres- New Saby ...... •.• 22.0111 ~ Ide at "Keep A Dream in The Mak. ing." General chaIrman IS Anne Becker, Chapter AK, Blrmmgham. • Weddtnga • Anntverearlee • Honored guests Include Ann Birthday, Johnson, editor of the P.E.O Re- • Make any oc::ca,lon .peela) at cord, keynote speaker at Tuesday's Welcome Luncheon, and Kay Pol- zin, chaIrman of Study and Re. - The Crystal Center • search, International Chapter Tnesday actiVIties include a Pro- jects Dinner... Wednesday's Honors SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR MOM Luncheon will recognize 50.year .;.. ~~...... >x ... ,.;.,/~l ~ , Hand Crafted Miniature Crystal Animals P.E O. members and chapters, Cot. / Trimmed With 24K Gold or 51tver Plate. tey Golden Anmversary Chapters Now THAT's a chorus line, Boy' ... THE PRlaS WILL PUT A SPARKLE IN YOUR EYEI adn past-state presidents. 'Dear The P.E,O.s will be joined by "Dear Boy," an original musical revue based tainment was conceiv~ by Arthur w,. Gohle, of SI01ting 01 '7- theIr husbands Wednesday evening on the life, works and songs of Noel Coward, de- The Pointe, former Fme Arts presIdent, who at the B.1.L. Banquet, Stephen buts tomorrow evening, Friday, April 29, at The started with the idea of building some Coward Large Selection of lead Crvstal Sinotte presiding, with musical en. Players Plarhouse on East Jefferson Avenue, songs and lore around his one-act play "Ways and • VASES • BOWLS. JEWEL BOXES tertainment provided by B.LL.s with a full FlOe Arts Society of Detroit cast in a Means." The result, a colorful revue in three • PLATTERS and so much more with Jim Bump and Phil LeMense, of SAVINGS TO 60%. Kalamazoo, and WMU's Gold Com- variety of roles. The dancers, choreographed by parts, features Goble i.t:lthe role of Coward (Art Danv. Sue Adelberg include (first row, left to right, aoubles as director) WIthJeffrey Kurtz as Cole 19166 MA(I( AVl Gwen Frostic, Chapter BJ, above) SHE'RYL WHITSTON, MAUREEN Lesley, and intersperses life-vignettes with biog- G..... ".. nle Weod. Frankfort, will be Thursday's guest BRUCE and KARLA FINGER (second row, left raphical narr ative - and even the presentation of llMt. 7 & • MIM) speaker. Open Men.-Sol. to right), DIANE MILLENBACH, JENNIFER slides from "The Master's" rich and wonderful till 5 P .E.O., organized by seven young LAFER, KAREN BOKRAM and SARAH PET- life. Thw.. till 7 women as a college sorority on the ERS and (not pictured) Amy Ryberg. The enter- 343-9071 campus of Iowa Wesleyan College in 1869,now a community organiza- It's a Fme Arts dream night"be. Mildred Aved~~ian) and "Mad ers, PatrIck Petz, Maureen Bruce, tion for women, is an international cause it allows so many members about T?e Boy. . . Heather DenIer, Aaron Drucker, Sisterhood devoted to bringing in- (and some guest performers) to do . The blO~aphy, smgmg and da~. Edward Hoot and Albert Berteel creased opportunities for higher their thing: sing, dance, act, play in I~g come In Acts I a!1d III. Act II ~s Actors in Act III are Je.ffrey education to women. the orchestra. There are the quick- tOleactual presentabon of Cowar~ s Montgomery, Thomas R Peters Its 5,085 chapters in the United trip slides of Coward with celeb. one.act "Ways and Means," wl~h and Haig Avedesian. Act III also rities, and in roles around the world. Joann Koch and Roy Aden~rg In features more songs by preVIously OVERCOME States and Canada encompass more than 219,000 members, over There are the cameo vignettes ~he feature roles. and a cast mclud. mentioned Fine Arts' singers. dramatizing pertinent aspects of mg Joann DaVIS, Paul Grac~y, WINTER 5,000 of them in MichIgan. P.E.O. A ~pecial feature of this exciting maintains four educational pro. his life and hmes. There are the Irene Gracey, Robert DaVIS, night for Fine Arts, now in its 77th DRYNESS Jects: wonderful Coward songs like "I'll Stephen Shrader and Miranda Her- season, will be the Arts and Crafts •• The Educational Fund - a reo Follow My secret Heart': (sung by bert. This segment is directed by Committee's presentation of works WITH volving low interest loan fund es- Monica Parks), "Zegeuner" (sung Mr. Adelberg, produced by by well-known artist PatrICIa Bur- tablished in 1907 to lend money to by Alice Truscon), "I'll See You Doro~a Bush and ~orma Gohl~. nett, a new member of the Society, REDKEN women needing it for edl:cation Again" (Patricia and Sterling sea. Backing up th~ muslC~1~umbers In in the Players' Board Room. beyond high school. ton) and "20th Century Blues" the o~chestra pIt areplarnstAud,rey Fine Arts' 1982.83 preSIdent, Fre. HAIR CARE (Parks, plus the bevy of fast- J~nnIngs, sax Mel ~ta~der, gwtar derick Neumann, will start the • Cottey Junior College for stepping dancers) JIm Stelma and vlolm Bernard AND evening with his traditional re- Women - a fully accredited liberal . Whitley. Joe Lackey photographed marks. The mght culminates with arts college located in Nevada, Mo., Other songs Include: "Mad Dogs and will project the slides. Book culinary delights prepared and SKIN CARE owned and supported by the Sister. and Englishmen" (sung by Heather holder is Joann Horner. served by members of the House DenIer and Al Berteel) , "I've Been Others who appear in various hood since 1927. Committee, under the directIOn of ~~9REDKE~ • The International Peace Scho- To a Marvelous Party," (sung by roles in "Dear Boy," are Sarah Pet. Chef William Rohloff. larship Fund - established in 1949 Schedule Lakeside Palette Club show to provide scholarships for foreign Woods Garden tlicl1arl-3Jamrs , to Virginia Horan, Lee Miklas, business meeting, after which they commended and sponsored by The paintings were juried by ar- Anne Ozman, Elsa Pengelly and P.E.O. chapters. will tour the Ferry School Nature MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE tist Paolo Coppini, who teaches at Carolyn Sieffert. Center.

16 DAYS • I ABOARD COSTA LINE'S MTS DANAE COMING SOON! I. ~ r' DILY hel1d-~I(lted . CoIC(fu.J ~l \ -Cbtton \...... , LEGALLY BARE tarn t'Y\a¥e5 an l. BODIWEAR 6Wea-tm are ClVci1i100~e in'Viti~ home -for in alilpe6 ~ f:Cl id'O. TURKEY 22424 Greater Mack ~otU ~~ hrorhni Dirrls. vetfecl- for ~r'l~ '-'r s.c.s. J )1 ~ a b~rn,~no~J ~rd6~ ~.)o.;; ./" .. ~ORO, ~ ~ttvDelor~pro~p ...tt?~ 1hey ~re The sun.blessed shores of the Mediterranean holds a collection of countries, rfch In legend and contrast Eech with a venerable and proud paet We're pleased priced to oller this 14-day Cruise 10 ltIese unforgettable lands. Sail aboard Costa's MTS Danae to some of the mosl fascmatlng ports In the Mediterranean. Plus, Wflve arranged for you to spend an extra night In Vef'lIce al the end of the cruise QLtilted17WSetO ~rd ~~~ ~t-#J.e.op C.II for Inform.tlon Greotwo\.lS Travel Corporation from 'kr~ 16radley ~i~n'D. O1.rd up. 100 Kercheval on lhe Hili ~"..i\il~p\ein ~n a.yr~y of Opon ,,",onaay-Frlday 9 I m 5 p m - SalurdlY 9 3().12 30 886-4710 . colors to c~fdirare HOUSE OF FLOOR Withyaur~j~ Our pillow'., I\~ve wotdrote ...t*.00 fi)me+nl~ -tD ~y SUPER SAVER SALE!!I -from I After 40 I its SAVE LIKE NEVER BEFORE • • • • • patch,patch Ipatch II save 20% &ave 20% ...... from Mannington from House of Floors Norffl6\() oro Jooith &1Jmm~ve -ro "&df l'O~ $Od W~lk • MANNINGTON ARISTICON MANNINGTON DURA CON ll Cdptvt'ed tJeQtJ.tif~ Mtwe .. 51XJited ., . "'4?O ~ch 5Wle5 '[f1 ~r art wort. .These -- now's the time Store Your Furs pie£,es Olrecl~i ia~e in the Temperature Controlled In vdrio~ ~izeco reg. $18.95 reg. $17.95 Vaults at Sullivan-Rollins House of Floors Discount House of Floors Discount CLEANING • REPAIRING • RESTYLING ~nd desi~ns .,. $ 3.80 $ 3.60 Mannington Discount Mannington Discount $1.7.5O.uxi up. $ 3.00 $ 3.00 FINE FURS by YOU PAY $12.30 YOU PAY $11.35 Sullivan. Rollinj 0/ GROSSE POINTE Thoughts for Mother from HOUSE OF FLOORS 20467 Mack Avenue Grosse POinte Woods Miners Grosse Pointe * DETROIT Sale Ends 5-15-83 * UTICA 375 FIsher Road Grosse Pointe 885.9000 371-3474 Two Locations 731-5140 886-7960 15390 Gratiot 45580 Van Dyke ALL fUR8lABElEO TO SHOW COUNTRY OF ORIGIN 1 Blk S of 8 MIle to Serve You N. of Hall Road WE 00 HOT SEU FURS OF ENO"HGEREO SPECIES MEM8EA .. laMAH FWl CONSEAVATIOfoIASS(; • ._---....

Page Three-B Thursday, Apn128, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Gowanie Ladies Visiting Nurse Beautiful welcome spring work goes on Hair "Welcome Spnng" was the Next week, May 1to 7, ISNatIOnal theme at the -annual luncheon and Nurse Week, set aSide to recogmze Cutting fashion show held last Thursday, the 1 3 million employed regl~tered April 21, at Gowanie Golf Club In nurses who prOVide profes~lOnal $12, $15, $18 Mount Clemens The affair was nursmg care to patients In hospi- Complete chaired by Muriel Kaufman co- tals, nursing homes, chnlCs and a chaired by Dorothy SmIth Hazel varIety of other setting!>, including Color $25 Sullivan, preSident of the Gowame pal1ents' homes Color and Cut $38 Ladies Golf AssociatIOn, also The Vlsitmg NUl se AssociatIOn of Perms $45 greeted 8uests MetropolItan Detroit, a United IHaif CuI Included) ModelIng spring fashIOns from Fund Agency, Will be giving !>peclal Miner's of Grosse POinte were recognItIOn to It!>200reglstel ed pro- Carol Barr, Irene Cormlhe, Linda fessIOnal nurses dunng National Hamilton, Linda Lester, AlIce Nurse Week Quad, Ltnda Quall, MarlOn Meeker, Though NatIOnal Nurse Week I!> ~ Joan Stewart, MIChaelIne Vitale an event of recent years, VNA and Alleen Swaney nurses have been provldmg profes- The Place to dlSCOVEH In Modeling sportswear from the SIOnal care In homes of Wayne, Oak- Kay Baum Gowanie Pro Shop (Jack Clark, land and Macomb county re!>ldents 885 3240 professional) were Gert O'Connell, for 85 years VNA health care team Lynn Christel, Joyce McKenzie, members Include not only register- Beverly K]os and Gen RosSI All ed profeSSIOnal nurses but also phy- models are Gowame members, Sical and occupatIOnal therapIsts, and were supervised by Pat ;I speech pathologists, registered dle- MdY~lllih. lICldll:>, :>ucldl WUl k~l:> dllU lIUllI~ ~ Entertainment featured Cheryl b health aides / t" Waldeck at the piano ReservatIOns / ~ VNA serVIce IS avaIlable Monday / were handled by DOris Lattin and / t through Frida) , between 8 a m and Jeanne Zmk Manon Maurer land ] f 4 30 P m Evemng, Saturday, Sun- i '% Bonrne Scratch were tn charge of t day and holIday servlce~ are avail- prizes. able by pre-arrangement ;' Patients, famIly, frIends, hospi- tals, physIcIans and commullIty Northville tour agenCIes can request services 01 further informatIOn by callIng the date in May central VNA number, 875-7736 The Grosse Pointe Woman's Club Discussion and Garden Group has scheduled a trip to Porcelain topic Northville Historical Village and a ~ur of the Northville Laboratory for Fox Creek for Wednesday, May 11. Luncheon Is Included in the plans for the The F'ox Creek Chapter of (~ues. day. Tickets will bE! available at ters meets at 12:30 p.m. next the next meeting, Tickets ma~ Thursday, May 5, at the DeSIgn also be.-obtained, along with addi- Center on Mack Avenue for a pro- tional information, by contacting To pay a call on Romeo. . . gram, "Herend Porcelain for the Mrs, Wayne Anderson. ' Connoisseur," presented by Wind- Setting the mood for the Grosse Pointe Historical Society's Home mill POInte Questers member Mrs. and Church Tour of Romeo, schueduled for Saturday, May 7, is the Ronald G Forster. Mrs. Raymond Schedule personal mannequin above, dressed in an actual 1904 calling costume. The Mellinger and Mrs. Fred Winfield rmances seminar silk suit, parasol,and outsize hat were shown recently at the Socie- will assist ty's annual meeting: an Edwardian dinner party at the Grosse A workshop to help individuals Pointe War Memorial. They are from the antique clothes collection Children can learn begin to structure their finances of MRS. SIDNEY PROBERT (left). Pictured above with Ellen toward a more secure future will be Probert and her friend are MRS. FRANK WELCENBACH (sea- Creative Movement directed by Albert Spalding, attor- ted) , program chairman, and MRS. ROBERT MALECEK, a The Northeast Guidance Center ney, C.P A., under sponsorship of IS offering Creative Movement the Wayne State UniverSity College member of the Society's board of directors. • workshops for children, designed of Lifelong Learmng, Monday even. to increase body awareness and ing, May 16, from 6: 30 to 9: 30 p.rn. The tour departs by chartered bus buildings of Romeo, the Grosse muscle coordination, at Grosse at WSU's Northeast Center, located from the parking lot of the Grosse Pointe Historic al SocIety group will on Schroeder in East Detroit. Pointe Congregational Church, lo- tour the church, parsonage and POinte Woods Presbyterian Topics to be covered incl ude cated on Chalfonte Avenue, museum before boardmg the bus to Church, located on Mack Avenue. :Jht JhopJ of lRAs, savings budget, tax planning, promptly at noon, and will arrive in return to The Pomte. Further informatIon may be ob. tained and registration' made by liquid asset accounts, insurance Romeo In tIme for a sandwich and Cost of the expedition ISJust $4 per W~\t01\" C~ dessert lunch at the Congregational person Reservahons may be made contactmg the NEGC, which has "Pi~... and equities Fee is $15. Further in. Grosse PoInte formation may be obtained by con- Church there. by callIng 886-2066 or 331-4066 or - prOVIded a full range of services tacting Nancy Grose or ~aren After Mrs. John Martm's shde on Wednesdays ONY- the SOCiety's to community families for 20 &B4 1330 presentatwn on the houses and headquarters at Montelth School years, at 884-7775 Leigh at 577-4710. I I ,. ,I' ~• ~ • I I •I ~ ,. ' .J '""I" ~ '\ , f I l ~ I, I ~ I I ...... • 4 ••

Page Four~B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~day,ApnI28. 1983 July wedding The Commwtity LINe date is made I I July weddmg plans are bemg Response: the kmd of positive Rosa Parks Community Art center. made by Jan AlIce Thorwaldsen and favorable reaction Operation When told we had more than two and Howard Perry Mixter, whose LINC (Lmking Individuals to Needs dozen file cabinets to move, Jim engagement has been announced in the Community) receives each DuBose of Jefferson-Chalmers by her parents, Mr and Mrs month when it reaches out for sup- pitched in and saw to it that all were Stanley Edwm Thorwaldsen, of delivered to satisfied customers. Williams Avenue port . something that still takes us by surprise when we publicly re- His response elicits our sincere MIss Thorwaldsen IS an alumna thanks. of Grosse POinte South High quest $pecific goods and are over- whelmed with - response Our thanks also to the Detroit School She holds a Bachelor of Free Press and Action Line for con- MusIc degree from the University ltesponse that makes us the kind tacting us when a reader called to of Michigan and IS a member of of agency whose good works pre- donate 20 file cabinets "Fl1e cabi- / the Fhnt Symphony Orchestra cede it, an the way to the state of nets are pure gold," commented Mr Mixter, son of Mr and Mrs Jan. A. ThorwaJdsen Maryland Response from heads of LINC Coordinator Fran Mumma ,,I James Murchie Eaton MIxter, of currently a graduate student in other agencies who so believe in our when she received the call. North Hampton, N H., holds a services that they go out of theIr the arts admmlstration program • * • Bachelor of SCience degree In at the UniverSity of WISCOnslOand way to help us help others. Re- I Psychology from Denison Umver- sponse that reaches beyond our con- I IS a former manager of the Yale This month, LINC is on the look- sity, where he afflhated With fines of Wayne County, that causes Umversity Band and the Ann out for typewriters and a check pro- Kappa Sigma fratermty He IS Arbor Chamber Orchestra a daily newspaper to think of us when a reader calls with a donation. tector (a machine that engraves the This is what Operation UNC IS all payee and amount on checks). Italian day for Questers about: connecting people. Those who need with those who care. • • • Members of the Grosse POInte "italian Renaissance 10 Art, Ar- In each of these instances. it was Sales of LINC trash bags are l,hapter 01 ~ueSler~ gatherea ear. cnHecture and ft'urmture," mcor. the response that made April a good going strong. We are pleased with lier In the month 10 the Hahan Ren. porating many features of her own month for LINC. community support in this endea- alssance home of Mrs. Stuart home in her presentation. Co- Our request for file cabinets last vor to help fund our operating ex- Crane, on Cloverly Road, where the hostesses were Mrs. ('lydc: rteed month resulted in the delivery of 31 penses. This month, LINC volun- hostess presented a slIde program, and Mrs. Fredetlck :schumann. cabinets distrtbuted to fIve agen- teers have been contacting area cies: Amertcan Friends Service businesses, asking them to pur- Pointe Garden Club sees BoUand Committee, Harper/Grati~t Multi- chase bags. "Our merchants are There's northing like a mother's love. Monday, Apnl 18, was a ber durmg a 1982 trip to Holland Service Center, Youth Living Cen- responding very positively," com- Celebrate with this mother and child. "garden club day" anticipated Mrs Danforth B French enter- ter, Northeast GUldance Center and mented LINC President Gabriele With great pleasure by the Pomte tamed Garden Club members at Help Elderly to Maintain Indepen- Pluhar. "We welcome their bus- Garden Club. That was the day her Stephens Road home. She was dence and Dignity (HEMID). mess and increased participation." members Viewed photos of the assisted by Mrs. Robert G. Rus- The bags, both 1.5 and 2.0 mil, Flonade and other beautiful Hol- sell, Mrs James C. Stewart and Our requests for Faith Com- come in packages of 100, priced at munity SChool met with a most $10and $12per roll respectively . De- WaLente JEWELERS land sights taken by a club mem- Mrs Hansel D Wilson. • • * caring response: reams of paper. .livery is FREE by calling the LINC SINCE 1934 paint sets and books that will help office, 331-6700, between 9 a.m. and ROBERT RIMBO, the organization provide after- 2 p.m. Monday through Fnday. WE HAVE MOVED associate pastor and school and evening entertainment 16849 Kercheval 881.4800 director of music at' and education for inner city resi. * • '" 9PEN DAILY 9:30-5:30 Thurs. & Fri. till 9 St James Lutheran dents. I:.INC'S annual volunteer lunc- Church, attended the "Your reputation precedes you," heon will be held Thursday, May 2ti, at the home of Sue Kvale on Middle- 36th annual Liturgical remarked lhe daughter of a Grosse" sex Boulevard. All volunteers are Institute at Valparaiso Pointe resident who called LINC from her hometown in Maryland for encouraged to attend this meeting, UniverSIty Feb. 6 at which a special Outstanding Ser- through 8. Rlmbo was help in dismantling her mother's es- vice to LINC Award w111be pre- accom,p.anied by his tate. Would we meet her at the home wife, illIS, an actiVe and determine what goods Opera- sented. Interested volunteers parish worker at St. tion UNC and its agencies might should call the LINC office for more T~ U" imittd information. James. make use of? Now Located At "Sure, but why us?" was our re- sponse. '" * • Mr, Verns Hair Designers PIANOS WANTED "I remembered your help the last Extra special thanks to the 20902 MACK AVE. Grinds. S,IIt'IS. Celsllta time my mother moved," the Grosse Pointe News for providing TOP PRICES PAID woman said. monthly column space to Operation 886-3052 LINC volunteers spent two days LI~C. UNC's pipeline to the com- Hours Mon.-Fn 9-9 Sat. 9-5 837-0508 working in the home, gathering a munity would not be possible with- SAME FANTASTIC PRICES BUY - SELL - RElIT treasure of goods we are still in the out the generosity of the News. process of dispersing. Among them Operation LIN C is a non-profit vo- were a hbrarY's-worth of books lunteer organization which serves given to the Grosse Pointe Ameri. numerous Wayne County agencies INSTRUMENTAL can Association of University and depends on your support. To vo- AND Women for their annual used book lunteer or to donate usable items, sale; tables, an ironer and lawn please call us at 331-6700.Our office VOCAL MUSIC furniture which went to the Coali- hours are 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday tion on Temporary Shetter (COT~ throug~ Friday, th.r9ughout the

.DE\PA1!I~N~ and 1l seulptQr's'~\, now at!JJ.~. year.,~~--- .... .,_l\"i.... •'r U -":tn,'t' .. ~ '-\"\...... "'-.:) ,(1., present a SPRING'~' End Saturdays at Four series The last concert in Marygrove Colleges, and cellist Mario Difiore, College's Saturdays at Four member of the Detroit Symphony chamber music series will feature Orchestra, will also be featufed in CONCERT pianist Maria Meirelles this satur- this final concert of the current day. April 30, at 4 p.m. in Denk series. Chapman Hall of Marygrove's Ma- Theme of the 1983 concerts has at ORCHESTRA HALL I dame Cadillac Building. It is the been a celebration of the 150th anni- sixth concert in the sixth season of versary of Johannes Brahms' birth. 3711 WOODWARD - DETROIT I the popular series, partially funded Each program, January through by the Michigan Council for the April, has included a well-loved '~ featuring I Arts. work by this great 19th century Information on tickets, at $5 gen- composer. The April 30 concert will OJ guest conductor Dr. Harry Begian ~ eral admission. $2.50 for students present Brahms' "Sonata in F and senior citizens, including' a Major for Piano and Cello, Op. 99," i violin soloist Kelly Leon ~ post-performance meet-the-artists whIch runs the gamut of musical hors d'oeuvres and wine reception, expression, from heroic declam- may be. obt~ned by calling 862- ation to the simple lyricism of folk- , ~aturda~;o~~~. 7, 1983 8000, ExtensIon 316 or 390. like material. I Grosse Pointe's Lawrence La- Also featured will be Giovanni Gore, pianist, founder and artistic Sammartini's "Sonata for Cello dJrector of Saturdays at Four, a fa. with Piano Accompaniment" and ~ For Information Call 343.2140 i culty member at both Marygrove Rachmaninoff's "Suite for Two f Adults - S3 50 Students - $ 2 00 SenIor CItIzens - Free \' and Macomb County Commumty Pianos, Op. 17." ~~""' ...~'" .:;. v"': :::....:" ~.,.,"l("'" /' ...... ~)' ..'" ... /' .....~ '\


,ryIH~/te1. a ~/tand neUl lile of.tlleti/tel1tenl aUla,'lin, Wou °fle/tinl:

• Private rooms and apartments all with private baths • Around -the-clock security You're IDvlted • Excellent Meals New designer to enJor the savtap as we fabrics for bed- and spreads, draperies dice prices on our bUle and upholstery have • Doctors' Clinic selection 01Lees carpets. just arrived. Hurry in-our selection is more beautiful • Registered Nurses en duty than ever and priced to save you 30 to 60% on every yardl • Grocery Store Watchlor detaiII or uk • Library UI. BaPPJ Savlap to JOu! "AU~JO Finest fabrics fory~r home all within the bUilding ~ '-.) since 1948. CORNfRS:. ~

• E~~Ski =me 21431 MACK AVE. 1932 S. TelllG,aph for information or an appointment Qro_ POlnr. ArM 8e' 8 & g /li/e West 9toom'~d call 775-0078 332-8183 FAR FRONT PARKING Open Monday Evenmgs LOIS NAIR 822-9000 776-5510 21435Mack Ave. o en until 9 .m. Mon., Thurs., Frl.; Tues., Wed .• Sat. until 6 •

Thursday, April 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five-a: Offer Dance Slimnastics Short and The aerobic dance fitness boom IS ture? Does It allow enough time for to the Pointe in full swmg, as more and more adaptation of the body to the tram. people fmd aerobiC danCing an en- mg regimen? Anyone startmg a joyable way to get mto shape program of dance.exerclse (espe- ROGER AULT, of Dance Sllmnastlcs Ltd , offers clallya person who has been seden- The Park, has been classes m The Pomte and Harper tary) should not go "all-out" from appointed director of Woods startmg May 2, at the follow- the start Begm eaSily After ~- J the newly-opened mg locatIOns commg accustomed to a certam, Paint Creek Center • Christ the King Lutheran level of exerCIse, go on to somethmg for the Arts. A direc- Church, Mack Avenue, Mondays more demanding. Research shows Elegant Parties Need tor of the Pewablc and Wednesdays at 9 30 a m and that 12 weeks if>the amount of tIme. Pottery for 14 years, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 45 necessary for a trammg effect to Ault IS the Paint pm take place Courses that allow mdl- , Not Be Expensive Creek center's first • Grosse Pomte Woods Pre1>byte- vlduals to pay a fee per class or pur- , director He Will rJan Church, Mack Avenue. Mon- chase any number of classes often Accommodations for supervise classes and days and Thursdays at 5 p m do not prOVIde the partICIpant WIth the exhIbition gallery, • St Michael's Eplf>copal knowledge of the hazards and bene- • PARTIES • BANQUETS has plans to develop a Church, Sunmngdale Park, Tuef>- fits of exerCise, and should be av- volunteer network and day and Thursdays at 5 p In Oided • PROMS • SHOWERS WIll serve as hason 10 • Harper Woods JFK Library. What methods of control are used • WEDDINGS developmg programs Harper Avenue, Mondays and to protect the partiCIpant from of commumty in- Wednesdays at 7 p m overexertIOn? Pulse momtorlng for COMPLETE CATERING SERVICE terest Current memberf> of Dance Shm- heart rate response IS a SImple nastics Ltd WIll recel\,e a $5 gift method of en~unng proper pace, CALL 774-1000 * * * certifICate for each new member dud should be properly taught A 19001 E. 9 MILE - East Detroit Among students who thev brmg In Enrollment and fur- target heart rate cannot be arbl- have enrolled at ther informatIOn may be obt~med tranly set A lO-second pulse AqUinas College 10 by calling 886-7534or 885-4706 method should be used WIth adults, Grand RapIds for the because the six-second method - A GIFT SHE'LL BE 1982-83 freshman class leaves too large a margin for error PROUD TO WEAR are MARY COYLE, As fun as aerobiC dance IS, It IS Low-to-moderate Inteuslty Within daughter of R GER- still essential that care be taken to the target heart rate range IS more ALD and MARION select a safe and effective program productive If the purpose of partIcI- COYLE, of Grand When chOOSing yours, ask a few patIOn ISweight control, for the pre- Marais Boulevard, baSIC questIOns. ferred fuel for the body at thIS level ANN McCARTHY, Is the program truly aerobic? of mtenslty ISstored fat Since little daughter of THOMAS photo by Maroa carbone AerobIC exercise demands large IS to be gamed from elevating the and LEE ANN quantIties of oxygen for prolonged heart rate over 80 percent of maxi- McCARTHY, of Sun- Salad samplers . . . periods and ultimately forces the mum reserve, hlgh-mtenslty exer- ningdale Drive, and body to improve those systems re- cise programs should not be chosen. BETH EBENHOEH, It's that time ofyear again! Salad lovers have begun to hone their sponSIble for transportmg oxygen - What type of movement or daughter of JOSEPH taste buds in anticipation of the 17thAnnual Kappa Kappa Gamma namely, the heart and lungs F.or choreography IS used? BallistIC or and B. PAULA EB- Salad Sampler, to be presented Thursday, May 12, at noon at the best results, these exercIses re- Jerky movements can cause injury. ENHOEH, of Goethe Grosse Pointe Memorial Church. On the left above is LAURIE qUIre a person to get his or her heart They are particularly bad for the Avenue. Mary IS a HUETTEMAN, general chairman of this year's luncheon, with rate up to 60 percent of maximum older or underexerclsed indIvidual Grosse Pomte South MARCIAWINZER (center), president of the local KKGs, holding a for at least 30 mmutes, three to fIve AVOidprograms of thiS type. High School alumna; cleaned-out salad bowl - due to her exalted position, she got to times a week Programs meeting What is the format of the exercise Beth and Ann were "preview sample" - and SHARONMERTZ, kitchen co-cheftan of once a week WIll not Improve fIt- sessIOn? A properly deSIgned exer- graduated from Gros- the event with Ann Hathaway (not pictured). The KKGSalad Sam- ness, and may be a greater risk than cise program should always mclude se Pomte North HIgh benefit. a warm-up, workout and cool-down School pler is famous for its delectable displays of seafood, tossed, Is the program progressive in na- Your Mother will always molded, vegetable and fruit delights, seasonal blossom garnishes, phase. cherish a very special 14 bright ~eranium table decorations and pert and efficient waitres- karat gold, diamond cut * * * ses. ThISyear, a parade of Kappa models will feature smart, wear- charm or pendant. GREGG W. able fashions for spring and summer, from the Shop for Pap- ALLCUT, son of paga1lo, Kercheval Avenue on-the-Hill. The only unfortunate thing JEANNE BUTTER- about the Salad Sampler is this: just 150 tickets are available. :- AHEE jewelry company FIELD, of Dana Pointe, Calif, and They're priced at a modest $7 each, with all proceeds earmarked 20139 Mack Avenue LELAND ALLCUT, of for the Detroit Rehabilitation Institute: the local Kappas' pet char- Dinner - Lunch .:- Sunday Brunch ity. The tickets may be obtained (as long as they last) from Dottie Grosse Pointe Woods The Farms, received (Mother's Day Brunch - May 8th) 886.4800 his officer's commis- Ludwig, 885-4982,or any Kappa. This year's Salad Sampler com- sion from the Naval mittee heads include Gail Hart, commissary, Petey Leete, wait- Wine Cocktaifs, Champagne, Wine, Beer AviatIOn School's resses, Suzanne Nicholson, decorations and set-up, Emily Moeller- 343-0610 Command III Pensl- ing, clean-up and after-sales, Lois Potter, fashion show, and Mary cola, Fla, on Feb. 18 Harwood, publicity. Kimberly Komer 20311 Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods Enter A Ensign Allcut, a former Woods resi- New Dimension dent and graduate of Grosse Pointe North Grace Hospilal Chinafoeus High School, holds a JOSEPH P. PERSE with In Hair Design t3'acfielors degree in accounting from tH~ berwfit in May for Pear Tree University of Soumi Fashions from Miners of Bloom- Members of the Windmill Pointe Florida in Tampa. He fIeld aM Grosse Pointe will be fea- Chapter of Questers were'lnvlted to ~-'~ ,. - } expects to attend tured at the annual Grace Hospital Join Pear Tree Chapter members UPHOLSTERING & DECORATING Brighten your whole \>1~.'-:c~ flight school in Auxiliary Spring Fest luncheon last Thursday, Apn121, at 10a m. at outlook In a world that \~ ." , California this sum- uses color to create diu ~ 0 J next Thursday, May 5, at Plum Hol- the home of Mrs. Oscar Teeg, who • Serlllcmg the Pomles lor 37 yeers mer. Allcut is married was assisted by co-hostesses Mrs. slon contrast and subtle low Golf Club. Proceeds from the to the former DIANE fund raiser, chaired by Mrs. Ralph A.J. Chflstle and Mrs Arnold highlights A world that -t4, I ~~~J,,\l) DECKER, of Detroit Anderson with assistance from co- Launs, for Mrs. R. Bay's program, uses color to make the I.l ' ~ I "~ Wide Selection of most 01 your face shape , ~ chairmen Mrs. William H. Morse "Understanding Your Chinese and where your hair "\ /" v * * * and Mrs. George Tuttle, are ear- Treasures" The presentatIOn was becomes a canvas for ). :'-:'k i marked for purchase of cardIOvas- followed by a short business ses- ~ CASUAL & I,.aa pICK-Up" aeltVl1ry the halrcolorlsl s II J GEORGE L. FAR- cular equipment for the Grace Divi- sion, durmg which offIcers for the brush MAKIS, of The Park, sion of Harper-Grace Hospitals. coming year were elected. free esttmates DECORA TIVE With state of the \ was recently ap- Reservation information may be VA 2-9660 art dimensional tech pomted to the execu- nlques and rich colors from '-.....1\.. obtained by calling 851-7655or 646- 12339 HAYES FABRICS tive board of the Scholarship Redken I) our experienced halrcolor artists can take 6313. you there Michigan Council for Call for an appointment today And see your hair the Social Studies. The is available In a whole new light MCSS is the state pro- fessional orgamzation Fann, Garden The Welcome Wagon Club of @REDl'ltd 9.5 Frl 9.5. Sat 9-5 figure since 1948. Per club's annual Flower Show, with en- Further mformation may be ob. capita consumption in tnes in four categories Assistmg tamed from Mrs. Val Colum, healthy hair 1M the U S today is about Mrs. Dodds as hostesses WIll be scholarshIp chairman, 885-8438, or one-f1fth higher than In Mrs. Wesley Johnson and Mrs Al- Mrs. Clifford Carpenter, club pre- & skin care 1967. Specwlizlng in U'hat'~ right for )ou! fred Warren Jr. sident, 824-4490. ~ YORKSHIRE TV SPECIAL ? FREE ESTIMATES on Carry In Service GERANIUMS MOTHER'S DAY 21115 MACK 778-4050 SALE at~14K SEWER TROUBU? CZuh c.II Gold Jewelry Specialists \fl 0 UP TO 60 /0 OFF '/600 LIVERNOIS UN) 7800 1S104 KERCHEVAL VA '; 9070 Fraalirldand's EVERYTHING 116 MAPLE RD 64) '660 needlepoiat limit sbopPe to MAY 8th ONLY Motller'. Bag Speeial !Club Special, Club Speciall r---JUST SENDIN COUPON----, IALL EXPERT 14 K Rose APRIL 28 I MIlk. CNct hylIWt II GrossI PllItI N.r1II PII1III ell. I through I 701 Vlnler II~ . G P W 48238 I IIEPAIR WORK $18.00 MAY 7th 1 NAME __ ------, 114K 15%011 I I 1250/0 OFF Cut Heart! 1l0iS I ADDRESS - --- I to May 31st 0 .. AllltfereJiallCllse.... ezeept II.... ' ... I I $18.00 I FA'\T IFFFFR,\()I'. I ZIP __ - PHONE - - I ISolders. SIZing. Remounls LImited Supply I W. off.r ne.d/epo/nt and knitting classes I - ca.--itoflllTl M' cOiT_P'!1~[=-cen = I DETROIT. MI< H professional finishing for all your needlework I -;.... --= '"- -"-- ~-~i!(o~~~-=-== I ~------~------I ------....,.. - -- 112.00------I THE 14K CLUB Gin CIRTIFICA YES AVAILABlE I ..!.!' ,;-~-_- - - - - 1_1~.~__ ---- I 18424 MACK • 343-0608 821-3525 I I HOURS 10-5 Dally, 10-7 Thursday Qualfty Nurrml: 16930 KERCHEVAL. IN THE VILLAGE. 881.4575 CLOSED SUN.-MON OftEN THUItSDAY EVENINGS ~------~PLEASE ORDER EARLYI Care Page Six.B GROSSE POINTE Thursday, April 28, 1983 NMI Boosters schedule May benefit evening Church Circles Grosse Pointe area members of Castle's dream has come true. NMl 109 muscles and tend

