500 Filth Avenue, 40th Floor New York, NY 10110 tel: 212-257-4860 fax: 212-202-6417 sa Shapiro Arato LLP www.shaplroarato.com Alexandra A.E. Shapiro
[email protected] Direct; 212-257-4881 i October 20, 2015 1 I VIA FEDEX I Federal Election Commission J Office of Complaints Examination p,' ^ " and Legal Administration ............ • : Attn: Frankie Hampton • -=• 999 E Street. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463
[email protected] Re: MUR 6942, In the Matter of the Commission on Presidential Debates, et al.. if Dear Ms. Hampton: We represent the Green Party of the United States and the Libertarian National Committee, Inc., the complainants in the above-referenced matter. We write to provide the Federal Election Commission with additional evidence based on events occurring after the Complaint was filed, which supports the Complaint. I On September 11,2014, Level the Playing Field and Dr. Peter Ackerman filed an administrative complaint with the Commission against the Commission on Presidential Debates ("CPD") and its leadership. The Commission designated the matter MUR 6869. On June 16, 2015 and June 18, 2015, respectively, the Green Party of the United States and the Libertarian National Committee submitted requests seeking to join the complaint in MUR 6869, or, in the alternative, seeking to file a new administrative complaint. The Commission designated that matter MUR 6942. The Commission subsequently dismissed the administrative complaint in MUR 6869, although it did not indicate whether that dismissal covered MUR 6942. The complaints in MURs 6869 and 6942 both allege that the CPD and its leadership, who are responsible for hosting the general election presidential debates, have violated FECA and the FEC's regulations governing debate sponsorship.