
Vol. IV No. 40 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 26 November 1949


YFR 1152 to Make Special Trips to Beginning Monday a new service On Monday, 28 November the Miami to Pick Up Mail is being effected by the local Ship': members of the Staff of Service. The service, "Flowers-by- the Inspector General of the Supply On 20 November the USS YFR- wire" will afford Base personnel an 1152 brought 300 sacks of United Corps will arrive at this Base to opportunity to send flowers to conduct a routine inspection of States mail from Miami to Guan- their families or sweethearts. tanamo Bay. This marked the first supply activities: CAPT R. R. LT K. W. Strebel, Ship's Service Thompson, of three mail trips with the second SC, Assistant Inspec- officer, announced the innovation tor General; CDR A. A. Pabst, SC, to be on 5 December and the last of this service late this week. In on 19 December when it is antici- Material and Supply, Bureau of making the announcement he stated Supply and Accounts; CDR S. C. St. pated that around 1,000 sacks of that orders for flowers must be mail will be picked up. All parcel John, SC, Ship's Store Office; CDR placed with the local store at least G. F. Brewton, SC, Accounting and post mail is being diverted to two weeks prior to the delivery Miami for pickup until 23 December Finance, Bureau of Supplies and date. International Flower Service Accounts; LCDR J. T. Hughes, After discontinuation of trips by in City is the firm handl- SC, USS YFR-1152 mail will be picked Office of Naval Material, EXOS; ing the Guantanamo orders and LCDR A. McCrone, SC, Officer up by local planes on special flights they must be given the orders one to Miami. First class mail will Personnel, Bureau of Supplies and week in advance of the delivery Accounts; LCDR E. M. Brown, continue to be forwarded from date. Due to the fact that only SC, Office of General Inspector of SC; New York to Patuxent River, bi-weekly mail service is in effect LTJG Maryland to be placed aboard J. H. Miller, SC, Office of to the States from here the orders General Inspector of SC FLSW flights to Guantanamo Bay only on Mon- (Air). will be able to go out Also arriving to join this party each Monday and Friday. days and Fridays. Persons utilizing Outgoing Mail on 29 November are: CAPT L. W. this service will pay for the flowers Cease, Tenth Naval District Supply It is expected that Christmas here and may have a ten word Officer, and LCDR K. Strickler, parcels for the United States will message included free of charge be dispatched on the following Tenth Naval District Ship's Serv- if they wish. Order blanks may be ice Officer. dates: 23 November to Norfolk obtained at the Naval Station via USS Mattabasset; 28 November Ship's Service. to Miami via the USS YFR-1152; CABIN TRANSPORTATION 2 December to Norfolk via USS Burlington, Vt. (AFPS)-"Better CLARIFIED General Anderson; 5 December to late than never" is a cliche Albert Norfolk via USS Alcona; 9 De- G. Prill doesn't mind using. When Last week the Indian ran a front cember to Norfolk via USS Adams; he was 21 he was forced to quit page story concerning the assign- 10 December to Norfolk via USS the University of Vermont because ment of certain enlisted personnel Corduba; and 12 December to of failing health. Recently, 59 year to cabin accomodations when tra- Miami via USS YFR-1152. later, he was awarded a degree. veling aboard military transports Parcels intended for delivery by of the CMSTS. At the request of Christmas must be posted not later the Port Director this story is than 1 December. Gift Certificates being clarified. must be signed before submission i ORCHIDS FROM Men of the first three pay grades of parcel to the post office for mail- USS WILLIAMSBURG are assigned cabin accomodations ing. Special delivery speeds up when sufficient cabin space is delivery of Christmas parcels. available. However when cabin - The following note of Greeting Cards transportation is assigned, it does All greeting cards to and from thanks was received by dis- not mean that personnel from the USS Wil- so assigned overseas bases must be sealed and patch can be certain liamsburg on 19 November of occupying a cabin posted at the rate of three cents with their families. following her departure from per ounce, in accordance with the Cabins aboard transports are Postal Bulletin, Post Office Depart- Guantanamo Bay: "In behalf equipped of the officers and crew of with four berths each, ment, Washington, D. C. #19,268 and to utilize cabin space the Williamsburg I wish to to ac- dated 20 September 1949. This comodate the greatest number of allows patrons to enclose a written express our sincere thanks persons the assignments and appreciation to you and I must be message with greeting cards. made to four female or four male All personnel on the Base wish- your command for the many passengers courtesies and kindnesses for each cabin. The ing to exchange Christmas greeting only exception to this rule being cards may mail same through the - shown and in making our I when a family visit so pleasant." The mes- ; group is large Fleet Post Office sealed at the enough to occupy an entire cabin drop sage was addressed to NOB 2 postage rate of one cent, but must or when the transport Guantanamo Bay. 5 is carrying use proper box number of the Ii only a fraction of the cabin addressee. capacity. Page Two THE INDIAN Saturday, 26 November 1949 Pare Two THE INDIAN Saturday, 26 November 1949 PATIENCE

