PORTLAND DAILY ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862--V0L. 19. MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1831. _PORTLAND, 8, SSSSRffitf&m! PBICE 3 CENTS. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, WANTS. MISCELLANEOU EDUCATIONAL A Premonition. Published every day (Sundays excepted,) by the rKQFESSIONAL THE EltESS. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., Wanted. -AND- A Olergyman’a S003 the At 109 Exchange St., Portland. CITE of rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with Westbrook Seminary President Shot or HOXMY soltXIXG, AUGUST 8. ►o without board, in the vicinity of Cumber- and FEMALE college. Three Days Baforo the Event. Terms; Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subscrib laud to Congress and Elm to Franklin. Address an Sevon a if in advance. Dollars Year, paid this office, B Courses of Instruction:—Common . English, Higher Every regular attache of the Faa;i8 is fumiihed Aug. 5th, 1881. auGdlw* A CARD. English, including Business Course, College Prepar- York THE EDUCATIONAL. rlth a Card certiflsato [New Sun.] MAINE~STATE PRESS atory, Ladies’ Collegiate, and Scientific. signed by Stanley Fallon, Experienced Tho Kcv. I). P. of No. 144 ic Thursday Morning at teachers, good accommodations, low Iditor, All railway, steamboat and boiol managers Lindsley East published every $2.50 a Wanted. prices. year, if paid in advance at $2.00 a year. rill confer a favor upon us by demandi credentials Fifty-second street, a minister of the Presbyte- by a young man; w’ould prefer a private Fall Term, begins Tuesday, September Ctb, ends ug terms and ARCHITECTS, Friday, December 9th. f every person claiming to represent our Journal. rian church in good now in Bates of Advertising: Obo inch of the BOARDfamily. Address, stating location, a this Summe r standing, engaged space, augG-d3t* Press I shall not ho away from niy city gallery single day For further address cmgth of column, constitutes a “square.” BOARD, Office. information, the publishing business at No. 37 Park Bow, first hut will still continue to customers attention as J. P. WESTON, President, $1.50 per square, daily week; 75 cents per give my my personal a Stevens Maine. We do not read letters aad commuul told San reporter last night a curious story week after; three insertions or less, 81.00; continu r F. H. FASSETT, heretofore. Old Orchard Studio will he under and Plains, Deering, anonymous other > My my supervision, a'.ious. The name and address of of his wife’s ine every day after first week, 50 cents. BAKER WANTED. ARCHITECT, w4w31___aug8dtsp0 the writer are in premonitiou of tho President’s as- Half square, three in insertions or less, 75 cents; Centennial Block, 93 Exchange Stroel. managed by competent assistants every department. 11 cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- sassination : one week, $1.00; 50 cents week after. A per first-class Loaf The that I shall be out of the this ion but as a guaranty of good faith. Special Notices, one-third additional, report having got circulated, city ‘‘My wife,” said Mr. Lindsley, “had been onder head of “Amusements” and “Auction Bread summer lias me this to DAY We cannot undertake to return or preserve tom Baker to work H. KIMBALL, caused to publish the contrary. SCHOOL sick a year. She died on Thursday of last Sales,” $2 .00 per square per week; three inser- unications that are not used. tion* or less, $1.50. as second at KCHAS. ARCHITECT, Respectfully Yours. week. Opiates were employed to relieve her Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State hand, 180Va Middle Street of and sho often talked Press has a circulation in undersigned, graduate Harvard College, sufferings, incoherently. (which large every part COBB’S BAKERY. and in •f the for for first inser- THE experienced teaching, proposes to open Gen. Hancock has the invitation On the night of tho third before tho Pres- State), $1.00 per square a accepted day and 50 cents for each day school, in this city, Sept, lyth: Latin, Greek, tion, per square subsequent aue5_dtf CIVIL ENGINEERS. f the of to ident was assassinated I was her iasertioB. German and English branches taught. Secretary War, take command sitting by ** Address all communication* to WANTED. References:—Bishop Clark, Providence; Drs. H f the at the Yorktown celebration. bedside while she was slecpin... She awoke, C. Geo. D. T. M. troops experienced retail salesmen. References Potter, Wildes, Peters, Rev. H. N. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. D. D. and Hon. Hiram apparently in some degreo of excitement, and TWOrequired. EASTMAN BROS. & I E. C. Bellows, Hitchcock, New BANCROFT, JORDAN, York; Ex. Gov. A. H. Riee, LL Boston. Only two per cent of tlio National exclaimed: 492 and 494 Congress St. J civil. ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR, D., debt, aug5d3t Sessions to he from 9 a. m to 1 p. m. ‘Why President Gartieid is shot!' 184 Middle Street he census returns tell us. is in the hands of “ entertainments! Addiess immediately, Rev. N. G. ALLEN. ‘I tried to calm her, and l. id her she had WANTED. aug6S,M&Thlm» Walpoio, N. H. oreigncrs. probably been dreaming. When her sister male and female, in every city and Anuie took my place a: the bedside Mrs Linds- AGENTStown in Maine. No no -LAWYERS. peddling, humbug. PHOTOGRAPHER. The Virginia campaign is the great politl- ley repeated the same thing to ner. Annie Drones not Salary or commission. Call E. H. employed. Jiy9 iitf TROWBRIDGE^ says Mrs. said: CONCERT. at or address, ‘•X,” No. 440 al event of the year. If the Bourbons lose Lindsley Congress St., Portland, Will instruction in ‘Is net r deni d3w give .todies prepara- Garfield shot?’ Vocai and Me,_ aug4 tory for hat State they as well send their mcas- Instrumental, The following are members of the Cumberland College. Address tl Vlesbnoic may ‘No,’ replied Annie. Bar Association: Street. ire ‘I am -AT- Salesman Wanted. »ngl-tf to the undertaker. oeriain he is shot, because I was the: and saw it,’ continue! Mrs. ijindsley. travel in Wholesale Flour and Busi- A S. C. ANDREWS, CONGRESS r|IO Grocery The New York ‘You must have been droam!'. ua’d An. e. HALL, X ness. Address, Box 935, Portland. 11 COUNSELLOR AT LAW, IVIiss ScwaU’s Post does not think that jy22dtf School, ‘No: I was thore and raw "'Ms she Tiufcduy Eidling, August 9t!i. 188 Middle Street. he action of the Democratic State Conven- re- WANTED. 567 1-2 Congress Street. peated several times, -ml art; I said to — ui wiiiaiiu. iiiu ion in in for a three the ladies who were tl p will rEO engage a suitable person to take of the Virginia, declaring per die, the honor to announce a Concert, Vocal and In- charge The lifib year begins Sept. 13, 1SH1. he not?” and the ladi X Westbrook House. A W. R. ANTHOINE, ent consolidated bond can he ^piievi, jh, no; he Mr-omental, by tbe following Ladies and Gentle- Seminary Boarding Apply UNION MUTUAL called debt to S. PERHAM at Custom or to J. P. 11 COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Careful instruction will bo in will get weii.” men: Mrs. Nettie Smith. Miss Silvia Os- Uouse, WES- given English Studies, Soprano; TON, Stevens Plains. 48 St Latin, Greek, French and German. laying. On the third after this when well, Soprauo; Miss Addie Oswell, and jy30dtf Exchange Boarding plac- day occurrence, Contralto, es provided for pupils from out of town. the news of tue assassination of the Pianist; Mr. Win. A. Waters, Baritone; Mr. B M • --:- President Parrs, Ba-eo; Mr. It. LIFE INSURANCE CO. For circulars, or admission, apply to the Princi- Washington people think of a was taken to tlieskik room, Mr« did T.Oswell, Violinist; Miss Jen- WANTED. It ATLANTIC building Lindsley LEADED Y, pal, 78 Winter St. nie T. Oswell, Accompanist. jy23-eodtf larfield memorial not appear surprised, but said: ‘T knew ii the a wroman to take care BB10N COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Hospital. The idea is Admission 26 cents. Doors open at TVa. Con- Almshouse, of in- three And thou she wha AT 34 Exchange Street and days ago.” repeated cert commences at 8. ang8-2t* OF MAINE. Mutual Insurance Co. ;ood novel. Usually when the of she had before related about what her employment will be given to a competent and faith LASFii TFMINARY city conver- ful sation was with tho ladies. person. Apply at the office of the Overseers of Home School for one teach Vashington plans any public work she pre- During her Ill- the OF Young'Women. Only Poor. NEW ing household nnla ttin Kill *1.„ m_ ness Mrs. astonished he; D NATHAN & HENRY B. CLEAVES, YORK, arts; cooking, dress-cuttiDg, &c.; liter- Lindsley frequently August 2d, 1881. aug3dlw arv work of high grade. full. attendants her of what was U COUNELLORS AT LAW, Always Vacancies n by knowledge gc filled in order of Send J This t'me 30 Exchange Street Surplus, Maine and Massachu- INSURE application. for catalogue. lepartmeot. she purposes to ing on in the honse. Onco she asked for aom of AGAINST MARINE Mention this 0. C. BRAG Knights Pythias. paper. DON, Principal. ( Iraw her wallet. chicken which she said was in the back roon setts jy21eod2m ““V* 11 DUU |IUU I.VIOIICI .-'UWU UU1 ilealU Standard, RISKS ONLY. Ul W. Another time she called for COOMBS, The New York Herald that the some candy whic CARDON COUNSELLOR AT LAW, December says only had been into the 31, 1877, $77,269.53 Phis will take risks at their New MISS MARIA E. brought house without btf Annual Excursion and Basket Picnic • 93 Exchange Street “ “ Company office, ODELL, , lifference between the Bourbons and the WOLFE’S 1878, 154,478.27 York, on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights, and issue knowledge. There were other examples of hr to Cushing’s Island, Aug. 8. “ “ wonderiul of 1879, 250,950.73 open policies to merchants, making risks binding as : lahoneites in Virginia is, that the former knowledge what was said an “ “ goon as water-borne. TEACHER OE FRENCH AND also done in the all of which Mr. Lindsir JOHN C. COBB, 1880, 306,213.77 DRAWING, iromise to the house, p pay whole debt and never is unable to account for. U COUNSELLOR AT LAW, German and Kalian. He says his wife ha Dancing, Fool Bull. Bane Ball and other 31 Vi Exchange Street Year Ending Dec. 31, 1880: nake an effort to do it, aud the latter say no waking thoughts that sLe told $t th, AuiUMt-mciitM. JOHN E. Pupils received singly or in classes. would account for such a dream. She had DeWSTT, I hat they will pay a portion of it aud no on;; Schiedam at Miss the common interest about the President Aromatic & Apply and Miss aui. DRUMMOND, PRESIDENT. Sargent Bradbury’s 1 nore. Total Amount of Premiums for 148 St. had not been about him or ODRUMMfDCOUNSELLORS AT LAW, the Year, School, Spring jly23eodtf talking about at 93 DANIEL Vice PreNident. sassination. Pavilion will be in the for danc- Exchange Street. SHARP, ~ lighted evening JAMES P. The Rochester Democrat aud Refreshments for sale on the Island. CARPENTER, Sec’y 7. Chronicle in*. marll eodGm $5,728,622.2 Music will be furnished Chandler. . that Munich by JAMES D. ST. ays drinks American beer, [Harper’s bazar,] TICKETS: Adults, 25 cents; Children. 15 eeuts. SCHNAPPS. C FESSENDEN, IJlTHAMJiE’$HlLLr ! COUNSELLOR AT LAW. lanchester wears American Birds. Tickets can be obtained of the Committee of ar- ASSETS, prints, London Canary and 172 Middle Street. rangements at tbe wharf on day of excursion. ' iuys American papers, spoons and First boat leaves at 9 o’clock. augSdlw forks, and rhile all the world is to tell time As a general beverage and necessary r .7. H. FOGG, Boarding Day School for Girls. beeinuing Where They Originated—How They Are I corrective of water rendered COUNSELLOR AT LAW. $12,608,356.71 AUGUSTA, MAINE. >y Waltham watches. Meanwhile Bred and Raised for the impure by 42 Market, Etc. Vi Exchange Street. Six Per Cent Interest on Outstanding to discuss the HOTELS. vegetable or other •cgins propriety of a protec- decomposition causes, Scrip Paid On and After Feb. 1,1881. MADAME MONDAN, Principal. as \ ive tariff. Limestone, Sulphate of Copper &c, the As the name the M. P. FRANK, Fourteenth Year begin* Thursday, Sep- implies caaary bird is—or Aromatic is to f Dividends to Policy Holders on Schnapps superior every l COUNSELLOR AT LAW, tember 15th. The Wilmington, Delaware, Every Even- perhaps it would be more correct to say was— 199 Middle Street. gPrcmiuuis in 1880 other alcoholic A Terminating All i a native of the Islands. preparation. public BIDDEFORD FOOL ! departmei^p, including English Literature, ng, asserts that if any company that may Canary There it would LEAVITT trial of over 80 Modern years duration in every Physical Science, Languages, Music and 1 >e wants be almost impossible to recognize the species HOUSE, CLARENCE HALE, 46 PER CENT. organised a fleet of American built Art, filled by competent teachers. For further in- from section of our country of Udolpho Wolfe’s H COUNSELLOR AT LAW, in comparison with those we know, so much formation and teamships equal all respects to the steam- 93 Exchange Street. circulars apply to MADAME MON- has fine and intermixture with Schnapps, its unsolicited endorsement by THE ROUTE OPEN irs of the Cunard such breeding other Losses Paid in DAN, Brattleboro, Vt., or the KEV. SAMUEL line, a company can Me. the- medical and a sale Thirty Days birds done to improve them. In the natural Point, faculty uncqualed UP ■ lave them built at $g£|Pine ARON B. HOLDEN, JOHN, Augusta. Jy30eod6w precisely the same prices Open for transient and pefm&nent 2 any other alcoholic distillation After state their colors are very plain, being an al- guests July by have HA COUNSELLOR AT LA#, TTTXjTST 4tlx. Proof. is would have to on the 1881. Telephone in tbe house. they pay Clyde, most dull insured for it the reputation of salubrity 399Vi Congress S reet. greenish-gray, similar to the linnet. J. 1>. JONES, here at Wilmington. This, says the paper, claimed for it. For sale President, Charles E. In the sixteenth century the bird was first ta- by all Druggists Passengers taking the 8.45 a. CHARLES DENNIS, Vice President Lindall, s a bona fide offer, made upon the authority ken into the markets for the sad Grocers. I SETH L. LARRABEE, in., 10.25 a. m. and 1.10 p. in. W. H. H. MOORE, 2d Vice President, European sale, AARON L COUNSELLOR AT A. A. TEACHER of ! 1 men who are able to back F. TOT, LAW, trains can visit the Pool and re- RAVEN, 3d Vice President* CORNET, up their propo- demand having been caused, it is said, in rath- Prop'r. 100 J. II. AVilh Hollins’ Jly2 dlwteodtf Exchange Street, turn Chapman, Secretary. Portland Band, rtion. same day. Feb. 9,1881. feb9dlmteodllm&wGw6 er a peculiar way. The sailors of a merchant The New and Elegant Side 191-2 MARKE T SQUARE- ship from the Canary Islands to Leghorn had | P. J. LARRABEE, wheel Steamer “Saasi’l £. Spring” “It is a remarkable coincidence,” says the LOYEJOY HOTEL, GRAY, MAINE. L COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Reference:—Henry C. Brown, of Brown’s Bri- caught some birds on the islands whose song will commence her trips gade Band. E. New loston Commercial Bulletin “that the ex- 199 Middle Street. regular Tourjee, England Conservatory, was and J8HI, A Located on old stage road sixteen miles in connection with the B. & M. J. B. Claus, N. E. Conservatory, Frank particularly sweet, were#carrying Burnham, :ess of imports over of Portland. exports specie and them when the vessel was wrecked on Poland fifteen miles from and Orchard Beach B, It. on and jly9dtf heme, kgjjjjfffrom Spring, I J. J. mllion for the last two amounted ***22!M»Lake Auburn Springs, twenty-five miles LYNCH, after July 4tli. years to the coast of Italy opposite Elba. As the ship L COUSELLOR AT LAW, The from Paris and mile* from Bethel, fif- dtf Gaiter. while Norway, the forty 34 Street. jy2_ 1107,000,041, excess of domestic was down some one of the crew liberated from Andover. Fine larm conne ted; house 18 BEATER Exchange Whitney EATOH FAMILY going ty-three STREET, SCHOOL, ; md supplied with fine water from a boiling spring 100 foreign exports over imports of mer- the birds, which of course were able to reach old; three miles from statiou on M. C. Gray LOCKE & LOCKE, KORRIDGfEWOCK, ME., i haudlse for the 1879-80 was the land. There, the climate favorable, rrsR. Passengers leaving Boston at 8.30 a. m. and NEW YORK, | year $107,083,- being L COUNSELLORS AT f A NT, 12.30 noon arrive at 1.37 and 5.63 m. Fine sta- jel4 dly ’ •12. We start the became acclimated and p. 176 Middle, Cor. Stzeots. current fiscal year with a they speedily largely ble connected. Kates $2.00 discount Fxvnange Eatatolislaoci1850. per day; by rade balance of increased Through that means the week. Mr. Wm. F. Love joy will be here this $108,557,004 in our favor; Europeans Fall Term will commenco 5. For season. WM. F. LOVEJOY & SON. Sept. circulars learned the value of the canary as a song bird, WILLIAM H. and to ve are on the eve of further of jy29 dim | LOONEY, references, apply importations L COUNSELLOR AT H. F. ami regular importations began. It was in LAW, EATON, Principal- 1 ;old, and it is now unlikely that our mcr- 51 Vi Exchange Street Jiyis__ dtf Germany that they were received with the OTTAWA SSOUSE, THE handise imports, which were $35,500,000 j&gLA AL ANY LAW SCHOOL. greatest favor, and the bird raising peasantry i WILBUR F. esS last year than they were the year bo- Portland, Me. LUNT, ALLTERM 18S1. immediately added thorn to their stock, finding L ATTORNEY AT begins September B, LAW, For circulars, address ore, will be further diminished. Thus we Post Office them easy to breed, to loara new songs, Admiration Building. KBBAUK It. I.I.. quick This well known and favorite Summer hotel, will M.THTII, D., Dean, hall keep the gold we add to our store OF THE IV. Y. havt, as well as willing to mate with other species. r June for and transient je22eodtsopl0 Albany, open 22, 1881, permanent md a further of It is situated on a beautiful island in the IS C. P. MATTOCKS, enjoy period prosperity.” To such a science l as the breeding of the ne harbor of 2 mii.ee from the fl! COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Snests. Portland, enly % WORLD. Cures Dyspepsia, Nervous Affec- Instruction in English and Class- canary been elevated, and such a branch of In- city, where the facilities for bathing, boating and 31Vi Exchange St, A K EC ext parliamentary return gave the in tbe of fishing are unsurpassed, and its ocean and landscape tions, General Debility, Fever and ical dustry has it become vicinity the Studies. lumber of riews unequaled, making it the most desirable agricultural holdings in each more near M J A MES T. McCOBB, Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Hartz mountains, particularly An- seaside resort on the whole coast. For further Mrs. S. A. Allen's Given to tbe subscriber. ’« BENJAMIN private pupils by :ounty in Ireland aud their valuation. In purlieu ars, address S. G. FISH, Ottawa House, KINGSBURY, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com- dreasberg, that societies have been formed hav- Me. 85 Exchange St. Portland, WORLD’S mver remittent he province of Ulster there are 72,055 hold- ing as sole aim the propagation and improve- §. G. piaints, uompiamt, rSSII, Manager. at 414 and over eod2m and all diseases aSL'aicn'.ed^tlarch'lS/J8*1.S88S1EI J. W. ngs under; S2,G45 holdings ment of tbe breed, holding annual exhibitions, jne21 JAMES O’DONNELL, Fever, originating COLCORD, f] t-± up iu iuj< over to- with large for fine U COUNSELLOR AT LAW, in a bad State of the Blood, or ,»iv; noiuings saw; comparatively prizes speci- 119Vi St MadeltoiMeasure al value of all mens. There varieties are HairRestorer Exchange accompanied by Bebility or a low ati222IF»'liCDLEISTREET, 148 Pearl Street. tlio holdings, £243,997. In nearly thirty recog- Under _ otel. /O i r. jun22d2awWAS2m. ts22 up £10; 5920 holdings ever £100; a French mate will, if properly paired, produce tower is less Hair sacri- beautiful to behold. Portlaad people, who Dressing. Its perfume rich ,otal contains the most superior young. The Germans want a nice and Ann Ardor and value, £134,794. Connaught quiet healthy place to spend the and rare. Sold all Toledo, fice all for song, while the French have bred Summer months, will find all of the modern im- by Druggists. THOMAS B. REED, >5,22S holdings at £4 and under; 47,350 them for shape entirely. This Utter method here. in Established over 40 years. provements Everything and about the R COUNSELLOR AT LAW, has rosulted in birds from seven to seven and a house is new and first-class. For Enormous and sales ABBOTT FAMILY SCHOOL =5??! Lttlle loldings over £4 up to £10; 1390 holdings amusements, increasing 93 Exchange St W.C.SAWMM#. Blue, bait inches in length, while an ordinary cana- there are nice drives, boating, Throughout Europe and America. Farmington, Maine. Address A. H. >ver total fishing, croquet ABBOTT, £100; value, £138,255. is about Use inches. The model of a grounds, billiard hall, bowling alley, etc. A nice Principal. aug3eod24t ry only stable is connected with At their New Store, broed is thus described a notei. the house. Gentlemen can (Mitiiiiis) EMERY S. RIDLON, perfect long by their own teams and have the ZYLO B&LSAMUH One of the fancier: “Tb« head is small and while bring best of care. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, First 6 Per Cent. clergymen who investigated round, The room A tonic and Hair R Mortgage Forty- dinning furnishes three meals per day, lovely Dressing1. 61% St the neck is thin, forming almost a curve 1:’ and more il Exchange Shepherd Cowley’s case, the Rev. Dr. Mul- required—is said by good, judges to com- removes Dandruff, allays all itching, k 0 Preble Year Cold Bonds. from the back. The shoulders are very higt pare favorably with other hotels. Gome unto me 5,1 Street, Miss & Miss has a stops Hair and a Sargent Bradbiry’s :ahey, letter in the Churchman de- and the back, from th olo- w of the wing all who want to rest from your labors and I will falling promotes PRINCIPAL DUE INTEREST JAN’Y 1 AXD ye FRANK W. ROBINSON, 1921; the the end of the carves Itk-’ a ). 