32. Celebrans erectus, manibus 32. The celebrant, standing upright, with hands ex­ extensis, dicit: tended says: Te fgitur, clementfssime Pater, per lesum Christum, W e come to you, Father, Filium tuum, D6minum no­ strum, supplices rogamus in this spirit of thanksgiving, ac p6timus, iungit manus et dicit: uti acc6pta habeas through Jesus Christ your Son. signat super hostiam et ca­ licem simul, dicens: et be· He joins his hands and, making the nedfcas ~ hrec dona, hrec once over both host and , says: mtinera, hrec sancta sacri· ficia illibata, Through him we ask you to accept and bless ffi these gifts we offer you in sacrifice.

extensis manibus prosequitur: With his hands extended, he continues:

in primis, qure tibi off6ri· mus pro Eccl6sia tua s.ancta W e offer them for your holy catholic cath61ica: quam pacificare, custodire, adunare et r6gere Church. dign6ris toto orbe terrarum: una cum famulo tuo Papa Watch over it and guide it; nostro N. et Antfstite ~stro N. et omnibus orthodoxis grant it peace and unity throughout the atque cath6Iicre et apost6· world. lice fidei cult6ribus. We offer them for N. our Pope, for N. our bishop, and for all who hold and teach the catholic faith that comes to us from the apostles.

33. Commemoratio pro vivis. 33. of the living Mem6nto, D6mine, famu· 16rum famulariimque tua· R emember, Lord, your people, rum N. et N. especially those for whom we now pray: N. and N. · iungit manus, orat aliquantu­ lum pro quibus orare intendit: He joins his hands and prays for them briefly; then, deinde manibus extensis pro· with hands extended, he continues: sequitur: Copyright ® U67 International Committee on English In the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 * CANON OF THE MASS et omnium circumstintium, Remember all of us gathered here before quorum tibi fides cognita est et nota devotio, pro you. quibus tibi offerimus: vel qui tibi offerunt hoc sacri- . You know how firmly we believe in you ficium laudis, pro se suisque omnibus: pro redemptione and dedicate ourselves to you. animirum suirum, pro spe We offer you this sacrifice of praise sahitis et incolumitAtis sure: tibique reddunt vota for ourselves and all who are dear to us. sua retemo Deo, vivo et vero. We pray to you, our living and true God, for our well-being and redemption.

34. Within the Action 34. Infra Actionem.

CommunicAntes, et memo­ I n union with the whole Church riam venerintes, in primis we honor the memory of the saints. gloriosre semper Virginis Marire, Genetricis Dei et We honor Mary, the virgin mother of Domini nostri Iesu Christi: Jesus Christ our Lord.

On Christmas and during the Octave Communicantes, et (noctem sacra­ In union with the whole Church tissimam) diem sacratissimum cele­ brantes, quo (qua) beatre Marire in­ we celebrate the day night temerata virginitas huic mundo edi­ when Mary, ever a virgin, dit Salvatorem: sed et memoriam gave this world its savior. venerantes, • • • We honor the memory of the saints •••

Communicantes, et diem sacratis­ Epiphany simum celebrantes, quo Unigenitus In union with the whole Church tuus, in tua tecum gloria coreternus, we celebrate the day in veritate camis nostrre visibiliter corporalis apparuit: sed et memo­ when your only Son, riam venerantes, • . • sharing your endless glory, showed himself in human flesh. Communicantes, et diem sacratfs­ We honor the memory of the saints • • • simum celebrantes, quo DOminus noster Jesus Christus pro nobis est Holy Thursday traditus: sed et memoriam veneran­ In union with the whole Church tes, in primis gloriosre semper vrr­ we celebrate the day ginis Marire, Genetricis eiiisdem Dei et Domini nostri Iesu Christi: sed when Jesus Christ, our Lord, et beati Joseph, eiiisdem Virginis was betrayed for us. Sponsi, • •• We honor the memory of the saints. We honor Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus. Hanc igitur oblationem servitiitis We honor Joseph, her husband, ••• nostrre, sed et cunctre familire ture, quam tibi offerimus ob diem, in qua Dominus noster Jesus Christus tra­ Father, accept this offering didit discipulis suis Corporis et San­ from your whole family guinis sui mysteria celebranda: qure­ in memory of the day when Jesus Christ, our Lord, sumus, Domine, ut placatus acci­ gave the mysteries of his body and blood pias: diA~sque nostros in tua pace for his disciples to celebrate. disponas, • • • Grant us your peace in this life ••• Qui pridie, quam pro nostra om­ niumque salute pateretur, h_oc est, The day before he suffered h6die, accipit hostiam, accepit pa· to save us and all men, nem in sanctas ac venerabiles ma­ that is today, nus suas, ••• he took bread and, • • • CANON OF THE MASS 3 *

