Draft Environmental Impact Statement – Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST)
Draft Environmental Impact Statement – Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) 5.0 NOTIFICATION, PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT, AND CONSULTED PARTIES Pursuant to the NEPA and upon recommendation by the State of Hawai‘i Dept. of Health, OEQC, agencies, individuals, and organizations were notified, contacted, or consulted during the course of planning for the Proposed Action or in the course of preparing studies or submitting applications for various approvals. Details of public and agency disclosure and involvement regarding the Proposed Action consisting of pre-assessment notification letters, agency and media announcements, documentation distribution lists, and public scoping meetings are detailed in the following subsections. The public was given the opportunity to comment during required disclosure periods. Responses to issues and concerns were addressed by the ATST point-of-contact. Additional public disclosure and involvement throughout the EIS and permitting process would be approached using similar methods. In accordance with HAR §11-200-15, substantive comments in Appendix K-Public Comments and Responses received written responses. For those comments that could not be accepted, the responses included explanations of the reasons why they could not be accepted in the DEIS, along with the factors of overriding importance that warranted non-acceptance. All comments were carefully evaluated during the preparation of this Draft EIS and, where feasible, they were incorporated into the analysis of the affected environment, analysis of potential impacts that could result from the Proposed Action, and mitigations to those potential impacts. Full consideration was given to the concerns, suggestions, information, and documentation provided by the commenting individuals, groups, and agencies. 5.1 FEDERAL AND STATE NOTIFICATION 5.1.1 Federal Notification Advisory Council on Historic Properties The ACHP was sent a formal notification letter in June 2005 announcing the intent of the NSF to prepare an EIS for the Proposed Action.
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