Eclipse Collections by Example Fall, 2015 #j1ec

Hiroshi Ito Donald Raab

1 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Introductions – JavaOne 2015 DIVISION

2 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Agenda DIVISION • What is GS Collections? • What is Collections? • JCF and EC Memory Comparisons • Hobson’s Choice • Method Reference Preference • Eclipse Collections Examples • To Use or Reuse? • More Features

3 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec What is GS Collections? DIVISION

• Open source collections framework developed in Goldman Sachs – Inspired by Smalltalk Collections Framework – In development since 2004 – Hosted on GitHub w/ Apache 2.0 License in January 2012 • • GS Collections Kata – Internal training developed in 2007 – Taught to > 2,000 GS Java developers – Hosted on GitHub w/ Apache 2.0 License in January 2012 •


TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Trending Positively DIVISION

Spring Reactor includes GS Collections as a dependency Monthly Maven central downloads have risen since JavaOne 2014

quote from:

In the Top 300 Java GitHub projects based on number of stars

5 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Agenda DIVISION • What is GS Collections? • What is Eclipse Collections? • JCF and EC Memory Comparisons • Hobson’s Choice • Method Reference Preference • Eclipse Collections Examples • To Use or Reuse? • More Features

6 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec What is Eclipse Collections? DIVISION • Eclipse Collections 7.0 – Project @ Eclipse Foundation • – Feature set is the same as GS Collections 7.0 – Packages renamed • -> org.eclipse

• Eclipse Collections - Open for contributions! – Drop by the Eclipse Foundation or Goldman Sachs booths in the JavaOne exhibitor hall to find out more!

7 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Eclipse Collections Features DIVISION

Eclipse Collections 7.0

. Eager & Lazy, Serial & Parallel Java 8 Streams . - Functional APIs Memory efficient containers - Lazy only . Primitive containers (all 8) - Single use . Immutable containers - Serial & Parallel . More container types - Primitive streams (3 types) . More iteration patterns - Extensible . “With” method patterns Collectors . “target” method patterns . Covariant return types Eclipse Collections has Streams… . Java 5+ compatible And much much more!

And you can contribute too!!! 8 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Agenda DIVISION • What is GS Collections? • What is Eclipse Collections? • JCF and EC Memory Comparisons • Hobson’s Choice • Method Reference Preference • Eclipse Collections Examples • To Use or Reuse? • More Features

9 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Comparing Sets DIVISION


50 JDK HashSet

40 EC UnifiedSet

30 Trove Size (Mb) Size THashSet 20




Data collected by

10 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Comparing Maps DIVISION


40 JDK HashMap 35 EC UnifiedMap


25 Trove THashMap

Size (Mb) Size 20






Data collected by

11 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Why Primitive Collections? DIVISION


JDK ArrayList 20

EC IntArrayList



Size (Mb) Size TIntArrayList 10




Data collected by

12 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Agenda DIVISION • What is GS Collections? • What is Eclipse Collections? • JCF and EC Memory Comparisons • Hobson’s Choice • Method Reference Preference • Eclipse Collections Examples • To Use or Reuse? • More Features

13 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Hobson’s choice DIVISION • “A Hobson's choice is a free choice in which only one option is actually offered.” – Wikipedia

“You get what you get

and you don’t get upset!”

14 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Hobson’s Choice - Iteration PatternsDIVISION • Lazy or Eager? – Java Collections Framework = Eager

Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), Collections.min(Lists.mutable.with(1, 2, 3))); – Streams = Lazy

Assert.assertEquals(1, Lists.mutable.with(1, 2, 3).stream().mapToInt(i -> i).min().getAsInt()); – Eclipse Collections = You choose

Assert.assertEquals(1, IntLists.mutable.with(1, 2, 3).min()); Assert.assertEquals(1, IntLists.mutable.with(1, 2, 3).asLazy().min()); 15 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Hobson’s Choice - Map DIVISION

Type Eclipse Collections JDK Collections Bag Bag Use Map Multimap Multimap Use Map> BiMap BiMap Use two maps. Partition PartitionIterable Use Map> Pair Pair Use Map.Entry

When your only tool is a Map, everything is either a key, a value or null.

16 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Hobson’s Choice - Primitives DIVISION

Type Eclipse Collections JDK Collections Primitive List Yes Boxed Primitive Set Yes Boxed Primitive Map Yes Boxed Primitive Stack Yes Boxed Primitive Bag Yes Map and Boxed Primitive Lazy / Stream Yes (all 8 primitives) Int, Long, Double only

17 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Hobson’s Choice - Parallel DIVISION Stream

addresses = people.parallelStream() .map(Person::getAddress);


addresses = people.asParallel(executor, batchSize) .collect(Person::getAddress);

18 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Agenda DIVISION • What is GS Collections? • What is Eclipse Collections? • JCF and EC Memory Comparisons • Hobson’s Choice • Method Reference Preference • Eclipse Collections Examples • To Use or Reuse? • More Features

19 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Method Reference Preference DIVISION • I prefer to use method references whenever it is possible • They are clear, concise and self-documenting Lists.mutable.with("you", "say", "goodbye!") .asLazy() .collect(each -> each.toUpperCase()) .select(each -> each.equals("GOODBYE!")) Outputs: .each(each -> System.out.println(each)); GOODBYE! HELLO! Lists.mutable.with("i", "say", "hello!", "hello!") .asLazy() HELLO! .collect(String::toUpperCase) .select("HELLO!"::equals) .each(System.out::println); 20 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Agenda DIVISION • What is GS Collections? • What is Eclipse Collections? • JCF and EC Memory Comparisons • Hobson’s Choice • Method Reference Preference • Eclipse Collections Examples • To Use or Reuse? • More Features

