MIdKansas Newsweekiy

.60 r 60 .60 .30 .25 .20 .00 15th year no. 18 July 1, 1969 .60 ;10 .70 .00 .60 .90 .40 00 00' 00 TP 00 00

.30. .400 .10

10 00 90 80t 70 out

The Leftovers The fascinating collection of material that goes under an auctioneer's hammer at a farm sale often does not include many castoffs of year's past that nestle in the corner, hide behind weeds, or seclude in an old shelter.

Photographer Kenneth Greene of Tescott caught these pictures at various sales in the past year in Saline and Lincoln counties.Some of the items never left their seclusion, but others were snatched up by the curious scavenger and the insatiable collector. At upper left,is an old buggy, or "spring wagon." At upper right, an old-time tractor, evidently homemade. At lower left, some water judgs, and to the right, a lr 2 -man crosscut saw and an old trunk.There are lot of trunks at farm sales, and few people can resist the temptation to see what's inside. Solomon will receive an ad- Olathe gotan advariQ capacity to 800 from 300 at press vance of $2500 to finance the $296,798 for , Su live of an industry trend was a survey andp ent. planning of a fire. station. costs for the 'Fairview Swing Again matter of conjecture, especially Uttar. since May was the first full Howard C. Harber, Englewood By far the big chunk of moneynewalproject month in which sales of Ford'sCliffs, N.J., chairman of CPC In-to went to Colby, which To Small Cars? ,,,vallee, 0 new minicar, the Maverick, wereternational, Inc., formerly Corn got a $1.244 million grant for a Sales figures indicate the fund A reflected.AmericanMotors' Products Co., Is head of the 103 -acre urban renewal project. tion. will re American automobile buyer may irive's advisory council. be swinging back to the smaller,Rambler, General Motors' Chevy predict Nova and its import Opel, Chrys- Clubs in all states have_pledg- lower priced lines. ed support and plan toraise one Tran With taxes and the cost of liv-ler's Plymouth Valiant and ADEQUATE are got Dodge Dart all were ahead infourth of the money. Thebalance ing rising, some executives with- $6 million - Is expected feed th in the industry view sales for theMay, compared with May of last- about farmer: year. On the down side were to be contributed bybusiness and month of May as indicative of a said. t4,pir,,. acreagE trend away from cars in the in-Ford's Mustang, its British -madeindustry, the foundation Storage Space more tl Cortina and its former bottom - The center, which isheadquar- termediate price field.. open- r. indicati While sales for the industry asof -the -line Falcon. However, Ma-ters of the foundation, was ed in 1959. More than20,000 a whole in the U.S. market wereverick's 23,520 sales gave the the for Your of the off about two percent from MayMustang, Falcon and Maverick ayouths and leaders come to up 124 -acre campus in ChevyChase, net gain of 18,250. Theing 1968, sales of both foreign and seminars: domestic compacts were up. Volkswagen of Germany re- Md., for meetings and Most bottom -of -the -line cars ofported it sold 52,047 new cars Nationally, there are about three million 4-H membersand low co U.S. car makers also are aheadin the American market last The WHEAT for the first five months of 1969,month, highest for any month around 400,000 local leaders. program ds supervisedand assist- compared with the same spansince a record 53,915 last Octo- twoa1.1 -.35ye. ber. Fiat of Italy reported rec-ed by federal -state extension ser Also Cash Buyers of All Grains of record setting 1968. rural in Mar Whether one month is indica- ord monthly sales for May, 4319vices and is available to against 4004 last' August and and many city youthsfrom age: PROMPTEST SERVICE 2891 in May of 1968. 9 through 19. 'Urban' Funds -here d 4-H Foundation: Manhattan Milling Co. answer Include Solomon questic 107 Pierre Manhattan PR 8-3217 Wants Bigger Federal funds from the De- .efaollinin ear partment. of Housing and Urban they. h National Center Development have been approv- even h The National 4-H Club Founda-ed for four Kansas cities, includ- ers' ac tion has announced a drive to ing Solomon in Dickinson Coun- w raise $8 million for enlarging ty. cast, c had the youth group's center in sub- GRASS & GRAIN urban Washington. The Mid -Kansas news weekly. factors The foundation, a non-profit Published each Tuesday at 1207 corn corporation, has enlisted the aid Moro,(Box 1009)Manhattan, anyhm of 112 business executives to Kansas, 66502 by The SMALLER CARS AG PRESS aise money for the national 4H Dean Coughenour agreen The smaller 1970 model motor cars willpenter project. E. R. Woodward questic change, while the larger models willstand postage paid at This Plans include new dormitories, Second class trend pat, predicts Motor Trend magazine. Manhattan, Kansas. buyer is the magazine's prediction of what nextclassrooms and a meeting center, Subscription: $3 year officials said. The expansion will corn pa year's Chevrolet Camaro will look like CIRCULATION 14,200 after the major styling change.. mean an increase in the center's surpri: more

a next fi

ACase man who t] Witht harvests 20 feet at a clip- ecu to bri: with capacity to spare! storag they a Here's the one that'll keep your trucksbarley, wheat, maize. for th humping like never before-Case No bottlenecks at the payout end! The 1660. 20 -foot, center -mounted head- clean grain moves swiftly through the er. Mammoth 52 -inch cylinder, widest 7 -inch, sump -type elevator to the bin. made by any full -line company. With A jumbo -size 10 -inch discharge auger. Every component capicity-matched.unloads it in jig time. er, COI Every,unit of this giant machine is somev You're boss -man every minute with a capacity -matched to get all the grain- mighty 318 cu. in. V8 engine-com- plante clean, whole-and fast.A high -capacity Two Good n4 500 spm sickle and 20 -finger augerplete on -the -go controls-hydrostatic in keep the massive 52 -inch cylindersteering. Air-conditioned cab plena humming. Micrometer- precise con-(optional). of th4 cave adjustment and cylinder speedThe giant 1660 . . . worth seeing at Reasons for control-on-the-go-hold cracks andyour Case dealer. Convenient Lease report splits to a minimum. 82 square feet ofor Case Crop -Way Purchase Plans. 64 separating-cleaningto handle heaviestJ. I. Case Company, Racine, Wisconsin. etie ph near12 Feeding Creep Chow last was t The calf, of course, gets the benefit of the extra energy, protein and other nutrients in Purina Creep Chow,He needs them if he is going to reach market weightquickly Busprinl and bring top price. Purina research shows that creep-fed calves average 40 to 60 pounds heavier at weaning. But mother cow also benefits from creepfeeding. She ((ttcorn e(hdiner isn't "suckled down" as heavily by a creep -fedcalf, there- fore, she is in better condition during thebreeding sea- son. Creep feeding can make a dollarsand centsdif- O ups r ference in the conception rate of your brood cows, su,dtdio'S To learn more about how Purina Creep Chowcanhelp at the you increase your herd production, dropin. We're thanh store with the Checkerboard sign. had ani Manhattan teCool, Flint Hills Feed & Grain ER 8-5322 suitepl Farmers Union Feed Mill 43.7-2434St. Marys City Mor-Kan Elevator 349-2214White Reading -41 nik3'iWitf..71 AN 94842 ,Reading Grain & Lumber n City Mid -Continent Elevator.. CE 8-4177Junction '>f 9

-7-71Kik Americus (..ouh ". Americus Grain Co. 884-3465 Witt Center _Gorden Mark Elevator..ME 2-3381 Clay 4.3 t Grove sum CLAY CENTER Western Grain Mill 767-5933 Council ing Porter Eqpt. Co. SALINA MARYSVIT-T F 1121 Crawford ME 2-5202 Vahsholta Impl. Co. Brauchi Brothers the 400 wou CENTRALIA CHAPMAN lOW( MeBratne Jones & Knopp WA 2-3241 Phone 857-y3815 and keep pipelinesnum accorn- ing to L. H. Simerl,an agricultur-ther livestock feeders will begin Of Surprising Corn Picture al economist at the University offeeding more wheat and a little 4114 Illinois. less corn now that a near -recordFHA REPLACEMENT Re. If those figures are correct, itwheat harvest begins to roll in.FOR JACKSON GEORGE Could Get Brighter explains in part why thecornWheat prices in some areas are Jackson George, the onetime A hot, dry July and August price has increased so much this secretary-tieldman of the Kan- Lee Such calculationsare the nor - lower than those for corn, and sta. will really pop the corn market," mal pastime spring, and it underscores the im-are expected to continue that sas Hereford Association: has of grain analysts, been replaced in his job as state predicts one grain analyst. . portance of farmers' selling poli-way during the summer. The but this year they're alsotrying director of the Farmers Home Translation: Because livestockto determine how muchcorn is cies to future price moves. Togovernment has estimated that are gobbling up much more corn help ease tight corn supplies, the200 million bushels of wheat mayAdministration, by Morgan Wil- available to feed the nation's liams, Ottawa University profes- feed than expected, and becausegrowing demand forlivestock. Government has moved to shakebe fed to livestock in the 1968-69 farmers might have cut back loose some of the stocks restrict-season, about three times lastsor. George has been reassigned 4'he problem arose when thegoy - in the administration. acreage of this year's crop byernment reported that U.S. corned from market. year. more than they had planned, anystocks on April 1 were 3.01 hil- indication of less -than -ideal grow- lion bushels,(i'',-less than a year ing conditions would send pt -icesearlier and some 200 million of the important feed grain sure- bushels lessthan the trade had ing upwards. been expecting. The price already has moved STORAGE Had consumption actuallyin - up sharply. A key grade of 'el.creased that much, analysts r low corn on May 21 reached are wondering, or had the Govern- $1.351.2 a bushel in Chicago. Thatrent overestimated last year's We Will Have was the highest price in nearlyharvest and now is making up two years. 191i.; cents higher thanthe difference by boosting the in March and 30 cents above theconsumption rate? The question seven-year low,postedin1968.is important because the relation Since then the price has eased of available supply to demand in Ample Facilities For only slightly. the next few weeks willhave Where the price goes from considerable impact on the price here depends on unraveling theof corn. answers to a lot of interrelated WHEAT Not all the corn stocks are - questions. For example: Will available to meet demand. On farmers sell their remaining 1968April1, only 1.9 billion bushels Fast Weighing and Unloading corn at current prices, or. will were in position to he sold: the 1 they, hold on toitin hopes ofrest was isolated from the mar- even higher returns? Will farmket under government loans and ers' actual 1969 plantings he in'other programs. line with the government fore- That amount of "free"corn Farmers Cooperative kin cast, or be much lower becausewas about 250 million bushels Elevators et MANHATTAN, AI1TA VISTA and ONAGA A of bad spring weather and otherless than needed to meet demand factors? And just how much corn is out there in the country. anyhow? The grain trade hasn't reached agreement on answering these questions,so near -term price trend predictions vary widely. A buyer for a major corn -using company says he "wouldn't he surprised"to see corn advance more than a nickel a bushel be- HEAD START ON fore it levels out. Other bullish analysts insist any climb in the next few weeks would be limited cto two to four cents. On the other side are those who think the price has peaked. With normal weather, theysay, the current price is high enough to bring corn out of farmers' storage bins. A higher price, fpthey add, would dampen demand r for the grain. On balance, though, the corn price outlook seems to be .1 his: COOL With normal or excellent weath- SAFE Your Cooper helmetis er, corn prices probably will ease You're safe because you're seen in a fluorescent sturdy and built to take somewhat in July, providing that flame orange Cooper hel- rough treatment, yetis fiplantedli acre turnsout to be met.It'ssafer to be a cool and light (less than , an newithagethe government's standout! YourCooper 8 ounces). It has an ad- planting intention report. helmet also helps protect justable head band and your head against bumps small "breather" holes to That's the great imponderable from low hanging branch- help keep your head cool. of the moment. In its March 1 esorcuts fromflying It's waterproofed and has report, the government predict- gravel or other small ob- a chin band for use on ed 64 millionacres of corn would jects. those gusty, windy days. tobe planted, the smallestarea in nearly a century and 15; below last year's seedings.The forecast /, was based in parton the record signup of farmers e in the feed grain diversionprogram. y k But with prices rising this IN THE FIELDS d 6* -0 spring,farmers in some scatter- ed Corn Beltareas have changed their minds, boughtextra seed e corn and planted fields they in- ! tended toretire. Normal "slip- page" of farmers from early- spring diversionprogram sign- In a Cooper Helmet ups runs about 5%. Still, the number of farmers suddenly made ambitious by On the highway and in the field, you will be higher prices could bemore SAFE when SEEN! than offset by the number who had to change theircorn -planting Get your Cooper helmet free with the purchase plans because ofa late spring. of COOPER FEEDS. See your Cooper dealer for Cool, wet weather probably re- complete information.(Offer expires Aug. 2 sulted in switching of land out of 1969) corn in parts of Missouri, Ohio, northwest Iowa and other areas, farm expertssay. The Government predicts an end -seasoncarryover on Sept. 30 of 925 million bushels, and it could be lower, analystssay. With a 1969corn crop of, say, 4.3 billion bushels, and with con- The 0. A.COOPER COMPANY,Humboldt, Beatrice, Cozad, and So. Sioux City, Nebr. sumption nextseason maintain- (Void in states where prohibited by law) HOME OFFICE: HUMBOLDT.NEBRASKA 68376 ing this year'space of 4.6 billion, We don't compete with our customers by raising meat . . this means broilers, layers, turkeys, hogs or cattle nor do we intend to. the carryoveron Sept. 30, 1970, would be 612 million bushels, the lowest since 1953. ry

in Kansas has averaged near Game Commission three million with some years AN D Ott, After More Funds going over three millionbirds Chseli Plows To Phase Out bagged. The all-time highhar- Sends To Aid Air Traffic vest was' 4,164,000 quail in1966. with the strength to match President Nixon asked Con- Pen -reared birds are more eas gress Monday to approve a $5Quail Farms ily downed by gunners thanwild modem tractor-PO*7er Oneateveg, billion program to step up ef- A quail farm program, whichbobwhite, yet banding studies family, f forts to unclog the nation's air-once supplied much of Kansas'show only one tenth of one per- Use bobwhite for upland game hunt- get in- beef row ports and airways over the next cent of the stocked birds 2CHI 10 years. ing seasons, is being phased out.totheharvest, game biologist He would have the federal Kansas no longer needs heavyBob Wood said. IASI share financed largely by an releases of pen -reared birds to The Calista Farm operationbe- 2 or supply lucrative gunning for about seven Grin eight percent tax on domestic gan a slowdown ne 1 airlines tickets - a rise from hunters. Kansas has progressed years ago. Farmsuperintendent for the 5 percent passengers now to a point where it is rated oneByron Walker couldproduce pay. Nixon asked too that the taxof the few high quail harvest only half the birds, byholding 'HereIro on fuel used by general aviationstates in the nation. them to 16 weeksstocking age Pen -reared birds never surviv- them be increased from two cents a that he could by holding slyPetoc'as,rt gallon to nine cents. ed well in wild habitat anyway.eight weeks. The phaseoutwent dll nielaeu.tap The President also proposed Game biologists learned many farther than that. Thisspring, new taxes of five percent on airyears ago that the hardiest birds 20,000 quail for instance, only 1 cup freight waybills and $3 on pas-and those quickest on the wingwill be released in wildhabitat. 1/2 cup co senger tickets for most interna- are bobwhites which started lifeNext spring the releasewill drop tional flights from the United in a nest in wild cover. to 12,000 birds, Wocdsaid. States. Kansas' first quail farm, locat- (finnei ed near Pittsburg, was instituted The construction program of 6Tboosswl laIli, airways facilities and equipmentin1933. The second farm, the would be increased from a cur-Calista Quail Farm, went into Anhydrous Ammonia Attachment Available lettuce lea operation in 1935. rent average of $93 million a Low Milk Output LANDOLL'S Heavy Duty Need sc year to about $250 million. Top quail releases came in the Spring Cushion Clamps variety to Federal aid to airport develop-late 1940s and early 1950s whenIn 30 Years provide built-inprotection rem] ment of $180 million in the fiscalabout 40,000 birds were produced This permits the shank to Ties to pr at the farms and the game com- The nation's May milk produc- flex rearward and upward Ilifferent." year beginning this July 1 and tion of 11,046,000,000 pounds was to absorb shock loads and $220 million in the next fiscal mission purchased another 40,0002 percent less than a year ear- return to working position year were urged by the Presi- to 50,000 birds from breeders. automatically. 1 small Originally, quail were releasedlier and the smallest output for 1 can dent. The annual average now is the month in 30 years, the Agri- 2 cups r $63 million. at about eight weeks of age, but 7 MODEL SIZES lows commission employes foundin culture department says. Airport development funds are 6. to 18 Feet I/4 cup c an intensive quail survival in- May production was less than 1/2 can V. matched by state and local gov- a year earlier in 27 states, un- from 2 hPgir! tool bars ernments, permitting financingvestigation that few of the stock. kind) changed in seven, and more in Distributed by A. A. Klughartt, KansasMY. Me. zlend cr of $5 billion in new and expandeded quail were taken by hunters. fruit 16, the crop reporting board said. BRUNA IMPLEMENT CO Marysville rom facilities in the next decade. Two factors helped pen -reared reamy mii birds fall prey to predators. They The lower production reflected BAYS MOTORS (A -C Dealer) Onaga narshmalli were too young at release time,the continuing trend to fewer efore ser IKE'S RAIL CARS milk cows. However, the report MEINHARDT FARM EQPT. Wamego f cream. and they were not conditioned to This ma; ARRIVE AT ABILENE pointed out, output per cow con- EBERWEIN GARAGE (Oliver) Alma Two railroad cars used by Gen-wild life. So birds were stocked alad but tinues to increase, with the May KENDALL GARAGE & IMPL. Leonardville eral Dwight Eisenhower duringat 16 weeks of age and given 4essert conditioninginflightpens be-average at 869 pounds, a gain of ast from the campaign in Europe have ar- RALPH HOFFMAN CHEV.- (Case) Hope teal.Fre! fore release. one percent from a year earlier. hipped cr rived in Abilene for display near The report also said dairy pas- FARMERS UNION HDIVE. & IMP St. Marys the Eisenhower Center. In recent years, quail harvest, ke above i ture conditions on June 1 aver- W W SMITH & SONS Clay Center ie moderi TRADITIONALLY NEW ... FIELD TO FEEDLOT aged 90 percent of normal, the highest for the date since 1922. CALLAN'S, INC.- Beatrice, Nebr.


Smooth unloading WORM -GEAR DRIVE ...safety bar, too!

New worm -gear drive. New pintle-chain cross con- ) veyor. Safety bar protection, too! Gehl forageboxes make smooth, positive, safe unloading a way of life! Set the unloading pace you need, get the unloading pace you set. Gehi boxes have a full seven -foot inside width with "grain -type" unloading. A standard eight -inch unloading extension makes it easier to direct ma- e. terial where you want it. When purchased with a spring -loaded rear door, unloads bales, too. Gehl forage boxes excel! See us today. 100 H.P. TRACTOR AT 75 H.P. PRICE Make us prove it witha Demonstration! I.H. CUSTOM 856 DIESEL TRACTOR WAMEGO WAMEGO TRUCK SENECA & TRACTOR SENECA IMPL. CO. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY


' 44.-1.11. f' DANISH POTATOES rs.Eddie Wenzl, Beattie, AND MEAT BALLS July 1, 1969 Grass & Grain (Denmark) 5 1 envelope instant mashed po- ends Prize-Winning Recipe tatoes Winner, Mrs. Eddie Wenzl, Beattie: "Here is an original 11/2 cups water flneatrvegetable recipe. It has proved to be a favorite with my 1/2 cup milk COW POKES By Ace Reid and neighbors." teaspoon salt family, friends 1111 MEAT -VEGETABLE DISH 1 tablespoon butter or margar- 11 iq ham or ham scraps. Add 2/3 poundground ine Use 1/2 poundthe two and mix. % pound ground pork beef roast. Grind size (grind) 1 pound ground beef 2 carrots, mediumonion (grind) 1 egg or 2 egg whites 1/2 meditun size 11/2 cups flour 1/4 small head cabbage 11/2 teaspoons salt 2 or 3 largestalks of celery, cubed Grind all together and add 1 small can of tomato soup. Bake 1/8 teaspoon pepper at 325 degrees. 1/2 cup milk (about) for one hour * Salad oil for deepfat frying 1 medium onion, finely chopped gis. Cleo A.Schultz, Alma: QUICHE LORRAINE Prepare potatoes according to 'Here is arecipe I've just gotten (French) friend in N.S.W. Aus- package directions, using water, na a pendifferent so thought 1 9 -inch unbaked pie shell milk,salt and butter. Mix to- It'sdiffer 1/2 pound sliced bacon gether ground pork and beef. alia.let You it too." 11/2 cups grated natural SwissAdd potatoes and onion, mix 6swERINA GARDEN SALAD cheese (6 -ounce) thoroughly. Add egg, flour, sal; vl cups cooked rice,cold 3 eggs and pepper. Add enough milk to 1/2 cup choppedonions 11/2 cups light cream form small balls. Fry in deep 1 cup cookedcold peas % teaspoonsalt fat(375to 385 degrees)until i/2 cup cookedcold carrots, dic- Dash nutmeg, dash pepper, done and well browned. ed dash cayenne * * * 1/2 cup whole cornkernels Prepare pie shell, refrigerate (tinned or frozen) until ready to use. Preheat ovenJERRY DRISCOLL 3/4 cup mayonnaise to 375 degrees. Fry bacon until LEFT $2 MILLION. Toss all together.Place in sal -crisp; drain on paper towel; RUSSELL -- Russell attorney bowl lined with fresh gardencrumble into bits and sprinkle ov- figure ice leaves.Serve. er bottom of pie shell. Then, and longtimepolitical * * * sprinkle with the grated cheese. Jerry Driscoll left a $2 million Need something new to giveBeat the eggs with the cream,estate when he died June 1. Dris- ariety to your menu?Here aresalt, nutmeg, pepper and cay- coll never married and left his me recipes fromvarious coun-enne until well combined but not "Yes, I know Joe's secret to his hot cakes isonly les to provide that"somethingfrothy. Pour into pie shell. Bake estate to 44 relatives. He was 87. milk, eggs, flour, bakin' powder and salt, fferent." 35 to 40 minutes, or until the top NDIAN FRUIT DESSERT is golden and the center seems but where does he git his lead?" (From India) firm. Let cool for 10 minutes be- [he Latest 1 small package cream cheesefore serving. Serves 6. 1 can fruit cocktail * * * `Daily

! 2 cups miniature marshmal- CHICKEN ADOBO lows (Philippines) Bread'

cup chopped walnuts 1 frying chicken can whipped cream (aerosol 1 cup cider vinegar Prize kind) 1whole garlicbud, pounded 'ricBlend cream cheese and juice 2 teaspoons pepper promfruitcocktailuntila 4 tablespoons soy sauce reamy mixture. Add fruit, nuts, 3 cups water they started aarshmallows, and chill. Just 2 tablespoons shortening iefore serving fold in the half Cut chicken into serving piec- cream. Serve. es. Marinate for one hour in mix- This may be served as a fruitture of vinegar, garlic, pepper, lad but is served in India asand soy sauce. Put in pan, add ``dessert asitis quite a con-water. Cover and simmer until tast from their otherwise spicyabout % of the liquid remains it all Cc? heal. Fresh fruits and real and the meat is tender. Remove (hipped cream may be used, butliquid and set aside. Brown meat he above is more convenient forin shortening. Add liquid and "Triumph" Basket he modern-day homemaker. simmer a few minutes. - YOU'LL USE itevery- * * * * * * day! A must for better sal- ads.Stain -resistantmiracle - mesh links make shape changes possible at a touch. Safe for all foods. Made of durable steel. Folds flat for storage. Dozens of uses - Vacation Time salad washer, colander, vege- table washer, egg boiler, hot plate trivet, deep fat fryer, blancher, planter, fruit bas- ket, steam cooker, center- piece, berry basket, beach Right When You bag, desk basket, auo litter basket, flower holder. Need To Replenish The winner each week is drawn by lot from the reci- Dogs are credited with starting Your Wardrobe- pes printed. Win one by' sending us your. the first cooperative. favorite recipe - this can be maindish,leftover,salad, Wolves and wild dogs learned they could hunt sidedish,dessert or what All have you. bettercooperatively.Inpacks.Mangradually 1. Check your recipe care trained dogs to he `man's best friend,' but even fully to be sure all ,ingredi- today You'll see them running in packs. Sprin entsareaccurate andac- counted for. That's not why CO-OP makes dog food, though Dresses 2. Be sure your name and . . just because dogs started the first cooperative. address are on the entry. When You keep colleges and research scientists at 3. Only onerecipeat a Coats time, please. work on nutrition you just naturally learn about 4. Send it to Woman's Page animals. Editor, Grass & Grain, Box Suits 1009. Manhattan, Ks., MM. Dogs for instance. CO-OP Chunk Style Dog Food offersreal con- Costumes venience for vou ineither 10 or 25 -pound bags. Dogs liketoeat chunky food.Their teeth and stomachs are built for chunks. Surprise your dog soon.

EliI chunk style DOG FOOD Satisfaction Guaranteed ton reenleaf FarmCo-op Assn. Farmers Co-op Elevatr sn. Carlton GreenloeafLiAsnn Telephone 31 -Washington

Center Farmers Union Co-op erkin Clay Center -Bala Herkimer Co-op Bus. Assn. -Miltonyale-Leonardville Herkimer HI 3-3824 Oketo RI 4-2341 Manhattan Farmers Cooperative Assn. Manhattan -Alta Vista armers Union Co-op Downtown Manhattan -Westmoreland-Onaga Business Assn. I'm already in the processof Light, Refreshing Dessert trying to find homes for the lit- tle ones. Suggested to one of the We'd Like To HandleYour For Warm Summer Evening printers that he bring hischil- dren out to see the kittens and he said, "I'm afraid our littlegirl Wheat Storage would want one." "Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for," I told him.

* * Cash I told the linotype operator, who is studying for the ministry, that he should have a cat. "No Storage cats!" he stated vehemently. "They're God's creatures,"I Up -To -Date Facilities said, and he answered, "So are wolves." Good point. Fast Handling

We attended a circus at a near- by shopping center and I watch- Refreshments if You HaveTime ed a strange battle as parents with five youngsters, two of which had bought balloons at the circus, struggled to get into the Flint Hills Feed& rai family sedan. I never in my life MANHATTAN! saw such contortions asthat 4th & RI Tracks family went through trying to PR 8.532 squeeze into the car.

Are you looking for a light and container, add gelatin and hot refreshing dessert to serve on ajuice. Cover and process at "stir" warm summer evening? You'll for about one minute. When gel- CASH WHEAT enjoythisstrawberry flavored atinisdissolved, add sugar, Bavarian cream dessert. And it'sstrawberries, egg yolks, and food so easy to prepare with the help coloringif desired and process and STORAGE of a blender. on "liquefy"until strawberries STRAWBERRY are liquefied. Add the cream and Modern BAVARIAN CREAM cracked ice and continue pro- We Solicit Your Grain Business for mir 116 -ounce package frozen cessing until iceis liquefied. Double strawberries, defrosted and Pour at once into serving dishes. and drained Let set five to ten minutes be- Double the Sky -High Elevator at Manhattan anc 1/2 cup cold milk fore serving. Yield: six to eight 2 envelopes unflavored gelatinservings. nee 1/2 cup juice drained from de- Broyhil frosted berries, heated to Gooch's Best Feeder -Proved Feeds an( Modell boiling ant cup sugar net 2 egg yolks FOR LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY Red food coloring 1 cup heavy cream By Beverly Macy 1 cup cracked ice Had a difficult time getting to CK Processing Pour cold milk into blender work one day last week. Our cat Co., Inc had a litter of five kittens on the 21/2 Miles East of Sale Barn Phone PR 6-9269 BRING YOUR floor of the car and I had to move out Mama and her brood MANHATTAN WATCH in order to have transportation TO A SPECIALIST.. FOR repairs Good watches,,...77. deserve' / expert care! ; All others -.4 need it! . P / 4 i'/ \ The more expensive your watch, the more itneeds the attention of experts. Sul or- dinarywatchesneed extraspecialcare because keeping perfect timeisnotjust built-in.It 5 the result of extra care.

