
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.DOI

Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Sequence Representations with Structural Information

SEONWOO MIN1,2, SEUNGHYUN PARK3, SIWON KIM1, HYUN-SOO CHOI4, BYUNGHAN LEE5 (Member, IEEE), and SUNGROH YOON1,6 (Senior Member, IEEE) 1Department of Electrical and Computer engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, South Korea 2LG AI Research, Seoul 07796, South Korea 3Clova AI Research, NAVER Corp., Seongnam 13561, South Korea 4Department of Computer and Engineering, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 24341, South Korea 5Department of Electronic and IT Media Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul 01811, South Korea 6Interdisciplinary Program in Artificial Intelligence, ASRI, INMC, and Institute of Engineering Research, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, South Korea Corresponding author: Byunghan Lee ([email protected]) or Sungroh Yoon ([email protected]) This research was supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea grants funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (2018R1A2B3001628 (S.Y.), 2014M3C9A3063541 (S.Y.), 2019R1G1A1003253 (B.L.)), the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (918013-4 (S.Y.)), and the Brain Korea 21 Plus Project in 2021 (S.Y.). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

ABSTRACT Bridging the exponentially growing gap between the numbers of unlabeled and labeled protein sequences, several studies adopted semi- for protein sequence modeling. In these studies, models were pre-trained with a substantial amount of unlabeled data, and the representations were transferred to various downstream tasks. Most pre-training methods solely rely on language modeling and often exhibit limited performance. In this paper, we introduce a novel pre-training scheme called PLUS, which stands for Protein sequence representations Learned Using Structural information. PLUS consists of masked language modeling and a complementary protein-specific pre-training task, namely same-family prediction. PLUS can be used to pre-train various model architectures. In this work, we use PLUS to pre-train a bidirectional and refer to the resulting model as PLUS-RNN. Our experiment results demonstrate that PLUS-RNN outperforms other models of similar size solely pre- trained with the language modeling in six out of seven widely used protein biology tasks. Furthermore, we present the results from our qualitative interpretation analyses to illustrate the strengths of PLUS-RNN. PLUS provides a novel way to exploit evolutionary relationships among unlabeled and is broadly applicable across a variety of protein biology tasks. We expect that the gap between the numbers of unlabeled and labeled proteins will continue to grow exponentially, and the proposed pre-training method will play a larger role. All the data and codes used in this study are available at https://github.com/mswzeus/PLUS.

INDEX TERMS protein sequence, , representation learning, semi-supervised learning. arXiv:1912.05625v4 [q-bio.BM] 16 Sep 2021

I. INTRODUCTION nologies, protein sequences have become relatively more Proteins consisting of linear chains of amino acids are among accessible. However, annotating a sequence with meaningful the most versatile molecules in living organisms. They serve attributes is still time-consuming and resource-intensive. To vital functions in biological mechanisms, e.g., transporting bridge the exponentially growing gap between the numbers other molecules and providing immune protection [1]. The of unlabeled and labeled protein sequences, various in silico versatility of proteins is generally attributed to their diverse approaches have been widely adopted for predicting the structures. Proteins naturally fold into three-dimensional characteristics of protein sequences [2]. structures determined by their amino acid sequences. These is a key technique in computational structures have a direct impact on their functions. protein biology. Alignment-based methods are used to com- With the development of next-generation sequencing tech- pare protein sequences using carefully designed scoring ma-

VOLUME 4, 2016 1 Min et al.: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Protein Sequence Representations with Structural Information trices or hidden Markov models (HMMs) [3], [4]. Correct and helps to better capture the global structural information alignments can group similar sequences, provide information within unlabeled protein sequences. We use PLUS to pre- on conserved regions, and help investigate uncharacterized train a bidirectional recurrent neural network (BiRNN) and proteins. However, its computational complexity increases refer to the resulting model as PLUS-RNN. Subsequently, exponentially with the number of proteins, and it has dif- this pre-trained universal model is fine-tuned on various ficulties in identifying distantly related proteins. Homolo- downstream tasks without training randomly initialized task- gous proteins sharing a common evolutionary ancestor can specific models from scratch. Our experiment results demon- have high sequence-level variations [5]. Therefore, a simple strate that PLUS-RNN outperforms other models of similar comparison of sequence similarities often fails to capture the size solely pre-trained with the conventional LM in six out global structural and functional similarities of proteins. of seven widely used protein biology tasks. The seven tasks Building upon the success of , several studies include three protein-level classification, two protein-level proposed deep learning algorithms for computational protein regression, and two amino-acid-level classification. PLUS biology. Some of these algorithms only use raw protein provides a novel way to exploit evolutionary relationships sequences, whereas others may use additional features [6]. among unlabeled proteins and is broadly applicable across They have advanced the state-of-the-art (SOTA) for various a variety of protein biology tasks. Finally, we present the re- protein biology tasks. However, development of these algo- sults from our qualitative interpretation analyses to illustrate rithms requires highly task-specific processes, e.g., training a the strengths of PLUS-RNN. randomly initialized model from scratch. It demands careful In summary, the contributions of our paper are as follows: consideration of the model architectures and hyperparam- • We introduce PLUS, a novel pre-training scheme for eters tailored for each task. Additional features, such as bidirectional protein sequence representations. alignment-based features or known structural traits, may also • Consisting of MLM and protein-specific SFP pre- be required for some tasks [7]. training tasks, PLUS can better capture structural infor- Semi-supervised learning, which leverages both unlabeled mation contained within proteins. and labeled data, has been a long-standing goal of the ma- • PLUS outperforms other models of similar sizes (solely chine learning community [8]. A semi-supervised learning pre-trained with the conventional LM) in six out of algorithm pre-trains a universal model with a substantial seven widely used protein biology tasks. amount of unlabeled data. Subsequently, it transfers the • We present qualitative interpretation analyses to better learned representations and fine-tunes the model with a small understand the strengths of our PLUS framework. amount of labeled data for each downstream task. Now, the natural question is: can protein biology also take advantage of semi-supervised learning? According to the linguistic II. RELATED WORKS hypothesis [9], naturally occurring proteins are not purely A. PRE-TRAINING NATURAL LANGUAGE random. Evolutionary pressure constrains them to a learn- REPRESENTATIONS able manifold where indispensable structures and functions Pre-training natural language representations has been the are maintained. Thus, by observing many unlabeled protein basis of natural language processing (NLP) research for a sequences, we can obtain an implicit understanding of the long time. They use language modeling (LM) for pre-training language of proteins. Several studies have recently proposed natural language representations. The key idea is that ideal pre-training methods for protein sequence representations representations must convey syntactic and semantic informa- [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17]. They pre-trained tion, and thus we must be able to use a representation of a models with language modeling (LM) and showed that pre- token to predict its neighboring tokens. For example, embed- training helps in downstream protein biology tasks. However, dings from language models (ELMo) learned contextualized according to the recent benchmark results from tasks assess- representations by adopting forward and reverse RNNs [19]. ing protein embeddings (TAPE) [7], the current pre-training Given a sequence of tokens without additional labels, the methods are often outperformed by task-specific models. forward RNN sequentially processes the sequence left-to- This may be because most pre-training methods solely rely right. It is trained to predict the next token, given its history. on LM to learn from unlabeled protein sequences. Therefore, The reverse RNN is similar but processes the sequence in a complementary protein-specific task for pre-training might reverse, right-to-left. After the pre-training, the hidden states be necessary to better capture the information contained of both RNNs are merged into a single vector representation within unlabeled protein sequences. for each token. Thus, the same token can be transformed into In this paper, we introduce a novel pre-training scheme different representations based on its context. for protein sequence modeling and name it PLUS, which The major limitation of ELMo is that RNNs are trained stands for Protein sequence representations Learned Using using unidirectional LM and simply combined afterward. Structural information. PLUS consists of masked language As valuable information often comes from both directions, modeling (MLM) and an additional complementary protein- unidirectional LM is inevitably suboptimal. To address this specific pre-training task, same-family prediction (SFP). SFP problem, bidirectional encoder representations from Trans- leverages computationally clustered protein families [18] formers (BERT) was proposed to pre-train bidirectional nat-