By ComScutButLant A couple of years back a song writer made himself quite a pot of CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY Editorial Office, NOB Administration Bldg., dough and a name in the musical Room 205 - Phone 254 Sunday, November 27, 1949 world with a song written around Catholic Masses Saturday, 26 November 1949 the title words "Patience and 0700-Naval Base Chapel Fortitude". If this beginning sounds 0900-Naval Base Chapel U. S. NAVAL OPERATING BASE like a sermon we suggest that you 1749-Naval Base Chapel Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Daily Mass - 0630 Rear Admiral W. K. Phillips, USN stop here. Preaching is not our Confessions before all Masses intent. As Commander, Scuttle- Commander Protestant Services F. R. Pledger, ALC------Editor Butt, Atlantic, we pass on to you 0930-Sunday School at Schoolhouse P. H. Teeter, LCDR- .Staff Advisor what the boys are saying in the 1100-Naval Base Chapel THE INDIAN is published weekly, fin- back room-and elsewhere. Protestant Choir rehearsal each Thursday anced by appropriated funds, printed on at 1930 However, even at the risk of government equipment, for free distri- Chaplains at this Activity bution on the U. S. Naval Operating Base, being accused of preaching, we do Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by order of the want to bring to the attention of CDR R. W. FAULK, USN Base Commander. (Protestant) THE INDIAN is published in compliance our readers ( ?) the twin panaceas which must be well LCDR Carl A. Herold, USN with the provisions. of NAVEXOS-P-35 remembered (Catholic) (Rev) 1945. and frequently employed in the THE INDIAN uses Armed Forces Press pursuit of success and happiness Service Material, which may not be re- in any endeavor-Tincture of Time NEW BOOKS RECEIVED AT printed without permission of AFPS. All photographs used by THE INDIAN and Essence of Patience. Time BASE LIBRARY are official U. S. Navy pictures credited to cures all the ills of mankind and the NAS Photo Lab. unless indicated patience is required to let time otherwise. Mrs. H. R. Besse, NOB Libra- do the work. All things come to rian, reports that the following those who wait-true. Admittedly books are now in the Base library its pretty tough on the patience and are available to people station- Iu Nursery News: when you have to sweat out the ed here: "The Egyptian" by Walt- P1 j Dimitri Thomas CPO list for two or three years ari; "Mary" by Asch; "Let Love Burroughs born in a row-but what can you do Come At Last" by Caldwell; "Fa- 19 November to except wait. The element of pa- ther Of The Bride" by Streeter; SOC and Mrs. Ot- tience makes the waiting all the "Twilight On The Floods" by to L. Burroughs; more endurable. Also it is pretty Steen; "The Way West" by Gu- Car l os Alfredo hard on the patience to listen to therie; "Point Of No Return" by Cabol born 21 No- the yakking of some crackpot (pos- Marquand; "Call It Treason" by vember to Mr. & sibly us) but then we are reminded Howe; "The Lonely" by Gallico. NOTE Mrs. C.A. Cabol. of the words of that great philo- These books are all new and At 1300 24 No- sopher Voltaire, who said "I do have been on the best seller list vember the Hospital Family enjoy- not agree with what you have to of the New York Times Book ed their annual Thanksgiving din- say but I will defend unto death Review. Besides these, there are ner in the Recreation Hall at the your right to say it". An excellent many others which are good Hospital. Among the many guests illustration of patience-the pa- reading. present were RADM and Mrs. tience to hear the other guy's side W. K. Phillips. of the question although it may be in complete disagreement with our TRAINING GROUP After one previous game with own views. TRIVIALS the Guantanamo City Business Col- lege had been cancelled due to in- Here we go again to the "old Navy". Your old Man-o'-Warsman By L. C. Coleman YN2 clement weather, the Hospital Bas- Since we last went to press, the ketball Team came through with a had to be patient because it was a long time between liberties and Training Group has received three 39-31 score to win Tuesday night's new enlisted men fresh from the game. rates. For instance the guy who S printed this