E extracta mathematicae Vol. 25, N´um.3, 277 { 308 (2010) Extension of Mappings and Pseudometrics M. Huˇsek∗ Charles University, Prague, Sokolovsk´a 83, Czech Republic, and University J.E.Purkynˇe, Ust´ınad´ Labem, Cesk´eml´adeˇzeˇ 8, Czech Republic, Miroslav.Husek@mff.cuni.cz,
[email protected] Presented by Gino Tironi Received December 22, 2010 Abstract: The aim of this paper is to show a development of various methods of extensions of mappings and their interrelations. We shall point out some methods and relations entailing more general results than those originally stated. Key words: Extension of function, extension of pseudometric, metric space. AMS Subject Class. (2010): 54C20, 54E35. 1. Introduction 1.1. General remarks. We shall use two main looks at results con- cerning extensions of mappings. The first one is just historical { we shall go through the original methods and divide them into three almost disjoint pro- cedures. The second look goes into deeper analysis of the methods and tries to deduce from them as much as possible. In several cases we shall see that authors proved much more than they formulated and used (see, e.g. Theo- rems 3', 10', 2.6). We shall also describe some elementary relations among various extension results and some elementary procedures allowing to gener- alize extension results for metric spaces to more general ones (see 2.5-2.7, 3.4, Proposition 22, 4.1.3). We shall consider those situations when all (uniformly) continuous map- pings can be extended from closed subsets, excluding cases when extension exists for some of them only or from some more special subsets only.