-AN ORDINA NCE TO A MEND THE EXISTING SECTlO~S OF (6) Before ~mposlllg sentence for a vlOlahoI' of subsect'on (1) or CIVil damages predIcated on t'1e act of wlthdrawIl'g blood and ORDINANCE 124, 5.l5(AHG) BY THE REPEAL OF'THESE or (2), the court shall order the pe rso'1 to undergo screemng and related procedures shall not attach to a quahhed oerson wloo With. SECTIONS AND THE ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING' TO assessment by a person or agency deSignated by the office of sub- draws blood or ass !sts In the w.thdrawal III accordarce With thiS REGULATE THE OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES WHILE stance abuse serVices, to ceterm~ne whether the person IS !.1e llltro- an area deSignated fol' the parking of vehicles. Within the Village of s1.lmptlon; hablllty for WithdraWing blood. refusal duchon of any allIer competent ende'lce bear .I'g uoan the quest' on Gl'osse POInte Shores. to lake test. other eVIdence; option to demand of whether or not the oerson was Impaired oy or 'Jnder tOle In- • breath test only, fluence of IntOXIcating liquor or a controlled substa'lce, or a (3) The owner of a vehicle or a Derson In chal'ge or In control combl'la'lOn of Intox.catl'lg hquor and a cO'ltrol'ed substa'lce. or of a vehicle shall not authorize or knowlngly pel'mlt tl,e vehicle to be (1) The amount of alcohol or presence of a controlled substance whether the person had a alood alco'1ol content of O. 10'/, or "'lore operated upon a hIghway or ot'1er place open to the general publlc, or both In the driver's blood at the time alleged as shown by chemIcal by weight of alcohol. IncludIng an area deSIgnated fol' the parking of motor vehicles. wllhln analySIS of the person's blood, urme. or breath shall be admISSIble mlo eVidence In a cnmlnal prosecution for any of the followlng' the V,llage of Grosse POinte Shores by a person who IS ul"der the 1'1- (8) If a ~ury ~nstructlon regarding a defendant's refusal to fluence of IntoxicatIng llquol' or a controlled substance. or a combIna- subm't to a chemical test under t'1IS section IS requested by t'1e (a) 1\ vlolat10n of Sectlon 5.15(1\)(1), (2). or (3), or 5. 15(B). tIOn of IntoxIcatIng liquor and a controlled substance. prosecutIOn or the defendant, t"le ~ury InstructIOn sl-Iall be g'ven as follows' (4) Except as otherWIse orovlded In thiS sectlOn, a pel'son who IS (b) Felo111ous driVing. neghgent homICide, or manslaughter resulting from the operatIOn of a motor veh1cle while the driver IS conVIcted of a VIOlation of subsectIOn (1). (2). or (3) IS guilty of a mls- EVldence was adm tted In thiS case whlclJ.. If believed by demea'lor, pun,shable by I"TlOl'lsonment for l"ot more (han mnety (90) alleged to have been Impaired by or under the Influence of Intoxlcat- Ing liquor o'r a controlled substance or a combinatIOn of intOXicating 'Ie :ury, could Drove '~at 'he dete'ldant 'lad exerc!sed days. or a fHle of not less tha'l One Hundred (~100. 00) Dollars nor more hiS or per rIght to refuse a chemical test. You are hquor and a controlled substance, or to have had a blood alcohol con- than Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars. or bot'1, together 10 th costs of Instructed that such a refusal IS wlth,n the statutory tent of 0.10,,/, or more by weIght of alcohol. the prosecutIOn, As oart of tne sentence 'or a vlolatton of subsectlons rights of the defendant and IS not eVIdence of hIS (1) or (2), the court spall order t"e secretary 0' state to suspend t~e gUllt. You are not to conSIder such a refusal In (2} If a test IS given. the results of the test shall be made avaIl- ooerato" s or chaulfeur s !lce'1Se of toe person for a penod of not less determl mng the guilt or Innocence of the defendant. " able to the person charged or the person's attorney upon written than SIX (6) mont"s 'lor ,""ore than two (2) years. The COUlt rr>ay order request to the prosecutIOn, With a copy of the request filed With the t'1e secretal'y of state to .;sue to t~e oerson a rE'stncted 'lce'1se per- court. The prosecutIon shall furmsh the report at least two (2) days (9) If after an aCCIdent the dnver of a vehicle Involved In the rr>lttlng t'1e oerso'1 durl'1g all or a soeclfled oortlOn 01 t'le per oa of before the day of the tnal and the results shall be offered as eVIdence aCCident IS transported to a medical faclhty and a sample of the susoerSlOn '0 drIve orllv '0 arid '"om thc !)I'rson's l'csldence and work by the prosecutlOn In a criminal oroceedlng. Failure to fully c0'l'10l~ drIver's blood IS Withdrawn at lhat time for the purpose of medIcal locatl':>n. I" (I'c course of '''e oE'l'~on's E'mp\oyrrc'lt or occuoatlon to With the request shall bar tl,e admiSSIon of the r"sults nto eVidence treatment, the results of a chemical analySIS of that sample shall ard 'rom an alconol or dr Jg educat on o"t)gl'arr> )r 'reatrT'e'lt program by the prosecutIOn. be admlsslble In a crtmlllaI prosecution for a cnme descnbed In a< ordpr"d bv 're co"rt tt) al'd 'rorr> '''e 0(>1'50'1'5 rps'dencE' and arl subsectIOn (l) to show the amOU'1t of alcohol or presence of a con- educat lonal lnst t'ltlOr at w~IC'1 tlie person IS E'nro!1E'd as a student. or trollcd substance or both 10 the person's blood at the time alleged. (3) Except In a prosecut,oll l'elahng solely to a vlolatlOn of o_rsuaf"t to a comb natlO'l of these restr'ctlons. T'1e court shall not regardless of whether the oerson had been offered or had refused SectIOn 15-9(2), the amount of alcoholln t ....e dnver's blood at 're "rdpr thf' ,ccrelary 0' state to lssue a "cstrlctpd c"au'feur's hcef"se a chern.oal test, The medical faclhty person performing the time alleged as shown by chemical analySIS of the oerson's blood. or ;,I'lIC1 \I.oould perMIt a D( "'-son to oot>orate '1 truc!.< or truc'<. tractor, 1 .... - chem.cal analySIS shall d,sclose the results of the analySIS to a urIne, or breath shall gIVe rise to the follow'ng presumotlOns r dIng a tr:Llpr. wnlch nauls ,",azardous rr>a'erlal. T~e court shall not prosecutIng attorney 10(10 requests the results for use ln a cnmlllal " order tne secrf'tary of state to Issue a restr'cted license J'lless the prosecutIOn aq Drovlded In thIS subSection. A medical faclhty or (a) If there was at t'1e time 0.07% or less by weight of persorl states Jnde" oath 3'ld ''1e court Inds t'1at the perso'l 'S 'wable person dlScloqlllg InformatIOn In comphance With thiS subsectIOn alcoholln the defendant's blood, It shall be presumed that the to take publiC transportatlon to and 'rom hiS or her worl<: locatIOn. shall not be CIVilly or cnmlllally hable for makIng the dIsclosure. p'ace of alcohol or drug educat'ol" or trf'atrT'ent• or educational defendant was not under the mfluence of tntoxlcahng hquor. lnst tutlO'1. and does '1ot nave any family membf>rs or others able (10) If after a hll;'1way aCCIdent the dnver of a vE'h,cle Involved (b) If there was at the hme In excess of 0.070/0 but les~ to orovl'Je transoor'a'lO'l. The cO'Jrt ord,," a'1d ',CenSf> shall In- In the acrldent IS deceased, a sample of the decedent 09 blood shall than O. 10% by weight of alcohol In the defendant's blood. It S'lal[ d C'l'e t'1e pc"stln S ....or<. locat "., and tee aporrwed "o~te or routes bE' wlthdrawrl 'n a manner directed by the medical examiner for the be presumed that the defendant's ability to ooerate a ve'"\1cle was 'lnd permitted tl'Tle'l of travel. For ourooses 0' t"IS s~bsectlO", ourptlse of determIning blood alco"lol content or p-esence of a con- ImpaIred WithIn the prOVISIons of SectIOn 15-9b due to the COOlsuma- wor.< 10caLon nclJr'es. as aool cab'f', clt'1er r)n aot'1 of the trollpd substance or both [ollow1r1g tlon of IntoxIcating liquor, ~ectlon 5. l5(C). Impaired dr.vlrlg. VlolatlOn as misdemeanor (I) T~e soeclf'c place or placl's of employmerlt. (c) If there was at the tlme O. 10% or more by weight of alcohol In t'le defendant's blood, It shall be oresumed t~at 'he (n A pprs'ln gliall riot ooerate a vehicle uoon a highway or other (1I) Thl' terntory or terrltor.es regularly v'slted by the defendant was under the Influence 'lf lntoxlcatlrlg liquor ol'lc(> 'loen to ,he gpneral pubhc, Including an area deSignated for oerson I I pur'luance of t'le person's occuoatlC'n. t"<, parklng 0' vehIcles. wlt'1ln the VIllage of Grosse POInte Shorcs (4) A ~amole or SOeClll"en of Ur'l'1e or breat~ s1'a'l be 'a"<(>rI wlH''1 due to P1P COl"SUmotlOn of an Intoxlcattng hquor a controlled sub- (~) A 5 part of tlie scnte',ce for a vlOlat'on of S1lbSf"C'lOn (1) or and collected In areas ona hIe m an'ler. On ly a 11c P" S "C o~ys (' '1'1 hlcle. If a person IS charged With Violating section a oer:od not to ('xceed twelve / ,2)

pUOlshable by lmprlsonment for not more than 90 days, or a fltle controlled substance, or whIle haVing a blood alcohol content 257.1513 of the ~!lchlgan Corrplled La\\s. Involved In the aCCident of tlot more than Three Hundred ($300,00) Dollars, or both, of O. 10'7, or more by weIght of alcohol. and was driVIng t'Je snowr.lOblle while under the Influence of an In- toxlcatlng hqIJor. or a controlled substance as de'lned In section together wlth costs o~ the prosecutlDn. 1l s pa~t of the sentence, 7104 of Act 11:0. 3680' the Public Acts of \llchlgan of 1978, as the court shall order tIJe secretary of state to suspend the (2) A person who 1S afflicted WIth hemophlha, d1abetes. or amended, being sectlOn 333.7104 of the :-1lchlgan Comp'1ed La\\s; operator's or c~auffeur's llcense of the person for a perlod of a condlhon requlTlng the use of an anticoagulant under the dlrectlon or a comblOatlOn of lntoXlcatlng hquor and a controlled substance not less tnan Olnety (90) days-nor more than otle (l) year. The of a phySICian shall not be cons1dered to have gIven consent to the cou,;t may order the secretar J of stat e to Issue to the pel's on a WIthdrawal of blood. SectlOn 5. l5(H). Prehmlnar) chern cal breath test. restrlcted l1cense oermlthn~ I,e person dUTl'lg all or a speculed porhon or the perlOd of susp n~lon to dTlve only to and from the (3) The tests shall be admltllstered as provl ded 10 Section (I} A peace offlcer who has reasonable cause to beheve that person's reSIdence and work locahon. 10 the course of the person's 5.l5(B). a person \\ as operat 109 a veh1cle upon a pubLc h' ghway or other employment or occupation to and from an alcohol or drug educahon place open to the general pJhhe. lnc/umng an a-ea deSIgnated for progr am or treatment program as or dered by the court; to and from SectIOn 5. 15(E). Refusal 0' chemIcal test. the parking of \ e'llcles. In t"e sta' e. a'ld that t'le nerson b) the the person s resldence and an educatlonal instltutlon at which the (1) If a person refuses the request of a peace officer to submIt consumptIon of lntox cat.rg hquor mal have af ected ":lIS or he- pel'S on IS enrolled as a student, or pursuant to a comblnahon of ability to operate a vehlclc, rra) requIre the person to submIt to these restrlchons. The court shall not order the secretary ot to a chenucal test oftered pursuant to Sechon 5. 15{B), a test shall a prellmmary chemIcal breath anal)SIS state to Issue a restricted chauffeur's llcense whlch would permIt not be given Without a court order. A wntten report shall be a person to operate a truck or truck tractor, lncludlng a traller, for1o\arded to the secretary of state by the peace ofhcer. The re- (2) A peace officer may arrest a person based In whole or In which hauls hazardous materIa.!. The CO\.lrt shall not order the port shall state that the oftlcer had reasonable grounds to believe part upon the results of a p"eIUTIlOa ..y chemical breath analySIS. secretary of state to Issue a restrlcted hcense unless the person that the person had committed a crime descTlbed in Sectlo'! 5. l5(DH I}, states under oath and the court flnds that the person IS unable to and t hat the person had refused to submit to the test UpOtl the request of the peac e offlcer and had been adVIsed of the cons equences of the (3) The results of a prel'mlnan cIJemlcal breath analySIS ohall take publlc transportatlOn to and from hiS or her work 10catlotl, refusal. The form of the report shall be prescnbed and furmshed be admISSible In a crJrrJ'1al prooecutlOn ror a eTlme enumerated, place of alcohol or drug educatlOn or treatment, or educatlonal by the secretary of state. 10 sectIOn S. 15(B)( 1) or If' an aoIT' n stratlve heanng u'lder sect'o'1 lnshtuhon, and does not have any family members or others able to I 625f solely to asslst tbe court or hearing officer 10 determ nl'lg prOVide transportahon. The court order and llcense shalllndicate Sechon 5. l5(F). Suspended or revoked hcense; operatIOn of a challenge to tne vaha,t\ D: an arrest. T,,'s suosectlOr does 'lot the person's work location and the approved route or rO\.ltes and motor vehicle penalty. hmlt the lntrodJct,o'l 0' O''1er corrp"t"rl e\ dence oftered to permitted hmes of travel. For purposes of thiS subsechon, "work establlsIJ tIJe \al'dlt\ 0' a~ arrest. locahon" Includes, as apollcable, elther or both of the followlng' (1) A person whos e operator's or chauffeur's hcense or regIs- tration certulcate has been suspended Of revoked and Who has (4} A person \'ho sub!'" ts to a prE'hm,rary chemlcal breath (1) T~e speculc place or places of employment. been nOIUlec. as prOVIded in sectlon 212 of that suspension or analySIS shall remaIn sub'ect to 'he reOl're"'1erts or sect'o"ls revocahon. or whose apollcahon for hcense has been c!emed, 5. 15(Bl. 5.15(D), 5.15(E), 5.15(1) a% 625f for t":le ourposes of (n) The terntory or terntones regularly Vlslted by the as pronded In thiS act, or w'lo has 'lever apphed for a l1cense, chemlcal tests oeser bee 1'1 t"ose sectlO'1S. person 10 pursuance of the person's occupallon. and who operates a mo~or verllcle upon t~e ~lghways or tl"s state or who knOWingly permits a motor vehicle owned by the person (5) A perso'l \\ '10 re'uses to SJb'1" ' to a pre'lm'nar) chern cal (3) 1ls part of the sentence for a vlOlahon of thIS sechon the to be operated by another upon a highway, except as permitted breath analySIS upo'! a lawful request b\ a peace oHlcer IS res- court may order the person to perform servIce to the COmm\lnlty, under thIS act, whlle t~e hce'lse or reglstrallon cerh.f1cate IS ponSible for a CIVil Jrl'ractlO'l. as deSIgnated by the court. Wltl-}OutcompensatlOn. for a peTlod not suspended or revoked, or whose appl1catlOn for hcense has been 2 to excee d 12 days. The person shall relm burse the state or demed, as prOVided 10 thlS act, :s gllllty of a mIsdemeanor, p'ln- (6) Sectlor 625g shall apph to a prehmlnarv c}oe'l'lca! b-eath appropTlate local umt of government for the cost 01 Insurance 1n- Is~able, except as prOVided In subsectlO'1S (2) and (3). by lmprt- anal) SlS. curred by the state or local umt of government as a result of the sonment for not less than three (3) days nor more than nlOety person's actlvltles under thiS subsechon. (90) days, or a flne of not more than One Hundred ($100.00) SectlOn 5.150), Savings Clause. Dollars, or both. Unless the vehicle was stc.len or used WIth (4) Before lmposlrg sentence for a vlOlahon of th,S secbon the t~e permlsslon of a person who did not knowmgly permIt an All proceedIngs pendIng and all nghts and bab'htles eXIsting. court shal' o-der t":le oerson to .mdergo screemng and assessmen' unbcensed driver to operate the veh!cle, the reg1strahon plates acquu-ed. or Incurred at t"e tlme thIS Ordma'lce takes effect are by a oersol" or agenc) ces.goa'ed by tl,e Orflce 0' substance a!:l~se of the vehlcle shall be conflscated. saved and may be consummated according to t"e la\\ In rorce \\ hen serVIces, to deterM!re \\ 'le.he- t":le oerso'i !S hke~y to beneIlt from t"ley are comMenced. ThiS Ordwance snall not be construed to rehlb' lltaL ve 5 ervlces, wc;" c.'lg alcohol or drug educatlOn and (2) A person whose operator's or chauffeur's license has affect any prosecutIon pending or lmtlated beore the effective date of trls Ord.nanee, or 100hated a'ter the effect1\e da'e of t'lIS alcolool or drug treatrrel'" prograons. As part 0; the sen'ence, the been suspended under sectlon 32111.2because that person has failed OrdInance Ior an o'fens(' comrr t'ed Defore tha' ef'ectIVe date. co~rt may order the oe~so" 'a oa-tlcloate n anc successfully com- to answer a CItatIon or has failed to comoly With an order or olete 1 0 ....p"'ore aODrop'" a+e "'e'1a:> ~ ta"- ve prograrns. The oe"'son Judgment lssuec pursuant to sechon 9073' and who operates a motor shall pay for tre costs 0' 'he screen rg. assesslT'ent, ana rehablll- vehicle uoon a hlgrway, may be pumshed by lmprlsonment for not ta'lve serv ces more than 90 days. or a flne of not more than One Hundred ($100.00) The Grosse POinte S"ore~ C!('rk Gl-}allpubl 510 th,s Ordlrance Dollars, or both. (5) Befo-e acceo'1'1g a olea 0' g'J,1ty under tn's sec' .on, tl-}e In the manner reqUITed b\ law. court shan aC\1se t't,e acc_se:. of the STatutory conseauerces (3) The secretary of state, upon recelvlng a record of the con- SectlOn 5. 15(K). Penal oroV'~,on~ for o'fense. deemed crmllnal oosslble as a rcsu't of t\]e olea 0' gu,;ty In respect to susoens'on VIchon or probate court f10dlng of a person upon a charge oT unlaw- vlOlatlo'1s. or revocation 0' ao ooera'o-'s or cl-:au"eur's 1 ce'lse, the oel"alty ful ooeraho'l of a motor vehicle while the license of the person is .rnposed for vlOlatlO'1S 0' t'l's sectlOn. a'1d tloe lllT',tatlOf' 0'1 tloe susoended, revoked, or demed, or of the conv1ction, CIVIl infrachon ngnt of appeal. A n) person who s",a11 vlolat(' an) 0' the nrov 0lOns 0' thIS determlnatlon. or probate laws of thIS state whIle the hcense of the OrdInance exceptIng Spcllo" 5 IS/F) o~all >,,, gUlll\ 0' a mIs- person IS suspended, revoked or demed, immediately shall extend (6) T":le operator's or cloauf'eur s hcense of a perso'1 round demeanor. oun'shable b\ lmpr,SOnme'lt 'or "lot IT'ore thaf' nlnetv tIJe penod of the flrst suspens!on or revocation for an additIonal bke gull'y of vlOlat rg t~IS sectlOr s\-jall be surrendered to tbe court In (gO) days or by a f,ne no' more than F l\{ Hundred (~~OO.OO) perlOd. or If a tlenod has not been determ1Oed. then ror not less than Dollars .. or bot'J. w":l'ch the oerson was CO'1vlc'ed. The court sralllmMedlately thIrty (30) days nor more t"an one (1) year. for\'.ard the surrendered' ccnse and a'1 abstract 0' convlctlOn to the secretary of state, ':''Je abstract 0' convlctlOn s'Jalllndlcate (4) The secretary of state, upon receiving a record of the con- 1. \lCLli 257. 62~f the senterce Imposed. UpO'l rece.o' of and pursuant to the abstract vlctlOn or a CIVil lnfracllon determmatlOn of a person uoon a charge 2. MeLli 257.625g of conVlct.on tl-}e secretar} o' sta'e shall susoend or rf>voke the of unlawful operatlOn of a motor vehicle requlr!ng a class I, class 2, Any person \'.ho ~')a\l \ olate the provlslOn~ 0' SeCtlO'l ~ 15(E) person's hcense and, l' ordered by t"e COJrt and the person IS or class 3 l~dorsement whlle the Indorsement IS suspended pursuant to shall be respo'ls'ble fon a <1\ I 'l.'rac' .0'1 o,nls'1able bv oavmpn! o''1erwlse el.g'ble for a; ce'1se. 'ss"e to tne person a restTlcted sectlOn 319a, Immediately shall extend the penod of suspensIon for 0' a fine no' to ("C'. tr-(, rerr"t r f'r or tl,... c: Or( na"1C'P' ?nd sectIO'l. (5) Before the plea of the person Is accepted under thIS sechon, 'Such r£>ma n.c~r c:;;"'an rE"""""1.1r' f' l' nrrr a ....J ['r pet the arresting offlcer shall check With the secretary of state to de- SectIon 5 151') mo' ec' C'O"SC'1'. termine the record and status of the person accordIng to the records S<,cllOn 5 1 ')1\'l. ] "P(' \" "','" (1) A per~on \\-0 DD~rates a ve'1 c;e upon a publ c hIghway or of the secretary of state and so inform the court. other o'ace open to 'or I!e"e-?l D_blIC. l'lcludlOg a~ area des gnated TlilS Ordlflanc0 c;""n1' hf>cn .....,C' mp t'llat"l\ (' , ct 'vf" uoon puh~lc:a- for t'le oarK.'l/; 0' \e" C no n '-.e V, l"Re 0' GrossI' Po nte Shores .s con- (6) ThIS sectlon shall not apply to a person who operates a t IOn a 0 pro\ ldpd hI la" Sidered to ha\ e f! ve'1 cooocnt to cloe .... ca 1 tl'~ts 0' hl£ or her blood. vehicle solply Ior the purpose of protechng human hfe or propert)', '>r('ath or urine or ''or o_rpoo!, 0' det('rm n rig tre amount 0' If the life or property IS endangered and the summonIng of prompt alco"o1 or p-eoenc~ 0 a co"'rollpd ~"hslanc{ or both n hIS al d IS essential. PaB9~d April 19, 1983 or her blood \' SectlOn 5. 15(Gl. OperatIng snowmobIle under mfluence of IntoxIcatIng Approved April 19. \983 (a) 1'lf orr~o'l ° arr('oted 'or a Vl0\atlOn 0' SectlOn lIquor or a controlled substance. 'i l~(Ji)(l), /2). or (1) or 5 15(B). (1) A person shall not operate a snowmobIle on pubhc property (b1 T'Jp o('r'O'1 I~ arreot('d 'or r('lomou~ dnVI'lg, neg!l- or private property open to the public while under the Influence of G~rAl~ C. ~chroeder, Pr~sf1pnt /!('n' h,,-r CHIr. or 'T a~oJaug".t r result''ll( frorr the operallon of lntoxlcahng hquor or a controlled substance, further. a peace a mo'or \"r' clC' arc' 1''' peae o'f!('er 'lad rea~o'lable grO'Jnds officer may arrest WIthout a warrant when a peace offIcer has

to be 1'[ \ ( t'rJa* th(> fl"rC;('l~ v ac opera; r~ tn~ venlciC' \l, "HIe U'1.- reasonable cause to believe that the person was at the tIme of the ')a,r( rl r \ or ,n,', - t')(' n'l I~'lr ... o,',ntoxlca'lng Lquor or a con- aCCIdent, the driver of a snowmobIle as defIned by II ct No. 74 of troll"d oubolance or a ('omblratlon of Intoxicating llquor and a the PublIC Acts of 1968, as amended, being sectIOn 257.1501 to GPN -4.~83 John R. ~l~hol~on, Cl~r~ • ...... 4 ,t • CO

. Page Elght-B G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W:.:.....:S:------T-hU-r-Sd-a-y,-A-p-ril-2-8-, _19_8_3 r---F-r-O-l1-1-A-l-l0-t-h-e-r-P-o-in-t-e----. --Sh-o-rt -an-d Polish poetry night at DIA Metropolitan Rose In conjunction with the celebra- Of View ....t_o _th_e_Po_in_te..... The DetrOItInstitute of Arts' Art tion of the first democratically Society will meet of Poland Associates will com- ratified constitutIOn in Europe, Ed Mayer, ConsultIng RosarIan (Continued from Page IB) ANDREA ELISE memorate the May 3, 1791, Con- works by Poland's foremost fIlm PECK, daughter of stitution ofPoland with An Evening and American Rose Society Accre. of Polish Poetry (in English and directors, Krzysztof Zanussi "Th~ dlted Judge, will present a pro- person to contact for further information is June Pate. MRS BRIGITTE Constant Factor") ana AndrzeJ gram, "After They're Planted and PECK, of 81. Clair Polish) in the museum's Lec. She can be reached at 964-4475. ture/Recltal Hall at 7 pm. next Wajda ("Ashes and Diamonds") Pruned," provldmg information on Shores, and ELIOT S will be featured at the DIA's De- Tuesday, May 3 fertihzing, watel mg, spraying for DSO 70th Anniversary Season PECK, of The POlnte, troit Film Theatre Friday, April different types of fungi and insects, was named to the 29, and Saturday, April 30, respec- dlsbudding and what to do about In honor of its 70th anniversary, the Detroit Symphony Dean's List of honor RehglOus and political Polish tively, at 7 and 9' 30 P m Tickets, "yellow leaves," at the MetropolI- Or~hestra h~s announced a 1983-84 subscription concert students for her poetry and songs, selected by D~ at $2 each, can be purchased Edmund Ordon, professor of S~avlc tan Rose Society's meetmg thIS s~fles featu~Ing a ro~ter of dlstin~Ulshed conductors and accomphshments dur- through the museum's tlCket of- Sunday, May 1, at 2 p m at Olivet 109 the fall term at Languages, Wayne State Umver- flce. highly acclaimed SOlOIsts,plus a wide variety of traditional Colby-Sawyer College, Slty, will be read and sung by l.ocal Lutheran Church, located on Van and well-know~ classical works, highlighted by the appear- Dyke between East Seven Mile where she IS a fresh- artists of Amencan-Pohsh ongm, Road and East Outer Drive His ance of four hIghly esteemed mUSICal leaders who have man In the llberal arts mcludmg the Ars Poloma Ensemble Pollsh ConstitutIOn celebrations presentatIOn ISfree and open to the played sIgmflcant roles in the orchestra's development. program under the direction of Curtis contmue WIththe premIer showmg Posumak, pianist and orgamst. public They areSixten Ehrling (1963-73), Aldo Ceccato 0973-77), * * * of "The PolIsh Phoelllx," a multi- Program chairman IS Dr. Zoha Image program projected on three Antal DoratI 0977-81) and Gary Bertini 0981-83) MR and MRS J A. Kafarski screens by nine computerIzed pro- HERRINGTON, of Also in celebration of the 70th anmversary a black tie jectors under sponsorship of the The Park, are among Center for Polish Studies & Cul- dinner and grand ball have been scheduled for Friday, Nov. the benefactors whose The program WIllbef~l1owedb~ a 18, at the Westin Hotel. The following Saturday, Nov. 19, wine and coffee receptIon. Admls- ture at St. Mary's College, Or- gifts to Madonna Col- "ion is free for members of the Art chard Lake Con?udor Laureate DOfati willle.:ld the DSO in .:lspecial h:gt: y, 111prOVide en , of Poland Associates, newest au- anmversary concert at Ford AudItorium. hancement to deSign- Admission to the shOWing next ated areas of the xlhary wlthm the museum's Foun- ders -Society, $1 for senior Citizens Thursday, May 5, at 8 p.m at St I TumUUIl1I (Jd(>llfltJl !>rlUfIt) I Subcription ticket prices for all classical senes remam school's new library The Ideal permanent evergreen grollnd coYer pllnt the same as last year, providing a savings of up to 38percent and students WithID, $2for Found- Mary's Dombrowski Fieldhouse IS I I bUIldmg, specifically $2per person Further mformatlOn I to grow In sunny 1$ well IS shed"'" locations whe're I over single ticket prices. As an extra bonus, season ticket the book display area ers members and $3 general. be may be obtamed by calling 682-1885, I grass falls Grows at even height of lbout B Inenes. I subscribers receive a booklet, including program notes and of the main foyer/hb- Further informatIOn may ob- , I Plant 6 Inches apart Sturdy. well-rooted pllnts. I tamed by calling 642-2730 ExtenSIOn46 postpaid 50-$13.50, 1OO-S2295, 500-$85.95, artist bIOgraphies for the entIre season, in advance. rary I 1OO0-S14500 Fin." qualoty stock POIljll,d Ind I I IKpertly packed GUlrlnteed !<, love or well .. pl.ce I Renewal orders must be received With payment by June up to I year Prompt Ih,p_n, Ordtr dveCI from ad or I 3. Seat assignments for new orders will be made after June I send for pll>nr folder 29- but new ticket orders are bemg accepted Immediately. . I Box6C I I PEEKSKILL NURSERIES ShNItOelc,HYI06III Season ticket brochures and order forms may be obtained I Plea.e .h,p me PilChysand'a pi ann pOl1pa,d I by contacting the DSO Subscription Department, 567-1400 I I encloseoch~'lcU&'OI:.i'Jney orde' lor $ - I The symphony will guarantee parking spaces for all season I OPlea ... end plarn Ioider I ticket holders who buy the parking plan, except those who Michel Jean Pi~t I Name 1 have Chamber, Young People's and Orchestra Hall Series. l AND seA , I N G I Addre .. ~__ ~ I Single tickets for all DSO concerts go on sale Sept. 19 C,IY State __ z,p I 1 * * * Speaking of symphonies ... Congratulations to Carol SpeCIalizing m , ------.. Rahm, of Provencal Road, who captured the Consolation Prize in the New England Backgammon Club's sixth an- creative landscape design, and nual benefit for the Boston Symphony Orchestra, held in mid-April at the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge, Mass. lt's plantmg of qU,ality shade trees. Private Duty SO satisfying to see a midwest banner flying high in the shr.ubs, evergreens, and large Nurllng Care east Serving A Golden Anniversary Gathering specimen trees. the Grosse Pointes. The Edsel & Eleanor Ford House was the setting last and the Trf-Countles Sunday for a very special reception, celebrating the Golden Anniversary of the Junior Group of League for the Handl- - capped-Goodwill Industries and honoring all Junior Good- will members - 47 of them! - who joined the organization 823-6662 between 1933and 1940. Among those attending were Jean (Mrs. Edwin OJ Bod- Private Hom.. , HOlplhil. kin, founder of the organization, and Carol (Mrs. Nobel) or NUrllng Hom.. Travis, the group's first president, as well as Betty Mae • 24 Hr Service - 7 Days a Week (Mrs. John) Bartlett, present president, and her husband, Dr. Bartlett. • Full Time or Part T~Il1'eCoverage WORSHIP SERVICES • Bonded and Insured Thirty-two women gathered for the Junior Group's first Gro... Pofnte St. James GROSSE POINTE- Christ the King By RN'., LPN'., NUrie Aid .. meeting, on Feb. 22, 1933: the day Detroit's banks were ~ United Lutheran Cburch BA~IST CHURCH Lutheran Church fl. and LIve In Companlona closed in the financial crisis of The Depression. Today, the i III METHODIST " "olf The KiW'-, '" l!t336 Mack' A'vetiil~ CHURCH 20338 Mack, GPW. ' Juniors are 200-plus strong, and have raised over $1 mi1Iion 211 Moros. Road Grosse Pointe Woods (j. 884-5090 for League-Goodwill during a half-century of service. \Ir,"lIlan at Kerrhe\ al 88&-2313 Z R84-0511 AAwa~t5WormYouWelcome ~ Sunday SChool 9 a m Chief fund raiser has been the Group's Annual Antiques 9 15 Faml1y Worship BIble Classes - 9 a m Mor"lOg \Vorsnrp &. Church School 263.0580 Market, held every year for the past 35. Other fund raisers WORSHIP SERVICES 11000 m Ir' Famlly Worship 10 30 a m Sunday School , II 15 Worship Service Fellowship Hour - II 30 a m through the years have ranged from cookbooks to amateur 930&1l00am Wed Bible Class 10 a m (i'oun,en. both Sel V ) Nursery &. Pre school theatricals, fashion shows to craft fairs. ~v:~,~:se"Icer 11 Commumty ProfesSional Nursmg SefVIce 9 30 a n; Sun School 630 p m i~ Mmlsters Group-raised monies are used by League-Goodwill to AllNurseryService, ~ I 1JI' Joseph P Fabry, Pastor P"lor George ~l <;Cheller R( I)ert W Boley Luther Slohs. Vicar support many projects, including the St Ambrose Home, a P,Hlor Robert A Rlmbo Rev. Wm Toft ~~" DaVid B Penmman live-in facility for the mentally retarded, sponsorship of the Jolly Cheers, a recreational and rehabihtational program GROSSE POINTE "WATCH THE '''SERVICE OF THE WEEK" JOIN US IN for clients, and purchase of needed equipment for the AT8P.M. League-Goodwill plant in Detroit. MEMORIAL CHURCH 9.30 & 11.30 Worship \ ON WEDNESDAY. MAY 4 europe Most recently, the Juniors have contributed to support 10'30 Study Hour MONDAY. MAY 9 the Job Club program, which develops mterview skills for Crib Care thru age 5 23 DAY EUROPEAN GRAND TOUR Holy Communion CHANNEL 5 EqI.-I Frur>e BelII_ Ho1lalHl. OcrmeA)' League-Goodwill clients seeking outside employment. SW'lZiOrtaad Allllni lUIy'" Spu.o "HEAR THE WORD Grosse Pointe Cable TV JUNE 20 - JULY 13 Options at The Ford House ~ OF THE LORD" This Week's Service From: Adult. CoIlcF Illd HIP SdIooI StlI... Dr. Ray H Kiely ONCE IN A LIFETIME PRICE SU95.00 Honored guest at the Saint Mary's College Detroit Alum- (Seb~ 10 .1 ... _ or __ 1lI1it r.te) 18Lakesllore Dr. Dlal.A-Prayer nae Club Scholarship Fund Raiser Saturday, May 21, at the 882.5338 • Z4 Ilr. 882477 •• EBENEZER BAPTIST CHURCH Edsel & Eleanor Ford House will be Dr. John M. Duggan, TRAVEL NIGHT MEETING UNITED PRESBYTERIAN SPONSORED BY: president of Saint Mary's, located in Notre Dame, Ind. One THE GROSSE POINTE MINISTERlALASSOCIATlON FRIDAY, APRIL 29lh 7:30 P.M. of the nation's oldest Catholic colleges for women, it draws heavily from The Pointe area in terms of alumnae and TOUR HOST Dr Joseph Spagnoli The Grosse Pointe current students. DISCUSSion of European Tour Itinerary Congregationa I '< ST. MICHAEL'. CHRIST CHURCH Two options are available for this gala evening. Number and EPISCOPAL I~ ,,' INCLUDES CHURCH Round Inp oufwu from DwoII LGIId IraruptH14llO" One, at $30 per person, provides a SIt-down dinner at 6: 30 American Baptist ~ ~ ~~ ~~, 61 Grosse Pomte Blvd. Haku Jleol6 Ta.. Gu. OM Adnwuwnl p.m., a tour of the Ford House at 8 p.m., a champagne and 20475 SUMlIIgdale Park Church Groue Palate Woods 't-. :k~t, I&~~l TOUR HOST' Dr Joseph SpagnolI. hors d'oeuvres reception and live music for dancing. Num- Hll ( haltonlf" ill lolhrop PnnclpGl Gro.. ~ Po,llIc Soulll HWA ScAool 884-4820 DBPOSIT,300 pi ... '16 Gppl~ file ber Two, at $20 per person, provides everything BUT the 9 30 & 11 15 8 00 a m Holy EucharISt The Episcopal Church Welcomes YOll FIIIGl PoyrM'" dll6 Jloy 8. 1M3 sit-down dinner (you can always pick up a burger and fries 9 30 a m Bible Study For Details and InrofJlUldon Call 779-6111 on-the-way; just be careful not to drip ketchup on your (Nursery Available) Pnnclpal SUYlces: Spo1UOrwJ by "Family 1030 am ASSUMP'TlON CULllJRAL CENTI!Jt party clothes). senlIment Choral Eucharist and 9 15 a m Holy Euchall5t & Church School lIul Sprmon Sunday School THE CULTURAL HEJUTAOE All.IANCI! TOl1U Judy Gavoor may be contacted at 851-0692for reserva- GenesIs 45 1-9 II 15 a m Morning Prayer and Sermon Weekday Euchanst Holy EuchallSl - flrsl Sunda) tions and further information on both options. 9 30 a m Tuesday In/lint, (lire prOVIded - both sen IUS Cnb room fa<:'llJltes 9A M FIRST SATURDA Y Chrysanthemum Society to meet Church School at Other services - Holy EucharlSl 9 30 only Reclor Roben E. NeUy ~ 30 pm Salurday The Greater DetrOit Chrysan- open to the public Lookmg For Friendship 8 00 a m - Sunday themum Society meets thiSSunday, Dr Ro' R Ilulrh('on and Bible Teachmg' 9 30 a m - Tuesday ARPIN FURS May 1, at 2 p.m. 10 the Community The society's annual Chrysan- Rl Jdck E <;1,11('< Room of the Tel-Twelve Mall where themum Plant Sale ISscheduled for of Windsor Angie Ratledge, Wayne County Saturday, Mav 28, from 9 a.m to Co-op Extension Service hortlCul. 4 p.m at the home of Mr and Mrs Grosse Pointe Woods Redeemer Joseph Neaton, 22653Nona, Dear- tUrIst, will present a program on United Pllr Spl'dnli.~tli for "Soils and InsectiCides" and Paul born (east of Telegraph Road and PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH II?! LAk[~OIH'f1 ,.,,. K!"CMIVAL Over .5 7 }'enr.~ E Machuga, the society's horticul- south of MIChIganAvenue), where 19950 Mack Avenue (t Methodist Glto.lr ,"OIN'T1 Jll'AIIIK Church ture chairman, wIll report on "The society members Will be pottmg (hallway between Moross and Vernier Aoads) Proper Way to Plant and FertIlize over 5,000rooted cUlllngs the week AA6 -tl/)() LAY-AWAY Mums" The meetmg IS free and of May 9 930 EDUCATION HOUR 20571 Vermer Harper Woods (1) For Adults, Youth 884-2035 and ChIldren _ Worship Servtce NOW! * Asking Questions and Not Getting Answers? 11'00 WORSHIP Sunday School 9 15 a m Church SChool Take Adnntage Children's Learning Center and 10 30 a m Wor<;!1,p 1030 am * Looking for a Church that Cares about People? Nursery PrOVided Rev Don Llchtenfelt Ralph H Brown. Pastor of our low COME GROW WITH US DIal a Prayer 884-r069 Church Phone * Want to be Excited about going to Church! 822-3323 prf-sea.~on prirfs . , , Come Worship With Us! GROSSE POINTE St. Paul Ev. First English FIRST CHURCH OF UNITARIAN 4,') Lutheran Ev. Lutheran UNDERSTANDING NO INTEREST CHURCH .ItI .~ Church Church 1178 AUDUBON ~~:T~~~ at GROSSE POINTE Charges 'ill Fall! Church ServIce :. ' 881-6670 VernIer Road at WAR MEMORIAL Reilgloll~ EducatIOn ~ : Challontt and Wedge wood Dnve. Dury and Sales (A Non denominational Fellowship of Believers) , -';- Lothrop llOOAM Gro~se Pomte Woods .10 am Interpreung the Tax Refunded Worship 884.5040 Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. "WE HOLD Bible Into Today's L1V1ng Full PremIum on 9 15 family Service WorshIp and Church Amerrcan Funds f Sunday Evening 8:00 p.m. THESE TRUTHS" llAM SChool - 9 15 a m N~ prayer help or 11~101 Nursery 9 15 &: 11 A M Children's Sunday School 10:30 a.m. The Rev Hrooks Walker Church WorshIp other aclly,tles call 8112S327 Sunday School 9 15 -118m 484 PEUSSIER ST., WINDSOR 171'>0 \lallml'l' OR <;ARAH SOLAOA anrl Midweek Study Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Rev Kenneth R Lenlz. Pial F Keppler, PI.lor her mlll~~ters llRl 0420 Hln, 1-519-253.5612 21760 RAVEN ROAD. EAST DETROIT MICHIGAN 48021 • (313) 776-2120 Janet Marvar. VICar Mark ,lUll. PilI« lirE aVIIl.ble DAilY 9 to 5:30 Rev. Scott G. Slocum - Pastor 772-8279 .. •

Thursday, April 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine-B Pointe Real,:Estate Exchange ~ l/.~ / HE :PROPERTIES, LISTED ON THISE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY ,«<.t M~"BIR.<'Q" THE G"~'~ ~lflTE< REAL ESTATE EXCHANGI' @

