PR-486: 2003 Nursery and Landscape Program

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PR-486: 2003 Nursery and Landscape Program PR-486 2003 Nursery and Landscape Program Research Report Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station • University of Kentucky • College of Agriculture Department of Horticulture • Lexington, Kentucky 40546 UK Nursery and Landscape Program Faculty, Staff, and Student Cooperators Horticulture Agricultural Economics Faculty Faculty Plant Pathology Robert Anderson Tim Woods Faculty Sharon Bale John Hartman Paul Cappiello Professional Staff Lisa Vaillancourt Win Dunwell Matt Ernst Richard Durham Technical Staff About Our Cover Bill Fountain Agricultural Engineering Bernadette Amsden Cladrastis kentukea is one of four of Robert Geneve Faculty Paul A. Bachi Kentucky’s Theodore Klein Plant Award Winners for 2004. The others are Helleborus x hybridus— Dewayne Ingram Richard Warner Julie Beale Lenten Rose, Picea orientalis—Oriental Spruce, Robert McNiel Ed Dixon and Taxodium distichum ‘Mickelson’ Shawnee Brave™—Shawnee Brave Bald Cypress. In ad- Mark Williams Agronomy dition to yellowwood being a Kentucky native Faculty Students Taxodium distichum ‘Mickelson’ Shawnee Technical/Professial Staff Tim Phillips Claudia Cotton Brave™—Shawnee Brave Bald Cypress is a cul- tivar selection directly related to Kentucky natives. Shari Dutton A. J. Powell Jennifer Flowers Kentucky’s Theodore Klein Plant Award Winners Amy Fulcher Nicki Mundell are selected by plant professionals for unique ornamental characteristics and the ability to suc- June Johnston Entomology Gilles Vachon cessfully perform in Kentucky. Sharon Kester Faculty Cladrastis kentukea Yellowwood or American Yellowwood is a medium-sized flowering tree. Kirk Ranta Daniel Potter UK Arboretum The fragrant 1- to 1.5-inch white flowers are found Hilda Rogers Director on 8- to 14-inch panicles that are a delight in May. Dwight Wolfe Technical Staff Marcia Farris The leaves are alternate, odd-pinnately compound. The late Buddy Hubbuch, director of horticulture David Held at Bernheim Forest, loved this tree and planted Farm Staff Grounds Manager several in the shade sun garden. He liked the yel- low fall color that comes at a time when many Darrell Slone Students Susan Capley other trees are already defoliated for winter. The Phillip Bush Leslie Foss bright yellow beacon of the yellowwood in the gray fall-winter scene found in most woodlands Dave Lowry Jamee Hubbard and gardens is a wonderful sight, especially when Janet Pfeiffer Callie Praeter back- or side-lighted. Michael Rogers The infrequently found Kentucky native woody tree is tolerant of a wide variety of Ken- Students tucky environs. More common to the acid soils Steve Berberich of Eastern Kentucky, it can also be found on the alkaline soils of southern edge of the coalfield Julie Miller area. To propagate by seed, the seed coats are scari- fied (removed or thinned) with a sulfuric acid treatment and stored or directly sown. ‘Perkin’s Pink’, the pink flowering yellowwood cultivar from the Arnold Arboretum originally distributed as ‘Rosea’, is propagated by budding to a seed- ling rootstock. See Kentucky’s Theodore Klein Plant Awards Web site for more information <http://> and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Kentucky Grown Landscape Plant Availability Guide < forms/plantguide/PLANT.htm> for sources of This is a progress report and may not reflect exactly the final outcome of ongoing projects. Therefore, please Theodore Klein Plant Award Winners. do not reproduce project reports for distribution without permission of the authors. Mention or display of a trademark, proprietary product, or firm in text or figures does not constitute an endorsement and does not imply approval to the exclusion of other suitable products or firms. Contents UK Nursery and Landscape Program Overview—2003 ................................................................. 5 Production and Economics Somatic Embryogenesis and Callus Induction in Willow Oak ....................................................... 6 Pinching of Passiflora ‘Lady Margaret’ and ‘Amethyst’ Reduces Shoot Number and Delays Flowering ........................................................................ 8 Pot-in-Pot Production Budgets, Cash Flow, and Price Sensitivity Charts ....................................................................................................10 Pest Management—Insects Pesticide Effects on Calico Scale and Generalist Predators in the Tree Canopy .......................... 14 Managing Eastern Tent Caterpillars in Landscapes and on Horse Farms in Response to Their Role in Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome ................................................................. 