3 -pc.d SNYDERS JEWELRY lea Phone: ME 2-5155 cht CLAY CENTER, KS. 5 -pc. c ant eh; 5 -pc. c an NURS-ETTE ch;

7 -pc. ( an ch 7 -pc. tat hi;

111 Inners co Sealy trt THE ROUND-THE-cLOCK Smoot nc AUTOMATIC limy m NURSE- COW King Raise Veal, Feeder Calves fc

Herd Replacements Complete Line Of Medicated Milk Replacers CARROLL'S Specialized Feeds Phone 913 - 229-6454 ALTA VISTA, KANS. or see: Glen Zwygart - Onaga T. J. GRIFFITH.CHAIRMAN OF THE HOARD Van Meter Dairy Supply ' GYPSUM, KANS. In lasso some real wildsavings ... with 5322 It's your chance to credit terms so easyand gentle they won't evenruffle your budget.Put your brand on thefurniture you want now! LIVING ROOMBUYS

-"41111/1114 DON'T WORRY ABOUT CASH... Modern walnutfinishdresser YOUR mirror bookcase bed '99 Doubledresser,mirror,chest CREDIT and bookcase bed $119 Reg. 79.95 IS GOOD! Doubledresser,mirror,chest and panel bed in walnutve.$149'' SOFA -BED neer Broyhildoubledresserchest $5995 and panel bed. Solid sides$16495 Moderntripledresser,chest 'Prim. modern style_in durable and panel bed walnut ve-$174"5 nylon cover. Opens to sleep neer plastic top "2. Has hidden bedding 1 11 compartment. C.0 23 cu. ft. CHEST TV Lotinger, use as a sofa .or$12995 bed. Both sides drop... FREEZER Now Only 2 -piece living room suite, chair 95 $19995 and davenport withthree $149 reversiblecushions Al. 2 -piece living- room suite, revel - rn95 holds over 800 lbs sible cushions, nylon cover I J7 with moulded back RECLINER 3 -pc. sectional with nylon cover $18995 with moulded back,all three pieces Beautiful floral sofa with three$19995 Adjustsautomatically t 0 reversiblecushions one of three positions for perfect individual com- Over 100 Sofas To Choose From fort. Combination n9- Ion and support vin- yl upholstering. $179.95 Plus Lots More You'll Have to Come in to See! HIDE -A -BED T

Guaranteed Prompt $11995 li- DINETTES Free Delivery Full size Mattress Beautiful Cover 3 -Pc-dinettesetdrop- $ leaf table and two chairs MISCELLANEOUS Reg. $79.95 5 -pc. dinettesettable $ 4995 and four padded Maple finish step tables HOLLYWOOD chairs Just Look at the Tremendous Savings 5 -pc.dinettesettable $ on Odds -and -Ends and Accent Pieces! Walnut finish step tables $ 995 BED OUTFIT and four high back chairs Full size baby crib mattress $ Coffee table and two step $1995 7-13c- dinettesettable $ and six beautiful tables foam mattress and box chairs All steel typewriter and util- $ 'aMiracle3spring with Hollywood frame 7 -pc. deluxe dinette set ity table and headboard. table and six chairs$11995 20x24 Quality plate glass mir- $ high back ror 2 -pc. studio couch with $12995 CHAIRS matching chair in nylon 5 -piece cover High back platform rock- $3995 GE clothes dryer,.... only$ 8995 er BEDDING 11.Q, volt, High baserocker with $4495 DINETTE SET Innerspring RCA solid state portable rec- $ 4995 solid walnut arms . mattress, 180 $2450 Recliner, three-way posi- $4495 BE coil ord player - tion,all vinyl cover- $39 " Sealyinnerspringmat-. $2905 Admiral air conditioner, eas- $ 9995 EARLY tress; tufted ed heat proof and four ilyinstalled Early American swivel $5995 - FOR BEST padded chairs. Smooth top innerspring$3950 Solid walnut lamp table -rocker withreversi- no buttons ble cushion Simmons Beauty -Rest$5950 Pontiac swivel rocker, $8495 mattress, smooth top all vinyl cover ng Koil Regal, quilted $5950 foam top with inner- Plenty of springs Free Parking


HURRYIN AND HOG-TIE SOMEOF THESE FABULOUS BARGAINS FOR YORE HOMECORRAL ! around the first of April. The vandalism includesbreak- ing windows in schools and com-buses EMPOI munity halls, damaging school im.7,s. and breakinginto 'Head( atei EMPOF 300,000 rveimrgeimlbe; Ba

saesve"roerlepal NEW FACE OF HERINGTON BANK fire in the spring, will look like thiswhen construction on The Bank of Herington, which was lost to Bu. Capacit , n proi the new facility is finished. completed More a along US 54 have shown interestmate of this year'sspring wheat in tying into the water line. crop until July.But, the hoard WE CAN HANDLE YOUR linmiaTlilhnioenNiCii: report, early tern. Line Goddard Looks To "Goddard may have a 2 -way said in its June crop 120 inches choice inits 2 -year search for growth has beengenerally favor- WHEAT QUICKLY AT GR ENithroughot Wichita Water water,"saidMayorWilbur able. ilkotection Floyd. Seeding was about95 percent After a 2 -year search for an by June cap.aubnilfiot ire adequate water supply, Goddard Cost was estimated at $30,000completed in Minnesota has more than enough. a mile to pipe water sixmiles1, about normal, andvirtually The city has two test wells from the equus beds into God done in North Dakota. good someably mofute drilled in the equus beds six dard. "The crop is making DEALER FOR FEEDSpass ben( "You can he sure we will gogrowtli.and 10 percentof the WAY miles east of Goddard along US and 4 imany ne% 54. Now the city has found pos-the most economical and besthard red spring wheat IIYFP giame: sibilities of water ft om anotherway for Goddard residents,"thepercent of the durum wasin the said. source. mayor said. jointing stage," the report iastic." Robert Hess, Wichita water The Goddard population has This was somewhatbehind the At rim but about RILEY COUNTY AND department director, met with grown from 550 to 1000residentsearly season of 1968 ult.Ala Goddard officials to explore thein the lastfiVe years. average for June1. the report CLAY COUNTY LOANS erely d possibility of Goddard tying into said. leared u the Wichita system. Some moisture shortagesexist- n a fey "We knew Goddard was hav-Spring Wheat Lateed in parts of thespring wheat as show South Dakota and ing trouble getting water," Hess area, including LIPPERT GRAIN CO1 uitedisc said. "We feel that one metro-But Looking Good Montana. but in Idaho.Vashing The eN politan water system is best for The 1969 spring wheat crop inton and Oregonconditions were -MAXINE FRIEDER1need by the area." the Northern states got off to agood to excellent. Wichita has a 16 -inch lineal-slow start, butis making good GREEN, KANS. PHONE WI 4-2 ong US 54 to Tyler road sevenprogress, says the Agriculture miles from Goddard. The city isDepartment. Study Wave Of studying thefeasibilityof ex The Crop Reporting Board will tending the line another three not make its first production esti-Vandalism In miles. Some housing projects Eastern Kansas Policeineastern Kansas are seeking a solution to a recent RA NctLOA NS wave of vandalism in the area. Damage estimates from coun- A Financial Service ty insurance officials total about DIXON For The Farmer $250,000 in counties including 01, And By The Farmer Miami, Johnson. Douglas Shaw- Qklah. nee, and Franklin. R. STANLEY PARSONS, Mgr. Police met two weeks ago in SEE ME AT Topeka to determine how to 604 HUMBOLDT PR 6-6931 deal with the problem. Stepped- Res. Phone JE 9-8725 up patrols in- the area were tried MANHATTAN but have not been successful. Miami County Sheriff Jerry While Open Mon. through Fri. day, t, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed 12-1) Miller said the Kansas Bureau of for th Branch Offices: CLAY CENTER & JUNCTION CITY Investigation may he called in. THE PRICE IS RIGHT es of Police say heaviest vandalism While Federal occursinrural areas where that LAND BANK Assn. of Are Your Hogs ready for 1 farm machinery, livestock, and did FL MANHATTAN household goods have been stol- classe Serving Clay, en or damaged. today's all -right Market? lower Geary, Pottawatomie & Riley Counties. The rash of incidents began not p Now's the time to push your pigs tomarket good cattle . and the weight while the priceisright . . feeding demand is good. You'll need a proven FAT animals do program designedto make your 1bla, their best in this hot weather.And KEY has 12 m B.F Goodrich the formula to do just that. There arethree 2bla steps;follow them and you'llpocket your 1wh 2 wh profits while they're on tap: 1 wh

1 blk 6bla KEY PIG GROWER with SP -250 4wh KEY STARTER with SP -250 4wh PRICED TO SAVE ration 1wh YOU TIME & MONEY KEY FINISHER -a complete 3 wh "Finisher" is the KEY HOGFATTENER, 8 blk animals 1bla the complete ration that takes your 1 promise you wh Heavy Duty Express-- - to market weight faster. And Iwe 1 wh TractionPlus steadier SIZE PLY PRICE that your hogs will put on the weight 3 bla SIZE PLY PRICE and with less chance 'of heat set -back. 2hol 6.70-15 6 $17 2 hol 7.00-15 6 $22 6.70-15 6 $22 6.00-16 7.00-15 6 $28 6 $16 $22 STE 6.50-16 6 $18 6.50-16 6 6 5 bIt 7.00-16 6 $22 7.00-16 $22 ALL KEY SWINE FEEDS 7.50-16 8 $38 1 bh 7.50-16 8 $29 2 bit 7.50-20 10 $37 7.50-20 10 $45 ARE HIGH IN ANIMAL 8.25-20 10 $48 1 bl; I8.25-20 10 $39 PROTEIN HOG 2 bll We're thinking particularly of KEY 40'; 1 WI own ABOVE PRICES PLUS FEDERAL EXCISE TAX& RE-CAPPABLE TIRE SUPPLEMENT that you use with your 1 bll grain.Ifyou areusing feedloadedwith 1 wl protein derived from vegetable and notfrom 1 bl REX KOPPES ATTENTION time and 1 wl OWNER On K-15 North of Square animal, you just don't know about the KEY 1 w1 Phone ME 2-2167 money you are losing.Look into the 1 he If you have tire trouble program for your own good. tin the fields . . . OK offers this area only HEI See Your KEY Dealer Or 7w -TIRE - Call Mill Collect ME 2-2141 2 bl On The 1 bl "0 STORES 1W o Farm Service 1W CO. 1 re CLAY CENTER, KANS. CALL CLAY CENTER MILLING Also Available In JunctionCity At OK Tire Service & Rex's Deep Rock ServiceIn Abilene ME 2-2167 CLAY CENTER,KANS. PHONE ME 2-2141 issued by the city and$650,000 grade school and in federal funds. Included junior high accident. Emporia Has is school, and the boardof educa- Police in eastern Kansas say Grass & Grain9 $773,815forthe new water tion building at Lone blii mains, an $889,750 Elm. vandalism an the area has result- Headaches With addition to In an incidentatPrinceton,ed in damage to buildings, farm July 1, 1969 the water treatment plantand vandals damageda tree and me- $238,000 for a new pumping machinery and livestock and sta-morial constructed bythe par-school buses. Some insurance of -halals estimate the damageto- Mater System tion. ents of a boy killed tal at close to $250,000. EMPORIA - City manager ina car Virgil Basgall said he expects to remember the summer of 1969 More Vandalism as "onelong headache and a severe painin the ear," In AndersonCo. The city Friday started a $2.3 COLONY.-- The Anderson Feed the fastonefrom Kansas Soya ymillion city water system expan- .4,1 County sheriff and insuranceof- 7on project,which won't be ficials are seeking identityof Now take healthier, heavier D, and E for fastest growth and maximum completed until November. paint -toting vandals. hogs to market 15 to 20 days use of corn and milo. Eight powerful More than nine miles of water Someone splatteredpainton sooner. Feed Lasso 40% Hog growth .factors.Plusantibiotics(op- main will be added to the sys-three schools and the board will range from 4 to of Supplement, thetest -proventional) to fight common swine diseases. tern. Line education building of District balanced feed 20 inches andwill be varied 479. that's made Feed Lasso 40% Hog Supplement, the throughout the city to boost fire Superintendent of the district, from nature's richest source of protein: supplement that gets 'em to market ttotection and water delivery Carl Hendon, said damagewas highly digestible and palatable Sunflower faster.Call: capabilities. extensive and restoration ofthe Brand Soybean Meal.What elsegoes KANSAS SOYA PRODUCTS CO.,INC. "Unfortunately and unavoid- buildingswill be expensive. into it? The exact amounts of Vitamins A, Phone DI 2-7270; Emporia, Kansas ably, much of it will be buried in Hit with orange paint were the some of the finest lawns and willColony high school, the Kincaid pass beneath the driveways of many new homes," Basgall said. am expecting taxpayers to Cultivator Sweeps something less than enthus-6" High Crown sweups $1.06 iastic." 8" High Crown sweeps $1.27 At times, dirty water will re-8" High Crown half sweeps $1.27 10" High Crown sweeps sult.Although the wateris $1.50 Spear points $1.10 merely discolored and can be Mower sectionsreg.underser- eared up by letting faucets Rake teeth, as low as $ .26 a few minutes, experience Rock guards $1.05 Viking guards $1.15 as shown customers become Mower sections, reg. smooth 13c uite disturbed, Basgall added. Mower sections, reg. underserat- The expansion projectisfin - rated $14c .ICHneed by $1.66 million in bondsMower sections,heavysmooth 15c Mower sections, heavy underser- -2364 rated 16c Full length wear plate.... $2.69 (MUTESTMower Pitman Woods, as low as $1.85 your grain! Mower hold downs, as low as 38c

Fastest, most accurate way Continental twine $7.90 to check moisture content of Greenfield supreme twine . $8.25 grain hay seeds Holland roto twine $7.80 Now test the moisture content of grain in seconds -in bins, sacks, even in your combine tank. New QUICKTEST gives fast, accurate moisture readings without grain HOLT FARM samples, chemicals or charts. Also records relative humidity ofair. Special thermometer attachment spots spontaneous heating. Write: I T. C 0SUPPLY DIXON DISTRIBUTORS, INC. OKLAHOMA CITY, Next To Sale_.Barn 1618 N.W. 5th Oklahoma City, Okla. 73106 MANHATTAN PR 6-7943 ManhattanCommission Co., Inc.Sale &vim/ While the weather was threating all 21/2 MILES EAST OF MANHATTAN ON US 24 day, we had a good run of cattle COWS for this time of year, with all class- 1 whiface cow black cow 945 @19.30 11111111011111111111111 860 @ 25.30 BULLS es of cattle selling at steady prices. 1 whiface heiferett 750 @ 25.20 whiface hrn cow 1000 @19.30 1 black bull 385 @31.00 While we didn't have the quality holstein cow 1225 @19.30 1 whiface heiferett 795 @ 25.00 1 whiface hrn bull 760 @29.40 that we had the week before, we whiface hrn cow 885 @19.10 1 whiface cow 720 @ 24.75 2 black bulls 520 @29.40 Following our policy of years, did have plenty of buyers for all whiface cow 1195 @19.10 1 blk whiface cow625 @ 23.50 395 @29.10 MANHATTAN COMMISSION classes of cattle. Cows were a little whiface hrn cow 1010 @18.70 1 black bull 1 whiface cow 835 @ 23.10 2black bulls 505 @29.10 COMPANY sales will run through- lower but high yeilding cows were whiface hrn cow 1020 @18.70 out the season. No interruption 1 whiface cow 935 @ 22.80 1 black bull 660 @28.90 not plentiful!. We always have a holstein cow 915 @18.40 for harvest. We're always ready to 1 whiface hrn cow 715 @ 22.80 1 whiface hrn bull660 @28.40 t good market for all classes of black cow 875 @18.30 handle your cattle. 1 black cow 600 @ 22.75 1 black stg 650 @28.20 e cattle. Partial listing below: whiface cow 865 @18.30 1 whiface cow 900 @ 22.50 1 whiface hrn bull1220 @27.05 black cow 885 @18.20 1 whiface cow 1015 @ 22.30 1575 @27.00 FAT CATTLE & FEEDERS whiface cow 995 @18.10 1 holstein bull 1 blk whiface cow860 @ 22.20 1 whiface bull 1570 @26.90 1 black steer black cow 855 @18.00 S 675 @32.90 1 whiface cow 925 @ 21.10 1 whiface hrn bull1335 @26.85 12 mixed steers black cow 1015 @17.80 e 918 @32.50 1 whiface cow 1080 @ 20.80 1 whiface hrn bull1410 @26.80 2 black steers whiface cow 875 @17.70 BUYING 840 @32.00 1 whiface cow 1060 @ 20.80 1 whiface hrn bull1610 @26.70 1 whiface steer black cow 930 @17.20 FAT HOGS 580 @32.00 1 whiface cow 1065 @ 20.80 1 whiface hrn bull640 @26.00 2 whiface steers whiface cow 1050 @17.00 797 @32.00 1 whiface cow 1010 @ 20.80 1 black bull 710 @25.40 1 whiface steer 585 @31.90 1 whiface hrn cow 1080 @ 20.80 whiface cow 970 @16.60 We buy fat hogs in Manhattan, 1 blk whiface steer 865 @31.80 1 whiface cow 1040 @ 20.80 Alma, and Lskridge according 6 black steers 884 @31.40 1 blk whiface cow 1275 @ 20.80 to the following schedule: 4 whiface mixed hfs [email protected] 1 whiface cow 1205 @ 20.70 4 whiface steers 1112 @31.10 1 black cow 885 @ 20.70 At Manhattan 1 whiface heifer 945 @30.10 1 whiface cow 1195 @ 20.60 Tuesdays & Saturdays 3 whiface heifers 745 @30.00 1 holstein cow 1310 @ 20.60 8 blk whiface hfrs 798 @29.70 1 whiface cow 1285 @ 20.60 BUYING HOURS 1 black heifer 790 @2,20 1 whiface hrn cow 1095 @ 20.60 8 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 1 whiface hrn hfr 590 @29.00 1 whiface cow 1200 @ 20.50 1 whiface heifer 810 @29.00 1 whiface cow 985 @ 20.50 At Alma 3 black heifers 570 @28.10 1 whiface hrn cow 1030 @ 20.40 Every Tuesday 2 holsteinsteers 762 @28.10 1 whiface cow 1105 @ 20.40 8 2 holsteinsteers 1087 @27.10 1 black cow 1050 @ 20.40 a.m. to 1:0 0p.m. 1115 @ 20.40 STEER CALVES 1 whiface cow 1215 @ 20.40 AtEskridge 5 black steers 1 whiface cow 370 @ 39.50 1150 @ 20.30 1 black steer 1 whiface cow Every Wednesday 415 @ 37.75 1210 @ 20.30 2 black steers 1 holstein cow 435 @ 37.25 1450 @ 20.20 8: a .m . to 1: 0,0 p.m . 1 black steer 1 holstein cow 525 @ 35.90 1 whiface cow 985 @ 20.20 For information call the barn 2 blk whiface strs 530 @ 34.40 1 holstein cow 1220 @ 20.20 in Manhattan, PR 6-4815. Or you 1 whiface hrn str 515 @ 33.30 n 1 whiface cow 925 @ 20.20 may call Joe Raine atMaple Hill 1 blk whiface str 425 @ 33.00 h 1 black cow 990 @ 20.20 663-2226, orEskridge yard 449- 1 whiface steer 530 @ 32.90 n 1 black cow 1040 @ 20.10 2347, or Alma yard 765-3841 1 black steer 410/1110, d 440 @ 30.90 1 whiface cow 1060 @ 20.00 FOR ESTIMATES - 1 whiface steer 540 @ 30.30 1 whiface cow 1140 @ 20.00 W.E. DUGAN -Alta Vista, 229-6430 1 whiface rdnkstr 495 @ 30.20 1 whiface cow 1110 @ 20.00 JOE RAINE Maple Hill, 663-2226 1 holstein steer 460 @ 27.10 1 whiface hrn cow 1115 @ 19.90 DON WELLS Manhattan,JE9-3744I 1 whiface hrn cow 1045 @ 19.90 MERVIN SEXTON Abilene, CO 3-3449 The Manhattan Commission HEIFER CALVES 1 whiface hrn cow 1125 @ 19.70 I7 whiface heifers C. j: WENTZ,bus.mgr.Manhattan, JE 9-5561 490 @ 31.90 1 whiface cow 1260 @ 19.60 2 black heifers Company, Inc. 462 @ 31.80 1 black cow 900 @ 19.50 1 blk whiface heifer 180 @ 31.25 995 @ 19.50 1 whiface cow BARN PHONE Manhattan, PR 6-4815 1 whiface rdnk hfr 510 @ 29.10 5 black cows 925 @ 19.40 2V MILES EAST ON US 24 1 whiface heifer 400 @ 28.10 1 whiface cow 1125 @ 19.30 Consignment Reports MANHATTAN, KANSAS 1 red heifer 500 @ 26.30 1 black cow 890 @ 19.30 WMW radio 6:30 A.M. Thursdays WIBW-TV 12:15 Noon Wednesdays AUCTIONEER: JOE RAINE 323, Newupon the ICC to make district court room, Memorial and Tulsa, Okla., Room an in DOugl Federal Building, Aug. 6. gation of the SantaFe's Building, Aug. 1; Independence, to discontinue the pros,, Stockman -Legislator Bob Brown Aug. Rep. Joe Skubitz, R-Kans., par- last two. Kans., district courthouse, ticularly asked that hearingsbesenger trains operating vept 4;Baollesville,Okla., Chamber be:. Impection held at Chanute when hecalledKansas City andTulsa. Rebuts Critic Of Meat of t'ommerce building, Aug.5; Contr State liep. Bob Brown, R -Em-stock Committee, pointed out LAvoll mett, has taken issue with a that federal representatives, a County Washington delegation of Con- statement by Dr. Harry G. Kroll, endeaVOIT president of Shawnee County gressmen from Kansas,and agri- STORAGE ty's birth Medical Society, who has criticiz-culture and livestock itcommit- WHEAT rateand ed 1969 meat inspection legisla-teese of the Kansas Legislature control pi tion in a bulletin of the medicalhad discussed the measure. cording t4 society. bountyhl Kroll said the enactment of 4 LOCATIONS Any Senate Bill 95 "denies any pro- AT ALL over 18, tection to the consumer of the More Airline status, rm meat products produced in Kan- under 18 sas." Training At Salina MILTOWALE BALA CLAY CENTER Gov. Robert Docking signed the SALINA - Salina municipal guardian mandatory meat inspection billairport here will be used as a LEONARDVILLE "We'd I into law April 24, to be effectivetraining base for Northwest Air- Your Storage Solicited ulation ad Dec. 1, two weeks before the fed-lines, Minneapolis, Minn., on a 30 - fromthat eral Wholesome Meat Act wouldday trial basis. Dr. Clint( take over inspection of meat in Mike Scanlan, Salina, executive MOST CONVENIENT FOR YO( took allstates without state legisla-vice-president of the Selina air- USE FACILITIES gram. uP tion. port authority, said Northwest increaseI The bill, designed to keep in- will operate two Boeing 727-200's month. spection of state -consumed meatis training aircraft beginning Thepr in the hands of Kansas officials,July 1. THE FARMERSUNION mated $11 gives inspection authority to the Trans World Airlines uses the State Board of Agriculture and airport runways for training. takes it away from the State The facility is the former Schill- CuriosHangs: Dept. of Health, which has super-ing Mr Force base. ASSOCIATION 4 STEW vised the program more than 30 Northwest is expected to base COOPERATIVE eats, but years. one plane at Salina while others riflehad Brown said a majority of legis-will make daily flights from Home Office: Clay Center Kans. At lea lators felt that since the federalMinneapolis with new pilots to Mrs. J. guidelines were established un- be trained. Elevator ME2.2313 di' der the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Theyh the state should also place the .;heynoti program under the supervision Set Hearings For sto of the agriculture board. had "Kansas has always had one of 'gatepost Last North -South On 11 the best programs of meat in- chain wit spection of any state," Brown end. Th said. Santa Fe Run so "But we, as legislators, had to The Interstate Commerce Com- answer :open 150-bushel stuule follow the federal act, or the gov-mission has scheduled a series of hearings on the proposal of When ernment would have moved in." he found Replying to statements by the Santa Fe Railway to discon- last two passenger apparent Kroll that Senate Bill 95 deletestinueits chain an use of veterinarians as inspectorstrains operating between Kansas picker inapull-type eyelid.' and does not prescribe penalties,City and Tulsa through Kansas, the wid Brown said. "Ranchers and farm-according to ICC Commissioner ers are not going to have one Kenneth H. Tuggle. It's Oliver's lime Making 83for wide or narrow rows ebull. darn thing to do with it. Veterin- Under typical ICC procedure, After arians will be used to inspect the Santa Fe will be required to keep the trains in operation for the beht meat. Here is high -yield capacity in a 2 -rowpickerthe start of the season, then switch to she'll the eyel "Theymustunderstand, a period of four monthspending with 4320 pounds of working weight.Power attachment if you run out of crib room. the hull though, we do not have enoughthe investigation and decision of er of th veterinarians in Kansas toin- the commission. line, drives and gear boxes ruggedly builtfor Other choices : Blade rolls with snapping spect all this meat. There's go- ICC examiner Edward J. Reidy today's larger tractors. And Oliver's famousSimilar to those used in combine corn heads; ing to have to be outside, trainedwill conduct the investigation long -lug roller -type gathering chains that can conventional spiral rolls. Blade rolls often sa laymen to go in and inspect." and hearings on the following up to 5 or 6 bushels more per acrebecaus dates and at the following plac-sweep the ground fordown corn. He added the bill does specify ears never touch the rolls. However, conve use of veterinarians and pro- es: The Oliver 83 also gives you the right vides for penalties for violators. Kansas City, Room 147B, Fed- options to fit your kind of picking:Wide ortional spiral rolls handle heavy trash at fas Brown, one of the drafters oferal Building, July 28 and 29; narrow rows; 12 -rollhusking box for yieldsfield speeds. the bill that originated in the Ottawa, Kans., districtcourt- above 110 bushels - replacing the standard This year, go with Oliver's big -yieldpicket fc Senate Agriculture and Live- house, July 31; Chanute, Kans., 8 -roll box; big -capacity shelling unit inter-the pull -type 83 and big capacity wagons.Se changeable with either husking unit. your dealer. Oliver Corporation,Chicago, I "STAY AHEAD WITH-Srimm:MMOR " With this husker, you can crib ear corn at 60606. Subsidiary of White Motor Corporaticy W OLIVER Haul HERE'S THE TIME MAKER YOUR d 0 NEXT U BI still

