Streaming-Data For High-Quality Clustering

Liadan O’Callaghan ∗ Nina Mishra Adam Meyerson Sudipto Guha

Abstract The challenge facing designers is to perform meaningful computation with these restrictions. Streaming data analysis has recently attracted at- A common form of data analysis in these applica- tention in numerous applications including telephone tions involves clustering, i.e., partitioning the data set records, web documents and clickstreams. For such into subsets (clusters) such that members of the same analysis, single-pass algorithms that consume a small cluster are similar and members of distinct clusters are amount of memory are critical. We describe such a dissimilar. This paper is concerned with the challeng- streaming algorithm that effectively clusters large data ing problem of clustering data arriving in the form of streams. We also provide empirical evidence of the . We provide a streaming algorithm with the- algorithm’s performance on synthetic and real data oretical guarantees on its performance. We also pro- streams. vide a new clustering algorithm that is used by our streaming method. We give empirical evidence that the clustering algorithm outperforms the commonly-used k–Means algorithm. We also experimentally demon- 1 Introduction strate our streaming algorithm’s superior performance to Birch. For many recent applications, the concept of a data In what follows, we first describe the clustering prob- stream is more appropriate than a data set. By na- lem in greater detail, discuss related work and then give ture, a stored data set is an appropriate model when an overview of the paper. significant portions of the data are queried again and again, and updates are small and/or relatively infre- The Clustering Problem In our work, we focus on quent. In contrast, a data stream is an appropriate the following version of the clustering problem: given model when a large volume of data is arriving con- an integer k and a collection N of n points in a metric tinuously and it is either unnecessary or impractical space, find k medians (cluster centers) in the metric to store the data in some form of memory. Some ap- space so that each point in N is assigned to the cluster plications naturally generate data streams as opposed defined by the median point nearest to it. The quality to simple data sets. Astronomers, telecommunications of the clustering is measured by the sum of squared companies, banks, stock-market analysts, and news or- distances (SSQ) of data points from their assigned me- ganizations, for example, have vast amounts of data dians. The goal is to find a set of k medians which arriving continuously. minimize the SSQ measure. The generalized optimiza- Data streams are also appropriate as a model of tion problem, in which any distance metric substitutes access to large data sets stored in secondary memory for the squared Euclidean distance, is known as the where performance requirements necessitate access via k–Median problem1. linear scans. For researchers mining medical or mar- Since the general problem is known to be NP-hard, keting data, for example, the volume of data stored on the goal is to devise algorithms that produce solu- disk is so large that it is only possible to make a small tions with near-optimal solutions in near-linear running number of passes over the data. time. The k–Means algorithm provides a heuristic so- In the data stream model [17], the data points can lution to the k–Median problem. The algorithm has only be accessed in the order in which they arrive. Ran- enjoyed considerable practical success [3], although the dom access to the data is not allowed; memory is as- 1Although squared Euclidean distance is not a metric, it sumed to be small relative to the number of points, and obeys a relaxed triangle inequality and therefore behaves much so only a limited amount of information can be stored. like a metric.

1 solution it produces is only guaranteed to be a local Other examples of partitioning methods include optimum [28]. On the other hand, in the algorithms Bradley et al. [4] and its subsequent improvement by literature, several approximation algorithms have been Farnstorm et al. [9]. These methods place higher sig- proposed for k–Median. A c-approximation algorithm nificance on points later in the stream. In contrast, we is guaranteed to find a solution whose SSQ is within assume that our data stream is not sorted in any way. a factor c of the optimal SSQ, even for a worst-case Further, these approaches are not known to outperform input. Recently, Jain and Vazirani [20] and Charikar the popular BIRCH algorithm. and Guha [5] have provided such approximation algo- Hierarchical methods decompose a dataset into a rithms for constants c 6. These algorithms typically -like structure. Two common ones are HAC and ≤ run in time and space Ω(n2) and require random ac- CURE [14]. Since these methods are designed to dis- cess to the data. Both space requirements and the need cover clusters of arbitrary shape, they do not necessar- for render these algorithms inapplicable ily optimize SSQ. to data streams. Most heuristics, including k–Means, Other types of clustering include density-based are also infeasible for data streams because they re- methods, e.g., DBSCAN [8], OPTICS [2] and DEN- quire random access. As a result, several heuristics CLUE [18] and grid-based methods, e.g., STING [31], have been proposed for scaling clustering algorithms, CLIQUE [1], Wave-Cluster [29], and OPTIGRID [19]. for example [4, 14]. In the database literature, the These algorithms are not designed to directly optimize BIRCH system [32] is commonly considered to pro- SSQ. vide a competitive heuristic for this problem. While Research on data stream computation includes work these heuristics have been tested on real and synthetic on sampling [30], finding quantiles of a stream of datasets, there are no guarantees on their SSQ perfor- points [22], and calculating the L1-difference of two mance. streams [11].

