Ken Bentley,John Hurt | none | 31 Dec 2016 | Ltd | 9781785751912 | English | Maidenhead, Agents of Chaos (audio anthology) | Tardis | Fandom

Denied that glory by and alike, General Fesk of the Eighth Battle Fleet employs a dangerous strategy to draw both sides to the planet Rovidia and prove his forces worthy Meanwhile, the War Doctor leads a rescue mission, aided by Rovidian street-urchin Kalan. Neither nor Lords expect the to be so fearsome a foe until they uncover the secret of the Eternity Cage. In the aftermath of events on Rovidia, the Time Strategist is presented with a unique opportunity to strike a lethal blow to the heart of Gallifrey. A devastating power is set to be unleashed, and with agents in place ready to do the bidding of the Dalek Time Strategist, of the could turn in an instant. Free Big Finish Newsletter. - The War Doctor 3. Bundles Login to wishlist. Share Tweet. Worlds are ravaged by battles beyond their understanding, but certain other races hunger to fight in the ultimate conflict. But the wily Cardinal has not foreseen every move. The Dalek Time Strategist has its own game-pieces in play, and when volatile forces with their own agenda join the fray, no-one can predict how the war might turn… 3. Denied that glory by Skaro and Gallifrey alike, General Fesk of the Eighth Sontaran Battle Fleet employs a dangerous strategy to draw both sides to the planet Rovidia and prove his forces worthy… Meanwhile, the War Doctor leads a rescue mission, aided by Rovidian street-urchin Kalan. Neither Daleks nor Time Lords expect the Sontarans to be so fearsome a foe, until they uncover the secret of the Eternity Cage. A devastating power is set to be unleashed, and with agents in place ready to do the bidding of the Dalek Time Strategist, the future of the Time War could turn in an instant. The War Doctor 3: Agents of Chaos : Ken Bentley :

Denied that glory by Skaro and Gallifrey alike, General Fesk of the Eighth Sontaran Battle Fleet employs a dangerous strategy to draw both sides to the planet Rovidia and prove his forces worthy Meanwhile, the War Doctor leads a rescue mission, aided by Rovidian street-urchin Kalan. Neither Daleks nor Time Lords expect the Sontarans to be so fearsome a foe, until they uncover the secret of the Eternity Cage. In the aftermath of events on Rovidia , the Dalek Time Strategist is presented with a unique opportunity to strike a lethal blow to the heart of Gallifrey. A devastating power is set to be unleashed, and with agents in place ready to do the bidding of the Dalek Time Strategist, the future of the Time War could turn in an instant. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Contents [ show ]. The Shadow Vortex. The Eternity Cage. . Prequel Susan's War. Categories :. In the aftermath of events on Rovidia, the Dalek Time Strategist is presented with a unique opportunity to strike a lethal blow to the heart of Gallifrey. A devastating power is set to be unleashed, and with agents in place ready to do the bidding of the Dalek Time Strategist, the future of the Time War could turn in an instant. Free Big Finish Newsletter. Doctor Who - The War Doctor 3. Bundles Login to wishlist. Share Tweet. The War Doctor here is perhaps more like his other incarnations than usual, although that may in part be due to the nature of the challenge he's facing. The secondary villain i. The story is obviously trying to ramp up the stakes, although arguably the limited setting restricts how much that can be done. I didn't think this was quite as good as the previous instalments, and the repetition of facing Daleks all the time is beginning to show, but the acting is great, and I still found it very enjoyable. Mar 26, Danny Welch rated it it was amazing. The Shadow Vortex: A fast paced adventure set in the cold war and trying to break through defences for set by Gallifrey. A great story with some really great characters performed by an excellent cast. The Dalek Time Strategist is a really interesting and menacing Dalek that I can't wait to hear more of! The cast were really good in this and Andrew The Shadow Vortex: A fast paced adventure set in the cold war and The Daleks trying to break through defences for Earth set by Gallifrey. The cast were really good in this and Andrew Smith has written a fantastic story that ends on a cliffhanger! Oct 19, Mel rated it it was amazing Shelves: audio-book. The War Doctor is such a great series and it is very lovely that we've had three box sets this year, when normally with Big Finish you only get one a year. John Hurt is simply superb on audio and the balance between him and Jacqueline Pearce as two old and imposing figures is something you rarely find in today's youth obsessed media. There is a great scope to these stories. The Daleks and the Time Lords at war, and yet they still maintain a very human element, and the cost of such a war is never The War Doctor is such a great series and it is very lovely that we've had three box sets this year, when normally with Big Finish you only get one a year. The Daleks and the Time Lords at war, and yet they still maintain a very human element, and the cost of such a war is never forgotten. The first story has the wonderful Neve McIntosh as the main villain trying to bring the Daleks to Earth. So great to finally hear her in a Big finish The story is set in s Berlin. teems up with a Stazi policeman. Which is an odd choice, but shows that things are always way more complex than black and white. The next two stories were set in the future as Alystra was captured by Sontarans who decided that the time war looked like a good scrap and they should definitely be involved. I can't recommend this series highly enough. Great performances, dramatic stories and a wonderful gender balance! I do hope there's more! Feb 08, Anne Barwell rated it it was amazing Shelves: audio-play. Kind of bitter sweet listening to this as John Hurt has just passed away. Another great box set expanding on the War Doctor's story. Brilliant cast. Cool to hear Honeysuckle Weeks from Foyle's War in the mix. Oct 26, Christopher Buchanan rated it liked it Shelves: doctor-who , big-finish- the-war-doctor. I was let down by this and I don't like saying that. It has the top notch production and fantastic acting we've come to expect of this series but the stories were pretty pedestrian. The first 2 were more or less standard Dalek stories that just happened to have occurred during the Time War. The last was an action piece with the details about the Eye of Harmony being the only thing very interesting. Don't get me wrong, these aren't bad but they lacked gravitas and complexity and there was really I was let down by this and I don't like saying that. Don't get me wrong, these aren't bad but they lacked gravitas and complexity and there was really nothing very Time War about it. I did enjoy listening to them, but I expected more. Apr 10, Debra Cook rated it really liked it Shelves: audiobooks. The doctor helps save earth and stop the daleks from winning the time war. Julia rated it really liked it Feb 04, Paul rated it really liked it Aug 02, Kieran Thurecht rated it liked it Sep 01, Kaesa rated it really liked it Aug 06, Fredrik rated it it was amazing Aug 11, Daniel Ramsden rated it it was amazing Feb 13, Christos rated it really liked it Nov 28, Gabriel Bailey rated it really liked it Jan 21, Jason rated it it was amazing Jul 31, The War Doctor (audio drama series) - Wikipedia