FIRST OFFERING - Immaculate Enghsh style Colomal on a double lot m a prime Park locatIOn The lIst of amemtles and features on thIs offermg IS qUIte extensIve A beautiful patio and heated pool, well landscaped grounds and cIrcular driveway hlghlJght the exterIOr while m!rlde you fmd spacIous rooms beautifully decorated and ready for you to move m and enJoy Call us today for addJtlOnal detaIls GROSSE POINTE SHORES - Custom built by Mast, thIS elegant Colomal located on Oxford Road IS HEAR Just a few steps from Lakeshore Drive GROSSE POINTE PARK - ExceptIOnal famIly home, four bedrooms, two baths, Mutschler kItchen AN EXPERT and ready for ImmedIate occupancy Well prIced In the low 80's GROSSE POINTE WOODS COLONIAL - Two spacIous bedrooms and cozy famdy room A great starter \\,Ith a r"ali",th .. plll.t! $Q4,OOO 1443 YORKSHIRE - Charmmg English Collage, 3 bedrooms, 1% baths, spacious den, beautiful modem kitchen Great value under $80,000 ON 1531OXFORD ROAD - We believe thIS IS the best value 10 Grosse Pomte at only $124,900 Compare 3 bedrooms, 2112baths, center entrance Colomal, famdy room WIth cathedral celhng, wet bar and fireplace Terms are avaIlable CERTIFICATES FIRST LUXURY CONDO IN HARBOR SPRINGS - ThIS 3 bedroom, 2% bath townhouse IS fully furmshed OFFERING and beautIfully decorated and makes sense for both mvestment and vacatIOn mmded buyers, OF only $103,000 Call today PRIME LOCATION' SPACIOUS HOME' For your JO>.pectlOndeSIgned With dJstlOctlOn has gracIOus INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - Grosse Pomte CIty Two-Family - Assume 8% % mortgage on thIS 1 OCCUPANCY entry, large !lvmg and dmJOg rooms, paneled hbrary, family room, four bedrooms, 4 2 baths, redwood brick 5/5 Flat WIth separate furnaces and utlhtles Call for details deck Extra corner lot mcluded Call for detaIls $164,900 933 WASHINGTON ROAD - A graceful blendmg of old fashIOned charm and leaded glass wmdows with a modern kItchen and tasteful decor throughout ThIS 3 bedroom, 1% bath Colonial also has Located on deSirable street 10 the FARMS Updated to perfectIOn ~tep-down hVlOg room off entry, a fourth bedroom and attic storage on the third floor, a large yard WIth a screened porch and & large dmmg room WIth bay, hbrary, Idrge famIly room, 5 bedrooms, 3% bath>. ASSUMPTION much more It's a great buy at $89,500 Stop by Sunday Call for details $220,000

OPEN SUNDAY 2:00-5:00 Colomal m location close to shopplOg, hospital, transportatIOn Foyer, hvmg room, dJOlOg room WIth COMMON bay and fireplace, 3 bedrooms, p~ baths Dehghtful courtyard for summer pleasure $99,500 1617 Brys 933 Washmgton PLUMBING & Your ImagmatlOn can take over on thiS home nestled m a private yard located close to Village Call one of our ASSOCiates for your housmg needs Llvmg room, dmmg clrea, den, 2 bedroom>., 2 full baths, 2 car garage. screened and covered Youngblood patlO $65,000 Thomas R Youngblood Betty Vmgl ELECTRICAL James P. FablCk Non Fury RcaUy,nc. Forget yard work With thiS very DIce CONDO Foyer, hVlng and dJmng rooms. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, Kenneth Kosovec Trudy Rhoades PROBLEMS ASSUMABLE $98,900 BIll Warren Thomas Gould Paul Pierron JudIth MIller A sheer delight t All so fresh 100kIOg WIth New England flavor Llvmg and dmlng rooms, famIly room WIth fIreplace, bUllt-m oven and range, dIshwasher, 3 bedrooms, 2% baths Completely fenced yard With patiO, gas gnll. $105,500 •

Space for large family wonderfully mamtamed LIving and dJmng rooms, famIly room, 5 bedrooms, MONDAY. 21h baths, recreatIOn room with fireplace Budt to endure $109,000 1ST OFFERING - Three bedroom 1If.! bath Colo.- BERKSHIRE - Del1ghUul Engllsh Tudor WIth MAY 2 Starter home WIth ImmedIate occupancy Llvmg and dmmg room, 3 bedrooms, many Improved mal on Allard De!lghUuI famuy room With pool Ltbrary plus 2li rt fanuly room Four features ASSUMABLE at only $33,900 fireplace 50 foot lot, recreatIon room, central bedrooms 2% baths plus bedroom & bath on air 3rd RecreatIon room, central air 7:30 p~ SUNDA Y .OPEN 2.5 1ST OFFERING - Four bedroom 2'h bath Colo- HARVARD - Near Warre-n m Detroit Three bed- 289 Moross - ThIS bnck home IS mstantly appeahng Has been Immaculately mamtamed Llvmg mal. Den, fanuly room overlooks slate patIO & room Engltsh Interior freshly pamted ;';cwer room WIth dmmg "L", kItchen bUIlt-lOS, den/bedroom, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, recreallon room With pool WIth pooLhouse RecreatIon room, central roof & alummum mm Storms & screens wet bar, fireplace and lav Beaullful yard $119,900 air, attached garage KERBY ROAD - Near Kercheval Four bed- 1ST OFFERING - Four bedroom 2% bath En- rooms 21h bath Colonial FamJly room, central BROWNELL PLEASE CALL ghsh on Beaupre near Kenwood Updated air 72x146 lot kItchen, screened terrace, recreatlon room, 3 LAKE SHORE LANE - Three bedroom custom SCHOOL car garage. ranch. FlOrida room, recreatIon room WIth • 1ST OFFERING - Three bedroom Cape Cod on lav. 2 car attached garage BOrt lot TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES/gO KERCHEVAL/884-6200 1 FISher Road UI the Farms Needs work but LAKEVIEW - Four bedroom 2 h bath resIdence CAFETERIA priced at only $67,500 in the Farms on 5Ox29510t 17x14faml1y room, wood deck & g~ grill Great locatIOn LOCHMOOB BOULEVAAD ..;,:':Four 'bedroom 2¥.t bath Cape Cod Lmrary & 1st floor bedroom I Tiled terrace & slate pabo, recreatJon room NO CHARGE " WIth fIreplace & paneled games room m basement Attached garage. LENNON - In Harper Woods on dead end street DON'T WAIT - THAT "BETTER TIME TO BUY" IS HERE! near 1-94 & grade school Three bedroom ranch Good closet space Grosse Pointe HOME OUR NEWEST OFFERINGS INCLUDE ... schools $52,000or lease at $45O'month CHARMING CAPE COD on quiet cuI de sac offers 5 bedrooms, 2'h baths. central aIr and a beautiful LEXJNGTON - Three bedroom 2 bath seml- OWNERSHIP large site

" /" ,

83 Kercheval Avenue ------'<-'_\-:~ Kr'l'rIf "llnrli\~1 "",,:; ~~ """",I,'/'illl: I'('f)ph~ "lIomr Ollnl'r\hip I l A l r o I S ia Ihr Pf)iJltr~" "f"/ hou,lw."t • i :JfI , fa Mrllllnrll \rhflfll IIffiB1E 1t';lh inm~i""'io,, ~~ Tltm hnil rhar~r MAXON 886-3400 GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GROSSE POINTE WOODS B2 Kercheval 884-0600 16610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881-6300 -,---- f

I ~

I Page Ten.8 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~day, Apnl 28, 1983

John S. Goodman, Inc. JIM SAROS AGENCY, INC. Real Estate Since 1951 20817 MACK 884-5280 0n1u~ at . ~.-"'21f HAWTHORNE 886-3060 lOCHMOOR 15231 WINDMILL POINTE DR OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ~ GROSSE POINTE WOODS Updated thru.out' Five bedrooms, 3 full baths, OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Roomy Bungalow at 505 Hollywood With an ex- 2 half baths, modern kitchen, study, ce~tral alr, cellent floor plan &: locatIOn Nicely decl)- family room, beautiful rec room With fire- 188 LAKEVIEW - Great location on this ~5 mcome in Grosse Pomte rated Three bedrooms down With expan- place Beautiful natural woodwork and stamed r .. HilI> Tvtdlly u~mvJdcJ ..llJ tcfUI btl>ht:d, hUl!jc lvt & mOT," Sion space 011 2nd floor New roof &: drive glass Slate roof 2101 VAN ANTWERP - Cutest colomal m Grosse Pomte Woods New Cozy fanuly room - all for $99,500. Mutschler kitchen, fireplace &: nicely decorated. GROSSE POINTE FARMS 21419PRESTWICK - Super Value. Three bedroom ranch In a great loca- MUir Road - Three bedrooms, 21/2baths fam- hon in Harper Woods Large kitchen, finished basement, fireplace ily room, 1st floor laundry Baseme~t re- BY APPOINTMENT creation room, recently reduced to $107,500 1617 S RENAUD GROSSE POINTE WOODS DANBURY LANE - A touch of New England on this clean colomal m DETROIT Mack-S Mlle Area Harper Woods Wooden deck, Pointe schools &: more Engbsh Tudor m pTlme condItIOn on Whitehill OPEN SUNDA Y 2-5 CENTURY 21 LOCH MOOR IS looking for three l1censed brokers who are - Three bedrooms, large hvmg &: dImng Drasllcally reduced to $99,90011 Immaculate 3 bedroom brick semi-ranch, Mutschler kitchen, famlbar with the Grosse Pointes Call JOSEPH MAURICIO for a confi- rooms, new drive - a must see With a new den, 2'h baths, attached 21/2car garage Beautiful tree filled lot dential mterview We offer you the best commission program in the area price of $43,900 bar none and Grosse Pointe EXchange exposure for your lIstmgs East Jefferson - Sharp Condo m Shorelme 19905KINGSVILLE East, 1 bedroom, 1 bath ZiP downtown In HARPER WOODS minutes, enJoy the River and good bUilding Moross-I-94 Area security $45,900 OPEN SATURDAY 2-5 EAST DETROIT A FIRST OFFER! Beautiful home on double lot Nat fireplace, famtly room, fm basement, excellent condillon, 2 car garage With auto door opener $43,500 CFVA OPEN SATURDAY Normandy Avenue, Neat &: cozy 2 story home, 4 2-5. bedrooms, freshly decorated! Don't miss out on this excellent buy at $39,900 RIVARD - A first offermg1 Gorgeous 2 famtly near Jefferson. SIX rooms upstairs, 5 rooms down- stairs, separate utll1t1es Priced to sell at $105,000 Shown by appointment

775 UNIVERSITY - Three bedroom bnck Bungalow, sharp decor, great family room and modern kitchen, much more Shown by appointment SINE REALTY 22544 MASONIC - 1st floor condo, 2 bedrooms, Ph baths, private basement, $90 maintenance fee •.. IT'S WORTH YOUR Tfj\fE Great area of St Clair Shores Call for an appomtment TO CALL SINE .•. 22 WEBBER PLACE - UNBELIEVABLE 23 ROOM ESTATE. TOO MANY FEATURES TO LIST GROSSE POINTE WOODS CALL FOR A PRIVATE SHOWING" Beautiful bungalow on Stanhope - 2 bedrooms down -1 large bedroom up - Florida room - Close to schools, Church and shopping - Quick oc- JIM SAROS AGENCY, INC. cupancy Cust9m buill Ranch m Star of the Sea area - 3 886-9030 bedrooms - Ilh baths - Country kitchen with nook - Formal dining room - FamIly room - Natural fireplace - Patio - Air - 2% car garage. Prestwick - 4 bedrooms - 2lh baths - on extra large lot Large kitchen - attached garage - Family room - Must see

. t •• f'~ II 'I •• ~ 10011 1,1 1111 II .m 1:1,111" lnR (11 .. ( j l.< Illd _110.. b:fi - " ... i'r'* 'JOI q SINE iREAlTV""ij HUMI \"\u \ ...... Ull\ ..... I MULTILIST SERVICE fl' FARMS OFFICE 884-7000' ~

( 1 Borland Associates II '~ • /W4 / I ...... COMING SOON!! : s, 1::: HEAR the


HAMPTON - Attractive 4BR Georgian CoI- ELM COURT - 6BR In thiS contemporary INCOME omal with great super-sized family room flalred well-built Colomal. New kitchen, w/FP. Large screened porch. fam. rm , deck w/hot tub BERKSHIRE - Beautiful 5 BR AmeTican Col- GRA YTON - Larger size 4 BR Colomal - TAX onial w/fieldstone front Enclosed porch to Ideal location. Central air, family room All lovely yard Panelled lib Terms 1 HILLCREST - Stunning 3 BR Ranch With ex- KERBY - Convement location Adaptable sIZe cltmg features Adaptable floor plan. Two • Bungalow - Great room sizes - good for natural FP ImmedIate occupancy starters! STEPHENS - SpacIous 4 BR Semi-Ranch Two mortgages GRA \;TON - Best buy on this moderately fuIl baths. Huge modem ktt w/dmmg area priced 4 BR Colomal near schools &: shop- Fam. rm, paneled rec room ping. Roomy kitchen w/brk rm Natural MT. VERNON - Very clean 1lh story brick woodwork and leaded glass Bungalow All kit appllances Pme paneled • BY APPOI NTMENT BY APPOINTMENT den Could be 3rd bedroom McMILLAN - Cnsp roomy Colonial. Master 1ST OFFERING - Prnne locatIOn I Located on VAN K - One of everyone's favonte loca- MOORLAND - Family entertammg and fun all BR suite w/dressing room &: bath Family land tIOns BordeTlng Grosse Pomte Shores Offermg summer long m thIS exciting 4 BR Colomal Sunnmgdale Center entrance Colomal com- room WIth vaulted ceiling, natural wood pletely redecorated WIth new family room 4 large bedrooms, 2% baths, family room with With huge family room Freshly decorated beams, large FP with raised hearth &: open Four bedrooms, 2th baths, library, brIght kit- fireplace. slate foyer Marble sills, pallo Interior. natural wood bookshelves contracts chen Ceramic tile In entrance hall and foyer Screened gazebo In yard Tiled basement Cop- Brand new sprmkler system m front yard Cen- per plumbmg A very clean house ready and SUNDAY OPEN HOUSES tral air A decorator's show place waIting for you' 542 BRIARCLIFF _ Luxurious 5 bedroom newer Colomal- has It ALL' First floor offlceiden, • laundry, family room Circular drive, sprmklers! city codes 1033 BISHOP _ Excellent buy! 3,000 sq ft Spamsh Colomal 4 BR, 3th bath, library, great kitchen' Two car attached garage, attIc fan, tmmaculate Must see 65 HAWTHORNE _ Very reasonably priced 3 8R Semi-Ranch With large paneled famIly room • - Sellers will look at all offers

607 MIDDLESEX _ CHAMPAGNE! Nothmg but the best to mcrease your enJoyment of thIS real estate outstandmg :l{4 bedroom home completely redecorated &: updated law Openmgs available for Grosse Pointe Residen- OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 tial Specialists in expandmg office. Excellent bonus and commission structure, indepth on- 1928PRESTWICK - Cheerful and bnght 3 bed- 1070 HAMPTON - Just Reduced' Charm, ex- the-Job trainzng, back up fcrellitU!s. Well lo- room Coloma I offermg 1% baths, hardwood cellent decor and perfect condition accurately floors and wet plaster Natural fireplace Eat- descrtbe thiS 3 bedroom Bungalow Features cated offu:e with parking. Confidential in- Ing space m kItchen Formal dmmg room Tiled mclude, It~ baths, new kitchen, new Windows, quiri€s - Alke Boyer Schultes - Broker. basement 2th car garage WIth ?Uached heated custom wmdow treatments, new furnace and room PTlced at $78,000 aIr conditioning. new roof Also reaturlng fam. BROWNELL Ily room, rec room BY APPOINTMENT SCHOOL LAKEPOINTE, Income Alice Boyer Schultes, Realtor Dmah Murphy $ 64,900 Mananne Pear LAKE SHORE, G P S $278,000 Sally Horton 1389Bryc; $ 68,500 Sue Seward MARYLAND, Colomal $ 38,500 Cmdy KefWln 686 BIrch Ln $175,000 881-8900 Charles Trowbridge OLD HOMESTEAD, H W $ 92,800 Paula Moore • 884.5700 978 Westchester $ 77,500 WAYBURN, Bungalow $ 25,900 710 NOTRE DAME to reserve 20451Dammon, H W. $ 59,900 RIDGEMONT, Ranch $ 51,400 Thursday, April 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven.8

A HOME WITH CHARACTER William J. Champion & Company OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5:00 *FIRST OFFERING - 21225 THIELE - ST CLAIR SHORES Ranch WIth 3 bedrooms, 11h baths, first floor iaundry room, family room With natural fIreplace, sprmkler system and a 2"h car garage Land Contract terms offered

*FIRST OFFERL~G 3911 THREE ~nLE - A DETROIT Ct:TIE \'t,ll, 3 LW1UVIlll), IJ,.z baths, kitchen With breakfast area, dlnmg room, hvmg room WIth natural fireplace and FHNVA terms available

988 LINCOLN - FRESH DECOR highhghts thIS Bungalow ill super location 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, Flonda room, lIving room With natural fireplace and a tile roof

1222 BUCKINGHAM - WILL TRADE thiS completely restored Enghsh for a smaller home In the Grosse POInte area ThIS home has 5 bedrooms, 31~ baths, family room, 2 natural fIreplaces and beautiful wood detail

EnJoy old world charm with modern day conveniences in this 436 ROLAND - CHARMING COLONIAL With 4 bedrooms, Ph baths, faml1y room with natural completely renovated Colonial. Lots of hving space including fIreplace, 2 car garage, central air and terms I separate entrance maid quarters and separate entrance mother- in-law apartment Three bedrooms, country kitchen, finished 19201RAYMOND - COLONIAL IN EXCELLENT condItion offers 3 bedrooms, Ith baths, brand new basement, 2 natural fireplaces, 2 car attached garage and much, family room, recreatIon room In the basement, 2 car garage and In move-In condition more Value at $119,000 (G-I06) BY APPOINTMENT 886-4200 *FIRST OFFERING - ONE BLOCK FROM THE VILLAGE. this condomInIum offers 3 bed. rooms, 2lf.! baths, a thIrd floor bedroom and bath, lIbrary, freshly decorated and newer carpet. ing

Ichwelzere~BettSfnes. BEACONSFIELD ... 4 faml1y flat With 2 bedrooms each, good mcome $114,000 Reol E/tote,lnc, I I iIfIII Hand Gardens BEDFORD.. 3 bedrooms, 21h baths, family room, 2 car garage ... $110,000. N. DEEPLANDS ... 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 lavs, fanuly room, hbrary, more $270,000. GREENLEAF 3 bedrooms, utility room, excellent condItion $40,900 E. JEFFERSON . 3 bedroom condo, comer unit, garage . $69,900 KENSINGTON .. 2+ bedrooms, natural fIreplace, utility room, clean $32,000 LAKELAND ... 9 bedrooms, 4lf.! baths, family room, more. . $250,000. LINCOLN 3 bedrooms, family room, newer kitchen, natural fIreplace .. $92,000. NEFF ... 2 bedroom flat, den, Flonda room, excellent conditIon $148,000 E. OUTER DRIVE. 2 bedrooms, natural fireplaces, 2lf.! car garage .. $29,900 S. OXFORD ... 3 bedrooms, 2lh baths, family room, hbrary, sprmkler system. $187,500 STRONGMAN & ASSOCIATES PEMBERTON.. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 lavs, family room, 3 car garage $95,000 ROXBURY ... 3 bedroom Bungalow, newer furnace, natural fireplace PRICE REDUCED TO Delightful 3 bedroom, 2lf.! bath Colonial in good locatIon - features ultra modern lutchen, family $30,900 room plus recreation room WIth full bath and wet bar. . ST. PAUL. 3 bedrooms, llf.! bath townhouse, central air $92,000 Four bedroom, 2lf.! bath Colonial with gigantic family room (21X28), ma

Page Ten.8 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, Apnl 28, 1983

John S. Goodman, Inc. JIM SAROS AGENCY, INC. 20817 MACK Real Estate Since 1951 884-5280 at Ontur21 HAWTHORNE 886-3060 LOCHMOOR 15231WINDMILL POINTE DR OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ~ GROSSE POINTE WOODS Updated thru-out! Five bedrooms, 3 full baths, OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 Roomy Bungalow at 505 Hollywood with an ex- 2 half baths, modern kitchen. study, central air, cellent floor plan & location Nicely deco- family room, beautiful rec room with fire- 188 LAKEVIEW - Great location on thiS 515 Income In Grosse Pomte rated Three bedrooms down With expan- place Beautiful natural woodwork and stamed Farms Totally remodeled and refurb!shed, huge lot & more :>1011:>pdce 011 ~ud Hoor New roof & drive glass Slate roof 2101 VAN ANTWERP - Cutest colomal in Grosse Pointe Woods. New Cozy famdy room - all for $99,500 Mutschler Iutchen, fireplace &: nicely decorated GROSSE POINTE FARMS 21419 PRESTWICK - Super Value Three bedroom ranch In a great loca- MUir Road - Three bedrooms, 2lh baths, fam- tIOn In Harper Woods. Large kitchen, finIShed basement, fireplace dy room, 1st floor laundry Basement re- BY APPOINTMENT creatIon room, recently reduced to $107,500 1617 S RENAUD GROSSE POINTE WOODS DANBURY LANE - A touch of New England on this clean coloma I m DETROIT Mack-8 Mlle Area Harper Woods Wooden deck, Pointe schools &: more Engbsh Tudor m prime condItion on WhltehJ11 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 CENTURY 21 LOCHMOOR is looking for three licensed brokers who are - Three bedrooms, large lIvmg & d1mng Drastically reduced to $99,900' , Immaculate 3 bedroom brick semi-ranch, Mutschler kitchen, famIliar With the Grosse Pointes Call JOSEPH MAURICIO for a COnfi- rooms, new drIve - a must see With a new den, 21,.2baths, attached 21h car garage BeautIful tree fllled lot dential mtervlew. We offer you the best commiSSion program in the area price of $43,900 bar none and Grosse Pointe Exchange exposure for your hslings East Jefferson - Sharp Condo In Shorelme 19905 KINGSVILLE East, 1 bedroom, 1 bath ZiP downtown m HARPER WOODS minutes, enjoy the River and good bUlldmg Moross-I-94 Area securIty $45,900 OPEN SATURDAY 2-5 EAST DETROIT A FIRST OFFER I Beautiful home on double lot Nat fireplace, famlly room, fIR basement, excellent cond1t1on, 2 car garage With auto door opener $43,500 CFVA OPEN SATURDAY Normandy Avenue, Neat & cozy 2 story home, 4 2-5 bedrooms, freshly decorated! Don't mIss out on this excellent buy at $39,900 , \ RIVARD - A first offermg! Gorgeous 2 famlly near Jefferson Six rooms upstaIrs, 5 rooms down- stairs, separate utllltles Priced to sell at $105,000 Shown by appointment.

775 UNIVERSITY - Three bedroom brick Bungalow, sharp decor, great family room and modern kitchen, much more Shown by appomtment SINE REALTY 22544 MASONIC - 1st floor condo, 2 bedrooms, Ilh baths, prIvate basement, $90 maintenance fee . . . . IT'S WORTH YOUR TfME Great area of St Clair Shores Call for an appomtment TO CALL SINE •.• 22 WEBBER PLACE - UNBELIEVABLE 23 ROOM ESTATE TOO MANY FEATURES TO LIST GROSSE POINTE WOODS CALL FOR A PRIVATE SHOWING I I Beautiful bungalow on Stanhope - 2 bedrooms down -1 large bedroom up - Florida room - Close to schools, Church and shopping - Qwck oc- JIM SAROS AGENCY, INC. cupancy Cust9m bwlt Ranch 10 Star of the Sea area - 3 886-9030 bedrooms - 11h baths - Country kitchen with nook - Formal dinmg room - Family room - Natural fireplace - PatIo - Air - 21hcar garage Prestwlck - 4 bedrooms - 2lh baths - on extra large lot Large kitchen - attached garage - Family room - Must see

"j • , . .,11 UI "ll • ~ 1(1011id 1111 J [)1 "",,,, ,~s; In,,, • ""II! ",," <" ri -- .~~ a~ 101 " SINE IREAtlY HOKI ,"' .. ""'''if .\.t, MULTILIST SERVICE FARMS OFFICE 884-7000

Borland Associates II /N' ' ( • 9~\ COMING SOON!! ,:t;W HEAR the


HAMPTON - Attractive 4BR Georgian Col- ELM COURT - 6BR in this contemporary INCOME onial With great super-sized family room flaired well-buIlt Coloma!. New kitchen, w/FP. Large screened porch fam rm, deck w/hot tub BERKSHIRE - BeautIful 5 BR AmerIcan Col- GRAYTON - Larger size 4 BR Colonial - TAX omal w/fleldstone front Enclosed porch to IcleallocatIon Central air, family room All lovely yard Panelled hb Terms! HILLCREST - Stunnmg 3 BR Ranch WIth ex- KERBY - Convenient locatlon. Adaptable Size cItIng features Adaptable floor plan. Two • Bungalow - Great room sizes - good for natural FP Immediate occupancy starters I STEPHENS - SpacIous 4 BR semI-Ranch Two mortgages GRA YTON - Best buy on thiS moderately full baths. Huge modern kit. w/dimng area pnced 4 BR Colomal near schools &: shop- Fam. rm , paneled rec room. ping. Roomy kitchen w/brk rm. Natural MT. VERNON - Very clean Ilh story brick woodwork and leaded glass Bungalow. All kit appliances Pme paneled • BY APPOINTMENT BY APPOINTMENT den. Could be 3rd bedroom McMILLAN - Crisp roomy Colonial. Master 1ST OFFERING - Prime location I Located on VAN K - One of everyone's faVOrite loca- MOORLAND - Family entertammg and fun all BR suite w/dressing room &: bath Family land Sunningdale Center entrance Colomal com tions Bordermg Grosse POinte Shores Offering summer long in thiS eXCItIng 4 BR Colomal room with vaulted ceiling, natural wood 1 With huge family room Freshly decorated pletely redecorated WIth new family room 4 large bedrooms, 2 h baths, family room With beams, large FP with raIsed hearth &: open Four bedrooms, 21h baths, library, bright kit- Interior fireplace, slate foyer Marble sills, patio natural wood bookshelves contracts chen Ceramic tile in entrance hall and foyer Screened gazebo In yard Tiled basement Cop- Brand new sprinkler system In front yard Cen- per plumbing A very clean house ready and SUNDAY OPEN HOUSES tral air A decorator's show place waltmg for you' 542 BRIARCLIFF - Luxunous 5 bedroom newer Colorual- has It ALL! First floor offIce/den, • laundry, famIly room Circular dnve, sprinklers!

1033 BISHOP - Excellent bUyl 3,000 sq ft Spamsh Colomal 4 BR, 3~i! bath, hbrary, great city codes kitchen' Two car attached garage, attic fan, Immaculate Must see 65 HAWTHORNE - Very reasonably pnced 3 BR Semi-Ranch With large paneled family room • _ Sellers wIll look at aU offers

607 MIDDLESEX - CHAMPAGNE! Nothmg but the best to Increase your enjoyment of thiS real estate outstandmg 31'4bedroom home completely redecorated &: updated law Openings available for Grosse Poznte Residen- tial Specialists in expanding office. Excellent OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 bonus and commission structure, indepth on- 1928PRESTWICK - Cheerful and bnght 3 bed- 1070 HAMPTON - Just Reduced! Charm ex- the-job trainmg, back up facilitz.es. Well lo- room Coloma I offering Ilh baths, hardwood cellent decor and perfect condItion accur~tely floors and wet plaster Natural fireplace Eat- describe thiS 3 bedroom Bungalow Features cated offu:e with parking. Confidential in- mg space 10 kitchen Formal dmlng room Tiled Include, ]lh haths, new kitchen, new Windows, quirks - Alice Boyer Schultes - Broker. basement 2% car garage With attached heated custom wmdow treatments, new furnace and room Priced at $78,000 aIr condltlomng, new roof Also featurmg fam- BROWNELL Ily room, rec room BY APPOINTMENT SCHOOL LAKE POINTE, Income Ahce Boyer Schultes, Realtor Dmah Murphy $ 64.900 LAKE SHORE, G P S Sally Horton Marianne Pear $278,000 1389 Brys $ 68,506 MARYLAND, Coloma I Cindy Kerwtn Sue Seward $ 38,500 686 Birch Ln $175,000 OLD HOMESTEAD, H W Paula Moore 881-8900• Charles Trowbridge $ 92.800 884.5700 $ 77,500 710 NOTRE DAME 978 Westchester WAYBURN, Bungalow $ 25,900 to reserve 20451 Dammon, H W $ 59,900 RIDGEMONT, Ranch $ 51,400

Crt * Thursday, April 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven-B

A HOME WITH CHARACTER William J. Champion & Company OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5:00 • FIRST OFFERING - 21225 THIELE - ST CLAIR SHORES Ranch with 3 bedrooms, lIf.z baths, first floor laundry room, family room WIth natural fIreplace, sprinkler system and a 21f.zcar garage Land Contract terms offered

.FIRST OFFERING - 3911 THREE lVIILF - 0\ DFTRO!T CtTTIE With 3 bedrooms, 11~ baths, kitchen WIth breakfast area, dmmg room, hving room With natural fireplace and FHA/VA terms available.

988 LINCOLN - FRESH DECOR highlights thIS Bungalow In super location 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, Florida room, ltvmg room WIth natural fIreplace and a tile roof

1222 BUCKINGHAM - WILL TRADE thiS completely restored English for a smaller home in the Grosse Pomte area ThiS home has 5 bedrooms, 31h baths, family room, 2 natural fireplaces and beautiful wood detail

Enjoy old world charm with modem day convemences In tms 436 ROLAND - CHARMING COLONIAL WIth 4 bedrooms, Ilh baths, faml1y room WIth natural completely renovated Colonial Lots of living space including fIreplace, 2 car garage, central air and terms I separate entrance maid quarters and separate entrance mother- ill-law apartment Three bedrooms, country kitchen, finished 19201RAYMOND - COLONIAL IN EXCELLENT condttlon offers 3 bedrooms, Ilh baths, brand new basement, 2 natural fireplaces, 2 car attached garage and much' lamtly room, recreation room in the basement, 2 car garage and 10 move-In condition. more. Value at $119,000. (G-I06) BY APPOINTMENT 886-4200 .FIRST OFFERING - ONE BLOCK FROM THE VILLAGE thIS condominium offers 3 bed- rooms, 2lh baths, a third floor bedroom and bath, library, freshly decorated and newer carpet- 109 Ichweltzere~BettSfnesR BEACONSFIELD .. 4 family flat With 2 bedrooms each, good Income. . $114,000. Real Ettate, Inc. I I ifIIHand Gardens BEDFORD. 3 bedrooms, 21h baths, family room, 2 car garage .. $110,000 N DEEPLANDS. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 lavs, famIly room, lIbrary, more. $170,000. GREENLEAF 3 bedrooms, utility room, excellent condition . $40,900 E. JEFFERSON . 3 bedroom condo, corner umt, garage . $69,900 KENSINGTON .. 2+ bedrooms, natural fireplace, utlhty room, clean ... $32,000. LAKELAND .. 9 bedrooms, 41f.zbaths, falllily room, more $250,000. LINCOLN 3 bedrooms, family room, newer kItchen, natural fIreplace $92,000 NEFF .. 2 bedroom flat, den, Florida room, excellent condition $148,000. E. OUTER DRIVE. 2 bedrooms, natural fireplaces, 2lh car garage $29,900 S. OXFORD 3 bedrooms, 2~ baths, famIly room, lIbrary, spnnkler system .. $187,500. STRONGMAN & ASSOCIATES PEMBERTON 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 lavs. family room, 3 car garage .. $95,000. ROXBURY .. 3 bedroom Bungalow, newer furnace, natural fIreplace. PRICE REDUCED TO Delightful 3 bedroom, 2lh bath Colomal in good location - features ultra modern kitchen, family $30,900. room plus recreation room with full bath and wet bar. . ST. PAUL.. 3 bedrooms, llh bath townhouse, central air $92,000 Four bedroom 2lh bath Colonial with gigantIc family room (21X28), modem kitchen, super sauna, SHOREPOINTE 2 bedrooms, IJ,2 baths, sitting room, central air $110,000 private stilis to extra large master bedroom - ~ust see t~ appreciate. . . THREE MILE ... 5 bedrooms, 3lh baths, hbrary, family room.. $210,000. 2-year-old 2 bedroom Ranch With security system, Circular dnve, attached garage, library With WAYBURN .. 3 bedroom Bungalow, freshly pamted, newer kitchen ... $29,500. bookshelves - perfect for couple or singles. Best buy in condos - offermg 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, library, attached garage, recreation room, Mary C Bodlun Shirley Kennedy ultimate in security - immediate occupancy. Margaret Breltenbecher Lorrame Kirchner Sally Clarke Evelyne Rupp GraCi OWl Colonial with library and garden room with great view - the kitchen is modern, the master Reserve Mondays! Manan Dod~e Barbara Simpson bedroom has dressmg room and bath - add 3 more family bedrooms and utility room on 2nd Dorothy Healy Jean Wakely floor plus studio on 3rd floor. "Home Ownersbip Diane Kelly Cherie Pme Well-maintained brick Ilh Story Bungalow - has modern kitchen, dinette, Florida room and full Cathy ChampIOn Dillaman, !3roker basement - allowance m pnce for garage. in the Pointes" 1700 sq feet in Grosse Pointe for $55900- has spacious living room an~f41.ning room on 1st floor i 7:30 p,m. BroneH Sdtoel 1-- - ~ plus modem kitchenJ .... motber.u;.law apartment on 2nd Door - littlE. maintenance and weJI- - WII. J. maintained. 'nitre is II tUrge LoCATED "ON THE InLI:" Member of the Charming older home that has been remodeled - the paneled family room has beamed ceiling and Grosse POInte Real Estate Exchangll and In Grosae POlDte Farms oversized fireplace - master bedroom, sitting room bath plus bedroom and bath on 1st floor Macomb Board of Realtors - 3 bedrooms, play room and sitting room on 2nd floor - Terrific! across from Perry Drugs' ~PJllion Delrolt Board of Realtors $32,900 takes this fine little Bungalow on Kenosha - has 2 bedrooms and bath down plus bedroom up 102 KeR:h~Va~ 884. 57 - 1 car detached garage. l ooj Nicely decorated IJ,2 Story Bungalow - living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms and bath down - - - - 15x22 bedroom up - finished basement and IJ,2 car garage. Close to X-way and Eastland - Harper Woods - 2 bedroom Ranch with family room, attached garage and large lot. Detroit - Outer Drive close to Mack - delightful Ranch with attached and detached garage - add central au, modern kitchen, 2 bedrooms, family room and lots more - priced at $46,900. HEAR You Should Know That ... the "Home Ownership in the Pointes" - that popular series is back! It brings you the EXPERTS experts on mortgages, land contracts, in- come tax considerations, certificates of 881-0800 ON occupancy. Reserve now by phoning 884- SfRonCimdn 5700. Nocharge. fllIUOClnD..llK.llfATOft REAL ESTATE • MARKETING CONSULTANTS INCOME TAX TOLES & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY APPOINTMENT BY APPOINTMENT • FIRST OFFERING GROSSE POINTE FARMS - For the executive who wants a home in a special location Country French manse in cul-de-sac, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths plus 2 ltve-m help rooms and bath, 25x42 Colomal featurmg a spacIOus paneled lib- studio liVing room, modern kitchen and bathrooms, 6 fll'eplaces, central air Exceptionally mortgages rary, a cozy den and a large heated garden decorated, 3 car detached garage With apartment above. 25x5S healed pool Immediate occu- pancy. room. Seven bedrooms, 4'1.!baths and cen- tral air Two family mcome frontmg Jefferson at corner of Harcourt With three bedrooms and two baths on 599 RIVARD - Famlly room, hbrary, master each floor, plus owner's first floor faml1y room Three car attached garage Owner's unit vacant • sUite WIth beamed cathedral cel1mg, three Five year land contract avaJ.1able PrIced at $149,500 (Great tax advantage) other bedrooms and 2lh baths, finished Well maIntained. move m condition story and a half m Grosse Pointe Woods near Allard exit from basement 1.94 Four bedrooms, bath and a half, family room $74,900. land STEPHENS NEAR KERCHEVAL - Beautiful FantastiC view of Lake St Clair, five bedrooms each WIth private bathrooms, Mutschler kitchen, large library With wet bar and fireplace. Soulhern Colomal With a New Orleans ac- cent Library. faml1y room, first floor bed- A unique 5 bedroom, 31f.zbath English Tudor Large step-


-.- ..-- Thursday, April 28, 1983 Page Twelve-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS


1 ;.~ 'REA~ IITATE ,E~iCHA"Ge F -'i' :AI" v" v-

GREAT SPRINGTIME VALUES Open Sunday 2-5 Come see usl Handyman Special - 1088 Lakepomte - HistorIC VICtorian whItehouse on beautiful spacIous lot m Grosse Pomte Park, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage, price reduced l33 Mc;Klnley _ In the Farms - Four bedrooms, 21h baths, den, Wide lot, 10 HUHI "0 \ ""'IU .\ ..... fireplace lIVing room, rear porch Price reduced $92,000 1403 Kensington - New England style colomal, marble foyer, kitchen With breakfast area bUlIt-m, .. bedrooms, 21h baths, solarium TERMS or FHA FINANCING, 12lh%, 30 yrs Vacant 4lt11,-haJfl/ule - Chelll1,mg Ranch, nc\\l:; decorated, bUIlt by ('OX & B~ker Many new features, glassed porch, two fIreplaces, 2 bed- rooms, bath, rec room, Pella wmdows, fenced yard Borland••Associates II BY APPOINTMENT 2033 LOCHMOOR - Grosse POinte Woods Charming center entrance COMING SOON!! Colomal, natural hardwood floors. 3 bedrooms, only $75,000 assum- able mortgage GROSSE POINTE CITY - Offered to settle estate. BTick center entrance colomal, 3 bedrooms, extra room on 1st floor $62,500 314 Hilcrest - In the Farms - Sharp Bungalow, 3 bedrooms, new kItchen, new carpeting Only $69,500 UC Terms. Rent $700'month WIth option Englehardt- St. Clair Shores - Sharp 2bedroom ranch, family room, 2car - garage, assumable mortgage Only $63,500. Commercial Property - 160' near Eastland $179,000 alll1s- tleen IChW~~!~'~lmII!~~' Q REALTORS CALL ONE OF OUR REPRESENTATIVES 1wo names you can trust 17646 MACK 886-4444

Schweitzer Sets Sales Record! Schweitzer Real E.tate/Better Home. and Garden. reported a I record .ale. month In March..•over 23 MillionDollar. created In HflPm \IBnrtlHI FIRST OFFERI NG FIRST OFFERING real e.tate .ale.n .. tloml' OM nt'rship in lhl' Pf}inlr~" In comparison to March of 1982, sales volume Increased over 131% and the number of properties listed Increased by 94%. The result was the hIghest sales volume In the i:3n p.• 8rfllWnrll~hool company's 20 year hlstoryl 111m h nR rb"rJ:' The Indication Is that the change In economy Isvery positive and real estate sales ere on the Increase. Now Is the time to buy. Schweitzer Reel Estate/Better Homes and Gardens, as the aggressive leader In the Detroit Metropolitan erea, Is In the position to successfully handle all of your reel estate needs. Call the professionals at eny of the 16 sales offices.