'f-drawn make you happy. Round trip from Portland to the healthy growth with a beautiful P 'ending committee’s report. Ilis points tail, rich, SI COUNSELLOR AT Opp. Preble House, first door from Con- JULY 1; TOTAL ISSUE, Hotel, via Maine Central K. $2.25. From Bos- LAW, $l,‘460,4)p0. SCHOOL, bow. The tail feathers lie very mgetber, K., gloss, and is delightfully fragrant. 34 Exchange Street* Street, have a full line of Lunch will re-open for the Fall Term, ire, that the committe acted rightly under ton via Boston A Maine and Eastern R. R„ $7.00: Price gress ISSUED at RATE of PER MILE. whiledhe wings are sot so sn .be body Seventy-five Cents in Bird $15,000 an trt nvAvlan of fVir* omit ’! .rft ATU/ltlv ▼la Portland Boat and Grand Trunk It. R. $5.00. largo Baskets, Cages, Preserving Jars, SEPTEMBER 7th, 1881. ;he canons in hearing both sides of the case, Coach connects with every train. the veter- glass stoppered Dottles. Sold by all Druggists. Flower &c. Also a These bonds were issued to retire an existing mort- with the feet close and the Clough GAGE & STROUT Pots, large variety incl that after this straight toother, an stage driver who is a jolly good fellow will look of gage of $750,000 on the old Toledo & Ann Arbor Ii. The school includes Kindergarten, Preparatory if, making re-investiga- Jun S&W&v.Gmos22 COUNSELLORS AT Farming Implements, Wooden feathers perfectly smooth on the body.” For after the interest of passengers to the SSTROUT, LAW, Ware, K. (46 miles), and with the excess to extend it 38 and Advanced departments. coming house, ;ion, they hid presented Cowley,’the pre- such a bird one thousand francs has been and see that have all attention. 31% Exchange S Dairy Salt, Housekeeping Hoods, Ac., miles to the Grand Trunk at and Special attention will be given to instruction in paid they proper Appli- Railway Pontiac, in and in this dollars cations for board and rooms canjbe made to the sub- which they are selling low. to other important connections. This extension is the Modern Languages and Drawing. sentment would have carried with it such Antwerp, country fifty scriber at West Maine. completed to South 61 miles from Toledo. A limited number of will bo re- will purchase one of the second only, Auburn, Pleased to see all old friends and hosts Lyons, boarding pupils in as quality T THOMAS & The Toledo and Ann Arbor is ceived. overwhelming presumption of guilt from a ana short SAMUEL JENKINS. BIRD, of new ones. Division (46 miles) while the young perfect long now a For circulars to jun7d till septl COUNSELLORS AT LAW, earning at rate sufficient to pay the interest giUng particulars, apply the to deprive him of any fair chance of an ac- readily command tv-euty-five dollars each 'J? 3E2I IS jy23-eod2w on the whole without business No. 148 street. pair 38 Exchange St $1,260,000, auy Principals, Spring jylleodtsl2 The German breeders, disregarding in a meas- from the 38 miles of the extension v/lnch is also quittal at the hands of an ecclesiastical ure the of the select short, full bod- covered this mortgage. shape bird, by :ourt. For lii3 the Rev. Dr. Mulca- the feathers lie close or REAL ESTATE. IMPERISHABLE U BYRON D. VERRJLL, A limited amount ottered at 103. part, ies, not caring whether ? COUNSELLOR AT LAW, liey thinks it better the Protestant Episcopal loose, and train the young birds to sing by 191 ASTIIONY, POOR & OLIPHAKT, them in the same room with nightie Middle St. CHASJL O’BRION, ME WESLEYAN SEMINARY church should keeping Executor’s Sale of Kea! NO. 45 WALL NEW suffer wrong than do wrong, Estate. PERFUME. ST., YORK. and Female College. gales, woodlarks or skylarks. authority of the J.udgo of Probate, I oiler for Pamphlet, with map and full jyarticulars, furn- even to the “humblest and meanest of her The Germans who raise bitds for the markc FRANK Wholesais and Retail II. P. Torsey, D. D., LL. D., President. BY sale House and Lot No. 2 North Street the S. WATERHOUSE, Dealer in ished on application. jlylGeodlm do not, as might be supposed, devote thsir en- COUNSELLOR AT The Fall Terra of this institution will Mon- servants.” same described in deed from George Hearn to Dan- & Lamuan’s W LAW, begin tire time to the business; they are shopkeepers iel Brown dated recorded in Cum- 93 Exchange St day, August 16, and continue thirteen weeks, Send Aug. 31, 1?*68, Murray in a small way, cobblers, tailors, or follow som< berland Book 51G. Said house for catalogue. Registry, 301, Pago Assistant Secretary of State Hitt lias such from to one hur. contains 1* rooms, a good cellar, is finished for two F. A. ROBINSON, Secretary. industry, raising twenty dred in a season. is in Hanover and Thu- tenements and is in good repair. FL0B1BA MTJSIC TEACHERS COAL. R. W. SOULE, Steward. not attempted, as was reported, to outline It Also Lot No. 141 WATER, Kent’s Hill, July 21,1881. jy27cod3w ringia that the moro extensive breeders raid* Congress Street, being the same the of the to described in deed from Daniel Brown to policy government in regard ana in those sections tho bird of thi* Jonathan Doiuestio Coals a Specially, at Lowest Market importers F. Brown dated Sept. 15,1870, and recorded in said Prices. Hartmann, the Nihilist. The interview in country have agents who know exactly th* Book KOTZSCHMAR, Registry^ 389, Pago 138. Said lot contains Best for TOILET. BATH, PIANO, ORGAN AND HARMONY, kind and value of each man's birds from whic about feet of and KH. which he was said to have done so was 4,650 land, has upon it one house Stoekbridge’s Music Store. 236 Commercial Street, he is to breed, also the time when the Ur*' containing 7 rooms, with a good cellar; and another much I see have of 12 CALL and SEE “padded.” “Why, they broods may be expected. Daring the hatching rooms, fitted for and now occupied by two and SICK ROOM. season these travel these tenants, and in good repair. Apply to D A. E. Brownes , made me m,ake quite a speech,” said the agents through pai PENNELL, Be and to. D. W. FESSENDEN, Att’y at SINGING IN ALL Wei ticular districts examining bargaining Law, YOICE, BRANCHES, POBTLA MAINE. Meyer's Secretary, as he read the extracts; “I saw No. 31% Stanton Block, Tenor Soloist, 67 Gray Street, 1 ik It An irtr&fc aim the young birds before they are two weeks old augS-difExchange St., Portland. the for a and since at snch time the defects in shape or pin mar31 ThS&Tu&wGm Orders received by no. aptd6m correspondent only moment, i/cuaci um i be more seen. These declined to say what the government would mage may readily youn; FARM FOR SALE. iniiijd, birds are held by the breedor until such tim BUSINESS CARDS. do in the case. He asked if there was any as the American firms need new supplies Genuine & Lanman’s WM. M. when are forwarded to this in loo v/xv X_j AV; IX/llN VJTXL Murray MARKS, laws or practice governing cases of this they country indorsed by ANNIE LOUiSE CARY. of from fifteen hundred to two thousand, eacl FARM of and I answered his about 40 acres, 2 miles from Old JOST & MORTON, class, inquiry by citing lot.being in charge of two men. It is estimated A near the siate Will sell or Also a choico stock of iirsUclass Orchard, quarry. several well known and universally accepted that ten per cent, of this number fall victim' exchange for a house in Portland or vicinity. FRESCO Cure. Unquestionably the most important FLORIDA WATER f AINTERS, M, Card, anil Jet Printer, to the change of climate. The birds are brongl, Address “FARM,’4 Portland, Me. P. O. Box 1557 since vaccination. A articles of international law, some of them l2 7Zaikc! Square, Portlat&c!. JJ •inters1 Exchange, mescal discovery remedy each in a small wooden and while the juyTdtf 49 at cage, cent.4*, wliUh assimilates with the mucous membrane and as old as the Roman empire. That is all are in the dealer’s at least, they ge Price* reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. PIANOS AND ORGANS. charge, 1 forms not a a to je2 dly 1 Exchange St., Portland, Me. only local, but couMtitutienal there was to the interview.” only such food as is best suited them— FOR SALE. OWEN, MOORE & CO.’S. cure at any stage. One package generally suffices. mixture of rape and canary seed, with lettucf ju2o eodtf&w2t26 or chickweed in small tin Fine Job i* Specially. Delivered by Druggists or by D. B. Dewey & Co., quantities during season. The dealers’ season for is UATED in Cape Elizabeth, on the road to the C1IARLESRICH, 46 N. Economy in Butcher’s Bills. importation Orders mail or in Dey Street, Y., $1.00 complete, Six packages two lights, and within five minutes walk of oy person promptly attended to. Samuel Thur ion, from the middle of until the middle of SIl $5.00. Treatise and remarkable the Cassell’s HouSohold Guide.] August the Ocean House, a cottage house containing ten GENERAL statements.bv [From May, and some idea of the development In rooms. Lot contains two acres of land. desir- BROKER, mailed free. The can Very Particular attention paid to Book and cured, • most profitable joint which possibly taste of the American so far as cana- able for 22 Exchange Street. people, summer residence. Apply on the premises 3 Free St. The can Block, JUTLAND. afflicted refer to: be bought for the use of a household is the top ries are concerned may be gathered from the or of Lumber and General Pamphlet Printing. sep29 atf Merchandise tr.1 .”i rn..>PLn,i fact that in 1850 about ten thousand were im- D. W. S. Lewis, 220 Pleasant St., Boston; side of the round of beef. It is not a FESSENDEN, ESQ., and sold on cheap dli 31 bought commission. H. A. ported, while in 1880 not less than a hundred m>14 Va Exchange St., Portland, ivfe* Choate, Revere House; not a 1/U9U UUTUUUCA I11UUU VU joint, but it can bo used all through, aud and thousand were here. UppiUVfU piUpa B. F. Bradbury, Washington St.; fifty brought erty. particle need be wasted. If the meat is of Let those who own canaries make true pets Brick House tor Sale. Health is Wealth Geo. C. Goodwin, Hanover St.; Stocks and Bonds dealt in. good quality, is carefully cooked, and well of them; talk to them as to a dog, aDd they j&nlloodtf will answer mnch moro understanding^; fon- Dr. E. C. West’s Nerve and Brain Tre at it is tender and If carelessly a Mrs. A. J. basted, juicy. dle them as a is without too FRENCH rouf, brick house, nice lot, few a specific for Convul Whittlesey, Sheffield, Mass.; kitten fondled, kle^t; Hysteria, Dizziness, it will be and hard. Thick dank A steps from City Hall, contains parlor, sitting sions, Nervous Headache, Mental Loss IMPORTED. Caswell St Massey, Newport, R. I.; cooked, dry much stroking of the feathers, and they .will kitchen and six Depression, room, dining room, nice, large of Memory, Spermatorrocea, 1 inpotency, Involun- Mrs. Susan B. New N. of beef and the of mutton of beef are be when nostling on thoir mistress’s with the modern A line Leighton, Market, H.; leg piece happiest chambers, improvements. tary Premature Old caused as were a book, Emissions, Age, by Mrs. Edgah of the dank and shoulder; study them if they locat on for any man that warns his home in a cen- over or WINES & Mookes, Friendship, Me.; also prodtablo.' The thin end exertion, self-abuse, over-indulgence, which LIQUORS aud no volnmo can bo found so full of that tral location. Terms to suit the Mks. Geo. purchaser. leads to misery, decay and death. One box will of all kind*, in the Websteb, 69 Exchange St., Portland; the brisket and the aitcb bone of beef cost less and amus- WM. II. which is instructive, entertaining JERK1S. cure recent cases. Each box contains one month’s Mrs. George West Mass. 1881. Hayden, Roxbury, per but they are dear because there is July 25tb, jly25d3w* treatment. One dollar a or six boxes for live OKiGIKAl pound, ing. ____ box, packages, Mrs. A. M. Pabtbidge, Jamaica Plains, Mass. dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of so mncli waste with for chil- price. —FOR SALE BY— them, especially A For Some One. We six boxes to euro case. Mille. Aimee, Opera Prma Donna; the Name Was to B*. Bargain unty guarantee any With who will not eat fat and A sir- What Baby’s vegetable compoundtnat STEPHEN each order received us for six Paul tho dren, gristle. MALE OR TO IjET.—Two-story house BERRY, by boxes, accompan- Boyton, great swimmer, Flushing, L. 1 John of tbs acts ied with live we w send the our R. STANLEY & loin of beef is an excellent but it is [St. (Newfoundland) Correspondence FOBnine rooms, foot of Pleasant street, opposite upon the Liver, and dollars, jll purchaser SON, Importers, Rev. 0. U. Taylor, 140 Noble N. Y joint, gen- Maine directly written guarantee to return the if the treat- St., Brooklyn, Montreal Gasette.l Central station, Woodfords. Cemented cel- money I9!i and considered an cures Liver mid ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued FORE ST., PORTLAND OIK. Sam’l Benedict. Jr. 697 Broadway, N. Y„ etc. erally rightly expensive lar, furnace, hard and soft water. Complaints, Jaun- Movie,} (ga’id &PIdulc'i,J by doc3l The wife of Jacob Squires, a resident of a jlyKdlwntf J. N. READ, Woodfords. J'vl all druggists in Portland and everywhere. j A real cure of Catarrh for J1.00! one. Yet it may bo used so as to turn it to No. 37 Plum Street. JOHN W. PERKINS & General distant where school-masters wera dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- CO., Agents. octll account. Unless there is a “outport”, sepGdcow&weowly M.W&Fly very good family Portland. scarce, applied to the parson for the baptism of tiveness, Headache. Itassists di- weakness for fat, it should rover be cooked BUSINESS DIRECTORY. her baby—the tenth, as it turned out to be, for TO A RARE with the dap on. Eather the dap should bo the LET. CHANGE our fishermen as a rule are blessed with large, gestion, strengthens system, cut straight off, thou salted and boiled, pressed Accountant and Public. persons demands the estat or, as It, fa mi- Jiotarj- the the to buy a SUMMER RESORT on Haskell’s having against it is excellent. Or a littlo they expressively put “heavy” regulates bowels, purifies of GOFF & late of ar and glazed, when OHO. C. Office No. lO LET. Island, one mile from steamboat ALL PLUMMER, Gorham, lies. The to the CODMAN, 1S4 Middle landing, twenty to 500,000 ft. .Hemlock good lady explained parson requested the same for within Lumber, a few tinned should be Mlrrel, Psrtland. blood. A Book sent free. Dr. live acres of land with good house seven present payment ox kidney and oysters cottage of 5 rooms, centrally located, ii containing that her “skinner” had vone to Labrador, and barn, fish two thirty days to FRAMES, PLANK ami LARGE NICEthis city, within five rods of horte cars. Sebago rooms, house, harbors, plenty of put with it, and it should bo made into a pie, 162 N. Y. wood, fishing. Will be sold at once low WM. P. HAYDEN of Sawed to Or- had left orders on the arrival of Sanford, Broadway, $10 per month. Inquire of JOTHAM F. CLARK good very Raymond, DIMENSION, be delicious. The express that, Rook Kiutters. For further particulars, enquire o‘f O. G. DOUG- or S Administrators when it will -housekeeper, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. No. 05 Exchange St., or No. 14 Mellen St. der at shortest possible No. if a she was to be or G. JOHN D. ANDERSON of 10, girl, christened by fFiVI. A. Ql'iNCY, Boom II, Priutrn’ ocl3 augG d3t LASS, Lewiston, Me., DOUGLASS, South Gray,) notice. when purchasing a sirloin of beef, will do well Harps well. jly25eodlino aug4 d3t&wlt31* of this of the and the name of “Hyena.” The parson was start- Exchange JYo. Ill Exchange Street. Dry Boards on hand, New Glou- to think way using dap, buy For a a or two more for the led and shocked at the idoa of an in- Rent—City or Suburb. on M. C. R. R. joint weighing pound labelling cester, of it. thus obtain a purpose trying Sho may fant with such a dreadful centrally located two-story frame house Ne HR F. H. name, and told the \TOTICE IN HEREBY that the MFJISOUf HORSE. better cut, and will certainly reap an advan- GIVEN, THE23 Chestnut street, between Congress ant mother that she mast have made a il subscriber has been and taken T. ADDRESS a C. HE. tage. Sometimes the under cut of a sirloin is mistake, duly api>ointed J. AKELEY & Cumberland, containing nine rooms, well arranget ^ / JORDAN, ALFRED, himself the trust of CO., From 145 Tremont Street like upon Administrator of the es- for comfort and convenience. Possession A bay 10C0 (en taken out aud cooked separately, rump and that it would never do to give the nam® tate of givei L / 4 Boston, will be at U. S. marc, weighs pounds, Also the House block o steak. Cold roast sirloin is, however, so excel- of a baast of prey to a Christian child. Mrs. immediately. Easterly (in Hotel, A.UCS, 16, for years old, sound, kind; will road ten WILLIAM MORRISON, late of rwo) situated on Pleasant street, now oc lent that it is whether the plan is Squires in that there was no Portland, Carriage Manufacturers, Deering, / ',/ Four Days Only—Room miles an hour and can trot very fast. FOR questionable poisisted saying Rev. Mr. Adriance. Said house is SALE? a a of beef is no from in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and cupiecl by pleas ^ Knnionii good one. When sirloin long- mistake, and that she dare «eot diverge given situated on cbe line of horse cars and nea ^^ C\CYRWSV Corns, For sale at a at bonds as the'law directs. All persons de- antly V¥f. and Bml Nails treated great bargain. Inquire er tit to be to t ie table, there is al- the order of her After much persua- having 2i and Preble Street Maine ffejb*. of PINE on brought skippor. said 23 Central Station. Apply to BENJ. SHAW • Press lot and HEMLOCK TIMBER Rocky mands upon the estate of deceased, are re- without Pain. Office, ways a great deal of meat on it which can be sion lie induced her to defer tho baptism till and all Real Estate Agent, 48V2 Exchange St. A Hill, on west side of road leading from Sacca- quired to exhibit the same; persons indebted MAINE. tsb243n..!.f 3y27d2w Cor- On his arrivalhe called on PORTLAND, d2w* to Duck a little over a mile from Sac- used for rissoles, croquettes, sausage rolls, the skipper’s return. to said estate are called upon to make aug4 rappa Pond, pay- anti the resi- nish pasties, pie, etc., and there is tho and that his “old wo- ment to SILK carappa Cumberland Mills, opposite shepherd’s parson explained ■ bb B cob Dealers make witn UMBRELLA. dence of the late Winslow. to a fat which can be rendered down for man” had made a and that he had WILLIAM W. THOMAS, Adm’r. | g Money Josiah Apply dripping. mistake, Jn., 130 several a con. 1881. Carriages of all descriptions of our To be JLet. lay LS EL | w. t. soule & co., days ago large Silk Umbrella, J. N. HACKER, Hard, sinewy parts of meat generally cost lit- directed the baby to bo christened, not "Hye- Portland, July 20, 1 La Salle Street, Chicago, LOSTsuierably worn, with stout wooden handle on the own Hf || | aug4d2w* premises. tle, aud are very good if stewed aud gent- na,” but “Joseph Hyena.” The parson pon- manufacture. The lowest prices On and after ■■ Finder will bo rewarded same long Oct. 1, 1880, th< IV IB H 111. Write for particulars. suitably by leaving nature are and then the ^ in the and at Press Office ly. Of this the roll of the blade dered a moment, mystery cleared s. a State, taking quality premises now F. O OC18 jy29dtf ivil.es, occupied by eodl y bone of beef, the muscle of tho of beef and “Oh, I see it; Josephine you want to style into consideration. dc IF*lainnoy IBros. leg up. Bailey Co., No.’s 35 & 37 Ex the scrag end of a nock of mutton. Meat of nameyaur child.” “That’s it, parson,” Advertising Agent, St. FOR SALE. exactly • BOSTON change Apply to J. II. this kind should be stewed gently for a long buid Jacob, “but you seo we couldn’t rightly THKMONT NT., BATES, SPRUCE at HENRV KINDLINGS, ICE. time, live or six hours. It will then bo fouua our tongues around it when ;ve saw it in Contracts for Advertisements Newspapers in al DEERING, Late of S. LITTLEFIELD & WILSON’S get M. Pettenglll & Co. DKY Plaining Mills, and will and din- We can call her for short bles* cities and towns of the United tales, Canada an Special Attention to of all kinds. No. 37 Exchange* St. Corner York and Sts. excellent, supply cheap good print. Joscy, Repairing 27 Maple 97 CROSS STREET. British Province®. jue4 eodtf dtf Newspaper Adrertising Agent, June 17th, 1881, jolSeodtf myl4 tf ners at a trifliDg.coat. her little heart; so Joseh-Uiuney be THE h est 36 in. .llVi@lS Fine 6-4.16 MARRIAGES. Ar at St John. 4tfc 8. FOREIGN. INDIANS. @20 NB. Inst, sch Lottie B, Cosman, MONDAY MORNING. AUGUST THE PRESIDENT. ed. 36 in.. 8 @11 Fine 7-4.19 @23 Camden. ight36in.. 6 @ 7Vi Fine 8-4.21 @26 JW barque Cbas B Kenney, Drummond, for _FINANCIAL. g iue42in..l0 @14 Fine 9-4.26 @30 In Phipsburg, Aug. 4, Henry W. Butler and Miss Adelaide; sell Sea Foam, Owen, Rockland. Spotted Tail Killed by Crow Dog. p ine 6-4—11 Fine 10-4 From @17 ..27Vi@32Vi rennie S. Bartlett. Unfavorable Crop Reports Dead wood, D. T., Aug. 6.—A Pioneer spec- In Gardiner, July 31, Leonard Turner and Mrs. I Latest by European steamers.] ETC. ] E. Harlow. BY TELEGRAPH. France. al from Pine Ridge agency, Nebraska, says TICKINGS, .Iary Off Tuskar July 21, St Paul, Williams, for New SAMUEL HANSON bat Crow of the police at Rose- In Thomastou, .Tuly 2G. Prof, llarry Johnson of York. Dog, captain ,r Drills... 9 ickings, _ 8@ Brunswick ami Miss Fannie M. Robinson of Tlio- jud agency, Bhot and instantly killed Spotted Cld at Newport 23d, Storm King, Reed, Guay mas. Best...... 15 @17Vi Corset Jeans.... 7 w 8 uaston. Chi at Newcastle His Condition About Tail about 3 o’clock afternoon. Medium...11 July 33, J D Peters, Lane, for MAINE. Remains SUSPENSION OF THE .GOLDS. yesterday @14 Satteens. 8@ 9Vi San Fraftcisco. Banker & There has been ill-feeling between them for 8 @10 Cambrics. 