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The Miami Hurricane The lives of Jews A spirited week Nautilus or Universal? Best-selling author Stephen Birmingham tells of This year's Homecoming offers Mr. and Miss UM. Although the fitness craze has begun to subside his experiences with the "Jews who made Ameri­ Otis Day and the Knights and a lot of Greek fun the debate over training methods is still hot ca" at the Jewish Book Fair News — page 3 Entertainment — page 6 Sports — page 8 • T-JTH E MIAMI l Volume 63- Numberr 20 l URRICANUniversity of Miami EFriday , Nov 15. 1985 filU 1'9 oughta be af Homecoming Frat brothers unite to fight drunk driving By PAIGE Kl RT/ Iturntunt' Stall SS - All fraternity members will soon be carrying card-. stipulating that fraternity members promise drive drunk or let their brothers drive drunk This is one result of the formation ot a chapter of Brothers Against Driving Drunk MMI resides on the University of Miami campus and involves UM's fraternities. Andrea Goldblum, president of Boost Al. Consciousness Concerning the Health of Universitv Students, gave the first vows Tursdav night ' fraternity presidents and representatives of thr Interfraternily Council. According to Goldblum, several weeks ago th* fraternities voted to initiate the program on campus to heighten awareness and to provide * support , among fraternity brothers. Goldblum believes a program such as this is "a big step forward" as "drunk driving accidents are thr leading cause of death among those aged IS to 24 As many as one-half of all Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related car crash during thei- lives. "Being in a sorority and going to thi- fratrrnm parties, I saw a need for |the program |. (loldhlitn said. "There's a lot more awareness now rsp. among frats; they've become more concernnl liability and education Most are now enfon in* alcohol policies." The brothers have expressed vers pie- attitudes toward the program 1 arrv H^bm.., business major from Alpha Epsilon Pi belerv. concept is "pretty good" and "there's al**-i for something like B.A.D.D." "It'll be helpful to brothers in the frat and (-• to the Greek system. said Nucruan k**J_'>_, \ *at Sfsn.a'^lp'h'afpsiro'n *"" According to r*ennts t.*mn, of AlpHm Tau im—*>m. "B.A.D.D is a great Idea I guess the community would be for it We get a lot of had rep­ like we're just party animals or jocks e>r whatew SIX \ MONTHRO/llumcune Staff and this is one way of showing that we rr nos The B.A.D.D. program is much like established programs that are gaining pope, From left, Pi Kappa Alpha brothers Bob Sigillito, Jeffy Tromberg and Gumby Arno work together to across the United States as awareness umt build their fraternity's float for the Homecoming parade on Tuesday over alcohol-related accidents increase Next semester, in order to keep the pr . going, the vow will be taken hy all fraternn. members, and eventually, by all pledges as well UM festivities begin tonight UM president By PATRICK McCREERY One of the first tasks at hand. 8 p.m. on the Student Union Schedule of events liumcarn' Stafj SK'rilvr according to Liz Rodriguez. Patio. Homecoming chairperson, was "Everyone I've talked to said Nov. 15 Opening ceremonies. 6:30 p.m., Homecoming at the University to decide on a theme they give a fantastic show." ot Miami begins with ceremo­ "We chose 'U Ought to be in Rodriguez said. Gusman Hall to take drug nies, open to the students, alum­ Pictures' because it fits in well On Sunday, students are invit­ Miss UM Pageant, 7 p.m., Gusman Hall ni and faculty free of charge and with the parade, the pageant and ed to the pool to watch a will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the University as a whole." swimathon from 11 a.m. to 7 Nov. 16 Hurricane Howl, 8 p.m., Patio Gusman Hall. The Homecoming Rodriguez said. p.m. benefiting the United Cere­ analysis test festivities will culminate with Next, the search was on for a bral Palsy Association of Miami. the Nov. 23 football game be­ Homecoming sponsor. This Throughout the week, frater­ Nov. 17 Cerebral Palsy Swimathon, 11 a.m.-7 tween the Hurricanes and the proved more difficult this year nities, sororities and independent p.m., Pool Colorado State Rams. because beer companies, who organizations will be competing Today is the deadline for I niversiiv "This is an enriching, reward­ have usually sponsored the for points to win the distinction President Edward T Eoote and fellnvev ing, special time of year," said event, declined as a result of the of being the most active during Nov. 18 Blood Drive, 9 a.m -6 p.m., Flamingo members of the Miami Citi/rns Against ' Joe Pineda, director of alumni state's drinking age being raised Homecoming by participating in Ballroom to take a drug analysis test relations. Monty Trainer, a local restaur- as many events as possible. U Ought to Be in Pictures', 11:30 a.m.