Alumni Newsletter

Spring Edition

Newsletter Designed and Developed By: Carolyn Bacon — Editor; Dennis McNaboe — Layout and Design Barbara McClain — Typing & Proofreading Anthony Anastasia — Proofreading A message from the President By President Danny Finuf

First and most importantly, I hope all of you and your families are staying healthy during the very unusual time in our world. The COVID-19 virus has impacted the University in many ways but I am pleased to inform you that we are doing well. All of our students were sent home in March as the Governor of issued a Stay at Home order for all non- essential businesses. It was at this time that all of our students moved from campus-based instruction to online instruction. We are fortunate as a University to already have a full online teaching platform in place, thus the transition was fairly smooth. I am specifically thankful to our academic leadership and our faculty for making this transition as easy as possible for our campus based students.

Unfortunately, the stay at home order resulted in the cancellation of our spring sports teams which was very disappointing. However, our athletic leadership, coaches and students handled it very well. I am proud of all of them and for how hard they worked to ensure the health and safety of our student athletes. I am also proud of our faculty and staff who worked tirelessly to ensure all individuals at the university were properly cared for, especially due to how quickly this came upon us.

As Alumni, we care for you as well. Knowing you are safe and healthy is important as we all manage our lives through this unprecedented pandemic. Please keep us up to date by reaching out at any time to our Director of Alumni Relations, Car- olyn Bacon or our Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Dennis McNaboe.

We are now planning for the fall semester and our 2020/2021 academic year. Although we understand that there are still decisions to make regarding travel, social distancing and athletic events, we are focused on the future while we adhere to our health experts and governmental authority. We are planning some improvements around campus during the summer months while our students are away. Residence Hall upgrades, soccer field and softball field upgrades, replacing the con- crete paths around the campus and improved lighting for safety, just to name a few. We still have to secure some funding to complete this and we believe that will be in place by the end of May.

We did have a very good 2019/2020 academic and athletic year. Many of our students continue to shine in their academic studies and in our athletic programs. The improvements in some of our fall athletic teams were terrific and our spring teams started out with great success, even though their seasons were shortened due to the COVID-19. The continued im- provement our coaches have made in recruiting, academic excellence, game excellence and compliance have been out- standing. We are proud of each of them and the terrific young men and women underneath their leadership. Letter from the President — Cont’d Now as we face the beginning of a new academic year, the key question remains, what new guidelines must everyone fol- low to ensure the safety and health of everyone on our campus. Our faculty and staff are our greatest resource, and our students are our highest priority. We expect to have a full set of updated standards in which we must adhere to, which will put the safety and health of all who come to Salem as our top priority. Even with these new standards, we believe an exciting year is ahead of us. We appreciate all of you who have passed through this great University and the legacy you have left for others to follow. This has been a tough few months, but we expect to manage through it and to come out stronger than ever. We want you to continue to be a part of in any way you desire. Whether that is being an active part of our alumni base, a volunteer at various events or by donating to the foundation to increase the scholarship opportunities of our current and future students. You can reach out directly to Dennis McNaboe, Dean of Student Affairs by email at [email protected] or by phone at 304-326-1482 if you would like additional information. You may also reach out to Carolyn Bacon, Director of Alumni Rela- tions [email protected] Thank you for your continued partnership and support. Stay safe and go Tigers!

New Years Eve Celebration Our 3 families have been celebrating New Year's Eve together since 1970. In the early days, our 3 couples with 7 children under 7 stayed overnight

and we rotated houses for the celebration.

Now these "kids" are middle aged with families of their own and WE don't like to be out after dark. So we celebrate "New Year's Eve" early in December with lunch. Gordon's wife Judy who was an important part of this group passed away Back Row: Mary Cartright Steesy '62, Janet Clough Isabelle '64, John Isabelle '64. Front row: Walt Steesy '62 and N Gordon in 2006. Gray '64. All except Mary were Humanics Grads. Janet Isabelle

Where Are They Now —The 1990’s

Kim Bergoine; Class of 1990 BS Athletic Training/Psychology MS degree — WVU Worked as athletic trainer for 13 years Youth Mental and Behavior Health — 16 years Resides in Cokeburg, PA

Traci Bonsall; Class of 1991 BS-Athletic training and physical education Minor in Health Education/Safety Education Physical Therapist for 20 years Resides in Bridgeport, WV

Page 2 2021 ALUMNI TRAVEL Patrick Haun ‘71

Your Alumni Association is developing plans to offer domestic and foreign travel opportunities for its members, their families, and close friends! We need your help to narrow our destination choic- es. Listed below are several destinations, but your vote/feedback will be helpful in moving toward making the travel arrangements happen.

Let’s think positive and assume we will have a vaccine or medical solutions leading to freedom from CV19 or other similar maladies in 2021. We ask you to select your top 3 destinations from those listed below, then email your selection to ([email protected]) by June 15, 2020. Past Association President, Patrick Haun ‘71, has agreed to Chair this committee and or- ganize the various journeys. Each trip, whether domestic or foreign, will be inclusive. That means MOST travel expenses would be included in our cost: 4 star hotel accommodations, 2 meals (sometimes 3 meals) per day, travel insurance, ground journey transportation via private coach, entrance fee’s to itinerary attractions, professional tour guide, all gratui- ties. By August 1, 2020, we will announce the Salem Alumni Travel and contract with experienced professional travel plan- ners to coordinate our trip details.

Here are some present possibilities. Select your top 3:

Las Vegas and Grand Canyon (5 day) NYC Theater and New England Fall Tour (5 day) Mississippi River cruise (7 day) Ireland (12 day) London, Paris, Rome (14 day) Rhine River cruise (12 day) Caribbean cruise (7 day)

“The Old Facebook Page” I attended Salem College from 1965 to 1969. During that time I had a lot of classmates and met a lot of folks not only from the college but also a lot from the town of Salem. Lots of those have been friends for a long time. After graduation I have tried to stay in touch with a lot of alums. I attended several Homecomings over the years. I tried to stay in touch also by telephone calls. This lasted until the Social media era arrived. So now we are in contact over the media called Facebook. A few of us talked about using this method to get in touch with other classmates and friends that we met while attending Salem College. In January 2010 we started the Old Salem College group site. The purpose of this group is to connect with individuals who attended Sa- lem College. It is also opened to all who attended any of the former named Salem College's and now Salem University. Who wants to share in fellowship, friendship, and memories, stories, pictures of their times at Salem? The way we all remembered what it use to be like at Salem. We are now over 1300 plus in membership. Just in the last month we have grown about 130 members. Our group site has a lot to offer members through Photos, Stories and lots of Memories of our times at Salem to share with others. I want to thank all of the members of our group for all your contributions in making the Old Salem College group site successful. Please spread the word to all of your former classmates and friends that you have met while at Salem about our Old Salem College group site on Facebook. If interested in becoming a member: Go to the Facebook page.. then key in “old Salem college/ West Virginia.”