2 VOLUME 4, 2016 Min et al.: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Protein Sequence Representations with Structural Information

(A) Sequence Masking (B) PLUS-RNN Model (C) PLUS Pre-Training Tasks

푋෠푎 M K Q I ⋯ N F 푅푎 MLM Decoder 푋෨푎 M K Q I ⋯ N F (1) Masked Language Modeling 푋푎 M K Q I ⋯ N F 푎

푍 (2) Same-Family Prediction

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ Soft-Align Comparison


Projection Embedding 푋푏 Y W L W ⋯ G F (1) Masked Language Modeling 푋෠푏 Y W L W ⋯ G F Bidirectional RNN 푅푏 MLM Decoder 푋෨푏 Y W L W ⋯ G F

FIGURE 1. Overview of PLUS pre-training scheme (see Section III for details). (A) We randomly mask 15% of amino acids (gray boxes) in each protein sequence Xa and Xb. (B) PLUS-RNN transforms masked protein sequences Xˆ a and Xˆ b into sequences of bidirectional representations Ra and Rb, respectively. (C) PLUS consists of two pre-training tasks. Masked language modeling trains a model to predict the masked amino acids (colored red within white boxes of X˜ a and X˜ b) given their contexts Xˆ a and Xˆ b. Same-family prediction (SFP) trains a model to predict whether a pair of proteins belongs to the same protein family where soft-align comparison computes similarity score between projected sequences Za and Zb of Ra and Rb, respectively. ural language representations using the Transformer model training methods solely rely on LM to learn from unlabeled [20]. Instead of the conventional LM, BERT utilizes an protein sequences. Although LM is a simple and effective masked language modeling (MLM) pre-training task. It task, a complementary pre-training task tailored for each masks some input tokens at random and trains the model to data modality has been often the key to further improve the predict them from the context. In addition, BERT includes a quality of representations in other domains. For instance, in complementary NLP-specific pre-training task, next sentence NLP, BERT adopted the next sentence prediction task. In prediction, which enables the learning of sentence relation- another example, ALBERT devised a complementary sen- ships by training a model to predict whether a given pair of tence order prediction task to model the inter-sentence coher- sentences is consecutive. ence and yielded consistent performance improvements for downstream tasks [23]. Similarly, a complementary protein- specific task for pre-training might be necessary to better B. PRE-TRAINING PROTEIN SEQUENCE capture the information contained within unlabeled proteins. REPRESENTATIONS NLP-based methods are historically adapted to learn protein III. METHODS sequence representations [21], [10]. The previous methods most closely related to our paper are P-ELMo [12] and We introduce PLUS (Figure 1), a novel pre-training scheme UniRep [11], which learn contextualized protein representa- for protein sequence modeling. Consisting of MLM and com- tions. P-ELMo is based on a two-phase algorithm. First, it plementary protein-specific SFP pre-training tasks, PLUS trained forward and reverse RNNs using LM with an unla- can help a model to learn structurally contextualized bidirec- beled dataset. hen, it adopted another bidirectional recurrent tional representations. In the following, we will explain the neural network (BiRNN) and further trained the model with details of the pre-training procedures, fine-tuning procedures, an additional small labeled dataset. Note that the latter super- and the model architecture. vised training deviates from the goal of pre-training, namely, utilizing low human effort and large unlabeled datasets. A. PRE-TRAINING PROCEDURE UniRep used a unidirectional RNN with multiplicative long PLUS can be used to pre-train various model architectures short-term memory hidden units [22]. Similarly, UniRep that transform a protein sequence X = [x1, ··· , xn], which trained its model using conventional LM. has a variable-length n, into a sequence of bidirectional Most methods have some common limitations and still representations Z = [z1, ··· , zn] with the same length. In often lag behind task-specific models [7]. First, some of them this work, we use PLUS to pre-train a BiRNN and refer to the learn unidirectional representations from unlabeled datasets. resulting model as PLUS-RNN. The complete pre-training Unidirectional representations are sub-optimal for numerous loss is defined as: protein biology tasks, where it is crucial to assimilate global L = λ L + (1 − λ )L information from both directions. Note that we do not con- PT PT MLM PT SFP sider combination of two unidirectional representations as where LMLM and LSFP are the MLM and SFP losses, re- bidirectional representations since they were simply com- spectively. We use λPT to control their relative importance bined after the unidirectional pre-training. Second, most pre- (Appendix A).

VOLUME 4, 2016 3 Min et al.: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Protein Sequence Representations with Structural Information

