Starlings, Cranes & Bewick’s Swans

November 13-17

Birding Areas & Highlights Accommodation & Itinerary The Levels, a vast area of low-lying former Lunchtime arrival for 4 nights based at the lovely Holcombe marshland & subject to regular Winter flooding. Lying within Inn , situated a few miles south of Radstock. A lovely 17th the Levels are the Avalon , which include Shapwick century Somerset Country Retreat, with eleven bedrooms Heath NNR, Ham Wall RSPB, Catcott Lows & Moor. individually designed and surrounded by beautiful gardens & grounds, with far reaching views across the Somerset The “smoky” Murmuration of a million Starlings at Ham Wall countryside. RSPB, is one of Britain’s most amazing bird spectacles, along with thousands of wintering wildfowl, Bittern, , Boasting a 2 AA Rosette award winning restaurant, serving Harrier & Cetti’s Warbler. home grown produce from the Kitchen Garden and offering locally sourced ingredients whenever possible. It really is a Nearby Grey Lake RSPB often attracts Water Rail, Golden true delight and a beautiful place to totally unwind! Plover, Snipe & Lapwing, whilst the West Sedgmoor RSPB Reserve plays host to the 50+ Cranes as part of the very With the World Heritage Site of Bath just over ten miles successful Great Crane Re-Introduction project. away, it’s the perfect venue for a late Autumn birding break!

The Chew Valley & Blagdon Reservoirs attract hundreds of Late morning departure on the last day. wintering dabbling & diving ducks, along with Slavonian Grebe, Goldeneye, Goosander, Scaup & Smew, some of Cost: £1295 (s/s £145) Deposit: £200 B/L due: September 13 which can be seen from the excellent hides around the Lake Included in the cost: 4 nights dinner, bed & breakfast at the Holcombe Inn, entrance to the private hides at Chew Valley Lake, entrance to Slimbridge WWT, full transportation & guidance.

Finally, Sir Peter Scott’s famous Slimbridge WWT Reserve,

winter home to hundreds of wintering Bewick’s Swans, plus Not included in the cost: Lunches, drinks, travel insurance & items of a personal nature. Barnacle & White-fronted Geese, together with the excellent collection of threatened global wildfowl species. (NB: Cost based upon 6 guests min.)