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1-15-1992 The inonW an Winona State University

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Winona MN 55987 nonaVolume LXIX Issuel3 n Wednesday, January 15, 1992 Gay Bashing hits Winona Full- By STUART JOHNSON ates and now attend Winona State Paul Rader, owner of Great those accused is currently in the News Editor University. Rivers Managment, maintains "I military, stationed in Georgia and In a separate, but related, in- did not rent to them because they he is not sure what is going to be EDITOR'S NOTE: cident a man was assaulted across are or are not gay and I am not done with that individual as of Time Because of the sensitive the street from Hardee's only evicting them because they are yet. nature of this article, the days after the first incident by or are not gay." At a meeting of the Winona names that appear are individuals who may have been Rader continues by explaining Human Rights Commission on pseudonyms for those actu- from the same group with the that he feels sorry for what hap- Monday Jan. 6, some in atten- status ally involved. We feel this perpetrators shouting similar pened and actually postponed the dance believed that the police is necessary to protect the exclamations. eviction because of the recent could be doing more to eradicate victims in this incident as The victim was unable to iden- events and intends to give them the gang from Hardee's and charge disputed well as potentially future tify the assailants. more time to move as a result. those involved. victims of the same crime. Coupled with the increased fear Many are also concerned that There is a curfew currently in Mob violence that has been de- that homosexuals now face in the police are not moving fast affect for those under the age of scribed as "Gay Bashing" hit terms of their physical safety, enough in prosecuting the perpe- 18 at 11:00 p.m. which some say Winona when 30 youths armed they are also disturbed by how trators. is not being enforced. with clubs surrounded a house the community, police and media Winona Police Chief Frank Dan said, "On any given week- By LANA SWANCUTT near downtown on Dec. 20. have treated the issue. Pomeroy said that there is an end night, after the bars are Assistant News Editor The high school students "The reaction by the commu- investigator on the case who has closed at 1:00 a.m. you can see Top stories from the seven nity is lame. It is obvious that other cases as well to work on 10-20 of them hanging out inside Full-time students throughout shouted anti-homosexual slogans the Minnesota state university sys- such as "Die Faggot!" in addition this issue does not concern them but has worked 30 hours of over- Hardee's and in the parking lot Minnesota state universities tem will lose their financial aid next to vandalizing the property. and that they would rather sweep time to solve the matter. too, its ridiculous." it under the rug," said Jane. He said, "It is difficult to in- Pomeroy said that the reason fall if they fail to carry 15 credit Bemidji: Originating at Hardee's, where course loads. the youth gang can be commonly The residents of the house have vestigate. Most of them were recently been served an eviction juveniles and they must be inter- The Minnesota state legislature ARA food service at Bemidji seen congregating on weekend passed a bill, introduced by Repre- nights, they proceeded to the notice requiring them to move viewed after school in the pres- State University is letting go of all sentative Lyndon Carlson (D), re- house whose inhabitants are re- out of thier home before the lease ence of a parent." See Gay Bashing, page 2. student employees to hire handi- quiring students to take 15 or more cent Winona High School gradu- is scheduled to end in May. Pomeroy added that one of capped persons through the Dis- credits in order to be eligible for abled Rehabilitation Center. Many state aid grants and scholarships. students at the university are upset The new full-time student require- by this policy. ment proportionately reduces the amount of state financial aid a stu- dent receives if he or she fail to carry a 15 credit coarse load. The new requirement could ef- Mankato: fect as many as 47 percent of Winona State University students, Another fire was set inside a the percentage of students who took Mankato State Universityacadernic under 15 course credits for fall building. The fire that occurred quarter according to Winona State Jan. 2 is the thirteenth in a series of Financial Director Robert Lietzau. arson fires that began last summer Winona State President Darrell and the third fire occurring between Krueger said that the new require- the University's Christmas break. ment is meant to "try to encourage The fire was set inside a paint people to get done sooner." storage room of the art building Krueger speculates the around 7-8 p.m., causing $120,000 legislature's motive behind the bill is that "it would be better for sod- in damage. Many students paint- ety.,, ings were destroyed. Investigator do not know how it was set. The According to Lietzau, the 15- fires have all been set in academic credit requirement isn't going to buildings and teachers offices. In- save the state money because state vestigators have said that the doors grants are only available to stud cuts of those areas that the fires all were for 12 quarters. found have all been locked and "I think the way the state is investigators have their suspicions. looking at it is that they're costing the taxpayers money... The state has more of an investment in aid Moorhead: other than just the grant program," such as instructors' salaries, Moorhead State University will building costs and supplies, he said. no longer be granting tuition de- Students enrolled in 15 or more ferments to students for personal credits are dispursed 100 percent reasons. An audit by the Minnesota of their financial aid award. Stu- State University System revealed a dents carrying 12 or more credits high default rate by the students. receive 80 percent, nine or more The business office had no means credits; 60 percent and those stu- of forcing students to pay past tu- dent carrying eight credits receive ition costs. The president's com- 40 percent of their awarded finan- Deb Benedett/Co-Photo Editor cial aid. mittee has set up a $200,000 emer- WSU security battled to keep a mob of eager fans from pushing their way to the stage during a Gear Daddies concert held In Talbot gym gency loan fund to helps students on Saturday. If a student drops a class, stu in a financial crisis. dents will not have to reimburse the university for the aid, nor will - it affect the other quarters' financial Artificial Seasonal Affective aid, but students will be required Disorder (SAD) lamps have been to makeup those credits by the end installed in the university's coun- oncert crowd proves overwhelming of the year, Lietzau said. seling center. The lamps are used Minnesota State University to help people who suffer from Student Association Executive Di- I depression and fatigue caused by rector Frank Viggiano opposes the lack of sunlight during the winter By RANDAL McDOWELL said "it could have been much worse. The crowd was quite rowdy" requirement. "It's going to hurt months. Counselors must recom- Reporter Stevens added "there were 14 security guards working the concert, more non-traditional students and it's mend that students use the lamp. than we've had at any other event in the past." going to penalize students at pub- The sessions are 30 minutes long The recent Gear Daddies concert held last Saturday in Talbot gym was Stevens pointed to the "slam dancers" as the biggest problem. lic universities because right now, and allow the students to sit and eemed an overall success by most of those in attendance, but many problems "We had to have the majority of the security forces in the middle of the since we're not getting enough ere cited. study under the lamps. crowd. That's where the most problems were. Overall security did a great job money from the state legislature, Dave Reynolds, the president of U-PAC, cited the size of the crowd as the considering what they were up against." Stevens said. we don't have the core sections ajor problem. Maren Longfellow, a freshman Mass Communications major, broke her that we need for our students to Senate Reynolds said "it was a much bigger crowd than we expected,bigger than wrist at the concert. take 15 or 16 credits. So they're 1 st year's BoDeans concert." "There was nothing I could do. I was up against the bars and the crowd being penalized for something this week Reynolds said that "we should have made the concert open only to those kept pushing forward in big rushes. I put my hand out so I wouldn't be that's not totallyunder theircontrol. 'th a college 1.D. There were too many high school students in attendance." trampled, my hand hit the bar at the same time that security was pushing the You're going to see people taking a Greg Talmo, a junior history major, also felt the crowd was too large. "The bar forward," Longfellow said. lot of courses they don't need just Attorney General Hubert addies played a hell of a show, but there was not enough security for that size to get the aid," he said. umphrey will be speaking on our Longfellow also added that "security did what they had to do. They f a crowd," Talmo said. (security) kept saying that they were calling for more help, but none ever "We feel it favors the private ampus on Thursday, Jan. 23 at 230 Talmo also added that "there were not enough security guards up front came." olleges. Most of the students are .m. in the Performing Arts Center. anning the barricades. It seemed like too many security guards were Longfellow added further by saying "after I knew i was injured security aditional and they're on semester e topic of discussion will be sexual rra ming around the floor." ] rograms that require 15 credits, harassment. All students are wel- Karen Stevens, Director of Security Services at Winona State University iggiano said. Come and there will be time for See Concert, page 6. uestions and answers. "I think that there is a oncern in the legislature that tudents are taking their time etting through school and just The student senate will be elect- orsing around costing the tax- g a treasurer Wednesday, Jan. 15 Springfest focus of Meet & Discuss at their meeting. The senate will also ayers money and I think that's elect three new senators to positions. false perception they have. ctually students want to get pplications are due by 4 p.m. that Annual event may move from Lake Park to football stadium this year A day. hrough school quicker. They By STUART JOHNSON underage and excessive drinking it is Farmers Park and Prairie Island as Bergmann would still like to see the need to start making money," News Editor going to be hard to justify it to the well as the cost of bussing over 3000 student's wishes be pursued. said Viggiano Viggiano said, "Public univer- A Residential College open fo- city," Krueger said. students to and from these locations "I'm sure that most of the student will be held Jan. 22 at 3:15 p.m. Springfest, the annual and Springfest has been sponsored by makes these options prohibitive. body would like to have Springfest at ities serve a lot of poor people and in the Recital Hall of the PAC all club fair sponsored by the University U-PAC since 1987 and according to U-PAC Vice-President Ann Tom the lake and I would like to ask if the isadvantaged people, where pri- students are welcome. Program and Activities Committee Joe Reed, University Activities Co- asked Krueger "Would you support Winona Jaycees would sponsor a beer ate universities don't. What were (U-PAC) and Winona State Univer- ordinator, community frustration has Springfest to be held at the football tent like they do at Steamboat Days ng to do is make everyone fit sity, became the focal point at a re- progressively increased each year stadium, without alcohol allowed and for their profit," he said. nto on mold. I think fairness is the If you are concerned about the cently held Meet and Discuss session regardless of efforts to control the all those in attendance to have college Bergmann is asking that any ideas ssue. Everybody's not the same prospect of not having Springfest, between WSU student leaders and situation. identification?" that students have be brought to him, nd we have to recognize that." please come to the student senate administrators. Reed said that the drunken be- Krueger responded positively saying, "I hope that students come Mark Bergmann, Winona State office and leave your name and Because the University and the havior and public urination in and with John Kane, vice president of up with ideas so that we can still have tudent senate president said that Rhone number. You may also reg- Winona City Council have seemingly around Lake Park has created an student affairs, in nodding in it down at the lake." aising is the credit requirement irter any suggestions or alternatives. reached an impasse in negotiating the immense amount of frustration agreement. Other issues were also discussed r full-time students is the last event to be held at Lake Park where in the community. Reed said, "We can't do anything at the meeting that included the final- hing to do during a budget crunch. the event has traditionally been held, As a result, other locations have about the students drinking before ization of the bookstore committee's 'The most basic concern is that We currently have positions open WSU President Darrell Krueger is been considered for Springfest in- and after Springfest but at least it student representation and their uring budgetary times is that r many university committees. If asking for student input regarding cluding Farmers Park, Prairie Island, won't be the 'accident waiting to meeting times. lasses may not be available. It ny students are interested, inquire the issue. and the football stadium on campus. happen' that it has been." 'thin the senate office. "I need to have something that I U-PAC says the potential for stu- No decision has yet been made See Springfest, page 2. See Full-Time, page 2. can defend, if it is just a party with dents to be drinking and driving from and Student Senate President Mark Page 2•Winonan•January 15, 1992