Stormor Steel Bins are loaded Mount( with NEW FEATURES: factory inGround controlled ventilation for more efficient drying. Roof walkway ring for strength andsafety. i. to esr4YAfcat(u,?Ilomdac a1n:) IIIHandsome, practical white roof. old-do Best of all they're versatile. Use them for storage this fall and convert to automatic high-speed drying next fall using Dry-O-Mation equipment made especially for the job. Sizes to 42,600 bu. give you the capacity and versatility you need in your operation. Beat the last-minute rush-see us this week for sure. itesetai

FS(ilPft-ufk 63". JIMWAHLE DURHAM SALINA CLAY CENTER JUNCTION CITY, KANS. Toburen Imple. Co. G&R ImPLCa 66441 Lindquist ImpL Co. ABILENE 14 A L ER 2 Phone 913 238-7630 MARYSVILLE Motor CD' Peschel Bros.' ImpL ty EMPORIA ALMA HOLTpieN Arndt Bros. DI 2-5262 Eberwein Gums* Spikerpimeat ly from state fundsbudgeted for birth control pills,other contra- Douglas Health ceptive devices andsupplies. )ropy "Probably half ofmy clinicalMajor Feeders Have 14%Gain Wo DeptGives Birth time is takenup with this type betw of thing (birth control.)This be- Cattle and calves being fedon Feedlots in Arizona, California,feed, up 57 percent from ayear ontroi Pills Free ing the month ofJune makes June1for the beef slaughterColorado, Iowa, Nebraska, and earlier;Arizona 444,800, up 35 LAWRENCE - The Douglassome difference- there are market totaled 14 percent moreTexas contained 6,552,000 head percent; Colorado 652,000, up 25, County HealthDepartmentis more -marriages andmore peo-than a year earlier in six majoron June 1, a gain of 2 percentpercent; Nebraska 1,302,000, up endeavoring tolower the coun- ple thinking aboutmarriage," producing states, says the Agri-from May 1, the Crop Reporting12 percent; Iowa 2,048,000, up 1 said Dr. Clinton. culture Department. percent; and California 944,000, ty's birthrate to equal the death Board said. rate and isissuing free birth Pills are dispensed onlyon a Texas had 1,132,000 head on down 1 percent from a year ear- control pills toaccomplish it, ac-doctor's prescriptionor after an lier. cording to Dr. Dale Clinton, cityexamination by Dr. Clintonto Summer Training unty healthofficer. ensure the woman taking them will do so in safety. No Any medicallyfitwoman fee is 18, regardless of marital charged for the examinationbyAs Junior over obtain the pills. Girlsthe health officer. Wheat 'status, may under 18,meeting medical re- Dr. Clinton said most oftheExtension Agents quirements, need parental or women taking advantage of the MANHATTAN - Eleven stu- Harvest guardian consent. free birth control serviceare indents from Kansas State Univer- WE WILL HANDLE YOUR WHEAT their20s. Twenty-five to '"We'd like to stabilize the pop- 30 sity are spending the summeras ON ulation and we are along way girls under 18 are enrolled. junior assistant county extension from that inDouglas County," "Quite a number of theseareagents throughout Kansas. Dr. Clintonsaid. In May, 83 wo-married or had come in fortheir All are between their junior Government Loan men took advantageof the pro-pre-ntarital exalination," he ad-and senior yearsincollege. gram, up 13from April, and theded. "Pills were prescribed fora The students, their home coun- 'increase has been 5 to10 percentfew unmarried girls consideredties, and the county where they Open Storage-Cash Market mentally slow by doctors." month. he added. will train: WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS The program, costing an esti- Jean Clarkson, Cowley, Thomas mated $10,000, is financed entire- Donna Burnett, Linn, Lv'nworth Carolyn Landes, Brown, Franklin An Independent Business NFO On Side Mary Ann Muellen, Wash., Scott Hangup For Joan Zimmer, Osborne, Shawnee Beverly Frazier, Wallace, Wilson Curious Bull Of FarmWorkers Carol Ann Storer, Greenwood, STERLING - Curiosity kills The National FarmersOrgani- Mitchell Hines Farm Center cats, hut it only gives hulls ter-zation and two religiousgroupsRoberta Moore, Shawnee, Seward have supported legislation Gayle Roberts, Wichita, Jewell rific hang-ups. to ex-Charles McNeal, Russell, Ellis '17vw144EG :157: At least, that's what Mr. andtend the right of collectivebar-Roberta Smith, Neosho, Cowley ris Mrs. J.C. Yates, ruralSter- gaining to farm workers. ling, discoveredlast, weekend. In testimony beforea Senate They becameworriedwhenlabor subcommittee, thethree hey noticed the 1200 pound bull groups advocated placing farm had stooddocilely besidea labor relations under thejuris- SEMI- gatepost for more than a day. diction of the National LaborRe- ANNUAL On the gate was a 12 -inchlations Board rather thana spe- chain with a large S hook at the cial farm labor board in theAgri- end. They had leftthe gateculture department. 11110E open so that the bull could get The Rev. Shirley E. Greene, shade. Methodist minister representing When Yates got to the bull, the National Council of Church- he .found that the animal had es, urged the strongest possible ppaCently rubbed against the law to assure equality between chain and managed to hook higgrowers and workers in collect- eyelid. The blunt hook, alxiutive bargaining. the width of a small finger. Marvin Braiterman, speaking for the Commission on Social Ac- ALE ad, torn through the eyelid of the ,bull. tion of Reform Judaistn,.saidag- After securely tying downricultural technology' nowcon- comein andsave the behemoth, Yates separated verts the farm into a farm fac- shellingthe eyelid from the chain. But, tory and eliminates any justifica- Present the hull has a swollen remind- tion for excluding farm workers Stock from the protections afforded Has ,ingbcter of the unhappy connection. To other industrial workers. Sell Immediately! en say; Save 3S% to Wye Decaus @op conver 3 Locations it picket for Wheat ms. Storage Jigo, oratior CASH OR LOAN Linn- Washington - Greenleaf Women's Haul your grainto the elevator most convenient for you. If you need information on capacities, please call Greenleaf office 747-2160 Spring & Summer Dress Shoes Men's Oxfords & Loafers GREENLEAF FARMERS Red Cross .Mr. Easton Tempos FanFares City Club Dexter Wesboro CO-OP ELEVATOR ASSN. Values To 18" Val 184o b'@0.c:ImiEDracks 8"12"14" for any make or model pickup 6"8"12" 411Malk. Sturdy

Convenient Practical 8,000 PAIRS TO BE LIQUIDATED!

Mounted freeon Your trucic'eat, MEN'S factoryor ship. ped to you. BOOTS Available in Western stock rackor Wellington old -down Lace combination. Values To $20

Fits all trucks.No bolt projections to injure stock. Top grade select kiln-dried lumber.Choice red or white.Fits precisely 0pick-up endgateclosesbehindit. Sturdy oak stakes. L_ ift-upgate slides easily in steel channels.Standard height Special heighton order._ When OrderingSpecify Make, Model, Size of Bed McCalls' 312 Poynts -;(7>4- downtown Manhattan HAUL- MOR, INC.valley falls, kansas phone 945-3211 r

`A. a... z.sr, ... X- ,...rtntr-rsew.wtrt-litleAmIcaimy,, K -State Developed UreaProduct Art C AtBE BELLE and ind°° Explained At Dairy Meeting of the B the amount Ait of moreduced by Starea so MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. - least in part, the result ammonia should belower." ebration When astarch -controlledureaefficient utilization of this am- sponsored micro- ) product recently developed at monia by its conversion to YOU Store Your Grain This Year PKansas Kansas State University, Man- bial protein, Bartley said. Where Will Among hattan, was fed to rumen fistu- Amino acid analyses were used havewor. of bac- I I WEI I Pali lated identical twin cattle, rumenIto evaluate the quality `, tiska ammonia levels were lower thanterial protein formed duringin 4phnSOn) when the same cattle were fedvitro fermentation. There were phenson, equivalent amounts of urea andindications that bacterial protein Mankato; ground grain, Dr. Erie E. Bart-contained more isoleucine, leu- Marian V ley, K -State dairy scientist, toldcine, methionine, tyrosine, and JanMelh persons attending the annual phenylalanine when the sub- stance was soybean meal or American Dairy Science Associa- BmSTEEDs tion meeting at the University ofStarea rather than ground grain bd -Arr-11111111111111. (Natio Minnesota. and urea. m

The product referred to by "Since reminants depend pri- Bartley is Starea, the trademarkmarily on microbialprotein to Buys name given it by W. R. Gracemeet their protein require- I V4 and Co. of New York. Bartleyments," Bartley concluded, "it ap- ,4,6 Farml is one of the principal developerspears that Starea meets those re- Nationa of the product. Others were Dr.quirements better than unproces- and Millis Charles Deyoe and Dr. Harry sed mixtures of grain and urea. expa: Pfost of the K -State departmentAlso, Starea should be less toxic the acqui of grain science and industry. than mixtures of grain and urea acreage o Rumen fermentation is a dy-because ammonia levels are re - Central I In=11MIN. namic system where ammonia is .10111 elevators constantly being produced, meta- eration. bolized, absorbed or removed. Seek Shorthorn ;The exr The concentration of ammonia or exchange( microbial protein in the rumenLassie Entries undisclos The Kansas Shorthorn Asso- It at any given time depends onall ciation is looking for entries in shares. those factors, Bartley said. High amount t itsannualShorthornLassie lars' wort rumen microbial protein concen- contest. Nominations may be tration may result from slower The pro microbial protein removal from sent to Mrs. Carol Reynolds, '1iiarles F not Cuba, Kansas. Eligible for ASC Loans Turn Key Job Nebr., wil the rumen, and, therefore, Entries must be 16-21 years really reflect increased microbial 3500 acre, of age, single, from a family If you are too busy to erect your bin - Let us give you iucing fa protein synthesis, he added. which raises Shorthorns or has a turnkey job with a BS&B bin setting on a flat slab, or To test that factor several ar- shown Shorthorn cattle.The maybe a hopper bottom, to cut out the scoop shovel. We tificial rumen or in vitro fermen- applicant must become a mem- have aeration ducts & fans. I tation studies were undertaken ber of the Shorthorn Lassies. We have the best bin, waterproof foundations, and at K -State. The Lassie Queen for 1969 we try hardest to please you. In the in vitro fermentation, am- will be chosen from the prin- monia cannot leave the "rumen" cesses, all of whom will be an- by absorption or passage and nounced at the Kansas State microbialprotein cannot leave Shorthorn Picnic on July 26. NORTH CENTRAL STEEL CO. INC the passage. Therefore, ammonia levels and microbial protein lev- 116 West Second Minneapolis, Ks. 67467 EX 2.2077 els of in vitro studies should indi- ADD TO G&G AREA cate whether the lower ammonia LUMBER. HOLDINGS level with Starea rations truly The owners of Kansas Lumber indicatesgreater conversionof Co. yards at Manhattan and Em ammonia to microbial protein. poria have bought five other Two in vitro studies comparing yards at Wichita, Augusta, Ki- farm. with Youown a a corn and urea supplement owa, Medicine Lodge, and Chero- a Starea supplement were con-kee, Okla., from the J. W. Metz ducted. After four hours of fer-Lumber Co. The new owners are mentation the Starea supple- W. C. Allen, Kansas City inves- ments markedly reduced the lev-tor, and W. R. Glassock, Manhat- elof ammonia compared with ton, co -owners of yards at Hutch- Ifyou levels from unprocessed corn and inson; Chanute; Fayette, Mo.; urea supplements. The lower ru-Ridgeway, Mo.; Lamoni, Ia.; and men ammonia levels were, at Camdenton, Mo. punched

NOTICE tc> atime clock

CASH OR LOAN --- LARGE CAPACITY HANDLING No Waiting To Unload what would Clyde Co-op Elevator Assn. Eldon Bergstrom, Mgr. yourhourly Phone 4.16-3544 Clyde Kansas ratebe?

Through the If you were a factory worker, you'd average Can something be done? Yes. I National Farmers Organization,ranchers and $3.01 an hour. But in recent years, top Wis- production into consin dairy producers were getting 63C an farmers can combine their NFO is working. hour while those in other areas got as low as blocks and bargain collectively. for Right now. NFO is bringinghigher prices 37C. Hog and beef -fattening farmers in the life for farm corn belt were making 81C. But listen. If you farm production. And a better consider the annual $8 billion net cash profit families. the handsof (from sale of all agricultural commodities in. Don't put your futurein the newNFO. 1968) asa3% return on investment,then hearsay. Get the facts about farmersreceived no money for wages at all. Mail the coupon. Today. A BETTER LIFE IN THEBARGAIN

1 ______

Mail to NFO, Corning, Iowa 50841 do to stop theerosion I'm willing to learn more about what NFO can-obligation copyof the 37 of farm income. Please send me a free, no page booklet, The Biggest Farm Storyof the Decade.