paper was a Bluejacket states, namely Turner, J. D., GMCA, Dr. W. T. Annon departed on ten so long that when he finally got Burns, R. E., YN1 and Little, D. W., days leave in the States via VR-1 his hack-driver hat it took him ET1. Welcome aboard men, here's -mission matrimony. We all join several weeks to get to the point wishing you a most enjoyable tour in wishing Dr. and Mrs. Annon the where he could look up and see of duty in Gtmo. best of luck and happiness. the peak of his cap without think- In the romance, or should I say CSC A. 0. Mullins reenlisted on ing something was falling on him. travel department, I see that our board for a period of four years. (We had the same experience). Of three roving Romeos have made course it may seem now that some another trip to Santiago de Cuba, BASE ACCIDENTS of the nice things came pretty fast and from their appearances when to the guys who were in during the they returned they must have staged a modern day version of the By C. E. Britt late war but other things, some of which weren't very nice, also came battle of San Juan Hill. Recently two more vehicular Cigars are being passed out this curved roads. pretty fast during those days. accidents occurred on week, congratulations go to Cole- there patiently Two private automobiles collided So just stay in man, L. C., YN2, Kulpers, M. W., head-on while rounding a curve on pitching instead of (rhyming word ET3, Petty, C. W., RM3 Phillips, one of the beach roads. Fortunate- deleted) and time will treat you N. F., YN3, Volner, H. A., RD2 ly, no one was injured but damage well; maybe not always but the and Webb, E. A., RM3. Keep up to both cars was considerable. odds are pretty good. the good work fellows. A weapons carrier operated by On the sporting scene the officers' a navy driver completely over- Epaulets first were used as bowling team suffered a slight set- turned while rounding another shoulder pads to ease the weight back when they dropped three out curve on the same road. It was of a hod, later being taken over of four games to the Hospital necessary to use a jack in order by soldiers to soften the weight Dental Corps team, however the to extricate the driver from under of a musket and finally by Naval team is showing improvement and the vehicle. officers to signify rank. should do much better in the future. Saturday, 26 November 1949 THE INDIAN Page -Threc Saturday. ~ November 1949 THE INDIAN Page Thret~ YOUR SIDEWALK PAY BILL GUARANTEES . POLICYNEW CIVIL SANCTIONED SERVICE SUPERINTENDENT A MORE SECURE FUTURE over- Lives there a man who works By Armed Forces Press Service Washington (AFPS)-an While a few persons may lose all personnel policy for civilian so hard or a woman so involved with home economics that does not money under the new pay law, it employees throughout the Depart- is important to understand that ment of Defense was recently still have time to stop a while and watch a steam shovel at work? over a period of years virtually approved by Secretary of Defense every Serviceman will come out Louis Johnson. We all know the answer to that substantially ahead. The new policy statement was one, and as a result there will be drawn up by the Personnel policy weekly column (we hope) devoted to That, according to Armed Forces Board, under the chairmanship of this delightful pastime. Naturally, Talk 297, is the key to the new law, Hubert E. Howard, and lists a each individual cannot cover every officially known as the "Career sound basis for management-em- project undertaken on the Base, Compensation Act of 1949". ployee relations. so we will do it for you. At least "Through the boost in basic pay, Under the ten points of the bill, we will try to cover all of them. even if at the expense of other employees will be protected from For instance, the other day the pays." the Talk declares "every discrimination against race, sex, road grader was at work on Cori- Serviceman's future is made more color, religion, national origin, naso Point. Probably an every day secure." physical handicap; they will be occurrence somewhere on the Base, This is because the new system offered opportunity for advance- but on this particular day, it was of basic pay is "based on the ment in jobs for which they are at Corinaso Point. Your Superinten- degree of military responsibility, best fitted; and shall be given the dent wanted to stay longer but replacing the old longevity system, proper training to insure improved had to keep on the move. At the which unduly rewarded lower job performance. Naval Air Station your Superin- rankers of long service over high Also provided under the new tendent observed a group of car- rankers of lesser service. policy are safe and healthful work- penters apparently tearing a quon- There is also a new retirement Upon investigation ing conditions, frank and open set hut apart. system. expression for improvement of it developed that they were not wrecking the building but convert- Noting that "you will have to working conditions and methods, wait for official interpretations of right to become members of ing the old NAS Chapel into living the of the more complicated lawful employee organizations, quarters. That's fine, because it some means two more families will have provisions," the Talk summarizes equal pay for difficult and responsi- these principal changes: ble jobs, and the assurance of a home in the not too distant future. 