Questions: Email [email protected] or call or Text 1-804-690-3368. Thanks for all your help, Woody Page 3 Alumni Council President Update On behalf of your Alumni Council, I hope you and your family are safe and well during this virus outbreak. Those of us who are retired probably only notice a slight change in our daily routine but those of you who are still working or have children at home are experiencing a life style change. Your mental and emotional health are just as important as your physical health. This is a good time to reach out to your fellow Alumni, not only to check on each other but for some uplifting conversation on our days in Salem. If you are spending your time cleaning out closets and going through boxes, keep an eye out for Salem memo- rabilia that you might want to donate or loan to the Alumni Honors Hall. We hope to have interesting displays from each period at Salem for everyone to enjoy. I think current and future students will enjoy learning about the history of Salem and realizing the legacy they belong to. Travel restrictions and social distancing concerns have caused us to delay work in the Alumni Honors Hall and on the collapsed Main Street wall. We will reschedule as soon as it is safe to resume these activities. This will shorten our time frame to complete these projects before Homecoming so when we do select a date, we will re- ally need extra volunteers to accomplish our goals. Please read the article on Alumni Awards and submit your recommendations so we can recognize our deserv- ing Alumni. Do not assume someone one else will do it; multiple nominations are ok. The Alumni Council has openings that need to be filled so I hope we will receive resumes from interested Alumni. In the short time since the Alumni Association has been re-organized, we have accomplished a great deal and we are setting in motion many opportunities for Alumni. It is essential we get qualified and interested Alumni to fill the openings and we are emphasizing representation from graduates from the past twenty year period. In addition to Council membership we are also looking for Alumni to join various committees. We can use your talents on a short or long term basis to carry out Alumni activities. Stay safe and well. Jeffrey Stanley SC ‘74

Thelma Ribeiro Poole Where Are They Now —The 2000’s BS Biology 2008

Luis Perez; Class of 2005 MS Physical Education/Health 2010 Business Admin Owner of soccer training program, “Joga Bonito soccer training” Works in Business Admin for General Electric Also coaches U8 & &14 soccer travel teams Resides in Vienna, WV corporate audit staff and corporate business sourcing. Ntandose I. J. Hlabangana, JD; Class of 2008 Resides in Houston, TX BA in Criminal Justice (Cum Laude)

Mike Petrella; Class of 2005 Currently a Legal Officer with the Ministry of Justice, Legal and BA Sports Management/Communications Parliamentary Affairs in Zimbabwe within the Department of Con- MA Special Ed/Educational Leadership stitutional and Parliamentary Affairs Program Director/Principal for Oakcrest Academy (residential Runs a nonprofit organization that assists rural schools in Zimba- school for young men with substance abuse issues) bwe obtain resources and come up with self sustainable projects Married to Sarah Zinn Petrella (also attended Salem) for its students and surrounding communities. Current Hometown: Harare, Zimbabwe Resides in McAlpin, FL

Annalise Suzuki; Class of 2007 Jernez Kamensek (Kama); Class of 2006 BS — Japanese Studies Business Administration International Business concentration Chief Technical Advisor for Vietnamese Football Club Minor — TESL Resides in Quy Nhon, Vietnam Currently VP of Technology and Engagement at software company for variety of industries (automotive, aerospace, defense, elec- tronic and shipbuilding) Resides in West Bloomfield, MI

Page 4 Where Are They Now — 60’s

Tony Etze ( Moose) June O’Connor Kimbell Class of 1968 Class of 1969 Business Admin/English BA English Yanks Worked in several executive assistant roles Department of Transportation in construction, engineering and architec- & Auditor Office of Inspector General tural trades Retired 2001 Married to John Kimbell (Class of 68) Active construction volunteer with Sussex Resides in Simpsonville, SC County Habitat for Humanity Charter Stinespring Resides in Lewes, DE Class of 1969 BS — Physics John Kimbell MS and PhD — Physics, WVU Class of 1968 Department of Energy — Morgantown BA Human Relations Researcher for R&D company — Boston MBA — Fairleigh Dickinson 30 years — Assoc. Professor WVU — Chemical and Biomedical President/CEO — Vermont Gas 1990-2001 Department Encore Career- Financial Advisor 2006 — Married to Stephanie Spurlock Stinespring 2014 Salem and WVU — Elementary Education Retired 2014 Resides in Arthurdale, WV Married to June O’Connor Kimbell (Class Graduated in 1964 of 69) Resides in Simpsonville, SC Barry S. Gershenoff [email protected] Retired Certified Public Accountant Al Hoppe Graduated in 1964 Class of 1968 Major Accounting Business Management/Political Science Resides in Cherry Hill, NJ US Airforce 23 years at Personnel/Recruitment Company Retired Resides in Rocky Point, NY [email protected] Salem Football & Cheerleaders Biennial Reunion

Mitch Albom, author of "Tuesdays with Morrie" wrote: "Death ends a life, not a relation- ship!" As we learned of the passing of Coach Donnie Young and players John Knight, Joe Oliveto, Steve Dills ( aka Steve Browne) and Philip Lewis, it saddens us to see our Salem foot- ball brothers leave us and be reminded of Mitch Albom's quote. All who have departed to the "big game in the sky" live in our hearts and minds.

We move-on to fulfill our Organization's Mission to: "perpetuate the memory of Salem foot- ball, honor each other, and make or rekindle friendships".

We invite all Salem football players, coaches, managers, trainers and cheerleaders to attend our twelfth Biennial Reunion July 16 - 17 - 18, 2021. It will be held again at Oglebay Park, Wheeling, WV. Begun in 1999, we are in our 22nd year of existence. Not bad for not having a formal football program and budget! This sustainability speaks volumes as to our character, persistence, motivation, and appreciation for our Salem experience.

