A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Numerische Mathematik (1959–1999)

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A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Numerische Mathematik (1959–1999) A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Numerische Mathematik (1959{1999) Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 05 February 2021 Version 3.39 Title word cross-reference Ax = λBx [Rod73, MW68b]. AX ≈ B [PW93]. B [CS94, DKS90a, DKS90b, FHL86a, FHL86b, HS81, Hun86, vV83, (−t2)dt [Luk61]. (0; 1) [Els84a]. (0; 1) Cro79, Hai86, HS90, SU89, Sch87c]. β [Sch87a]. (1 + z=n)n [vI84]. (A − λB)x =0 [Sto84]. C [Nør75, Lor92]. C(λ)[Eck76]. [Sch74b]. (k; l) [Gut89b]. (λ2 − λA − B)x =0 C[0; 1] [Sab78]. C0 [Ley86]. C1 [Lin76]. (λ2I − λA − B)x = 0 [Ric74b]. [Gme87, KK97, Zha89]. C2 (λ2λA − B)x = 0 [Lin76]. (m; s)[LA89]. [Cle92, SS90, SH95]. C◦ [Bak82]. Cρ (m>0:5) [LMW84]. (n; n) [Lub89b]. [LLS95]. C0(a; b) [Pal76]. C0[a; b] [Pal76]. (@2z=@x2)(@2z=@y2) − ((@2z=@x@y))2 = f C(Ω) [Ben86]. C2 [AL93]. J [Hom95]. cos(z) [OP88]. 1 [ASW93, Chr70a, Chr70b, Jeg68]. [Kap96]. CS [Ste82, Van85]. D 1 + 2 [Wer79, Wer82]. 1=t [And88]. 1 ≤ n ≤ 3 [vV83, Wil62e]. d =3r + 1 [AS90]. Dm [Koh87, Koh88]. 2 [CFS97, Mal99]. 2k [AY93, LA88]. e−z [BL81]. 2m [Guo88, Kos85]. 3 [Jay93, Str66]. [SSV76a, SSV76b, SVN76]. ez 3 × 3[Bat90].4k + 1 [VC92a]. << [Leb70]. [SV75, SV76a, SV78, VC94]. En [Wil62e]. `1 >> [Leb70]. A [Alb85, Hai82, Hai86, PW93]. [SW87]. `1 [BL78]. A(Θ) [Sav93]. A0 [Jel79]. AB [Kub84]. [Bre71, Bre78, Cor77, Pyl67]. exp(−z)[vI84]. AX + YB= C [Zie85]. Ax = b [Har80]. exp(z) [Hai82]. f [Ans73]. f (n)(0) [Str73b]. 1 2 G [Med73, Gra68]. GT H [O'C96]. H Rn [Ste75a, Sus64, Gou77, Koh87, Koh88, [Lyn63, Bea86a, Mes95, BD81, GB86a, LA88, Rua88, Sch95a]. R3 [Wen68, Wen68]. GB86b, GB86c, Guo88, GC96, GS98c, Li90, ρ [Bre71, Osa96]. S [Ver77b, For68b]. DQR SS96, Bea79, FS92]. h − p [Uhl97]. Σ2 [Tim65]. sin(z) [Kap96]. T 1 2 [GB86a, GB86b, GB86c]. H0 [Hav84]. H [WB69]. θ [Jac84, BJ86, CG88a, Liu95]. p 00 [Auz88]. H [AB84]. Hp [Sik82b, Ste78a]. hp U(a; b; z)[Tem83].u(x) [Sch84]. u (x) s 2 2 m [HMS99, SS97, SSS99]. hZ [RS95]. IIIC [Sch84]. ut = urr + r ur [Eis67b]. u W2 [Sch87c]. J [Ves76b, DH93b]. k [LMW84]. V [Reu88b]. " [Bre75a, Cuy82]. m;2 [BL81, GNV86, Jac85, LP95, NV83]. W [Kos85]. } [Jar94]. }(zje1;e2;e3) K(1=bn) [FJ72, Fie78]. K(an=1) [Tod90]. X [SBH84]. x = 0 [Mid75]. 