ZIP COD NATIONAL FARMERS ORGANIZATION STATE __ t.nn Coming, Iowa 50841 L______1 fertilizer, chemicaland feed sup- ply elevators would be illegal. But Highwood July. 1, 1969 AODisplay with blendingand Patrol Classes Service Inc., a Michigan corpo- distribution facilitiesin Nebras- ka and SouthDakota; and ration which owns KTSB,in- Belleville tle a cat- formed the attorney general itHOSPITAL DROPS feedlot operationtohandleFor Youngsters BELLEVILLE - An "outdoor50,000 head annually. SALINA - The Kansas High-would go ahead with the pro- EXTENDED CARE PLAN show" will be held gram anyway. Hutchinson's Grace Hospital is andartnAtindoor way Patrol training center has the BellevilleCentennial cel-Clean been host to high school boys That prompted a suit, filed bygoing to drop out of the Medi- ition July 345-6. The show is Combines from 33 Kansas schools, the boysAsst. Atty. Gen. Lance Burr, ask-care Extended Health program sponsored by the North Central for the aged. That part of the ...... studying everything from historying an injunction to keep the pro- 'Kansas Associationof Artists. BetweenFields to defensive driving tactics. program off the air. Burr alleg-gram covers recuperative hospi- Among theartists who will Noxious weeds Sponsored by the American ed such a program would con-talization after more than three canhitch a days of "acute" hospitalization. have workson display are Fran-ride on combinesand travel ma-Legion, the classes have been tain the three elements of a lot- tiska Palecek,Munden; Dorothyny miles to infestnew areas, re-conducted by eight highway tery as defined in the statutes-Hospital administrators said the 4bnson, Courtland;Hannah Ste-minds a KansasState Universitypatrol instructors. chance, prize and consideration.program was causing more prob- phenson, Downs;Gay Anderson,Extension specialist. "The response of these young Highwood Service Inc. contend-lems, especially in getting pay- Mankato; Harriet Becker, Beloit; Kansas Noxious men has been terriffic," said ed the program would not re-.ment from the Medicare pro- Weed Lawre- gram, than it was worth. Marian Walker, Courtland; and quires that combinesshould notCapt. Tim Edwards, co-ordinator.quire any valuable consideration Jan Melhus,Concordia. be moved fromone field to an-"Frankly, we hope to let them from viewers who played "Dial- other or broughtinto the statetell us why we as law enforce- ing for Dollars." The corpora- Visit Our Retail Display Of withoutfirst"cleaning such ment officers aren't reaching tion's lawyers explained that Lighting Fixtures Alfalfa equipment free fromall weed youth today., persons within KTSB's signal 4ational seed and litter." "We hope, also to give themwould be called at random, and could win a jackpot if they were dacott Electric Co. For thoroughly cleaningthean idea of the problems of law mono - MANHATTAN BuysNebraska machine of weed enforcement and how they can able .to give the amount ofmon- seed including ey in the jackpot. grease and dirt, JohnFerguson,help." Farmland, BusinessExtension engineer,suggests Floyd Rogers, Topeka, the The corporation contended the National Alfalfa Dehydrating water and airpressure, vacuum,Legion'sdirector of youthac-only thing viewers would have Tools and Milling Co. of Kansas City and solvent -and -brushcleaning tivity, explained the organiza- to do to win is watch channel 27. HoiL expand its operations with methods. tion's outlook: In his suit, Burr alleged con- Too the acquisition of substantial Run the machinea period of "We're interested in building sideration was present, because acreage of irrigated farmland in an increased viewing audience AGGIE time between fieldsto clean better citizens. We've been try- HARDWARE Central Nebraska, feed supply much of the material from ing for a couple of years to drawwould increase KTSB's advertis- it. ing receipts. 1205 Moro elevators and a cattle feedlot op- And empty return elevatorbootsattention to the problems of law Manhattan, Ks. eration. to help rid the combine ofweedenforcement. This gives us a HUTCHINSON TO SELL wine expansion property will be chance to put our money where seed. The Law and thesesugges- ITS ZOO ANIMALS Paper Back 25c - 35c exchanged for the issuance of an tions are for the protection ofour mouths are - to show exact- Hutchinson has votedto sell 50c - 75c undisclosed number of common ly what we've been talking about. Kansas farms from furtherin- its Carey Park Zoo, lock,stock Books shares. Itis expected this will festation of noxious weeds. "When these boys go home, and bears. Going will betwo amount to several million dol- The Noxious Weed Law alsothey will spread the word to bears, the monkey colony,and LargestStock lars' worth of new stock. prohibits sale or trade ofscreen-others and in a way they can an assortment of other small In Town The property and operations of ings and other materials that understand, and the possibilities caged animals. htarlesR. Peterson of O'Neill, contain weed seed. These wastein that are unlimited." University Nebr., will be acquired, including materials should be processed or TEXAS CALVES 8500 acres of irrigated corn -pro- Consider a large Texas order -buying Book Store ground to destroy any viable TV Station Wins company working for you. 623 N. ManhattanManhattan ducing farmland; agricultural seed. 350 lb. E1 -12,1 2S t33:88 Lottery Suit 400 lb. C( steers g3 LEASING Shawnee County District Judge tik88 MATTRESS & 500 lb. Thin Yearlings BOX SPRINGS Michael Barbara has ruled that a No. 1 Choice OkieS Farm and Industrial Machinery No. 1, No. 2, No 3 Okies If you can't buy it you can lease any piece of Allis-Chalmers "Dialing for Dollars"program 13H8 Specials Every Day proposed by KTSB, channel 27, (300-350 lbs. Thin Choice - Black - New Low Prices machinery you may need, and at low rates. See Bob Martin Black Beldy - Harefordsl Buy Direct for Industrial leasing, Jim Gates for Farm Equipment leasing. does not violate Kansas lottery Choke.....Cho ce 1,0:2 10 headzz teat statutes. ALL PRICES F. 0. B. DALLAS Also Complete Rebuilding HENRY SALES AND SERVICE Kansas Atty. Gen. Kent Frizzell We are a I r%. order-bug g Service anquercompanyf;naggsquicker service atfresher East Highway 24 and Meriden Road, Topeka, Kans.-Ft 4-7641 had said in an opinion earlier cattie on other types this year that such a program and sizeson request Manhattan DOUGFERGUSON CATTLE CO. 316/792-2642 Mattress Co. Texas Kansas Colorado 414 S. 4th PR 8-5302 Oklahoma Montana GREENBUGS IN MILO SAVE DURING.,. A SERIOUS PROBLEM NOW IIIIIr Wildcat Lumber's Most sorghum fields in the Eastern and Central part of the state are in- rir fested with sorghum greenbugs. Colonies from winged greenbugs can de- Velop rapidly and severely injure small sorghum plants. Fields should be checked carefully and frequently. Greenbugs are light green, have a narrow TRUCK LOAD darker green stripe down the center of their backs. They will usually be on CID- the underside of leaves or in the whorl. PLANT SIZE WHEN TO TREAT Emergence to 6 inches Visible damage with colonies of greenbugs on most plants and 20 or more per plant. 15 on smaller. SALE 6 inches to pre -boot When there is evidence entire leaves will be killed. Featuring FOR THE CONTROL OF GREENBUGS BY GROUND (FARMER) AP- ra Ragalcotes PLICATION, THESE MATERIALS ARE SUGGESTED: MALATHION lb./acre- Temperature shouldbe over 70 degrees,. PANELING DEMONSTRATION - 1 Just for this Truck Load Sale, a Royalcote Paneling specialist will demonstrate the new, quick, low-cost way to transform ordinary rooms Into luxuriously 7 day waiting period. paneled living areas. Visit us for fun, refreshments and money-saviej decorating and remodeling ideas. DIAZINON LIQUID day waiting period. - lb./acre - 7 See the new scuff and mar -resistant Royalcote Psnelings that cleanwin, Ethyl Parathion, Phosdrin and Systox are recommended for aerial applica- a damp cloth. See twenty different color tones and right -from -nature wood- grained designs. See the smooth and throe -dimensional textures. Getthe tion, but are far too toxic for farmer application. surprise of your life when you660 the low,low price tags. ASK FOR "SURE DEATH" Brand MALATHION W -E 5. It is preferable PRICES GOOD THRU JULY because it is made from CYTHION*,, the Premium Grade Malathion. It has much less odor and users will find it easy to use and effective. Although TRUCK LOAD SALE Sri:A.0'LS made from premium materials, "Sure Death" Brand MALATHION costs OXFORD BEIGE $3.69 IVORY OLIVE $3.69 no more than other brands. DANISH TEAK $3.95 PECAN S3.95. WATCH YOUR MILO, AND TREAT IT WITH "SURE DEATH" BRAND BIRCH 53.95 COLONY CHERRY $4.99 IVORY TEAK 54.99 HARVEST WALNUT..:.:; S4.99 MALATHION, made from CYTHION* ALPINE OAK S6.99 CHARCOAL BROWN $7.95 NEW SABEL WALNUT S6.99 4 REGULATION SIZE BASKETBALL GOALS FREEWITH THE PURCHASE OF WIXIDEURY CHEMICALCCIMPAITY ANY 10 ROYALCOTE0 PANELS ST. JOSEPH, MO. *CYTHION, a trademark of AmericanCyanamid Company WILDCAT LUMBER RT. 1 778-5224 , MANHATTAN, KANS. GRASS & GRAIN O.K. -4- Used Cars E,ID\171A21110ACO 2 YEAR WARRANTY THE DISCOUNTS: (with 1966 IH 1600 Series 2 ton, V8, RATES: $1 a week for 15 words or less. Addif a word for additional words. 2 speed axle, 900 tires $2295 1967ChevroletBel 2 weeks. Deduct 25% if ad runs4 weeks. REFUNDS: you newt8,sPwr.strgraciV g woa b cash olden( tardy) deduct 10% if ad runs amount paid if an ad iscancelled. CLAS- 1962 Chev. 14 ton, 6 cyl., 4 spd. may collect a refund at theAg Press office for any unused column inch. CASH: ads notaccompanied by cash have a 1964 Chev. Bel Air 4 1965 Fc SIFIED DISPLAY: (boxed ads) $1.82 a 6-cyl., radio,$789955$ dr. V8 anradio,i" 1968 Ford1/2 -ton, 1 owner, ex. 1966 C 25 -cent billing charje added. 66502 - JE 9-7558, heater cond. 1009 - 1207MOro - Manhattan, Kansas 1968 Chev.II N7a,4dr.,8 V-8, ',Mail To: Ag Press - P.O. Box 1965 Chev. 1/2 -ton, radio & heat- ty,fl FOR SALE - 50 heavyspring- er$195 ber Robert Da- 1963 Chev. 1 ton withutility 1965 Cl er Holstein heifers. body & winch $995 DeLaval Clay vis, Westphalia, Ks.(913) 489- l . w/ 7 x18 2 dr. ITV down Notices 2208. -8,automatic,radio, All Makes airp0we:steeringandbiakes Anth FOR SALE - Reg.Shorthorn Long -McArthur, Inc. years Service & Repair bulls, 14 to 20 mo. old.Reds & condition. roans. Ready forservice. Glenn Ford -Lincoln-Mercury Chevrolet Impala4 dr, Dairy Equipment Ks. Phone Salina, Kans. We t E. Lacy, Miltonvale, 340 N. Santa Fe milage. AUCTIONEERING 4274513. x18 Extraclean.1966 model TA 3-2237 Pontiac 4 dr. H. T., V-8, aur.°matie'radio, you're Joe McClure REGISTERED YORKSHIRE and pri and Hampshire boars,bred and Ph. 229-5284 Alta Vista E071i:AT open gilts.Also bred second Ford2 d r. H .T., V-8, Lawrence E. Welter litter sows. Floyd Meyer,Palm- matic, vinyl top, vinylauto. Ski er, Kans., Phone308. SB20 LARGE STOCK OF TRUCKS ior, radio and air. Realinto% AUCTIONEER $1845 1963 clean. REAL ESTATE BROKER FOR SALE - Ewes,Columbia 1967 Dodge ton MEMORIALS . ,C cond.,cHo & Western cross. CharlesHart, 1967 Hobbs 40 ft. platform $3250 r-p8OAlett; Your Sale Solicited strg.to extra clean Large or Small Rt.2, Westmoreland, Phone 1966 Chev. 14 ton, LWB,. 292 6 1963 Pontiac wagon, V-8, SB18 cyl. engine, 4spd. trans., nice auto. 224-3763. trans.,radio, power steering FA1 EAST HIGHWAY US 24 $1495 service & brakes MANHATTAN PR 8-3455 Rundle FOR SALE -- Spotted 1966 M80 twin screw, 5 spd., 4 1963 Ford Wagon V-8, MONUMENT CO. aged boar. John D. Siverling, like autema:. Real Estate Leonardville, Kans. 66449. x18 sp., new 427 V8 engine, tic, radio and power steering, (Formerly Cody) new cond., 1000 tires 86950 real clean And General Sales - - - 1965 C - - HARLAN RUNDLE from 1966 IH twin screw, 5 spd., 3 1963 Chevrolet Impala 4.dr. Stones designed and cut by ANGUS BULLS for sale 1'S, hoist Big, automatic experienced craftsmen in our Kansas' largestherd. spd., st.air brakes, PS, 478 automatic and radio, 2owner growthy two year olds ready V8eng., 1000 tires $6750 car 1960 G own plant. 1966 Buick station wagon. Load for heavy service. Guaranteed 1965 Chev. 327 V8 tandem 00 VR, "TEE W W Ken- ton FARMS -RANCHES -ESTATES Office & Display breeders. Kenneth Moore, Series, 5 spr. Claii< trans., 2- aut., air cond.. PS, PB,don Sold At Auction 4th & Grant more Farms, Roxbury,Kansas. 1961 Chevrolet Impala, 4.dr., Nice x20 sp. axle. Air over hyd. brakes, axle. Or Private Treaty ME 2-2323 Phone 2314. $3550 V-8, auto., radio, a oneowner _ -- extra nice GENE WATSON CLAYCENTER car 1965 Cl NATIONALLY ACCREDITED 1964 Chev. ton, V8, LV\"13. W 1960 Rambler. 4 door V.8, Land & Livestock Co. box. aut., power steering anti, 1968 C: 25 N. Walnut, Hutchinson, Ks. SPF Yorkshire and Hampshire matic and radio, real clean f. powe cross open gilts. Tendollars power brakes - $1195 Office Phone 316/663-4427 Dale Wells 1964 Chevrolet 4-dr. HT, V.S.au. eqpt. per head above markettop. Ga- 1963 Chev. 80 Series tandem tomatic, power steering, DOUG WILDIN 316/662-7543 rd. 1966 C len F. Wietharn, Phone 736-2777 axle tractor, 5 sp., 2 sp., ex. dio andp( aver- hakes, ilk, W W Axtell,Kansas. x36 good cond., str. air brakes, PS trans $3451) TRUCKS Drea NATIONALLY ACCREDITEL) ly en SURGE SPF Yorkshire open gilts and 1903 Chev. ton, SWB $895 1965 Dodge 1/2T, V-8, air, 3-spd.. serviceable age boars. Loin 1962 CHEV. 1/2 ton LWB, 4 spcl., long, wide box, real good 1969 C: Ed Reimer $895 1962 Ford Ranchero PS, Pipe Line Bucket Milkers eyes to 5.92 inches. Sam orJon 6 cyl., N box - 6 cyl., 3 carol AUCTIONEER Stalls Thole, Marion, Kansas 316 EV 1962 GMC 1/2ton, V6. '4 sp. $735 speed & radio 1963 Dodge !!? ton We Specialize in Selling 324 Frederick ME 2-2811 2-2994. x20 ton. SWI3 $595 pickup 1969 C 1961 Chev. 1/2 1962 Chevrolet 1ton,6-cyl., trans DAIRY CATTLE 4. CLAY CENTER, KANS. 1961 Chev. 80 Series LCF trac- speed with 10' bed, good tires FOR SALE -- Broke 3-yr. old 1959 F "A complete Sale Service" registeredsorrelfilly,alsoa tor,5 speed, 2 speed,air 1949 Ford 3:4ton with 4-spd.,11 old sorrel gelding, brakes, good $1995 cyl. and box We Phone or write for sale gaited 3-yr. Red Livestock halter broke and gentle. L. C. 196)) IH 180 tractor, extra good dates. Day, Council Grove, Kans., ph. 400 engine $1295 Telephone 367-2373 x19 GOESSEL, KANSAS 767-5829. 1960.Chev. SWB 1/2ton, 3 spd. Myers Motor Co. N box, clean $545 "Marion County" CHILEN ANGUS FARMS has CHEV.-PONTIAC-CADILLAC Cl Dairymen - Buy fifteen Angus bulls for sale, 1960 Trail -Mobile 37' grain trail- Hillsb Miltonvale, Kans. 67466. x20 er -$1995 1406 Center 562-283 SPECIALS _ - 1959 Diamond T, sleeper cab, MARYSVILLE, KANS. Bob Wilson FOR SALE 21 stock cows tandeM. axle tractor,220.Cum-. Auctioneering The Best For Less and calves. 'Leon Converse- Jr., ' $2995 Real Estate Council Grove, Kans., ph. 316 mins .dsl. 1969 C HERINGTON'S THE PLACE All types sales We have for your selection at 767-5047. x18 1.954 GMC single axle tractor, up Ph. 494-2552 all times the largest supply of good cond. 471 Detroit Diesel TO GET SPORTS CARS 1964 C or 778-3424 $2950 FOR SALE --- Large fancy engine Box118 - St. George, Ks.11 FRESH SPRINGER 1967 Cougar, aut. trans., air, V8, Holstein springer heifers. Died - 1953 Chev. 2 ton LWB 131/2' HOLSTEIN -- GUERNSEY rick Farms, Culver, Kans. Ph. box & hoist, extra good $1095 cond., pwr. strg. & lots of ex. 1957 C JERSEY 913 2834227 or 913 283-4222. x19 tras. A snappy medium green 1951 C 1946 Chev. ton, 12' grain with dark green vinyl top spd. SWISS and MILKING FOR SALE - New Tex -Flow ir- box $295 1965 Mustang V8, aut.trans., 1949 C LAND IMPROVEMENT SHORTHORN COWS & rigation flood and sprinkler 1946 Chev. Iton w/ grain box 1947( HEIFERS pipe; 1500' almost new 8" Tex - $195 air cond. A Flow 20" gated $1.18; 2500' 4" Distributor For 1964 Chevrolet Impala ('top 4 Financing available - up to handmove sprinkler pipe,bar- LAND IMPROVEMENT 24 mos. Giant Farm Truck Body dr., pwr. strg. & brakes, aut. gain; registered 18 -month -old trans., air cond. "Soil Conservation Doesn't 100 head of open Holstein hei- Heil Under Body Hoist fers Hereford bulls. Warren St.Pi- Harsh Mobil Mixer Bulk et Cost-It Pays" 50 head Holstein heifer calves erre, Ames CIO east Concordia-) 1966 Chev. Impala 4 door hard. 446-3631. x19 Feed Bodies top, V8, aut. transmission Ponds, terraces, waterways, CALVES! CALVES! The largest stock of heavy duty and leveling, drainage ditch- We will have 400 to 500 calves FOR SALE - One buck 3a Nu- Chev. truck parts in the Mid - Two 1962 Impala 4 dr. hard es, clearing, landscape grad- beef cross. 2 weeks to 450 lbs. bian, 3 does1/2. Nubian 1 yr. West. Parts for engines, trans- tops, both with pwr. strg, & ing. At our barn every week for the goats, from good milkers. Good missions & 2 speed axles. air cond. next several months. 10' Ford disk. 15" hammermill used small amount. Lester Tut- We have a large stock of fine SIE: Roggendorff Melton Motor Co., Inc. OK used cars. There wasnever14 Conservation Construction tle, Washington, Kans., Ph. for one. 1967 C W. G. WIEBE EA 5-2622. x18 16th and M Sts. JA 7-2201 a better time to deal Arthur Roggendorff 1963 (new Phone JE 9-3984 Phone 244-7625 FOR SALE - Sorrel white BELLE VILLE PICKUPS 1630 OSAGE-MANHATTAN Summerfield, Kansas face, 4 white feet mare, 6 yrs. 6 1967 ( ONLY YOUR FORD DEALER 1964 Chevrolet 1/2 ton pickup, ty, old. Call 765-3373. Alma, Kans. trans., x19 cylinder with 4-spd, New 1 SKAGGS IN MANHATTAN 61/2' Fleetside bed INSURANCE SELLS TRUE 1968f Horse Shoeing k ps, 1963 Chevrolet 1/2ton Fleetside4/ Trimming, special shoeing Feed & Seed A 1 USED CARS pickup, 8'6 cylinder engine box WILL TRAVEL with HD 3 -speedtransmis New sion,wriap around rear on Phone 913-667-2917 DAIRY PELLETS, range pellets 1968 Mercury Montego 4 dr. se- bumper, IliTxead tires MFA INSURANCE andallkindsoffertilizers. Some BRIDGEPORT, .KANS. dan, V8, automatic trans., 1965 ( Manhattan Milling Co., 107 R&H, power steering, factory 1961Chevrolet 11/2T leetside Auto - Fire - Life - Pierre, Manhattan. TF Chg air, one owner, low mileage V-8, 3spd., heavy duty, PX. gin( Liability - Auto Loans- Tested SPF $2795 ceptional pickup k 1965 1 - Hospitalization - KEY RABBIT Mini Pellets for 4-spd., 4 witl Duroc & Yorkshire fast gains, no waste, $3.80 per 1968 Mercury Cyclone fastback, 1959 Chevrolet 6-cyl., 1948 1 Boars, Open and hundred pounds f.o.b. Key Mill- V8,automatictrans., R&H, SWB, 1/2T, priced tosell witl ORRIS MARSHALL ing Co., Clay Center, Kansas, power steering,factoryair, hois 1952 Ford % Ton pickup,V8, 4 ME2-3902 - 423 Court Bred Gilts ME 2-2141. TF one owner, low mileage $2795 1947 o speed CLAY CENTER, KANSAS for sale. Figures available on RIDE 'EM HIGH feed for hors- 1963 Dodge Convertible, V8, au- ... individual animals. Why buy an es. Product of Key Milling Co.. tomatic trans., R&H $695 untested animal when ones are Clay Center, Kans., Phone ME OBERMEYER available from our test pens? 2-2141. SBTE 1962 Falcon 4-dr. station wagon, DAIRY SUPPLIES 6 cylinder, automatic trans., Hayes Beck & Sons FAS-GRO HYBRID Sorghum- R&H $695 Maxie Sudan fast growing greenleaf Route 1 Phone 238-6064 1961 Volkswagen bug, R&H. JUNCI1ON CITY, KANS. cross. $9.00 per 100 lbs. Homer Owner WAMEGO DAIRY SUPPLY Goering, Route 2, Box 160, Little cream puff $695 Marvin Obermeyer, Moundridge, Kans. 345-8579. x18 Open to 9Pillt Your authorized dealer for: D & J Will Break OPEN EVENINGS Ph. BL 8-2255 FOR Train and do finish work WHEAT DOWN? Have good BANK RATE FINANCING HERINGTON,KANSAS heavy DeLaval milkers on your horses. selection,sizes, new and used ber, Clay push-button farm eqpt. Hume reels. Bomber, wheel and speth Mueller Bulk Tanks By Appointment Only tire assemblies for combines. Skaggs (Ford) Motors GMC GMC Phone 913-667-2917 Nickel Brothers, Buhler, Kans. good Stores And Service From comb Wainer) & Sabetha, Kansas BRIDGEPORT, KANS. x18 Your Transportation TRUCKS racks Headquarters 1/4 Ton -60Ton Fairb WELL BROKE 3-yr. old quar- Automotive "Where Customers Send Service Klaui ter gelding for sale. Good using Their Friends" Sales & For FreeEstimates Call: horse, ready to show in plea- MOTO sure and reining, $375. Cotton FOR SALE - 1965 Chevy Bel 2nd & Houston TRI-COUNTY WAMEGO 456-7200 or Rogers 913 PR 6-5947, RR2, Air 6,4-dr.,$750, one owner. Phone PR 8-3525 307 N. 3rd MANHATT SABETHA AV 4-2958 Manhattan. SB19 Cleo Schultz, Alma, Kans. x18 MANHATTAN, KANSAS II GEIS MOTOR < v EL,Y1 CO. 4CIA FARM TRUCKS Land Auction For Sale By Owner 240A farm 21/2 miles south of York, Nebraska 600 acres of Jewell County Elmo, Kansas, 1 mile west of THERE'S A TRUCK 1964 Ford F100 V8, 4 spd., LWB farmland for sale July 22. #15 highway. 86A native past- This land is located 4 miles Y fortIN10,'S 1966 Chevrolet 60 series,cab 1968 Ford F250, 6 cyl., 4 spd. ure; 15A brome and native grass and chassis, 6 cyl. 292 south & 1% east of Formoso, fenced for pasture. U engine, Kansas. 'agora, 4 spd., 2 spd. axle, 825x20 1965 IH % ton, V8, 4 spd. 4QA wheat allotment; 40A dio, 54410 N600, 16' box & hoist tires, 120" CA 1967 Ford Ranchero feed grain allotment; 25A con- 1965 Ford 1965 Chevrolet LCF, DUNSTAN ESTATE 60H series 366 120" CA, E. E. Penner, Real Est. Brokerserving (brome and grassed aut., 1966 Chevrolet V8 engine, 5 spd., 2spd. axle, 1967 GMC % ton, 6 cyl., 4 spd., Mankato,Kansas waterways); 3A native hay. v.8,5-spd.,2-spd., heavy du- power steering, 825x29 20 SB, low mileage, 7000 miles 6 cyl., air brakes, new rub- tires Lewis H. Dunstan, Agent Balance, usual hedges and ty, full 1965 Ford % ton, SWB, V8,4-sp. Formoso, Kansas fence rows and summer fallow, , ex. 1966 Chevrolet 60 Series, ber 327 V8 1960 Ford IL,ton 4sp., LB, 6 which oan go into fall crop. 327 V-8, 2-spd. engine, 4 spd., 2 spd.,13%' Plenty water, small creek auto. 1965 Chevrolet grain & fold - box and hoist, 8.25x20 tires FARMLANDS FOR SALE .1 nice w/ 16' Giant 1965 Chevrolet 60 Series, through pasture, 3 ponds, 3 down stock.box, heavy duty fac- 39 acres with 9 year old house 0 tory tandem, 348 V8 engine. McComas Motors wells. Terraces and grassed air, Anthony, hoist& bed, only 2 & full basement and outbuild- waterways completed. years old, verygood rubber 4 spd., 2 spd., good rubber, rakes. 20' box and hoist 240 West 6th CH 3-3634 ings,$18,000. Possession of wheat ground NEW TRUCKS 1966 Ford tilt cab and chassis, 263 acres; cornland, milo, al- and summer fallow after wheat Jr. CONCORDIA, KANSAS harvest, feed grain and pasture H. We have a largestock of all heavy duty 330 V8 engine, falfa, pasture; older 6 room radio. and picku. 5 spd., 2 spd. 9000 lb. front, stone home in livable condition. acreage Jan 1. model truckstrader, come inIi 17,500 lb. rear axle. 825x20 Large barn, outbuildings, wind- $35,000. Can sell on 7% con- 3, aut. you're a .good tires BUY NOW and practice on us. mill, well,Y4 mile frontage on tract, $10,500 down, balance up r ste. 1964 Chevrolet LCF 327 V8en- Highway 4.$59,500. Will con- to 15 years. Call or see: Clean gine, 5 spd., 2 spd., 15%' box AND SAVE! sider offers. auto. and hoist, 825x20 tires J. W. BREWER inter Skinner Chevrolet 1969 Skylark 4-dr. Demo., fully 80 acres, Osage County. About 409 Logan, Chapman, Kans., for - 1961 IHC 1800 series cab & equipped 5 Oacres good tillable land. Old- clean, chassis, 345 V8 engine, 5-spd., further details. Phone ME 2-2101 er home, outbuildings. $29,500. Phone 922-6253 evenings 8,au 2 spd., 900x20 tires 1967 Buick Wildcat, Custom 4- ?ower CLAY CENTER, KANS. 1964 Ford cab and chassis, 120" dr., Hd'top, power and air, a 3 acres on highway near Mel- or 239-2521 days. ?.lean CA, 330 V8 engine, 4 spd., sharp one vern. Good 6 room home, out- auto. 2 spd. buildings, $15,000. FARM TRUCK VALUES FARMS FOR SALE 1963 GMC cab and chassis, V8, 1968 Opel Cadet Station Wagon, 160 acres, 80 acres pasture, 50 Ready To Haul 4 spd., 2 spd. like new acres good tillable land, balance Very nice 240 on oil, modern toma- Your Bumper Crop 1962 Ford F600, VS, 4 spd., 2 home,clean outbuildings,150 1967 Riviera, loaded with ex- pasture & trees. Modern 3 ('ring, spd., van body bedroom house, 9 outbuildings. A cultivated,balance good 1965 Chev. 2 -ton,15 -ft.bed & 1962 GMC cab and chassis, V7, tras, was locally owned grass, $48,000 with 10% down, hoist Six miles west of Carbondale. V.8, V6, 4 spd., 2 spd. 1967 Buick Special2-dr.,low 155 March 1, balance on easy )W11P1' 1966 GMC 2 ton, red, 15%* new 1954 Chevrolet with 1312' box mileage, clean 197 acres - Wabaunsee Co., terms with 6% interest. If you Load King farm body, new 15 and hoist, 4 spd., 2 spcl. west of Alma. Will sell 29'17 look at this and don't want it, VS, ton Trojan hoist, V6 engine. 1949 Ford, 13%' box & hoist, 4 - 1966 Mustang V-8, auto. trans- down, $30,000. Tillable and pas- you don't want a farm. ture. clean Nice truck, ready to go. 2 spd, sod., 2 spd. mission, air Improved 400A on gravel dr., axle. Stock No. 223A 1948 Chevrolet, 14' box & hoist 180 acres on Highway 3 miles road, modern home, plenty out- Avner 1951 Chevrolet 13%' box & 1967 Buick Electra Custom 4 dr., 1965 Chev. 2 -ton, 15' bed, 60 ser. from Melvern Dam. 7 room buildings, 225 cultivated, 77 hoist Hd'top. This is a nice clean ranch -stylehouse & outbuild- 1968 Chev. Zia ton pickup, fully car. wheat, 85 feed grain, cash or auto. 1954 Chevrolet, 12' box ings. Wheat, soy beans, milo, al- contract $80,000. an power steering 1964 Chevrolet tractor, 60 Ser- falfa, brome, prairie hay and 8, au. eqpt., air cond., power brakes, ies with 5th wheel & air pasture. Next to railroad. Unimproved 160 on gravel ra. 1966 Chev."iton w/ 4-spd. 1952 Ford FO, 14' box & hoist Manhattan Motors road, 98A cultivated with 23.6 nice 1954 Chevrolet, 12' box & hoist 135 acres 4 miles from Mel- trans., 20,000 miles w/ 101%' 311-317Houston PR 8-3537 wheat, 51 feed grain, will sell Dreamer camper Coach, ful- 1949 IHC 1% ton with 10' comb. vern. 115 acres in native pas- on contract. box and hoist Used Car Lot 214 Houston ture, 6 room house in need of ly equipt., like new repair. Chicken house. $20,250. 3-spd.. BUICK FOR Nicely improved 160 on grav- 1969 Chev.a ton, fully equipt., Harvest time is about here and 50 YEARS 80 acres 4 miles from Mel- el, modern home, some new out- od PS, PB, aircond., w/ new it's time to be thinking about vern. 45 acres meadow, 35 acres buildings,half cultivated half '1.,3 camper, ElDorado 11 -ft. that second truck. Let us help MANHATTAN, KANSAS cultivated. Unimproved. $12,000. grass. This is an outstanding you with your needs. 183 acres; pasture with large offering at $28,000, with a very ip 1969 Chev. % ton V-8,aut. FOR SALE - 1946 Chevy easy contract. ri.,4. trans. 1967 Chevrolet 1/2 ton pickup, pond; alfalfa, milo. corn. Large truck, 1% ton with box & racks. barn, loafing shed, outbuildings tires 01959Ford 4 wheel drive picku,. 6 cyl., 3 spd. trans Good, Larry Savener, Morgan- well, windmill, 115 year old I have several other good of- Dd.,1;- We rarely get one like this. 1964 Chevrolet van, 6 cyl., 3 spd. ville, Kans. SB19 feringstoshow you, as small 1965 GMC % ton pickup, 4 spd. stone home in livable condition. as 40 Red color. Stock No. 146B $38,000. acres, as large as 1200. 1965 Chevrolet 1/2 ton, 3 spd. FOR SALE - 1948.11T Chev- Call collect for appointment. 1965 GMC 2 ton, 3 speed rolet grain bed with hoist stock 115 acres on blacktop south- Have a look around. 0. Iry Schroeder 1961 Chevrolet % ton, 3 speed racks, new motor. Phone 316 west of Topeka. Near natural 1965 Chevrolet % ton pickup, 6 767-5769, Arlan Swanson, Coun- gas & water line. Some pasture, LAC Chevrolet - Oldsmobile cyl., 3 speed cil Grove, Kans. SB18 sometillable.Small brook meanders mile through land Kvasnicka Realty 183 Hillsboro, Ks. 316 947-3117 1966 International panel 4-dr. V8 FOR SALE -- 1956 %Is Chev. $30,000. HADDAM,KANSAS 1967 El Camino 1/2 ton with fac- pickup in good shape, 4 -speed. 80 acres on blacktop east of TRUCKS tory air, V8, automatic Ph. 765-3467, Alma, Kans. x18 Auburn Rd. on natural gas & Phone FR 62874 1969 Chevrolet %T Demo. pick- water line. Small year-round Gerald A.Kvasnicka, Realtor ACE up pond. Pasture (16 acres seeded is Geis Motor Co. was broken I. Alice J. Kvasnicka, Secretary 1964 Chevrolet % ton Stepside, 111=1111111 air V8, 4 spd. "A Name You Can Trust" IMPROVED 930 ACRES for )f ex - 195'7 Chevrolet 6-cyl.,4-spd. Chevrolet - Oldsmobile - Cadillac Bill Lewis sale. Will sell with or without green.1951 Chevrolet% ton, 6 cyl., 4- REALTORS buildings..Would sell in two op 362.5512 YORK, NEBR. spd. 2420 West 17th 913 CE 3-7447 tracts.Call Dale Shephard, Fulmer Real Estate Dwight, Kans.,913484-3873. ans., 1949 Chev. ton, 6 cyl., 4 spd. Sundays & Holidays Call TOPEKA, KANSAS SB19 1947 Chev. %T, 6-cyl. Lloyd McCullough - 3624092 CATHERINE JFtTLMER A Few Older Pickups Lloyd Salyers - 362-6049 FOR SALE -Five -room ce- op 4- REALTOR ment block house with two , aut -New Home- porches, to be torn down and AULD , Office 456-7696 IN MANHATTAN moved away. Make me an offer. - hard- Res. 456-9281 Harold Jones, Riley 485-2283. CHEVROLET Marlatt School Dist. -- 2 bed- x21 WAMEGO rooms, carpeted, 2 baths, fami- lard- HO 1-5414 ly room, central air conditioned, FOR SALE -- 80 acre farm, rg. & USED TRUCKS sliding glass doors from walk- excellent grass. %mile west, 1 WAKEFIELD out level basement, built-in ap- mile south of Olsburg, Kans. 65 Ford % ton 8' Styleside pick- FARMS, RANCHES Ph. 468-3553. Mrs. Reynold up, 6 cyl., 4 speed, radio MOTELS, CAFES pliances, quick possession $27,- fine 000. Nordgren. x18 never SIEBE'S TRUCK CENTER 62 Ford F-600, V8, 4 speed, 2 Grass ranches, bottom farms, one. Chev. 2 ton, 2 spd., V8 speed axle, new 131%2' fold going businesses. We would like Home with income ---3 bed- 200 ACRES MODERN imp. & hoist rooms, large living room, fur- west of Mayetta, Kans. 40 in 1963 Chev. 2 ton,2 spd., Big 6, down be to help you as we have helped cult., good pond. 15 acres, close new 15'/2' box & hoist 62 Ford F600, V8, 4 speed, 2 others. Kansas, Missouri, Ne- nished basement apartment, speed axle, new 15' fold down braska, Iowa, Oklahoma. Sell-rented $75 permo.,financed in to Topeka. Unimproved, good up, 6 1967 GMC 5700Ser., heavy du- road. $31,000. 40 acres improv- ty, bed & hoist ing at auction or private. with 5%", loan, monthly pay- ans., 29,000 miles, 120"CA ments $133. $5000 down, $18,500. ed, on black top. Bargain at New 17' box& hoist 62 Ford F-600, V8, 4 speed, 2 Call or write to $11,500. Foreman Real Estate, 1968 Chev. 60Series, V8, with speed axle, new 151/2' fold Near University - Home Topeka, Kans. 114 W. 6th. CE Aside PS, 108" CA, willcarry 16' down bed & hoist. RAIN'S REAL ESTATE with 3 extra large bedrooms, 2 3-3950. x21 rigine box 62 Chev. % ton 8' pickup, 6 Phone 5824520 baths, built-in range, oven, dish- iis- New stock cyl., 4 speed, overloads washer, matching refrigerator, tr rack for 67 pickup SILVER LAKE, KS.66539 new carpet, family room plus 3 on up $75 56 Chev. 2 ton, 156" chassis, Best in farm and ranch loans. finished student room and bath Farm Equipment Some used16' platforms cab, V8, 4 speed, 2 speed axle in basement for extra income, 56 Ford 11/2 ton, V8, 4 speed, Trades can be negotiated. Aside 1965 Chev.2 ton, 6 cyl., 292 en- $28,000. n ex gine, new 13%'box & hoist with 131/2' bed & hoist 55 Ford F-250 8' pickup,V8, 4 STOCK FARM Double Car Port - Ranch TRACTORS 1965 Chev.% ton pickup, V8 style home, family room with 4,with camper speed, overloads 400 acre stock farm located in A -C WD -45, good condition )d., 54 Chev. % ton pickup, 6cyl, fireplace, 3 bedrooms and den, A -C 190XT demonstrator, pric- 1948 LCF Ford,2 ton, 2 speed, Marshall County, Kans., 155 full basement with additional ed to sell with fold down boxand Harsh 4 speed acres tillable, balance pasture & bedroom and bath $20,000. T8, 4 48 Chev. Y4 ton pickup, 6cyl., meadow with good 8 room mod- A -C WD, ready to work hoist, $650.Has safety sticker M -H 44,priced right 1947 Chev. 4 speed, extra. clean ern home. Plenty of water. Irrimediate possession - Near with 13%' fold down Farm Bureau Bldg., 3 bedroom $250 Feed grain base 83 acres, COMBINES wheat 19.3. Price $60,000. home, centralairconditioned, Taylor Motor Co. kitchen with built-in dishwash-Gleaner E with corn head erand diningarea,separate Gleaner E with corn head Siebe's Repair Phone 913 325-2202 TED KUCKELMAN utility room, like new, com- Case 660 with corn head REAL ESTATE IHC 303, good condition KANS. pletely redecorated, and paint- Trucks WASHINGTON, Phone 2924455 ed on outside, garage.All spe- Several pull -type combines cialassessments paid. $17,500. ier JANSEN, NEBR. FRANKFORT, KANSAS Telephone 402 424-2670 p.m. FORD DEALER - Other Choice Buys - Henry Sales FOR SALE End of the ToBuy, Sell or Trade heavy - 1956Ford %T Farm For Sale & Service, Inc. duty pickup, good rub- Model Run Sale Call ber, newseat cover, statein- 183 Acre farm North Riley spected, 6-cyl., 4-spd:Also 1958 the best deal. County. Modern house, 1 mile E. Hwy. 24 GMC 1 Better try us for Maurice McNeil -ton dual rear wheels, We usually have50 Ford cars, highway frontage. good rubber,6-cyl., 4 spd., 7x9 and Cougars. Realtor & Meriden Rd. combinationfold down stock trucks, Mercury racks and Burgess Real Estate Suite 11, Union National Bank FL 4.7641 Fairbury grain sides. Phone Motor Co. Denny Burgess, Broker 729-5613,Clifford H. B. Riley Office 6-4801 Res. 9-5164 TOPEKA, KANSAS Klaumann,Gladstone, Nebr. Phone 402 729-5346 Phone VVlamego 913 456-9425 MANHATTAN, KS. IRS x19 FAIRBURY, NEBR. rAN 4