Due to football being dropped in 1988, we are not adding critical mass to our membership so every ex-player, coach, trainer, and cheerleader attendance is so important to sustain our organization, memories, and relationships. Please mark your calendars. Come and celebrate our experiences with each other. I mean why grow old with your memories - come live Al Tarquinio with his wife, Leslie at the them. The stories get bigger, richer, and farthest from the truth each Reunion. After all, isn't induction of into the that what Reunions are for? Salem Athletic Hall of Fame at the

President Al Tarquinio promises another jocular engagement and a more streamlined agenda at 2019 Football reunion. the Banquet on Saturday night, July 17th!! Our Reunion picnic/ice-breaker kicks-off the Reunion weekend on Friday night, the 16th.

Come re-live your memories! Page 5 2020 Salem University Homecoming Weekend Please note, that as of this newsletter the Apple Butter Festival has been canceled; But if something changes, we will modify the schedule

October 2: Friday 11:00am — 12:30 pm Alumni Council meeting on Campus 2:00pm — 4:00 pm Alumni Awards - Gymnasium  Hall of Fame induction  Distinguished Alumni award  Exemplar awards  Other recognition awards, etc  Council announcements 4:15pm — 5:00 pm Reception- Alumni Honors Hall 5:00pm — 6:00 pm Tour of campus  Led by students  Presentations by various faculty members 5:00pm — 9:00 pm Marriott Hotel  Check in to hotel 7:00pm — “until” Marriott Hotel  Alumni Reception

 Special Class and group Reunions

October 3: Saturday 8:30am – 9:30 am Breakfast and gathering – Erickson Alumni Center 9:30am — 11:30 am Alumni Association meeting – Erickson Alumni Center Noon — 5:00 pm Alumni sporting events 7:00pm —“until” Marriott Hotel  Alumni Reception

 Special Class and group Reunions

To register for a hotel, please visit:

1970 50th Reunion — Rescheduled

Due to the corona virus restrictions and uncertainty as to the status of near-term planning, the 1970 50th Reunion Com- mittee has, regrettably, made a decision to postpone the reunion. It had been originally scheduled for Homecoming Week- end 2020. We have now rescheduled it to the following year (Homecoming Weekend 2021)

Since the 50th Reunion for the Class of 1970 was impacted by the postponement, Homecoming Weekend 2021 will be a combined 50th Reunion that will include the Class of 1970 and the Class of 1971. We anticipate it will be "double" the fun!

We are searching for a few interested representatives from the Class of 1971, to join with the Class of 1970 representatives on our Reunion Committee. The sooner we coordinate the planning activities for the two classes the better will be the event for all. The 1970 representatives consist of Helen Post Brown, George Kerr, Ed Woodlock, Jeff Stanley, Carolyn Bacon and Woody Woodside. Please contact me (Carolyn Bacon) if interested in assisting in this worthwhile efforts. All meeting will be via conference call. Stay tuned for actual dates and locations.

We are also encouraging other classes to begin organization of their upcoming reunions (Perhaps 10th, 25th, 40th etc.) These are important and significant achievements that deserve to be celebrated. Currently, if held at the Courtyard by

Marriott, in Bridgeport, WV during homecoming weekend, a free reception is provided.

Please contact me for assistance in planning.

Regards, Carolyn Bacon Page 6 Happy 18th Birthday!

Happy 18th (leap year) birthday to our own Tom Luckini, attended Salem from 68-72 (football) but received his degree at the football reunion in 2019.

With a birthday only every 4 years, Tom deserves a big party. Salem for- mer Football players help him celebrate at Cheat Lake.

Yanks & More

A very successful “ Yanks and More” SAAM Salem Mini reunion was held in Orlando, Fl on Feb 8, 2020. Hosted by Dewey Tomko (class of 69) and Carolyn Bacon, Director of Alumni Relations. 38 alumni and guests attended the luncheon with weekend happy hours for those staying overnight. A good time had by all.

Salem Alumni Area Meeting Yanks Reunion The Groovy Goat, Orlando Florida The Groovy Goat, Orlando Florida February 8, 2020 February 8, 2020

(Left to right) Bill Plichta ‘69, Bill Aippersbach ‘68, Al Pido ‘69, Jim DeLong ‘70, Dewey Tomko ‘69, Scott 1. Tom Munsey - Guest 13. Ivana Uhland ‘68 28. John Goss ‘68 Campbell ‘68, Denny Dunn ‘69, Tom Ereditario ‘72, 2. Rosemarie (Saviano) 14. Colleen Ricco - Guest 29. Jeff Stanley‘74 - Dave Ellenberg ‘63, Sonny Abbatta ‘72, Joh Goss ‘68 Aippersbach ‘68 15. Al Pidio ‘69 Alumni Council 3. Bill Aiperbach ‘68 16. Carolyn (Kocher) Ba- President 4. Walt Steesy ‘62 con ‘70 Dir. Of Alumni 30. Lorraine Lynn - Guest 5. John Lynn ‘68 Relations 31. Tess (Suchevits) Bol- 6. Frank Ricco ‘69 17. Tom LeBec ‘70 linger ‘84 7. Perry Cain ‘77 18. Rosalie (Vogel) LeBec 32. Noel (Goodale) 8. Patty (Gemma) Mun- ‘69 DeLong ‘68 sey ‘66 19. Bill Pichta - ‘69 9. Bill Duderstadt ‘76 20. Paula Plichta - Guest Not Pictured: Alumni Council Mem- 21. Tom Ereditario ‘72 Sue Duderstadt - Guest ber 22. Jim DeLong ‘70 Agnes McElroy - Guest 10. Linda (Wolverton) Cain 23. Scott Campbell‘68 Sue Ellenberg - Guest ‘77 24. Denny Dunn ‘69 11. Jim “Woody” Wood- 25. Dave Ellenberg ‘63 side ‘69 Alumni Coun- 26. Sonny Abatta‘72 cil Member 27. Dewey Tomko ‘69 - 12. Bob McElroy ‘79 Host

Page 7 Delta Zeta Chi The 4th reunion of Delta Zeta Chi sisters was held in Feb 2020 in Sar- asota, FL. A great time reconnecting and “we just pick up where we left off”. Pictured here during a trip to celery fields state park.

