President and Leaders Mince No Words at Coherence
WEATHER FORECAST THE METAL MARKET Writ TMU-F- air lindar and Sunday New M'liw-Satur- mil Sunday portly New Tout electrolytic eopper.. cloudy; not much change It tomperatir" Hew York lead IS 5 Arlarme- - Saturday nmi iinday PSrHr sor- New Tort silver Efe cloudy: probably torsi rain southeast tie; not much chant In tampersture. 36TH YEAR EL PASO, TEXAS, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1916 LNGLISH SECTION 2 PAGES PRICE. 5 CENTS. PRESIDENT AND LEADERS MINCE NO WORDS AT COHERENCE They Are Nice Little Fellows, But No Protection to the Lady FRENCH DEFENDERS OF VERDUN NO SEVERANCE OF DIPLOMATIC Flood Conditions in . UNSHAKEN BY FURIOUS DRIVES WITH ANY NATION 1. i& Louisiana Improve By Assorlated Press. OF KAISER'S FRENZIED TROOPS Natches. Miss., Feb. Conditions were ASSENT OF CONGRESS reported improved tonight In most of the district of northern Louis- iana, hut from several communities came German Losses in First Four Days of Terrific Engagement renewed appeals telling or acute suffering. In Wilson Strenuously Objects to Interference by House in 150,000, Composed Many negroes marooned on high placea Authoritatively Estimated at Concordia parish, now the moat sertoualy Present Feverish Agitation as Plainly Antagonistic of Flower of Magnificent Teuton Army. afflicted nr the inundated districts, v. said to hp faring starvation unleas relief to His Efforts to Maintain Peace. came within a rew days. Present Calm Only Lull Required by Attacking Forcea to Oovemmrnt snag hosts carried provisions a Congressmen Equally Frank in Giving Notice of Strong Senti- Bury Dead, Care for Wounded and Bring Up Reserves to many in Concordia parish today, and large number or persons were removed ment Against Risking Possibility of War by Permit-- , Fill Ragged Gaps in Lifte of Offense.
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