sed et beati Ioseph, ehisdem We honor Joseph, her husband, Virginis Sponsi, et beat6- rum Apostolorum ac Mar­ the apostles Peter and Paul, tyrum tu6rum, Petri et Pauli, Andrere, Iac6bi, Ioan­ Andrew, James and John, nis, Thomre, Iac6bi, Philip­ pi, Bartholomrei, Mattluili, Thomas, James, Philip, Sim6nis et Thaddrei: Lini, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon and Jude, Cleti, Clementis, Xysti, Cor­ nelii, Cypriani, Laurentii, Linus, Cletus, Clement, Sixtus, Chrys6goni, Ioannis et Pauli, Cosmre et Damiani: Cornelius, Cyprian, Lawrence, Chrysogonus, et 6mnium Sanct6rum tu6- rum; quorum meritis preci· John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian, busque concedas, ut in 6m­ nibus protecti6nis ture mu­ the martyrs and all the saints. niamur auxilio. Iungit ma­ May their merits and prayers nus. Per eundem Christum D6minum nostrum. Amen. gain us your constant help and protection. He joins his hands. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Communicantes, et (noctem sacra· Easter and during the Octave tissimam) diem sacratissimum cele­ In union with the whole Church brantes Resurrecti6nis D6mini no· we celebrate the day (night) stri Iesu Christi secundum carnem: sed et mem6riam venerantes, in pri· when Jesus Christ, our Lord, mis glori6sre semper Virginis Marlre, rose in the flesh. Genetricis eiusdem Dei et Domini We honor the memory of the saints. nostri Iesu Christi: sed et beati We honor Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus. Ioseph, eiusdem Vfrginis Sponsi, ••• We honor Joseph, her husband, ••• Father, accept this offering Hanc igitur oblati6nem servitutis nostrre, sed et cunctre familire ture, from your whole family quam tibi offerimus pro his quoque, and from those born in the new life quos regenerare dignatus es ex aqua of water and the Holy Spirit, et Spiritu Sancto, tribuens eis re­ whose sins are now forgiven. missi6nem 6mnium peccat6rum, quresumus, D6mine, ut placatus ac­ Grant us your peace in this life •.. cipias: diesque nostros in tua pace Ascension disp6nas, ••• In union with the whole Church Communicantes, et diem sacratis­ we celebrate the day simum celebrantes, quo D6minus when your only Son, our Lord, noster, unigenitus Filius tuus, unitam sibi fragilitatis nostrre substantiam took his place with you in gl6rire ture dextera collocavit: and raised our fragile flesh to glory. sed et mem6riam venerantes, in We honor the memory of the saints. primis glori6sre semper Virginis We honor Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus. Marire, Genetricis eiusdem Dei et We honor Joseph, her husband, ••• D6mini nostri Iesu Christi, sed et beati Ioseph eiusdem Virginis Spon· Pentecost and during the Octave si, ••• In union with the whole Church we celebrate the day of Pentecost Communicantes, et diem sacratis· when the Holy Spirit appeared to the apostles simum Pentec6stes celebrantes, quo Spiritus Ap6stolis innume­ in countless tongues. ris Unguis apparuit: sed et mem6· We honor the memory of the saints ••• riam venerantes, ••• (Hanc igitur as for Easter above) 4 * CANON OF TilE MASS

