Mississippi State Baseball Notes

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Mississippi State Baseball Notes SEASONFEBRUARY SCHEDULE/RESULTS 2012 17 Washington State .................... W, 6-2 Norris 3x4; Stratton 4 IP, win in relief 19 Washington State ........ L, 5-6 (13 inn.) Porter 3x3, HR; Reed 6.1 IP, car. hi 9 Ks MISSISSIPPI STATE 19 Washington State .................... W, 5-4 Bradford 3x4; Graveman QS (6.1 IP/2ER) 24 Kansas .................................... W, 1-0 Rea GWRBI 2B in 9th; Stratton 6 IP, 6K, W #2 25 Mississippi Valley State ........ W, 13-5 Rea 3 hits, Bradford 3 RBI ; Fitts earns 1st win BASEBALL 25 Kansas .................................... W, 3-1 MSU scores 3 late; Reed earns 1st save 26 Mississippi Valley State ......... W, 5-1 Frosh Cox debuts w/8 Ks in 7 IP for 1st win Week 5 • March 13-18 • at SELU/at LSU 29 Memphis ....................................L, 6-7 UM scores in 9th to snap MSU win streaks Dudy Noble Field • Starkville, Miss. MARCH 2 Connecticut ............................. W, 5-4 Dogs rally w/2 in 9th; Stratton 3rd W in relief On the road... at last: The Diamond Dogs step into their traveling 3 Lipscomb ................................. W, 6-4 Career-hi 3 hits/4 RBI for Hunter Renfroe cleats for the fi rst time in 2012 with this week’s fi ve-game road run to neighbor- 3 Connecticut .............................W, 3-1 Quality start (6 IP/1 UER), 1st win for Routt ing Louisiana. Mississippi State (14-3) took two of three games from hot-hitting 4 Lipscomb ...............................W, 16-6 Season-hi 16-R/19-H; Bradford 4x6/6 RBI Mercer University last weekend to conclude a season-opening 17-game run at 6 Penn State ............................... W, 7-3 Gaines’ 1st car. win; Norris hit strk 8 gms 7 Penn State ...............................W, 10-6 7th comeback win; Bradford, Norris injured Dudy Noble Field. 9 Mercer ......................................W, 5-3 Stratton 4th W, Reed 4th save; 7th cons. win The Bulldogs meet Southeastern Louisiana (11-5) in 6 p.m. contests 10 Mercer ...................................... L, 1-6 MU: 14 hits, 2 HR; halts MSU win streak Tuesday and Wednesday at Pat Kennelly Diamond/Alumni Field in Hammond, 11 Mercer ...................................... W, 3-1 Graveman: car-hi 8.1 IP/8Ks; Cohen’s 100th W La., and then journey on to Baton Rouge, La., for an SEC season-opening three- 13 at Southeastern Louisiana ... 6:00 p.m. First road game of 2012 game weekend series at LSU (13-3). Game times at Alex Box Stadium are set 14 at Southeastern Louisiana ... 6:00 p.m. for 7 p.m. Friday, 6 p.m. Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday. 16 at LSU (Cox Sports-TV) ..............7:00 p.m. SEC season-opener; 1st TV game State has won eight of its last nine games 17 at LSU (CSS-TV) .......................6:00 p.m. Comcast telecast Best start since 2006: 18 at LSU ...................................1:00 p.m. St. Patrick’s Day and at 14-3 is off to its best start since the 2006 Diamond Dogs opened the year 21 Alabama A&M ......................6:30 p.m. with an 18-0 mark. 23 Arkansas .............................6:30 p.m. SEC home-opener Tube time: The fi rst two games of the MSU-LSU series will be televised 24 Arkansas ............................ 2:00 p.m. regionally, Friday on New Orleans-based Cox Sports Television and Saturday 25 Arkansas (SportSouth-TV) ..... 