Alaska Game Management Units

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Alaska Game Management Units eo 0 eo 100 150 MILES DESCRIPTIONS OF GAME MANAGEMENT UNITS GAME MANAGEMENT UNIT BOUNDARIES SUBUNIT BOUNDARIES c en 0) AREAS HAVING SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS c::::::J Q) c: NATIONAL PARKS, MONUMENTS ... «< c: 18. Unit 18, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. PRESERVES "C -::J en E"..2:2'.a c: That area d raining into the Yukon and Kuskokwim c: J: EXISTING HIGHWAY SYSTEM - ::J 0 Rivers downstream from a straight line drawn between 0 «< Low er Kalskag and Paimiut and into all streams flowing m ~ «< 00 en - 0)""' into the Bering Sea from Cape Newenham on the south Q) ::J to and including the Pastolik River drainage on the «< OJ Q) .... «< ~ north; Nunivak and adjacent islands. - a: ~ E c: ::J 19. Unit 19, McGrath. X OJ "") All of the drainages into the Kuskokwim River up­ 0"0 c: 0 stream from a straight line drawn between Lower Kal­ a._... Q) Q. ::::i skag and Paim iut. a. en a. ~ «< a.. A. Subunit 19(A)-That area drained by the ~ ·..J- ... 1- <( Kuskokwim River downstream from and including the OJ en :E Moose Creek drainage on the north bank and down­ c: «< "C stream from and including the Stony River drainage, Q) c: excluding that portion listed in Subunit 19(B). «< ... «< -0 ~ B. Subunit 19(B)-That portion of Unit 19 drain­ "C ed by the Aniak River upstream from and including the c: 0 Salmon River; that area drained by the Holitna River - upstream from and including Bakbuk Creek; that area south of a line running directly between the mouth of Bakbuk Creek on the Holitna River and the radar dome at Sparrevohn Air Force Base including that area drained by the Hoholitna River upstream from that line; and the drainage of the Stony River upstream from and includ­ ing the drainage of Can Creek. C. Subunit 19(C)-That portion of Unit 19 south and west of a line from Benchmark M 1.26 (approximate­ ly 1.26 miles south of the northwest corner of the origi­ nal Mt. McKinley National Park Boundary) to Lone Mountain, and thence due west to Big River; the drain­ age of Big River upstream from the intersection of this line; and the drainage of Swift River upstream from and including the drainage of the North Fork. D. Subunit 19(D)-The remainder of Unit 19. 20. Unit 20, Fairbanks-Central Tanana. That area drained by the Yukon River upstream from and including the Tozitna River drainage to and including the Hamlin Creek drainage, including the Tanana River and its tributaries north of Unit 13 and downstream from the boundary of Unit 12; by the tribu­ taries draining into the south bank of the Yukon River upstream from and including the Charley River drainage to the Alaska-Canada boundary; and by the Alaska drainage of Ladue and Fortymile Rivers. A. Subunit 20(A)-That portion of Unit 20 B. Subunit 25(B)-That portion of Unit 25 drain­ bounded on the east by the west bank of the Delta ed by the Little Black River upstream from but not River from the boundary of Unit 13 to the Tanana including the Big Creek drainage; the Black River drain­ River; bounded on the north by the north bank of the age upstream from and including the Salmon Fork drain­ Tanana River from the confluence of the Delta River age; the Porcupine River drainage upstream from the downstream to the confluence of the Nenana River; confluence of the Coleen and Porcupine Rivers; and by bounded on the west by the east bank of the Nenana the tributaries draining into the north bank of the River from its confluence with the Tanana River Yukon River upstream from the village of Circle to the upstream to the boundary of Unit 13. Alaska-Canada border, including the islands in the B. Subunit 20(B)-That portion of Unit 20 drain­ Yukon River. ing into the north bank of the Tanana River upstream C. Subunit 25(C)-That portion of Unit 25 drain­ from and including Hot Springs Slough to and includ­ ing into the south bank of the Yukon River upstream ing the Banner Creek drainage. from the village of Circle to the Subunit 20(E) bound­ C. Subunit 20(C)-That portion of Unit 20 ary, the Birch Creek drainage upstream from the Steese draining into the south bank of the Tanana River west Highway bridge (milepost 147), the Preacher Creek of the western boundary of Subunit 20(A) down­ drainage upstream from and including the Rock Creek stream to the confluence of the Tanana and Yukon drainage and the Beaver Creek drainage upstream from Rivers, including the islands in the Tanana River. and including the Moose Creek