
Getting to Know Quiz

1. Menachem Begin was born in 1913 in ______.

a. b. Poland c. d. England

2. Begin was a member of the ______youth movement.

a. Habonim b. Bnei Akiva c. Dror d. Betar

3. Betar was based upon the ideas of ______.

a. Vladimir Jabotinsky and Josef Trumpeldor b. Theodor and c. Chaim Weizmann and d. Haim Arlosoroff and Berl Katznelson

4. In 1942, Menachem Begin ______.

a. Got married b. Came on aliyah c. Became prime minister of Israel d. Moved to the United States

5. Menachem Begin was the commander of the ______.

a. Haganah b. (Etzel) c. IDF d.

The National Library of Israel, Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram, [email protected] POB 39105 , Israel


6. After the founding of the State of Israel, Begin signed an agreement with ______to disband the Irgun.

a. Yitzhak Rabin b. Chaim Weizmann c. Vladimir Jabotinsky d. David Ben-Gurion

7. Menachem Begin was Israel’s sixth ______.

a. President b. Defense Minister c. Chief of Staff d. Prime Minister

8. In 1979, Begin represented Israel when signing a peace treaty with ______.

a. Egypt b. Jordan c. Syria d. Lebanon

9. Begin was prime minister when Israel complied with the terms of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty by withdrawing from ______.

a. Cairo b. Gaza c. Sinai d. Alexandria

10. Menachem Begin resigned as prime minister after the death of his wife, ______.

a. Leah b. Aviva c. Aliza d. Chana

The National Library of Israel, Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram, [email protected] POB 39105 Jerusalem, Israel