/ CUL.DE.SAC .,. New kitchen, new family room, 3 bedrooms. IJ,2 baths. $86,900

,-" 'j k.

226 KENWOOD CT. OPEN SUNDAY "AN ARCHITECTUAL POEM." The charm THE MILUON DOLLAR VIEW IS FREE! and character of England IS captured in this Charming Colomal situated on a beautiful hill- magniticent Tudor Spacious family room over- HEAR top location of the Farms Stately trees shade looks a large brick patio &: professionally land. the home &I the beautiful brick patio Spacious scaped yard Ideal location between Beaupre &I AN EXPERT Five bedroom, 31h bath, paneled library, extra Four bedroom, 21h bath, hbrary WIth fireplace master sUite with large balcony which offers CharlevoIX In the Farms. Priced at $139,700 Wide lot, hardwood floors Attached garage, porch this marvelous view A special home $159,500 <0-125) 88&-4200. (F-{)98) 886-5800

LUXURIOUS CONDO This 2 bedroom 2 bath Condo In prestigious Shore1.Jne East offers It alll ON Beautiful View, close to downtown, Tight on the DetrOit Riverfront &I across from historic Indian Village 1200sq. rt of glonous hving area. Valet parking, central all', all app1.Jances Immediate CERTIFI CATES occupancy $74,900 (G-076) 886-4200 349 HILLCREST - Grosse Pointe Farms Newer custom bUilt Colonial in superb condition SpacIous open feellng Family room, profeSSIOnally finished recreation room First Offering! $85,000 OF (F.088) 88&-5800 "OPEN SUNDAY" 1051 SOMERSET, Grosse POinte Park ThiS first offering has LC terms With 20% down Lovely 4 OCCUPANCY bedroom, 2 full bath home With liVing room &I natural ftreplace, formal dmmg room, large kitchen &. family room Many extras' $76,500 (G-123) 886-4200 GARY LANE in the Shores Townhouse Condo at Lakeshore Village First offering with country club hVlng' Pool, clubhouse, -updated kitchen, fresh decor Assumable mortgage. $45,900. (F.096) & 886-5800 SIX bedrooms, 3% baths, library, central air, G P Shores, 4 bedroom, 2% baths, family EXCUISITE 2 Bedroom Townhouse With an Ideal locatIOn m the Shores Very effiCient With large excellent condition room, fireplace m breakfast room kltchen/dmmg room combo, newer carpeting &. drapes, central air, alarm system, attached carport New offermg at $69,900 (G-128) 886.4200 COMMON WALK TO LAKE Great starter or rehree home on very large prIvate lot of Lincoln, Grosse Pomte City A new offering With natural fireplace, bay Window m liVIng room, kItchen With eatmg area, & screened porch $94,900 (F..()92) 886-5800 PLUMBING OVERLOOKS LOCHMOOR Golf Course in the Woods Perfect home for the goUers! Well mamtained 3 bedroom ranch Updated kitchen, paneled &I hIed basement Well insulated First offering' ELECTRICAL $61,900 <0-124) 886-4200 2000 OXFORD - Smartly decorated famdy home Will all the essentlals In the Woods. Features large PROBLEMS wood deck In back yard, completely updated kitchen, 4 bedrooms, Ph baths $69,900.

21127 Hunt Club, Harper Woods 68() Hampton, Grosse Pte Woods 1114 Bedford, Grosse Pte Park 2121 Loch moor , Grosse Pte Woods BROWNELL 1139 Lakepomte, Grosse Pte Park 1912 Presllck, Grosse Pte Woods 8() Wtlhson, Grosse Fte Shores 22489 BenJamin, St Clair Shores SCHOOL 1168 Brys. Grosse Pte Woods 349 Hillcrest, Grosse Pte Farms 21640 Eastbrook Ct Grosse Pte Woods 1081Manan Ct Grosse Pte Woods 17610 Mack Ave (Condo) G P City 317 Moran, Grosse Pte Farms CAFETERIA

FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CALL OR COME IN OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 9 a.m.-9 p.m. and 4661 WORCHESTER DR Condo near Lake THE SYrA~lORES CIty of Grosse Pomte 9:30-5:30 SAT. and SUN. NO CHARGE ~lde Mall (Hall and GarCleld) off .Jcffer~on near CadIeux Model home!! and hlllldable lot~ GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE GROSSE POINTE FARMS OFFICE 886.4200 118-5100 HOME OUT.Of-AREA, CALL TOLL FREE 1-1000247-5200 Ixl. 33 OWNERSHIP [H Fifteen Offlc •• In Four Countl •• REALTOR. "MICHIGAN'S FLORIDA BROKER" SERIES


--.------Thursday, April 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen-B

Spring cleaning is OUT... but Spring learn- Grosse Pointe Real Estate ing is IN. Come to "Home Ownership in the I Puillh:~" a ~parkling ~edt~, bringing }UU Exchange.emo.,. the experts on topics of UTMOSTinterest to Borland Associates Jim 88fO$ Agency of Earl Keirn Realty all home owners! Mondays at 7:30 p.m., Schuttes Ree.' Estate Wm. J. Ct,ampion through May 9. No charge. Phone 884-5700 aco. ~.rReaU:stafe,lnc.l to reserve. Century 21 LochmQ


NEW OFFERING ... 529 PEMBERTON. Just SIX homes from t~e marvelous ~aclhties of its lakefront park, on a lovely tree- lined street, thiS delightfUl English fanuly home just exudes chann. From the spacious entrance hall the downstairs rooms pivot beautifull'y Plus four family bedr~ms, library, breakfast FIRST OFFERING - Immaculate 4-5 bedroom NEAR LAKE - Handsome Enghsh Tudor near FIRST OFFERING - Farms $148,000, 3% room, formal dmmg room, etc. Excellent financmg options _ and home In great location Den plus updated WmdmIlI Pte. Architectural features mclude baths, large (2OX12) new country kitchen, such an easy commute to downtown. Bring the family thIS SUn- kItchen with carlan counters, 2 full baths, 21avs leaded glass, bay WIndows, carved stone fire- paneled library, beautifully decorated day Priced in the high $12O's. GUARDIAN HOME WARRANTY. place, 4 bedrooms, 2% baths, library and fam- are also updated, move-in conditIon lIy room Priced to sell at $159,900. 64 RADNOR CIRCLE .. one of the Farms most sought after ,.. ,. GREAT SELECTION locations This choice English home offers 2 bedrooms and .. bath on the first floor plus 3 more WIth bath & large sittIng area upstairs. FIrst floor laundry, lovely yard Lots more. SOMETHING FOR Come see It all on SUnday EVERYONE 851 S BRYS . a welcome additIon to a one-story Ranch style livmg. BrIck & aluminum extenor with thermo.casement THREE BEDROOM HOMES wmdows makes this 7 room home almost care.free Nice Meadow Lane $112,500 French family room plus super rec. room In the 90's. Excellent Merriweather $ 95,500 Georgetown financing See it Sunday. Beaufalt $ 70,000 Bungalow Moross $ 67,500 Ranch GROSSE POINTE SCHOOLS serve 20521 LANCASTER _ and the Falrholme $ 81,900 Semi-Ranch pnce has Just been reduced to $54,900. Owner IS anxIous to . Colonial Ct $ 74,000 Cape Cod sell this sharp 3 bedroom bnck & aluminum home In Harper . Hollywood $ 48,500 Ranch Woods It's a great buy - Do come to see us .- Nottmgham $ 64,900 Semi-Ranch FIsher $ 84,900 Colomal DELIGHTFUL ENGLISH - with turret, one of BY APPOINTMENT - CALL 886-3800 Raymond $ 76,000 Colomal the Farms most pnvate and lovehest streets Exclusive Farms address between G P Blvd and Lakeshore A Mt Vernon $ 87,900 Colomal Features 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, den, and brIck INTERIOR DESIGN SHOWHOUSE - The best marvelous family home with lots of rooms to explore. Exclt- Severn $ 99,900 Colomal screen terrace With flagstone. of everything In thiS magnificently decorated Buckingham $ 85,900 Colonial mg architectural details, 1st floor laundry, updated kitchen and mamtaIned Colomal. Five bedrooms, 31,2 Vernier $ 58,500 Cape Cod MUCH MORE I Call for detatls baths and many Special features such as cent- Moran $ 73,900 Enghsh ral air spnnkler system, beautiful extensive Grayton $ 89,000 Colonial FARMS COLONIAL Beautiful carpet & condition. Three bed- landscaping Call for additional details FOUR BEDROOM HOMES rooms, alum SIding, extras $95,000 Willow Tree PI $220,000 Colomal Bishop $ 99,900 Colomal TOWNHOUSE 10 G.P. City' SpacIous rooms, absolutely charm- Barrmgton $ 67,900 Bungalow mg Tudor $89,900 Simple assumption or Land Contract Roland Ct $ 81,000 Colomal WHITTIER - German Half-Timber, handsome famlly home Grand MaraiS $ 99,000 Colomal near Jefferson Large rooms, panelling, fireplaces Call ~ Vernier $ 80,900 Colomal 3800 for your appointment Lakepomte $ 53,000 Bungalow Kensmgton $114,900 Colomal SOMERSET - Three Incomes from $76,000 to $86,500 Tax shel- Lakepointe $109,000 Colomal ter' Kenwood Ct $149,000 Colomal 543 Pemberton $159,000 Eng1Jsh BISHOP - ManslOll With income producmg carriage house Washmgton $ 93,000 EnglIsh Somerset $ 81,900 Semi-Ranch Richard E Borland, Sr Jessica Keatton Elame L Borland Bobble Ligan FlVE-SIX BEDROOM HOMES Richard E Borland, Jr Paul LocrlChlO WmdmJlI Pte Dr $230,000 English PRICE REDUCED - QUiet, dead end court In Helen Connolly Jill McBride Mernweather $195,000 Colomal central Farms location, 2100 sq ft, 4 bed- Marilyn CotJcchio Joyce Sanders Lakeland $172,500 Colomal rooms, paneled family room, recreatIOn room Kay Cunningham Bruce Sanders Buckingham $169,000 Colomal Make offer Mary de Manlgold Nancy Schumaker Balfour $115,000 Me

Page Fourteen-B Feature .. , Thursday, April 28, 1983

f!J-Otnfe Pointer of Counter POlnts Interest _ by Pat Rousseau By Janet Mueller Special Mom .. /1 1Mom and Super Mom are three "1 thmk It'Sfun. I knowIt's a lot of of the new 14K gold charms Edmund T. Ahee Jewelers work - probably more than Iorigi- has specially for Mother's Day. See them at 20139 nally asked for - but If you do it Mack at Oxford. Open Fridays until 8 p.m .... 886- every year, It does get easier. " 4600. For the past two years, William F Zoufal has chaired the Auction por- • • • tion of F ash Bash, the annual Offer Mother A Chou;e ... A glft certificate fashIOn,!auctlOnI great good time from The Pointe Fashwns will glUeher a selec- event sponsored by the Junior tion of dresses, suits, handbags, Jewelry, acces- CounCil of the Founders Society sones and perfume. No charge for alt~ratwns Detroit Institute of Arts to benefit ... 15112 Kercheval. museum programs • * • ThiS year, he's sharmg the gen- ~oth"r Will Lll.." ..... g:."t orj.,;;clr, tr

..I, Section C Sports & classifieds Thursday, April 28, 1983 'Triple threat' U olD honors for Palumbo By Peggy O'Connor They don't make football players like they used to There aren't any more triple-threats, no stalwart 17a- pounders who can play the two.team system. There aren't We join ace autograph hunter Merlin Parkim and his ""is. many people who can even re- tant Billll on their hunt through the wilch of profeBBional8port. member what the two-team sy. . . . in 8earch of the elusive autograph. stem is

\ Ed Palumbo can He played MERLIN PARKINS: "Well, BIlly, I hope you are pre- safety on defense in the two- pared. This autograph safari may turn out to be the most team system mitiated by Uni- dangerous hunting trip of all. We're going after the big versity of Detroit football coach game: Kirk Gibson. Some folks say he's the meanest, Gus DoraiS. He was a triple cagiest prey we autograph hounds will ever stalk. That's threat on offense: he could run, why people claim the Gibson autograph is rare." pass and kick better than most And he did all of that and more BILL Y: "But 1 thought the Gibson was one of the kind- during some of the best years est, most gentle of the autograph species I have a friend of U of D football. who said KIrk was really nice, he even patted my friend on A spacious parking lot now the head when .. " occupies the football stadium PARKINS: "That's just legend, Billy. In reality, the wild grounds where Palumbo per- formed his football magic be- Gibson is just too unpredictable to approach without benefit tween 1935 and 1939. College of safety precautions. Did you bring the stuff I told you to football has long-since forgotten bring?" about triple threat players and 17a-poundhalfbacks. But U of D PhoIo by Tom Gr--..ood BILLY: "Yes, but I really feel kind of funny about these Palumbo. holding his favorite photo: one of old No.5 breaking through an "unbelievably" things, Mr. Parkins. Couldn't we just ... " never forgets, and it ~dn't this year, honoring the Woods' Ed open hole in the line. PARKINS: "Nonsense, Billy. Run through the checklist Palumbo by inducting him into with me now. Okay, how about the bullhorn to shout at the seventh University of Det- those days, that's the way you saw They had a Hawauan kid Stars who played the Philadel- Gibson as loud as we possibly can?" roit Sports Hall of Fame class did It," Palumbo says. who could Jump like some of phia Eagles. His performance in ceremonies held April 14. these basketball players do in that game got him a spot on BILL Y: "Check." HIS BEST GAME was today and 1 had to cover him. the Shrine All-Star team which Ed Palumbo hasn't forgotten against Tulsa in 1938 when he Dorais told me to stick to him played the New York Giants in PARKINS: "And the list of crude things to shout at him about those days, either. tossed three touchdown passes - to follow him into the ladies' September, 1939 It was, as it when it looks like he isn't paying attention?" and ran in for two more scores room If that's where he went turned out, a pretty good car- "I broke in as a sophomore His most memorable game was against Manhattan College. 1 eer for a guy who wasn't even BILLY: "Check." touchdown pass led U of D to "We beat 'em, 7-6." recruited for college football. threw two touchdown passes an upset victorv over Santa PARKINS: "Did you remember the elbow pads and and hit Andy Farkas With one Palumbo followed that per. Palumbo lettered In track, to beat a great Duquesne team, Clara~ knocking the Cahforma formance WIth two All-Star spiked shoes to help us get past any inexperienced adoles- school out of a post-season ! basketball and football at cents who get in our way?" 14-7.1 could throw on a run or I bowl game appearances; the first in Cathedral Latin High School, an could pivot and throw - only August, 1939 as a member of all-boys' school of 3,000 in BILLY: "Yes, but ... " about one in 100 could do that "Santa Clara was unbeaten the Philadelphia Inquirer, All- And we played both ways - in It was the biggest team 1 ever American Eastern College AlI- lq_,.,- • INTRODUCING FRESH CHOICE IOWA BEEF Instructors "I thInk thiS chmc IS ~ett alumnus, also teamed up Wlth _ hqolth.,. • • l)

Neighborhood 000 ends ,ViI/age of grosse 'Pointe cSJxwes basketball season ORDINANCE NO. 159 The Neighborhood Club's youth Ladles finished the regular season An Ordinanee to amend Article I 01 Ordinance No. 80 of the Village 01 Graue Pointe Shores, said Ordinance belli "All Ordinance to regulate basketball leagues ended their with a record of 4-7. The Chicks seasons last month with tourna- and restrict the location 01 trades and industries and the location of build. ended their season with an 8-3 re- ings desigoed for lipeCified uses, to regulate and determine the arc of ment games for grades four cord and the championship. yardl, courts and other open spaces, to limit and restrict the maximum through 12. More than 500 players The High School League turned number of families which may be housed in dwellings hereafter erected or participated on 57 teams. In the out to be quite competitive, with altered and for said purposes to divide the Village into districts. to provide high school league alone there the Jungleers taking the top hone a method of administration, and to prescribe the penalties for the violation were 17teams. In all, more than 250 ors with a record of 12-1. In play- of its provisions; to repeal all other ordinances or parts of ordmances games were played from January off action, the teams were divided inconsistent bereWlth." to March. into two tournaments, the In the fourth grade Collegiate N.C.A A. and the N.I.T. In the The Village of Grosse Pointe Shores ordains: League, InOl:.-adioiDinJl lots ~ Julie Boyt in the 100 meter dash, Catliy Trombley ana~BiU'tf Gl1'b\iX, may be' eesenI6a1'"ft1f ck'!Ilerftilnlng ~r t1te"Pmtsloils 'of tb1l!i. Carin Seyler, !D the hurdles, and the high jump team of Ordinance are being observed. - Theresa'Schulte in.the high jump 'Theresa Schulte, Adele lfliNatale and Nancy Solterisch in the 3200 (5) Existing aDd p'roposed grades to an extent necessary to allow the and Betsey Meagher each placed Building Department and the Village Engineer to properly de- (two mile) run; each girl turned in their events. termine the results of the proposed work. In her personal best. Other South runners adding to At Port Huron Northern, South's the final score were Kathy B. U the proposed excavation, construction. moving or alteration. or distance runners had the best day, Mastroianni, Kelly Riehl and use 01 land, as set forth in the application are in conformity with ~he takIng two fIrst place finishes, two Karen Campbell. South has dual provisions of this Ordinance, the Building Inspector shall issue a zODlng The Neighborhood Club's Midi League (seventh and eighth grade second place fmishes and one' meets against East Detroit and compliance permit. U any application for such permit is not approved, the girls) title went to the Chicks. The Ladies earned runner-up honors. third place in the distance relays. North and competes in the Central Building Inspector shall state in writing on the appltcation the cause for Tourney participants included. from left to right. (front row) Leslie The girls also scored points in Michigan Relays on April 30. such disapproval. Issuance of a permit shall in no case be construed as Wininger, Melissa Pechonick, Mary Lex, Micbelle Zrimec, Julie Cook, three other relays. South took a waiving any provisions of this Ordinance. Kim Camirand. Cristin Cromar, Susan Jaeger; (second row) Debbie second place overall finish as 24 C. The Building Inspector Is, under no circumstances, permitted to Miller, Beth Trupiano, Beth Keys, Brenda Mollahan, Laura Bingaman, Class A, B and C schools compete National honors grant exceptions to the actual meaning of any clause, order or regulation, Debbie Wilson. Chris Kutscher. Andrea Gustafson and Christen Gagne: ed in the Relays. contained in the Ordinance to any person making application to excavate, (top row) coaches Frank Tatomir. Art Miller, Don Cook, Bob Kutscher for Valerle Stone construct, move, alter or use either buildings, structures or land within and John Gustafson. South's distance medley team of senior Val Stone, sophomores Not many cheerleaders ever re- the Village. Barb Giroux and Meg Moisen and ceIve national recognition - but D. The Building Inspector is, under no circumstances, permitted to freshman Nancy Solterisch, broke Grosse Pointe South High School make changes to this Ordinance nor to vary the terms of this Ordinance in the meet record in this event with cheerleader Valerie Jean Stone carrying out his duties as Building Inspector. a 13:36.8. Earlier, those four had has done just that. smashed the 9600 meter relay re- Secd.O&lZ. PERMITS. The following shan apply in the issuance of any Valerie has been recognized by permit: cord by one full minute. the United States Achievement Stone and Moisen teamed up Academy as a 1983 National A. Permits Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to com- With semor Sarah Bernard and Award winner In cheerleading. menee excavation for, or construction of any building structure, or mov- Ing of an existing building without first obtaining a building permit from the Building Inspector. No permit shall be issued for the construction, alteration or remodeling of any building or structure until an application Village of (irosse 'Pointe ~hores has been submitted in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, showing that the construction proposed is in compliance with the provi- ORDINANCE NO. 157 sions of this Ordinance and with the Building Code. No plumbing, electrical, drainage or other permit shall be issued until An Ordinance to amend Article VI of Ordinance No ~ of the Vl1lage the Building Inspector has determined that the plans and designated use of Grosse Pointe Shores, said Ordinance being "An Ordinance to regulate mdicate that the structure and premises, if constructed as planned and and restrict the locahon of trades and mdustries and the location of build- proposed. will conform to the provisions of this Ordinance. lOgs designed for SpecIfied uses, to regulate and determine the arc of yards courts and other open spaces. to limit and restnct the maxJ.mum Section 3. INSPECTIONS AND TIME LIMITS ON HOW LONG num~r of famihes which may be housed in dwellings hereafter erected or PERMITS WOULD BE VALID. altered and for said purposes to divide the dwellings hereafter erected or altered and for sald purposes to divide the Village into districts, to provide In order to insure compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance, The Midgie League basketball title went to the Neighborhood Club the Building Inspector will be notified as construction or alteration reach- a method of adrrunistratIon, and to prescribe the penaltIes for the violation es the following stages: tournament champion Rockets. with the Spirits as runners-up. Tour- of its proviSIOns, to repeal all other ordinances or parts of ordinances nament participants included. from left to rigbt (front row) Dana Paull. mconsistent hereWIth." 1. Prior to completion of the footings and prior to the erection of any Lynn Shere. Stacey West. Robin Olson. Marllnda Wilcher, Tina Toth, The Village of Grosse Pointe Shores ordams foundations. Darcey DeSmyter and Emily Ayrault; (second r01\l) Kim DeGregorio. the Lori Geist, Amy Hathaway. Sarah Verlinden, Erika Bentley. Sara Ar. Section 1. Article VI, Non-conforming Use; Section 603of Ordinance 2. Upon completion of all work authorized by building permit. bulu, Heather Adragna and Laurel Wolf; (top row) coaches John Cor- No. &l entitled Zomng Ordinance IS hereby amended to read as follows: Until inspection is completed, no further work shall be accom- nack, Daniel Holbrook. Linda Wilcher and Jackie Adragna. plished. At each Inspection, the Building Inspector shall Insure Section 663. Nothing in tlus ordinance shall prevent the repaIT, rem- that all work accomplished complies with the applicable provisions forcement or reconstruction of a non-conforming use, building, structure, of this Ordinance. U he determines that any provision of this or part thereof existIng al the effectIve date of tlus ordmance rendered Ordinance bas been violated, he shan immediately. suspend the GPHA names new officers necessary by wear and tear, deterioration or depreciation provided the building permit, and such suspension shall remain in effect until cost of such work shalt not exceed thirty percent of the assessed valuation correction of all violations shall have been approved by the Build- The electIon of new board Cass were new directors ap- of such bwldmg or structure at the time such work IS done mg Inspector. members and a reflection of the pointed to three year terms The 1982-83 season highlighted the complete board and members' Notlung In tlus Ordmance shall prevent the strengthemng of any build- 3 All permits not executed within 90 days after Issuance are void. Ing or wall declared unsafe by the Department of BwldIngs, Safety and Grosse POinte Hockey ASSOCia- area of responsibilIty follow Section.. FEES. tion's recent annual meetmg Samtary Engineering Dave Dennis; preSIdent, Brian SpeCial praise was expressed Section 604. Upon approval of the Zomng Board of Appeals, noncon- Fees for inspections and the issuance of perrruts or certificates or for the active c;upport from vol- Bessert, executIve vice-president; forming status, excel!! that any approval for structural changes, alterations copies thereof required or issued under the provisions of tJus Ordinance unteer parents and the fmancial Vicki Fuger, vice presldent- the Board hnds that failure to grant the relief would restrict valuable shall be collected by the Village Treasurer In advance of the issuance of regIstrar, Stuart Busse. secre- such permits or certificates assistance prOVided by area mer- benefits that the public ISdemed from the property as used in Its noncon- chan~ throughout the season tary, Dick Darke, treasurer. Dave Antonenko, referee director; formmg status, except that any approval for structural changes, alterations The amount of such fees shan be established by the Village Council, The GPHA hockey program at- or enlargement may be granted only Witha flndmg by the Board of Appeals from time to time, and shall cover the cost of inspection and supefVISi(\n tracted more than 400 boys and Judy Bessert, eqUipment, DICk that approval Willnot have an adverse effect on surroundmg property and Bohan, Ice blillng-MAHA from the enforcement of this Ordinance. The fees shall be paid to the girls thiS c;cac;on, With the Mite that It wIll be the minimum necessary to relieve the hardshIp General Fund of the Village of Grosse Pointe Shores program beIng the largest In More are Tom Bayko, Mite GPHA hlc,tory Groc;c;e Pointe house, Lance Gotfredson, SqL1rt Section 2. TIus Ordmance shall take effect twenty (20) days from its Secd.On2. nus Ordinanee shall take effect twenty (20) days from its day of passmg day of passing fielded community and travel house; AI Osborne, Pee Wee teams In each of the SIX age house; Rick Semack, Bantam Passed Apnl 19, 1983 Passed, April 19,1983 bracketc; Mites,S to 8, SqUirtS, 9 house, Carol Ugval, Midget Jun- to 10, Pee Wee, 11 to 12, Bantam, Iors; Bob Nesler, travel director, Approved. Apnl 19, 1983 Approved: April 19, 1913 13 to 14, ~lJdget, 15 to 16, and Jttn- JUlie Bourke, picture-roster; lor 17 to 20 RegistratIOn for next GERALD C. SCHROEDER, GERAlD C. SCHROEDER, Stt>phame Donaldson, tournament PRESIDENT season Will be held In September director, Dave Cass, publicity; PRESIDENT In the GPHA board elections, Mike RaJt, Ice scheduling, Ron JOHN R. NICHOLSON, JOHN R. NICHOLSON, Lance Gotfredson, AI Osborne, Warezak. spon'lor director. and G P.N - 4-2&-83 CLERK G.P.N. - 4-21-83 CLERK Stephame Donaldson and Dave Carol Semack. Mothers' Club

~ I Thursday, April 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-C ULS netters drop two U of D horwrs Woods' Palumbo Umversity Liggett SChool's ten- "We lost a couple of three-set (Continued from Page IC) nIS team had a tough time last matches that could have turned protested loudly that he ws not coached at S1. Ambrose, St. week, dropping two close thmgs around," commented ULS Cleveland, OhIo. He orIginally to tell me: 'If two men are matches. coach Bob Wood. "However, when mtended to play basketball at U open, hit Farkas.' " going to {>lay with "that guy" Charles and St. Leo That St who bit hIm Ambrose team won the city On AprIl 20, t~e Uni~ersity you are playmg this type of com- , of D unlJl he met Gus Liggett School varsIty tennIS team petition week In and week out, we Dorais. Andy Farkas, later an All- championship I used to get out Pro back With the NFL Wash- TRIPLE-THREAT PA- there with those kIds and play traveled to Ann Arbor Huron to can't expect to wm every match. "My roomate's father was a Ington Redskms, was Palum- LUMBO was drafted m the fIrst They'd really hurt me some- take on the second-ranked ream in We must be realistic and know class A The Kmghts, playing with that there Will be minor setbacks friend of a Ford dealer who bo's target in one particularly round by the then - Pittsburgh times and I'd just say: 'harder Aaron Krickstein, Steve Pack and along the way" was a buddy of Dorais' I met tough game ~gamst Duquesne. Pirates, but the pros were not next time.' DoraIs one Sunday and we "We were on our own 30 yard the place for a 170-pound back, Frank Croclata! lost a hard The Knights' schedule does not spent the next couple of hours line, I dropped out of the pocket even if he could bite "First of "I always have loved sports fought, 4-3 deCISIon. Ann Arbor get any easier On Wednesday, throwing the football around. and saw Farkas go into that all, my mother told me to go and I always WIll and won all four stogIes and ULS April 27, ULS hosted NO.2 ranked They asked me to tryout and tnangle (the way fields were back and fimsh school. Sec- there's not a thing wrong With swept the doubles. Wmners ~or Class A Brother Rice, (after p'ress that was the start of It. " marked at the tIme). I saw ondly, at 170 pounds I was top that." ULS were John PoliZZI and Brian time). Then on FrIday, AprIl 29, Hunt. No 1 doubles; George Hag- It'S off to East Grand Rapids to Palumbo says those hands - he had beautiful small for the pros; my forte They really don't make foot- hands - and I just drew him was passing and kIcking and garty and John MacLeod, No 2 participate In an inVItatIOnal. And the fimsh of It was a ball players like Ed Palumbo doubles; and KIrk Haggerty and T out and hIt him for the touch- that's for college anymore. They can't They great college football player for down" John Birgbauer, No 3 doubles rackmen open year threw away the mold. the U of D Titans and a hfetJme "The beating I took without a On Friday and Saturday, AprIl The ULS boys' track team full of memories for No 5- To say that Duquesne games facemask I'd stop and 23 and 24, ULS hosted Its fourth opened ItS regular season agamst Palumbo. like that one were tough IS re- think: what the hell IS a 170- annual Tournament of Champions Oakland ChristIan on Thursday, dundant. Duquesne's teams ThIS tournament featured seven April 21, WIth a 84-48 loss "Gus Dorais - what a guy! pound halfback domg takIng a were characterized by big beating from these 230-pound out of the top 10 teams in Mlchi- Senior Steve Jackson won the He was kmd of lIke Pop Warn- players who always meant bus- gan and 11 nationally-ranked 110 meter high hurdles, the 100 er He did thmgs passmg that guys? No, thanks," Palumbo Boat safety iness Manv were from recalls players ULS coach Bob Wood and dash, the 300 low hurdles and an- were ama.Gmg. And the SPIrit Pennsylvama's coal mines, coach€s of other partIcipatIng chored the 800 relay It was a he created on those teams was most were older than theIr Det. He also drew mterest from classes set teams felt this tournament was great effort by the team's only fantastic. But then you had rOlt counterparts and all of the New York Giants Philadel. the best hIgh school tournament senior. Sophomore Carl Bradley III Michigan boating season has ar- more SpIrIt college those them were tougher. It was dur- phia Eagles and t,he old NFL ever held In MIchIgan, and was was the second hIghest point-gett- days, and you didn't have the mg one of those games that Pa- Brooklyn Dodgers, but turned rived and with it comes the United better than any state tournament er fo,r the Knights, winning the mistakes. DoraiS' teams didn't lumbo the triple-threat became them down and after a five- States Coast Guard AUXIliary's because the state divides its long Jump, the 200 dash, and runn- make mental mIstakes." Palumbo the quadruple-threat. and-a-half year stint in the U S Safe Boatmg Class. tournament into three classes. ing a leg for the wmning 800 relay DORAIS' TEAMS ALSO had Army's anti-aircraft diVISIOn The St ClaIr Shores U.S C G A The ULS Tournament of Cham- team. Bradley also placed third in plenty of tough competition \ A Duquesne tackle by the statIOned In the Aleutians, he Flotilla 12-01 will present a Boat- pIOns had the best teams and the 100 dash. "We used to travel a lot be- name of Kritchfield broke settled down. He and his wife mg Safety and SeamanshIp Class players from all classes - and Other fine efforts came from cause DoraiS' teams were so through the line and applied a Mabel had three children and for Powerboaters on Monday when there are natIOnally-ranked j~mor JIm KItchen who ran the open people wanted to play us sort of choke hold to the then- Ed worked first as a sales re- evenings beginning May 16. The players playing in the consolation, fIrst leg of the 800 relay and We used a lot of double spin- 170 pound back Palumbo. The presentative for Graham Paper fee for the eight-week class which the competItion must be tough. placed second In the 110 high hur- ners . plays that were uni- big tackle held on for dear life Company and then for the takes place at Lakeview Tackle ULS fell two points shy of Ann dles. Sophomore Jack Ferris took que Dorais could throw a beau- ---;- until Palumbo sank the Chope-Stevens Paper Company and Sport Shop at 24317 Jefferson Arbor Huron. ULS' Aaron Krick- second in the pole vault and fourth part of hIS quadruple- Avenue, IS $14 for the first family tiful pass. He taught me to Palumbo retired in January, stem won the No 1 singles flight. freshman Tom Redmond placed threat talents, his teeth, into member and $7 for each addition- throw that soft ball, with your but still puts in a lot of time Ann Arbor Huron won the No.2, second In the high Jump while Kntchfield. He never used the al member. No 3 and No.4 SIngles while Blr. teammate Jim Cargas took third. finger on the end so the ball playing golf. He recently won move again, although he and mingham Brother Rice swept all Cargos also took a thIrd place in goes right where you want It to his flight in the Burning Tree The classes run from 6 to 9 p.m. hIS former teammates still joke three doubles. ULS' Steve Pack the 400 dash. John Hadjisky go." Country Club golf tournament and include boat handling, legal about it. Kritchfield, who didn't No 2 singles, John Ekelman, No: placed second in the 300 low hur- ("I've never been as proud of requirements, rules of the road, Most of the time during his think it was funny, complained 4 singles and George Haggarty dies and Norm Issa and Steve anything else," he says) and in charts and compass, piloting and career, Palumbo wanted - and in vain to the referee, who dId. and John MacLeod, No.2 doubles Vreeken placed third in the 200 m. general, trys to stay close to more. RegIstration begins the got - the ball to go to Andy And the big tackle, when find- lost in the finals of their respect~ dash and the 3200 run, respective- what he holds so dear: sports. night of the fIrst class Farkas. "He led the natIOn in ing himself on the same all-star ive flights The final team stand. ly. scoring and DoraIS always used team' as Palumbo a while later, "I missed it. That's why I Further informatlon may be ob- ings were as rbllows: Ann Arbor The .Kmghts have theIr youngest tained by calling 775-9547 Huron, 26; University Liggett, 24; team 10 recent history with only Brother Rice, 23, East Grand one senior and five Juniors on a Rapids, 15; Three Rivets, 12; squad dominated by freshmen and I~EtiIN 3177 Pointe athletes Catholic Central, 9; Kalamazoo sophomores. ULS' next meet is E. Jefferson make their mark Ley Norrix, 8 and Grosse Pointe Friday, AprIl 29 agamst Class D PAVILI(:)N North, 2. power Greenhills School A trio of Pointe Grosse Pointe athletes are making their presence known Soccer WHO MAKES RUNS FUN? at their respective colleges these days THE COTIAGE HOSPITAL OF GROSSE POINTE College of Wooster Association Join us at 1 p.m. Sunday, May 1, 1983 for the Finest Chinese-American Food Banquet FaCilities-Recently Remodeled freshman Dina Da- Cottage Hospital Auxiliary's 5K and 10K Fun Run/Walk HawaII Cocktail Lounge-Happy Hour Mon .Fn 3.7 p m jani, of the Park, News Get Entries at Cottage Hospital, HIli Area Merchants, opt" I!

o special effects including giant great cathedral and hiS love for lt1e SUN,MAV8 romp about an unconventional mar welghls Lee Canailto (who played one space ships almost as big as Manhat gypsy dancer Esmerelda Anthony rlage of convenience between a busy 01 Sylvesler Stallones brothers In tan Island Mind boggling I Hopkins has the lItle role of QuasI 8-10:30PM CBS(7 Central/Mountain) SAT APRil 30 career gal who desperately wanls to Paradise Alley) and Scott Frank, live modo Lesley Anne Down John Glel be a mother and a sportswriter who from AtlantiC City, New Jersey .. 11P.. CBS (8 Gentral/Mountaln) gud and Rober! Powell The gripping wanls some easy money Male calli 4-6PM NBC (3 Central/Mountain) story set In 151h BRONCO WED, MAY 11 GOLF Final round of the Liberty century PariS ha~ Mutual Legends of Golf from Texas lived for d 9-11PM CBS 8CenlraVMountaln) COWBOY century and a BILLY 7.8PM NBC (6 Gentral/Mollntaln) hall as a AMERICA'S HEROES: The Spofts JAMES BROLIN lestament 10 CLINT Chronicle A mix of human Interest the beauty of MURDER stones humorous poignant and the human EASTWOOD nostalgiC pieces and features about SPirit the great names In athletiCS High SONDRA IISEASY._~ lights Include SPllIt of Man, the story nf former major 'e3g~e pItcher Ma"~ 'WCKE ..1 Fydnch who realized a dream as the 1976 American League Rookie of the Year and then lost that dream SAT. MAY 7 1:30-3:30PM ABC (12 30Cenl/Mt) MON, MAY '/ WED, MAY 4 TENNIS The $500,000 Tournament of Champions, live from Ihe West 9-11PM NBC (8 Centra IIMountain) 9-11PM CBS (8 Central/Mountain} Side TenniS Club In Forest Hills, New V (Palt II) America under occupation, York With defending champion Ivan and how various people react 1'1 sun dry ways to a massive invading army Lendl and John McEnroe scheduled to compete that disrupts almost every aspect 01 SIADOW \ Amencan life as we know II Conclu 2PM.? NBC (t Central/Mountain) ding one of the most t\lchnlcally am- BASEBALL Game of the Week biliOUSminiseries In tele history BlDIIS California Angels al DetrOIt Tigers (Alternale Philadelphia at Montreal) 9-11PM ABC (8 Central/Mountain) 4:30-6PM ABC (3 30Cent IMount) COWBOY James Brolin IS a dlsll. TO. IUSloned teacher In an urban ghetlo who returns to the scene of hiS boy THERU. hood, hoPing to find peace and happi ness on a Western cattle ranch LEGS SILL 01 only to be met by hOStility and hatred faRTHE Ted Danson (Cheers) portrays a sea. soned ranch hand and hobbled ex GWEN VERDON rodeo rider who hires on as Brolin s JOHN HEARD RaSES mentor, but who manages to bring SHANNA REED about even more III Will SUN MAY 1 DEBORAH GEFFNER .. 11:12PM NBC (8 Central/Mountain) MAUREEN TEEFY LEGS Love and amblllOn clash as three beauttful gals compete for a spot on the world's sexiest chorus !rne -the RadiO City MUSIC Hall Rockettes With Verdon four time winner of Broadway's Tony, Heard (Wrll Thele Ever Be A Mornmg7), Reed (Dancm' and A Chorus Lme), Geffner (All That JIZZ and A Chows Line) and Teefy {Fame and Grenelll THOROUGHBRED RACING The TUES, MAY 3 SAT, MAY 7 Kentucky Derby the l09th Run for Ihe Roses live from histOriC Churchill 9-11PM CBS (8 Central/Mountain) 9-11PM CBS (8 Central/Mountain) Downs In LOUISVille,Kentucky Com- TIME AFTER TIME Malcolm Mc menlators Jim McKay, Jack Whitaker Dowell Mary Steenburgen and DaVid and Howard Cosellare JOined by Bill Warner In a clever suspense drama Hartack, one of the all.tlme Jockey about the elUSive Jack the Ripper BUNCH- greats, ViCtOriOUSIn flve(l) Kentucky who escapes through time 10contem. SA T • APRil 30 Derbys and three Preakness Slakes porary San FranCISco closely pur- 1PM',? NBC (12NoonCentl/ojlounl,) , sued by Ills pal H G Wells Close the GJ8MEBAU ... cGalrie> of lhe Weelr- T BACKOF blinds It'SgrlSlyl Crrme after Cllmel l Houston Astros at Philadelphia 12:30-2:30PM ABC (1130Cen1lMt) Phlilies TENNIS Tournament of Champions NOftIE 3:»SPM ABC (2 30CenlraliMount) from Forest Hills, New York PRO BOWLERS TOUR 2:30-SPM ABC {1 30Cent /Mount) V (Part I) After Initially being stunned, 4-6PM NBC (3CenlraIIMountaln) FOOTBALL Live coverage of a the people of Earth welcome with DAME GOLF Seml-flnal round of the liberty Unlled States Football League game open arms legions of al,en vlsllors Mutual Legends of Golf, from OnIOn to be deCided upon CheCK local from deep space who appear to be ANTHONY Creek Country Club In Austm, Texas listings lor game In your area human and claim to be on a mission of peace Cast Includes Marc Singer, PERKINS SUN, MAY 1 4-8PM NBC (3CentraI/Mountam) Faye Grant, Jane Badler, Michael SPORTSWORLD MASCAR auto 1-4PM NBC{12 Noon GentrallMount ) racing the Talladega 500 from Ala. Durrell, Peter Nelson, DaVid Packer, THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE SUZANNE PlESHETTE BOXING 10.round bouts between bama sumQ wrestling grand tourna- Neva Patterson, Jenny Sullivan, Blair DAME Victor Hugo's claSSIC about Oil OERARD light heavyweights DaVid Sears and ment from Tokyo, Japan (Tape) Telkln and Michael Wnght Dazzling the deformed bell ringer of Paris's HELP WANTED: MALE A comedy Bob Jennings, followed by heavy cD 5/83 CONDONOVANAS.'5OCIATESINC SNElL FUJIT" DESIGN PROGRAMS LISTED ARE CHOSEN AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF CORNELIUS DONOVAN ASSOCIATES. INC /