Related Work The k-Means algorithm and BIRCH [32] are most relevant to our results. We Overview of Paper The rest of this paper is orga- discuss these in more detail in Section 4. Most other nized as follows. We begin in Section 2 by formally previous work on clustering either does not offer the defining the stream model and the k–Median problem. scalability required for a fast streaming algorithm or Our solution for k–Median is obtained via a variant does not directly optimize SSQ. We briefly review called facility location, which does not specify in ad- these results — a thorough treatment can be found in vance the number of clusters desired, and instead eval- Han and Kinber’s book [15]. uates an algorithm’s performance by a combination of Partitioning methods subdivide a dataset into k SSQ and the number of centers used. groups. One such example is the k-medoids algo- Our discussion about streaming can be found in Sec- rithm [21] which selects k initial centers, repeatedly tion 3. The streaming algorithm given in this section chooses a data point randomly, and replaces it with is shown to enjoy theoretical quality guarantees. Sec- an existing center if there is an improvement in SSQ. tion 3.2 describes our LSEARCH algorithm. k-medoids is related to the CG algorithm given in Sec- We performed an extensive series of experiments tion 3.2.1, except that CG solves the facility location comparing LSEARCH against the k–Means algorithm, variant which is more desirable since in practice one on numerous low- and high-dimensional data. The does not know the exact number of clusters k (and results presented in Section 4.1 uncover an interest- facility location allows as input a range of number of ing trade-off between the cluster quality and the run- centers). Choosing a new medoid among all the re- ning time. We found that SSQ for k-means was worse maining points is time-consuming; to address this prob- than that for LSEARCH, and that LSEARCH typi- lem, CLARA [21] used sampling to reduce the number cally found near-optimum (if not the optimum) solu- of feasible centers. This technique is similar to what tion. Since both algorithms are randomized, we ran we propose in Theorem 4. A distinguishing feature of each one several times on each dataset; over the course our approach is a careful understanding of how sample of multiple runs, there was a large variance in the per- size affects clustering quality. CLARANS [26] draws formance of k–Means, whereas LSEARCH was consis- a fresh sample of feasible centers before each calcula- tently good. LSEARCH took longer to run for each tion of SSQ improvement. All of the k-medoid types of trial but for most datasets found a near-optimal an- approaches, including PAM, CLARA, and CLARANS, swer before k–Means found an equally good solution. are known not to be scalable and thus are not appro- On many datasets k–Means never found a good solu- priate in a streaming context. tion.