a. TRACTORS TRACTORS Combine Specials DAUER 1966 MH 180 diesel 1966 C -II Gleaner, 18', new cab, 1961 JD 2010 dsl., utility 1966 David Brown 990diesel new cylinder bars, A-1 1965 JD 3020. gas, low hours, IMPLEMENT CO. 1960 JI Case 611 ga s 1959 Baldwin,14',cab JD 70, 4 wide front 1959 J.I. Case 411 gas 1951 R Gleaner 14', cab, good COMBINES 530,goc 1954 JD 70, good shape 1967 International 1200Btruck, 1957 J.I. Case Super401 diesel $795 1010 ga MH 33 tractor, new sleeves & 1965 MF 300, 2510 die 4x4, excellent condition 1957 IHC No. 350 gas 2 1959 John Deere 45 12' choice 13 -ft.,cab pistons 1955 Ford Jubilee NAA $1395 1958 MF 92,14 -ft. 010 gal 1967 Farmall 706 dsl., with new A 1966 MF 410 COMBINES type engine, 400 hrs. 1952 IHC Super H; JD 1955 John Deere 55, 14', only 16' with 4010 die wide $895 1962 MF 65 dsl.tractoreab 1958 Gleaner A, 12 ft. 1960 John Deere diesel, MOUNTED PLOWS 1967 MF 300,13' front end Ford 1961 Case 800 14', PS, indiv. 1965 MF 222 WI 80, 12 ft. and MF 62 3x14; MF 72 3x14; brakes, good, only .... $1595 corn head 2 Case 1954 Super MTA rebuilt 3x14; Ford 3x16; J.I. CaseM 1967 MF 422cornhead 2 JD fr( MISCELLANEOUS painted & 3x16 1958 MH Model 60 12', motor 1959 3x14; Case MR 3x14 and variable speed overhauled MF No. 8214' coMbin 1 Allis 1953 LH Super WD6 tractor Oliver 3x16; MH 4x14;Allis good shape JD No. 6 field cutter, used 1 Case SR 1956 MH 90, 16' $995 season 1961 IH I -560D tractor Chalmers 316 4x14; J.I. 1961 Oliver No.25 12' 1956 MH 90 14' $895 JD No. 45 with JD 214 JD RW 12'6" wheel disk with 1958 John Deere diesel tractor, 44 4x14 12' header sealed bearings HAYING EQUIPMENT 4 No,1 with roll-a-matic front end PULL -TYPE PLOWS TRACTORS IHCCase051 JD KBA 10' wheel disk 1956 III F-300 Farman. with 3x16; 1963 John Deere 14T baler, good N JD 14T baler IHC 2x14; J.I. Case 2x16, $495 1967 MF 135 Deluxe, wide front end Oliver 3x16;J.I. Case BX 44 570 br! AC roto-baler CH 1962 Case 135 wire baler, good1955 Case 400 dsl.EI 2 NH No. 66 balers IH No. 120, 19 disks, one way,4x14; IHC 60 3x14; Case $395 JD No. 851 rake, recond., all nearly new 3x14, AH 46; Oliver 4x16 New Owatonna windrowers on new teeth lH No. 60 3-16 plow, nearly new CHISELS, DISK HARROWS hand: Pfister -Rhodes NI 450 rake SPRINGTOOTH HARROWS Model 22 9' PTO only .. $1850 4 JD No. 70 flex-i-planter unit Model 35 14' draper demo $3995 JD 11'2" AW disk Falun IHC 37 10'9" wheel disk Model 350 14' draper .... $4550 Impl. JD 10'4" wheel disk Model 800 14' auger .... $5800 F Kewanee 12'4" wheel disk 1. 439C:14. mxoonvu, Kewanee 13' wheel disk 1959 Model 60 12' with condi- 5 Frankfort Impl. .stux $1395 JAMESTOWN, Phone 1011 3 sections John Deere tioner KANS. Falun is located 20 miles Case 4 sec. & carrier Used Rakes JD 45 a913 2924458 IHC 2 row lister JD 55, southwest of Salina B & W Hillers COMBINES JD 45, CULTIVATORS 3 Point Shredder 1965 C -II Gleaner &cab,16',_JD 1051 1965 A -II Gleaner & TRACTORS Ford 2 row, new &cab, 11 FRANKFORT, KANS. AiurCT.1 S; Hamil 2 row, new 1964 C -II Gleaner &cab, 16' 1964 F806D, low hours J.I. Case, 2 row for 611 Buchli Implement 1965 John Deere 45 & l'''" i 1966 F -706D, low hours cab, it I TRACTORS J. I. Case, 2 row for VAC 1963 IHC 403 & cah,14' 1962 F560D, good IHC 2 row, AC 2 row for WD45 Phone 768-6866 1957 John Deere 45 10' JD4002120 1967 Case 830 3 -pt., wide frt. 1958 F450G; 1957 F450G 1956 Massey 60 12' JD 4 1954 SMTA HAY TOOLS JD 730 1967 Oliver 1850 gas ea HEBRON, NEB. 1952 Massey Super 27,14' 3 Model A John Deere's, your 1943 Farmall H $160 IHC 7' mower; Case 7' mower ACCA. choice @ $450 1948 JD A, 3 pt.; 1947 Farmall B Massey Ferguson 7' mower TRACTORS 114 H `,1 1966 JD 3020 MF 25 side delivery rake BARGAINS AT COMBINES JD T14 baler, MF No. 10 baler McPHERSON, KANSAS 1968 190 -XT; 1968 180 John Deere B; 2 JD 60 3 pt. 2 IH 303 13' with cab 1959 D-17 Allis New JI IH Farmall M IH 101 12' JD side delivery rake NEW FORD TRACTORS 4020 di, 1962 Oliver 550 J.I. Case 212 forage harvester MACHINERY 480 me 1962 Oliver 1800 2 No. 228 cornheads J.I. Case 425 corn picker Model 3000 gas LPTO $3595 2 No. 22 cornheads Gehl forage flail cutter Model 4000 gas IPTO $3850 1967 Hesston PT10 windrower strati COMBINES Model 5000 D Selecto $5195 New Idea mower MACHINERY COMBINES Model 8000 diesel $7795 D-17 cultivator Kar 1966 Oliver 525 combine, 13', IH No. 412 4x16 & 4x14 plows Allis Chalmers 5' MH 3x16 spinner plow cab IH No. 311 3x14, 411 4x14 plows 59 Allis Chalmers 90 USED TRACTOR BARGAINS AC 3x14 plow 2 1959 MF 82 combines with JD No. 8 field harvester 1968 Ford 2110 LCG $2950 AC 4x14 plow, 3 pt. cab,14' IH No. 15 field harvester SP COMBINES 1967 Ford 4000 Select() . $3295 JD 45 combine 16' 401 springtooth, 3 pt. Case SP12; 1952 MH 26 12'1966 Ford 4000 gas $2950 1959 JD 55 combine 21' Mayrath auger, PTO 1965 Ford 2000 Selecto $2150 Marysville Mchry, No. 461 cultivator, FH 1952 MH 27 12'; 1954 MH 80 12' USED MACHINERY 1956 JD 55 12'; 1959 MH 92 14' 1965 Ford 3000 gas $2450 "SPECIALS" 1965 Case 600 13' 1963 Ford 5000 diesel $2150 East US 361 2 JD AW disks, 12' 1963 MH Super 92 14' 1962 Ford 5000 diesel $1875 V 1 2 year old Case disc, 11 ft. C-254 cult., FH $65 1961 871 dies4l $1875 Monitor 255 cultivator $65 1961 Ford 881 gas $2175 562.2746 1966 JI Oliver wheel disk 10' 2 No. 455 cultivators . $225 Kuhlman Motor Co. 1960 Fordson diesel ,$1375 1959 J 2 row JD rotary moldboard 2 No. 448 R. MLBD lister, FH 1960 Ford 981 gas $1275' MARYS'VILIE, KANSAS1964 JI lister, 3 pt., with fert. $300 CASE MASSEY-FERGUSON 1959 Ford 841 diesel $1750 1961 3( 4 row monitor JD 10' KBA disk $150 Phone 348-3581 1959 Ford 971 diesel $1895 1959 JI IH No. 8 3x14 plow $50 USED TRACTORS 1948 J1 225 Amp Forney welder $99.80 LINN, KANSAS 1959 Ford 881 diesel $1975 1955 J We Are Forney Welding 1957 Ford 960 LP $1750 1951 Ford 8N International 1954 Fordson diesel....$675 1947 Ford 9N with overdrive 1 Equipment Dealers 1951 Ford 8N $575 1949 H Farmall, cult. & Iistr JD 4-s Harvester 1951 Case Model DC $275 1964 4000 Ford & 730 loader 1950 Ford 8N JD 4x1 4P/r2 PARSNIP:TN $575 1949 Ford 8N, overhauled JD RNA Peschel Bros. SALES & 1952 M&M R w/ loader $375 1947 Allis C IH No. 1948 JD D St&Lts $575 1962 1010 JD & cultivator 1965 S NEW LOCATION ; 1942 IHC W9 gas $875 1952 8N, overhauled whee SERVICE 1948 IHC M diesel $495 1949 Ferguson tractor 400 Center USED TRACTORS JD list 1964 JD 4020D power -shift & 1948 Massey 30 $275 1967 5000 Ford liCase 4 562.2377 1939 N. Topeka Blvd. 1949 Farmall H JD 14': wide front USED BALERS JD 101 CE 4-2606 1966 JD 3020 gas, pwr.-shift USED MACHINERY MARYSVILLE, KANS. TOPEKA, KANS 1964 JD 3020 gas, Syro-Range 1967 IHC 47 PTO twine $1375 Int 1966 JD 2510 gas, Syro-Range 1959 Ford 250 PTO twine $475 2 -row cult. for H Farmall NE 1966 MM 670 gas, Super wide 1957 JD 14T PTO twine $475 501 7 -ft.3 -pt.Ford mower 1956 NH 66 PTO twine $375 3.14 Dearborn plow, 3 -pt. USED COMBINES front 1965 JD 2010 gas 1956 IHC 45 w/ motor $475 2 row Dearborn cultivator 1966 IH 303 14 -ft. with cab 1959 AC D-17 1956 IHC 45 PTO twine $175 10'3 pt. single disc 1961 J 1963 IH 303 12 -ft. with cab 1958 AC D-17, wide front 1967 NH 818SP cutter.. $52502x14 Dearborn plow 1959 IH 101 10 -ft. with cab 1956 JD 70 diesel, wide front 1965 Ford 612 cutter $850 Richardson bale loader GET OUR PRICES 1958 Massey Ferguson 92, 16 -ft. 1959 MF 50, fully equipped 1959 IHC 36 cutter $275 John Deere T14 baler JD 4 row 30" cult. 1958 AC 66 pull -type 1957 IHC 350 gas, FH & TA 1954 Allis cutter $275 BMB Brute 7' pull type cutter PI 27T baler 1956 AC 100 SP 1956 Case 401 diesel 1953 Papec cutter $275 7' MH mower 1961 JD 45 combine Massey Harris 50 pull -type, 7 -ft. 1954 JD 60, good one 3 pt. Dearborn oneway 1964 JD 45 combine 1956 Ford 960 McPherson Dempster 2 row planter 1968 JD 45 combine USED TRACTORS 1952 IHC H w/ 3 -pt. 2 row IHC planter for 11Fanl Tractor Co. all 1962 JD 95 combine 1964Farmall 806D 1951 IHC M w/ powr-steer V 1968 JD 95 combine 1966Farmall 656 1951 AC WD Case side delivery rake MH 82 self-propelled combine Farmall 560 LP 1951 MH 44; 1949 IHC M (TRACTOR IHC springtoothharrow 1961 Phone 316 Case 4 -row planter w/fed MH 80 special self-propelled 1960Farmall 560D 1951 JD B; 1947 IHC M fed. .JD 520, PS, 3 point 1959Farmall 560D 1949 JD A; 1946 JD G EQUNNAIENT Ford 2 -row planter w/ 241-2900 Wetmore PTO hammermill JD No. 9 mower, 3 pt. 19 Farmall 350D M( Ford 501 3 pt. mower 1953Farmall Super M COMBINES tractor & I e saw MCPHERSON, KANS. demo.circ JDNo. 11 mower 1945Farmall M 1967 JD 95 13 -ft. pickup reel w/ BMBMW Ili Gehi forage box on Electric 1961John Deere 2010 cab John Deere No. 9 mower, Wheel wagon 1960Massey Ferguson65D 1961 JD 45 Hi -Lo, 10 -ft. pickup PRICED TO SELL John Deere No. 5 mower imtyenotf 1 Dempster 2 row 3 pt. cultivator 1959John Deere 730D reel w/ cab IH 141 combine with automatic 7 -ft. Massey Harrismower JD 406 planter with fert. RS 1959Ford 871 1957 JD 45 10 -ft., a good one platform control $1450 USED . C°Bomri John Deere 214W baler 1955John Deere 70 IH 127 SP combine chine, John Deere 14T baler BALERS $295 & MOWERS 1950John Deere MT IH 460 Utility $2150 hp. to 7 hp. lene. Rotary hoes 4 sections withca- 1963 JD 24T 400 Farmall, fast hitch $1100 4 ble hitch $295 USED CULTIVATORS 1962 IHC 46T M Farmall, power steering $675 Valv Many 3 pt. hitch hoes in stock Dempster 4 -row, rear mount, 1958 JD 14T 2 IH 100 fast hitch mower $375 t JD 4020 dsl. with duals.. $6200 3 -pt. 1958 IHC 45T 2 IH 46T hay baler $895 M. B. Salisbury momCom Farmhand 820 feed mixer- IH 463 4 -row, rear mount IH No. 63 2 -row fast hitch culti- sonnel NEW, never been run with IH 461 4 -row fc460 or 560 vator $325 electri tires ONLY $1475'IH 461 4 -row for 30 or 400 Todd Tractor Co., Inc.IH 3 -section spring tooth har- icalw row 1H HM 238 2 -row for H or M Junction Hwys. 36 & 63 $150 EQUIPMENT Case 3 -pointhitchspring 114 QUinCY (iA2C2) KANS Osage Farm Eq. Co. Store Phone DE 6=2138 tooth $150 TOPEKA, OSAGE CITY, KANS. Rossville Truck SENECA, KANSAS IH 50 2 -row field cutter $1450 Fa IH No. 16 -field cutter $750 WANTED - BELTpulley II Phone LA 8-1422 & Tractor Co. New IH 6 -ft. cutter bar attach- 420 or 430 JD forsale. 12' ment for No. 16 field cutter $150. JUl Phone 584-3560 N -I SIDE RAKE reel, nearly new New Idea siderake,steel special price $350 Bros., Hardy, Nebr. AIRCRAFT TIRES ROSS'VELLE, KANS. wheels, heavy duty steel hitch FOR FARM USE 618, $50 FOR SALE DeLaval HYD: WANTED TO BUY: Ford -Dearborn lister, Macha-Revere $10-. Surge milker, Aircraft pickup traction tires. rolling separator Ste 40 to Heavy duty trailer tires. Wide Late Model moldboards $75 stall cocks, largepump, wrecked or burned John Deere pull lister Impl. Co. dutybucket traction fronts. Flotationcom- .... $20 less steel, heavy S_ bine rears. tractors, combines or farm 12' truck bed, 36' grain sides, $25. Rozell Moser,Hollenb% machinery.Any make or full width hinged dumping Alpine 3-7449. model. Call us last; we will endgate with lever by cab, COUNCIL GROVE Chet Alton pay more. 11/a"floor extra heavy sep- USED FORD Model4500 Mit', WAN' TIRE co., INC. arate stock rack $125 golttilli 767-5014 trial tractor withall view for 1,/ North 81 cab and Model19-41heavYl 14"n. 725 N. 11th loader.2 A - 2-t TRACTOR & IMPL. SALVAGE J. W. BREWER FOR SALE - No. 540 Interna-ty industrial Torn TA 3-3767 tional 4x16 steerable plow. clean tractor andloader. k,°' Ph. PR 2-5491 Route 1 Box 487 Phone 922-6253 plete unit $3750.H. B. '456-75 SALINA, KANS. SEDGWICK, KANSAS Francis Vening,Marysville, Nebr. S CHAP,MAN, KANS. 67431 Kans., phone 562-3818. x18 Impl. Co., Fairbury, TRACTORS JUNCTION CITY, KS. 1967 JD 4020 dsl., p.shift John Deere A Harvest Complete 1965 JD 4020 dsl.,p.shift D 70,overhauled Line Of 1954 JD 70 R/C, gas 530, good -730 diesel of Bargains 1965 JD 3020 LP, 3 -pt. 1010 gas 1953 IHC W-9, good 2010 gas Behlen Steel elec,start 2510 diesel - diesel 1960 JD 830 dsl., 010 gas - at St. Marys FARM BUILDINGS, "LA" Case gas, good 43020010 diesel IHC W6 gas, good COMBINES COMBINES BINS, AUGER EQUIPMENT 14 -ft. JD BW disc CULTIVATORS New IHC No. 403 combine with 12 -ft. IHC No. 37 disc front mounted 4 row 1962JD 14' Model 95 Phone or write Mike Wayland at12 -ft. MM oneway ! Case mounted 4 row 1959 cab, ready ! JD front mounted 4 row JD 95 with cab, 16' IHC No. 101 combine, 12 -ft., 1967 JD 24T baler Allis front 1959JD Model 55, 14' clean $2450 Wayland Const. Co. 1963 JD 14T baler 1957JD 12' Model 55 Massey Harris Model 27, 14 -ft., 4 -row JD 802 R/M lister, like HAY BALERS 1955 JD 12' Model 55 motor rebuilt last fall . $750 new ID 214W -224WS - 1959JD 45 with cab, 12' Phone EA 5-2134 14 -ft. Flex King V -plow No. 10 hi density 1957JD 10' Model 45 USED MACHINES Washington, Kansas66968 4 & 5 sec. 3 -pit. & pull spring - 11-1C 55W -56W - 46W - 45T 1960IHC 101 SP 12' Wisconsin air cooled gas en- tooth & carriers 140 Case No. 1956MH 80 SP gine, 7 hp., looks like new. $65 Side rake '0hrs. 1958Model 82 SP, 14' IH No. 37 wheel disk, 9'6" $345 Hoerman Supply Co. Straw chopper for late No. 95 Emporia Impl. Co. Kewanee wheel disk 10'2" $375 88" belt pickup for No. 55 MME TRACTORS IH No. 37 wheel disk, 10'9" $545 WHERE PUMPS 1955 MH No. 90, 16 -ft. 1965 IHC 706 LP, only1300 hrs. JD 3 -sec. pegtooth harrow$75 have been our business 1955 JD No. 55, 14 -ft. 5 1923 W. 6th 1968 JD 4020 dsl., wide front IH 4x16 plow on rubber $195 FOR DEPENDABLE EQUIP- 1967 JD 4020 dsl., wide front David Bradley 2 wheel tractor FOR 25 YEARS MENT YOU CAN DEPEND ..... 1965 JD 3020 diesel spreader $145 EMPORIA, KANS. 1962 JD 3010 diesel IH 3x14 fast hitch plow $175 over 200 pumps ON US. DI 2-3146 1960 JD 60 gas IH No. 2001 loader with hyd. 1959 JD 720 diesel bucket $625 in stock Blanding Impl. Co. COMBINES TO Ferguson 20, good IH No. 311 3x14 FH plow $295 S. w/ cab, good 1962 JD RC 2010 gas, painted Allis roto baler $575 RENT-TRADE-REBUILD JD 45 Hi -Lo Overhauled IH 8' tandem disk $95 Warehouse at Zeandale, Ks. JD 55, good IH 3x14 plow on rubber $125 BELOIT, KANS. JD 45, good 1958 JD 720 gas Phone MANHATTAN JD 105, Hi -Lo,good 1951 C Farmall, with plow andJD No. 55 3x14 plow .... $195 913 - 776.9253 PE 8-3066 16' IH No. 5 low wheel side del. AC self-propelled mower ),14' rake MR 72, good 2 JD 630 tractors. 1959 $150 16' 1954 60 John Deere IH No. 211 rotary mower, 3 pt., SEE THESE COMBINES TRACTORS ),12' 1959 730 John Deere like new $295 1959 IH 151 12', power steering, WICHITA JD 4020 diesel, like new IHC 1959 560 dsl. 1958 IH No. 45T hay baler $275 new paint, ready to go $2675 ID 4020 diesel, real good 1958 IHC 450 gas, just in IH C-21 rear mt. 7' mower $75 1958 IH 151 15', ready for the 730 diesel, good IHC Model M IH No. 45T hay baler $100 field $2675 1' I''DAC CA, live PTO, good 1958 MH 444, gas, power steer- Allis 3x14 mtd. plow $65 1959 IH 101 12', ready for the H 1-1 with live PTO ing, 3 pt. hitch, painted, NEW IH 16x8 grain drill with fert., field $2350 grass seeder $285 SPECIAL PRICE from one end to the other 1958 IH 101, 12' cab $2150 2 MH 44 tractors IH No. 400 3 -sec. springtooth 1952 Massey Super 27 14'$750 New JD machinery 2 JD G: JD A: JD B $125 1950 JD 55 12' $495 65 JD 4020 std. dsl., hyd., PTO, 4020 diesel, power shift, 1968 IH 4 -sec springtooth $60 1949 JD 55 12' $750 good rubber, power shift, low 480 mower conditioner, demon- USED WHEEL DISKS Gehl field cutter 1 -row $295 1953 IH 127 14', late machine hrs. strator owes JI) 17'2' fold around FWA disk, TRACTORS $550 64 JD 4020 dsl., 3 -pt., hyd., cab dual wheels. good 64 JD 4020 LP, power shift, 3 - 11 IH F-460 diesel pt., dual hyd. Kansas Farm Mchy. JD I3W with fr-ld up gangs IH Farmall B with mower $345 64 JD 3020 std.dsl., 3 -pt., cab 4 real good Allis D-14 wide front, PS Valley Equipment 62 JD 4010 dsl., 3 -pt., PTO, hyd. CE 3.1374 JD 14' AW good IH 1-300 Utility, F-300 gas 62 JD 4010 dsl., std., PTO, new IHC 37 10', plain bearings Ford 800 series West 24 Phone 913 tires SPRINGTOOTHS JD Model B with lift... $50 64 MF 97 dsl., like new at Goodyear IH Farmall Super M TA 65 MM 705 LP, dual hyd., PTO rY JD 18' 3 point :01JI AC 7-2396 58 JD 820 dsl., real clean TOPEKA TRUCKS JD 12' 3 pt. springtooth LINDSBORG, KANSAS 'S 36 1960International,duals,bed COMBINES USED TRACTORS MILLER---MILLER---MILLER & hoist, motor needs repair 2 67 Gleaners, C -II, w/ cab '46 These offsetdisksarereally $750 66 Gleaner C -II w/ cab 1966 JD 3020 gas, like new selling. We've sold truckloads. 1950 Chevrolet 2 -ton, 2 -speed A GREAT SELECTION OF 65 Gleaner C -LT w/ cab 1959 JD 630 We just got in another load. axle, comb. bed and hoist $775 59 JD 55, 14', w/ power steer- SAS 1964 JD 3020, wide front 1965 Ford pickup, 6-cyl., 4-spd., USED COMBINES ing 1961 3010 dsl., wide front aux. springs, custom cab, 8 - 61 JD 95 18' combine 1959 JD 730 dsl., WFE ft. bonus bed, 18,000 miles, 1965 C -II Gleaner, 16' 65 JJD 95 19' combine 1948 JD A Farmers Union extra clean 1965 C -II Gleaner 16' with cab 955 JD 70 gas, PS 1953 Dodge 1', ton truck, chas- 1964 A -II Gleaner, 14' INDUSTRIAL rive MISCELLANEOUS Hdw. & Implement sis & cab, duals $295 1963 403 IHC 14' 63 5010 John Deere scraper, liste 1966 IHC V-8 4 -speed, wide box, 1961 JD 55 14' make an offer JD 4 -sec. rotary hoe, 3pt. Everett Hoobler radio, low miles 1960 JD 45 12' 66 .1D 760 scraper )ader JD 4x14 mounted plow 1959 JD 45 10' 441 61 JD 1010 crawler loader JD RW disk, 13'2" AFB Mgr. 1953 JD 55, 12' IH No. 37 disk, 12'6" WIB For Parts See Harry Meers 1952 IHC 127 12' 4n. 1965 Shaffer 14' heavy duty Ph. 437-2913 Buy - Sell- Or Trade- 1952 MH Super 26 wheel disk See Lloyd Hunter Western Impl. Co. JD listed crop cult, go -dig St. Marys, Kansas TRACTORS 2256 S. West St. WH 3-4261 Case 4-16 semi -mounted plow 190XT A -C demonstrator WICHITA, KANS. JD 14T baler, real good Mohn Implement Co. 2 used Hume reels, 12' JD 1010 chuckwagon, nice USED MACHINERY Telephone CE 8-5101 1959 AC D-14, new paint Interest Waivers On All 1966 Case 1031 diesel w/ cab, 1951 WD, good Combines 11 New & Used Combines fully equipped, 1000 hours Junction City, Kansas 'er Until Dec. 1, 1969 1967 Case 190 lawn tractor w/ 1966 M -F 510 mower Waterville Motors 1966 Massey Ferguson Model )r COMBINES 1963 MF 65 Dieselmatic, fully FOR SALE ft. header, fully equipped, ex- 1961 JD No. 95 16' equipped Good selectionofused John tra clean, and field ready. 1962 Oliver 1800 LP gas, fully Deere, Krause & IH wheel ST 5-2731 510 combine w/ cab, w/ 20- equipped discs Header trailer available. Will Belleville Impl. 1961 IH B275 diesel, fully equip- 18 -ft. Kent springtooth MIAS *CAA-MIMI trade, finance, and deliver. utter ped 22 -ft. Parker springtooth WATERVILLE, KANSAS Priced right. Ph. JA 7-2261 1959 John Deere 830 diesel, ful- 27 -ft.Moundridge springtooth ly equipped New crustbuster, Krause chis- USED GLEANERS 1958 JD 720 gas, fuly equipped TRACTORS 2 1966 'C -II Gleaners, 16 -ft., Fare. Norman V. Hanshaw els, V plows, offset discs, Flex re- 1958 Case 800 B diesel,fully disc & No. 600 wheel discin 1964 4020 dsl., wide axle conditioned and field ready equipped stock. 1967 D-17 AC, Series IV 1966 A -II Gleaner, 14 -ft., A-1 4 Gas & Diesel 1957 JD 720 diesel, fully equip- Used No. 268 NH twine baler1965 706 IH dsl., overhauled 1963 C Gleaner, extra clean ped Used No. 47W IH baler, used 2 1964 3020 dsl., wide axle fert. John Deere 850 16 -ft. oneway, seasons 1960 J D630, 3 -pt. 1965 AC 190XT diesel, 3 -pt. ,ert. Shop Service like new No. 905 NH windrower, 19671961 560 IH dsl., 3200 hrs. 1956 MM GB, LP & hyd. mill 1966 Case 6x16 semi -mounted IH auger & Ford engine 1962 3010 gas, new sleeves WE TRADE w MOST up-to-date service plow Hesston windrower 1961 3010 dsl, new sleeves shop in our area Ezee Flo No. 111 Spin Spread-M -F six bar rake T, 3it' er on 20" tires MF 3 -pt. mower COMBINES Complete diesel testing equip- 1967 John Deere MK 14 -ft.off- Cunningham hay conditioner 1965 JD 55 14', cab Bundy Equip., Inc. wer ment to takecare of the major- set disc harrow 1965 JD 95, 16', cab ity of tractors. 942 S. West TORS JD RG4 4row 3 -pt. cult. 1961 JI) 45 12', cab Boring bars, line boringma- IH 4 -row pull curler Gould's, Inc. 1959 JD 45 12', 16.9 tires chinee, welding,electrical, acety- Gehl mower bar 1958 No. 101 IH 12', pickup reel WH 2-7261 Llen. Kewanee 17ft. folding tandem 1956 JD 45 10', very clean Phone 243-2609 A ti1ti#0,1tim 1952 JD 55 14' $895 Valve equipment,rod align- disk WICHITA, KANS. ment tools. 1955 JD 55 12' $1095 co. Lott Impl., Inc. tMOUIY DI7FPsnii:Ors; 1956 JD 55 14' $1195 Competent factorytrained per- 'CONCORDIA, KS. 30% down & interest wai- WE RE -BEVEL KNIVES sonnel ver to December 1 on com- ON IH FIELD HARVESTERS 11 electrical- in hydraucs, andgenerlialmechadiesel,n- biner ical work. EX 2-3110 COMBINES We have the grinder to re -bevel icy 1968 Gleaner G, 18', with cab MISCELLANEOUS the knives on these models of 1966 Gleaner C, with cab, 18' 4 14T JD PTO balers International field harvesters: BOWMAN MINNEAPOLIS, KANS. IHC 141 combine, 14' No. 37 JD 9' mower 20C, 15 -16 - 50 - 55 - 350 and 550 1962 Gleaner C, 18' 896A JD rake If your knives need sharpening, ley for Farm Impl. &Truck Co. 1960 IHC 101 12' 6 -row 30" front mount JD cul-bring them in for prompt, ex- Hung* 240 East Eighth Tarn -Key 1961 Case 600 combine tivator pert beveling. Aurand JUNCTIONCITY, KANS. Case 2 row corn head 1962 No. 62 Papec cutter w/ xlg Construction 1964 AC D19 gas rowcrop & pickup 1965 No. 35A Papec cutter w/ Schumacher's Inc. TRACTORS dble. row head 618 WANTED ncer, 1, HYDRAULICFLOOR PRESS 1959 AC D17 gas 16' F931H JD springtooth har- Highway 36 Stain 40 1960 AC D14 tractor row acket 1959 AC D17 dsl. We need used 4010 diesel EA 5-2316 enberg' a 1959 Case 800 dsl. tractors. xis Phone 768-6077 ___....-- HEBRON, NEBRASKA Ostlund Implement Washington Impl. Co. WASHINGTON, KANS. 1 Indus WANTEDWANTED North Central Steel veatrw'for Massey FIFTH bottom BURCH CULTIVATOR, 4 row, FergusonavY only one year old; all extras. id°. 14" moldboardpglow.FoNro. CH 34088 EA 5-2301 go0U 4Sa71e. Irrigation, Inc. Priced to sell. Leo Jueneman, 2 -bottom 2-14Ford plow. 913 392-2077 .031.8k4 emcees? Hanover, Kans., ED 7-2760. C°11/' Tom Ebert P.O. Box 141 Irma CONCORDIA SB18 Riley.456 St. George, Kans., MINNEAPOLIS, KANSAS WASHINGTON, KANS. iS1319 i.l7534. x18 .:.----- PICKUP REEL for 10 -ft.101 BroilersRiding HERINGTON USED MACHINERY IHC combine. Phone455-3458, AT WAKEFIELD Leo Reed, Clifton, Kans.SB19 Miscellaneous Red We have several piecesof new FOR SALE - Universal13' .wittARItCf"I bought The risingconsuin, 40*8,2190121328 IH equipment which we pickup reel, near new. Gleaner _,(1'A before the price increase.Trac- mountings. Verland Sehardt, Utll cs ined-x.ien: tors, combines, and otherma- Carleton, Nebr. Phone Deshler - thefor at 100% Vinyl Latex TRACTORS chines. We're selling these Cherry 15. x18 has boosted the old, lower prices. WALL PAINT prices abovtLs' 1968 JD 4020 dsl., 400 hrs. FOR SALE - Richardson pick- ago, the Agriculture Denaets 1968 JD 2510 gas 1966 F706 diesel Bob Av- Heavy Duty. Washable n1 1964 IH 806 diesel up reel attachment $25. 1964 John Deere 2010 gas ery, J. C., Kans. Phone238- sayWs.holesale 1958 JD 720 diesel 1959 Ford 941D SB19 2.93 per gal. ready t 1962 AC D-15 1959 Farmall 460 gas withwide 8082. Also good selection of er prices averaged culture front end 28.2 gling to 1962 IHC 560 gas 56' MH NEW feeder chain, cyl- Linoleum: 9x12, 12x12, 12x15 pound duringthe cep 1959 AC D-17 on LP gas 1959 Farmall 340 gas inder chain & grain pan, above firs°;e:iikait, I' program. 1957 AC WD45 diesel 1952 IHWD9; 47 MD average. Priced $1250. Inman 1969, up 1 centfrom a ye;. an acres; 1950 WD Allis; JD G & A FAITH'S Her. The trend 1957 MM Model U 585-6671. SB18 has conntur Assist 1956 IHC 300 1947 John Deere A with loader FURNITURE with April and TWO ROW Head for 34-38 John Mayavers 1962 Case 630 gas COMBINES East US 24 PR 8-3786 29 cents a pound, 1954 JD 60 with new block Deere field cutter. Calvin Mey- a gain 0°f.'said:"It M -M 14' SP combine er, Basehor, Kans. x25 MANHATTAN, KANSAS cents from 1968. 1952 JD G Ford 611 SP combine, 12' The depai: Used Femco cab for JD 4020 said in a summaryreport°hasbeen 1965 IH 303 combine FOR SALE - 1948 Minneapolis FOR SALE: LOCKERS poultry and egg largerb,,th'the MACHINERY 1957 MH 60, 1954 AC 60 with Moline U, standard PTO, live situational'aiatihtrn N. 1958 JD 45 combine motor hydraulic, good condition. Ken- All Metal Storage Lockers further price advances ahead. 1952 A -C Gleaner IH No. 22 101, corn head neth Anderson, Clyde, Kans., Pull drawer size 15" by 19" by develop laterthis year Palmb, Used 10', 12' & 14' pickup reelsAllis Chalmers field cutter Phone Cuba 27F17. x19 30" long. Some with door only. plies of broilers if t.'4 for right hand drives 1967 IH 550 field cutter Most with lock and key. aadre111'44? FOR SALE - 14 -ft. Hume pick materialize as indicated,nlay . NAri enS HEr Used straw chopper for JD 551963 IH 50 field cutter trop. up reel for 55 John Deere. In Broiler marketings 1964 & 1959 JD 14T balers BALERS & MOWERS excellent condition $265. Em- FOWLES.LOCKER.PLANT in Av He said Also 1959 JD 214T ery R. Eklund, Miltonvale, Ks. 510 Dexter ME 2-3533 and May were 8percent rrti:t forthcom Farmhand stacker 1960 Ford 250T baler than a year earlier, IH No. 46 twine x18 CLAY CENTER, KANS. and broii John Deere 45W loader chickplacements al JD 896 rake Ferguson 3 pt. mower FOR SALE - John Deere 60 STEEL WINDMILL tower and indicateil, A" 1 JD 8 & 5 mowers JD 3 pt. mower, No. 9 tractor, well equipped, field head for sale. Also pump and supply margin will continsii JD 2 -row curler OTHER MACHINERY ready, priced to sell. M. L. Carl- pipe. Verna Kaldahl, Hardy, through July, thereport saki Lpares\\- JD 4 -row 3 -pt., cultivator, RG4 Kewanee hay & grain elevator son, 913 456-2447, Wamego, Ks. Nebr., phone 402 279-3276. x18 Egg production is expeet0Pst year Used JD 29B sprayer x19 Lots of used disks,plows, with traveling feed table WANTED -- Young couple de- remain above 1968 levelsNot, springtooths and grain drills. IH F40 4 row weeder, pull FOR SALE - Two irrigationsires antique dishes, furniture, the summer. Output in IH 261 fast hitch Map pumps, 1 Berkley 5"x6" Modelfirearms. Richard Davis, 1620 ceeded 1968 monthlyrates fe: SEE US FOR NEW IH 250 2 row with rear section 8°1101;PC1111(11.1111'lltr'1,1).11,(' 111 255 2 row fast hitch rear mt.5 WRE with 30' aluminum suc-Leavenworth, Manhattan, Ks., the first time this year Crust Buster Harrows tion line; one model B6ZRM JE 9.5008. x21 and;: Prices.,,i Grain-O-Vator and Blair FeedIH 455 4 row front mt. cult. Berkley 10" suction and 8" dis- ther gains are likely throup,in ".°1 Wagons John Deere 5 sec. springtooth charge on trailer with belts DON'T LET breakfast catch next fall. Officials said more riPS:11"' Blair manure spreader 3 pt. springtooth carrier and power takeoff shaft, used you without jelly made with lets are being brought into year Danuser post hole digger No. 60 2 row planter one season. One No. 55 IHC grapes from Barton's Vine- li a '' G -B loaders International H M lister, with chisel plow, trailing with cush-yards, Silver Lake, Kans. x21 ing production which should: 11.1(' Schafer disks fert., rotary moldboards & - --- crease flock sizes by early et. rubber press wheels. Can beion shanks, like new. One sin-WISCONSIN GAS motor, 9 hp., gle drum winch, 2 ton. Chas. J. mer. Also, they said, the rale, converted to fast hitch Mueller, Hanover, Kans. x19 like new, phone 455.3458, Leo Tri-County Sales International 182 lister Reed, Clifton, Kans. SB19 egg output per hen has increeLoar from a year ago. George Munkres DISCS & PLOWS FOR SALE - 1958 Internation- WANTED TO BUY- Old al 14' self-propelled combine, wooden ice box. Phone 539-6475. Turkey marketings duringii).41Amr!oc Phone Collect JD 4-16 pull type plow good condition. Everett Nelson, first half of 1969 - noma BL 8.2249 or BL 8-2991 IH 37 wheel disc, 10'9" Rt.1, Rose Hill, Kans. 67133. SB19 IH 37 wheel disc,14' SB18 period of light production - to I HERINGTON, KANSAS IH fast hitch disc MAG WHEELS, string bass, be 10 to 12 percent less Wecompan nice quarter horse mare. Rog- tl IH 37 12' wheel disc FOR SALE - John Deere 3-14 year earlier. Indications are Lfrom Krause 14' wheel disc Model 415A plow, 3 point with er Wesley Nauerth, 1724 South Admini: SALINA cover boards. Oscar Beichter, Manhattan Ave. 913 778-3002. turkey poult hatchings in AM Also see us for: Clay Center, Kans., ME 2-5025. x21 major states may be about,iosete. Farm Hand Farm Equipment x18 percent less than last I..rilliston Rolling Cultivators ! compan least partially offsetting p and Rolling Cutters FOR SALE - Gehl No. 72 flail Government Surplus serve in hatchings through April. 11 ;$: Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. chopper, excellent condition. Raincoats, 2 piece rainsuits & Delmar E. Kohimeier, Linn, Ks., ponchos. Tarpaulins could mean that marketings ioui7Z:161, Emergency Parts Ph. HO 1-5628 Phone DI 8-2254. - 18 oz. f. WE NEED LATE MODEL or HO 1-5811. x20 with web loops every 12 inches. the big September -December USED TRACTORS turkey season could beper.abi, FOR SALE --3x16 Massey - These are new and are the F'oaramcelit-: Before you deal check our Fergusonfullmounted plow. very best. You can't buy better. the same as during the !at price on new JD equipment. AULD Also Wik bale loader, near new. Paperback book exchange. 1968. If production next fall .;w CALL US Joe Rohla,Formoso,Kansas. Buy - Sell - Trade.Bring in eattie, CHEVROLET Phone FR 4-2036. x18 your books. We need them. at 1968 levels, the report said The. TRACTORS HO 1-5414 "moderately higher" prices casocianoi JD 4020 RC dsl., 3 -pt., 620 hrs. WAKEFIELD WANTED - Hume reel for a LLOYD'S SURPLUS SALES be expected. JD 3020 RC gas, 3 -pt., new tires 14' Gleaner combine. Melvin St. Marys, Kansas receive IHC 706 RC gas, good cond. 12 -FT. HUME PICKUP reel for Ferris, Narka, Kans,, Phone vice for JD 630 RC gas, 3 -pt. a Baldwin Gleaner. Earl Thomp- 1903. x18 CAMPERS ON HAND.- Just CALL WAS KSU !vide nee JD 2010 RC gas, 3 -pt. son, Burlingame, Kans., 654- like wheat, about costs. El FOR SALE - 1961 400gal. Dorado 11', 10%, 8'; Cheetah 8' DEAN FOR 21 YEARS 1rnds tc JD 60 gas; JD 70 RC dsl. 378.5. x19 DeLaval bulk tank. New heavy Leland E. Call, who died inithe Bue IHC 450dsl. slip -in. Phone 625-2837, Tom duty compressor.Excellent Smith Jr., Rt. 2, Yates Center. June at Manhattan, was deaniwhich s JD R dsl. with PS MUELLER MODEL M milk condition. Sam Euler, ph. 913 bulk tank, 400 gallon, 1967 mod- x18 agriculture at Kansas State i-eye ini IHC 300 utility, 2 -pt. 482.3364, Dwight, Kans.SB20 MM G1020 dal. RC, 1966 model el, like new. Delbert McElfresh, versity from 192546. He jets Case 411B gas, wide front, 3 -pt. Marion, Kans. 382-2857. x19 FOR SAL E- 1950 G JD roll-a- FOR SALE - Wide mouth MH 44 gas, 3 -pt. gallon jars, glass or plastic, the K -State faculty in 1907,1 IHC 345 COMPLETE engine.matic and hydraulic. 1966 NH four for 25c. Vista Drive In, ler his retirement he spent! Excellent condition. Less thanfield cutter. 717 Model. Phone Manhattan. GOOD SELECTION OF 238-8239 Junction City. x20 x19 most a decade in the Philip USED PLOWS AND 7000 miles since major over- - - SPRINGTOOTH SECTIONS haul. IHC 160 truck with goodFOR SALE -. Half tracks forFOR THE rideof your life, on four different missions. 