
The Conservative Caucus, Inc. NationalHeadquarte rs 422 Maple Avenue Vienna, 22180 (703) 893-1550 Project Office December 30, 1980 47 West Street Boston, Massachusetts02111 (617) 426-7188

eoard of Directors MEMORANDUM FOR DAVE BU:_f)IN Howard Phillips,Chairma n peter J. Thomas. Secretary FROM: HOWARD PHILLIPS-� Lawrence J. Straw, Jr., Treasurer Richard Derham Hon. Gordon Humphrey J. Afan MacKay The enclosed Crane letter copy is agreeable to r me as revised except that we still need an National Directo 1 / s Howard Phillip o�ening sentence with which we can both live. Director Executive F. AndY Messing, Jr. Thanks for your help. tive Vice Chairman AdmiJ)fstra ndorff Charles Or eld Director National Fi mas Peter J. Tho search ector of Re Dir ns d publicatio an s Susan E. Phillip r edia Directo M t LarryA. W old olley Project residential P P Knight, USA Brig. Gen. Albion (Rel) Director er Dwight Bratc� Assistant O,rector

blications pu Yearbook senate Issues senate Report rass Roots G port Member'sRe

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-, 0 pr10�1tt- I know you have generously contributed to(me personally and to)conservative causes in the past. I deeply appreci- ate your support. Today, I would like to extend to you a personal invitation. I invite you to become part of an organization I believe ·will be absolutely essential in helping put America on a successful conservative cours� during Reagan years. I hope you don't think I am being forward, but I am so convinced you and other conservatives need to be part of this organization I have enclosed a temporary membership card, registered and numbered, made out in your name. The organization I hope you will join tod�Lis called The Conservative Caucus (.TCC ). • T am su1;e You'nclve heard of � But you may not know that The Conservative Caucus -- -oe large serv tive organization in America. __/ . �j � � flight now, �lp is needed more than ever by me and my conservative colleagues in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Before I ·tell Y?U what your membership c ard entitles you to, including some of the most informative conservative publications I have ever seen, let me take a minute to explain what The Conservative Caucus is all about and why I am convinced you should become a member today. Conservatives won a tremendous election victory on Novem­ ber 4. But that victory does not conclude our work, it merely gives us a c hance to carry the battle to Washington, D.C. If we fail to turn Am�rica around during the critical years just ahead, conserv�tive solutions may be rejected once and for all by the American voters. Our most important jobt �i ll be to get our economy under control and restore America's national security. We've got to overcome r unaway inflation, interest rates, and unemployment. We've got to g et go�ernment off the Over, please ••• Page T. WO _u ·� .. . t the pockets of our citizens. �ac�and ou of Am mili We've got to restore and rebuil� erican tary strength. ·As quickly a sible. We can't afford to let this country be pushed around by s pos longer The R third rate di9tators and Ayatollahs any . ussians have got to understand that we me�n _business in protecting the Free world. In both of these critical areas, the economy and national security, Governor Reagan will need the encouragement and the assistance of grass roots conservatives. The liberal pressures on are going to be very strong -­ in the media, the bureaucracy, and the special interest groups. Not to mention tbe liberals who still control the U.S. House of Representa- tives. · Groups like the AFL-CIO, the National Education Association, Ralph er's organizations, Common Cause, the ACLU, the various radical Nad . feminist, anti-nuclear, and environmental extremist organizations, will progr m to put Ameri t be working to squttle+ our � ca back on the righ track •. - sow-e. �..., "1� �s. 1 have seen how these groups operate. I know the tremendous power they can exert over Congressmen, influencing them to vote time and again for the liberal side, and against the best interest of their consti- tuents. .. wh t onservatives need is a �ay to counteract·these strong liberal a c · forces in Washington, D.C. And that's what The Conservative caucus i s all about. TCC is a non-partisan, non-profit lobbying organization founded in 1974 by dedi ated conservatives wh� �ecided to counteract liberal influence in Washin7 gton, D.c., by organizing conservatives at the grass roots 1evel, in -the Congressional Districts,�each two years, Congressmen must stand for election. ,r,�«.t The Conservative Caucus has four objectives: 1. To recruit and train volunteer leaders, 41'1'r4 2 .. To tell as many Americans as possible itrfOliflde.ttffl about voting records of their Senators and Congressmen ,