12:00 p.m. on Comcast Sports Southeast as the third game of an SEC opening Saturday 27 Alcorn State ........................ 6:30 p.m. tripleheader on CSS. Nine MSU baseball games are set for telecast this spring. 30 at Auburn ...............................6:00 p.m. Day Date Opponent Time Radio TV/live video 31 at Auburn .............................. 3:00 p.m. Tue. Mar. 13 at SELU 6:00 p.m. Local: WNMQ-FM (103.1) None APRIL Wed. Mar. 14 at SELU 6:00 p.m. MSU Network None 1 at Auburn ............................. 1:30 p.m. Fri. Mar. 16 at LSU 7:00 p.m. MSU Network Cox Sports TV 2 Mississippi Valley State ..... 6:30 p.m. Sat. Mar. 17 at LSU 6:00 p.m. MSU Network Comcast Sports SE 6 Vanderbilt ........................... 6:30 p.m. 7 Vanderbilt ........................... 2:00 p.m. Sun. Mar. 18 at LSU 1:00 p.m. MSU Network None 8 Vanderbilt ........................... 1:30 p.m. MSU vs. SELU: Mississippi State claimed the fi rst nine meetings in the 10 South Alabama .................. 6:30 p.m. series and holds a 9-3 all-time series lead against the Lions in a rivalry that got its 13 at South Carolina ................ 6:00 p.m. start in 1957. The Lions stunned State in 2010 with a three-game series sweep in 15 at South Carolina ..................3:00 p.m. Starkville. This week’s matchups are the fourth and fi fth diamond battles between 16 at South Carolina ................ 12:30 p.m. the Bulldogs and the Lions staged in Hammond. State and SELU played in 1984 17 + vs. Ole Miss (Comcast-TV) ... 6:30 p.m. Designated home team in Gov’s Cup V in nearby Ponchatoula, La., with the Bulldogs prevailing 10-2. 19 Tennessee (ESPNU-TV) .......... 6:30 p.m. ESPNU/SEC Thurs. TV Game of Week 20 Tennessee .......................... 6:30 p.m. Super Bulldog Weekend MSU vs. LSU: MSU brings a 201-166-1 all-time series lead against LSU 21 Tennessee .......................... 1:00 p.m. into this weekends’ SEC season-openings series. The Tigers have prevailed in 24 + vs. Southern Miss ............ 6:30 p.m. 2nd ‘12 appearance at Trustmark Park fi ve consecutive series and own a 92-76 all-time lead in games played in Baton 27 Ole Miss (SportSouth-TV) ........ 7:00 p.m. Rouge. This year’s series marks MSU’s fi rst games at the new Alex Box Sta- 28 Ole Miss (SportSouth-TV) ........ 2:00 p.m. dium. Two years ago and on the fi nal weekend of the 2010 season then-freshman 29 Ole Miss (CSS-TV) ................. 1:30 p.m. righty Chris Stratton blanked LSU on three hits over seven innings as State MAY nipped LSU 2-1 in the 2010 season fi nale at Alex Box Stadium. 4 at Alabama ............................ 6:35 p.m. 5 at Alabama ........................... 2:05 p.m. Last time out: Junior righty Kendall Graveman set career-highs with 8.1 6 at Alabama ............................1:05 p.m. IP and eight strikeouts in a gem that helped State clinch its weekend series over 11 at Florida ............................. 6:00 p.m. the Mercer Bears. Senior relief ace Caleb Reed got the fi nal two outs of the frame 12 at Florida .............................. 6:00 p.m. to earn his SEC lead-sharing fi fth save. Graveman allowed three singles and 13 at Florida ........................... 12:00 p.m. one walk in the longest outing by a Bulldog pitcher this season. Mercer entered 15 Central Arkansas .................6:30 p.m. the series leading the NCAA in team batting average (.350) and home runs (24). 17 Kentucky ............................. 