Springfest comparing Fall quarter 1991 tothis -heduling an extra class is diffi- for as long as they want to be here, past Fall quarter. , Johnson said, the because she they'll make more money," he said. He said, I believe this is at least Continued from page 1. can't take classes during that time on partially attributed to the drop day Full-Time days that she doesn't have lab. In addition students will be more Gay Bashing being moved back a few weeks. Stu- Bergmann spoke for the students Continued from page 1. "I'll be taking a lot more of my academically prepared, he said. "Not dents are less likely to take an extra labs. It's really going to make it tough everybody wants to take 15 or 16 Continued from page 1. who participate on this and other class and drop the one they are doing university committees that have to keep up my grades in the classes credits a quarter." poorly in at the last minute." doesn't make sense." that I need to," she said. for the predominance of youths at missed meetings. New facilities for those who are I am greatly frustrated by ad- Bergmann said that requiring Johnson believes that the 15 credit Students must examine whether Hardee's is that it is located near the physically challenged were also students to take more credit in minimum will hinder students from their reason for working are out of middle school and that it is one of the ministration committee members highlighted in the meeting, identify- who arbitrarily set committee meet- order to graduate sooner as a graduating earlier because they will necessity or just for a more comfort- few places open late. ing the newly installed automatic means of saving money "takes have to take more classes they don't able lifestyle, he said. "Most of the kids do innocent ings without consulting student's doors located at the Performing Arts class schedules. Obviously between the ability to make decisions away need. "Everybody has problems things but sometimes it gets out of Center, Minne' Hall and Kryzsko from the students." getting the classes we need," she said. For students who must work to control. We are working with the 8:00 and 4:00 p.m. most students are Commons. in class and that should be taken into "Education is not assembly line The new full-time requirement get through school, "it's a Catch 22 in security there to allow less loitering," Bergmann said the student senate production," he said, stating that doesn't just effect studies. "Most that case,"Krueger said. he said. consideration when meetings are is going to allocate over $15,000 for a called," he said. students have varied needs. students have other commitments. The Gay/Lesbian Alliance for university van plus additional fund- Bergmann said that the new They have to work," Johnson said. The bill, Krueger said should have Dignity (GLAD) met last Sunday and Also talked about was the increase ing for a wheel chair lift to be in- in class availability this year and a full-time student requirement is "It's really wrong," said Mat been passed "in context of more is- discussed the issue and inform the stalled in the van so that it may be "an insensitivity towards those stu- Barkley. Barkley, a junior mass sues" concerning education. public how they feel it has been reduction in those students who have used by those who are physically dropped classes. dent" because some students must communication major with a broad- treated. challenged. take lighter course loads while others casting option, said 'The question I Bergmann said that it's not too One member said that the media Doug Sweetland, vice president The van, which is nearly exclu- of academic affairs, said that the must work or are involved in extra- ask is what happens to part-time stu- late to change the full-time student identified the victims and their resi- sively used by student groups, will curricular activities. dents who need financial aid." requirement back to 12 credits. A dence against their wishes. withdraw rate of students from their replace the one destroyed in an acci- classes decreased over 50 percent in The bill undermines the impor- He said also questions how the Minnesota State University Student "I can't believe that the Winona dent in November. tance of extracurricular activities, he new full-time student requirements Association (MSUSA) is holding a Daily News would print the names of said, which "enhance your educa- will greatly affect nontraditional lobby day Feb. 19 at the capital to those who lived in the house, its ad- tion" as well as teaching students to students who will rely on the current voice student concerns. The trip is dress and even a picture. They ac- work with people. financial aid standards. excused and open to all students. tually had to have a meeting to decide Jennifer Johnson, a junior biology Barkley predicts that the new re- Transportation is provided. to do this," said Mary. major is against the new financial aid quirement will decrease enrollment, Jim Galewski, Winona Daily News requirements. "With my major, I forcing student to drop out or enroll Editor, said that the paper did take a sometimes can't fit in 15 or 16 credits in community colleges. picture of the house but not on the becauseof theextra timelabs require." "I think if they let students be here night the incident occured. He added Gay Bashing that they have had six meeings with the people in the house to "make sure we got it right." GLAD members questioned

worLINE whether or not the newspaper was 4,Pl441-2173 1 51 E.3•d15 January 1992 aware of the sensitivity of the issue SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY TH u RS DAy DAY SATVgO and hoped that they would recognize what they perceive as a serious threat JOIN ". HIFFY HD/114 to their safety and privacy. THERE'S AN ARMY mmuy —Rawy q 7 IFF/ft :VI )11/011 I'M rill: Mary said that the paper did a OV better job in a story that was in last OF CHOICES OUT THERE. Inff Moo OTRivire )1 DON 1- Sundays edition, "It seems with the HOOP 1`A‘5 .. -- –C1A 5' last article that they took greater care ,evety FRow,/, The Army Experience is valuable—whether you choose to get C-00. in respecting our wishes, we'll see it in the Active Army or Army Reserve. BE ER what happens in the future." HUNGRY 4 TU1RSTY? Both will train you in a wide choice of skills... both can earn 7,a)g s56 A proposal will be presented by 7-gr otif loc o AND BEER SPEC IA you thousands for college... both will give you interesting experi- xi; C" the Winona Human Rights Commit- ences with new friends. TV ES,112_0(45 g) ri's q90 tee to the city council to have a And both the Active Army and Army Reserve will help you RASCALS 3rd ANN YAP. mug 25- 4 3caret stipulation included in the city's gain self-confidence and responsibility—qualities that will give you S Human Rights Ordinance that would an edge on life. -16 protect homosexuals against dis- L/VE Let your Army Recruiter help you choose. 41vSIC ALL. PAY k m/6117- the /An ■79 CM! crimination. As it stands, homosexuals have no g gilif-1 _Wt. 344 V'f41‘44 irrational recourse should they be turned away AlL- U- CAN DONK SPECAL ON/APS LWOW: ,rani! CALL 454-2267 Room' /1142yS 1, 5CgEWDOvE,5 l 7,-",:'•,• from an apartment, job or anything • 114 7/H.NR/Iii,i5151:_ Fil VIS't fractioN similar because of their sexual ori- ( FRE-GAME WA,N-vG SPEciAL5 AU- D,Vf TN, ) entation. ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. Ra5CaL5 &thin J W/0 'WEO. Nigh &Nos! 15 41-2173

