BATS: No softball bats are allowed. Effective 2019 Spring Season, Per USA effective 01/01/2018, 2 5/8 inch maximum. Batters caught using an illegal bat will automatically be . Players playing up can use their own bat from their division, but ONLY that player can use the bat in question.

BALLS: Two (2) new Rawlings Babe Ruth BR 1 (to be provided by the home team.) Failure to provide the required baseballs will result in a $25 fine.

SPIKES: No metal spikes. If a player steps into the batter’s box with metal spikes, they will be called “out”. If a player is caught in the field with metal spikes, they must be removed from the game until appropriate footwear is worn.

HELMETS: Batter, on-deck batter and base runners must wear a helmet at all times.

CATCHERS: Full equipment, including helmet, throat protector and athletic support equipment (cup). Mask and throat protector must be worn when warming up .


LIMIT: No limit to the number on a team.

AGE: Player cannot turn eleven (11) on or before May 1st of the current year. If there is a question of ability, a request can be made to the Executive Board and the league representatives for a waiver to this rule. A 2/3 majority acceptance must be given. The older player may not and must be identified on the official roster turned in on roster night.

ROSTERS: If rosters are not submitted at the required meeting, or are incomplete, the offending team will forfeit each scheduled game until roster is received by the Secretary of the league. Organizations may appeal this to the Executive Board on a case-by-case basis.

BIRTH CERTIFICATES: Each organization shall be responsible for obtaining copies of their players’ birth certificates. They must be able to produce them within 48 hours of receiving a challenge from another organization, with regard to a players’ age.

INELIGIBLE PLAYER CHALLENGE: Coaches may challenge the age of any player at a game by using the following procedure: a. Both coaches must sign the official game book where the challenge is recorded and contact the CWL president b. Coach from the challenged team contacts their CWL league representative c. CWL representative presents a copy of birth certificate to the CWL president within 48 hours from when the CWL president was contacted by the coaches from the involved teams. d. If the allegations of an ineligible player are found to be true, the head coach and the ineligible player will be suspended from the league for the season, and the sponsoring organization fined $150. Cheating will not be tolerated! e. If the allegations are proven false, no action will be taken.

ADDITIONS: Eligible to play after notification to the designated league official. No roster additions after the mid-point of the season. Roster additions must be sent to all members of the board and each coach in their division. Player can play once board approval is given. Email notification is the preferred mode of communication regarding roster additions. Coaches should remember to have extra copies with them at each game. A copy of the updated roster must be furnished to the opposing coach prior to the start of the game. Failure to do so will result in a $25.00 fine.


The Rules of Major League Baseball shall govern all aspects of play unless amended by the following rules.

DAY’S PLAYED: Primarily two (2) weekdays, plus some weekends. However, if rainouts occur, any day may be used to make up the game.

GAME TIMES: Start Times shall be 5:30 P.M. (For the month of April) and 5:45 P.M. for all remaining weeknight games. If an organization has lights at their field, a night game may be played. Start time for a night game must be no later than 8:15 pm. If a team is unable to field enough players (8 required) by 15 minutes after the scheduled start time, the game will be declared a forfeit for the opposing team (provided they have 8 players), with all fines included. The umpire shall call last to remove the 5 limit. In the event the inning goes quickly and you can start another inning you will again have last inning called to remove the 5 run limit. The umpire will determine the final inning of a game.

PRE-GAME FIELD USE: The visiting team, under normal playing conditions, must be allowed a minimum of 15 minutes warm-up time, 20 minutes prior to scheduled game time.

SCOREKEEPING: Home team is required to keep a paper score book for review.

UNIFORMS: All players must be dressed in the organizations uniform for whom they are playing for. Coaches must wear organizational apparel.

DUGOUT: No more than four (4) coaches in at any time (including scorekeeper). $25 fine if reported by umpire.

HITTING: Bat the complete roster. If a player leaves a game before completing all of his/her at bats, every subsequent will be recorded as an out. In the event the player was injured playing the game and confirmed by the umpire in charge, his/her spot will be skipped over in the line up without recording an out. If a player recovers from an injury during the course of the game, they may return to their original spot in the lineup. Players arriving late to a game will go to the bottom of the order. If a player is ejected, an out will be recorded for every subsequent at bat during the game the ejection occurred in.