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health,

CI Lorrllard USA 11183 10 mg, "tIf". 09 mg nicotine ~ per cigarette by FTC method

) :_Thursday, April 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five-C

Call 882-6900 CLASSIFIED ADS 6 Trunk Lines to Serye You Quirkly

1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELJt WANTED GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL PRAYER TO THE TYPING - term papers, re- INDEX TO CLASSIFIED OFFERED ORIENTAL RUGS BEE AS healthy as you can HOLY SPIRIT sumes, manuscnpts, short WANTED LEGAL Secretary - tho- PERSON needed for cleamng Holy Spint, you who makE stones, etc For Inform- roughly experIenced for and dehvenng applIances bee with Honey Bee Pollen one or many I legal NatlCe 12D Lake and R,ver Properl y senIor partner m Grosse UIstrlbutors needed 839- me see everyttung and wh( atIon call 881-4164 121 CommerCial Properly Call between 3-6 pm, PrIvate wlledor wIll pay any '" Personoll Pomte office of downtown Thursday or Friday No 6840. shows me the way to reach ROTOTIU. YOUR garden or reasonable pm ..e II Secretarlal ServIce 12F Northern Property law hrm BenefIts avaIl- me Ideal You who gIve me flower bed Free estimates IC Public S~le 13 Real ESlote other calls accepted, 885- SPECIAL <>wortlllUty Teach- 644-7312 able, salary commensurate 0079 the DiVIne GIft to fOT21VE In area 886-0686. 1D ObItuaries 13" Lots lor Sale WIth expenence and abIlity ers - former teachers or lJb- and forget the wrong that IS ------~------ranans Train to become a EXPERT 2 Entertomment 131 Cemetery Property 886-5446 MARKET Support TraInee - done to me and you who MATURE Secretary, recep- 2" MUIIC EducatIon 13C land Contracts school program coordinator Clock and watch repaIr, all EXPERIENCE-~ -depencfa-:' growing fmanclal fIrm, are In all instanc:es of my honist, payroll, taxes, ac- 21 TutOrlng ond EducatIOn 13D For Sole or leOle good typmg and clerICal In August For interview types 35 years experumce ble telephone operator for hfe WIth me, I, In thIs short counts payable, receIvable, 2C Hobby Imtructlon 14 Real Estate Wanted slalls, pleasant phone per- wnte A Fahrner, P.O. Box AuthOrized Colomal clock answenng service FleXIble dIalogue want to thank you retall sales Expenenced m 20 Camps 14" Lots Wonted sonalIty, credit expenence a 210, DetrOit, 48236 Equal for everythIng and confIrm public contact and manag- service representative hours Call 775-1532 after 7 21 Athle"c Inslructlon 148 VacatIon or Suburban plus Downtown DetrOit Opporturuty Employer. once more that I never ment 8M-6846 pm 884-9246 2F Schools Properly Wonted ------bank dlStnct Please reply want to be separated from THE BOSS IS GONE' 14C Real Estole E>e POInte News, !:Sox Pomte, MIch. 4l:I:lJO. childr<;:l1 PcB t-tulle. B8O- be I want to be WIth you a SpeCIal offer of Ih off the Touch" to your wedding or 9579 special occasIOn. Includes .41. :~el~ Wanted DomeltlC 16" Hors~s for Sale H-27,99 Kercheval, Grosse WANTED LABOR OF LOVE and my loved ones m your regular Installabon charge 41 ServIces to E>ted 21 D TV and RadiO Repair SECRETARIAL POSITION p.m, 11310Hayes comer of C E.R T.S orgamzalLon to CUSTOM SEWING' Boat DON'T COOK tonight - Call STOCK BROKERAGE cellent physical condition 7e Garage Wanted 21 E Storms and Screens Kelly. lI39-Bm. be held at Kerby School, cushions, seat covers, patio DIal-A-Meal before 12 noon 7D Slarage Space Wanted 21 F Home Improvement INVESTMENT BANKING Hard, heavy but interesting 285. Kerby Rd., Grosse furniture. Reasonable but and have a home-cooked I Arllcles for Sale 21 G Roofing ServICe As one the the nation's most work. Part time to start. POInte Farms. Tuesday, profeSSIOnal with re- SALES Personnel needed meal delIvered to your a~r I" MUSICal Instruments 21 H C:upet Cleaning prestigious Investment Approximately 20 hours per May 3rd, 7'30 pm We urge ferences Sharon, 792-1686 885-8740 884-9468 II Antlquel for Sale 21-1 Pain ling, Decorating banIong fIrms, our DetrOit week, 9: 3()- 2.3() P m usu- you to attend ------ally, $5 per hour startIng. ------RESUMES by Lynn Profes Ie OffICe EqUIpment 21J Wall Washing office provides an excellent RECEPTIONIST - TYPIST LEARN ProfeSSIOnal sleight worlong environment for the Strength and coordination a BEE AS healthy as you can sionally composed & IBM , Articles Wanted 21 K WIndow Wash,ng Harper Woods area Requires of-hand magIc. 882-2930. 10 Snowmobile for Sale 21L Tile Wack indIVIdual who possesses must. Reply with age and bee with Honey Bee Pollen type written Phone for ap a girl to act as secretarial- experience, Box #8-25, 101. Motorcycles for Sale 21 M Sewer ServICe strong secretarial skIlls Distributors needed 839- pointment 296-1lX32 answering service for 10, Grosse Pointe News, 99 DELTA AIrlines, bonus certi- 108 Trucks for Sale 21N Asphalt Work and orgaruzahonal ablllty fIcate, save over $400. Best one man offices. Accurate Kercheval, Grosse Pointe 6840. 1t Cars for Sole 210 Cement and Brick II> ork We are looking for a per~ BRIDGE BENEFIT offer. 881-7860. typmg a must Pleasant Farms, 48236. THANK YOU S1. Jude fodav- For Children's HospItal, 1'" Cor Repal! 21 P . Waterproofing son who is knowledgable telephone voice an asset. Cars Wonted to Buy 21Q Plaster WOlk about stocks, bonds and SALES OPPORTUNITY _ors_r_ece_l_v_ed_._R_K_. Thursday, May 12th; 12.45- 1B-SECRETARIAL 1,. Send resume and salary or l1C Boats and Motors 21 R FurnIture Repair can work 10 a hectic envI. hourly rate reqwrements to Telephone sales part-time, 3.15 P M. Fries Ballroom, SERVICE COLLEGE Student needs nde Grosse Pomte War Memor- 110 Boot Reporr 21 S Carpenter ronment DIverse respon- Box C-35, Grosse Pointe flexible hours. Apply m per- to Billings Montana, (Yel- ial. Donabon $10per person 111 Boot Dockage and Storage 21T PlumbIng and Heating slblibes will include client News, 99 Kercheval, Grosse son - at sanders Cleaning low Stone). For arrival May tax deductible. Checks pay: TYPING, word processing, 11 F Trollers and Campers 21 U JanJtar ServIce contact as well as typmg Pointe Farms, Mich 48236. I Co., 15923E Warren, 8 a.m 15. Will share expenses. 11 G Mobile Homes 21 V Sliverplating and general ofhce duties -11 a.m. able to Tenms and Crum- resumes $3 a page, 25t ad- GARDENER ABLE to care 775-5346after 6 p.m. 11 H Airplanes 21W DressmakIng and Tailoring Attractive salary plus an- pets Inc.; c/o Mrs. Robert dItional ongInals Notary for flower beds, vegetables, COUNTER CLERK 12 Suburban Acreage 21 X Draperies nual company bonus Ex- RETIRED GENTLEMAN, Joslyn,286 Hillcrest, Grosse S C.S 772-2809 shrubs, etc. Ideal for some- Dry ele8J1ing cham looking fer 121. Suburban Home 21Y SWimming Pools ceptlonal benefits program private chauffeuring ser- Pointe Farms, 48236 Due one on pensIOn, though not an experienced counter May 6th 121 VacatIon Property 211 SnL:lWRemoval rmd meluding medIcal and den- vice, your car or mine Rea- TYPING/word processing - tal plan, pension, proht necessary ~4894. clerk for full time work with sonable rates 776-3720. resumes, term papers, re- 11C Forms far SQle landlcoplng benefits. Apply In person at PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE shanng and tllltion refund CARETAKER COUPLE, old- ports, reoetIhve letters For mtervlew appomtment sanders Cleaning Co., 15923 FOR WOMEN er, retired preferred. Small BARB AND JIM Reasonabfe, 882-5541 2A-MUSlC call 259-4570 E Warren, 8 a m.-11 am. Thank you for sharing a Swedish, Deep Muscle, 3-LOST luxury buildmg, light duty, TYPING in my home. Term EDUCATION AND FOUND GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO half rent. 834-4857 GREAT mght at The Nell Reflexology SECRETARYfflOOKKEEPER DIamond CQneert, Saturday. papers, medIcal insurance Equal OpportunIty Employer ,NUtrItional Counsehml Harper Woods area. Girl Fn- We will rerttember-i .....t- • 1tl'l1M1t: 'Wei8JIt r;osil fOt:ms, trallaedpts, resu-_ ..vIeblN/VIOLA' instructIon LOST' Female German M/F WAITRESSES, Waiters exper- ways! mes, etc. Reasonable 839- Artist teacher SuzukI ienced only, part time, st. '~~fortyping. Jetter Call Judy At 882-3856 Shepherd, Black with tan NELL & RICH 6754, anytime. method. Ages 2.adult ~_ Nicks Hanger, Detroit City • cOm~lUon, bookkeeping, chest and legs, IIh years payroll and answering 2 ORCHESTRA Seats - 6290, M4-0707_ old, answers to sassy No BARTENDERS AND Wait- Airport. No phone calls. COMPLETE COMPUTER Apply Tuesday thn1 Friday phone for one man business Cats, New York. July 2, Call 2-ENTERT AlNMENT collar. Near Nottingham/ resses - no experience nec- ~5611, eventngs COUNSELING 28- TUTORING essary, part-bme Call your 3.6. Will run office in my ab- Why not do It right the first Whittier. 4-17-83 839-5867, sence. Knowledge of legal 521-1417 own sc.hedule Must be 18. NEED Experienced cabInet MARY KAY time? Let our experts work MAGIC SHOWS - AvaLlable AND EDUCATION documents, word proces- Eastsldes Best Dance Club, maker to bOOdcustom cabi- Has a perfect Mothers Day wltb you We will help you for birthday parties, ban- MISSING petite Tabby fe- TRUMP'S JUMPS Apply sing and personal computer Gift for your Mom. She de- select the nght equIpment, quets, your sOl.lal affairs FIRST Enghsh Lutheran male, WIth whIte boots, and nets for large motor home. an asset. Co-op Nursery School, 800 now at 9 pm at 16360 Har- Call evenings, m7215 serves the best and Mary mstalllt for you and instruct Call Jim Shannon, 885-6699 wlute streak across upper per, Detroit Send resume and salary re- Kay is the #1 skin care com- you in Its proper usage We Vernier IS now accepting neck, she answers to the INSURANCE Underwriter registration for the Fall ses- BABYSITTER NEEDED for quirements to Box #C-15, pany 10 the US Call Bar- also offer personalized pro- SHOWCASE OF EntertaIn- name Bow, has an unusual needed Experienced com- Grosse Po~nte News, 99 sIon. Call 885-1717 to sche- 9 month old girl every bara Anderson at 88&2776 grammmg contact ment. Need a band for a personalIty and we miss her merCIal and personal lines Kercheval, Grosse Pointe wedding? Now you can hear dule a time to observe the Thursday 881-8633 Free Gift Wrapping LC. SWART so.. please call 881-2137or Small agency Full tIme. Farms, 48236. 886-7130 5 bands on one Sunday after- elass in session stop by her home base. 533 HAIRSTYLISTS - Progress- Grosse Pomte location. Send PLANNING A Bndal Show- noon. For further mfa, call: Robert John Road WIth any ive and career minded resume to Insurance, PO. EXPERIENCE Waitress er? Let your favors be PSYCHIC 772-2982. TUTORING information. Reward wanted. Your cheerfulness, Box 363~, Grosse Pointe, part-time days. 393-1985. hand~rafted by Barbara, CLASSES - MeditatIOn and ALL SUBJECTS profesSIOnalIsm and exper- Mlchigan,48236. DENTAL Hygenist part-time. 881-4174. A BETTER BAND GRADES 1 THRU 12 ANIMAL HOSPITAL tise is rewarded by good PsychIc Development. CRAFT INSTRUCTOR, only Grosse Pointe area. 881-7394. PROFESSIONAL FACULTY Spring bnngs us many aban- benefits and excellent work- PARTIES - Home or Club "FRIENDLY 12 hours will earn you"$70 to ------__ SENIOR LADIES don animals. We really need mg atmosphere Call 882- $100 per week. Artcraft is IUGHscbool or college student Functions 4 Theme selec- WE CAN HELP 2550or 751-0852,ask for Pat EnjOy life and don't hve tions ParbcipatlOn in re- PERSUASION" GROSSE POINTE your help this week. We seeking CoW1Selors to teach to care for 9 year old boy. alone or with relatIves lated exercise LEARNING CENTER have a little deaf Beagle NEEDED Professional or craft techruques. Full train- Tuesdays and Fridays. 7:30 outdoor dog, neutered, and We offer gracIOus hvmg Weddings, Parties, Banquets 63 Kercheval on the Hill Amateur Artist to p81nt an mg, flexible hours, ad- a.m. - 5 p.m. Beginning June READINGS - Pnvate or really needs an understand- for the young at heart Call 839-4950 343-0036 343-0036 011painting of Grosse Pomte vancement, opportunity 21, through summer. Must Call for Brochure, 625- Group. - -- ing owner. Fuzzy brown and South high school for the For intervIew call Denise, be dependable. Call after 3 9173 625-5513. Academy of PsychiC and THOROUGH professional ser-, white, young Beagle temer graduating class of 1983 If 822-4295. p.m. "2t13. vice Math, physics, lan- mix, a real cute dog, 12week Spiritual PerceptIons Inc "THE COMEDY - MAGIC Interested call 886-2854 or guages, tests, G.R E. crea- old 'Spamel mix Could LIFE guard part-time Early WAN"rED: Babysitter for a OF GARY THISON," 882-6034 H HINTZEN tive writing skills, study make a very nice pet 882- mornmgs, reliable current year old. Poupard School LICENSED as seen on P M. Magazine Ad- cerWication mandatory call area, from 3:30 - 6 p.m 8115- habits 885-3332 8660 BABYSITTER, from May 19- 884-9311 ults, chIldren Reasonable PattI Stewart. 962-6126. 2373. 882-2930 June 1, 6 00 a m - 4' 30 2 .,,------DON'T throwaway wide bes' MATHAMATICS tutoring by MISSING 3 weeks large children, 3 year old and kIn- OVERSEAS, Cruise Jobs EXPERIENCE Bar, help an experienced student female S{layed dog, 9 years Have them narrowed pro- D J ALL occasIOns Gradua. dergarten. 886-5746 $20,000 - $6O,OOO/yearpass!- wanted, part-time for old, long blonde h81r, very fessionally, $4 50 each 779- tIons, weddings, anniver- Addition to Calculus. Re- ble Call 805-681-6000. Ext weekends, apply at Your gentle Please help me fmd DENTAL ReceptIomst - Full 1323 sanes,etc MusIc of the 1920's ferences. 778-8252. 1626 Place Lounge. Thursday my dog 82H069 or 822-2020. bme Seeking pleasant ca- 19l1l's 55601 to PREPARE NOW reer minded indiVidual, IDEAL For middle age or Friday, Saturday, noon - Ii A.D. RESUMES F'Ol/ND - whIte long h81red possessIng recent assIstIng senior citIzen to care for 2 _p_m_. _ MU8tCforalloccasions "The MAY - S A.T cat, 1 gold eye, 1 blue eye, FINANCIAL SERVICES Photo-typeset one page resume and receptionIst skills toddlers in our home, 3 days WORKING Couple requires on quality paper SIgnatures" Strolhng mu- JUNE S.A.T. AND A.C T female 526-9841. siclans. Bob 771-7700, Toby, Instruction and practlce for Grosse Pomte area offIce per week 7 a m. - 5 pm, babysitter for 9 month old INCOME TAX AND 50 pnnted copies Please send resume to Box Il86-OO33. References Full time, weekdays, at 60 blanks $35.00 366-6140 readmg and vocabulary FOUND. Large male Dober- BOOKKEEPING ------~- Improvement, 886-9420 #99, Kercheval, Grosse EXPERIENCED _ need- your home 882-5010. FREE PICK UP AND 50 envelope (plam) man, Grosse Pomte Woods GYPSY PROPHECY Give to ------area 884-3758 Pomte Farms, MI 48236 lepOlnt ,canvas painter INVESTMENTS SALES DELIVERY SERVICE BREE GRAPHIC PRINTING your guests a precious gUt 'tOTORI'NG- Vourhome All DENTAL AsSJstant, part time wanted for custom design- Leading fmanclal mstltutIon GROSSE POINTE 2D750Mack Ave not only entertamment fte- subjects, adults.chlldren LOST - German WIre hair for Orthodontic practIce mg Send mquiries to Grosse has limIted openings for m- REFERENCES Grosse Pomte Woods ferences Suzan 545-4920 CertIfIed teachers Da~- MIchigan 48236 after 5 pin' evenmg 356-0099 Pomter, male, A K C , lIver E).penence preferred Send Pomte News, 99 Kercheval, vestment sales representa- CALL FORAN 884-1890 and white Saturday, Apnl resume to, 17700Mack Ave , Grosse Pomte Farms, 48236, tives Unlimited prospects APPOINTMENT 23, Vernier/Mack area. Re- Grosse Pomte, MI 48224 Box 8-37. C~mplete traimng course 8lhx 11 COpIes5iI D J. AU. occl4llions Gradua- 2C-HOBBY 331-3885 ward, 881-4098. AFF A'I'TORNEY With salary and commission photostats - address labels tions, weddings, anniver- INSTRUCTION HOMEMAKER Needed -= --sr 2 SIded copies - weqdm mv experienced With hght In-House Counsel IS expanding programs Very high in- saries, etc MUSIC of the FOUND . GERMAN Shep- come potential Call Vince 1920's to 1980's. 886-5601. LOOK IN Column 8 for in- herd, tan/black, male, gen- housekeepmg a nd senior m our Mlchlj;lan office in Ashley, 77~222 for a confi- TAXES - ACCOUNTANT formatIOn on Very Special tle, well behaved If can not. cItizens Must own trans- SouthfIeld Successful can- dential intervIew MATURE COLLEGE GRADUATE SINGER/PIANIST StencIl Class. locate owner, free to good portation Mileage paid dldates Will have a IDS MARKETING CORP. home 8112-1514 Personal and Busmess Taxes MUSIC FOR SPECIAL Call MISSThomas 3 p m - 4 mIrnmum of 3 years experi- Equal opportunity employer OCCASIONS 2D-CAMPS pm, 881 3374 ence In Worker's Compen- M/F !Dcludmg corporatIOns ------~ - - WEDDINGS, RECEPTIONS, 44tELP WANTED satlOn LItIgatIOn Salary ---~------Reasonable Ratec; serVIng you SLDce1968 WANT TO BE YOUR OWN CHURCHES, CAMP ARBUTUS - PrIvate GENERAL BOSS? commensurate WIth experi- SECRETARY Wanted - full 882-6860OR 882-8507 girls caml,) Grand Traverse ence Please send resume time for small Grosse OR BANQUETS 9 YEARS Experienced route drIver EXPERIENCE DRIVERS - Opemiigs aV81l to' Personnel Department Pomteofflce Duties include area June 26th-JUly 23rd; wanted Mmlmum $1,000 526-2994 521.a659 JUly 24th-Aug. 20th Call abTe" all hours open Need FIreman's Fund lnsuran~ typing minimum 45 wpm, BALLOONS 881-9442 WrIte MayfIeld. good ,drlvmg record 1550, needed for dlstrlbutmg quahty potato chIps and Co POBox 644-A, DetrOit, filing, answering phones. MIchigan 49666 Mack at Nottmgham Mlch 48232 Weareanequal Reliable transportation TIe- HIGH FLYING HELIUM BALLOON BOUQUETS snack products Call 1-5 2A-MUSIC opportunity employer cessary Repl31 to Grosse For all occasions for as httle as $10- delivery available EDUCATION 2F-SCHOOLS pm, Monday thru FrIday Buy a dozen or buy a gross A GREAT way to celeb- 3-LOST AND 362-2525 MrF/H. Pomte News, Box LoSS, 99 - - AMWAY-rs MOR~- KFercheval, Grosse Pointe rate CIJp and use thiS ad for 15% OFF. (ExpIres PIANO LESSONS, qualifIed. FOUND 4-30-&1) THE GROSSE POLDte Co- LAND~APE Help - expe~- THAN SOAp! arms, Mlch 48236 teacher, my home 882-7772 operative Nursery School is lenced only $3 50 an hour currently enrolhng three Fantastic second mcome op- EVERYONE LOVES TO 882-4968 PIANO, VOICE, and ORGAN It you lose me 885-1900 portuntty It's workmg for MAKE NEW FRIENDS private Instruction. Univ year olds for September 1983 Please ca11882-9832. or find me .. us, It can work for you Call AND MAKE MONEY INDEPENDENT LAWN CARE music graduate, 30 years Marilyn, 824-~ IN THE PROCESS teachmg experIence Mrs POSITION AVAILABLE --- Sell Avon gIfts, Jewelry and Junker, 823-1721 3-l0ST OR BABYSIT TWIns - 7 months makeup Call Diane 885 LIQl:JID LAWN FERTILIZING AND FOUND BOOTH RENTAL AT old, Monday - Wednesday 0942 ' - GUITAR Lessons 23 years JOSEPHS OF GROSSE your home, Thursday my ------~_.-- _. BROAD.LEAF WEED CONTROL expenence Cheap rates. LOST - Cat, Blue Point POINTE BEAUTY SALON home 1/Kelly No Fndays OUT OF STATE CRABGRASS CONTROL 1184-2573 Himalyan male, at corner of 882-2239 References 371-3982 even- NEWSPAPERS Vernor and Lakepointe mgs for sale Help wanted aWl In- PRICESSTARTING AT $13 00 FRONT WOODS MUSIC Very afraid of people. 823- clQCled. New Honzon's Book ShOp. 03 Mlle near I-1M.) ONL Y $18 50 FRONT TO BACK STUDIO 3891, mght or 574-7045, day ( (UP TO 3,000 SQUARE FEET) GUITAR, PI-ANO, THEORY NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHERS -'1580 FOR I HOME or STUDIO We'll run your ad Needed in Grosse Pomte Farms Send resume by May, BABYSrrrER Wanted for 2 DAVID CALLIES BRIAN WISSEL 20943 Mack CLASSIFIED ADS FREEl! 10 to Box R507, Grosse Pomte News, 99 Kerche- Call weekdays val, Grosse POinte, MI 48236 small boys Monday thru FREE ESTIMATES 372-6554 .1-?Cl?O 881.5880 882-6900 Frida" 7.30- 5:30, 114-KZ'7, CALL 882-6900 IIIfter • p. m. Page Six-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~day,ApnI28, 1983 ...... , WANTED 5--8TUATION ~AT1ON I-FORRENT I--FOARENT 8--FOA RENT &-FOR RENT IC-OFP1CE GENERAL WANTED WANTED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED , FOR RENT OPPORTUNITY SEEKERS NEE!> SOMrTHING moved"! AVAILABLE immediately, MT. CLEMENS CA'NAL Two Pointe residents will MT. CLEMENS GROSSE POINTE Park - 2 GROSSE POIN''!'!!: PUt - 2 LEASE 8,500 squ are feet NEEDING HERBAL colle~ girls for otfice work home, 2010 square feet, move or remove large or bedrQOm. iP.plian~ ~.r- bedroom upper, large din- bullding, ~ mHe NUTRITION FIELD or ba ysltting. Uz, -.a979. 141 K - FLORAL ing room and living room, to 1-94, small quantities of furm. three bedrocms, two baths, age, separate oasement, gas pumps, fen eed, heavy family room, 7S feet boat Luxurious, modern, 2 bed. first month free $325. plus redecorated, clean, refri- Sales plus health, ph.l&money! ture, apphances, pianos or WINDOW WASHING, paint- duty electrical. Good office dockage, $750 per month room, townhouse, IIh baths, ulJlities lII5-6515. gerator, stove, washer, what have you Call for free ing, odd Jobs Exper- appliances, fenced private space. A.l condit! on. 32205 estimate 343.0481 or 822. lenced, JDsured Senior plus uWities. 463-7112 dryer, garage, $325 822- Fantastic ground floor oppor- yard, carport, from $335. GRATIOTI Houston Whittier Little Mack, R oseville. 2208. ' CitIZen DISCOWlt. Seaver's. 0392 tunity. For bme and place, 1 BEDROOM - fully carpet. 463-4482, 961-7411. - newly decorated stlDo Call 758-0400. No agents. 882-0000. ed, appliances, garage, Appliances, parking, heat 7 MlLE - Gratiot area. Newly call 881-5074, . PRIVATE NURSING GROSSE POINTE $295, mcludesheat. Tl4-1114. CAVALIER MANOR 527-5095 decorated 1 bedroom ap- WOODS (Please leave message). Around the dlXk 5A-8fTUAT1ON ENERGY EFFIC lENT In home, hospital or nursmg HOUSE - furnished or unfur- 24575 KELLY GROSSE POINTE Park artment All utilities inelud- GENERAL OFFICE APPLIA-NCE repair man DOMESTlC ed. $215 per month plus sec- SPACE home RN's, LPN's, Aides, nished, clean. Reasonable EASTLAND AREA Maryland, 4 room upper in- 21304 Mack - 1 rm. wanted Call Thursday - Fri. W"J ty depOiSJt. 839-6287 Lompamons, male atten. rent Three to choose from. Luxurious two bedroom come. Carpeting balconies, i3 x 17it day between 3-6p m ONLY. apartment. Appltances, dants, hve'IDs. Screened OFFICE & 824-7243 heat no appliances. '205. SECURE Building - effi- 20879 Ma~k, 1,600 sq It DffiECf SALES and bonded. 24hour servILe. carpet, central air, pool, 527-0960 ciency apartment, utilities, (flrushed) U you've ever sold door to door HOME CLEANING TWO Bedroom lower Gra- carport Near 10 Mile LlLensed nurses for msur- 5 years expenence, family appliances 1Ocluded, $175 20835 Mack, 2,000-4, 600 sq ft call1J86.9200 for an excellent tiot/7 Mile, $195 pius u- Road From $375 YORKSHIRE - 3 bedroom anLe Lases owned busmess, depend a- References 331-4677, 884- MEDICAL SUITES job opportwuty Successful tihtles 712-8325 712-3649; 961-7411 house, 11,2 baths, completely POINTE AREA NURSES ble, references Call for free redecorated, newly car- 3883 20845 Mack, 1,500-4,000 sq. ft only need apply Grosse TU 4-3180 SOMERSET/Warren, 5 rooms WJ11FIrush to S -. estimate 777.4884 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT peted No pets. References uit Pomte Cable - An equal op- --. freshly painted. Security KENS1NGTON /Warren Adequate Parkl portW1ity employer RETIRED HANDYMAN _ Decorated in natural tones 8ecunty deposIt 1IM-3963 - ng "THE Dustbusters" want 5~3520. sharp 5 room upper with 884-1340or 886-1068 MInor repaIrs, Larpentry, your weekly houseelean1Og Natural hardwood floors, GROSSE POINTE - -Bea- large sun deck, $375 a eledrlLal, plumbmg, bro. ONE Bedroom apartment, upper unIt $295plus ublJtles HOMEMAKERS or anyone In- chores Reasonable rates HarperlBerkshire_ Stove, consfIeld, upper 5 room, month, 882.2746 ~RCHEVAL- 0n the Hill' terested m be.Jng then own ken wmdows and sash Lord Expenenced Call 792-4269. 824-0405 carpet throughout, firep. - double office wIth recep- replaLed, etc Reasonable ~- --- refnB;erator, carpeted, air MOROSS-KELL Y - DetrOIt, boss Earn extra money be- conditioner, heat included, GROSSE POINTE Woods, lace, enclosed porch, base- bon area Mr Edgar, 886- coming an Independent ReferenLes 882.6759 DOMESTIC work - Clearung ment, garage, yard, $340 3 bedroom, lower flat, gar- 6010. $275 per month 331-0581 three bedroom bungalow, age, appliances, washer- Shaklee distrIbutor Unh. EXPERIENCED NURSE'S offICes or homes Good ref- charmJng house on a month plus securIty. Availa. UPPER mcome, CadIeux, dryer. $325 monthly, no 3 OFFicES - 640 sq ft car. mited potenllal 886-0090. aides avatlable Reasonable erences Call 527-3968. ble May 1st 824-3782 Harver area 3 rooms bath charmlDg street $500 a pets 689-6261or 792-6997 peted, utilities Included. ex- l)1vDth, Dv l~dl>e Ill:L~::'jlJY r "t"" rt ""<:1 A~l:IILY Sl,ne stove, refrIgerator, $175, HAVERHILL near Mack - cellent parkin g $250 4A-HELP WANTED hLensed and bonded 293- 2 DEPENDABLE South stu- R.G. Edgar &: ASSOCIates, dents 100kJng for house- heat included. Security de- lower 5 room ~ garage, 7 MILE - Gratiot. Lower 5 monthly. 1IM-0788 DOMESnC 1717 886-6010 room Clean, qwet, garage ------~- clearung jobs. If 1Oterest- /pOs.It required. 839-1996. carpeted, heat $280 882- COZY, CUTE and squeaky 7775, after 5 m-6103 OPPOSITE Eastlan d. Suite EXPERIENCED mother ed, please call Paula lI8S- NOTTINGHAM - South of WE SPECIALIZE 10 the clean 2 bedroom home, con- for lease, Opal PIa za, 183Q.l placement of profeSSIOnal WIth hcensed home WJ11 ca re 1849 of Michelle 331-7846 Jefferson, 3 bedroom lower, 3 BEDROOM colomal on pn~ NOTTINGHAM-Mack. Spaci- Ea.rt p}\1:UeRd Tl 7-4646. for your child Loving, after 4 o'clock. temporary style, ap- vate cul-de-sac, large liVIng ous 2 bedroom upper. Heat, domestic and nursmg per- carpeted throughout. Re- pliances and curtains stay, sonnel Housekeepers- learning environment An cently redecorated, gara~e, room with fireplace, formal water, appliances included. FOR RENT or Iease Office EUROPEAN Woman WIshes family room and attached Cooks - Couples - Ctuld ages, full or part time. Ref- no pets, $400 per month p us dIning room plus den, 11h $325. 296-7449. and warehouse space, house work, two days, garage, no basement, $395 a Care - Day Work - MaIds erences avwlable 823-4124 uWlties. 824-6564. month, Detroit near St baths, apphances, new car- Mack and Bea consfield or lI8S-6650 Tuesday and Thursday petJn~ $700 a montl)' plus LARGE 2 bedroom duplex area - Home Health Care LIVe 192 KERBY - Grosse Pointe John's, 886-3942. Grosse P ointe ad. In or Out Please call Good references 885-7171 secunty. 885-0990 carpeted, appliances, im- Farms, small 2 bedroom, dress $600. call 885-2694 GOLL JEANNETTE LAWN servIce, very rellable. HOUSE Cleaning, two-la:r; GROSSE POINTE Park - mediate occupancy. $450., Ten years experience serv garage, immediate occu- South- Jefferson, 1bedroom GROSSE POinte Woods, 2 bed- security m-907Q. offices offices offices offices te.am. For Information, c pancy, 882-7B23. rooms, 11,2 bath, close to PERSONNEL lng Pointers. Excellent upper, appliances included- Gratlot-12 MJ1e NIcky, 293-4226; SuzIe, 712- schools and transportation TWO Bedroom lower income, AGENCY e(juip-ment, very reasona. 3226 DEVONSHIRE/Warren - 2 clean, 882-7065 1 rm to 1950 ft Carpetmg, drapes through- mce area near Grosse ble. Call for estimate 882- bedroom, very lovely lower ready now 106 Kercheval GROSSE POINTE Woods - out. FIreplace, built in Pointe. Deposit, reference, Grosse Pomte Farms 4226, 884-9515, evenings HOUSECLEANING Respon- flat, double garage, stove Marter-Hollywood, 3 bed- range, self-cleaning oven, 884-3758. Mile sible, trustworthy and very and refrigerator, $300 plus KellY-81h 882-2928 room Colonial, garage No medIcal suite; im CARING ... thorough, $5 an hour. Excel- gas and electric, available with rotlssirie, gas bar-b- HOUSTON /WHITTIER med poss pets. 8IJ5. 2844 - 4 exam rms; X- State I.Jcensed and Bonded lent references. 1J86.133O June 15, 526-7254. cue, fmlshed basement, Gratiot 1 bedroom or stud- ray rm A Tradition Smce 1975 garage. One year lease, GROSSE POINTE near 10, newly decorated, all uti!- Kelly-Harper For Loved Ones at MOROSS/Harper - St. Johns Woods GROSSE POINTE • Home, 5C-CATERING Jefferson. 5 rooms, de. small pet, occupancy June Itles included. 527-9753. 1-3 single r Hospital/Harper Woods 15 886-4223 ms EMPLOYMENT Only The Best Will Do corated, carpet, appliances area - duplex coDdO. 2 bed. Parking. 824-3849, 792-6839 COURVILLE - 3 bedroom, Mack-Rena ud AGENCY CALL MARIE'S CATERING - All rooms, garage, basement, GROSSE POINTE PARK. decorated, $325 plus five.rm suit e occasions Hors d'oeuvres, nice, security deposit, re- STRASBURG - 2 bedroom Maryland/Charlevoix, utilities, available section 8, 885-4576 THE HEALTH CARE Vernier-I- 94 brunch, dinners, bulfets and ferences, utilities not in. with den, near 7 MLle, $250 upper 5 rooms, porch, 4~3834 after 7. 50 years rehable servIce. PROFESSIONALS party trays. 86U295. • per month. basement, garage Newly service dri ve cluded, $34O/month. Leave 5 ROOM lower flat - grivate 1,600 ft; general Needs experienced Cooks, PC O. ASSOCIATES, INC , . message, 882-0&t2. WILCOX REALTORS decorated throughout, re- office Nanmes, Maids, House- FINE catering by the 884-3550 modeled lotchen. Close to entrance, close to lake, St. large three-rm CADIEUX Harper area. Low- suite keepers, Couples. Nurse 552-0636 Thibault's. All occasIons bus, schools and park No Clair Shores, $320. Call 77S- full servIce bldg er,2 bedroom, refrigerator, THREE BEDROOM Colonial AIdes, Companions and Insured and Bonded large to small. Menus de- utili.Jtes or appliances Cou- 7999 after 6 p.m. stove, $250 Includes beat. in Grosse Pointe Park Nat. Kelly near 9 • R.N - L P.N signed especIally for you ples preferred $250, month. Mile Day Workers for pnvate 's Security depoSIt required. MACOMB Mall area, one bed- 7,048 sq ft prime office space homes • Llve-in's . Compamons Excellent references. 979- ural fireplace, garage, close AvaJ1able May 1st Security 839-1996. to schools and public trans- room apartment Carpeted, can divide 18514Mack Avenue • AIdes - Homemakers 2956 deposit required Call after appliances, air conditioner. portation. $700 per month 5 p.m 331-6989. 100 Kerchev al GHe6e POlllte Farms RENT A COOK for your special DOWNTOWN DETROIT plus security. No pets lI8S- $280. 882-9850. WALLPAPERING, paintmg, occasion. Reasonable. Excel- Are you tired of that long ONLAKESt ClaJr,2bedroom second fioor 'lWl. large rm-big wi LIVE.in compamon for .repair work. No Job too lent references. 881-la9. drive to work in downtown condo, aIr, garage, aJI ap- 6A-FOR RENT ndows Grosse Pointe semor lady, small Free estimates Detroit and hate the traffic CHARMING STUDIO, $225, phances $525 monthly. FURNISHED Please call for APRON ASSOCIATES makes detatls light housekeeping, cook- Dave, 2M~OO10 hassle? Would you like liv- deluxe one bedroom, $290, Evenings, 791-8296 or 824- elegant entertaining easy for Virginia S. Jef fries mg, some driving. 1IM-7792. mg in an historic downtown quiet, clean adult building, 8564 Realtor 882-0899 EXPERT HOME mainte- any occasion. 8B2-7149 residence within walking including uWities 834-4851. ATTENTION EXECUTIVE LIVE-IN-eare for Jnfant and nance Paintmg Quality dIstance to Ren Cen, BEACONSFIELD, Grosse Transfers one- and two. COLONIAL N TRY US - Quality food at rea. OUTER DrIve area. 1 bed- ORl'H home, 51h days References worlqnanship Dependable Greektown, U of D Law Pointe Park, 6 room upper, bedroom apartments, deco- New office buildin g at 111,2 sonable prices. J &:j Cater- room upper. Ideal for work- required 1J86.8428. References Spring Clean- School and downtown clean. Ideal for mature rator furnished. Lmens, MJ1e and Harper, 500-1,300 ing, 884-9468. 10g adults, no pets. Refer- up Joe - 882-1819. events? Our one-bedroom couple No pets Security. dishes, utensils included. square feet. Air conchtion. ences, security deposit. I EXPERIENCED Lady fOI" units start at $300 per Immediate occupancy. 821- Minimum gne week, S656 r=5 dng, carpet, jani tor, near FRAN'Ir'S"Handyman Service. furnish stove, refrigerator 9232. Wallpapering, pamting and month, and a few units month. Loca.tton' 1-696 .be-, expressway. Immediate live-in posItion. Cooking, and all utl1Jties. $200. 372- cleaning, laundry for 1adult mISCellaneous repairs 773- ~PJJ."~HED have fireplaces, carpeting DUPLEX, one bedroom, heat tween 1-75 and 1-94, Secunty, occupancy references. 469-1075 ,Must dnve. Ref~ .... • ,2123. ' and super views. The ~5 ..\ (,,, ., T Jf. !~""'I)I and kJtcnen apphances fur- 881-6436 778-0120 ']~ ,fJ~j<;'f .. m - PARK - 2 bedroom lower I quired. Reply w,Hk .. se it -1 .~ P~~~~, 'CLEAN and ~)l1l2\,QElO~ nished. HaY_e$JOuter Drive , lQIM ANS WERlNG Pointe News, 99 Kercheval, 881-8377. FOR RENT IBox K-21, Grosse ~ointe etc Recent college gra - weekdays. Evenings and ed, very clean, appliances ServIce LocatIon - 9 Mile NO'ITINGHAM - near War- and Mack, wired for over Fanns, Mich. 411236. duate. Experienced, cour - NEFF - 2 bedroom lower, weekends 25~. included. $275. 885-3545 ren, 1bedroom lower, share teous, rellable Very rea FIvE MINUTEs from Grosse 200 cable Pairs, hvin,g ac. WORKING parents seeking - appliances, garage. $600 ONE bedroom lower $180 per LAKESHORE Village - 2 utilities, $250. References. sonable rates. Call 884-8526 monthly pluS utilities. IJ86. Pointe - C1ean~uiet, com- commodatlons included, mature, responsible, lovlJUl month. Pets allowed, bedroom townhouse, $425 884-3559. fortable, carpet room for for estimate. Earl Glusac. 8151. references and security de. adult for full time combin- appliances and heat in- plus security depoSIt, call OUTER DRIVE - East War- empl0t',ed mature gentle- posit, $275 per month. 824- ation housekeepallj and in- 3 BEDROOM Upper flat $210 eluded Security deposit. after 6 p m. 589-2546. ren area, two bedroom unit. man. all 885-3039belore 7 31158or 712-5788 fant care pos1bon. ~gin late EUROPEAN professiona I per month. 3544 Notting- 882-0016after 5 p.m. FOR LEASE spacious upper Ask for Mark, 886-5606. p.m. May.III1-~ gardener-landscaper Mak e MEIHCAL Office ham. 882-3422. on T.rombley, 3 bedrooms, 2 swte to any kind of gardens Trim - E. WARREN Outer Dr. area 874 NOTTINGHAM 2 bed- GROSSE Pointe Park, spaci- share, Kelly Road bathli, living room, dining /East De- ming, pruning, mainte - DUPLEX, Kelly Rd. 2 bed- SpaClOUS5 room ~r flat, room apartment Deco- ous room with troit, For more i 4C-HOUSE srmNG carpeted, screen -m por- room, well-equipped kit- home oformation SERVICES nance. 534-0571 room, new kitchen, ap- rated in natural tones privileges 824-9266. call 114-1ffl0. pliances, carpeting, cur- ch. Appliances. Share ga- chen with eating area. Ga- - Natural hardwood floors. rage and basement 882- rage and use of adjacent PRIME OffIce 0n Mack, tains, garage $300 plus Lower urut, $295 plus ut.il- MEDICAL restdent WIshes to MEDICAL utilities and security de- 2079 tennis court. $775 monthly. SLEEPING Room - prIvate Woods. Central air, parking, ities. 824-0405. bath. Grosse Pointe Park hOlJseSlt in Grosse Pointe SERVICE posit 882-7032. LOWER Unit on BeaconsfIeld answenng servi ce avail- area References available. ASHLAND - on canal with ... 2 bedrooms, newly car- 5 ROOM LOWER Mint con- $55 /Week incl~es laundry, able, $125. 882-4662 UPPER Flat on Flanders boat well 5 room lower. dItion, carpeting, com- linens, and cleaning. 882- 881-5027. FOR NURSES peted .. IIh months seeur TWO Executive offi near Gratiot, $160. Ideal for Stove, refrigerator, car- pletely remodeled Garage 4468. ce suites, peted, including heat, $295. ity depoSIt. No pets $325 all utilities, parkl ng, Grosse COMPLETE housesitting by 527 3120 adults. 884-9977. monthly. References. 885-1173after 6 2 responsible engmeering - security and references. Pointe area. _9 140. WM. J CHAMPION&: CO. pm FEMALE non-smoker, kit- students, references. 778- ~ CARING SINCE 1973 SPACIOUS 2 or 3 bedroom up- Ideal for adults. 1-746-9943. per. Living room, dining 884-5700 chen privileges, $45 per 8252 or,116-4689. BABYSITTING NOTTINGHAM - north of EASTWOOD - near HayE's I week References. 296-1055 MACK AVE. Sun ny street room, kitchen with applian- 15036 MACK Ave corner 0f Warren, 2 bedroom lower, 7 MLle - 1 bedroom upper , level office 300square feet, GOING on vacat:lon? Will pro- I SERVI CE AG ENCY ces Separate basement and Maryland in Grosse Pointe utilities included, $215. ~eat included, natural air conditioning, $125. 834- teet, pets, plants and house ,serving the Grosse Pomte area furnace, garage, $275 per Flat above business $235 a EASTLAND Area. comforta- 4857 month plus security deposit. fireplace. A.D.C. a~licants MAPLE RIDGE/KELLY - 2 ble, furnished. TV, kitchen Grosse Pomte college since 1955. Care of CHIL -, considered. Secun y. Re- month, $300 seeunty Appli room, lh. bath upstairs , graduate. Expenenced in DREN and the ELDERLY 3666 Nottingham, 34~9017. ances, heat included ll85-- privileges, $39 per 'week. 6D--VACA nON ferences. 778-7536. some house pnVJ1eges for 1139-1~. pet and plant care. WJ11sit By the hour. 24 hour ratesil GROSSE Pointe Farms - 4 5196. professional working per RENTALS or 1Jve-m. Non smoker 881- available 2 BEDROOM lower flat in - bedroom Colonial, Ilh sons For others not listed Grosse Pointe. Stove and 1BEDROOM Cor.do-$300pe r 6c-oFf1CE 7396. LICENSED baths, finished basement. month, includes utilities ex call LaVon's Housing Ren -=- r- refrigerator, $250 per - - OCEANFRONT HOME JD Appliances and window tal & Property Manage FOR RENT RETIRED Couple wishes month No utilities. Sec- cept electnClty, 9520 Whit - - Akumal Yucata n - 2 bed- PRIVATE Duty LPN and treatments, $800 plus secur- ment, 773-2035 home to SIt July and August wity deposit ~uired No tier, 357-1316. rooms 10ft, servants cosmetol~st available for ity, 881-5318 AvaJ1able June, $100 mght WIll furmsh references. day pos1bon 892-8339excel pets. One year ease II8.S- NEWLY Decorated, Wayburn GROSSE POINTE LOWER Flat - East War. CHANDLER PARK, Oute r 884-2231. Please mail replies to Gros. near Kercheval, lower lent references. ren/Outer Drive area. 3 5475 5 Drive area. FIve room up- FIRST FLOOR OFFICES se Pointe News, Box #H-50, rooms, 2 bedrooms, bath , HOME IN Cuernav aca Mex- 1~ GRADUATE looking for bedrooms, all appliances, LAKEPOINTE - Grosse per, newly painted, ap - Small, medium or large to fit Grosse Pointe Farms, modernized kitchen, carpet - phances, hardwood floors , your requirements ico . 4 bedrooms, pool, ser- Mich. 48236. receptJonistor general office $325 per month plus secur- Pomte Park, 5 room upper, work, member Of BOEC, has ity, 884-8953 1 bedroom, kitchen ap. ed lIvmg room and dimng frIendly neIghborhood , Starting at $100 a month in- vants, $1,000 a month. 884- - 2231 MARRIED Grosse Pointe expenence, references gliances, natural wood room, oak tnm, leaded glas s $27500 monthly, security eludIng all utIlIties. MILE - Gratiot area 1 bed- doors, and half basement , depoSit 881-2223 Air Conditioned New copY1Og couple wishes to house Sit ~3871. oors, leaded glass doors. OCEANFRONT Condo - for month of August. 884- room ap'artment. Clean, $285 monthly plus secunty off-street parking, gas drye r machme. BABYSITTING, mother' s ?,wet bwlding, all utilities, and stove, $325 month, plus 2 BEDROOM Upper Grosse great beach, 1 bedroom, 8871 de~it, 822-91Tl Freshly painted and decorat- sleeps helper, etc High school gu-I urnished, $210plus security utlhtles, security depoSIt POinte Park $275 824-6308 ed 6 Hilto n Head m Woods area 886-0090 deposIt 526-8291 WAYBURN near Outer Dr. 822-5089after 6 p m 96s-4054 Pleasant atmosphere $45O/Week 886-1523. 5-SlTUAnoH HOUSE For Rent 881-5744 rooms, one bedroom, stove, days , Off.street parlOng ffiLTON Head Villa WANTED DEPENDABLE HIgh Schoo I GROSSE POINTE vicinity Roy Jones Good location 2 . EnJOY a refngerator, heat included, vacation at the DC Semor wants landscapm g - Nice clean 2 bedroom GROSSE Pomte Park - 2 bed - bedroom 881-4147 can Sleeps $195 month, security 886- 6. On golf course, near pool GIVE YOUR car a SprIng work in the Grosse Pomt e upper WIth stove, refrigera- 0052 room apartment With ap - DILLON BUILDING area I have 4 years expen tor. Excellent area $2&0 pllances, park pernut, ren t CADIEUX - HARPER Area _ lIl6-9234 break Hand wash - Hand - WHY NOT CONSIDER EXECtJ'I'iVE OFFICE bulla. wax Complete interIor ence and my own eqwp month plus utilitIes. No $295, heat included, securJt Y LargeattractJve 1bedroom , EPCOT Vacation, Condo, 2 ment I do qua1Jty work at an HAVING YOUR ing in Grosse POinte cleanmg IDcludmg vac- pets 884-0600 depos it requi red 885-3211 hYing and dJrung area car ~ bedroom, 2 bath, pool, ten- affordable price For free es- peted All appbances, air Woods with space to lease uummg and more. $30 JOHNSTONE &: JOHNSTONE INVESTMENT 7 MlLE/Schoenherr, 3 room , rus Golf nearby 521.6811 bmate, call Chns at 884-0179 heat and private parking IndIvidual offIces and 881.8268 upper Income, apphances , - PROPERTY Call 7 to 10 am, ~ll pm suites available Kltche- MATURE Woman desire s ALTl!:K • CHARLEVOIX utih ties , $225 month Secur PETOSKEY - LIttle Tra. LAWN SERVICE - Lawn cut- MANAGED? - 778-7852 neUe and common recep- babYSItting, housekeepmg , Grosse Pomte side, attrac- ity. 882-4662 tion area Easy access to verse Bay, 3 bedroom, 2 ting, spring clean-ups, gar. bve large one-bedroom or' IT'S REASONABLE bath; features dening Experience, low private duty nurses 8lde pos - CONDO/Harper Woods Very 1-94 Dlscriminatm~ pro- include luon References 521.{)228 studIO apartments, $18(}.$11()' AND EFFICIENT I YORKSHIRE-DetrOIt, Imm . dishwasher, firep lace,color rates Seruor CItIZens Dis- FOR DETAILS CALL clean 2 bedroom, carpetmg , fesslOna16 only In orma. I,Ilciudes applJances and util- aculate 3 bedroom home tion, 886-4101. TV, sleeps 8 885-9325. count 884-7186 EXPERIENCED Movers - Itles 331-7852 DILLON Half bath downstairs drapes Immediate occu - apphances, pianos, apar l. pancy $385 monthly plus HANDYMAN--landScaping, Completely redecorated RENT a movable vacation mente;, homes Call for 10w ALTER AT JEFFERSON PROPERTY securIty deposit No pets , HAMPTON SQUARE paintmg, gutter c1eamng, New carpeting throughout home 28ft Pa ce Arrow MANAGEMENT 884-3963 non.smokers 881-5111 BUILDING spring clean-up, any odd rates 11~714 PrestigIOus 4 story elevator ------motor home Complete jobs Todd. 886-0580 bUIlding, luxury apart. 881-4147 NEAR Grosse POlDte 22811 MACK AVE latchen, full bath, WOULD Like to babYSit BEACONSFIELD/Mack area sleeps 7, 3 ments With large rooms, area, 1134 freeway and MEDICAL SUITE for reservaboTJ i LADY WISHES to do house- days per week Refe r. BUCKINGHAM/Warren - 2 3 room lower WIth fIreplace oformabon work 10 the Grosse POinte one and two bedrooms Harper EffIciency a call 824-4296 ences 526-4103 bedroom flat Newly de- $2SO a month plus secunt y partment, heat and ap Extra nl(e 6 room sUIte. area Call after 6 p. m 372- References and security corated Refrigerator, deposIt 1111-5630 Functional, convenient requIred phances and carpeting TRAVERSE CITY - funushed 2392 GENERAL Cleaning Sunda y stove, carpet, heat mclu - layout AvaJ1able June 1St F; JEFFERSON near Alter, mcluded, off-street parlung , 3 bedroom, 2 ba th beach. --- -- and Monday, Adam s Walker~AlkJre Realty ded, $260 a month Sl.lItable 3 BABYSIITING In my home, bedroom upper Heated, de $225 per month 118.S-1220 front home, on beautiful Woods, Grosse POinte R e- 886-0920 for 1 or 2 adults 881).6102 - 885-0111 meals, outtmgs, experf - corated, carpeted Wit h Duck Lake Fe atures in- eneed and reasonable I-9t ferences 294-6747 ubbties $350 a month, sec CHATSWORTH - East War clude, fireplace , garage, ------ent swim. and CadIeux area 881.9268 EXPERT Handyman. p81nt- urity dePOSit 772-4317 ren Upper, 2 bedroom, pri - sleeps s.a Excell =---v- - ~--- - nung, fIshing Ju ne 18- sep- lng, IMide and out, very re a- vate pOrch, heat mcluded , HAMPTON SQUARE MEDICAL AsSistant, secret. I-=94/WHI'I"TIERarea - Ideal one chtld 0 K $275 879-7217 tember 3, by wee k 111.8078 sonable rates. Free est I. WANTED for adults Beaubful 2 bed BUILDING ary, receptIOnist, all front - -- mates 527-1697 room SIngle home Carpet - THREE bedZ:-oombr~ck ranc h 22811Mack Ave. and back duties, manage. - PROBLEM PROPERTIES LEELANAU P emnsula mGl1tG••••• 111 .... ing fireplace, aU appbances In Grosse POInte Woods ment background Mature , Beautiful cottage on Grand PAINTING, carpenter work , ftnished basement $350 , Large country kitchen, 2 na CONCOURSE EAST and expenenced WIth excel. houses, garages, small jobs , Traverse Bay Two bed. LET US SHOW YOU how our management expertIse plus security depoSit 774- tural fIreplaces, central air BUILDING rooms and slee plDg loft lent reierences IIM-6M6 repatrs Best pnces. Pete , can save you dollars over and above our fee. 7586 garage, close to school an 2(XJllKelly Rd. 882-27'95 d Lovely beach an d private Call Me DIrect - Mr Henry HA-MBURG- - house pubhc transportation $700 settings Boat Included. EXPERIENCED lawncutter , per month plus secunty OFFICE SPACE EXPERIENCED Nurse 's appliances, washer, dryer, 882-1987 - high school seTUor saVIng 772-0880 2 885-0990 AVAILABLE ------up for college, wants to cut AIde desires private dut y bedrooms, mce yard, $250 HENRY MANAGEMENT CO. COMPETITIVE RATES your lawn for reasonable Exc~llent referellces N0 References 776-2300 s:EJSS MOUNTAIN OJalet, ONE bedroom, basement fla t rate. 4 years experience live-inS Call 296.1167 0r "Apartment Bulld10g Speclahsts" by week or week end, fully LOWER 5rooms -=-East

