Kennedy Strips Civ'Wg'hts Bill

To Secure Racist Votes forBy Fred'64He ahead OCT. 23 - At the direct request 532242 a the K...edy admlnt-tion, " 'ubar.r " emgresamen here agreed to cut the most meaningful sec- THE tions out of the House Judiciary Subewmnlttee's -mlan of the r+vll-rights bill . In his appearance before the Judiciary Committee last week, Attorney General Robert F, Ken- Published in the Interests of the Working People nedy pushed for the weakening MILITAN of the voting provision of the bill - o that Negroes would receive Vole 27 - No. 38 Monday, October 28, 1983 Pace loo some protect(- only in federal bat not m stale and loan eleo- eons . In addition, he uPposea Title III, which would aulbari. the Department of Justice to sue m.hrar pours brutality In ciyu- Castro : U .S. Can Aid Victims rlghts c ea. He .loo asked for re.tsieted coverage by the Panc-scoummodauon. sections of Of Storm by Lifting Blockade the bull . By William Beady The e new Robert Kennedy gins for nl. position 1 . cast the OCT. 23 - Fidel Castro reported a motakm for , ship from , siren _ .lead tow wma pans if these sections to the Cuban people over radio which a counter-re-lnti-dry at- DON'T LIKE WHAT KENNEDY IS DOING. Rev. Albert Cleage re sot rmroved. Rev. Marlin and TV Or . 91 the effects In lack an Cuba was launched . They (left) and Rev. Martin Luther King have expressed ire al Ad- Luther King called Kennedy's Cuba of Hurricane Flora. It w. a gar's exact information ab-t ule Aalemeet ' a poor far ,.her, but fighting and Wplr+ng location and else f Brie .nip. ministration's talnuning down of civil-riots bill. Cleege is a lead- "poldical expedeney ecEven Sena- ing Detroit mokeennaa for building a Freedem Now Party. King, ." " report. Describing the storm u the The Cuban leader said the hw- tor Paul H. Douglas (D., Ill .) worst natural disaster ever to hit to Detroit, sold each . party might be needed. mensed : "1 fear y- ran edn island, rlosne kad severely damaged over it bill the the prune mlalster said half the national territory, de- ton much too early as fns Cabs had easel .ee through its ceesdve w "generous .w"" stroying or damaging all the roads ...... ~. pa iron "a-Inlet onantnn, and aid m the area . Most of the damage, MOROCCO JOINS ATTACK .w...... ~~~_.~»a stage, there will be progressive from capllsial countries u wall." he said, rams not horn the winds, off- to whittle down the terms ." happening. Cuba had refused officialolastaid, be nearlybuttrom the rain which flooded That Is just what V said, from only "one . X.- all lowI"d are. m Orients Fake Cloths, _t, that of the United Stale, and Cama .ey province. New Squeeze on Algeria That Ke-edy'a "etrate®~" b which the whole world known i. ..It w . a sea," said Castro, "" . trying to destroy us." If the Am .- river flowed for By Steve Graham not alma a go.;., the beat pos- sible bill through la further re- "What we demand to not aid three d .ya over Orleate ." So far The Algerian government had leader of the Algerian Nations vesed by the farts cited by Tram the United Susos." said Car I.I., person are believed dead. registered an impressive and _IAberetion Front, of being in Ma- Mitchell, director of the "what we demand Is that t~ Castro reportd, but the tall ma y bloodless victory in isot.tlng the to get King Hsesan'e euppmt Clerence against be "some hundreds" higher when the far Xbyh NAACP Washington Bureau. Mlt- the blockade attempted armed uprising in the . uprising. Other ,bell declared that 314 members country. And we put N. go- the fine count V In, Kabylla mountain area when, m firmed Krbn'. p- of the House were prepared to -mend of the United Stales an trial Using a map. Major Caslro, who Oct . IJ, the king of Morocco ther., , vote for the stronger subcommll- Won world pabHa" apinba, W . W the ease during the tsa_ 1ktnB'Lbd"o'large-scale attack m Prom the beglnnlng-at this two- tee draft, and that there were - en.. the criminal bi«kaae which " geve a detailed description of the Algeria's western boater. The front crisis early thta month, th "possible" they mama- wear our -.Y, hurctma. itself - including . fighting has Unwed d h Algerlm g.