drainage. D. Subunit 20(D)-That portion of Unit 20 D. Subunit 25(D)-The remainder of Unit 25. draining into the north bank of the Tanana River from the confluence of the Robertson and Tanana Rivers 26. Unit 26, Arctic Slope. downstream to, but not including, the Banner Creek That area drained by all streams and rivers flowing drainage; and that portion draining into the south into the Arctic Ocean between Cape Lisburne and the bank of the Tanana River from the west bank of the Alaska-Canada boundary; and the Firth River drainage Delta River to the Unit 12 boundary; and islands in (UNIT MAP OF UNITS 1-17 ·lying within Alaska. the Delta River from the Delta River to the Tanana APPEARS ON REVERSE SIDE) A . Subunit 26(A)-That portion of Unit 26 lying niver. west of the area drained by the Itkillik River and its E. Subunit 20(E)-That portion of Unit 20 drain­ tributaries, and west of the east bank of the Colville ing into the south bank of the Yukon River upstream River between the mouth of the Itkillik River and the from and including the Charley River drainage and in­ Arctic Ocean. cluding the Ladue River drainage within Alaska. B. Subunit 26(B)-That portion of Unit 26 lying F. Subunit 20(F)-The remainder of Unit 20. 23. Unit 23, Kotzebue Sound. -~ east of Subunit 26(A) and west of the west banks of the That area drained by all streams flowing into the Canning River and Marsh Fork of the Canning River Arctic Ocean and Kotzebue Sound from Cape Lisburne between the Arctic Ocean and Carter Pass . 21. Unit 21, Middle Yukon. on the north to and including the drainage into the C. Subunit 26(C)-That portion· of Un it 26 lying That area draining into the Yukon River from a A . Subunit 22(A)-That portion of Unit 22 drain­ Goodhope River on the south. east of Subunit 26(B) . straight line drawn between Lower Kalskag and Paimiut ing into Norton Sound north of but not including the upstream to but not including the Tozitna River drain· P1stolik River to and including the Ungalik River; Stuart 24. Unit 24, Koyukuk. age on the north side of the Yukon River and up to but and Besboro Islands. That area drained by the Koyukuk River and its not including the Tanana River drainage on the south I. Subunit 21(E)-That portion of Unit 21 dra in­ B. Subunit 22(B)-That portion of Unit 22 drain­ tributaries upstream from but not including the Dulbi side of the Yukon River; the Koyukuk River upstream ed b\ the Yukon River f rom a straight line drawn be· irg into Norton Sound west of but not including Ungalik River drainage. to and including the Dulbi River drainage. tweer Lower Kalskag and Paimiut upstream to but not River to and including Topkok Creek. A . Subunit 21 (A)-That portion of Unit 21 which inclu!ing the Blackburn Creek drainage, and the lnnoko C. Subunit 22(C)-That portion of Unit 22 drain­ 25. Unit 25, Fort Yukon. includes the lnnoko River drainage upstream from and Riverdrainage downstream from the confluence of the irg into Norton Sound and the Bering Sea west of but That area draining into the Yukon River upstream C. Subunit 21(C)-That · portion of Unit 21 including the lditarod River drainage, and that portion lditar:>d and lnnoko Rivers. not including Topkok Creek to and including the Tisuk from Hamlin Creek to the Alaska-Canada boundary and drained by the Melozitna River upstream from the of the Nowitna River drainage upstream from the con­ River; King Island. the Subunit 20(E) boundary. confluence of Grayling Creek and the Melozitna fluence of the Little Mud and Nowitna Rivers . 22. lnit 22, Nome. D. Subunit 22(D)-That portion of Unit 22 drain­ A . Subunit 25(A)-That portion of Unit 25 drain­ B. Subunit 21(B)-That portion of Unit 21 River, and the Dulbi River drainage upstream from 'hat part of the Seward Peninsula and adjacent ing into the Bering Sea north of but not including the ed by the Hodzana River upstream from the Narrows, drained by the Yukon River upstream from Ruby and and including the Cottonweed Creek drainage. main~nd drained by all streams flowing into Kotzebue Tisuk River to and including Cape York; St. Lawrence the Chandalar River drainage upstream from and includ­ east of a line from Ruby to Yuki Mountain to the D. Subunit 21 (D)-That portion of Unit 21 drain­ Soun 1, Bering Strait, arid Norton Sound from but not Island. ing the East Fork drainage, the Christian River drainage northern boundary of Subunit 21(A), including the ed by the Yukon River upstream from and including the inciU<ing the Goodhope River drainage on the north, to E.
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