35. Tenens manus expansas 35. With hands outstretched over the offerings, he super oblata, dicit: says: Hane faitur oblati6nem ser­ F ather, accept this offering vitutis nostrre, sed et cunc­ tre falrlilire ture, qwesumus, from your whole family. D6mine, ut placatus acci­ pias: di~sque nostros in tua Grant us your peace in this life, pace disp6nas, atque ab ret~rna danmati6ne nos ~ri­ save us from final damnation, pi, ~ ip eleet6rum tu6nnn iube~ grege num~rari. and count us among those you have Iungit lJlanus. chosen. Per Christum D6minum no­ strum. Amen. He joins his hands. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

36. Manibus iunctis, prose­ 36. With hands joined, the celebrant continues: quitur:

Quam oblati6nem tu, Deus, B less and approve our offering; in 6mnibus, qwesumus, be­ nedfctam, adscriptam, ra­ . make it truly spiritual and acceptable. tam, ratiomibilem, accepta­ bil~mque, facere dign~ris: Let it become for us ut nobis Corpus et Sanguis fiat dilectissimi Filii tui, the body and blood of Jesus Christ, D6mini nostri Iesu Christi. your only Son, our Lord.

37. He takes the host, 37. Qui pridie quam pate­ retur, accipit hostiam, ac­ dpit panem in sanctas ac T he day before he suffered venerabiles manus suas, elevat oculos, et elevatis he took bread, oculis in crelum ad te Deum Patrem suum omnipoten­ he raises his eyes, tem, caput inclinat, tibi gratias agens, benedixit, fregit, deditque discipulis and looking up to heaven, suis, dicens: Accipite, et manducAte ex hoc omnes. to you, his almighty Father, he bows his head. he gave you thanks and praise. He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples and said: Take this and eat it, all of you; Tenens ambabus manibus ho­ Holding the host between the thumbs and forefingers stiam inter indices et pollices of both hands, he says the words of consecration dis­ profert verba consecrationis distincte et attente super ho­ tinctly and attentively over the host or hosts that are stiam, et simul super omnes, to be consecrated. si plures sint consecrandre. Hoc est enim Corpus meum. this is my body. Quibus verbis prolatis, statim hostiam consecratam adoran­ After saying these words, the celebrant immediately dam ostendit populo, reponit shows the consecrated host to the people for their ado­ super patenam, et genuflexus ration, places it on the , and genuflects. adorat. Post consecrationem, celebran­ After the consecration, the celebrant need not keep ti licet pollices et indices non his thumbs and forefingers together; if there is any coniungere; si vero aliquod fragment of the host on his fingers, he purifies them fragmentum hostire digitis ad­ hreserit, digitos super patenam over the paten. abstergat. 38. He then uncovers the chalice and says: 38. Tunc, detecto calice, dicit:

Simili modo postquam ce­ W hen supper was ended, natum est, ambabus mani­ he takes the chalice in both hands, bus accipit calicem, accf­ piens et hunc prreclarum he took the cup. calicem in sanctas ac vene­ he bows his head. rabiles manus suas: caput inclinat; item tibi gratias Again he gave you thanks and praise, agens, benedixit, dedftque discipulis suis, dicens: Ac­ gave the cup to his disciples and said: cipite, et bibite ex eo om­ nes. Take this and drink from it, all of you;

Profert verba consecrationis Attentively and without pausing, he speaks the words super calicem attente et con­ of consecration over the chalice, while holding it tinuate, tenens ilium parum slightly raised. eleva tum. this is the cup of my blood, Hie est enim Calix Sangui­ nis mei, novi et ret~mi testa­ the blood of the new and everlasting m~nti: myst~rium fidei: qui p~o vobis et pro multis ef­ covenant- fund~tur in remissionem peccat6rum. . This blood is to be shed for you and for all men Et statim addit: so that sins may be forgiven. Hrec quotiescumque fec~ri­ tis, in mei memoriam fa­ He immediately adds: ci~tis. Whenever you do this, Deinde calicem ostendit po­ pulo, deponit super corporate, you will do it in memory of me. cooperit et genuflexus adorat. Then he shows the chalice to the people, places it on 39. Deinde extensis manibus the , covers it, and genuflects. dicit: 39. Next, with hands extended, the 'celebrant says: 6 * CANON OF THE MASS

