Harris Genealogy
i!;arris <t;ruralngy COMPILED BY GIDEON. DowsE HARRIS COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI 1914 KEITH PRINTING CO., COLUMBUS, MISS. Will of Thomas Harris EDWARD HARRIS, Executor ;ijN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN: I, ThomasHarris, of '~kJ)!, the Isle of Wight CoUJJty, being sick and weak in body, 1 £';. ·' but in sound and perfect memory, I do first and prima- 'J~~ \.0 rily bequest my soul unto God Almighty who gave it, and secondly, my body to the Earth to be buried in a decent and christian like manner, and do ordain this to be my last will and testament in manner and form as followeth: lly. I doe give and bequeath unto my well beloved sonne Edward Harris my plantation that I now live on with all my land belonging to it. the same to him and his heyers forever; also one yoke of dranght steers, with a cart belonging unto them, also one great chest and eight ells of sheeting and can vass, three iron wedges, one froe, one small frying pan, also I doe give and bequeath unto my well beloved sonneJohn Harris, one great iron pot, two pewter dishes, one bigger !han the other, one large frying pan, one iron pestle, two chests, one small ta ble & one coutch. Also I doe give unto my well beloved sonneThomas Harris fower pewter dishes and a flagon, two salt sellers, one small iron pott, one cow and heifer of two years old one yearling heiftr. Also I doe give unto my well beloved sonne Robert Harris one bed being part of flake and feathers with all the furniture thereunto belonging, one small gun, one horse to be sold for his use.
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