1) Task #1: Masked Language Modeling (MLM) the smaller the distance between representations, the more Given a protein sequence X, we randomly select 15% of likely it is that the pair of amino acids is aligned. Then, a the amino acids. Then, for each selected amino acid xi, we can consider αij as the probability that zi is aligned b b we randomly perform one of the following procedures. For to zj , considering all the amino acids from Z (and vice 80% of the time, we replace xi with the token denoting an versa for βij). As a result, cˆ is the expected alignment score unspecified amino acid. For 10% of the time, we randomly over all possible alignments with probabilities ωij. Note that replace xi with one of the 20 amino acids. Finally, for the the negative signs are applied for converting distances into remaining 10%, we keep xi intact. This is to bias the learning scores. Therefore, a higher value of cˆ indicates that the pair toward the true amino acids. For the probabilities of masking of protein sequences is structurally more similar. actions, we follow those used in BERT [20]. Given the similarity score, the SFP output computes PLUS-RNN transforms a masked protein sequence Xˆ into the probability that the pair belongs to the same protein a sequence of representations. Then, we use an MLM decoder family. The SFP task trains PLUS-RNN to minimize the to compute log probabilities from the representations for cross-entropy loss between the true label and the predicted Xe over 20 amino acid types. The MLM task trains the probability. As the model is designed to produce higher model to maximize the probabilities corresponding to the similarity scores for proteins from the same families, learned masked ones. As the model is designed to accurately pre- representations must convey global structural information. dict randomly masked amino acids given their contexts, the learned representations must convey syntactic and semantic B. FINE-TUNING PROCEDURE information within proteins. The fine-tuning procedure of PLUS-RNN follows the con- ventional usage of BiRNN-based prediction models. For 2) Task #2: Same-Family Prediction (SFP) each downstream task, we add one hidden layer and one Considering that additional pre-training tasks has been often output layer on top of the pre-trained model. Then, all the the key for improving the quality of representations in other parameters are fine-tuned using task-specific datasets. The domains [20], [23], we devise a complementary protein- complete fine-tuning loss is defined as: specific pre-training task. The SFP task trains a model to predict whether a given protein pair belongs to the same LFT = λFTLMLM + (1 − λFT)LTASK protein family. The protein family labels provide weak struc- tural information and help the model learn structurally con- where LTASK is the task-specific loss. LMLM is the regular- textualized representations. Note that PLUS is still a semi- ization loss. We use λFT to control their relative importance supervised learning method; it is supervised by computa- (Appendix A). tionally clustered weak labels rather than human-annotated The model’s architectural modifications for the three types labels. of downstream tasks are as follows. For tasks involving a pro- We randomly sample two protein sequences Xa and Xb, tein pair, we use the same computations used in the SFP pre- from the training dataset. In 50% of the cases, two sequences training task. Specifically, we replace only the SFP output are sampled from the same protein family. For the other layer with a new output layer. For single protein-level tasks, 50%, they are randomly sampled from different families. we adopt an additional attention layer to aggregate variable- PLUS-RNN transforms the protein pair into sequences of length representations into a single vector [24]. Then, the Za = [za, ··· , za ] Zb = [zb, ··· , zb ] aggregated vector is fed into the hidden and output layers. For representations 1 n1 and 1 n2 . Then, we use a soft-align comparison [12] to compute their amino-acid-level tasks, representations of each amino acid are fed into the hidden and output layers. similarity score, cˆ, as a negative weighted sum of l1-distances a b between every zi and zj pair: C. MODEL ARCHITECTURE n1 n2 n1 n2 1 X X a b X X PLUS can be used to pre-train any model architectures that cˆ = − ωij z − z ,C = ωij, C i j 1 transform a protein sequence into a sequence of bidirectional i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1 representations. In this work, we use PLUS-RNN because where weight ωij of each l1-distance is computed as of its superior sequential modeling capability and lower computational complexity. Refer to Appendix B for more ωij = 1 − (1 − αij)(1 − βij), detailed explanations of the advantages of PLUS-RNN over exp(− za − zb ) α = i j 1 , an alternative Transformer-based model, called PLUS-TFM. ij Pn2 a b k=1 exp(− zi − zk 1) In this section, we explain the architecture of PLUS-RNN. a b First, an input embedding layer, EM, embeds each amino exp(− zi − zj ) β = 1 . acid x into a d -dimensional dense vector e : ij Pn1 exp(− za − zb ) i e i k=1 k j 1 E = [e , ··· , e ], e = EM(x ). Intuitively, we can understand the soft-align comparison as 1 n i i computing an expected alignment score, where they are Then, a BiRNN of L-layers computes representations as summed over all the possible alignments. We suppose that a function of the entire sequence. We use long short-term

4 VOLUME 4, 2016 Min et al.: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Protein Sequence Representations with Structural Information

TABLE 1. Summarized results on protein biology benchmark tasks

Protein-level Classification Protein-level Regression Amino-acid-level Classification Method Homology (acc) Solubility (acc) Localization (acc) Stability (ρ) Fluorescence (ρ) SecStr (acc) Transmembrane (acc) PLUS-TFM 0.96 0.72 0.69 0.76 0.63 0.59 0.82 PLUS-RNNBASE 0.96 0.70 0.69 0.77 0.67 0.61 0.89 PLUS-RNNLARGE 0.97 0.71 0.70 0.77 0.68 0.62 0.89 LM Pre-trained 0.95 0.64 0.54 0.73 0.68 0.61 0.78 Task-specific SOTA 0.93 0.77 0.78 0.73 0.67 0.72 0.80 For each task, the best pre-trained model is in bold. It is bold and underlined if it is the best when including the task-specific SOTA. memory as the basic unit of the BiRNN [25]. In each layer, labels only provide weak structural information [26]. Note the BiRNN computes d -dimensional forward and backward that we did not use any human-annotated labels. Therefore, −→ ←−h l l pre-training does not result in biased evaluations in fine- hidden states (hi and hi ) and combines them into a hidden l tuning tasks. The pre-training results are provided in the state hi using a non-linear transformation: −→ −→ −→ −→ Appendix C. l l l−1 l l l hi = σ(Wxhi + Whhi−1 + b ), ←− ←− ←− ←− l l l−1 l l l hi = σ(Wxhi + Whhi+1 + b ), B. FINE-TUNING TASKS −→ ←− We evaluated PLUS-RNN on seven protein biology tasks. hl = σ(W l [hl ; hl ] + bl) for l = 1, ··· , L, i h i i The datasets were curated and pre-processed by the cited 0 where hi = ei; W and b are the weight and bias vectors, studies. In the main manuscript, we provide concise task L respectively. We use the final hidden states hi as representa- definitions and evaluation metrics. Please refer to Appendix tions ri of each amino acid: D for more details. Homology is a protein-level classification task [27]. The L R = [r1, ··· , rn], ri = hi . goal is to classify the structural similarity level of a pro- We adopt an additional projection layer to obtain smaller tein pair into family, superfamily, fold, class, or none. We report the accuracy of the predicted similarity level and the dz-dimensional representations zi of each amino acid with a linear transformation: Spearman correlation, ρ, between the predicted similarity scores and the true similarity levels. Furthermore, we provide Z = [z1, ··· , zn], zi = Proj(ri). the average precision (AP) from prediction scores at each similarity level. During pre-training, to reduce computational complexity, we use R and Z for the MLM and SFP tasks, respectively. Solubility is a protein-level classification task [28]. The During fine-tuning, we can use either R or Z, considering goal is to predict whether a protein is soluble or insoluble. the performance on development sets or based on the compu- We report the accuracy of this task. tational constraints. Localization is a protein-level classification task [29]. We use two models with the fixed de of 21 and dz of 100: The goal is to classify a protein into one of 10 subcellular locations. We report the accuracy of this task. • PLUS-RNNBASE: L = 3, dh= 512, 15M parameters Stability is a protein-level regression task [30]. The goal is • PLUS-RNNLARGE: L = 3, dh= 1024, 59M parameters to predict a real-valued proxy for intrinsic stability. This task The hyperparameters (i.e., L and dh) of PLUS-RNNBASE are is from TAPE [7], and we report the Spearman correlation, ρ. chosen to match the BiRNN model architecture used in P- Fluorescence is a protein-level regression task [31]. The ELMo [12]. However, as P-ELMo uses additional RNNs, goal is to predict the real-valued fluorescence intensities. This PLUS-RNN has less than half the number of parameters BASE task is from TAPE, and we report the Spearman correlation, that P-ELMo has (32M). ρ. Secondary structure (SecStr) is an amino-acid-level clas- IV. EXPERIMENTS sification task [32]. The goal is to classify each amino acid A. PRE-TRAINING DATASET into eight or three classes, that describe its local structure. We used Pfam (release 27.0) as the pre-training dataset [18]. This task is from TAPE. We report both the three-way and After pre-processing (Appendix A), it contained 14,670,860 eight-way classification accuracies (Q8/Q3) of this task. sequences from 3,150 families. The Pfam dataset pro- Transmembrane is an amino-acid-level classification task vides protein family labels which were computationally pre- [33]. The goal is to detect amino acid segments that cross the constructed by comparing sequence similarity using multiple cell membrane. We report the accuracy of this task. sequence alignments and HMMs. Owing to the loose connec- tion between sequence and structure similarities, the family