Hall of Fame

The Salem University Athletic Hall of Fame was initiated in 1962 with its first induction class.

To nominate a potential Hall of Fame inductee, please click sb_output.aspx?form=20.

For questions regarding the nomination process please contact Barbara McClain or Steve Potts

Can you hear me now? By Jim Gano ‘83

You might recognize that phrase as the advertising slogan in the old Verizon Wireless commercials from a few years back. It is also an underlying theme to some of the discussions the Alumni Council has been having lately. Here is our focus. What is the best way to communicate with past Salem Alumni, particularly, those from the 1990’s and 2,000’s? Notice I didn’t say alumni from Salem College or Salem Teikyo or Salem International. They are all just “Salem Alumni.” We are ONE Salem. Carolyn Bacon has written a great article on the “We Are ONE Salem” initiative and what it should mean to each of us. I hope you’ll take the time to read it. What we really want to know is, “what is the preferred method of communication for you? How do you want to be informed about what is happening at your Salem?” There are several ways of reaching you at our disposal, including the many Facebook pages dedicated to Salem. There is also Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Reddit and, seemingly, new platforms being added every day. Of course, we can’t forget the traditional methods, although, sorry, smoke signals are out. They do, however, include printed or digital newsletter, or a mailing to your home. What we need to know is, which method are you most likely to read and respond to? One option we bounced around was creating a dedicated Salem YouTube channel. Here are some benefits to going in this direction. The Alumni council, University President, Sports Information Director and others could add weekly content of about five minutes in length about your Salem, the ONE SALEM. This would embrace updates on sports teams, video tours of buildings and grounds, and also any appraisals on various improvement projects and Alumni Hall news. Additional- ly, other programs could be taped for later viewing. These could include graduations, Hall of Fame inductions, etc. Even past alumni could, and would be encouraged to submit content. They could tell all of us what they have been doing lately. We could make it an “alumni spotlight” series, and, if they are on the local news where they live, it could be shared with the rest of the Salem community. Before we decide to take this one giant step into the 21st century, we would need to know if it would be worth the investment in time and effort. Would you subscribe and view it? If we were to do this we would be “all in”. I ask that you please take a minute and send me an email with your name, address, email address, phone # and class year to [email protected] and indicate what you feel would be the preferred avenue of communication that we should commit ourselves to and let us know, if we do this, would you subscribe to a dedicated Salem YouTube channel? I will share the results with the Alumni council and if it looks like there is enough interest, we will start the YouTube channel in a few weeks. Please respond as soon as you can… like now. Certainly do so before July 1st, 2020 so we can make the necessary improvements to our communication link with you. I’d also like to ask a favor of each of you, please share this newsletter with any fellow Salem alumni you are in touch with and ask them to provide us with their contact information, so we don’t miss anybody. Thanks for reading this. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and that we can travel down “Country Roads” sometime soon to gather again in Salem for special events like Homecoming, Graduation, or to view the Alumni Honor Hall.

Page 8 Attention all Salem Alumni Veterans

Bruce Harder (Class of 69) and George Kerr (Class of 70) have been working hard on an “ honoring Salem Veterans” for Alumni Honors Hall. Please complete the following form and send to Barbara McClain (address provided on the form).

Salem College/Salem University Alumni Association Questionnaire

(This form is for U.S. Military Veterans Only)

Veterans: Please fill out this questionnaire and return it to: Salem Alumni Relations, 223 West Main Street, Salem University, Salem, West Virginia, 26426. The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect information on Salem College or Salem University U.S. military vet- erans to record and recognize their service to our country. Who is a veteran? Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations defines a veter- an as “a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.” This definition explains that any individual that completed a service for any branch of armed forces classifies as a veteran as long as they were not dishonorably discharged.

Please attach a brief biography to this form to help us write a veteran profile for you.

(Filling out this form and submitting it to the Salem Alumni Relations Office signifies granting your permission to record and save it for the purpose of recognizing your military service to our country in the Alumni Hall and library at Salem University.)

Today’s date: ______Circle your Gender: Male Female

Full Name (first, middle, and last): ______

Current contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address): ______


In which military service or services did you serve? ______

What was your primary military occupational specialty (MOS)? ______

What are the dates of your active duty military service? ______

What are the dates of your reserve duty military service? ______

What is the highest rank you attained during your military service? ______

Did you participate in any wars or military operations or campaigns that involved combat operations? If so, please list them and provide the dates. ______

Please list any awards or medals you received as a result of your military service: ______

Did you retire from your military service? Circle Yes or No. If you did retire from your military service, please list your retirement date: ______

It is important to verify your military service. Therefore, we ask that you provide a copy of your DD214 and attach it to this form. Your signed and verified DD214 is the official record of your military service. Please ensure that the copy of your DD214 you send us does not include your social security number. You can easily make a sanitized copy of your DD214 by covering up your social security number when you copy it. Please do not send us your original signed DD214 form, all we need is a photocopy of the original. Please provide a photograph of yourself and biography that you would like posted in the veterans’ recognition book in the Salem College/University Alumni Hall.

In the space below, please provide any additional information you want about your military service that has not already been provided on this form. ______

Please sign here to verify the information provided above. ______Page 9

WHERE ARE THEY NOW - 1970’s Michael Levy; Class of 1976 BS Business Administration Ron Jesso; Class of 1972 MA Education — Waldon University BS Music Education Currently Business Dept Chair at LaSalle institute and Founder of Band Director — West Green High School the Global Education Institute Resides in Rogersville, PA Perry Cain; Class of 1977  Lewis Stoms, Jr; Class of 1973  BA Religion/Philosophy/Music BS Business/History Pastoral Minister 1978-2011 Owner Bare Truck Center until 12/2019 Professional Counselor 1990-2011 Now work for new owners Musician 1977-present Kenworth Mid Atlantic Author “Waiting in the Light” Resides in Hampstead, MD Salem International University Adjunct Steven Cox; Class of 74 Professor/Psychology BA Elementary Education Resides in Tampa Bay, FL 1978-2011: Asst men’s basketball coach [email protected] with Don Christie Linda Wolverton Cain; Class of 77 Resides in Salem , WV BA Education & MA Education from Sa- [email protected] lem College Taught Special Education and Social Studies in Harrison County for Kathy Cosgrove; Class of 1973  34 years; Taught 2 years in Hillsboro County, FL; Currently teaching BS Psychology/Art Special Education at Academy at the Farm in Pasco County, FL Sigma Sigma Phi— President Resides in Tampa Bay, FL Regional Sales Manager — East Coast Sales Aer Lingus Airlines Doug Cox; Class of 1978 Former careers with Eastern, Continental, Heath and Physical Education Major; Coached many sports American, and Porter Airlines; Part time Resides in Central Washington work- conducting wine tastings [email protected] [email protected] Mary Jewell Pearl Cox; Class of 1978