-l; tried to Iadditions 117 Justsupport- .mean h. suffered . -used pan, ezplsn.tion of its sclen- avert fighting negotiations ., votes. It re, .im, 317 apreadmg. by . AI- vole tar a bill to pass the Bouae. rileale" line .aperb - the nature of the sinThe Kabylis ."lag and the geaan Foreign Minister Barte- ""Th .dmm+shation,' pad t, The U.S. goyerhmrwt, said C.- Bondi, the rescue oventions, the attack ate . Joint and flu.meat with hue Moroccan coan- plane far relief, rehabilitation and JUtchall, "should be m there fight- ., "has cre.tea tar itself . very simultaneous effort of the Interns terpsr at th bother 1XIi lag for the aubcommltlee bill. delicate and difficult moral dtus- recomtrusuoe. .na externs counter-revolution to O .dj. . Two day. later. Oct. 7, an He vividly described the acelvl- Instead, the Attorney General Is don before- the whole world whine derail the Algerian revolution's .gr«mson to halt cleans w trym8 to gel the people who are knows their policy of blockade, us of the l at ulauono the govert,- quickening movement towards so- signed. Morocco mpposedfy agreed to change their and which pale astarally e.- mealages - n. . rgawaaons, aahm. to withdraw its (mope . But s bor- mmltted to it Is and m The nos+non :" tendlng W us anUdertty and old st of y mdi id.aa during Moroccan monarch put der Incident ocenr¢d .. neat day Kennedy want before the Ju- into Ume . It Is that N. the disaster, comparing the scUah heavy pressure on the Algerian and Morocco, Instead of wlthdrew- rise to a gigantic battle. "A battle the diciary C . to solicit a U.S. B--meat laidwould want to border t the same time that the Ing troops, canceled further pits weakening of the Bill dewits try to appear to have a heart . _ . revol .U- is winning ad which K .byus uprising began . Th. day and mobllbed Its army . warnings will win," he declared . He gave by Bishop Stephen G. They present themslves here with it .ft. r the lenders of the "Front of lfoator Revelation Spottswoad, NAACP board chair- . few battles of med+ewe and special credit to the helicopter Socialist Forrea" (FSF) staged The provisions of the sub- . 80od hared, Wlots who new I . dangerous 'their rally m the Kabyle capital An Oct. 12 Chriatia. Setence pant themselves M_UOr fpsfch from Morons comrnittee dreft, said SwtUwoad, noble humanltarlane . . . Hut It winds .ed ram to pick up aurvlv- calling for the armed overthrow mlnlmum required for logical the people of Cuba on from root top.. of the Algerian gwemment Pres- told how traps were {wing air- the . to that announced Ilfted W etm ng era near thin esnlngtul bill," and 'nothing refuse this dmint and disgraceful The populstlon V bang lonae- ident Ben Bell. that will persuade Negro citizens ulated melon typhus, he said, and King Mouldy Bases, of Morocco Algerian froaUer in "C-lug cargo less white i s ad C-t7 transport arcrsft, sore that the adminiatmUm and the Proof that the U.S . government " o date that . l. not ace race that had conamlreted troos ' " wlthh, under tands the know shoat of an e,Adeadle ten yards of the Algerian frontier ." piloted by membe rs of the United .o. Re. really s in organising raids an Cuba at the State Air Force framing mlsim." urgency of the dull-rights crWs." very time It Is making diaeese, though the danger of Ben It. also accused lhlkattm Spottawood also warned critical its epiaend, very great." The Krna. . prominent K .byl. op- It dried: "Officio eaurces said Bishop offer of Rid Crass, aleby-ap- people the American who are tech- that H Kennedy failed to anpp«t peared In an article m today', Nato ability f a re lutionery ponent of the Alglen government pilots, must then loneliness! as Page eh umng bound birl fornwrty a alcallyYMar Maracean command a strong bill, "Negroes Yank TI- describing the atrsf- were asked to help ant because -lade cna the straw rem.m. ing by Cuban plan . of an Amer- . ereeq ual pursuit of the Morocco still lock, enough pilots objectivethe prim Justice iran-owned ship, the J. Louts, off of to own . . . to fl y the C-1196."" law." of equal -den the pastern tip of Cub.. The law." article quotes "Middy that Hossens made Placed In- Linus Pauling, Bertrand Russell Urge wabashloo But the Attorneyfar Goners =W Id Waadngln .