Dalton splits Dozens of doubleheader woodturners in playoff, display their rubber match wares today today Page 1B Page 7A THE DAILY CITIZEN Saturday,May 9, 2009 •Dalton, Georgia • www.daltondailycitizen.com • 50 Cents Cowan, Deal make Dalton launch THINGS TO CHECK Commissioner Deal enters OUT ON THE announces at crowded field 3 INSIDE Tunnel Hill BY MARK MILLICAN Barber Shop
[email protected] Columnist Bill Shipp asks After announcing his qualifica- if the state requires voters tions for governor — including BY MARK MILLICAN to prove their legitimacy
[email protected] more than 16 years as a member of with picture IDs and the U.S. House of Representatives proofs of birth, why — Nathan Deal told about 100 peo- should it not also require TUNNEL HILL — Long a ple at the Whitfield County hotbed of local political dis- candidates to prove their Courthouse on Friday,“This Deal’s honesty and morality. course, the Tunnel Hill Barber for you!” Shop served as the launching pad “I’ve been told that I’m late get- See page 4A for a higher campaign on Friday ting into this race, even though we — Whitfield County don’t qualify until a year from now,” Downtown Dalton Commissioner Mike CowaN Deal, a Republican, said with his Saturday Market is today. announced his candidacy for U.S. wife Sandra by his side. “I need you House of Representatives from MATT HAMILTON/The Daily Citizen to help me make up that time gap.” See page 3A the 9th District. The Republican field thus far “Somebody’s got to step up to U.S.