00 [BJ85b, TW80]. KCx = λx [BRS71]. k × k y +(λ +2λ1cosχ +2λ2cos2χ)y = 0 [Sto67].R !1 00 2 z [LP95]. k [LP95]. L y = f(x; y) [Hai77]. Z [KvdD77]. z 0 [AD74, Gro89, Luc70, Pre71, EG94]. [Luk61]. L(λ)u + R(λ, u) = 0 [DC74]. L1 [SO87]. L2 [Ber73, Cas85, DDW75, Vui90]. L1 -adic [Dix82]. -algorithm [CD85, Fet87, GN87, Koh87, Koh88, Noc88, [Bre75a, Bre78, Cor77, Cuy82, Kub84, SO87, SF86, Wan89]. Lp [ES90]. Lq Osa96, Pyl67, Wuy73]. -algorithme [DDW75]. L1 [BY66, Car72b, Str82]. L2 [Bre75a]. -algorithmes [Bre71]. [BS79, LTT92]. L1 [BY66, Hav84, KJ90]. -algorithms [Bre71]. -Approximation Lp [Fis81, Lam70, Wol79]. Lp(0;ti) [SW96]. [Lam70, WB69, LTT92]. -approximations λ [GK90, CNV88]. lim an = 0 [BJ85b]. LR [Str82]. -body [Mar84]. -class [Sto84]. [RS63, DT71, MW68c, PW70, Ves99]. LU -collocation-like [Ley86]. -condition [FNP82, Mes95, O'C96, Heg91, VC81]. M [Mar62]. -Convergence [Ans73, DKS90a, [Bea86a, Bod68, Kel72, Rob66, Sch73a, Sch87c, DKS90b, FHL86a, FHL86b, Hun86]. Bea79, Bod68, VC81]. M=G=1 [Mei97]. N -convergent [HS90]. -cubic [KK97]. -curve [Hek87, LM70, Bro65b, ELR92, GR70b, [EG94]. -cycle [Reu88b]. -cyclic [HP94, Kle81b, Rut60, Str66, Str68, Mar84]. LV89, PHP90, Sar86, Sar90, Tee64, ENR90]. ∇·aru = f [Gun64a]. n !1[Lub89b]. P -d-elasticity [CFS97]. -dimensional [Cas81a, Dix82, ENR90, Kel72, Mar62, Zen86, [For68b, Str66, Hek87, LM70]. -dimensions AK99, BD81, BS89, GB86a, GB86b, GB86c, [GR70b]. -error [Koh88, Kos85, Fet87, Guo88, GC96, GS98c, HP94, Heu98, Heu01, GN87, Koh87, Noc88, Vui90, Wan89]. Hig92, Jen91, LV89, Li90, LK78, MP96a, -factorizations [Mes95]. Neu61, OD95, Pav94a, Pav94b, PHP90, Sar86, -Fehlerabsch¨atzungen [Kos85]. -FEM Sar90, SS96, Tee64, Vog83a, Vog83b, Gue86]. [SSS99]. -fractions [Gra68, Lor92]. P1 [Osw92]. P0 [Wil71]. P1 [Won93]. Pk -function [Jar94]. -Galerkin [SS97]. [Gue86]. P ≤ A ≤ Q [Har80]. p ≤ b ≤ q -generating [Med73]. -generator [LK78]. [Har80]. Q1 [AKP95]. Qk0 [Gue86]. qd -groups [Neu61]. -Gruppen [Neu61]. [FP94, Wuy73]. QL -interpolants [AL93]. -Konvergenz [BMRW68, Dub70, MW68a]. QR [Ans73]. -line [LP95]. -matrice [Rob66]. [Bat90, BBdH86, BMRW68, BGBM89, -matrices [Lyn63, VC81, Mes95]. -matrix CMR86, Leb70, MRW70, MPW70, Par65a, [GK90, Rob66, KvdD77]. -Matrizen PW70, RB68, Sac72, Ste99]. R [BS88, AS90]. [Bod68]. -methods R2 [GH92]. R3 [Alb85, BJ86, CG88a, Jac84, Liu95]. [N´ed86, SS97, N´ed80, N´ed82]. Rk [GM82]. -minimal [Wil62e]. -monosplines [Gro89]. 