WITHOXI IS \1 > V A NCI *V*uiBU* on VtnutsDiT vil.tf Tli** Highway Law. sessed ns heroinbafoiii provider • ti alter- the doty of the Township Clerk to record in euch notice shall have expired : /‘-o Clerk or RcCorde’, rut the c • TWwp uttixn. IMU, li t > amend h !i act eutitlcd -An act ing or laving out nny highway >d all tbo in a hook to ho kept by him for that pur- vided, N ■ person shod he r. > • • • to t- in il.e ii liner p ov 1 ■ J in section fotsr of Th »M4 —T«x Oftit- an 1 Mail * .• • - * L’glXIl nun i- «• v in 4 !uu ♦* $ j,(N) ,, ti.t t r*’| ”m chapter g. of tlie Revised lawful charge* against the t nship for pose, all papers liied in Ins othee relating move hi* feuea or fen a i.-.-t . en the ti.st lies not. »lh * 4 I l‘ n 1! tlv yvmV services, fees uni expanses cot k^sut up- to the laying out, altering or divcontinu- day of April and the tir-.i da < i Noxcin- n S'l. The f'omiiiiikion.r so ap IdvritlMtnrntiinie'Ktl t* the itt..is.?-* »*' 'ut"» c f is (■ ; also, not (r three .iiwwrtiuua.. 4 to amend cha] tur 25 of the lie- i on altering or laying out an uighway, ing roads as provided in this act. (• inted J , II, before they ] rucectl to the *»n*t uiju.i r*», four !t»sf 1 v. in...... 1 shall Is la.led and collected i 1 if . .*i . of tb-ir duties present ed in • Ihret in mihi, ...... 3 <1 Ntalut ■r of 1S40, relative to lav "hip within which such high? t ; ■ :* d,t lT v lion, he iiniin to ascer­ Ou« «quar* Miir r<*ar an 1 juftcr...... ^...... 6 • ring, and disc. n turning iluait^r ciluinu. thr«o iijMiitna, ...... G ted, and shall l e paid upon* tain end determine the neceisitv tor in ­ QdfirUrct'lTUUi fill muutGf .. 1‘ pp> -x ed Mur his , IfP : ^uirttrcitluain. oat- tnr au*i j'ftj-T . . I '■ . ■entitled An Act to the Township hoard, except « ti > fi.e i roj^rty described in tbe applica- litlf eoiutna, sit m tithi ...... l> provided. n > ■ 1 11• Mnl iinp. ’iitndly to upprai-o Half column onp < ...... !. ___ . .. -t 25 of the Kexiied .Stnt 1» • i lmnn »ix m ■ will*. .. of I - 16, approved March !fi, 1H4K,'" Ski-/8. Whenever the c t' i: • n , if m is • honied : I'tin column i*iio fmi » !.«-• ill Itllfl'tlal'IUi III* •( t ti.' 1U s | to provide for altering, laying out. of highways of one township le./ diva | be hied ir. ll ' ' i i ► " idl lie ll proceed to • Cl *>♦ I t »r •li continuing highways, approved CTree with the comtni sinner of V Jjdj. ill of tbe t x»iis ' •' prin i-es | rn|„,»«.,| to Im taken Trail Air 111 \ollrca t • !■» it.ilJ t t» . \ tic#* •! K»lray* dU*ojutl< n* «l union* " #t«* it mg township, whether in the #•*(.