SSpprriinngg 22000088 In This Issue V O L U M E 26 • S U M M E R 2 0 0 8 • N U M B E R 1 h t t p : / / m i c h i g a n g o l f e r . c o m MICHIGAN GOLFER Herschel Nathanial Bernice Phillips Publisher/Editor Dave Ruthenberg Art McCafferty Scott Sullivan
[email protected] Marc Van Soest John Wukovits Editor Emeritus Terry Moore Photo/Video Mike Brown Associate Kevin Frisch Publisher/Producer Dave Richards Jennie McCafferty Carter Sherline Clarence Sormin Writers Joe Yunkman Susan Bairley L’anse Bannon Director of Mike Beckman Accounting Vanessa Bell Cheryl Clark Jack Berry Jason Deegan Tom Doak Michigan Golfer Mike Duff is produced by Kenny Perry approaches the 18th green on the way to his win in 2001 Rob Franciosi Thad Gutowski Great Lakes Sports Marty Henwood Publications, Inc. Kelly Hill Greg Johnson GLSP Advertising & Vartan Kupelian Business Office 3 50 Years of the Buick Open Brian Manning 4007 Carpenter Road, Jim Neff #366 By Jack Berry Norm Sinclair Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Michael Patrick Shiels 734.507.0241 10 Ron Whitten 734.434.4765 FAX Berklich on the Buick Gary Holaway
[email protected] By Jack Berry Janina Parrott Jacobs 20 Michigan Golf Hall of Fame Bestows First “Special Award” By Susan Bairley 24 Buick’s 10 Most Memorable Players By Jack Saylor Michigan Golfer is published online four times a year by Great Lakes Sports Publications, Inc., 4007 Carpenter Rd, #366, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. All contents of this publication are copyrighted, all rights reserved.