2 2 Preliminaries (Ni = x N ci is the closest member of C to x ). These{ ∈ problems| are known to be NP-hard,} and We begin by defining a stream more formally. A several theoretical approximation algorithms are data stream is a finite set N of points x1,...,xi,...,xn known [20, 5]. that can only be read in increasing order of the indices i. For example, these points might be vectors in d. 3 Clustering Streaming Data A data stream algorithm is not allowed random access< but can retain a small amount of information about the Our algorithm for clustering streaming data uses a data it has seen so far. Its performance is measured subroutine called LSEARCH, which will be explained by the number of linear scans it takes over the data shortly. stream, the amount of information it retains, and the usual measures: in the case of a clustering algorithm, 3.1 Streaming Algorithm for example, these could be SSQ and running time. We will define the k-Median problem; the derived problem of SSQ minimization with which this paper We assume that our data actually arrives in chunks is concerned; and finally the facility location problem X1,...,Xn, where each Xi is a set of points that fits which will become relevant during the discussion of the in main memory. We can turn any stream of individ- algorithms. ual points into a chunked stream by simply waiting for Suppose we are given a set N of n objects in a metric enough points to arrive. space M with distance function d. Then the k–Median The streaming algorithm, STREAM, is as follows: We cluster the ith chunk Xi using LSEARCH, and problem is the problem of choosing k points c1,...,ck N so as to minimize ∈ assign each resulting median a weight equal to the sum of the weights of its members from Xi. We then purge k memory, retaining only the k weighted cluster centers, X X d(x, ci), and apply LSEARCH to the weighted centers we have i=1 x N ∈ i retained from X1,...,Xi, to obtain a set of (weighted) centers for the entire stream X X . where N = x N j : d(c ,x) d(c ,x) . 1 i i j i Algorithm STREAM is memory∪···∪ efficient since at the The SSQ{ minimization∈ |∀ problem≥ is identical} except ith point of the stream it retains only O(ik) points. that M = b for some integer b, d is the Euclidean For very long streams, retaining O(ik) points may get metric, the< medians can be arbitrary points in M, and prohibitively large. In this case, we can once again d2(x, c ) replaces d(x, c ) in the objective function; that i i cluster the weighted ik centers to retain just k centers. is, we minimize the “sum of squares” (SSQ) rather than It has been shown that STREAM produces a solu- the sum of distances. Because of the similarity of these tion whose cost is at most a constant times the cost we two problems, for the remainder of the paper, we will would get by applying LSEARCH directly to the entire sometimes refer to the SSQ minimization problem as stream (supposing it fit in main memory): k–Median. We now turn to facility location, which is the same as Theorem 1 [13] If at each iteration i,ac- k–Median except that instead of restricting the number approximation algorithm is run in Steps 2 and 4 of of medians to be at most k we simply impose a cost for Algorithm STREAM, then the centers output are a 5c- each median, or facility. The additive cost associated approximation to the optimum SSQ for X1 Xi, with each facility is called the facility cost.2. Assume assuming a distance metric on Rd. 3 ∪···∪ once again that we are given a facility cost z and a set N of n objects in a metric space M with distance This theorem shows that STREAM cannot output an function d. Then the facility location problem is to arbitrarily bad solution, although in practice we would choose a subset C N so as to minimize the facility expect it to get much better solutions; our experimen- clustering (FC) cost⊆ function: tal results are consistent with this expectation.

C | | 3.2 LSEARCH Algorithm FC(N,C)=z C + X X d(x, ci), | | i=1 x N ∈ i STREAM needs a simple, fast, constant-factor- 2This problem is technically called uniform-cost facility loca- approximation k–Median subroutine. We believe ours tion. In the general facility location problem, each point could have a different facility cost, but we will only consider the uni- 3Without the Euclidean assumption, Algorithm STREAM is form version, in which the facility cost is the same for all points a10c-approximation.

3 is the first such algorithm that also guarantees flexi- 3.2.2 Our New Algorithm bility in k. Here we will describe our new algorithm The above algorithm does not directly solve k–Median for k–Median, which is based on the concept of local but could be used as a subroutine to a k–Median al- search, in which we start with an initial solution and gorithm, as follows. We first set an initial range for then refine it by making local improvements. Through- the facility cost z (between 0 and an easy-to-calculate out this section, we will refer to the “cost” of a set of upper bound); we then perform a binary search within medians, meaning the FC cost from the facility loca- this range to find a value of z that gives us the desired tion definition. number k of facilities; for each value of z that we try, we call Algorithm CG to get a solution. 3.2.1 Previous Work on Facility Location

4 Binary Search Two questions spring to mind, how- We begin by describing a simple algorithm CG for ever: first, will such a binary search technique work, solving the facility location problem on a set N of n and second, will this algorithm, which uses Algorithm points in a metric space with metric (relaxed metric) CG as a subroutine, find good solutions quickly? d( , ), when facility cost is z. First, we will make one · · As to the first, consider a dataset N ( N = n), definition. with distance d( , ), on which we wish to solve| | facility Assume that we have a feasible solution to facility location. If the· facility· cost increases, the number of location on N given d( , ) and z. That is, we have centers in the optimal solution does not increase, the some set I N of currently· · open facilities, and an as- ⊆ SSQ does not decrease, and the total (FC) solution signment for each point in N to some (not necessarily cost increases. As opening a new facility becomes more the closest) open facility. For every x N we define ∈ expensive, we are forced to close centers and give so- gain of x to be the cost we would save (or further ex- lutions with higher assignment distances and FC cost. pend) if we were to open a facility at x (if one does not These cost relationships justify a binary search on z already exist), and then perform all possible advan- (proof omitted). tageous reassignments and facility closings, subject to the following two constraints: first, that points cannot Theorem 2 Assume we have a set N of points with a be reassigned except to x, and second, that a facility metric d : N N +. Then given facility costs f × →< with member points can be closed only if its members and f 0 with 0 f 0, add a facility exactly k medians must exist (proof omitted). there and perform the allowed reassignments and closures. Theorem 3 Given a dataset N, let Ai denote the best assignment cost achievable for an instance of FL on N Charikar and Guha [5] describe a simple algorithm if we allow i medians. If N has the property that Ak that obtains an n-approximate initial solution that Aj ≤ k j+1 for all j