o sVK.:4 f1/253\0c) As:3 x-Ao-tiecx ,

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CLASSIFIEDS DO THE 1E-TRAVEL If you're already a Cardmember, there's no need to call. E S RELATED JOB! 'School year is considered Sept. 1-June 14, summer June 15-Aug. 31. Complete terms and conditions of this travel offer will arrive with your certificates. Continental Airlines alone is responsible for fulfillment of this offer. American Express assumes no liability for Continental Airlines' performance. /0 SERVICES CO 1992 American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. An American Express company 457-5677 Page 3 -Winonar•January 15 , 1992 Briefs Study in Norway Sen. Durenberger visits WSU The Oslo Exchange Committee is now accepting applications from students By BECKY MILTON interested in studying in Norway next year through the WSU Oslo Exchange Editor - In -Chief Program. All majors are welcome to apply. Application deadline is Jan. 31, 1992. For further information contact the following committee members: Senator Dave Durenberger (R- Roger Carlson, Geography (Minne 237), Shirley Eiken, BEOSA (Somsen Minn.) promoted his financial aid bill 319E), Jim Erickson, ACEED (Somsen 109B), Wayne Kirk, Education during a visit to Winona State Uni- versity on Jan. 7. (Gildemeister 139), Ivan Olson, Music (PAC 145) and Ron Stevens, Sociology (Minne 232). The bill, called the "Financial Aid for All Students Act of 1991," will make the whole process of receiving Pro-Choice rally financial aid and repaying it simpler. Vehicles will take anyone interested in attending a Pro-Choice rally and Durenberger has recently visited vigil this Sunday, Jan. 19 at 6:00 p.m. in the Minnesota State Capitol Rotunda many higher education campuses in St. Paul. The vigil will be held in memory of those women who have died explaining the benefits of this new as a result of illegally performed abortions. For more information contact system. Heather at 452-3161. Introduced by Durenberger and Senator Paul Simon (D-Ill.), the main component of the bill is called IDEA credit, Income-Dependent Education Assistance. "The IDEA program is simple," said Durenberger. "It offers flexibil- ity in avoiding needless defaults for graduates when their incomes rise and fall, which is the current problem PI LAMBDA PHI FRATERNITY with the current program." "NOT FOUR YEARS...BUT A LIFETIME!" The new bill has four parts. The largest is IDEA Credit which would replace the guaranteed student loan. The benefits of switching to IDEA credit are: WE OFFER • no income tests. Deb Benedett/Co-Photo Editor • students eligible till age 55. Senator Dave Durenberger speaks to financial aid directors from southern Minnesota about his new * GREAT FRIENDS! • minimal expense in transaction financial aid bill. • ACADEMIC GUIDANCE! costs. * UNEQUALED DIVERSITY! • higher Pell grant limits. link financing of higher education to president, supports the ideas in • lower interest rates. up to $6,500 per year for their first * A BOUNTIFUL SOCIAL CALENDAR! a student's future earnings, rather Durenberger's bill. and second years, up to $8,000 per * INTRA-MURAL SPORTS! • an income-based repayment than his parent's income at the time "We get lots of complaints about plan. year for other undergraduates, and * COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS/FUNDRAISERS! of the loan," he said. financial aid," he said. 'There's not up to $11,000 for graduate students. • elimination of defaulters. CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT! Bydoing this, the government may so many problems with direct lend- While in school, the interest rate is The idea behind the bill has been * "BIG BROTHER" PLEDGE PROGRAM! save an estimated 2.7 billion per year. ing." set at a rate equal to the 91 day Trea- * "WALK-OUTS" TO OTHER PI LAM CHAPTERS' floating around congress for years, This savings will be redirected The major opponents to the bill sury bill rate plus two percentage said Durenberger. He became inter- * W.S.U.'s LARGEST AND ONLY NATIONAL CHARTERED back into three other financial aid are the Bush Administration, bankers, points, up to a maximum of 10 per- ested in IDEA credit since it focuses SOCIAL FRATERNITY! programs: the Pell Grant program, and secondary markets like collection cent. The current rate would be 7.5 • VERY SIMPLY...THE BEST! on helping students from middle in- "Excellence" scholarships and the and guarantee agencies, said percent. come families get through college. Early Intervention program. Durenberger. After graduation, the student "Just two months ago, a new na- During it's introduction to con- IDEA credit removes banks and makes payments through increased tional survey found the rising cost of gress, Simon said, "We have a pro- the secondary markets from the fi- income tax withheld by the employer. college to be our third biggest worry gram that not only complies with the nancial aid repayment process and The amount of the payments depends as families in America," said Budget Act but long term saves places the burden on the Internal on their annual income. Durenberger. "Right behind crime money for the Federal government Revenue Service. This differs from the current INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS WILL BE HELD: and drugs and, surprising to me at because we reduce the amount of Durenberger didn't know if this guaranteed student loan system least, ahead of health care." default pay. This year we will pay would be hurting banks but he com- The current system leaves very where students have to pay a set • Monday, Jan. 20 $3.9 billion in student loan defaults. ment, "I don't think we should use amount no matter what their income. little aid to students from middle in- We reduce that ultimately to zero, kids to help banks." • Tuesday, Jan. 21 come families, said Durenberger. The system has built-in safeguards and we provide assistance to every- Durenberger said the chances of in case of temporary unemployment IDEA is focused on middle income one." the bill passing is not in the excellent 7:00 P.M_ Americans. or low income. Robert Lietzau, director of finan- to good range. He said good publicity "IDEA is a fair, simple, efficient A certain portion of a person's Purple Rooms 105 8c. 106 cial aid at WSU, said, "I've heard bits or Bush changing his mind would way of assuring financial access to income will be protected. Payments kryzsko Commons and pieces about the bill. It will be make a big difference. He also en- higher education for millions of can't exceed 20 percent of the differ- more efficient if what I've heard is couraged everyone who liked the idea middle income Americans who don't ence between the actual income and PI LAMBDA PIII FRATERNITY true. I think it's a good move from the to write the president and their con- now qualify for a federally guaran- present system. The present system gressmen in support. teed student loan," said Durenberger. TILE ONLY SERIOUS CIIOICE is too cumbersome on the school and Students set up their IDEA account "This bill will restructure the fed- students." based on their projected income after See Durenberger, page 6. eral student loan system so that we Mark Bergmann, student senate college. A student could then receive Enough Food To Turn Your Family Meal Into A... PARTY! 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Page 4•Winonan•JanuaryEditorial 15, 1992 Letters to the Editor Becky Milton Shawn Torisky Zachary did sented himself and his SAFC com- but for his dedicated service to the mittee at the full senate meetings with student senate and Winona State, The Editor in Chief Business Manager great job as intelligence, honesty, and fairness. An University. example of his effectiveness as trea- Winonan treasurer surer was, in the fall, when a student Brian Gryniewski Stuart Johnson Jonathan Maze senate account was mistakenly Editorial Dear Editor: rapped by an administrative error, he Article on News Editor Sports Editor remained vigilant and notified the Board Since his resignation as treasurer senate. With daily communication to Zachary bad of the student senate, Ed Zachary has administration, the problem was Nathan Steiner Amy Robertson been put under a great deal of scrutiny. swiftly resolved. Dear Editor: This scrutiny has been through the As a person, Ed Zachary has never News Reporter Variety Editor media, through innuendo and rumor, been a racist. I believe this from con- The grilling Ed Zachary took in and by fellow senate members. Rather versations over the last two years be- your front page article belongs in than focus on circumstances of his tween us. Last year Ed mentioned a the National Enquirer or at least the resignation, I will comment on my situation in Winona where he felt that editorial page. personal opinion of Mr. Zachary and African- Americans were being dis- Front page news in a reputable his job as treasurer. criminated upon. He then expressed paper should not consist of mali- Regarding his job performance, Ed his displeasure at seeing African_ cious labeling, name calling, and worked 40 plus hours per week bal- Americans discriminated upon in anonymous accusations. Education will end bashing ancing accounts, meeting with stu- Winona. Yes, Ed's strong assertive Ed's only fault was that he tried dents, and attending committee personality may brui se people's egos, to do a good job in an organization meetings, among many more respon- but these egos are never bruised for that thinks it's a great deal more sibilities. Ed sacrificed most of his than it is. Just think of the term - "gay ba shing." Horrible things, that it was rejected on the basis of the group's orien- racial reasons. tation. time and effort into his full time posi- Ed Zachary, after he leaves office, like forcefully striking someone who has different sexual tion. Also, Treasurer Zachary repre- preferences other than what is considered the "norm" The ugliness of homophobia surfaced in the should be known, not for any rumors, Andy Trelstad comes to mind. wake of GLAD's formation. This is also evident in Recently, "gay bashing" has happened in Winona. defacing of stickers displayed on campus advocat- Opposing homosexuality is not uncommon, but now it ing "Fight Homophobia." has really hit home. Homosexuals have been considered a different The Winona Human Rights Commission discussed culture, just like African-Americans, Chinese, the "gay bashing" incidents at the Winona Senior Center Pakistanians and dozens of other cultures. Homo- and some of the ind ividuals involved are being questioned sexuals were studied and reported on in a cross by them. The Gay/Lesbian Alliance for Dignity (GLAD) cultural communications class, along with men, at WSU has discussed the issue of "gay bashing." women, elderly, hearing-impaired, handicapped, But what is being done at the high school and grade mentally retarded and others. Homosexuals, being school levels about the issue? When sex education is a minority, are frequently treated unfairly as are taught, is homosexuality discussed? AIDS definitely other minorities. should be discussed, so why do these youths of Winona These hell-bent youths that demonstrated such not understand homosexuality? awful actions apparently are not being educated Let the sun begin to shine One neighbor to the house where some youths stood about the differences between cultures. on the lawn and yelled derogatory statements about Not understanding homosexuality, or being homosexuality said the group was "scared of some- confused by it should not be an excuse to let this By LISA VAZQUEZ We also have to deal with "fair- deed go by unpunished. The youths deserve to be has the right to be here if they are thing." Columnist weather" racists. Ones that are re- granted access, so there is no prefer- Homosexuality must be something that confuses these strongly reprimanded. Their actions constituted servedly polite to the face but still bigotry and violence. This cannot go untreated. ential treatment towards anybody. youths since it arose such a tension and anger in them. The sun is slowly beginning to comment rudely behind the back. Unfortunately, some people need Anger often leads to violence, in which "gay bashing" Everyone should be educated on dealing with There is nothing to explain the reason other cultures and walks of life. rise over the crumbling Berlin Wall. additional help. But since no one can is considered. Sunset is a much more beautiful why. America is the great melting pot. With more pull themselves up by their own' These youths were holding baseball bats and dubs. sight for some people now that There is no reason to lump every- education on different cultures, including homo- bootstraps realistically, then this They were angry. These youths also singled out a one Communism doesn't block their one together in one batch. Every race, should not be held against them. The man and accosted him. They were violent. sexuality, people can gradually start to understand view. But the rays are blocked for every color, has ignorance, false pride, this alternative lifestyle. help is available to anyone who needs Education about homosexuality has had a rough start some people in a country that's been and crimes to commit, so we are all to With the gradual understanding there will be it, not just a certain person. at WSU. The GLAD constitution was reluctantly passed free for years. blame. Nowhere is it written that better communication and relationships among the If a certain group decides to start by the student senate this year. It was first presented last In a land where peace is free, jobs someone has seen the Martin Luther different cultures. There will also be less bigotry, their own funds for themselves, then spring. The initial draft was rejected based on what some are free, and opportunity is free; the King performance not because he was prejudice, discrimination, anger, confusion and that is their advantage for being or- senators identified as weaknesses. However, it was clear freedom to walk with the head held an incredible and famous black, but violence. ganized, and our disadvantage for' high is a increasingly scarce com- because he was an incredible and fa- not. modity. mous American who changed our When we have had the sun shin- Where racism is the least neces- country for the better. ing upon us for so long, why must sary, it is almost the most abundant. We are not oppressed, lacking some still choose to wear sunglasses Where we hold the keys to unlock anything, and we have our freedom; that impair our vision until it is so the biggest and most powerful doors which millions would fight and die hazy and murky? Have we begun to 6, in the world, some continue to slam for all over the world, so no one has delude ourselves? Ay/LessiAt4 the door in the faces of the past and any excuse to try to deny someone What has caused the intense ha- future. because of who or what they are. What N tred that has sunk deep into the minds ALL/A e 1,46- trilk WT. We have written the documents is the constant demand to find of people, that turns them into ugly FOR P/61•11Ty equAl- of freedom hundreds of years ago, someone underneath us? souls? and still have to pull it out time and We have more important goals to 1. When we have so much to live for e KrmENT- time again to grant people the free- work for, not wasting time fighting ourselves, shouldn't we let other dom to pursue their happiness. one another. people have the chance to achieve the 00 America is one of the greatest • Ye s • Why must we remind people that same opportunities? r-2- v all men are created equal? melting pots of the world. Everyone

I have a dream• . . by Martin Luther King Jr

In memory of Dr. Martin Luther flames of withering injustice. It came so we have come here today to dra- King Jr.'s birthday, the Winonan pre- as a joyous daybreak to end the long matize a shameful condition. sents in its entirety King's famous night of their captivity. In a sense we have come to our speech, "I have a dream." But one hundred years later, the nation's capital to cash a check. When On Aug. 28, 1963 over two hun- Negro still is not free. One hundred the architects of our republic wrote dred thousand people gathered in years later, the life of the Negro is still the magnificent words of the Consti- Washington's West Potomac Park sadly crippled by the manacles of tution and the Declaration of Inde- facing the Lincoln Memorial to lis- segregation and the chains of dis- pendence, they were signing a prom- ten to Dr. King. crimination. issory note to which every American "Five score years ago, a great One hundred years later, the Ne- was to fall heir. This note was a American, in whose symbolic shadow gro lives on a lonely island of poverty promise that all men, yes, black men we stand today, signed the Emanci- in the midst of a vast ocean of mate- pation Proclamation. This momen- rial prosperity. One hundred years tous decree came as a great beacon of later, the Negro is still languished in See Dream, page 5 light of hope to millions of Ne gro the corners of American society and slaves who had been seared in the finds himself an exile in his own land.