VOLUME 4, 2016 5 Min et al.: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Protein Sequence Representations with Structural Information

TABLE 2. Detailed Homology prediction results C. BASELINES We provided several baselines for comparative evaluations. Overall Per-level AP Note that since up-scaling of models and datasets often pro- Method acc ρ Class Fold Superfamily Family vide performance improvements, we only considered those PLUS-TFM 0.96 0.70 0.94 0.91 0.95 0.67 with a similar scale of model sizes and pre-training datasets PLUS-RNNBASE 0.96 0.69 0.94 0.90 0.94 0.66 to focus on evaluating the pre-training schemes. PLUS-RNNLARGE 0.97 0.70 0.95 0.92 0.96 0.66 First, in all the tasks, we used two baselines: P-ELMo and P-ELMo 0.95 0.69 0.90 0.88 0.94 0.65 † PLUS-TFM. The former has a model architecture similar to P-ELMo 0.95 0.69 0.91 0.90 0.95 0.65 † PLUS-RNNBASE; thus, it can show the effectiveness of the NW-align 0.78 0.22 0.31 0.41 0.58 0.53 † pre-training scheme. The latter is pre-trained with PLUS, so HHalign 0.79 0.23 0.40 0.62 0.86 0.52 TMalign† 0.81 0.37 0.55 0.85 0.83 0.57 it can show the effectiveness of the BiRNN compared to the RNNBASE 0.93 0.66 0.86 0.80 0.89 0.62 Transformer architecture. RNNLARGE 0.83 0.52 0.66 0.46 0.52 0.39 Second, for the tasks from TAPE, we provide their reported † Excerpted from P-ELMo. baselines: P-ELMo, UniRep, TAPE-TFM, TAPE-RNN, and TAPE-ResNet. Note that these comparisons are in their favor, as they used a larger pre-training dataset (32M proteins from TABLE 3. Detailed SecStr prediction results Pfam release 32.0). The TAPE baselines can demonstrate that CB513 CASP12 TS115 PLUS-RNN outperforms models of similar size solely pre- Method Q8 Q3 Q8 Q3 Q8 Q3 trained with the LM. PLUS-TFM 0.59 0.73 0.57 0.71 0.65 0.77 Finally, we benchmarked PLUS-RNN against task-specific PLUS-RNNBASE 0.61 0.75 0.60 0.72 0.66 0.78 SOTA models trained from scratch. If no deep learning- PLUS-RNNLARGE 0.62 0.77 0.60 0.73 0.68 0.79 based baseline exists for a given task, we provided RNNBASE P-ELMo* 0.61 0.77 0.54 0.68 0.63 0.76 † and RNNLARGE models without pre-training. The comparison P-ELMo 0.58 0.73 0.57 0.70 0.65 0.76 † with those exploit additional features can help us identify UniRep 0.57 0.73 0.59 0.72 0.63 0.77 TAPE-TFM† 0.59 0.73 0.59 0.71 0.64 0.77 the tasks for which the proposed pre-training scheme is most TAPE-RNN† 0.59 0.75 0.57 0.70 0.66 0.78 effective and help us understand its current limitations. TAPE-ResNet† 0.58 0.75 0.58 0.72 0.64 0.78 NetSurfP-2.0‡ 0.72 0.85 0.70 0.82 0.75 0.86 D. SUMMARY OF FINE-TUNING RESULTS † Excerpted from TAPE. ‡ Excerpted from [32]. Table 1 presents the summarized results for the benchmark tasks. Specifically, we show the best results from two cate- gories: LM pre-trained models and task-specific SOTA mod- small performance improvement from PLUS could also be els. Refer to Appendix D for detailed fine-tuning results. explained by the fact that the SFP task only utilizes pairwise The PLUS-RNN model outperformed models of LARGE information. We expect that investigating multiple proteins similar size solely pre-trained with the conventional LM in during pre-training might be the key to a superior perfor- six out of seven tasks. Considering that some pre-trained mance over the task-specific SOTA models models exhibited higher LM capabilities (Appendix C), it can be speculated that the protein-specific SFP pre-training task contributed to the improvement. In the ablation studies, we E. DETAILED HOMOLOGY AND SECSTR RESULTS further explained the relative importance of each aspect of We present detailed evaluation results for the Homology and PLUS-RNN (Appendix E). Although PLUS-TFM had almost SecStr tasks. We chose these two tasks because they are twice as many parameters as PLUS-RNNLARGE (110M vs. representative protein biology tasks relevant to global and 59M), it exhibited inferior performance in most tasks. We local structures, respectively. Improved results on the former infer that this is because it disregarded the locality bias can lead to the discovery of new enzymes and antibiotic- (Appendix B). resistant genes [34]. The latter is important for understanding We compared PLUS-RNNLARGE with task-specific SOTA the function of proteins in cases where evolutionary structural models. Although the former performed better in some tasks, information is not available [32]. it still lagged behind on the others. The results indicated that The detailed Homology prediction results are listed in tailored models with additional features provide powerful Table 2. The results show that PLUS-RNNLARGE outper- advantages that could not be learned through pre-training. formed both P-ELMo and task-specific models. In contrast A classic example is the use of position-specific scoring to RNNLARGE, which exhibited overfitting owing to the lim- matrices generated from multiple sequence alignments. We ited labeled training data, PLUS pre-training enabled us to conjectured that simultaneous observation of multiple pro- take advantage of the large model architecture. The corre- teins could facilitate evolutionary information. In contrast, lation differences among PLUS-RNNLARGE (0.697), PLUS- current pre-training methods use millions of proteins; how- RNNBASE (0.693), and P-ELMo (0.685) were small; however, ever, they still consider each one individually. The relatively they were statistically significant with p-values lower than

