A Paper by Sekar Ameta Prhamesti Reg.No : 162202032
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A DESCRPTION OF MORAL VALUES IN SELECTED SONGS FROM JASON MRAZ’S WE SING WE DANCE WE STEAL THINGS ALBUM A PAPER BY SEKAR AMETA PRHAMESTI REG.NO : 162202032 DIPLOMA III ENGLISH STUDY PROGRAM FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA MEDAN 2019 Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR’S DECLARATION I am SEKAR AMETA PRHAMESTI, declare that I the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree. No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education. Signed : Date : i Universitas Sumatera Utara COPYRIGHT DECLARATION Name : SEKAR AMETA PRHAMESTI Title of Paper :A Description Of Moral Values InJason Mraz’s Selected Song Qualification : D-III / AhliMadya Study Program : English I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the Librarian of the Diploma III English Faculty of Cultural Study University of Sumatera Utara the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia. Signed : Date : ii Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT This study entitled "A Description of Moral Values in Selected Songs From Jason Mraz’s We Sing We Dance We Steal Thigns Album". This study aimed to describe the moral values and benefits of the moral values in the life depicted in the lyrics Jason Mraz. The method used in this research is analysis. The data source of this research is a Jason Mraz album entitled "We Sing We Dance We Steal Things " consisting of four songs. Jason Mraz song is concerned that in the experience of human life through the social mirror, which refers to the trust, love and affection, sincerity, steadfastness, and respect for others. Moral values also refer to something that is good or bad. One can communicate with each other with a standard of moral / ethical. So, the moral is a good way to behave well in life. Keyword: Moral Values, Love, Sincerity, Peace Loving iii Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berjudul "Deskripsi Nilai Moral dalam Lagu-Lagu Terpilih Dari Album Jason Mraz “We Sing We Dance We Steal Things". Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan nilai-nilai moral dan manfaat dari nilai-nilai moral dalam kehidupan yang digambarkan dalam lirik Jason Mraz. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah album Jason Mraz berjudul " We Sing We Dance We Steal Things " yang terdiri dari empat lagu. Lagu Jason Mraz prihatin bahwa dalam pengalaman hidup manusia melalui cermin sosial, yang merujuk pada kepercayaan, cinta dan kasih sayang, ketulusan, ketabahan, dan penghargaan terhadap orang lain. Nilai-nilai moral juga merujuk pada sesuatu yang baik atau buruk. Seseorang dapat berkomunikasi satu sama lain dengan standar moral / etika. Jadi, moral adalah cara yang baik untuk berperilaku baik dalam hidup. Kata Kunci: Nilai Moral, Cinta, Ketulusan, Cinta Damai iv Universitas Sumatera Utara ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to Thank to God, who gives me health, strength, and capability to finish this paper as my last assignment to finish my study at English Diploma III Department, University of North Sumatera. Then I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, and a appreciation to : Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. The Dean Faculty of Cultural Study, University of Sumatera Utara Dra. SwesanaMardiaLubis, M.Hum The head of Diploma III English Study Program, University of Sumatera Utara Drs.ParlindunganPurba, M.Hum as My supervisor who gives me a lot of knowledge, his time, advice, to correct this paper during the process of writing. I also wish thank you all of the Lectures in English Diploma Study Program for giving me instruction, and knowledge. And then I would like to say thank you to my lovely family especially to my beloved parents, Gunadiand Darmawati Thank you for all your motivation, advice, prays, and loves. I present this paper for you. Thank you to my beloved sisters SekarAfriandaSusanti. And SekarGanesSasikiranifor your support, pray and love. Thank you to my beloved niece Muhammad Taqa Abrisam Karim who made me laugh and made fun of me working on this paper. Universitas Sumatera Utara I would like to say thank you to all my friends in Diploma III English Study Program / Solidas 2016. Thank you for your support that help me to complete this paper. I will be missing you all. I would like to say thank you to my friends Citra Napitupulu, Shery Syahira, Juraida Elpiana Tamba, Yose Fany Hutajulu,Thankv you for your support me. I would like to say thank you to my friends Rika Yasti, Vellya Pandina Lubis, AtikaFitria. Thank you for your support me. I would like to say thank you to my friends Eka Ramadhani, Dhamira Anggi Mandira Lubis. Thank you for your support me. Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore I welcome any constructive criticism and suggestions towards this paper. Hopefully this paper can inspire and give knowledge for anyone in the future. Date, The Writer Sekar Ameta Prhamesti No Reg:162202032 Universitas Sumatera Utara TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR’S DECLARATION……………………………………………. i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION…………………………………………. ii ABSTRACK………………………………………………………………... iii ABSTRAK……………………………………………………………….…. iv ACKNOWLEGEMENTS…………………………………………………. v TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. vii 1.INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1 1. 1 Background of the Study ......................................................................... 1 1. 2 The Problem of the Study ........................................................................ 4 1. 3 The Objective of the Study ...................................................................... 5 1. 4 The Scope of the Study ............................................................................ 5 1. 5 The Method of the Study ......................................................................... 6 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................................. 7 2. 1 Definition of Moral Value....................................................................... 7 2. 2 Types of Moral Value ............................................................................. 13 2. 3 Definition of Song Lyrics ....................................................................... 15 3.DESCRIPTION OF PAPER TOPIC ....................................................... 13 3. 1 Moral Values ......................................................................................... 15 3. 1.1.Sincerity ................................................................................................ 15 3.1.2. Peace Loving ......................................................................................... 21 4. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................................. 23 4.1 Conclusion................................................................................................. 23 4.2 Suggestion ................................................................................................. 24 Universitas Sumatera Utara REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 25 APPENDICES vii Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Moral Value is something high, valuable, important and useful for human. Moral Value is a belief or feeling that is believed to be an identity which gives a special pattern to a way of thinking, feeling, attachment and behavior. The Moral Value is closely related to the way people assess. Values and literature are complementary and are inseparable. Literary works were born and sourced from human life and have a high value. Literature will be a contribution to the formation of values so that lovers of literature will be civilized, well-mannered, and virtuous men, and agreeing with the applicable rules. The values in the literature usually reflect the views of the author‘s life or values that are attractive to the author and are necessary to convey to the readers. Moral value does not stand-alone without other value. Moral values did not separate with other values. Moral values are nothing without other values. It is form of formality. Max Scheler mentioned in Bertens that moral values “get a lift” to other values. Moral is something to be conveyed by the author to the reader, where the meaning contained in a literature work and the suggested meaning is conveyed through stories. That means the authors express a moral message to the readers through literary works, either directly or indirectly. Moral in literature usually 1 1 Universitas Sumatera Utara reflects the views of the authors‘ life, the views on the values of truth, and what the authors wants to deliver to the readers. According to (PaulEdwards: 1967: 150) a morality contains: (1) beliefs about the nature of the man, (2) belief aboutideals, about what is goodor desirable category. In other value for example, if badminton player want to bechampion, he/she must try hard. It’s a must to be champion, but there is a limitation. Generally, every writer has plenty of imagination stated