6 Broker, Light. 5@ Vi Ar at St Helena June 31, Alice D Cooper. some time. Crow went to Fort I DEATHS. Brown, Dog Niobrara enims.;12Vi@16Vi Silesias.10@20 Bombay, (and saih*d for Havre); 1, Mt Wash- further 1 ucks-Brown 9 @12 iCotton Flannels. 7 dll5 July 194 Middle Sebago Lake Campmeeting. to remain until developments. ington, Perkins. , (ami sailed for New York.) Street. the Same. More Troops for Africa. Fancy 12Vi(^16Vi [Twine & Warps 18@28Vi 6.—The Trouble is anticipated. Srbago Lake, Aug. temperance ^ atting—Best.HVi@13 widow of London, Aug. G.—The Morning Post says: Trouble Brewing? Among the Apaches. In this city, Aug. G, Mrs. Jane C., the SPOKEN. at Lake has had a Good. 8Vi@10Vi ate John 77 First campmeeting Sebago very “We learn from Marseilles that the French Bragdon, aged years. lat 40. Ion 33, ship Annie II from Government Bonds, Class 7.—The Times special from this afternoon at 3 o’clock, July 18, Smith, successful The exercises con- Government has a steamboat com- Chicago, Aug. [Fureral Monday Havre for Philadelphia, meeting to-day. requested Gen. it No. 1O0 Salem street. Burial at convenience of Bank Sante Fe, Aug. Gth, says: Edward lat 40 Ion 55 St Scrib- Securities, Stock, &c., sisted of recitations the children pany to place at the disposal of the military he July 31, 53, 30, ship David, singing, by Hatch, by Lieut. Stidman and family. f»om for New York. authorities several steamers for the accompanied In this of ner, Liverpool and sold. Orders at New and addresses Rev. A. S. Ladd and Rev. conveyance left this afternoon for Fort Craig Foreign Imports. city, Aug. G, Nellie, youngest daughter bought by of troops to Africa. It is calculated that 90- Maj. Henry, Lewis and Towle. to direct the movements of NS. Schr Juventa—1896 boxes of Mary Thomas Miss Nellie had THE INTENSE HEAT CAUSES 000 Franc Tireurs are scattered personally troops CHESTER, In Boston Franklin E. Holmes, York and Boston Stock Tyrie. Nye charge along the lobsters to Mass., Aug. Gth, Exchanges now out after renegade Apaches from Merca- c mned Portland Packing Co. of this of the children’s in the forenoon, and North African coasts. It is proposed to dis- 'ormerly Portland, aged 40 years. Burial meeting lero where have already ifteruoon at executed by wire. patch 50,000 troops to Africa before October. agency, depredations Evergreen Cemetary. The Cure R. E. Farrington in the afternoon. The even- A FEBRILE RISE. been reported. Mr. Hatch thinks the situa- In Bath, Aug. 4, John J. Ramsey, aged 74 years Grape oc23 .eodtf Crop Prospects Unfavorable in Franco. 1 mouths. IN A.11EKK A. was concluded with remarks by tion serious as the Marajoes are very restless ing meeting Receipts of Maine Central. The Paris of and under agent Galen Eastman, In Biddeford. July 24, Mrs. Nancy, wife of Jos. Job assisted W. Penniman of correspondent the Economist chafing 80 Santord, byG. Hatch informed a Portland, Aug. 6. Dennett, aged years. says: Accounts of the French harvest are less whom they hate. Gen. “A MOW KBAI" Boston and others. The closes Sun- For Portland, 28 cars miscellaneous raerchand se, In Biddeford, July 28, Miss Julietta Staples, aged meeting favorable, and it now that Times he had sent five com pan- appears the yield correspondent jr connecting | roads 71 oars 'miscellaneous irer- 27 years 7 mouths. of J. K. ies 40Iudian scouts against day. Mrs. Mary H. Huut Boston, will be less than last year and scarcely equal to of cavalry and about handise. WANTED. rest of the 9th G. W. Penaiman. ex-Gov. Perham, an average one, while the crop would have to these Apaches. The cavalry ■- Osgood, Mountains in SA*8 DAYS OF STEAMSHIPS. be over an average to meet the on active duty in the Blue Utah SAL MUSCATELLE, No Serious Result consumption. FROM H. A. Shorey and others will speak. Apprehended and the at Fort FOR The supply will probably be obtained from infantry garrisons Wingate 6 station must be left intact to Doincstie .Quebec.Liverpool_Aug Prepared from Muscate le Grapes and Choice Fruits. Postal Changes. Russia, and in view of coming exports of wheat and Bliss keep Daily Receipts. 6 check. Gen. Polynesian.Quebec.Liverpool_Aug 6.—The following the Bank of St. Petersburg has been reducing the agency Indians in Hatch Bv water conveyance—lOOO bush Oommeal to G Atlas.Boston.Liverpool-Aug G Washington, Aug. postal However. and until 1 its stock of and is to have sold said more troops are needed these 7. True & Oo. Uity of Berlin.New G SAL-MUSCATELLE, UNITED made: gold, reported York..Liverpool.;...Aug changes have been are aud G 50,000 francs worth in a fortnight. Three- Indians entirely disarmed dismounted, Suevia.New York..Hamburg.’.. .Aug Hancock de Marseilles.New York. 8 SAL-MUSCATELLE, Discontinued—West Deer Isle, fourths of this amount reached Paris, and has no peace can be expected. Ville .Havre.Aug Accapulco.New’ York..Aspinwall... .Aug 10 been for to ft toe k county. already purchased export America, Market. Bothnia.New York..Liverpool.. ..Aug 10 SAL-MUSCATELLE, Damage by Lightning. in STATES September. Fatal Quarrel Between Farmers. The following quotations of stocks were received Lake Champlain ..Montreal...Liverpool—Aug 11 7.—Several houses in this 11 SAL-MUSCATELLE, Bangor, jAug. Opposition to Gambetta. 67 ! & Moulton (members of the Cityof Brussels_New York..Liverpool. ..Aug comfortable Troy, Aug. G.—George Harrington, years Saturday by Woodbury 11 were struck and damaged The President passed a very day Frisia.New York..Hamburg_Aug vicinity by lightning The Nows old, died at Steplieutowu yesterday from in- Joston Stock Exchange), corner of Middlo and Ex- 11 SAL-MUSCATELLE, the which Daily Paris correspondent says: Saratoga.New York IItvana|..Aug 5s ol 1881. a shower late Saturday Saturday notwithstanding heat, inflicted Michael Ward, a streets: 11 seriously during heavy At an electoral meeting held at the house of juries by neighbor. bange City of Alexandria New York..Hav&VCruz.Aug SAL-MUSCATELLE, Coupon account of a hot wind Ward’s cattle broke into Harrington’s corn- Germanic.New York. 13 night. was intense. On strong M. Clencenceau, it was decided that M. Sigis- Boston Land.* 8% .Liverpool... .Aug field and caused an Claribel.New’ York..Jamaica.Aug 13 Man. it was found even mund Lacroix and M. Tony Reveillion should Thursday altercation, Boston Water Power Co.. 9% SAL-MUSCATELLE, Probable Death of a Calais from the south impracticable Orinco.New 13 M. Gam betta in the of during which Ward jumped on and kicked rUnt and Pere Marquette, R. common. 36% York..Trinidad_Aag The greatest soverign preparation ever placed be- IIiglie<«t Market Price Paid (or 6.—The of a with the full of the ma- oppose circumscriptions 4* Parthia _New 13 fore the of A mfkica 8t. John, N. B„ Aug. body capacity refrigerating the twentieth for both of Harrington, .breaking his ribs and causing Pref’d.104Vi York..Liverpool....Aug public this Issue arrondissement, ... by at of the Presi" Hartford & Erie 7s. 77 Parisian.Quebec Liverpool ....Aug 13 SAL-.M CSCATELLE s nature’s own products; man about 25 of age washed ashore chines to keep the temperature which M. Gambetta will stand. Of M. other injuries. Ward surrendered himself to years Gain- itch. Tod. and Santa Felt .1423A Furnessia.NewYork .Glasgow.Aug 13 it supplies to the weary system the want of sound, was room down without the doors betta’s old committee of 1899 and 52 the authorities, and is in Troy jail. The pri- 13 Crow Point near Mispec. In his pockets dent’s closing 187G, alone Jin., Sandusky and com. 27% Wyoming.New York..Liverpool. ..Aug ripe Grapes and Fruit; it is the best preventive and soner self-defence. Cleveland^ R., not out of 120 stick to him. pleads Utopia.New York..London.Aug 13 cure lor all functional of the a check marked “Boston to Calais, and windows, and this was thought pru- Eastern Railroad. 50Vs derangements baggage — Santiaao.New York..St Jatro.Ana 1 G Thft flizar th« Pfltorhnff L. R. & Ft. Smith. 83 Liver, Biliousness, SICK HEADACHE, Temporary lurnisneu Me.,’’ and on his handkerchief was a peculiar dent to do. Cold air enough was Dy Mining 1% El a.New York..Bremen Aug 17 Congestion arising from VLCOHOL1C BEVER- The Virginia Democrats. Jatalpa Company. 17 room St. Petersburg, Aug. G.—The Imperial Branch Gallia.New York..Liverpool ...Aug AGES. Giddiness. Oppression, or Felling & Railroad.. Vomiting, Moulton the t>ut instead of the Summit 21% design. machines, filling St 17 nf \1elHiip.holv. ERROR> IN DIET. EATING OR _ and the court arrived at the Danville, Va., Aug. 6.—After a mass meet- & Rio Grande. Laurent.New York..Havre Aug Woodbury family yesterday Denver 99% the heated as it had before 18 aris- and crowding air, Peterhoff Palace, the summer residence. ing here to-night of the Conservative Demo- Northern Pacific preferred. 80 Republic.New York .Liverpool....Aug DRINKING. For all accidental Indigestion Colon.New York. .A wall 20 from Sea-Sick ness, on warm the cold air itself was swept crats which ratified the recent convention's Common 40% spin Aug ing hasty meals, Nervousness, FIRE. days, Parnell to His Followers. of * York.. Rio A 30 or other Cor. Middle &. Sts. DISASTROUS nominations and Maine Central Railroad 7s cons, 1912.122% City ‘aru..New Janeiro.. ug impure Blood, Nettlerash, Itching, any Exchange almost as fast as it came from the platform, Major Daniel was Skin jy7 eodtt away pipes London, Aug. 6.—The Standard sajs: In Bangor City «;s, 19u5, WL.126 over-acid state of the blood—Boils, Eruptions, serenaded. He made a speech him- of the hot wind which blew strongly through" consequence of the action of the House of declaring Boston & Maine Railroad 7s, 1894.129 cammeu -ement of Diphtheria, the Effects Mer- by self in favor of public schools. curial at the of all Fevers, Mea- the Old Colony Wire Mill- Lords on the Land bill, Mr. Parne 11 has issued do 1893.129 MINIATURE ALMANAC .AUGUST 8. Poisons, beginning Burning of out the Mansion. The thermometer in the sles, Chicken-Pox, Prick Heat. Rheumatic and a to Hill Manufacturing Co.104% iy strong appeal the Home Rulers to be pres- Sun rist'B.. .4.56 I High water, (A m).. 9.67 due to Sourness of Loss Over $150,000. room, therefore, for the first time Douglas Mining Company.:. 2% Gouty Poisins, Impure Blood, patient’s ent on Tuesday, when the bill is expected to MINOR Sun sets.7.15 I Moon sets. 3.10 Stomach. BOISTDS 2 Mass., 7.—The wire mill TELEGRAMS. Tacnton, Aug. in several weeks, ranged from 85 to 90. This return to thesHouse of Coalmans. Prepared by CHICAGO 7s, ana nan mm uwueu »uu upoiowu uj The body of Jennie Cramer, 20 years old, was of course operated to the Presi- A Notification From Bradlaugh. ST. LOUIS Colony Iron Company at East Taunton j temperature daughter of Jacob Cramer of New Haven, London Co. 6s, 2 and 3 in his weak con- Mr. has written to Mr. Labou- Sal-Muscatelle & KENNEBEC R R totally destroyed by fire between dent’s disadvantage, present Bradlaugh Conn., was found drowned Saturday She ILsrk Stock aud.UotiCT Market. ANDROSCOGGIN 6s, loss chere that unless the House of Com- MARINE NEWS. o'clock this morning involving a heavy dition, and his afternoon fever was higher stating had been ruined and committed suicide in PORTLAND & OGDENSBUKG R R 1st and necessitating the throwing out of employ- mons declares the seat for Northampton va- (By Telegraph.) Mass. GOLD 6s, than usual. There was no indication however consequence. WEEKS & Boston, of 300 men. The loss on the cant, he will again appear to take his seat New closed offered 3 POTTER, Agents, ment nearly John Otis, a 20 was found Youk, Aug. 6.—Money per AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC B. R. 1st Mort. and stock is between of other cause for the increased febrile without giving notice. Ample painter, years old, cent. building, machinery any precautions dead in James Smith’s PORT OF PORTLAND. Gold 6s. insured. the have been) taken to prevent Mr. Bradlaugh Saturday morning 8150,0C;) and 8200,000; partially rise. The discharge of pus at evening barnyard in East Longmeadow. Turpin The following are to-day’s closing quotations of W. F, PHILLIPS & CO., NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. 1st Mort. was a frame structure 150x200 from taking the House by surprise. The House Government securities: The wire mill was There were no a orother of Mrs. PEKKI^ A C dressing satisfactory. of Commons will sit to the Jenks, Smith, and 78 years )., Gold 6s, feet and coutained a large amount of rolled to-day expedite 6’s, 1881, ext. 102% of and with the ex- old, has been arrested, and circumstantial evi- United States new ext. ME. NEW YORK & R R 1st for the symptoms malaria, single bill. 5’s, 102% SATURDAY, 0. PORTLAND, OA back plate all ready market, together supply dence is him. August jnel3 dlaM&w3w24 five tubular boil- of the cou- strong against United States new 4%’s, reg.113% Mort. 6s, with a Urge Corliss eugine, ception higher bodily temperature, A Cabinet Minister on the Bradlaugh Arrived. wBaammmmmmmmmammmmmm r —— all of The text of the Pope’s allocution is United States new 4%*», coup.114% RAILWAY 7s, ers. and a large quantity of machinery, dition of the at 7 o’clock seemed Case. pub- United States new EQUIPMENT patient quite lished. The comments with warmth 4’s, reg.116% Steamship Eleanora, Bragg, New York—mdse uud other for which were ruined. The nail mill is about Pope great United States new 4’s, coup.116% desirable securities sale. as as if not better. Soon after the A deputation from a Liberal Club waited on to Henry Fox. were over 100 nail ma- good Friday upon the responsibility of the government for 6’s of 96..130 * U. S. aud other Douds due 30Jx70 feet. There Charles Dike to to Pacific U S steamer Myrtle. Foster, Cape Cod. July 1st, to Sir request him vote for a the recent disturbance in Rome. this besides a station- evening examination the fever began abate, The were toe Steamer via SPECIAL NOTICES. cashed at our office. chiues in building good motion of which Labouchere has given notice, following closing quotations of Falmouth, Hall, St John, NB, East- the usual machinery and other without A Vienna to the Standard for Boston. ary eugine with The President went to sleep naturally to rescind the resolutions prohibiting Brad- dispatch says: stocks. port with several hundred The Porte will deliver a note to Barque Hannah McLoou, Keen, Philadelphia— mppnrtenances, together from his seat in the House of immediately & Alton.. 138 H. M. PAYSON & anodynes. laugh taking Chicago coal to Randall & McAllister. Vessel to J Nicker- CO., of this ___ the to of The destruction proper- Powers, endeavoring remove all ground ai Association kegs uays. Commons. Mr. Dike that there would Chicago Alton prefer red. 160 son & Son. Odd Fellows’ Mutual Relief occasion the down replied or cause for with France in 32 Exchange Street. ty will necessarily shutting be a cabinet council at which further misunderstanding C. B. & Quincy. 160 Martha A of Maiue. on full to-day, Brig Berry, Charlson, Philadelphia. j ne22 oodtt of the mill which was running OFFICIAL BULLETINS. regard to Tripoli. The of Turkish Erie •. ... rolling steps in regard to Mr. Bradlaugh would be dispatch 43% Brig Josefa, Neil, Hoboken—coal Ac agent Ban- of orders ahead. to is defended on the of Erie preferred.... 86 time with plenty but he believed that no troops Tripoli ground gor and Machias steamers. Vessel toYJ S Winslow A. considered, attempt ... Office of tiik Secretary, 1 [8.30 M.] the necessity of securing the safety of the Illinois Central... 135% & Co. would be made this session to alter the Parlia- Lake Shore.. North Me., July 25th, 1881. j BANKING HOUSE after the Tripolitans. 123% Sch James W Drury, Crowell, Baltimore—coal to Bridgtou, Washington, Aug. 7.—Shortly oaths law. If Mr. Labouchere's mo- — — mentary Michigan Centra'..... 98% Me Cent RR. The Annual Meeting of this Association will be OF bulletin of last evening was issued the Presi- tion is which is not he A despatch from Berlin says; “The motive New Central. 97 YORK. brought forward, likely, .Jersey Sch Ariadne, Pool, Philadelphia—coal to G T Rail- held in Odd Fellows’ eve- NEW dent fell into a pleasant which for the steamers and Socrates Hall, Portland, Monday HENRY CLEWS & sleep, during would vote for it. Seizing Diogenes Northwestern.126% way Co. CO., the febrile rise subsided and was uo at Kiel is stated to be that were built Northwestern preferred.138 ning, August 8th, commencing at 8 o’clock. 18 NEW NT., NEW YORK. longer per- Bradlaugh to Continue the Fight. they SchElvaE Pettengill, York, Philadelphia—coal ceptible when he awoke at 10 p. m. Subse- either for the Fenians of North America, Rus- New.-Vork Central... .143% to Randall & McAllister. Besides the usual routine business, action will bo (NEXT DOOR TO THE STOCK EXCHANGE.) A of at Rock Verdict In the Whittaker Caae. he well with occasional meetieg 15,000 persons Northampton, sian N or Peru. Another Island.m.137 Sch Emerson Marston, quently slept though ihilists, version is Rokes, Philadelphia—coal taken upon a number of Articles of tbe By- Securities bought and sold strictly on commission, was addressed by Bradlaugh to-day, who had Milwaukee & St. Paul. 114 to E H large New York, Aug. 6.—A Washington dis- breaks during the rest of the night. No mor- that they are meant for the slave trade.” Sargent. and carried as long as required, on tavorable terms his arm in a and was from S Paul preferred...... 132 Sch to Ran- Laws, important changes to which have been pro- the essence of the verdict in the or other anodyne was administered. This sling suffering ery- Mahaska, Merriman, Amboy—coal and on a moderate margin. Deposits payable on de- patch says phia Orville Grant, brother of Gen. Grant, died Ui.«on Pacific stock.. .*... 125% McAllister. sipelas. He said if his constituency continued dall & posed. H. A. SUOREY, President. mand received. Four per cent. Interest allowed on of Whittaker he is in condition the .. Whittaker case is the finding morning good although at the New insano Western Union Tel. ‘Jo. 89% Sch Allie New York—car of to trust him he would keep on in the struggle Jersey asylum Saturday. Oakes, Pillsbury, wheels BYRON daily balances. Members of the N. Y. Stock Ex- of committing the alleged outrage on effects of the febrile disturbance yesterday Del. & Hudson Canal Co...110% to Portland Co. KIMBALL, Secretary. aug8-sndlt guilty as as he lived. He denounced the con- A statue of Harvey, who' discovered the change. marltieodtf himself. This verdict is unanimous, and is are still slightly in and tem- long Adams Ex. Co.136 Sch Casco New York—coal to Port- perceptible pulse duct of the House of Commons and circulation of the was unveiled at Lodge, P’eice, with the unanimous recommendation perature. At present liis pulse is 96; tempera- expressed hood, Wells. Fargo & Co.130 land & Ogdensburg IIR. coupled a determination to win and his Folkestone American Ex. Co. 83 that he be dismissed the service. Another ture 98.07 ;[respiration 18. punish oppo- Saturday. Sch Congress, Willard, New York—coal to E H nents. The was with U. S. Ex. Co.. ... 68 the ver- Frank H. speech received great was burned a4 Sargent. dispatch says any statement of what (Signed.) Hamilton, * Mary Hynes, aged 10, fatally Pits. & Fort DYED & PRESSED. D. H. cheering. North Wayne...139 Sch Benj Carver, Lowell, New York—coal to Jas BONDS. dict is merely surmise. Agnew, Adams, Mass., Saturday. Pacific 'Mail St. Co... 52% H Baker. D. W. The Land Bill, Departure of Methodist Delegates. Bliss, Michael McBennett, agod 19, was drowned Ohio &?Mississippi. 37% Sch J P Macheca, Woodbury, Now York. SPONGED & PRESSED Cook County, 111. 7s. J. K. Del. & Methodists at Barnes, The Pall Mall Gazette that the land bill at Dover, Saturday, while Lackawanna.123% Sch Clio Chillcot, Fullerton, New York. Co. Minn. 7s. A large number of gathered J. J. says bathing. 6 5 % Ramsey Woodward, the of is maim- Canada'.Southern. Sch Nathan Cleaves. Atwood. Weilfleet. Tailor’s Pressmen at the InmaD Line pier this afternoon to witness as it returns from House Lords Hailstones as large as marlfies fell at Roches- Land Grants. 117% Employed; (This Co. embraces City of St. Paul.) Robert Reybdrn. for Sch Juventa, (Br) Redden, Chester, NS—canned to the ed and It is essential N. ... the departure of fifty delegates great impaired. absolutely ter, Y., Saturday. Sinking Funds. .. 129 lobster to Portland Packing Co. Chicago, Milwaukee A St, Paul Council to be held in Loudon the sake of England and Ireland and Liberals Union Pacific 6s. 118% Ecumenical [7 P. M.] Louis Otterson, a New York saloon keeper, Sch Arizona, Maxwell, Western Banks, with 450 R. R. 1st Mort. 7s. aDd who sailed steamer of and Conservatives, that a measure which Bur. & Cedar Rapids. 80% fish. next month, by City gov- was found dead Saturday morning. He had qtls Posterns Berlin. Besides the delegates there were a ernment will be called upon to carry out Boston Water Power. 12% A R. R. 1st The President has been comfortable during locked him self in the ice box -and turned on Panama.260 Cleared. Dayton Michigan of other Methodist which should be a measure have recommended, Mort. 5s. number clergymen, the day, although his temperature began to they the gas and suffocated. Harlem.246 FOREST CITY DYE swelled the number of to 173 per- and not a scheme by men who of Sch Maggie W HOUSE, departures rise earlier than yesterday and rose almost as disapprove Three Boston Air Line. 65 Dalliug, Dalllng, Philadelphia—D No, Pacific R. R. Gen’l Mort. 6s. were on it little daughters of D. D. Barley living Clark & Co. sons. The saloons of the steamers redolent At 12.30 m. his was tem- the very principles which rests. Morris & Essex.124 high. p. pulse 101; near Texas, were struck Sch Willie New York— and other desirable securities, with of floral sent to departing The Irish Strike. Sherman, by light- Hartford & Erie 7s. 77 Martin, Willard, Berlin perfume gifts perature 100; respiration 20. At 7 p. m. pulse and killed. Mills Co. 13 Preble ning Friday night instantly Street, SALE BY- clergymen. 