-which wslyear .) The State Department h. his proposals wakening the an mean, U.S, government wk. denied that U.S. nuitary peaon- Mentioned ?me 3) They clamed the J. Louis Support for Indicted Young Socialists nel am involved In the attack an The Comndttee to Aid the cultural figures have endorsed the Algeria, parpoa of CABS by becoming Bloommgon Students b.a an- But by Oct . 11 !:7.Bell* was Cts-6ds aoonsore of the committee . The.. able to emounca theNv . de, 3 6oi Your nounced that hot, Linua Peullng, include such prominent "seam" two .. Nobel PHze winner and Murray. feet of the FSF uprising m the In Miss. Klsed-In Prof. H. Stuart Hugh., K,byh, . Government force. had prominent upponea of nuclear Kempton, Ray Ginger and Prof. not Three mll,ge girls, a-.A- fired , shot but had l- team at- testing, and Bertrand Russell, Fowler V. HscIlter of Yale Irw ly aPj ealed to the FSF canfar=-,or nd so as Into-[..] famed British philosopher and Sehool, unity. Total go-'""t c.uslll. tempting to rotor the an- surnampaafm leader, have lent their CABS h. reprinted an editorial in the two-day camp..," which whit. Capitol St . Metbodlel . apoascm of the cummlt- from the Oct, 12 New York Times Its troops occupied three Kabyle Ckarah la Jaekson, Misls- teego,. CARS is a rate n-wide or which discusses the . and town s which the FSF bad have been aestenced to quotes m set aind, uan to defend the ayu approvingly , statement planned b up ilea rival pnuucs Danna year In pawn ad $1,000 Ilbartles of three officer of the ma+rat witch-hunting by IU Pres- center, were two dead and three arm Bat- meal EWls J. Stsnr. Another edi- sash. The them Young Socially Alliance at In- wounded . Fresh the attitude of the ty A .. Purls, 0 19-year-old diana University . Indicted for al- torial an the case recently ap- local population the ghvemmmt peared the Harvard Crimson Negro from Chicago ; Julio legedly otvceaUng the overthrow m concluded that no large occupying 21-year-old white, of the US. and Indiana ante gov- student n wspamr. CABS has a force w. needed and mast of the Zangg, . ernments . umber of other reprints of mate- tronps were wlNdrawn the day also from Chicago ; and Cath- Id. Hens., a The indictments were based an da) case,on lN. imparlset civil-I1ber- after entig th e FSF "bases," orlno 211-year- the inteadenre of the three to- ties a,,liable upon rmuel. Contributing to the defeat of old Negro, from Tougalon, denfe al a campus meeuog where C-tribuio.n to defray legal ea- the FSF uprising war. the poUcles Leroy McRse, . Negro and a as- peaas are solicited and may be of the Ben Bell. government and Mb`They were convicted of Bonal officer of the YSA, wk. sent to CARS, P.O. Box 213, New the -U.lly - "trespassing" and "dbtarb- an the civil-rights struggle . York New York, (tip Cole) tar-.-anti--I -lure o1 the FSF. The gov- Ing public wonhip." Fidel Castro Thus far, same 90 academic and 10008 . (Cautioned an Poge 1)


Monday, October 28, 1963 THE MILITANT Page Three

THE MILITANT Izvestia's Attack on ~,tn:raagPaNANa~ Naeutng YNw: gxaaai wvAN o By Tom Kerry Inclined to demonsbate ..~ger: NAttOLYtr E.MY peaceful IncllnatIons. This em, nbe - _ aerie rub m4 Auamt wan p.a-ee An interesting aspect of the wktr . .t . _ al _ rent dispute between Peking observed among the British in or YM Ymbm Puotnetw Ao1.. It. non-b, rte n v- a N Kenya, the French in Algeria, the 7-L4a, __ nntYo ois K N.w Yark, n.7, abutatbe : a . > av and Moscow is the injection, by Portuguese In em.eiu, loss: tore. Ns,. s~.e ueeim y rn..weetun ao ea neuen .rur both sides, into the controversy Angola and Mozam- rwr~t na swine s sle.. . 'nw m ewa ra m .wmnm. of the issue oI Trotskyism. bique, the whiles In South Africa (and, w may add, the whites to Each a ruses the other of ha$- the deep South of Me USA.) V.I . 27 - No. 38 X345 Monday, October 28, 1963 Ing s cc embed to the Trotskyi t ..viros "Oppressed end explolted peo- ples in the world," concludes Both resort to the most notra- Frank, "today want their freedom gooq. fatseirstlow. . Each .ubeti- ." They prefer to gettr lt tpeace- tutes frenetic abuse, villffeslf,, fully ; but 'f peaceful ea fall . . . and slander, for reasoned argu- they will not Squeeze Play on Algeria ment more hesitate to resort to effective methods. This is ((3oaunued from Page 1) Neither side dares tell the truth e of the outstanding conclusions ant forces refused to open for the truth would be damaging to be drawn from the whole hls- fire despite FSF provocations. to both. But truth is on the march! torlcal period stn's the end of the =let rather then military For the very into, of the ideolo- and world ns had primacy war. The Fourth to In the on.