Carolyn Fluherty Cox; Class of 74 Music Education BA Secondary Education Band and Chorus Director 1999-2018: Registrar — Concord University Both Doug and Mary taught for 37 years before retiring Resides in Salem, WV Resides in Central Washington [email protected] [email protected]

John Jensberger Mary Bissell Hogue; Class of 1978 Business Admin BS Special Education/Elementary Education 32 years with Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Worked 32 years as a classroom teacher Retired in 2007 Retired Resides in Garland, TX [email protected]

[email protected]  Cindy “ Buddy” Lowe; Class of 1978 Edward Andrews; Attended Salem 1962—1966 Physical Education/Health/Coaching Graduated Class of 1975 Retired College Professor and Coach Teacher — Millville, NJ Resides in Tucson, AZ Resides in Millville, NJ [email protected] [email protected]

Ludina Royer Mills; Class of 1979 BS Elementary Education 1979-1985 — Harrison County Schools 1995-Present — Kiddie Kollege Pre-School Retired 2020 & Resides in North Ridgeville, OH

Jim Jensen; Class of 1975 BS Education MS Administration 1981 Retired from teaching in 2007 Working at Resort Quest International Resides in Bethany Beach, DE Page 10 Daniel Simmons; Class of 1986 WHERE ARE THEY NOW - 1980’s Married to Dawn Simmons (Class of 1987)

Resides in Myrtle Beach, SC Jim Weaver; Class of 1980 Married to Jill (Hoerner) Weaver; Resides in Annville, PA Margaret Susan Apley; Class of 1986 [email protected] BS Physical Education/Health

Christine Collins Shelley; Class of 1982 Delta Zeta Chi, Softball, men’s football trainer BA Communications/Theatre Arts LPN — 20 years; Softball Umpire — 15 years [email protected] Print Journalism/Psychology Working for 30 years as a nurse; Lived in Australia for 7 years Dawn Tuckmantal Simmons; Class of 1987 [email protected] Elementary Education

L. Joyce Heinz; Class of 1983 Teaching for 32 years, currently 5th grade Equestrian Studies/Art Married to Daniel Simmons — Class of 1986 Career in Equine industry running boarding stables, teaching, training, Resides in Myrtle Beach, SC [email protected] showing, etc. ARIA Certified Instructor. Currently teaching Equine Program at Potomac State College, WV Jill Hoerner Weaver; Attended 1979-1981; Class of 1987 Resides in Short Gap, WV Worked as CAT Scan Technologist

Retired February 2020 Anita Rosser; Class of 1983  Married to Jim Weaver — Class of 1980 BS Social Work Resides in Annville, PA MS Special Education — Fairmont 2019 Currently teaching Special Education at Stacey O’Neal Irwin; Class of 1987 Watson Elementary Radio/TV/Mass Communications Resides in Fairmont, WV Former Radio DJ, Media Manager, Documentary Producer, Book [email protected] Author & College Professor at Towson and Millersville Universities Resides in Lancaster, PA Sandy Scoville-Rice; Class of 1984 [email protected] BS Industrial Technology College Professor Angela Council; Class of 1988  Resides in Cincinnati, OH Business Administration [email protected] [email protected]

Tim Glover; 1984-85 Kathy Phillips; Class of 1988 Business Management Criminal Justice Government Procurement Working in mortgages services for the last Resides in Hempstead, MD 10 years [email protected] Resides in Chalford, PA

[email protected] Kelly Corcoran Underwood; Class of 1984  BA Elementary Education Sue Harrison; Class of 1988 Masters in 1992 Criminal Justice/Public Administration Salem Basketball Hall of Fame —2018 Senior Detective with Tampa Police Department Taught for 32 years in Tucker County, WV Resides in Tampa, FL [email protected] [email protected]

Maureen Whiting Fox; Class of 1986 Michele Beber; Class of 1988 BS Criminal Psychology/Criminal Justice BA Criminal Justice Former Deputy Sheriff and Probation/Parole Officer. Currently em- Senior Claims Specialist with Henderson Brothers handling workers ployed as a Federal Contractor & Personnel Security Specialist Work- compensation ing at the FBI in Washington, DC Resides in Canonsburg, PA [email protected] [email protected]

Lori Jenkins Cotter; Class of 1986 Cathi Spenser Harris; Class of 1989 Criminal Justice/Psychology AA Degree Behavior Health in Head Start classrooms Equine Education in Sports Medicine Resides in Hershey, PA Owner/Operator — Edgehill Kennel in Athens, WV [email protected] Financial Assistant of First Community Bank; Princeton, WV Married to Rusty Harris — Class of 1988 Natalie Steele; Class of 1986 [email protected] BA Criminal Justice Employed by UPS Resides in Arnold, MD