4 enough. The answer is that the algorithm’s Θ(n2 log n) Proof: If S = m = 8 log 2k then i, Pr S C < | | p δ ∀ {| ∩ i| is prohibitive for large data streams. Therefore, we δ mp/2 < 2k , by Chernoff bounds. Then Pr i : describe a new local search algorithm that relies on } δ {∃ S Ci < mp/2 < 2 . Given that S Ci mp/2, the correctness of the above algorithm but avoids the the| ∩ the| probability} that no point from| ∩ S|≥is within super-quadratic running time by taking advantage of distance 2ri of the optimum center ci is at most the structure of local search in certain ways. 2k 1 mp/2 1 log δ δ 2 2 = 2k by Markov’s Inequality. So ≤ δ Pr cj : x Sd(x, ci) > 2ri 2 . If, for each clus- Finding a Good Initial Solution On each iter- ter{∃C , our∀ sample∈ contains a point}≤ x within 2r of c , ation of step 2 above, we expect the total solution i i i i the cost of the median set x1,...,xk is no more than cost to decrease by some constant fraction of the way 3 times the cost of the optimal{ k–Median} solution (by to the best achievable cost [5]; if our initial solution the triangle inequality, each assignment distance would is a constant-factor approximation rather than an n- at most triple). 2 approximation (as used by Charikar and Guha), we In some sense we are assuming that the smallest can reduce our number of iterations from Θ(log n)to cluster is not too small. If, for example, the smallest Θ(1). We will therefore use the following algorithm for cluster contains just one point, i.e., p =1/ N , then our initial solution: clearly no point can be overlooked as a feasible| | cen- ter. We view such a small subset of points as outliers, Algorithm InitialSolution(data set N, facility not clusters. Hence we assume that outliers have been cost z) removed. Therefore if instead of evaluating gain() for every point x we only evaluate it on a randomly cho- 1. Reorder data points randomly sen set of Θ( 1 log k) points, we are still likely to choose 2. Create a cluster center at the first point p good medians but will finish our computation sooner. 3. For every point after the first, Let d be the distance from the current data • point to the nearest existing cluster center Finding a Good Facility Cost Faster If our cost With probability d/z create a new cluster changes very little from one iteration to the next and we • center at the current data point; otherwise have far from k centers, then we stop trying to identify add the current point to the best current clus- how many centers a facility cost of z will yield, since ter the answer is unlikely to be k. Further, if a particular value of z yields exactly k centers and our total cost This algorithm runs in time proportional to n times is not decreasing by much then we also stop our bi- the number of facilities it opens and obtains an ex- nary search, since it is likely that z is close to the true pected 8-approximation to optimum [24]. optimum facility cost. Therefore, we will give a Facility Location subrou- Sampling to Obtain Feasible Centers Next we tine that our k–Median algorithm will call; it will take present a theorem that will motivate a new way of look- a parameter  that controls how soon it stops try- ∈< ing at local search. It is stated and proved in terms of ing to improve its solution. The other parameters will the actual k–Median problem, but holds, with slightly be the data set N of size n, the metric or relaxed metric different constants, for SSQ minimization. Assume the d( , ), the facility cost z, and an initial solution (I,a) · · points c ,...,c constitute an optimal solution to the where I N is a set of facilities and a : N I is an 1 k ⊆ → k–Median problem for the dataset N, that Ci is the set assignment function. of points in N assigned to ci, and that ri is the average distance from a point in C to c for 1 i k. Assume i i ≤ ≤ Algorithm FL(N, d( , ), z, ,(I,a)) also that, for 1 i k, Ci / N p. Let 0 <δ<1 · · be a constant and≤ let≤S be| a| set| of|≥m = 8 log 2k points p δ 1. Begin with (I,a) as the current solution drawn independently and uniformly at random from N. 2. Let C be the cost of the current solution on N. Consider the feasible centers in random order, and Theorem 4 There is a constant α such that with high for each feasible center y,ifgain(y) > 0, perform probability, the optimum k–Median solution in which all advantageous closures and reassignments (as medians are constrained to be from S has cost at most α per gain description), to obtain a new solution times the cost of the optimum unconstrained k–Median (I0,a0)[a0 should assign each point to its closest solution (where medians can be arbitrary points in N). center in I0]

