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Dædalus coming up in Dædalus: Dædalus on learning Alison Gopnik, Howard Gardner, Jerome Bruner, Susan Carey, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences Elizabeth Spelke, Patricia Smith Churchland, Clark Glymour, Daniel John Povinelli, and Michael Tomasello Fall 2003 Fall 2003: on science Fall on happiness Martin E. P. Seligman, Richard A. Easterlin, Martha C. Nussbaum, on science Alan Lightman A sense of the mysterious 5 Anna Wierzbicka, Bernard Reginster, Robert H. Frank, Julia E. Annas, Roger Shattuck, Darrin M. McMahon, and Ed Diener Albert Einstein Physics & reality 22 Gerald Holton Einstein’s Third Paradise 26 on progress Joseph Stiglitz, John Gray, Charles Larmore, Randall Kennedy, Peter Pesic Bell & buzzer 35 Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Jagdish Bhagwati, Richard A. Shweder, and David Pingree The logic of non-Western science 45 others Susan Haack Trials & tribulations 54 Andrew Jewett Science & the promise of democracy on human nature Steven Pinker, Lorraine Daston, Jerome Kagan, Vernon Smith, in America 64 Joyce Appleby, Richard Wrangham, Patrick Bateson, Thomas Sowell, Jonathan Haidt, and Donald Brown poetry Les Murray The Tune on Your Mind & Photographing Aspiration 71 on race Kenneth Prewitt, Orlando Patterson, George Fredrickson, Ian Hacking, Jennifer Hochschild, Glenn Loury, David Hollinger, ½ction Joanna Scott That place 73 Victoria Hattam, and others notes Elizabeth F. Loftus on science under legal assault 84 Perez Zagorin on humanism past & present 87 plus poetry by David Ferry, Richard Wilbur, Franz Wright, Rachel Hadas, W. S. Merwin, Charles Wright, Richard Howard &c.; ½ction by Chuck Wachtel &c.; and notes by Gerald Early, Linda Hutcheon, Jennifer Hochschild, Charles Altieri, Richard Stern, Donald Green, S.
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