• or an- i ted, and if I it he ll I M,d shill1 «itli ill fix •« fit •- W • 9 other Coiln11 . in am matter 1 - ng to a 1 worked the d ; th- r. .ft• - n lie return of tL> ir doing* • 1 no, 1. f’foji/c n; th, Stale of ■>/.. * ms t ii.nl That an act entilled an hlgltwax nil till- bill Iie|wei ll tw . t -urn- 1 Lx the 05th in V |. g, *igl I L l them, to I lie town I ll...... M4 ti’w-n- • M. « w.MWSsm '"I MS or Milage ('lurk or It. -order, **•1*1 *st •«*i*»I** a ■ t t . r. is al . uni t r 'J.i of the rexi^sl *usl i lj f *-1 j, 1) • ■ . ,| .,*..1. | j, # I, - . •t*H*r *•! t « . i tiles of 1S4H ; also a. t s s, ell til III 1 at, t 1'irr: A—u\-r^-sr,t il. ('ll nit? rluin«,f*U'l |..%H «. l i -n li.tnfAiy V.iiartr |5> ...... t" amend elmptei 05 of the r.oi»ed slat ot i ..Li 1,01 ot • •»!r Vntistl Michigan. 4U*I COt i’ll 1 l> iituscf Is 1(1, r. Is'ixe to laving oul, alter t ' t> ' • ' I In fi t- r, the Mli rtitlt at ||! trii Cratitrt » itN't. M < . , - - ^uarti't •»! *»•■* * i r»crfv<*r mg and il nvititmuing higliwnv-, approx ! • • ' •' i i r,.o. '■[• f to H In >in p yiiLle, * tenth u |o all } »>•!•--ion *1 l i'iii.' . Vll’i 1 Uwttu' tu U ' 1 • r [&J ii--. t h r #'nn** c»r«‘. .'•fitt* *•! M i hi • d Match si, Js m ; also act No. 72 , i n i 1.1, i . , mi I fc 11e.! ' I d in i -e j u*fv»i or tilled an act to amend chapter '.’.‘i of the ■ ll,•• to*n-1. j., <-iii or xiil- e- Clerk ir laid out upon the line l.etxveet » town- XtTonstV ASP • o| NsKRlJni; AT l.xw mil le-xised Siatute^ of I - 4n. approx cd Mar • li ; ■ I il-l ; t l.e ( MIMT .ISSIofirr SO rpjM illlte 1 ships, application for that pur max Ur **r »u < >taiu'**rjr . ular atlrtitn-n gt-*itt*> I l-4s, md to provide tor altering, lay­ 1 r 'd I '* etitlt!' . to receive ll,e sriii.e com mg an! lAtfi Aif'-n y •• >n I'l im !•■* ! • made to the Commissioner of M. J>*bn*. Clinton iouutjr. Michi|n» ing out. n i l di-isiniimiing highwnx>. a)- n ,n. ju .r« r.re entitled in, uud-, ship, who shall proceed to lax pi 'e l I cl ruary 27 . 1 s.57 , be so amiii led (! pii . ions ' f tin- act. T»R. A. M. Clt AW FORT). . »uch rr.ad in the manner prov n« to read i s folloxx i : “That w henever anv 1 raium nm\ ~ f '• nr- - xi ho lmvix 1 ■ rii II4T ing TM*imati«,iillv 1 «n >t .l.|,t.- v* 11 a> -tel a- t, they shall cause the siirn •il iaIii in liUlin^ i in tie*- M *••! I*» *• *»*r! ten or moic Ire, h" Id its of anv township j ' '0 |r',r,t,i ! ui .-I i),e proxisinns of Is«tli's l»rng >t.*rf Miff I* ■ • *.• * Ii in » t M »' thereof eurtitied by them, to U •hall wish to have a highway in anv part 1 ' ’ ’ t,' t XX h ■ XI it], lit Ooisl Cilll ,C M a«4 i I M to « I* M u. . " olh enf tin" Township Clerk o ot sit. h tot ndiip tmt ineluded within the j I ti lie tefur, he. . ,-t If I"fuse ll) ftp. i -hip. I’j.on proceeding to alt1 cluae nor .»ct the tiltIj!h of «nv ofli.-r city rj . 'ate I mils of any city or village, al , p M 1 f - ■ in | urvunlieu of snid rum* | such road, application max- t« |K>rson who shall ap|ical within the time application t•. ' < t n i I . •„ in IImi«I%*< »«. i iiflrry. Iron. \« •» tere l. laid jut or discontinued, tlu x max , I ' ' ■ -!• .1 !• lj, it ll,,- slim i-t ti\e ■! dims. A. i I. Hill - !'.»rl**i .