-1 The directive that all the run utive menv- anteur and University benefac­ Tuesday marks the start of the p.m., Patio group take the test as a symhohi gestura tinfmt*" Traditionally, Homecoming is tor who was made an honorary parade at 7 p.m. on the corner of Night of 1,000 Stars, 7:30 p.m.. Rathskeller ing theircommitment 10 a drug free • a time for alumni to return to UM alumnus at the Louisville Carillo Street on campus. The announced by Lester Freeman • hairman • •• the University to participate in game, stepped forward and of­ parade will travel through cam­ group, at a meeting (k s sn special events with current stu­ fered to sponsor the event pus along Stanford and Dickin­ Nov. 19 Blood Drive, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Flamingo As of Wednesday PMM had noi dents and to strengthen their ties Budweiser also became a sub- son Drive to the baseball stadi­ Ballroom urinalysis test, but actording ti. He. overall with the University. sponsor at the last minute um parking lot. Ponce de Leon U Look Marvelous'. 12-1 p.m.. Patio secretary, he was going to be %thi Pineda expects alumni to take According to Rodriguez, spon­ Boulevard will only be open to Parade, 7 p.m test at Cedars Medical (enter later I a more active role in this year's sors are providing $30,000 for one-way traffic during the pa­ "I will be glad to Itake the lest > »••» -*--i events than in the past because Homecoming and the budget is rade. not use drugs although I juknl •» of better communication with being rounded out with funds Martin Applebaum. who is Nov. 20 Blood Drive, 9 a.m.-7 p.m., Flamingo Herald that I took a mupii ..! aaesi Homecoming planners. from the activity fee paid by coordinating the 12 floats, said Ballroom versus! Florida game " More out-of-town alumni are students and admission charges. they will be "really spectacu­ Mr. UM Contest. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.. Patio More than half of thi M mi mbn ' • also expected this year at an "There is no way Homecom­ lar." committee have already taken the ie*t . event where a large number of ing is going to lose money," One of UM's few real tradi­ Connie Sardina. administrative naMiW i local alumni usually attend. Pi­ Rodriguez said. tions, the annual boat burning in Nov. 21 'U Oughta Be a Pig'. 11:30 a.m.-1 executive director Adm Van fdsali but ar neda says that is In part because Only 600 seats are available Lake Osceola, accompanied by a p.m., Patio count was not availahli Homecoming is being held later for tonight's opening ceremonies pep rally and fireworks, will Foote has been involved with Miam in the year and former students and some have already been occur Thursday at 7 p.m. Pep Rally/Boat Burning, 7 p.m.. Lakeside Against Crime since its inception m W»l atM have an excuse to escape frigid reserved by committee members Friday, a Ball with the theme according to htm. "It was retugm/ed Hv *«av northern temperatures and take and others by the families of the of A Night at the Oscars, will be Nov. 22 Midday Recess Band community leaders that .-ime was tmt an extended Thanksgiving vaca­ contestants. held from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Rededication of the Student Union problem " tion. Omni International Hotel in Winners of Photo Contest announced He also credits the winning The annua) Hurricane Howl is downtown Miami. Ball. 9 p.m.-2 a.m.. Omni International record of the football team and, tomorrow night. Otis Day, who Finally, the football game will to a larger extent, the thorough is famous for the song "Shout!" take place Saturday at 7:30 p.m organization of the Homecoming and the Knights, known as the between the Hurricanes and the Nov. 23 UM vs. Colorado State Rams. 7:30 Committee as making this year's Animal House Band, will per­ Colorado State Rams in the p.m., Orange Bowl festivities more attractive. form some rhythm and blues at Orange Bowl Cheaters cause test annulment Experts disagree on summit's value B> DlBBlt MORI,AN By TONY FINS Hurru an,- Staff Wnlrr This semester. l»r June I >r Public Affairs class vviii h« •ii their MH Next week's superpower sum­ exam grade to be their onlv grade mit may not provide break­ semester Because studeni throughs, but according to three two tests taken hy the i la— of international affairs experts, it were thrown out and will not I will produce smaller agreements "I'm so mad." said Beth Meyer a aaafeoOMr* •*.

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