ALA E3b456b. A. T-Ves-M36-.4." C T • etts.Qk 7-4t4hk FLANZ)04V) ot■LE_ ct• FIKST- To r411",z_ yr- 4-tomE. To 5114%4 (AZ. 11'5 ot-4 The Winonan, Winona State University's student newspaper Is written, edited, managed and financed by and for the students of Winona State University. The Winonan generates At4NtOCES54.,ESX 60 percent of Its income through advertising sales. The remaining money Is provided through student activity fees as a subscription rate. The Winonan reserves the right to request verification of facts from letters written for Ai it RE 714/1.3,-1 publication. Deadline for all submissions is Friday noon prior to publication. Subscriptions for persons outside the university are available from the business . wtt.:( To 60 !fr manager for $20 annually. Address all correspondence to: SAP'S caz,s Winonan, Winona State University, Kryzsko Commons, Winona, MN, 55987. Phone Is (507) 457-5119. The Winonan is rated and a member of the associated College Press as an "All- American" newspaper. The Winonan is recognized annually as an award-winning newspaper In Individual and as a whole by the Minnesota Better newspaper Association, the American Scholastic Press Association, and the Society of Professional Journalists. Contents of the Winonan are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. Editor in Chief Cartoonists Sales Representatives con't Becky Milton Glenn Fletcher Barry Brooks Denise Matthews \\\\ Business Manager Viraj Weerawardena Shelly Quick Diana Wilde Columnists Shawn Torisky Chris Whillock 41 News Editor Steve Carswell News Reporters 1 m' um Stuart Johnson Steve Danuser Julie Kent Nathan Steiner " we ,, !%,”--;77, , i Assistant News Editor Jason Schoon Randal McDowell Dave Terpstra Jason Schoon Andy Thangasamy Lana Swancutt Secretary Kashif Rigz Mike Mullen Variety Editor Steve Tyykila Copy Editors Variety Reporters Amy Robertson Barb Bergman Holly Boeckman Susie Lueck Sports Editor Amy Czaplewski Melissa Nehls Lisa Sebastian Jonathan Maze Joel Hess Steve Tyykila Advertising Manager Assistant Sports Editor Jaci Johnson Gregg Dertinger Susan Catanese Bryan Le Monds Jennifer Howes Distribution Manager Sports Reporters 60 Co-Photography Editors Tony Klipsic ,• Deb Benedett & Mike Hanson Tony Klipsic Sales Representatives • Jennifer von Allmen Mary Allegretti Erik Barthel Wade Bergner Graphics Editor Keratin Kollross Jay Thomas Jen Welsandt Photographers ob. Faculty Advisor Wendy Nelson Brian Basham Derrick Olson J. Paul Johnson Greg Page Angela Hanson Rob Sklenar Tamberlain Jacobs 0 anion• • Page 5•Winonan-January 15, 1992 Changes. . • Misconceptions of Welfare

By Steve Carswell In a time in our nation's history or any other category that one may the real problems. This column If you listen to the majority of whites therefore having greater month. when we are facing one of the choose to present. This type of will only attempt to show you politicians, though, you would odds of qualifying for welfare Our government may define worst economic crisis in the blame simply amounts to being some basic underlying truths probably believe that the majority of benefits. the victims of poverty as those who twentieth century, an enormous scared and not knowing what to before you fall victim to this easy those receiving welfare are black. Another idea ushered in are incapable of providing ad- amount of blame is being placed do. way of shifting the blame. Along with this notion, you would during the 1980's was that welfare equately for themselves but maybe upon the shoulders of the poor. With the nation's unemployment One of the easiest places to also probably believe that the payments alone were enough we need a new definition. Many of Many people have fallen into that rate at a staggering 7.1% of an lay blame are on the poor. They cheaters of welfare, since they incentive for a person to get rid of the middle class families who bring all too familiar trap of trying to estimated 124 million person work are the estimated 30 million make-up the majority, are also one's husband or continually get in between $20,000-$40,000 and find an adequate scapegoat for all force, it is not difficult to see why faceless victims of poverty that black. pregnant in order to receive such above are just as poor as welfare problems instead of looking for such blame is taking place. We can most of us never see. It's easy to Even though blacks only benefits. If this was true then states recipients. After we include the sensible cures. It seems that this is see the effects of the recession all be mislead about their actual needs make-up 33% of those receiving with relatively high welfare cost of maintaining a "decent" the easiest way to deal with such around us with people being when we are not with them each welfare, you would probably insist payments -around $500 a month per lifestyle, paying taxes, and putting problems and even politicians, constantly laid-off from work and day to attest to what those needs that this figure is still disproportion- family- would have the highest kids through college, it's easy to see who know more than just the front scores of impending college may be. It is even easier to fall into ate since blacks only make-up 12% levels of welfare recipients. But this that all of us are hurting. We can page information, are jumping on graduates struggling to find this trap when someone who we of the population. In order to is not true. For states like Louisiana either admit to ourselves that we the bandwagon. If we are not potential employers. It does not trust gives examples of a few who clearly see the problem here, you and Mississippi, which expect are in need and demand more from bashing Japan for overselling us take a genius to figure out why we may be abusing our current must look at what Welfare was families to get by on $200 a month the government to fulfill those products we obviously don't want are so apt to place blame on welfare system. For one moment designed for and base your argu- or less, are the leaders in this needs, such as cash assistance when because we keep buying them, someone else for our problems. though, let's look at some real ments on those facts. Welfare is a category. Before being so quick to we are down, or health insurance then we are bashing anyone who But, this type of blame hurts us in facts: 61% of the population program for poor, very poor people. judge, maybe we should ask for the majority of us, or we can may be doing better than us. This the long run because it diverts our receiving welfare are white while Blacks are three times more likely to ourselves how difficult it would be take the easy way out and blame type of blame transcends race, sex, attention from the real issues and 33% are identified as black. fall below the poverty line than for us to survive, with a family, on others. Which road will you an income of $200 or $500 dollars a choose?

nation (at least it did as I was writing this—by the _ time you read this, is may not be the case). You will recall our own Miss Boeckman's recent "On That Note" in which she did a splendid job of paraphras- ing a recent Spin magazine article on the band. What she did not reflect on was what it really means that a I had thought of a whole list of is my most favorite and you should thrashy three-piece outfit could battle their way to the things to do for the "home stretch" aplagize. (sic) Dear Jason Schoen, top of the charts, beating down some awfully big towards the end of the year. One Love, I almost threw up all my names to climb to number one. idea that kept popping up over the Janey Wright, cookies reading your column I If you look at the rest of the top ten, you see names much-needed holiday break was a age 9 think you call Lock and Keys but like Michael Jackson, , Guns n' Roses, Metallica, column about "How to get Revenge it made me so made (sic) Michael Bolton, Mariah Carey, and Garth Brooks. Against Your Ex-Girlfriends." I because normally when I watch Hardly a bunch of wimps, at least when it comes to somehow figured that since Dear Jason, Yogo (sic) the Bear and Boo Boo sales figures. So how did these heavy hitters get America had no clear cut enemies Make fun of Yogi and I kick you his little pal laugh so hard but beaten by a band whose initial album pressing was anymore, what the hell, right? If but! (sic) I read your writing and I your column made me sad so flppppthIIIIIIIII 50,000 copies? your ex-girlfriends are anything like almost punched a hole in the wall! I Well, despite screaming vocals and grungy mine, then the enemy lies within am so mad!!! I want to find where Regards, guitars, the songs on Neverrnind, the album in these borders. Think about it: The you live and cut down all the trees Kelli Mystock, question, are just plain wonderful. They're concise, Soviet Union was a cranky, fat thing where you do live. I think that he is age 10 catchy—hell, everything were when they that hated itself and practiced a most funny caracter (sic) and I Dear Butt-head guy, W4-11Crupt lie first started. And after living with pop-rap ripoffs and emotional fascism; and that just took your column to class and we all Strange things are happening in the world. The slick, over-produced heavy metal schlock for the past about describes any ex-girlfriend stomped on it and cut it up and You made me angry and no one will forgave (sic) you Soviet Union has fallen apart, the U.S. is threatening couple years, maybe America is ready for a new I've ever had. (Except I have yet to laughed when my friend (sic) Al because there if nothing to limit Japanese imports, and Nirvana has the sound. And the movement has been started by, of all date anyone with a Third World took it and put it up his nose and number one album in the nation. groups, Nirvana. economy and a massive infrastruc- blew it out fast. I hope your write (garbled). Sometimes there are Does this mean that the world will end in 1992? The effects are already noticeable. You just have to ture problem.) about somethin (sic) else like maybe two ways of getting a pumpkin Does it mean that aliens will soon land and turn us look at Billboard's Top 200 albums chart to see the But this is the race towards the CNN network which I DON'T LIKE to explode and (garbled) I am so all into sex slaves to satisfy their little green desires? number of groups climbing onto the charts who have end of the year. It's going to go fast, CUZ MOM AND DAD WATCH mad! Mad! Mad! Boo Boo and Does this mean that Danuser will start writing the "Seattle Sound." Groups like Pearl Jam, Alice in and frankly, they probably won't BUSNESS (sic) WEEK ALL THE Yogi are funy (sic) and they are warm, tender columns instead of his usual sardonic Chains, Dinosaur Jr., and Soundgarden, while not keep me around next year. DANG TIME. good and you are so bad I crap? necessarily hailing from the Seattle area, nonetheless But let's review: in September, I Sincerely, (garbled) scream in your face Fear not, dear reader, there are some things in the play with that city's trademark heavy (though not did some really bad things. I made Nick Thomas, because I (unintelligible) presents. universe that will never change. The day I start heavy metal) guitar attack. fun of an organization on campus, age 8 sounding like Dear Abby is the day I tell the So is this the start of another musical revolution, and we can't do that anymore. I Sincerely, Winonan that I'll work for free (yeah, like that's a like punk was in the late '70s? Well, I wouldn't go have always made some veiled Dear Jason, Lisa Jirell, possibility). I shall remain as deadpan satirical in that far just yet, but it surely will have an impact on attempt at predicting the presiden- Holy cow are you in trouble!" age 19 1992 as I ever was before, although I might let the music scene. In fact, I'll give you an almost tial race. (Right now It's Jerry My friends and I want to put dead myself wax mushy in my Valentine's Day column. guaranteed tip for landing a record contract: call any Brown's race to blow. Not!) I've animals in your mailbox!!!!! Think Well, as you can see, the Everybody needs a change of pace now and then. record executive and tell him or her that there's this done a few things on our society, a then you would not make fun of mailbag was a little crowded Speaking of which, I would beg your indulgence great band from Seattle playing at your local club that two part piece of fiction, some items Yogi the Bear. He is our favortie with very negative reactions to in a slight regression. Some of you may recall that night. It doesn't matter how bad your band sounds, on television, and, yes, made fun of (sic) and we aplore (sic) you to write the column I did before break. for the last two years I wrote a little featurette I liked you'll be signing on the dotted line when the show's cartoons last time through. a new (garbled) or get your head While I am often terrorized by to call "Into the Groove," the premise of which was over. Just don't forget to send me my ten percent. Out of all of these, I never should painted funny colors. small children who do not like to review albums, but the actual purpose of which True, Nirvana will soon begin to fade, probably have made fun of Yogi Bear. I went Sincerely, what I write, please note that a was to act as a soapbox and sounding board for leaving Garth and Michael to duke it out for the top into the ol' mailbag and among the Donny Urdall, closed-minded child gets their some of my twisted little theories and assorted spot again. But the effects that this little band had on usually cranky letters, I found these. age 9 start at home. We'll see you next whinings (sounds a lot like this column, eh?). music will be around for a long time to come. Nice Ken Hastings, week, and keep those letters Anyway, I would like to revert back to the old days job, boys, now see if you can get you record label to Dear Jason, age 9 rolling in. (P.S. all of the letters and talk a bit about music, and give my theories on promote Sonic Youth a little more... I think you are a stinker. Why Sheldon Preston, were, in fact, in black and red how the current pop scene reflects what's going on Next week I attack rap fashion in a you make fun of Yogi the Bear? He age 8 crayons and are in fact were completely fabricated.) in our nation today. scathing assault sure to get rocks thrown through my Well, believe it or not, the Seattle group Nirvana windows by local high school white kids. Be there, or really does have the number one album in the don't be at all.