-I ' M >• Justice of the I’eace of eilli limited: and (*;■• sai i lownsliip l»oanT shall niter ■ • 1 i, t .,. . hi tu ti.* lm)itrm*-oU Mst**it* *>i* 'll* by xiritinc under their hands, ’ make | |k r St. I >lj'-^t I' n U 4if %'•»• 4 f'lin,,»ii ■r the npp' iiitmeiit of juror* npplieation to the t'omniissii.ners of High-1 .sustxmd all proceedings upon appeal* re l;n • •. i li - !k l.i,’ J**kuw, M • tii/ao Irawn equally from the town xxsxs of li e iowftsloo t pur]mse, I reive 1 by them from any such d«terminn- courses un i In - «- itn.v U HENRY WAl.mMIxi! me t • , II w illetl ti n sa|.| lion, until the time limitud lor *ueh aj>- for ti e p hlie e nxin ■ Woo shall proceed to alter, lav out. or may J wn\ I " • ev mi I.-Wti-I i max can e 4TT0BSEV X ml vsn.loB vt I.XXV - rin sai l jurors shall npprai»ep-r amount penis shall have expired, to the enl that Sm\ .‘tit. Iue»s„ t' , t irpotnt su l I'r cuii (’••at t <‘*nnmt«**i«*n*-i • li-ionlitiiie sueli highway ias hereinafter lit-on lit lo l.e pr. eiile-, al the atiliual rr»| Ijih *! Yiilag# l4r'« l*»l -•I* •f damage to b<- paid hv en i township. their decivioit, when made, may •nibrtee iti-s - f mix city or x .!!nge shout 10 eled, J’ruridi I. Thnt no i second aj’pli- <>■ p ti i ng. i : the improvement* J*tum*tca <1 » 8i J*iho*. •Tu*' u <* fit; the whole subject. the lands of anv per-on ! r Mi di iti t. shall l>c made within txv Ive month* hv to I ii..- . in the roads and Skc. 20. In ease of an appeal from a such cor] rate nuthoiji • t: v J. II. BACON. M. 1» t*.r the sai id J'lirjiose,— Provided, That • '11 xu1 h i .atisliips tor the ensuing 0F!K!OF flrat i n or person* through '. at d tin . -'..i' : :• of the i -..I,aide ex- nl WUI Mold highways of adjoining towualiips in the tor. sle I. hi-, h r. 4h*»*«* of hi* friend* in tin* .'ini w luise land the propose 1 highway ts to be i: n*4«ki»t ni e tl.i'ie. f, I ey.md w hat the hrls.-r to ho tufty with hi** pr**ie-«ionn I **-m sail"'county, or in ditiernt eojiilies, rd»t ney, cilln t In j • i v ien or l.x w rit- pijr of riioiee |»r mi i M ‘ alleo d or laid out, shallI give his or their • I f c t' tv.si wid a- 'omplish; and ing to a road upon the line of aucli town ten or print I i 11 - ut and wriiiiig. ne. ■ording to the pro- •t..d u: in ■■ I len.-t I Ineelitig Ii'i.l Vote for lire in -ji.g of a ship, sueli appeal mav he mnde to the tills, puhlie |da< R. k n. F STRICKI .-i .ns of action seventeen of this act, t not exei-.i , og otic half of '.lie per ATWR VKYS AM' ••* li iroK- IV MIX township boards of the sai l adjoining . Utr'i w. -ks next I.#n' .‘.jfentw, I»«■ NV.tt i 1 -n 11*ii • .mo? ' d release any claim f..r d aage*, the "p 'li lie- ■ gale vnluntion of the township", who thnll net jointly in decid-W corj'oratc millioritfor ih 1 uiiisii i r« of Jiigliwavs ihrdl have ; tl; iti the to i ndiip, ne.-. i lir ,. to the ing upon the detarminatioan of the said afore-aid, and i !;<• i I <■ uj. ■<• 11 L> I f\ K . | ti \ ioe