21 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Eclipse Collections by Example DIVISION

public boolean hasPet(PetType petType) { return this.pets.anySatisfy(pet -> pet.getType().equals(petType)); }

Powered by Astah 22 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Setup DIVISION private MutableList people;

@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { this.people = Lists.mutable.with( new Person("Mary", "Smith").addPet(PetType.CAT, "Tabby", 2), new Person("Bob", "Smith") .addPet(PetType.CAT, "Dolly", 3) .addPet(PetType.DOG, "Spot", 2), new Person("Ted", "Smith").addPet(PetType.DOG, "Spike", 4), new Person("Jake", "Snake").addPet(PetType.SNAKE, "Serpy", 1), new Person("Barry", "Bird").addPet(PetType.BIRD, "Tweety", 2), new Person("Terry", "Turtle").addPet(PetType.TURTLE, "Speedy", 1), new Person("Harry", "Hamster") .addPet(PetType.HAMSTER, "Fuzzy", 1) .addPet(PetType.HAMSTER, "Wuzzy", 1) );

} 23 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec

Do any people have cats? DIVISION

boolean result = -> person.hasPet(PetType.CAT)); stream

boolean result =

this.people.anySatisfy(person -> person.hasPet(PetType.CAT));

eager boolean resultMethodRef = this.people.anySatisfyWith(Person::hasPet, PetType.CAT);

boolean result = this.people.asLazy().anySatisfy(person -> person.hasPet(PetType.CAT));

asLazy boolean resultMethodRef = this.people.asLazy().anySatisfyWith(Person::hasPet, PetType.CAT);


How many people have cats? DIVISION

long result = -> person.hasPet(PetType.CAT)).count(); stream

int result =

this.people.count(person -> person.hasPet(PetType.CAT));

eager int resultMethodRef = this.people.countWith(Person::hasPet, PetType.CAT);

int result = this.people.asLazy().count(person -> person.hasPet(PetType.CAT));

asLazy int resultMethodRef = this.people.asLazy().countWith(Person::hasPet, PetType.CAT);


How does “count” stack up? DIVISION


this.people.countWith(Person::hasPet, PetType.CAT);

stream -> person.hasPet(PetType.CAT)).count(); asLazy

this.people.asLazy().countWith(Person::hasPet, PetType.CAT);

26 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec Follow the Rabbit Stream count()DIVISION

public final LongStream mapToLong(ToLongFunction mapper) { Objects.requireNonNull(mapper); public final long count() { return new LongPipeline.StatelessOp(this, StreamShape.REFERENCE, return mapToLong(e -> 1L).sum(); StreamOpFlag.NOT_SORTED | StreamOpFlag.NOT_DISTINCT) { } @Override Sink opWrapSink(int flags, Sink sink) { return new Sink.ChainedReference(sink) { @Override public void accept(P_OUT u) { public final long sum() { downstream.accept(mapper.applyAsLong(u)); } // use better algorithm to compensate for intermediate overflow? }; } return reduce(0, Long::sum); }; } }

public final long reduce(long identity, LongBinaryOperator op) { return evaluate(ReduceOps.makeLong(identity, op)); }

final R evaluate(TerminalOp terminalOp) { assert getOutputShape() == terminalOp.inputShape(); if (linkedOrConsumed) throw new IllegalStateException(MSG_STREAM_LINKED); linkedOrConsumed = true;

return isParallel() ? terminalOp.evaluateParallel(this, sourceSpliterator(terminalOp.getOpFlags())) : terminalOp.evaluateSequential(this, sourceSpliterator(terminalOp.getOpFlags())); }

… 27 TECHNOLOGY#j1ec countWith() Eclipse Collections DIVISION


int countWith(Predicate2 predicate, P parameter) { return InternalArrayIterate.countWith(this.items, this.size, predicate, parameter); }

public static int countWith(T[] array, int size, Predicate2 predicate, P parameter) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (predicate.accept(array[i], parameter)) { count++; } } return count; }


Who has cats? DIVISION

List peopleWithCats = -> person.hasPet(PetType.CAT)) stream .collect(Collectors.toList());

MutableList peopleWithCats = -> person.hasPet(PetType.CAT));

eager MutableList peopleWithCatsMethodRef = this.people.selectWith(Person::hasPet, PetType.CAT); // select: descriptive API

MutableList peopleWithCats = this.people.asLazy().select(person -> person.hasPet(PetType.CAT)).toList();

asLazy MutableList peopleWithCatsMethodRef = this.people.asLazy().selectWith(Person::hasPet, PetType.CAT).toList();


Who doesn’t have cats? DIVISION

List peopleWithoutCats = // not! -> !person.hasPet(PetType.CAT)) stream .collect(Collectors.toList());

MutableList peopleWithoutCats = this.people.reject(person -> person.hasPet(PetType.CAT));

eager MutableList peopleWithoutCatsMethodRef = this.people.rejectWith(Person::hasPet, PetType.CAT); // detect: descriptive API

MutableList peopleWithoutCats = this.people.asLazy().reject(person -> person.hasPet(Pe