until there is an invigorating autumn realize that their destiny is tied up you have come here out of excessive will be transformed into an oasis of struggle together, to go to jail to- Drea of freedom and equality. 1%3 is not with our destiny and they have come trials and tribulation. Some of you freedom and justice. gether, to stand up for freedom to- an end but a beginning. Those who to realize that their freedom is inextri- have come fresh from narrow jail cells. I have a dream that my four little gether, knowing that we will be free Continued from page 4 hope that the Negro needed to blow cably bound to our freedom. This Some of you have come from areas children will one day live in a nation one day. This will be the day when as well as white men, would be off steam and will now be content, offense we share mounted to storm where your quest for freedom left where they will not be judged by the all of God's children will be able to granted the unalienable rights of will have a rude awakening if the the battlements of injustice must be you battered by the storms of perse- color of their skin but by the content sing with new meaning-"my coun- life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap- nation returns to business as usual. carried forth by a biracial army. We cution and staggered by the winds of of their character. I have a dream try tis of thee; sweet land of liberty; piness. There will be neither rest nor cannot walk alone. police brutality. You have been veter- today! of thee I sing; land where my fathers It is obvious today that Ameri- tranquility And as ans of creative suffering. Continue to I have a dream that one day, down died, land of the pilgrim's pride; can has defaulted on this promis- in America we walk, work with the faith that unearned in Alabama, with it's vicious racism, from every mountain side, let free- sory note insofar as her citizens of until the I have a dream that my four little we must suffering is redemptive. with its governor having his lips drip- dom ring"-and if America is to be a Negro is color are concerned. Instead of hon- children will one day live in a nation make the Go back to Mississippi; go back to ping with the words of interposition great nation, this must become true. oring this sacred obligation, granted his pledge that Alabama; go back to South Carolina; and nullification, that one day, right So let freedom ring from the America has given the Negro people citizenship where they will not be judged by the we shall al- go back to Georgia; go back to Louisi- there in Alabama, little black boys prodigious hilltops of New Hamp- a bad check; which as come back rights. The color of their skin but by the content w a y s ana; go back to the slums and ghettos and black girls will be able to join shire. marked "insufficient funds." whirl- march of the Northern cities, knowing that hands with little white boys and white Let freedom ring from the mighty But we refuse to believe that the winds of of their character. I have a dream ahead. We somehow this situation can, and will girls as sisters and brothers. I have a mountains of New York. bank of justice is bankrupt. We revolt will today! cannot turn be changed. Let us not wallow in the dream today! Let freedom ring from the continue to valley of despair. refuse to believe that there are in- Martin Luther King Jr. back There I have a dream that one day every heightening Alleghenies of Penn- sufficient funds in the great vaults shake the are those So I say to you, my friends, that valley shall be exalted, every hill and sylvania. of opportunity of this nation. So we founda- who are even though we must face the diffi- mountain shall be made low, the Let freedom ring from the snow- have come to cash this check—a tions of our asking the culties of tomorrow, I still have a rough places shall be made plain, and capped Rockies of Colorado. check that will give us upon de- nation until the bright day of justice devotees of civil rights, "When will dream. It is a t h e Let freedom ring from the curva- mand the riches of freedom and the emerges. you be satisfied?" We can never be dream crooked ceous lopes of California. But not security of justice. But there is something that I must satisfied as long as the Negro is the deeply I have a dream that one day on the places only that. say to my people who stand of the We have also come to this hal- victim of the unspeakable horrors of rooted in the red hills of Georgia, sons of former shall be Let freedom ring from Stone lowed spot to remind America of warm threshold which leads into the police brutality. American made Mountain of Georgia. the fierce urgency of now. This is no palace of justice. In the process of We can never be satisfied as long dream that slaves and sons of former slave- straight Let freedom ring from Lookout time to engage in the luxury of cool- gaining our rightful place we must as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue one day this owners will be able to sit down to- and the Mountain of Tennessee. ing off or to take the tranquilizing not be guilty of wrongful deeds. of travel, can not gain lodging in the nation will glory of Let freedom ring from every hill drug of gradualism. Now is the time Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst motels of the highways and hotels of rise up and gether at the table of brotherhood. the Lord and molehill of Mississippi, from to make real the promises of democ- for freedom by drinking from the the cities. We cannot be satisfied as live out the will be re- every mountainside, let freedom racy. Now is the time to rise from cup of bitterness and hatred. We long as the Negro's basic mobility is true mean- Martin Luther King Jr. vealed ring. the dark and desolate valley of seg- must forever conduct our struggle from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. ing of its and all And when we allow freedom to regation to the sunlit path of racial on the high plane of dignity and We can never be satisfied as long creed-we flesh shall ring, when we let it ring from every justice. Now is the time to lift our discipline. We must not allow our as our children are stripped of their hold these see it to- village and hamlet, from every state nation from the quick sands of ra- creative protest to degenerate into selfhood and robbed of their dignity truths to be self evident, that all men gether. and city, we will be able to speed up cial injustice to the solid rack of physical violence. Again and again by signs stating "for whites only." We are created equal. This is our hope. This is the faith that day when all of God's children- brotherhood. Now is the time to we must rise to the majestic heights cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro I have a dream that one day on the that I go back to the South with. black men and white men, Jew and make justice a reality for all of God's of meeting physical force with soul in Mississippi cannot vote and a Ne- red hills of Georgia, sons of former With this faith we will be able to Gentiles, Catholics and Protestants- children. force. gro in New York believes he has noth- slaves and sons of former slave-own- hew out of the mountain of despair a will be able to join hands and to sing It would be fatal for the nation to The marvelous new militancy ing for which to vote. We are not ers will be able to sit down together at stone of hope. With this faith we will in the words of the old Negro spiri- overlook the urgency of the move- which has engulfed the Negro com- satisfied, and we will not be satisfied the table of brotherhood. be able to transform the jangling dis- tual. 'Free at last, free at last; thank ment and to underestimate the de- munity must not lead us to a distrust until justice rolls down like waters I have a dream that one day, even cords of our nation into a beautiful God Almighty, we are free at last.'" termination of the Negro. This of all white people, for many of our and righteousness like a mighty the state of Mississippi, a state swel- symphony of brotherhood. sweltering summer of the Negro's white brothers, as evidenced by their stream. tering with the heat of injustice, swel- With this faith we will be able to Martin Luther King legitimate discontent will not pass presence here today, have come to I am not unmindful that some of tering with the heat of oppression, work together, to pray together, to

Page 6•Winonar•January 15, 1992

they should have done was make it Intervention program. open only to those with a WSU I.D., if Students who qualify can receive Concert they would have done that there a $1,000 bonus with their grant. Col- would have been far less problems." Durenberger lege students can continue to receive Dean Lanz an Alumnus of Winona the scholarships if they demonstrate Continued from page 1. State, also in attendance said " it re- Continued from page 3. high achievement or, if involved in minded me of concert in Early Intervention, continue to 1979 when all those people got progress toward their goals. helped me over the bars and sug- protected income. The protected gested that I go to the hospital, which trampled, if they hadn't of made it amount is $6,050 for a single adult free to the general public the problem Third are the Early intervention I did. It was an unfortunate accident, and $10,900 fora couple. Anyone with maybe there was not enough security would have been much smaller." Programs for "at-risk" high school TAO THE KEYS an outstanding loan after 25 years but those that were there did a good Lanz also added "security did the will not have to finish payment. students to make the options of col- best job they could but there were not lege and financial aid a reality. job." CAII A CAB Jay Philliber a Senior Computer enough security there that night." The 2.7 billion saved through IDEA Diana Wilde a Senior Advertising Early Intervention programs fo- Science major who was part of secu- TAKE A STAND credit will be redirected into three rity last Saturday evening said " The major blamed the size of the crowd as areas: increased Pell Grant awards, cus on mentoring, advising and tu- the major problem. p toring "at-risk" high school students. crowd was rowdy, we didn't think it Excellence Scholarships and Early was going to be that bad, we did the Wilde who fainted at the concert Intervention Programs. was originally up front towards the The bill provides $100 million in best we could with the personnel available." barricades but soon moved back to- First, the bill increases the Pell matching funds for states to establish ward the rear of the gym for air. this type of program. Philliber ended by saying " if we Grant maximum by $600, with larger hadn't of been pushing on the bar "It was so hot and loud, I sat down, grants going to low-income families I guess the next thing I did was fall on The program's practicality is still there would have been people and extended aid to moderate-income jumping around on stage." my face. My roommate helped me p families. debated among the nation's financial and soon security came, security aid directors according to Lietzau. Jim Dailey a Junior History major in attendance Saturday evening also stayed with me until they were sure I Second, new Excellence Scholar- pointed to the size of the crowd as the was okay." Wilde Said. FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS DRIVE DRUNK ships for high school and under- "Financial aid (directors) are di- There was a succesful turnout vided on it. There are those who think major problem. graduate students will be rewarded Dailey said "the crowd early on which is always nice to see." Zane it's the greatest thing since financial to Pell grant recipients who have was obnoxious, there was a fight right said. 4 aid started, others want the old sys- taken a challenging high school next to us, there probably should have Zane also pointed to the fact that it course-work, rank at the top of their tem fixed before we put in a com- was a free admission show open to pletely new one," said Lietzau. been more security though because class, preform well on a national whatever that gym holds it was full. the public that caused the major standardized test or enter an Early Dailey added further that "what problem.