3 -norm [Mal99, CD85, Hig92]. -operators 91m [CS92]. 92d [Lub92b]. [Bea79, Bea86a]. -order [BS88]. -periodic [Jac85]. -polynomials [Nør75]. -projection A-posteriori [Sch96, Fae98]. A-priori [DDW75]. -projections [Hav84]. [Gek78]. A-stable [Mat76]. A.D.I. [GM68]. -Projektionen [Hav84]. -regularity Abbildung [Men74, Weg78]. Abbildungen [Auz88]. -Schritt-quadratische [Kle81b]. [Bod68, Wei80]. Abbrechen [Lod70]. Abel -series [CS94]. -sphere [Str68]. [BJ86, BN81, Egg84, Egg88, GK66]. -Spline-Interpolierenden [Sch73a]. Abel-type [Egg84, GK66]. Abh¨angigkeit -splines [AY93, LA88, LA89, SU89, SS90, [Lam70, Nit62]. Ableitsungfreie [SV70]. AD74, Gme87, Luc70, Pre71, SBH84]. Ableitungen [Kan73]. ableitungsfreie -splittings [FS92]. -Stabilit¨at [Hav84]. [Hae63, H¨am65]. ableitungsfreien [Eng77]. -stabilit´e [Cro79]. -Stability ableitungsfreies [Kre71]. above [Mar87]. [Ans73, Cro79, Hai86, Jel79, Hav84, HS81, ABS [AGS87]. Absch¨atzung Ver77b, Zen86, vV83]. -stable [Bra71b, Ehr69, H¨am66, Sch70a]. [Hai82, Sav93, Cas81a]. -step Absch¨atzungen [Bit68, Bit71]. Abscissas [GNV86, Gut89b, Kle81b, NV83]. [NR68, Ask72]. absence [Car72a]. Absolute -Stetigkeit [Ans73]. -Symmetric [BSW61, BH61a, Kra86, vdGK86, Cas82]. [DH93b, Ves76b]. -ter [Kos85, Rut60]. -th Absorbing [HR95, HR87, TV98, Wag83a]. [Rut60]. -version [AK99, BS89, GB86a, Abstiegsverfahren [Sch78c]. abstract Heu98, HMS99, Heu01, MP96a, OD95, [DC99, GO95, Pal99, Sav93, Sre69, Sre71]. Pav94a, Pav94b, Vog83a, Vog83b]. Abszissen [NR68]. abz¨ahlbaren [Red67]. Accelerated 1 [Ber60]. 11/27/1978 [BGHS79]. 1333 [Han91b, Pao98, Ber84, ID86, PS84]. [Lod70]. 1978/1979 [Bea86a]. 1994 [FV94]. Accelerating [Cuy83a, Ste69a, TW80, Wil87, Gab84, Sch66a]. Acceleration 2 [Hal60a]. 22.8.1970 [GB71]. 25.5.1980 [Alb62, Bra65, Lou79, Mat90, Bra70, Bre78, [GB81]. 25th [Ano83b]. 26 [SV77]. 2D Chu76, DGB80, Gus85, Ho90b, JW88, KS92, [CHS96, Roh98]. Nev90a, NW84, Ort86, Osa96, Sch68b, Wal91, DGB80]. accelerations [Nie91]. 31 [Bea86a]. 37 [JN82a]. 396 [Heu01]. 3D account [ABF99]. Accuracy [FH95, JN86, [AS97b, Per99]. dFSS97, ADK91, BS99b, CSV67, CSV68a, CSV68b, CSV68c, CSV69, CNV70, Dum98, 4/21/1909 [BGHS79]. Egg86, FGM67, GS95a, GM68, Had69b, JN82b, Kel65, Kre59, Noc89, Raz69, Ste61, 5 [Aro63a]. 50 [Koh88]. 52 [MC88a]. 58 Ste90b, Str86, Ura70, ZL94, Zl´a70]. [CS92, Lub92b]. Accurate [FP94, Str64, VD91, De´a80, LRZ95, Mat96]. 60 [AKK+68, BBG+60]. 