104; 101.2, respiration 20. Never- Sch Lewis It North Booth -FOB temperature At a meeting of the striking laborers at Two children named Willie Wiser and French, -Newman, lay— Mrs. Pond Sues for a Divorce. theless he has been able to take nourishment D Choate. Voughal yesterday the farmers agreed to pay Charles Parker were burned to death at East OPPOSITE UEBLE HOUSE. as usual and has had several SWAN & Mrs. J. B. J’oud, better known by her name refreshing naps two har- BARRETT, Bankers, the laborers shillings per day during Aurora, N. ,Y., on Friday while trying to The Wool Market. as a Miss Isabel has in- during the day. The discharge of pus has SUNDAY, 7. House in Maine. jelOmeodtf public mger, Stone, vest time, with board, half an acre of land and a tire with kerosene. August Largest Dye 186 Middle Me. Court of been liberal and healthy in character. light St., Portland, stil uted proceedings in the Superior house rent free. The agreement was received Boston, Aug. 6—[Reported for the Press].—The Frank H. Hamilton. A train on the Toledo, and Burl- is a list of this city for a separation from her husband. (Signed) with satisfaction. Delphos following prices quoted this afternoon: Arrived. U. S. called 6s cashed, or forwarded for continu- D. H. Agnew. railroad was thrown from the Ohio and i. Wholesale market. flrm;No 59%@60c; 59@ THE DOMINION. from 59%c for August; sales at62%c for September; PHILADELPHIA—Cld 4th, ship Standard, SILK Bliss’s office was seen near a establish- $ hope, though he might be premature in his Percy cutlery PORTLAND, 6. sales for October at 65%c; sales for the week have San Francisco; schs E C Allen, Meady. Portsmouth; ment and in of his saying so, that at least one great measure will Aug. explanation presence in the in been 7,372,000 bush.' Quaker City, McNcally, Bath; Sami Gilman, be on the statute book. The ho Flour is fair demand and the market continues llodg- G-XJTJSt. locality of the store said he had brought placed matter, Oats—closed strong; No 1 White 50c; No 2 do at don, Boston. Supposed Arrival of Hartmann at Mon- is still and ve'y in with a further in some surgical instruments which the said, uncertain, depends upon other strong sympathy advance 46@47c; No 3 White at 44% c; No 1 Mixed 46c; ArStli, sebs Reno, Ackley. St John, NB; Wave Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. treal. doctor desired to have sharpened. While hands. Referringjto foreign politics Mr. Glad- Wheat at the West. In Grain, Corn is excited and No 2 at 45%c: sales for the week 1,109,000 bushi Crest. Morton, Jacksonville. said that in Pork—market dull but held at steadv mess Cld 5th. schs A R and Alta Montreal, Aug. 6.—A party has arrived these indications are not conclusive stone spite of some miscarriages higher at all points, which is due to of rates; Weeks, Littlefield, V I have now the largest and most complete stock of HATS. necessarily reports dry on we believe we are on the to- spot at 18 00@18 25; 17 00 for August; Cole, Mitchell, Boston; Josephine B Knowles, Piuk- the above in the State. Wbolesaloand here and taken up his quarters at a second- of the contemplation of an the travelling way weather in the and 80@18 goods operation upon corn-raising sections, subsequent 17 10 October; sales for the week 2300 bbl- bam. Saco. Also We sell a ward The strife is a 90@18 retail. agents for the following good Silk Hat for $2.50. class hotel who is; believed to be the Nihilist, President they at least prove that the general peace. Afghan failure of the Hammocks, surgeons growing crop; we quote Corn in this onjspot. NEWCASTLE— Passed down 4th, barque Josie manufacturing companies: Carriage Dusters, Gloves, Carriage Ac. Hartmann. If the are correct, he are for any which painful lesson, confirming the conviction for Umbrellas, suspicions preparing emergency may market 2c Lard—closed steady and firmer; prime steam on Mildred, Portland. All delivered in our new that it was an error to break that fully higher to-day, and Middlings about goods free, advertising is registered in a false name. Telegrams have arise. In conversation to-night Dr. 1}liss up united spot at 11 67Vi; August 11 6b@@ll 60; 11 60@ Ar at Delaware Breakw ater 4th, sch C ii'Macom- Parker & Fox lAouble Breech Trunk. ■ .v.. .1 *1_ and our DOc. Sugars are firmer and at arrived here stating that he had left the States spoke very encouraging about the patient, independent kingdom. We trust quoted to-day 1014c 11 62% for Sept: 11 62% all 67% for October; ber, Russell, from St Marc. to take refuge in Canada. A prominent detec- saying he was resting' comfortably and had course will henceforth only leave in the for granulated and 9%c for Extra C. sales at 11 07 Va year. Passed up 4th, sch Norman.Reed, Nassau, NP, for Lallin &. Kami, Orange Sporting mind an of our desire for at tive is keeping an eye on the suspected expressed himself in a general way as Afghan impression The following are to-day’s quotations of Flour, Tallow—steady 6%@6%c. Philadelphia. and feeling welfare. Butter—firm for flue grades. NEW iORK—Ar 5th, barques David Blasting Powder. stranger. as well as usual. their Mr. Gladstone praised the loy- Grain, Provisions. Sc. Babcock, Cheese quiet and easy. Colcord, Sagua 12 days; American Lloyds. Whitte- ALSO— In to a alty of the Boers during the negotiations. He ▲ Party of Tramps Take Possession of ;a reply question regarding Tain- more, Turks Island; from said there was no reason the Flour. drain. 8.—Flour and brig Clarabelle, Coggins, tor’s presence at the Mansion this afternoon why Transvaal Chicago, Aug. quiet firm. Wheat Demerara; schs Harry White, Rendrock, Dunlin, and Allas Freight Depot. superfine.4 50@5 CO New H. M. 2 1 Hopkins Miragoane; the doctor said he had several under the shadow of British protection should Corn, higher;No Chicago Spring 23% cash; 1 23% for Orrie V Geo V Powder wholesale and retail. (Bliss) electrio Extra Spring..& 50(55 76 car 64 Drisko, Drisko, Cardenas; Jordan, COE, 0.—A of 12 lots, 17% for 1 1% for Prescott, Ont., Aug. party one of which he did not grow up in the of the jsamo ad- August: 117%@1 September; Duncan, Baltimore. probes, not understand, enjoyment XX Spring.... 6 37(a 6 76 46 October: No 3 do 1 tramps arrived here today, having boarded a as the other oolonies. Oats, 05@110; rejected 79%@80c. Cld 5th, T. B. and he had requested Taintor to furnish him vantages Mr. Gladstone Patent Spring yacked Bran.. 20 00 Corn barque Olustee, Nickerson, Melbourne; DAVIS, train at Brockville and reached is active and weak at 62%@52%c for cash; brig Fink, schs freight with some of the for the of eulogized the action of Sir George J. Goschen Wheats. 7 75@8 25 Mids.. 23 60 Mary Upton, Campeachy; Wigwam, No. 178 the remon- battery purpose 52%@52%c August; 63%@63%cfor September; Boston; E L Gloucester. Middle tbeir destination, despite in the Greek negotiations and concluded his re- Michigan Win- lets.. 67 for Field, Gregory. Keating, Street, adjusting the instruments. Gorn.bag 54@54%c October; rejected 47%c. Oats lower Sid Elizabeth for THE me on 4th, Put Office. strances oi conductor ana nanas tne a to ter best.6 00 .. 62 brig Winslow, Portland; Nearly Opp. This the doctor as a marks with reference the British colonies, 6o@7 Meal, at 31%@32c for cash; 31%c for 31%c for explained pre- Common August: 5th, Arcot, for Boston. »pr21 aneod6m train. to there was no Oats, .. 61 32c for firmer at 85c. Upon arriving, they proceeded go cautionary measure it be desir- saying statesman worthy of the September: Oct. Rye Barley Passed the Gate 5th, schs and saying might 25 .. Empress, Cayenne the sheds, the arti- name as Michigan....6 00@6 Bran, 22 00 is steady. Pork easier at 18 00 17 95 through freight examining able to use the instruments or later. but would almost soon think of re- cash; 90@17 from New York for Boston; A Trask, do for sooner St. Lonis Win- .. Me^sa cles stored therein. They threatened to re- the duties of Mids, "24 00 for August, September and Oct. Lard steady ;11 40 When asked the cause of nouncing great England towards ... do; Maggie Itondout for Sedona, Ron- the continued high ter fair 6 505)6 76 .. 1 11 Bell, Dover; and for a time did as Rye, 45 cash; 42%@11 45 for September and Oct. Bulk sent interference, they those real of the British Winter dout for-Boston; Nauti>us, do for Isabella pulse aud temperature the doctor replied: “It portions empiro. 7657 00 Provisions. Meats shoulders at firm 6 65: short rib at Lynn; HATTER The arrival of several trains later, good..6 steady; Jewett. Port Johnson for Salem. pleased. may be caused by a tardy flow of pus, but we Russian Policy in Central Asia. Winter best...7 25(57 60 Moss Beef..11 00@11 50 9 35: short clear 9 60. with their of men, confi- Produce. Ex PROVIDENCE—Ar 6tb, schs Carrie S Hart, Dav- complement inspired haven’t discovered The con- Mess.. 12 25(512 60 yet it. discharge St. Petersburg, 7.—The Journal de is, Philadelphia; S M Tyler, Hart, Alle- ASK FOR TICKETS VIA DEXTER dence among those in charge, and with their t.innoa nprfAPt.ltr liaulMiv artrl in onnuuntln Aug. Turkeys. 18@19 Plate.16 00(516 26 bbls bush Hoboken; St. to criti- Receipts—16,000 flour~45,000 wheat, gbania, Gross, Rockland. 197 Middle Street. assistance the tramps were driven to the woods, Petersburg, replying newspaper Spring Cbickens26(527 Ex Plate.,16 60(515 75 428.000 bu^b corn, 27.0(H) *>usb oats. both free,” The doctor said further that there was cisms Russia of 9,000 PAWTUCKET—Sid scb augG Bodtl stones used. all the accusing paying too much def- Fowl. 16(518 Fresh Beef, 2C00 bush 6th, Eseex, Drinkwatcr, being freely Nearly no rye. barley. New York. indication of the formation of a pus erence to the of con- were but did not use their cavity susceptibilities England Eggs 17@18 HindQur...9%®X2o Shipments-l4,000 bbls flour, 38.000 bush wl eat. The Shortest and Best Route to tramps armed, they and to warrant the 6 NEW BEDFORD—Ar 4th, sea Charley nothing supposition that cerning Central Asia, says Russia, for her own Omons, (pbbl. 001 Fore (Jur.... 65,8 c 369.000 bush corn. 29.0C0 bush cats, bush Hanley, weapons. ■i crate 2 00 1,400 Arey. Rockland. _ another operation would be necessary. He also f and not from @2 25 Pork— 2000 bush interest*, any regard for rye, barley. VINE.YARD-HAVEN—Ar 4th, schs San- the assertion that the ball Ornbprries, p bbl Baoks.. ..22 76(523 26 Zampa, Mt. Moosehead Me The repeated would not England, has fallen back in Central Asia. Weehawken lor New Kineo, Lake, Railroad War. Maine, 0 OOgO 00 Clear.21 00 St. Louis, Aug. 6.—Flour is unchanged. Wheat born, Boston; Alice, French, be cut out unless it should be found to be co- in this was 76(522 York for She, respect, guided by the same 00 Mess.18 higher; No 2 Red Fall at 1 23% for Bangor; Horatio Nichols, Conary, Amboy —IS VIA— HAVE YOUR Chicaoo, Aug. 6.—There is no change as yet the harm. CapeCod,0 0050 70519 26 22%@1 cash; for lug patient rational motives as those which dictated the Round Hogs—7'/a58 Hams 1 23ya for August; 1 23%@1 24% for September; Augusta; Persis L Smith, Heater, Dorchester for in the situation of the railroads in respect to The doctor further (covered) 13513^4 New Calais for Moses Eastern or Boston & Maine and Maine upon questioning regard- judicious policy of Gladstone relative to Af- si 11 gar. I.arit. 1 26% @1 26% for October; 1 27ya@l 28% for York; Lyndon, Clark, do; the Grand Trunk fight on Rockland for C Mil- passenger business, ing the high pulse aud temperature, said it Granulated.1014 Tub, & lb_123,4512% November;l 30%@1 31December;l 20% (21 23ya Eddy, Simonton, do; Matthews. Central Iiailroads to but it is current and from ghanistan? No 3 do 1 ler, Salem for Boston for Phila- Dexter; rumor, apparently was possibly due to the extremely het weather. u-/* merces, id 41.12% a L2>, all year; 14ya@l 16ya: No 4 do 1 10%. do; Veto, Mansfield, that Demonstration in Romo. Corn lower at for delphia; Charlie Rockland for New Rubber responsible sources, will Frail Pail. 64y2@56c cash;65c Hanley, Arey, thence & Ribbon Monday morning the doctor 13. August;547/8 by Stage. Concluding said; "We will proba- 3l3y, Bedford. Dating Stamps see a It is said Musc’tl Iiaisins2 00 for change. that the trunk lines know more about the the morn- Rome, Aug. 0.—Three thousand to- 75@3 Beans. @55yac September: 64ya@56c October; 61% bly matter in people c all Oats Sid brig schs E A Stevens. Laura —AND— will commence the in earnest London 10 @62% year. lower at 35%@36%c, ac- 4th, Katahdin; fight good by ing.” day attended the meeting called to make a de- Layers3 00@3 Pea.3 0O®3 25 to Clias at Turkish Prunes. cording location, cash; 34y2@34%c for August; Bridgmau. Cicero, Pierce, Upton. Westerloo, Stages leave Dexter, daily at 7 A. M., arriving at placing tickets on sale lower rates than are P. M. monstration in favor of the of 6%@7c Mediums.2 0532 76 L B Clara Emerson [11.18 | abrogation Cocoauuts... 33% @36c September; 33y2@34c for October; 33 a) McNicbols, Ariadne, Rankin, Greenville, fo®t of lake, in season to connect with now offered the Grand Trunk. The trunk law. The o3 76@4 00 Yellow Eyes. .2 2632 35 Geo I> by Papal guarantees chairman, Signor 33y8C all year. Kve slow at 84yac bid. Pork un- Rokes. Perry, Zampa. afternoon steamer for Mt. Kineo. Returning, leave lines have the inflicted on The President is now with- Oranges. Butter. schs ROTARY AND CORPORATE SEALS recognized injury sleeping quietly Petroni, was a person who was condemned to a changed. Lard dull. EDGARTOWN—In port, Moses Eddy,Simon- Greenville upon arrival of boat from Kineo, and out His Palermos $bx-6 oil®7 OO for them in the reduction of west-bound morphia. pulse is 96. Tue Mansion term of servitude under the Croamery.22®25 Receipts—9,000 bbls flour. 91,000 bush ton, from Rockland New York; America, Tru- leave Dexter by train at 8.10 P. for freight .penal pontifical 00 Hilt a wheat, special M., has been closed for the Messina,pbox.G 00@7 EdgeVermnut23 25 bush nuuu>, ijwuvaoii iui v.niiuu;u, o u rv une- rates, and have found it to meet the night. After several a 70 000 corn, 36,000 bush oats, 2000 bush iiiuuccj, Portland and Boston. Made and necessary government. speeches resolu- Valenoia i>nase.. Choice York for Repaired by rates 18®20 rye, Dusb lly, New Boothbay; Mary El?a, Amboy for This route a few hours’ a made by the Grand Trunk. Yesterday tion was the of case 0,000 barley. gives staging through proposed declaring abrogation Ejf largo $11 60@12 Good.16®17 bbls * their were Sliipments-8.000 flour, 77,000 bush wheat. Augusta. beautiful section of Maine, saves a long rail ride, agents instructed to take business tiie law Police were — indispensable. delegates Lemons. Store.15®16 bush corn, bush bush BOSTON Ar 5th, schs Anita. Small, from and makes close both and return- hereafter at the rates from The Irish Conclave at 3.000 7,000 oats, 7,000 connections, going following Chicago. present and refused to allow the resolution to .dessina.5 50@ 6 50 Cheese. Barley, 0.000 bush rye. Salt Cay, TI; Maggie Mulvey, Hart, Richmond, Va; ing, with steamers aud trains. Tickets for sale at Chicagato New York: 45 some Palermo!.5 50 John A Tho- H. B. First-class, cents; 6.—The Tribune this morn- be when disturbance bat the 60@8 Maine.11 Zampa, Sanborn, Weehawkeu; Lord, Boston and Maine Port- Chicago, Aug. put euaued @12 Detroit. Aug 6.—Wheat is steady; No 1 Eastern, stations, Boston, BENNETT, second, 32 cents; third, 20 cents: 19 Nuts. White, mas, and Geo D Perry, Flvnn, Hoboken; Commerce, and fourth, ing, referring to the Irish conclave, says: “The meeting finally dispersed quietly Addresses Vermont.11@12 old and new, cash and August at 1 21 ya; 1 23 ifor land, Lewiston, Bath, Augusta Waterville. cents. The & Santa Peanuts— V, y Factory... 11® 12 Bunker, Rondout; H T Townsend, Smith, NYork; For further address Dexter and Moose- Atchison, Topeka Fe meeting is cimposed mainly of representa- were read front Garibaldi, Louis Blank and October; 1 21 all year; No 2 White l 17; No 2 Red particulars No. II Moulton 70 a Wm Duren, Street. road will not receive any freight, but continue Wilmington.1 60@1 Skims. 7 3 1 22. Doyle, Calais; Josie, Foss, Machias; head Lake Stage Co., Dexter, Mo. tives of the Clan Na Gael Society and the Em- Victor Hugo. ..1 02 Westerloo. Whitaker, Rondout. jyl» dlwteod3w passengers in immense Virginia.. 50@l Apples. iylldM,W,S,4w* forwarding numbers, mett Monument Association. Measures were Tennessee. ..1 20@1 35 Perbbl.3 Ar 6th, barque Goodell, Goodell. scbs R who are carried round the washout. No 6C®4 00 Manila; par- taken to disassociate the Ir:sh name and na- castana, t>ib. 9® 10c Per crate.1 60.® 2 60 Bowers, Thompson, Baltimore; Albert W Smith, can be learned * Havana Market. ticulars here in regard to its tion from the insane of O’Donovau THE LI 33ICA.L CONGRESS. Walnuts 12%@14c Evaporated.lOialll Berry, and S P Thurlow. Eaton, Philadelphia; C H extent. road ravings (By This is having a won- Rossa aud to unite the of the Filberts 12 @14c Dried Western....4y2®5 Telegraph.) Eaton, Swain, and Marion P Champiin, Lunt, from potpourri jars; governing body Havana, 6.—The THE NEW PLAN derful passenger travel, and is short at least Pecan 12 % ® 13c do Eastern..4 igp Aug. Sugar market is stagnant; Hoboken; Lucy Hammond, Robinson, do; Tanta- various organizations in one with molasses Sugar, to A line 26 cars for the accommodation of its headquarters Georgia Mellons 25®38 regular good polarization, fc7@ mount, Hatch, Elizabethport; Wm Slater, Killen. assortment at passenger outside of New York or was Female Practitioners Not to be Admitted reals Philadelphia. It New potatoes 2 35®2 50 4> bbl. 7 % gold per arrohe; Muscovado common to Port Johnson; Messenger, Falker, Beaufort. For delivery or Coal. Limited number patrons. The Denver & Rio Grande railway desired to use at greater exertions to equip the to the Meetings. fair 8.28% reals; Centrifugal Sugar,92 to 96 deg Cld 6th, barque Celiua, Hodgiloq. Portland, of orders for of coal the CYRUS F. DAVIS’ reports earning for the fourth week in July at Irish Revolutionists polarization in boxes and hhds at daily delivery by with war material aud to New York, Aug. 7.—A Loudon dispatch 9%(®10% reals; PORTSMOUTH—Ar .Jit, sch Lookout, Pomroy, Excelsior Coal will be received 8157,009.02, agaiust §133,671.34 iu July 1680. settle the stock in the warehouses at Havana and Matanzas Port Johnson, Wagons, bickerings about the skirmishing says that great dissatisfaction was caused last FINE ART fund. In 61,760 boxes,66,30Q bags and 68,950 hhds;receipts Sid scbs Diadem, for STORE, the latter connection this is a decision of the International Brain market. 4th, Fuller, Newburyport meeting week by of the week 470 boxes, 80 bags and 600 hhds; ex- Eliot for 593 CONGRESS to one to Bangor; Fairfield, Arnee, Boston; Look- STREET. Four Men Killed by merely preliminary be held in New Medical not to admit lady doctors to PORTLAND, Ami. 6. ports (luring the week 3300 600 and II. L. Lightning. York the Congress boxes, bags 4,- out, Pomroy, Calais. FAME, augU eodtf by ClanNa Gaels on the 16th inst. 6U0 hhds, 450 boxes and _ Charleston, S. C., af- the meeting. Forty-three properly qualified The following quotation! of Grain were including all the bags and Ar 5th, schs Eagle, Nunan, Turks Island; Nulato, Aug. 6.—Thursday The association disavows with received 4450 hhds to the United States. ternoon a of 20 all white road any sympathy lady practitioners entered a protest against from Small, New York. group men, the British and does by telegraph Chicago to-day by A. W. Jordan, Molasses nominal. 2 7 COMMERCIAL ST. PROPOSALS were government not believe their exclusion from the meetings, Sid 5th, schs M C Sproul, Sproul, Bristol; Oeean hands, standing close to the house of J. in practical 167 Commercial street: Freights quiet. dynamite, except as applied to the destruc- the ladies wore admitted to the six Eagle, Maxwell, Boston. Portland, .July 27.1K81. H. Clyburu. near Hartville, when a stroke of although Chicago-Wheat-, ,—Corn-, Spanish gold on Dealer in which for I he will receive tion of the actual army of Oats 1.92%@1.93. Exchange firm; BATH—Sid 4th, scbs N J Miller, Lewis, NYork; special Coals, puri- undersigned proi ils far print- killed four and wounded teu of occupation. They congresses. The protest had no Time. Aug. Sept. Oct. the 60 ing a new List for lightning the preceding Aug. Sept. Aug'8' UnitediStates days gold 9@9%|prcm; short Geo W Jewett, McKown, ty and preparation are not excelled by Finning the Portland Institulo believe anything is justifiable by which Eng- It is stated in a letter to the 9.33.. 110% do at Philadelphia. and Public number. Five of the wounded are seriously effect. Daily 116% 63% Bight 9% @10 prem. Sid 4th, barque Mendota, Whitmore, Savannah; Coals Library. lish power be driven from Ireland. 9.67.. 122 any placed upon this market. Will The List hurt and die. There was no storm at may News that the decision of the congress was in- 1167s 110% 52% 53ya 33%/8 schs Carrie S Ira D Finding may be either with '-r without may the 10.30.. Bailey, Fletcher. Galveston; meet the on 117 116% 62% 63% market prices, either by ton, advertisements, and is to b* similar to the time, but a heavy rain fell shortly afterward. New [York, Aug. 7.—A London special fluenced by the Queen. Sturgis, Adams, New York. • present of 11.32.. 123 117% 117 531/2 541/s 3V carload, or cargo. Fiadiug List m paper and Further details of the' catastrophe by says much interest was felt here in the Irish At a preliminary meeting the executive 12.32. general stylo. light- .123V* 117% 117% 53- 53% 31% FOREIGN P. 0. Box 1«I9. Proposals will be received till at noon. in show the meeting at though little information committee a majority were in favor of ladies 1.02.. European Marked. PORTS. .Vug. 15, ning Darlington county party .'con- Chicago 123% 1171/2 117% 52% 53% 31% The right to reject any and all bids is reserved of white men who bad on the subject was at hand. Sir William Ver- being admitted, but they were overruled by Telephone No. 347. r or further sisting twenty been at Passed Aniier June from particulars inquire of non declared that be was By Telegraph.) 