- gical-political confrontation inex- International believes that mvolu- esnlate the insurgents. The pace orably leads to e emmatfon innerr, s«fahsts should rec.gnlre of natlonelezetions was stepped up, of past struggles to the light of it despite the up men of S. Ivano- any upon the Initiative of the rent, developing differences ,der that the conception is arch- workers themselves . At r thenry, strategy and tactics a'tiona-y.'" meetings throughout the e entry off working-class struggle for apokaamen of the revolution ' socialism In reply to the allegation that . there exists a de facto bloc be- plumed what was happening and On Sept. the newspaper tween the reaffirmed the If ..roment's de- Izuestia, gun of the Rus- and the leaders of the termlnation,, to continue on the so- official13 :,r Chinese .Lt. roadlead. n Soviet government, published 11tarian revolutions. It was upon Communist Party, Pierre Frank article attacking Trotskyism by this premise that Lenin projected declares: On the other hand, FSF spokes- Sn Ivanovlch which took up al- expressed ' for the most half the second page of the his strategy of Stated Position embodied in the documents of the Algerian busmresescernbeing n issue. The article purports W give first "The Fourth International has noel'sd, vred anti-common t its readers on a, ot pre- four congresses of the Third s of the (Communist) International. expressed without reserve exactly views, and called for adherence to sent status oI the world Trotsky- what it thinks about the dispute the Evfen agreements, which had ist m anti Iis object is to The concepl of "peaceful co- between the 9 ..roments and ended the we with Franca and Ahmd Bnlefraj xf ere" in which socialism identify III views of the Present would onquer. parties of China and the Soviet rder which France retained leaders of the Communist Party o, a world xall Union, particularly our opinion military and economic rights In through "peaceful ro - land Is mostly owned by 160,000 of China with those of Trotsky- pelition" w and that the Chinese posltwn is more Algeria . Ben Bell. has declared Frenchman and by big native land- ,m and thus bestw the Stalinist is aor.-P., progressive than the Khtushchev the Evisn accords must be changed influence StaloNsm having nothing in r.- lords . French -.I- "kiss of death" an its Peking op- on, with either line on the colonial revolution and in light of Algeria's turn tword strong despite independence and ponen Stalin was a past master the road to socialism . But the socialism. Spain continues rule several of Inch ' I.erdnsm. This key queatipnM`_"`of theor Fourth International has also to mad to power is central among the Too Late nclaves In Moroccan territory. The IIII'm'lg'm'!.tia article charges that made clear on what points it ron- Last December the royalist party a facto disputed questions in the Slno- sider. the Chinese positions to be Thus as the Moroccan king de theblocFourthexistsInternational,between the Soviet conflict . mobiliwd his forces for the barely squeaked through elections CPCdand gravely er nr-." rigged in its favor . King Hassan S . Ivanovlch, author of the seult ou the border, his 'Ilea worl party IzuesN, article, introduces an (Nest week, The MWtant will within Algeria were already going then trumped up a "plot" to justify ant, on of the basic al- publish a . ..tints by E, Ger- suppress- of the main opposition n legedly " w factor" which pre- down to defeat and vithdm .m. dispute . Because of this tablyrenders Lenin's on nmember of the United See- into the mountains. On Oct. 13 the party, the National Union of Pop- "alliance," it contends, there has view the Fourth lntrrna- ,1,, Forces, which is based on the the character of our epoch out of Moroccan radio broadcast rlaoms been a revival" of the Fourth In his reply, Pierre Frank tional, ofIf the article "On the to Saha, . n areas rich In mineral trade unions. International which