Fact sheet - day - long route climbing


Climbing a long route offers a very different experience from indoor climbing or "moulinette" climbing. The notion of rope and commitment in a vertical environment takes on its full meaning. The aim of this course is to give you the technical bases to evolve independently on routes of several lengths. Knowing how to set up a secure belay, knowing how to belay, mastering . In a few hours you will discover a new universe, the "real" climbing.


Facing the Mont-Blanc massif, the Chéserys site (1801m) in the Aiguilles rouges massif is perfectly suited to the discovery of climbing in large equipped routes. The Red, Yellow, White and Un Père Noël pour Lucies routes are the classic routes of the sector, which offers mainly slab climbing that is not very physical. A short distance away, the Aiguillette d'Argentière is the place to go for great photos! Climbing at Les Chéserys is an opportunity to give your climbing a new dimension. You will discover the specific techniques of climbing on equipped long routes: use of a double rope, setting up a belay and the second of the rope, setting up an abseil and descending in safety. Discover the techniques of climbing on equipped long routes (use of a double rope, setting up a belay and belaying the second of the rope, setting up an abseil and descending in safety).

LEVEL REQUIRED To have already followed an initiation to climbing, preferably on a cliff.

FRAMEWORK Guide of the Compagnie des guides de Chamonix

MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED § Clothing and equipment Lightweight clothing suitable for climbing, a pair of category 4 glasses, a water bottle of at least 1 L. § Picnic Legal information Video training - Filming in a vertical environment - Updated on 28/04/2021 Chamonix Film Festival Organisation - Association Loi 1901 Registered with the Haute-Savoie Prefecture under n°W742007582 Code APE 9499Z - SIRET 889 547 998 00019 [email protected] - 06 95 75 54 84

Fact sheet - day climbing - long route climbing

Bring a picnic lunch, some food and at least a liter of water for the day. § Technical equipment Backpack, sports shoes, climbing shoes, harness, helmet. Can be hired from the Snell Sports shop.

Timetable Meeting point at 9am in Les Gaillands refreshment Return around 12am, at PlanB.

Number of places: 4 max. Level required: Intermediate Date : • Thursday 10 June 2021 • Friday 11 June 2021 • Saturday 12 June 2021 • Sunday 13 June 2021

Price: 72 € /pers. The price includes: - Supervision by a mountain guide from the Compagnie des Guides de Chamonix.

Legal information Video training - Filming in a vertical environment - Updated on 28/04/2021 Chamonix Film Festival Organisation - Association Loi 1901 Registered with the Haute-Savoie Prefecture under n°W742007582 Code APE 9499Z - SIRET 889 547 998 00019 [email protected] - 06 95 75 54 84