Belle le parti tecniche relative all'Occhio dell'Armonia e finale che conduce direttamente al quarto cofanetto. Oct 18, April Mccaffrey rated it it was amazing. I love the War Doctor audios so much. Not only that, but they are full of so much angst, complex characters with character development and the War Doctor is a complete grump ball who is full of sass and likes to make puns. Every story written in this boxset has been amazing and I love the War Doctor audios so much. Every story written in this boxset has been amazing and so thrilling to to, it's impossible to chose a favourite! They are so engaging and interactive and really make you feel for the characters and the Time-Lord's. Really looking forward to the War Doctor series 4. Well done to Big Finish for doing justice to the Time War! Oct 16, Bill Lynas rated it really liked it. John Hurt's third outing at The War Doctor is as much fun as ever. The three adventures here have more of an ensamble cast feeling about them than Hurt's previous stories, but everyone delivers good performnances. Oct 17, Steven rated it liked it Shelves: british , doctor-who , plays. The 2nd and 3rd parts with the Sontarans and Daleks are epic and thrilling. The 1st episode set on earth is more mundane. Jul 15, Rick rated it really liked it Shelves: whoniverse , audio-dramas , media-tie-in , time-travel , omnibus , whoniverse-time-war , whoniverse-warrior , whoniverse-daleks. Very entertaining. Every fan of Doctor Who should be listening to these Big Finish productions. Jan 27, Jamie Revell rated it really liked it Shelves: audio-plays. Another set of three hour-long stories, once again all by different authors and not ones who have previously written for this series; looks like they wanted to give as many of the writers in their stable a shot at an episode as possible. Although they follow on directly from one another, the first episode is essentially standalone, while the other two are more tightly linked. Another difference is that Ollistra, effectively a villain in the previous release, is here shown more sympathetically Another set of three hour-long stories, once again all by different authors and not ones who have previously written for this series; looks like they wanted to give as many of the writers in their stable a shot at an episode as possible. Another difference is that Ollistra, effectively a villain in the previous release, is here shown more sympathetically - perhaps because the Dalek general has a larger role and provides a clearer contrast. It concerns the War Doctor trying to track down a human agent of the Daleks, and is in large part a spy story. A spy story that features alien invaders alongside KGB and MI6 agents, to be sure, but some of that feel is there. Aside from the Doctor and the Dalek agent, one of the other main characters is a Stasi officer and, considering what the Stasi got up to, is given a surprisingly positive portrayal although I didn't find his German accent wholly convincing. Another feature is that the story does include an element of time paradox; it's not particularly complicated, however, and serves partly as a vehicle to contrast the War Doctor with his other incarnations. In this case, however, they are joined as opponents by the Sontarans, trying to play the two sides of the Time War against each other. Both Cardinal Ollistra and the Dalek Time Strategist play a significant role in the story, although it's mostly about the War Doctor taking part in a mission behind enemy lines. A key element is the mystery of how the Sontarans are able to hold out against such obviously superior foes, and the eventual explanation for this involves an inventive use of certain elements of established background. It includes a lot of action, and at it's difficult to follow exactly what's going on, although the plot itself is clear enough. The War Doctor here is perhaps more like his other incarnations than usual, although that may in part be due to the nature of the challenge he's facing. The secondary villain i. The story is obviously trying to ramp up the stakes, although arguably the limited setting restricts how much that can be done. I didn't think this was quite as good as the previous instalments, and the repetition of facing Daleks all the time is beginning to show, but the acting is great, and I still found it very enjoyable. Mar 26, Danny Welch rated it it was amazing. The Shadow Vortex: A fast paced adventure set in the cold war and The Daleks trying to break through defences for Earth set by Gallifrey. A great story with some really great characters performed by an excellent cast. The Dalek Time Strategist is a really interesting and menacing Dalek that I can't wait to hear more of! The cast were really good in this and Andrew The Shadow Vortex: A fast paced adventure set in the cold war and The Daleks trying to break through defences for Earth set by Gallifrey. The cast were really good in this and Andrew Smith has written a fantastic story that ends on a cliffhanger! Oct 19, Mel rated it it was amazing Shelves: audio-book. The War Doctor is such a great series and it is very lovely that we've had three box sets this year, when normally with Big Finish you only get one a year. John Hurt is simply superb on audio and the balance between him and Jacqueline Pearce as two old and imposing figures is something you rarely find in today's youth obsessed media. There is a great scope to these stories. The Daleks and the Time Lords at war, and yet they still maintain a very human element, and the cost of such a war is never The War Doctor is such a great series and it is very lovely that we've had three box sets this year, when normally with Big Finish you only get one a year. The Daleks and the Time Lords at war, and yet they still maintain a very human element, and the cost of such a war is never forgotten. The first story has the wonderful Neve McIntosh as the main villain trying to bring the Daleks to Earth. So great to finally hear her in a Big finish The story is set in s Berlin. The Doctor teems up with a Stazi policeman. Which is an odd choice, but shows that things are always way more complex than black and white. The next two stories were set in the future as Alystra was captured by Sontarans who decided that the time war looked like a good scrap and they should definitely be involved. I can't recommend this series highly enough. Great performances, dramatic stories and a wonderful gender balance! I do hope there's more! Feb 08, Anne Barwell rated it it was amazing Shelves: audio-play. Kind of bitter sweet listening to this as John Hurt has just passed away. Another great box set expanding on the War Doctor's story. Brilliant cast. Cool to hear Honeysuckle Weeks from Foyle's War in the mix. Oct 26, Christopher Buchanan rated it liked it Shelves: doctor-who , big-finish-the-war-doctor. I was let down by this and I don't like saying that. It has the top notch production and fantastic acting we've come to expect of this series but the stories were pretty pedestrian. The first 2 were more or less standard Dalek stories that just happened to have occurred during the Time War. The last was an action piece with the details about the Eye of Harmony being the only thing very interesting. Don't get me wrong, these aren't bad but they lacked gravitas and complexity and there was really I was let down by this and I don't like saying that. Don't get me wrong, these aren't bad but they lacked gravitas and complexity and there was really nothing very Time War about it. I did enjoy listening to them, but I expected more. Apr 10, Debra Cook rated it really liked it Shelves: audiobooks. The doctor helps save earth and stop the daleks from winning the time war. Julia rated it really liked it Feb 04, Paul rated it really liked it Aug 02, Worlds are ravaged by battles beyond their understanding, but certain other races hunger to fight in the ultimate conflict. But the wily Time Lord Cardinal has not foreseen every move. The Dalek Time Strategist has its own game-pieces in play, and when volatile forces with their own agenda join the fray, no-one can predict how the war might turn… 3. Denied that glory by Skaro and Gallifrey alike, General Fesk of the Eighth Sontaran Battle Fleet employs a dangerous strategy to draw both sides to the planet Rovidia and prove his forces worthy… Meanwhile, the War Doctor leads a rescue mission, aided by Rovidian street-urchin Kalan. Neither Daleks nor Time Lords expect the Sontarans to be so fearsome a foe, until they uncover the secret of the Eternity Cage. A devastating power is set to be unleashed, and with agents in place ready to do the bidding of the Dalek Time Strategist, the future of the Time War could turn in an instant.

Doctor Who: The War Doctor: Agents of Chaos by

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