6:30 p.m. Demarcus Henderson (.414) extended his career-best hitting streak to eight 18 Kentucky (SportSouth-TV) ...... 7:00 p.m. 19 Kentucky ............................... 2:00 p.m. games.The victory was the 100th for John Cohen as MSU skipper. COMPARING 22-27 SEC Tournament ............................... Regions Park • Hoover, Ala. MSU THE STATS SELU LSU June 14-3 Overall record 11-5 13-3 1-4 NCAA Regionals ............................... Campus sites TBA .299 Batting average .276 .316 8-11 NCAA Super Regionals ..................... Campus sites TBA 9.9 (169) Hits per game 8.5 (136) 11.1 (177) 16-27 College World Series ........................ TD Ameritrade Park • Omaha, Neb. 5.9 (100) Runs per game 5.6 (90) 8.3 (132) + --- Trustmark Park (Pearl, Miss.) • All game times Central .388 Slugging percentage .348 .451 Mississippi State University Baseball Media Relations .967 Fielding percentage .969 .978 1.2 (20) Double plays per game 0.5 (8) 0.4 (7) Contact: Joe Dier ([email protected]) 1.5 (26) Stolen bases per game 1.9 (30) 0.8 (13) Offi ce: (662) 325-8040 • Mobile: (662) 418-3821 • FAX: (662) 325-2600 2.46 Staff ERA 2.89 3.38 Mailing address: Box 5308 • Mississippi State, MS 39762 .229 Opponent batting average .212 .244 www.HailState.com 9.6 (163) Strikeouts per game 7.7 (123) 9.2 (147) 2012 MISSISSIPPI STATE BASEBALL NOTES JJohnohn CCohen,ohen, whowho gguideduided MississippiMississippi StateState toto hhasas builtbuilt a solidsolid foundationfoundation forfor successsuccess whilewhile direct-direct- a NNo.o. 1155 nnationalational rankingranking andand withinwithin eighteight outsouts ofof iingng thethe Bulldogs’Bulldogs’ returnreturn toto nationalnational prominenceprominence onon a ttriprip ttoo tthehe 20112011 NNCAACAA CCollegeollege WWorldorld SSeries,eries, iiss iinn tthehe ddiamond.iamond. hhisis ffourthourth sseasoneason asas thethe Bulldogs’Bulldogs’ skipperskipper inin 2012.2012. HHee hhasas aassembledssembled a well-respectedwell-respected andand high-high- A nnativeative ofof Tuscaloosa,Tuscaloosa, Ala.,Ala., CohenCohen returnedreturned lly-skilledy-skilled staffstaff featuringfeaturing coachescoaches well-versedwell-versed inin Mis-Mis- ttoo MMississippiississippi StateState asas thethe Bulldogs’Bulldogs’ 16th16th headhead ssissippiissippi StateState University’sUniversity’s colorfulcolorful andand tradition-richtradition-rich bbaseballaseball ccoachoach inin 2008,2008, completingcompleting anan 18-year18-year bbaseballaseball hhistory,istory, thethe MagnoliaMagnolia State’sState’s highhigh schoolschool jjourneyourney ffromrom BulldogBulldog playerplayer toto MSUMSU headhead coach.coach. aandnd jjuniorunior ccollegeollege programs,programs, thethe highlyhighly competitivecompetitive CCohenohen waswas aann aall-SECll-SEC outoutfi eelderlder uundernder thethe SSoutheasternoutheastern Conference,Conference, aandnd thethe rrealmealm ofof collegecollege llegendaryegendary RRonon PolkPolk duringduring hishis baseballbaseball careercareer atat rrecruiting.ecruiting. MMississippiississippi StateState andand waswas a keykey componentcomponent onon TThehe BBulldogulldog skipperskipper hashas beenbeen a drivingdriving forceforce BBulldogulldog tteamseams thatthat overover a three-yearthree-year spanspan wonwon a bbehindehind mmoreore tthanhan $$22 millionmillion worthworth ofof impressiveimpressive sschool-bestchool-best 148148 games.games.
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