The Female Opinion on Pubic Removal Marisa LoPue, Shauchiela Vieira, Aileen Vaca, Rebecca Abotbol, Jackiie Guerrero, Mensud Omeragic, Keyla Johnson Anthropology 100 FY20, Professor Fabio Mattioli

,QWURGXFWLRQ 3XELF+DLU5HPRYDOIRU)HPDOHV )HPDOHV3XELF+DLU5HPRYDOIRU &RQFOXVLRQV Across the globe women rely on their 3DUWQHUV Out of all of the ethnicities that were physical appearance to fit into society. surveyed, Caucasian females feel most is commonly removed since strongly that they and their partners both women and men find it to be should remove their . Other unappealing. Pubic hair, in particular, ethnicities that feel strongly about can be sexually uninviting. both their own and their partner’s Unfortunately, getting rid of pubic of pubic hair are Asians and (and hair in general) is painful and Hispanics. Almost half of single females uncomfortable. People go to great feel as though they must remove their lengths to remove these unwanted pubic hair, while only about a fifth say follicles, from to or even they don't care. The reason behind using chemical techniques to modify why certain ethnicities feel more their bodies and reach what they White/ Caucasian: display the highest percentages concerning pubic hair removal with strongly about the removal of pubic consider a perfect look. Considering or without a partner hair is still uncertain, but it is suggested that these methods of hair removal can -Caribbean: display the lowest percentages concerning pubic hair removal with or that the socio-economic background of cause things like irritation and bruising, without a partner whites might push them to modify why do we still do it? It's said that pubic their bodies more than others, and be hair is meant to be used as a cushion the perfected image they pictured, against friction during . But does it which further reinforces the crazy really play a positive or negative role in 3XELF+DLU5HPRYDO6LQJOH 3XELF+DLU5HPRYDO7DNHQ standards for everyone else to follow sexuality ? More importantly, do certain )HPDOHV )HPDOHV suit. On the other , when in a groups of women have stronger relationship, females feel even opinions about pubic hair? Or is the stronger about the removal of their removal shared by of all ranges pubic hair. Almost all of the in the US? participants in the survey feel that they must or should remove their pubic hair while dating. Based on the data, it can be inferred that pubic hair removal matters most to those in a 0HWKRGV 0DWHULDOV relationship/dating. The fact that someone else may be involved More than 500 surveys were carried out by the students of ANT 100. These increases the chances of pubic hair surveys discussed sexuality and the removal. preferences of young adults in New York City. 5HIHUHQFHV The data taken from these surveys focuses particularly on the importance of body hair removal. 092