6 VOLUME 4, 2016 Min et al.: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Protein Sequence Representations with Structural Information

e interpretation is a widely adopted approach in the machine r

o 4 NW-align c learning community [36]. S

y PLUS-RNNLARGE Figure 2 shows a scatter plot of the predicted similarity t

i 3 r a

l scores and true similarity levels. For comparison, we also i

m 2

i show the NW-align results based on the BLOSUM62 scoring S

d matrix [3]. The plot shows that NW-align often produces low

e 1 t c

i similarity scores for protein pairs from the same family. This d

e 0 r is because of high sequence-level variations, which result in P None Class Fold SuperFamily Family dissimilar sequences having similar structures. In contrast, PLUS-RNNLARGE produces high similarity scores for most True Similarity Level protein pairs from the same family. FIGURE 2. Plot of predicted similarity scores and true similar- Furthermore, we examined three types of protein pairs: ity levels. Results from NW-align (left) and PLUS-RNNLARGE (1) a similar sequence-similar structure pair, (2) a dissim- (right) are presented in each similarity level. Figure best viewed in color. ilar sequence-similar structure pair, and (3) a dissimilar sequence-dissimilar structure pair (Figure 3(A) and (B)). Note that similar sequence-dissimilar structure pairs did not 10−15 [35]. The per-level AP results helped us further exam- exist in the Homology datasets. The sequence and structure ine the level of structural information captured by the pre- similarities were defined by NW-align scores and Homology training. The largest performance improvement of PLUS- dataset labels, respectively. The pairs with similar structures RNN comes at the higher class level rather than the lower were chosen from the same family, and those with dissimilar family level. This indicates that even though Pfam family structures were chosen from the same fold. Figure 3(C) shows labels tend to be structurally correlated with the Homology the heatmaps of the NW-align of raw amino acids and soft- task family levels [5], they are not the decisive factors for alignment of PLUS-RNN representations (ωij) for the three performance improvement. Instead, PLUS pre-training incor- pairs. Owing to space limitations, we only show the top left porates weak structural information and facilitates inferring quadrant of the heatmaps. Each cell in the heatmap indicates higher-level global structure similarities. the corresponding amino acid pairs from proteins A and B. The detailed SecStr prediction results are listed in Table 3. Blue denotes high sequence similarity in NW-align and high CB513, CASP12, and TS115 denote the SecStr test datasets. structure similarity in PLUS-RNN. First, we compared the pairs having similar structures (the The results show that PLUS-RNNLARGE outperformed all the other models of similar size pre-trained solely with first and second columns in Figure 3(C)). The heatmaps show LM. This demonstrates that the SFP task complements the that NW-align successfully aligned the similar-sequence pair, LM task during pre-training and helps in learning improved resulting in a score of 2.65. However, it failed for the structurally contextualized representations. However, PLUS- dissimilar-sequence pair, with a score of 0.92. This supports the observation that comparing raw sequence similarities RNNLARGE still lagged behind task-specific SOTA models that employ alignment-based features. We infer that this cannot identify the correct structural similarities. In contrast, limitation might be attributable to the following two fac- the soft-alignment of PLUS-RNN representations was suc- tors. First, as previously stated, PLUS only utilizes pairwise cessful for both similar and dissimilar sequences, with scores information, rather than simultaneously examining multiple of 3.95 and 3.76, respectively. Next, we compared the second proteins during pre-training. Second, the SFP task requires and third pairs. Although only the second pair had similar an understanding of the global structures, and thus the local structures, NW-align failed for both and even yielded a higher structures are relatively negligible. Therefore, we believe score of 1.03 for the third pair. In contrast, regardless of that devising an additional pre-training task relevant to local the sequence similarities, the soft-alignment of PLUS-RNN structural information would improve the performance on the representations correctly decreased only for the third pair, SecStr task. with dissimilar structures having a score of 2.12. Therefore, the interpretation results confirmed that the learned represen- tations from PLUS-RNN are structurally contextualized and F. QUALITATIVE ANALYSES perform better in inferring global structure similarities. To better understand the strengths of PLUS pre-training, we provide its qualitative analyses. We examined the Homology task to interpret how the learned protein representations help V. CONCLUSION infer the global structural similarities of proteins In this work, we presented PLUS, a novel pre-training To compare two proteins, PLUS-RNN used soft-align to scheme for bidirectional protein sequence representations. compute their similarity score, cˆ. Even though there was one Consisting of the MLM and protein-specific SFP pre-training more computation by the output layer for the Homology pre- tasks, PLUS outperformed the conventional LM pre-training diction output, we could use the similarity scores to interpret methods by capturing structural information contained within PLUS-RNN. Note that using the penultimate layer for model the proteins. PLUS can be used to pre-train various model

VOLUME 4, 2016 7 Min et al.: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Protein Sequence Representations with Structural Information

(A) (B)

Pair 1: Similar Sequence – Similar Structure High

y Pair 2 Pair 1


| || |||| |||| |||||||||| |||||||||||| | |||||| |||||||| ||| | | || | | ||| || r a


Pair 2: Dissimilar Sequence – Similar Structure e


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | t Pair 3 KNVNRVLSAEALKPGMLLTGTVSSLEDHGYLVDIG--VDGTRAFLPLLKAQEYIRQKNKGAKLKVGQYLNCIVEKVKGNGGVVSLSVGHSEVSTAIATEQQSWNLNNL- c u r t S Pair 3: Dissimilar Sequence – Dissimilar Structure Low LP----APKNLVVSEVTEDSLRLSWTAPDAAFDSFLIQYQESEKVGEAINL-TVP--GSERSYDLTGLKPGTEYTVSIYGVFPYQYTMSNPLSAEFTT- || | | | | | | | | | | | | || || | | Low High LPYFLEEPEDRTVAANTPFNLSCQAQGPPEPVDLLWLQ------DAVPLATAPGHGPQRSLHVPGLNKTSSFSCEAHNA----KGVTTSRTATITVL Sequence Similarity (C) Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 Similar Sequence Dissimilar Sequence Dissimilar Sequence Similar Structure Similar Structure Dissimilar Structure Protein B Protein B Protein B


A A Score: 2.65 A Score: 0.92 Score: 1.03

ty n n n i i r e n te i t te i o o o r m il a li g P r P P r i a S - ce W e n N eq u S Low

Protein B Protein B Protein B


A A Score: 3.95 Score: 3.76 A Score: 2.12

ty n n n i N i r e t te i te i N o o o r R m il a - i P P r P r S S U L ct ur e P u t r S Low

FIGURE 3. Homology interpretation (A) We investigate three types of protein pairs: a similar sequence - similar structure pair, a dissimilar sequence - similar structure pair, and a dissimilar sequence - dissimilar structure pair. (B) The sequence and structure similarities of each pair are defined by NW-align scores and Homology dataset labels, respectively. (C) Heatmaps of NW-align of raw amino acids and the soft-alignment of PLUS-RNN representations for the three pairs. Owing to space limitations, we only show the top left quadrant of the heatmaps. Figure best viewed in color. architectures. In this work, we used PLUS-RNN because of that PLUS-RNN is powerful for inferring global structural its superior sequential modeling capability and lower com- information, we are interested in a more refined prediction of putational complexity. PLUS-RNN outperformed models of protein structures [37]. Second, although pre-training helps, similar size solely pre-trained with the conventional LM in our scheme still lags behind task-specific models in some six out of seven protein biology tasks. To better understand tasks. We think that this limitation comes from weaknesses its strengths, we also provided the results from our qualitative in learning evolutionary information. We believe that there interpretation analyses. is still considerable room for improvement. Investigation of We expect that the gap between the numbers of unlabeled multiple proteins during pre-training, as in the alignment, and labeled proteins will continue to grow exponentially, could be the key [38]. and pre-training methods will play a larger role. We plan . to extend this work in several directions. First, considering