Page 11 How has the Corona Virus Pandemic affected YOU? John Kimball Deborah Graham Michalsky “Going deeper into devotion. Contacting one person every day “I am writing a children’s book about my Debby Donkey & Theo that I have not talked to in 15-30 years. I’m very social, so this, (horse) here at the farm. If it doesn’t go anywhere, I’m okay with along with Zoom for Sunday school, on line Church and Rotary is all it. My friends have been reading excerpts on facebook and they good”. really like it”. Ron Terwillinger Kathy Johnson  “I presently live in an assisted living facility in NJ. I have started to “Well, with the schools called off paint and have also started to do coloring pages. I never consid- for the rest of the school year, I’m ered art as a strong point but I now enjoy it. I want to send my subbing at a day care center, where best wishes to all my Salem friends”. children of essential workers are John Rice dropped off while parents are “Using Zoom as a communications tool. Reading and writing more. working. We are required to wear What if...the virus is here to help us? To reset. To remember what masks. Everyone stay safe”. is truly important. Reconnecting with family and community. An Chris Rizzieri invitation to turn inwards. The faster we go in the wrong direction, “I have learned computer skills as an on line teacher now. I have the sooner we can get further from where need to be”. also realized that if retirement resembles what to do next.. I’m not Christine Wallendjack-Kerr  ready”. “I’ve knitted seven scarves - so R. Gregory Hall far! I’m also working on my “I never thought of it this way before, but as a summer camp di- quilting. I am considered essen- rector, I live in quarantine most of tial (great for the self esteem) the year anyway”. and working at least three days a week in the office and on call the Rosalie Vogel LeBec  rest. I have been cooking more , “I have been gathering all of my which is great. I’ve even baked baby videos of my grandsons and bread. I never knew how much I putting them on a DVD so we can liked fresh bread. Stay well all.” save them and watch them on TV. I’m glad to have Tom here with Bob McElroy me”. “The general shutdown has given me an opportunity to focus on completing my book that I’ve been working on for 5 years. Forse- Anne Ford nic Wellness is not a diet book but it’s presented as an understand- “We met at Salem in the music de- able and interpretable STEM foundation for a diet”. partment and married at Salem. We are still married after 51 years, but the quarantine may have made us realize that we might Carolyn Bacon have made a mistake on 8/16/68. LOL”. “More time to think. More time to pray. Separation from loved ones has renewed my philosophy that people are more important Janet Rymer than places or things. Different kinds of community service- from “I’ve been sewing masks for family, friends, nursing homes and teaching large groups to attempting to sew masks (but then realiz- hospitals. I’m busy all the time and don’t have time to be bored. I ing I am more productive by delivering them) still keeping in touch have made approximately 160 masks and plan to continue. People with friends and alums by social media and now I have plenty of have been very supportive of my project and I’ve received many time to write this newsletter! Can’t wait to be able to see all of you thank you cards. With many businesses requiring masks, I get once again”. many requests and have sent them to WV, OH, PA, MA, TX, FL, NC, SC May we never take for granted Dinner nights with friends Here’s a picture of my friend wear- Birthday gatherings ing my popular Star Wars mask.  Packed dance floors Mary Ann Feavel Coffee with friends “Playing lots of golf (since our Crowded Church pews courses are still open) Only single Sitting with grandchildren riders in each course, but we all The roar of a stadium have our own carts. Cleaned house Hugging the ones we love from top to bottom and cooked more”. Laughing with friends

Visiting loved ones in hospitals Janet Phy LIFE ITSELF “I did a lot more baking”. Page 12 Strategic Plan Update

The Alumni Council approved a new three- year Strategic Plan on February 19, 2020 and a full copy was included in the last Alumni Up- date.


An Alumni Engagement Committee has been formed. Colin Mustful (SIU’05) has been ap- pointed the committee chairman. Colin has already started the process of reconnecting with Alumni who have graduated within the past twenty years. The committee is still looking for additional members who can represent each decade starting with 1990.

Since the spring visit to the Salem campus had to be cancelled, the council will wait until this fall to contact Student Government members for suggestions concerning Alumni activities that will support the current student enrollment.

Plans for a Greek Reunion are being considered for the summer of 2021.


Council member Jim Gano (SC ’83) has been appointed Chairman of the Communications Com- mittee. This committee will explore ways the Alumni Council can use Social Media, LinkedIn, YouTube and Webinars to reach and serve Alumni.


Salem Area Alumni Meetings (SAAMs) that could not be held this spring are being re-scheduled to an appropriate date so that we can still connect with Alumni in locations near them.

The Homecoming schedule has been adapted to address concerns of Alumni who found it diffi- cult to attend all the activities or have difficulties driving at night. See!!! An old dog can learn new tricks!!

Pat Haun (SC ’71) has been appointed Chairman of the Alumni Events and Travel Committee. Ide- as for events and travel locations Alumni may be interested in attending are being solicited by the committee.

Page 13 Calling All New Alumni Council Members

Are you a Salem Alumni? Are you interested in making important decisions for the Alumni Association? Do you have a passion for giving back to your Alma Mater? Can you be present at Salem twice a year (homecoming and graduation) and available for frequent conference calls? Can you give us a three year commitment?

The alumni council currently has three openings beginning in October 2020 and will run for a three year term. Alumni council members pay own expenses to attend meetings and events.

If interested, please nominate yourself to serve on our alumni council. We currently have council members representing classes of 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. We have no members from classes of 1990’s and 2000’s. We welcome members from this era but membership is not limited to these years. Please send your: Name (maiden name is applicable), Address, Phone number, Email address, Graduation year Major/minor, Brief career history/bio/resume, and reasons why you’re interested in serving.

Send email nomination to Carolyn Bacon, Director of Alumni Relations at: [email protected]

Please write “council nominee” in the subject line.

Salem University Softball

Salem Alumni and parents help cheer on the Salem University women’s softball team with our new “We are one Salem” banner. They defeated California University of PA on March 10 by a score of 2-1 in extra innings in the kick off of the spring games in Winter Haven, FL.

Unfortunately, the remaining alumni athletic events were cancelled, however, we will be scheduling more alumni events to support the athletic teams in fall of 2020.

Page 14 Greetings from the Director of Alumni Relations

It’s been 50 years since I graduated from Salem College in 1970. I have very fond memories of my beloved college and es- pecially the wonderful friends I met during my four years. I continue to stay in touch with many of them, all these years later. For most of us, Salem was a magical experience that will forever remain close to our hearts.

Many of you have graduated from one of the other manifestations of our school. Maybe it was “ Salem ” or “ Salem International University” or most recently “ Salem University”. Regardless of the name of the school…“WE ARE ALL ONE SALEM”

Buildings have changed, Athletics have taken on a new role, Advanced degree programs have been added, cours- es evolved and professors we knew may not have been the ones you knew, but for many of us, college was our first giant step on our own, out into the world at large. The common bond that we all share...that we will always have in common, will be the embrace a place called "Salem" provided us during our transformation into adults that we became.