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If you are graduating before Sept.1,1992 and have not registered for Placement Services attend one of these sessions:

:'fii'lr • • . Page 7•Winonan-January 15, 1992 Varlet Workshops combine theater, dance, music, art for production By JENNIFER HOWES cesses we go through," commented Kim munication major, likes the the atmo- Variety Reporter Schultz, senior theater arts major. sphere of the workshops because it Martha Connerton, Monica Maye, helps her to tap into a lot of creative What would you do if someone shot you and Jaime Meyer are guiding, facilitat- energy. by banging on a drum? ing, and directing the large group's cre- Hopping up and down while It's one of those improvisations cre- ative process. the syllable "ha" for 15 minutes was ated by the world of Performance Art Connerton is a professional dance something that one participant strongly Workshop at Winona State University. choreographer. Maye is a singer/com- disliked. The department of theater and dance is poser and Meyer is a professional play- "I'm interested in these body/mind currently sponsoring seven credit-earn- wright. centering principles which I've been ing workshops for winter quarter. Jessica Freund, freshman undecided studying and applying them to perfor- Most are interdisciplinary, cutting major thought the workshop would be a mance situations," said Maye. across the traditional boundaries of the good opportunity to work with three She expects everyone to be imagina- arts. artists who are pulling all of their cre- tive, open and willing to take risks. "I'm finding out my insecurities, my ativity together to work with students. Owens said that some participants strengths, and also the insecurities and Performance Art Workshop is cen- enjoyed the harmonics when everyone strengths of the other people involved in tering on principles surrounding the dis- relaxed and listened to the environ- the performance," reflected Paul Mar- cipline of music, theater, and dance. ment. tin, senior theater arts major. A love scene, family life, and job "It has to start you, and come from "The personal nature of performance relationships are traditional aspects of inside, otherwise it's artificial in re- art must rely on trust," said Martin. theater that probably will not be seen in lation to art, " said Schultz. "With performance art you can go this project. "My personal goal and our goal as a places that are out of bounds from the Meyer said, "Performance art is a team is to create an experience that traditional theater, " he said. way of working in the theater geared began on Jan. 6 and continues through- "I'm learning that self disclosing isn't toward non-traditional approaches." out the creative lives of everyone always threatening. I'm getting to trust He wants to push people to "pleas- involved," said Connerton. these people with my mind and body antly surprise" themselves and terrify Meyer's only expectation is to push explicitly," explained Jennifer Owens, each other. people to do things that they never senior theater arts major. Christopher Mahle, junior theater tried before. Performance art is something new and arts major, said, "I like the idea of "Everything we do is based on ex- has never been done at Winona State. working with a creative process that is panding student's perception of the It's too early in the creative process totally new to this school. " world and themselves," he said. to know what direction it's taking or Mahle has enjoyed getting to know Performance Art Workshop will have Tamberlain Jacobs/Winonan Staff what themes will be used. people in a creative environment rather a production playing Feb. 13-16 in the Tom Bart, sophomore undecided major, helps Nell Schultz, freshman theater "I think the time that we take to talk is than in a functional environment. Dorothy B. Magnus Hall in the Per- arts major, out of a parachute for the theater workshop improvs last Wednes- important; both during and after the pro- Elle Newman, freshman mass corn- forming Arts Center. day. Bangladesh students to create forum By JENNIFER HOWES they'll try to include will be spon- ency in comparison to their native although some of their words have same as here. It is their custom literature in their leisure time. Variety Reporter soring a dinner that is unique of language of Bengoli said President similar meanings. for women not to show their arms They are not as open as their culture, sponsoring a con- Nadim Jahangir. "I didn't know what a 'Big De- and legs; a Sari is a long cloak that American students are regard- International Bangladesh stu- cert using their own talent and "From the time we start luxe' was until I came to is traditional dress. ing sex. They value chastity dents are getting together to doing other culturally unifying school,1-12, we learn how to read America," said Jahangir. However, many women wear before marriage. share in their culture. events. and write English. We didn't re- He said he tries to interact with what they want, " replied Shahbaz Khan says, "If you are re- Bangladesh Student Forum is Support of cultural awareness ceive emphasis on speaking En- American students, but it is diffi- Khan, public administration ma- ally intimate with someone currently awaiting the ratifica- is also one of the purposes that glish," said Jahangir. cult because Americans do not jor. there is no reason to kiss in tion of their constitution by the their constitution claims, " Communication problems do always talk with him. Muslim is the religion of 85% public." student senate. promote and develop an under- arise because of the nature of the He usually has to initiate the of the population. Muslims don't Their purpose is to create a standing between Bangladesh stu- English language. communication. traditionally eat pork, drink alco- Bangladesh food is very di- forum that will be representing dents and student of all countries." Common slang is occasionally Bangladesh students are highly hol, or celebrate Christmas. verse and makes use of spices. their student body of 51 stu- Bangladesh students view the misinterpreted because the slang conscious of hygiene, dress, and Instead of going to bars they Shemi is a sweet dessert that dents. English language as a problem the Bangladesh students use is status. gather and talk, go to the movies, they claim is unlike anything we Some of the activities that because they don't have the flu- different from American slang; "Men in Bangladesh dress the watch or play soccer and read have. Scenes from MSU-Akita: Land of the Rising Sun

By SUE ANN MULLEN Red meat is very expensive and Variety Columnist consequently only one or two slivers appear in most soups. Physical Education professor Sue Ann Mullen is still over at the Minnesota State A very common way to relax in University-Akita campus in Japan and it Japan is to go to an "onsen," a hot sounds like she is having a wonderful time springs bath where you soak away with her experiences that she is sharing your aches and pains. with us here at Winona State. These spas provide family recre- ation as well but the center of the Happy New Year! Christmas break activity is the bath. brought my husband, Bill and brother, Men and women have separate Paul, to Japan for some skiing. baths both indoors and out with a whirlpool and a sauna. Akita had very little snow so we trav- After stripping and leaving my eled east toward Morioka to investigate clothes in a locker, I entered the bath the conditions. They definitely had more and sat on a very low rubber stool to snow than Akita so we decided to try a soap down and rinse off. large area called "Appi." Then I proceeded to the hot pool With this being vacation time for the where I carefully immersed inch by Japanese as well, we encountered many inch. Rob Sklenar/Winonan Staff people and a desperate need for more After soaking I went outside to cool off before reentering the outside Martin Zekir, lead singer for the Gear Daddies snow. But we made the best of it and enjoyed the day. hot pool.

We found the Japanese to be very I bypassed the sauna because my respectful and never once saw anyone temperature was high enough at this On That Note: Gear Daddies step all over another one's skis. Quite the point. opposite from our experience in Europe. I had an interesting conversation Next we skied "Shizukuishi" which with three young women who were on will be hosting the 1992 World Cup Down- vacation with their families. portray heated performance hill Championships in February. It was fun Feeling like a rubber noodle, I to imagine skiers racing down these same decided I had soaked enough for one By HOLLY M. BOECKMAN earlier in this column; it caused some problems. hills. day and went to my locker to find that Musk Columnist It was roughly one- hundred and ninety degrees in there and my key didn't work. no air was circulating. I had sweat pouring off me while I stood At home we stopped at a large craft there. center outside Morioka where we watched So, there I was trying to explain What did you do last Saturday night? If you my dilemma to a little old lady who weren't in Talbot gym you made a mistake.. U-PAC After the concert was over my roommate and I were craftsmen at work making everything obviously couldn't speak English. Fi- brought us the Gear Daddies — and for free no less. putting our coats on and I noticed she wasn't looking very from candy to iron tea kettles. healthy. nally, a lady from the front desk The Gear Daddies are a Minneapolis based college After a day of rest we traveled to a Next thing I knew she was laying face down at my feet. ski area called "Tazawako" where we came to my rescue and I drove home band who just happen to be creating some of the best fully clothed. Needless to say the music in the industry these days and they put on one I had three heart attacks and a stroke thinking she was spent the day dodging grass and rocks. We heck of a show. dead. could sure use some Minnesota snow. three of us slept like logs. They played for a little less than two hours to a Another friend of mine walked by at that moment and I very full house. asked her to get some security guards. My downhill and cross country classes President Bush's visit to Japan Actually, I've never seen such a turnout for any It took awhile for my roommate to come around but are going to have to exercise instead of has been the big news item lately. It band at WSU. when she did, the security people carried her outside to skiing for at least another week. will be interesting to hear the out- get some real air. Last year the BoDeans came here, thinking they Finding something to eat has never come. are a relatively large name the small crowd sur- Neither she or I had anything to drink that night and that been a problem but when you have no idea Good thing Bush came before the prised me. being the first time she'd ever fainted, I blame it on the what you're buying it can be a real expe- January Sumo tournament, which Although the Gear Daddies drew about triple the oppressive conditions. rience. starts next week or he may not have people , that isn't necessarily good though. For security reasons reasons all the doors to the had a chance. They covered material from their first release, outside were closed and there was no air moving, making We bought many unknown fish to cook it too darn hot. If you would like to hear some- Let's Go Scare Al and their second, Billy's Live Bait, at home which were quite good but our and even threw in some new material. Next time there is an activity planned in that gym that luck with pastry wasn't as successful. thing in particular of what is going on at the MSU-A campus or other as- The most interesting though was their cover of will draw tons of people things should be done differently. Japanese pastry is usually filled with pects of Sue Ann Mullen's experi- 's Little Red Corvette for their encore perfor- The WSU security people were a huge help and I sweetened soybean paste which a little mance. definitely want to thank them. of, goes a long way. ences there, contact the Winonan. We can ask Professor Mullen to I brought my powerful press pass with me thinking Beside the temperature problem the concert was won- I would take a shot at talking to the guys. derful and everyone seemed to have a good time. On the road we found good breads and send us more information to answer your questions. Unfortunately some things interfered with that One of my friends asked me to quote her and I will ate wonderful bowls of noodles, broth and plan. I mentioned all the people pecked into the gym because she said it well, "I love these guys! They're vegetables. great!" Page 8•Winonan•January 15, 1992