8 VOLUME 4, 2016 Min et al.: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Protein Sequence Representations with Structural Information

APPENDIX A DETAILS ON TRAINING PROCEDURES APPENDIX B DETAILS ON PLUS-TFM All models were implemented in PyTorch [39]. We used the A. TRANSFORMER ARCHITECTURE NAVER smart environment for pre-training The key element of the Transformer is a self-attention layer [40]. In the following subsections, we explain the details of composed of multiple attention heads [42]. Given an input the pre-training and fine-tuning procedures. sequence, X = [x1, ··· , xn], an attention head computes the output sequence, Z = [z1, ··· , zn]. Each token is a weighted A. PRE-TRAINING PROCEDURE sum of values computed by a weight matrix W V : We used Pfam (release 27.0) as the pre-training dataset [18]. n Moreover, we divided the training and test sets in a random X z = α (x W V ). 80%/20% split and filtered out sequences shorter than 20 i ij j amino acids. Additionally, for the training set, we removed j=1 families containing fewer than 1,000 proteins. This resulted Each attention coefficient, αij, is the output of a softmax in 14,670,860 sequences from 3,150 families being utilized function applied to the dot products of the query with all keys, for the pre-training of PLUS. For the test dataset, we sampled which are computed using W Q and W K : 100,000 pairs from the test split. Q K T We pre-trained PLUS-RNN with a batch size of 64 se- exp(eij) (xiW )(xjW ) quences for 900,000 steps, which is approximately four αij = Pn , eij = √ , exp(eik) dz epochs over the training dataset. We used the Adam optimizer k=1 where d is the output token dimension. The self-attention [41] with a learning rate of 0.001, β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.999, and z layer directly performs O(1) computations for all the pair- without weight decay and dropout. Default λPT was 0.7. For pre-training PLUS-TFM, we used different filtering wise tokens, whereas a recurrent layer requires O(n) se- conditions due its computational complexity. The minimum quential computations for the farthest pair. This allows easier and maximum lengths of a protein were set to 20 and 256, traversal for forward and backward signals and thus better respectively. The minimum number of proteins for a family captures long-range dependencies. was set to 1000. This resulted in 11,956,227 sequences from The model architecture of PLUS-TFM is analogous to the 2,657 families. We pre-trained PLUS-TFM with a batch size BERTBASE model, consisting of 110M parameters. Because of 128 for 930,000 steps, which is approximately 10 epochs of its significant computational burden, which scale quadrati- over the training dataset. We used the Adam optimizer with cally with the input length, we pre-trained PLUS-TFM using only protein pairs shorter than 512 amino acids, following the a learning rate of 0.0001, β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.999, L2 weight decay of 0.01, a linearly decaying learning rate with warmup procedures used in BERT. over the first 10% steps, and a dropout probability of 0.1. Default λPT was 0.7. B. ADVANTAGES OF PLUS-RNN OVER PLUS-TFM B. FINE-TUNING PROCEDURE PLUS can be used to pre-train various model architectures When fine-tuning PLUS-RNN, most model hyperparameters including BiRNN and the Transformer. The resulting models were the same as those during the pre-training. The com- are referred to as PLUS-RNN and PLUS-TFM, respectively. monly used hyperparameters were as follows; we fine-tuned In this work, we mainly used PLUS-RNN, because of its two the PLUS-RNN with a batch size of 32 for 20 epochs. We advantages over PLUS-TFM. First, it is more effective for used the Adam optimizer with a smaller learning rate of learning the sequential of proteins. The self-attention 0.0005, β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.999, and without weight decay. layer of the Transformer performs dot products between For the other hyperparameters, we chose the configurations all pairwise tokens regardless of their positions within the that performed best on the development sets for each task. sequence. In other words, it provides an equal opportunity The possible configurations were as follows: for local and long-range contexts to determine the represen- • Number of units in the added output layer: 128, 512 tations. Although this facilitates the learning of long-range • Usage of the projection layer: True, False dependencies, the downside is that it completely ignores the • λFT: 0, 0.3, 0.5 locality bias within a sequence. This is particularly prob- For fine-tuning PLUS-TFM, we used the following hy- lematic for protein biology, where local amino acid motifs perparameters: batch size of 32 for 20 epochs, the Adam often have significant structural and functional implications optimizer with a smaller learning rate of 0.00005, β1 = 0.9, [43]. In contrast, RNN sequentially processes a sequence, and β2 = 0.999, and without weight decay. Default λFT was 0.3. local contexts are naturally more emphasized. For fine-tuning both PLUS-RNN and PLUS-TFM for the Second, PLUS-RNN provides lower computational com- Homology task, we additionally followed the procedures of plexity. Although the model hyperparameters have an ef- [12]. In each epoch, we sampled 100,000 protein pairs using fect, the Transformer-based models generally demand a the smoothing rule: the probability of sampling a pair with larger number of parameters than RNNs [42]. Furthermore, 0.5 similarity level t is proportional to Nt , where Nt is the the computations between all pairwise tokens in the self- number of protein pairs with similarity level t. attention layer impose a considerable computational bur-

VOLUME 4, 2016 9 Min et al.: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Protein Sequence Representations with Structural Information

TABLE 4. Results on pre-training tasks 3.6 Training loss Method (M)LM (acc) SFP (acc) Validation loss PLUS-TFM 0.37 0.98 3.4 PLUS-RNNBASE 0.33 0.96 PLUS-RNNLARGE 0.37 0.97 P-ELMo* 0.29 - 3.2 P-ELMo† 0.28 - UniRep† 0.32 - Loss TAPE-TFM† 0.45 - 3.0 TAPE-RNN† 0.40 - TAPE-ResNet† 0.41 - 2.8 * Our experiments (Pfam 27.0). † Excerpted from TAPE (Pfam 32.0).