5 3. Let C0 be the cost of the new solution; if C0 200MHz processors, 256 MB of RAM, and 1.23 GB (1 )C, return to step 2 ≤ of swap space,6 running SunOS 5.6. − Now we will give our k–Median algorithm for a data Low-Dimensional Datasets We generated twenty- set N with distance function d. eight small datasets and ran LSEARCH and k–Means on each. Each of these consists of between five and Algorithm LSEARCH (N,d( , ),k,,0,00) sixteen uniform-density, radius-one spheres of real vec- · · tors, with five percent random noise. The noise is 1. zmin 0 uniform over the smallest b-dimensional rectangle that ← 2. zmax x N d(x, x0) (for x0 an arbitrary point is aligned with the axes and contains all the spheres. ← P ∈ in N) Here, b denotes the dimension of the dataset, which 3. z (zmax + zmin)/2 is at most four. The datasets have between one thou- ← 4. (I,a) InitialSolution(N, z). sand and seven thousand points each. To put the re- ← 1 5. Randomly pick Θ( p log k) points as feasible medi- sults of both algorithms in perspective relative to ear- ans lier work, we also ran both algorithms on a dataset 6. While #medians = k and zmin < (1 00)zmax: distributed by the authors of BIRCH [32], which con- 6 − Let (F, g) be the current solution sists of one hundred, two-dimensional Gaussians in a • Run FL(N, d, , (F, g)) to obtain a new solu- ten-by-ten grid, with a thousand points each. We gen- • erated three types of datasets: grid datasets, in which tion (F 0,g0) the spheres are centered at regular or nearly regular If F 0 is “about” k, then (F 0,g0) • | | ← intervals; shifted-center datasets, in which the spheres FL(N, d, 0, (F 0,g0)) are centered at positions slightly shifted from those of If F 0 >kthen zmin z and z (zmax + • | | { ← ← the grid datasets, and random-center datasets, where zmin)/2 ; else if F 0 >kthen zmax z } | | { ← the centers are random in b-dimensional box. and z (zmax + zmin)/2 ← } For each dataset, we calculated the SSQ of the k 7. To simulate a continuous space, move each cluster sphere centers on the dataset, and we used this value center to the center-of-mass for its cluster as an upper bound on the optimal SSQ of any set of 8. Return our solution (F 0,g0) k medians on this dataset. Since each dataset has relatively little noise (none in the case of the Gaus- The initial value of z is chosen as a trivial up- max sian dataset), the vast majority of points are in these per bound on the value of z we will be trying to find. relatively tight spheres, so the sphere centers should 5 The running time of LSEARCH is O(nm + nk log k) be very close to the optimal centers. In a few cases, where m is the number of facilities opened by InitialSo- LSEARCH or k–Means found better solutions than the lution. m depends on the properties of the dataset but calculated “optimal.” Therefore, for each dataset, we is usually small, so this running time is a significant recorded the best-known SSQ for that dataset; this is improvement over previous algorithms. simply the minimum of the best SSQ found experimen- tally, and the pre-calculated upper bound. Because 4 Experiments both k–Means and LSEARCH are randomized, we ran k–Means and LSEARCH ten times, to allow for differ- 4.1 Empirical Evaluation of LSEARCH ent random initializations, and recorded SSQ and CPU running time for each run of each algorithm. Because the clusters in the grid datasets (includ- We present the results of experiments comparing the ing the Gaussian set) are well-spaced and evenly dis- performance of k–Means and LSEARCH. We con- tributed, k–Means would be expected to perform well ducted all experiments on a Sun Ultra 2 with two, on them; the Gaussian set should give particular ad- 5If the facility cost f is the sum of assignment costs when we vantage to k–Means since in a Gaussian the conver- open only some particular facility, then the solution that opens gence rate is fastest. Indeed, on the grid of Gaussians, only this facility will have cost 2f. There may be an equally k–Means ran, on average, for 298 s, with a standard cheap solution that opens exactly two facilities and has zero as- signment cost (if every point is located exactly at a facility), and deviation of 113 s. LSEARCH ran for 1887 s on aver- there may be cheaper solutions that open only one facility (if age, with a standard deviation of 836 s. The average there is a different facility for which the sum of assignment costs SSQ of k–Means solutions was 209077, with standard would be less than f), but there cannot exist an optimal solution with more than two facilities. This value f is therefore an upper 6Our processes never used more than one processor or went bound for z since k–Median is trivial when k =1. into swap.

