¿4ì\ Journal of S -!Z HARVARD I..AW SCHOOL A Short Treatise on Fantasy Sports and the Law: How America Regulates its New National Pastime Marc Edelmanl TABLEOFCONTENTS I. I¡,¡rnooucrroN. .. 3 II. Tlrr H¡sronv on Feuresv Sponm LE¡,curs 4 A. Beþre Fantasy Sports 4 B, A Neu Gøne is Creøted 5 C. TIte Fira Roüsserie Leøgue Baseball Auction 7 D, Rotisserie Baseball Grows in Poþrlarity I E. Tlte Internet Boon . 9 III. Tue Fexrmv Sponrs lrqoustnv Toolv ll ' Marc Edelman is a member of the faculty at Barry University's Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law in Orlando, FL and a summer adjunct professor ¿t Fordham University School of Law in New York, NY (
[email protected]). Professor Edelman earned his B.S. in economics from the rù(/harton School (University of Pennsylvania) and both his J.D. and M.,{. from the University of Michigan. !íhile a law student at the University of Michigan, Professor Edelman founded the fantasy sports dispute resolution business, SportsJudge.com. In addition, Professor Edelman has served as a legal consultant to various fantasy sports businesses. Professor Edelman wishes to thank ,tmit Schlesinger, Erica Cohen, Kristen Chiger and Raleigh \Øebber for their research assistance. He also wishes to thank his wife, Rachel Leeds Edelman, for her assistance in developing the concept for a course in Fantasy Sports & the Law, and rhe students in his 2011 seminar on Fantasy Sports & the Law for providing their insights on fantasy sports gaming. Professor Edelman retains full copyright to this article and has agreed to provide the HaruardJoarnal of Sports and Entertainment Lau with an irrevocable license to publish this work.