County Councillor We thought we would give you a rest in our Dr John Doddy Newsletter after the Chilwell & By-Election thanks everyone for held in March this year, when we were delighted to their support in the welcome County Councillor, Dr John Doddy, to our recent by-election team but now the nights are drawing in again here is an update of what has been happening in our area.

CHILWELL WEST CAT MEETINGS the last one was held on 19th July at the new venue of the Chilwell Community Centre on Inham Road where we had a very lively meeting, when 2 members of our local police attended and also John Delaney, the Head of Environment for Broxtowe Borough Council who gave an update on how the Tram workings would affect our area. The Next meeting is planned for 29th November 2012 at 7.00p.m. - 8.30.p.m. at the Community Centre where we are again hoping for a lively meeting where residents can air their views and find out what is happening in our area.

CHILWELL COMMUNITY CENTRE. The Community Centre has had considerable refurbishment this Summer with the help of a Grant and they are pleased to report that the wall between the 2 smaller rooms has been replaced by sliding doors which will enable a much larger room to be utilised. This means that the Centre can now be used for Children's parties and other meetings that were not possible before. Please contact Keith on 9252431 if you would like to hire this room which is let at very reasonable prices!! Reports from the Library staff suggest that the Library part of the building is being used more and more as well. We also have to thank Councillor Richard Jackson for his kind contribution to centre funds. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of CHILWELL COMMUNITY CENTRE - 13th SEPTEMBER 2012 at 6.00.p.m. All are welcome

BROXTOWE DAY SERVICE The Picture opposite is of the Chairman of County Council, Cllr Carol Pepper, re-opening the Broxtowe Day Service in Sunnyside Road on 3lst July 2012. £800,000 has been spent by the Conservative led Notts County Council on making this facility meet the needs of the users of this Centre in the 2lst Century. It has been absolutely transformed into a very modern well lit user friendly building.


GREENBELT. The latest consultation period of the Aligned Core Strategy ended on 23rd July when your Councillors made representations to protect the Green Belt. County Councillors Richard Jackson and Dr.John Doddy, along with ourselves are all opposed to any more building on green belt land. We recognise that people need homes to live in, but we feel that there is a lot of brown field sites that can be brought back into use and that the small remaining part of green belt land is too precious to lose. Once it is built on the countryside will be lost forever.

INHAM NOOK ALLOTMENTS The support for Heritage Open Days at the allotments gets stronger every year. This year they are arranging demonstrations on healthy eating and flower arranging. The Allotments open every Saturday morning from 1.00.a.m. - 12.00.noon for the purchase of fruit, vegetables, home- made bread, eggs etc.

COUNCIL HOUSING. The Council has now been operating their 'Choice Based Lettings 'Bid' housing policy for over a year now and reports suggest that it is working very well. If you have any housing queries please contact the housing department of Broxtowe Borough Council on 9177777. The Housing Officer for the Chilwell West area is now Emma Fordyce.

THE TRAM WORKINGS. The tram is not due to be operational until late 2014 but we will be experiencing disruption whilst the track is laid up until that time. Regular updates are being posted as to when disruption will occur so please keep checking the website and scroll down until you come to the Chilwell area. or There will also be several talks by NET and one already booked is being organised by the Beeston & District Civic Society on 8th March 2013. at 7.00.p.m. in Beeston Town Hall.

Rest assured we shall do everything we can to make sure that the disruption is kept to a minimum.

NEWSLETTER DISTRIBUTION. Although we have a number of people willing to deliver this Newsletter there is still a few rounds that we struggle with so if anyone has an hour to spare to deliver about 100 Newsletters please get in touch with Eileen, Graham or Tim. We plan on 3 or 4 a year.

Councillor Tim Brindley Councillor Eileen Atherton Councillor Graham Harvey 0115 9287730 0115 9677260 0115 9133115 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Published by Eileen Atherton, 4 Penrhyn Crescent, Chilwell, NG9 5NZ on behalf of Chilwell West Conservatives and printed by 64 Road, Long Eaton, Nottingham NG9 4QP