6 Local Search vs. K−Means: Ratio To Best−Known SSQ deviation 5711, whereas for LSEARCH the SSQ was 5 Local Search 176136 with standard deviation 337. K−Means 4.5

k−Means Centers 4 16

3.5 14

12 3

10 2.5

8 2

6 1.5


Estimated Approximation Ratio 1 2

0.5 0 D E I J K M O P Q R U Z Dataset Name −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Figure 1. k–Means Centers for Dataset J Figure 2. k–Means vs. LSEARCH: Random-Center Datasets The shifted-center and random-center datasets ex- hibit much less symmetry than the grid datasets, and so k–Means clustering quality was correspondingly found by k–Means has, on average, four to five times worse than on the grid sets. Because it uses less global the average cost of the answer found by LSEARCH, information, k–Means can get distracted by the ran- which is always very close to the best-known SSQ. dom noise and can inappropriately group two clusters Local Search vs. K−Means: Ratio To Best−Known SSQ together, especially when clusters are not evenly spaced 8 Local Search or distributed; by contrast LSEARCH performed con- K−Means 7 sistently well (i.e., with low variance in SSQ) on all the synthetic datasets. See figure 1 for a comparison 6 of the best (lowest SSQ) and worst (highest SSQ) k– 5

Means clusters on one of the random-center sets. Al- 4 though both solutions are poor, the high-SSQ solution is considerably worse than the low-SSQ solution. The 3 best and worst LSEARCH clusters for this dataset were 2 nearly indistinguishable and had almost the same SSQ.

Estimated Approximation Ratio 1 Figure 2 shows the k–Means and LSEARCH SSQ val- 0 AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL ues for the random-center datasets, normalized by the Dataset Name best-known SSQ for each set. The error bars represent the standard deviations for each algorithm on each set (also normalized by best-known SSQ). Figure 3. k–Means vs. LSEARCH: High- Dimensional Datasets Small, High-Dimensional Datasets We ran k– Means and LSEARCH, ten times each, on each of ten The standard deviations of the k–Means costs are high-dimensional datasets. All ten have one thousand typically orders of magnitude larger than those of points and consist of ten uniform-density, randomly- LSEARCH, and they are even higher, relative to the centered, d-dimensional hypercubes with edge length best-known cost, than in the low-dimensional dataset two, and five percent noise. The dimensionalities d of experiments. This increased unpredictability may indi- the datasets are: 100 in AC and AD, 125 in AE and cate that k–Means is more sensitive than LSEARCHto AF, 150 in AG and AH, 175 in AI and AJ, and 200 in dimensionality. AK and AL. In terms of running time, LSEARCH is consistently As before, we ran both algorithms ten times on each slower, although its running time has very low vari- dataset and averaged the SSQs of the solutions found. ance. LSEARCH appears to run approximately 3 times Figure 3 shows the average SSQ calculated by each al- as long as k–Means. As before, if we count only the gorithm on each dataset, normalized by division by the amount of time it takes each algorithm to find a good best-known SSQ. The error bars represent the normal- answer, LSEARCH is competitive in running time and ized standard deviations. For all datasets, the answer excels in solution quality.