was organised date. Question of Stalin," mrbtiahed 1. Trotsky and deals at length with this 'red. calling them "Moroccan Algeria's expropriation of 1938 by his ,o- revision of Lenin's concept. Sept. 13 by the Joint editorial lands under Algerian control:' The French landholdings and industries thinkers . After undergoing boards of the Peking People's Dai- split fn 1953, the ly and lane-existing holders wre, do- and the creation of workers' com- recently Fourth Intern. Changed Retail re, Red Flag . GermofnY -ocie need a unfair d,mar. .thm, mittees to manage them thus seta lional held a unifeca- entitled : Forward to Lenml - Zdrawn by the French and imposed ample for the Moroccan iton congress which welded to- "S . Iv .novi,b," he observes, Not Bark in Staten in the Fight and workers and peasants which f gether the overwhelming majority 'cites on his article the power of Apainat KhrwMcheu .) n Morocco (Both Morocco the socialist camp as a new factor Algeria had been French colonies.) dangerous t the monarcby, to the of the world Trotskyist movement. Not sine, the period following But more than desire for the mall native ruling class and to that world politics. We were pleased to not, this, Inc the , -pt f the death of Lenin In the Soviet cyst-rich lands is behind the the French and U.S. interests en Izoeshag sound. the .1mme " in Union have the views and crilic- zonflict The Moroccan monarchy, trenched there . That is why Me- quite familiar us. In truth the . As a service to its readers the Fourth International was the very of Trotsky',-leader with supported by a 11,11 wealthy curve . Foreign Minister Ahmed article has been transl.led into first . dw world . Lenin of the , class, has become more and m B.lafr,j declared that the "gravest English by the labor press I to call ttenti loomed so large thata n the e - . aspect t o the change fn the relationship t Isolatd and unpopular. The- s of the whole affair" w.s e, World Outlook, fn its Sent. of forces fn favor of w,ndIsm foI- ent controversy he shaken widespread demand for a republic . Hen Sells s "plan" in spread "Cas- 27-is e. The following issue, Oct. the communist world . The body An country, Moroccan t-type socialism all let Africa lowingthe victory of the Chinese agricultural ." 4, contains a reply by Pierre Revolution. of Marxist revolutionary doctrine Frank, a ember of 'he which Stalin stigmatised as "Trol- Secretariat of the Fourth UnitInter- "The Fourth International," he Ayism" and which he tried to ration .l, points out, 'unlike Mr. Ivano- bury under a ount.ln of filth . . . IThe full English test of the vlch holds that the emperisliss and slender, is asserting its his- Kennedy Trims Rights Bill Irv,stfa article and tit, reply not ready to recognize. that toric velidfty . from by their days numbered No (Canttnad Page 1) at a press conference fn Detroit, Pierre Frank ' be obtained by We commend to the main ant.- bill anyway. He made them en Oct. 17 : "Democrats have capilu- ting WorldOutlook,an ru- where have w n the capital- y 21 ists prepared t abandon power to gonlss in the Sin,-Soviet dispute the face of the unanimous - ..I- laled t th e w.demncr.te, ideals Abouker, Paris 2, France. Sub the admonition contained In . let- fine of civil-rights groups - and of Southern Dixiscmts, and Re- aeription,rate : for 26 the workers in peaceful take-over, $7 issues. desirable as this would be. We ter from Trotsky to the Commls- of such papers as the New York publicans too often ireept the Checks or money orders should on . for the Study of Party His- Time . and such mga,imtions a blatant hypocrisy of right-wing be mad, payable Pierre think that Fidel Castro was to Frank.) pletely correct when he served Wry set up by Stalin in 1926-27 the Nation., Connell of Churches Northemsr . ." to rewrite the history of the Rua- of Christ. At the same time, King an- Slander that the world has not yet seen a single example of . peaceful I,_ slan Revolution : It is clear that the administra- wered . question about the Free-Free According to Izesidu, the Trot- Mot from capitalism W scefahsm. "You ran juggle citations, hide tion is not as Irfghtend of the dom= Now Party, which the week skyist Fourth International and the reports of your own speeches, had