ON-DECK HITTER: On-deck circle must be off of the playing field, separated by either a fence or a chalk line designating the field of play.

INNINGS: (See restriction under Game Times). A complete game will be six (6) , weather or darkness permitting. A complete game can be called, due to weather or darkness, after four (4) innings or three and one-half (3 1/2) if the home team is ahead, or if the game has lasted at least 1 hour and 45 minutes. Game cannot be called because of the time limit. (See Continued/Suspended Games Procedure).

INNINGS PLAYED: For games lasting 4 or more innings. Each player must play 2 innings, failure to comply will result in penalties. First (1st) offense will result a game suspension for coach, repeated offenses will be brought to the Board of Governors.

SUBSTITUTIONS: Unlimited defensive player substitutions, except for . Each player must play at least two (2) complete innings, six (6) outs, as a defensive player. Pinch runners can only be used for injuries. The pinch runner must be the player who made the last out.

COURTESY RUNNER: A courtesy runner may be used for the catcher and pitcher (i.e. the next inning’s catcher and pitcher) any time during the game. The runner must be the player who made the last out.

INJURED PLAYERS: In the event a player is injured playing the game and confirmed by the umpire in charge, his/her spot will be skipped over in the line up without recording an out. If a player recovers from

2 an injury during the course of the game, they may return to their original spot in the lineup. Players who leave for any other reason will be recorded as an out when their spot in the lineup comes up. NO EXCEPTIONS

TIME OUTS: No limit, within reason.

NUMBER ON FIELD: Ten (10) players consisting of pitcher, catcher, four (4) infielders and four (4) . Game can be played with eight (8) players. Late players go to the bottom of order. The four outfielders must be set up in umbrella fashion. The fourth cannot be a fifth infielder.

PITCHERS: Two (2) consecutive innings maximum per game. One (1) appearance maximum per game. One (1) batter/one (1) pitch = one (1) inning. A maximum of 12 innings per week. A week will be defined as Sunday through Saturday. A pitcher may three batters in one inning before being removed from the for the remainder of the game. Pitchers may take 8 warm up pitches their first inning then 5 for every inning after his first. No may be worn on the pitcher’s glove hand. In the event of a suspended or incomplete game, the pitching will and must still be reported. Suggested pitch counts per game (by age) 8-10 = 52, 11-12 = 68, 13-14 = 76, 15-16 = 91 and 17-18 = 106.

BALKS: None. However, the umpire may stop play to teach the player the rule and what can and what can’t be done.

BUNTING: No bunting or squaring with runner on 3rd base. No slash bunting. Penalty: The batter will be out and the runners will return to their original base.

STEALING: Stealing is not allowed until the ball crosses the plate. A steal may not score a run on a bad throw or . During a steal a runner may not advance beyond the base they were originally stealing. Runner can advance to 3rd if the ball is overthrown at 2nd only is runner is played on, unless 3rd is occupied. Runner cannot steal Home, unless runner is played on at 3rd by the catcher. Once the ball is returned to the pitcher the ball is dead, runner must return to 3rd.


LEADING OFF: A runner cannot leave the base until the ball crosses the plate. At the first infraction, a warning will be issued. After that, the runner is out.

SLIDE RULE: A player MUST into home plate or avoid contact, or player will be out. A legal Slide can be either feet first or head first. If a runner slides feet first, at least one leg and buttock shall be on the ground. If a runner slides he must slide within reach of the base with either a hand or a foot. A runner may slide or run in a direction away from the fielder to avoid making contact or obliterating the play of the fielder. A slide is illegal IF: a) the runner uses a rolling, cross-body or pop up slide into the fielder; b) the runner’s raised leg is higher than the fielder’s knee when the fielder is in a standing position; c) the runner goes beyond the base and THEN makes contact with or ALTERS the play of the fielder; d) the runner slashes or kicks the fielder with the leg; e) the runner tries to injure the fielder; A player may not take out a defensive playing maliciously (umpire discretion). The player will be out and ejected from the game. The player must leave the bench area.