15 Potential for Use of Nectar-Producing Plants or Sugar Sprays to Increase Parasitism of Turf-Infesting White Grubs by Tiphiid Wasps ....................................................................... 17 Pest Management—Diseases Landscape Plant Disease Observations from the Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory—2003 ......................................................................... 18 Survey for Phytophthora ramorum (Sudden Oak Death) in Kentucky, 2003............................... 19 Evaluation of Tennessee Dogwood Selections for Powdery Mildew, 2003 ................................. 21 Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Sphaeropsis sapinea, the Causal Agent of Pine Tip Blight ....................................................................................... 22 Plant Evaluation Rudbeckia Taxa Evaluation ............................................................................................................ 23 Perennial Garden Flower Trials—1999-2003—University of Kentucky Horticulture Research Farm .................................................................................................... 25 2003 Garden Flower Trials—Results of Annual Flower Evaluations by Kentucky Master Gardeners .............................................................................................. 28 Annual Flower Evaluation at the University of Kentucky Arboretum.......................................... 29 UKREC Daylily Cultivar Evaluation 2003.................................................................................... 32 Kentucky Native Plant Evaluation ................................................................................................. 34 Update of Industry Support for the University of Kentucky Nursery and Landscape Program................................................................................................................. 36 UK Nursery and Landscape Fund and Endowment Fellows......................................................... 37 2003 Contributors to the UK Nursery/Landscape Fund and Endowments (through November 1) ...................................................................................... 38 UK Nursery and Landscape Program Overview—2003 Dewayne Ingram, Chair, Department of Horticulture The UK Nursery and Landscape Program coordinates the ef- The 2004 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Nursery forts of faculty, staff, and students in several departments in the Production Workshop Series will be held in June in Central Ken- College of Agriculture for the benefit of the Kentucky nursery and tucky and in July in Western Kentucky. Thanks to Kentucky IPM landscape industry. Our 2003 report has been organized accord- funds, the program will feature four experts from Kentucky and ing to our primary areas of emphasis: production and economics, beyond. IPM provides techniques that base spray decisions on pest management, and plant evaluation. These areas reflect stated pest population levels rather than guesswork. This on-location industry needs, expertise available at UK, and the nature of re- program specializes in hands-on application of IPM techniques search projects around the world generating information appli- such as resistant plants, scouting, nutrition monitoring, and eco- cable to Kentucky. If you have questions or suggestions about a nomic thresholds. Featuring an IPM team with decades of expe- particular research project, please do not hesitate to contact us. rience, nursery producers, and tree care providers will be able to Although the purpose of this publication is to report research take home practical skills and knowledge. results, we have also highlighted below some of our Extension programs and undergraduate and graduate degree programs that Undergraduate Program Highlights are addressing the needs of the nursery/landscape industries. The department offers areas of emphasis in Horticultural We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Kentucky Hor- Enterprise Management and Horticultural Science within a Plant ticulture Council’s (KHC) grant that was made possible through and Soil Science Bachelor of Science degree. Following are a Master Tobacco Settlement Funds and the Agricultural Devel- few highlights of our undergraduate program in 2002-2003. opment Board. These funds, along with U.S. Department of The Plant and Soil Science degree program has nearly 100 Agriculture funds through the New Crop Opportunities Cen- students in the fall semester of 2003, of which almost one-half ter, have allowed us to expand our field research program and are horticulture students and another one-third are turfgrass stu- our Extension program to meet expanding industry needs and dents. Eighteen horticulture students graduated in 2003. opportunities. The Agricultural Development Board has recently We believe that a significant portion of an undergraduate
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