announced intention of its adherents are "robid en,mtes "What Marxist would deny," polltic.1 power of 'full-rights Frank asks,,"that in contest forbid the propagation of the let- groups as It Is of the political running e slate of candidates in of M-lsm-Leninlam, bearers of ters and articles of Lenin, feb- Michigan In 1964 . "1 would tend arch-reactionary conceptions," limited to omic competition power of the Dixiecrats . Ken- the victory would Inevitably go t 'cate yards of dishonestly selected nedy can coout on the local Police, to favor something like this," sold ate ., etc. Proof? quotations. You can suppress, con- King, "if it would Increase the "The Fourth Intereatlonal," it oefalsm? The historic jmtifica- both North and South,ti . . tfon of more than a century of ceal, and burn up historical docu- the street d,monatr .tiona,t unless Negro's vole in politics and his affirms, "Invariably characterize . ments. You can extend your ren- interest In Participating In Poli- our epoch as wthe epoch of Im- struggle by the working class even they become more effective than against capitalist .xploltatlon orshlp to the photographle they have been. And so far, the tics ." Perislism, of a d f prole- and moving-picture records of rev- tarian rovolultonsg leaving out of resides precisely in this economic refusal of the major civil-rights uperiority of soelallsm over olutionary events. All these thing. leaders to break with the Den.- eunt the fundamental ctwnges capitalism Stall, is doing. But the results craft, or Republican parties, Bishop C . Ewbaok Tucker of in the relation of forces to the . will not justify his hopes . Only a leaves the Negrcea politically im- the African Methodist Episcopal world a s that c about "But the 'rectal question," Limited mind like Stalms could potent . Church has again advised Negroes through the liquidation In . series Frank affirms, "1s whether cap- Imagine that the .. pitiful sec- 'n the South to arm themselves of countries of Europe and Asis Willsm, with the forces and posl- Political polls widely published tions retarial machinations will make recently have shown that Kennedy for self-defense, according t the of the rule of the bourgeolsle and still at its disposal, has no en forget the gigantic events of stands W lose much m support Oct . 18 Louewille Th,ea. Bishop of the creation of a world socialist alternative but to graciously ac- modem history." n the South, than he has gained Tucker first made such , wate- system. Recognizing the weaken- card the predetermined doom of ent following the Blmdngham ing of the forces of capitalism, it its system in a peaceful economic n the North by its mild "pro- American imperialism W civil-rights" image . That bomb-murders and was subject to at the same time hold, Nat the Particular c-Itlcism from come quarters . "I position, of the forces of socialism - which we think Mr . as the Northern Neg .is,woW Ivanovlch will agree f a 'paper considered . sure thing for the ant to re-empha l.e the state- re precarious and denies the How Cuba Uprooted Bishop Tucker told the an- inevitability of the victory of the tiger' that has nuclear teeth - Democrats anyway, end that fs tit. to have accepted way It Is being discounted by the nual Kentucky AME conference utter in peweful evonomt, compe- scarcely seems Race Discrimination administration at present. on Louisville Oct. 17. The Bishop tition." the alternative of fatalistically ac- By Harry King sold that while he believes in rem- With .11 due apologies to the cepting the disappearance of the So the Kennedy, am core,, violent action, he also recommends author of the Izueaii . arit capitalist system and granting the 16 pages 15 cents trating o competing with Gold : future to world socialism with water or that Negroes fn certain Southern other than Lenin who Pioneer Publishers and the Republicans state quire guns W protect "invariably ch-clerlzed" peaceful resignation. support in the white South. 116 Unlvetalty PI.. their homes and churches spinet epoch as the epoch of imperialist "Impact lists of In New York 3. N. Y . Rev. Martin Luther King said "illegal intrusion." w,us, ,cl,,Ial uprisings and pro- Frank points out, "do." t seem

COMMIBBION EXHIBIT N0. 1346--Continued