2.6 den, which scales quadratically with the input sequence 0 200 400 600 800 1000 length. Considering that pre-training typical Transformer- Step (k) based models handling 512 tokens already requires tremen- dous resources [20], it is computationally difficult to use FIGURE 4. Pre-training curve Transformers to manage longer protein sequences, even up to a few thousand amino acids. A. HOMOLOGY For the Homology task, we used the SCOPe datasets [27], which were pre-processed and provided by [12]. The dataset APPENDIX C PRE-TRAINING RESULTS was filtered with a maximum sequence identity of 95% and Figure 4 shows the pre-training cure where training and split into 20,168 training, 2,240 development, and 5,602 test validation losses are plotted concerning the parameter update sequences. For the development and test datasets, we used steps. While the pre-training had not converged at 900,000 the sampled 100,000 pairs from each dataset. steps, we used the early stopping technique due to the time The detailed Homology prediction results are listed in limitations. It required approximately three weeks to pre- Table 2. We report the excerpted baseline results from [12]. train PLUS-RNNLARGE for 900,000 steps. NW-align computed the similarity between proteins based Table 4 lists the test accuracies for the MLM and SFP pre- on sequence alignments with the BLOSUM62 substitution training tasks. Only the models pre-trained with PLUS were matrix, with a gap open penalty of -11 and a gap extension evaluated for the SFP task. Note that our experiments and penalty of -1 [3]. HHalign conducted multiple sequence TAPE used different test datasets; care should be taken in alignments and searched similar sequences with HHbits [4], comparing them. Nonetheless, we can still indirectly com- [44]. TMalign performed structure alignments and scored pare them, considering the following. First, both the test a pair as the average of target-to-query and query-to-target datasets comprised randomly sampled proteins from different scores [45]. Note that we additionally normalized the scores versions of the Pfam dataset (27.0 for PLUS and 32.0 for from NW-align and HHalign with the sum of the lengths of TAPE). Second, P-ELMo was evaluated in both datasets protein pairs. This results in minor correlation improvements and showed similar LM accuracies. This indicates that the compared with the results reported by [12]. difference between the two datasets is negligible. B. SOLUBILITY We can see that some models have lower LM accuracies For the Solubility task, we used the pepeDB datasets [46], than others. However, the lower LM capability does not [47], which were pre-processed and provided by [28]. The precisely correspond to the performance in fine-tuning tasks. dataset was split into 62,478 training, 6,942 development, This discrepancy has been previously observed in TAPE, and and 2,001 test sequences. The training dataset was filtered it can also be observed in the following sections. In terms with a maximum sequence identity of 90% to remove data of SFP, all the models pre-trained with PLUS exhibited high redundancy. Furthermore, any sequences with more than accuracies. As the Pfam families were constructed based 30% sequence identity to those from the test dataset were only on sequence similarities, a pair of analogous sequences removed to avoid any bias from homologous sequences. would probably be from the same family. Despite its simplic- The detailed Solubility prediction results are presented in ity, we empirically demonstrated that the SFP complements Table 5. We report the excerpted top-5 baseline results from the MLM by encouraging the models to compare protein [28]. PaRSnIP [48], the second-best task-specific baseline representations during pre-training. model, used a gradient boosting classifier with over 8,000 1,2,3-mer amino acid frequency features, sequence-based features (e.g., length, molecular weight, and absolute charge), APPENDIX D FINE-TUNING RESULTS and structural features (e.g., secondary structures, a fraction

10 VOLUME 4, 2016 Min et al.: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Protein Sequence Representations with Structural Information

TABLE 5. Detailed solubility prediction results to learn sequence representations. It additionally adopted the Method acc sequence-based and structural features used in PaRSnIP to PLUS-TFM 0.72 enhance the performance. PLUS-RNNBASE 0.70 PLUS-RNNLARGE 0.71 C. LOCALIZATION P-ELMo 0.64 For the Localization task, we used the UniProt datasets [49], SOLPro† 0.60 which were pre-processed and provided by [29]. The pro- SCM† 0.60 teins were clustered with 30% sequence identity. Then, each † PROSO2 0.64 cluster of homologous proteins was split into 9,977 training, PaRSnIP† 0.74 DeepSol† 0.77 1,108 development, and 2,773 test sequences. The subcellu- lar locations are as follows: nucleus, cytoplasm, extracellular, † Excerpted from [28] mitochondrion, cell membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, plas- tid, Golgi apparatus, lysosome, and peroxisome. TABLE 6. Detailed localization prediction results The detailed Localization prediction results are listed in Table 6. We report the excerpted top-5 baseline results from Method acc [29]. iLoc-Euk [50], the second-best task-specific model, PLUS-TFM 0.69 used a multi-label K-nearest neighbor classifier with pseudo- PLUS-RNNBASE 0.69 PLUS-RNNLARGE 0.70 amino acid frequency features. Because iLoc-Euk predicted P-ELMo 0.54 22 locations, these were mapped onto our 10 locations. SherLoc2† 0.58 DeepLoc [29], the best task-specific model, used a convolu- LocTree2† 0.61 tional neural network to learn motif information and a recur- YLoc† 0.61 rent neural network to learn sequential dependencies of the iLoc-Euk† 0.68 † motifs. It also adopted sequence-based evolutionary features DeepLoc 0.78 through the combination of BLOSUM62 encoding [3] and † Excerpted from [29]. homology protein profiles from the Swiss-Prot database [51]. TABLE 7. Detailed stability prediction results D. STABILITY Method ρ For the Stability task, we utilized the datasets from [30], PLUS-TFM 0.76 which were pre-processed by [7]. The dataset was split PLUS-RNNBASE 0.77 into 53,679 training, 2,447 development, and 12,839 test PLUS-RNNLARGE 0.77 sequences. The test set contained one-Hamming distance P-ELMo† 0.64 neighbors of the top candidates from the training set. This UniRep† 0.73 TAPE-TFM† 0.73 allowed us to evaluate the model’s ability to localize infor- TAPE-RNN† 0.69 mation from a broad sampling of relevant sequences. TAPE-ResNet† 0.73 The detailed Stability prediction results are listed in Ta-

RNNBASE 0.72 ble 7. As the data splits for this task were created by [7], RNNLARGE 0.73 no clear task-specific SOTA existed. Instead, we present † Excerpted from TAPE [7]. the results obtained using RNNBASE and RNNLARGE models without pre-training. TABLE 8. Detailed fluorescence prediction results

Method ρ E. FLUORESCENCE For the Fluorescence task, we used the datasets from [31], PLUS-TFM 0.63 PLUS-RNNBASE 0.67 which were pre-processed by [7]. The dataset was split PLUS-RNNLARGE 0.68 into 21,446 training, 5,362 development, and 27,217 test P-ELMo† 0.33 sequences. The training dataset contained three-Hamming UniRep† 0.67 distance mutations, whereas the test dataset contained more † TAPE-TFM 0.68 than four mutations. This allowed us to evaluate the model’s TAPE-RNN† 0.67 TAPE-ResNet† 0.21 ability to generalize to unseen mutation combinations. The detailed Fluorescence prediction results are presented RNNBASE 0.58 RNNLARGE 0.67 in Table 8. As this task were created by [7], no clear task- † Excerpted from TAPE [7]. specific SOTA exists. Instead, we present the results obtained using RNNBASE and RNNLARGE models without pre-training. of exposed residues, and hydrophobicity). DeepSol [28], the F. SECONDARY STRUCTURE (SECSTR) best task-specific baseline model, used a convolutional neural For the SecStr task, we used the training and development network consisting of and max-pooling modules datasets from the PDB [52], which were pre-processed and

VOLUME 4, 2016 11 Min et al.: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Protein Sequence Representations with Structural Information

TABLE 9. Ablation studies on Homology and SecStr tasks

Homology SecStr

Method λPT λFT acc ρ Class Fold Superfamily Family acc8 acc3

PLUS-RNNBASE 0.7 0.3 0.96 0.70 0.95 0.91 0.96 0.72 0.66 0.78

RNNBASE - 0.3 0.93 0.67 0.88 0.81 0.92 0.68 0.61 0.73 (PT-A) 0.0 0.3 0.94 0.68 0.91 0.85 0.93 0.70 0.62 0.74 (PT-B) 0.5 0.3 0.96 0.69 0.95 0.91 0.95 0.70 0.66 0.77 (PT-C) 1.0 0.3 0.96 0.69 0.93 0.89 0.95 0.70 0.65 0.77 (FT-A) 0.7 0.0 0.94 0.68 0.91 0.85 0.93 0.70 0.65 0.77 (FT-B) 0.7 0.5 0.96 0.69 0.95 0.91 0.95 0.70 0.66 0.78 Note: We use the development sets for the ablation studies.

