सिविल सलट CIVIL LIST 2017 केन्द्रीय सचििालय सेिा CENTRAL SECRETARIAT SERVICE (Group ‘A’ Officers) भारत सरकार का셍मिक, लोक 셍िकायत तथा पᴂिन मंत्रालय का셍मिक और प्र셍िक्षण विभाग GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL AND TRAINING CIVIL LIST CENTRAL SECRETARIAT SERVICE (Group ‘A’ Officers) As on 1st January, 2017 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL AND TRAINING (CS.I DIVISION) DISCLAIMER The contents of this list should not be deemed to convey sanction or authority in any matter of seniority, posting etc. NOTE Any discrepancy or error noticed in the Civil List may be brought to the notice of Under Secretary (U), CS-I Division. Telephone number 24629412/Telefax No. 24629414. E-mail address:
[email protected] Central Secretariat Service (CSS) Grades of CSS Sanctioned Strength (as on 1st January, 2017) Senior Administrative Grade Senior Selection Grade (Director) 624* Selection Grade (Deputy Secretary) Grade I (Under Secretary) 1615 Section Officer 3193 Assistant Section Officer 6680 * CSS Officers who are empanelled as Joint Secretary are given in-situ promotion as Joint Secretaries at their current place of posting, till they are placed under Central Staffing Scheme, with such in-situ promotions restricted to 40 in number. The combined strength of Joint Secretary (in-situ), Directors and Deputy Secretary of CSS is 624, with inter-se flexibility subject to a ceiling of 40 posts for Joint Secretary (in-situ) and 220 posts at the Director level.