eO-VACATION eo-VACATION 8-ARTICLES I-AATICLES --...ARTICLES 8-AR'TfCLES 8-ARTICLES RENTALS I-ARTICLES RENTALS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD Sale - furni- BOYNE COUNTRY. Com. CHARLEVOIX/Petoskey HARTZ ELECTRIC STOVE, couch, MOVING, kitchen set, end ta- FLORAL PrInt couch, beige RUMMAGE Sale, April 28, 1- pletely furnished, all elec. ture, crystal, apphances, area on Lake Michigan luggage, drapes, misc., air conditioner, antique ta- bles, cabinets, and other background, 8 months old 7. Special prices, Friday, tric, 2-t1er Chalet Upper shore, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths HOUSEHOLD SALE Apnl 29, 9-2:30. St. Peter's 20235 Beaufait, Harper 31MLAKELAND ble, miscellaneous items, mise items 12480E Outer $250 468-0188 tier 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, Clean, safe swim~ing. $400, 521-4593, Dr. south of Warren Friday, Lutheran Church, 23000 Woods GROSSE POINTE CITY FANTASTIC Moving Sale - kitchen, hvmg room with weekly. 882-5749or 591-6180 April 29, 10 a m - 6 P m Gratiot, East Detrojt. fireplace. Lower tier 3 bed- PATIO, 71hft umbrella Nice CORNER OF MAUMEE GARAGE SALE, Saturday, many antiques and house- rooms, 2 bathshkJtl.hen, Iiv. DELTONA Florida, new two buy 881-1160. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 10-5, 1~ Beacons- BOOK SALE':" 25:000booksat wares Oak tables, chaIrS, ALEXANDER Street wide ing room WIt fireplace bedroom two bath condo, April 29, 30th field Couch, desk, guitars, 10 cents each, hard cover dresser, oriental style sale, Saturday, April 30, 9-5. Tiers may be mterl.onned- near Epcott, Cape Canav- GARAGE Sale Furmture, 10 a.m .. 4 pm. amps, drums, baby buggy, and paperback Will con- rugs, loveseat and much SUnday, May 112-4, South of ed if deSired Clubhouse, eral, and Daytona Beact! sofa, ch81rs, tables, clothes, toys 823-2832after 5 Sider offer for all 2821Grand more Saturday, April 11 MJ1e Road Between Jef- toys, miscellaneous house- We are pleased to be able to ferson.lake. swimming pool, sprmg-fed 882-1232. PINE BEDROOM Set Very RIver, southwest corner of 30th, 9 am- 5 p.m , 12201 hold goods Saturday, April offer you a lovely moving lakelet, private putting MARCO ISLAND, South Seas old, Citgas stove 881.2242 Lodge Expressway ThIS E Outer Dnve between green adJal.ent to golf 30th, 9-4 103Merriweather, sale from this week's gra- Saturday and Sunday 10 30 Chandler Park and E Club, two bedroom, two no pre-sales 2 nylon Matt- l.ourse ~8933 cious old Tudor home We pIECE biese a m to 5 pm, boUl days Warren bath condo, off season ra tes have a grand selection • lasse sectional Very good PERSIAN RUGS 882-1232 WESTINGHOUSE electrIC SILVER Flatware ServiCe, someUung for almost every- condition 521-1664. WANTED - household Items, KERMAN, Ilx16, CLEARWATER Beach/440 dryer - Coppertone, excel. stamped TH Strube and one apphances, etc , any condi- AlSO RUNNERS West. 2 bedroom, 2 bath 6F-SHARE LIVING lent condition, $125, match- Just received a new stupment John with r81Sed floral and mg washer, at no charge, Our furniture selection in- of tion Free pick-up Call RICk, lUxury condo on Gulf 661- QUARTERS cludes a Traditional sofa, a ribbon decorations, monog 881-2642 1714 needs repair, 884-8896. PUBLISHERS' rammed 73 pIeces 885-3144 ~7oo3 Thayer-Coggin brown velvet OVERSTOCKS' -----~ - MAPLE bunk beds WIth mat- sofa, a John Wlddlcomb bed- LOVELY ROOMS With BICYCLE lawn mower, lawn HILTON HEAD Island/South tresses, can be used as twin room chest-on-chest, several most are 213and more off thel r kitchen prIvileges, dIfferent sweeper $25, A B Dick Carohna New lX.eanfront, beds. 885-1786 arm chairs, a French Pro- onginal price! Stop in for copIer $275 paper dnll $300 fully furrushed, 1 or 2 bed- areas, reasonably prICed some great buys! ORI ENTAL RUGS ENGLISH Pram Best offer, vincial dmmg set, a modem 821-7430 room Villa Golf, tenms, For more information call breakfast sef WIth 4 red lad- THE LIBRARY CO. -- ~- -- pool StartlOg at $300 per LaVon's 773-2035 double bed, dresser, pmg. 16129 Mack at Bedford ESTATE SALE WANTED pong table, Ironnte, large der back chaIrs, hbrary week Free I1terature 771- closed SUnday &: Monday FRIDA Y-SATURDA Y, Apnl desk 886-2453,885-6127 steps, a double bedroom set 4586 FEMALE} 19, non-smoker 29th - 30th, 8 a m - 2 P m 547-5000 ------vegetarian lookIng for and assorted bedroom LARGE INSULATED dog SPRING Clean out garage Capo DI Monte, marble, cop- BEAUTIFUL Petoskey area, chests, ffilrrors, 3 pIeces house $45 Garage Sale apartment or flat pfus one sale, Saturday April 30th, p('r IClmp~ loms Ieart, ::.WUfi, ~oll, luke vr I delJl., or two roommates to share onenbl furniture etc. Items. aJI-W86. sleeps 11, Ph baths, 778- 9-3 Antique WIcker, glass We have loads of decoratIve Queen Anne and ChIppen- WANTED With. Sheda, 343-0867 top table, hnens, satin com. - - Items mcluding Lenox, Roy- dale tables Duncan Phyfe 4824 forter, dishes, small tables, SEASONED YOUNG working woman al Doulton, framed prints FIREWOOD and Qllppendale (ball and BABY FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT OCEANFRONT Hilton-Head 'Bentwood rocker, chairs, and pictures, Royal Wor- claw) complete dlrung room looking for same to share small rockmg horse, condo, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, large two bedroom flat chester, Wedgwood, Val St FREE sets; Mahogany Chippen- Buymg - Tuesday - Saturday 10-5 wrought Iron porch furni- beautifully furnished, bal- Eastside Close to Semta Lambert, sterling and sil- DELIVERY dale desks and Secretanes; -MOMS' TOY ATTIC - "A RESALE TOY SHOPPE" conl overlooking ocean, ture, many more Items 846 Mahogany servers and Bus or share ride verplate, Limoges, oriental $50 A CORD 16637E WARREN 882-7631 POo , walk to tennis, gall UniversIty No pre-sales fIgurInes, brass, a collectIon bachelors chests, Complete downtown $125 month, - -- 521-5050 Rental by owner 1- plus 1f.lutihtles. AvaJ1able NO SHOW? of mimature cannons, TradItional bedroom sets, 215-353-0273 now' I I 8.30-5 00 call 44&- The RUSSIans may not be com- lamps, Hummels, Cloisonne COMIC Books - from early Wing back Ch81rs, Duncan 1500, ext 433 or 6.00-11.00 109 to Michigan but the vast box, and cut glass 1950's. Best offer 885-2714. Phyfe and Victorian sofas GAYLORD call 881-0366 Please ask selection of excltJn~, un- We have several pieces of baby JACOBSEN Lawnmower - and loveseats, Onental rugs ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Beautifully furnished new for MaggIe. usual, antiques, gUts and furmture, X-mas decora- 21" electric start, good con- (PerSIan and domestic), three bedroom, three bath AlAR'S GALLERY collectibles has arrived at hons, assorted kitchen dition. $125. 881-2114. signed all pamlings (top condominium with fIre- 6G-STORE THE COLONIAL SHOP Items, hundreds of books It quality); mantel clocks; One of the largest selectIOns of Oriental rugs place, garage, ccu.<:l1Ient to rIght on schedule Just walt records, stereo components, PORTABLE Roll away bed, Mahogany chma cabmets, at minimum prices major skJ area, cross-coun- LEASE firm, spring and mattress consoles, bookcases Lots of till you see The Cameo a 16' - 27' bordered rug, aQd 251 F... MERRILL, BIRMINGHAM try, available weekends, glass basket The Moser much more. nus IS an in- new, girls bike 884-1257 antique furntiure and addi- weekly, monthly Comfor- OFFICE/Store; 11IHarper, tional Items 644-7311 glass bowl, the Fry Cra- teresting collection of items. THOMASVILLE 90" beige, tably accommodates SIX 300or 600 sq ft, utlhtles in- Stop by and say hello - queUe glass pitcher, the Col- velvet sofa Reasonable E-Z MUll Storage, 1539012Mile Z A s H.R, ALLEN, 961-8080, cluded.29&-3254 lection of Hall tavern pat- I'll hand out one numbered tic- 885-5062 Monday thru Fnday, 9 Rd ,Roseville (Betv.een tern kitchenware wluch m- ket to each person In line at 8 Groesbeck and Hayes) near a m-6 p.m 6K-STORAGE c1udes tea tiles, a cookie a.m. Fnday to establ1sh YARD Sale Friday - Satur- ESTATE SALE day from 10 a.m .. 4 pm, Walter Reuther Freeway SPACE Jar, colomal Jug, cream and your place in line at 10 a.m BEAUTIFUL Beaver Island 22911 Clairwood, S1. Clair

8-ARTICLES I-ART1CLES I-ARTICLES I-ARncLES 18-ANTIQUES I 11--eARS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOASALE FOA SALE &-ARTICLES 11-cARS FOR SALE WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE MOVING SUPER Sale - housewares, SPRA Y Cleen - all purpose WANTED ANTIQUE CLOCK repair GARAGE cleaner Works like "Fan- rugs, curtainS, furniture, BUYI NG SWORDS I CASH FOR ongmal 011 paint- 1981X.ll, 13,000mtles,loaded, 1981 LYNX LS, aIr, AM/FM, SALE appltances, etc 9 a.m - 2 Antique pocket watch reo mgs, Amencan, European, very clean, low mdes, tasbk" Previous tenant left pair Speclalizmg m house must see to believe Call 834 Rivard April 29, 30 pm, Saturday 1851 Hunt 18th, 19th Century, others $4,800/best 822-5338. us with quarts ~, gallons GUNS, DAGGERS calls (35 years expl:r- 774-8829after 4 9 J m - 7 P~ _ $1.50, 5 gallon Jugs $4 50 Sales confidential Art Inc Club 774-9651 lence) 884-9246 1975CORDOBA Power steer- 1978 SAPPORO - luxury HELP' 881-3655 VAl 9429 GARAGE SALE - small OPEN House - Movmg Sale ---~------mg . brakes, soo~f, new package, air, power steer- furmture, household Items, Oriental rugs, upholstered HIGHBANK Antiques - ~lJttNI'ruRE-t=;UnJshea:--;;- ing, power brakes, AM/FM NEW-pedestal smk and low paired, stnpped, any type 01 raised whIte letter tires. ex- books, records, SS9 Wa. chairs, small sofa, lawn 28689 Armada Ridge Road FUEL OIL cassette, $3,500. 881-7454 or boy commode, sky blue $500 calling Free estimates c;ellent condition. Runs slungton Friday, Apnl 29 chairs, paintings and prints, Between Ridgemond and WILL purchase and pump 886-2143 372-4612 47+8953 flom your tank good $1,850 775-4240__ Saturday, Apnl 30 10am- china, small items, air Armada 784.5302 Open IRLPOOI:.--AutomatiC ------...... ~------. 1981TOYOTA COROLLA 4pm _ WM compressor, palnt sprayer, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 882-9420 1982 FIREBI:RD-~ V-6, well washer, ltke new, $145 885- built-m stove, bathroom fJX- 12 to 5 Lamps, furmture ANTIQUE eqwpped. excellent condl. 4-speed, excellent condition, $4,500. 978-1884, 296-9623 LOUNGE Chair - beige tap- 0079 tures, garden tools 9 a m and misc S-HOTGt1NS ana rules want- tlon 886-0861. pestry pnnt, excellent con. WORKSHOP &"JNUALRummage and bake Saturday, Sunday, 429 Lex. "ALMOST-NEW" APPAREL ed - Parker, Fox, SmIth, 1980 ELDORADO - white dlUon 8815997 after 5 30 FURNITURE WJnchester and others 1971 PLYMOUTH Fury 360, ------sale St Peter's Parish Op- mgton 882-3154 accessofles, furs and an. With black convertible look. RESTORATION Pnvate collector 478-5315. power steering. brakes, atr, PIANO and organ mUSIC, posite Eastland, Apnl 29th, MAHOGANY dresser and hques at a fractIOn of the Ch:ur camng and rusmng - ...... ",. - -...-..-.. ~ r _ $375 882-5924, Thursday ing top, leather mterior, all large selecllon duets col- ~ pm, Apnl3Oth, 1~3 pm' mtrror, 1940 vmtage, $60; ongmal cost We Buy and Sell JOHN KING IS stlll buymg after 4 pm options, excellent condition, lectIons, studies, duldren's No advanced sales 886-0549 We Buy Furs 16414E Warren good books for cash Why $10,900 882-0679 teachwg pieces Kitchen -~------Consignments Welcome CADILLACl973Hardtop:-4 SHREDDER Bagger - Sears, 881-9339 ~ell to someone else for door, loaded, some rust, 1982 CAMARO, 9,000 miles, table, two sets, ch:urs, oak KENMORE automatic dryer, LEE'S le~s? 961 0622 8 h p $175 Weekdays 222- $350 92~7190 air, cruise, stereo, extended rockers, sWlvelchair, fire- excellent condltlon, $95, warranty, $10,500 8U6832 place tool set, grate, red 6585, mghts 8U6186 885-0079 20331Mack 11818082 ------ANTIQUE LIGHTING CASH FOR FOR- SALE - 1974Chrysler Vln~ 1 chair, dehumiduler COPeO Cookware, pots, frylng i-SOFAS custonibwlt, excel- DOLL APPRAISALS Just 10, 20 pairs of brass VIC Newport, custom 2 door, 1977TRIUMPH Spitfire, good 1789 Aline 886-1471 pans, casserole Yellow and tonan wall sconces 10 fully KIDS CLOTHES condtqon, $2,300 or best of. ------lent condition, 80" Hercu- ANTIQUES OR very clean~ ~nters in Flor- brown, brand new 82~6680 restored condt lion EXCELLENT CONDITION Ida, AM.FM radIO, crwse, fer. 886-8312, or 294-4197 GARAGE SALE ------lon, $275 each 881-1170. COLLECTIBLES VEn Y CLEAN, BETTER BARGAINS "~W ANTIQUE SHOP" In addtlJon, we feature a very rear WIndow defogger, ex- 1980 MAZDA RX7, low mI- STERLING _ 8, 4 piece place SUSAN'S DOLL MUSEUM ImpreSSive collectIOn of BRANDS, INFANT THRU 14 Furniture, stereo set, LIONS Den Antiques and col. 757-5568 cellent condition. $1,800 leage, one owner, air, settm~s, Towle "Old Mas- _ _ _ fully restored brass Vleto- Brmg m Monday, Tuesday !.:l~.'~~~'.' 8l\5-'{629 automatic, ("xcel!ent condi cr, clathln;:::. .::n Iccublcs, 22rol Crauot A•. Lt:l, t9v0. Suia, ydlow and SuRPLuS awmngs, Windows, UI T /lUI :>Uaj, !U-'! p m tIques, household )tems All nan chandelters. as well a~ tlOn 521-5326, evenings enue, 1 block north of 9 MJ1e, cream, $250 Teacart, $75 doors, roofmg, gutters and sconce!>, .. Schoolhou~e' ON HANGERS PLEASE CLASsICl~72 VW Super Bee- rea~onably priced Satur- East DetrOit 776-4915,open 776-5069after 6 p m alummum sldmg 5127, 8 globes, and commercial tle convertible, restored to 1981 AUDI 4000 - 5+5 - air day 10 am -5 pm 23330 d:Uly. 11-6 LEE'S RESALE mmt conditIOn, yellow With ------.------Mile Road sIZe fIXtures 20331 Mdck 881-8082 conditioning, AM/FM cas- Robert John, Corner Mor- GARAGE SALE - Aprd 29, .------black top and Intenor, "Wowl" we're fmally back on sette, power steering, mngslde. VISit our 3 floors of anlJque ANTIQUE OR - COLLECT- --~- ~----~-the East SIde It's been a 10-4, 53 Radnor Ctrcle, AUTOMOBILE OWNERS _ hghtmg at AM-FM cassette, wire power brakes, power Win- ELECTRONIC typewnter 75 Farms Iron bed. tables. and As low as $31 quarterly, IBLE DOLLS SUCH AS wheel covers. Must see to dows, power door locks, year thIs month since we chatrs, golf clubs, skus and MATERIALS UNLIMITED with 15 5 K, looks brand were burned out at our old MADAME ALEXANDER, appreCiate, $4,600 881.5165. alloy wheels, cruise control, boots toys, baby furmture buys baSIC automobile 10 2 WEST MICHIGAN AVE new 521-2395 (preferably shop at 8 Mile and BARBIE, ETC sun.roof $8,900 774-2798, smaIl appIJances. Imens, __sur~~t' _881:_2376:..__ YPSILANTI OLDS 1981 Omega - 2 door, 6 afternoons) $1,400. Schoenherr To all of our old Monday thru Sunday 757-5568 cyltnder, 26,000 rmles, load. 34H765. dtshes, tent, traverse rods, POTTERY 6 FT -SOFA bed,-excellent and new customers, stop U1 10 am - 5 pm. GAS STOVES ed, hke new. 468-9753. 1973 OLDS 98 - extra clean, condttlOn, $250 or best offer. at our new location and see no pee-sales EQUIPMENT 483-6980 new pamt. vmyl top. 880- the fine selection of antiques ---- ~- WANTED RELIANT 1982K car. 2 door, 25 Inch color RCA Console, ASSISTANCE LEAGUE Amaco, kick-wheel, thowing ANTIQUE round walnut atr, automatic, AM-FM,low 6304, $1,500. $250 or best offer 885-5115 and collectlbles, always at TO THE head, glaze matenals, sWts, pedestal table 43" diame- $S TOP DOLLAR PAID $$ affordable prices. We're al. mtles, excellent condttlon, 78 TRIUMPH Spitfire, Caltfor- ter, all carved, Gargoyle 885-0079 $6,495 882-0512 GARAGE--SALE -. fllrruture, ways accepting antique con- NORTH~~~T~WDANCE molds, pestle, scales, sieve, rua car, no rust, mechani. heads With frUit, leaves, bUIIt-Jn stove top, leaf signments Formally Lar- GARAGE SALE etc Free fire bncks, clay, TOP $$ PAID for color TVs 1982 98 REGENCY Broug- cally excellent, interior blower, pallo umbrella, ST JAMES LUTHERAN masazines 881.6040. and scroll ends, $550, patr needs repair $3,400 882- ry's and Fran's. antique carved wood red needmg repair 774-9380 ham - sedan, dark blue motorcycle trailer, clothes, CHURCH ------0022 KENMORE AUTOMATIC lacquered BUDDISTIC Fully eqUipped mcluding much, much more April McMtllan at Kercheval PROM Dresses - Pink, size EASTSIDE bookseller deSires washer, works great, $95 - diesel Excellent condition 1966COUPE DeVille, body and 2~30 ~3, 1523 South Re- Apnl 29, 30 10 a m -6p m 7-8, green, sIZe 14, reason- ChInese Fo~dogs, 16" hlgh ~Igned limIted editions, flOe 885-0079 $550, large heaVily carved 886-5630

.....------.... I, Thursday, April 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine-C

11-CARS 11-cARS 11-cARS • 11~OAT8 12D-LAKE AND 12E-COMMERCIAL 1~EAL ESTATE 13-REAL FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE AND MOTORS RIVER PROPERTY PROPERTY FOR SALE ESTATE / 1978 MONTE Carlo, power 1976 VOLARE, automat! 1976 ALUMACRAFT 16' side ROSEVILLE - 4 strip stores c, 1980BUICK Skylark, limited 2 HARSENS Island. Furnished steering, power brakes, air, 45,000 mdes, $1,195. 88I- door, air, tilt, trunk lock, console with 50 h.p. Evin- all rented parking faCUlties. 4 BEDROOM COLONIAL AM/FM, rustproofed, $3,200 6481 rude electric. Bowdeck, 3 bedroom, insulated boat Land Contract terms Cen- WIre wheels, AMjFM stereo well. Land Contract 752- ST. CLAIR SHORES 884-41216. tape, crwse auto, 9-5, 963- lockable rod storage, flat tury 21 Nance 771-3750. GRAND PRIX, 1978, a II carpeted floor, trailer and 4230 11,2baths, 2 car attached garage, basement, 1,700 sq 1982ESCORT L, power steer. power, .low mIleage, best of. 1467; 6-8, 886-5450. FOR SALE OR LEASE ft Sharp newly decorated, $54,900 Convenlloool new mooring cover $2,850.' 76 KERCHEVAL, on-the-Hill mg, power brakes, air, fer. 884-55211. Call after 5 pm, ~934 Ch SPECIAL FHAty A Owner AMIFM stereo Extended 1969CATAUN A $350. 88S-2782 Two-story building, 2Oxl00 1976 MONTE Carlo, 305, air erry Beach - Private. near 557.()770.DAYS 549-0569, EVENINGS service plan $5,300.884-41216 , BOAT Preparation - wilt WIth basement stereo, excellent Inside and 1982 OLDS Cutlass Clera 4 Marine CIty. 3 bedroom paint, rubout or generally house, attached garage, TOLES & ASSOCIATES T.BIRD 1977, power brakes, out $1,995,884-2342 door, 4 cylinder, well- 88S-2Q@. equipped $8,700 8ll4-043J prepare boats for season. fireplace, 1 bath. Furrnshed steenng, windows, 24,000 Call 821-9734 for estimate, nules, excellent condItion. 1979 JEEP CJ-7 Golde n or unfurrnshed. CIty water 1977HONDA Accor&, 5 speed Howard l).8 p m weekdays. 12F-HORTHERN 663 PEMBERTON 886-4386. Eagle, 304 Automat! c, and sewers Gas heat, PIC- transmission, air con- PROPERTY 1 hardtop, sunroof, loaded , SAIL With AYH - I>hone 545- tures available 881-8725 5 bedroom, 3 12 bath Tudor Central aIr, finished base- 1980 FORD PlOto Excellent low nules. Excellent cond I. diboner 42,000 mdes, some 0511 for mformation on clas- B ment, paneled den Walk to Park $129,800 As- rust $2,200 884-1154. EAUTIFUL cottage on Lake cond1llon, 4 cyhnder, 4 speed tion $4,800. Blue book list. ses NORTHERN Emmet County sume mortgage rack and DImon steerinl!. 527-3584 VOLVO 142, 1974,4 cylinder, 4 ------Huron Handy beach, boat near Larks Lake, 3 bedroom 824-6791 power brak~s, Michelin 27' O'DA Y 1975 - inboard, house WIth crank, guest 1979 ST REGIS, loaded speed, one owner, clean, home, large famIly room, , crwse eqwpped, excellent tires, low nuleage 371-4858 $4,300 or best 779-9246 economical. Must sell $2,500 house, prIvate and sec- workshop, garage, 4 ponds or best offer 8lI5-1635 condItJon $18,000. lIll2-8568. luded. IIh hours from De- on 160 acres 110 acres 1977 THUNDERBIRD Excel- 1979 ASPEN station wagon 61 MEADOW LANE lent cond1tlon, aIr, cruise, SUNFISH - good condItion troIt. Must see! 372-3770, wooded. Will dIvide Terms Air, automatic, powe r 1975 PLYMOUTH Duster 839-9029 GROSSE POINTE FARMS tilt, rear defog, AM/FM 34,000 nules, 6 cylinder, au. $400 lIll2-7162 Jim Brannan AuctIOn & stereo, new palOt, new brake steerlOg/brakes, new bres , Realty, Boyne CIty 616-582- 4 bedrooms, 21,2 baths, large paneled family room, 3 47,000 mdes, $3,550. or bes t tomatic, very good comh- OUTBOARD Motor Sea-Kmg, 12E-cOMMERCIAL fireplaces 2,350 sq ft, 100% renovation 1969'70 system, 64,000 nules $2,500. of er 773-8545 lion. Mlmmal rust, $1,100 7613 773-1801. 5 h P 882-4678. Excellent PROPERTY Must see Open Sunday 2-5 or by appolOtment. 88&-7229 condition $100. ------19774 DOOR Capnce, 350 V-!, 13-REAL 886-9828 1978 VOLARE 2 door, air, 1982 LN-7 - Loaded, low full power, 65,000 mile s BUSINESS and ESTATE stereo, power steering, $3,100 B84-09lY7 milea~e $6.700. 882-7162 11E-BOAT DOCKAGE vowel 01 akeb, runb great, AND STORAGE INVESTMENT looks great $2,250 ro~157 1974MERCURY Montego aIr , PROPERTIE~ CALL HELEN for a Macomb BY OWNER- 11A-<:AR 'xcluslvely TownshIp gorgeous brick GROSSE POINTE PARK - SOUTH OF JEFFERSON power steering-brakes , REPAIR 1977 CHEVROLET Station wmdows, door locks, 4doo r, WANTED. Well or dock for 20 SALES - LEASES and stucco 3 be

