
Village News

July / August 2020

plan – possibly through Parish Council developer’s land banking- and We managed to hold a Parish therefore feels committed to Council meeting via ‘zoom’ in June approve speculative applications. in which we heard from The mismanagement of forward Councillor Berry that Wiltshire housing planning by Wiltshire has Council have very serious financial let down the entire County. As with problems- primarily as a result of our own Plan Wiltshire has the coronavirus. The Council have betrayed the local trust invested in seen a massive fall in income in the Neighbourhood Plan and order to protect local businesses. caused massive resentment in all The upshot is that only the bare councils developing or holding a essential services can be offered Neighbourhood Plan. Because our until the Council receives plan is younger than two years old Government support. we will, apparently, not be subject to the same treatment- even Town Council have though we suffered under similar sought the support of local Villages circumstances last year over the in their battle to stop 71 houses Oaksey Park application. being built on the Filands site. Despite the very clear The latest analysis of our SID speed commitments to the position of all device even during the lockdown new homes in Malmesbury’s shows some speed idiots travelling Neighbourhood Plan Wiltshire at dangerous speeds through our Council ignored these and village. We will soon be installing a approved the application. Wiltshire new device to capture speed, time, has itself managed to ‘lose’ many and number plates. This device is new builds from its own 5-year being installed in a number of

North Wiltshire villages and we Ten local parish councils have hope will lead to a safer already received funding from environment for us all in our 20 MLOF to install defibrillators in zone and 30mph outer limits. their villages. Many local parishes already have them, and others are Bendy Bow is being developed at still considering the offer from quite a pace and we know the MLOF of £1,500 each towards their intrusion it causes for those nearby installation. residents. I have tried to respond to complaints through the Green Automatic external defibrillators Square project manager. There are (AEDs) have been described as the many that can be addressed single most important through the correct route and we development in the treatment of need to continue with that sudden cardiac arrest. Designed for approach. use by untrained lay persons, they have improved the outcomes of Finally, please remember the literally thousands of people who country code during the fine have suffered from cardiac arrests. weather when we all need to get outside. Richard Moody Chairman – Parish Council

Oaksey Receives Second Life- Saving Defibrillator from Malmesbury League of Friends Oaksey village has installed a second life-saving defibrillator, situated outside the village shop, MLOF chairman David Hide said: and which has been largely funded “We are delighted to have helped by Malmesbury League of Friends towards the installation of a (MLOF). Their first defibrillator, second defibrillator in Oaksey. near the village hall, has been in We’d like to hear from any other place for several years. local parish councils who do not currently have one.” Submit articles for future Parish Newsletters to [email protected] by 20 August

Richard Moody, the chairman of Oaksey School. Despite everything Oaksey Parish Council, said: “We they have continued to work hard are very grateful to have received at home and since returning to the this help from MLOF. We really classroom, and for some of them it needed a second defibrillator as has given them time to explore the village extends for some passions and hobbies further. distance”. As a lot of you are already aware More information from: Mrs Scott retired from her headteacher’s duties on April 30th, Community Heartbeat Trust – 2020. It was not the send-off any of www.communityheartbeat.org.uk us would have wished for her. Malmesbury League of Friends – However, she has had some of her www.mlof.co.uk gifts and we were able, with the David Hide (MLOF) help of her daughter, to have a Tel: 01666 824148/07887 932253 surprise zoom party. The good Richard Moody news is she will now be returning Tel 01666 575004 for the Autumn Term to support the school while we recruit a new headteacher. Despite all the fun and learning going on now, we have faced some challenges. You will have noticed that the road outside the school flooded twice in one week with ..... we shine brighter together! water entering the school building We are happy to say that the on both occasions. Thank you for school has been open for the last everyone who offered support and month for Reception, Years 1 and help, a special mention to Carole, 6. Also we have been able to Emma and Holly who provided not welcome pupils from key workers only a pump but also their time back into the setting. From next setting it up and getting extra wet week, more pupils will be in the process! returning, and we are planning All staff are already looking some special activities for others. forward to September when We are proud of all the children at Submit articles for future Parish Newsletters to [email protected] by 20 August hopefully all children can return to or reminded them of a particular school. event or happy occasion. There Denise Bray (Interim Acting was a wide range of millinery!!!! Headteacher) We had wedding hats (one bought in a charity shop), a scarecrow floppy hat accompanied by Jenny singing us the song that she has taught her grandson - ‘I’m a dingle dangle scarecrow’, a Mexican Oaksey WI sombrero with Girlguiding memories and a Derbyshire hat The WI Book Swap and information with an amusing tale. point is open again. We have decided that as other similar Our next meeting will be a Zoom facilities in phone boxes have been meeting on 9th July at 7pm. A link open throughout lockdown that it will be sent out to members a is safe for ours to reopen. If you are couple of days prior to the concerned about infection, then it meeting. Until we know the next is suggested that you quarantine lockdown arrangements we cannot for 72 hours any books that you organise our August meeting. take. Obviously, social distancing is Secretary Jean Bennett – 577485 not a problem!!!! [email protected].