15, ship Sooloo, Allen, work on the had un- Harcourt’s statement respecting the action Sir William Jenuer who jyl4dtf jy28eod2w* M. public highway, stopped Liverpool, Aug. 6—12.30 ^.M.—Cotton maike* Manila for Boston. S. WATSON, Librarian. der an oak tree for rest and shelter from the of the Washington government the empowered to remove the name of the Queen regarding Ory Bonds in moderate inquiry and Cld at Londonderry about 1st inst, barque Alex machines as a of the if doctors were Wholesale market. freely supplied; Middling : sun. Clouds were visible at a distance and explosive gives great satisfaction. patron congress lady uplands at 6 13-lbd; Orleans at67/8d: sales Campbell, Bunker, tor Cow Bay and Portland. FOB SiLE. It The are 6,0l0 rain was some miles but in that is regarded as significant and interesting admitted to the medical meetings. following quotations wholesale prices and speculation and futures Ar at July 17, sch Mary E Oliver, Sher- falling away bales; export 1000; dull. Miragoane NOTICE. account of owner leaving a nice immediate that Hartmann has found it to corrected daily by Storer Bros. & man, New York. city, driving locality the sky was clear and noth- necessary Co., Dry Goods ON horse, (a can drive Iter) with top leave the United States. do not con- Woolens and At Santa Cruz July 25th, brig Sparkling Water, lady buggy ing indicated the presence of electricity. One Euglish Fancy Goods, 54 & 56 Middle street: and harness. Can bo teen at Card Bros.’ stables sider the diabolical Hichborn. for New York, ldg. * of their number had a few schemes emanate |from a SPORTING- UNBLEACHED South St. slipped off yards COTTONS. Sid fm Cow Bay, CB, prev to 2d inst, barque John milE undersiguo 1 have this formed a partner- augG-dlw* water when a political movement of a name but be- Notice. Ladies now day for suddenly terrific crash worthy Heavy 36 in. 7%@ 8 Fine 7-4.14®17 using cream tartar and Baizley, for Portland. JL ship un ier the firm name of BACON & FEL- lieve them to be the acts of a of soda in will have startled him, and turning lie beheld his com- gang despera- Med. 36 in. 6yg@ 7ya bine 8-t.16®20 baking better results by using Cld at Hantspcrt, NS. 2d inst, sch Saarbruck, LOWS, for the practice of Dentistry, at No. 23 Free does outsido the of American if east it Slimmer panions, some kdead, some completely para- sympathy people, Base Ball. Light 30 in. 5 ai6 Fine 9-4.20,326 Jongress Powdpr. Try ip biscuits, cake, Clark, New York. St., Portland. Quarters Even Fine 40 pie crust, etc. .J ines’ lyzed and others wounded and in Irish people express an abhorrence of the At Buffalo 0. in. 7%@ 9 Fine loughuuts, Cld at Windsor, NS, July 27tb, sch Mary L New- (Sigued) E. BACON, M. D. Landing. Upper half of French Roof struggling Chicago—Chicagos 3, 10-4_27ya@32V4 Slade’s English Mustard is sold all to let for of so-called war.” BLEACHED by gro- ton, Colwell, Calais; 29th, S M Bird, Merrill, Alex- 1>. W. FELLOWS, M. D. AT House, tb*» season. Addres Rn« throes death. "dynamite At Detroit—Detroits 3, Clevelands 10. uulTONS. ers. 958 andria; 2d Inst, Venture, Hatfield, Calais. Portland, Aug. 1,1881. aug2d3w Portland, Me. ’ylSdtf Vennor for Accidents. August. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS TRADE AUCTION THE PRESS. Mr. J. W. Small fell from a shingle-bracket Vennor has been sitting on his prophetic CIRCULAR SALKS. while at work ou Dr. TUomes’s house at ripod and now makes the following response MONDAY 8. FOR 1881. F. O. BA1LCT A. t MORNING, AUGUST lvnightville, Saturday afternoon, a distance of < oncerning August: O„ twenty-five feet. It was feared ho fractured 1. Probably warm and oppressive. Auctioneers and Commission .Yerchb. t* THE PBES8 2-5. with the small bones of the left foot, and it is hoped Generally pleasant weather, fairly MalfMroom IS Ml. be varm A BONANZA £x MARRETT, BAILEY Sc CO.. 190 & 192 Middle circle. The number for the week has and administered the rite of con- Douglas’ Reply (song).Millard. /^1ARPETINI3N ensuing day, holy Mr. Wm. A. Waters. and Vests and Upholstery Good*. been received N. G. Lancaster V W. T. by Fessenden, firmation upon a large number of applicants. Violin Solo (Ernst’s Elegie).Ernst* KJLLBORN & CO., 21 Free St Hall, and D, "Wentworth, 553 Congress, corner Mr. D. Oswell. a Mfr*. A Francis Murphy, the temperance orator, T. Sleigh Denier*. for 8 of Oak street. Yria (La Primarvera) :.Torrey. CARRIAGEMARTIN, PENNELL Sc CO., Elm Sc Cumberland eR, ihat we have sold all the sailed from New York for AT $6 .OO. • Liverpool Saturday, Miss Sylvia Oswell. and Sleigh Mfr*. A Dealer*. season for 15 cts. ro O FALL CAMBRICS PO RTLA ND POST OFFICE. intending to organize a temperance movement thee, Country.Eichberg. CARRIAGEZENAS THOMPSON, Jb., 34 to 38 Union St In all the choicest Company. We State that We Will Present Custo- styles. and Hardware. June 27, 1881. in England and Ireland. 3aily Chant the Summer Birds.De Binna. Boldly Any Saddlery CARRIAGEJAMES BAILEY & CO., 264 Mu f> „> The lava Dr. Hersom had a life insurance Mrs. N. Smith. mer $50 if can the bare cloth for $6.00. Meat*, Fish and Vegetable*. OFFICE HOURS: of §2000 in the Life Insurance Com- they buy Blue & Brown Equitable Festival of St. Dominic. Black, CANNEDPORTLAND PACKING CO., 221 CcmtuorP.ai ! From 7.30 a. m. to 8.30 p. m., Sundays excepted. pany. Saturday Mr. J. F. Clark, the agent Manufacturer auti Importer ! tiauze Lisle crloves for Carriers and General The of Sundays, open Delivery festival St. Dominic occurred on the CIGARS.ERNESTO PONCE, cor. Exclmngo and ■■liddl*’ 1 from 9 to 10 a, m. paid fthe full amount to his administratrix, Polka Ith bat was observed at St. Spots. and two of inst., yesterday Furnishing Good* ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. days ahead the regular time. J. T. LEWIS Sc ai 15 25 Dominic’s in order to celebrate the CLOTHING CO., 347 Middle St { cts., regular et. quality. Boston and intermediate church, offices—Arrive at 12.15 Speaking of a recent concert in Saratoga the BARGAIN NO. 3. Manufacturers A Jobber* m. Close at 8.16 a. 12.30 and 9.00 m. Jvent with more The Rt. Rev* p. m., p. “Mrs. Juliet Fenderson solemnity. CLOTHINGALLEN & CO., 229 Middip and 6 Temple r tf Boston and the West—Arrive at Saratogian says: 12.15, 6.10, 8.10, Bishop Healy pontificated, assisted by Rev. Wholesale. I>y Cargoor Carload. and 11.10 p.m. Close at 8.15 a. m., 5.00 sang with great sweetness and fervor 12.30, Lloyd Charles W. GENTS’SHIRTS, COAL,RANDALL Sc 60 Commercial St' and 9.00 p. m. Doherty and other clergymen, MeALLISTER, j Verdi’s‘Salve Maria’and‘Polacca,’her voice Good quality, Intermediate or Way Mails, via Boston & Maine rhe singing and music uuder the direction of by the Cargo, Carload or Toe at and 50 Doz. Men’s Sum- S. Sc 36 Railway—Arrive 12.40 8.10 p. m. Close at showing to oven better advantage its brilliant Striped COAL, ROUNDS SON, Commercial S; 8.16 a. m. and Miss Fannie and Mr. Watts was of a 12.30p. m. Egan Dealer in Coni*. Great Southern & qualities than in the open air the night before. Npeeial Western—Arrive at 12.15 5.10, ligh order. A sermon app ropriate to the oc- COAL,HENRY L. PAINE. 267 Commercial S 8.10 and 11.10 m. Close at 8.15 a. Her second ‘Forever and as We have secured a p. mM 12.30,* number, Forever,’ .jnst as- 6.00 and 9.00 :asion was The mass was celebrated mer at 25 White Ash and Cumberland. good m. Cts. p. preached. Lehigh, well as her was the same Coats, first, encored, pieces D. S. WARREN, 162 Commercial SI sortment that we shall offer Bangor and connecting routes—Arrive at 1.16 p. )y Father O’Dowd. Bishop Healy preached COAL. m. Close at 11.45 a. m. being given as on the previous evening.” Whole*nle by Carload or Ton. at low and ;he sermon. Ask other dealers if own them at that exceedingly Augusta connecting routes—Arrive at 9.00 a. Rev. A. K. P. Small and Rev. Mr. they figure. PRINTS. COAL. CHARLES H O’BRION, 236 Com! St m. and 1.16 Wright, p.m. Close at 11.45 a.m. and 4.45 Ron* tec* and Grinder*. prices. and 9.00 m. of the St. Lawrence street church have to Spice p. gone Governor’s Foot Guard. COFFEEH. H. NEVENS Sc CO., 184 Sc 186 Fore St Morning Northwestern, Grand Trunk 4000 at 41-3 cents. by Railway Cornish on a visit. yards Cream Arrive at 8.40 a. m. Close at 8.30 a. m. A was Spice*. Tartar, Ac telegram received by Lieut. Larrabee in in Lewiston and Blaine leaves Tlio best bargain Prints ever offered COFFEES,ROLLINS & WHITTEN, 260 Fore S Auburn—Arrive at 2.06 and 9.00 a. Secretary Washington to-day from Portland. m. and 1.16 d. m. Saturday night Gov. Plaisted, saying Close at 6.30 and 11.45 a. m. for New England. BARGAIN NO. 4. Mcht* A Produce Dealers. 4.46 and 9.00 p. m. •hat he, with his staff, would be present at COMMISSIONTHOMPSON & HALL, 163 Commercial St Deer Miss H. W. of this Castine, Isle, Sedgwick, S. W. Harbor, Mt. Hawkesj city, formerly he reception of the Guard. FECTION ARY, Plain A Fancy Mfr Desert. East Ma- LADIES’ STRIPE Ladies’ Linea Jonesport, Machias, Machiasport, L. J. 489 Ousters one of the teachers of the Portland High POSE, CON PERKINS, Congress St. ehias, Millbridg® and Bar Harbor, via each steamer The foramtion of the column for the parade SUITS. more CHILDREN’S STOCK —Arrive at 6 a. m. Close at 9 p. m. school, and recently assistant principal 1,000 Exporter*. afternoon will he as follows: Port- 5 for 25 cents. via SVednesday pair GEO. S. HUNT Sc CO., Ill Commercial St Eastport, each steamer—Arrive at 6.00 a. m. in the has the COOPERAGE at Deering High school, accepted A that we shall oft > Close 5.00 p. m. and Mechanic Blues, Montgomery Guards, Long and Short Pantaloons, In Light and Dark Shades, Heavy and Medium China and Gln*a Ware. large variety via New to sail- of assistant in the Lewiston C. E. JOSE & 140 Sc 142 St Foreign mails, York, day previous position principal School Portland now OUR FORMER PRICES. CROCKERY, CO., Middle at retail as low as the same of steamers—Close at Light Infantry, High Cadets, Weights, ottered at just ONE-HALF 8.15 a. m. tendered her the Extra inducements will be offered in Gla** and Plated Ware. ing High school, unanimously by Brown can be Express, Augusta, Bangor and the East—Arrive at Cadets, Light Artillery, and .Govern- HAYES Sc DOUGLASS, 242 Middle St. quality bought 2.06 a. m. Close at 9.00 m. school committee of Lewiston Mr. CROCKERY, p. through >r’s Foot Guard. Col. Brown of the First at wholesale. Skowhegan, intermediate offices and the north— PIPE, Emery Wheel*, Garden Tash of this city, at a salary of §G50 per an- HOSIERY, &c. No. Arrive at 1.15 p. m. Close at 11.45 a. m. Regiment will command the escort. CORSETS, DRAINBordners, Telephone 424. Skowhegan also closes at 9.00 p. m. num. Lewiston should congratulate herself in Windows, Blind* and Fixture*. Canada and intermediate via G. T. R.—Ar- Etc. J. A. LEAVITT Sc 260 Commercial offices, securing one of Portland’s best teachers. NECKWEAR, DOORS, SON, St rive at 12.50 p. m. Close at 12.30 m. TO We have p. OUT OF DEALERS. oilier extra Free Baptist Assembly. 'TOWN Window*. Blind* and Fixture*. bargain Nova Scotia and Prince Edward’s Island—Close at The concert given by the guests of the Starr Old G. DOORS,CHAS. S. EARN HAM Sc CO.,292 Commercial St that we are 11. 45a. m. and 9.00 p. m. King Hotel, Jefferson, in honor of Miss Bry- Orchard, Aug. ottering daring Painter* A Mfr*. Swanton, Vt., and intermediate via P. & O. ant of Portland, was a the as well as next If are in want of we will sell for Supplies offices, grand success, pro- To-day Monday Sunday you Clothing, you W. F. PHILLIPS Sc to Middle the dnll season, so R- R-—Arrive at 6.16 m. Close at 7.45 a. m. DRUGGISTS, CO.,134 138 St give p. gramme was varied and excellently well car- School work and workers Bartlett, N. and intermediate via P. & are to occupy tho en- Chemical* A Sundries. ns a call and we H., offices, ried out. Miss Bryant’s beautiful contralto Cash much below manufacturers’ prices. Our F. A. ROSS & CO., Drug’t* O. R. It.—Arrive at 8.65 a. m. Close at 12.00 M. ;ime. But few in J. V/. PERKINS Sc GO.. 74 Sc 76 Commercial St voice, and the artistic and pleasing rendering children are attendance and DRUGS, will Worcester, Mass., and intermediate offices, via P. tire stock must be sold within 30 Medicine*, Paint* and Oils surprise of her be remem- LU-UJ lUUi IUU Cor. & Brown Sts. A R. R. R.—Arrive at 1.20 m. Close at 12.46 many selections, will long blOtgJUICili days. Congress with low and p. eodtf DRUGS,PARSONS, BANGS Sc Co., 117 Sc 119 Middle S you prices good goods. p. m. bered by all who were present and heard her. Che in the was con- augl % early meeting Chapel Chemical*. Oil*. Ac. Rochester, N. H., and intermediate offices, via P. She was well assisted, both vocally and iustru- Paints, * R. K. R.—Close at lucted by Rev. Silas Curtis of New E. L. STANWOOD Sc CO., Market at 7.00 a. m. mentally, and did space permit, special men- Hamp- DRUGS, c arriers deliveries are tnaue daily (Sundays ex- tion might be made of all taking ihire. Good*, Woolen*, and Fancy Good*. in the business of the part.—White MILLIKEN & 166 cepted,) portion city at 7.00 Mountain Echo. At 9 DRYDEER1NG, CO., Middle St. and 10.00 a. and 1.30 o’clock Mr. 0. i.. Gill led the social m., p. m. In other sections Good*, Woolen* and Fancy Good* at 8.00 a. m., 1.30 and 5.00 p. m. Collections are lervico. The idea and of this C. FISK So CO. D. B. BROS. Sc Middle especial object STOKER 64 Sc 66 St made on DRY CO, week days at 7.00 and 11.00 a. m., and The Drama. was the to be on the GOODS AND WOOLENS. 4.00 and 8.00 p. in. On Sundays at 0.00 p. m. neetiug blessings brought The New England circuit will bo visited TRUE Sc CO.,137 to 141 Middle St Sunday Schools in answer to prayer. DRYWOODMAN, during this month and .September by Haver' TTRY GOODS, WOOLENS. Ac. At 10 o’clock a treat was STUDLEY, genuine presented Municipal Court. ly’s New Mastodon minstrels, Hearne’s 233 Middle HANDKERCHIEFS. » W A. iUIlUU Ub UV., bUU W> *1)0 ilUUUiO 01 .0 all workers in this line the able and in- Street, by Goods, Woolens niul Good*. BEFOBE BECOBDEE GOULD. “Hearts of Part" Fancy Oak,” Joseph Murphy, “My lecture Rev. Smith Baker— TWITOHELL, CHAPMAN & CO., 169 Middle Saturday.—Owen in lim- ;eresting given by DRV Ryan. Bathing city the American Frank ■ ner,” “Ruth, Wife,” ‘The of in the Cnee*, Fancy Good* it*. Fined $5 and cos ts. Paid. power sympathy Sunday ME. F. uiuvci O ±j. mu- JOHN HAND, 96 Cross St 253 ridjuD, JJ.Uutil', PCRTL^KTD, Middle jDUUUUig EMBROIDERIES, tel. Peter Dailey. Single sale. Discharged. School,” was taken as a subject and many Auley’s “Messenger from Jarvis Section,” 25c Dry ami Pickled, Dealer* in Salt. i?23 dt Charles J. Tighe. Larceny. Fined $10 and costs. valuable thoughts and suggestions were forci- 50 Doz. Ladies’ Fancy, FISH. DANA A CO., 124 Commercial St Mrs. G. C. Howard’s aud C. H. Smith’s double “ Pickled and Smoked. John Shack. Intoxication. Fined $5 and costs. bly set forth. Dry, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” Col. Kobin- FISH,GEO.TREFETHEN A CO. 6Commercial Whaf Wm. F. Kelly and Patrick Busby. Intoxication, companies, Rev. G. C. Waterman 100 Ladies’ Plain Hemmed at 10.45 took charge White, Provision* and Staple Groceries 2d offence. Sixty days in son’s “Humpty Dumpty,” E. G. Browne’s ■ county jail. of the exercises and by aid of a Normal class A RARE OPPORTUNITY. 11c FLOUR,THOMAS, BACON A CO., 86 Commercial St Bartholomew Charles Martin “Slave’s Dream,” Callender’s and Stitched, Feeny, RiehardsoD, Georgia occupied the time till noon. “ and Groceries. Driscoll, Martin McCormick and John Conley. Baird’s New Orleans minstrel companies, “Precious promiss”introduced the devotional 40 Men’s Colored 15c FLOURWILLIAMS, PULS1FEH ACO., 69 ComT St. Fined $1 and 1-5 cost each. exercises at 2.30 of which Rev. O. T. Moulton Border, Groceries and Provision*. Larceny. Lyster’s “Lost till Death” combination, the “ *’ “ “ took charge. He read as the scripture lesson E. C. HKKSEY A CO., 93 A 96 ComT st. Blanch Van Boren. Search and seizure. Fined Fifth Avenu9 “Two "Our FLOUR, Orphans” company, John 1:29, and made the offer for for our of Youths’ 50 25c and $100 and costs. Appealed. C. K. Bridges com’plt, opening prayer. We sale cash stock Men’s, Produce, “Wholesale.” College Boys” and “Twelve Jolly Bachelors” ‘Leading men to Jesus” was the of “ HODGDON BROS., 101 Commercial St. Charles O’Neil and Charles subject FRUIT E.T. IV. McGuire. Same. MERRILL and Perham’s- “Seven-Mile the service. also store 200 Men’s 14c Mnnfr*.%inc & common Fined each opera companies and Children’s made clothing, $100 and costs. Appealed. B. F. An- At"3 o’clock some were rather Boys’ ready White, WALTER COKEY A 28 Free Mirror.” In October will arrive the Ideal disappointed Furniture Co., St drews, complainant. that the illustrated lecture by Rev. H. F. which for the worth 25c. Gutters & Cornices. the Madison “Hazel fixtures and good will of our business, really IRON, OFFERS opera company, Square Wood was to be postponed until Monday, but GALVANIZEDW. H. SCOTT. Mfrs., 29, 31 A 33 Union St their attention was Ivirke,” Spillor’s “Booms to Bent,” Annie immediately insured by seven has amounted to about thousand and Feed, Receiver* A Dealers Brief the announcement of Mr. in past years sixty KEN TABOR A 11 Central Wharf 200 Pairs Jottings. Pixley, the Harrisons, “Fun on tho Bristol,” Penney charge, GRAINSELL, CO., Ladies’ Newport (h-f nr that Rev. G. E. Cate would deliver an address flour and feed. hand Shower yesterday. Cooler weathor. Mer- Mitchell’s “Goblins'” Oliver Doud and select such Ties, made, only Byron from the subject, food for the dollars per annum. Purchaser may goods WALDRON A 4 A 6 Union Wharf at at “Spiritual Grain, TRUK, «bli^|C cury 75° noon, 70° sunset; wind south- '■* the Victoria Loftus troupe. In November young.” Moore & Co. Float* and Provision*. west. A marked increase in attendance was as he under no to take the bal- Owen, W. A C. R. 107 A 109 Commercial Ladies Elegant French 1 cjme Mmo. Janauscliek, Joseph Jefferson and per- desires, being obligation au3 dtf GROCERIES,Milliken, St QC were ceptable in the afternoon meetings. There 10 deaths recorded in town last Rose in “Felicia.” Numerous other Flour and Provision*. KID Eytinge At 7.30 a service was held in the we a 1.00 week. praisa ance. Our reasons for selling are, open large GROCERS.COUSENS A TOMLINSON, 217 A 219 Oom4 SLIPPERS, are booked for these but followed companies months, Temple by addresses on “Practi- Grinders A Coffee Roasters Actives of Beds of Eliza- Spice 200 Pairs Children’s CanTas d AA Deering 20; Cape dates have not been cal Christian work” Messrs. H. M. re- CHAMP LIN A their announced. by Moore, store in Boston early next September, which will GROCERS,TW1TCHELL, CO., 176 Com* Boots, beth 13. G. M, Shaw and S. M. Layford. per pair |(Mlj a CHAS. McLAUGHLIN A Central St. There will be telephone line to Point Vil- Re-unions. our attention. To the right party this Grocers. CO.. Military quire personal 100 Pairs Misses’ Hand Made 00« lage. At a of the committee of The Maine Hay Crop. meeting arrange- a as we shall name low Grocers,SAWYER, FOSS A DEER1NG.1 Centra Whrf and warranted A Tie Slippers Afir. last week 350,988 The Lewiston Journal that is golden figures. Would be at Exports $G,945, including ments of the Fifth Maine Regiment Associa- says reports opportunity, and Provision*. cheap *1.25. feet of lumber. from the Maine hay crop continue to be of a CONANT A 163 tion held Saturday, it was voted to hold the Address or call at Just Received. GROCERIES RAND, Commercial St The Flour and Provision*. High School Cadets voted Saturday on discouraging character. From six counties, lltli annual re-union the 23d, 21th and 25th GROCERIES,FLETCHER A CO., 159 Commercial St Ladies’ & Gentlemen’s to take iu the escort to the night part insts., in connection with the re-union of Androscoggin, Cumberland, York, Oxford, Flour and grand A large and elegant assortment of Provision*. Governor’s Foot Guard. • Franklin and indi- H. S. MELCHER A 147 Commercials tho Maiue soldiers, to "be held Jin this city on Hancock, private reports GROCERIES, CO., a Provision* and The Times says one of the Gas Company’s those days. cate crop of not two-thirds the value of last Flour. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTED W. P CHASE A CO, 167 Commercial St Fine Stioes & was GROCERS. Slippers hands the heat of the In Franklin the Boots, prostrated by past be a year. connty, especially up There will meotingof the l-10-2!)th Regi- C. D. B. Fisk & and provisions. heated term and some in different of the the employes ment Associ ition at the rooms of tho Associa- valley Sanday River, crop is light, Co’s., GroceriesSHAW, SON A HAWKES, 149 Commercial AT LOW PRICES. establishments had to work. and what there is has been ruined and Dealer* in suspend tion of Maine Soldiers .and Sailors, corner of noarty by Flour. GAGE A 92 Ibe Portlaud has received an or- bad weather in time. In Oxford Stationery. GROCERSSMITH, CO., Commercial St Company aud Brown streets, on cutting Congress Wednesday A fine line of Mill Supplies. Agts. Williams der from the Northern Pacific Railroad for ten county the crop is fairly grown, but mown evening next, August 10th, at 8.o'clock sharp. hay 233 Middle Street, Portland. HARDWARE,Belting. KING A DEXTER, 269 Middle S to be delivered some time three weeks was aug8dlw locomotives, during Every member in this city aud vicinity is nearly ago lying in the fields BIRTHDAY CARDS, rjABDWAKE, Cutlery and Farm Tool* E. T. MERRILL, the coming year. on Monday. In York county there has been IT kmkry, WATERHOUSE A CO., 159 MiddleSt earnestly requested to be present, as business constantly on hand. Also, Workmen have filled and the no weather suitable for hay-making, and the Cutlery and Farm Tools graded walks of the utmost in relation to the importance ap- grass grown upon light soils is lost for want of HARDWARE,SMITH, TIBBETTS A CO., 131 Middle St 455 Street. of the main entrance of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS and Congress Evergreen Cemetery proaching re-union will come before the meet- butting. Of course, only bearish reports come Franklin Square, Agents for Oriental Powder Mills nnS isdtl the past week. ing. from the farmers, but any one who may have Hardware.N. M. PERKINS A CO., No. 2 Fro* St. BIT A train of 21 passenger and 4 baggage cars happened to try to dry hay during the past 30 DEXTER & NEWPORT R. R. Sea Side Libraries. Cap*, Fur*, Robe* and Glove*. would be in with them. BYRON GKEENOUGH A CO., 234 Middle Si arrived at 12.35 Sunday morning from Mon- Aquatic. days sympathy The HATS, improved weather will, undoubtedly bring Pre*Mcd Hay A* Straw by the i.nr- CARD^ treal. About 150 of the excursionists Fred Plaisted will leave Boston for Halifax Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the stopped less doleful reports, but at the best, con sider- HAY.go. HIRAM PIERCE, ComT, cor. Pork Si THEDexter & Newport Railroad will be the remainder took a train over today to for hi3 race with of ahlo nf f.hfi hav r»rnn is iniiivaH Company Hardware Ac. our here,and special prepare McKay held at the Town Hall in Dexter in Penobscot coun- Steel, Heavy pnrlics indt:b:e,1 to Urn: FRANK B. A. E. STEVENS A 146 A 160 Commerci the Boston & Maine at 1.30 a. m. A that city. The challenge from has not ty, on Wednesday, the 7th day of September, 1881, CLARK, IRON, CO., are t'lquctited to citll and oettl< portion Conley Business LADIES Troubles. at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of Carriage Hardware Ac. hill* otit \%« at Old Orchard. There were about been and will not be till Steel, their at e, otherwise stopped accepted, probably the of the Directors and Bookseller and E. A 125 A 127 Commercial s hearing report choosing a Stationer, IRON, COREY CO.. shall in our > Fred tries Frederick W. Clark, brick manufacturer, Board of Directors for the place them lawyer 800 passengers in all. conclusions’ with and defeats Mc- ensuing year, also Cement, Cal. A* Laud Pln*:e»* and Portland, lias beon attached creditors. The see who wish to take Work to the Italitis for colleetion. 'J lie closing by To whether the will Vote to alter Ar- Fancy 1 It was the Matanzas International Exposi- Kay. Company Hair. C. A. B. MORSE A CO., 5 Com 1 Whf attachments aggregate, it is said, some $7000. ticle I. of the By-Laws, in relation to the call of Seaside or Country, will find LIME, out of u»r Portland liosiuest de- I 515 St. Mich. Pine and Hurd lYood i tion of 1841 that awarded the gold medal to A Saratoga dispatch says Trickett has chal- James B. Burnaby, tailor, Bangor, has fail- meetings, also to alter Article 13 of the By-Laws in our stock of Congress iiiands that al) aerouut* should ed. relation to the manner of the Jel7 e*dtf LUMBER,RUFUS DEER1NG A CO., 292 Commercial £>■ Mr. Andres Rodriguez for his cigarettes “La lenged any man in America to row a race for amending By-Laws. be settled Immediately. George W. Warren, Freeport, will settle in August 8, 1881. of All Kinds, “MsmnfrV Belleza,” and not the Philadelphia Exposition. $10,000 on Saratoga lake. It would bo a little insolvency. Per order of the Directors. LUMBEREDWIN CLEMENT ACO., 272 Commercial St aug8-dlaw3wM JOSLAH Clerk. The old Eon base ball club had a good time difficult for Hosrner, Ten Eyck, Riley, Lee, The affairs of Walker & lumber CROSBY, Eastern, Western A Southern Simpson, Ii. DOTEN. 256 to 264 Fore St flnnrtnfiv find anm« ntlinro tn roicn m l.nnirrf « are GERMANTOWN LUMBER,S. H. A A. at Long Island Saturday. ..In the ball match merchants, Houlton, beiug adjusted in in- WOOLS, G. U y. & solvency. The liabilt'es aro about as- BE R. Son. Pine Timber and Board* rloiv CO., the Fats scored 35 to the Leans 12. stake; it is a question whether or not Rossis $12,000; sets nominally $5000. FOUR PER CENT MUNICIPAL BONDS. LUMJ. W. DEEPING, 210 Commercial St. included in the and it 233 Midtiie Street. A generous collection was taken up at the challenge, is probable OF BATH Municipal Bonds, issued for ZEPHYR WORSTEDS, £ou. Pine Timber and Plank Cathedral of the that if either or Davis would CITYrefunding purposes, forty years to run, paya- SPECIAL BARGAINS. LUMBER.C. W. RICHARDSON, B A M Whf., and ComT g Immaculate Conception and Kennedy say Business Portlaad, Aag. i, 1SS1. Changes. ble at the option of the city, in twenty and of »ul-dl Tv at St. Dominic’s church to the the stakes would thirty Mf’r. ofnll kind* Spruce yesterday at all the “yes” challenge be years, interest four per cent, payable The business are semi-annually LUMBER.GILBERT SOULE, Agt., ComT. foot of Park. from their following changes reported in Boston, for saie at all of the National Banks in masses to aid the African missionaries in their forthcoming frionds. SHETLANDS, Pine and Short. for the week: Bath and at City Treasurer’s office. Spruce, past r. pass through this city August 10th, on guaranteed. The most investigation so- All their Aun’s French and Planters nnd vigorous growth green searching Veilings, Shippers. It be alter Lho The K. of P. Picnic. their to licited. A. S. ARNOLD & CO., 1293 Broadway, TIMMONS A 119 Commercial S may applied immediately mowing way Lawrence, Mass., and will be ac- American Buntings, Scotch and Ameri- OYSTERS. HAWES, lawn—before a rain is or use a v it it Five New York. & Go best, hoee hundred dollars' reward for a 11.1. hotter aug8dlw Nelson dlw of this remedy can and Varnishes A is When the Knights of Pythias city companied Glover’s baud. ar- aug4 Ginghams, Summer Silks Oils, Supplies. sprinkler equally as good; Try it and you ’.rill by They will they A Com’ for the relief o coughs, colds, sore throat, whoop- will sell at cost. PAINTS,JOHN W. PERKINS A CO., 74 70 use uo other. Put up in 50 and 100 lb. bags. undertake to have a picnic they are sure to rive on the Grand Trunk road and will march ing cough, consumption, than Dr Wanted. Their DrCSs SUPPLIES, Oils all kinds have a who to bronchitis, etc., Figured Lawns, which good time, and everybody stays directly the Boston boat. Cook at Oak near J. B. PICKETT A CO.. 187 Fore St Graves’ Balsam of Wild Cherry and Tar. It gives Cottage, Trefel hen’s landing, have sold all the season for 12 1-2 cts., PAINTERS’ away is sure to wish next day that they The Odd Follows Mutual Relief A to cook for twelve to fifteen boarders. Call or Hooks A Stationery C. W. BELKNAP & SON, tite will meet immediate relior, is ploasant to and occa are for half 6 1-4 Hangings, tako, address they selling price, cts. 208 Middle had one of the Tomorrow will be LOltlNU, SHORT A HARMON, St been, party. this evening. sionsno unpleasant H. T. Linen Lawns for 15 former PAPER 142 & 144 Commercial Stre i, nauseating feelings. Sample aug8-dlw* SKILLINGS, Peaks Island^ cts.; price Materials. no exception to the rule. The advertisement, 10 50 20 cts. my31 dU bottles, only cents; large bottles, cents. J. D. DEXTER A CO., 480 Congress st in The Uaranocook Dr. Graves’* Blood Purifler eradicates Photographic giving particulars, will be found another Regatta. all impuri- Vinegar, Cider, Ketchup Ac The initial column. The special attraction, however, preparations are now in progress ties from the system, cleanses the blood, renovates Portland Bird Store. PICKLES.E. D. PETTEN GILL, Mfr., 8 A 10 Market st for one of the the liver and which from added to tho good time of the day, is the even- grandest tournaments that has stomach, being torpid and GOODS.—Hall Rubber Co. For cor. Middle A ste Sale. takon at inert, by its use become unusually CLEARING SALE. Removed from Fluent Block, to RUBBERC. H. BOS WORTH, Exchange ing hop at the pavilion and the moonlight sail yet place Lake Maranocook, to come stimulated, and, Spaniels In fact gives a tone to the entire Cahoon Hall. Importers nnd Dealers. on the return. Members and friends of off on the 17th of It is now con- healthy system offer In Block, opp. City CHAMBERLIN k the September. We shall extra HOMSTED. A 80 inducements BACON Commercial St Price, 91. aug5 eodf SALT.THOMAS, CO., various are to have a regatta in the certain lines of BOOTS & SHOES for the Curly 1 lodges cordially invited to be pres- templated forenoon, in Improved Family Cathartic Pills are the best pill Just Received. Young Cuban Importers A Dealers. ENGLISH, Brown, Retrievers;—from Head of Union Wharf. lA of Kent's tkl ent with their families. which some of the most prominent ever given a patient by a physician, and they' are next 40 days. Hart’s Hand Sewed Strap a aice lot oft Bird SALT.EMERY A FURi 1SH, I ported stock, (Duke Kennel.) professional Parrots, Cages, one real Setter tirst-class frequently perscribedhy them. They give prompt Hart’s'lland Sewed La- Stores A Chandlery. Gyp, pedigree. scullers in the country will take In Shoes, Gaiters, also Birds dec. BROKERS, to JAMES part. the action to the bowels, contain no mercury, and Mockiug J. S. WINSLOW A 3 A 4 Central Whf Apply CVCONKELL, dles’ & Misses’ Sandal Slippers & New- Snip CO., at Manasseli Smith’s St., Deerli Presentation. afternoon it is thought there will be an are entirely vegetable. When you desire a prompt FRED Bit O.VI residence, Spring exhibi- and other too BY', Cordate, Chandlery and Me. a movement of the give the port Ties, many articles BROKERS, augCdta Saturday evening number of the members tion between two clubs of the bowels, Improved Family jlylS dtaugl4 Stores. RYAN A KELSEY. 101 Commercial St game league,pro- Cathartic Pills a trial. Price 25 cents box. numerous to mention. SHIP church per l__ ___ of Congress Square called upon the babiy the Chicagos and Bostons. If the Dr. Graves’ remedies arc for sale by Druggists “DOCTORS, Plated and Britannia Ware. School pro- _4TTESTM! A 218 Fore st ior building Rev. Mr. Gibbs. Mr. Gardiner M. Jor- SILVERRUFUS DUNHAM SONS, Mfrs, Proposals pastor gramme contemplated is carried out the at wlU b> largest FOR SALE. Gas, Water A Ventilating Pipe House Saccarappa, He., on behalf of the parishioners, dan, presented crowd that ever visited the Lako will be there WYER GREENE & CO., VARNISH. STEAM,DANIEL WINSLOW A SON, 7 Cross St received until August lOtb. Plan-, Mr. Gibbs with the handsome sumiof $500. Mr. that A Sinks nnd can be seen at day. Splendid Opening. PHYSICIAN’S PRACTICE, worth $2500 por Ranges, Castings. and specifications No. 480 Street. FOUNDRY 244 Gibbs fitly responded to Mr. Jordan's remarks, Congress A year, together with a fine residence; the best S'TOVES,) PORTLAND STOVE CO., Fore Passctt & Stevens’ Office, Por* Drowned. and Fancy Goods Stock for sale, in the best OPP. location in the state; terms easy. Reason of sale A- Molasses and at C. B. AYoodntanV after which a beautiful watch was presented in PREBLE HOUSE. JOHN BABCOCK & CO.’S Stand- Importers. land, DRYcity tlic state, stock small, very clean, best ill health. Enquire at this office. GEO. S- HUNT A " Mr. Georgo Small’s some sixteen ju20 endtf SUGAR Co., Agts Eagle ReUner; Saccarappa. Proposals addreme.i to Mr. Gibbs’s daughter and a chain to his son. child, location in town, and a good established business. ard Coach are for sale by This is a Tarnishes, jy23__d2w&wlm30 riUCKLK BlocksGnlrnnized Horn Trim months of ago, was drowned a few rare chance for anyone that wishes to lo to School Building Committee, days ago at W. YV. T. LAUGUL1N A Center St. cate in Lewiston. Apply to WHIPPLE & CO., X image. SON, Saccarappa, He. Loss of a Portland Vessel. Saccarappa into a ditch that con- by falling T. P. WATSON, Notice. jel7 ill iTIarket Square, Portland. 3m* NOTICE. rilEAS, Coffees, Spices and Grocers’ Sundries. 1881. au2-dlw L. Smith of this Special Aug., The schooner Persia port, tained about a foot of w'ater, in the stable jly9eodlm P. O. Box, 1058, Lewiston, Me. X G. W. SIMONTON A CO.. Mfrs., 13 A 16 Union daughters, Louella A. Root and Eva M. Heaton from Moncton, N. B., for New He was left of Ocean WARE, Mfg’s.nnd Dcnlers. mabter, yard. alone in the stable for a few MY Root, having left home for unknown, annual meeting the Park Associa- HICK, HICK. MONE1 TO LOAN. parts CAJTIPERS the election of held TENNEY A LEIGHTON, 202 Fore St. HILK, York, with feet of lumber, went ashore moments his but supposed to have left the this no- THEtion for officers, will be TIN 175,000 by playmates and wandered into being State, at or fifteen thousand on first class tice is to forbid and all to are notified that a in Ocean Park Temple Old Orchard, on Tuesday, Hn»Ac., Mfrs. and Dealers, at Beaver Tail has and the with dollars, city positively any persons Cushing's Island, hereby furnish a few more familiee with the ttrr 6 Saturday night, bilged yard the above result. He was soon or in sinus of one thou- harbor or of made for Aug 9th, at 9 o’clock A. M, G. B. BROAD A 152 Exchanges! TEN Deering mortgages, trust them on my account as 1 shall pay ONcharge TWO DOLLAKS will be TRUNKS, CO., of Milk at « Centi per quart. is full sand and at t> to each 1881. 1CANquality Jersey o! water. She will prove a total loss. found and all available means were upwards, per cent. Apply GEO. none of their bills while absent from home without tent erected, payable strictly in advance at the Biddeford, duly 21, A Tailors’ Trimmiu/ •• Addrees used to re- R. Real L. W. Milk for childreu a specialty. DAVIS, Estate and Mortgage No. leave. S. E. ROOT. Ottawa House. WILLIAM M. CDSH1NO. STONE, Secretary. A > The crew was saved. suscitate but Broker, WOOLENSCHAD BO URN LALL.188,li. jua28-2m v. II. OULE, Woodford’. him, without effect. 607ya Congress street. jy27eodlmo,* Chcbeague, Maine, Aug. 2, 1881. augldlw land dtf Jy22d2y3w

• * Wit and Wisdom. THE BUYERS' GUIDE. ISLAND ■ MISCELLANEOUS. STEAMERS. RAILROADS. RAILROADS. STEAMERS THE PRESS. _ TELEPHONE 510. BOSTON & MAINE hAIUtOAJO. Word. A rod and lyin’ catches ihe biggest fish of She Took Him at His tiie season.- New Orleans TRADE CIRCULAR. Picayune. Ml'iMiTlEit &RKANUX IIEN1'. European Ticket Office. Tlmt. ;y. o. .j For The Islands. • — Foil — and some teelii aud JiDii afte r itlotuiBn Cabin Steerage Tickets the Wr giea had pulled lately, A pretty girl out Wist told her beau tbaf --- Jtiut by it l»M. »*»«•««,r Vrttia- Allan, lumm, Whit* Near nail iu his which swelled uutil was a sol” BAY STEAMBOAT CO. feSK!g*!!K|*», t'uuard, took cold jaw, she mind-reader. “You don’t say PASCO LEAVE PUttlLAWO of RETAIL .TRADE TIME Author Isine* Europrau Miramra TABLE FOR 1881. loosed like a watermelon. He poulticed he exclaimed. said have it -2-“~EOR BOSTON ai 8.45 a.m. prize “Yes," she, “you 6.16, New sailing weekly froiu iloston ana New York. Fwr Steamers EXPRESS and MARY \V, l. 10 and 0.00 l. m., arriving at Boston at 10.45 it and it, all to no purpose, and iu mind to me to hut are London, further particulars call on or address bandaged ask be wife, you will 10.00 m. your LIBBY, make 20 rounds a from а. m., 1.16. 5..10, p. leave — trips day, Returning, COKJJSCTISO WITH — a little the idea.’’ Their wed- a. walked the floor several nights with it, quoting just scared at OF Ferry Slip. Custom House, to Peak’s and Cushing’s Boston at 8.30 m., 12.30, 3.30 and 7.00 p. T. P. McOOWAX, Bookseller, cards are out. PORTLAND, ME., Island as follows: arriving at Portland at, 8.00 and 11.00 extracts from Bob ding u MTKEET, dl choice Ingersoll’s lectures, p. m. Portland for Scarborough Beach Return from the different landings as to no it on The aad Piue Point, at 0.15. 8.45, a. bat all purpose; kept swelling. or inactive cause Leave follows: 10.25, m., Unhealthy kidneys gravel, The following Trade Circular is respect- 3.20 and Portland. Peaks’ isM. Arrive at 12.60, 6.00 p. m. [See uotel For Old NORWICH LINE he remarked to his wife that Is’d. STEAMERS other morning and a horde o the Re- Cushing’s and Bright’s disease, rheumatism, fully presented by nndersigned Portland. Orchard Beach, Saco, Kiddeford, at PACIFIC MAIL 8. 8. CO to one that would hit him a б. 8.45,10.25 a. m. and FOB — he’d give 830 auy other serious and fatal diseases, which can be tail Houses of Portland, with a view to Jones White Ottawa 15, 12.50, 6.00p. m. ForKeuuebuuk, North Berwick. Sal- on it without his show the extent and variety of articles Head. Landing. tremendous thump suddeuly prevented with Hop Bitters, if taken in time. _Landing. mon Full*, Great Falla, Dover, Exeter, FOR and the names- of those M. CALIFORNIA, expecting it, to see if it wouldu’t burst the handled, large A. M. A. A. M.* A. M. A. M. Haverhill. I.awreuce and Lowell, at 6.15, dealers who make this City the best 6.30 6.30 6.20 6.60 6.50 8.45 a m., 1.10 and 6.00 p. in. For %Vell* aud The dear to herself, logic: “If use a burner like NEW swelling. woman, sinning Back-yard you 7.00 7.20 New at 8.45 and 6 00 JAPAN, CHINA, market and trade centre for the people 7.30 7.40 8.05 MLurkei, 6.15, a. m., p. in. YORK, on 7.30 8.10 For — Went and a bo a and up this your lamp,” said the pedller, “you 8.00 8.40 8.35 HocheMtet, Farmingtou, N H. aud LEAVE — gathered jack, stepping uf Maine. *0 Ksaitwicb New Zeaiaad and 8.00 8. 8.30 9.65 9.00 Alton Bny, at 6.16, 8.45 in. aud 1.10 p. IxirtmU, eld man as lie was to will save halt of the kerosene.” Tue ^ quietly behind 'he trying lady, &IT Parties not prepared to visit Port 8.45 9.20 9.16 10.20 9.45 m. For Wolf borough Harbor AuNtruVia. au^Vutir The new an s raiu some coffee ihroqgii his teeth, lovingly who to one of the first families iu Aus- order from the follow- 9.15 9.36 9.45 11.65 10.20 at 8.45 a. in. and 1.10 p. ui. For tttanche*tcr splendid steamers sail from New belongs land, may goods York on the 20tli “Where does it pain you most, tin, said she would take two, soshe would not uaid Concord. N. 19., (via Lawrence,) at 8.45 10th, and 30th of each month inquired: ing classillcatlous with perfect reliance 10.40 and Lord! here,” 10.00 10.30 1.35* 11.05 a. ui.; (via New Market at 6.15 a. in. and PORTLAND, carrying passengers freight for San Francisco Wrig?'’ ^Oh, right here, right need any kerosene at all.—Texas Siftings. will He .Junction) as below. that their orders promptly at- *10.30 11.36 11.45 3.00 l. 10 m. Train leaves he, as he turned his jaw up and pointed 11.55 p. Morning KAennebuuk EVENT WEEK DAY AX’ replied or P. M. p. M. S. S. a tended to. Satisfaction guaranteed P. M. for Portland at 7.25. Colon Aug 20. I 8. 8. of 80 to ihe apex of the protuberance. Taking 1.20 City Para...Aug. The Perfection of Punches. MERRY, money refunded. 11.15 1.15 4.00 12.15 Parlor Cars on trains leaving Portland at 8 45 a. S.S. Acapulco, foi isthmus of Panama 10 the dear woman raised the only, Aug. step hack bootjack P. M. m. 1 10 and 6.00 m. on trains leav- p. Returning 1.23 3VI. For freight or passage rates ami the tutor and hit him a bunstarter right in the Hub Punch is more delicious, hea'thful and 12.02 1.60 2.50 5.42 1.40 Boston at 12.30 fulleet regular 8.30 a. and 7.00 m. — It I I'll LIT' HAL TOOLS. GARDEN ing m., p. VIA — taction, apply to the General Eastern Agents, centre of the and smilingly stepped 1.15 2.40 3.55 6.30 2.10 Parlor Car Sent* aecared in calamity, invigorating than any other mixed drink. Field ami Flu*w Seeds, Fertilizers, Sc. advance at *.. It A BT1. ETT A- old mau’s knees At- *2.00 4.05 6.30 Ticket Office. CO., back to await results. The WM. S CO.. 7 S . gles has got ’em again. And as Mrs. Pry re- V/IHl'UftU Long p. TRAINS, Commencing July The C areful lO, I SSI—Leave Portland for Boston and marked, "That ’ere comit will be the death o’ m. A man who demands more than' Prepara- Way only.” APOTHECARY:tion of Prescriptions a STEAMER GAZELLE, will leave east Stations at 1.00 and 530 p. m. Ronton for Port- some o’ these old baldheads yet, settin’ up to SELL Specialty. twelve hours of such music ought to get em- E. DANA JR., 589 Congress St s ide of Custom House wharf for Peaks’ and Cush- land at 6.00 p.m. Portland for Scarborough watch it. ing’s Islands, at 9 a. and for Peaks’ and Pine Old Orchard ”__ ployment in a boiler shop.