7 These results characterize very well the differ- ran experiments on each of the four “prefixes” induced ences between LSEARCH and k–Means. Both algo- by this segmentation into chunks: the prefix consisting rithms make decisions based on local information, but of the first chunk alone, that consisting of the second LSEARCH uses more global information as well. Be- chunk appended after the first, the prefix consisting cause it allows itself to “trade” one or more medians for of the concatenation of the first three chunks, and the another median at a different location, it does not tend prefix consisting of the entire stream. to get stuck in the local minima that plague k–Means. As in previous experiments, we ran LSEARCH and k–Means ten times each on any dataset (or CF-tree) 4.2 Clustering Streams on which we tested them. Since BIRCH and HAC are not randomized, this repetition was not necessary when STREAM K-means Theorem 1 only guarantees we generated CF-trees or ran HAC. Thus we ended up that the performance of STREAM is boundable if a with four choices depending on the clustering algorithm constant factor approximation algorithm is run in steps chosen and the method of preclustering. 2 and 4 of STREAM. Despite the fact that k-means has no such guarantees, due to its popularity we did ex- periment with running k-means as the clustering algo- Synthetic Stream: SSQ rithm in Steps 2 and 4. Our experiments compare the 9000000 performance of STREAM LSEARCH and STREAM 8000000 K-Means with BIRCH. 7000000 Birch compresses a large dataset into a smaller one 6000000 BirchKM 5000000 StreamKM BirchLS via a CFtree (clustering feature tree). Each leaf of this 4000000 StreamLS 3000000 tree captures sufficient statistics (namely the first and Average SSQ OPT second moments) of a subset of points. Internal nodes 2000000 capture sufficient statistics of the leaves below them. 1000000 0 The algorithm for computing a CFtree tree repeatedly 1234 inserts points into the leaves provided that the radius Stream of the set of points associated with a leaf does not ex- ceed a certain threshold. If the threshold is exceeded then a new leaf is created and the tree is appropriately balanced. If the tree does not fit in main memory then Figure 4. BIRCH vs. STREAM: SSQ a new threshold is used to create a smaller tree. Nu- merous heuristics are employed to make such decisions, refer to [32] for details. STREAM and BIRCH have a common method of at- Synthetic Stream: CPU Time tack: repeated preclustering of the data. However the preclustering of STREAM is bottom up, where every 160 140 substep is a clustering process, whereas the precluster- 120 ing in BIRCH is top down partitioning. To put the 100 BirchKM StreamKM 80 results on equal footing, we gave both algorithms the BirchLS same amount of space for retaining information about 60 StreamLS the stream. Hence the results compare SSQ and run- Avg CPU Seconds 40 20 ning time. 0 1234 Stream Synthetic Data Stream We generated a stream ap- proximately 16MB in size, consisting of 50,000 points in 40-dimensional Euclidean space. The stream was generated similarly to the datasets described in 4.1, Figure 5. BIRCH vs. STREAM: CPU Time except that the diameter of clusters varied by a fac- tor of 9, and the number of points by a factor of 6.33. The performance of each ialgorithm was linear both We divided the point set into four consecutive chunks, in error and running time as expected. In summary each of size 4MB, and calculated an upper bound on the SSQ for each, as in previous experiments, by finding STREAMgave an SSQ of factor 2 to 3 times lower the SSQ for the centers used to generate the set. We • compared to the corresponding implementation