Beatty ideal in Bugsy role Freedom In Hand

obsessed, not only with Las Vegas but not a bug." JOEL F. HES S ""'"'"'"""'"'"•••••'■••■••• Movi. Columnist with women and the making of movies. But Siegel's obsession was Las Bugsy goes so far as to have a screen Vegas and building the Flamingo Ho- OhtEm test done. tel, named after Virginia. One of Siegel's obsessions was Vir- What starts out as a million dollar Itia 2 a y ginia Hill, played brilliantly by Annette dream turns into a $6 million night- Bening. mare for Siegel and his partners. Like Dick Tracy, Benjamin "Bugsy" (If it wasn't for Beatty's and Siegel was a pet project of Warren Bening's coproducing we could have In the end Siegel needed to sell his Beatty. For six years Beatty wanted to seen her as The Catwoman in Batman shares of the Flamingo, he was not a film about Siegel, and when the oppor- Returns.) interested in owning it, he wanted to The relationship that Siegel and Hill tunity arose last year, he leapt at the see it completed. chance. have is combustible, both are set in Bugsy is high-powered entertain- their ways and both will do anything to ment and the performances are top- get what they want, when they want Bugsy is also the first time since the notch across the board. it. disastrous Ishtar that he did not both act and direct, the directing chores were The electricity between Beatty and Ben Kingsley, Joe Mantenga, Elliot Bening can be compared to the likes of left to Barry Levinson. And that suited Gould, Harvey Keitel, and the late Beatty fine. Hepburn and Tracy. Bill Graham turn in suberb perfor- mances. Ben Siegel is not the typical gang- Siegel grew up in New York with his My prediction is that Bugsy will friends Meyer Lansky and Lucky Luciano ster, he is charming, like Beatty him- win Best Picture and Best Actor for self. There's a lot of Beatty in the in the 20s and 30s. Both Lansky and Warren Beatty in his best role since Siegel character, especially around Luciano helped finance Siegel's biggest Bonnie and Clyde. dream, Las Vegas. women. But when the charming stops Bugsy was the character that The idea of Las Vegas and the building that's when Siegel becomes psychotic. Beatty was born to play. In one scene he makes one of his of a gambling oasis in the desert is what Siegel dreamt of, a place where all of partners get on his knees and bark like Note: If you see Bugsy, you will a dog. his illegal gambling practices are legiti- recognize that as Beatty gets older mate. Siegel also becomes upset if any- he starts to look more like Richard Levinson shows us a Siegel who is one calls him Bugsy to his face, he Nixon. Both Nixon and Beatty share says that "a bug has no dignity, I am the same sloping nose. Dertinger's Diner: cutt calories with chicken

By GREGG DERTINGER Baste chicken with this shortly Cooking Columnist Country ChLcken Xtev before removing from the oven. Well, how many pounds did 1 cup soft bread crumbs Chicken. Salad everyone gain over Christmas break? 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, If your like most Americans you gained grated Cook a 3 1/2 pound chicken with 6 to 7 pounds. You may not look as good 1 1/2 tsp basil leaves as you want to but I bet the food was onion, celery leaves and salt. Cool 2 tsp oregano leaves completely and cube. great. There are times you have to 1/2 cup melted butter stop thinking logically and do what 2 chicken breasts 1/2 cup lemon juice your stomach Lells you. Worry about ltbs chopped onion 3/4 cup mayonnaise the results later, if at all. 1 tbs parsley leaves 1 cup celery But, I know most of you are con- 1/4 cup while wine 1/4 green pepper cerned about the long lasting effects 112 cup black olives of your eating frenzy. There is a Mix together first four ingredients. 1/2 cup .green olives solution. Dip chicken in melted butter and roll in 2 tsp onions Like some of you, I too received a bread crumb mixture. cookbook for Christmas. In it I found Bake in a covered casserole at 350 some recipes you could try if you are Combine first two ingredients and degrees for 45 minutes. mix until well blended. In a bowl trying to shake that holiday tonage. I Meanwhile, take remaining butter Brent Hendon, an actor with Mixed Blood Theater, performed In a one-act play wish you all the best of luck in your combine chicken and remaining ingre- and add 1 tablespoon chopped onions, 1 dients. Pour mayonnaise mixture over Thursday as Dr. Martin Luther King. The commemorative service was sponsored efforts and hope you enjoy my sug- tablespoon parsley leaves and 1/4 cup by the WSU office of Cultural Diversity and the Black Cultural Awareness Asso- gestions. chicken mixture. Fold ingredients to- ciation. white wine and cook 5 minutes. gether and its ready to serve. The Winonan is accepting applications for Editor-in-Chief and Business Manager for next year.

Stop by the Winonan office in the lower hyphen of Kryzsko Commons for your application today. orts Page 9•Winonan•January 15, 1992 Cager coach Nauman resigns Warrior basketball coach to quit effective season's end By JONATHAN MAZE of talk on Nauman's relationship with was one I could not overlook." grams." record of 137-232. He won the North- Sports Editor his team. The Warriors had been off to their ern I ntercollegiate Conference Coach "I've been thinking of this for well best start since Nauman became the When asked whether or not the of the Year award in 1990, and has Despite the Winona State Univer- over a year," he said. "I'm 54 years coach with a record of 7-2 at the time decision was made due to player dis- taken his team to the playoffs six sity basketball team's great start this old. The bus rides get to you, those of the press conference. However, he sent, Nauman said, "Not as far as I'm times. year, there have been constant rumors un-fun things. felt that now was the time to jump concerned, no." and speculation regarding the status "I've been coaching for over 33 ship in order to give the school time The timing of the announcement of head coach Jerry Nauman. years, that's a lot of bus-rides." to find a replacement. He didn't, however, deny that came as quite a surprise to many Here endeth the speculation. The reason for Nauman's resig- "I came in a week after school there was player dissent. people. Saying that he has been contem- nation, according to the coach, was started and I know what it's like (to plating this for more than a year, the fact that he was given the oppor- come to a school late)," Nauman said. "There will always be unhappi- "I think the timing involved al- Nauman announced his resignation tunity to teach full time. "I think it's unfair for the new coach, ness when you get 12 players on a ways surprised people," Athletic Di- on Saturday, Dec. 21, after Christmas "The opportunity for full-time the players and the program. team." rector Dr. Steven Juaire said. think break had already begun, during a employment in the Health, Physical "It will allow WSU the opportunity press conference at McCown Gym- Education and Recreation Depart- to continue recruiting and have a In his 14 years of coaching at See Nauman, page 11 nasium. The resignation ended weeks . ment became a reality," he said. "It smooth transition in coaching pro- Winona State, Nauman compiled a Jerry Nauman Balance Women's B-ball loses 8 in a row By MIKE HANSON bounded 51-33 and committed 26 Sports Reporter turnovers.

The Winona State University St. Scholastica had 28 offensive women's basketball team has hit a rebounds to Winona's 13. Kelly Mann cold streak over the past month that led the way for the Warriors with 21 does not seem to be warming up. The points, including 6 three-pointers. Warriors are in the midst of an eight Molly Ritter chipped in 10 points also. game losing streak, sending their record plummeting to 0-2 in the Kelly Mann is playing real well Northern Sun Conference and 2-10 nowadays for the Warriors. Says overall on the season. The last win for coach Baber, "Since we have come the lady hoopsters was December 6 back from break Kelly has come on against St. Mary's. real strong for us with her scoring." Just ask coach Lynn Baber how the team is doing during this cold Winona State came back January 5 stretch and things seem to be going from the long Christmas break to face fine. "The girls are playing good. They the University of Wisconsin- are maintaining a positive attitude Platteville in a non-conference game for losing as many games." in Talbot Gymnasium. It was a disap- Their last game before winter pointing loss because the break was break was frustrating to say the least. supposed to be a "healing time" for Rob Sklenar/Winonan Staff The Warriors played host to College the hoopsters. of St. Scholastica and lost 67-59. The Sophomore beam specialist, Beth Trebon, executes a one dim handstand during the problem? Rebounds and turnovers. See Lady Cagers, page 11 annual you be the Judge meet Saturday In McCown Gymnasulm. The lady Warriors were out re- The players had their sneakers on, their game faces and the sense to win over their fans with their Play- As soon as we wa in, we Men's Cagers off to best start in 22 years; beat had never`felt this kin of,:schooi spirit before. Did our finally catch the band-wa La Crosse, Stout, but lose NIC opener to SSU From the nrung„ the crowd was it's f eet as they seemed to realizeonthat t he nightwa s go ifit be Warrior basketball team turning heads with balanced scoring while freshmen begin to blossom great, and the visitors would soon be overcome. field. By TONY KLIPSIC The Warriors have had four play- Glancing through the crowd, Sports Reporter ers in double figures and three that we knew that our players had full average over 12 per game. Brown support The Winona State men's basketball was averaging 14.3 per game before team must have been good little boys the La Crosse game and Lingenfelser Them. over the past year because Santa Claus and Winter were over 12. Conway the past whi ch has filled their Christmas wich with a was over nine and after his team high anybody, but 10-3 record so far this year, the best 13 points against La Crosse, could reason; .the. start for a Warrior team in 22 years. break the double figure mark soon. Was lit t The Warriors went into their Nauman is pleased with the dis- there not January 6 contest against the Uni- tribution of points and wouldn't versity of Wisconsin-La Crosse with change that part of the game for the the expectations of getting their New world. "When you have four players Year off to a bang, and boy did they who are consistently putting in 10 or ever, by jumping out to a 37-17 lead more points a game, it causes a team our talented playere with 3:00 to go in the first half before havoc to try and prepare for us. I that all 1,1 were a mini-spirt brought the Eagles to would rather have it this way then to sexs for not getting. within 14 at halftime. The Warriors have one player who scores 25 a game student activities on cairiptt controlled the first half statistics and a team can try to work around," you are, but we think that you shooting (14 of 28) 50 percent from he said. might have finaIlyproveri us. the floor compared to (9 of 25) 36 Starting off to such a hot start has wrong. The PlaYC70!*.e pat percent for the Eagles. caused alot of people to believe the lot of time and The Warriors outrebounded the Warriors have had a bit of luck and record, and you final ysuppp. Eagles 19 to 12 and had five turnovers Nauman believes its more good than them. to the Eagles' ten. luck that has brought the Warriors UW-L came out storming mad in their winning ways. Unfortunately it wasn't our the second half, going on a 6-0 run "We are a good ballclub. We have 3 men's baiketball team. and creeping to a 39-31 deficit before been able to hold teams down to low a Tom Brown basket broke the sec- scores due to our defense and I feel The Gear Daddies were the ones ond half scoring drought for the we can go on a scoring streak at any that attracted you. Warriors with 17:12 left in the time," Nauman said. ballgame. Another surprise to Nauman is Wow! It was a great concert The players continued to battle, the play of freshmen Eric Plitzuweit and a lot of fun. That was the most exchanging baskets until a rare double and Chris Cove. Both have seen sweat that Talbot gymnasium has foul was called at 2:51 left in the game ample time off the bench and have ever accumulated in one night. between WSU's Ted Conway and the jelled well into the system according Between the two of us, I think we Eagles Anthony Glover. At the time to Nauman. left 20 pounds lighter. it appeared costly for the Warriors as "Plitzuweit has showed us he can Conway fouled out and the Warriors score from the outside and has given We have never seen that kind saw their lead drop to 63-59 with 1:40 us some balance with Brown on the of student spirit at Winona State, to go. After driving the lane and Deb Benedett/Co-Photo Editor outside perimeter." especially at our athletic events. getting fouled by Warrior Ray Win- As for the team as a whole, What will it take to get people ter, Eagle Theo Howard missed a Tom Brown, Junior physical education major, battles through a strong defense during a Jan. 6 home game Nauman feels the team has really fired up for a good old basketball critical one and one shooting situa- against LaCrosse. The Warriors went on to win the game 63-59. jelled well, but still need to improve game? tion. on alot of areas to be contenders. The Warriors' Matt Lingenfelser "We have had a great week of After watching many high grabbed the rebound, tossed the ball 42.4 percent for the game. them, you have to feel good about Winter had another big day, practice, but the La Crosse game calibar college games on television out to Brown who lost controll of it, Nauman pointed out the fact that your chances." leading all players with 15 points and showed we still are making mistakes over break, we both got depressed turning the ball over on a debatable a slow start in the second half al- Nauman should feel good about a 12 rebounds. Lingenfelser and Gove that will improve with time and work. that our fans fail in comparison. call with 40 seconds left. The Eagles lowed the Eagles to narrow the defi- team which has such a deep bench each contributed 12 points apiece. Basketball is like a chess game, you Sure, Winona State tried to liven blew their possession when Howard cit. and a balanced scoring attack that On Monday, the Warriors got back always have to be two moves ahead up the game with a purple ape tried to pass over Conway and was "We really didn't start off the has started to turn some opponent's on track, beating up on the'Univer- and we aren't there yet," Nauman running around like an idiot last denied giving the ball back to the second half too well, we all make heads. "We try to get as many people sity of Wisconsin-Stout 95-50 at said. "If and when we get there, we'll year, but that did not seem to work. Warriors and sowing up another mistakes and learn by them. It was involved in each game as possible McCown. be a better ballclub." Warrior victory. just more or less a few choices of and I feel that I can put any of my Winona State never trailed during Asked how many games the club Now we have the $5,500 shoot Coach Jerry Nauman had great passing and shooting selections and players into a game and they will the game, and got a big day from can win this year, Nauman said, out But doesn't it always seem praise for his team following their a few three-pointers by them and the contribute," he said. Brown, who finished the night with can't answer that question, but if you that the people who get picked to sixth victory in a row. momentum started to swing in their Winona State then started off its 16 points, 12 in the first half. Winter ask the players, they'll tell you the win have never touched a basket- thought we really dominated favor." Northern Intercollegiate Conference also had 16 points, making all seven rest of them." the first half, but stretches in the sec- Looking at the game as a whole, season at Southwest State Univer- shots he attempted. Also contribut- On Friday, the Warriors take on ond half, we played extremely poor," Nauman felt his team would win the sity. The Mustangs went on an 11-0 ing for the Warriors was Lingenfelser, Bemidji State University and Satur- See Support, page 11 Nauman said. game from start to finish, "When you run in the second half to take a 58-48 who had 15 while Randall Herbst day, they play defending NIC The second half saw the Warriors have your starting point guard on the lead en route to a 75-61 trouncing of tallied 10. champion the University of Minne- shoot only 35.5 percent from the field, bench and your still matching up with the Warriors. WSU shot 57.6 percent from the sota-Duluth, both start at 7 pm. Page 10•VVinonan•January 15,1992

