H-Asia TOC, International Journal of Studies, Issue 2.2 (2019)

Discussion published by John Wood on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 Dear H-Asia,

It is my pleasure to announce that Issue 2.2 of the International Journal of Taiwan Studies (September 2019) is now published online: https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/2/2/ijts.2.issue-2.xml

The International Journal of Taiwan Studies (IJTS), cosponsored by and the European Association of Taiwan Studies, is a principal outlet for the dissemination of cutting-edge research on Taiwan. Its editorial office is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of (Taiwan) and is hosted by the Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University. IJTS is the first internationally collaborative, multidisciplinary, and peer-reviewed academic research journal in English dedicated for scholars, teachers, and students from around the world who have an active and passionate interest in Taiwan and Taiwan-related subjects. The journal is devoted to all aspects of Taiwan Studies, including social sciences, arts and humanities, and topics which are interdisciplinary in nature. This publication on Taiwan Studies, a rapidly growing field with an increasingly critical influence, aims to reach academics and policymakers of different cultural backgrounds, disciplinary perspectives and methodological approaches.

The content of this issue includes:

Editorial (Ming-yeh T. Rawnsley)

Research articles

Subcontractors’ Dilemma: The Expansion of Taiwanese Firms 2002–2015 (Thung-Hong Lin & Bowei Hu) Blessings in Disguise: How Authoritarian Legacies and the China Factor Have Strengthened Democracy in Taiwan (Kharis Templeman) An Assessment of Cyberpower Within the Triangular Relations of Taiwan–US–China and Its Implications (Hon-min Yau) Human Rights and Democracy in Taiwan’s Foreign Policy and Cross-Strait Relations (Frédéric Krumbein) Explaining Support for Same-Sex Marriage: Evidence from Taiwan (Timothy Rich, Andi Dahmer, and Isabel Eliassen) The Influence of Christianity on the Indigenous Languages of Taiwan: A Bunun Case Study(Rik De Busser)

Research note

The Rise of the Dutch Empire: The Broader Context of the Dutch Colonisation of Taiwan(J. Bruce Jacobs)

Book reviews

Citation: John Wood. TOC, International Journal of Taiwan Studies, Issue 2.2 (2019). H-Asia. 10-15-2019. https://networks.h-net.org/node/22055/discussions/4986424/international-journal-taiwan-studies-issue-22 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 1 H-Asia

Outcasts of Empire: Japan’s Rule on Taiwan’s ‘Savage Border’ 1874–1945 (reviewed by Grace I-An Gao) Colonial Taiwan: Negotiating Identities and Modernity through Literature (reviewed by Carsten Storm) Imaging Taiwan: The Role of Art in Taiwan’s Quest for Identity (Reviewed by Hsin-tien Liao) Making Money: How Taiwanese Industrialists Embraced the Global Economy (Reviewed by James Lin) The Day When the War Ended: Stories of the War Generation in Taiwanand A Guide to the Lifestyle of Cultural Youths that Was Fashionable for One Hundred Years (Reviewed by Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley) Studying Hong Kong: 20 Years of Political, Economic and Social Developments (Reviewed by Wen-chi Li)

We hope you'll have the opportunity to read the journal. We also hope that you'll find the articles informative and engaging. Please help publicise widely within your circles. Thanks very much for your attention.

Yours faithfully,

John Wood

Citation: John Wood. TOC, International Journal of Taiwan Studies, Issue 2.2 (2019). H-Asia. 10-15-2019. https://networks.h-net.org/node/22055/discussions/4986424/international-journal-taiwan-studies-issue-22 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 2