

Content-Generaon Tool

A (or scribe) was a person who could read and write or wrote leers to court and legal documents. Scriveners were people who made their living by wring or copying wrien material


• Management system for documents, notes and metadata. • Helps organize notes, concepts, research and whole documents for easy access and reference • Opmized for long documents, i.e., books, research projects, novels, screen plays, etc.

• Scrivener is a powerful content-generaon tool for writers • A and project management tool • Puts all your research and informaon in one place for easy access • Allows you to concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents.

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• Includes templates for – Novels and short stories – Essays & research theses – Scripts – Poetry – Other


• Rich text, • Images • PDF • Audio • Video • Web • Etc.


• Character Profiles • World Building • Maps • Plong ideas • Outlines • Research notes • Website clips • Screen shots • Etc.

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Collect Research

• Replaces 3x5 cards • Binders of informaon • Corkboard • Order fragmented ideas • Shuffle index cards in search of that elusive structure Marcel Proust's Wring Setup with cork board lined walls stuck with dras of his final novel


• Every document is aached to a virtual index card. • Use the corkboard to shuffle these index cards around - which is instantly reflected in the structure of your dra.


• View the synopses and meta-data of the documents in your project. • Restructure your work easily • Get an overview of the project so far and what sll needs to be done • Check how many scenes have a certain character as the point-of-view character • Read and edit an overview of a scene, a chapter or of the whole dra

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• Title of unit • Synopsis or image • Point of View • Focus • Type • Locaon • Etc.

Dra View

• As much (or as lile) formang as you want • Independent of output format • At any level – Scene – Individual document – Chapter – Part – Whole manuscript

Full Screen View

• Blank out the rest of the world while you write • Distracon-Free mode • Formaed the way you want – Choose your background – Choose the width of “paper” – Choose text and “paper” color

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Split View

• View two part of the same document • Two different documents, including research • Two different views • Horizontal or vercal

Compile for Export/Print

• Export your document (or porons) – Standard manuscript format – Text: txt, r, doc, docx, odt, – PDF – HTML – Ebook formats: epub, mobi, docx for iBook – Final Dra – Markdown

Scrivener for iOS

• Access Scrivener database from iPhone or iPad • Syncs through Dropbox • Missing some advanced features but robust app

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More Informaon

• hps://www.literatureandlae.com/ scrivener.php Free 30 day trial available. • hp://twier.com/scrivenerapp • hp://www.facebook.com/pages/Scrivener/ 126134826351 • Eastgate Summer Fest 2017: hp://www.eastgate.com/Tinderbox/ Specials/SummerFest.html (Scrivener 25% off)