1. The shift from the principle being well informed on plans and A little out of our line, the next project was one of the most in- of longevity to that of responsibility. policies affecting them and their 2. Abolition of special pay for jobs. teresting it has ever been our plea- sure to take part in. Chief Mackay, foreign and sea duty and various leading chief of the helicopters at special pays including infantry and BOY SCOUT NOTES VU-10 invited your superintendent medical badge compensation and on a flight with the security patrol. enlistment leave allowances. On Friday the 4th of November As a matter of policy we brought 3. A change in the basis of flight 1949 the Boy Scouts of Guantanamo our good friend Chief Bacon from and pay from, percen- Bay, Cuba had their second meeting the Print Shop merely to get the tage to fixed sum. at the quonset hut by the NOB G. S. P. (General Service Person- 4. "Staging out" of the family sailboat locker. The troop was nel's) slant on things. To this day allowance and its replacement by divided into 4 patrols with about we still haven't received an opin- increased quarters allowance. 6 boys to each patrol. During this ion from the Chief but your 5. A change in the basis of en- meeting work was begun on the superintendent can say with gusto listment allowances to length of Tenderfoot requirements. B. S. In- that even though he has four years future enlistment agreed upon in- scoe, BM1, showed the boys about submarine duty and over twelve stead of past service length. five knots including the bowline years aviation duty behind him, 6. Extension of the physical and the square knot. that helicopter ride around the retirement system to enlisted per- On Saturday, 12th of November, boundaries of our Base was one sonnel of less than 20 years' the third meeting was held at the of the most unique and thrilling service. same place. On this night the boys experiences yet. LT Haines, the These changes, the Talk de- learned a few patrol formation' pilot, proved to be a at clares, are designed "to establish and drills. The boys decided to have large without saying a word. We for the uniformed Services a pay long pants for their uniforms. They were riding quite low over the fence pattern which will tend to be more were informed that the best be- and passed over a Cuban on a attractive to first-class personnel. haved patrol will go on a fishing horse. Apparently the horse was "Even though special payments trip on the 19th of November. as fouled up as we were the first generally are reduced, the over-all The fourth meeting was held on time we saw a helicopter because increase in basic pay, the new re- Friday, November 17, 1949. This he started bucking and rearing. tirement provision and other com- meeting Ramon E. Alonso and Your superintendent feared for the pensations offer substantial new Thomas Groome qualified for their safety of its rider. Our pilot, how- rewards to those who make the Tenderfoot badges. On the 16th of ever, displayed excellent courtesy Armed Forces their career. December of the boys who have and made a wide circle around the qualified will receive their Tender- beast and rider. Looking back, we WHITE HOUSE REPAIRS foot badges. could see that the man had his ARE NEAR COMPLETION Stag patrol went fishing last horse back under control and was three small fish were on his way down Sunday. Only lazily continuing Washington (AFPS)-President Everyone had a good time. caught. the road. Truman should be able to move back into the White House by Not So Famous Sayings. The new arrivals are just get- Christmas, 1951, so says Building If you want a stable friend, ting settled in the crowded the- Administrator W. E. Reynolds. you'd better buy a horse." atre. The President and the First "This 'pen' leaks," said the con- She: "Does it make any differ- Family now occupy Blair House, vict, as the rain came through the ence on which side of you I sit?" across Pennsylvania Avenue from roof. He: "No. I'm ambidextrous." the White House. Page Four THE INDIAN Novem 9 THE INDIAN Saturday 26 November 1949 URUGUAYAN NAVAL A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA PERSONNEL TO VISIT CAN BE EARNED BY YOU 0 About 30 November a detach- In the lives of many Navy men ment of Uruguayan Naval person- the acquisition