This new banner has been generously donated by Alumni Council Member, Jim Gano, owner of Crown trophies in Fleming- ton , NJ. It is a wonderfully represented, and continued reminder of the link that binds us all together.

Through the two years that I have been serving in the role of Alumni Director, we have sponsored numerous events, in- cluding over 20 mini reunions all around the country. Unfortunately, all activity has been suspendeddue to the corona virus restrictions. Events ( including athletic events ) that had been scheduled have been postponed. Please know that these events will all be rescheduled when it is safe to reconvene in large groups.

Although we can not meet in person, all is not lost. I find it refreshing, and hopeful, that we can continue to keep in contact by phone calls, emails, social media and Salem websites.

During these uncertain times, let's stay connected. Please use the communicative means afforded us to remain in touch.

We are Salem alumni; we are strong. We are loyal; we are fighters


Looking forward to seeing you at Homecoming Oct 2,3 2020

Carolyn “ Kocher” Bacon Class of 1970 Director of Alumni Relations

Page 15 Special Salem Alumni Awards

Do you know a special Salem Alumni who has gone above and beyond for Salem University and the Alumni? Please nominate him/ her for one of the following prestigious awards

Distinguished alumni Award The committee will select no more than two individuals for this award

Criteria is as follows: Must hold academic Degree from Salem Must have made significant contributions to the University Must have made significant contributions to his/ her profession and society 5 years must have lapsed since graduation

Exemplar of Salem Award The committee will select no more than two individuals for this award

Criteria is as follows Must hold Academic degree from Salem Unselfish service to Salem University Service to one’s home community Service to the Public High moral character

If you have a “ stand out” alumni, please send nomination for either award to Barbara McClain Salem University PO Box 500 Salem WV 26426 Or [email protected] Deadline - July 1, 2020

Please include the following info on your nominee: Name of the award Name, graduation year, address, phone number, email address Educational background ( advanced degrees and majors) Professional experience Service to Salem, hometown community, professional organizations, volunteer positions, other appointed or elected posi- tions

Please include a bio/ resume outlining career history and volunteer organizations

Please indicate the alumni award for the nomination

Please make sure the nominee is aware of the nomination. If selected by the committee, the award recipient must agree to attend homecoming in Oct 2020 to receive the award

The committees will meet and select the award recipients by August 1, 2020

Page 16 Remembering Coach Donnie Young Salem assistant football coach 1966 Glenn Davis Salem Head Football Coach 1967-1970 Class of 1969 WVU football coach 1970-2012 “ I worked with Donnie as a training manager for his football team. Coach Young passed away on April 7, 2020 Had a great road trip with him and Ed Pastilong to scout Concord after a game at Georgetown, Ky. Spent the night at Donnie’s par- Frank Shelaheda ents in Clendenin, then to Montgomery for Concord vs WV tech Class of 1970 game. Two fun guys to travel with. Also had one of my tougher “ Great Coach. Great Leader and Motivator. academic classes with him ( Badminton 101) He played every stu- Instilled honor, pride and commitment in all of us” dent and you had to beat him to get an “A”. I got a “ B” and he ran my ass off. RIP Coach. You are a good man.” Steve Kritz Class of 70 Tom Diaforli “ His impact on those of us who played for him will last a lifetime. Class of 68 He’s home now. Will see you later Coach” “Coach Young was special to everyone. He was not just my coach but a dear friend. He set the stage with three winning seasons in Greg Albright 67, 68, and 69. That was the catalyst to all successes to Salem Class of 1969 Football, built on all the great years before and after his tenure. “ Great coach at Salem. I had the privilege to play under his tute- Every coach and player at Salem succeeded due to the coaches lage. Be at peace coach. A life well lived” and teammates. Special thanks to coaches Underwood, Hartman, Evans and Young. I was so blessed to have their guidance and Mel Washington friendship.” Class of 1969 “ Great teacher and Coach” Class of 1969 football team ( head Coach Donnie Young) inducted into the Salem Hall of Fame in 2017. Bill Stern Class of 1969 Dave Montague “ A Great Coach” Class of 1969 “ I have nothing but respect for this man. As the WVU article said “ Jim Woodside he never said a harsh word about anyone”. He once said some- Class of 1969 thing to me during the Fairmont game in our senior year and I’ll “ I had the pleasure of knowing him and working with him while at never forgot it. Some 40 years later, he apologized for it. I told Salem. Nice guy and a hell of a coach. RIP Coach Young” him it was not necessary as it made me a better person and player. Loved that man. Rest In Peace. “ Jean Naylor “I used to babysit their daughter Tabitha. This is very sad news” Denny Dunn Class of 1969 Jerry Beightol “ Donnie was a gift to Salem and to all players” “ Sad to have lost him. We all should rejoice for having known him in our life while at Salem” Rich Rodriquez- Former Salem Head Football Coach “ Thoughts and prayers to the family of Donnie Young. He was a Andy Conway great Salem coach, a great mountaineer and friend to all West “ Always made a lasting impression on so many of his players” Virginia Football”

Charlie Delmonico Bill Herrington Class of 1969 Seibee Marshall “ This is very sad. He was an excellent teacher and super coach. “ A great Coach”’ Loved taking his classes”

Page 17 Alumni Honors Hall Work was started on Phase 2 of the AHH. We were able to approx half of the needed work of striping wallpaper-repairs-skim coating- primer & paint. We were unable to do the long window wall due to time and available manpower. It was decided to schedule another work session (Phase 2/pt2) to coincide with SU’s commencement. We had made plans for April15-18 to complete our work on the walls. Unfortunately, due to the Corona/Corvid-19 Pandemic, we had to cancel this activity. Right now all plans are on hold until it is safe to resume. We hope we are able to finish the walls, as well as start the process of updating with some displays in time for Homecoming 2020 We will post more info on our next work date ass soon as we are able. Many thanks to Jeff Stanley—Carolyn Bacon—Fred Sias and Bill Duderstadt for the progress that has been made.