68 [vWMPK69]. achieve [MO68]. ACM [PS59]. acoustic [GJ89]. active [CCCD93]. acyclic 79 [Heu01]. [KvdD77]. Adams [Ans63, Ans63, Jac82]. adapted [FF87, Mel99]. adaption [WW84]. 81e [Bea86a]. 82g [JN82a]. 88i [Koh88]. Adaptive 88k [MC88a]. [BD98, BS99b, LN99, Man78b, VL92, WW97, WhY88, BV84, BB82b, BSW88, CGR94, 4 CFS97, D¨or96, GW94, GW95a, Gr¨u97, LLS98, Leb70, LR89b, LRZ95, MRW70, GB86c, HP75, JM87, Jer85, SW84, Ver77a]. MvdS76, Mei66, MS99, NS95a, NS83b, Addendum [BF90, Dej66a, EP76]. NSS86, O'C96, Osa96, Owe77, Paa71, PE72]. addition [CH86]. Additive algorithm [Par65a, Par67, Pei85, PB87, [Cai91a, Pav94a, BD97, Bre96, FS99, Pfl98, Pir82, Pyl67, Qia88, Ren80, SD72, GO94b, GO95, Hac92, LM99]. ADI Sac72, Sch85a, Sch98, SS90, See82, She77, [GT67, LT98a, LR93]. adic [Dix82]. adjoint Shr91, Sid82, Slo80, Stu89, Uhl97, VB92b, [BG95, Ber59a, HR94, Jer70]. adjusted Van79, Van81, VN93, Ves93, Wil97, Wol79, [DHP99b]. adjustment [Dia80]. Wuy73, Wyn59d, Wyn64, YK88, xY95, Admissible [EM87]. advantage [Del73]. Zah77, vG80, M¨uh78, M¨uh79]. algorithme advection [DHP99b, JK91b]. [Bre75a, Car72a, Lau67]. Algorithmen aerodynamics [EP86]. against [Heb88]. [Sto61]. Algorithmes aggregation [MS94]. ahead [Del80, El 84, Tao84, Bre71, El 82, RM72]. [BZS99, FZ93, Fre94, GH95]. Aid Algorithmic [vWMPK69, AKK+68, [Bit68, Bit71, Ess60, Sau63, Zur64]. Airfoil BBG+60, BBG+63, M¨uh81, PS59, CR89]. [ML90]. Aitken [M¨uh78, Nie91]. Algorithmique [CR89]. Algorithms Aitken-algorithm [M¨uh78]. Algebra [BY66, BL80, BE73, BMRW68, Bre70, [WR71, DC99]. Algebraic Cai91a, CMW63, DM85, FM68, Hig87, JS91, [AV89, ELV91, LL90, TV98, VV89, Wei92a, LV74a, Lan64a, Ley90, Mat93a, MM67, vdS70a, vdS70b, AGS87, AM94b, ASW93, Met65a, Mil65a, MT89, AS83, AM94a, AY83, Cam93, DKS90a, DKS90b, DHZ87, EMN88, Ari98, Ban78, BS77, Bre71, BZS99, BD72, FL91, Gau73, Hai78, Han88, HS90, Jay93, CL61, El 82, El 84, EKL91, FP94, GA87, Kem68, KM98, Las92, Lub89a, Not98, RS86, GK85, GL99, GO95, GH95, HJR88a, HJ90, RRS89, RDM62, Roc88, Sch73a, SG78, Sri94, Kac84, KjS95, Kin92, KvdD77, LMR95, gS97, gS98b, TK64, WW68, fX96]. Mey75, PE97, PB81, Ral65, RM72, jS99, algebraically [Hai82]. algebraische Sik82b, Sre71, Ste65, Ste99, Sto61, Sto77, [Sch73a]. Algebras [Gas71b, Ser99a]. Sun98, Tsa79, Wer78, Wit89, Wyn59c, alg`ebres [Gas71b]. ALGOL Wyn60, vGS84, Del80, Met65b]. [AKK+68, BBG+63, PS59, Wyn64,
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