of a high school By CPL E. J. Kazmierski nel will depart from NAS Dallas. diploma is an extremely important Let's see-this week we'll start Texas flying ten surplus TBM matter. High school graduation is things off by congratulating that (Avenger) aircraft to Uruguay. a requirement for assignment to "Powerful" Officers' volley ball The proposed itinerary includes certain Navy schools, such as Pho- team. For the second consecutive overnight stops at Pensacola, tographer's Mate School. In the year this squad claimed the Intra- Miami, Guantanamo Bay, and San case of other schools, for example Post Volley Ball Championship Juan. They are expected to arrive Aviation Electrician's Mate School With words of encouragement from at McCalla Field on or about 2 and Control Tower Operator's LTCOL Johnston, that ball club just December. The detachment consists School, the diploma, while not a couldn't be downed. On frequent of eleven officers and fifteen enlist- requirement is an important con- occasions our Commanding Officer, ed personnel. sideration in the eyes of those Colonel J. R. Lanigan, was seen out charged with making selections. In there assisting CAPT Sullivan, LT Beck, LT Neef, and the team Cap- LITTLE THEATER NOTES civilian life, high school graduation has become the prerequisite for tain, our Post Adjutant, CAPT Cass, spikin' 'em over. There consideration for a very large has been "Much Ado" at On Monday 14 Nov. 49 the pig the theatre and various ports of proportion of jobs. In view, then, of the part played skin took to the air to start off call of the newly assembled radio an Intra-Post Football League. In rogues. Under the watchful eye of by the high school diploma both in civilian and military life, any the first clash the 2nd Sect romped Shirley Childs, the charming miss over Hqs to score a 13 to 0 triumph. who wrung the laughs from "My plan which helps Navy men who Sister Eileen" and crammed them left school before completing the 2nd Sect scored two touchdowns into an hour long radio adaptation, 12th grade to acquire that docu- in the first half to defeat a scrap- more sore "hunt and peck" fingers ment or its equivalent while in the ping Officers-Staff NCO's team have turned up than ever before in service should be welcomed. Wednesday 16 Nov. 1949. This the history of this Base. And There are fundamentally three left the 2nd Guard Section un- rumors to the contrary, she is not ways in which Navy men may work defeated, final score 12 to 0. drumming up trade for Dr. Childs. toward high school graduation. The The 1st Gd Sect touch football No, indeed! The callouses are simplest method, provided the high team slipped over an 18 to 2 win being accumulated through the school or state department of edu- against a hard pressed Hqs outfit efforts of all embryo typists and cation looks favorably upon the last Thursday. a their betters, the yeomen, to cut method, is by way of the USAFI In an action-packed game on the stencils that will be run off that General Educational Development Monday 21 Nov. 1949 the first 0 - 0 will be stapled, that will be read tests. These tests, five in number contest took place when the fightin (phew!) by those seeking a part and requiring approximately 10 Officers-Staff NCO's team held it's in the play. From one who knows- hours in all for their administra- competitor, the 1st Gd Sect, front there's work in them thar scripts! tion, are designed to determine the entering the end zone to score. This Naturally, we cannot announce educational level of the examinee thrilling contest was called when the results of last night's casting without regard to his formal ran out, and the Gd Sect session, since last night has not educational background. If that was in a scoring position on the yet arrived as this written. But level proves to be sufficiently high, Officers-Staff NCO's 1-yard line. most high schools are willing to there is a great chance that those Standings accept satisfactory scores on the with whom the decision rests are Team Won Lost Tied still on the lookout for your voice. GED tests as qualifying for a 2nd GdSect ------diploma, but are faced with course 2 0 0 If such is the case, keep your eyes 1st GdSect----- 1 0 1 and ears open for an announcement requirements that have to be met according to state law. Sometimes Officers-Staff NCO's 0 1 1 calling for another night of cast- Headquarters Plt 0 2 0 ing this coming Tuesday, No- it is a requirement in U. S. history; vember 29. often there is a double requirement later, remember to of American history and civics. S Seven days turn your dial to 1450 and hear In some cases where the high the initial performance of the school itself is unwilling to award "Little Theatre of the Air". It is a diploma, the state department of education may grant a high school estimated that no more than a 0 week will be