151,4' combination Omaha Stan- self propelled Baldwin Gleaner ride a Big Horn saddle from dairy -poultry science building dard box and near new 12 -ton Key Milling. Clay Center, Kans. K -State is named for hint Salina Impl. Co. hoist. Always shedded. Good combine, like new, ph. 364-2238, SB TF 8:25 10P tires. 67,000 miles on--Holton, Kans. x18 601 S. Broadway TA 3-2206 truck. Nearly new 264 engine: FOR SALE -- 1958 GB on LP ...... SALINA, KANSAS 67401 increase cooling, heavy duty gas, hyd., real good. James Pets transmission & rear end. 4-spd. Bornholcit, Inman, Ks., 585-2105. City Manager & 2-spd. W/C mirrors. New SB18 FOR SALE - Purebred Eng-WearsA Badge willsell USED point. Call after 6 p.m. 879-8346. Glenn A. Ridle, Superior, Nebr.FOR SALE - 12 -ft. New Glen-lish Pointer pups nine weeks RUSSELL - If residents huthouseho 1963 AC D-19 old. Phone 767-5331. Leroy W. break a law in the near x21 coechiselplow with16 -inch Doerner, Rt. 2, Council Grove, arreinsipe wes 1946 JD G sweep shovels. Sam Leu, Nor- the Rtiucskseerdi PAY rot JD CUTTER No. 34 for sale; tonville, Kans., ph. 913 886-6850. Kans. 66846. x20 Used 3 & 4 btm. snap couplerhas 2 -row narrow head with edybymatyhebe 11*-alld C plows 1000 RPM PTO. Always shed- x18 ager. A -C No. 500 4 row rear mtd. Mobile Homes G. J. MiloHC cultivator ded. Dale Keesecker, Washing- HUME REEL- New 13' for a The citymanager, ton, Kans.,Rt. 3, 66968; phone 403 IH combine. Hewitt-DeBaun has take nover as actingpoleCoronac 1964 AC D15 913 EA 5-2886. SB19 Equipment Company, Inc. 1964 VAN DYKE 10x55 trailer, 1959 JD 45 with cab SB18 chief. Poleallilieceh.°e' FOR SALE - JD straw chop- 2 bedroom, like new. Call after The post became vacantw15 new 1963 JD 45 with cab, power 5, Clay Center, ME 2-5663.x18 steering, 12' platform, per for 55 JD combine $150.WANTED - OFFSET disc, 3- Robert 0. Thomasresigned fiPine be Stan Schurle,Rt.1,Manhat- - ner s nt. rotary mower, also Crust FOR SALE - 1966 mobile become a Kansasforestry, IN tan, Kans. Phone JE 9-3173. buster springtooth. Write PO s_liloriril home, 10'x56' 3 bedroom. Rea- commission pro Cuba Impl. Co. SB19 Box 54, Langdon, Kans. x20 sonable. Harvey Krause, Clay and game vll est Center, 1003 Sherman Lot1. or. Cede RECONDITIONEDCOM-FOR SALE - 1954 SC Case It i BINES - 1958 John Deere 55,tractor, 2 pt., A-1 condition, Phone ME 2-2302. x18 Boyd Phone 4F 7 power steering, no custom good rubber, $495. Case culti-- - thpeolipcoeltaarautlpiertothisbigi?eodlnalii: $2250. Excellent 1959 JD 55. vator, good, $55. Henry Blaha, AC& tomovfiell Ams.04Aukilum Cuba, Kans. 1955 Gleaner, excellent $1750. Glasco, Kansas, phone 593-2543. 41111EIESIMI him lOgood ico Cheap combines: 1950, 1951 x18 job and then demote FOR SALE - 1962 Case 1000 Massey 27s, $195. 2 1951 Massey - - CUSTOM COMBINING and decides to al combine, 16 -ft. with cab. Phone 27s, good, $350. 3 InternationalFOR SALE - Richardson's 14' hauling with one truck. Don the permanent appo Cuba 16F20, Frank L. Sterba, 125s, choice $195. 26 Massey pickup reel,$75. John Deere Schurman,Emmett,Phone In his new job,Boyd iv Belleville, Kans. x19 $250. Good assortment HumeNo. 5 Quick-tatch mower $100. 535-2326. x20 trouble Geo. Hart, Aurora, .Kans.x18 have to takethe FOR SALE - Nearly new reels. Nickel Bros., 316 543-2535. Obeeffineall7 saw Buhler, Kans. x18 FOR SALE- -20' Bazdoka 6" jAsoinsacthiaetiKana.nsasHePohliasce Hume reel for a 5 -ft. Allis com- Stud Service bine. Price $100. L. C. Day, FOR SALE - 1951 IHC 14' grain auger on wheels, $65. Al- years. 4 lawn Council Grove, Kans., phone 125SP combine. Shedded, goodso 4 section springtooth $50. 116 member for 14 A goo( 767-5829. South Phillips, Salina, Ks.x20 considerable li x19 tires, concaves and Ausherman Boyd took the 11;aTeeini cylinder bars in excellent con- FOR SALE - Registered pure- perience withhim to WANTED- TWO -row corn dition. Kenneth Shank, Rt.2, 1961 FORD 861 gas tractor forbred Arabian stallion, 3-yr. old, was aOft head for Massey Harris 82 com- Abilene, Phone Navarre 3901. sale:live PTO. James Born- race and show prospect. Will lice station. He policeman in theMarine C°116shot bine. State price & condition. SB20 holdt, Inman, Kens, 316-585- remain at stud until sold. Fee: part:timepolice0 many( Rock Koch, Axtell, Kans. 66403. 2105. SB18 registered $100; grade $50; ask- and was a Wei SB18 10 -FT. HUME PICKUP reel. ing $2000. Also for sale, year- and later actingpolice Came off MH Model 60. Brack- SNOW'CO THROW type bale he FOR SALE- Good Oliver bal- ling colt, full brother of above. Chadron, Nebr.,where ets available for any combine.loader for sale- good condi- Stanley Leaf, Box 416, Hanover, ti er, Anno Headky, seven milesPatterson Impl. Co., Council assistant to north of Rossville, Kans. SB18 tion. Cotton Rogers 913 PR 6- Kans., 66945, phone ED 7-2278. administrative Grove, Kans. SB18 5947, RR2, Manhattan. SB19 SB18 Chadron citymanager. concrete and fiberglass soit July 1, 1969 List Six State could withstand temperature tills AcreageCut Expected Grass & Grain dery changes. 18 lded Honors ' try ate MANHATTAN- Six Kansas a n1970 WheatProgram 4-H Club members have received LrtMeo WASHINGTON - The Agri- scholarships for the American BURLINGTON, KANSAS States on occasion is still strug- - have under-Youth Foundation Leadership culture Department ctit the price minimumsspecified br gling to shape its 1970 wheat by the agreement. Training Camp at Stony Lake, rents rogram. Still one official hints Mich. They are irter Palmby said largeworld sup- Coffey Eureka o an acreagecut is expected. plies have caused Teresa Ann Neuenschwander. ar ear. SecretaryClarence trade prices to Fredonia Assistant drop slightly belowthose speci- lmby spoke in Norfolk, Va. He fied in the IGA. Charlotte Rae Borger, Mankato ages a "Itis apparent now, even Jackie Lynn Fink. Paradise County Auction said: of 1,7'with the reduced allotment that Daryl Lee McVickers, Beeler rtMenthas been in effect for 1969," that Vandals Destroy Dennis Alan Smith. Lamed Sale on thea larger buildupof surplusis XVill Kimball. Medicine Lodge Livestock Sale that Topeka Tornado The girls' session will be July ay ne4ahead. Palmby said:"It sems likely 28 through August 10 and the Every Every ifsup. tat we will need to seek a reduc- Siren Controls boys'sessionfromAug. 11 meat through21. tion in next year's wheat crop." The tornado warning sirenatop Wednesday Monday He said an announcementis Burnett's Mound was vandalized April STARTS 12 NOON STARTS 1:00 P.M. moreforthcoming. recently at the height ofase- Carryover wheat supplies on vere storm which could havecar- July 1 are expected to he at least ried a tornado. Glasco Voters While cattle receipts are small as expected this season at both ethe bushels.This com- inue800 million RobertR. Jones, Shawnee sales pavilions, we will continue to have a goodrun of hogs at the pares with539millionbushels ;aid. Counts' Civil Defense director, Turn Down Burlington Market. st year. said that controls for the siren eted to Paimby also took aswipe at SALES WILL NOT BE INTERRUPTED DURING HARVEST. hrough attached to a pole some distanceSwimming Pool the International Grains Arrange- WE'LL BE HERE !!! lay ex. from the siren had been "beaten A 9 -vote margin defeated the ment, a trade treaty which fixes to pieces. 5 for second attempt to build a swim- prices for various kinds of wheat Raymond Vaughn Herb Rocldull nd fur "It was a senseless act.If aming poolinGlasco. 'a world trade. BURLINGTON 364-2581EUREKA GI 3-5493 ugh tornado had been sighted andwe The vote on the proposed BARN PHONE BARN PHONE GI 3-9946 Since it went into -f feet almost would have wanted to warn the$37,000 bondissue was 174 364-9576 pujyear ago, many export ing coun- to lay city, the siren just wouldn't haveagainst and 164 in favor. tries. including the United ,uld worked," Jones said. "It was heartbreakingly close -Demonstrators- y surn Jones saidthe damage wasthis time," said Mrs. Jean Dar- discovered,ironically, rate of by some-nall. city clerk. BARGAINS OVERSTOCK!! creasedLoans To Two one who had gone to Burnett's A similar proposal was defeat- - Mound toplace flowers at theed in 1963. tornado memorial. John Deere 2510 Tractor, diesel, fully equipped, Lng th rea The proposal this time was for wide frontaxle,remote cylinder,weights, nally a one firms "Something is going to have toa pool built of a combination of 15x38 6 ply tires, 3 -pt. hitch SAVE $1500 - may Two G&G area rural phone be done to insure that this warn- than acompanies have gotten loans ing deviceisn't tamnered with. John Deere 650 3 -pt. hitch side delivery rake, 5 bar from Lincoln 225 amp. welders with re that the Rural Electrification We can't very well post a guard accessories $93 on rubber caster wheels SAVE $167 Administrationfor improving June in to watch the siren to ensure that 180 amp $83 .John Deere No. 100 Chisel Plow, 10', with 2" flat out 6service. it's working if we need it,"he1 hp. portable air compressor spring standards, the answer to late spring The Blue Valley Telephone said. with 12 -gal. tank $69.95 work $1 25 ear, a Hi Line battery chargers, 6 SAVE a gaincompany at Marysville willre- Jones said Mayor Gene Martin amp. $12.95; 10 amp $16.95 ceive $182,000 to Il. This serve 36 new is aware of the vandalism and is15,000 watt power take -off driv- John Deere 640 Side Delivery Rake, 5 bar, used subscribers and improveservice en power plant $575 tires $149 igs in "planning appropriate action." 1,000 watt portable alternator SAVE nber for 256. The borrowerproposes to acquire the $129.50 John Deere F14511 4 -bottom, 14" steerable plow, about facilitiesof the Black plastic stack covering 20" coulters, trash boards, used ,tire & tube Farmers Mutual Telephone ?Nod in corn 14'x100' 4 mil $13.50 SAVE $300 ny..which serves the townofDairy Princess In 20'x100' 4 mil $17.50 fall atile in Marshall 24'x100' 4 mil $22.50 said, County. 28'x100' 4 mil $25.95 John Deere 12' HI) 336 pull type spring tooth The Tri-County Telephone Chicago Contest harrows $60 S CO As- 32'x100' 4 mil $29.95 SAVE sociation of Council Grovewill Miss Janet Sprang, 20, daugh-40'x100' 4 mil $35.95 NEW 1969 3/4 Ton HD leaf rear springs, heavy receive $214,000 to improveser-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis 6 mil plastic alsoin stock. front suspension, 6 cylinder 292 engine, 4-spd., vice for 183 subscribersand pro-Sprang of Effingham, 'is in Chi- HD trans., 5 750x16 6 ply truck tires, gauges. vide new service fornine. Itin- cago, competing with girls from HI) rear bumper, dark blue color SAVE $508 ds to acquire the facilitiesof29 other states for the title of ET 1961 GMC Model 4000, 2-spd. axle, good tires, 15' in latethe Buckeye TelephoneCompany American Dairy Princess. Knapheide grain bed, grain sides, good mech-$2295 lean ofwhich serves thetown of Buck- Miss Sprang has served as Kan- FARM RANCH anically, a good harvest truck to Unieye in Dickinson County. sas Dairy Princess since last - MACHINES - joined September. This fall she will be SUPPLY 07. Al a senior at Kansas State Univer- 1961 New Holland wire tie Super Hayliner baler, sent Emporia sity where she is majoring in bale chute wagon hitch. Lots of good baling . $995 lippin,AUCTION Physical Education. West Hwy. US 50 T 1961 New Holland 67 baler, twine tie, with wagon- ding a hitch & bale chute $395 n. Tues., JULY 8 COMBINES Starts 5:00 p.m. 1 1961 John Deere 55 Hi -Lo, 14 -ft.,reconditioned including 1956 John Deere 14T Baler, twine tie, hitch & new bars, grate, elevators, belts,engine solid, power hale chute $695 EVENING SALE steering $3295 1 1954 John Deere 55 14ft., solid machine, clean $1295 As we are leaving the state we 1 1958 John Deere 55, 14 -ft.,painted, reconditioned, sharp will sell at public sale allour $2350 John Deere 820 2 -row Weeder $95 herehousehold furniture, tools & mis- 1 Allis No. 66 PTO, machine, excellent $235 titure,cellaneous atour home located 1 2 John Deere salvage 55 combines, headers, wheels, motors, treatmile west of Junction Cityon City route 77, justwest of More miscellaneous parts - John Deere No. 5 Mower, quick tach $75 mawSand Co. Watch 1 Massey Super No. 27 salvage, enginerebuilt last year for sale signs. 1 Straw Chopper 55 combine, 1960-1964left in stock, 1969 95 cab; WILL DEAL AFTER HARVESTPLOWING Boyd, i Household Goods SPECIALS. $295 police oronado deep freeze, 17 -ft., like John Deere 4-14 pull plow, Model 555H new 1 1961 M -M G -VI factory propane, powersteering, sharp, 78 2 elec. refrigerators, $2650 when gas range, horsepower dsl. engine. This is a full 5 -plow oil heater 1 1961 Massey 98 w/ GMC John Deere 3-16 3 -point hitch plow $150 ,ed toPine bookcase bed w/ good in- tractor, dsl. engine is in perfectshape $2350 fish 1 IHC 450 dsl., wide front, powersteer $1195 springsner spring mattress & box tires .cetect 1 John Deere 4020 dsl., good, new ,2 chest ofdrawers 1 1951 John Deere "A", solid $550 John Deere 4.16 3 -pt. hitch plow $195 Nal Cedarwardrobe; what -not 1 1951 John Deere, "AR" $395 t best-hest; goldprovincial occ. chair; Carry -Over 1968 4020-power-shift, WILL DEAL than DUE IN bgoodle planter; living room chair; step ta- John Deere 12' spring tooth harrow $150 D the vanity; writing desk; 1963 Case 930 dsl., good $3450 Window fan; $1995 if he radio; a lot of 1961 Case 830 dsl. good bedding footlocker;tele- elsePhone stand; 1961 Case '730 dsl. $295 dishes; utensile; John Deere 5-14 plow,pull -type IHC 12' spring tooth harrow $150 mt. c. appliances;canning jars, M -M 4-16 plow, hyd. $250 won't "w' Case 5.16" plow, excellent $585 'le TOOLS & MISC. Case 4.16" plow, solid toLike new1.10 McCulloch chain Overstock of New John Deere4-16" F145 plows. IHC No. 5 Side Delivery Rake $85 'ricer& saw 7 Power lawn MISCELLANEOUS yens mowers,allre- 1 1965 Versatile Windrower, newcanvasses, good $1800 paired, in runningcondition 1 John Deere No. 300 50 -ft.hay & grain elevator, rebuilt af- JOE BOWMANCall Collect -CE 8-4103BUDANDERES Alawnmower engines $550 ex* good selection ter windstorm, PTO plycarpenter's of mechanic & 1 John Deere 4 -row Frt.mid. cultivator,Quick-Tach, A, 60, ;tory garden tools & chest 730,etc. $365 tools; guncase 70, cult. $145 C. Higgins 1 Late style 2 -row Ford orPstshot gun; 12 gauge pump 1 John Deere 4 -rowweeder $250 einan Many fishing poles; and -ROW LILLISTON ROLLING CULT. other misc. tools. LEFT IN STOCK 1 4 BOWMAN let of TERMS: CASH WILL DEAL. GMC TRUCKS - JOHN DEERE e Wag Mr. & Mrs. to the Joe Palm.Owners Concordia Tractor Inc. Your Manhattan - Junction City Area John Deere Dealer' Auots: C.W. Crites and ,PtHfrk Dna IC& *arl Brown. CH 3-3381 Concordia, Kans. ,Junction City Clerk: EverettSheets. July 1, 1969 In addition to all this, educa-ed over the years. Ford Grant To tional programs will be carried Webber -says Kansas banks - out to improve the livestock be-both large and small - have op- MIDWEST RENDERING & SUPpU Dole, ing produced. Many of the farm-'erated on a profitable basis in BELLEVILLE. KANS. Help Southwest the past several years. ers now are getting calf crops av- We sell meat scraps andfat for feed. We pickup materials Kansa eraging 65 percent and it is hop- And there has been a substan- locker plants Cattlemen tial growth in total resources butcher shops, During th ed this can be increased to 90 For service call Belleville:JA 7-5541 or your local The Ford Foundationwill help percent. and total capital assets. number 4 sinceMarch finance a co-op enterprisein an Kansas has 598 banks, of these Beloit -either on area of northern New Mexico 428 are chartered by the state Cawker City senators hac 40% Of Kansas state and Southern Colorado which it and 170 are chartered by the fed- Clay Center 1 as the is hoped will bring better income In eral government. This represents Clyde But when to several thousand farmers andBanks Still one of the largest number of Concordia Re,publican, 40 Miltonvale fice in Janu hundreds of urban residents. individually owned banks in the Deshler, Nebr. 427-3015 Mitchel Sviridoff, a foundationSmall Towns nation. Fairbury, Nebr ...... 926-3614 that traditio vice president, has explained the The banks of Kansas have been In 1930, the total resources of Glasco 568-2636Ruskin, Nebr. .. .402 226-2261 side another . P project, which, he says, will befollowing the people to the sub-the then 806 state banks was Hebron,Nebr. .402 768-6770 Superior, Nebr....402879-3235 James B. centered around a cattle feedingurbs but they have not followed$250 million. The total resources Washington EA 5-2920 from Prairi facility. It is being initiated, hethe population pattern by aban-of the 428 state banks in 1968 Kansas' fi says, by English- and Spanish- doning the rural community inwas more than $2.33 billion. to the Senat speaking leaders seeking a solu-the process. This means that while there Harvey, Ref tion to the region's economic dif- A check of names of banks were littlemore than half as WHEAT serving Iron ficulties. It is an area where against population figures showsmany banks in1968, totalre- :3, 1877. many rural families own only athere are 151 banks In commun-sources had increased nearly STORAGE Both seat few head of cattle and small acre- ities with fewer than 1000 peopletenfold. mained in tl ages of land. Many of the menand 165 banks in communities The comparison, however, had not held must leave home for at least with fewer than 500 people. does not account for the increase 2 Large Elevators at Beattie until March part of the year in an effort to Allthings considered, state 'indollar volume through infla- cCapper, Tor suppant their families. bank commissioner W. L. Webertion. 3 Elevators at Frankfort gan his 30-: The Ford Foundation is mak-sayst the condition of the bank No Long Wait To Unload was follow( ing a $1,500,000 loan to the co-op, business in Kansas is quite heal-TOTAL FIRE LOSS Cash or Loan for Your Wheat Schoeppel. called the Southwestern Produc- thy. ON ELISWORTH FARM can, who w ers Cooperative, and this is ex- Weber says the small banks The rural home of Dan Panzer Beattie Farmers Union Coop Amen, "throughit pected to attract more than 3perform a valuable service forhas been destroyed by fire. The governor. million dollars additional financ-rural communities, even thoughfarm residence, just across Inter- R. D. Easton, Gen. Mgr. SchoePpel until his de ing from other sources. the number of businesses in state 70 on highway K14, was a Beattie, Phone 240 As Sviridoff explains, by way many of these towns has declin-total loss. when Pears of the co-op the farmers will re to -be senior tain title to their cattle through ed for the 1 the fattening process and even- son has sin tually the slaughtering process hatilhooga year terms. as well. Currently, andinthe Saturday Another past, the farmers have raised on- *publican H ly feeder cattle which they sold served 19 IT to someone else to fatten. peka Reput In the co-op, the farmer will JULY 12 who resign( raise the feeder cattle, then de- become vie President ll liver them to a feedlot. Upon de- Starts 10:00 an. livery, he will be advanced funds Following Lunch Served equivalenttothose which he *George Mc would have received if he sold governor, v Due to the death of my wife I am moving into a mobileed term in the cattle on the feeder market. home and I will hold a public auction of personal property and During feeding, the co-op will real estate at my home located one block east of the schooltis and hel len. McGill keep track of each member's ac- The once-over cultivator that mulches the house in St. George, Kansas. count and at the end of all pro- cessing, will rebate to the owner soil (any soil), weeds crops and lays by. the proceeds of the soles less the Lot & House-St. George, Kan* costs of fattening and slaughter- ing. Real Estate Legal Description: Lots 21-22.23-24 in Blk 911 CULTIVATES up to 10 MPH. addition to the City of St. George, Pottawatomie County, Ks Theoretically, the farmer will Over -Row Parallel Linkage keeps A five room house with bath and garage. Electricity, Nature, get the profits from raising the penetration uniform on both Gas, City Water and Septic Tank. feeders, from fattening the cat- sides of crop. The SLASHER WHEEL slices TERMS: 25% down on day of sale. Balance on conveyance:I tle and from the slaughter. In ef- through and displaces the dirt as Marketable Title. Possession will be given when buyer apri fect, the process will he the equi- lit rolls. Cutting through the soil, proves Abstract and balance of payment has been made.' valent of packer integrationin liftingthe weeds and turning Taxes will be prorated as of possession date based on 191, which the packing plant raises the roots upward. Cast of Nodu- taxes of $93.94. The property sold subject to zoning rest* lar Iron for longer wear. Slash- tion, easement of records and right of tenants in possessloa and fattens the cattle which it ers are mounted in 3.4-5 gangs Owner reserves the right to reject any 'and all bids. slaughters. Farmers have often on heavy duty shielded bearings. complained about packers being Gangs are mounted on square INSPECTION: Contact LINDSAY AGENCY, 106 N. 4th St. The involved in such systems. steel, spring loaded attaching Manhattan, Kans. Phone 778-3424- or Auctioneer Bob Misr arms for easy adjustment. 3 -pt. St. George, Phone 494-2552. NeborrE The co-op feedlot will be built or 2 -pt. hitch on 31/2" tool bar in 5 in LaJara, Colo., just across the 2-4-6 or 8 rows. MISCELLANY Several fans M state line from New Mexico. It 1958 Ford pickup Dishes: pots and pans will have pens for 15,000 head. Contact your dealer or write Riding mower Clothing and pedding Wedn The first cattle are expected to David Bradley garden tractor enter the feedlot in August. Antiques BOTH DIXON DISTRIBUTORS, . INC. Antiquedozergardentractor with Efforts will be made to buy the 1618 N.W. 5th St. Oklahoma City, Okla. 73106 Bookcaserr leswri tiny,/ desk feed locally and this is supposed Cat garden tractor tables 10 Sale; to be another way to help the GMC 270 motor without headsOld trunks Work shop cabinet Record cabinet th area's economy. Cement block maker Wooden beds Har CONCORDIA SALES CO., INC. Handmade mud mixer Iron boiler and kettles Paint sprayer, compressor and Severalishes dressers Sale Every Wednesday Motor Dishes Wpiopopdeeiri mixing bowl Herington Bonded 1:00 13- m. Certified Oil and gas heaters Grindstone with extra wheel L2 miles. n Copper boiler 'posit( air) (old pedal type) Meat saws and bucksaw Clothesline pole pickle jari Livestock Overhead door and track Bottles. dated jars; Assorted hand and garden Crocks - various sizes CLDAREI! tools Kraut cutter Kerosene lamps Auction Co. Assorted windows WBeYamtr°il Asbestos siding Wagon tire shrinker Misc. lumber -- between 5000 Teakettle Sale Every and 10.000 feet will be sold Buffet in several lots Sewing rocker Mil Tuesda China closet Scrap iron Gum and candymachine HOUSEHOLD Bean pot "mmw Operating under Federal Supervision 2 refrigerators Candle holders Maytag square tub & Penn - 7 day clock(strikes) & Bonded for your protection. crest automatic washer Edison diamondpoint cyhnde. Color TV (Sears, 6 mo. old) player, with 75to 100 Ra If you have cattle to sell, call Sears gas dryer (4 mo. old) cylinders collect C. C. Wendt BL 8'2529 TV table: radio cabinet NOTE: Dv Gas ranges AUCTIONEERS We Herington; Wm. Schnell Kitchen table & 6 chairs to the lengthof thissale BL 8-2039, Herington; Ted ant Bedroom set will start at 10 ani. Ref Haefner, 317, Lincolnville. Coldspotfreezer start with misc.items. pd, estate at 12:30andhousehol we Matching end tables starting atBP Divan and antiques ar 1:00. This will bea large Light fixtures itemshay Herington Miscellaneous chairs tique sale. Many 3 8ee. Buffet; lamps;pole shelves been in thefamily for Livestock Dormeyer mixer; steam iron erations. TOM WALKER, Owner -Mgr. Auction Co. 243-1674 243-1074 JIM HUMBERT,Owner Home Barn Auctioneers: Bob Wilson, St. George Clerk:MursieVil Herington, Kans. CONCORDIA, KANSAS and Vern Ewing, Riley ters, secretary-general manager FT. SCOTT FIRE DEPT. S Dole, Pearson Broke Longtime of the co-op, the scholarship will ond fire station, more equipment be offered annually in a contin-WANTS UPGRADING and an across-the-board pay in- uing program to benefit sons FORT SCOTT - The Fort crease for firemen. KansasPolitical Habit Scott Fire Dept. is seeking a sec- During those past 50 years year term in 1932.. and daughters of active mem- bers of the co-op. sinee March 3, 1919, to be exact Republican ClydeReed. Par- NIGHT SALES . - eitherone or both of Kansas'sons, a formergovernor, took 15 previously served ' senators had the seat away fromMcGill in the 55 state's chief executive. 1938 election, USDA Buys Meat as the serving from Jan- )9 But when , Russell uary 1939 until hisdeath in No- 11 Republican, took the oath of of.vember 1949. For The Needy Every Wednesday 71 lice in January he interrupted , KansasCity in- The U. S. Department of Ag- 15 othat tradition.He serves along dustrialist and Republicanwho riculture June 12 bought 5,040,- AT TONAGA I4 "7' side another non -governor. Sen.had never soughtthe governor-000 pounds of canned chopped SELLING AT 8:00 P.M.ARTS 61 - James B.Pearson, Republican ship, was the interimSenate ap-meat, at an approximate cost of 35 $2,615,000, from PrairieVillage. pointee from Dec.2,1949 until for distribution to CATTLE HOGS Kansas' first governor to move Nov. 28.1950. when he steppedneedy families. aside USDA's Consumer and Market- .""iimk to the Senate wasJames Madison for the advancementof Harvey, Republican from Vinton.then .Gov. ,Con- ing service announced that this serving from Feh. 2, 1874 to Mar. cordia Republican. program will be ended for the Onaga Community Sale 1969 3. 1877. Carlson retired Jan. 2,1969, fiscal year after purchase Both seats from Kansas re leaving the state's Senate of approximately 5 millionmore Marvin Cottrell,. Phone 8894461 or 8894665, ONAGA, seatspounds of product. - mainedin the hands of men whoin the hands of twomen who s. had not held the title of governor - have not served asgovernor. Top price bid was 54.39 cents until March 4, 1919, when Arthur Of the 27 men servingas U.S.per pound. Total purchases for FAST SERVICE Capper, Topeka Republican, be- senators from Kansas, six havethe program amount to 50,040,- gan his 30 -year tenure. Capper been past governors, with 000 pounds at an f.o. b. cost of FAST UNLOADING one about $24,145,000. 1was followed by Andrew 1.-', advancing to vice president of TWO DRYERS Schoeppel.Ness CityRepubli- the unified States. AMPLE CAPACITY can. who workedhis way Anyone Can Study "throughthechairs."including LETTERS 1111111111111111111111 CASH OR LOAN governor. Tax Records , Schoeppel held the Senate post On Your Wheat 0kuntil his death in January 1962, Error In Story WINFIELD .A Cowley Coun- ort when Pearson, the state's soon-Dear Sirs: ty district court has ruled that HERKIMER COOPERATIVE tobe senior senator was appoint- -The parents of our Dairy allproperty assessment records BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Princess informed me thata sto-are open to the public, opening Delmar Schotte. Mgr. ed for the unexpired term. Pear-ry carriedin your paper had the way for Ark City city attor- son has since won two fullsix-some misinformation init. ney George Sybrant to make a Phone 562-3824 year terms. "The story was carried withstudy of 681 real estate sales in Herkimer Kansas Another former governor, Re.the picture of Miss Garnet Wil- son, Shawnee County Dairy Prin-Cowley County in1968. publican Henry Allen.Wichita,cess.It stated that she was one Sybrant says there are ''great, served 19 months, succeeding To-of the ten who would compete and unlawful" discrepan- peka Republican , inthe State Contest.Itshould have said that she was compet-cies in appraised values of prop- who resigned March 3. 1929, to ing in the District Contest." erty in the county but he had become vice presidentunder Mrs. Carol M. Stauthbeen blocked by county officials President Herbert Hoover. Asst. County Ext. Home Eco.in May from studying all assess- Following Allen was Democrat Shawnee Countyment records. George McGill, Wichita, a non - governor, who won the unexpir- )bile ed term in 1930, vacated by Cur- Scholarship To REST BLL'ESTEM and tis and held temporarily by Al- IN 17 YEARS pool len. McGill then won a full six -Larry Swain, Kansas bluestem past ures were reported at early summer to be in their best condition in 17 years Washington by the Kansas Crop and Live- IS.* BEATRICE GREENLEAF - The first stock Reporting Service. Expect NG STARTS 12:30 NOON scholarship established bythe ed peak marketing of grass-fed 9 1st Farmers CooperativeElevator 1, Ks. cattle is September 11, a day lat- Pigs---Cattle ttural known as the "Agri -Bus- er than last year. iness" scholarshiphasbeen We had 460 hogs and 160 head of cattle last week. All classes awarded to Larry Swain of rur- of cattle seemed sure steady with some advance on light grazing .ce of START ON DOG FOOD heifers, steady to 50¢ higher. Feeder steers were sure steady to r al Washington. The scholarship PLANT AT TOPEKA strong. Below is a partial listing: nade. 77 is for The Cloud County Com- General Foods has started con- 2 whiface heifers 397 @30.70 1968 CATTLE LIVESTOCK munity Junior College, Concor- struction of a $7 millionplant 1 whiface heifer 310 @30.90 strie dia, and is for $100 for the school 6 mixed steers 791 @31.50 ssion. north of Topeka. The plant will 12 holstein steers 942 @27.25 1 whiface heifer 450 @30.70 SALES CO year. produce the company's line of 1 black steer 540 @33.60 1 black heifer 595 @30.10 Larry is the son of Mr. and dry dog foods, Gravy Train and 1 whiface steer 490 @32.40 1 whiface heifer 375 @30.30 .tSt., 1 whiface heifer 550 @29.50 ilson, The Important Mrs. Dwain Swain. Gaines Meal.Itis expected to 1 whiface steer 380 @35.50 As announced by Ivan L. Wie-employ 10(1 or more persons. 6 mixed steers 1012 @31.10 1 blk whiface heifer 505 @28.00 Nebraska Auction 3 whiface steers 923 @32.00 1 whiface cow 1090 @20.10 12 black steers 843 @32.85 1 red cow 1040 @20.25 Monday-Cattle 3 black steers 696 @32.70 1 whiface cow 805 @20.10 2 black steers 1130 @31.65 Wednesday Hogs 7 holstein steers 883 (a?27.10 HOGS - 2 whiface steers 640 @29.00 18 fat mixed 229 @ 25.00 BOTH SALES START 11 A.M. 2 roan heifers 435 @30.10 12 spotted fat 211 @ 25.40 'sk 7 whiface heifers [email protected] 12 white fat 219 @ 25.30 Sales As Usual 1 whiface heifer 770 @?21.80 77 mixed 227 @ 25.25 throughout Listen Monday A.M. 6:10 to 6:45 for listings ofMonday's sale. Harvest Time TO LIST CONSIGNMENTS OR FOR INFORMATION CALL: JERRY MOYLAN PAT MOYLAN BARN PHONE JUST AROUND' 767-6640 767-5435 1 42 miles northof Beatrice, op- WES SWENSON SALE BARN posite airport. 767-6388 767-5131 jars CLARENCE TEGTMEIER Burchard 8654521 HOME Highway US 56 East Edge of DELMER JURGENS SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Wymore 645-3493 JR. ncil Grove Kins 228-0757 107 NORTH FOURTH STREET / PHONE 776-9712 MANHATTAN, KANSAS ck Dealers & Order Buyers