Unde et memores, DOmine, nos servi tui, sed et plebs S o now, Lord, we celebrate the tua sancta, ehisdem Christi Filii tui, DOmini nostri, tam memory of Christ, your Son. beatre passiOnis, nee non et We, your people and your ministers, ab inferis resurrecti6nis, sed et in crelos gloriOsre ascen­ recall his passion, si6nis: offerimus prreclarre maiestati ture de tuis donis his resurrection from the dead, ac datis hOstiam puram, and his ascension into glory. hOstiam sanctam, h6stiam immaculatam, Panem sanc­ And from the many gifts you have tum vitre reternre, et Cali­ cem salutis perpeture. given us we offer to you, God of glory and majesty, this holy and perfect sacrifice: the bread of life and the cup of eternal salvation. 40. 40. Supra qure propftio ac se­ reno vultu respfcere dig­ L ook with favor on these offerings. neris: et accepta habere, sicuti accepta habere dig­ Accept them as you did the gifts of your natus es munera pueri tui just servant, Abel, iusti Abel, et sacrificium Patriarchre nostri Abrahre: the sacrifice of Abraham, our father in et quod tibi 6btulit sum­ mus sacerdos tuus Melchis­ faith, edech, sanctum sacriffcium, immaculatam hOstiam. and the offering of your priest Melchisedech. 41. Profunde inclinatus, iunc­ tis manibus et super altare 41. Bowing deeply, he places his joined hands on the positis, dicit: , and says: Supplices te rogamus, om­ A lmighty God, nipotens Deus: iube hrec perferri per manus sancti we pray that your angel may take this Angeli tui in sublime altare tuum, in conspectu divinre sacrifice maiestatis ture: ut, quot­ quot ex hac altaris partici­ to your altar in heaven. patiOne sacrosanctum Filii Then, as we receive from this altar tui Corpus et Sang1,1inem sumpserimus, erigit se et the sacred body and blood of your Son, seipsum signat, dicens: om­ ni benedictiOne crelesti et he stands upright and crosses himself, saying: gratia repleamur. Iungit let us be filled with every grace and manus. Per elindem Chri­ stum D6minum nostrum. blessing. He joins his hands. Amen. Christ our Lord. Amen. CANON OF TilE MASS 7 *

42. Commemoratio pro de­ 42. Commemoration of the dead functis.

Memento etiam, Domine, R emember, Lord, those who have died, famulorum famulariimque tuarum N. et N., qui nos N. and N. prrecessenmt cum si.gno The celebrant prays for them briefly. Then, with hands fidei, et dormiunt in som­ extended, he continues: no pacis.

Et orat aliquantulum pro iis They have gone before us marked with defunctis, pro quibus orare intendit, deinde extensis ma­ the sign of faith, nibus prosequitur: and are now at rest. Ipsis, Domine, et omnibus May these, and all who sleep in Christ, in Christo quiescentibus, locum refrigerii, lucis et find in your presence pacis, ut indiilgeas, depre­ camur. Iungit manus, di­ light, happiness, and peace. cens: Per eiindem Christum He joins his hands. D6minum nostrum. Amen. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