necessary to put the equivalency certificate, a document finishing touches on this little opus. which, as its name indicates, is That's the beauty of these radio generally accepted as the equivalent plays, you know. No set, no cos- of a diploma. tumes, no makeup, no memory The other two methods will be work, and that great bogeyman, discussed in a subsequent issue of the audience, isn't there to watch the Indian. The GED Tests, high your every move. If you have been school and college level, are admin- bothered by this thought and istered by the Naval Station Edu- hesitated to join us on its account, cational Services Officer, Bay Hill now's your chance to work behind Barracks #4. the "footlights" without being scared to death. COPS BAG DOGNAPPER You know, this is another cold, icy plunge for us, this radio ven- Atlantic City (AFPS) - Dog ture, and it's birth pangs are com- Catcher James Evans was recently paring favorably with The Little arrested on a charge of steal- Theatre's during it's origin. Our ing 15 dogs. hope is that you'll accept it as well Evans was charged with taking as you have the productions of the dogs from the city pound and sell- past. So keep an ear turned in our ing them to an unidentified lab- direction-how's about it? oratory. "Say, mister . Saturday, 26 November 1949 THE INDIAN PaLre Five Saturday. 26 November 1949 THE INDIAN Pare Five TENTH DIVISION GUANTANAMO'S NEWS NOTES RANDOLPH RANCH THE

By B. W. Richards, (Continued from last week) 7 YNC "Boqueron" is the only cow at Among Tenth Division guests attending the Marine Randolph, and it is she that fur- nishes milk for ranch personnel. Party last week were BMC and Mrs. Her stablemate is an old horse E. H. Tye, ENC and Mrs. named "Prince" who is twenty- L. P. Greenawalt, CSC and Mrs. R. Muster around the Joe Pot, Ship- Culipher, the writer and his wife. six years old, and looks every bit of it. His back is so swayed that mates, for our first session and we We were shown a grand time, the will call the meeting to order and food was something his belly almost touches the ground. to write home But old Prince has been a good proceed with a story about Opera- about, and we hope the Marines tor #48 on the Base Police. Secret will saddle horse in his day and has never cease giving birthday earned his retirement. Thomas Operator #48,, that is! He has parties to which we can be invited. loves animals too much to shoot just received orders to "Follow My wife and I were guests of Prince now that he has outlived That Man." Chief and Mrs. Garcia on Hospital his usefulness. When asked what We are not supposed to let this Cay Sunday; we spent a most en- he would do if he saw someone out, but Secret Operator #48 is joyable day, and had some fine mistreating one of his animals. Shanghai Dietch, and "That Man" fishing off one of the docks. While Thomas replied, "The same thing is the B. T. 0. that just landed a fishing, we sighted what appeared you would do." This we considered job firing the boiler to raise steam to be a sea snake or extra large a compliment. used to blow the whistle on a eel, about ten feet long, near the "Lady" and "Cry Baby" peanut vendor's machine. He is the dock, which, in company with two In addition to Prince there are same dude just transferred here smaller snakes, or eels, has been five brood horses kept at the ranch from the Asiatic Fleet due to the seen before in that area. While sea proper, however, Recreation De- fact that he saw too many jelly- snakes, which are deadly poisonous, partment maintains two saddle fish walking up the Yangtse River are not normally found in the horse corrals. One located at the on stilts. Caribbean, it would not be unlikely Naval Air Station, and the other But, he's not going to get away that they should have been intro- at the Base. The Marines have with it, because if Operator #48 duced by way of the Panama Canal, another for their own use. At falls down on the job, there's since they do inhabit the eastern present there are forty horses and always Operator #35 (Rhodes) to Pacific. However, they have never three colts on the station, but the take over the job. been known to attack man unless queen of them all is "Cry Baby". There's a guy down here that caught in fishing nets. Thomas' pride and joy. She is a gets a big charge out of sleeping COL Souder paid the office a five months old colt and is the on pool tables. Favorite position. short visit Monday; we're glad to daughter of a mixed Palamino- feet and hands in each of the corner see him back on his feet, and hope Arabian named "Lady". Whenever pockets. It's getting to be a tough he'll be back in harness real soon. you see Thomas walking around situation when you have to play The Presidential Yacht, which the ranch you can be sure that Pill Pool around a frame like that. silently and without fanfare tied "Lady" and "Cry Baby" are not At a dance held at the Marine up in front of this office one night very far away. Site Pavillion last week some char- last week, as silently left over the Large Chicken Ranch acter let the air out of the tires, week-end. It presents a beautiful There are a few chickens at (and we mean literally), of a ship- sight, with it's white sides and Randolph for the use of ranch mate's car. Hitch-hiking home in gleaming bright work, sitting personnel but most of the local the ayem has always been a pain gracefully on the water. No man eggs are produced at a chicken in the neck to yours truly so we could ride it often and remain a ranch located nearer the Base. It can sympathize with the victim. landlubber by choice. is also under the supervision of the Guess he's lucky he's still got ENC L. P. Greenawalt (Hawk- Randolph Ranch manager. At this wheels on the buggy, tho'. shaw), was in Guantanamo on Po- chicken ranch there are 1101 hens Caught a feller asleep in a chair lice business Monday; he liked it so and roosters of Leghorn, New in the barracks the other day. well that he took his wife and Hampshire Red, and mixed breed Figured out an excellent punch line mother over on a shopping tour stock. The peak output in eggs per for a fouled up photograph. Just Friday. There's a lot to see there, day is fifty dozen, however, at the tip the chair backwards, place a if you can be there in daylight. present time the hens are molting Royal Flush on his chest and write and ten to twelve dozen eggs per underneath, "Dont Let This Hap- BASE HOUSING day is the top production figure. pen To You". The only difficulty These eggs are sold to the Com- encountered was that no one avail- OFFICE MOVED missary by the Recreation De- able knew what a Royal Flush is. partment. The Base Housing Office was Two incubators are in operation off all chickens victimized by moved Tuesday, 22 November from at the chicken ranch with a capaci- limberneck. Room 206 to Room 205 which is ty of 400 eggs each. An additional Thomas mixed kerosene with . across the passageway from the incubator is on hand but unas- nose drops which proved quite Legal Officer's Office in the Base sembled at the present time. Help- effective in the treatment of limber- Administration Building. The tele- ing Thomas with the chicken ranch neck. His findings he turned over phone number, 305, is retained by are Morris Williams, a Jamaican, to the Government. He says the Housing Office. Office hours and Chuey Fong. that there is a better treatment on are from 0800 to 1630 Mondays Limberneck Treatment the market, but he doesn't know through Fridays. While on the subject of chickens where to procure it. it is fitting to mention the treat- In addition to chickens, the ranch ANOTHER LITTLE ment that Thomas discovered for has approximately one hundred MORON STORY limberneck, a disease not uncom- pigeons and squabs. It's quite an mon to domestic fowl. Limberneck experience to be sitting inside the There was a little Moron who means just what the name implies. ranch house and hear a hundred cut a hole in the rug to see the It leaves a chicken with its neck pigeons walking and flying around floor show; then covered it back up bent so that the head often lays on outside. It sounds just like a me- because he didn't want to see the the back, chest or side. Formerly dium rainfall, and it's hard not be hole show. chicken ranchers immediately killed convinced that it isn't rain. t Gtmou. Bay-24 Nov 49-2600 Satur'day ,aura26Nvme99TEIDA26 Novembe 19 THE INDIAN NEW YORKER TO SPEAK OVER WGBY 0 Mr. Nick Appopolous, wealthy New York apartment owner is ex- By Allen , Sports Editor pected to arrive at the Base the first week in December. An hour OFFICERS' BOWLING terferes the tourney will be extend- of radio time has been allocated LEAGUE ed until next weekend. to Mr. Appopolous and his party At press time Wednesday the tenatively scheduled by WGBY for Fleet Boat Pool's Rogalski was the At the end of three weeks of Tuesday, 6 December. Mr. Appopo- low medalist with a net of 66. He lous' program will carry a message competition in the Officers' Bowling was shooting with a 20 handicap. league, the Naval Air Station team of vital interest to all Base per- LTJG Hansen was in runner-up sonnel. is leading the National league position at that time with a 67. He while the Civilians of NSD are was playing with a handicap of 11. VU-10 NOTES still on top in the American. The Final. results and trophy winners NAS team replaced the Naval Sta- will be announced in next week's Our Squadron Commander, CDR tion after trailing earlier in the Indian. season. The leading bowlers during Egbert recently returned from a trip back to the States, but unfor- the first three weeks were: WARMIN' THE BENCH American League tunately arrived on the Base to Team W L Pins Pts. late to attend