,nder Clcrtivet ,ialtxxxit°7 Mai,NrettiefetOalc, Radio KNCK '1390' 6:45 T. T. S. a ct mix =xi, swop aim, a cm ximr,iwyy Due "Gail Garton - owner & manager" we We had alightrun due to the harvest will Concordia, Kansas and men being busy in the field. All Sale Every Saturday Real 2 butchers @ 25.35 !hold prices were steady exceptcows which PIGS 25 butchers @ 24.00 aPP were a little lower. 1 whifc bull calf 250 @ 44.00 44 feeders 2 butchers 1 whifc steer 560 @ 33.10 @ 21.50 @ 23.90 23 pigs 2 sows 625 @ 22.45 have 1 whiface steer 520@ 31.60 @ 15.00 5 pigs 1 sow 460 @ 23.30 gen' CATTLE 1 black steer 300 @ 33.75 @ 14.00 12 pigs 2 sows 512@ 19.10 1 black bull 1450 @ 24.70 1 whifc hfr 325 @ 37.00 @ 15.50 1 holstein bull 20 pigs @ 20.75 1 sow 315 @ 21.10 2020 @ 25.10 1 whifc hfr 495 @ 29.25 14 pigs Boars - $15.20 to $15.30 1 whiface bull cf 250 @ 35.50 2 black steers 600 @ 31.20 @ 17.25 1 whifc bull calf 330 @ 33.00 14 butchers @ 25.35 Solid mouth ewes $10.50 to $13.50 We, BobCraig Irge Delphos6234543 10\Leo Rauch,Clay Center ;632.3062 Ph. 243-1112 J.M."Matt" Davis, ities,including access roads, becausethey Dpug Fellers. tion from cannot parking, bathhouses and rest - their geartz,4$ Aug. 30 - Householdgoods in because their com Washington, Kans., Kenneth rooms. comtnander The work may have to be di-far enoughalong i; G&G Calendar Durfee. Auct Foster Kretz. opment to handle inhis dispersal atvided, with the collector ditches their Sept. 3 - Holstein prabl,, R. J.coming from maintenance fundswill take offand July 8 - Household goods, toolsJuly 21 - Household goods& Woodward, Okla., G. K. & go A\Voi ill Hollom. E. A. Dawdy,Salina, and the public use facilities from a pi drotgh miscellaneous west of Junc- antiques in Clay Center, Kans., recreational funds. tabC°1i snhneedr Mrs. Fred Schrader. Auct Fos- sale mgr. rearnArrItloY tion City, Kans., Mr. & Mrs. Corps officials said they hopeercame theproblems ,. of Joe Palm. Auct C. W. Crites ter Kretz. Sept. 8 - Farm sale south of faction and (i i. I in theproject can becomplet- undisciplined or and Earl Brown. July 23 - Household goods Morrowville, Kans., Florence ed later in the 1969 constructionnel. Manhattan, Kans., Orville Ros- Pickard. Alta Foster Kretz. The cattle July 11 - Household goods in season. "We haveopened Manhattan, Kans., Bill Pfile. en. Auct Foster Kretz. Sept. 20 - High Grade Holstein up a tr, holding supf at Ft.Riley, when impor Auct Foster Kretz. July 24 - Farm sale at Clay dairy herd sale, Climax, Kans., I(ar,aid. said. "This"This isa rehabilitat and consum July 11 & 12 - Equipment of Center, Kans., Russell Klein. Virgil and Harold McCormack'Swipe Film On cility where Ferziere's machine shop in Auct. Foster Kretz. Auct-sale mgr. Donald J. Bow- we're having passed expe Sex Education ty good luckin taking That's hol Onaga, Kans., James Kocher, July 25 - John Uhlenhop estate man. The G&G area has not miss- man who has a ,. household goods near Leonard- gone AWO: ist explains auct. Sept. 20 - Complete dispersal ofed the controversy over sex ed- or three times, hind the cu July 12 - Household goods in \dile, Kans., Foster Kretz, auct. registered & commercial Santaucation in public schools, and the right kind put him Washington, Kans., Bill Cram-July 26 - Jr. Shorthorn Field Gertrudis cattle and equip- of leadership prices. antagonisms over the subjectright kind oftrainers, The trend Day, Manhattan, Kans. and,have er estate. Auct Foster Kretz. ment at Belleville, Kans., live-have spilled over into the sum- turned them bers hasle' July 30 - Farm sale northeast intouseful July 12 - Household, antique & stock sales, Dr. & Mrs. P. L.mer after the schoolterm has diers." after anur real estate at St. George, Jim of Clay Center,Kans., Law- Beiderwell. Auct Carson E. rence Keller. Auct Foster been completed. vohhih s t eMc4ci Humbert. Bob Wilson, auct. Hansen. At St. Marys, the controversy H.a Kretz. MINNESOTA TRIP John July 14 - Farmland sale south- Nov. 1 - Registered Holstein went beyond words. The St. rural Econoi east of Clifton, Kans., Ann Aug. 1 & 2 - Annual Kansas salein Cameron, Mo., LloydMarys Starreportedthat FOR FFABOYS Lakin estate. Auct Foster Polled Hereford Assn. east- Several Manhattan Bacon. Auct-sale mgr. Donald"some rascal" had stolen a sex FFA have decline ern 2 day tour starting at the a week near Ely, Kretz. J. Bowman. film,"Fertilization Bern;.ch slangspent Carl Funk farm in Goff, Kans., education ta, recently planning choice July 15 - Sale of farmland Nov. 14 - Hammarlund-Sham-and Birth," from the car of a FFA ,, ed to (11.()13 i southwest of Abilene, Kans., with a night stop in Ottawa. rock Angus sale. vities for nextyear,besid; ing month Arnold Wittorff, Inman,sec. member of a group called Par- sale to be held at Dickinson Nov. 6 & 7 - Kansas State ents on Sanity in Sex. The film hunting and fishing. 404)1w-icein the County courthouse in Abilene,Aug. 15 - Complete dairy farm Dean Prochaska Shorthorn Show & Sale, Hutch-was returned several dayslat- and 1015 7 point's out. the J. A. Deardorff estate. Jon- dispersal,Fairview,Ks., Van inson, Kans. Milton Nagely, son accompanied the Dolsen Dairy Farm. Auct & er. boys. v. This gene athan Roggendorff, Abilene, sale mgr. ~"...W1/40.1".""1/4".....1/40.0%ing the trip wereSteve pt. all slaughte agent for owners; John H. Sale mgr. Donald Bowman. Nov.8 - Crowther -Walker Craig Good, AlbertGerman Coy adds. A' Lehman, Abilene, atty; Ray Aug. 23 - High grade complete Quarter Horse production sale Dan Gehrt, DennisPetei,so: all cattle in Wilson, Abilene, real est. brok- Holstein dispersal sale at Falls Stanley Wilson, Dwight JohAel. in Salina, Kans., Duane L. Army Desertion during IV, er & auct. City, Nebr., Mrs. Wesley Carri- Walker, sale mgr. and Dennis Dufva. 13 points fry July 16 - Household goods in co. Auct sale mgr. Donald J.Nov. 21 - Johnson Hereford After a fi Clay Center, Kans., John Robin- Bowman. Farms annual fall sale, ElmerRate On Rise lix REAL ports dropp( son. Auct. Foster Kretz. Aug. 25 - Holstein dispersal Johnson & Sons,Smolan, The Army says the current ONWAs4 year-earlier July 17 - House & furnishings sale, Marysville, Kans., Plegge desertion rate is up about 30% Kans. early 1969. 1 in Clay Center, Kans., Bill & Brothers. Sale mgr. E. A. Daw- over 1968, but the figure is still Cow Her-began to tr( Royal Etsi Mildred Paquette. Auct Foster dy. lower than the rate during World C Kato.-*lockstrike: Kretz. Aug. 27 - Sunflower consign- War II and the Korean War. Apparrsponsible for July 18 - Farmland for Dietrich ment sale of registered Hol-Low Funds Hold The Army says it expects 50,000 SERVICEABLE BULLS in early 19E estate south of Ames, Kans., steinsinSalina,Kans., sales soldiers to have deserted by the WITH WEIGHTRECORDS Cumulath Auct. Foster Kretz. managers John Carlin and Up Milford end of the current fiscal year. Priced ... $300 to $500 slaughter u Typical deserters, says Lt. Gen- GRANT POOLEtion Januar:, eral A. 0. Conner, Army deputy CHAROLAIS Dam Project MANHATTAN,KANSAS was 5 per( Heifers Ranging From chief of staff for personnel, are Located 4 ml. south of I .70.4eriOd in1. Commercial Bulls Out Of JUNCTION CITY -A project intersection, 2 ml. west on mt Sam 951 3/4 to 15/16 not philosophical or religious Dowell Creek Rd. Ph. PR 683ICline- in non. % Cows With Calf At Side to construct public use facilitieswar objectors, but misfits "who, plants- cutt. AUSTIN RAY and collector ditch stabilization cent. Phone 543-2565 RFD I in the downstream area below COMPLETE DAIRY FARM The result BUHLER, KANSAS 67522 Milford Dam here has been with- of beef in drawn, the U.S. Army Corps of & 70 HEAD OF HOLSTEINS strong demi Engineers has announced. FOR SALE Increases Bids were to have been opened 240 acres with new dairy barn, large loafing barn d:posableinto last week in the Corps' Kansas 20x70 Dodson upright silo, built new in 1968. Lots ofof: CityDistrictOffice. good buildings, good house, plenty of good water. Officials said the Corps' Mis- 60 acres of grass, balance cultivation. souriRiverDivisionofficeat Located 13 miles southeast of Abilene, Kans. Omaha, Nebr., asked for a re- It can be purchased with all dairy equipment and view of the work after an indi- head of extra good quality Holstein cows ,with over 501111, cation the cost might exceed butterfat and over 1600 lbs. milk base. available funds. This farm offered for sale due to illness of owner. Completion of a beach on one Listed exclusively with: of the downstream pools hinges HOGS START AT11:00 A.M. on completion of public use facil- ED REIMER REAL ESTATE CATTLE AT 1:00P.M. Goessel, Kans. Phone evenings 316 367-2373. sr- We had a good active market on all classes of livestock, especially on cows 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003r. which were $1 to $2 higher than the previous week. The pig market was very active with plenty of pigs to choose from. A total of 365 head of stock hogs were sold. If you are in the market for good thrifty pigs,come and TRU Nr11SAIS C attend our Saturday sale each week, as we are running 300 to 600 pigs each week. Watch our fat hog market each week which has kept competitive Where There's Action At Auction with 4 major packer buyers. We can use plenty of fat hogs to supply these buyers. VACATION TIME STEER CALVES HOGS Call Me If You No Sales Next Week 14 black steers 465 @ 35.00 25 mixed hogs 240 @ 25.40 1 whiteface steer 405 @ 34.75 22 mixed hogs 218 @ 25.35 Want Information or theweek following JULY 1' 1 whiteface steer 340 @ 34.00 68 mixed hogs 239 @ 25.30 REGULAR SALES RESUME 1 black steer 10 mixed hogs 231 @ 25.25 HOGS' - JULY 15--TUESDAY 470 @ 32.40 Or Appraisal WEDNESD 1 whiteface steer 520 @ 32.40 13 mixed hogs 236 @ 25.25 CATTLE -- JULY 16 10 whifc med ql 894 @ 30.85 18 red hogs 217 @ 25.25 Sylvan 14 white hogs 224 @ 25.10 BARN PHONE RES. PHONE 15 hamp hogs 210 @ 25.05 SALE CO., INC. EA 5-2266 ED BURT EA 5.2393 Sylvan Grove, Ks. WASHINGTON, KANS. SOWS FRIDAY SALES EACH WEEK HEIFER CALVES 2 hamp sows 300 @ 22.40 Selling 1000-1500 fresh country 2 blk whifc hfrs 465 @ 30.20 stocker and feeder cattle, calves 1 red sow 310 @ 22.10 and stock cows each week. 6 black hfrs 467 @ 30.10 4 hamp sows 336 @ 22.00 Mike Meyer 913.526-3535 In 11 whiface hfrs 595 @ 29.60 3 mixed sows 360 @ 21.80 Micky Meyer B13.526-3225 7 whiface hfrs 591 @ 29.25 8 white sows 463 @ 21.20 Ronald Rice Motors, 32 mixed heifers 687 @ 29.65 3 white sows 460 @ 21.00 CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE CADILLAI fl 2 white sows 522 @ 20.70 Quinter North Kansas' Largest VolumeDealer COWS PIGS LIVESTOCK ABILENE,KO 1 holstein cow 1285 @ 21.40 21 white pigs 23.00 NW 2nd Phone CO 3-4000 1 black cow 970 @ 21.30 42 mixed pigs 22.25 COMM. CO. 1 black cow 1145 @ 21.30 9 hamp pigs 21.00 Quinter, Ks. 4 black cows 1015 @ 21.10 45 hamp pigs 21.00 MONDAY SALES EACH WEEK Our Smashing Success in Our May-Jun' 2 black cows 1152 @ 21.10 50 mixed pigs 21.00 Selling 1000-1500 fresh country 935 @ 20.90 stocker and feeder cattle, calves Filled 011 1 whiface cow 6 red pigs 20.75 and stock cows each week. New Car Volume Campaign Has 1 black cow 1010 @ 20.80 13 hmap pigs 20.00 Jay Meyer 913-754-3354 1 whiteface cow 1040 @ 20.80 25 mixed pigs 18.75 1 holstein cow 1200 @ 20.70 13 mixed pigs 18.50 Lots with Fine Trade -Ins. 1 holstein cow 1135 @ 20.70 38 mixed pigs 17.75 Meyer Stocker Feeder 4 black cows 976 @ 20.30 smaller pigs $12 to $15 Order Buying Service SEE A RONALD RICESALESMAN Featuring Cattle Direct LICENSED AND BONDED From The Country ASK HIM FOR A GREAT JULYUSE! ,BARN PH. JUNCTION CITY 238-1471 Mike Meyer, Sylvan Grove, Ks. Ifyou have livestock to appraise, call: Micky Meyer Sylvan Grove Jay Meyer, Quinter, Ks. CAR BARGAIN. VERN LANGVARDT, Manager, 238-8211, Junction City HOWARD LANGVARDY, Auctioneer, 238.8212, Junction City Open Eveningi Till DUI KERB NEUMEYER, White City, Phone 349-2863 Sundays 1 to 5 pin. I