THROWN BAT OR EQUIPMENT: Deliberately or maliciously throwing any equipment is an automatic ejection. For swinging and letting go of the bat the following applies: first instance, a warning will be issued; second instance, the batter is automatically out and the ball is dead; and the third instance, the batter is out and ejected from the game and the ball is dead.

OVERTHROWS: If catcher makes pick-off attempt on a runner at any base, the runner(s) can advance one base at their own risk. When the catcher is throwing the ball back to the pitcher and overthrow’s the pitcher, the runners CAN NOT advance.

3 & CARRY RULE: A catch and carry rule will be in force for all divisions: A player has to catch the ball in the field of play. If his/her momentum carries him out of the field of play, he/she must return to the field of play to continue the play.

WALKS: Four (4) balls constitute a walk. No limit on walks. Intentional walks are NOT allowed. No continuation on a walk, runner cannot advance to 2nd as a steal on a walk.

DROPPED THIRD STRIKE: The batter is out on a dropped third strike.

RUN LIMIT: Five (5) run limit per inning, except for the last inning. A fifteen (15) run limit after three (3) innings, a twelve (12) run limit after four (4) innings, and a ten (10) run limit after five (5) innings will apply. Run limit also extends into the top next inning for the visiting team. * The maximum number of runs allowed per inning is five (5), in the event of a , or, Homerun scenario where the total runs scored are greater than five (5) in that inning, the score will ONLY reflect the maximum of five (5) runs. The Double, Triple or, Homerun can be used for stats, but does not affect the score if more than 5 runs are scored within that inning.

UMPIRES: To be supplied by umpire assignor, One (1) umpire. Each team to pay (50%) of the umpires' fee after game is official.

APPEALING A CALL: The coach(es) must ask the umpire making the call if they can appeal it. The umpire does not have to grant this request. If the umpire says yes, an appeal will be made to another umpire. If the umpire says no, the appeal is over.

PROTEST PROCEDURE: Either team may protest a game by serving notice to both umpires and the team of the opposing team at the time of the dispute that the game is being played under protest. You cannot protest a judgment call. Umpires are to make a public announcement of the protest. Both scorebooks are to be marked at the point of the protest and signed by both umpires. The umpires shall write a letter (email) regarding the protest in question within 48 hours after the game, and submit the letter (email) to the league. Any protest must be filed with a league officer via email or a letter, either one dated within forty- eight (48) hours after the game. A twenty ($20) dollar protest fee will be charged to the organization filing the protest. If a protest is in order and upheld, the fee will be returned. All protests must be carried through, unless the protesting team wins the game. Failure to carry through on a protest will result in the protesting team being fined the twenty ($20) dollar fee. If a protest is upheld and the game is ordered to be replayed, only those players who participated in the may play in the replay.

EJECTION RULE: Any player, coach or manager ejected from a game by an umpire will also be suspended from their next scheduled and played game. A second (2nd) infraction in the same season will result in a three (3) game suspension. A third (3rd) infraction will result in suspension for the remainder of the season, which shall include playoff games. The Umpire and both teams’ coaches are responsible for reporting any ejected player(s) or coach to the designated league Officers immediately following their game. Immediately is defined as the night of the game. Failure to report will result in a twenty ($20) dollar fine. If a player is ejected, an out will be recorded for every subsequent at bat during the game the ejection occurred in. The Executive board will review each incident and at their discretion may hand out additional penalties. Players, coaches and managers who are ejected must leave the bench area on the day of the ejection. On the day the suspension is served, players may sit on the bench, but must be in street clothes. Coaches and managers may not be in the bench area.

PLAYOFFS: a. Games must be played in their entirety, unless the run limit rule comes into play. b. Same pitching rules apply, including a maximum of twelve (12) innings per week. Sunday – Saturday. c. The 5 run rule will be suspended for playoffs.

4 d. Scores of playoff games must be reported by 9:30 p.m., the day of the game. Scores may be submitted to the webmaster by email, text or phone call. Failure to do so will result in a $20 fine.

JEWELRY: Any removable jewelry (including plastic bracelets and rope necklaces) must be taken off. Medical and religious jewelry must be taped down.