the Squadron Dance By Armed Forces Press Service at the Marine Pavilion. We all NSD------7 2 2 9 "It's absolutely ridiculous to 5 4 1 6 missed the Skipper at the dance FTG ------even hope that we'll have as good and all we can say is he sure missed ------4 5 2 6 Marines a team this season as we have had a good one. VU-10 3 3 1 4 for the past four years," the 3 3 1 4 LT Sousa and his committee did NOB ------"Baron of Basketball." University and every- 2 7 1 3 a swell job of arranging Hosp-Dental of Kentucky's Adolph Rupp, de- was game postponed. one had a swell time. Music NOB-VU-10 clared in a special interview with furnished by Jay Jay and the Naval National League this writer. Base Band. Prizes were presented NAS ------8 1 3 11 The chief mentor of Wildcat to couples winning the various NavSta ------7 1 3 10 squads, which for many years have dance contests. Hosp-Dental 4 5 2 6 earned national acclaim, sat in an About 2200 all hands took time 7' FTG ------3 6 1 4 old swivel chair with his feet rest- out to sample the excellent buffet VU-10 ------2 7 0 2 ing on the somewhat cluttered lunch while "Tall Boy" Greenway NSD ------2 6 0 2 desk in one corner of the small and his "Gitmo Gitters" furnished Individual Average (150 or over) Kentucky gym. some good old hoe down music. Name Games Ave. "We can't be expected to have Only mishap of the evening was Badger _------9 169 as good a team this year, when the discovery of a sudden flat tire Zi ------9 164 we've just graduated such stars on the Exec's car after the dance. . Wesson ------6 164 as Alex Groza, Ralph Beard, 'Wah LT E. D. Brock arrived aboard Ondrasik ------5 154 Wah' Jones, and Cliff Barker," he FLSW in time to be present at thr Serig ------8 153 continued. "Sure, we're the defend- last half of the dance. His last Wray ------5 153 ing national champions, but remem- duty station was at Annapolis, Berkley ------6 153 ber those boys who were the na- Maryland and we are happy to Wilson ____-----_ 9 150 tional champions, are playing this welcome him aboard as we were Jones (Hosp) ------8 150 year under the name of the In- stationed with him at the Air Team high single game, NSD (A), dianapolis Olympians. Facility up there several years ago. 825; Individual high single game, The coach pulled out one of the Badger, 232; Individual high three national publications and began New York (AFPS)-"Absolute- games, Badger, 532. flipping the pages, "Look at this," ly not!" is Joe DiMaggio's answer he complained. "They know we when asked if he's ready to hang BASEBALL graduated the 'Fabulous Four' up his spikes. "I don't know why ONCE AGAIN and still, even before the season SERIES IS RAINED OUT I would be quitting," he said, starts, they pick Kentucky to fin- getting ready for a San Francisco ish in the top three teams." By H. L. Broughton vacation. "All I need is rest and Leaning back in his chair he lots of it." Due to the fact that Jupiter Plu- mumbled, "Why, I'll be surprised vius went on a tear the last three if we don't loose seven or eight of scheduled games between New Orleans (AFPS)-Tulane nights games out of our 25-game sched- off football All-Stars and Cuban Civilians, University will break the ule. Every team is laying for us." relations with Notre Dame after the baseball series has slowed down "You can tell them though," The next scheduled game the 1950 game. The announcement to a halt. the basketball, mentor said with after the Irish is for Tuesday 29 November, wea- was made shortly a slight smile, "any team that had knocked the Green Wave from ther permitting. The two teams wants to get even with us had the undefeated ranks, 46-7. haven't really had a chance to feel better do it this year, because we're each other out yet, but once they going to be ready next season. get going, the fur should fly be- Rupp thought for a brief mo- Notre Dame always have top- tween these two crack teams. ment before continuing, then with flight teams. We meet them with a frown crowding his eyes, said just one day between, and on their HANDICAP slowly, "I look for Bradley and home floors, too." TOURNEY UNDERWAY Villanova to have outstanding "Then there's Purdue and Michi- teams this year. Also Tulane, San gan State in the Big Ten which The Men's Annual Handicap Francisco and Oklahoma will put look mighty good from our advance Golf got underway good squads on the floor. Kansas reports. Thursday morning with some 60 out in the Big Seven will be a "Yes," concluded the Man in the golfers participating. Final round dark horse, with that big boy Brown Suit, "I feel certain that play is slated for tomorrow, weath- from Indiana named LoVelette fans of the cage game can look er conditions permitting. Club tossing in a lot of baskets." forward to another top season of officials stated that if weather in- "And of course De Paul and play on the college hardwoods."