43. Manu dextera percutit sibi 43. The celebrant strikes his breast with the right hand, pectus, dicens: saying:

Nobis quoque peccatoribus extensis manibus ut prius, F or ourselves, too, we ask a place prosequitur: famulis tuis, with his hands extended as before, he continues: de multitiidine mi.seratio­ num tuarum sperantibus, with your apostles and martyrs, partem aliquam et societa­ tem donare digneris, cum with John the Baptist, Stephen, Mat- tuis sanctis Ap6stolis et Martyribus: cum Ioanne, thias, Barnabas, Stephano, Matthia, Bar­ naba, Ignatio, Alexandro, Ignatius, Alexander, Marcellinus, Peter, Marcellino, Petro, Felici­ tate, Perpetua, Agatha, Lu­ Felicity, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucy, cia, Agnete, Crecilia, Anas­ Agnes, Cecilia, Anastasia, tasia, et omnibus Sanctis tuis: intra quorum nos con­ and all the saints. sortium, non resti.mator me­ riti, sed venire, quresumus, Though we are sinners, largitor admitte. Iungit manus. Per Christum Do­ we trust in your mercy and love. minum nostrum. Do not consider what we truly deserve, but grant us your forgiveness, He joins his hands. through Christ our Lord. 8 * CANON OF THE MASS

44. Manibus iunctis prosequi­ 44. With hands joined, he continues: tur: T hrough him you give us all these · Perl quem hrec 6mnia, Do­ mine, semper bona creas, things. sanctificas, vivificas, bene­ dicis et prrestas nobis. You fill them with life and goodness, you bless them and make them holy.. 45. Celebrans discooperit ca­ 45. The celebrant uncovers the chalice, takes the host licem, accipit hostiam inter between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, pollicem et indicem manus and holds the chalice in his left hand. Lifting up the dexterre, sinistra autem cali­ chalice slightly, together with the host which }J'e holds cem, et elevans eum parum over the cup, he says aloud or chants: -· cum hostia, quam tenet supra calicem, clara voce cantat vel dicit: T hrough him, Per ipsum, et cum ipso, et in him, in ipso, est .tibi Deo Patri omnipotenti, in unitate Spi­ with him, ritus Sancti, omnis honor, et gl6ria, per omnia srecula in the unity of the Holy Spirit, srecul6rum. all glory and honor is ~ours, almighty ~ather, for ever and ever. Omnes respondent: All reply: Amen. Amen.

Episcopal consecration Hanc igitur oblati6nem servitutis nostrre, Father, accept this offering sed et cunctre familire ture, quam tibi from your whole family offerimus etiam pro me famulo tuo, quem ad Episcopatus 6rdinem promovere dig­ and from me, chosen for the order of bishop. natus es, quresumus, D6mine, Ut placatus Protect the gifts you have given me, accipias, et propftius in me tua dona cus­ and let them yield a harvest worthy of you. t6dias: ut, quod divino munere consecu­ Grant us your peace in this life ••• tus sum, divfnis effectibus exsequar: dies­ que nostros in tua pace disp6nas, ••• Episcopal consecration-Easter and Pentecost Hanc fgitur oblati6nem servitutis nostrre, Father, accept this offering sed et cunctre familire ture, quam tibi from your whole family offerimus pro his quoque, quos regene­ rare dignatus es ex aqua et Spiritu Sane­ and from those born in the new life to,. tnbuens eis remissi6nem 6mnium pec­ of water and the Holy Spirit, cat6rum, ac . etiam pro me famulo tuo, whose sins are now forgiven. quem ad Episcopatus 6rdinem promovere And accept this offering from me, dignatus es, quresumus, D6mine, ut pia­ catus accipias, et propitius in me tua dona chosen for the order of bishop. cust6dias: ut, quod divino munere conse­ Protect the gifts you have given me, cutus sum, divinis effectibus exsequar: and let them yield a harvest worthy of you. diesque nostros in tua pace disp6nas • • • Grant us your peace in this life •••

Oct. 1, 1961 IMPRIMATUR Published bJt.aUthorlty of the Bishop's Committee on the Liturgy, National Con­ terence ot Catholic Bishops. Printed by Catholic Bock Publishing Co., N.Y. + Teren~e J. Cooke, D.D. , V.G. An announcement will be made This will come during 2014. with regard to the Visit Form of the Mass. to make sure you hear about it before anyone else.