I. Page Ten-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 28, 1983 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 13-REAL 13-REAL ESTATE 18-PETS FOR SALE FOR SALE ESTATE 13A-LOTS 2O-GENERAL FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE SERVICES GROSSE POINTE WOODS HISTORIC West Village _ LAKESHORE Village Condo FIRST OFFERING beautifully restored Town- A LIFE STYLE - 2 bedrooms, on Marter, HARPER/Morang area ALGONAC; Comer lot on dou- FREE Boxer mix puppy, 16 FENCE - NO JOB too sma.ll house Llvmg room With Grosse Pointe near Lakeshore Land Contract, 477-1723, Co-op apartment, carpeted, ble canal. Overloolo.ng St. weeks Great with kids, B85- Any type lnsta!!, repaIr VERNIER, 2 bedroom bW18a- 0118. fireplace, formal dining Drive, for only .,500 Brick evenings stove, refrigerator, low Clair River. Qwck access to Wood SpeCialists. Free es- low, room for eXJ)anslon, maintenance, $14,900. Cash, natural fireplace, $50,900. room, den, remodeled kit- Colonial 2 ear attached gar- nver 371-1!n9 timate 772.5009. GATES REALTY HIDDEN LANE, Outstanding chen, pantry, large master age, 3 bedrooms, modem CONDOMINIUM 2 AQUARIUMS (20 gall~, 10 HANDYMAN - SER VICES, kiU;hen, formal dining room, 521-7000 2,000 sq ft. ranch. 2 full bedroom with fireplace, MACK - CADIEUX AREA 65xl68' LOT - Lake Vlew, 1 lot gallon). All a ccessones , 2 excellent Grosse Pomte re- Florida room. Beautiful baths, new windows and dressin~ room and full bath. Super clean, one bedroom, eat- GEORGIAN COLONIAL from lake. Foot of Grand full grown Oscars Included ferences For the unusual. home in excellent condition Ing space In Io.tchen, dillinR roof, pa tio, central air Call for extras, price and Beautifully appointed home, Marais, $40,000. 886-8332. 882-0839 Call 775-7362. call for private showing. "L", new carpeting and DORTHEN - 3 bedroom, 1~ terms. 1012 Kensmgton 3 firepla- FREE to good home 7 month drapes, freshly pamted, m- COUNTRY Club Drive - bath ranch. Central air, EVEN THE PRICE ces, large hVIng-room, kit. Prime building Slte l05xI70, old puppy, needs someone to 0 N G CONSTRUCTION CO $89,900. GROSSE POINTE Woods _ eludes stove and refriger- chen WIth breakfast, dlrung ator, laundry facilities, offered at $110,000 love him. Housebroken and Masonry repaIrs, chimneys, GROSSE POINTE PARK spacious one owner home, 3 IS BEAUTIFUL room, den and screened ter- excellent watch dog Son AI- patios, porches Specldllzmg plus bedrooms, natural fire- Grosse Pointe near Jefferson some furmture avallable COMERICA BANK SOMERSET - 1003, 2 bed- race, 4 liedrooms plus sun 222-3721; lerglc 527-2612 m Fieldstone fireplaces Li place in liVIng room, formal only $52,000.3 bedroom Col- Low maintenance fee room, 1~ bath Colonial ImmedIate occupancy room on second 2 bedrooms SHELTIE-8mo~nths-o--l-d,-m-a-I-e, censed 839-9459 ilining room, finished base- onial, 2 car garage, formal on tlurd $164,500. All offers Good terms $70,900 ment, alwmnum trim, house dllling room, den, modern 14-REAL ESTATE neutered,needsahomeWlth HANDYMAN-with truck HARCOURT - 3 bedroom In- 885-1944 DAYS welcome 885-1005 and garage Call for pnce kitchen, excellent condition WANTED lods 1112.1133 Clean basements, garages, come Separate furnaces 884-3340 EVENINGS and ferJ!lS EARL KEIM REALTY BY OWNER - 71 Wllhson, : ADO- RABLE Itldoou;jt - short ete Any haullng, odd Jobs and utilities, $129,500 Bob - 885-62Z7 Grosse POinte Shores. CASH FOR HOMES hatred Tabby ale, neu- __ --+--- _ WILCOX REALTORS ST CLAIR SHORES Condo, LAKESHORE OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 P m Prime locatIOn, exclUSIve SERVING AREA 45 YEARS tered' vacmated Very lov- SPRING Clean-ups Complete 884-3550 lovely 2 bedrooms, 1-'hbaths, 296-3420 882-0283 1012WIllTIIER reSident near Lakeshore, 3 basement, attached garage, AttraclJve 5 bedroom Engbsh STIEBER REALTY 109, affectionate Loves home mamtenance (inSide ROSEVIILE - Bnck homebY bedrooms, 21hbaths, formal OPEN SUNDAY 2-5. Grosse near Jefferson bus. $50 Colorual Dlmng room, hb dlDlDg room and handsome people, but hates other cats and out) Reasonable, re- Pomte/Cranford Terrace. owner, 3 bedrooms, 1% rary, famlly room, recrea 775-4900 Great compamon for a ferences Rlck,839-700J mamtenance fee, reduced to baths, porch off garage, family room Must be seen ------. lonely person 839-2441even- _ UflltS on Cranford and on tlon room, palJo, 3 baths, 2 $52,900 Aruuous seller wants flmshed basement, near to appreciate NQ brokers Cadleux. 5 bedroom town- offer. half baths, 3 fireplaces As. ALL CASH We buy EastSldE mgs DAVE THE HANDYMAN Eastgate, 771-4926between 4 886.7576, 961-7970 for ap- DetrOIt properhes 886.9116, house, gas heat, garage and B F CHAMBERLAIN sumable mortgage Excep' ADORABLE lottens - Free to ALL TYPES OF HOME pm - 9 pm. _pomtment _ _ East! and Realty, 16325 basement Michigan Realty 771-8900 honally well-main tamed good home, litter tramed, MAINTENANCE --- __ 88__1-_6292B_y_O_w_ner__ Harper - smce 1946 Real- Co 29&-7602 LAKESHORE VILLAGE 75 STONEHURST, Grosse tor also year old Tabby - 886- NO"%~~~~~:~LL GROSSE POINTE WOODS Condo Marter Road 2 bed- 7 ATTENTION LARG E Pomte Shores - 3 bedroom WOODS 1 25 A!!3rd three - 023 P~dJ II~Lane, byow- 5270 EXPERIENCED room Townhouse, corner ranch, neWly decorated, 21h GltOSSE Pomte Shores home COCKATEILS young male REASONABLE bedroom, bath and a half, ner, custom bUIlt, 2 large wnt $39,900 882-4164 HOME BUYERS country Io.tchen, formal din- baths, famdy room, sun wanted WIth3-4 bedrooms by and female, large cage and EXCELLENT G P bedrooms, formal dimng Cadieux near Jefferson, bnck porch, utlhty room, modern 109 room; large livmg room, HARPER Woods - Roslyn near private party. ~1 room, 2 baths, fireplace, center hall Colomal WIth Woodmode kitchen witl} stand. 886-0090 RE~ERENCES fireplace; famlly room, fm- Mack, Grosse POinte spacious rooms Library, bul1t-1D lotchen, foyer WIth bUIlt-IDS Lot 1ooxl60 884- 15-8USlNESS MALE Cat - declawed, neu- 839-1236 ished basement, newly deco- Schools, 2.3 bedrooms, new liVing room and family room tered 1year old, free to good marble floor, intercom and gas furnace, carpet, drapes, 1386or 882-2555 OPPORTUNInES rated and carpeted. Ap- stereo system, built-1O bar, have fireplaces 8 bedrooms, home 962-9850 extensIOn 209 2OA-cARPET under $30,000. Excellent pomtment, 296-7473or TUl- flDished basement with ree 5% baths, near schools, GROSSE POINTE schools 3 RESOLVING - Joggmg, tenms, FREE F D S B Eng1Jsh set. LAYING 5669 room, powder room, sprmk- starter VAor Land Contract transportatIOn. Priced at bedroom bnck bungalow 2 terms. basketball and deck shoes. ter, male, 2 years old, ex- TODAY'S BEST Img system Open Sunday only $95,500in Grosse POlDte full baths, natural firep- 2-5 882-6379 KESSLER 771-2470 Park lace, full basement, 2 car Machinery, suppltes and cellent for breedtng, won- CARPET LAYING BUYS LAKESHORE Village Condo, OLGA RASHID REALTY garage $58,000. Owner traming Call for detaIls derful faffilly dog 882-6179 NEW AND OLD everungs and weekends GROSSE POINTE HARPER Woods, three bed- comer UIUt, two bedrooms, 775-6200 882-8512 884-1620,8115-7710. Stairs Carpeted Slufted room, new kitchen, new two baths, finished base- DESPERATE need good Repairs of All Types GROSSE POINTE PARK bath, central air 371-5008 EDMUNTON St Clair OPEN SUNDA Y ~ 2 to 4, St INTERIOR Furnishings shop ALSO ment, professIOnally dec~ Clair Shores - owner. 2JIfl07 home for 2 seven month old 4 bedroom bnck Colonial, car- rated with many extras, Shores, custom ranch IdeallocatlOn Excellentfor female cats, indoor only CARPETING, VINYL petmg,lav on fll'St floor, only HARPER WOODS Condo 1 Carpetmg, drapes, fire- Joan,3 bedroom, full brick, person with creative talents HARDWOOD 9~% assumption, asking 1,000 sq ft Basement, new 445-1783 after 6 pm $54,900 Cash to a conven- bedroom, appl1ances, stor- $49,900 772.6838after 6 p m place, dmmg room, famIly m mtenor design. Over Samples Shown ill lJonalloan drIve and roof Al shape, age, low maintenance Im- and weekends. room, 2 twm size bed- $40,000 worth of merchan- MEDIUM sIZe - black male Your Home GROSSE POINTE PARK mediate occupancy 886- rooms, flmshed basement, clean. 886-9899 dISe now in stock Owners Terrier, 2 years old, needs BOB TRUDEL NOTTINGHAM - 3 bedroom 9057 3 BEDROOM Colonial fIrep- garage FaIrly prIced 9MILE ANDJEFFERSON - retmng, prIced to sell at a good famIly, has all 774-7590days, 294-5896 eves sUlgle, Side drive, 2 car gar- lace with glass doors, neWly 775-3139 PRESTIGIOUS LOCATION $63,000 Call Mr Battjes, shots. Free to good home. TAX SHELTER - Co-op &9-0996 JERRY'S CARPET age, house remodeled, very decorated, year round sun - ONE BEDROOM LOWER 313-632-5742 apartment Whittier /1-94 room with wet bar, hard SHARP Colomal in Grosse SERVICE sharp r Near schools and One bedroom effICiency CONDO NEW DECOR, • shoppmg, $45,000 price re- wood floors Karastan car- Pomte Farms shows ex- LOOKING to go mto busi- KITTENS - 2 months old, InstallatlOnIRepau-s, all kinds Low maintenance, $11,900 CENTRAL AIR, CARPET, ness? Mtrumize your risk duced. Easy terms. peting, built-in dishwasher, tremely well Formal dlrong assorted colors, tramed, In-home sales. Warehouse Cash 6-9 p.m 882-8176 ALL APPLIANCES, CAR- by having your own Handyman Special -' This deck, new gutters, gas room, breakfast nook, newer free to good homes. 884-4805 pnces Over 20years expen PORT,POOL. BY OWNER- Boutique or stall in exist- EAST DETROIT, Custom 3 forced air heat, 1l,2 baths, 2 carpeting, flDlshed base- ence house needs help! 5/5 in- $48,000. NO AGENTS - 774- 109 downtown Birmingham FREE Kittens to a lovmg bedroom brick, 1~ baths, car garage, Grosse Pomte ment, 3% baths. Much more. 776.3604 come Gas heat New elect- 9884 store Looking for Henry home 885-3108 rical system. Sold as is, fireplace, fimshed basement Farms, open ~ay 1 to 5 Call Real Estate One. Ask p.m. Call Max - days, 964- for Jim or Vel 296-0010 LOVELY townhouse condo, Bendel - type concept with 6 AND UP month old kittens 2OB-REFRIGERA TlON $32,500. Land Contract with bar, If.t bath, 2 car brick dIfferent departments terms AVailabletoqualified garage $59,900 771-4122 3100; weekends and even- Woodbridge East, St. Clair Free to good homes Deliver AND AIR mgs 886-3258. Shores, 2 large bedrooms, under one roof. Write us free 923-0548 CONDITIONING buyer Call to see. RIVIERA TERRACE - 2 bed- HOME with your Ideas and de- GROSSE POINTE CITY OPEN SUNDAY 2-5, 21018 2lf.tbaths, extra large 2-car REPAIR room, 2 baths, upper Priced attached garage, patio, pool scribe your concepts All MALE Old English sheepdog, MIchael Ct. St. Clair Shores New IJsting - 3 bedroom brick, for qmck sale, 689-4429. OWNERS club house, security guard. mQwnes strickly confiden- 1% years, registered, $50 tial Reply: P.O. Box 242, SUN'S RefngeralJon - QUail side drive, 2 car garage, gas FIRST TIME OFFERING 3 bedroom brick ranch, fam- All VIOlations Corrected Be- Pettine Realty 521-4030 Call after 6 p m. 882-9327. heat, deep lot. Buy of the Franklm, Mich 48025 fled repau- techmcians Low HARPER WOODS Hy room with fireplace fore And After Closmg week! $62,500- Easy Terms Large country lutchen 1% MR MADURSKI CUTE, qlUet and lovable small rates Call day or mght 751 Owner bought new home, anx- 13A-lOTS DETROIT baths, 2 car attached gar- 881-5105 8 30-5 00 mutt, shots, neutered We're 7447 ious, custom bwIt 3 bedroom age. Patio, low 60's. Earl FOR SALE EARL KEIM REALTY movmg, free to good home ------St. Clare Pansh - Courville, 3 brick ranch. h1ijle kitchen, LAKESHORE 886-3942. RICHIES appllance servIce bedroom aluminum Col- BOxI80 lot, attached 2 car Keim Lakeshore. 296-3420, CLINTON TOWNSHIP center ServICe on all major onial, natural fireplace, car- 1Ill24283 Enio¥ 1,900square foot tw~ GROSSE POINTE 'PARK_ 296-3420, 882-0283 garage, aluminum trim, Size 1D5x85,corner of Cad- 2D-GENERAL appliances, 100% guaran- peting, sidedrive, garage. bedroom condommium fea. Have a Hobby - like to have tee. 885-0079 finished basement Much ieux and Jefferson, 886- SERVICE Price reduced only $22,500. more. Asking $66,900. Call OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 turing large rooms, 2% your own business? Like to 83 Greenbriar Grosse Pomte baths, 3 car garage at 3598. Consider $2,250 down pay- Tony Duronio 775-4201, try being in business on ~our 2Oe-cHIMNEY AND ment to mortgage. agent. Shores, custom built Colo- Schultz Estates, 19 miles own? We ha~e a very umque LICENSED - INSURED nlal. 4 bedroom, Library, East of Garfield 286-2330 GROSSE POINTE SHORES idea. Retail sales space FIREPLACE BUILDER CROWN REALTY BY OWNER - Waslungton family room, 3 baths, 2 fire- near the Lake aV311ablein hlgh traffiC area REPAIR bnck patIos, brIck walkways, 821--6500 ~J 3 story bnck Colonial. places. Full basement, 2 car OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 owner _ 100rt frontage 10 the Village of Grosse L/C1'erms brick driveways, also addi- TOM McDONALD &I SONS .5 DeIU"OOInS,.4-'hbaths, .ap- atta,cbed .ga.tage _walking 1173. Yorkshire, English Point.. Our 1!rQl1'raJP has !<'IREPLACE, wood stoves. 011 distance to Grosse Pointe Tudor Excellent condi- PALMS-QUEEN tlonlk"CIIl'¥~Ci)" --GROSSE 3rd GENERATION proximately 2,500 sq. ft., miHr6}m~. It is"'ah oppor- POINTE REFERENCES - flue cleaning Caps and Yacht Club and park. on lot and half Large charnung home in good con- tion 886-4444 tunity to do It your way 35 years expenence. 772- screens installed Insured, Barnes schools, Star of the rooms, 4 bedrooms, 31h Why not call today for a per- BEAUTIFUL Sunset Plaza, dition. $150,000.8llZ-4265. 3223. no mess, ProfesSIOnal Mas- Sea Parish. Century 21 _ baths, master bedroom LOOK - OtfT over Grosse sonal consultalton. how Jefferson-ll Mile, 2 bed- BY OWNER attractive 3 bed- see ter Sweep. Coach light Town and Country, 771-0800 with dressing room and Pointe from Merriweather easy It is - just a phone call Chimney Sweep Company room lower condo, air, pool, room brick bungalow 5975 HOME IMPROVEMENT bath, alarm system, Hill - 75"169. 882.1400. could start you on a new ca- 885-3733 porch, carport, semta bus. Marseilles. 1111-8322 GROSSE Pomte Woods 552 many extras 882-3194 J. A. HAGAN 771-4055. reer. HARRISON Township, North Thorn Tree Four bedroom, MODERNIZATION M J. CHIMNEY Sweep No 2% bath. Open house, LAKESHORE Village condo .LOT near the lake, Elmslelgh 16-PETS OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 owner - Bay Village Condo, carriage RENOVATION mess Reliable service Re.,- Saturday - Sunday 12-6 on court for sale. By owner, Lane, 886-3729. FOR SALE Identlal, commercial. John 1173 Yorkshire, English hot.Be, 2 bedroom, 1~ baths, 884-92311 2 bedroom, new kitchen and * 10% OFF WITH TillS AD * LICENSED INSURED 368-1177. Tudor. Excellent condition garage, J~fferson/Shook, appliances, new bathroom, GROSSE POINTE Farms _ on lot and half. Large 791-3537. MOVE RIGHT IN' Lovely 3 new finished basement, Rose Terrace, lot No.5, 100 GOOD Home needed for 2 881-2530 20E-INSULATION rooms, 4 bedrooms, 3-'h GROSSE POINTE Woods bedroom, center entrance carpeting, drapes and cen- x 110, lake view 884-1386 adult cats, neutered and de- HANDYMAN ServIce Rea- baths, master bedroom WIth sharp 4 bedroom brick Cape colonial, all brick Out- tral air, Jefferson _ Marter clawed, 1 black HImalayan, sonable rates. 772-4176 dressing room and bath, Cod 1,400square feet natural standing features, must Road area, from 8:30 a m _ LOT for sale 10 Grosse Pointe 1 gray and white long- INSULATION alarm system, many ex- see 1409Yorkshire, 882-3816 5:00 p.m. 758-3520after 5' 30 Park, lK)' x 156', 331-0066 haired, owner allerglc 1!6- fireplace, basement, at- Blown-in tras 882-31!N. tached garage,low 70's, 10% or 885-7907,open Sunday 2-5 p.m. Weekends, 774-9470. lJlOO Attics & Sidewalls financing, Dacey, 174-5400. 16-PETS CUSTOM CONTEMPORARY LAST OFFERING BY OWNER, Well-mam- 14-REAL ESTATE Free Energy Audits 1030BIShop. $210,000.3 bed- 14-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LAPEER County - sprawung 3 HARPER WOODS tamed 3 bedroom bnck WANTED WANTED 0% UTILITY FINANCING room, 2~ bath, 3 fireplaces, bedroom brick ranch on 10 Hampton - mce cozy ranch ranch near Cottage Hospl- Toxic Foam ExtractlOn fast floor laundry, brick acres with 1~ acres of on large beautifully treed tal. Modernized kitchen, Formaldehyde Testing patio, porch, bUilt-JDS,sub- woods and ~ acre stock lot, newer kItchen and fam- central aIr, full basement, If you lose me ALL POINTES CONST CO zero refrigeration, Jenn-air pand, 2lf.t car attached ~ar- ily room, central air, fenced lot, $74,900,886-2020 886-3537 stove and oven, dishwasher, COUPLE LOOKING FOR 3 BEDROOM HOME or find me ... age. FUU basement, natural Grosse Pointe Schools 13277EAST OUTER DRIVE oa.:' floors and trim, air con- fireplace. Dacey 774-5400 IN GROSSE POINTE FARMS OR CITY ~ilJoning, custom ule, car- Moving MUST SELL! 93-4% 3 bedroom, 1lf.tbath, 2,000plus 2OF-WASHEFl AND financing f t II b k Tud pet, drapes. 223-3676, 885- OPEN SUNDAY 1-6 STI EBER square ee , a nc or DRYER REPAIR 0042 evenmgs. 1149AUDUBON REALTY 2 car attached garage, na Under $200,000 Post WW II Colomal, rant'h or semi. Grosse Pointe Park. Center 77~900 tural fireplace, master bed Want attached 2 car garage; bedroom on 1st; laundry on FOR SALE by owner, 3 bed- entrance Colonial tastefully FIRST OFFERING room 3O'x12' Excellent con 1st or 2nd, or a place for one; larger lot, move-in co~dl LET GEORGE DO IT room ranch,large Mutschler remodeled throughout over 3513 Grayton, charming Cape dluon, $72,900 Call 8llZ-834:i non NO REAL TORS We've exhausted all current list- Washer, dryer, dishwasher lotchen IDcludes air condl- past two years 4 bedrooms, Cod in move In conditIOn, anytime, ask for Ned. ings. If you consider selling, please call 885-6111. and range'> repaired All tlonlDg $165,000.Star Of The 2l,2 baths, IJvingroom with makes NO SERVICE fireplace, formal dirong Simple assumption, all EXECUTIVE Energy efh- CHARGE If repaired. Guar- Sea area Shown by ap- appl1ances included, Ideal cient _ 4,000 square foot room, hbrary, famlly room, anteed parts and service pomtment only. Call 886- starter, $42,900. Georgian Colonial on 150' x 0131 and expansion third floor. 2 ----'60-ADOPT..;------Specializing ID GE, Ken- car garage 8116-2222. 4721 Yorkshire, one of a Io.nd 250' lot 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. more and WhIrlpool prod- contemporary featunng 4 25' famdy room, den, circle APn ucts. 189McKINLEY 1215 AUDUBON, English 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths drive AppraIsed $265,000 PERSONALIZED OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 story, 5 bedroom, quiet 4413Bishop, large Colomal, In Best offer over $210,000 SERVICE SINCE 1965 3bedroom,24.t bath colonia! street, DIce yard, $110,000. excellent DetroIt nelghbor- 881-2653 "~ The Oakland Humane We'll run your ad Excellent Fa rms location, 8116-3620 hood, updated Io.tchen WIth _ George Stults FREE!! 885-1762 $94,000. Financing possi- bUilt-inS Contact MARK CONDO Society b bIlIties mclude assumable 274 LOTHROP MONAGHAM, Schweitzer GROSSE POINTE VILLA ", 882-6900 mortgage or Land Con- GROSSE POINTE FARMS Real Estate, 886-5800 2 bedrooms, carpeting, ~, located In If~l",}..t'cf\ RICHIE'S AppIJance ServICe tract terms that can be drapes, appliances mclud- Center - Service on all major SIX bedrooml 3lf.t bath, GROSSE Pomte Woods 2 ed; laundry faCIlities in .Wayne County l((klizi~) adjusted to the buyers ranch Hugelaffillyroom IS a non-profit privately 20-GENERAL apphances 100% guaran- bedroom bnck ranch With bUllding Low maintenance tee Wehaveacompletellne needs Many, many extras. Best year around Florida room, fee IDcludes heating and air funded by donalion hu mane society fostering a~ SERVICE buy 10 Farms at $126,000. of new and used parts 885- 881-0632 fInished basement, at- condltlOrung, excellent se- NO-DESTROY policy. has many homeless dogs 0079 II OWNER - SM-1139 tached garage Must sell. Curlty $52,900 Call for ap- and cats for adoption OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 886-3476 pomtment after 6 pm, or The Shelter IS located at 19601 Mt Elliott. near 7 Mile 419 CHAMPINE NEW HOME GROSSE POINTE WOODS weekends 1182-7146 Road, Detrort. 48234 Phone 892-7822, Hours 11 00 20E~NSULAnON a m to 500 pm AMER[CAN HANDYMAN PLACE JIM CLARK, BUILDER Lancaster - cozy 3 bedroom BYO-W-NER-, -M-o-rn-I-ngs--;-d; CORP SEVEN DAYS A WEEK l~ Grosse Pomte Farms _ Custom Cape Cod Inner brick Cape Cod stvle Fam- near Lakeshore Rd:;. walk. IIy room, fireplace, central 109 distance to Lrrosse • ~, Donalions Welcome Cat courtyard, first floor rm Three bedroom bnck Col- air, freshly decorated, rec Pomte North 4 bedrooms, ALL GENERAL l bedroom and bath 277 I and Dog food Coupons SUDRO INSULO\TION omal I h baths, famlly room, buJ.1t-1Dpool, new 12% 2J,2 baths, Llvmg room MAINTENANCE room, formal dining Kenwood Ct, Grosse , \j!' helpful \lolunteers are , Smce 1948 mortgage Priced right' With fIreplace, dlmng t ,\*, soliCited HOME REPAIRS, room, large lotchen, cen- Pointe Farms $185,000 L TIred of pa}'mg sk} rocket All offers conSidered STIEBER REALTY room, famIly room Fi- it iNSIDE AND OUT tr al air, two natural fire- Thank you for helping those .... 109 fuel bIlls? Ask for places,large lot, excellent Open 7 days, 1'3G-5 00 775-4900 nished basement WIth flre- COMMERClAlj GROSSE POINTE SHORES place, roof - 1 month old who can not help themselvesl our portfolio of home~ condllJon $92,000 RESIDENTIAL With curren I fuel bill W. IDA LANE - Woods, Custom 4 bedroom ranch near 881.9499 savmg~ Take ad~antage BY OWNER custom 2 bedroom bnck Jake, marble foyer, 2 flre- N-EW -HOME --21216 Loch- 24 HOUR SERVICE ranch, all appliances, of our off season prlcmg 881-1036 places, full basement, large moor, Harper Woods 3 year 293-5659 no~ ('am fort for a II carpeting, window pool and paho, $179,000, old Colomal, 3 bedrooms, treatments included sea~on~ 15'7, Federal 237 CHALFONTE _BlK-_286_1______IIh baths, famIly room WIth Anti-Cruelty Basement WIth lav. 21E-STORMS AND Tax Credit GROSSE POINTE FARMS HARP~R WOODS 21120 natural fireplace, excellent 1181.3515 Lovely corner lot Gar- Huntmgton Brick ranch 2 condItion Grosse Pomte Association SCREENS Charming custom built age with door opener center entrance Coloma!. bedroom, large famIly schools Open Sunday 2 - 5 13569 Joseph Campau Mid $70's room WIthparquet floor and p m 886-1381 Askmg Hamtramck LIVing room, natural HANDLOS 882.7300 fIreplace, formal dlrung Frankhn fIreplace Large $77,500 room, updated kitchen, hVlng room With natural RO-ME OWNERS ConSIder 10 a m to 4 p.m lav,3 bedrooms, walk-in fireplace New furnace, roof these examples of Insurance Monday through SaTurday closets, full bath, car- - 5 months old, new gutters. protection on your home \ peted sun-porch and rec new built-in dishwasher Only $167 per year for " PLEASE ADOPT! room. Cedar closet, FOR Large lot $Z7,OOOAssum- $60,000 $218for $00,000 $293 No after hours help as tet Veterinarian 5 days a!umlluum storms, 2 plus able mortgage balance, for $100,000 Thoms Insur- '12 day Silt We keep dogs as long a<; po<;slble garage With automatic CLASSIFIED ADS 80/.% Askmg $59,000 885- ance Agency Eastland Financed only by donations Remember i1nlmille; hghtmg, extra attic tnsu- 1140 Center 8812376 In your Will tool latlon Prime location for CALL 882-6900 schools and shOPPing BEDFORD NEAR Mack - ST CLAIR SHORES 4 bed. Volunteer help wanted Pet food and car 882-3227 for mformatlon brick mcome, 5 and 5. base- room Colomal Near lake labels welcomed For InformatIOn cart Mary, or appointment- $78,500 ment, ree room, owner 882- Immaculate, $107,000 9~ 4380 possible m-5439 891-7188 Thu~YI Apnl28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven-C