TABLE 10. Detailed transmembrane prediction results state transition probabilities, and local alignment diversities. Method acc PLUS-TFM 0.82 G. TRANSMEMBRANE PLUS-RNNBASE 0.89 For the Transmembrane task, we used the TOPCONS PLUS-RNNLARGE 0.89 datasets [33], which were pre-processed and provided by P-ELMo 0.78 [12]. The dataset was split into 228 training, 29 development, MEMSAT-SVM† 0.67 and 29 test sequences. The goal was to classify each amino Philius† 0.70 acid into one of the following: the membrane, inside or SPOCTOPUS† 0.71 TOPCONS† 0.80 outside of the membrane domains. The detailed Transmembrane prediction results are pre- † Excerpted from P-ELMo [12]. sented in Table 10. We report the excerpted top-5 baseline results from [12]. Although this is an amino-acid-level pre- diction task, the evaluation was performed at the protein PLUS-TFM-EXT PLUS-TFM PLUS-RNNLARGE level, following the guidelines from TOPCONS. The pre-

n 1.0 o i

t dictions were judged correct if the protein had the same

a 0.9 l

e number of predicted and true transmembrane regions, and r r o 0.8 the predicted and true regions overlapped by at least five C

n 0.7 amino acids. TOPCONS [33], the best task-specific baseline o s r

a 0.6 model, is a meta-predictor that combines the predictions from e P 0.5 five different predictors into a topology profile based on a All Short Long dynamic programming algorithm.

FIGURE 5. Homology prediction results for different lengths. APPENDIX E ABLATION STUDIES Here, we show results from ablation studies on the Homol- ogy and SecStr tasks to better understand the strengths and provided by [7]. Any sequences with more than 25% se- aspects of the PLUS framework. We used PLUS-RNNBASE quence identity within the datasets were removed to avoid as the baseline model unless explicitly stated otherwise. Note any bias due to homologous sequences. The training and that we used the development sets for the ablation studies. development datasets contained 8,678 and 2,170 protein se- quences, respectively. We used three test datasets: CB513 A. PRE-TRAINING AND FINE-TUNING OF PLUS-RNN with 513 sequences [53], CASP12 with 21 sequences [54], We explored the effect of using different λPT values for and TS115 with 115 sequences [10]. controlling the relative importance of the MLM and SFP pre- The detailed SecStr prediction results are presented in Ta- training tasks (Table 9). The results indicated that the pre- ble 3. We report excerpted results from [7] and [32]. RaptorX trained models with different λPT values (PLUS-RNNBASE, [55] used a convolutional neural network to capture structural PT-A, PT-B, PT-C) always outperformed the RNNBASE information and conditional neural fields to model secondary model trained from the scratch. Both pre-training tasks con- structure correlations among adjacent amino acids. It adopted sistently improve the prediction performance at all structural the position-specific scoring matrix evolutionary features levels. Of the two pre-training tasks, removing MLM nega- generated by searching the UniProt database [49] with PSI- tively affects the prediction performance more than removing BLAST [56]. NetSurfP-2.0 [32] used a convolutional neural the SFP. This coincides with the expected result, according network to learn motif information and a biRNN to learn to which, the MLM task would play the primary role, and their sequential dependencies. It adopted HMM evolutionary the SFP task would complement MLM by encouraging the features from HH-bits [44] including amino acid profiles, models to compare pairwise protein representations.

12 VOLUME 4, 2016 Min et al.: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Protein Sequence Representations with Structural Information

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14 VOLUME 4, 2016 Min et al.: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Protein Sequence Representations with Structural Information

SEONWOO MIN received the B.S. and Ph.D. de- SUNGROH YOON (Senior Member, IEEE) re- grees in electrical and computer engineering from ceived the B.S. degree in electrical engineering Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 2015 from Seoul National University, South Korea, in and 2021, respectively. He is currently a research 1996, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical scientist at Fundamental Research Laboratory, LG engineering from Stanford University, Stanford, AI research. His current research interests include CA, USA, in 2002 and 2006, respectively. From machine learning and bioinformatics. He was a 2006 to 2007, he was with Intel Corporation, Santa recipient of the Global Ph.D Fellowship in 2016, Clara. From 2007 to 2012, he was an Assistant the Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Nomina- Professor with the School of Electrical Engineer- tion Award in 2018, the Korea National Excellent ing, Korea University. From 2016 to 2017, he was Researcher Award in 2020, and many other prestigious awards. a Visiting Scholar with the Department of Neurology and Neurological Sci- ences, Stanford University. He held research positions at Stanford University and Synopsys, Inc., Mountain View. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National Uni- versity. His current research interests include machine learning and artificial SEUNGHYUN PARK received the B.S. degree intelligence. He was a recipient of the IEEE Young IT Engineer Award in in Electrical Engineering from Korea University, 2013, the SBS Foundation Award in 2016, the IMIA Best Paper Award in Korea, in 2009. He received the Ph.D. degree in 2017, the SNU Education Award in 2018, the IBM Faculty Award in 2018, Electrical and Computer Engineering from Korea the Korean Government Researcher of the Month Award 2018, the BRIC University, Korea, in 2018. Dr. Park also was a Best Research of the Year in 2018, the Shin-Yang Engineering Research researcher at the Electrical and Computer Engi- Reward in 2019, the Microsoft Collaborative Research Grant in 2017 and neering, Seoul National University, Korea, from 2020, and many other prestigious awards. Since February 2020, he has been 2011 to 2018. Currently he is a research engineer serving as the Chairperson (Minister) for the Presidential Committee on the at Clova AI, NAVER Corp., Korea. His research Fourth Industrial Revolution established by the Korean Government. interests are machine learning, natural language processing, computational methods in statistics and medical informatics.

SIWON KIM received the B.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea in 2018. Currently, she is pursuing an integrated M.S./Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at Seoul National University. Her research interests include deep learning, explainable AI and biomedical ap- plications.

HYUN-SOO CHOI received the B.S. degree in computer and communication engineering for the first major and in brain and cognitive science for the second major from Korea University, in 2013. He also received the integrated M.S./Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Seoul National University, South Korea in 2020. From 2020 to 2021, he was a senior researcher in Vision AI Labs of SK Telecom. He is currently an Assis- tant Professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kangwon National University, South Korea.

BYUNGHAN LEE (Member, IEEE) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Korea University, South Korea, in 2011, and Ph.D. de- gree in electrical and computer engineering from Seoul National University, South Korea, in 2018. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the De- partment of Electronic and IT Media Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technol- ogy. His research interests include machine learn- ing, artificial intelligence, and their biomedical applications.

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