—Norristown Her- photography nr., Long Bench, Point, Bench, Island at 10.30 a. and m. ald. m. 2.15 p. Returning, Saco aud Btddeford, at 10.00 a. in.. 1.00, 5.3i» Dress. Artby LAMSON, opposite Falmouth Hotel. leave How Little Princesses ANY OF HIS Long Island at 11.15 \. m. and 4.45 p. m. and 6.00 p. m Returning leave Old Orcnard Beach When the Gazelle is off on an Excursion the Ex- at 7.12 and 9.42 p. m. Letter to 4.45, [London Philadelphia Times.] will make the 10.30 a. m. and 2.15 m. MATERIALS, Architects’A press p. trips Tha .avorito Steamers Forest City and John seen little of the How to Secure Health. Picture Fl to Long Island, and return at 11.15 a. m. and Trains on Boston & Maine read eonnoct with I have the three daughters ARTISTS’Engineers’ Supplies, ames, Art Goode all Brooks will alternately le«ve KUAN KLIN WHARF CYRUS F. No. 6b3 4.45 p. m. steamers runing between Portland and SUNDAY Prince and Princess of Wales at the opera, It is strange any one will suffer from de- DAVIS, Congress St Bangoi, Portland, and WHARF, Boston, at 7 Fare to Peak*’ lO cent* each way Mt. St. o clock on blood when Inland, Rockland, Desert, Machias, Export, Calais, p. in. (tail r. (Sundays escepted). rangements brought bv impure Stationery & Blank Books. or 20 Cents for the rouod Children and Halifax. Also connect with their parents, when, on one occasion’ trip. John with Grand Trunk this line are reminded SCOVILL’S SARSAPARILLA AND STIL- Clark’s n_i ■_ Passengers by that they se- BOOKS. Circulating Library. trains at Grand Trunk Station, and Maine Central CUre a comfnrtahl*. nit/hr'a re.at *k.. _ the little oue her mother took or SUMMER FRANK B. 616 getting sleepy LINGIA, BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP CLARK, Congress St. Inland®, 95 eta. Chidren 10 Cent®. ana Portland & trains at Ogdensburg Transfer Sta- andlnconvenieuce of arriving In Boston late at night on will restore health to the The holders of these full rate Tickets th® her np on her lap and let her sleep there physical organization. and Shoes, Fine Custom have tion. Ticket* and Stateroom* for sale at D. H. Work, of to and TRAINS! It is a strengthening svrup, pleasant to take, for Ladies and Gents, to Measure. privilege crossing from Peaks' and Cush- All trains stop at Exoter ten minutes for refresh- YOUNG'S, 272 Middle Street. BOOTS Island without extra and the BEST BLOOD PURIFIRER ever B. F. WHITNEY & Co., 222 Middle St. ing’s charge. monte. First class Dining Rooms at Portland, Through Ticket* to New York, via the rarloa* which were attended Arrangements for Excursions can be made with Transfer Station. Exoter, Lawrence and Boston. and at charitable ceremonies discovered, curing Scrofula, Syphilitic disor- Rftil Sound Lines for sale at very low rates. TToots and Shoes: Fine and Medium Goods at Cap. A. S. OLIVER, on board Steamer or THROUGH TICKETS to ail West aud taken as usual. I have seen of Gazelle, poihts Freight by much pomp and circumstance; ders, Weakness the Kidneys, Erysipelas, XX low J. H. WETHERELL & CO.. with J. I. at be had of M. E». GOODS prices. LIBBY, Manager, office, Custom South may Williams, Ticket «*• B. COYLE, Jr-, t» > i Malaria. Nervous Bilious Agrtst- them riding, driving, Walking, boating and on disorders, Debility, Successors to CYRUS LOWELL, 226 Middle St. House Wharf. Agent, Boston & Maine Depot, ami at 6 uion tirf and Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Popular Band Friday and Sat- Ticket 4=0 St. COMMENCING »pro_ I venture to did complaints ANDIES and Fine Excursions, every Office, Exchange cone of these occasions, say, etc. Confections, urday. Music by Chandler. JAS. T. FURBEK Gen. Kidneys, Stomach, Skin, AT 20 PER y 1. F. successor to Sttpz. the of each one of the little CENT Cl LORD, EF*Time tables to be had at the office. 8. H. STEVENS, Gen- Agent Portland. wearing apparel Allen 666 Street INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. Gow, Congress Portland, June 28,1881. jly2d9w dtf Sunday, July 31,1881 exceed in cost a ten dollar, bill. A Jn25_ girls simple Makers and Upholsterers, white muslin frock, undecorated by any lace, CABINETDealers in Fine and Medium Furniture. Eastport, Me., Calais, Me., SI. Portland Wholenae Prices Current. DEANE BROS. & SANBORN, 11*3 & 185 Middle St TELEPHONE 453. Rumford Falls & Buckfieid John, IK. B., Halifax, IK. S., unrelieved by any silk slip or expensive sash, Corrected for tbe Pbess to 4, 1881. Manufacturer and Charlottetown, I*. E. I. formed the the winter and August Importer Little and RAXrfROAD. opera costume; of Havana Wholesale and Retail. Portland, Chebeague Portland for Renton, and way stations, at Bread. Iron. REDUCTION CIGARS. igars, 1.00 and 6.30 m. boating dresses are of serge, the summer dressss ERNESTO PONCE, cor. Exchange and Middle St. Trains leavo Canton for Portland p. Ronton for Portland, at SUMMER Pilot Sup.7 00® 9 Ol Common. —21/4@ 2y2 6.00 p. m. ARRANGEMENTS. 'Steamboat Co. aud Lewiston, at 9.50 a. m. and of washing print. And all are made in the do ex 100 ^.6 00@8 0( Refined.2y2@ 2SA and Harpswell Portland for Furnishing Goods, 2.15 m. ttcnrborouxh Bench, Pine Ship.4 00®6 OC Norway.4 @ 6 TO LOWER STOCK. d. BURLEIGH & Co. p. Old Orchard FOUR TRIPS PER WEEK. simplest style—no gofferings, puckerings, CLOTHING ON AND AFTER MONDAY, July 4,1881 Leave Portland for Canton 1.00 Point, Beach, *aco uud Bid- Crackers lb Cast Steel... 13 @16 184 Middle Street. deford, at 10.00 a. m.. 6.30 and 6.00 flouncings; no bias bauds, no knife pleatings. and 6.10 p. in. Leave Lewiston for Canton, 1.67 1.00, p m 100. 26® 3( German Steel 8 @10 Steamer Henrietta, Returning leave Old Orchard Beach at 4.46. No feathers in the no furbelows Straw Silk Men’s Roys’ and Child- and 4.35 p. m. ■ ON AND AFTER hats; any- Candles. Shoe Steel.. 3$i@4 Hata, Hata, Light Hata, 7.12 and 9.42 p. m. NON. Wholesale and Retail. Capt. Thomas Matliews, tickets to return at reduced f «■ where. Would that the “Mrs. Lofties” of Sheet Children’s Hats, Linen Lobes, CLOTHING,dren’8, Saturday Monday * ■■Ika DAT, JULY lib. Mleaws- Mould?lb. jgemZM Iron, BOSTON & PORTLAND 255 Middle. America, those vulgar and tasteless creatures Common.. ..6 @ 6y2 Horse Covers, Clothing Co., -AND- prices. rri of ihia Lino will Sperm.^£jfc®*30 Stage connections with Bern Lakes. Leave who at the time at the H. C.7 @ 7% /CLOTHING. Youth’s &: is, Rangeley Tickets from Railroad Wharf, present watering places Coal.—(UuLail.) Men’s, Roys’ Se.-j West Portland to foot of State Cumberland 6 6( • Russia.... Fine Goods & Gents’ Goods. Flower, Capt. Stephen Kicker Byron, Mexico, Dixfield, Peru, Livermore, street, every Monday Tuesday all over the country are making the bodies of 00®G 13y2@l Furnishing Sumner and and at « Acadia.6 0( > C. J. & F. It. 182 Middle St Three trip® pev day to Five to Turner. Old Orchard Beach and Wednesday, Friday p. in., for Eastport and their children a mere means of their 60@6 Galv....9y2@l FARRINGTON, Harpswell; OTIS Return. 3t. John, with connections for paiading Chestnut.5 60@6 0( Lead. Longtdand, Little HAYFORD, Supt. Calais, Robblnston. to and are in full and at Salis- Chebeague, rertland June 1381. St. Andrews, power spend money, who ruining Franklin.7 7 5( 8 variety Special? Jeuli’s Landing, (Great Che- 27, ju27dtf saute be sold on Pembroke, Houlton, Woodstock 00® Sheet.7y2@ J Prices. day,«ill Sundays Orand Menan, the moral health of their offspring by inculcat- White Ash.6 6( C'lOALfactory included. Dlgby, Annapolis, Yarmouth! 0G@6 Pipe. 7@ 7y2 H. beague,) Sundays New a a JOS. POOR, No. 253 Commercial St. for Windsor, Halifax, Moncton, cattle, inherit, ing in these impressionable young breasts Lehigh.6 00@6 6( Pig. 5@ Traveling Bags, f Steamers Henrietta and Sea Flower of Picton, Sliediao, Char- mad for adornment—would Coffee. leather. and Casket Bathurst, Daiheusli, passion personal Manufacturers, this line will leave the east side of Custom House lottetown, Fort Fairfield, Grand Falls, and other that these and I Java, ©lb 23@27 New York, J and Undertakers. for Eastern THIRTY sil’y reprehensible mothers, (lOFFINFurnishing Wharf, Portland, Long Island, Little Che- Railroad, CEYTS. stations on the New Brunswick and Canada, Inter- could be here to see the set in this Bio.12ya@16 Light.21 @23 Trunks of All S. S. RICH & SON, 133 Exchange St j beague, Jenk’s Landing, (Great Chebe and and aay, pattern Cooi Mid 25 Kinds, ague.) 80LUER ARRANGEMENTS. colonial, Windsor, Annapolis, Western Coun- lerage. Weight @27 at 9.15 a. m. and m. matter by the Princess of Wales. The exam- Hosiery, Kid Harpswell m., 2.15p. 6.15 p. ties, and Prince Edward Island Kail Hoads Hhd. Shooks ana Heads @27 Gloves, Laces, Leave Portland for S. H. STEVENS, Gen’l Agent. is followed, as all are when com- Heavy.26 / Embroideries and Worsteds. Long Island, Little Che- and Stage Routes. ple examples Mol.City.. 1 90® 2 OC Slaughter.. .34 @38 Best$l CIORSETS. Jenk's at 10 commencing Jy9 dtf from the fountain head of social Umbrellas, W. E. PLUMMER, Cor. and Brown Sts beague. Landing (Great Chebeague) a. Tune 27th, m B^Freighl received up to 4 p. ai. and In- ing eminence, 1 60® 1 6f @24 Congress m. any Sug. City.. Gd.Dara’g*d22 and 6.05 p. m. formation the same ana the result is seen in the admirable dress- Sawed shk 1 OC Am. Call.... 30 regarding may be had at the Sug 80® 90@1 Kid Gloves, Ribbons, Leave Harpswell for at all office of the Fine I Lumber. Glov , Portland, touching Freight Agent, Railroad Wharf. ing of young English people, universally ex- Sugar Driving CORSETS,Laces, Embroideries, Worsted Crewels, &c landings (except East End Great Che- with Boxshooks South. 00 Landing, ForCircnhus, Excursion Routes, Tlcksta, tolled in of taste. 45® Pine,30 00@40 E. S. MERRILL, 467 Si at 0.15 a. m., 2.30 m. and 4 m. every community Congress beague) p. p. State Rooms and further information apply at Heading. ‘Clear Pine, Leave Jenk’s at 12 Old Orchard Jiuiction Railroad China and Glass Ware. landing (Great Chebeague) m. Company’s Office, 40 Exchange St., T. C. HER- Nos. 1 Si 2.60 00 East Great at 8 a. in. Sojourner Truth’s Age. Spruce 00@60 CROCKERY, R. S. RAND, End Landing, Chebeague 3EY, President, and Manager. Jyldtf 35in. 20® 22 No. 3.85 00 Leave Portland at 10 a. m. and a. OO@40 669 Congress St. Sundays, 10.30 OPEN [Lansing (Mich.) Republican.] Pine. 20® 22 i Shipping .20 00@25 00 HAMMOCKS, m„ 2.30 and 5.30 p. m. FOR~BUSINESS Hard Pine. 21® 2'c ■ 00 Dress Leave at 7 a. m. and 3 and 4 Much has been written and said relative to Spruce.12 00@15 GOODS, Silks, Shawls, Harpswell Sundays Train* Lc«re Portland Hoops, 14ft 20 00®26 OC I Hemlock... 10 00@12 00 DRYGoods, Woolens, Linens, &c. p. m. JUEY 18. 75c and (J e. 01. from for IflOSBAY, Boston the reputed age of the ancient colored sibyl of Short do 8ftl0 OC $1.00. M1LLKTT & LITTLE. 227 Middle Street Steamers will touch at Trcfethen’s and Evergreen Daily (Night Express Bangor) 00@12 ; Clapboards, — AJTD- I on Biddeford, Portsmouth, Nowburyport, Sa- 8 ex.28 00 Landing, (Peaks Island), every trip, Sundays, .... -Trains will run 40 Battle Creek, and it has been denied that she 7ft 00® Spruce, 00@30 T'V BY Goods, Fancy Goods, Silks, Fine and Boston. A Pullman every mi utes 2 1 50 DYE HOUSE 13Preblo and Sea Flower, or with arriving Ground 1879, St, op., Preble House. Express 1.10 p. ai. except Sundays, for Camp advatages. Y.M. Bolts... @18 Laths, JOHN S. MORRIS, No. 22 Exchange street. Daily interested herself to as- Biddeford, June.. Portland Ho Battle Creek, largely oottoms Spruce— 1 50® 1 75 Wedding and Calling On and after July 4th, this Co., in connection Kennebunk, Conway Kittery Me., July 15,1881. Whariage. Cop @32 Portsmouth, From 8 260 I^NGRAV1NG~J Cards and Fine Stationery. with the Tourist S. B. Line, will have a telephone Newburyport, Salem, Gloucester, jyieatt 'V*2k -__ Long Wharf, Boston, p. certain the facts. Her efforts elicited a letter Pine..,,,,. @ _ Rock port, aud with m. From Pine Street Cordage. IdafchM, «f the Hold Hat. WILLIAM S. LOWELL, 613 Congress St, exchange at the ticket office, Custom House w harf, Lynn, Chelsea, Boston, parlor WWf, Sign car. at 5.10 .m. in season for Sound at 10 a. m. from Waring Latting of New York City, who eodtf for the patrons of this line. arriving p 4[\1 Philadelphia, Ainer’n %?ib.l2 @13 iStar.^gross 2 00® 2 10 ;iy30 Custom and Ready Made Clothing ana Bail connections South and West. At-_ Insurance one-hall the raw of communicated the facts under date l Gents’ Portland, Me., June 25, 1881. ju27dtf frrr^ following Russia.,.12 @13 jflolasaes. IMNE Furnishing Goods. A train will leave Portland for Boston and way sta- sailing vessel. Porto % ALLEN & 229 Middle St for the of Feb. 13,1879, whfch were published: “As a Manilla.,15 @16 I Rico.. 30® 53 COMPANY, tions. at 6.00 p. in., arriving in Boston at Portlano Railroad Freight West by the Penn. R.R., and South Manilla Bolt Muscovado. 40 10.00 all rail iOgoeiisnuii lines .forwarded of 34® and Choice p. m. connecting 'with liues for by connecting free commission. slave, Sojourner was held for many year3 by .1 Designs 453. Eicbt Dollar*. Hope ktewOrleans FLORISTS,FuneralFlowers a specialty. TELEPHONE New York. HtTMMKU ABKAlUiEMBBI'r. Pnasage Round Trio $13, new 60 Meals and Room John L, Dumont, an uncle of Mr. Latting, Sisal.10y2@llVa crop.. 48@ I W. E. MoR 1 ON & 616 St For have Boatoia, Ou aud after Jane included. and CO., Congress Portland, Klomlay, 47, tSSl, For or who resided on the west bank of the Drugs Dyes. Basbadoes new 46® 45 I Freight Passage apply to Hudson, FOR 7.30 and 8.80 a. m. and 12.30 and 7.00 ar- Acid Oxalic... 12@ 16 Cienfuegos new40® 42 {Foreign and Domestic, Candies, p. in., £• H. Ageals Park. In 1819 she was * —___ Cntil further notice train. directly opposite Hyde tart. @ 55 IfiRUfiT,Children’s Christmas Toys. THEJSLANDS. riving in Portland at 12.00,12.25, 6 ana XX p. ui. paesenue.' ■1e»UfSO 'Vtcrf. still held in and from her Boiling. will ran a. follows: B^uhi Blavery, appearance Alcoh legs!,2 12@225 Nails. GEO. H. CUSHMAN, 486 Congress St The 7 p. m. train runs daily. YiYY'/* as he saw ail her in that year, Mr. Latting was Aluai., 3@ 5 Cask. 3 00® 8 10 Through ticket* to point* South and -s*^—-es— Ranges and Stoves. Sole- Steamboat Line. West at lowest rates at Ticket Com- LEAVING PORTLAND Maine quitesnre she could not have been less than Ammonia, Naval 8iove«. for the Tourists’ Depot Office, Steamship agents improved Highland Range. mercial J. M. Ticket and 8.45 n. in—For all stations. All Company. 44 or 45 years of age This seems to have been curb. 23@ 26 Tar, pbbl.. 3 76.9 4 25 I^URNACES,M. street, French, Master, points In 0? & D. W. NASH. No. 6 Exchange Si at the Union Ticket Whi I** !flnmttllinu Vortliartl Vnw llnmnnl.t— I in her master’s and Ashes, pot— 6s/4@ 8 Pltch(C.Tar) @ 3 60 Office, E. A. Waldron, Agt,. Line to New generally accepted family 40 street. and 13 out real and Semi-Weekly York. is tbebest that could be Bals copabia.. @ 75 Wil. Pitch.. 4 00® 4 20 and Upholstery. Exchange Vermont, Oydensborii. les.imony procured. 38 and Common steamer~minnehaha Pullman Cay Tickets for Seat* acid i>. for White Mountains. A U .x,. Ixnfli„ ... 1A x. Beeswax. 32@ Rosin. 3 00® 6 20 i^URNITfcfRlSFine, Medium Goods, in—Express Berths sold at Ticket train will not at Steamers Bleaching Turpt’ne,g’l 47 @ 66 PORTLAND FURNITURE Co., *6 Exchange St. LK4VES Depot Office. (This stop So. Windham. White Eleanors and Franconia be between KMi and 107 aud this West or W ill untli years old. powders.... 3@ 6 Oakum. 10 11 LUCIUS TUTTLE, flock. BaWwtn Hiram. further notice leave Franklin Whirl. @ Yil URNS TUBE, Steamers is about correct. While in this Carpet*, Crockery, M.IW.VUUVU m General Passenger and Ticket at Lake for Portland, every MONDAY and probably city Borax. 14@ 16 and House lyiaiuuuu, Agent- Sebago Naples, Bridgtcn, THURSDAY at 3 last £; Furnishing Goods. Peaks. ft W. SriNBORN. M&sl-Ci Triwiar,; .ration Harison and Pleasant Mountain. I. ML, and leave Pier East winter she told the editor of the Republi- Brimstone... 3V» Oil. EA < >N & 123 Portlami. »$d 38, River, New Vork. @ | HOOPER. CO., Exchange St It- 6.0,1 p. ui.—For -11 stations as far every MON DA Y and TH can that she had been a grown-up woman for Cochineal. 70 Erergreori Landings. jne25 as Bartlett. i/rSDAY, at 4 P. M 60@ Kerosene. @13 *ng with These steamers are fitted e "1 AS A: Kerosene Fixtures, Daily stage connedi the 12.45 p. m. train ap with fine accommoda- several yearn wbeu the first steamboat ran ou Copperas... 1V2@ H Port. ReLP’tr @ 7% Lamps 6.30 A. M. "6.00 a., u. for tion* for VY Old Fixtures Kebronxed. Standish. Limington, S b go. So. Biidgton,, passengers, making this a very convenient the Hudson river, and “seed it wid her own Cream Tartar 35@ 3fc Water White 14 18.45 7.15 CLEVELAND & MARSTON, 128 St Cornish, Porter, kezar Falls, Denmark, Bride- and comfortable route for travelers between [tew This was in or At Ex. 12@ 17 DevoeBrill’t.. 0 Exchange 8.45 9.30 9.16 A. M. •yes.” 1807, 74 years ago logwood. @15% Portland and Worcester Line. ton Cen;re, Lovell, Conway Corner,. Jackson and York and Maine. During the summer 'months then, Ouni A rabic .. 60 1 Pratt.’ Astral. 1 AS Kerosene A 10.30 11.06 10.55 Glen steamers will the time of emancipation in New York in 1817 2t>(jj @16% Fixture^., Lamps goods House. touch at Vineyard Haven on their pas- Aloes cape ... 26 I 16 Fixtures Rebronzed and Gilued. 1.00 p. ar. 1.20 P.M. she claims to have been over 40 old. 15@ Ligonia. Direct connections with Proiile House. Jefferson sage to and from New York. years 28 3C I 20 2.00 2.30 P. M. 2.20 PORTLAND & ROC HESTER U. Passage, Including Camphor. @ Sperm.1 10®1 LEVJ s. BROWN, 28 Market Square K. aud Summit of Mt. State Room, *6, meals extra. Goods destined 60 70 WTasliington. beyond Myrrh. 45@ Whale. 65® $3.15 (calling at islands after sail.) Portlander New York forwarded to 1 / 1 fr Ui destination at The u.5 0 Bank. 4 ■ ENTS* uiMbiug Goods, Neckwear, and ARRIVING AT PORTLAND: Width of the Door. Opium.475 40® 6.10 (to Trefethen’s Diamond only, J»»BAN*JKMKPfT, once. For further information to 45@ 60 VA Underwehi &c "Fine Shirts to order. and after apply Shellac. Shore. 35® 40 return at 6.40.) _ On Monday, Jane 4', S.4Ga, «i.—From Bartlett ami in tor mediate sta- Haw CHARGES & CO.. 493 Co St \ HENRY FOX, General Agent, Portland keyed — [Burlington .... 1 25 iPorgie. 55 CU§iTS tigress 7 P. P. TO. Dance Train? will ieav? lions. indigo 00@1 60® 55 TO., 10.30 Trip. Passenger J. F. AMES, Ag’t, Pier 38, P. R, New York. Iodine. @3 50 j Linseed. "Let/ U iioitaHU- au 4ue25dtf line royal hail tenin', aud the lower panel ov the dare got Oil bergamot 2 75.a/3 00 Elaine. 54 Difficult and troublesome feet. Fjue goods and prices. nr. 52® W. & & Allan8TEA.K8BIR». Cod liver.3 75@2 (JO PaintM. L- WILSON GO., Exchange Federal St. For Clinton, Ayer June., kicked out in the merriment.” “How wide do Fitchburg, from Lemon.2 76@3 00 P Pure Lead. 7 25®7 60 IHMJEB1I.8, Tea* and Flpt;r. Nashua, Cowell, Windham, and Kp- Sailings QUEBEC every SATURDAY want the cut?" asked the 76 STEAMER-TOURIST at a. an. This route yon piece carpenter. Olive.1 25@1 Pure Gr’d do. 7 25®7 50 C'lX 2>. T. SOULE & CO., piug 7.3© and tC45 p. dj. presents unprecedented advantages to .... 3 25 Pure do.. 60 For Concord and tourists, euabling them to view the “The width ov the dare, ov course,” replied Peppt... 00@3 Dry @7 47 Free Street. LEAVES Manchester, points North, at magnificent Wintergreen, 3 00 iAm. Zinc ....6 00®7 00 1-45 p. m. TRUNK RAILWAY scenery of the Lower St. Lawrence, la addition, M,. Donlevy. “And how wide is the door?” Potass oro* Rochelle Yel.. 2%@ 3 /'i KO()f)RSE8, Flour, Fine T«aa, aud Portland. Trefothen’s and Diamond. Ppaks. For Rochester, Npriugvnie, Alfred, Wai- the distance from Quebeo to i.iverpool 1s 500 miles niide. 40 • Red 3 UT Cotfee, Pqr.e liutier, &c., &c. fihora anil ««eo shorter, and of the reduced dlsance it’s as as a Eng. Van, 2%@ Spices, “6.00 A. M. 6.20 A. M. fhvrr.7.30 a. in.. 1.45 SEW TII1E TABLE. 1,000 miles “Well, wide chair is long, jist. Ye 38@ St is Inland Chlorate. 20@ 26 Rea Lead,..,, WILLIAM MXLLiKElv & 00?. 683 Congress 7.00 • ui., and (mixed) at 6.30 u. in. navigation, reducing the actual ocean 8®10 7.20 p. Returning UOVft£»« f/l ft minimum .F Rxr.. .Iana can a chair across to the chil- a jist lay it, kape Iodide.2 40 2 50 Uice. AND FISHING TACK.UK. 8.00 8.20 leave Rochester at (mixed) 0.45 a. in^ 11.06 and after MONDAY, JUNE 37th, a 50 a. and '4.05 trains will Extra from der in an’ the an’ it fits as it quicksilver.. Rice, ^ lb— 6ya@8 X sgent tor Du Poufs and 9.10 930 m., p. m.; arriving at Portland OlV 1851, run as under: ships GLASGOW, GALWAY, pigs out, though CUTNM POWOEK, EENSTOWN AND quinine 240@2 5o 8aleratOM. UFNDaOi K. G. L, BAILEY. 221 Middie St. 10.i5 10.35 A.M. 10.50 (mixed) 9.36 a. m., tl.10 p. m. and 6.10 p. m. Q LONDONDERRY DlKEl/f ware matched fur it.” “But all chairs are not 50 1 To TO BOSTON. Rt. Rhubarb.. 76@1 Saleratus, tt>6 @7 11.50 Peaks P. M. For Gorham, Maccarappa, Cumberland Montreal and West, » a. m.. and 1.00 p. m. Hair Jew and Human [to only.] $.05 For and the same size,” said the carpeuter. “Aw, Rt. Snake..... 25:«, 35 Halt. More., elry 1.40 P.M. “ Mill*, Westbrook anil Woodford’s, To Quebec, 1 .«t> p. ai. passage information apply to Hair Goods of all kinds made to order. 2,00 tbundher an’ turf! yer thicker headed Dor a Saltpetre...., 10@ 16 Turk’s Islana. UAIK 2.45 3.20 P.M. 8.10 at 7.4© a, t>*45, 6.4© and (mixed) ,j.To Lewiston, 7.1i» a. at., 13.40 and 3.10 p. m agent at. Senna. 25 A. BLOCKLINGER, 6.7 Congross St. *6.30 ui. To Gorham or LEVE & >7 railroad spike; the chair comes up jist even 16@ ¥ hhd.(bd.)2 12%@2.60 4.30 5.00 5.10 p. (mixed) .‘t.:<0 p. at. ALDEX, Agauts.2 B’way, N. Y.; 00@2 75 Bonaire. 22 75 The 1.45 m. txain from Portland To So. I’aris and 201 Washington St., 107 South 6th St. wid the edge ov the wiudo sill.” “But bow Seed.Canary..2 5®2 U4B»WAKE^ Cutlery, 6.10 [to Peaks only.] 6.20 p. connects at Norway, Gorham, 0.00 a. m.. Boston; Cardamons .. 2 Cadiz, du, 1 1 62 Tool*, June, with Kfioosac Tunnel 1,00 and 3.SO ni. Philadelphia. E. A. Portland is the window sill?” asked Mr. 0n@3 fiO pd.. 75® XjL GJwss and builders’ Supplies. 7.16 9.30 Ayer Route for p WALDRON, Agent. high Chips. Soda, bi-carb.. 3Va@ 7 r.uAiv in H’n/1 1 <2!V£n 7r. the West, and at Union for to* dBm •‘Bother the T. L. MERRILL $ Co., No. 9 Market Squar a can be made for Depot, Worcester, ARRIVALS. badgerin’ tongue o’ ye,” growled Sal.2V2@ 3 Liverpool. ^‘‘“Special arrangements pri- New fork via Norwich Cine, and all vate to Diamond Cove and for rail, HVom So. Mr. Donlevy, “it’s only the widness ov me Stlplur.3V2g4V2 Duty paid 1 75@2 12y» Munulr*. aud deader* in parties Moonlight via Spring Aeld, also with N. If. A’ N. E. R. Gorham, i'aris, A Norway, 8.3# a. ui. Excursion. and 13.40 p. at. band barrin’ the thumb thau the rain- Sugai Lead... 20@ 22 In bond .. 1 2'6®1 62 HARNESSHarness Leather, Wholesale and Retail. jyGdtf R, (‘‘Steamer Maryland Route") for Philadel- CLYDE’S higher From Lewiston aud weather that t* uiw. «*»»••• uv,aj cu Gr’na butter.. 