2OF-WASHER AND 21E-STORMS 21F-HOME 21F-HOME 21G-ftOOFING 211-PAJNTING..r. 21I-PAJNTING 21J-WALL DRYER REPAIR AND SCREENS IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT SERVICE DECORATING OECORAT1NG WASHING DAYS AND evenJnJ(s _ FREE ES11MATES FORMICA KITCHEN Appliance repair - 30 ALUMINUM DOORS AND COUNTER TOPS Ie DIMENSIONAL EUROPEAN TOUCH WALLPAPERING K-MAINTENANCE Company R.LAETHEM WALLPAPER - PAINTING ~ears eJ:J;lerlence washers WINDOWS, SCREENS RE- VANITIES BLOG.INC. The Best Paperhanger wall washing, fioor cleaning drYers, dishwashers. 2ue: PAIRED, FREE PICKUP CORIAN Ie CABINETS In Town and waXlD8.Free estimates MODERNIZATION Foc The Finest 1871. 29t-6875. AND DELIVERY, DOOR. FREE ESTIMATES ROOFING RESIDENTIAL Ie In Old World "BECAUSE ALL I DO IS 882-0688 WALLS, PORCH ENCLO- EDW. VAN OSTAEYEN COMMERICAL HANG PAPER" 2OK-FLOOR Craftsmanship SURES FRED'S STORM, 839-0424 465-7152 886-7456 15 Years In the business 21K-WiNDOW SANDING m4311 EVENING CALLS Kitchens, baths, Fromlca Free Estunate Call Ron for your WAStiNG WELCOME. TOMA CONSTRUCTION INC. ceramic, custom cabinets. EXPERT REPAIRS • Additions • KItchens Professional Estlmate LICENSED Ie GUTIERS G O'LMIN PROFESSIONAL Floor Sand- • Bathrooms. Vinyl Wmdows 641-7766 751-7893 ing and firnslung. SpecialJz.. 21F-HOME REASONABLE ROOFING WINDOW CLEANING • Concrete • Roofing 772-4176 SELCA PAINTING and deco- SERVICE ing in dark staining Can for IMPROVEMENT • Alterations. Repairs SMALL JOBS STEVE'S PAINTING free estimat.e W. Abraham, rating, residential, com- Intenor Ie Extenor FREE ESTIMATES 979-3502. FULLY LICENSED LETO BUILDING CO. 774-9651 merCial, brush, roll, spray WE ARE INSURED AND INSURED SINCE 1911 Patching Ie Plastermg EASTLAND Frank selca, 979-9383 Wallpapering, Wmdow G. Ie G. FLOOR CO 296-3134 469-8594 CUSTOM BUILDING ROOFING 372-3022 Floor sandIng professionally ALUMINUM REMODELING Puttymg, caulk.IDg Repairs and reroofing Alumi- Good work.- Free Estimates D WINDOW CLEANING CO done. Dark staining and fin- REC.RooMS num trim and gutters. Fath- PAINTING PRODUCTS Reasonable Prices Storms and screens, aiumi- ishing. All work guaranteed. BARK£:A KITCHENS er and Sons. Sldmg, trIm, roofmg, seam- CONTRACTORS WALLPAPER Seroor CItizens 10% Off num and gutters cleaned, 882-3222 Free estimates References. less gutters, storm doors Bob Isham Dale Isham REMOVAL Call Steve any tune free estimates. Lowest 885-0057 Moderruzatlon • Alterations • ------~----- 526-0666 776-9684 and wmdows, radmgs, al- Addltions • Fanuly ~ooms CARPENTRY .WALLWASHING pnces in the POlntes. uminum shutters, porch en- FREE ESTIMATES 365.5635 • KItchens Ie Recreation Roofing, repaIr, flat complete Equal the best, KELM closures Free courteous es- to 294-1602 773-0525 Areas home improvement Li- but cost less. ,PAINTING, INTERIOR - ex- Floor sandmg, refmishmg, old timates CASHAN ROOFING K-WINDOW cleaning com- JAMES BARKER censed, Insured, 15 years ~RENT 882-0594 tenor Wallpapering, stuc- fioors a 'Specialty Expert OffIce/Showroom HOT ROOFS ~-5044 1D the Pointes. References co, wmdow caulkmg Free pany Storms, screens, gut- in staJn 535-7256 29315 Harper Commercial - Residential -- ~~-~- M1.ke. estimates Good work, 521- ters, alummum cleaned In- S C S 774-0460 Year round service INTERIORS K BUILDING CO. ~!27(1 546S sured Free Estimates 21-MOVING Shingles and Repatrs BY DON & LYNN D C KELLY BlliLDER • Husband- Wife Team 882-0688 H.F. JENZEN • Quality Remodeling HADLEY HOME Work Guar,anteed -GROSSE POINTE McCALLUM MOVING com- Insured 886-3245 * Wallpapermg A-QK WINDOW CLEANERS. pany. Modern truck and BUILDING • Anderson Heplacement - IMPROVEMENT * Pamtirig PAINTER'S, INC . Windows Ie Doors ServIce on storms and equipment. Established 1D DESIGNED ROOFS and DECKS * Meticulous Pamting - interior-exterior, • Additions of all types INC. screens. Also domestic 1918 - Fully insured. Also, REMODELING ANQ. GUTTERS and Insured paperhangmg and panehng. • Custom Garages COMPLETE REMODELING * housecleamng Free esti. piano specialists. 776-7896. ADDITIONS SERVICE DOWNSPOUTS * Over 2tl Years Experience Free estlmates cheerfully mates Monthly rates 77~ ARCHITECTURAL Gutters cleaned and fiushed given L1censed alsd Insured NEED SOMETHING moved, 882-3463 . Kitchens/Baths 527-5560 1690 or 773-9838 SERVICE New and Repair Work delivered or disposed of? LICENSED &: INSURED Additions/Porches 882-9234 BATHROOMS AND Attlc/Rec Rooms Licensed and InsW'ed BUCHANAN & CO. WINL>OW was tung - Spring Two Pointe residents will GROSSE POINTERS KITCHENS MODERNIZE TO Aluminum Siding(l'rim ADVANCE MAINTENANCE PAINTERS and fall change. Satisfac- move or remove large or 17319East Warren SERVING THE POINTES tion guaranteed. Brian, small quantities of furruture, REPLACEMENT MODERNISM Gutters/Down Spouts SERVED EUROPEAN 884-9512 SINCE 1972 772-3167. appliances, pianos - or WINDOWS HOME OR OFFICE Storm Windows/Doors APPRENTICESHIP Roofing/Shingles/Hol Tar • Wallpaper and removal what have you. Call for free RE-ROOFING 30 years experience JOHN D. SIMON • Painting (lnt and Ext ) Intenor - Extenor-wallpaper- 21L-llLE estimates. Call John Stein- AFTER 5 P M. 776-2185 Alummum Siding and ing. Specia.lizuJg m repainng WORK ALUMINUM SIDING Gutter Cleanmg 778-1028 - 773-6966 • Staining and varmshing damaged plaster, drywall inger, 343-0481or 822-~. Ie TRIM WAHREN SCHULTZ Roofing, Caulking, • Plaster repatr P.S Others may copy our ad Fences/RepaJrs of all kmds and cracks, pee1Jng pamt, ------EXPERIENCED man, spe- Weatherstripping, Repairs • Texture ceilings and walls but never our price, experi- Licensed and Insured window puttying and caulk- MANHATTAN TILE CO. _ 777-6840 cializing in exterior home LICENSED - INSURED LICENSED INSURED ence or style' , LICENSED Ie INSURED 886-0520 ing, also painting alwronum New and remodeling cer- repaIr, also bnck and ce- 886-4374 siding All work and mater- amic tile in kitchens, bath REUABLE POINTE resIdent ment work, call Stafford, CLOSETS-We design, bUild, Professional gutter service MODERNIZATION Siding and trim, roqf reo ial guaranteed Reasonable and foyers. 771-4343. with truck will move large or 775-3496. and install a system of ad- JOSEF'S Grosse Pointe references. small quantities. M.T CHARGOT Justable l>uelves, or can pairs. Reasonable. Reli. WALLPAPER REMOVAL able I do my own work. Free Estimates. Call John CERAMIC TILE - New and INSURED BUILDING CO. ROWL supply you with matenals • ExpeJ:1enced anytime, 77~9439. remodeling. Baths, kit- Bob 882-1968 PERSONALLY DESIGNED CARPENTRY {(ir a do it yourself project. LICENSED Ie INSURED • InsW'ed chens and foyers, shower Kitchens - Attics Kitchens, Bathrooms 885-3587 Perfect Closet. JOHN WILLIAMS • Reliable QUALITY interIor/exterIOr pans repaired. Call Rick at * Estimates at no charge or painting and repair. Experl- 521-3434. 21A-PIANO '* Basements _ Porches Finished Basements 885-5813 enced, reasonable Insured Bathrooms - Rec Rooms ---- obligation. SERVICE * Trim Mouldings 21G-ROOFlNG Gutters cleaned. Seaver's, CERAMIC TILE - New and • \ Outdoor'deck enVIronments REPAIRS 776-8267 General Home Repairs SERVICE 882-(XX)(J. remodeling. Free estimates. COMPLETE PIANO service., CUSTOM CRAFTED QUALITY WORKMANSHIP • Roofing • Gutters • Chim- neys • Porches • Ail Car- Licensed. Very reasonable . Tuning, rebuilding, refinish. * Cabinets _ Formica AT REASONABLE RATES WHITEY'S QtJALl'ry PAINTING 772-3293(Tony). lng. Member Piano Techni- * Wood working _ trim work 521-5589 839-9307 FRED'S Roof Repair. Com- pentry. • Wall Papering SERVICE LICENSED AND INSURED cians Guild. zech-Bossner * Replacement Windows mercial - residential. Spe. • Interior Painting INTERIOR- 21M-SEWER 731-7707. * Interior - Exterior Doors M.U. SCHUSTER CO. Clalty fiat roofs. Call me, I 573-4276 • Reasonable Prices ------FULLY LICENSED AND THE HOUSE MECHANIC" can help. 1l2H019. • Good Work EXTERIOR SERVICE ROOFING and Reier- PIANO TUNING and repair- INSURED HOME REPAIRS Siding. • Call - no job too small 20 years professional . ------YOUR HOME IS ences, reasonable, insured ing. Work guaranteed. GENERAL HOME REPAIR expenence ARMSTRONG sewer It Wat. • Carpentry AN INVESTMENT 712-4176 774-0414 Member AFM. Edward Fel- Free Estimates _ 88~2 .PaintlDg MATT FLETCHER erproofing. Free ~tima.t.:. ske. 465-6358. Any roofing or siding work • Mmor Plumbing GROSSE POINTE 4151 Buckingham 886-6102 10% discount, semor Clti- you have done should be D.lL ROOFING PIANO SERVICES - Tuning VOCCIA • Minor EIEl\:trical CONTRACTORS INDIAN VILLAGE zens. Call 824-4311. CRAFI'ED quality workmanship with Commercial-Residential PAINTERS ---- _ and repair. Qualified tech- CONSTRUCTION quality materials. Call me CUSTOM PAINTING AND • Kitchens Extensive experience in the 21N-ASPHAL T nician. Flexible hours. CO.,ING. for a free estimate or roof- * HOT TAR WALLPAPERING Spring discount. 881-8276 .Re\. Rooms EXPERT ANTIQUING Village and Grosse Pointe WORK • Additions • Bathrooms ing, aluminum and vinyl ROOFS * area, Masters of restora------_ RFPAIR - REFINISIftNG • Dormers • Additions sidmg, gutters, storm doors 9lingles,tear offs and repairs 885-8155 and windows. tion work. 824-9531. • Garages • Porch ConverSions Work guaranteed. Licensed FREE ESTIMATES CleJ ASPHALT European Master TEl\:hnkian' • Kitchens LICENSED CONTRACTOR INSURED 40 Yrs. Exp. Free Est REMODEIJNG and insw-ed. MANNINO'S PAVING, INC . • Fireplaces RON VERCRUYSSE CO Michael Satmary Jr TEI"FPHONE: ~6721 MODERNIZATION Painting and Wallpapering Improve the value of your Brick and Cement work 774-3542 527-2222 ALL WORK PERSONALLY MICHAEL'S PamtlDg interior and ex- home with a profeSSIonal 21B-SEWING Bank financing avaJ1able PERFORMED terior. Drywall and plaster job. Over 20 years serving Complete WILLIAM FOSTER, PAINTING & MIKF SCHUSTER, 8ll2-4325 repairs. W1Odow glazing. Grosse Pomte in driveways ~~Uome ModermzatiolL J FREE ESTIMATES SLATE-TILE Roof leak repairs, gutters, . REFINISHING 777.2816 773-1105 sheet metal. " Exterior caulkmg, staining and sealing. Free estimates. ~~'" COMP=::'UP $7.QJ LICENSED &: INSURED ROdF'iNG-SHEET Interior-Exterioc Service TONY MANNINO 772.3803 Owner/supervisor. Refer- METAL 885-1900 Painting ~ All makes, all ages. All parts CABINET MAKER SHOREWOOD E.R. BROWN INSURED, EXCELLENT enl-es included and insur- t. J stoclEed. 885-7437. 35 YRS. EXPERIENCE antiCJ.Uin:gand varnishing, ance • Custom cabinets, vanities BUILDERS Alter 6 pm. 882-7322 ROOFING stripping and staining REFERRALS CALL ANYTIME 21e-ELECTRICAL • Formica counter tops • Quality-Remodeling AF. WITTSTOCK • GUTTERS. SLATE Complete kitchen refinishing THOM'S PAINTING and 7'73-8087 k • WOOD SHINGLES aluminum sidmg. Interi- --- _ It> SERVICE • Specializing in cabinet re- • Room Additions Free Estimates - 885-3230 facing. • Dormers Licensed Ins~ or/Exterior. Guaranteed AL'S ASPHALT COMPLETE PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES • Kitchens work Free estimates. 881- PAVING COMPANY S Ie J ELECl'RIC 88s.8545 AND DECORATING . Dave - 8ll2-~, 884-0713 AL MEREELLI, 886-8710 Residential-Commercial BARRY'S INTERIOR - EXTERIOR 7210 Paving, sealcoating and exca- No Job Too Small 'Zl years of continuous service 21~ARPET Wallpaper1Dg - Reasonable MIKE'S PAINTING vation Residential and 885-2900 JOHN W. SCHOBER in the building industry BUILDING CLEANING REFERENCES Interior, extenor, wallpaper- commercial. Guaranteed The handiest guy in town , Specializing in Residential RALPH ROTH 886-8248 ing, minor repairs, patching, quality workmanship at rea- RETIRED MASTER electri- ALUMINUM sIding and trim, plastering. Free estimates. son able rates. cian. Licensed. Violations. • painting • glazing Roofing, complete home SHORESIDE Carpet Clean- vinyl siding, aluminum Improvements. 15 years ing, professional carpet U OF M Engineering student- Reasonable and honest. Ref- State Licensed and Services increased. Also • carpentry • cabinet Istorm wind4ilws and doors, 10 the area cleamng. Work guaranteed. 6 years experience. Com- erences. Call anytime Eur- INSURED. small jobs. TV ~2966. mstallation • small aluminum gutters, alumin- Fully ihsured. Free Esti- plete painting, interior/ex- opean REFERENCES plaster repaiu 775-1532 terior. Free estimates. Jeff COLVILLE um replacement prIme mates-:- CQn 775-3450, 24 777-8081 28Hl626 291-3589 Violation work windows, vinyl replace- hours. Peterson at 885-8332 ---- ELECTRIC CO. CALL 884-1285 ment prime windows, awn- PAINTIN"G, wall washing. Ranges, Dryers, Services, ings. Wrought Iron. Porch • SPECIAL PETER'S PAINTING Elmer T LaBadie 882-2064. 21O-CEMENT AND Interior-exterior. Profes- BRICK WORK Doorbells. steps. Best quality mater- PAQUIN 2 ROOMS cleaned, 3rd room SPECIAL 25% OFF all interior ials. In business 26 years cleaned FREE. sional painter. 13 years ex- VIOLATIONS DETRon perience Wallpapering, pamting, wallpapering FAST EMERGENCY Licensed/Insured. Call FENCE CO. ROOFING D CARPET plastering, window puttying Color e;;,:presBlons. 885-7067. T&M SERVICE Phil's Home Service CIII1n-Unk "ACIng 371-3724anytim~ CLEANING CO. and caulking. Free esti- INTERIOR AND exterior CONSTRUCTION 774-9110 SPECIALISTS IN SHAMPOO Ie steam extrac- C CustomGoa-. 10" FLAT ROOFS mates. Call 751-8401 any- painting and paperhanging. CEMENT CONTRACTOR CARPENTRY, wallpaper- tion, spot 1\ stain removal, time. Reasonable rates. 30 years • Cement work., all kinds BOB'S ELECI'RIC - o Stockade Fence LlCENSED - INSURED ing, painting, George, 884- free estimates, lowest prices experience. Ray Bamowsky • POJ'Lhes-block-step work Licensed electrical contrac- U AIleY Easement 0 in the Pointes 6936 or 881-2419. 839-7534 WALLPAPER 822-7335after 6 p.m. • Basement waterproo€ing tor. Violation correctIons • p lftsUl'1d F 294-1602 773-0525 Guaranteed and misc. repairs, no job too o Free Estimates F REMOVAL PAINTING, Wallpapering, QUALITY HOME Improve- REASONABLE PRICES M Prompt Slrvlc:e PROFESSIONAL CARPEt wall washing seroor citizen ~. no job too small. 44~ ments - Drywalhng, Pamt- BY JEFF 77~ 343-0528 109, Ceramic Tihng and UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Insured. Free Estimates . diSCOunt. Jan 884-8757. 366.4398 Carpentry Nojobtoosmall at REASONABLE RATES 779-5235 775-29Zl Kathy:773-9589. R.L. STREMERSCH ELECI'RICAL WORK by li- At lowest prices, call MIke - We use Von SChrader* dry CEMENT CONTRACfOR censed, insured contractor. Ton)' JablOrtOtH'" foam extracoon equipment WALLPAPER removal, 77~14. INTERIOR EXTERIOR Cement ~ estimates - 881-9751. • Deep Soil Removal Ie painting, mterior, exterior, • Fast Drying PAINTING free estimates. 469-0854, Driveways ALL POINTES Patios 21D-TV AND • Leaves no resoiling residue Walls cleaned by machine. 465-S480 JOANNA WESTERN CONST.CO. •! Brkkwork Window glazing and RADIO REPAIR COMPLETE REMODElJNG For free estimate call , ~INOOW SHADES SPECIALISTS Distinctive Carpet Ie caulking PAINTING' Interior - ex- Basement Waterproofmg Easy Financing Available Pl\lNT slwrri;As BLLNDS Upholstery Cleaners Free Estimates terior. Paper han~nJ( and Steps KAlJf"'A"" FREE ESTIMATES removal References, Tul-k Pointing COLOR TV, HI-FI, STEREO STOAIll DOORS AND '''INoo1l>S SPECIALIZING IN' 839-5155 755-2787 885-(j3)4 Roof Leaks Guaranteed * Kitchens. Baths - Rec. Ask for Tom Barrese '_~le.~I76..; Custom Wood De\.ks ANTENNAS Rooms and Add.Jtions 20 Y1'$ Experience Free Estimates SatJs{action Guaranteed 21J-WALL AMJ ELECTRONICS MARCO SPECIAL ON *INSULA TION CALLIIU 112.5539 WASHING TV, stereo, sales and service. GRA'TOP BLOWN-IN OR BLANKET K-CARPET PAINTERS SMALL JOBS AND Free estimates. Panasomc Toxic Foam Extraction CLEANING AuthOrized Service, 20649 Formaldehyde Testmg Intenor, exterior, textured REPAIR WORK SALES AND SERVICE COMPANY cellings, wall papering, WALL waslung - Satisfaction Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods 15011 KERCHEVAL * Complete Wmdow and guaranteed Bnan, ~3167. 884-7139 EUI All., • In P.rk CARPET Monday(Friday, IG-8,Satur- of In, Door Contractor painting, wall washing. TU 5-1000 SPECIALISTS Check our Prices day, 1~. 882-8540. Clos." MOltd.y, 886-3537 • Stea m Extraction GRAZIO • Shampoo FREE ESTIMATES 21I-PANTlNG, CONSTRUCTION TV AND STEREO SERVICE • Spot and Stain Removal 939-7955 DECORAnNQ • Cement drives, floors, Free estimates, for service, • Upholstery Cleaning patios call Joseph, Harper Woods. •... at affordable pnces 881-5574 • Old garages ralse

..... Page Twelve-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 28, 1983 I

21O-CEMENT AND 21O-CEMENT 21Q-PLASTER 21T-PLUMBING 21Z-SHOW REMOVAL 21Z-SNOW REMOVAL 21Z-SNOW REMOVAL BRICK WORK 21Z-SHOW REMOVAL BRICK WORK WORK AND HEATING AND AND AND AND LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING ALL TYPE BRICK, stone, PLASTERING and pamtmg, All Plumbing Repairs - In- blol.k and l.on~ rete work quality work guaranteed stallations, remodeling - Prompt service, reler. Sewers &: drams cleaned All FATHER &: SON. Lawn cut. WOODLAND HILLS Arl.hways, steps, porl.hes, FERLITO MAC'S TREE AND tlOg service Reasonable, GROUNDS MAINTENANCE pdtlOS, l.hlmneys, fire. ences, free estlmates, work guaranteed - Fully COOK'S CONSTRUCTION CO SHRUB TRIMMING reliable. 882-4164 AND LANDSCAPING' plal.e!>, new and repairs De prompt service LA6-0734 Insured - Master Plumber *AIl types of Cement Work ------COMPLETE WORK Sender, 822-1201 If no an. Licensed - Sprmg clean ups *Dnveways QUALITY Plastering Our LAWN & PATIO MAGIC - Power rakmg swer l.all evenmgs DAN ROEMER Reasonable rates, quality ser- *Pahos work IS different Cracks SNOW vice Call Tom 776-4429 or UNIQUE PATIO - Lawn cutting TESOLIN BROS. *Basement waterproofmg ehmmated Tailored re- PLUMBING 882-0195 DESIGNS - FertlhZUlg *Bnck &: Block Work pairs Pamllng 30 years 772-2614 SERVICE -- - H--OWARDS LET US BUILD - Shrubbery trimming, CEMENT CONT. Grosse Pointe 821-7051, If ONE FOR YOU prunmg Dnveways. basement and ga. QUALITY WORK no answer, 294-0034 Free PROFESSIONAL TREE SERVICE LARRY 468-5884 - Weedmg and culti- rage floors, ratwalls, foot GOOD PRICES estimates Prompt service FRANK R. ---~ ----- vating LANDSCAPING &: • tree removal SUPERIOR lOgS,patiOS, razmg garages References. GARDENING SERVICE - Seedmg and soddmg CUSTOM BUILT GARAGES Free Estimates "43" Years WEIR .Sprmg and Fall clean up : :~~~I~~moval EXTER 10RS - Plantmg flowers, trees, In Busmess AND ADDITIONS 21R-FURNITURE PLUMBING, HEATING, -SOddmg and Sod Removal • topplOg Sprmg IS here, get the Jump shrubs and all other Licensed. Bonded. Insured REPAIR 777 0642 or 777 6263 SEWERS AND DRAINS .Shrub Planting, Trlmmmg, • cablmg Call us for a REASONA. garden work done J.W. KLEINER FREE ESTIMATES EXPERT ANTIQUE repairs, and HemovaJ • storm damage BLE estimate on all your ReSidential and CommerCIal BOILER SPECIALISTS .Roto-Tlllmtl, Power Rakmg, Fully msured, free estimates LANDSCAPE needs, Insured and LIcensed CEMENT CONTRACTOR refuushmg, re.gluemg "By and Fertihzing CEMFNT . BRICK. STONE Tony SertIch" 521-1998 758 6949 • Brick PatIOs CALL TOM TOGGER SPRINKLER REPAIRS -Landscape Deslgmng and _ _ _ _ • _ • Sprmg Clean-Up EVENINGS 286-4667 Patios, walks, porl.hes, steps 885-1798 Construction Flagstone repair FINANCING AVAILABLE BOB'S UPHOLSTERY - 25% -Snow plowmg and Removal MICHIGAN TREE : ~~~~;~r~ees off already low prices Local YOUR Lawn needs my tender TuLk pomtmg, patLhmg 885-7711 _Weekly Lawn MalPtenance SPECIALISTS • Soddmg Asphalt patl.hmg and sealing references 772-9326, 368- .Gutter Cleamng lQvlng care Service till the A.A. CODDENS 4198 Bob McVey ~1KERCHEVAL,FARMS SPECIAL RATES FOR Expert Trlmmmg, Topping, MIKE LARRY snow fhes I I am en- SPECIALIZING IN ------Smce 1925 SENIOR CITIZENS Shapmg and Removal ~~ 791-2695 thuslasbc With many years CEMENT FURNITURE refuushed, re- Keith Damelson experience serving the SMALL JOBS paired, StriPped, any type of c~~lal 25% sprmg dls- SPRING CONTRACTOR Licensed Master Plumber * Grosse Pointe area. Call FREE ESTIMATES canln~ Free estimates - - F;lIrul) blJ,i..m:",;; Iv .. .:J5 ,)o~l" 885-3553 P:ltnck Corbett, 881 9940. L1Cl!:N~J:<.'U 474-al53 or 345-6258 *24 houc "lIl"q~"lh.j "enlCC TRIMMING .New and repaIr work PLUMBING REPAIRS LICENSED & INSURED, TU 2-0717 ------* Bush and hedge tnmmmg *Shrubs and ornamentals ------.No JObtoo small FURNITURE RESTORING & COMMERCIAL &: Tree Straightemng and BOB SCHOMER .Dnveways and porches Hand ~tf1PPlng, refmlshmg SEWER CLEANING RESIDENTIAL Nursery Care *Crabapples and frUit trees CAPIZZO CONST. our speCialty *LOl.usts, Hawthornes, ell. TRE:E SERVICE and repairs 20 years ex- Reasonable Rates For All * SPECIAL OFFER * *Early sprmg feeding Speclahz.mg In driveways .Patlos _ Tree removal perience Free estimates MIKE POTTER ED PAGEL and porches .Clllmneys POINTER Now through April, 1983 - *Hortll.ulturists and foresters • Trimming Pickup and dehvery 839- LlC Rellred Llc Master • Patios, walks, steps • Waterproofing get 5 y~ds o.ff of free nur- We know how to trim your 3063 882 1558or 882-1393 sery chips WIth each work trees • Topping - New garages bUilt .Vlolations repaired LANDSCAPING • Stump removal _ Old garages r8.lSed NEED a Lift? Change your - order Keeps weeds control- THREE C'$ CALL ANY TIME _ SprUlg Clean Up led - a $68. value I Grosse Pomte Resident • Floor/ratwall replaced "old" furruture Into "new" BETTER PLUMBING • Thatctung Free Estimates l LANDSCAPING INSURED LICENSED • Waterproofing, 10 year 886-5565 furmture for Spring Call .Free Estimates • Fertlhzmg 445-0377 __ 773-4369 757.5330 881-8526 guarantee M&:J Upholstererss today .AII Work Guaranteed • Weekly Lawn Care NO JOB TOO BIG or SMALL BRICK WORK. Small Job~ We WIll show you how .Reasonable Rates • Bed Work ROTOTILL your garden or LANDSCAPE "PETE" Brothers Lawn ser- LIcensed &: Insured • tuck pointing, chimney. por- flower bed Free estimates 882-0589 CALL STEVE (LICENSED) • Bushes Tnmmed VIce, Spnng clean-up and TONY 885-0612 ches, vlolahons repaired. m area 886-0686 GARDENING Reasonable 886-5565. • Soddmg complete lawn service. Odd 21S-CARPENTER 885-5662 • LIcensed LET ME BE your Gardener - DeSIgn, l.onstrul.tlon, planting, Jobs College and High HAROLD SAVE TmS AD SERVICE ------• Insured Marvin Gardens Clean-ups, PRUNING, lawn and garden School students Jelf or CHAUVIN • 16Years Experience beddmg. prunmg, trim- m8lntenanl.e Grosse Pomte Brad Peterson 8lI!).8332 _00 MYSELF (SINCE 1947) BOB DUBE nung, etc Personal Touch, reSident CEMENT CONTRACTOR - Attics &: Porch Enclosures • Free Estunates • PORCHES • Additions and Kitchens PLUMBING and HEATING DeSlgn and ConstructJon 771-4503 BOB NEVEUX QUALITY Landscaping _ • REPAIRED OR REBUILT ALL TYPE OF • CommerCial Bwldings Llc;ensed Master Plumber Our Speclalty HIGH School student would Evemngs 884-0536 Clean-up. trimmmg, main- CEME..lIJT WORK • BRICK AND BLOCKING SEWER CLEANING, tenance Insured. reason- DAVE BARLOW like to mow your lawn Call • WINDOW BLOCKING JIM SUTTON SPRINKLER REPAIR, ETe TRIMMING, removal, spray- able, references SeDlor - Walks - Dnves • Porches Lee 881-8011 • PatIos. Waterproofing ETC .. 1677Brys DrIV~ Grosse Pomte Woods 885-1900 ing. feedmg and stump re- Discount. Seaver's, 882- TU 4-2942 TU 2-2436 LET ME BE your Gardener- - Pre-cast Steps FREE ESTIMATES 886-3897 moval Free Estimates 0000 • Tuck Poi.ntmg ------Marvin Gardens. Clean- Complete tree servIce Call ANYTIME SMALL Jobs carpentry re- ALL PLUMBING - ChImney ReplUl' ups, bedding, pruning, Fleming Tree SerVice, 774- JOE'S LAWN Service and CALL TONY - 77!)'122ll pairs, cabinets, locks By SEWER CLEANING SOD trimming, etc Personal No JObtoo small 6460 spnng clean-up. Low rates. retirees. Quality workman- NO SERVICE CHARGE Free Estimates SAVE THIS AD REMOVAL Touch. 771.4503. free estimates. 775-8778. stup. 824-2853. Free estimates LAWN SERVICE, reason- 779-8427 88S-1Il99 REPLACEMENT 294-7328 22 Years Experience TESTA CEMENT Full warranty able, reliable, 10 years ex- - Llcensed- ALBERT D. THOMAS Reasonable, LIl.ensed POINTER LANDSCAPING perience. Residential or COMPANY, INC. POWER commercial JOM Demske WILLIAM FREEMAN INC. 886-3537 885-1900 Landscaping ( SERVING THE POINTES 363-1177 RYAN GONTRACTORS, INC Lawn cutting my specialty. FOR 3e YEARS 21W-DRESSMAKING WEEKLY LAWN maintenan- RAKING CONSTRUCTION We are general contractors FREE ESTIMATES MAC'S Pnce is rIght Call Bill alter Driveways. Garage Floors, AND TAILORING ce Gardemng servIce Cement and Block Work patios, porches. One call takes care of all Sprmg clean.ups Power SPRING CLEAN-UP 7 p m 754-2339 Dnves - Patios, Floors your buildlng.remodellng raking, hand rakmg Rea. 774-0906 STATE LIC 18560INSURED Complete yard work, shrub REASONABLE tree stump Porches. Walks problems, large or small sonable rates 10 years ex- BOB TESTA 881.1018 EXPERT ALTERATIONS, and tree trimming, etc. removal service. Call TU2- Garages bUilt or raised FREE ESTIMATES Speedy, profeSSIOnal. Ref- penence 778-6285 DEPENDABLE High School TU 2-0628 Reasonable rates, quahty 5204 Free Estimates, ProfeSSIOnal erences Grosse Pomte Senior wants landscaping Work Licensed and Insured ALTERATIONS - Modern- work in the Grosse Pointe service Call Tom 21P-WATERPROOFING , Woods, 881.a484 MIKE'S DISTINCTIVE YARDS _ 778-4271 469.1694 Ization, all building needs, LAWN CARE area. I have 4 years experi- 776-4429or 882-0195 rou~ to flmsh m all trades ALTERATIONS, all types ence and my. own equip- lawn maintenance at low No Job too small Zipper, custom flttmg Dress • CommerCial &: Resldentlal ment I do quality work at an pnces Call Gerald at 757- SAL &:JOE • Sprmg Clean-ups affordable price. Forfreees- INJECT any Elm Tree with 2813. JACK WILLIAMS GUY DE BOER deslgmng, piCkup and deliv- MASONRY ery 294-3837 - Grass cuttmg t1mate, call Oms at 884-0479. Arbotect. $90, also spray- All lands of brick and block WATERPROOFING 885-4624 772-3446 _ Power raking 109 and fertilizing 01 trees ROTO.TILLING - Your gar- Waterproofing and cement and WALL REPAIR CLOTHES Don't fit? Have • Fertlllzmg LAWN work, spring clean-up, and shrubs 293-1361 den needs quality work by an work. Low rates. free esti- *PROPER METHODS OF FRANK B. WILLIAMS. LI- them made for you. Yours by - Leaf removal mo~ng and edgin¥, FREE LAWN SERVICE _ Lawn experienced tiller. Jerry mates. 29H328 or 77lHm8. WATERPROOFING ONLY censed bullder . SpeeiJllizing Nancy, BM-!!1ol nit !fIIIIRt'r .....-... gardening Expenenced, *BUCKLED BASEMENT SEWING Alterations pickup, LAWN SERVICE - very rell- , JACK WILLIAMS WALL REP AIRED minor or m8-]or repairs delivery, evening hours for ered DEPENDABLE lawn care, low rates Senior CItizens GENERAL CONTRACTOR Porch enclosures, doors ad. able, private service. Ten STRAIGHTENED AND the working women. Call • InstallatIOn Available spring clean-up.lawncutting Discount 884-7186 years experience serving CONCRETE &:BRICK WORK justed, bookshelves in- • LIcensed - Insured and edgmg. Located in BRACED Sandt. 1-463-8907. Polntes Excellent equip- .DRIVEWA YS.PORCHES *NO INJURY TO LAWNS stalled, paneling, new coun- • Free Estimates Grosse Pomte Call Kathy • PA TIOS.STEPS .ETC ter tops. vanities. Code VIO- DRESSMAKING T8Iloring - MICHAEL J POKRIEFKA 821.9102. ment, very reasonable. Call AND SHRUBS for estimates. 882-4226; 884- 885-0602 lations corrected. For cour- expert alterations or some- *ALL TYPES OF CON- thmg new ProfeSSIOnal, 884-7013 9515evemngs. CRETE WORK AND BRICK teous expert assistance m o LANDSCAPING imprOVIng your home many reasonable rates, call 776- WILLIAM FOSTER REPAIR DAN'S COMPANY d4 YEARS EXPERIENCE area, please call me at 881- 2798 LAWN CARE FOR Pre-cast steps 0790 • Spnng - Fall Clean-Up Chimneys - Porches IN POINTES CUSTOM sewing. alterations, - Weekly Lawn Cuttmg RED RIVER RUN *ALL WORK GUARAN. personalized, adults and - Cuttmg Brick - Block. Stone QUALITY Carpentry and _ Fertillzmg • Hedge Trimming CLASSIFIED LANDSCAPING 885-l9OO TEED (WRITTEN FREE childrens. Also curt8lns and Formica work New or re- • Complete Lawn Ma41te . • Edging - Spring Clean-Up ESTIMATES) p1l1ows. Reasonable rates nance phased. Commercial. Res- call ~n 8lI!).1717. Lowest Pnces Around ADS - Weekly Lawn Cutting 885-0602 Idential. Store fixtures. dis- • Very Reasonable and De- • Free Estimates. - De-Thatclung PORCHES, PATIOS -New or pendable rebwlt, tuck pomtmg, brick If no answer call after 3: 00 plays also counters, kit- 21X-DRAPERIES 773-0525- 294-16lJ2 - Fertilization chens, vanities, rec. rooms, • Free Estimates - Landscape Constructlon replacement, caulking, CHARLESF JEFFREY pomt sealer Wlth m-TEX hang doors All repairs and CALL DAN 10 AM~ PM GREEN THUMB CALL -Gardening 882-1800 flfllSh work 16years exper- CUSTOM DRAPERIES by chimney repairs and rebutlt 573-4194 LANDSCAPING Get Experienced, Personal • Basement Waterproofmg Ience Free estimates Vito Maria Free estJmat~ Free j Basement waterproofmg installation 886-1381, 977- • Spring Clean-Up 882-6900 Service at Reasonable t • Underpmfootlngs Sapienza 774-8933 Over 31 years experience. 2472 • Fertllizing Rates. Free Estimates . ) I Donald McEachern 526- • Crackedorcaved-m walls GROWING - YOUNG f CARPENTER work. paneling, LANDSCj[Aa.PING CO - Power Ralong Insured. KeIth Coderre. 5646 • 10year guarantee CUSTOM made draperies 1st r I licensed Insured partltions, shelvmg, doors, WANTS Cu::n'OMERS • Weekly Lawn Care quahty work, lower prices 884-9768 I I ANDY'S MASONRY AND kitchens. ceilings, repairs, Residential-CommercIal • • Top Soil Drapenc3 by Pat 772-544ll CmMNEY REPAIR T&M small jobs, IIl2- 2795 COMPETITIVE RATES • Sodding CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM DRAPERIES _ FREE ESTIMATES INDEPENDENT LAWN CARE All masonry, bnck, water. 21T-PLUMBING References proofing repairs. Special1z- Quality work, reasonable 527-0073 839-7033 365-7129 Basement waterproofmg AND HEATiNG mg m tuck pointing and 10 year guarantee prices WIde selectIOns of fa- ASK FOR RICK LIQUID LAWN FERTILIZING small Jobs LIcensed. in- Insured bncs All hems hand sewn WEEKLY L:\W~ sured Reasonable Free 774-4896 343-0528 EMIL THE 978-2691 ~IAl:-';TE~A:\CE LANDSCAPE estlmates 1111-0505 Reasona ble PrI{"('" DESIGN BROAD-LEAF WEED CONTROL AMERICAN Water-Proof- PLUMBER 21Z-SNOW REMOVAL. Reliahle -.CRABGRASS CONTROL NINO CEMENT mg-6 year guarantee SPECIALIZING IN AND '* Spring clf';)n-lJp SERVICE PRICES STARTING AT $13 00 FRONT Free estImates. Licensed • Kitchens. Bathrooms - Driveways -Porches LANDSCAPING '* Ff'rllhlln~' Will plan and execute land- ( ONLY $18 50 FRONT TO BACK Contractor Call 372-49'Z7 • Laundry room and VIola- It Pow('r Raking scape deSigns at SPECIAL -Steps tIOns • Old and new work (UP TO 3,000 SQUARE FEET) J.W. KLEINER *LAWN SERVICE* '* Seedmg SPRING PRICES 1 -Brick -Block _Patios Free Esllmates Clean cut WSU students, SIX '* llrogr trimming POINTER Basement waterproofmg Tony, LIcensed Plumber DAVID CALLIES BRIAN WISSEL -Additions HONEST years experience, For Frf'(' All work guaranteed BIIt, Master Plumber LANDSCAPING Free Estimates references, reliable, un- Estlmatt's ("'111 FREE ESTIMATES 372-6554 LICENSED beatable rates 885-1900 527-2996 882-0029 ADRIA:-'; Rll4-7R90 TU 2-0717 - - --- * Semor CItizen Discount, -CAPiZzO CONS'::-- TONY THE Free esllmates, call Tom - JAMES LANDSCAPING CHAS. F. JEFFREY MASTER 881-5952 T & F LANDSCAPING MASON CDNTRACTOR Basements made dry. ROBERT'S LANDSCAPING Complete lawn services m all phases of landscapmg Cracked walls repaIred, PLUMBER We Will beat any estimate or proof of last year's IWSIIW\TL\I. ~I'F{'] \1.1-':1 LICENSED - INSURED • sprmg clean-ups • power '\I.SO ('n"j"lr:l{(I.\1. • Bnck • Block. Stone underpm footmgs All (SON OF EMIL) rakmg • roto-tlnmg • com- estimates by 10%, we Wlll not be under bid on • Cement Work waterproofmg guaranteed No Job too small New and re plete lawn mamtenance any Job commerCIal or residential '* 1..\ \\ \ nTTJ:\f, • Waterproofmg 10 years LIcensed and In. pairs, VIOlations • Free esllmates FULLY INSURED 791-4338 .. SI'HI\(; nY.\\l i' • Tuck Pomtmg sured 293-3181 Licensed Insured .. FEHTlLIZ\ \"10\ • Pallos of any kmd TONY 885-0612 77!)'4513 It TH\TCllI ....<; &\!-:H\T]o'\. PORCHES AND ALL BRICK .. ~Olllll\(; WORK A SPECIALTY CODDENS 21S--CARPENTER MELDRUM & SONS LANDSCAPING • THEF 8.: SIiHI H Tnl\I\f1\" 21S-CARPENTER .. (;,\I\IlE\(,\( • CONSTRUCTION SERVICE SERVICE 882-1800 ESTABLISHED 1924 SPRING CLEANUP &: FERTILIZING • THEE ~PfnYj\(, • Seedmg • Soddmg • Planting. Patios ALLIED BRICK AND All types of basement water .. 1\\IISC.\f'E IlFS!(;,\ 8.: (,,\~n\l , 'II, ,,\ CHIMNEY proofing 7 years guarantee LOW-MONTHLY RATES All brick and block ....ork New References 886-5565 882-0287 882-7201 LICENSED 881-2015 INSURED and repair Expert Chimney work Waterproofing 20 21Q-PLASTER years expenence Licensed WORK LANDMARK LANDSCAPE, INC. and Insured 369-2236 979-1984 SUPERIOR PLASTERING' * COMPLETE GROUND AND PAINTING COMPANY MAINTENANCE*" CLASSIC TURF BRICK REPAIRS - Work LIQUID LAWN FERTILIZER guaranteed Porches. chlm Plastermg and drywall re NOW OFFERING SPECIALS ON neys. Sldewalks, basement pair InterIOr and exterIOr SPRING CLEAN-UP AND POWER RAKING • EARLY SPRING A balanced fertilization leak<; and cracks Tuck pamtmg Guaranteed ~ork 772-5645 WM. HARVEY With Iron and pre-emergent crabgrass con. pOinting Free Estimate In<;ured Call Tom - 885-6991 trol 779-4245 ALL • LATE SPRING A balanced fertlhzer plus a ALL TYPE cement work broad-leaf weed control Fmest quality Lowest PLASTER REPAIR • SUMMER A granular fertilizer that IS non- pnce Satisfaction guaran COrOll.e- Antique burnmg and long lastmg teed 372-0617,521-5832 Gros<;e POinte Only 21T-PLUM~HG AND • FALL A balanced fertilizer high In potash. Call anytime HEATING plus a broadleal weed control REA & SON 882-0005 • APRIL SPECIAL 5% off early season Sign- CONSTRUCTION INC up, 15% off Pre-season full payment PLASTER CONTRACTOR ALL TYPFS OF 5,000 sq ft as low as $19 55 CE'MFNT WORK repair work Free estimates ANDERSEN Garages and ModermzatJon Prompt serVILe J Mamal.l, 778-4357 - 465-4150 PLUMBING, SEWER CLEANING LIl.ensed and Insured Over 30 Years Fxpenence SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT PLASTE'RtNG and Drywall 372-7191 772-7191 Nell SqUires, 757-C1772 372-0580 Thursday, April 28, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Th'rteen-C Woman injured in accident OED injection demonstration A 52-year-old St. Clair Shores Roslyn, hIt a speed hmlt sign then The Grosse Pointe Shade Tree jection with Arbotect in the pre- CITY OF DETROIT III woman was treated and released ran mto the light post, knocking it Council will sponsor a do-it.your. vention of Dutch Elm Dlseabe at Bon Secours HospItal Tuesday down. self elm tree injection seminar for A slide and film presentation afternoon, April 19, when the car The woman was taken by.ambu- interested residents at 7: 30 p.m wiu show the role of Arbotect In she was drIvmg went over the lance to Bo~ 8ecours H~SPltai by Thursday, April 28, at the Woods the DED program, Merck & Co. curb at Lakeshore and Roslyn in Shores pubhc safety officers She council/court room, 20025Mack. representatives also plan to return the Shores and knocked down an suffered a deep facial cut, reports Representatives from Merck & in June for hands-on demon- light pole said Co., the makers of Arbotect, the strations of the injection technique Accordmg to Witnesses, the SAC2 pesticide used for injectIOns, a so homeGwners can do It them- woman was dnvlng her 1977 awareness semor biologist, consulting ar- selves, the Shade Tree CounCil OldsmobIle north along Lakeshore meetinu set borist and an interested home- said. about 5:20 that afternoon when ~-e owner will be on hand to teach she reportedly slumped forward 'The Substance Abuse Commun- reSidents about the benefits of In- over the wheel The car accelrat- lty of Grosse Po1Ote (SAC') has Drunk driving ed, forcmg other drivers to move sent inVItations to all community law talk set out of Its way. It left the road near organizations and clubs to attend Photography class Adult fellowship the regular SAC' meeting .on Mon- at War Memorial Grosse POInte Woods MUniCipal day, May 2 at 4 30 p.m. m South Judge PatriCIa Schneider WIll to meet May 6 HIgh School's Clemenson Hall, A "Design and Composition" speak to Incommg freshmen at At that time SAC2will introduce photography course for students North HIgh School on Thursday, First Friday, the adult fellow- to the community 11 local who understand depth offIeld, shut- May 5, 8 p.m 10the school's Center ONE OF A SERIES OF GREAT LAKES PASSENGER SHIPS ship group of St James Lutheran graduates of the Henry Ford ters, speed and ASA WIll be offered for the Performing Arts AVAILABLE IN A LIMITED EDITION BLACK AND WHITE Church, 170 McMIllan Road, wIll Hospital-Maplegrove Alcohol by Jim Gibb at the War MemOrIal Parents and students are 10Vlted $20.00 OR HAND COLORED PRINT. I meet FrIday, May 6, 7 pm. for a Awareness Project whIch is co- for three Saturdays begmning May to hear Judge SchneIder speak on progressl ve dinner sponsored by the JUnIor League of 7. the new drunk driv10g laws WhICh FOR INFORMATION ABOUT OBTAINING THIS Marge NIxon, director of the Birmmgham The course will teach students to became effectlVC Apnl 1 Th" AND OTHER WORKS BY ROBERT McGREEVY Adult Nurture Ministry and a Information about the project think of photographs as two-

NEW '83 2000 "SPORTY" COUPE Front wheel drive, cloth seats, defrost, p s , stereo Slk 1/7621

NEW'83 long bed 4 cyI, 4 spa gIlQ8S radial GMC 1/2 TON PICK UP ••• '8a IIres spare lire one ooly Slk $6224 RED TAG SPECIALS SUBUR.ANS 11681 IN STOCKI WITH 1'RALElE.G PACKAGE to 1/,.", At IIIIIIIr ". IN STOCK NOWI HUGE SAVINGS! VAN DYKE AT SPRING DEMO SALEI 11 MILE (1-696) GOOD SELECTION OF WARREN DEMOS TO CHOOSE FROM JUST 15 MINUTES FROM THE POINTES Sale Ends Friday, April 29 756-5100 Page Fourteen.C GKOSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 28, 1983

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