.4 '1.4: C ; ,; ; a.. .; 1/44 O.' 1/4' 1/4 0:.4 'iatisfac,

Icieror ( is not approve increases in their intra-last year. devei, Pueblo' Book By state freight rates to the same These counties experienced thc oblenisStill Some Pius Faders 1 level as the ICC permitted themheaviest losses so far this year DL," to set on interstate traffic. according to the companies- has es. G&G Area Native Under federal law, when rail-Scott and Lane and the Marion ielp nv. For Beett oo roads are denied freight -rate in-Morris -Dickinson area, estimat- lissatis. And Others creases by the controlling stateed by Wheat Growers; Harper, Person. The cattle industry has been preference for beefare respon- An in-depth description of theagency, the railroads tri ay appealReno, Harvey and Larie by Cim iolding suppliesin line, at a time sible for the higher demand. ordeal of the USS Pueblo's cap-to the ICC to override the statearron, and Sedgwick, Harper, raining Slaughter dropped below tured crew will be made available whenimports have decreased year agency - in this instance, theReno fhd Marion by the Farm ns." he nd consumerdemand has sur-earlier labels in early May, giv-in book form, a former memberKansas Corporation Commission. Bureau. tion fa. assed expectations. ing the market an added boost. of the crew said in Wichita. The ICC, effective November But a Farm Bureau official g Pret4That's how a. K -State econom- Looking ahead, McCoy sees do- Steven Woelk of Alta Vista, 1968, granted allrailroads gen-noted that the damage was rel mestic supply favoring continuedwho was wounded when the ship Young 5t explainsthe circumstances be. eral freight increases of from atively severe elsewhere. X., two Lind the currentboom in cattle strong prices. He expects importswas seized by North Koreans three to 10 percent on interstate "They really had a serious, under to increase, but not exceed 1968January 23, 1968, told of the bookshipments. rather vicious storm June 11 it nip and The trend in beef cattle num- levels by any sizeable amount. in an interview. These rates comprise the levelJackson County and in Brown Woelk, who was interviewed at end Webers hasleveled off since 1964, The economist thinks govern. to which the 10 railroads desireand Donovan counties," he said. ?ful ment, through fiscal and mone-the Wichita Veterans Center, toincreasetheirintrastate afteran undulatingincrease ;inch lasted about 20 years, Dr.tary policies, will dampen the where he has received job train-freight rates in Kansas. -State Agricul-growth rate of the economy. Thising counseling, said about 20 of The KCC, in 1961, granted in- John H. McCoy, K Bids $8 Million gal Economist, says, may soften demand somewhat. the crewmen are involved in thecreases on certain commodities Average slaughter weights Coupled with expected consum-writing of the book. They are col-in intrastate commerce. er resistance to higher prices, laborating with two lawyers and Over Estimates have declined.Average weight of A boys hoice slaughter steers has fail -this would limit further price ad-a publisher in Virginia, he Maid. linneso Woelk did not disclose who Indrop from the correspond -vances. Another major keyto For K. C. Stadiums 'Aacti whether price gains can he held,was to he the author. Hail 'Losses sides monthayear earlier only Kansas City's proposed sports (.11vice in the past twn years. heMcCoy adds, will lie with produc- He said he was interviewed in complex - two adjacent stadi- nisor a 4 -hour taped interview in Kan- ints out. ers and their control over sup- Below Average ums with a movable roof that rn Wil. plies. sas City last month. This generally holds true for Despitethree heavyhail slides over either - got another S.Mak. slaughter cattle grades, Mc Woelk received hip injuries kick in the chops last week. 11 storms thisspring, damage to Rogers, a from shrapnel and is awaiting a Cny adds. Average live weight of Citizens Arrest winter wheat so far appears to Bids were opened, and the low nann, medical board evaluation. He one of $31.59 million was more 1 in commercial slaugh rson, a cattle Of Wrong Man said he expects to he dischargedbe moderately light- estimated .r during March, 1969 wasdown at $670,000 according to three than $8 million over estimated ohnson,1 A 33 -year -old IVichita.n chas- late this month or early in July. costs. There were only two bids, 1:points from a year earlier. ed down a speeding car and insurance companies that write After a five-year uptrend, im- forced it to the curb. Then he almost half the policies. with two construction firms TEAL rts dropped 40 per cent below The firms are the Farm Bur-which were expected to compete tried to make a citizen's arrest. Rails Want To with one another delivering a ID 95th ear -earlierlevelsinlate1968- Did he ever make a mistake! eau in Manhattan and the Wheat irly 1969. Domestic slaughter The speeder was a Wichita Growers Mutual Hail Insurancejoint bid. -lerd - Tan to trend downward. U. S. police detective who was hur- Hike in -State and the Cimarron Insurance The contractors' figures were Essar re- base bids only and did not in- D.Heir )ckstrikes were partially rying to investigate a case of Companies in Cimarron. rent )onsible for the import declines Freight Rates Officials of the three compa- clude the cost of the proposed reported auto arson. movable roof. Jackson County early 1969. The detective, Harold Nor- Ten railroads operating inter-nies pinpointed three main storm Cumulative change in beef man. showed the enthusiastic statefreight schedules throughdates - April 17, May 21 andvoters had approved a $23.5 mil- siaughter under federalinspec- Kansas filed applications Tues- June 11 - that caused heaviestlion bond issue but cost figures, citizen his badge, then charged which have regularly been revis- tixi January to early May 1969 day for intrastate freight -rate damage in south central Kansas him with opposing a police of- as 5 per cent above the same increases with the Interstate around Wichita, in Allen Countyed upward, indicated that the 3 1968. However, a de - ficer and reckless driving. roof could not be included with )-K177 riodin Officers said the man has Commerce Commissk,n. and in the Scott -Lane county IC - clale in non -federally inspected The railroads are the Santa Fe,area 'in the west. the available funds. 8315 some familiarity with the law The cost also does not include Piants cut the increase to 2 per and its applications. He's been Chicago Burlington & Quincy, Officials for the Farm Bureau cent. Rock Island, Garden City West-and Wheat Growers said the dol-some access roads to the facility arrestedpreviouslyforvag- east of Kansas City, which local The result: A relative shortage rancy and an assortmentof ern, Kansas City Southern, Kan-lar losses experienced by their ofbeef in view of exceptionally sas City Terminal, the Katy,Mis-policyholders were thelightestauthorities have debated wheth- minor violations. er or not they will be included in strong demand. He was hooked for another souri Pacific, Frisco and Unionthis year since 1963. Cimarron Increases in employment, dis Pacific. said wheat losses to itspolicy- the cost of the stadiums or date in Municipal Court. become general highway costs. and Posable income and consumer The railroads asked the ICC toholders were about the same as her Sal towst Tliamdaf Hogs 11:00 a.m.

1 70 Cattle1 p.m. lbs. Reynolds NEXT REGULAR SALE Sale Barn THURSDAY, JULY 17 In keeping with our custom, we skip two sales duringharvest time. Here's ABILENE, KANS. hoping for a good harvest for everyone , . . and we'll beback July 17. Thursday was our last sale before harvest. Cattle run was verysmall -- FRIDAY NIGHT not enough of any one class to establish amarket. We had a fair run of STARTS 8:00 P.M. butcher hogs -- market was up from a week ago with an extremetop of $25.85 and the bulk bringing from $25.50 to $25.75. Weaningand feeder pigs were about steady with a week ago and in strongdemand. INDEPENDENCE DAY The following is a listing of some of our consignments: FAT CATTLE & FEEDERS HEIFER CALVES 1 black whiface steer515 @ 32.40 1 black heifer 345 @32.30' 3 black whiface steers583 @ 31.60 1 whiface heifer 360 @31.75 15 FRIDAY Y 51 black & blk wf hfrs 834 @ 30.00 1 whiface heifer 480 @30.75 .DAY 1 whiface heifer 615 @ 28.70 1 whiface heifer 630 @ 24.25 HOGS & PIGS JULY 4th 1 whiface heifer 580 @ 23.80 30 mix fats 218 @25.85 4 hamp fats 220 @25.75 OUR REGULAR COWS 15 hamp fats 225 @25.65 1 whiface cow & calf @266.00 3 hamp sows 297 @22.60 SALE DAY 4 whiface cows & calves @243.00 1 black sow 375 @22.40 1 black whiface cow1115 @ 20.80 2 red sows 470 @21.70 1 whiface cow 1360 @ 19.70 1 white boar 250 @19.70 1 guernsey cow 1140 @ 19.60 1 hamp boar 575 @16.80 1 holstein cow 1150 @ 19.40 5 white feeders 126 @26.75 1 holstein cow 1060 @ 19.00 1 black feeder 135 @23.50 14 mix pigs 19.00 NO SALE ON. HOLIDAY 4th BULLS 21 mix pigs 18.25 1 whiface bull 1670 @ 26.20 lie 7 white pigs 17.00 REGULAR SALES 1 whiface bull 1265 @ 25.60 58 mix pigs 16.50 )ur 1 whiface bull 1235 @ 25.10 15 mix pigs 15.75 9 white pigs 13.75 RESUME FRIDAY NIGHT, JULY 11 BULL & STEER CALVES 20 mix pigs 11.75 1 red steer 330 @ 33.25 2 whiface bull calves 470 @ 32.40 -RALEIGH BREEDING,MANAGER' A DAY YARDMEN ON DUTY 24 HOURS 2 holstein steers 355 @ 31.25 barn 562-3671; home 562-3547 ED For more information call 1 whiface steer 345 @ 29.50 Auctioneer: Larry Lagasse, Ph. Concordia, Kans. CH 3-1714 Dude or Randy Reynolds, Bring your cattle in at any time day CO 3-4303 or CO 3-3394 or night; we'll han- LIVESTOCK & COMMISSION CO. or Dan Reynolds CO 3-4721. dle them for you at Al MARYSVILLE. KANSAS DUDE REYNOLDS Abilene, Kans. your request. Kane St.Al Politician 41 pie that n sea 2 whiface heifers Kansans n; 495 @ 4 whiface heifers 30 100,000 hor Sell 407 @ Alta 4aJC4i3d40 1 black heifer 30.10 imately $30 a Guogo 365 @304 Or Buy TA@ 1 whiface heifer one horse 1 black heifer 580 @ 30.20 380 @ This SLIT 3 whiface calves 245 @ 37.50 2 blk whiface heifers490@304 We sold 654 cattle on a market 1 black heifer 760 @ 30.10 ar 330 brings 1 whiface calf 245 @ 37.50 8 blk whiface heifers431 0A4 that was active, however thebulk 2 black heifers 570 @ 30.00 @ near -extinct 1 blk whiface calf 440 @ 37.00 2 black heifers of the cattle were selling 5O to75t 1 whiface heifer 825 @ 29.40 445@29,6p in horset 1 whiface calf 450 @ 37.00 12 black heifers lower. 4 whiface heifers 580 @ 29.25 540 @ means that 1 whiface calf 390 @ 36.75 4 whiface heifers 29ip 5 black heifers 578 @ 29.10 522 @ learn abou 1 blk whiface calf 400 @ 36.75 29a FT STOCKER & FEEDER STEERS 3 black heifers 626 @ 29.10 es, explain: 5 whface dyes 358 @ 36.50 COWS versity Ex 4 wfilface steers 637 @ 33.75 3 black heifers 750 @ 29.00 3 blk whiface calves442 @ 36.50 1 holstein cow 1000 The exp 36 mixed fat steers 1092@ 33.30 9 whiface heifers 634 @ 28.75 @ 1 black calf 290 @ 36.25 1 whiface cow 1150@ horse" was 2 whiface 567 @ 33.30 601 @ 28.60 2050, @.36.25 3 whiface heifers 1 whiface cow 1 black whiface calf445 1075 @ at the pre:. 3 black steers 716 @ 33.00 675 @ 28.60 2030 1 black calf 420 @ 36.00 2 black heifers 1 whiface cow Homer K. 1 black wf steer 660 @ 32.80 870 @20,4 310 @ 36.00 5 black heifers 586 @ 28.30 4 whiface cows a horse ;is 1 black calf 1055 @ 4 whiface steers 855 @ 32.80 666 @ 28.20 20.21 to move.I 1 blk whiface calf 395 @ 36.00 12 black heifers 1 holstein cow 2 whiface steers 590 @ 32.60 625 @ 28.10 1395 @ 201 day is on 8 whiface calves 459 @ 35.80 2 whiface heifers 1 holstein cow 3 whiface steers 656 @ 32.60 1280 @ 20.10 bu 1 blk whiface calf 375 @ 35.75 1 holstein cow 5 black steers 555 @ 32.60 HEIFER CALVES 1155 @ 20.1 even under 3 blk whiface calves456 @ 35.25 4 black cows 930 @ 20,1 1 whiface steer 1220 @32.50 1 whiface heifer 270 @ 35.25 Since ho 575 @32.50 7 black calves 474 @ 35.10 1 holstein cow 1210@ glecteddi 1 black steer 1 black heifer 435 @ 33.75 19,11 395 @ 35.00 1 whiface cow 4 whiface steers 650 @32.40 1 whiface bull calf 542 @ 33.60 1265 @ 1965, hooves wit 360 @ 35.00 8 black heifers 1 holstein cow broken ar 1 roan whiface steer 690 @32.30 1 whiface calf 1 roan whiface heifer345 @ 32.80 1270 @ 1930 454 @ 34.80 1 holstein cow time of ye 3 whiface steers 633 @32.10 5 black calves 347 @ 32.50 1150@ 19.10 2 whiface heifers 1 black cow out propel 2 whiface steers 740 @32.10 2 whiface calves 495 @ 34.50 880 @ 19.10 2 whiface heifers 327 @ 32.50 cause dam 740 @32.10 3 blk whiface calves496 @ 34.40 1 whiface cow 975 @ 1 whiface steer 1 whiface heifer 230 @ 32.25 19,01 560 @32.00 3 whiface calves 543 @ 33.60 1 whiface cow horse unfi 1 black steer 2 whiface heifers 345 @ 32.10 1440 @ 1810 seaso 32.00 3 whiface calves 455 @ 33.50 1 black cow tire 1 whiface steer 800 @ 2 black heifers 410 @ 31.80 900 @ 18.0;. Feet sh; 32.00 6 whiface calves 547 @ 33.25 1 black cow 875 @ 171 3 whiface steers 840 @ 5 whiface heifers 454 @ 31.70 med now, 600 @31.50 1 blk whiface steer 2 whiface heifers 445 @ 31.60 to be ridd 960 @31.50 BULLS 1 whiface steer STOCKER & FEEDER HEIFERS 1 brahma heifer 440 @ 31.20 es (gravel 31.50 1 black bull 1 blk whiface steer930 @ 3 whiface heifers 581 @ 31.10 2 whiface heifers 460 @ 30.60 1110@ 33!should be 855 @31.00 1 black bull 985 @ 253( Inexperi 1 whiface steer 7 black heifers 629 @ 30.50 2 black heifers 330 @ 30.50 1055 @31.00 1 black bull 1220 @ 25,50 contact a 2 whiface steers 14 whiface heifers593 @ 30.50 8 whiface heifers 534 @ 30.40 1 blk whiface steer660 @30.60 2 whiface heifers 640 @ 30.20 1 black bull 1395 @ 254 have him 2 blk whiface steers 997 @30.50 thehorse, 1 spotted steer 850 @30.30 FOR INFORMATION OR ESTIMATES: LIVESTOCK COMMISSIOcracks anc 1 whiface steer 660 @30.00 consult a REZAC BARN cooperatio: 5 black steers 732 @29.00 St. Marys 437-2999 properly ; 586 @28.30 COMPANY 5 holstein steers DELAINE REZAC feet. 9 holstein steers 619 @28.20 St. Marys 437-6266 The nee( ELMER IMTIIURN manmade, STEER CALVES Maple Hill MI 3-2440 v$t. Marychange fry 1 whiface calf 275 @ 40.75 PAUL KRAMER finement 1 whface calf 270 @ 40.25 SL Marys 437-2993 contribute 1 black bull calf 230 @ 40.25 KanThe basic; 1 whiface calf 385 @ 38.50 Auctioneers: Lawrence Welter, Gene Toby & Dennis Rezac break dov stresses. Horseshi ferent fur Central Kansas Most Modern Livestock Auction West Side OfSalinaWil MONDAY SALE ONLY THROUGHHARVEST A wet MONDAY TH mer have r road crev Hogs & Cattle Only repair str Hogs sell at 11:00 a.m. followed by Sellingst 1:00aai..em Cnsaitglitle. 11. tbeyr:no o our regular cattlesaleas they are will sell in unloaded. ' ed on th County superviso: of findini .and settir be edher( ibeems ome Receipts for last week were 362 cattle and 646 area hogs. Fat hog top was $26.30. Cattle market 1 whiface steer calf, Ellsworth Co. 180 @ 47.50 25 mix hogs, Lincoln Co. 218 @ 26.3i of money was very active at steady prices. Following is a 3 whiface heifers, Dickinson Co. 688 @ 32.90 13 white hogs, Saline Co. 228 @ ' Of the : partial listing: 2 black steers, Marion Co. 715 @ 34.00 6 mix hogs, Smith Co. 231 @ 26jIon of g 234 @ 2621F- 5 black steers, Lincoln Co. 634 @ 34.00 16 mix hogs, Ellsworth Co. half of 1 CATTLE 3 black cows & calves, Saline Co. @240.00 7 mix hogs, Ottawa Co. 236 @ 26Jback to t 1 holstein cow, Saline Co. 1270 @ 21.40 1 whiface steer, Saline Co. 305 @ 37.75 6 mix hogs, Saline Co. 204 @ 26jThe first come bac 1 holstein cow, Saline Co. 1425 @ 21.10 8 black heifers, Marion Co. 674 @ 31.70 1 white sow, Rice Co. 360 @ 22 258 @ 22 dispensed 1 whiface cow, Saline Co. 1000 @ 20.60 2 black bulls, Saline Co. 430 @ 35.10 4 white sows, Ottawa Co. 22A, thereafter 1 whiface steer, Dickinson Co. 2 black steers, Saline Co. 380 @ 36.25 522 @ 34.10 3 white sows, Ottawa Co. ,,, Present 1 black bull, Ellsworth Co. 1 whiface steer, Saline Co. 1260 @ 24.90 645 @32.30' 3 hamp sows, Ottawa Co. @ 4201:5"z' two extra 1 black bull, Rice Co. 1370 @ 25.30 12 whiface heifers, Dickinson Co. 635 @ 31.70 4 white boars, Dickinson Co. 4151 something 1 char heifer, Saline Co. 715 @ 31.90 9 mix heifers, Dickinson Co. 567 @ 30.60 1 black boar, Rice Co. state will 7 whiface cows & calves, Saline Co. @281.00 23 spotted pigs, Ellsworth Co. returned 5 whiface steers, Dickinson Co. 613 @ 33.85 HOGS 6 red pigs, Saline Co. 0 that pres 1 black steer, Dickinson Co. 505 @ 33.90 14 black hogs, Saline Co. 215 @ 26.25 14 white pigs, Saline Co. @ 19,00 county e) 2 whiface steers, Saline Co. 517 @ 34.10 22 mix hogs, Geary Co. 225 @ 26.25 12 hamp pigs, Ellsworth Co. @ 190thing ove 3 whiface steers, Saline Co. 893 @ 32.90 their roa; 1 whiface steer, Ottawa Co. 450 @ 35.90 1 whiface cow, Ottawa Co. 1215 @ 22.60 Ini 1 lrkio nw ai 1 5 black & bwf steers, Marion Co. 1143 @ 32.60 fucnountds 1 whiface steer, Marion Co. 1225 @ 32.60 1 whiface cow, Ellsworth Co. 965 @ 23.75 1 whiface cow, Ellsworth Co. 910 @ 24.00 FOR INFORMATION OR ESTIMATES: 1 whiface cow, Ellsworth Co. Farmers81 1015 @ 24.00 LAURENCE CLEMENCE Ranches 1 guernsey cow & calf, Dickinson Co. @235.00 Abilene Phone CO 3-3091 1 red whiface heifer, Dickinson Co. 640 @ 31.101 MERRILL CHRISTIANSEN CO. 1 holstein bull, Saline Co. 1995 @ 25.40 Durham Phone 132-3371 LIVESTOCK COMMISSION and pay 1 black bull, Lincoln Co. BOB MUIR al roads. 335 @ 37.50 Salina Phone TA 3-2963 West on oldUS 40 1 whiface cow & calf, McPherson Co. @252.50 The nu MARKET7t Barn Phone a county 5 shorthorn steers, Saline Co. 423 @ 34.00 Radio Station KSAL, Salina SALINA -.makeup 1 whiface bull, McPherson Co. 1425 @ 24.90 6:4S cm. Every 913 TA 5-0211 these bu Monday, Wednesday & Friday AUCTIONEERS:bIn Roger sumably KFRM Dean Moore, Lee RemY, 6:55 a.m. Mon. through Fri. road dep: Bonded Licensed- mark, pa