earn Golden

sofa with a bunch of has-beers, and never-dones. He turned a hard award... the fob_ By JONATHAN MAZE perrenial playoff team with the most talent in the NFL and Goes to the Chicago Bears, For most of the season, the Goes to all the NFL referees. Do I need to state a Columnist screwed it up. I feel sorry for Dennis Green. Bears looked like they were real contenders. Then, on the last reason why? game of the season, the San Fransico 49ers made them look me, everybody is sick and tired of reading The "You look like a coach, let's hire you" award... like pretenders by blowing them off the face of the Earth and The "quick, turn the spotlight on me" award... witching how 1991 wa*&Uch a great and magical knocking them out of first place in the Central division and r in the sporting worts , the word Goes to the Winona State University administration for into the Wild Card round, where the Bears were quickly Goes to Nolan Ryan of the Texas Rangers, who on the mo word appearing deciding to forggo a national search for proven coaching elirainated by the Dallas Cowboys. Good job. day that Rickey Henderson finally beat Lou Brock's the sports pa I newspapers. candidates and hired three coaches whose only coaching stolen base record, pitched his seventh no-hitter to grab Instead of boring ytt of how great it was experience was being graduate assistants. Lynne Saber, Ken The Rip Van Winkle award for the team which best the spotlight away from Mr. Henderson, Poor Rick, a t all these gran things t at has happened in sports is and Beth I-lowe may be good coaches, but how did the exemplifies old Rip by waking up and realizing you're little less food for the ego, I guess. re fip world peace a that, my look back at the powers that be know that? Do they have some type of crystal playing in a professional league... tn sports wilt consis :wow: annual ball or something? The open mouth, insert foot award... Golden Whistle Awads. These atoai►ds presented Goes to the Atlanta Braves, which barely beat out the

annually to the person or persons 0041.0enipti g The failed attempt to block the spotlight award... Minnesota Twins for the award. The Braves, after years and Goes to myselffor opening my mouth, or in this case , ;same type of achievement in the of sports, and years of being a doormat, woke up like a hibernating bear and my computer, and ripping apart Jerry Nauman based .CompiledCompiled mercilously, around the clock for the Goes to one of the few bright spots at Winona State this won the National League West, and then beat the Pittsburgh totally on rumor in my last column before Christmas zt:30 Minutes: year, Wayne Mai As the one-man defense for the football Pirates just ieLore losing to the Twins in the best World break. My deepest apologies go to Jerry, and I take back team, Wicka tried to keep the spotlight off of himself by Series ever. Braves, however, are no losers, and they what I said in the part on the men's basketball team and refusing to talk to any reporters, who desperately wanted definitely will contend for the title again next summer, Mr. Nauman. It is very hard for any coach to win here him because of Wicka's NFL potential. The sporting world, which may be more than the Twins can say. when the administration cares more about what the mainly the Vilangs, needs more people like him. average amount of rainfall in Madagascar is than if the The Keystone Cops award for the person or gmup off Cagers, along with the rest of the athletic teams at put our hands on our throat and squeeze really people who do their best at bungling and humbling on Winona State, win a game.

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One of Nauman's players, senior the head of the HPER department, hoopsters lost 68-53. were in Aberdeen, South Dakota and Nauma n guard Tom Brown, said that it was all will recommend a search committee. Lady Cagers-- "It's tough going out on the court got walloped by Northern State Uni- auman's decision to leave. We hope to have all that done by the facing those taller teams. Our tallest versity, losing 103-58. It was the War- Continued from page 9 it was his decision all the way," end ofJanuary," he said. "We hope to Continued from page 9 player is six foot and we face teams riors eighth straight loss. Von Allmen Jerry Nauman deserves a thank you he said. "If that's what he wanted to have a replacement named in time with players a few inches taller. So led the way with 22 points and Molly from the school. He is taking a big do, all the power to him. for him to do some recruiting." they get more rebounds." said coach Ritter had 10 points. risk doing this early in the season. "I think he made a good decision." For the game, UW-Platteville shot Saber, who just got done coaching Brown also said that this decision Bambenek said that he would like 49 percent from the floor, while against two taller teams, Southwest "Northern was a good team. They "He could've easily waited until could motivate the players. to see one of the assistant coaches get Winona State shot 40 percent. and Northern State. were a lot taller than us. We were the end of the season, then we the job. Karri Teske came alive on the re- outmatched by them. We never gave would've been scrambling for a re- it gives us motivation in that we bound chart, chalking up 14 boards The Warriors were down 28-25 at up and played hard. They simply just placement." want to send him out with a winning "I feel I'm a very viable candi- and 8 points. Mann had 20 points, 12 the half but couldn't catch up to the had more talent." said coach Baber. record," he said. date," he said. "We've got a program ca me from three pointers. Molly Ritter Mustangs. It was a sloppy game as Said assistant coach Mark Juaire said that the process to se- going here, and we'd like to keep it added 17 points and Jennifer von Southwest committed 25 turnovers Next up for the Warriors is UM- Bambenek, "I'm very surprised. You lect the candidate will start after the way we've got it here. Allmen threw in 10 points for the and Winona Stated had 24. Morris and Moorhead State Univer- hear little things about it, but you Christmas, but he doesn't know when Warriors. sity Friday and Saturday night in Tal- don't think he's going to do it, espe- they will name a new coach. "We've had a hand in the recruit- Mann had another big game, hit- bot gym. cially with the beginning we had." "Soon after Christmas, Dr. Mark, ing and we know all the players." Last Thursday the women's team ting six three-pointers while totaling traveled to Southwest State Univer- 22 points. Senior Molly Ritter had 15 "Moorhead will be very tall. Actu- sity for their first conference game of points for the Warriors. ally, taller than Northern. But Morris the season. Height played a key role isn't as tall. They will be beatable." in Winona State's defeat, the On Saturday the lady hoopsters replied coach Baber.

IIth ANNUAL CELEBRATION! RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE NOM team have to do to get some support? Suppor Another exciting halftime show Maybe, we can have a halftime would be a game of horse between show with student president Mark the Palestinian club and Dr. John Continued from page 9 Bergmann and President Darrell Kane. But instead of shooting for the Krueger. They both can play a little word "horse", they will gun for the one on one to decide a debated issue. word "censorship". We are sure Kane •AMERICANO • VOYAGER • ball or resemble your grandmother The event can be sponsored by the will will slam dunk the letter "p" to • who is trying to lose weight because company that produces Trojans, win. DESERT INN • THE REEF • her back and legs hurt. which can hand out a condom to all •RAMADA INN • fans as they enter. If Darrell Krueger But after what we saw this week- - 5 or 7 nights - When a team is 9-3, we expect fans loses, he will have to hand them out end, maybe, we can just have the : i-,m1/65/ to fill the bleachers and harrass the to all the spectators as they leave the Gear Daddies perform for a half time referee with every call. What does the game. show.

•SHERATON HOTEL & CONDOS • • GULF VIEW CONDOS • HOLIDAY INN • • LANDFALL TOWER CONDOS • - 5 or 7 nights - QUESTION: You've finally got a date with the girl of your dreams but SKI STEAMBOAT COLORADO! you're strapped for cash. Should you... • OVERLOOK HOTEL • • SHADOW RUN CONDO A. Take her to an early show while you - 2, 5 or 7 nights - wait outside. 41-'• B. Take her to an inexpensive restaurant and watch her eat. • TOURWAY INN • st/22 C. Take her to a bar and watch other • THE REEF guys buy her drinks. - 7 nights - D. Watch an old movie together while enjoying a couple cold Bud Lights. • LAUDE