16 box OHAS. J. WA LKER & CO., 163 & 166 Middle St and Auburn, 8.35 a. m.. sthanda ou'side, av ye caut, make p phia, Baltimore, Washington, the 1.00 blue.,, 11® 12 Liv. line sack. 1 26fil 76 Month and with Bo^tou A R. R. p. m., 5.30 p. at. A it from that ye lave the job, au’ I’ll take it to Vitrol, A FUR*. Special Fiur, New Albany for From Philadelphia lew Vanilla, Steeds. the West. Chicago, Montreal A Quebec, 13,40 p. ui. aome carpiuther that uudersthauds his busi- York Goods. Buffalo & Wolf Robes a specialty From Montreal bean.12 O0@16 00 Clover, ft ....8y2® HATS HOTEL DIRECTORY. Close connections made at Westbrook Junc- and the West, 5.30 p. m. ness and knows the measure av a and out of tho are invited the Hatter, 237 Middle St England dure in his people living city MERRY, tion with trains of Me. From Lewiston Junction, mixed, 0.40 a. m. Bed 40 to call and examine our line through Central R. R., and bead widout makin’ a ebatyebism av himself. Top, bag. @2 Furs. Manufacturer at which the at Grand Trunk STEAMSHIP Duck. H. Grass bu.. 3 00® Cap* u^d Embraclngthe leading Hotels Daily Transfer, Portland, with through LINES Say, can ye cut me the pace aff the size av that and Dealer in Furs, &$. trains of Grand Trunk R. R. No. -. @37 Spices. HATS. iiob^s, Pbsss may always be found. PASSENGER OFFICES G. A. S&2 St. tickets to FROM ye leather-headed wood butcher, ye, or will I No, 3. @33 cure .30 ®32 SUSSKRAUT, Middle Through all points South and West, at BOSTON Cassia, in connection with OLD COLONY go find a man av yer craft that has half tho Nx 10. ®24 Cloves.40 @42 pharmacy. ALFRED. Depot offices and at RoMins & Adams’, No. 22 Ex- BAIL. change Street, 74 EXCHANGE KOAD. ainse he wur born wid?” An l be had to oo 8. iti/17 Ginger.10 @12 Homeo. Medicines, Books and Cases. STREET go Homeopathic ALFRED HOUSE—K. H.Goding, Proprietor. Parlor —AND— 10 oz. Maco .1 00® 1 10 E. M. t With Car attached. BOSTON TO THE find one. @21 Boots and S. SYLVESTER, D. 410 Congross St * SOUTH, Flab. Nutmegs. 85@ 95 AUBURN. Does not stop at Woodford’s. ©EPOS' AT J. W. FOOT OF liVDIA ST. HenU-Weekly I.ice, Quick rime. Lww Cod, per qtl., Pepper. 23@ 2 Watches, Chronometers, PETERS, Gen. Ticket Agent. Bicycles. and Silverware. ELM HOUSE, Court St—W. S. A A. Young, Pro- GEO. P. WE-i Bates, Ereqnenl Oepartares. L’ge Shore .. .4 25@4 50 dtarcb. JEWELRY.Clocks, Charts, T, Supt. jn24dtf WM. & 64 St prietors. Freight received and forwarded to FALL [Pittsburg L’ge Bank....3 75@4 Oo Laundry ... 6ys@ 0 SENTE# CO., Exchange Tickets Sold at Reduced Rates 1 daily Commercial.] RIVER there connecting with the Clyde Steam. Smai.2 75;a3 00 Shot. Watches, Diamonds, AUGUSTA* To Canada, Detroit, Mil* anker. The beat to 00:a2 60 Chicago, every WEDNDSDAY and SATUR- English bicycle costs $140 $150, Police*.2 Drop .. @7*4 Shoes. Solid Silver and Plated Ware. ®r»,.sailing JEWELRY, AUGUSTA HQUSE, State St.-Charles Mllliken, MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Cincinnati, 8t, Louis, Omaha, Sag- DAY to Philadelphia direct, at while Haddock.1 87®2 12 Buck. @ 8*4 CARTER 621 cor. Casco St Nt. connecting American makes, equally as good, will # BROS., Congress, Proprietor. inaw, Paul, Mali Lake City. Philadelphia with Clvde Steam Lines to Charles. Hake... 1 12@1 37V4 Teas, 5aa not coat more than or Clocks. Dearer, Francisco, *•**> ®*j D. I.corse. $110 $115. The cheap- Herring. Souchong..., 25@ 45 Diamonds, Watches, BATH. Qn and after Monday, June 47th, Washlngteu, C., Silverware Gold and Silver Platers. Passenger and all in the *».€., Alexandria, and all Ral 26® 30 JEWEEKY,Manuf’rs, Train* util run au follows: Leave points Fa., est bicycles for boys $12 to $15. There Shore, tybbl.. Oolong. LADIES’ 609 St SHANNON’S HOTEL—Jerry Shannon, Proprietor Portland and Water Lines. costs^ Seal ^box. 20@ 26 do choice. 36@ 45 ATWOOD £ WENTWORTH, Congress for St. John, Halifax and tlae Korthwesi, West aud Southwest are three hundred and different BATH HOTEL—C. M. Plummer, Proprietor. Provinces, li Through Rates named and Bills of Lading lvsa thirty-one No. 1 16@19 Japan. 30# 65 and Silver A and all stations on E. A N. A. French American Kid Button, low vamp, AELKY, WaichesV Ci$eka, Railway, JOSEPH HICKSON, General Manager. from any point in New England to Phdadelph! of so now Maokt el,$bbi. do choico. 35® 60 box Plated Fin© BELFAST. 12.60, and 111.15 pm.; St. Mt. Ste- •tylea bicycles, experts say, actively toe, with quarter over vamp, AA, SS, S, JE Ware, Watch Repairing. Andrews, W. J. SPICER .Sujh rintendent. For rates of Freight, and other information, apply to Bay No. 1. Tia. ROBERT B. 613 phen, Fredericton, Aroostook in use. A, B, M,C, F, Dand FF. SWIFT, Congress AMERICAN HOUSE—J. D. Tucker, Proprietor. Countv, D. D. C. The of 1881 is the combined No. 2.. Strait ... 22 ju28dtf MINK, Agont, bicycle Bay @ @23 Moorhead Cake, and all stations on B. A _ 196 and _ _ Washington Mass. Large 3 .... @ English .22- @23 Watches, Clock* Silve. R. R., 111.15 12.50 Street, Boston, prodnet of tfie ideas of fonr great nations. Of BOLSTER’S miLUS. Piscataquis p. m., (or p. Wm. I*. Clyde & General Shore No.l I. 0.. 6 700 Manufacturers of Masonic Goods, &o. in Co., Managers, Char. 75@ JEWELRY,Ware, pi-1 hoqn, and remain Bangor over night); for No. IS So. Delaware tbesix ideas which are illustrated iu tire vari- 2. 6 50® 6 601 8 9 J. A. MERRILL & 239 Middle St HANCOCK HOUSE—M. _ Ave., Philadelphia. No. Char.I.X... 75@ 50 CO., Hancock, Proprietor. Bangor, Mucksport, Dexter, Belfast a»*d STEAMERS. 1006 No. 3. 3 4 601 .6 8 76 ous component parts, France has contributed o0@ Terne. 75® GEO Small ware* aud Skowhcgnu, 12-46 p. m., 12.60 p. pj., $13.15 p. Small. 3 3 60 6 YE*, Eace*, BOSTON. 00@ Coke. 87® 6 87 LADIES’ KIDLadies’ Furnishing Goods, wholesale and retail. m. Waterville, 7.00 a. m., 12.45 p. m., 12.60 two, two, one, and Amer- Clam bait... 3 4 50 PARKER School St.—H. D. Parker & Co SEBAGO England Germany 50@ Antimony... 18@ 20 OWEN, MOD RE & CO., 607 & 609 Congress HOUSE, p. m., 5.15 p. m. t 11.15 p. m. Augusta, Hal- STEAMBOAT ROUTE. ica on*. The American contributicn or tianpowder. Zino. 8 00@ 9 00 Proprietors. lowed, Brunswick sug- and ties in all the Crurdiiier, Richmond, Portland, Bangor & Machias Blasting.... 4 00® 4 25 Tobacca, fancy slippers Newport T Tiltor! *. riuc Asuort- BRUNSWICK. and 7.00 a. 12-50 5.15 that of the rnbber tire—is Bath, m, p, m., p. m., gestion generally Sporting.... 6 00@ 7 00 Best brands. 60@ 70 leading styles. Mi:KCIIA>ment of Imported Goods. til.15 p. m.x Rockland, and Knox THE EVER POPULAR F. A. 231 Federal St. P. A K. DINING ROOMS-W. R. Field, Proprieto STEAMBOAT CO. regarded as practically the most valuable of Hay. Medium.... 50@ 58 SMITH, A; Lincoln R. R., 7.00 a. m., 12.50 p. Pres’d$tonl4 00@17 00 Common.... 35@ 45 m.: Auburn and 12.45 mu. xu is iuuuoi tiro enauies me uiujcusl to STOCK NEW AND CLEAN. tailor, a Fine CORNISH. Lewiston, p. m., --SOB — Loose.14 00@17 00 Half B>. 5,05 m. Lewiston via Brunswick 7.00 accomplish the otherwise feat of @ Merchantassortment of Cloths for Gentlemen’s Wear. DAVIS R. Davis, Proprietor. p. impossible Straw. 9 00@12 00 Nat’l Leaf... 80® 90 Middle HOTEL—M. a. m., fll.15 p. w.; hill. The rubber tire has also been No shop worn to off AUG. S. FERNALD, 237 St Farmington, Phillips, MT. DENb'HT, KOI Lake running up Varaisb. old, rusty, goods palm ULAND,CA811NE, Route I at DANVILLE JUNCTION. Rangeley Lake, Monmouth, Winthrop, with success to the wheels of Damar.1 50 any price. Readfleftd. M1LLBR1DRF and Sebago applied dog-carts 75@ 2 West Waterville and North MACH1A8. pine, stylish goods at prices that com- CLARK’S DINING HALL, Grand Trnnk Railway and other vehicles. Coach. 2 25@ 6 00 defy Mieeinery.MRS. E. R. FOWIiE, Anson, 12.45 p. m., via petition. Depot—M. Mf. Clark, Proprietor. Farmington The Finest Inland Furniture ... 1 2 60 No. 4 Elm St 7.00 a. m. Five Trip In Mew 50® Street Brunswick, Trips Per Week. Congress Headquarters for fine DEXTER. Boots and Shoes. a fancy good*, LEAVE FOR PORTLAND and BOSTON, England. Flowers and Real Laces. MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE HOTEL—W. G Mor aw*» The Steamer MieeineryVelvets, From 8.10 a. 6.00 St. LEWISTON. Portland Daily Press Stack List. MRS. J. DKYDRN, Cor. Congross and Casco Sts rill, Proprietor. Halifax, m., p. m.; John, 8.15 a. m., 8.00 p. Houlton, 9.00 Amt'-._PCHARLES LEERING, Mat? Corrected By Woodbuby & Inycstment 421 CONGRESS m.; iuJelter. will leave Railroad Wharf On and after Moulton, ST., and muinery Good*, EAST BROWNFIELD. а. m.; St. Stephen, 9.45 a. m.; Uucksport, MONDAY, JULY 18th, yCWiwmn-1 MmgPortland, every Tuesday and Bankers, Cor. Middle and Streets. MieeineryVelvets, Satins, Ribbons, F lowers & Laces. б. 00 a. m., 6. p. in,; Bangor, 7.50 a. m.f t8.00 HTEAVIEB Exchange SIGN OF THE GOLD BOOT. UBERTY HOUSE—W. H. Friday evenings, at 11.15 o’clock, or on ar- JIT. PLEASANT will .onneat A. E. BARNES, 402 Congress St. Stickney, Proprietor. p.m.; Dexter. 7.10 a. m., t8.10 p. at Descriptions. Par Value Offered. Asked in.; Belfast, rival of Express Train from for Lake Station with morning train fr >m Portland, 6.30 a. in., 2.35 p. m.; Skow 8.30 a. Boston, for State of Maine Bonds. ...115 ..117 KAgTPOBT. begun, m., Rockland, Castinr. Derr Isle, Naples, Bridgtou, No Bri tgton and Harrison. 2.30 p. m.; Waterville, 6.15 a. m., 9.27 Sedgwick, connect with Portland .. EASTMAN & So. West Bar Returning train for City Bonds, Municipal.100 120 Millinery^ CUTTS, PASSAMAQUODDY HOUSE—T. H. Buckuam, а. m. Harbor, Harbor, (Mt. Desert,) evening Portland. Portland 1 2 United States 2.00p. m.,tl0.08p. m.; Augusta,6.00a.m Excursion will tind no more City Bonds, aid It. H.110 ..119 Nos. & Hotel Building. Proprietor. 10.10 2.42 Millbl-idge, Jour-port, and Maehiaspart. parties pleasant way Bath a. m., p. m.,;tl0,68 p. in.; Rnrdiuer, of a City Bonds.100 .. 102 Ketnruing, leaves Mon- spending day. Leaving Portland via Portland Music Munieal POUTLAND. б. 17 a. m.. 10.28 a. m.. 3.02 p. m., til.20 p. m. Machiasport, every and Bangor 20 ..111 Hook*, String*, day aad at 4.30 Ogdensburg Railroad at 8,25 a. m. City Bonds, years.109 6.55 a. 11.15 a. 4.00 Thursday Morning, o’clock, Returning MUSIC, Instruments and Merchandise. AMERICAN Cor. of Middle and Inuia St. Bulk, m., m.f p. m., tll.65 as arrive iu Portland at Calais City Bonds.109 ..111 HOUSE, touching above, arriving in Portland the same 5.57 p. m. IRA C. 166 St H. p. m.; Brunswick, 7.25 a. m., 11.45 a. m., Cumberland National Bank.. 40_ 59 ..01* STOCKBRIDGE, Exchange C. WilkiuB, Proprietor. evening, connecting with tho Pullman train Excursion Tickets, for the round $1.60. 4.30 p. in., fl2.35 a. *a., night Good trip, Canal National Bank.100. ...157 ..159* A MUSIC Pianos. CITY HIJ'i'KI, Corner of Congress au.l Green Sts. (night.) Rockland, for Boston. for one day only, ^or sale at Tlokot BOOK*, .1 It. Martin TTrm.netnr. 8.40 a. m., 1.30 p. m. 7.20 office.* First National Bank...... 100_163' ..165* Musical Lewistou, a.m., Tho fast Steamer CITY OF Eastern Depot. Organs, Instruments, &c. a. RICHMOND, Cant. MUSIC FALMOUTH Corner of Middle and Union 11.25 in., 4.16 p. in., til.20 p. in. Phillip*, Wm. E. *TEAMER Casco National Bank.100_162 ..154* C. K. HAWES, 177 St HOTEL, Dennison, loaves Portland every Monday, SEBAGO will connect with the M. Sliaw & 7.30 a.m.; Farmiugton, 8.50 a.m.: Wi 12*45 m. Merchant’s National Bank... 75_108 ..110* Middle Sts.—O. Son, Proprietors. •'*»**•• «■«» r. p. train from Portland, for 11 M-I1IUKN, HI Naples, Bridge Good*. GEa*« in thaop, 10.25 a. m. North Anson, 8.30 a. rr National Traders' Bank.100_150 ..152* THE SHOE DEALER. Eye* Great PERKY’S HOTEL, 117 Federal St.-J. G. Perry 11.15 o clock or Oli arrival of Express Traaii from Harri*«n. Waterford and ML augb eodtf of and being uue in Portland as follows: The moral Portland .. Sbapo Color, The best make. Proprietor. Boston for Ml. tlravi t, Company. 75 80 OPTICAIiVariety trains from i^ombw* m und ISar He’JantBridgton’ 0. H. No. 4 & Son Waterville, Augusta and Bath, 8.35 Portland Gas 50_ 72 .. 75 FARLEY, Exchange Street. PREBLE HOUSE, Congress St—J. Lindsey Harbor*.) touchit Rockland and C' E- Company. a. m. 8.40. The gat only, ar- Lewiston, day trains from Ban- at Bar Harbor at 14. Ocean Insurance Company... 100_IOC .. 109 Interior Proprietors. riving about 10.30.A. M. next —Bridgtop, .July j PAPER HANGING*, Decora* gor, and all intermediate stations and con- day. falB||y A. & K. K. R. Bends. 110 ..112 A ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, Temple St.—Albert H. Returning, leave liar Harbor about 7 A. M. tions, Drapery Work, Upholstery Goods, Ac. necting roads at 12.55 and 1.00 p. m. The Maine Central B. It. Bonds 7’s.119 ..121 li \1 VUiKWlIR'rW Kttl c* Humes, Proprietor. Monday*. Wednesday* and Friday*, touch- Junction of and Leeds & K.It.b’ds 100_108 ..110 CLEAR or MIXED U. S. HOTEL, Congress Federal Sts ing at Southwest Harbor and Rockland, arrivin * in Farmington Rockland and Lewiston at 5.4? in. The * ADVERTISING AGENTS Potland & Ken. K. 100.110 ..112 Chickering A Non*, Linder man —McDonald & Newbegin, Proprietors. p. Night Portland about 6 P. M. K.Bonds, Cooled on &Son. Ed McCameron & Maine Pullman Express train at 1.50 a. m. Etnmford Falls & B It. B. Keceiver Ice, | With Fine Ice. P1ANOH; Piano Oo.’b HABTIAND. Connects at Rockland with Sanford S. S. Co BAILEY & t Cars run Sundays in- 1st 7s.108 ..110 Pianos. NOYES, 72 Exchange St. Sleeping attached, oally, steamers each trip for and HART LAND HOUSE—J. B. Detween Boston and Maine Central R. R. Belfast, Bangor River Portland & It It Cs. .105 106 Littlefield, Proprieto cluded, Landings; also with steamer on CEO. P. ROWELL A CO. Ogdensburg 1st, and Organ* of best makes. only. Monday. Wednes- Portland Water Co., Is..106 ..108 Five of Pianos and four oi ROCUPOBT. day and Friday trips for Green’s A DELICIOUS PIANOSiuakj»s Organs. t Runs through to Bangor every aud Skow- Lauding, Bluehill * DRINK morning, and Ellsworth. At Bar Harbor with Advertising 2s.107 ..109 SAMUEL Til CUSTOM. N0.3 Free St Block A. but not steamer for Agents, " and CARLTON HOUSE—J. Nutter, Prop. hegan Sunday Morning, Monday. Does aUd 3s.... (Pure wholesome.) SuUivaa’ At with for run 106 ..108 & Eranich not run to Dexter, Belfast or Bucksport, Sedgwick stage In., USAl/INU NEWSPAPERS, Ex I’iyidend. For He Organs. Weber, & BAY.RON1) TILLAGE. Sunday Bl^hilT pu Familiep, Bitch and Smith Am. morning. tela, ('lit bn. F5ANOWPianos, Orgaug. *° 'PRI CE STREET, NEW YORK. ficoictt,Pnr W. M. FUKBUSH & SON, 435 Congress St CENTRAL HOUSE, Wm. H. Smith, Proprietor. Limiifd TicketN first aud second clan* for foiuiuir WV»t. lien, etc* Ml. John aud Halifax on The Male at reduced At Rockland Mondays and Thursdays with Sau- Pit*** n:,v found ol flla at our oftli-e. a L ICE Frame MPy. All kinds Frames RACCABAPPA rates. ford S. S. Co. from Bangor and River tor 4 to order. Fine Gold Frames a Landings PARK NEW IIIRR Feeble and Mickly Person* Par Specialty. PKESUMPSCOT HOUSE.—W. S. Pratt, Proprieto PAYSON TUCKER, Sup’t. Port'and. ROW._ H. 37 XL KNIGHT, Temple Street. Portland, June 23d, 1881. Tickets and State Rrx ms secured at Recover their vitality by a course of Hos- NHOWHECAN. Union Pas- pursuing jne23 dtf 4t» T. C. EVA.\$* tetler’* Stoma* h Bilte s, the m »st popular iuviiro- Hill PH CH2BT8 IflADE TO ORDER, Fine G. Heselto senger office, Exchange street, Portland. E. A. TURNER HOUSE,—W. * Proprietor WALDRON, Agent. rant *nd alterative medicine in use. General debil- Y ON OPENING. iO Furnishings, Underwear arid Neckwear. MERRILL £ Preble ELM HOUSE,—p. A. Dore. Pronrieto All communications mail or Advertising Agency and Printers’ ity, fever ai d dyspepsia. .-o' stipation rbeu- MUSIC TEACHERS needed in wine collars CO., Under Hong©. by telegraph for agi^e, rooms should be addressed to m « iam, and other ma adics are completely removed Will NOW NULECT HOOKS FOR Harness Leather PHILLIPS. Warehouse, Hu*dware, GEo. L. Day Get Ticket Portland. by b Ask there who have used it what it has done mil FALL. ( V.tll'All.N, tful a* nn after and Horse Goods. Wholesale and Retail. NBwVork & Agent, L. I for StObLEKIi ELMWOOD HOU5E—T. PRgo, Proprietor. PMelpliiaNMiae S GUSHING, General Manager. (Hi WASHINRTOS Si,/ RONTON. them. .luuer t ordial and a re- GEORGE M. NELSO> & Go. 119 Exchange {St. F bv and Dealers sn.i cannot find a better bonk tor Choir- Portland, July 1,1881. sale all Druggists generally. possibly .Con- fre«hing Beverage when ELLSWORTH. JyGdtf Dealer to Wood and Metal and all vention* aim an L. 0. KM RS'iVS furnaces A- Type, kirfds of jly!4 Thb&T&wim singing Clares,t mixed with Water, *4<>dn, UTOVEH, Range*, Kitchen Bound Brook Route. Printers’ Materials. Advertisements k3 for he “Crawloro -AMERICAN HOUSE—A. 1. Saunders, Prop. inserted In all HPllALD OP PRAISE fjeineuade. Fold Tea, Milk Supplies. Agents Range.” -BETWEEN- Norfolk, Baltimore & paper to the United States or Canadas at publishers* ■ » ... t'» be the 333 & 235 ^ w w ._ leaning Ac KNIGHT & HOWARD. federal St. WEST HA BPS WELL. Wanliiagtoii iwePt price* Send for ogtinnkit.*? bo»k for 1881-1882. Success succ-ss in follows Range* aud Furnace*. tr.t n.PSWELL HOUSE—A. J. mAn»mp PARKER, FISHING the successive issues of “Like nectar”—Boston ^TOVES, Merrlman, Prop1 New York, Trenton & uns, Emerson’s bo >ks, and tbis Courier, ►O Agent for Wood, Bishop & Oo.s’ Goods. Philadelphia. w. w. shy it is to be uu to the rule. It and “Delicious.”—Boston pi; a co„ exception is in press, Transcript. W. D. AMES, 29 Market Square. HIBAIS, > Fim OIrnji TACKLE, nearly ieatiy. a let-s expensive book will be ■ HE “Invaluable for a li>tie treat.” Steamships. Mt. CUTLER HOUSE—Hiram Baston, Proprietor STATION IN NEW YORK • DKAI. made lack the savoir to DTOVES, Range*, and Furnace*. Advertising Agents, FOX (75 cts.), expressly for Sing ng Mauy faire JOHN HOPKi S, WM. CRANE, and in is as brew of the Times Sole Agents for Furnace Co.’s Goods. Cla-'ses, except size, quite good, and on Punch.—Spirit Magee HOCLTOS. Ikost Central Station in WM. LAWRENCE, D. H. MILLER. * PAUIt same as N.Y. A. N. NOYES & SON, 12 St Philadelphia ROW, NEW YORK CUTLERY, the plan The Herald of Praise. Exchange 0. SNELL HOUSE-D. Floyd, Proprietor. & From Boniomi direct every WEDNENi>A¥ Furnace*, nod Ranges. X’hiladelphia Reading: R. R. •Advertisements written HUB PUNCH owes its to the and SATURDAY at if P. ill. appropriately dlspUyed and popularity pu- Sole Agents for the “Falmouth LEWISTON. NINTH AND tnd proofs given, free ofo a REVOLVERS, rity and exquisite flavor of its STOVES, Range.” GEEEii STREETS, Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Washington and SUNDAY SCHOOL MEN components, fjie F. £ O. B. NASH, 172 £ 174 Fore St & and of tn delicious, cooling juice of selected Limes and Lem- DeWITT HOUSE—Quinby Murcb, Proprietors. Alexandria by steamer Lady of the Lake and rr Jo Dai‘/, e«y Newspapers AND THIRD AND BERKS 8TS. United States and on lor accom- united as on hand the be«t rates forwarded to Canada, kept file the will search far and before a better Sun- ons prime ingredients with Choice Import- fllAlLOJBL Always NOBBIDGEWOCK. through given. Freight Peters- modation of Advertisers. Rr.ftDROUK, long finding French and Richmond and all and day school book than THE BEACON ed Liquors in this delightful article, imparts a ton- JL German, English Goods. burg, Points South South ENGLISH Song W. H. 89 DANFORTH HOUSE—D. Danfortb, Proprietor. west via Va. and Tenn. Air Line. C. P ■ cts.) TENNEY and HOFF- ic quality, highly approved by physicians. KOILLJNG, Exchange St Double Sione Balias. Gaither. (30 By Express Trains, Track, Boston Maas. To all E. K. ATLAS MAN. or CAUTION.— The Wide Popularity n/HuB Punch and NORTH ANSON. Agent,240 Washington streel, FRESHMAN A BROS. Draper. Fine Good* and Be sure to bay tickets tat railroad or steam of North • Zitas led to the inferior imitations com- any points and South Carolina and beyond via 1D11T AND LIFE. (35 eta.) By R. M appearance of TAILORFirst-class Work a Specialty. Brown A boat office In New via BREECH of deleterious material and SOMERS HOUSE, Hilton, Proprietors England) Atlantic Coast Line, and via Seaboard Air Line to Advertising Agents, POWDER. McIntosh. posed cheap, utterly D. E. CORNISH, 249 Middle 8t. UNO W. unworthy of patronage. these, and see that J. B. Raleigh, Charlotte, Spartnnsburg, Greenville, At- EoCkTEI NT.. CINCINNATI. Refect SARTLANDHOUSE, Littlefield, Prop. BOUND BROOK ROUTE. the Carolina* and Points. you obtain the genuine, with the name of “THE and draper. lanta, Georgia Waldo A. HUB PUNCH Fine Goods always on baud. Satisfaction Pearce, Agent, No. 229 Washington LOADING Elec ic Fuse. SCHOOL REGISTERED"—blown in lhe Tailor Street, Boston, DODD’S TEACHERS also the name the on the guaranteed. F A. SMITH, 231 Federal St ESTABLISHED IN 1849. Mass. And to all points in the West by Baltimore & glass, of proprietors capsule W will not fail t.exainin*-our now wer the cork each bottle. All Ohio R. K., M. ttevisor., Agent, 219 and superior of infringements unil i’a*ket*. Washington Newspaper Advertising Agency, W«M ORB • HURLS. te Logins, FAR.B, street, Boston, Mass. Agent for Oupeut’* owio Hill*. ($1.00.) By W. S. promptly prosecuted. ami r for PETTENOICL, & CO.’S W5 J 11,11I t'ur UNDERTAKERS,Robes, every quisite funerals. S. ’ll. bills of given the above named WAMUiivOTOiN »T., BOMTOnr N. High schools An tbe newest and WrKFNNA * New York and Philadelphia Through tailing by best Common rw>^:HFB 424 Congress St OPPOSITE FALMO U Til HO >eh «il ~oug Book, by L O KA1- Sold by Grocers, Wine Merchants & Drug Advertising Agency, } SSJESi, *ToS agents. Advertisement* received for every Paper in tk# TEL, called SONG Pa*KRg«‘to Norfolk and Baltimore United Stale* and British Province* at the EKSON, HELL*. (BO cts.) gists. and Clock linker, St.. I 37 Park Row. including Lowed 10 State j NEW ENGLAND Berth and Meals, 1st 91 ‘A 2d Contract SCSI Middle Street, WATCH Oliver Gerrish, at NEW AGENCY, Class, Class, 99. Price*. Any information cheerfully giy*n BOSTON.) ) VOHK For or to tnd WM. SEN TER & CO.’S, 54 Exchange Street, 219 Boston. freight passage Norfolk, Baltimore, Wash- estimate* promptly furnished. C. H. Graves & Sons. Boston. Mass. Estimates furnished gratis for Advertising in Washington Street, ington. or other information to File of the PuKbb Kept for inspection at C. L. BAILEY. OLIVER DITSON & Boston. 9 Prop’s.* apply any time , ,n CO., ju23 nrm eod3m Dealer* i« Hawed Wood and Newspapers in tbe United States and British Pror- H. P. BALDWIN, E. SAMPSON, Agent, Central Whan, Boston. Estimate* Send for Clronlar. JySO eodtf jly30 S.Tu&Tb MORwE £ WOOD.Kindling*. FICKETT, 19 Plum. inces. mh36dtl Gen. Paee, Agent 0. B. K. of N. J. noSdtf of for 100 choice Newspaper*.