8 with BIRCH that used the same clustering algo- STREAM k–Means. BIRCH’s performance on the 7th rithm. The reason for this performance gap was an 9th chunks can be explained by the number of leaves that the BIRCH CF-trees usually had one “mega- in BIRCH’s CFTree, which appears in the third chart. center,” a point of very high weight, along with Even though STREAM and BIRCH are given the a few points of very small weight; in other words, same amount of memory, BIRCH does not fully take BIRCH missummarized the data stream by group- advantage of it. BIRCH’s CFTree has 3 and 2 leaves re- ing a large number of points together at their spectively even though it was allowed 40 and 50 leaves, mean. respectively. We believe that the source of the problem STREAMran a factor 2 to 3 times slower than lies in BIRCH’s global decision to increase the radius of • the corresponding implementation using BIRCH. points allowed in a leaf when the CFTree size exceeds BIRCH uses a top down partitioning as preclus- constraints. For many datasets BIRCH’s decision to in- tering process, while STREAM uses a bottom crease the radius is probably a good one - it certainly up clutering as a preclustering step. The results reduces the size of the tree. However, this global de- demonstrate the effect of more accurate decisions cision can fuse points from separate clusters into the in STREAM regarding storing the summary stais- same CF leaf. Running any clustering algorithm on tics. the fused leaves will yield poor clustering quality; here, the effects are dramatic. STREAMLSEARCH gave nearly optimal quality. In terms of cumulative average running time, shown • This is natural since in the previous section we in Figure 6, BIRCH is faster. STREAM LS varies in its demonstrated that LSEARCH gave near optimal running time due to the creation of a weighted dataset clustering. The bottom up approach in STREAM (Step 1). introduces little extra error in the process, and we Overall, our results point to a cluster quality vs. have a near optimal answer. running time tradeoff. In applications where speed is of the essence, e.g., clustering web search results, BIRCH Network Intrusions Clustering, and in particular appears to do a reasonable quick and dirty job. In ap- algorithms that minimize SSQ, are popular techniques plications like intrusion detection or target marketing for detecting intrusions [25, 23]. Since detecting intru- where mistakes can be costly our STREAM algorithm sions the moment they happen is tantamount to pro- exhibits superior SSQ performance. tecting a network from attack, intrusions are a par- ticularly fitting application of streaming. Offline algo- References rithms simply do not offer the immediacy required for successful network protection. [1] R. Agrawal, J.E. Gehrke, D. Gunopulos, and P. Ragha- In our experiments we used the KDD-CUP’997 in- van. Automatic subspace clustering of high dimen- trusion detection dataset which consists of two weeks sional data for data mining applications. In Proc. SIG- of raw TCP dump data for a local area network simu- MOD, pages 94–105, 1998. lating a true Air Force environment with occassional [2] M. Ankerst, M. Breunig, H. Kriegel, and J. Sander. attacks. Features collected for each connection in- Optics: Ordering points to identify the clustering clude the duration of the connection, the number of structure. In Proc. SIGMOD, 1999. bytes transmitted from source to destination (and vice [3] P.S. Bradley and U.M. Fayyad. Refining initial points versa), the number of failed login attempts, etc. All for K-Means clustering. In Proc. 15th Intl. Conf. on 34 continuous attributes out of the total 42 attributes Machine Learning, pages 91–99, 1998. available were selected for clustering. One outlier point [4] P.S. Bradley, U.M. Fayyad, and C. Reina. Scaling clus- was removed. The dataset was treated as a stream of tering algorithms to large databases. In Proc. KDD, nine 16-Mbyte sized chunks. The data was clustered pages 9–15, 1998. into five clusters since there were four types of possible [5] M. Charikar and S. Guha. Improved combinatorial al- attacks (plus no attack). The four attacks included de- gorithms for the facility location and k-median prob- nial of service, unauthorized access from a remote ma- lems. In Proc. FOCS, 1999. chine (e.g., guessing password), unauthorized access to [6] C. Cortes, K. Fisher, D. Pregibon, and A. Rogers. root, and probing (e.g., port scanning). Hancock: A language for extracting signatures from data streams. In Proc. of the 2000 ACM SIGKDD The leftmost chart in Figure 6 compares the SSQ of Intl. Conf. on Knowledge and Data Mining, pages 9– BIRCH-LS with that of STREAMLS; the middle chart 17, August 2000. makes the same comparison for BIRCH k–Means and [7] R.O. Duda and P.E. Hart. Pattern Classification and 7 Scene Analysis. Wiley, 1972.

9 Intrusion Detection Stream: SSQ Intrusion Detection: Memory Intrusion Detection: CPU Time

2E+15 900 1.8E+1 100 800 1.6E+15 80 700 1.4E+15 5 600 1.2E+1 BirchKM 60 BirchKM 5 StreamKM |CFTree leaves| 500 StreamKM 1E+15 BirchLS 40 |STREAM centers| 400 BirchLS 8E+14 StreamLS |Points| StreamLS 300 Average SSQ 6E+14

20 Avg CPU Seconds 4E+14 200 100 2E+14 0 0 0 123456789 123456789 123456789 Stream Stream Stream

SSQ Memory CPU time

Figure 6. Network Intrusion Data :BIRCH vs. STREAM

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