Save the Arch and Wall The WALL On the morning of Jan 18, 2020 we were notified that a section of the wall had collapsed and fallen across the sidewalk, spilling out onto the road. The section in question is to the right of the Arch. This section of wall is approx 100’ long, and has been leaning for a number of years. We have been keeping a close watch over it the past year or so as it appeared to be increasingly leaning. Un- fortunately, the wet weather combined with the freeze thaw of December and January resulted in the collapse of approximately 60’-65’. The remaining wall, while still leaning, is somewhat stable. It will also need to be removed in order make some type of replacement happen. So far, as much of the original wall components has been saved for possible reuse. A big thanks to the City of Sa- lem for their help! The wall to the left of the Arch (100’) had seen repairs approx 25-30 years ago and is still standing straight. It is important to realize that the ARCH was not affected by this wall issue. The ARCH The Arch was pressure washed last fall. Two Solar Lamps were installed at that time. Our intent was to return in late spring

SAVE THE DATE: Celebrate Salem Come and Join us: “Celebrate Salem” Benefit June 12, 2021. Depot Stage, Downtown Salem (weather permitting).

“Southside Symphony” a classic rock n roll band (consisting of students from the late 1970’s). Perry Cain and other band members will be performing, featuring songs from the 60’s, 70’s.

We are also considering bringing back a series of “Greek Week Games” during the afternoon. That’s right... get your frats and sororities together for a little fun and competitive spirit.

This program is a joint effort with Salem Alumni Council, Salem University, and the City of Salem.

For more Information, please contact: Perry Cain, organizer; [email protected]; 352-999-8399 Page 18 Obituaries: 2019—2020

Philip Lewis Joseph F. Olivito 11-4-2019 4-4-2020 Class of 1977- Education Age 69 Football Salem Football Sigma Tau Epsilon Inducted into class of 69 Hall of Fame Chillicothe, Ohio Clarksburg, WV

David Glenn Feavel 11-5-2019 Coach Donnie Young Class of 1969 4-7-2020 Alpha Delta Chi Age 77 Married to Mary Ann Dooley Feavel ‘69 Salem Asst coach 1966 Sanford, North Carolina Salem head coach 1967-1970 1969 Salem team inducted into Hall of fame in

2017 Richard Plaskon WVU coach from 1970 until retirement in 2012 1-4-2000 Morgantown, WV Class of 1973

Age 69 Retired sales manager CVS; Englewood, Ohio Steve Dills (aka Steve Browne) “Boots” 4-8-2020 John Woodruff Class of 1977 12-12- 1919 Salem Football 73-77 # 25 & 75 championship Class of 1968 team Athens Ohio Mark Dills (brother) also played football in 1984 - deceased in 2019  John “ Big John” Knight 3-14-2000 Age 58 Class of 1985 Robert ( Rob) Totterweich Salem Football- # 61 April 25, 2020 Teacher, coach; Waverly, Ohio Class of 1973 BA Art/ English

Sigma Tau Gamma Greensboro , N.C.

Coming Soon!! Alumni Honors Hall Displays HELP!! We are looking for all things SALEM. The Alumni Council is seeking memorabilia for display in the AHH!

If you have anything from your time at Salem, and would be willing to share, we have a place for it. We will soon be installing secure display cases, in addition to the current protected space we have in the Whipple Gallery. We are interested in all things SALEM, from ALL eras. If you have any items you feel might be considered “significant”, please consider donating, or loaning them, to the Alumni Honors Hall Display, to be viewed by others. Again, please note, we will accept donated items, or if you prefer “on loan”. Our goal is to show as much of Salem over the years as possible.

WE NEED: Any and ALL years!! ; All organizations…Greek—Social—etc. ; All activities… Homecoming--Guest Performers/Speakers--Greek Week--School Functions--Departments (past and present); ANYTHING related to Salem life!

Please include: Your name; Address, Email (although anonymous works too); Years at Salem; Significance of item (any background on item is greatly appreciated, when , where, etc) Source (identify people in photos as best you can, is the item being donated, or on loan (for how long?). Please only send clean items. Any concerns or questions, please contact one of the following: Bill Duderstadt (Alumni Projects Chairman)

Items can be sent to Attn: Barbara McClain Re: AHH Display; 223 W. Main St., Salem, WV 26426 Page 19 How to reach us: Facebook: Salem WV alumni page Facebook: Old Salem College Page

Please supply us with your email address for upcoming continued communication

Carolyn Bacon: Director of Alumni Relations - [email protected]

Jeff Stanley: Alumni Council President - [email protected]

Jim Vincent: Alumni Council Vice President/fundraiser - [email protected]

Attorney Dana Eddy: Alumni Council Secretary/legal issues/by [email protected]

Ed Woodlock: Alumni Council Treasurer/ homecoming chair - [email protected]

Jim (Woody) Woodside: Asst. Homecoming Chair- founder/Old Salem College Facebook page - [email protected]

Bill Duderstadt: Community Service Chair/Projects Chair - [email protected]

Jim Gano: Communications Chair- [email protected]

Paul Meleedy: [email protected]

Dave Kleinfelter: Past President - Ex officio- [email protected]

Committee Chairs: Colin Mustful: 2000 enhancement [email protected]

Pat Haun: Travel and special events chair - [email protected]

Dennis McNaboe: Dean of Student Affairs - [email protected] Barbara McClain: Executive Assistant to the President - [email protected]

Please update your contact information, and send to Carolyn Bacon: Name: ______Grad year: ______Adress:______Phone number: ______Email address: ______Work/ career info: ______Employer: ______Position held: ______(if retired, please supply your most recent employment)

Sports played at Salem Organizations: ______

Involvement (frat, sorority, clubs, offices held, etc.) ______I would like to participate in the following alumni activities : ____ Homecoming committee ____ Help organize reunion for my class (frat, ____ Community Service day (alumni project sorority, sports team) ____ Alumni/ student partnerships (speak to a leader) ____ Serve on alumni council (elected by alumni class, career workshops, etc.) ____ Host SAAM mini reunion in my hometown association members ) ____ Website design and/ or social media ____Help with alumni follow up phone calls ____ Mentor a student by email or phone Donate to one of the alumni fundraisers: ____ Alumni awards committee ____ Fundraising ____ Hall of Fame reconstruction I have contacts on the following alumni: Name ______Email ______Phone ______

Name ______Email ______Phone ______

Name ______Email ______Phone ______

Please return to Carolyn Bacon, 38004 Creek Drive, # 1286, Selbyville, DE 19975 or Email [email protected] Page 24