SMOKING: Coaches, players and fans are prohibited from smoking in the field, the dugout and the bleacher area.


PITCHING PLATE: Regulation size – 6” x 24”, as per Major League rules.

BETWEEN BASES: Sixty (60) feet (back corner of bag). Pin location is seven and one-half (7 1/2) inches in from foul line and fifty-nine (59) feet, four and one-half (4 1/2) inches from the tip of home plate.

TIP OF HOME PLATE TO BACK OF SECOND BASE: Eighty-four (84) feet, ten and one-quarter (10 1/4) inches. Pin location is eighty-four (84) feet from tip of home plate.


LIGHTS: Lights may only be turned on prior to the start of the top of an inning.


1. Once the original schedule has been posted, game changes may be made. All requests for changes MUST be completed within the 2-week period, immediately following schedule’s release. Both coaches must notify the Designated League Official. The Designated League Official will then notify the umpire assignor. Coaches will not notify the assignor. If no field is available, the home team will play at the visitor’s field (as the home team). If neither team as a field, an officer will assign the game at a neutral field.

2. Requests for changes (defined as either date, time, or both) after the original two (2) weeks must be accompanied by approval of both teams and proof of the need for the change. These requests are only for (but not limited to) last minute events or changes not previously announced or added to school calendars, and may not be used for items coaches did not check for. Once proper proof has been submitted, the executive board will vote. A majority vote of the board is needed for the change to be approved. Moving a game without approval will result in forfeiture of the game by both teams. If a time change is only requested (still with accompanying proof), the assigned umpire(s) must both be able to work the new change for the change to be approved.

3. Postponed games (due to weather) must be rescheduled with the Designated League Official within four (4) days and played within 14 days of the postponed game, or before the end of the season, whichever comes first. In the event a team is scheduled to play 4 games per week, due to normal scheduling or other rainouts, and extension will be granted. A week shall be defined as a continuous (7) day period. Both coaches must notify the Designated League Official before approval is given. The Designated League Official will notify the umpire assignor. If the game is not rescheduled within four (4) days, the Designated League Official will reschedule the game for you. Once a new date and time is chosen, it CANNOT be changed. Does not apply for playoffs.

3) The Designated League Official must be notified, by the home team, no later than 24 hours after any postponement, during the regular season and within 2 hours of any postponement for the playoffs. Failure to do so will result in a $10 fine.

4) In the case of inclement weather or unplayable field conditions, the home team coach must notify the visiting team coach, and the umpires, at least two (2) hours before the scheduled game time. The home

5 team coach must notify the Designated League Official on the same day, when possible, otherwise, within 24 hours. It is not acceptable to postpone games because not enough players are available. Coaches are expected to check player availability before the season begins, and make any arrangements for rescheduling in a timely manner. Failure to do so could result in a forfeit.

5) All games must be made up by the Playoff Scheduling Meeting.


1) A game is official after five (5) innings of play if the visiting team is ahead, or after four and one half (4 ½) innings if the home team is ahead. However, a game cannot be called strictly because of the time limit. 2) A game which has a tie score at the end of an inning (5th or later) will be considered a tie. For scorekeeping purposes, each team will receive one (1) point in the standings (as opposed to the usual two (2) points for a win). 3) A game that is called at the end of the fourth (4th) inning or less, will be restarted, unless the 1:45 time limit has been reached or both coaches AGREE on the final score and AGREE to NOT reschedule the game. 4) In a game which is tied after five (5) innings. If the visitor scores in the top of the sixth (or 7th) and the game is called, the score will revert back to the end of the previous inning resulting in a tie. 5) In a game of greater than five (5) innings (where the visitor is ahead), if the game is called before the home team has a chance to bat, or during the home teams’ bat, the score will revert back to the bottom of the previous inning. 6) In case of darkness, the decision to stop the game will be entirely up to the umpire in chief (the home plate umpire).


In the event that no umpire(s) show up, if both teams agree, the game will be played with each team supplying an umpire. If the teams choose not to play the game, they must reschedule following the standard cancellation procedure.


1) 1st call goes to the organization’s CWL representative. 2) IF the representative cannot answer the question, the 2nd call goes to the CWL President.