3. To lobby at the grass roots on critical issues. , and, 4. To help move public debate in a.conserv tion. � ative direc I The Conservative Caucus is made up of men and women like �rom all walks of life, who sha�e one thing in common; they-1'e"i�•rc2n the traditional values of hard work, family, community ' and belief in God that made this country great. They are pro-free enterprise, pro-defense, and pro-family. u .. As a s._congres�man,.I have seen personally just ·how effe�ti�e. � Next page, please •• � ··· ··· ...... - --...... -···-·------·-·-...... - - -·------·----r----_I Page �hree � ,.. r � .. arganlzation The Conservative Caucus is. In 1978 when the liberals controlled both Houses of Congress, as well as the White House, copservative forces, organized and led by TCC, and other groups, came within two votes of blocking the Panama· giveaway in the u.s. Senate. Since then, twenty-nine of the Senators who sup­ ported the Treaties have been retired from public office. During 1979 and 1980, The Conservative Caucus was in the forefront of a c ampaign to defeat SALT II, running rallies, press briefings, and organizational sessions in each of the fifty states to help Americans understand that SALT II would lock the U.S. into strategic i nferiority with the Soviet Union. other issues in which TCC has been involved include tax limitation, opposition to busing and abortion, support for crime control, ·and efforts to defeat ·radical gun control proposals. The conservative Caucus operates through a nationwide network of volunteer State Coordinators and Congressional District Directors. A staff of at TCC National Headquarters in northern Virginia near Washington, D.C., works on·membership services, publications, research, and relatec. activities.

A close watch is kept not merely on the action of bureaucracy and the I courts but on the legislation being considered in congress. t The conservative Caucus has played a key role in stopping dangerous propo eaken defense ncreas s g ! liberal sals to w , i e government pendin , I raise taxes, and broaden Federal. interference in our lives •. Through its telephone, mailing, and personal contact programs, TCC is able ·to quickly generate grass roots response on key issues. This mobilization of conservative support will be even more important now that Ronald Reagan is in the White House. In addition to stopping bad liberal legislation, we need to be able to support passage of bills to eliminate Federal programs, strengthen defense and cut .�axes. oespite our success in the 1980 elections, the battle for conservatives is not over. It has merely begun. I believe the most effective way to implement the conservative victory won last November is to put pressure on Congress through grass roots organizations like The Conservative Caucus. I offered to write this letter to you today because r strongly believe you and other conservatives should become a member of The conservative caucus today. Because it's grass roots organization, The Conservative caucus.needs the support of as many dedicated conservatives a s possible. The more members they have, the more they are listened to by the congress. Frankly, I can't understand why any·conservative wouldn't want to be Over, please ••• --- r· ., _e.ag� Four

� member of this vital organization. Especially at this exciting turning point in our nation's h�story.

The Conservative Caucus receives no government funds or large founda­ tion grants. It is totally dependent on the support of concerned, dedicated conservatives like you. As soon as you join you'll be eligible to receive absolutely free some of the roost informative conservative publications available today. These exciting publications will let you know exactly-what is happening in the liberal vs. conservative battles i� Washington and around the country. Much of the information included simply isn't available any­ where else. Membership dues are extremely small compared to the service you do our nation�� becoming a member. ·Regular membership dues start at just $10 year1J)but .higher levels of membershiJVentitling you to greater participatio�are available. I've enclosed a flyer listing all the categories of memb�rship in TCC open to you_and the benefits and important publications you will receive as a TCC member. on behalf of Howard Phillips, National Director of The Conservative caucus, I ·strongly urge you to become a member·of TCC today. cordially yours,

Philip M. Crane '(f.n:±ted sea�s Congressman m t;1"18&R oF CclN_JRess p.S. Even now, Congress is working on next year's budget. To help us cut taxes and non-defense spending, I hope you will join TCC today. Dear Conservative: I need your help. I cannot help President Reagan, Congressman Phil Crane and my other conservative friends in the Congress make the changes this country so desperately needs without the support of conservatives like you. Furthermore, that support must be organized and directed to be effective. That's why The Conservative Caucus is vital to our overcoming the liberal special interest groups and turning this country around. If you haven't already, won't you please make the decision now to become a member of TCC. Sincerely,

Roger Jepsen United States Senator, Iowa

h on identi {pub note folded in half wit c f al on outside} Open only if you have decided not to join TCC today •

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