We held our June meeting via

Zoom on 11th June. This was to have been an Antiques Roadshow meeting with the Auctioneer Gordon Brockman. Hopefully, we can book him for next year. This Mother’s Union month we had a welcome from Jenny, our President, followed by Life has been rather quiet since my some business and news of last newsletter but now life is members unable to join us on beginning to start up. We had Zoom. What followed then was a planned to have our Deanery ‘mad hatters tea party’. Members Festival service followed by a pub were asked to wear a hat that had lunch on Thursday 9th July and that either an amusing story behind it had been cancelled when the Submit articles for future Parish Newsletters to [email protected] by 20 August lockdown was started. However, there to help us through these with things opening up we are difficult months, and we’re pleased beginning to make plans and since to report that our reserves are all we have already thought of that open again as of this week, date are going to use it for a although please note that for the meeting. We cannot go into the time being toilets and bird hides church for a service nor is the pub will need to remain shut. Please do open for parties so we are hoping follow government requirements to meet with me at the Willow Tree for social distancing and not in for coffee and prayer congregating in groups larger than and chat, in the garden if fine. Then 6 at this delicate time for our we shall start planning future nation’s recovery – thank you. meetings on dates that are already in our diaries and will hope to arrange our Festival again with all the special people who were coming – so do hope to have a Eating Disorder happy reunion self-help Looking forward to being together support group again. As with all mental health problems Jane Gibbs this current crisis is having quite an 577282 impact on sufferers and carers of eating distress. I am trying to keep in touch with as many of my contacts as possible but as it is a Wiltshire Wildlife confidential service sometimes I Trust only have a Christian name. Our nature There are online forums and so reserves – an much info to access that for now update that is all I can offer. We wanted to update you about The National BEAT and F.E.A.S.T our nature reserves as the country websites are a good source and I begins to contemplate what the have contact too with ABC ‘new normal’ looks like. Nature still Anorexia and Bulimia Care based in needs our help, as well as being Submit articles for future Parish Newsletters to [email protected] by 20 August

Bristol who also offer a free online National membership would want support hub every Thursday. to donate. https://www.facebook.com/abcch Thinking ahead when the Annual arity/ General meetings will be in https://www.instagram.com/anor November both the RBL and the exiabulimiacare/ Women’s Section will need nominations for officers and I hope this extra info helps. committee. Do please consider as Remember you can always contact it would be good to have a younger me for a one to one chat too! element coming on to lead the way Pat Ayers forward. 01285 770385. Pat Ayers

Kemble and District Royal British Legion Women’s Section

If you find you are saving some Services monies during this current crisis then perhaps you could help with Please note that, due to the Covid- the following:- 19 pandemic, all Church services Please save any odd coins in a here in Oaksey and in the other 5 Steradent tube or something Churches in the Braydon Brook similar. Benefice have been cancelled until further notice. For the time being, Apparently in recent weeks we we have also cancelled all of the have been informed that the NMA scheduled Church Open Days on have enough buggies so it has to be Saturdays until further notice. discussed further about an alternative. As it will be the In case of need, our Rector, the Centenary of the RBL obviously a Revd. Tonya Nixon can be meaningful and lasting gift to mark contacted via email at: the event in July 2021 is what the Submit articles for future Parish Newsletters to [email protected] by 20 August [email protected] Private Prayer every Sunday from 2.30pm – 3.30pm, commencing or on 01666 575216 21st June 2020. As this is a double issue of Oaksey The church will look different. Village News i.e. July & August, it is Areas will be roped off, toilet and possible that very limited Church kitchen facilities (for those services may be resumed at some churches which have them) will be point during this period. Should closed and chairs and books this be the case, then details will be removed. There will be no flowers posted on the Church Noticeboard in church. Doors will be opened to and notified to you via the Oaksey avoid handles and sanitiser will be Buzz. available. Only 6 people will be Jerry Falkingham allowed in at once, thus 01666 577956 maintaining social distancing. [email protected] If anyone would like to help us as we prepare and maintain, please Greetings from Revd. Tonya make contact with the Church Warden or Revd. Tonya on 01666 We are in the process of opening 575216. up the churches within the This pandemic and the experience Braydon Brook Benefice. This is of Lockdown have been very such good news. painful for so many people. Our Behind the scenes we are writing churches, when open, will be able Risk Assessments whilst gaining to offer a space where we can pray, agreement from all the members ponder and just be. Our churches of the PCC. We’re cleaning and are there for those who have moving items in the churches, so missed the stillness and peace that when we open, all will be safe. which these buildings can give us. I We have purchased hand sanitiser, am delighted that we can soon be paper towels, disposal gloves, my open once again and can serve you, list could go on and on. the people who live in these beautiful villages. So, come and Our aim is to have each church pray, if you feel able, for yourself open for: and those you love, for our society

Submit articles for future Parish Newsletters to [email protected] by 20 August in a time of difficulty and for those on the front line or grieving. For those who are unable to visit in person, Braydon Brook Benefice will continue to have regular services on Zoom and YouTube and the weekly Quiz remains. For more information on what is happening visit: www.braydonbrook.co.uk Your local church, a house of hope, a house of prayer. Come and be. Blessings Revd. Tonya

Submit articles for future Parish Newsletters to [email protected] by 20 August